This is a port of CredStash to Go.
gcredstash manages credentials using AWS Key Management Service (KMS) and DynamoDB.
usage: gcredstash [--version] [--help] <command> [<args>]
Available commands are:
delete Delete a credential from the store
get Get a credential from the store
getall Get all credentials from the store
list list credentials and their version
put Put a credential into the store
setup setup the credential store
template Parse a template file with credentials
$ gcredstash -h delete
usage: gcredstash delete [-v VERSION] credential
$ gcredstash -h get
usage: gcredstash get [-v VERSION] [-n] [-s] [-e ERROUT] credential [context [context ...]]
$ gcredstash -h getall
usage: gcredstash getall [context [context ...]]
$ gcredstash -h list
usage: gcredstash list
$ gcredstash -h put
usage: gcredstash put [-k KEY] [-v VERSION] [-a] credential value [context [context ...]]
$ gcredstash -h setup
usage: gcredstash setup
$ gcredstash -h template
usage: gcredstash template [-i] template_file
$ gcredstash put foo.bar 100
foo.bar has been stored
$ gcredstash put foo.baz 200
foo.baz has been stored
$ gcredstash get foo.bar
$ gcredstash get foo.*
"foo.bar": "100",
"foo.baz": "200"
// DynamoDB data
> select all * from credential-store \G
"contents": "wlpc",
"hmac": "a925335f7f313e400ed54702f739f1f4ffddd6ff1722fa9ac1e2b6d4e24d5096",
"key": "CiDY1vsR456LEdoL3+0p+PrTCleoqi/sutbDfJZNiUSpphLLAQEBAQB42Nb7EeOeixHaC9/tKfj60wpXqKov7LrWw3yWTYlEqaYAAACiMIGfBgkqhkiG9w0BBwaggZEwgY4CAQAwgYgGCSqGSIb3DQEHATAeBglghkgBZQMEAS4wEQQMWB1+YqVMNVT+V5dGAgEQgFtj6aGqRmg+wJwDGPk1kRduGoX6rtyUhm116wSmkQA2SXdPzAr2NcY02/joiiqzu534QQSwpOF+oKIkfLXaaNZCCWQkki94EE+EpkiVeFxcoqAdIaHf7FzwKz1A",
"name": "foo.baz",
"version": "0000000000000000001"
"contents": "yUBx",
"hmac": "cf6a6ef2458356996ac26de9bf384acce400a367b4d00a42e0e4dd44c8560b99",
"key": "CiDY1vsR456LEdoL3+0p+PrTCleoqi/sutbDfJZNiUSpphLLAQEBAQB42Nb7EeOeixHaC9/tKfj60wpXqKov7LrWw3yWTYlEqaYAAACiMIGfBgkqhkiG9w0BBwaggZEwgY4CAQAwgYgGCSqGSIb3DQEHATAeBglghkgBZQMEAS4wEQQMccvp6R6qUho35bCEAgEQgFumGPEIHX7B2KgU6S2vaoEOJKX84pGKe0ydMh1r+rMWEZGd5si61FZ76YlgM0X6rnO5qlLK6SGUHhA0whzi7R7Zpbc9euBXYWFYQeMRU9jpDh7H/bhP2fa7BtNV",
"name": "foo.bar",
"version": "0000000000000000001"
Put from stdin
$ echo 300 | gcredstash put xxx.zzz -
Put with increment version
$ gcredstash put foo.bar 100
foo.bar has been stored
$ gcredstash put foo.bar 100
error: foo.bar version 1 is already in the credential store. Use the -v flag to specify a new version
$ gcredstash put foo.bar 100 -a
foo.bar has been stored
$ gcredstash list
foo.bar -- version: 1
foo.bar -- version: 2
Use template
$ gcredstash getall
"foo.bar": "100",
"foo.baz": "xxx"
$ cat template.txt
foo.bar: {{get "foo.bar"}}
foo.baz: {{get "foo.baz"}}
HOME: {{env "HOME"}}
ECHO: {{sh "echo 100"}}
$ gcredstash template template.txt
foo.bar: 100
foo.baz: xxx
HOME: /home/scott
ECHO: 100
see https://golang.org/pkg/text/template/.
option (edit file in-place)
$ gcredstash getall
"foo.bar": "100",
"foo.baz": "xxx"
$ cat template.txt
foo.bar: {{get "foo.bar"}}
foo.baz: {{get "foo.baz"}}
HOME: {{env "HOME"}}
ECHO: {{sh "echo 100"}}
$ gcredstash template -i template.txt
$ cat template.txt
foo.bar: 100
foo.baz: xxx
HOME: /home/scott
ECHO: 100
see https://github.com/kgaughan/gcredstash/releases.
IAM > Encryption Keys
- Create Encryption Key:
: credstash
- Run
gcredstash setup
Environment variables
export AWS_REGION=...
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=...
# default: credential-store
# default: alias/credstash
#export GCREDSTASH_GET_ERROUT=/proc/1/fd/2