First of all, this is the utility to collect tricky metrics from MS SQL Server instance and send it to Zabbix trapper items using Go implementation of zabbix-sender.
In case there would be developed any universal templates that can be easily imported into Zabbix or Grafana, it would be also added to repository. Anyway, I got plans to describe everything in some kind of guide.
One of the goals is to achieve something like following view with zabbix + windows performance counters + go-zabbix-mssql + grafana
With just one config YAML file, this util allows to send almost endless list of queries that is joining with UNION ALL before SQL engine get it. So technically any number of lines in YAML still produces just one query, amirite? Be careful about response time for final big query!
You must use command line flags to tune few details for zabbix-sender part^
-U -- login for MS SQL connection
-P -- password for MS SQL connection
-S -- connection string in server_name[\instance_name] format
-Z -- zabbix-server FQDN where proper trapper items live
-H -- MS SQL Instance hostname, as it named in zabbix-server
-F -- full path to config YAML file, like go-zabbix-mssql.config.yaml
Util can be easily used as part of zabbix-agent:
make sure, you have UnsafeUserParameters=1 in zabbix_agentd.conf
also add something like UserParameter=mssql.metrics[*],${zabbix-agent\scripts}\go-zabbix-mssql.exe -U=$1 -P=$2 -S=$3 -Z=$4 -H=$5 -F="${full path to YAML config}"
configure proper Macros details (in Zabbix console) to every monitored host (read official guide for UnsafeUserParameters) which gonna replace all those $1, $2 and so on...
add items to your template/host with type Zabbix trapper
Execution of code returns decimal number -- it shows how much of all collected metrics was not received correctly by zabbix-server. So perfect return must be 0.
I love Prometheus project and its ideas so that's why metrics from example YAML named so.
Need to finish list of metrics for YAML
Add all metrics to zabbix-server as proper Zabbix trapper items