Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func AddDeviceForLocalUserOrBust(t logger.TestLogBackend, config Config, uid keybase1.UID) int
- func AddEmptyTeamsForTest(config Config, teams ...kbname.NormalizedUsername) ([]idutil.TeamInfo, error)
- func AddEmptyTeamsForTestOrBust(t logger.TestLogBackend, config Config, teams ...kbname.NormalizedUsername) []idutil.TeamInfo
- func AddImplicitTeamForTest(config Config, name, suffix string, teamNumber byte, ty tlf.Type) (keybase1.TeamID, error)
- func AddImplicitTeamForTestOrBust(t logger.TestLogBackend, config Config, name, suffix string, teamNumber byte, ...) keybase1.TeamID
- func AddNewAssertionForTest(config Config, oldAssertion, newAssertion string) error
- func AddNewAssertionForTestOrBust(t logger.TestLogBackend, config Config, oldAssertion, newAssertion string)
- func AddTeamKeyForTest(config Config, tid keybase1.TeamID) error
- func AddTeamKeyForTestOrBust(t logger.TestLogBackend, config Config, tid keybase1.TeamID)
- func AddTeamReaderForTest(config Config, tid keybase1.TeamID, uid keybase1.UID) error
- func AddTeamReaderForTestOrBust(t logger.TestLogBackend, config Config, tid keybase1.TeamID, uid keybase1.UID)
- func AddTeamWriterForTest(config Config, tid keybase1.TeamID, uid keybase1.UID) error
- func AddTeamWriterForTestOrBust(t logger.TestLogBackend, config Config, tid keybase1.TeamID, uid keybase1.UID)
- func BoolForString(s string) bool
- func ChangeTeamNameForTest(config Config, oldName, newName string) error
- func ChangeTeamNameForTestOrBust(t logger.TestLogBackend, config Config, oldName, newName string)
- func CheckConfigAndShutdown(ctx context.Context, t logger.TestLogBackend, config Config)
- func ConvertIdentifyError(assertion string, err error) error
- func CtxWithRandomIDReplayable(ctx context.Context, tagKey interface{}, tagName string, log Warninger) context.Context
- func DisableCRForTesting(config Config, folderBranch data.FolderBranch) error
- func DisableUpdatesForTesting(config Config, folderBranch data.FolderBranch) (chan<- struct{}, error)
- func DumpPrivateMetadata(codec kbfscodec.Codec, serializedPMDLength int, pmd PrivateMetadata) (string, error)
- func EnableAdminFeature(ctx context.Context, runMode kbconst.RunMode, config Config) bool
- func EnableImplicitTeamsForTest(config Config) error
- func FillInDiskSpaceStatus(ctx context.Context, status *keybase1.FolderSyncStatus, ...)
- func FillInJournalStatusUnflushedPaths(ctx context.Context, config Config, jStatus *JournalManagerStatus, ...) error
- func ForceQuotaReclamationForTesting(config Config, folderBranch data.FolderBranch) error
- func GetDefaultsUsageString(ctx Context) string
- func GetHandleFromFolderNameAndType(ctx context.Context, kbpki KBPKI, idGetter tlfhandle.IDGetter, ...) (*tlfhandle.Handle, error)
- func GetLocalDiskStats(ctx context.Context, dbc DiskBlockCache) (bytesAvail, bytesTotal int64)
- func GetLocalUsageString() string
- func GetMDRevisionByTime(ctx context.Context, config Config, handle *tlfhandle.Handle, ...) (kbfsmd.Revision, error)
- func GetRemoteUsageString() string
- func InitLog(params InitParams, ctx Context) (logger.Logger, error)
- func InitLogWithPrefix(params InitParams, ctx Context, prefix string, defaultLogPath string) (logger.Logger, error)
- func IsOnlyWriterInNonTeamTlf(ctx context.Context, kbpki KBPKI, h *tlfhandle.Handle) bool
- func IsWriterFromHandle(ctx context.Context, h *tlfhandle.Handle, checker kbfsmd.TeamMembershipChecker, ...) (bool, error)
- func MakeRandomRequestID() (string, error)
- func NewEmptyTLFReaderKeyBundle() kbfsmd.TLFReaderKeyBundleV2
- func NewEmptyTLFWriterKeyBundle() kbfsmd.TLFWriterKeyBundleV2
- func NewRekeyPermissionError(dir *tlfhandle.Handle, username kbname.NormalizedUsername) error
- func NewSharedKeybaseConnection(kbCtx Context, config Config, handler rpc.ConnectionHandler) *rpc.Connection
- func NewWriteUnsupportedError(filename string) error
- func PutBlockCheckLimitErrs(ctx context.Context, bserv BlockServer, reporter Reporter, tlfID tlf.ID, ...) error
- func QuotaUsageLogModule(suffix string) string
- func RegisterOps(codec kbfscodec.Codec)
- func RemoveTeamWriterForTest(config Config, tid keybase1.TeamID, uid keybase1.UID) error
- func RemoveTeamWriterForTestOrBust(t logger.TestLogBackend, config Config, tid keybase1.TeamID, uid keybase1.UID)
- func ResetRootBlock(ctx context.Context, config Config, rmd *RootMetadata) (data.Block, data.BlockInfo, data.ReadyBlockData, error)
- func RestartCRForTesting(baseCtx context.Context, config Config, folderBranch data.FolderBranch) error
- func RevokeDeviceForLocalUserOrBust(t logger.TestLogBackend, config Config, uid keybase1.UID, index int)
- func SetCRFailureForTesting(ctx context.Context, config Config, folderBranch data.FolderBranch, ...) error
- func SetGlobalMerkleRootForTest(config Config, root keybase1.MerkleRootV2, rootTime time.Time) error
- func SetGlobalMerkleRootForTestOrBust(t logger.TestLogBackend, config Config, root keybase1.MerkleRootV2, ...)
- func SetKbfsMerkleRootForTest(config Config, treeID keybase1.MerkleTreeID, root *kbfsmd.MerkleRoot) error
- func SetKbfsMerkleRootForTestOrBust(t logger.TestLogBackend, config Config, treeID keybase1.MerkleTreeID, ...)
- func Shutdown()
- func StallBlockOp(ctx context.Context, config Config, stalledOp StallableBlockOp, maxStalls int) (onStalled <-chan struct{}, unstall chan<- struct{}, newCtx context.Context)
- func StallMDOp(ctx context.Context, config Config, stalledOp StallableMDOp, maxStalls int) (onStalled <-chan struct{}, unstall chan<- struct{}, newCtx context.Context)
- func SwitchDeviceForLocalUserOrBust(t logger.TestLogBackend, config Config, index int)
- func TLFJournalEnabled(config Config, tlfID tlf.ID) bool
- func VersionString() string
- func WaitForTLFJournal(ctx context.Context, config Config, tlfID tlf.ID, log logger.Logger) error
- type AdditionalProtocolCreator
- type BadCryptoError
- type BadCryptoMDError
- type BadMDError
- type BlockChanges
- func (bc *BlockChanges) AddOp(o op)
- func (bc *BlockChanges) AddRefBlock(ptr data.BlockPointer)
- func (bc *BlockChanges) AddUnrefBlock(ptr data.BlockPointer)
- func (bc *BlockChanges) AddUpdate(oldPtr data.BlockPointer, newPtr data.BlockPointer)
- func (bc BlockChanges) Equals(other BlockChanges) bool
- func (bc *BlockChanges) SizeEstimate() uint64
- type BlockDecodeError
- type BlockMetadataStore
- type BlockMetadataUpdater
- type BlockMetadataValue
- type BlockOps
- type BlockOpsStandard
- func (b *BlockOpsStandard) Archive(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, ptrs []data.BlockPointer) error
- func (b *BlockOpsStandard) BlockRetriever() BlockRetriever
- func (b *BlockOpsStandard) Delete(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, ptrs []data.BlockPointer) (liveCounts map[kbfsblock.ID]int, err error)
- func (b *BlockOpsStandard) Get(ctx context.Context, kmd libkey.KeyMetadata, blockPtr data.BlockPointer, ...) error
- func (b *BlockOpsStandard) GetEncodedSize(ctx context.Context, kmd libkey.KeyMetadata, blockPtr data.BlockPointer) (uint32, keybase1.BlockStatus, error)
- func (b *BlockOpsStandard) GetLiveCount(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, ptrs []data.BlockPointer) (liveCounts map[kbfsblock.ID]int, err error)
- func (b *BlockOpsStandard) Prefetcher() Prefetcher
- func (b *BlockOpsStandard) Ready(ctx context.Context, kmd libkey.KeyMetadata, block data.Block) (id kbfsblock.ID, plainSize int, readyBlockData data.ReadyBlockData, err error)
- func (b *BlockOpsStandard) Shutdown(ctx context.Context) error
- func (b *BlockOpsStandard) TogglePrefetcher(enable bool) <-chan struct{}
- type BlockRequestAction
- func (bra BlockRequestAction) AddStopIfFull() BlockRequestAction
- func (bra BlockRequestAction) AddSync() BlockRequestAction
- func (bra BlockRequestAction) CacheType() DiskBlockCacheType
- func (bra BlockRequestAction) ChildAction(block data.Block) BlockRequestAction
- func (bra BlockRequestAction) Combine(other BlockRequestAction) BlockRequestAction
- func (bra BlockRequestAction) DeepPrefetch() bool
- func (bra BlockRequestAction) DeepSync() bool
- func (bra BlockRequestAction) DelayCacheCheck() bool
- func (bra BlockRequestAction) DelayedCacheCheckAction() BlockRequestAction
- func (bra BlockRequestAction) Prefetch(block data.Block) bool
- func (bra BlockRequestAction) PrefetchTracked() bool
- func (bra BlockRequestAction) SoloAction() BlockRequestAction
- func (bra BlockRequestAction) StopIfFull() bool
- func (bra BlockRequestAction) String() string
- func (bra BlockRequestAction) Sync() bool
- func (bra BlockRequestAction) WithoutDelayedCacheCheckAction() BlockRequestAction
- type BlockRetriever
- type BlockServer
- type BlockServerDisk
- func (b *BlockServerDisk) AddBlockReference(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, id kbfsblock.ID, context kbfsblock.Context) error
- func (b *BlockServerDisk) ArchiveBlockReferences(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, contexts kbfsblock.ContextMap) (err error)
- func (b *BlockServerDisk) Get(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, id kbfsblock.ID, context kbfsblock.Context, ...) (data []byte, serverHalf kbfscrypto.BlockCryptKeyServerHalf, err error)
- func (b *BlockServerDisk) GetEncodedSize(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, id kbfsblock.ID, context kbfsblock.Context) (size uint32, status keybase1.BlockStatus, err error)
- func (b *BlockServerDisk) GetLiveBlockReferences(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, contexts kbfsblock.ContextMap) (liveCounts map[kbfsblock.ID]int, err error)
- func (b *BlockServerDisk) GetTeamQuotaInfo(ctx context.Context, _ keybase1.TeamID) (info *kbfsblock.QuotaInfo, err error)
- func (b *BlockServerDisk) GetUserQuotaInfo(ctx context.Context) (info *kbfsblock.QuotaInfo, err error)
- func (b *BlockServerDisk) IsUnflushed(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, _ kbfsblock.ID) (bool, error)
- func (b *BlockServerDisk) Put(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, id kbfsblock.ID, context kbfsblock.Context, ...) (err error)
- func (b *BlockServerDisk) PutAgain(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, id kbfsblock.ID, context kbfsblock.Context, ...) (err error)
- func (b *BlockServerDisk) RefreshAuthToken(_ context.Context)
- func (b *BlockServerDisk) RemoveBlockReferences(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, contexts kbfsblock.ContextMap) (liveCounts map[kbfsblock.ID]int, err error)
- func (b *BlockServerDisk) Shutdown(ctx context.Context)
- type BlockServerMeasured
- func (b BlockServerMeasured) AddBlockReference(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, id kbfsblock.ID, context kbfsblock.Context) (err error)
- func (b BlockServerMeasured) ArchiveBlockReferences(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, contexts kbfsblock.ContextMap) (err error)
- func (b BlockServerMeasured) Get(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, id kbfsblock.ID, context kbfsblock.Context, ...) (buf []byte, serverHalf kbfscrypto.BlockCryptKeyServerHalf, err error)
- func (b BlockServerMeasured) GetEncodedSize(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, id kbfsblock.ID, context kbfsblock.Context) (size uint32, status keybase1.BlockStatus, err error)
- func (b BlockServerMeasured) GetLiveBlockReferences(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, contexts kbfsblock.ContextMap) (liveCounts map[kbfsblock.ID]int, err error)
- func (b BlockServerMeasured) GetTeamQuotaInfo(ctx context.Context, tid keybase1.TeamID) (info *kbfsblock.QuotaInfo, err error)
- func (b BlockServerMeasured) GetUserQuotaInfo(ctx context.Context) (info *kbfsblock.QuotaInfo, err error)
- func (b BlockServerMeasured) IsUnflushed(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, id kbfsblock.ID) (isUnflushed bool, err error)
- func (b BlockServerMeasured) Put(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, id kbfsblock.ID, context kbfsblock.Context, ...) (err error)
- func (b BlockServerMeasured) PutAgain(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, id kbfsblock.ID, context kbfsblock.Context, ...) (err error)
- func (b BlockServerMeasured) RefreshAuthToken(ctx context.Context)
- func (b BlockServerMeasured) RemoveBlockReferences(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, contexts kbfsblock.ContextMap) (liveCounts map[kbfsblock.ID]int, err error)
- func (b BlockServerMeasured) Shutdown(ctx context.Context)
- type BlockServerMemory
- func (b *BlockServerMemory) AddBlockReference(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, id kbfsblock.ID, context kbfsblock.Context) (err error)
- func (b *BlockServerMemory) ArchiveBlockReferences(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, contexts kbfsblock.ContextMap) (err error)
- func (b *BlockServerMemory) Get(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, id kbfsblock.ID, context kbfsblock.Context, ...) (data []byte, serverHalf kbfscrypto.BlockCryptKeyServerHalf, err error)
- func (b *BlockServerMemory) GetEncodedSize(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, id kbfsblock.ID, context kbfsblock.Context) (size uint32, status keybase1.BlockStatus, err error)
- func (b *BlockServerMemory) GetLiveBlockReferences(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, contexts kbfsblock.ContextMap) (liveCounts map[kbfsblock.ID]int, err error)
- func (b *BlockServerMemory) GetTeamQuotaInfo(ctx context.Context, _ keybase1.TeamID) (info *kbfsblock.QuotaInfo, err error)
- func (b *BlockServerMemory) GetUserQuotaInfo(ctx context.Context) (info *kbfsblock.QuotaInfo, err error)
- func (b *BlockServerMemory) IsUnflushed(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, _ kbfsblock.ID) (bool, error)
- func (b *BlockServerMemory) Put(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, id kbfsblock.ID, context kbfsblock.Context, ...) (err error)
- func (b *BlockServerMemory) PutAgain(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, id kbfsblock.ID, context kbfsblock.Context, ...) (err error)
- func (b *BlockServerMemory) RefreshAuthToken(_ context.Context)
- func (b *BlockServerMemory) RemoveBlockReferences(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, contexts kbfsblock.ContextMap) (liveCounts map[kbfsblock.ID]int, err error)
- func (b *BlockServerMemory) Shutdown(ctx context.Context)
- type BlockServerRemote
- func (b *BlockServerRemote) AddBlockReference(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, id kbfsblock.ID, context kbfsblock.Context) (err error)
- func (b *BlockServerRemote) ArchiveBlockReferences(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, contexts kbfsblock.ContextMap) (err error)
- func (b *BlockServerRemote) Get(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, id kbfsblock.ID, context kbfsblock.Context, ...) (buf []byte, serverHalf kbfscrypto.BlockCryptKeyServerHalf, err error)
- func (b *BlockServerRemote) GetEncodedSize(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, id kbfsblock.ID, context kbfsblock.Context) (size uint32, status keybase1.BlockStatus, err error)
- func (b *BlockServerRemote) GetLiveBlockReferences(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, contexts kbfsblock.ContextMap) (liveCounts map[kbfsblock.ID]int, err error)
- func (b *BlockServerRemote) GetTeamQuotaInfo(ctx context.Context, tid keybase1.TeamID) (info *kbfsblock.QuotaInfo, err error)
- func (b *BlockServerRemote) GetUserQuotaInfo(ctx context.Context) (info *kbfsblock.QuotaInfo, err error)
- func (b *BlockServerRemote) IsUnflushed(_ context.Context, _ tlf.ID, _ kbfsblock.ID) (bool, error)
- func (b *BlockServerRemote) Put(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, id kbfsblock.ID, bContext kbfsblock.Context, ...) (err error)
- func (b *BlockServerRemote) PutAgain(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, id kbfsblock.ID, bContext kbfsblock.Context, ...) (err error)
- func (b *BlockServerRemote) RefreshAuthToken(ctx context.Context)
- func (b *BlockServerRemote) RemoteAddress() string
- func (b *BlockServerRemote) RemoveBlockReferences(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, contexts kbfsblock.ContextMap) (liveCounts map[kbfsblock.ID]int, err error)
- func (b *BlockServerRemote) Shutdown(ctx context.Context)
- type CRWrapError
- type Chat
- type ChatChannelNewMessageCB
- type ChatRPC
- func (c *ChatRPC) ChatAttachmentUploadProgress(_ context.Context, _ chat1.ChatAttachmentUploadProgressArg) error
- func (c *ChatRPC) ChatAttachmentUploadStart(_ context.Context, _ chat1.ChatAttachmentUploadStartArg) error
- func (c *ChatRPC) ChatIdentifyUpdate(_ context.Context, _ keybase1.CanonicalTLFNameAndIDWithBreaks) error
- func (c *ChatRPC) ChatInboxStale(_ context.Context, _ keybase1.UID) error
- func (c *ChatRPC) ChatInboxSyncStarted(_ context.Context, _ keybase1.UID) error
- func (c *ChatRPC) ChatInboxSynced(_ context.Context, _ chat1.ChatInboxSyncedArg) error
- func (c *ChatRPC) ChatJoinedConversation(_ context.Context, _ chat1.ChatJoinedConversationArg) error
- func (c *ChatRPC) ChatKBFSToImpteamUpgrade(_ context.Context, _ chat1.ChatKBFSToImpteamUpgradeArg) error
- func (c *ChatRPC) ChatLeftConversation(_ context.Context, _ chat1.ChatLeftConversationArg) error
- func (c *ChatRPC) ChatPaymentInfo(_ context.Context, _ chat1.ChatPaymentInfoArg) error
- func (c *ChatRPC) ChatPromptUnfurl(_ context.Context, _ chat1.ChatPromptUnfurlArg) error
- func (c *ChatRPC) ChatRequestInfo(_ context.Context, _ chat1.ChatRequestInfoArg) error
- func (c *ChatRPC) ChatResetConversation(_ context.Context, _ chat1.ChatResetConversationArg) error
- func (c *ChatRPC) ChatSetConvRetention(_ context.Context, _ chat1.ChatSetConvRetentionArg) error
- func (c *ChatRPC) ChatSetConvSettings(_ context.Context, _ chat1.ChatSetConvSettingsArg) error
- func (c *ChatRPC) ChatSetTeamRetention(_ context.Context, _ chat1.ChatSetTeamRetentionArg) error
- func (c *ChatRPC) ChatSubteamRename(_ context.Context, _ chat1.ChatSubteamRenameArg) error
- func (c *ChatRPC) ChatTLFFinalize(_ context.Context, _ chat1.ChatTLFFinalizeArg) error
- func (c *ChatRPC) ChatTLFResolve(_ context.Context, _ chat1.ChatTLFResolveArg) error
- func (c *ChatRPC) ChatThreadsStale(_ context.Context, _ chat1.ChatThreadsStaleArg) error
- func (c *ChatRPC) ChatTypingUpdate(_ context.Context, _ []chat1.ConvTypingUpdate) error
- func (c *ChatRPC) ClearCache()
- func (c *ChatRPC) GetChannels(ctx context.Context, tlfName tlf.CanonicalName, tlfType tlf.Type, ...) (convIDs []chat1.ConversationID, channelNames []string, err error)
- func (c *ChatRPC) GetConversationID(ctx context.Context, tlfName tlf.CanonicalName, tlfType tlf.Type, ...) (chat1.ConversationID, error)
- func (c *ChatRPC) GetGroupedInbox(ctx context.Context, chatType chat1.TopicType, maxChats int) (results []*tlfhandle.Handle, err error)
- func (c *ChatRPC) HandlerName() string
- func (c *ChatRPC) NewChatActivity(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.NewChatActivityArg) error
- func (c *ChatRPC) OnConnect(ctx context.Context, conn *rpc.Connection, _ rpc.GenericClient, ...) error
- func (c *ChatRPC) OnConnectError(err error, wait time.Duration)
- func (c *ChatRPC) OnDisconnected(_ context.Context, status rpc.DisconnectStatus)
- func (c *ChatRPC) OnDoCommandError(err error, wait time.Duration)
- func (c *ChatRPC) ReadChannel(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, startPage []byte) (messages []string, nextPage []byte, err error)
- func (c *ChatRPC) RegisterForMessages(convID chat1.ConversationID, cb ChatChannelNewMessageCB)
- func (c *ChatRPC) SendTextMessage(ctx context.Context, tlfName tlf.CanonicalName, tlfType tlf.Type, ...) error
- func (c *ChatRPC) ShouldRetry(_ string, _ error) bool
- func (c *ChatRPC) ShouldRetryOnConnect(err error) bool
- type Clock
- type CoalescingContext
- type Config
- type ConfigLocal
- func ConfigAsUser(config *ConfigLocal, loggedInUser kbname.NormalizedUsername) *ConfigLocal
- func ConfigAsUserWithMode(config *ConfigLocal, loggedInUser kbname.NormalizedUsername, mode InitModeType) *ConfigLocal
- func MakeTestConfigOrBust(t logger.TestLogBackend, users ...kbname.NormalizedUsername) *ConfigLocal
- func MakeTestConfigOrBustLoggedIn(t logger.TestLogBackend, loggedInIndex int, users ...kbname.NormalizedUsername) *ConfigLocal
- func MakeTestConfigOrBustLoggedInWithMode(t logger.TestLogBackend, loggedInIndex int, mode InitModeType, ...) *ConfigLocal
- func NewConfigLocal(mode InitMode, loggerFn func(module string) logger.Logger, storageRoot string, ...) *ConfigLocal
- func (c *ConfigLocal) AddRootNodeWrapper(f func(Node) Node)
- func (c *ConfigLocal) BGFlushDirOpBatchSize() int
- func (c *ConfigLocal) BGFlushPeriod() time.Duration
- func (c *ConfigLocal) BlockCache() data.BlockCache
- func (c *ConfigLocal) BlockCryptVersion() kbfscrypto.EncryptionVer
- func (c *ConfigLocal) BlockOps() BlockOps
- func (c *ConfigLocal) BlockServer() BlockServer
- func (c *ConfigLocal) BlockSplitter() data.BlockSplitter
- func (c *ConfigLocal) Chat() Chat
- func (c *ConfigLocal) CheckStateOnShutdown() bool
- func (c *ConfigLocal) Clock() Clock
- func (c *ConfigLocal) Codec() kbfscodec.Codec
- func (c *ConfigLocal) ConflictRenamer() ConflictRenamer
- func (c *ConfigLocal) Crypto() Crypto
- func (c *ConfigLocal) CurrentSessionGetter() idutil.CurrentSessionGetter
- func (c *ConfigLocal) DataVersion() data.Ver
- func (c *ConfigLocal) DefaultBlockType() keybase1.BlockType
- func (c *ConfigLocal) DelayedCancellationGracePeriod() time.Duration
- func (c *ConfigLocal) DirtyBlockCache() data.DirtyBlockCache
- func (c *ConfigLocal) DiskBlockCache() DiskBlockCache
- func (c *ConfigLocal) DiskLimiter() DiskLimiter
- func (c *ConfigLocal) DiskMDCache() DiskMDCache
- func (c *ConfigLocal) DiskQuotaCache() DiskQuotaCache
- func (c *ConfigLocal) DoBackgroundFlushes() bool
- func (c *ConfigLocal) EnableDiskLimiter(configRoot string) error
- func (c *ConfigLocal) EnableJournaling(ctx context.Context, journalRoot string, bws TLFJournalBackgroundWorkStatus) error
- func (c *ConfigLocal) GetAllSyncedTlfs() []tlf.ID
- func (c *ConfigLocal) GetConflictResolutionDB() (db *LevelDb)
- func (c *ConfigLocal) GetRekeyFSMLimiter() *OngoingWorkLimiter
- func (c *ConfigLocal) GetSettingsDB() (db *SettingsDB)
- func (c *ConfigLocal) GetTlfSyncState(tlfID tlf.ID) FolderSyncConfig
- func (c *ConfigLocal) IsSyncedTlf(tlfID tlf.ID) bool
- func (c *ConfigLocal) IsSyncedTlfPath(tlfPath string) bool
- func (c *ConfigLocal) IsTestMode() bool
- func (c *ConfigLocal) KBFSOps() KBFSOps
- func (c *ConfigLocal) KBPKI() KBPKI
- func (c *ConfigLocal) KbEnv() *libkb.Env
- func (c *ConfigLocal) KeyBundleCache() kbfsmd.KeyBundleCache
- func (c *ConfigLocal) KeyCache() KeyCache
- func (c *ConfigLocal) KeyManager() KeyManager
- func (c *ConfigLocal) KeyOps() libkey.KeyOps
- func (c *ConfigLocal) KeyServer() libkey.KeyServer
- func (c *ConfigLocal) KeybaseService() KeybaseService
- func (c *ConfigLocal) MDCache() MDCache
- func (c *ConfigLocal) MDOps() MDOps
- func (c *ConfigLocal) MDServer() MDServer
- func (c *ConfigLocal) MakeBlockMetadataStoreIfNotExists() (err error)
- func (c *ConfigLocal) MakeDiskBlockCacheIfNotExists() error
- func (c *ConfigLocal) MakeDiskMDCacheIfNotExists() error
- func (c *ConfigLocal) MakeDiskQuotaCacheIfNotExists() error
- func (c *ConfigLocal) MakeLogger(module string) logger.Logger
- func (c *ConfigLocal) MakeVLogger(log logger.Logger) *libkb.VDebugLog
- func (c *ConfigLocal) MaxNameBytes() uint32
- func (c *ConfigLocal) MaybeFinishTrace(ctx context.Context, err error)
- func (c *ConfigLocal) MaybeStartTrace(ctx context.Context, family, title string) context.Context
- func (c *ConfigLocal) MetadataVersion() kbfsmd.MetadataVer
- func (c *ConfigLocal) MetricsRegistry() metrics.Registry
- func (c *ConfigLocal) Mode() InitMode
- func (c *ConfigLocal) Notifier() Notifier
- func (c *ConfigLocal) OfflineAvailabilityForID(tlfID tlf.ID) keybase1.OfflineAvailability
- func (c *ConfigLocal) OfflineAvailabilityForPath(tlfPath string) keybase1.OfflineAvailability
- func (c *ConfigLocal) PrefetchStatus(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, ptr data.BlockPointer) PrefetchStatus
- func (c *ConfigLocal) RekeyQueue() RekeyQueue
- func (c *ConfigLocal) RekeyWithPromptWaitTime() time.Duration
- func (c *ConfigLocal) Reporter() Reporter
- func (c *ConfigLocal) ReqsBufSize() int
- func (c *ConfigLocal) ResetCaches()
- func (c *ConfigLocal) RootNodeWrappers() []func(Node) Node
- func (c *ConfigLocal) SetBGFlushDirOpBatchSize(s int)
- func (c *ConfigLocal) SetBGFlushPeriod(p time.Duration)
- func (c *ConfigLocal) SetBlockCache(b data.BlockCache)
- func (c *ConfigLocal) SetBlockCryptVersion(ver kbfscrypto.EncryptionVer)
- func (c *ConfigLocal) SetBlockOps(b BlockOps)
- func (c *ConfigLocal) SetBlockServer(b BlockServer)
- func (c *ConfigLocal) SetBlockSplitter(b data.BlockSplitter)
- func (c *ConfigLocal) SetChat(ch Chat)
- func (c *ConfigLocal) SetClock(cl Clock)
- func (c *ConfigLocal) SetCodec(co kbfscodec.Codec)
- func (c *ConfigLocal) SetConflictRenamer(cr ConflictRenamer)
- func (c *ConfigLocal) SetCrypto(cr Crypto)
- func (c *ConfigLocal) SetDefaultBlockType(blockType keybase1.BlockType)
- func (c *ConfigLocal) SetDelayedCancellationGracePeriod(d time.Duration)
- func (c *ConfigLocal) SetDirtyBlockCache(d data.DirtyBlockCache)
- func (c *ConfigLocal) SetDiskBlockCacheFraction(fraction float64)
- func (c *ConfigLocal) SetDiskCacheMode(m DiskCacheMode)
- func (c *ConfigLocal) SetDoBackgroundFlushes(doBGFlush bool)
- func (c *ConfigLocal) SetKBFSOps(k KBFSOps)
- func (c *ConfigLocal) SetKBFSService(k *KBFSService)
- func (c *ConfigLocal) SetKBPKI(k KBPKI)
- func (c *ConfigLocal) SetKeyBundleCache(k kbfsmd.KeyBundleCache)
- func (c *ConfigLocal) SetKeyCache(k KeyCache)
- func (c *ConfigLocal) SetKeyManager(k KeyManager)
- func (c *ConfigLocal) SetKeyOps(k libkey.KeyOps)
- func (c *ConfigLocal) SetKeyServer(k libkey.KeyServer)
- func (c *ConfigLocal) SetKeybaseService(k KeybaseService)
- func (c *ConfigLocal) SetMDCache(m MDCache)
- func (c *ConfigLocal) SetMDOps(m MDOps)
- func (c *ConfigLocal) SetMDServer(m MDServer)
- func (c *ConfigLocal) SetMetadataVersion(mdVer kbfsmd.MetadataVer)
- func (c *ConfigLocal) SetMetricsRegistry(r metrics.Registry)
- func (c *ConfigLocal) SetMode(mode InitMode)
- func (c *ConfigLocal) SetNotifier(n Notifier)
- func (c *ConfigLocal) SetRekeyQueue(r RekeyQueue)
- func (c *ConfigLocal) SetRekeyWithPromptWaitTime(d time.Duration)
- func (c *ConfigLocal) SetReporter(r Reporter)
- func (c *ConfigLocal) SetSyncBlockCacheFraction(fraction float64)
- func (c *ConfigLocal) SetTLFValidDuration(r time.Duration)
- func (c *ConfigLocal) SetTlfSyncState(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, config FolderSyncConfig) (<-chan error, error)
- func (c *ConfigLocal) SetTraceOptions(enabled bool)
- func (c *ConfigLocal) SetUserHistory(uh *kbfsedits.UserHistory)
- func (c *ConfigLocal) SetVLogLevel(levelString string)
- func (c *ConfigLocal) Shutdown(ctx context.Context) error
- func (c *ConfigLocal) Signer() kbfscrypto.Signer
- func (c *ConfigLocal) StorageRoot() string
- func (c *ConfigLocal) SubscriptionManager() SubscriptionManager
- func (c *ConfigLocal) SubscriptionManagerPublisher() SubscriptionManagerPublisher
- func (c *ConfigLocal) TLFValidDuration() time.Duration
- func (c *ConfigLocal) UserHistory() *kbfsedits.UserHistory
- func (c *ConfigLocal) VLogLevel() string
- func (c *ConfigLocal) XattrStore() XattrStore
- type ConflictJournalRecord
- type ConflictRenamer
- type ConflictResolver
- func (cr *ConflictResolver) BeginNewBranch()
- func (cr *ConflictResolver) ForceCancel()
- func (cr *ConflictResolver) Pause()
- func (cr *ConflictResolver) Resolve(ctx context.Context, unmerged kbfsmd.Revision, merged kbfsmd.Revision)
- func (cr *ConflictResolver) Restart(baseCtx context.Context)
- func (cr *ConflictResolver) Shutdown()
- func (cr *ConflictResolver) Wait(ctx context.Context) error
- type Context
- type CountMeter
- func (m *CountMeter) Count() int64
- func (m *CountMeter) Mark(i int64)
- func (m *CountMeter) Rate1() float64
- func (m *CountMeter) Rate15() float64
- func (m *CountMeter) Rate5() float64
- func (m *CountMeter) RateMean() float64
- func (m *CountMeter) Shutdown() <-chan struct{}
- func (m *CountMeter) Snapshot() metrics.Meter
- type Crypto
- type CryptoClient
- func (c *CryptoClient) DecryptTLFCryptKeyClientHalf(ctx context.Context, publicKey kbfscrypto.TLFEphemeralPublicKey, ...) (clientHalf kbfscrypto.TLFCryptKeyClientHalf, err error)
- func (c *CryptoClient) DecryptTLFCryptKeyClientHalfAny(ctx context.Context, keys []EncryptedTLFCryptKeyClientAndEphemeral, ...) (clientHalf kbfscrypto.TLFCryptKeyClientHalf, index int, err error)
- func (c *CryptoClient) DecryptTeamMerkleLeaf(ctx context.Context, teamID keybase1.TeamID, ...) (decryptedData []byte, err error)
- func (c *CryptoClient) Shutdown()
- func (c *CryptoClient) Sign(ctx context.Context, msg []byte) (sigInfo kbfscrypto.SignatureInfo, err error)
- func (c *CryptoClient) SignForKBFS(ctx context.Context, msg []byte) (sigInfo kbfscrypto.SignatureInfo, err error)
- func (c *CryptoClient) SignToString(ctx context.Context, msg []byte) (signature string, err error)
- type CryptoClientRPC
- func (CryptoClientRPC) HandlerName() string
- func (c *CryptoClientRPC) OnConnect(ctx context.Context, conn *rpc.Connection, _ rpc.GenericClient, ...) error
- func (c *CryptoClientRPC) OnConnectError(err error, wait time.Duration)
- func (c *CryptoClientRPC) OnDisconnected(_ context.Context, status rpc.DisconnectStatus)
- func (c *CryptoClientRPC) OnDoCommandError(err error, wait time.Duration)
- func (c *CryptoClientRPC) ShouldRetry(rpcName string, err error) bool
- func (c *CryptoClientRPC) ShouldRetryOnConnect(err error) bool
- type CryptoCommon
- func (c CryptoCommon) DecryptBlock(encryptedBlock kbfscrypto.EncryptedBlock, tlfCryptKey kbfscrypto.TLFCryptKey, ...) error
- func (c CryptoCommon) DecryptPrivateMetadata(encryptedPmd kbfscrypto.EncryptedPrivateMetadata, key kbfscrypto.TLFCryptKey) (PrivateMetadata, error)
- func (c CryptoCommon) EncryptBlock(block data.Block, tlfCryptKey kbfscrypto.TLFCryptKey, ...) (plainSize int, encryptedBlock kbfscrypto.EncryptedBlock, err error)
- func (c CryptoCommon) EncryptPrivateMetadata(pmd PrivateMetadata, key kbfscrypto.TLFCryptKey) (encryptedPmd kbfscrypto.EncryptedPrivateMetadata, err error)
- func (c CryptoCommon) MakeBlockRefNonce() (nonce kbfsblock.RefNonce, err error)
- func (c CryptoCommon) MakeRandomBlockCryptKeyServerHalf() (kbfscrypto.BlockCryptKeyServerHalf, error)
- func (c CryptoCommon) MakeRandomBranchID() (kbfsmd.BranchID, error)
- func (c CryptoCommon) MakeRandomTLFEphemeralKeys() (kbfscrypto.TLFEphemeralPublicKey, kbfscrypto.TLFEphemeralPrivateKey, error)
- func (c CryptoCommon) MakeRandomTLFKeys() (kbfscrypto.TLFPublicKey, kbfscrypto.TLFPrivateKey, kbfscrypto.TLFCryptKey, ...)
- func (c CryptoCommon) MakeRandomTlfID(t tlf.Type) (tlf.ID, error)
- func (c CryptoCommon) MakeTemporaryBlockID() (kbfsblock.ID, error)
- type CryptoLocal
- func (c *CryptoLocal) DecryptTLFCryptKeyClientHalf(ctx context.Context, publicKey kbfscrypto.TLFEphemeralPublicKey, ...) (kbfscrypto.TLFCryptKeyClientHalf, error)
- func (c *CryptoLocal) DecryptTLFCryptKeyClientHalfAny(ctx context.Context, keys []EncryptedTLFCryptKeyClientAndEphemeral, _ bool) (clientHalf kbfscrypto.TLFCryptKeyClientHalf, index int, err error)
- func (c *CryptoLocal) DecryptTeamMerkleLeaf(ctx context.Context, teamID keybase1.TeamID, ...) (decryptedData []byte, err error)
- func (c *CryptoLocal) Shutdown()
- type CtxAllowNameKeyType
- type CtxBackgroundSyncKeyType
- type CtxCRTagKey
- type CtxFBMTagKey
- type CtxFBOTagKey
- type CtxInitTagKey
- type CtxJournalTagKey
- type CtxKeybaseServiceTagKey
- type CtxMDSRTagKey
- type CtxReadWriteKeyType
- type CtxRekeyTagKey
- type DirNotEmptyError
- type DirtyBlockCacheDisk
- type DisallowedPrefixError
- type DiskBlockCache
- type DiskBlockCacheError
- type DiskBlockCacheLocal
- func (cache *DiskBlockCacheLocal) AddHomeTLF(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID) error
- func (cache *DiskBlockCacheLocal) ClearAllTlfBlocks(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID) (err error)
- func (cache *DiskBlockCacheLocal) ClearHomeTLFs(ctx context.Context) error
- func (cache *DiskBlockCacheLocal) Delete(ctx context.Context, blockIDs []kbfsblock.ID) (numRemoved int, sizeRemoved int64, err error)
- func (cache *DiskBlockCacheLocal) DeleteUnmarked(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, tag string) (err error)
- func (cache *DiskBlockCacheLocal) DoesCacheHaveSpace(ctx context.Context) (hasSpace bool, howMuch int64, err error)
- func (cache *DiskBlockCacheLocal) Get(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, blockID kbfsblock.ID) (buf []byte, serverHalf kbfscrypto.BlockCryptKeyServerHalf, ...)
- func (cache *DiskBlockCacheLocal) GetLastUnrefRev(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID) (kbfsmd.Revision, error)
- func (cache *DiskBlockCacheLocal) GetMetadata(ctx context.Context, blockID kbfsblock.ID) (DiskBlockCacheMetadata, error)
- func (cache *DiskBlockCacheLocal) GetTlfIDs(_ context.Context) (tlfIDs []tlf.ID, err error)
- func (cache *DiskBlockCacheLocal) GetTlfSize(_ context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID) (uint64, error)
- func (cache *DiskBlockCacheLocal) Mark(ctx context.Context, blockID kbfsblock.ID, tag string) error
- func (cache *DiskBlockCacheLocal) Put(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, blockID kbfsblock.ID, buf []byte, ...) (err error)
- func (cache *DiskBlockCacheLocal) PutLastUnrefRev(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, rev kbfsmd.Revision) error
- func (cache *DiskBlockCacheLocal) Shutdown(ctx context.Context)
- func (cache *DiskBlockCacheLocal) Status(ctx context.Context) map[string]DiskBlockCacheStatus
- func (cache *DiskBlockCacheLocal) UpdateMetadata(ctx context.Context, blockID kbfsblock.ID, prefetchStatus PrefetchStatus) (err error)
- func (cache *DiskBlockCacheLocal) WaitUntilStarted() error
- type DiskBlockCacheMetadata
- type DiskBlockCacheRemote
- func (dbcr *DiskBlockCacheRemote) AddHomeTLF(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID) error
- func (dbcr *DiskBlockCacheRemote) ClearAllTlfBlocks(_ context.Context, _ tlf.ID, _ DiskBlockCacheType) error
- func (dbcr *DiskBlockCacheRemote) ClearHomeTLFs(ctx context.Context) error
- func (dbcr *DiskBlockCacheRemote) Delete(ctx context.Context, blockIDs []kbfsblock.ID, cacheType DiskBlockCacheType) (numRemoved int, sizeRemoved int64, err error)
- func (dbcr *DiskBlockCacheRemote) DeleteUnmarked(_ context.Context, _ tlf.ID, _ string, _ DiskBlockCacheType) error
- func (dbcr *DiskBlockCacheRemote) DoesCacheHaveSpace(_ context.Context, _ DiskBlockCacheType) (bool, int64, error)
- func (dbcr *DiskBlockCacheRemote) Get(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, blockID kbfsblock.ID, _ DiskBlockCacheType) (buf []byte, serverHalf kbfscrypto.BlockCryptKeyServerHalf, ...)
- func (dbcr *DiskBlockCacheRemote) GetLastUnrefRev(_ context.Context, _ tlf.ID, _ DiskBlockCacheType) (kbfsmd.Revision, error)
- func (dbcr *DiskBlockCacheRemote) GetPrefetchStatus(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, blockID kbfsblock.ID, ...) (prefetchStatus PrefetchStatus, err error)
- func (dbcr *DiskBlockCacheRemote) GetTlfIDs(_ context.Context, _ DiskBlockCacheType) ([]tlf.ID, error)
- func (dbcr *DiskBlockCacheRemote) GetTlfSize(_ context.Context, _ tlf.ID, _ DiskBlockCacheType) (uint64, error)
- func (dbcr *DiskBlockCacheRemote) Mark(_ context.Context, _ kbfsblock.ID, _ string, _ DiskBlockCacheType) error
- func (dbcr *DiskBlockCacheRemote) Put(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, blockID kbfsblock.ID, buf []byte, ...) (err error)
- func (dbcr *DiskBlockCacheRemote) PutLastUnrefRev(_ context.Context, _ tlf.ID, _ kbfsmd.Revision, _ DiskBlockCacheType) error
- func (dbcr *DiskBlockCacheRemote) Shutdown(ctx context.Context)
- func (dbcr *DiskBlockCacheRemote) Status(ctx context.Context) map[string]DiskBlockCacheStatus
- func (dbcr *DiskBlockCacheRemote) UpdateMetadata(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, blockID kbfsblock.ID, ...) error
- func (dbcr *DiskBlockCacheRemote) WaitUntilStarted(_ DiskBlockCacheType) error
- type DiskBlockCacheService
- func (cache *DiskBlockCacheService) DeleteBlocks(ctx context.Context, blockIDs [][]byte) (kbgitkbfs.DeleteBlocksRes, error)
- func (cache *DiskBlockCacheService) GetBlock(ctx context.Context, arg kbgitkbfs.GetBlockArg) (kbgitkbfs.GetBlockRes, error)
- func (cache *DiskBlockCacheService) GetPrefetchStatus(ctx context.Context, arg kbgitkbfs.GetPrefetchStatusArg) (prefetchStatus kbgitkbfs.PrefetchStatus, err error)
- func (cache *DiskBlockCacheService) PutBlock(ctx context.Context, arg kbgitkbfs.PutBlockArg) error
- func (cache *DiskBlockCacheService) UpdateBlockMetadata(ctx context.Context, arg kbgitkbfs.UpdateBlockMetadataArg) error
- type DiskBlockCacheStartState
- type DiskBlockCacheStatus
- type DiskBlockCacheType
- type DiskCacheClosedError
- type DiskCacheMode
- type DiskCacheStartingError
- type DiskCacheTooFullForBlockError
- type DiskLimiter
- type DiskMDCache
- type DiskMDCacheError
- type DiskMDCacheLocal
- func (cache *DiskMDCacheLocal) Commit(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, rev kbfsmd.Revision) error
- func (cache *DiskMDCacheLocal) Get(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID) (buf []byte, ver kbfsmd.MetadataVer, timestamp time.Time, err error)
- func (cache *DiskMDCacheLocal) Shutdown(ctx context.Context)
- func (cache *DiskMDCacheLocal) Stage(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, rev kbfsmd.Revision, buf []byte, ...) error
- func (cache *DiskMDCacheLocal) Status(ctx context.Context) DiskMDCacheStatus
- func (cache *DiskMDCacheLocal) Unstage(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, rev kbfsmd.Revision) error
- func (cache *DiskMDCacheLocal) WaitUntilStarted() error
- type DiskMDCacheStartState
- type DiskMDCacheStatus
- type DiskQuotaCache
- type DiskQuotaCacheError
- type DiskQuotaCacheLocal
- func (cache *DiskQuotaCacheLocal) Get(ctx context.Context, id keybase1.UserOrTeamID) (info kbfsblock.QuotaInfo, err error)
- func (cache *DiskQuotaCacheLocal) Put(ctx context.Context, id keybase1.UserOrTeamID, info kbfsblock.QuotaInfo) (err error)
- func (cache *DiskQuotaCacheLocal) Shutdown(ctx context.Context)
- func (cache *DiskQuotaCacheLocal) Status(ctx context.Context) DiskQuotaCacheStatus
- func (cache *DiskQuotaCacheLocal) WaitUntilStarted() error
- type DiskQuotaCacheStartState
- type DiskQuotaCacheStatus
- type ECMRCtxTagKey
- type ECQUCtxTagKey
- type EmptyNameError
- type EncryptedTLFCryptKeyClientAndEphemeral
- type ErrBlockMetadataStoreShutdown
- type ErrDiskLimitTimeout
- type ErrStillStagedAfterCR
- type ErrorFileAccessError
- type ErrorModeType
- type EventuallyConsistentMerkleRoot
- type EventuallyConsistentQuotaUsage
- func (q *EventuallyConsistentQuotaUsage) Get(ctx context.Context, bgTolerance, blockTolerance time.Duration) (timestamp time.Time, usageBytes, archiveBytes, limitBytes int64, err error)
- func (q *EventuallyConsistentQuotaUsage) GetAllTypes(ctx context.Context, bgTolerance, blockTolerance time.Duration) (timestamp time.Time, ...)
- type Excl
- type ExclOnUnmergedError
- type Favorites
- func (f *Favorites) Add(ctx context.Context, fav favorites.ToAdd) error
- func (f *Favorites) AddAsync(ctx context.Context, fav favorites.ToAdd)
- func (f *Favorites) ClearCache(ctx context.Context)
- func (f *Favorites) Delete(ctx context.Context, fav favorites.Folder) error
- func (f *Favorites) Get(ctx context.Context) ([]favorites.Folder, error)
- func (f *Favorites) GetAll(ctx context.Context) (keybase1.FavoritesResult, error)
- func (f *Favorites) InitForTest()
- func (f *Favorites) Initialize(ctx context.Context)
- func (f *Favorites) RefreshCache(ctx context.Context, mode FavoritesRefreshMode)
- func (f *Favorites) RefreshCacheWhenMTimeChanged(ctx context.Context)
- func (f *Favorites) Shutdown() error
- type FavoritesOp
- type FavoritesRefreshMode
- type FolderBranchStatus
- type FolderNotResetOnServer
- type FolderSyncConfig
- type FolderSyncEncryptedPartialPaths
- type GCOp
- type ImmutableBareRootMetadata
- type ImmutableRootMetadata
- type ImpatientDebugDumper
- type IncompatibleHandleError
- type InconsistentEncodedSizeError
- type InfiniteChannelWrapper
- type InitMode
- type InitModeType
- type InitParams
- type InvalidBlockRefError
- type InvalidDataVersionError
- type InvalidFavoritesOpError
- type InvalidOpError
- type InvalidParentPathError
- type InvalidPathError
- type InvalidVersionError
- type JournalManager
- func (j *JournalManager) Disable(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID) (wasEnabled bool, err error)
- func (j *JournalManager) DisableAuto(ctx context.Context) error
- func (j *JournalManager) Enable(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, h *tlfhandle.Handle, ...) (err error)
- func (j *JournalManager) EnableAuto(ctx context.Context) error
- func (j *JournalManager) EnableExistingJournals(ctx context.Context, currentUID keybase1.UID, ...) (err error)
- func (j *JournalManager) FinishResolvingConflict(ctx context.Context, fakeTlfID tlf.ID) (err error)
- func (j *JournalManager) FinishSingleOp(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, lc *keybase1.LockContext, ...) (err error)
- func (j *JournalManager) Flush(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID) (err error)
- func (j *JournalManager) GetJournalsInConflict(ctx context.Context) (current, cleared []ConflictJournalRecord, err error)
- func (j *JournalManager) JournalEnabled(tlfID tlf.ID) bool
- func (j *JournalManager) JournalStatus(tlfID tlf.ID) (TLFJournalStatus, error)
- func (j *JournalManager) JournalStatusWithPaths(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, cpp chainsPathPopulator) (TLFJournalStatus, error)
- func (j *JournalManager) MakeFBOsForExistingJournals(ctx context.Context) *sync.WaitGroup
- func (j *JournalManager) MoveAway(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID) error
- func (j *JournalManager) PauseBackgroundWork(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID)
- func (j *JournalManager) ResumeBackgroundWork(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID)
- func (j *JournalManager) Status(ctx context.Context) (JournalManagerStatus, []tlf.ID)
- func (j *JournalManager) Wait(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID) (err error)
- func (j *JournalManager) WaitForCompleteFlush(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID) (err error)
- type JournalManagerStatus
- type KBFSErrorUnwrapper
- type KBFSOps
- type KBFSOpsStandard
- func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) AddFavorite(ctx context.Context, fav favorites.Folder, data favorites.Data) error
- func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) AddRootNodeWrapper(f func(Node) Node)
- func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) CheckMigrationPerms(ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID) (err error)
- func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) ClearCachedFavorites(ctx context.Context)
- func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) ClearConflictView(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID) error
- func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) ClearPrivateFolderMD(ctx context.Context)
- func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) CreateDir(ctx context.Context, dir Node, name data.PathPartString) (Node, data.EntryInfo, error)
- func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) CreateFile(ctx context.Context, dir Node, name data.PathPartString, isExec bool, ...) (Node, data.EntryInfo, error)
- func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) CreateLink(ctx context.Context, dir Node, fromName, toPath data.PathPartString) (data.EntryInfo, error)
- func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) DeleteFavorite(ctx context.Context, fav favorites.Folder) error
- func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) FinishResolvingConflict(ctx context.Context, fb data.FolderBranch) (err error)
- func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) FolderConflictStatus(ctx context.Context, folderBranch data.FolderBranch) (keybase1.FolderConflictType, error)
- func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) FolderStatus(ctx context.Context, folderBranch data.FolderBranch) (FolderBranchStatus, <-chan StatusUpdate, error)
- func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) ForceFastForward(ctx context.Context)
- func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) ForceStuckConflictForTesting(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID) error
- func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) GetDirChildren(ctx context.Context, dir Node) (map[data.PathPartString]data.EntryInfo, error)
- func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) GetEditHistory(ctx context.Context, folderBranch data.FolderBranch) (tlfHistory keybase1.FSFolderEditHistory, err error)
- func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) GetFavorites(ctx context.Context) ([]favorites.Folder, error)
- func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) GetFavoritesAll(ctx context.Context) (keybase1.FavoritesResult, error)
- func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) GetNodeMetadata(ctx context.Context, node Node) (NodeMetadata, error)
- func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) GetOrCreateRootNode(ctx context.Context, h *tlfhandle.Handle, branch data.BranchName) (node Node, ei data.EntryInfo, err error)
- func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) GetRootNode(ctx context.Context, h *tlfhandle.Handle, branch data.BranchName) (node Node, ei data.EntryInfo, err error)
- func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) GetRootNodeMetadata(ctx context.Context, folderBranch data.FolderBranch) (NodeMetadata, *tlfhandle.Handle, error)
- func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) GetSyncConfig(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID) (keybase1.FolderSyncConfig, error)
- func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) GetTLFCryptKeys(ctx context.Context, tlfHandle *tlfhandle.Handle) (keys []kbfscrypto.TLFCryptKey, id tlf.ID, err error)
- func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) GetTLFHandle(ctx context.Context, node Node) (*tlfhandle.Handle, error)
- func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) GetTLFID(ctx context.Context, tlfHandle *tlfhandle.Handle) (id tlf.ID, err error)
- func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) GetUpdateHistory(ctx context.Context, folderBranch data.FolderBranch, ...) (history TLFUpdateHistory, err error)
- func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) InvalidateNodeAndChildren(ctx context.Context, node Node) error
- func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) KickoffAllOutstandingRekeys() error
- func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) Lookup(ctx context.Context, dir Node, name data.PathPartString) (Node, data.EntryInfo, error)
- func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) MigrateToImplicitTeam(ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID) error
- func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) NewNotificationChannel(ctx context.Context, handle *tlfhandle.Handle, convID chat1.ConversationID, ...)
- func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) PushConnectionStatusChange(service string, newStatus error)
- func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) PushStatusChange()
- func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) Read(ctx context.Context, file Node, dest []byte, off int64) (numRead int64, err error)
- func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) RefreshCachedFavorites(ctx context.Context, mode FavoritesRefreshMode)
- func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) RefreshEditHistory(fav favorites.Folder)
- func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) RegisterForChanges(folderBranches []data.FolderBranch, obs Observer) error
- func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) RemoveDir(ctx context.Context, dir Node, name data.PathPartString) error
- func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) RemoveEntry(ctx context.Context, dir Node, name data.PathPartString) error
- func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) Rename(ctx context.Context, oldParent Node, oldName data.PathPartString, ...) error
- func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) RequestRekey(ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID)
- func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) Reset(ctx context.Context, handle *tlfhandle.Handle, newTlfID *tlf.ID) error
- func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) SetEx(ctx context.Context, file Node, ex bool) error
- func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) SetFavoritesHomeTLFInfo(ctx context.Context, info homeTLFInfo)
- func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) SetMtime(ctx context.Context, file Node, mtime *time.Time) error
- func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) SetSyncConfig(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, config keybase1.FolderSyncConfig) (<-chan error, error)
- func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) Shutdown(ctx context.Context) error
- func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) Stat(ctx context.Context, node Node) (data.EntryInfo, error)
- func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) Status(ctx context.Context) (KBFSStatus, <-chan StatusUpdate, error)
- func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) StatusOfServices() (map[string]error, chan StatusUpdate)
- func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) SyncAll(ctx context.Context, folderBranch data.FolderBranch) error
- func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) SyncFromServer(ctx context.Context, folderBranch data.FolderBranch, ...) error
- func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) TeamAbandoned(ctx context.Context, tid keybase1.TeamID)
- func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) TeamNameChanged(ctx context.Context, tid keybase1.TeamID)
- func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) Truncate(ctx context.Context, file Node, size uint64) error
- func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) UnregisterFromChanges(folderBranches []data.FolderBranch, obs Observer) error
- func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) UnstageForTesting(ctx context.Context, folderBranch data.FolderBranch) error
- func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) Write(ctx context.Context, file Node, data []byte, off int64) error
- type KBFSService
- type KBFSStatus
- type KBPKI
- type KBPKIClient
- func (k *KBPKIClient) CreateTeamTLF(ctx context.Context, teamID keybase1.TeamID, tlfID tlf.ID) error
- func (k *KBPKIClient) FavoriteAdd(ctx context.Context, folder keybase1.FolderHandle) error
- func (k *KBPKIClient) FavoriteDelete(ctx context.Context, folder keybase1.FolderHandle) error
- func (k *KBPKIClient) FavoriteList(ctx context.Context) (keybase1.FavoritesResult, error)
- func (k *KBPKIClient) GetCryptPublicKeys(ctx context.Context, uid keybase1.UID, offline keybase1.OfflineAvailability) (keys []kbfscrypto.CryptPublicKey, err error)
- func (k *KBPKIClient) GetCurrentMerkleRoot(ctx context.Context) (keybase1.MerkleRootV2, time.Time, error)
- func (k *KBPKIClient) GetCurrentSession(ctx context.Context) (idutil.SessionInfo, error)
- func (k *KBPKIClient) GetNormalizedUsername(ctx context.Context, id keybase1.UserOrTeamID, ...) (username kbname.NormalizedUsername, err error)
- func (k *KBPKIClient) GetTeamRootID(ctx context.Context, tid keybase1.TeamID, offline keybase1.OfflineAvailability) (keybase1.TeamID, error)
- func (k *KBPKIClient) GetTeamTLFCryptKeys(ctx context.Context, tid keybase1.TeamID, desiredKeyGen kbfsmd.KeyGen, ...) (map[kbfsmd.KeyGen]kbfscrypto.TLFCryptKey, kbfsmd.KeyGen, error)
- func (k *KBPKIClient) HasVerifyingKey(ctx context.Context, uid keybase1.UID, verifyingKey kbfscrypto.VerifyingKey, ...) error
- func (k *KBPKIClient) Identify(ctx context.Context, assertion, reason string, ...) (kbname.NormalizedUsername, keybase1.UserOrTeamID, error)
- func (k *KBPKIClient) IdentifyImplicitTeam(ctx context.Context, assertions, suffix string, tlfType tlf.Type, ...) (idutil.ImplicitTeamInfo, error)
- func (k *KBPKIClient) InvalidateTeamCacheForID(tid keybase1.TeamID)
- func (k *KBPKIClient) IsTeamReader(ctx context.Context, tid keybase1.TeamID, uid keybase1.UID, ...) (bool, error)
- func (k *KBPKIClient) IsTeamWriter(ctx context.Context, tid keybase1.TeamID, uid keybase1.UID, ...) (bool, error)
- func (k *KBPKIClient) NoLongerTeamWriter(ctx context.Context, tid keybase1.TeamID, tlfType tlf.Type, uid keybase1.UID, ...) (keybase1.MerkleRootV2, error)
- func (k *KBPKIClient) NormalizeSocialAssertion(ctx context.Context, assertion string) (keybase1.SocialAssertion, error)
- func (k *KBPKIClient) Notify(ctx context.Context, notification *keybase1.FSNotification) error
- func (k *KBPKIClient) NotifyPathUpdated(ctx context.Context, path string) error
- func (k *KBPKIClient) PutGitMetadata(ctx context.Context, folder keybase1.FolderHandle, repoID keybase1.RepoID, ...) error
- func (k *KBPKIClient) Resolve(ctx context.Context, assertion string, offline keybase1.OfflineAvailability) (kbname.NormalizedUsername, keybase1.UserOrTeamID, error)
- func (k *KBPKIClient) ResolveImplicitTeam(ctx context.Context, assertions, suffix string, tlfType tlf.Type, ...) (idutil.ImplicitTeamInfo, error)
- func (k *KBPKIClient) ResolveImplicitTeamByID(ctx context.Context, teamID keybase1.TeamID, tlfType tlf.Type, ...) (idutil.ImplicitTeamInfo, error)
- func (k *KBPKIClient) ResolveTeamTLFID(ctx context.Context, teamID keybase1.TeamID, ...) (tlf.ID, error)
- func (k *KBPKIClient) VerifyMerkleRoot(ctx context.Context, root keybase1.MerkleRootV2, kbfsRoot keybase1.KBFSRoot) error
- type KeyCache
- type KeyCacheHitError
- type KeyCacheMeasured
- type KeyCacheMissError
- type KeyCacheStandard
- type KeyHalfMismatchError
- type KeyManager
- type KeyManagerStandard
- func (km *KeyManagerStandard) GetFirstTLFCryptKey(ctx context.Context, kmd libkey.KeyMetadata) (kbfscrypto.TLFCryptKey, error)
- func (km *KeyManagerStandard) GetTLFCryptKeyForBlockDecryption(ctx context.Context, kmd libkey.KeyMetadata, blockPtr data.BlockPointer) (tlfCryptKey kbfscrypto.TLFCryptKey, err error)
- func (km *KeyManagerStandard) GetTLFCryptKeyForEncryption(ctx context.Context, kmd libkey.KeyMetadata) (tlfCryptKey kbfscrypto.TLFCryptKey, err error)
- func (km *KeyManagerStandard) GetTLFCryptKeyForMDDecryption(ctx context.Context, kmdToDecrypt, kmdWithKeys libkey.KeyMetadata) (tlfCryptKey kbfscrypto.TLFCryptKey, err error)
- func (km *KeyManagerStandard) GetTLFCryptKeyOfAllGenerations(ctx context.Context, kmd libkey.KeyMetadata) (keys []kbfscrypto.TLFCryptKey, err error)
- func (km *KeyManagerStandard) Rekey(ctx context.Context, md *RootMetadata, promptPaper bool) (mdChanged bool, cryptKey *kbfscrypto.TLFCryptKey, err error)
- type KeyMetadataWithRootDirEntry
- type KeybaseDaemonLocal
- func (k *KeybaseDaemonLocal) ClearCaches(_ context.Context)
- func (k *KeybaseDaemonLocal) DecryptFavorites(ctx context.Context, dataToDecrypt []byte) ([]byte, error)
- func (k *KeybaseDaemonLocal) EncryptFavorites(ctx context.Context, dataToEncrypt []byte) ([]byte, error)
- func (k *KeybaseDaemonLocal) EstablishMountDir(ctx context.Context) (string, error)
- func (k *KeybaseDaemonLocal) FavoriteAdd(ctx context.Context, folder keybase1.FolderHandle) error
- func (k *KeybaseDaemonLocal) FavoriteDelete(ctx context.Context, folder keybase1.FolderHandle) error
- func (k *KeybaseDaemonLocal) FavoriteList(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (keybase1.FavoritesResult, error)
- func (k *KeybaseDaemonLocal) FlushUserFromLocalCache(ctx context.Context, uid keybase1.UID)
- func (k *KeybaseDaemonLocal) Notify(ctx context.Context, notification *keybase1.FSNotification) error
- func (k *KeybaseDaemonLocal) NotifyFavoritesChanged(ctx context.Context) error
- func (k *KeybaseDaemonLocal) NotifyOnlineStatusChanged(ctx context.Context, online bool) error
- func (k *KeybaseDaemonLocal) NotifyOverallSyncStatus(ctx context.Context, _ keybase1.FolderSyncStatus) error
- func (k *KeybaseDaemonLocal) NotifyPathUpdated(ctx context.Context, _ string) error
- func (k *KeybaseDaemonLocal) NotifySyncStatus(ctx context.Context, _ *keybase1.FSPathSyncStatus) error
- func (k *KeybaseDaemonLocal) OnNonPathChange(subscriptionID SubscriptionID, topic keybase1.SubscriptionTopic)
- func (k *KeybaseDaemonLocal) OnPathChange(subscriptionID SubscriptionID, path string, ...)
- func (k *KeybaseDaemonLocal) PutGitMetadata(ctx context.Context, folder keybase1.FolderHandle, repoID keybase1.RepoID, ...) error
- func (k *KeybaseDaemonLocal) Shutdown()
- type KeybaseDaemonRPC
- func (k *KeybaseDaemonRPC) AddProtocols(protocols []rpc.Protocol)
- func (k *KeybaseDaemonRPC) AvatarUpdated(ctx context.Context, arg keybase1.AvatarUpdatedArg) error
- func (k *KeybaseDaemonRPC) FavoritesChanged(ctx context.Context, uid keybase1.UID) error
- func (*KeybaseDaemonRPC) HandlerName() string
- func (k *KeybaseDaemonRPC) NewlyAddedToTeam(context.Context, keybase1.TeamID) error
- func (k *KeybaseDaemonRPC) OnConnect(ctx context.Context, conn *rpc.Connection, rawClient rpc.GenericClient, ...) (err error)
- func (k *KeybaseDaemonRPC) OnConnectError(err error, wait time.Duration)
- func (k *KeybaseDaemonRPC) OnDisconnected(ctx context.Context, status rpc.DisconnectStatus)
- func (k *KeybaseDaemonRPC) OnDoCommandError(err error, wait time.Duration)
- func (k *KeybaseDaemonRPC) ShouldRetry(rpcName string, err error) bool
- func (k *KeybaseDaemonRPC) ShouldRetryOnConnect(err error) bool
- func (k *KeybaseDaemonRPC) Shutdown()
- func (k *KeybaseDaemonRPC) TeamAbandoned(ctx context.Context, tid keybase1.TeamID) error
- func (k *KeybaseDaemonRPC) TeamExit(context.Context, keybase1.TeamID) error
- type KeybaseService
- type KeybaseServiceBase
- func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) CheckReachability(ctx context.Context) (res keybase1.Reachability, err error)
- func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) ClearCaches(ctx context.Context)
- func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) ClientOutOfDate(ctx context.Context, arg keybase1.ClientOutOfDateArg) error
- func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) CreateTeamTLF(ctx context.Context, teamID keybase1.TeamID, tlfID tlf.ID) (err error)
- func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) CurrentSession(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (idutil.SessionInfo, error)
- func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) DecryptFavorites(ctx context.Context, dataToEncrypt []byte) (res []byte, err error)
- func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) EncryptFavorites(ctx context.Context, dataToEncrypt []byte) (res []byte, err error)
- func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) EstablishMountDir(ctx context.Context) (string, error)
- func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) FSEditListRequest(ctx context.Context, req keybase1.FSEditListRequest) (err error)
- func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) FSSyncStatusRequest(ctx context.Context, req keybase1.FSSyncStatusRequest) (err error)
- func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) FavoriteAdd(ctx context.Context, folder keybase1.FolderHandle) error
- func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) FavoriteDelete(ctx context.Context, folder keybase1.FolderHandle) error
- func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) FavoriteList(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (keybase1.FavoritesResult, error)
- func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) FillClients(identifyClient keybase1.IdentifyInterface, userClient keybase1.UserInterface, ...)
- func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) FinalizeMigration(ctx context.Context, folder keybase1.Folder) (err error)
- func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) FlushUserFromLocalCache(ctx context.Context, uid keybase1.UID)
- func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) GetCurrentMerkleRoot(ctx context.Context) (keybase1.MerkleRootV2, time.Time, error)
- func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) GetPublicCanonicalTLFNameAndID(ctx context.Context, query keybase1.TLFQuery) (res keybase1.CanonicalTLFNameAndIDWithBreaks, err error)
- func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) GetTLFCryptKeys(ctx context.Context, query keybase1.TLFQuery) (res keybase1.GetTLFCryptKeysRes, err error)
- func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) GetTeamSettings(ctx context.Context, teamID keybase1.TeamID, ...) (keybase1.KBFSTeamSettings, error)
- func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) Identify(ctx context.Context, assertion, reason string, ...) (kbname.NormalizedUsername, keybase1.UserOrTeamID, error)
- func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) KeyfamilyChanged(ctx context.Context, uid keybase1.UID) error
- func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) LoadTeamPlusKeys(ctx context.Context, tid keybase1.TeamID, tlfType tlf.Type, ...) (idutil.TeamInfo, error)
- func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) LoadUserPlusKeys(ctx context.Context, uid keybase1.UID, pollForKID keybase1.KID, ...) (idutil.UserInfo, error)
- func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) LoggedIn(ctx context.Context, arg keybase1.LoggedInArg) error
- func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) LoggedOut(ctx context.Context) error
- func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) NormalizeSocialAssertion(ctx context.Context, assertion string) (keybase1.SocialAssertion, error)
- func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) Notify(ctx context.Context, notification *keybase1.FSNotification) error
- func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) NotifyFavoritesChanged(ctx context.Context) error
- func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) NotifyOnlineStatusChanged(ctx context.Context, online bool) error
- func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) NotifyOverallSyncStatus(ctx context.Context, status keybase1.FolderSyncStatus) error
- func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) NotifyPathUpdated(ctx context.Context, path string) error
- func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) NotifySyncStatus(ctx context.Context, status *keybase1.FSPathSyncStatus) error
- func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) OnNonPathChange(subscriptionID SubscriptionID, topic keybase1.SubscriptionTopic)
- func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) OnPathChange(subscriptionID SubscriptionID, path string, ...)
- func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) PaperKeyCached(ctx context.Context, arg keybase1.PaperKeyCachedArg) error
- func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) PutGitMetadata(ctx context.Context, folder keybase1.FolderHandle, repoID keybase1.RepoID, ...) error
- func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) ReachabilityChanged(ctx context.Context, reachability keybase1.Reachability) error
- func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) Resolve(ctx context.Context, assertion string, offline keybase1.OfflineAvailability) (kbname.NormalizedUsername, keybase1.UserOrTeamID, error)
- func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) ResolveIdentifyImplicitTeam(ctx context.Context, assertions, suffix string, tlfType tlf.Type, ...) (idutil.ImplicitTeamInfo, error)
- func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) ResolveImplicitTeamByID(ctx context.Context, teamID keybase1.TeamID) (name string, err error)
- func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) RootAuditError(ctx context.Context, arg keybase1.RootAuditErrorArg) error
- func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) StartMigration(ctx context.Context, folder keybase1.Folder) (err error)
- func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) StartReachability(ctx context.Context) (res keybase1.Reachability, err error)
- func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) TeamChangedByID(ctx context.Context, arg keybase1.TeamChangedByIDArg) error
- func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) TeamChangedByName(ctx context.Context, arg keybase1.TeamChangedByNameArg) error
- func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) TeamDeleted(ctx context.Context, teamID keybase1.TeamID) error
- func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) VerifyMerkleRoot(ctx context.Context, root keybase1.MerkleRootV2, kbfsRoot keybase1.KBFSRoot) error
- type KeybaseServiceCn
- type KeybaseServiceMeasured
- func (k KeybaseServiceMeasured) ClearCaches(ctx context.Context)
- func (k KeybaseServiceMeasured) CreateTeamTLF(ctx context.Context, teamID keybase1.TeamID, tlfID tlf.ID) (err error)
- func (k KeybaseServiceMeasured) CurrentSession(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (sessionInfo idutil.SessionInfo, err error)
- func (k KeybaseServiceMeasured) DecryptFavorites(ctx context.Context, dataIn []byte) (dataOut []byte, err error)
- func (k KeybaseServiceMeasured) EncryptFavorites(ctx context.Context, dataIn []byte) (dataOut []byte, err error)
- func (k KeybaseServiceMeasured) EstablishMountDir(ctx context.Context) (string, error)
- func (k KeybaseServiceMeasured) FavoriteAdd(ctx context.Context, folder keybase1.FolderHandle) (err error)
- func (k KeybaseServiceMeasured) FavoriteDelete(ctx context.Context, folder keybase1.FolderHandle) (err error)
- func (k KeybaseServiceMeasured) FavoriteList(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (favorites keybase1.FavoritesResult, err error)
- func (k KeybaseServiceMeasured) FlushUserFromLocalCache(ctx context.Context, uid keybase1.UID)
- func (k KeybaseServiceMeasured) GetCurrentMerkleRoot(ctx context.Context) (root keybase1.MerkleRootV2, updateTime time.Time, err error)
- func (k KeybaseServiceMeasured) GetTeamSettings(ctx context.Context, teamID keybase1.TeamID, ...) (settings keybase1.KBFSTeamSettings, err error)
- func (k KeybaseServiceMeasured) Identify(ctx context.Context, assertion, reason string, ...) (name kbname.NormalizedUsername, id keybase1.UserOrTeamID, err error)
- func (k KeybaseServiceMeasured) LoadTeamPlusKeys(ctx context.Context, tid keybase1.TeamID, tlfType tlf.Type, ...) (teamInfo idutil.TeamInfo, err error)
- func (k KeybaseServiceMeasured) LoadUserPlusKeys(ctx context.Context, uid keybase1.UID, pollForKID keybase1.KID, ...) (userInfo idutil.UserInfo, err error)
- func (k KeybaseServiceMeasured) NormalizeSocialAssertion(ctx context.Context, assertion string) (res keybase1.SocialAssertion, err error)
- func (k KeybaseServiceMeasured) Notify(ctx context.Context, notification *keybase1.FSNotification) (err error)
- func (k KeybaseServiceMeasured) NotifyFavoritesChanged(ctx context.Context) (err error)
- func (k KeybaseServiceMeasured) NotifyOnlineStatusChanged(ctx context.Context, online bool) (err error)
- func (k KeybaseServiceMeasured) NotifyOverallSyncStatus(ctx context.Context, status keybase1.FolderSyncStatus) (err error)
- func (k KeybaseServiceMeasured) NotifyPathUpdated(ctx context.Context, path string) (err error)
- func (k KeybaseServiceMeasured) NotifySyncStatus(ctx context.Context, status *keybase1.FSPathSyncStatus) (err error)
- func (k KeybaseServiceMeasured) OnNonPathChange(subscriptionID SubscriptionID, topic keybase1.SubscriptionTopic)
- func (k KeybaseServiceMeasured) OnPathChange(subscriptionID SubscriptionID, path string, ...)
- func (k KeybaseServiceMeasured) PutGitMetadata(ctx context.Context, folder keybase1.FolderHandle, repoID keybase1.RepoID, ...) (err error)
- func (k KeybaseServiceMeasured) Resolve(ctx context.Context, assertion string, offline keybase1.OfflineAvailability) (name kbname.NormalizedUsername, uid keybase1.UserOrTeamID, err error)
- func (k KeybaseServiceMeasured) ResolveIdentifyImplicitTeam(ctx context.Context, assertions, suffix string, tlfType tlf.Type, ...) (info idutil.ImplicitTeamInfo, err error)
- func (k KeybaseServiceMeasured) ResolveImplicitTeamByID(ctx context.Context, teamID keybase1.TeamID) (name string, err error)
- func (k KeybaseServiceMeasured) Shutdown()
- func (k KeybaseServiceMeasured) VerifyMerkleRoot(ctx context.Context, root keybase1.MerkleRootV2, kbfsRoot keybase1.KBFSRoot) (err error)
- type LevelDb
- func (ldb *LevelDb) Close() (err error)
- func (ldb *LevelDb) Get(key []byte, ro *opt.ReadOptions) (value []byte, err error)
- func (ldb *LevelDb) GetWithMeter(key []byte, hitMeter, missMeter *CountMeter) (value []byte, err error)
- func (ldb *LevelDb) Put(key, value []byte, wo *opt.WriteOptions) (err error)
- func (ldb *LevelDb) PutWithMeter(key, value []byte, putMeter *CountMeter) (err error)
- func (ldb *LevelDb) StatStrings() ([]string, error)
- type MDCache
- type MDCacheStandard
- func (md *MDCacheStandard) ChangeHandleForID(oldHandle *tlfhandle.Handle, newHandle *tlfhandle.Handle)
- func (md *MDCacheStandard) Delete(tlf tlf.ID, rev kbfsmd.Revision, bid kbfsmd.BranchID)
- func (md *MDCacheStandard) Get(tlf tlf.ID, rev kbfsmd.Revision, bid kbfsmd.BranchID) (ImmutableRootMetadata, error)
- func (md *MDCacheStandard) GetIDForHandle(handle *tlfhandle.Handle) (tlf.ID, error)
- func (md *MDCacheStandard) GetNextMD(tlfID tlf.ID, rootSeqno keybase1.Seqno) (nextKbfsRoot *kbfsmd.MerkleRoot, nextMerkleNodes [][]byte, ...)
- func (md *MDCacheStandard) MarkPutToServer(tlf tlf.ID, rev kbfsmd.Revision, bid kbfsmd.BranchID)
- func (md *MDCacheStandard) Put(rmd ImmutableRootMetadata) error
- func (md *MDCacheStandard) PutIDForHandle(handle *tlfhandle.Handle, id tlf.ID) error
- func (md *MDCacheStandard) PutNextMD(tlfID tlf.ID, rootSeqno keybase1.Seqno, nextKbfsRoot *kbfsmd.MerkleRoot, ...) error
- func (md *MDCacheStandard) Replace(newRmd ImmutableRootMetadata, oldBID kbfsmd.BranchID) error
- type MDJournalConflictError
- type MDMismatchError
- type MDOps
- type MDOpsStandard
- func (md *MDOpsStandard) GetForTLF(ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID, lockBeforeGet *keybase1.LockID) (ImmutableRootMetadata, error)
- func (md *MDOpsStandard) GetForTLFByTime(ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID, serverTime time.Time) (irmd ImmutableRootMetadata, err error)
- func (md *MDOpsStandard) GetIDForHandle(ctx context.Context, handle *tlfhandle.Handle) (id tlf.ID, err error)
- func (md *MDOpsStandard) GetLatestHandleForTLF(ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID) (tlf.Handle, error)
- func (md *MDOpsStandard) GetRange(ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID, start, stop kbfsmd.Revision, ...) ([]ImmutableRootMetadata, error)
- func (md *MDOpsStandard) GetUnmergedForTLF(ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID, bid kbfsmd.BranchID) (ImmutableRootMetadata, error)
- func (md *MDOpsStandard) GetUnmergedRange(ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID, bid kbfsmd.BranchID, ...) ([]ImmutableRootMetadata, error)
- func (md *MDOpsStandard) PruneBranch(ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID, bid kbfsmd.BranchID) error
- func (md *MDOpsStandard) Put(ctx context.Context, rmd *RootMetadata, verifyingKey kbfscrypto.VerifyingKey, ...) (ImmutableRootMetadata, error)
- func (md *MDOpsStandard) PutUnmerged(ctx context.Context, rmd *RootMetadata, verifyingKey kbfscrypto.VerifyingKey, ...) (ImmutableRootMetadata, error)
- func (md *MDOpsStandard) ResolveBranch(ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID, bid kbfsmd.BranchID, _ []kbfsblock.ID, ...) (ImmutableRootMetadata, error)
- func (md *MDOpsStandard) ValidateLatestHandleNotFinal(ctx context.Context, h *tlfhandle.Handle) (bool, error)
- type MDServer
- type MDServerDisconnected
- type MDServerDisk
- func (md *MDServerDisk) CancelRegistration(_ context.Context, id tlf.ID)
- func (md *MDServerDisk) CheckForRekeys(ctx context.Context) <-chan error
- func (md *MDServerDisk) CheckReachability(ctx context.Context)
- func (md *MDServerDisk) DisableRekeyUpdatesForTesting()
- func (md *MDServerDisk) FastForwardBackoff()
- func (md *MDServerDisk) FindNextMD(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, rootSeqno keybase1.Seqno) (nextKbfsRoot *kbfsmd.MerkleRoot, nextMerkleNodes [][]byte, ...)
- func (md *MDServerDisk) GetForHandle(ctx context.Context, handle tlf.Handle, mStatus kbfsmd.MergeStatus, ...) (tlf.ID, *RootMetadataSigned, error)
- func (md *MDServerDisk) GetForTLF(ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID, bid kbfsmd.BranchID, ...) (*RootMetadataSigned, error)
- func (md *MDServerDisk) GetForTLFByTime(ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID, serverTime time.Time) (*RootMetadataSigned, error)
- func (md *MDServerDisk) GetKeyBundles(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, wkbID kbfsmd.TLFWriterKeyBundleID, ...) (*kbfsmd.TLFWriterKeyBundleV3, *kbfsmd.TLFReaderKeyBundleV3, error)
- func (md *MDServerDisk) GetLatestHandleForTLF(ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID) (tlf.Handle, error)
- func (md *MDServerDisk) GetMerkleRootLatest(ctx context.Context, treeID keybase1.MerkleTreeID) (root *kbfsmd.MerkleRoot, err error)
- func (md *MDServerDisk) GetRange(ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID, bid kbfsmd.BranchID, ...) ([]*RootMetadataSigned, error)
- func (md *MDServerDisk) IsConnected() bool
- func (*MDServerDisk) Lock(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, lockID keybase1.LockID) error
- func (md *MDServerDisk) OffsetFromServerTime() (time.Duration, bool)
- func (md *MDServerDisk) PruneBranch(ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID, bid kbfsmd.BranchID) error
- func (md *MDServerDisk) Put(ctx context.Context, rmds *RootMetadataSigned, extra kbfsmd.ExtraMetadata, ...) error
- func (md *MDServerDisk) RefreshAuthToken(ctx context.Context)
- func (md *MDServerDisk) RegisterForUpdate(ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID, currHead kbfsmd.Revision) (<-chan error, error)
- func (*MDServerDisk) ReleaseLock(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, lockID keybase1.LockID) error
- func (md *MDServerDisk) Shutdown()
- func (md *MDServerDisk) StartImplicitTeamMigration(ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID) (err error)
- func (md *MDServerDisk) TruncateLock(ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID) (bool, error)
- func (md *MDServerDisk) TruncateUnlock(ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID) (bool, error)
- type MDServerMemory
- func (md *MDServerMemory) CancelRegistration(_ context.Context, id tlf.ID)
- func (md *MDServerMemory) CheckForRekeys(ctx context.Context) <-chan error
- func (md *MDServerMemory) CheckReachability(ctx context.Context)
- func (md *MDServerMemory) DisableRekeyUpdatesForTesting()
- func (md *MDServerMemory) FastForwardBackoff()
- func (md *MDServerMemory) FindNextMD(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, rootSeqno keybase1.Seqno) (nextKbfsRoot *kbfsmd.MerkleRoot, nextMerkleNodes [][]byte, ...)
- func (md *MDServerMemory) GetForHandle(ctx context.Context, handle tlf.Handle, mStatus kbfsmd.MergeStatus, ...) (tlf.ID, *RootMetadataSigned, error)
- func (md *MDServerMemory) GetForTLF(ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID, bid kbfsmd.BranchID, ...) (*RootMetadataSigned, error)
- func (md *MDServerMemory) GetForTLFByTime(ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID, serverTime time.Time) (*RootMetadataSigned, error)
- func (md *MDServerMemory) GetKeyBundles(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, wkbID kbfsmd.TLFWriterKeyBundleID, ...) (*kbfsmd.TLFWriterKeyBundleV3, *kbfsmd.TLFReaderKeyBundleV3, error)
- func (md *MDServerMemory) GetLatestHandleForTLF(ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID) (tlf.Handle, error)
- func (md *MDServerMemory) GetMerkleRootLatest(ctx context.Context, treeID keybase1.MerkleTreeID) (root *kbfsmd.MerkleRoot, err error)
- func (md *MDServerMemory) GetRange(ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID, bid kbfsmd.BranchID, ...) ([]*RootMetadataSigned, error)
- func (md *MDServerMemory) IsConnected() bool
- func (md *MDServerMemory) Lock(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, lockID keybase1.LockID) error
- func (md *MDServerMemory) OffsetFromServerTime() (time.Duration, bool)
- func (md *MDServerMemory) PruneBranch(ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID, bid kbfsmd.BranchID) error
- func (md *MDServerMemory) Put(ctx context.Context, rmds *RootMetadataSigned, extra kbfsmd.ExtraMetadata, ...) error
- func (md *MDServerMemory) RefreshAuthToken(ctx context.Context)
- func (md *MDServerMemory) RegisterForUpdate(ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID, currHead kbfsmd.Revision) (<-chan error, error)
- func (md *MDServerMemory) ReleaseLock(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, lockID keybase1.LockID) error
- func (md *MDServerMemory) Shutdown()
- func (md *MDServerMemory) StartImplicitTeamMigration(ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID) (err error)
- func (md *MDServerMemory) TruncateLock(ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID) (bool, error)
- func (md *MDServerMemory) TruncateUnlock(ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID) (bool, error)
- type MDServerRemote
- func (md *MDServerRemote) CancelRegistration(ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID)
- func (md *MDServerRemote) CheckForRekeys(ctx context.Context) <-chan error
- func (md *MDServerRemote) CheckReachability(ctx context.Context)
- func (md *MDServerRemote) DeleteTLFCryptKeyServerHalf(ctx context.Context, uid keybase1.UID, key kbfscrypto.CryptPublicKey, ...) (err error)
- func (md *MDServerRemote) DisableRekeyUpdatesForTesting()
- func (md *MDServerRemote) FastForwardBackoff()
- func (md *MDServerRemote) FindNextMD(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, rootSeqno keybase1.Seqno) (nextKbfsRoot *kbfsmd.MerkleRoot, nextMerkleNodes [][]byte, ...)
- func (md *MDServerRemote) FolderNeedsRekey(ctx context.Context, arg keybase1.FolderNeedsRekeyArg) error
- func (md *MDServerRemote) FoldersNeedRekey(ctx context.Context, requests []keybase1.RekeyRequest) error
- func (md *MDServerRemote) GetForHandle(ctx context.Context, handle tlf.Handle, mStatus kbfsmd.MergeStatus, ...) (tlfID tlf.ID, rmds *RootMetadataSigned, err error)
- func (md *MDServerRemote) GetForTLF(ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID, bid kbfsmd.BranchID, ...) (rmds *RootMetadataSigned, err error)
- func (md *MDServerRemote) GetForTLFByTime(ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID, serverTime time.Time) (rmds *RootMetadataSigned, err error)
- func (md *MDServerRemote) GetKeyBundles(ctx context.Context, tlf tlf.ID, wkbID kbfsmd.TLFWriterKeyBundleID, ...) (wkb *kbfsmd.TLFWriterKeyBundleV3, rkb *kbfsmd.TLFReaderKeyBundleV3, err error)
- func (md *MDServerRemote) GetLatestHandleForTLF(ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID) (handle tlf.Handle, err error)
- func (md *MDServerRemote) GetMerkleRootLatest(ctx context.Context, treeID keybase1.MerkleTreeID) (root *kbfsmd.MerkleRoot, err error)
- func (md *MDServerRemote) GetRange(ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID, bid kbfsmd.BranchID, ...) (rmdses []*RootMetadataSigned, err error)
- func (md *MDServerRemote) GetTLFCryptKeyServerHalf(ctx context.Context, serverHalfID kbfscrypto.TLFCryptKeyServerHalfID, ...) (serverHalf kbfscrypto.TLFCryptKeyServerHalf, err error)
- func (*MDServerRemote) HandlerName() string
- func (md *MDServerRemote) IsConnected() bool
- func (md *MDServerRemote) Lock(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, lockID keybase1.LockID) error
- func (md *MDServerRemote) MetadataUpdate(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.MetadataUpdateArg) error
- func (md *MDServerRemote) OffsetFromServerTime() (time.Duration, bool)
- func (md *MDServerRemote) OnConnect(ctx context.Context, conn *rpc.Connection, client rpc.GenericClient, ...) (err error)
- func (md *MDServerRemote) OnConnectError(err error, wait time.Duration)
- func (md *MDServerRemote) OnDisconnected(ctx context.Context, status rpc.DisconnectStatus)
- func (md *MDServerRemote) OnDoCommandError(err error, wait time.Duration)
- func (md *MDServerRemote) PruneBranch(ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID, bid kbfsmd.BranchID) (err error)
- func (md *MDServerRemote) Put(ctx context.Context, rmds *RootMetadataSigned, extra kbfsmd.ExtraMetadata, ...) (err error)
- func (md *MDServerRemote) PutTLFCryptKeyServerHalves(ctx context.Context, keyServerHalves kbfsmd.UserDeviceKeyServerHalves) (err error)
- func (md *MDServerRemote) RefreshAuthToken(ctx context.Context)
- func (md *MDServerRemote) RegisterForUpdate(ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID, currHead kbfsmd.Revision) (<-chan error, error)
- func (md *MDServerRemote) ReleaseLock(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, lockID keybase1.LockID) error
- func (md *MDServerRemote) RemoteAddress() string
- func (md *MDServerRemote) ShouldRetry(name string, err error) bool
- func (md *MDServerRemote) ShouldRetryOnConnect(err error) bool
- func (md *MDServerRemote) Shutdown()
- func (md *MDServerRemote) StartImplicitTeamMigration(ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID) (err error)
- func (md *MDServerRemote) TruncateLock(ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID) (locked bool, err error)
- func (md *MDServerRemote) TruncateUnlock(ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID) (unlocked bool, err error)
- type MDUpdateInvertError
- type MDWriteNeededInRequest
- type MDWrittenAfterRevokeError
- type MeterSnapshot
- type MeterStatus
- type NameTooLongError
- type NaïveStaller
- func (s *NaïveStaller) StallBlockOp(stalledOp StallableBlockOp, maxStalls int)
- func (s *NaïveStaller) StallMDOp(stalledOp StallableMDOp, maxStalls int, stallDelegate bool)
- func (s *NaïveStaller) UndoStallBlockOp(stalledOp StallableBlockOp)
- func (s *NaïveStaller) UndoStallMDOp(stalledOp StallableMDOp)
- func (s *NaïveStaller) UnstallOneBlockOp(stalledOp StallableBlockOp)
- func (s *NaïveStaller) UnstallOneMDOp(stalledOp StallableMDOp)
- func (s *NaïveStaller) WaitForStallBlockOp(stalledOp StallableBlockOp)
- func (s *NaïveStaller) WaitForStallMDOp(stalledOp StallableMDOp)
- type NeedOtherRekeyError
- type NeedSelfRekeyError
- type NewDataVersionError
- type NextMDNotCachedError
- type NoChainFoundError
- type NoKeysError
- type NoMergedMDError
- type NoSuchFolderListError
- type NoSuchMDError
- type NoSuchTlfHandleError
- type NoSuchTlfIDError
- type NoUpdatesWhileDirtyError
- type Node
- type NodeCache
- type NodeChange
- type NodeID
- type NodeMetadata
- type NodeNotFoundError
- type NonExistentTeamForHandleError
- type NoopBlockMetadataStore
- type NotDirBlockError
- type NotDirError
- type NotFileBlockError
- type NotFileError
- type NotPermittedWhileDirtyError
- type Notifier
- type Observer
- type OfflineArchivedError
- type OfflineUnsyncedError
- type OngoingWorkLimiter
- type OpCommon
- func (oc *OpCommon) AddRefBlock(ptr data.BlockPointer)
- func (oc *OpCommon) AddSelfUpdate(ptr data.BlockPointer)
- func (oc *OpCommon) AddUnrefBlock(ptr data.BlockPointer)
- func (oc *OpCommon) AddUpdate(oldPtr data.BlockPointer, newPtr data.BlockPointer)
- func (oc *OpCommon) DelRefBlock(ptr data.BlockPointer)
- func (oc *OpCommon) DelUnrefBlock(ptr data.BlockPointer)
- func (oc *OpCommon) Refs() []data.BlockPointer
- func (oc *OpCommon) ToEditNotification(_ kbfsmd.Revision, _ time.Time, _ kbfscrypto.VerifyingKey, _ keybase1.UID, ...) *kbfsedits.NotificationMessage
- func (oc *OpCommon) Unrefs() []data.BlockPointer
- type OpSummary
- type OpsCantHandleFavorite
- type OutdatedVersionError
- type OverQuotaWarning
- type ParentNodeNotFoundError
- type PrefetchProgress
- type PrefetchStatus
- type Prefetcher
- type PrivateMetadata
- type ReadOnlyRootMetadata
- type ReadonlyNode
- type RekeyConflictError
- type RekeyEvent
- type RekeyFSM
- type RekeyIncompleteError
- type RekeyPermissionError
- type RekeyQueue
- type RekeyQueueStandard
- type RekeyResult
- type RenameAcrossDirsError
- type ReportedError
- type Reporter
- type ReporterKBPKI
- func (r *ReporterKBPKI) Notify(ctx context.Context, notification *keybase1.FSNotification)
- func (r *ReporterKBPKI) NotifyFavoritesChanged(ctx context.Context)
- func (r *ReporterKBPKI) NotifyOverallSyncStatus(ctx context.Context, status keybase1.FolderSyncStatus)
- func (r *ReporterKBPKI) NotifyPathUpdated(ctx context.Context, path string)
- func (r *ReporterKBPKI) NotifySyncStatus(ctx context.Context, status *keybase1.FSPathSyncStatus)
- func (r *ReporterKBPKI) OnlineStatusChanged(ctx context.Context, online bool)
- func (r *ReporterKBPKI) ReportErr(ctx context.Context, tlfName tlf.CanonicalName, t tlf.Type, mode ErrorModeType, ...)
- func (r *ReporterKBPKI) Shutdown()
- type ReporterSimple
- func (r *ReporterSimple) AllKnownErrors() []ReportedError
- func (r *ReporterSimple) Notify(_ context.Context, _ *keybase1.FSNotification)
- func (r *ReporterSimple) NotifyFavoritesChanged(_ context.Context)
- func (r *ReporterSimple) NotifyOverallSyncStatus(_ context.Context, _ keybase1.FolderSyncStatus)
- func (r *ReporterSimple) NotifyPathUpdated(_ context.Context, _ string)
- func (r *ReporterSimple) NotifySyncStatus(_ context.Context, _ *keybase1.FSPathSyncStatus)
- func (r *ReporterSimple) OnlineStatusChanged(_ context.Context, online bool)
- func (r *ReporterSimple) ReportErr(ctx context.Context, _ tlf.CanonicalName, _ tlf.Type, _ ErrorModeType, ...)
- func (r *ReporterSimple) Shutdown()
- type RevGarbageCollectedError
- type RevokedDeviceVerificationError
- type RootMetadata
- func (md *RootMetadata) AddDiskUsage(diskUsage uint64)
- func (md *RootMetadata) AddKeyGeneration(codec kbfscodec.Codec, wKeys, rKeys kbfsmd.UserDevicePublicKeys, ...) (serverHalves kbfsmd.UserDeviceKeyServerHalves, err error)
- func (md *RootMetadata) AddMDDiskUsage(mdDiskUsage uint64)
- func (md *RootMetadata) AddMDRefBytes(mdRefBytes uint64)
- func (md *RootMetadata) AddOp(o op)
- func (md *RootMetadata) AddRefBlock(info data.BlockInfo)
- func (md *RootMetadata) AddRefBytes(refBytes uint64)
- func (md *RootMetadata) AddUnrefBlock(info data.BlockInfo)
- func (md *RootMetadata) AddUnrefBytes(unrefBytes uint64)
- func (md *RootMetadata) AddUpdate(oldInfo data.BlockInfo, newInfo data.BlockInfo)
- func (md *RootMetadata) BID() kbfsmd.BranchID
- func (md *RootMetadata) ClearBlockChanges()
- func (md *RootMetadata) Data() *PrivateMetadata
- func (md *RootMetadata) DiskUsage() uint64
- func (md *RootMetadata) Extra() kbfsmd.ExtraMetadata
- func (md *RootMetadata) GetBareRootMetadata() kbfsmd.RootMetadata
- func (md *RootMetadata) GetHistoricTLFCryptKey(codec kbfscodec.Codec, keyGen kbfsmd.KeyGen, currentKey kbfscrypto.TLFCryptKey) (kbfscrypto.TLFCryptKey, error)
- func (md *RootMetadata) GetRootDirEntry() data.DirEntry
- func (md *RootMetadata) GetSerializedPrivateMetadata() []byte
- func (md *RootMetadata) GetSerializedWriterMetadata(codec kbfscodec.Codec) ([]byte, error)
- func (md *RootMetadata) GetTLFCryptKeyParams(keyGen kbfsmd.KeyGen, user keybase1.UID, key kbfscrypto.CryptPublicKey) (kbfscrypto.TLFEphemeralPublicKey, kbfscrypto.EncryptedTLFCryptKeyClientHalf, ...)
- func (md *RootMetadata) GetTLFReaderKeyBundleID() kbfsmd.TLFReaderKeyBundleID
- func (md *RootMetadata) GetTLFWriterKeyBundleID() kbfsmd.TLFWriterKeyBundleID
- func (md *RootMetadata) GetTlfHandle() *tlfhandle.Handle
- func (md *RootMetadata) HasKeyForUser(user keybase1.UID) (bool, error)
- func (md *RootMetadata) IsFinal() bool
- func (md *RootMetadata) IsInitialized() bool
- func (md *RootMetadata) IsReadable() bool
- func (md *RootMetadata) IsReader(ctx context.Context, checker kbfsmd.TeamMembershipChecker, ...) (bool, error)
- func (md *RootMetadata) IsRekeySet() bool
- func (md *RootMetadata) IsUnmergedSet() bool
- func (md *RootMetadata) IsWriter(ctx context.Context, checker kbfsmd.TeamMembershipChecker, ...) (bool, error)
- func (md *RootMetadata) IsWriterMetadataCopiedSet() bool
- func (md *RootMetadata) KeyGenerationsToUpdate() (kbfsmd.KeyGen, kbfsmd.KeyGen)
- func (md *RootMetadata) LastModifyingUser() keybase1.UID
- func (md *RootMetadata) LastModifyingWriter() keybase1.UID
- func (md *RootMetadata) LatestKeyGeneration() kbfsmd.KeyGen
- func (md *RootMetadata) MDDiskUsage() uint64
- func (md *RootMetadata) MDRefBytes() uint64
- func (md *RootMetadata) MakeBareTlfHandle() (tlf.Handle, error)
- func (md *RootMetadata) MakeSuccessor(ctx context.Context, latestMDVer kbfsmd.MetadataVer, codec kbfscodec.Codec, ...) (*RootMetadata, error)
- func (md *RootMetadata) MakeSuccessorWithNewHandle(ctx context.Context, newHandle *tlfhandle.Handle, ...) (*RootMetadata, error)
- func (md *RootMetadata) MergedStatus() kbfsmd.MergeStatus
- func (md *RootMetadata) PrevRoot() kbfsmd.ID
- func (md *RootMetadata) ReadOnly() ReadOnlyRootMetadata
- func (md *RootMetadata) RefBytes() uint64
- func (md *RootMetadata) Revision() kbfsmd.Revision
- func (md *RootMetadata) SetBranchID(bid kbfsmd.BranchID)
- func (md *RootMetadata) SetConflictInfo(ci *tlf.HandleExtension)
- func (md *RootMetadata) SetDiskUsage(diskUsage uint64)
- func (md *RootMetadata) SetFinalBit()
- func (md *RootMetadata) SetFinalizedInfo(fi *tlf.HandleExtension)
- func (md *RootMetadata) SetLastGCRevision(rev kbfsmd.Revision)
- func (md *RootMetadata) SetLastModifyingUser(user keybase1.UID)
- func (md *RootMetadata) SetLastModifyingWriter(user keybase1.UID)
- func (md *RootMetadata) SetMDDiskUsage(mdDiskUsage uint64)
- func (md *RootMetadata) SetMDRefBytes(mdRefBytes uint64)
- func (md *RootMetadata) SetPrevRoot(mdID kbfsmd.ID)
- func (md *RootMetadata) SetRefBytes(refBytes uint64)
- func (md *RootMetadata) SetRekeyBit()
- func (md *RootMetadata) SetRevision(revision kbfsmd.Revision)
- func (md *RootMetadata) SetSerializedPrivateMetadata(spmd []byte)
- func (md *RootMetadata) SetTlfID(tlf tlf.ID)
- func (md *RootMetadata) SetUnmerged()
- func (md *RootMetadata) SetUnrefBytes(unrefBytes uint64)
- func (md *RootMetadata) SetUnresolvedReaders(readers []keybase1.SocialAssertion)
- func (md *RootMetadata) SetUnresolvedWriters(writers []keybase1.SocialAssertion)
- func (md *RootMetadata) SetWriterMetadataCopiedBit()
- func (md *RootMetadata) SetWriters(writers []keybase1.UserOrTeamID)
- func (md *RootMetadata) StoresHistoricTLFCryptKeys() bool
- func (md *RootMetadata) TlfID() tlf.ID
- func (md *RootMetadata) TypeForKeying() tlf.KeyingType
- func (md *RootMetadata) UnrefBytes() uint64
- func (md *RootMetadata) Version() kbfsmd.MetadataVer
- type RootMetadataSigned
- type SettingsDB
- func (db *SettingsDB) Get(key []byte, ro *opt.ReadOptions) ([]byte, error)
- func (db *SettingsDB) Put(key []byte, val []byte, wo *opt.WriteOptions) error
- func (db *SettingsDB) SetNotificationThreshold(ctx context.Context, threshold int64) error
- func (db *SettingsDB) Settings(ctx context.Context) (keybase1.FSSettings, error)
- type SharedKeybaseTransport
- type SizeFlag
- type StallableBlockOp
- type StallableMDOp
- type StateChecker
- type StatusUpdate
- type Subscriber
- type SubscriptionID
- type SubscriptionManager
- type SubscriptionManagerPublisher
- type SubscriptionNotifier
- type TLFJournalBackgroundWorkStatus
- type TLFJournalStatus
- type TLFUpdateHistory
- type TimeoutError
- type TlfAccessError
- type TooLowByteCountError
- type Tracer
- type UnexpectedUnmergedPutError
- type UnmergedError
- type UnmergedSelfConflictError
- type UnsupportedOpInUnlinkedDirError
- type UnverifiableTlfUpdateError
- type UpdateSummary
- type VerifyingKeyNotFoundError
- type Warninger
- type WrapError
- type WriteRange
- type WriteToReadonlyNodeError
- type WriteUnsupportedError
- type WriterDeviceDateConflictRenamer
- type WrongOpsError
- type XattrStore
- type XattrType
Constants ¶
const ( // BServerDefaultPingIntervalSeconds is the default interval on which the // client should contact the block server. BServerDefaultPingIntervalSeconds = 10 // BServerPingTimeout is how long to wait for a ping response // before breaking the connection and trying to reconnect. BServerPingTimeout = 30 * time.Second )
const ( KeybaseServiceName = "keybase-service" MDServiceName = "md-server" GregorServiceName = "gregor" LoginStatusUpdateName = "login" LogoutStatusUpdateName = "logout" )
Service names used in ConnectionStatus.
const ( // StatusCodeDiskBlockCacheError is a generic disk cache error. StatusCodeDiskBlockCacheError = 0x666 // StatusCodeDiskMDCacheError is a generic disk cache error. StatusCodeDiskMDCacheError = 0x667 // StatusCodeDiskQuotaCacheError is a generic disk cache error. StatusCodeDiskQuotaCacheError = 0x668 )
Disk Cache Errors
const ( // FavoritesRefreshModeInMainFavoritesLoop means to refresh the favorites // in the main loop, blocking any favorites requests after until the refresh // is done. FavoritesRefreshModeInMainFavoritesLoop = iota // FavoritesRefreshModeBlocking means to refresh the favorites outside // of the main loop. FavoritesRefreshModeBlocking )
const ( // InitDefaultString is the normal mode for when KBFS data will be // read and written. InitDefaultString string = "default" // InitMinimalString is for when KBFS will only be used as a MD // lookup layer (e.g., for chat on mobile). InitMinimalString = "minimal" // InitSingleOpString is for when KBFS will only be used for a // single logical operation (e.g., as a git remote helper). InitSingleOpString = "singleOp" // InitConstrainedString is for when KBFS will use constrained // resources. InitConstrainedString = "constrained" // InitMemoryLimitedString is for when KBFS will use memory limited // resources. InitMemoryLimitedString = "memoryLimited" )
const ( // MdServerBackgroundRekeyPeriod is how long the rekey checker // waits between runs on average. The timer gets reset after // every incoming FolderNeedsRekey RPC. // The amount of wait is calculated in nextRekeyTime. MdServerBackgroundRekeyPeriod = 1 * time.Hour // MdServerDefaultPingIntervalSeconds is the default interval on which the // client should contact the MD Server MdServerDefaultPingIntervalSeconds = 10 // MdServerPingTimeout is how long to wait for a ping response // before breaking the connection and trying to reconnect. MdServerPingTimeout = 30 * time.Second )
const ( // EnvTestMDServerAddr is the environment variable name for an // mdserver address. EnvTestMDServerAddr = "KEYBASE_TEST_MDSERVER_ADDR" // EnvTestBServerAddr is the environment variable name for a block // server address. EnvTestBServerAddr = "KEYBASE_TEST_BSERVER_ADDR" // TempdirServerAddr is the special value of the // EnvTest{B,MD}ServerAddr environment value to signify that // an on-disk implementation of the {b,md}server should be // used with a temporary directory. TempdirServerAddr = "tempdir" )
const ( StallableBlockGet StallableBlockOp = "Get" StallableBlockPut StallableBlockOp = "Put" StallableMDGetForTLF StallableMDOp = "GetForTLF" StallableMDGetForTLFByTime StallableMDOp = "GetForTLFByTime" StallableMDGetLatestHandleForTLF StallableMDOp = "GetLatestHandleForTLF" StallableMDValidateLatestHandleNotFinal StallableMDOp = "ValidateLatestHandleNotFinal" StallableMDGetUnmergedForTLF StallableMDOp = "GetUnmergedForTLF" StallableMDGetRange StallableMDOp = "GetRange" StallableMDAfterGetRange StallableMDOp = "AfterGetRange" StallableMDGetUnmergedRange StallableMDOp = "GetUnmergedRange" StallableMDPut StallableMDOp = "Put" StallableMDAfterPut StallableMDOp = "AfterPut" StallableMDPutUnmerged StallableMDOp = "PutUnmerged" StallableMDAfterPutUnmerged StallableMDOp = "AfterPutUnmerged" StallableMDPruneBranch StallableMDOp = "PruneBranch" StallableMDResolveBranch StallableMDOp = "ResolveBranch" )
stallable Block Ops and MD Ops
const ( // ForcedBranchSquashRevThreshold is the minimum number of MD // revisions in the journal that will trigger an automatic branch // conversion (and subsequent resolution). ForcedBranchSquashRevThreshold = 20 // ForcedBranchSquashBytesThresholdDefault is the minimum number of // unsquashed MD bytes in the journal that will trigger an // automatic branch conversion (and subsequent resolution). ForcedBranchSquashBytesThresholdDefault = uint64(25 << 20) // 25 MB )
const ( // GitStorageRootPrefix is the prefix of the temp storage root // directory made for single-op git operations. GitStorageRootPrefix = "kbfsgit" // ConflictStorageRootPrefix is the prefix of the temp directory // made for the conflict resolution disk cache. ConflictStorageRootPrefix = "kbfs_conflict_disk_cache" )
const CtxCROpID = "CRID"
CtxCROpID is the display name for the unique operation conflict resolution ID tag.
const CtxFBMOpID = "FBMID"
CtxFBMOpID is the display name for the unique operation folderBlockManager ID tag.
const CtxFBOOpID = "FBOID"
CtxFBOOpID is the display name for the unique operation folderBranchOps ID tag.
const CtxInitID = "KBFSINIT"
CtxInitID is the display name for the unique operation init ID tag.
const CtxJournalOpID = "JID"
CtxJournalOpID is the display name for the unique operation enqueued journal ID tag.
const CtxKeybaseServiceOpID = "KSID"
CtxKeybaseServiceOpID is the display name for the unique operation enqueued rekey ID tag.
const CtxMDSROpID = "MDSRID"
CtxMDSROpID is the display name for the unique operation MDServerRemote ID tag.
const CtxRekeyOpID = "REKEYID"
CtxRekeyOpID is the display name for the unique operation enqueued rekey ID tag.
const DefaultBlocksInMemCache = 1024
DefaultBlocksInMemCache is the number of blocks we should keep in the cache.
const ECMRID = "ECMR"
ECMRID is used in EventuallyConsistentMerkleRoot for only background RPCs. More specifically, when we need to spawn a background goroutine for GetCurrentMerkleRoot, a new context with this tag is created and used. This is also used as a prefix for the logger module name in EventuallyConsistentMerkleRoot.
const ECQUID = "ECQU"
ECQUID is used in EventuallyConsistentQuotaUsage for only background RPCs. More specifically, when we need to spawn a background goroutine for GetUserQuotaInfo, a new context with this tag is created and used. This is also used as a prefix for the logger module name in EventuallyConsistentQuotaUsage.
const NonexistentSignal = syscall.Signal(-1)
NonexistentSignal is a signal that will never be used by the OS.
const RPCReconnectInterval = 2 * time.Second
RPCReconnectInterval specifies the time between reconnect attempts for RPC Connections.
const SIGPWR = syscall.SIGPWR
SIGPWR is the power failure signal on Linux.
Variables ¶
var ErrCRFailForTesting = errors.New(
"conflict resolution failed because test requested it")
ErrCRFailForTesting indicates that CR is disabled for a test.
var ErrNoSettingsDB = errors.New("no settings DB")
ErrNoSettingsDB is returned when there is no settings DB potentially due to multiple concurrent KBFS instances.
var ErrTooManyCRAttempts = errors.New(
"too many attempts at conflict resolution on this TLF")
ErrTooManyCRAttempts is an error that indicates that CR has failed too many times, and it being stopped.
var ErrUnrecognizedPrefetchStatus = errors.New(
"Unrecognized PrefetchStatus value")
ErrUnrecognizedPrefetchStatus is returned when trying to unmarshal a prefetch status from JSON if the prefetch status is unrecognized.
var ErrorFile = ".kbfs_error"
ErrorFile is the name of the virtual file in KBFS that should contain the last reported error(s).
var NoCurrentSessionExpectedError = "no current session"
NoCurrentSessionExpectedError is the error text that will get converted into a NoCurrentSessionError.
var PrereleaseBuild string
PrereleaseBuild is set at compile time for prerelease builds
Functions ¶
func AddDeviceForLocalUserOrBust ¶
AddDeviceForLocalUserOrBust creates a new device for a user and returns the index for that device.
func AddEmptyTeamsForTest ¶
func AddEmptyTeamsForTest( config Config, teams ...kbname.NormalizedUsername) ([]idutil.TeamInfo, error)
AddEmptyTeamsForTest creates teams for the given names with empty membership lists.
func AddEmptyTeamsForTestOrBust ¶
func AddEmptyTeamsForTestOrBust(t logger.TestLogBackend, config Config, teams ...kbname.NormalizedUsername) []idutil.TeamInfo
AddEmptyTeamsForTestOrBust is like AddEmptyTeamsForTest, but dies if there's an error.
func AddImplicitTeamForTest ¶
func AddImplicitTeamForTest( config Config, name, suffix string, teamNumber byte, ty tlf.Type) ( keybase1.TeamID, error)
AddImplicitTeamForTest adds an implicit team with a TLF ID.
func AddImplicitTeamForTestOrBust ¶
func AddImplicitTeamForTestOrBust(t logger.TestLogBackend, config Config, name, suffix string, teamNumber byte, ty tlf.Type) keybase1.TeamID
AddImplicitTeamForTestOrBust is like AddImplicitTeamForTest, but dies if there's an error.
func AddNewAssertionForTest ¶
AddNewAssertionForTest makes newAssertion, which should be a single assertion that doesn't already resolve to anything, resolve to the same UID as oldAssertion, which should be an arbitrary assertion that does already resolve to something. It only applies to the given config.
func AddNewAssertionForTestOrBust ¶
func AddNewAssertionForTestOrBust(t logger.TestLogBackend, config Config, oldAssertion, newAssertion string)
AddNewAssertionForTestOrBust is like AddNewAssertionForTest, but dies if there's an error.
func AddTeamKeyForTest ¶
AddTeamKeyForTest adds a new key for the given team.
func AddTeamKeyForTestOrBust ¶
func AddTeamKeyForTestOrBust(t logger.TestLogBackend, config Config, tid keybase1.TeamID)
AddTeamKeyForTestOrBust is like AddTeamKeyForTest, but dies if there's an error.
func AddTeamReaderForTest ¶
AddTeamReaderForTest makes the given user a team reader.
func AddTeamReaderForTestOrBust ¶
func AddTeamReaderForTestOrBust(t logger.TestLogBackend, config Config, tid keybase1.TeamID, uid keybase1.UID)
AddTeamReaderForTestOrBust is like AddTeamWriterForTest, but dies if there's an error.
func AddTeamWriterForTest ¶
AddTeamWriterForTest makes the given user a team writer.
func AddTeamWriterForTestOrBust ¶
func AddTeamWriterForTestOrBust(t logger.TestLogBackend, config Config, tid keybase1.TeamID, uid keybase1.UID)
AddTeamWriterForTestOrBust is like AddTeamWriterForTest, but dies if there's an error.
func BoolForString ¶
BoolForString returns false if trimmed string is "" (empty), "0", "false", or "no"
func ChangeTeamNameForTest ¶
ChangeTeamNameForTest renames a team.
func ChangeTeamNameForTestOrBust ¶
func ChangeTeamNameForTestOrBust(t logger.TestLogBackend, config Config, oldName, newName string)
ChangeTeamNameForTestOrBust is like ChangeTeamNameForTest, but dies if there's an error.
func CheckConfigAndShutdown ¶
func CheckConfigAndShutdown( ctx context.Context, t logger.TestLogBackend, config Config)
CheckConfigAndShutdown shuts down the given config, but fails the test if there's an error.
func ConvertIdentifyError ¶
ConvertIdentifyError converts a errors during identify into KBFS errors
func CtxWithRandomIDReplayable ¶
func CtxWithRandomIDReplayable(ctx context.Context, tagKey interface{}, tagName string, log Warninger) context.Context
CtxWithRandomIDReplayable returns a replayable context with a random id associated with the given log key.
func DisableCRForTesting ¶
func DisableCRForTesting(config Config, folderBranch data.FolderBranch) error
DisableCRForTesting stops conflict resolution for the given folder. RestartCRForTesting should be called to restart it.
func DisableUpdatesForTesting ¶
func DisableUpdatesForTesting(config Config, folderBranch data.FolderBranch) ( chan<- struct{}, error)
DisableUpdatesForTesting stops the given folder from acting on new updates. Send a struct{}{} down the returned channel to restart notifications
func DumpPrivateMetadata ¶
func DumpPrivateMetadata( codec kbfscodec.Codec, serializedPMDLength int, pmd PrivateMetadata) (string, error)
DumpPrivateMetadata returns a detailed dump of the given PrivateMetadata's contents.
func EnableAdminFeature ¶
EnableAdminFeature returns true if admin features should be enabled for the currently-logged-in user.
func EnableImplicitTeamsForTest ¶
EnableImplicitTeamsForTest causes the mdserver to stop returning random TLF IDs for new TLFs.
func FillInDiskSpaceStatus ¶
func FillInDiskSpaceStatus( ctx context.Context, status *keybase1.FolderSyncStatus, prefetchStatus keybase1.PrefetchStatus, dbc DiskBlockCache)
FillInDiskSpaceStatus fills in the `OutOfSyncSpace`, prefetchStatus, and local disk space fields of the given status.
func FillInJournalStatusUnflushedPaths ¶
func FillInJournalStatusUnflushedPaths(ctx context.Context, config Config, jStatus *JournalManagerStatus, tlfIDs []tlf.ID) error
FillInJournalStatusUnflushedPaths adds the unflushed paths to the given journal status.
func ForceQuotaReclamationForTesting ¶
func ForceQuotaReclamationForTesting(config Config, folderBranch data.FolderBranch) error
ForceQuotaReclamationForTesting kicks off quota reclamation under the given config, for the given folder-branch.
func GetDefaultsUsageString ¶
GetDefaultsUsageString returns a string describing the default values of flags based on the run mode.
func GetHandleFromFolderNameAndType ¶
func GetHandleFromFolderNameAndType( ctx context.Context, kbpki KBPKI, idGetter tlfhandle.IDGetter, syncGetter syncedTlfGetterSetter, tlfName string, t tlf.Type) (*tlfhandle.Handle, error)
GetHandleFromFolderNameAndType returns a TLFHandle given a folder name (e.g., "u1,u2#u3") and a TLF type.
func GetLocalDiskStats ¶
func GetLocalDiskStats(ctx context.Context, dbc DiskBlockCache) ( bytesAvail, bytesTotal int64)
GetLocalDiskStats returns the local disk stats, according to the disk block cache.
func GetLocalUsageString ¶
func GetLocalUsageString() string
GetLocalUsageString returns a string describing the flags to use to run in a local testing environment.
func GetMDRevisionByTime ¶
func GetMDRevisionByTime( ctx context.Context, config Config, handle *tlfhandle.Handle, serverTime time.Time) (kbfsmd.Revision, error)
GetMDRevisionByTime returns the revision number of the earliest merged MD of `handle` with a server timestamp greater or equal to `serverTime`.
func GetRemoteUsageString ¶
func GetRemoteUsageString() string
GetRemoteUsageString returns a string describing the flags to use to run against remote KBFS servers.
func InitLog ¶
func InitLog(params InitParams, ctx Context) (logger.Logger, error)
InitLog sets up logging switching to a log file if necessary. Returns a valid logger even on error, which are non-fatal, thus errors from this function may be ignored. Possible errors are logged to the logger returned.
func InitLogWithPrefix ¶
func InitLogWithPrefix( params InitParams, ctx Context, prefix string, defaultLogPath string) (logger.Logger, error)
InitLogWithPrefix sets up logging switching to a log file if necessary, given a prefix and a default log path. Returns a valid logger even on error, which are non-fatal, thus errors from this function may be ignored. Possible errors are logged to the logger returned.
func IsOnlyWriterInNonTeamTlf ¶
IsOnlyWriterInNonTeamTlf returns true if and only if the TLF described by h is a non-team TLF, and the currently logged-in user is the only writer for the TLF. In case of any error false is returned.
func IsWriterFromHandle ¶
func IsWriterFromHandle( ctx context.Context, h *tlfhandle.Handle, checker kbfsmd.TeamMembershipChecker, osg idutil.OfflineStatusGetter, uid keybase1.UID, verifyingKey kbfscrypto.VerifyingKey) (bool, error)
IsWriterFromHandle checks whether the given UID is a writer for the given handle. It understands team-keyed handles as well as classically-keyed handles.
func MakeRandomRequestID ¶
MakeRandomRequestID generates a random ID suitable for tagging a request in KBFS, and very likely to be universally unique.
func NewEmptyTLFReaderKeyBundle ¶
func NewEmptyTLFReaderKeyBundle() kbfsmd.TLFReaderKeyBundleV2
NewEmptyTLFReaderKeyBundle creates a new empty kbfsmd.TLFReaderKeyBundleV2
func NewEmptyTLFWriterKeyBundle ¶
func NewEmptyTLFWriterKeyBundle() kbfsmd.TLFWriterKeyBundleV2
NewEmptyTLFWriterKeyBundle creates a new empty kbfsmd.TLFWriterKeyBundleV2
func NewRekeyPermissionError ¶
func NewRekeyPermissionError( dir *tlfhandle.Handle, username kbname.NormalizedUsername) error
NewRekeyPermissionError constructs a RekeyPermissionError for the given directory and user.
func NewSharedKeybaseConnection ¶
func NewSharedKeybaseConnection(kbCtx Context, config Config, handler rpc.ConnectionHandler) *rpc.Connection
NewSharedKeybaseConnection returns a connection that tries to connect to the local keybase daemon.
func NewWriteUnsupportedError ¶
NewWriteUnsupportedError returns unsupported error trying to write a file
func PutBlockCheckLimitErrs ¶
func PutBlockCheckLimitErrs(ctx context.Context, bserv BlockServer, reporter Reporter, tlfID tlf.ID, blockPtr data.BlockPointer, readyBlockData data.ReadyBlockData, tlfName tlf.CanonicalName, cacheType DiskBlockCacheType) error
PutBlockCheckLimitErrs is a thin wrapper around putBlockToServer (which calls either bserver.Put or bserver.AddBlockReference) that reports quota and disk limit errors.
func QuotaUsageLogModule ¶
QuotaUsageLogModule makes a log module for a quota usage log.
func RegisterOps ¶
RegisterOps registers all op types with the given codec.
func RemoveTeamWriterForTest ¶
RemoveTeamWriterForTest removes the given user from a team.
func RemoveTeamWriterForTestOrBust ¶
func RemoveTeamWriterForTestOrBust(t logger.TestLogBackend, config Config, tid keybase1.TeamID, uid keybase1.UID)
RemoveTeamWriterForTestOrBust is like RemoveTeamWriterForTest, but dies if there's an error.
func ResetRootBlock ¶
func ResetRootBlock(ctx context.Context, config Config, rmd *RootMetadata) (data.Block, data.BlockInfo, data.ReadyBlockData, error)
ResetRootBlock creates a new empty dir block and sets the given metadata's root block to it.
func RestartCRForTesting ¶
func RestartCRForTesting(baseCtx context.Context, config Config, folderBranch data.FolderBranch) error
RestartCRForTesting re-enables conflict resolution for the given folder. baseCtx must have a cancellation delayer.
func RevokeDeviceForLocalUserOrBust ¶
func RevokeDeviceForLocalUserOrBust(t logger.TestLogBackend, config Config, uid keybase1.UID, index int)
RevokeDeviceForLocalUserOrBust revokes a device for a user in the given index.
func SetCRFailureForTesting ¶
func SetCRFailureForTesting(ctx context.Context, config Config, folderBranch data.FolderBranch, fail failModeForTesting) error
SetCRFailureForTesting sets whether CR should always fail on the folder branch.
func SetGlobalMerkleRootForTest ¶
func SetGlobalMerkleRootForTest( config Config, root keybase1.MerkleRootV2, rootTime time.Time) error
SetGlobalMerkleRootForTest sets the global Merkle root and time.
func SetGlobalMerkleRootForTestOrBust ¶
func SetGlobalMerkleRootForTestOrBust( t logger.TestLogBackend, config Config, root keybase1.MerkleRootV2, rootTime time.Time)
SetGlobalMerkleRootForTestOrBust is like SetGlobalMerkleRootForTest, but dies if there's an error.
func SetKbfsMerkleRootForTest ¶
func SetKbfsMerkleRootForTest( config Config, treeID keybase1.MerkleTreeID, root *kbfsmd.MerkleRoot) error
SetKbfsMerkleRootForTest sets a Merkle root for the given KBFS tree ID.
func SetKbfsMerkleRootForTestOrBust ¶
func SetKbfsMerkleRootForTestOrBust( t logger.TestLogBackend, config Config, treeID keybase1.MerkleTreeID, root *kbfsmd.MerkleRoot)
SetKbfsMerkleRootForTestOrBust is like SetKbfsMerkleRootForTest, but dies if there's an error.
func Shutdown ¶
func Shutdown()
Shutdown does any necessary shutdown tasks for libkbfs. Shutdown should be called at the end of main.
func StallBlockOp ¶
func StallBlockOp(ctx context.Context, config Config, stalledOp StallableBlockOp, maxStalls int) ( onStalled <-chan struct{}, unstall chan<- struct{}, newCtx context.Context)
StallBlockOp sets a wrapped BlockOps in config so that the specified Op, stalledOp, is stalled. Caller should use the returned newCtx for subsequent operations for the stall to be effective. onStalled is a channel to notify the caller when the stall has happened. unstall is a channel for caller to unstall an Op.
func StallMDOp ¶
func StallMDOp(ctx context.Context, config Config, stalledOp StallableMDOp, maxStalls int) ( onStalled <-chan struct{}, unstall chan<- struct{}, newCtx context.Context)
StallMDOp sets a wrapped MDOps in config so that the specified Op, stalledOp, is stalled. Caller should use the returned newCtx for subsequent operations for the stall to be effective. onStalled is a channel to notify the caller when the stall has happened. unstall is a channel for caller to unstall an Op.
func SwitchDeviceForLocalUserOrBust ¶
func SwitchDeviceForLocalUserOrBust(t logger.TestLogBackend, config Config, index int)
SwitchDeviceForLocalUserOrBust switches the current user's current device
func TLFJournalEnabled ¶
TLFJournalEnabled returns true if journaling is enabled for the given TLF.
Types ¶
type AdditionalProtocolCreator ¶
AdditionalProtocolCreator creates an additional protocol.
type BadCryptoError ¶
BadCryptoError indicates that KBFS performed a bad crypto operation.
func (BadCryptoError) Error ¶
func (e BadCryptoError) Error() string
Error implements the error interface for BadCryptoError
type BadCryptoMDError ¶
BadCryptoMDError indicates that KBFS performed a bad crypto operation, specifically on a MD object.
func (BadCryptoMDError) Error ¶
func (e BadCryptoMDError) Error() string
Error implements the error interface for BadCryptoMDError
type BadMDError ¶
BadMDError indicates that the system is storing corrupt MD object for the given TLF ID.
func (BadMDError) Error ¶
func (e BadMDError) Error() string
Error implements the error interface for BadMDError
type BlockChanges ¶
type BlockChanges struct { // If this is set, the actual changes are stored in a block (where // the block contains a serialized version of BlockChanges) // // Ideally, we'd omit Info if it's empty. However, old clients // rely on encoded BlockChanges always having an encoded Info, // so that decoding into an existing BlockChanges object // clobbers any existing Info, so we can't omit Info until all // clients have upgraded to a version that explicitly clears // Info on decode, and we've verified that there's nothing // else that relies on Info always being filled. Info data.BlockInfo `codec:"p"` // An ordered list of operations completed in this update Ops opsList `codec:"o,omitempty"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
BlockChanges tracks the set of blocks that changed in a commit, and the operations that made the changes. It might consist of just a BlockPointer if the list is too big to embed in the MD structure directly.
If this commit represents a conflict-resolution merge, which may comprise multiple individual operations, then there will be an ordered list of the changes for individual operations. This lets the notification and conflict resolution strategies figure out the difference between a renamed file and a modified file, for example.
NOTE: Don't add or modify anything in this struct without considering how old clients will handle them.
func (*BlockChanges) AddOp ¶
func (bc *BlockChanges) AddOp(o op)
AddOp starts a new operation for this BlockChanges. Subsequent Add* calls will populate this operation.
func (*BlockChanges) AddRefBlock ¶
func (bc *BlockChanges) AddRefBlock(ptr data.BlockPointer)
AddRefBlock adds the newly-referenced block to this BlockChanges and updates the size estimate.
func (*BlockChanges) AddUnrefBlock ¶
func (bc *BlockChanges) AddUnrefBlock(ptr data.BlockPointer)
AddUnrefBlock adds the newly unreferenced block to this BlockChanges and updates the size estimate.
func (*BlockChanges) AddUpdate ¶
func (bc *BlockChanges) AddUpdate(oldPtr data.BlockPointer, newPtr data.BlockPointer)
AddUpdate adds the newly updated block to this BlockChanges and updates the size estimate.
func (BlockChanges) Equals ¶
func (bc BlockChanges) Equals(other BlockChanges) bool
Equals returns true if the given BlockChanges is equal to this BlockChanges. Currently does not check for equality at the operation level.
func (*BlockChanges) SizeEstimate ¶
func (bc *BlockChanges) SizeEstimate() uint64
SizeEstimate calculates the estimated size of the encoded version of this BlockChanges.
type BlockDecodeError ¶
type BlockDecodeError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
BlockDecodeError indicates that a block couldn't be decoded as expected; probably it is the wrong type.
func (BlockDecodeError) Error ¶
func (e BlockDecodeError) Error() string
Error implements the error interface for BlockDecodeError
type BlockMetadataStore ¶
type BlockMetadataStore interface { // GetMetadata looks for and returns the block metadata for blockID if it's // found, and an error whose Cause is ldberrors.ErrNotFound if it's not // found. GetMetadata(ctx context.Context, blockID kbfsblock.ID) (BlockMetadataValue, error) // UpdateMetadata updates the block metadata for blockID using updater. // Specifically, it looks for existing block metdata for blockID. If it's // found, it's passed into updater. Otherwise, a zero value of // BlockMetadataValue is passed into the updater. After if updater returns // nil, the updated metadata is stored. UpdateMetadata(ctx context.Context, blockID kbfsblock.ID, updater BlockMetadataUpdater) error // Shutdown cleanly shuts down the disk block metadata cache. Shutdown() }
BlockMetadataStore defines a type that stores block metadata locally on device.
type BlockMetadataUpdater ¶
type BlockMetadataUpdater func(*BlockMetadataValue) error
BlockMetadataUpdater defines a function to update a BlockMetadataValue.
type BlockMetadataValue ¶
type BlockMetadataValue struct { // Xattr contains all xattrs stored in association with the block. This is // useful for stuff that's contingent to content of the block, such as // quarantine data. Xattr map[XattrType][]byte }
BlockMetadataValue represents the value stored in the block metadata store. This is usually locally stored, and is separate from block metadata stored on bserver.
type BlockOps ¶
type BlockOps interface { data.ReadyProvider // Get gets the block associated with the given block pointer // (which belongs to the TLF with the given key metadata), // decrypts it if necessary, and fills in the provided block // object with its contents, if the logged-in user has read // permission for that block. cacheLifetime controls the behavior of the // write-through cache once a Get completes. Get(ctx context.Context, kmd libkey.KeyMetadata, blockPtr data.BlockPointer, block data.Block, cacheLifetime data.BlockCacheLifetime) error // GetEncodedSize gets the encoded size of the block associated // with the given block pointer (which belongs to the TLF with the // given key metadata). GetEncodedSize(ctx context.Context, kmd libkey.KeyMetadata, blockPtr data.BlockPointer) (uint32, keybase1.BlockStatus, error) // Delete instructs the server to delete the given block references. // It returns the number of not-yet deleted references to // each block reference Delete(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, ptrs []data.BlockPointer) ( liveCounts map[kbfsblock.ID]int, err error) // Archive instructs the server to mark the given block references // as "archived"; that is, they are not being used in the current // view of the folder, and shouldn't be served to anyone other // than folder writers. Archive(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, ptrs []data.BlockPointer) error // GetLiveCount returns the number of "live" // (non-archived, non-deleted) references for each given block. GetLiveCount( ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, ptrs []data.BlockPointer) ( liveCounts map[kbfsblock.ID]int, err error) // TogglePrefetcher activates or deactivates the prefetcher. TogglePrefetcher(enable bool) <-chan struct{} // Prefetcher retrieves this BlockOps' Prefetcher. Prefetcher() Prefetcher // Shutdown shuts down all the workers performing Get operations Shutdown(ctx context.Context) error // contains filtered or unexported methods }
BlockOps gets and puts data blocks to a BlockServer. It performs the necessary crypto operations on each block.
type BlockOpsStandard ¶
type BlockOpsStandard struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
BlockOpsStandard implements the BlockOps interface by relaying requests to the block server.
func NewBlockOpsStandard ¶
func NewBlockOpsStandard( config blockOpsConfig, queueSize, prefetchQueueSize int, throttledPrefetchPeriod time.Duration) *BlockOpsStandard
NewBlockOpsStandard creates a new BlockOpsStandard
func (*BlockOpsStandard) Archive ¶
func (b *BlockOpsStandard) Archive(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, ptrs []data.BlockPointer) error
Archive implements the BlockOps interface for BlockOpsStandard.
func (*BlockOpsStandard) BlockRetriever ¶
func (b *BlockOpsStandard) BlockRetriever() BlockRetriever
BlockRetriever implements the BlockOps interface for BlockOpsStandard.
func (*BlockOpsStandard) Delete ¶
func (b *BlockOpsStandard) Delete(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, ptrs []data.BlockPointer) (liveCounts map[kbfsblock.ID]int, err error)
Delete implements the BlockOps interface for BlockOpsStandard.
func (*BlockOpsStandard) Get ¶
func (b *BlockOpsStandard) Get(ctx context.Context, kmd libkey.KeyMetadata, blockPtr data.BlockPointer, block data.Block, lifetime data.BlockCacheLifetime) error
Get implements the BlockOps interface for BlockOpsStandard.
func (*BlockOpsStandard) GetEncodedSize ¶
func (b *BlockOpsStandard) GetEncodedSize(ctx context.Context, kmd libkey.KeyMetadata, blockPtr data.BlockPointer) (uint32, keybase1.BlockStatus, error)
GetEncodedSize implements the BlockOps interface for BlockOpsStandard.
func (*BlockOpsStandard) GetLiveCount ¶
func (b *BlockOpsStandard) GetLiveCount( ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, ptrs []data.BlockPointer) ( liveCounts map[kbfsblock.ID]int, err error)
GetLiveCount implements the BlockOps interface for BlockOpsStandard.
func (*BlockOpsStandard) Prefetcher ¶
func (b *BlockOpsStandard) Prefetcher() Prefetcher
Prefetcher implements the BlockOps interface for BlockOpsStandard.
func (*BlockOpsStandard) Ready ¶
func (b *BlockOpsStandard) Ready(ctx context.Context, kmd libkey.KeyMetadata, block data.Block) (id kbfsblock.ID, plainSize int, readyBlockData data.ReadyBlockData, err error)
Ready implements the BlockOps interface for BlockOpsStandard.
func (*BlockOpsStandard) Shutdown ¶
func (b *BlockOpsStandard) Shutdown(ctx context.Context) error
Shutdown implements the BlockOps interface for BlockOpsStandard.
func (*BlockOpsStandard) TogglePrefetcher ¶
func (b *BlockOpsStandard) TogglePrefetcher(enable bool) <-chan struct{}
TogglePrefetcher implements the BlockOps interface for BlockOpsStandard.
type BlockRequestAction ¶
type BlockRequestAction int
BlockRequestAction indicates what kind of action should be taken after successfully fetching a block. This is a bit mask filled with `blockRequestFlag`s.
const ( // BlockRequestSolo indicates that no action should take place // after fetching the block. However, a TLF that is configured to // be fully-synced will still be prefetched and synced. BlockRequestSolo BlockRequestAction = 0 // BlockRequestSoloWithSync indicates the the requested block // should be put in the sync cache, but no prefetching should be // triggered. BlockRequestSoloWithSync BlockRequestAction = blockRequestSync // BlockRequestPrefetchTail indicates that the block is being // tracked in the prefetcher, but shouldn't kick off any more // prefetches. BlockRequestPrefetchTail BlockRequestAction = blockRequestTrackedInPrefetch // BlockRequestPrefetchTailWithSync indicates that the block is // being tracked in the prefetcher and goes in the sync cache, but // shouldn't kick off any more prefetches. BlockRequestPrefetchTailWithSync BlockRequestAction = blockRequestTrackedInPrefetch | blockRequestSync // BlockRequestWithPrefetch indicates that a prefetch should be // triggered after fetching the block. If a TLF is configured to // be fully-synced, the block will still be put in the sync cache. BlockRequestWithPrefetch BlockRequestAction = blockRequestTrackedInPrefetch | blockRequestPrefetch // BlockRequestWithSyncAndPrefetch indicates that the block should // be stored in the sync cache after fetching it, as well as // triggering a prefetch of one level of child blocks (and the // syncing doesn't propagate to the child blocks). BlockRequestWithSyncAndPrefetch BlockRequestAction = blockRequestTrackedInPrefetch | blockRequestPrefetch | blockRequestSync // BlockRequestPrefetchUntilFull prefetches starting from the // given block (but does not sync the blocks) until the working // set cache is full, and then it stops prefetching. BlockRequestPrefetchUntilFull BlockRequestAction = blockRequestTrackedInPrefetch | blockRequestPrefetch | blockRequestStopIfFull // BlockRequestWithDeepSync is the same as above, except both the // prefetching and the sync flags propagate to the child, so the // whole tree root at the block is prefetched and synced. BlockRequestWithDeepSync BlockRequestAction = blockRequestTrackedInPrefetch | blockRequestPrefetch | blockRequestSync | blockRequestDeepSync )
func (BlockRequestAction) AddStopIfFull ¶
func (bra BlockRequestAction) AddStopIfFull() BlockRequestAction
AddStopIfFull returns a new action that adds the "stop-if-full" behavior in addition to the original request.
func (BlockRequestAction) AddSync ¶
func (bra BlockRequestAction) AddSync() BlockRequestAction
AddSync returns a new action that adds syncing in addition to the original request. For prefetch requests, it returns a deep-sync request (unlike `Combine`, which just adds the regular sync bit).
func (BlockRequestAction) CacheType ¶
func (bra BlockRequestAction) CacheType() DiskBlockCacheType
CacheType returns the disk block cache type that should be used, according to the type of action.
func (BlockRequestAction) ChildAction ¶
func (bra BlockRequestAction) ChildAction(block data.Block) BlockRequestAction
ChildAction returns the action that should propagate down to any children of this block.
func (BlockRequestAction) Combine ¶
func (bra BlockRequestAction) Combine( other BlockRequestAction) BlockRequestAction
Combine returns a new action by taking `other` into account.
func (BlockRequestAction) DeepPrefetch ¶
func (bra BlockRequestAction) DeepPrefetch() bool
DeepPrefetch returns true if the prefetcher should continue prefetching the children of this block all the way to the leafs of the tree.
func (BlockRequestAction) DeepSync ¶
func (bra BlockRequestAction) DeepSync() bool
DeepSync returns true if the action indicates a deep-syncing of the block tree rooted at the given block.
func (BlockRequestAction) DelayCacheCheck ¶
func (bra BlockRequestAction) DelayCacheCheck() bool
DelayCacheCheck returns true if the disk cache check for a block request should be delayed until the request is being serviced by a block worker, in order to improve the performance of the inline `Request` call.
func (BlockRequestAction) DelayedCacheCheckAction ¶
func (bra BlockRequestAction) DelayedCacheCheckAction() BlockRequestAction
DelayedCacheCheckAction returns a new action that adds the delayed-cache-check feature to `bra`.
func (BlockRequestAction) Prefetch ¶
func (bra BlockRequestAction) Prefetch(block data.Block) bool
Prefetch returns true if the action indicates the block should trigger a prefetch.
func (BlockRequestAction) PrefetchTracked ¶
func (bra BlockRequestAction) PrefetchTracked() bool
PrefetchTracked returns true if this block is being tracked by the prefetcher.
func (BlockRequestAction) SoloAction ¶
func (bra BlockRequestAction) SoloAction() BlockRequestAction
SoloAction returns a solo-fetch action based on `bra` (e.g., preserving the sync bit but nothing else).
func (BlockRequestAction) StopIfFull ¶
func (bra BlockRequestAction) StopIfFull() bool
StopIfFull returns true if prefetching should stop for good (i.e., not get rescheduled) when the corresponding disk cache is full.
func (BlockRequestAction) String ¶
func (bra BlockRequestAction) String() string
func (BlockRequestAction) Sync ¶
func (bra BlockRequestAction) Sync() bool
Sync returns true if the action indicates the block should go into the sync cache.
func (BlockRequestAction) WithoutDelayedCacheCheckAction ¶
func (bra BlockRequestAction) WithoutDelayedCacheCheckAction() BlockRequestAction
WithoutDelayedCacheCheckAction returns a new action that strips the delayed-cache-check feature from `bra`.
type BlockRetriever ¶
type BlockRetriever interface { // Request retrieves blocks asynchronously. `action` determines // what happens after the block is fetched successfully. Request(ctx context.Context, priority int, kmd libkey.KeyMetadata, ptr data.BlockPointer, block data.Block, lifetime data.BlockCacheLifetime, action BlockRequestAction) <-chan error // PutInCaches puts the block into the in-memory cache, and ensures that // the disk cache metadata is updated. PutInCaches(ctx context.Context, ptr data.BlockPointer, tlfID tlf.ID, block data.Block, lifetime data.BlockCacheLifetime, prefetchStatus PrefetchStatus, cacheType DiskBlockCacheType) error // TogglePrefetcher creates a new prefetcher. TogglePrefetcher(enable bool, syncCh <-chan struct{}, doneCh chan<- struct{}) <-chan struct{} }
BlockRetriever specifies how to retrieve blocks.
type BlockServer ¶
type BlockServer interface { // Get gets the (encrypted) block data associated with the given // block ID and context, uses the provided block key to decrypt // the block, and fills in the provided block object with its // contents, if the logged-in user has read permission for that // block. Get(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, id kbfsblock.ID, context kbfsblock.Context, cacheType DiskBlockCacheType) ( []byte, kbfscrypto.BlockCryptKeyServerHalf, error) // GetEncodedSize gets the encoded size of the block associated // with the given block pointer (which belongs to the TLF with the // given key metadata). GetEncodedSize( ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, id kbfsblock.ID, context kbfsblock.Context) (uint32, keybase1.BlockStatus, error) // Put stores the (encrypted) block data under the given ID // and context on the server, along with the server half of // the block key. context should contain a kbfsblock.RefNonce // of zero. There will be an initial reference for this block // for the given context. // // Put should be idempotent, although it should also return an // error if, for a given ID, any of the other arguments differ // from previous Put calls with the same ID. // // If this returns a kbfsblock.ServerErrorOverQuota, with // Throttled=false, the caller can treat it as informational // and otherwise ignore the error. Put(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, id kbfsblock.ID, context kbfsblock.Context, buf []byte, serverHalf kbfscrypto.BlockCryptKeyServerHalf, cacheType DiskBlockCacheType) error // PutAgain re-stores a previously deleted block under the same ID // with the same data. PutAgain(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, id kbfsblock.ID, context kbfsblock.Context, buf []byte, serverHalf kbfscrypto.BlockCryptKeyServerHalf, cacheType DiskBlockCacheType) error // AddBlockReference adds a new reference to the given block, // defined by the given context (which should contain a // non-zero kbfsblock.RefNonce). (Contexts with a // kbfsblock.RefNonce of zero should be used when putting the // block for the first time via Put().) Returns a // kbfsblock.ServerErrorBlockNonExistent if id is unknown within this // folder. // // AddBlockReference should be idempotent, although it should // also return an error if, for a given ID and refnonce, any // of the other fields of context differ from previous // AddBlockReference calls with the same ID and refnonce. // // If this returns a kbfsblock.ServerErrorOverQuota, with // Throttled=false, the caller can treat it as informational // and otherwise ignore the error. AddBlockReference(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, id kbfsblock.ID, context kbfsblock.Context) error // RemoveBlockReferences removes the references to the given block // ID defined by the given contexts. If no references to the block // remain after this call, the server is allowed to delete the // corresponding block permanently. If the reference defined by // the count has already been removed, the call is a no-op. // It returns the number of remaining not-yet-deleted references after this // reference has been removed RemoveBlockReferences(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, contexts kbfsblock.ContextMap) (liveCounts map[kbfsblock.ID]int, err error) // ArchiveBlockReferences marks the given block references as // "archived"; that is, they are not being used in the current // view of the folder, and shouldn't be served to anyone other // than folder writers. // // For a given ID/refnonce pair, ArchiveBlockReferences should // be idempotent, although it should also return an error if // any of the other fields of the context differ from previous // calls with the same ID/refnonce pair. ArchiveBlockReferences(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, contexts kbfsblock.ContextMap) error // GetLiveBlockReferences returns the number of "live" // (non-archived, non-deleted) references for each given block. GetLiveBlockReferences(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, contexts kbfsblock.ContextMap) ( liveCounts map[kbfsblock.ID]int, err error) // IsUnflushed returns whether a given block is being queued // locally for later flushing to another block server. If the // block is currently being flushed to the server, this should // return `true`, so that the caller will try to clean it up from // the server if it's no longer needed. IsUnflushed(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, id kbfsblock.ID) ( bool, error) // Shutdown is called to shutdown a BlockServer connection. Shutdown(ctx context.Context) // GetUserQuotaInfo returns the quota for the logged-in user. GetUserQuotaInfo(ctx context.Context) (info *kbfsblock.QuotaInfo, err error) // GetTeamQuotaInfo returns the quota for a team. GetTeamQuotaInfo(ctx context.Context, tid keybase1.TeamID) ( info *kbfsblock.QuotaInfo, err error) // contains filtered or unexported methods }
BlockServer gets and puts opaque data blocks. The instantiation should be able to fetch session/user details via KBPKI. On a put/delete, the server is reponsible for: 1) checking that the ID matches the hash of the buffer; and 2) enforcing writer quotas.
func MakeTestBlockServerOrBust ¶
func MakeTestBlockServerOrBust(t logger.TestLogBackend, c *ConfigLocal, config blockServerRemoteConfig, rpcLogFactory rpc.LogFactory) BlockServer
MakeTestBlockServerOrBust makes a block server from the given arguments and environment variables.
type BlockServerDisk ¶
type BlockServerDisk struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
BlockServerDisk implements the BlockServer interface by just storing blocks in a local disk store.
func NewBlockServerDir ¶
NewBlockServerDir constructs a new BlockServerDisk that stores its data in the given directory.
func NewBlockServerTempDir ¶
NewBlockServerTempDir constructs a new BlockServerDisk that stores its data in a temp directory which is cleaned up on shutdown.
func (*BlockServerDisk) AddBlockReference ¶
func (b *BlockServerDisk) AddBlockReference(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, id kbfsblock.ID, context kbfsblock.Context) error
AddBlockReference implements the BlockServer interface for BlockServerDisk.
func (*BlockServerDisk) ArchiveBlockReferences ¶
func (b *BlockServerDisk) ArchiveBlockReferences(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, contexts kbfsblock.ContextMap) (err error)
ArchiveBlockReferences implements the BlockServer interface for BlockServerDisk.
func (*BlockServerDisk) Get ¶
func (b *BlockServerDisk) Get( ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, id kbfsblock.ID, context kbfsblock.Context, _ DiskBlockCacheType) ( data []byte, serverHalf kbfscrypto.BlockCryptKeyServerHalf, err error)
Get implements the BlockServer interface for BlockServerDisk.
func (*BlockServerDisk) GetEncodedSize ¶
func (b *BlockServerDisk) GetEncodedSize( ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, id kbfsblock.ID, context kbfsblock.Context) ( size uint32, status keybase1.BlockStatus, err error)
GetEncodedSize implements the BlockServer interface for BlockServerDisk.
func (*BlockServerDisk) GetLiveBlockReferences ¶
func (b *BlockServerDisk) GetLiveBlockReferences( ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, contexts kbfsblock.ContextMap) ( liveCounts map[kbfsblock.ID]int, err error)
GetLiveBlockReferences implements the BlockServer interface for BlockServerDisk.
func (*BlockServerDisk) GetTeamQuotaInfo ¶
func (b *BlockServerDisk) GetTeamQuotaInfo( ctx context.Context, _ keybase1.TeamID) ( info *kbfsblock.QuotaInfo, err error)
GetTeamQuotaInfo implements the BlockServer interface for BlockServerDisk.
func (*BlockServerDisk) GetUserQuotaInfo ¶
func (b *BlockServerDisk) GetUserQuotaInfo(ctx context.Context) (info *kbfsblock.QuotaInfo, err error)
GetUserQuotaInfo implements the BlockServer interface for BlockServerDisk.
func (*BlockServerDisk) IsUnflushed ¶
func (b *BlockServerDisk) IsUnflushed(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, _ kbfsblock.ID) (bool, error)
IsUnflushed implements the BlockServer interface for BlockServerDisk.
func (*BlockServerDisk) Put ¶
func (b *BlockServerDisk) Put( ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, id kbfsblock.ID, context kbfsblock.Context, buf []byte, serverHalf kbfscrypto.BlockCryptKeyServerHalf, _ DiskBlockCacheType) (err error)
Put implements the BlockServer interface for BlockServerDisk.
func (*BlockServerDisk) PutAgain ¶
func (b *BlockServerDisk) PutAgain( ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, id kbfsblock.ID, context kbfsblock.Context, buf []byte, serverHalf kbfscrypto.BlockCryptKeyServerHalf, _ DiskBlockCacheType) (err error)
PutAgain implements the BlockServer interface for BlockServerDisk.
func (*BlockServerDisk) RefreshAuthToken ¶
func (b *BlockServerDisk) RefreshAuthToken(_ context.Context)
RefreshAuthToken implements the BlockServer interface for BlockServerDisk.
func (*BlockServerDisk) RemoveBlockReferences ¶
func (b *BlockServerDisk) RemoveBlockReferences(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, contexts kbfsblock.ContextMap) ( liveCounts map[kbfsblock.ID]int, err error)
RemoveBlockReferences implements the BlockServer interface for BlockServerDisk.
func (*BlockServerDisk) Shutdown ¶
func (b *BlockServerDisk) Shutdown(ctx context.Context)
Shutdown implements the BlockServer interface for BlockServerDisk.
type BlockServerMeasured ¶
type BlockServerMeasured struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
BlockServerMeasured delegates to another BlockServer instance but also keeps track of stats.
func NewBlockServerMeasured ¶
func NewBlockServerMeasured(delegate BlockServer, r metrics.Registry) BlockServerMeasured
NewBlockServerMeasured creates and returns a new BlockServerMeasured instance with the given delegate and registry.
func (BlockServerMeasured) AddBlockReference ¶
func (b BlockServerMeasured) AddBlockReference(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, id kbfsblock.ID, context kbfsblock.Context) (err error)
AddBlockReference implements the BlockServer interface for BlockServerMeasured.
func (BlockServerMeasured) ArchiveBlockReferences ¶
func (b BlockServerMeasured) ArchiveBlockReferences(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, contexts kbfsblock.ContextMap) (err error)
ArchiveBlockReferences implements the BlockServer interface for BlockServerMeasured.
func (BlockServerMeasured) Get ¶
func (b BlockServerMeasured) Get( ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, id kbfsblock.ID, context kbfsblock.Context, cacheType DiskBlockCacheType) ( buf []byte, serverHalf kbfscrypto.BlockCryptKeyServerHalf, err error)
Get implements the BlockServer interface for BlockServerMeasured.
func (BlockServerMeasured) GetEncodedSize ¶
func (b BlockServerMeasured) GetEncodedSize( ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, id kbfsblock.ID, context kbfsblock.Context) ( size uint32, status keybase1.BlockStatus, err error)
GetEncodedSize implements the BlockServer interface for BlockServerMeasured.
func (BlockServerMeasured) GetLiveBlockReferences ¶
func (b BlockServerMeasured) GetLiveBlockReferences( ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, contexts kbfsblock.ContextMap) ( liveCounts map[kbfsblock.ID]int, err error)
GetLiveBlockReferences implements the BlockServer interface for BlockServerMeasured.
func (BlockServerMeasured) GetTeamQuotaInfo ¶
func (b BlockServerMeasured) GetTeamQuotaInfo( ctx context.Context, tid keybase1.TeamID) ( info *kbfsblock.QuotaInfo, err error)
GetTeamQuotaInfo implements the BlockServer interface for BlockServerMeasured
func (BlockServerMeasured) GetUserQuotaInfo ¶
func (b BlockServerMeasured) GetUserQuotaInfo(ctx context.Context) (info *kbfsblock.QuotaInfo, err error)
GetUserQuotaInfo implements the BlockServer interface for BlockServerMeasured
func (BlockServerMeasured) IsUnflushed ¶
func (b BlockServerMeasured) IsUnflushed(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, id kbfsblock.ID) (isUnflushed bool, err error)
IsUnflushed implements the BlockServer interface for BlockServerMeasured.
func (BlockServerMeasured) Put ¶
func (b BlockServerMeasured) Put( ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, id kbfsblock.ID, context kbfsblock.Context, buf []byte, serverHalf kbfscrypto.BlockCryptKeyServerHalf, cacheType DiskBlockCacheType) (err error)
Put implements the BlockServer interface for BlockServerMeasured.
func (BlockServerMeasured) PutAgain ¶
func (b BlockServerMeasured) PutAgain( ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, id kbfsblock.ID, context kbfsblock.Context, buf []byte, serverHalf kbfscrypto.BlockCryptKeyServerHalf, cacheType DiskBlockCacheType) (err error)
PutAgain implements the BlockServer interface for BlockServerMeasured.
func (BlockServerMeasured) RefreshAuthToken ¶
func (b BlockServerMeasured) RefreshAuthToken(ctx context.Context)
RefreshAuthToken implements the BlockServer interface for BlockServerMeasured.
func (BlockServerMeasured) RemoveBlockReferences ¶
func (b BlockServerMeasured) RemoveBlockReferences(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, contexts kbfsblock.ContextMap) ( liveCounts map[kbfsblock.ID]int, err error)
RemoveBlockReferences implements the BlockServer interface for BlockServerMeasured.
func (BlockServerMeasured) Shutdown ¶
func (b BlockServerMeasured) Shutdown(ctx context.Context)
Shutdown implements the BlockServer interface for BlockServerMeasured.
type BlockServerMemory ¶
type BlockServerMemory struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
BlockServerMemory implements the BlockServer interface by just storing blocks in memory.
func NewBlockServerMemory ¶
func NewBlockServerMemory(log logger.Logger) *BlockServerMemory
NewBlockServerMemory constructs a new BlockServerMemory that stores its data in memory.
func (*BlockServerMemory) AddBlockReference ¶
func (b *BlockServerMemory) AddBlockReference(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, id kbfsblock.ID, context kbfsblock.Context) (err error)
AddBlockReference implements the BlockServer interface for BlockServerMemory.
func (*BlockServerMemory) ArchiveBlockReferences ¶
func (b *BlockServerMemory) ArchiveBlockReferences(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, contexts kbfsblock.ContextMap) (err error)
ArchiveBlockReferences implements the BlockServer interface for BlockServerMemory.
func (*BlockServerMemory) Get ¶
func (b *BlockServerMemory) Get( ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, id kbfsblock.ID, context kbfsblock.Context, _ DiskBlockCacheType) ( data []byte, serverHalf kbfscrypto.BlockCryptKeyServerHalf, err error)
Get implements the BlockServer interface for BlockServerMemory.
func (*BlockServerMemory) GetEncodedSize ¶
func (b *BlockServerMemory) GetEncodedSize( ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, id kbfsblock.ID, context kbfsblock.Context) ( size uint32, status keybase1.BlockStatus, err error)
GetEncodedSize implements the BlockServer interface for BlockServerDisk.
func (*BlockServerMemory) GetLiveBlockReferences ¶
func (b *BlockServerMemory) GetLiveBlockReferences( ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, contexts kbfsblock.ContextMap) ( liveCounts map[kbfsblock.ID]int, err error)
GetLiveBlockReferences implements the BlockServer interface for BlockServerMemory.
func (*BlockServerMemory) GetTeamQuotaInfo ¶
func (b *BlockServerMemory) GetTeamQuotaInfo( ctx context.Context, _ keybase1.TeamID) ( info *kbfsblock.QuotaInfo, err error)
GetTeamQuotaInfo implements the BlockServer interface for BlockServerMemory.
func (*BlockServerMemory) GetUserQuotaInfo ¶
func (b *BlockServerMemory) GetUserQuotaInfo(ctx context.Context) (info *kbfsblock.QuotaInfo, err error)
GetUserQuotaInfo implements the BlockServer interface for BlockServerMemory.
func (*BlockServerMemory) IsUnflushed ¶
func (b *BlockServerMemory) IsUnflushed(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, _ kbfsblock.ID) (bool, error)
IsUnflushed implements the BlockServer interface for BlockServerMemory.
func (*BlockServerMemory) Put ¶
func (b *BlockServerMemory) Put( ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, id kbfsblock.ID, context kbfsblock.Context, buf []byte, serverHalf kbfscrypto.BlockCryptKeyServerHalf, _ DiskBlockCacheType) (err error)
Put implements the BlockServer interface for BlockServerMemory.
func (*BlockServerMemory) PutAgain ¶
func (b *BlockServerMemory) PutAgain( ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, id kbfsblock.ID, context kbfsblock.Context, buf []byte, serverHalf kbfscrypto.BlockCryptKeyServerHalf, _ DiskBlockCacheType) (err error)
PutAgain implements the BlockServer interface for BlockServerMemory.
func (*BlockServerMemory) RefreshAuthToken ¶
func (b *BlockServerMemory) RefreshAuthToken(_ context.Context)
RefreshAuthToken implements the BlockServer interface for BlockServerMemory.
func (*BlockServerMemory) RemoveBlockReferences ¶
func (b *BlockServerMemory) RemoveBlockReferences(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, contexts kbfsblock.ContextMap) ( liveCounts map[kbfsblock.ID]int, err error)
RemoveBlockReferences implements the BlockServer interface for BlockServerMemory.
func (*BlockServerMemory) Shutdown ¶
func (b *BlockServerMemory) Shutdown(ctx context.Context)
Shutdown implements the BlockServer interface for BlockServerMemory.
type BlockServerRemote ¶
type BlockServerRemote struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
BlockServerRemote implements the BlockServer interface and represents a remote KBFS block server.
func NewBlockServerRemote ¶
func NewBlockServerRemote(kbCtx Context, config blockServerRemoteConfig, blkSrvRemote rpc.Remote, rpcLogFactory rpc.LogFactory) *BlockServerRemote
NewBlockServerRemote constructs a new BlockServerRemote for the given address.
func (*BlockServerRemote) AddBlockReference ¶
func (b *BlockServerRemote) AddBlockReference(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, id kbfsblock.ID, context kbfsblock.Context) (err error)
AddBlockReference implements the BlockServer interface for BlockServerRemote
func (*BlockServerRemote) ArchiveBlockReferences ¶
func (b *BlockServerRemote) ArchiveBlockReferences(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, contexts kbfsblock.ContextMap) (err error)
ArchiveBlockReferences implements the BlockServer interface for BlockServerRemote
func (*BlockServerRemote) Get ¶
func (b *BlockServerRemote) Get( ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, id kbfsblock.ID, context kbfsblock.Context, cacheType DiskBlockCacheType) ( buf []byte, serverHalf kbfscrypto.BlockCryptKeyServerHalf, err error)
Get implements the BlockServer interface for BlockServerRemote.
func (*BlockServerRemote) GetEncodedSize ¶
func (b *BlockServerRemote) GetEncodedSize( ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, id kbfsblock.ID, context kbfsblock.Context) ( size uint32, status keybase1.BlockStatus, err error)
GetEncodedSize implements the BlockServer interface for BlockServerRemote.
func (*BlockServerRemote) GetLiveBlockReferences ¶
func (b *BlockServerRemote) GetLiveBlockReferences( ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, contexts kbfsblock.ContextMap) ( liveCounts map[kbfsblock.ID]int, err error)
GetLiveBlockReferences implements the BlockServer interface for BlockServerRemote.
func (*BlockServerRemote) GetTeamQuotaInfo ¶
func (b *BlockServerRemote) GetTeamQuotaInfo( ctx context.Context, tid keybase1.TeamID) ( info *kbfsblock.QuotaInfo, err error)
GetTeamQuotaInfo implements the BlockServer interface for BlockServerRemote
func (*BlockServerRemote) GetUserQuotaInfo ¶
func (b *BlockServerRemote) GetUserQuotaInfo(ctx context.Context) (info *kbfsblock.QuotaInfo, err error)
GetUserQuotaInfo implements the BlockServer interface for BlockServerRemote
func (*BlockServerRemote) IsUnflushed ¶
func (b *BlockServerRemote) IsUnflushed( _ context.Context, _ tlf.ID, _ kbfsblock.ID) ( bool, error)
IsUnflushed implements the BlockServer interface for BlockServerRemote.
func (*BlockServerRemote) Put ¶
func (b *BlockServerRemote) Put( ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, id kbfsblock.ID, bContext kbfsblock.Context, buf []byte, serverHalf kbfscrypto.BlockCryptKeyServerHalf, cacheType DiskBlockCacheType) (err error)
Put implements the BlockServer interface for BlockServerRemote.
func (*BlockServerRemote) PutAgain ¶
func (b *BlockServerRemote) PutAgain( ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, id kbfsblock.ID, bContext kbfsblock.Context, buf []byte, serverHalf kbfscrypto.BlockCryptKeyServerHalf, cacheType DiskBlockCacheType) (err error)
PutAgain implements the BlockServer interface for BlockServerRemote
func (*BlockServerRemote) RefreshAuthToken ¶
func (b *BlockServerRemote) RefreshAuthToken(ctx context.Context)
RefreshAuthToken implements the AuthTokenRefreshHandler interface.
func (*BlockServerRemote) RemoteAddress ¶
func (b *BlockServerRemote) RemoteAddress() string
RemoteAddress returns the remote bserver this client is talking to
func (*BlockServerRemote) RemoveBlockReferences ¶
func (b *BlockServerRemote) RemoveBlockReferences(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, contexts kbfsblock.ContextMap) (liveCounts map[kbfsblock.ID]int, err error)
RemoveBlockReferences implements the BlockServer interface for BlockServerRemote
func (*BlockServerRemote) Shutdown ¶
func (b *BlockServerRemote) Shutdown(ctx context.Context)
Shutdown implements the BlockServer interface for BlockServerRemote.
type CRWrapError ¶
type CRWrapError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CRWrapError wraps an error that happens during conflict resolution.
func (CRWrapError) Error ¶
func (e CRWrapError) Error() string
Error implements the error interface for CRWrapError.
type Chat ¶
type Chat interface { // GetConversationID returns the chat conversation ID associated // with the given TLF name, type, chat type and channel name. GetConversationID( ctx context.Context, tlfName tlf.CanonicalName, tlfType tlf.Type, channelName string, chatType chat1.TopicType) ( chat1.ConversationID, error) // SendTextMessage (asynchronously) sends a text chat message to // the given conversation and channel. SendTextMessage( ctx context.Context, tlfName tlf.CanonicalName, tlfType tlf.Type, convID chat1.ConversationID, body string) error // GetGroupedInbox returns the TLFs with the most-recent chat // messages of the given type, up to `maxChats` of them. GetGroupedInbox( ctx context.Context, chatType chat1.TopicType, maxChats int) ( []*tlfhandle.Handle, error) // GetChannels returns a list of all the channels for a given // chat. The entries in `convIDs` and `channelNames` have a 1-to-1 // correspondence. GetChannels( ctx context.Context, tlfName tlf.CanonicalName, tlfType tlf.Type, chatType chat1.TopicType) ( convIDs []chat1.ConversationID, channelNames []string, err error) // ReadChannel returns a set of text messages from a channel, and // a `nextPage` pointer to the following set of messages. If the // given `startPage` is non-nil, it's used to specify the starting // point for the set of messages returned. ReadChannel( ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, startPage []byte) ( messages []string, nextPage []byte, err error) // RegisterForMessages registers a callback that will be called // for each new messages that reaches convID. RegisterForMessages(convID chat1.ConversationID, cb ChatChannelNewMessageCB) // ClearCache is called to force this instance to forget // everything it might have cached, e.g. when a user logs out. ClearCache() }
Chat specifies a minimal interface for Keybase chatting.
type ChatChannelNewMessageCB ¶
type ChatChannelNewMessageCB func(convID chat1.ConversationID, body string)
ChatChannelNewMessageCB is a callback function that can be called when there's a new message on a given conversation.
type ChatRPC ¶
type ChatRPC struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ChatRPC is an RPC based implementation for chat.
func NewChatRPC ¶
NewChatRPC constructs a new RPC based chat implementation.
func (*ChatRPC) ChatAttachmentUploadProgress ¶
func (c *ChatRPC) ChatAttachmentUploadProgress( _ context.Context, _ chat1.ChatAttachmentUploadProgressArg) error
ChatAttachmentUploadProgress implements the chat1.NotifyChatInterface for ChatRPC.
func (*ChatRPC) ChatAttachmentUploadStart ¶
func (c *ChatRPC) ChatAttachmentUploadStart( _ context.Context, _ chat1.ChatAttachmentUploadStartArg) error
ChatAttachmentUploadStart implements the chat1.NotifyChatInterface for ChatRPC.
func (*ChatRPC) ChatIdentifyUpdate ¶
func (c *ChatRPC) ChatIdentifyUpdate( _ context.Context, _ keybase1.CanonicalTLFNameAndIDWithBreaks) error
ChatIdentifyUpdate implements the chat1.NotifyChatInterface for ChatRPC.
func (*ChatRPC) ChatInboxStale ¶
ChatInboxStale implements the chat1.NotifyChatInterface for ChatRPC.
func (*ChatRPC) ChatInboxSyncStarted ¶
ChatInboxSyncStarted implements the chat1.NotifyChatInterface for ChatRPC.
func (*ChatRPC) ChatInboxSynced ¶
ChatInboxSynced implements the chat1.NotifyChatInterface for ChatRPC.
func (*ChatRPC) ChatJoinedConversation ¶
func (c *ChatRPC) ChatJoinedConversation( _ context.Context, _ chat1.ChatJoinedConversationArg) error
ChatJoinedConversation implements the chat1.NotifyChatInterface for ChatRPC.
func (*ChatRPC) ChatKBFSToImpteamUpgrade ¶
func (c *ChatRPC) ChatKBFSToImpteamUpgrade( _ context.Context, _ chat1.ChatKBFSToImpteamUpgradeArg) error
ChatKBFSToImpteamUpgrade implements the chat1.NotifyChatInterface for ChatRPC.
func (*ChatRPC) ChatLeftConversation ¶
ChatLeftConversation implements the chat1.NotifyChatInterface for ChatRPC.
func (*ChatRPC) ChatPaymentInfo ¶
ChatPaymentInfo implements the chat1.NotifyChatInterface for ChatRPC.
func (*ChatRPC) ChatPromptUnfurl ¶
ChatPromptUnfurl implements the chat1.NotifyChatInterface for ChatRPC.
func (*ChatRPC) ChatRequestInfo ¶
ChatRequestInfo implements the chat1.NotifyChatInterface for ChatRPC.
func (*ChatRPC) ChatResetConversation ¶
ChatResetConversation implements the chat1.NotifyChatInterface for ChatRPC.
func (*ChatRPC) ChatSetConvRetention ¶
ChatSetConvRetention implements the chat1.NotifyChatInterface for ChatRPC.
func (*ChatRPC) ChatSetConvSettings ¶
ChatSetConvSettings implements the chat1.NotifyChatInterface for ChatRPC.
func (*ChatRPC) ChatSetTeamRetention ¶
ChatSetTeamRetention implements the chat1.NotifyChatInterface for ChatRPC.
func (*ChatRPC) ChatSubteamRename ¶
ChatSubteamRename implements the chat1.NotifyChatInterface for ChatRPC.
func (*ChatRPC) ChatTLFFinalize ¶
ChatTLFFinalize implements the chat1.NotifyChatInterface for ChatRPC.
func (*ChatRPC) ChatTLFResolve ¶
ChatTLFResolve implements the chat1.NotifyChatInterface for ChatRPC.
func (*ChatRPC) ChatThreadsStale ¶
ChatThreadsStale implements the chat1.NotifyChatInterface for ChatRPC.
func (*ChatRPC) ChatTypingUpdate ¶
ChatTypingUpdate implements the chat1.NotifyChatInterface for ChatRPC.
func (*ChatRPC) ClearCache ¶
func (c *ChatRPC) ClearCache()
ClearCache implements the Chat interface.
func (*ChatRPC) GetChannels ¶
func (c *ChatRPC) GetChannels( ctx context.Context, tlfName tlf.CanonicalName, tlfType tlf.Type, chatType chat1.TopicType) ( convIDs []chat1.ConversationID, channelNames []string, err error)
GetChannels implements the Chat interface.
func (*ChatRPC) GetConversationID ¶
func (c *ChatRPC) GetConversationID( ctx context.Context, tlfName tlf.CanonicalName, tlfType tlf.Type, channelName string, chatType chat1.TopicType) ( chat1.ConversationID, error)
GetConversationID implements the Chat interface.
func (*ChatRPC) GetGroupedInbox ¶
func (c *ChatRPC) GetGroupedInbox( ctx context.Context, chatType chat1.TopicType, maxChats int) ( results []*tlfhandle.Handle, err error)
GetGroupedInbox implements the Chat interface.
func (*ChatRPC) HandlerName ¶
HandlerName implements the ConnectionHandler interface.
func (*ChatRPC) NewChatActivity ¶
NewChatActivity implements the chat1.NotifyChatInterface for ChatRPC.
func (*ChatRPC) OnConnect ¶
func (c *ChatRPC) OnConnect(ctx context.Context, conn *rpc.Connection, _ rpc.GenericClient, server *rpc.Server) error
OnConnect implements the ConnectionHandler interface.
func (*ChatRPC) OnConnectError ¶
OnConnectError implements the ConnectionHandler interface.
func (*ChatRPC) OnDisconnected ¶
func (c *ChatRPC) OnDisconnected(_ context.Context, status rpc.DisconnectStatus)
OnDisconnected implements the ConnectionHandler interface.
func (*ChatRPC) OnDoCommandError ¶
OnDoCommandError implements the ConnectionHandler interface.
func (*ChatRPC) ReadChannel ¶
func (c *ChatRPC) ReadChannel( ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, startPage []byte) ( messages []string, nextPage []byte, err error)
ReadChannel implements the Chat interface.
func (*ChatRPC) RegisterForMessages ¶
func (c *ChatRPC) RegisterForMessages( convID chat1.ConversationID, cb ChatChannelNewMessageCB)
RegisterForMessages implements the Chat interface.
func (*ChatRPC) SendTextMessage ¶
func (c *ChatRPC) SendTextMessage( ctx context.Context, tlfName tlf.CanonicalName, tlfType tlf.Type, convID chat1.ConversationID, body string) error
SendTextMessage implements the Chat interface.
func (*ChatRPC) ShouldRetry ¶
ShouldRetry implements the ConnectionHandler interface.
func (*ChatRPC) ShouldRetryOnConnect ¶
ShouldRetryOnConnect implements the ConnectionHandler interface.
type CoalescingContext ¶
CoalescingContext allows many contexts to be treated as one. It waits on all its contexts' Context.Done() channels, and when all of them have returned, this CoalescingContext is canceled. At any point, a context can be added to the list, and will subsequently also be part of the wait condition. TODO: add timeout channel in case there is a goroutine leak.
func NewCoalescingContext ¶
func NewCoalescingContext(parent context.Context) (*CoalescingContext, context.CancelFunc)
NewCoalescingContext creates a new CoalescingContext. The context _must_ be canceled to avoid a goroutine leak.
func (*CoalescingContext) AddContext ¶
func (ctx *CoalescingContext) AddContext(other context.Context) error
AddContext adds a context to the set of contexts that we're waiting on.
func (*CoalescingContext) Deadline ¶
func (ctx *CoalescingContext) Deadline() (time.Time, bool)
Deadline overrides the default parent's Deadline().
func (*CoalescingContext) Done ¶
func (ctx *CoalescingContext) Done() <-chan struct{}
Done returns a channel that is closed when the CoalescingContext is canceled.
func (*CoalescingContext) Err ¶
func (ctx *CoalescingContext) Err() error
Err returns context.Canceled if the CoalescingContext has been canceled, and nil otherwise.
type Config ¶
type Config interface { data.Versioner SetMode(mode InitMode) Tracer KBFSOps() KBFSOps SetKBFSOps(KBFSOps) KBPKI() KBPKI SetKBPKI(KBPKI) KeyManager() KeyManager SetKeyManager(KeyManager) SetReporter(Reporter) MDCache() MDCache SetMDCache(MDCache) KeyCache() KeyCache SetKeyBundleCache(kbfsmd.KeyBundleCache) KeyBundleCache() kbfsmd.KeyBundleCache SetKeyCache(KeyCache) SetBlockCache(data.BlockCache) DirtyBlockCache() data.DirtyBlockCache SetDirtyBlockCache(data.DirtyBlockCache) SetCrypto(Crypto) SetChat(Chat) SetCodec(kbfscodec.Codec) MDOps() MDOps SetMDOps(MDOps) KeyOps() libkey.KeyOps SetKeyOps(libkey.KeyOps) SetBlockOps(BlockOps) MDServer() MDServer SetMDServer(MDServer) SetBlockServer(BlockServer) KeyServer() libkey.KeyServer SetKeyServer(libkey.KeyServer) KeybaseService() KeybaseService SetKeybaseService(KeybaseService) BlockSplitter() data.BlockSplitter SetBlockSplitter(data.BlockSplitter) Notifier() Notifier SetNotifier(Notifier) SetClock(Clock) ConflictRenamer() ConflictRenamer SetConflictRenamer(ConflictRenamer) UserHistory() *kbfsedits.UserHistory SetUserHistory(*kbfsedits.UserHistory) MetadataVersion() kbfsmd.MetadataVer SetMetadataVersion(kbfsmd.MetadataVer) SetBlockCryptVersion(kbfscrypto.EncryptionVer) DefaultBlockType() keybase1.BlockType SetDefaultBlockType(blockType keybase1.BlockType) // GetConflictResolutionDB gets the levelDB in which conflict resolution // status is stored. GetConflictResolutionDB() (db *LevelDb) RekeyQueue() RekeyQueue SetRekeyQueue(RekeyQueue) // ReqsBufSize indicates the number of read or write operations // that can be buffered per folder ReqsBufSize() int // MaxNameBytes indicates the maximum supported size of a // directory entry name in bytes. MaxNameBytes() uint32 // DoBackgroundFlushes says whether we should periodically try to // flush dirty files, even without a sync from the user. Should // be true except for during some testing. DoBackgroundFlushes() bool SetDoBackgroundFlushes(bool) // RekeyWithPromptWaitTime indicates how long to wait, after // setting the rekey bit, before prompting for a paper key. RekeyWithPromptWaitTime() time.Duration SetRekeyWithPromptWaitTime(time.Duration) // PrefetchStatus returns the prefetch status of a block. PrefetchStatus(context.Context, tlf.ID, data.BlockPointer) PrefetchStatus // GracePeriod specifies a grace period for which a delayed cancellation // waits before actual cancels the context. This is useful for giving // critical portion of a slow remote operation some extra time to finish as // an effort to avoid conflicting. Example include an O_EXCL Create call // interrupted by ALRM signal actually makes it to the server, while // application assumes not since EINTR is returned. A delayed cancellation // allows us to distinguish between successful cancel (where remote operation // didn't make to server) or failed cancel (where remote operation made to // the server). However, the optimal value of this depends on the network // conditions. A long grace period for really good network condition would // just unnecessarily slow down Ctrl-C. // // TODO: make this adaptive and self-change over time based on network // conditions. DelayedCancellationGracePeriod() time.Duration SetDelayedCancellationGracePeriod(time.Duration) // ResetCaches clears and re-initializes all data and key caches. ResetCaches() // StorageRoot returns the path to the storage root for this config. StorageRoot() string // MetricsRegistry may be nil, which should be interpreted as // not using metrics at all. (i.e., as if UseNilMetrics were // set). This differs from how go-metrics treats nil Registry // objects, which is to use the default registry. MetricsRegistry() metrics.Registry SetMetricsRegistry(metrics.Registry) // SetTraceOptions set the options for tracing (via x/net/trace). SetTraceOptions(enabled bool) // TLFValidDuration is the time TLFs are valid before identification needs to be redone. TLFValidDuration() time.Duration // SetTLFValidDuration sets TLFValidDuration. SetTLFValidDuration(time.Duration) // BGFlushDirOpBatchSize returns the directory op batch size for // background flushes. BGFlushDirOpBatchSize() int // SetBGFlushDirOpBatchSize sets the directory op batch size for // background flushes. SetBGFlushDirOpBatchSize(s int) // BGFlushPeriod returns how long to wait for a batch to fill up // before syncing a set of changes to the servers. BGFlushPeriod() time.Duration // SetBGFlushPeriod sets how long to wait for a batch to fill up // before syncing a set of changes to the servers. SetBGFlushPeriod(p time.Duration) // Shutdown is called to free config resources. Shutdown(context.Context) error // CheckStateOnShutdown tells the caller whether or not it is safe // to check the state of the system on shutdown. CheckStateOnShutdown() bool // GetRekeyFSMLimiter returns the global rekey FSM limiter. GetRekeyFSMLimiter() *OngoingWorkLimiter // RootNodeWrappers returns the set of root node wrapper functions // that will be applied to each newly-created root node. RootNodeWrappers() []func(Node) Node // AddRootNodeWrapper adds a new wrapper function that will be // applied whenever a root Node is created. This will only apply // to TLFs that are first accessed after `AddRootNodeWrapper` is // called. AddRootNodeWrapper(func(Node) Node) // SetVLogLevel sets the vdebug level for all logs. The possible // strings are hard-coded in go/libkb/vdebug.go, but include // "mobile", "vlog1", "vlog2", etc. SetVLogLevel(levelString string) // VLogLevel gets the vdebug level for this config. The possible // strings are hard-coded in go/libkb/vdebug.go, but include // "mobile", "vlog1", "vlog2", etc. VLogLevel() string // SubscriptionManager returns a subscription manager that can be used to // subscribe to events. SubscriptionManager() SubscriptionManager // SubscriptionManagerPublisher retursn a publisher that can be used to // publish events to the subscription manager. SubscriptionManagerPublisher() SubscriptionManagerPublisher // KbEnv returns the *libkb.Env. KbEnv() *libkb.Env // contains filtered or unexported methods }
Config collects all the singleton instance instantiations needed to run KBFS in one place. The methods below are self-explanatory and do not require comments.
func Init ¶
func Init( ctx context.Context, kbCtx Context, params InitParams, keybaseServiceCn KeybaseServiceCn, onInterruptFn func() error, log logger.Logger) (cfg Config, err error)
Init initializes a config and returns it.
onInterruptFn is called whenever an interrupt signal is received (e.g., if the user hits Ctrl-C).
Init should be called at the beginning of main. Shutdown (see below) should then be called at the end of main (usually via defer).
The keybaseServiceCn argument is to specify a custom service and crypto (for non-RPC environments) like mobile. If this is nil, we'll use the default RPC implementation.
func InitWithLogPrefix ¶
func InitWithLogPrefix( ctx context.Context, kbCtx Context, params InitParams, keybaseServiceCn KeybaseServiceCn, onInterruptFn func() error, log logger.Logger, logPrefix string) (cfg Config, err error)
InitWithLogPrefix initializes a config and returns it, given a prefix.
onInterruptFn is called whenever an interrupt signal is received (e.g., if the user hits Ctrl-C).
Init should be called at the beginning of main. Shutdown (see below) should then be called at the end of main (usually via defer).
The keybaseServiceCn argument is to specify a custom service and crypto (for non-RPC environments) like mobile. If this is nil, we'll use the default RPC implementation.
type ConfigLocal ¶
type ConfigLocal struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ConfigLocal implements the Config interface using purely local server objects (no KBFS operations used RPCs).
func ConfigAsUser ¶
func ConfigAsUser(config *ConfigLocal, loggedInUser kbname.NormalizedUsername) *ConfigLocal
ConfigAsUser clones a test configuration in default init mode, setting another user as the logged in user. Journaling will not be enabled in the returned Config, regardless of the journal status in `config`.
func ConfigAsUserWithMode ¶
func ConfigAsUserWithMode(config *ConfigLocal, loggedInUser kbname.NormalizedUsername, mode InitModeType) *ConfigLocal
ConfigAsUserWithMode clones a test configuration in the given mode, setting another user as the logged in user. Journaling will not be enabled in the returned Config, regardless of the journal status in `config`.
func MakeTestConfigOrBust ¶
func MakeTestConfigOrBust(t logger.TestLogBackend, users ...kbname.NormalizedUsername) *ConfigLocal
MakeTestConfigOrBust creates and returns a config suitable for unit-testing with the given list of users.
func MakeTestConfigOrBustLoggedIn ¶
func MakeTestConfigOrBustLoggedIn(t logger.TestLogBackend, loggedInIndex int, users ...kbname.NormalizedUsername) *ConfigLocal
MakeTestConfigOrBustLoggedIn creates and returns a config suitable for unit-testing with the given list of users. loggedInIndex specifies the index (in the list) of the user being logged in.
func MakeTestConfigOrBustLoggedInWithMode ¶
func MakeTestConfigOrBustLoggedInWithMode( t logger.TestLogBackend, loggedInIndex int, mode InitModeType, users ...kbname.NormalizedUsername) *ConfigLocal
MakeTestConfigOrBustLoggedInWithMode creates and returns a config suitable for unit-testing with the given mode and list of users. loggedInIndex specifies the index (in the list) of the user being logged in.
func NewConfigLocal ¶
func NewConfigLocal(mode InitMode, loggerFn func(module string) logger.Logger, storageRoot string, diskCacheMode DiskCacheMode, kbCtx Context) *ConfigLocal
NewConfigLocal constructs a new ConfigLocal with some default components that don't depend on a logger. The caller will have to fill in the rest.
TODO: Now that NewConfigLocal takes loggerFn, add more default components.
func (*ConfigLocal) AddRootNodeWrapper ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) AddRootNodeWrapper(f func(Node) Node)
AddRootNodeWrapper implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) BGFlushDirOpBatchSize ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) BGFlushDirOpBatchSize() int
BGFlushDirOpBatchSize implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) BGFlushPeriod ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) BGFlushPeriod() time.Duration
BGFlushPeriod implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) BlockCache ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) BlockCache() data.BlockCache
BlockCache implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) BlockCryptVersion ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) BlockCryptVersion() kbfscrypto.EncryptionVer
BlockCryptVersion implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) BlockOps ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) BlockOps() BlockOps
BlockOps implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) BlockServer ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) BlockServer() BlockServer
BlockServer implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) BlockSplitter ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) BlockSplitter() data.BlockSplitter
BlockSplitter implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) Chat ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) Chat() Chat
Chat implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) CheckStateOnShutdown ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) CheckStateOnShutdown() bool
CheckStateOnShutdown implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) Clock ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) Clock() Clock
Clock implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) Codec ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) Codec() kbfscodec.Codec
Codec implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) ConflictRenamer ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) ConflictRenamer() ConflictRenamer
ConflictRenamer implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) Crypto ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) Crypto() Crypto
Crypto implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) CurrentSessionGetter ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) CurrentSessionGetter() idutil.CurrentSessionGetter
CurrentSessionGetter implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) DataVersion ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) DataVersion() data.Ver
DataVersion implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) DefaultBlockType ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) DefaultBlockType() keybase1.BlockType
DefaultBlockType implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) DelayedCancellationGracePeriod ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) DelayedCancellationGracePeriod() time.Duration
DelayedCancellationGracePeriod implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) DirtyBlockCache ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) DirtyBlockCache() data.DirtyBlockCache
DirtyBlockCache implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) DiskBlockCache ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) DiskBlockCache() DiskBlockCache
DiskBlockCache implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) DiskLimiter ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) DiskLimiter() DiskLimiter
DiskLimiter implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) DiskMDCache ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) DiskMDCache() DiskMDCache
DiskMDCache implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) DiskQuotaCache ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) DiskQuotaCache() DiskQuotaCache
DiskQuotaCache implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) DoBackgroundFlushes ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) DoBackgroundFlushes() bool
DoBackgroundFlushes implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) EnableDiskLimiter ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) EnableDiskLimiter(configRoot string) error
EnableDiskLimiter fills in c.diskLimiter for use in journaling and disk caching. It returns the EventuallyConsistentQuotaUsage object used by the disk limiter.
func (*ConfigLocal) EnableJournaling ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) EnableJournaling( ctx context.Context, journalRoot string, bws TLFJournalBackgroundWorkStatus) error
EnableJournaling creates a JournalManager and attaches it to this config. journalRoot must be non-empty. Errors returned are non-fatal.
func (*ConfigLocal) GetAllSyncedTlfs ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) GetAllSyncedTlfs() []tlf.ID
GetAllSyncedTlfs implements the syncedTlfGetterSetter interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) GetConflictResolutionDB ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) GetConflictResolutionDB() (db *LevelDb)
GetConflictResolutionDB implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) GetRekeyFSMLimiter ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) GetRekeyFSMLimiter() *OngoingWorkLimiter
GetRekeyFSMLimiter implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) GetSettingsDB ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) GetSettingsDB() (db *SettingsDB)
GetSettingsDB implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) GetTlfSyncState ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) GetTlfSyncState(tlfID tlf.ID) FolderSyncConfig
GetTlfSyncState implements the syncedTlfGetterSetter interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) IsSyncedTlf ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) IsSyncedTlf(tlfID tlf.ID) bool
IsSyncedTlf implements the syncedTlfGetterSetter interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) IsSyncedTlfPath ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) IsSyncedTlfPath(tlfPath string) bool
IsSyncedTlfPath implements the syncedTlfGetterSetter interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) IsTestMode ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) IsTestMode() bool
IsTestMode implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) KBFSOps ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) KBFSOps() KBFSOps
KBFSOps implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) KBPKI ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) KBPKI() KBPKI
KBPKI implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) KbEnv ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) KbEnv() *libkb.Env
KbEnv implements the Config interface.
func (*ConfigLocal) KeyBundleCache ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) KeyBundleCache() kbfsmd.KeyBundleCache
KeyBundleCache implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) KeyCache ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) KeyCache() KeyCache
KeyCache implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) KeyManager ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) KeyManager() KeyManager
KeyManager implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) KeyOps ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) KeyOps() libkey.KeyOps
KeyOps implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) KeyServer ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) KeyServer() libkey.KeyServer
KeyServer implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) KeybaseService ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) KeybaseService() KeybaseService
KeybaseService implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) MDCache ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) MDCache() MDCache
MDCache implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) MDOps ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) MDOps() MDOps
MDOps implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) MDServer ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) MDServer() MDServer
MDServer implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) MakeBlockMetadataStoreIfNotExists ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) MakeBlockMetadataStoreIfNotExists() (err error)
MakeBlockMetadataStoreIfNotExists implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal. If error happens, a Noop one is populated.
func (*ConfigLocal) MakeDiskBlockCacheIfNotExists ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) MakeDiskBlockCacheIfNotExists() error
MakeDiskBlockCacheIfNotExists implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) MakeDiskMDCacheIfNotExists ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) MakeDiskMDCacheIfNotExists() error
MakeDiskMDCacheIfNotExists implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) MakeDiskQuotaCacheIfNotExists ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) MakeDiskQuotaCacheIfNotExists() error
MakeDiskQuotaCacheIfNotExists implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) MakeLogger ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) MakeLogger(module string) logger.Logger
MakeLogger implements the logMaker interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) MakeVLogger ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) MakeVLogger(log logger.Logger) *libkb.VDebugLog
MakeVLogger implements the logMaker interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) MaxNameBytes ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) MaxNameBytes() uint32
MaxNameBytes implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) MaybeFinishTrace ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) MaybeFinishTrace(ctx context.Context, err error)
MaybeFinishTrace implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) MaybeStartTrace ¶
MaybeStartTrace implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) MetadataVersion ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) MetadataVersion() kbfsmd.MetadataVer
MetadataVersion implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) MetricsRegistry ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) MetricsRegistry() metrics.Registry
MetricsRegistry implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) Mode ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) Mode() InitMode
Mode implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) Notifier ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) Notifier() Notifier
Notifier implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) OfflineAvailabilityForID ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) OfflineAvailabilityForID( tlfID tlf.ID) keybase1.OfflineAvailability
OfflineAvailabilityForID implements the offlineStatusGetter interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) OfflineAvailabilityForPath ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) OfflineAvailabilityForPath( tlfPath string) keybase1.OfflineAvailability
OfflineAvailabilityForPath implements the offlineStatusGetter interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) PrefetchStatus ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) PrefetchStatus(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, ptr data.BlockPointer) PrefetchStatus
PrefetchStatus implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) RekeyQueue ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) RekeyQueue() RekeyQueue
RekeyQueue implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) RekeyWithPromptWaitTime ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) RekeyWithPromptWaitTime() time.Duration
RekeyWithPromptWaitTime implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) Reporter ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) Reporter() Reporter
Reporter implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) ReqsBufSize ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) ReqsBufSize() int
ReqsBufSize implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) ResetCaches ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) ResetCaches()
ResetCaches implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) RootNodeWrappers ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) RootNodeWrappers() []func(Node) Node
RootNodeWrappers implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) SetBGFlushDirOpBatchSize ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) SetBGFlushDirOpBatchSize(s int)
SetBGFlushDirOpBatchSize implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) SetBGFlushPeriod ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) SetBGFlushPeriod(p time.Duration)
SetBGFlushPeriod implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) SetBlockCache ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) SetBlockCache(b data.BlockCache)
SetBlockCache implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) SetBlockCryptVersion ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) SetBlockCryptVersion(ver kbfscrypto.EncryptionVer)
SetBlockCryptVersion implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) SetBlockOps ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) SetBlockOps(b BlockOps)
SetBlockOps implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) SetBlockServer ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) SetBlockServer(b BlockServer)
SetBlockServer implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) SetBlockSplitter ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) SetBlockSplitter(b data.BlockSplitter)
SetBlockSplitter implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) SetChat ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) SetChat(ch Chat)
SetChat implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) SetClock ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) SetClock(cl Clock)
SetClock implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) SetCodec ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) SetCodec(co kbfscodec.Codec)
SetCodec implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) SetConflictRenamer ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) SetConflictRenamer(cr ConflictRenamer)
SetConflictRenamer implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) SetCrypto ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) SetCrypto(cr Crypto)
SetCrypto implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) SetDefaultBlockType ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) SetDefaultBlockType(blockType keybase1.BlockType)
SetDefaultBlockType implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) SetDelayedCancellationGracePeriod ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) SetDelayedCancellationGracePeriod(d time.Duration)
SetDelayedCancellationGracePeriod implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) SetDirtyBlockCache ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) SetDirtyBlockCache(d data.DirtyBlockCache)
SetDirtyBlockCache implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) SetDiskBlockCacheFraction ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) SetDiskBlockCacheFraction(fraction float64)
SetDiskBlockCacheFraction implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) SetDiskCacheMode ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) SetDiskCacheMode(m DiskCacheMode)
SetDiskCacheMode sets the disk cache mode for this config, after construction. Mostly useful for tests.
func (*ConfigLocal) SetDoBackgroundFlushes ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) SetDoBackgroundFlushes(doBGFlush bool)
SetDoBackgroundFlushes implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) SetKBFSOps ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) SetKBFSOps(k KBFSOps)
SetKBFSOps implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) SetKBFSService ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) SetKBFSService(k *KBFSService)
SetKBFSService sets the KBFSService for this ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) SetKBPKI ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) SetKBPKI(k KBPKI)
SetKBPKI implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) SetKeyBundleCache ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) SetKeyBundleCache(k kbfsmd.KeyBundleCache)
SetKeyBundleCache implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) SetKeyCache ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) SetKeyCache(k KeyCache)
SetKeyCache implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) SetKeyManager ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) SetKeyManager(k KeyManager)
SetKeyManager implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) SetKeyOps ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) SetKeyOps(k libkey.KeyOps)
SetKeyOps implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) SetKeyServer ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) SetKeyServer(k libkey.KeyServer)
SetKeyServer implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) SetKeybaseService ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) SetKeybaseService(k KeybaseService)
SetKeybaseService implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) SetMDCache ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) SetMDCache(m MDCache)
SetMDCache implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) SetMDOps ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) SetMDOps(m MDOps)
SetMDOps implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) SetMDServer ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) SetMDServer(m MDServer)
SetMDServer implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) SetMetadataVersion ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) SetMetadataVersion(mdVer kbfsmd.MetadataVer)
SetMetadataVersion implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) SetMetricsRegistry ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) SetMetricsRegistry(r metrics.Registry)
SetMetricsRegistry implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) SetMode ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) SetMode(mode InitMode)
SetMode implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) SetNotifier ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) SetNotifier(n Notifier)
SetNotifier implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) SetRekeyQueue ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) SetRekeyQueue(r RekeyQueue)
SetRekeyQueue implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) SetRekeyWithPromptWaitTime ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) SetRekeyWithPromptWaitTime(d time.Duration)
SetRekeyWithPromptWaitTime implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) SetReporter ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) SetReporter(r Reporter)
SetReporter implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) SetSyncBlockCacheFraction ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) SetSyncBlockCacheFraction(fraction float64)
SetSyncBlockCacheFraction implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) SetTLFValidDuration ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) SetTLFValidDuration(r time.Duration)
SetTLFValidDuration implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) SetTlfSyncState ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) SetTlfSyncState( ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, config FolderSyncConfig) ( <-chan error, error)
SetTlfSyncState implements the syncedTlfGetterSetter interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) SetTraceOptions ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) SetTraceOptions(enabled bool)
SetTraceOptions implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) SetUserHistory ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) SetUserHistory(uh *kbfsedits.UserHistory)
SetUserHistory implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) SetVLogLevel ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) SetVLogLevel(levelString string)
SetVLogLevel implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) Shutdown ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) Shutdown(ctx context.Context) error
Shutdown implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) Signer ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) Signer() kbfscrypto.Signer
Signer implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) StorageRoot ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) StorageRoot() string
StorageRoot implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) SubscriptionManager ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) SubscriptionManager() SubscriptionManager
SubscriptionManager implements the Config interface.
func (*ConfigLocal) SubscriptionManagerPublisher ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) SubscriptionManagerPublisher() SubscriptionManagerPublisher
SubscriptionManagerPublisher implements the Config interface.
func (*ConfigLocal) TLFValidDuration ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) TLFValidDuration() time.Duration
TLFValidDuration implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) UserHistory ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) UserHistory() *kbfsedits.UserHistory
UserHistory implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) VLogLevel ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) VLogLevel() string
VLogLevel implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
func (*ConfigLocal) XattrStore ¶
func (c *ConfigLocal) XattrStore() XattrStore
XattrStore implements the Config interface for ConfigLocal.
type ConflictJournalRecord ¶
type ConflictJournalRecord struct { Name tlf.CanonicalName Type tlf.Type Path string ID tlf.ID ServerViewPath keybase1.Path // for cleared conflicts only LocalViewPath keybase1.Path // for cleared conflicts only }
ConflictJournalRecord contains info for TLF journals that are currently in conflict on the local device.
type ConflictRenamer ¶
type ConflictRenamer interface { // ConflictRename returns the appropriately modified filename. ConflictRename( ctx context.Context, op op, original string) (string, error) }
ConflictRenamer deals with names for conflicting directory entries.
type ConflictResolver ¶
type ConflictResolver struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ConflictResolver is responsible for resolving conflicts in the background.
func NewConflictResolver ¶
func NewConflictResolver( config Config, fbo *folderBranchOps) *ConflictResolver
NewConflictResolver constructs a new ConflictResolver (and launches any necessary background goroutines).
func (*ConflictResolver) BeginNewBranch ¶
func (cr *ConflictResolver) BeginNewBranch()
BeginNewBranch resets any internal state to be ready to accept resolutions from a new branch.
func (*ConflictResolver) ForceCancel ¶
func (cr *ConflictResolver) ForceCancel()
ForceCancel cancels any currently-running CR, regardless of what its inputs were.
func (*ConflictResolver) Pause ¶
func (cr *ConflictResolver) Pause()
Pause cancels any ongoing resolutions and prevents any new ones from starting.
func (*ConflictResolver) Resolve ¶
func (cr *ConflictResolver) Resolve(ctx context.Context, unmerged kbfsmd.Revision, merged kbfsmd.Revision)
Resolve takes the latest known unmerged and merged revision numbers, and kicks off the resolution process.
func (*ConflictResolver) Restart ¶
func (cr *ConflictResolver) Restart(baseCtx context.Context)
Restart re-enables conflict resolution, with a base context for CR operations. baseCtx must have a cancellation delayer.
func (*ConflictResolver) Shutdown ¶
func (cr *ConflictResolver) Shutdown()
Shutdown cancels any ongoing resolutions and stops any background goroutines.
type CountMeter ¶
type CountMeter struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CountMeter counts ticks with a sliding window into the past.
func (*CountMeter) Rate1 ¶
func (m *CountMeter) Rate1() float64
Rate1 returns the number of ticks in the last 1 minute.
func (*CountMeter) Rate15 ¶
func (m *CountMeter) Rate15() float64
Rate15 returns the number of ticks in the last 15 minutes.
func (*CountMeter) Rate5 ¶
func (m *CountMeter) Rate5() float64
Rate5 returns the number of ticks in the last 5 minutes.
func (*CountMeter) RateMean ¶
func (m *CountMeter) RateMean() float64
RateMean returns the overall count of ticks.
func (*CountMeter) Shutdown ¶
func (m *CountMeter) Shutdown() <-chan struct{}
Shutdown shuts down this CountMeter.
func (*CountMeter) Snapshot ¶
func (m *CountMeter) Snapshot() metrics.Meter
Snapshot returns the snapshot in time of this CountMeter.
type Crypto ¶
type Crypto interface { // Duplicate kbfscrypto.Signer here to work around gomock's // limitations. Sign(context.Context, []byte) (kbfscrypto.SignatureInfo, error) SignForKBFS(context.Context, []byte) (kbfscrypto.SignatureInfo, error) SignToString(context.Context, []byte) (string, error) // DecryptTLFCryptKeyClientHalf decrypts a // kbfscrypto.TLFCryptKeyClientHalf using the current device's // private key and the TLF's ephemeral public key. DecryptTLFCryptKeyClientHalf(ctx context.Context, publicKey kbfscrypto.TLFEphemeralPublicKey, encryptedClientHalf kbfscrypto.EncryptedTLFCryptKeyClientHalf) ( kbfscrypto.TLFCryptKeyClientHalf, error) // DecryptTLFCryptKeyClientHalfAny decrypts one of the // kbfscrypto.TLFCryptKeyClientHalf using the available // private keys and the ephemeral public key. If promptPaper // is true, the service will prompt the user for any unlocked // paper keys. DecryptTLFCryptKeyClientHalfAny(ctx context.Context, keys []EncryptedTLFCryptKeyClientAndEphemeral, promptPaper bool) ( kbfscrypto.TLFCryptKeyClientHalf, int, error) // DecryptTeamMerkleLeaf decrypts a team-encrypted Merkle leaf // using some team key generation greater than `minKeyGen`, and // the provided ephemeral public key. DecryptTeamMerkleLeaf(ctx context.Context, teamID keybase1.TeamID, publicKey kbfscrypto.TLFEphemeralPublicKey, encryptedMerkleLeaf kbfscrypto.EncryptedMerkleLeaf, minKeyGen keybase1.PerTeamKeyGeneration) ([]byte, error) // Shutdown frees any resources associated with this instance. Shutdown() // contains filtered or unexported methods }
Crypto signs, verifies, encrypts, and decrypts stuff.
type CryptoClient ¶
type CryptoClient struct { CryptoCommon // contains filtered or unexported fields }
CryptoClient is a keybase1.CryptoInterface based implementation for Crypto.
func (*CryptoClient) DecryptTLFCryptKeyClientHalf ¶
func (c *CryptoClient) DecryptTLFCryptKeyClientHalf(ctx context.Context, publicKey kbfscrypto.TLFEphemeralPublicKey, encryptedClientHalf kbfscrypto.EncryptedTLFCryptKeyClientHalf) ( clientHalf kbfscrypto.TLFCryptKeyClientHalf, err error)
DecryptTLFCryptKeyClientHalf implements the Crypto interface for CryptoClient.
func (*CryptoClient) DecryptTLFCryptKeyClientHalfAny ¶
func (c *CryptoClient) DecryptTLFCryptKeyClientHalfAny(ctx context.Context, keys []EncryptedTLFCryptKeyClientAndEphemeral, promptPaper bool) ( clientHalf kbfscrypto.TLFCryptKeyClientHalf, index int, err error)
DecryptTLFCryptKeyClientHalfAny implements the Crypto interface for CryptoClient.
func (*CryptoClient) DecryptTeamMerkleLeaf ¶
func (c *CryptoClient) DecryptTeamMerkleLeaf( ctx context.Context, teamID keybase1.TeamID, publicKey kbfscrypto.TLFEphemeralPublicKey, encryptedMerkleLeaf kbfscrypto.EncryptedMerkleLeaf, minKeyGen keybase1.PerTeamKeyGeneration) (decryptedData []byte, err error)
DecryptTeamMerkleLeaf implements the Crypto interface for CryptoClient.
func (*CryptoClient) Shutdown ¶
func (c *CryptoClient) Shutdown()
Shutdown implements the Crypto interface for CryptoClient.
func (*CryptoClient) Sign ¶
func (c *CryptoClient) Sign(ctx context.Context, msg []byte) ( sigInfo kbfscrypto.SignatureInfo, err error)
Sign implements the Crypto interface for CryptoClient.
func (*CryptoClient) SignForKBFS ¶
func (c *CryptoClient) SignForKBFS(ctx context.Context, msg []byte) ( sigInfo kbfscrypto.SignatureInfo, err error)
SignForKBFS implements the Crypto interface for CryptoClient.
func (*CryptoClient) SignToString ¶
SignToString implements the Crypto interface for CryptoClient.
type CryptoClientRPC ¶
type CryptoClientRPC struct { CryptoClient // contains filtered or unexported fields }
CryptoClientRPC is an RPC based implementation for Crypto.
func NewCryptoClientRPC ¶
func NewCryptoClientRPC(config Config, kbCtx Context) *CryptoClientRPC
NewCryptoClientRPC constructs a new RPC based Crypto implementation.
func (CryptoClientRPC) HandlerName ¶
func (CryptoClientRPC) HandlerName() string
HandlerName implements the ConnectionHandler interface.
func (*CryptoClientRPC) OnConnect ¶
func (c *CryptoClientRPC) OnConnect(ctx context.Context, conn *rpc.Connection, _ rpc.GenericClient, server *rpc.Server) error
OnConnect implements the ConnectionHandler interface.
func (*CryptoClientRPC) OnConnectError ¶
func (c *CryptoClientRPC) OnConnectError(err error, wait time.Duration)
OnConnectError implements the ConnectionHandler interface.
func (*CryptoClientRPC) OnDisconnected ¶
func (c *CryptoClientRPC) OnDisconnected(_ context.Context, status rpc.DisconnectStatus)
OnDisconnected implements the ConnectionHandler interface.
func (*CryptoClientRPC) OnDoCommandError ¶
func (c *CryptoClientRPC) OnDoCommandError(err error, wait time.Duration)
OnDoCommandError implements the ConnectionHandler interface.
func (*CryptoClientRPC) ShouldRetry ¶
func (c *CryptoClientRPC) ShouldRetry(rpcName string, err error) bool
ShouldRetry implements the ConnectionHandler interface.
func (*CryptoClientRPC) ShouldRetryOnConnect ¶
func (c *CryptoClientRPC) ShouldRetryOnConnect(err error) bool
ShouldRetryOnConnect implements the ConnectionHandler interface.
type CryptoCommon ¶
type CryptoCommon struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CryptoCommon contains many of the function implementations need for the Crypto interface, which can be reused by other implementations.
func MakeCryptoCommon ¶
func MakeCryptoCommon( codec kbfscodec.Codec, blockCryptVersioner blockCryptVersioner) CryptoCommon
MakeCryptoCommon returns a default CryptoCommon object.
func (CryptoCommon) DecryptBlock ¶
func (c CryptoCommon) DecryptBlock( encryptedBlock kbfscrypto.EncryptedBlock, tlfCryptKey kbfscrypto.TLFCryptKey, blockServerHalf kbfscrypto.BlockCryptKeyServerHalf, block data.Block) error
DecryptBlock implements the Crypto interface for CryptoCommon.
func (CryptoCommon) DecryptPrivateMetadata ¶
func (c CryptoCommon) DecryptPrivateMetadata( encryptedPmd kbfscrypto.EncryptedPrivateMetadata, key kbfscrypto.TLFCryptKey) ( PrivateMetadata, error)
DecryptPrivateMetadata implements the Crypto interface for CryptoCommon.
func (CryptoCommon) EncryptBlock ¶
func (c CryptoCommon) EncryptBlock( block data.Block, tlfCryptKey kbfscrypto.TLFCryptKey, blockServerHalf kbfscrypto.BlockCryptKeyServerHalf) ( plainSize int, encryptedBlock kbfscrypto.EncryptedBlock, err error)
EncryptBlock implements the Crypto interface for CryptoCommon.
func (CryptoCommon) EncryptPrivateMetadata ¶
func (c CryptoCommon) EncryptPrivateMetadata( pmd PrivateMetadata, key kbfscrypto.TLFCryptKey) ( encryptedPmd kbfscrypto.EncryptedPrivateMetadata, err error)
EncryptPrivateMetadata implements the Crypto interface for CryptoCommon.
func (CryptoCommon) MakeBlockRefNonce ¶
func (c CryptoCommon) MakeBlockRefNonce() (nonce kbfsblock.RefNonce, err error)
MakeBlockRefNonce implements the Crypto interface for CryptoCommon.
func (CryptoCommon) MakeRandomBlockCryptKeyServerHalf ¶
func (c CryptoCommon) MakeRandomBlockCryptKeyServerHalf() ( kbfscrypto.BlockCryptKeyServerHalf, error)
MakeRandomBlockCryptKeyServerHalf implements the Crypto interface for CryptoCommon.
func (CryptoCommon) MakeRandomBranchID ¶
func (c CryptoCommon) MakeRandomBranchID() (kbfsmd.BranchID, error)
MakeRandomBranchID implements the Crypto interface for CryptoCommon.
func (CryptoCommon) MakeRandomTLFEphemeralKeys ¶
func (c CryptoCommon) MakeRandomTLFEphemeralKeys() ( kbfscrypto.TLFEphemeralPublicKey, kbfscrypto.TLFEphemeralPrivateKey, error)
MakeRandomTLFEphemeralKeys implements the Crypto interface for CryptoCommon.
func (CryptoCommon) MakeRandomTLFKeys ¶
func (c CryptoCommon) MakeRandomTLFKeys() (kbfscrypto.TLFPublicKey, kbfscrypto.TLFPrivateKey, kbfscrypto.TLFCryptKey, error)
MakeRandomTLFKeys implements the Crypto interface for CryptoCommon.
func (CryptoCommon) MakeRandomTlfID ¶
MakeRandomTlfID implements the Crypto interface for CryptoCommon.
func (CryptoCommon) MakeTemporaryBlockID ¶
func (c CryptoCommon) MakeTemporaryBlockID() (kbfsblock.ID, error)
MakeTemporaryBlockID implements the Crypto interface for CryptoCommon.
type CryptoLocal ¶
type CryptoLocal struct { CryptoCommon kbfscrypto.SigningKeySigner // contains filtered or unexported fields }
CryptoLocal implements the Crypto interface by using a local signing key and a local crypt private key.
func NewCryptoLocal ¶
func NewCryptoLocal(codec kbfscodec.Codec, signingKey kbfscrypto.SigningKey, cryptPrivateKey kbfscrypto.CryptPrivateKey, blockCryptVersioner blockCryptVersioner) *CryptoLocal
NewCryptoLocal constructs a new CryptoLocal instance with the given signing key.
func (*CryptoLocal) DecryptTLFCryptKeyClientHalf ¶
func (c *CryptoLocal) DecryptTLFCryptKeyClientHalf(ctx context.Context, publicKey kbfscrypto.TLFEphemeralPublicKey, encryptedClientHalf kbfscrypto.EncryptedTLFCryptKeyClientHalf) ( kbfscrypto.TLFCryptKeyClientHalf, error)
DecryptTLFCryptKeyClientHalf implements the Crypto interface for CryptoLocal.
func (*CryptoLocal) DecryptTLFCryptKeyClientHalfAny ¶
func (c *CryptoLocal) DecryptTLFCryptKeyClientHalfAny(ctx context.Context, keys []EncryptedTLFCryptKeyClientAndEphemeral, _ bool) ( clientHalf kbfscrypto.TLFCryptKeyClientHalf, index int, err error)
DecryptTLFCryptKeyClientHalfAny implements the Crypto interface for CryptoLocal.
func (*CryptoLocal) DecryptTeamMerkleLeaf ¶
func (c *CryptoLocal) DecryptTeamMerkleLeaf( ctx context.Context, teamID keybase1.TeamID, publicKey kbfscrypto.TLFEphemeralPublicKey, encryptedMerkleLeaf kbfscrypto.EncryptedMerkleLeaf, minKeyGen keybase1.PerTeamKeyGeneration) (decryptedData []byte, err error)
DecryptTeamMerkleLeaf implements the Crypto interface for CryptoLocal.
func (*CryptoLocal) Shutdown ¶
func (c *CryptoLocal) Shutdown()
Shutdown implements the Crypto interface for CryptoLocal.
type CtxAllowNameKeyType ¶
type CtxAllowNameKeyType int
CtxAllowNameKeyType is the type for a context allowable name override key.
const ( // CtxAllowNameKey can be used to set a value in a context, and // that value will be treated as an allowable directory entry // name, even if it also matches a disallowed prefix. The value // must be of type `string`, or it will panic. CtxAllowNameKey CtxAllowNameKeyType = iota )
type CtxBackgroundSyncKeyType ¶
type CtxBackgroundSyncKeyType int
CtxBackgroundSyncKeyType is the type for a context background sync key.
const ( // CtxBackgroundSyncKey is set in the context for any change // notifications that are triggered from a background sync. // Observers can ignore these if they want, since they will have // already gotten the relevant notifications via LocalChanges. CtxBackgroundSyncKey CtxBackgroundSyncKeyType = iota )
type CtxCRTagKey ¶
type CtxCRTagKey int
CtxCRTagKey is the type used for unique context tags related to conflict resolution
const ( // CtxCRIDKey is the type of the tag for unique operation IDs // related to conflict resolution CtxCRIDKey CtxCRTagKey = iota )
type CtxFBMTagKey ¶
type CtxFBMTagKey int
CtxFBMTagKey is the type used for unique context tags within folderBlockManager
const ( // CtxFBMIDKey is the type of the tag for unique operation IDs // within folderBlockManager. CtxFBMIDKey CtxFBMTagKey = iota )
type CtxFBOTagKey ¶
type CtxFBOTagKey int
CtxFBOTagKey is the type used for unique context tags within folderBranchOps
const ( // CtxFBOIDKey is the type of the tag for unique operation IDs // within folderBranchOps. CtxFBOIDKey CtxFBOTagKey = iota )
type CtxInitTagKey ¶
type CtxInitTagKey int
CtxInitTagKey is the type used for unique context tags for KBFS init.
const ( // CtxInitKey is the type of the tag for unique operation IDs // for KBFS init. CtxInitKey CtxInitTagKey = iota )
type CtxJournalTagKey ¶
type CtxJournalTagKey int
CtxJournalTagKey is the type used for unique context tags within background journal work.
const ( // CtxJournalIDKey is the type of the tag for unique operation IDs // within background journal work. CtxJournalIDKey CtxJournalTagKey = iota )
type CtxKeybaseServiceTagKey ¶
type CtxKeybaseServiceTagKey int
CtxKeybaseServiceTagKey is the type used for unique context tags used while servicing incoming keybase requests.
const ( // CtxKeybaseServiceIDKey is the type of the tag for unique // operation IDs used while servicing incoming keybase requests. CtxKeybaseServiceIDKey CtxKeybaseServiceTagKey = iota )
type CtxMDSRTagKey ¶
type CtxMDSRTagKey int
CtxMDSRTagKey is the type used for unique context tags within MDServerRemote
const ( // CtxMDSRIDKey is the type of the tag for unique operation IDs // within MDServerRemote. CtxMDSRIDKey CtxMDSRTagKey = iota )
type CtxReadWriteKeyType ¶
type CtxReadWriteKeyType int
CtxReadWriteKeyType is the type of the key for overriding read-only nodes.
const ( // CtxReadWriteKey is a context key to indicate that a read-only // node should be treated as read-write. CtxReadWriteKey CtxReadWriteKeyType = 1 )
type CtxRekeyTagKey ¶
type CtxRekeyTagKey int
CtxRekeyTagKey is the type used for unique context tags within an enqueued Rekey.
const ( // CtxRekeyIDKey is the type of the tag for unique operation IDs // within an enqueued Rekey. CtxRekeyIDKey CtxRekeyTagKey = iota )
type DirNotEmptyError ¶
type DirNotEmptyError struct {
Name data.PathPartString
DirNotEmptyError indicates that the user tried to unlink a subdirectory that was not empty.
func (DirNotEmptyError) Error ¶
func (e DirNotEmptyError) Error() string
Error implements the error interface for DirNotEmptyError
type DirtyBlockCacheDisk ¶
type DirtyBlockCacheDisk struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DirtyBlockCacheDisk stores dirty blocks in a local disk block cache, rather than keeping them in memory.
func (*DirtyBlockCacheDisk) Get ¶
func (d *DirtyBlockCacheDisk) Get( ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, ptr data.BlockPointer, branch data.BranchName) ( data.Block, error)
Get implements the DirtyBlockCache interface for DirtyBlockCacheDisk.
func (*DirtyBlockCacheDisk) Put ¶
func (d *DirtyBlockCacheDisk) Put( ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, ptr data.BlockPointer, branch data.BranchName, block data.Block) error
Put implements the DirtyBlockCache interface for DirtyBlockCacheDisk. Note than any modifications made to `block` after the `Put` will require another `Put` call, in order for them to be reflected in the next `Get` call for that block pointer.
type DisallowedPrefixError ¶
type DisallowedPrefixError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DisallowedPrefixError indicates that the user attempted to create an entry using a name with a disallowed prefix.
func (DisallowedPrefixError) Error ¶
func (e DisallowedPrefixError) Error() string
Error implements the error interface for NoChainFoundError.
type DiskBlockCache ¶
type DiskBlockCache interface { // Get gets a block from the disk cache. If a specific preferred // cache type is given, the block and its metadata are moved to // that cache if they're not yet in it. Get(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, blockID kbfsblock.ID, preferredCacheType DiskBlockCacheType) ( buf []byte, serverHalf kbfscrypto.BlockCryptKeyServerHalf, prefetchStatus PrefetchStatus, err error) // GetPrefetchStatus returns just the prefetchStatus for the // block. If a specific preferred cache type is given, the block // and its metadata are moved to that cache if they're not yet in // it. GetPrefetchStatus( ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, blockID kbfsblock.ID, cacheType DiskBlockCacheType) (PrefetchStatus, error) // Put puts a block to the disk cache. Returns after it has // updated the metadata but before it has finished writing the // block. If cacheType is specified, the block is put into that // cache; by default, block are put into the working set cache. Put(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, blockID kbfsblock.ID, buf []byte, serverHalf kbfscrypto.BlockCryptKeyServerHalf, cacheType DiskBlockCacheType) error // Delete deletes some blocks from the disk cache. Delete( ctx context.Context, blockIDs []kbfsblock.ID, cacheType DiskBlockCacheType) ( numRemoved int, sizeRemoved int64, err error) // UpdateMetadata updates metadata for a given block in the disk // cache. If a specific preferred cache type is given, the block // and its metadata are moved to that cache if they're not yet in // it. UpdateMetadata(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, blockID kbfsblock.ID, prefetchStatus PrefetchStatus, cacheType DiskBlockCacheType) error // ClearAllTlfBlocks deletes all the synced blocks corresponding // to the given TLF ID from the cache. It doesn't affect // transient blocks for unsynced TLFs. ClearAllTlfBlocks( ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, cacheType DiskBlockCacheType) error // GetLastUnrefRev returns the last revision that has been marked // unref'd for the given TLF. GetLastUnrefRev( ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, cacheType DiskBlockCacheType) ( kbfsmd.Revision, error) // PutLastUnrefRev saves the given revision as the last unref'd // revision for the given TLF. PutLastUnrefRev( ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, rev kbfsmd.Revision, cacheType DiskBlockCacheType) error // Status returns the current status of the disk cache. Status(ctx context.Context) map[string]DiskBlockCacheStatus // DoesCacheHaveSpace returns whether the given cache has // space. DoesCacheHaveSpace(ctx context.Context, cacheType DiskBlockCacheType) (bool, int64, error) // Mark tags a given block in the disk cache with the given tag. Mark( ctx context.Context, blockID kbfsblock.ID, tag string, cacheType DiskBlockCacheType) error // DeleteUnmarked deletes all the given TLF's blocks in the disk // cache without the given tag. DeleteUnmarked( ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, tag string, cacheType DiskBlockCacheType) error // AddHomeTLF adds a TLF marked as "home" so that the blocks from it are // less likely to be evicted, as well as whether this is their public or // private TLF, where the public TLF's files are more likely to be evicted // than the private one's. AddHomeTLF(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID) error // ClearHomeTLFs should be called on logout so that the old user's TLFs // are not still marked as home. ClearHomeTLFs(ctx context.Context) error // GetTlfSize returns the number of bytes stored for the given TLF // in the cache of the given type. If `DiskBlockAnyCache` is // specified, it returns the total sum of bytes across all caches. GetTlfSize( ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, cacheType DiskBlockCacheType) ( uint64, error) // GetTlfIDs returns the TLF IDs with blocks in the cache. If // `DiskBlockAnyCache` is specified, it returns the set of // TLF IDs across all caches. GetTlfIDs( ctx context.Context, cacheType DiskBlockCacheType) ([]tlf.ID, error) // WaitUntilStarted waits until the block cache of the given type // has finished starting. If `DiskBlockAnyCache` is specified, it // waits for all caches to start. WaitUntilStarted(cacheType DiskBlockCacheType) error // Shutdown cleanly shuts down the disk block cache. Shutdown(ctx context.Context) }
DiskBlockCache caches blocks to the disk.
type DiskBlockCacheError ¶
type DiskBlockCacheError struct {
Msg string
DiskBlockCacheError is a generic disk cache error.
func (DiskBlockCacheError) Error ¶
func (e DiskBlockCacheError) Error() string
Error implements the Error interface for DiskBlockCacheError.
func (DiskBlockCacheError) ToStatus ¶
func (e DiskBlockCacheError) ToStatus() (s keybase1.Status)
ToStatus implements the ExportableError interface for DiskBlockCacheError.
type DiskBlockCacheLocal ¶
type DiskBlockCacheLocal struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DiskBlockCacheLocal is the standard implementation for DiskBlockCache.
func (*DiskBlockCacheLocal) AddHomeTLF ¶
AddHomeTLF implements this DiskBlockCache interace for DiskBlockCacheLocal.
func (*DiskBlockCacheLocal) ClearAllTlfBlocks ¶
ClearAllTlfBlocks implements the DiskBlockCache interface for DiskBlockCacheLocal.
func (*DiskBlockCacheLocal) ClearHomeTLFs ¶
func (cache *DiskBlockCacheLocal) ClearHomeTLFs(ctx context.Context) error
ClearHomeTLFs implements this DiskBlockCache interace for DiskBlockCacheLocal.
func (*DiskBlockCacheLocal) Delete ¶
func (cache *DiskBlockCacheLocal) Delete(ctx context.Context, blockIDs []kbfsblock.ID) (numRemoved int, sizeRemoved int64, err error)
Delete implements the DiskBlockCache interface for DiskBlockCacheLocal.
func (*DiskBlockCacheLocal) DeleteUnmarked ¶
func (cache *DiskBlockCacheLocal) DeleteUnmarked( ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, tag string) (err error)
DeleteUnmarked deletes all the blocks without the given tag.
func (*DiskBlockCacheLocal) DoesCacheHaveSpace ¶
func (cache *DiskBlockCacheLocal) DoesCacheHaveSpace( ctx context.Context) (hasSpace bool, howMuch int64, err error)
DoesCacheHaveSpace returns true if we have more than 1% of space left in the cache.
func (*DiskBlockCacheLocal) Get ¶
func (cache *DiskBlockCacheLocal) Get( ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, blockID kbfsblock.ID) (buf []byte, serverHalf kbfscrypto.BlockCryptKeyServerHalf, prefetchStatus PrefetchStatus, err error)
Get implements the DiskBlockCache interface for DiskBlockCacheLocal.
func (*DiskBlockCacheLocal) GetLastUnrefRev ¶
func (cache *DiskBlockCacheLocal) GetLastUnrefRev( ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID) (kbfsmd.Revision, error)
GetLastUnrefRev implements the DiskBlockCache interface for DiskBlockCacheLocal.
func (*DiskBlockCacheLocal) GetMetadata ¶
func (cache *DiskBlockCacheLocal) GetMetadata(ctx context.Context, blockID kbfsblock.ID) (DiskBlockCacheMetadata, error)
GetMetadata implements the DiskBlockCache interface for DiskBlockCacheLocal.
func (*DiskBlockCacheLocal) GetTlfIDs ¶
GetTlfIDs returns the IDs of all the TLFs with blocks stored in the cache.
func (*DiskBlockCacheLocal) GetTlfSize ¶
GetTlfSize returns the number of bytes stored for the given TLF in the cache.
func (*DiskBlockCacheLocal) Mark ¶
func (cache *DiskBlockCacheLocal) Mark( ctx context.Context, blockID kbfsblock.ID, tag string) error
Mark updates the metadata of the given block with the tag.
func (*DiskBlockCacheLocal) Put ¶
func (cache *DiskBlockCacheLocal) Put( ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, blockID kbfsblock.ID, buf []byte, serverHalf kbfscrypto.BlockCryptKeyServerHalf) (err error)
Put implements the DiskBlockCache interface for DiskBlockCacheLocal.
func (*DiskBlockCacheLocal) PutLastUnrefRev ¶
func (cache *DiskBlockCacheLocal) PutLastUnrefRev( ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, rev kbfsmd.Revision) error
PutLastUnrefRev implements the DiskBlockCache interface for DiskBlockCacheLocal.
func (*DiskBlockCacheLocal) Shutdown ¶
func (cache *DiskBlockCacheLocal) Shutdown(ctx context.Context)
Shutdown implements the DiskBlockCache interface for DiskBlockCacheLocal.
func (*DiskBlockCacheLocal) Status ¶
func (cache *DiskBlockCacheLocal) Status( ctx context.Context) map[string]DiskBlockCacheStatus
Status implements the DiskBlockCache interface for DiskBlockCacheLocal.
func (*DiskBlockCacheLocal) UpdateMetadata ¶
func (cache *DiskBlockCacheLocal) UpdateMetadata(ctx context.Context, blockID kbfsblock.ID, prefetchStatus PrefetchStatus) (err error)
UpdateMetadata implements the DiskBlockCache interface for DiskBlockCacheLocal.
func (*DiskBlockCacheLocal) WaitUntilStarted ¶
func (cache *DiskBlockCacheLocal) WaitUntilStarted() error
WaitUntilStarted waits until this cache has started.
type DiskBlockCacheMetadata ¶
type DiskBlockCacheMetadata struct { // the TLF ID for the block TlfID tlf.ID // the last time the block was used LRUTime legacyEncodedTime // the size of the block BlockSize uint32 // whether the block has triggered prefetches // This used to be called "HasPrefetched" so to maintain compatibility with // existing disk caches, we have to name it that in the codec tag. TriggeredPrefetch bool `codec:"HasPrefetched"` // whether the block's triggered prefetches are complete FinishedPrefetch bool // the last tag with which the block was marked Tag string }
DiskBlockCacheMetadata packages the metadata needed to make decisions on cache eviction.
func (DiskBlockCacheMetadata) PrefetchStatus ¶
func (dbcm DiskBlockCacheMetadata) PrefetchStatus() PrefetchStatus
PrefetchStatus returns the overall prefetch status corresponding to this metadata.
type DiskBlockCacheRemote ¶
type DiskBlockCacheRemote struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DiskBlockCacheRemote implements a client to access a remote DiskBlockCacheService. It implements the DiskBlockCache interface.
func NewDiskBlockCacheRemote ¶
func NewDiskBlockCacheRemote(kbCtx Context, config diskBlockCacheRemoteConfig) ( *DiskBlockCacheRemote, error)
NewDiskBlockCacheRemote creates a new remote disk cache client.
func (*DiskBlockCacheRemote) AddHomeTLF ¶
AddHomeTLF implements the DiskBlockCache interface for DiskBlockCacheRemote.
func (*DiskBlockCacheRemote) ClearAllTlfBlocks ¶
func (dbcr *DiskBlockCacheRemote) ClearAllTlfBlocks( _ context.Context, _ tlf.ID, _ DiskBlockCacheType) error
ClearAllTlfBlocks implements the DiskBlockCache interface for DiskBlockCacheRemote.
func (*DiskBlockCacheRemote) ClearHomeTLFs ¶
func (dbcr *DiskBlockCacheRemote) ClearHomeTLFs(ctx context.Context) error
ClearHomeTLFs implements the DiskBlockCache interface for DiskBlockCacheRemote.
func (*DiskBlockCacheRemote) Delete ¶
func (dbcr *DiskBlockCacheRemote) Delete( ctx context.Context, blockIDs []kbfsblock.ID, cacheType DiskBlockCacheType) ( numRemoved int, sizeRemoved int64, err error)
Delete implements the DiskBlockCache interface for DiskBlockCacheRemote.
func (*DiskBlockCacheRemote) DeleteUnmarked ¶
func (dbcr *DiskBlockCacheRemote) DeleteUnmarked( _ context.Context, _ tlf.ID, _ string, _ DiskBlockCacheType) error
DeleteUnmarked implements the DiskBlockCache interface for DiskBlockCacheRemote.
func (*DiskBlockCacheRemote) DoesCacheHaveSpace ¶
func (dbcr *DiskBlockCacheRemote) DoesCacheHaveSpace( _ context.Context, _ DiskBlockCacheType) (bool, int64, error)
DoesCacheHaveSpace implements the DiskBlockCache interface for DiskBlockCacheRemote.
func (*DiskBlockCacheRemote) Get ¶
func (dbcr *DiskBlockCacheRemote) Get(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, blockID kbfsblock.ID, _ DiskBlockCacheType) (buf []byte, serverHalf kbfscrypto.BlockCryptKeyServerHalf, prefetchStatus PrefetchStatus, err error)
Get implements the DiskBlockCache interface for DiskBlockCacheRemote.
func (*DiskBlockCacheRemote) GetLastUnrefRev ¶
func (dbcr *DiskBlockCacheRemote) GetLastUnrefRev( _ context.Context, _ tlf.ID, _ DiskBlockCacheType) ( kbfsmd.Revision, error)
GetLastUnrefRev implements the DiskBlockCache interface for DiskBlockCacheRemote.
func (*DiskBlockCacheRemote) GetPrefetchStatus ¶
func (dbcr *DiskBlockCacheRemote) GetPrefetchStatus( ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, blockID kbfsblock.ID, cacheType DiskBlockCacheType) ( prefetchStatus PrefetchStatus, err error)
GetPrefetchStatus implements the DiskBlockCache interface for DiskBlockCacheRemote.
func (*DiskBlockCacheRemote) GetTlfIDs ¶
func (dbcr *DiskBlockCacheRemote) GetTlfIDs( _ context.Context, _ DiskBlockCacheType) ([]tlf.ID, error)
GetTlfIDs implements the DiskBlockCache interface for DiskBlockCacheRemote.
func (*DiskBlockCacheRemote) GetTlfSize ¶
func (dbcr *DiskBlockCacheRemote) GetTlfSize( _ context.Context, _ tlf.ID, _ DiskBlockCacheType) (uint64, error)
GetTlfSize implements the DiskBlockCache interface for DiskBlockCacheRemote.
func (*DiskBlockCacheRemote) Mark ¶
func (dbcr *DiskBlockCacheRemote) Mark( _ context.Context, _ kbfsblock.ID, _ string, _ DiskBlockCacheType) error
Mark implements the DiskBlockCache interface for DiskBlockCacheRemote.
func (*DiskBlockCacheRemote) Put ¶
func (dbcr *DiskBlockCacheRemote) Put(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, blockID kbfsblock.ID, buf []byte, serverHalf kbfscrypto.BlockCryptKeyServerHalf, _ DiskBlockCacheType) (err error)
Put implements the DiskBlockCache interface for DiskBlockCacheRemote.
func (*DiskBlockCacheRemote) PutLastUnrefRev ¶
func (dbcr *DiskBlockCacheRemote) PutLastUnrefRev( _ context.Context, _ tlf.ID, _ kbfsmd.Revision, _ DiskBlockCacheType) error
PutLastUnrefRev implements the DiskBlockCache interface for DiskBlockCacheRemote.
func (*DiskBlockCacheRemote) Shutdown ¶
func (dbcr *DiskBlockCacheRemote) Shutdown(ctx context.Context)
Shutdown implements the DiskBlockCache interface for DiskBlockCacheRemote.
func (*DiskBlockCacheRemote) Status ¶
func (dbcr *DiskBlockCacheRemote) Status(ctx context.Context) map[string]DiskBlockCacheStatus
Status implements the DiskBlockCache interface for DiskBlockCacheRemote.
func (*DiskBlockCacheRemote) UpdateMetadata ¶
func (dbcr *DiskBlockCacheRemote) UpdateMetadata(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, blockID kbfsblock.ID, prefetchStatus PrefetchStatus, _ DiskBlockCacheType) error
UpdateMetadata implements the DiskBlockCache interface for DiskBlockCacheRemote.
func (*DiskBlockCacheRemote) WaitUntilStarted ¶
func (dbcr *DiskBlockCacheRemote) WaitUntilStarted( _ DiskBlockCacheType) error
WaitUntilStarted implements the DiskBlockCache interface for DiskBlockCacheRemote.
type DiskBlockCacheService ¶
type DiskBlockCacheService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DiskBlockCacheService delegates requests for blocks to this KBFS instance's disk cache.
func NewDiskBlockCacheService ¶
func NewDiskBlockCacheService(config diskBlockCacheServiceConfig) *DiskBlockCacheService
NewDiskBlockCacheService creates a new DiskBlockCacheService.
func (*DiskBlockCacheService) DeleteBlocks ¶
func (cache *DiskBlockCacheService) DeleteBlocks(ctx context.Context, blockIDs [][]byte) (kbgitkbfs.DeleteBlocksRes, error)
DeleteBlocks implements the DiskBlockCacheInterface interface for DiskBlockCacheService.
func (*DiskBlockCacheService) GetBlock ¶
func (cache *DiskBlockCacheService) GetBlock(ctx context.Context, arg kbgitkbfs.GetBlockArg) (kbgitkbfs.GetBlockRes, error)
GetBlock implements the DiskBlockCacheInterface interface for DiskBlockCacheService.
func (*DiskBlockCacheService) GetPrefetchStatus ¶
func (cache *DiskBlockCacheService) GetPrefetchStatus( ctx context.Context, arg kbgitkbfs.GetPrefetchStatusArg) ( prefetchStatus kbgitkbfs.PrefetchStatus, err error)
GetPrefetchStatus implements the DiskBlockCacheInterface interface for DiskBlockCacheService.
func (*DiskBlockCacheService) PutBlock ¶
func (cache *DiskBlockCacheService) PutBlock(ctx context.Context, arg kbgitkbfs.PutBlockArg) error
PutBlock implements the DiskBlockCacheInterface interface for DiskBlockCacheService.
func (*DiskBlockCacheService) UpdateBlockMetadata ¶
func (cache *DiskBlockCacheService) UpdateBlockMetadata(ctx context.Context, arg kbgitkbfs.UpdateBlockMetadataArg) error
UpdateBlockMetadata implements the DiskBlockCacheInterface interface for DiskBlockCacheService.
type DiskBlockCacheStartState ¶
type DiskBlockCacheStartState int
DiskBlockCacheStartState represents whether this disk block cache has started or failed.
const ( // DiskBlockCacheStartStateStarting represents when the cache is starting. DiskBlockCacheStartStateStarting DiskBlockCacheStartState = iota // DiskBlockCacheStartStateStarted represents when the cache has started. DiskBlockCacheStartStateStarted // DiskBlockCacheStartStateFailed represents when the cache has failed to // start. DiskBlockCacheStartStateFailed )
func (DiskBlockCacheStartState) String ¶
func (s DiskBlockCacheStartState) String() string
String allows DiskBlockCacheStartState to be output as a string.
type DiskBlockCacheStatus ¶
type DiskBlockCacheStatus struct { StartState DiskBlockCacheStartState NumBlocks uint64 BlockBytes uint64 CurrByteLimit uint64 LastUnrefCount uint64 Hits MeterStatus Misses MeterStatus Puts MeterStatus MetadataUpdates MeterStatus NumEvicted MeterStatus SizeEvicted MeterStatus NumDeleted MeterStatus SizeDeleted MeterStatus LocalDiskBytesAvailable uint64 LocalDiskBytesTotal uint64 BlockDBStats []string `json:",omitempty"` MetaDBStats []string `json:",omitempty"` TLFDBStats []string `json:",omitempty"` LastUnrefStats []string `json:",omitempty"` MemCompActive bool `json:",omitempty"` TableCompActive bool `json:",omitempty"` MetaMemCompActive bool `json:",omitempty"` MetaTableCompActive bool `json:",omitempty"` }
DiskBlockCacheStatus represents the status of the disk cache.
type DiskBlockCacheType ¶
type DiskBlockCacheType int
DiskBlockCacheType specifies a type of an on-disk block cache.
const ( // DiskBlockAnyCache indicates that any disk block cache is fine. DiskBlockAnyCache DiskBlockCacheType = iota // DiskBlockWorkingSetCache indicates that the working set cache // should be used. DiskBlockWorkingSetCache // DiskBlockSyncCache indicates that the sync cache should be // used. DiskBlockSyncCache )
func (DiskBlockCacheType) String ¶
func (dbct DiskBlockCacheType) String() string
type DiskCacheClosedError ¶
type DiskCacheClosedError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DiskCacheClosedError indicates that the disk cache has been closed, and thus isn't accepting any more operations.
func (DiskCacheClosedError) Error ¶
func (e DiskCacheClosedError) Error() string
Error implements the error interface for DiskCacheClosedError.
type DiskCacheMode ¶
type DiskCacheMode int
DiskCacheMode represents the mode of initialization for the disk cache.
const ( // DiskCacheModeOff indicates to leave off the disk cache. DiskCacheModeOff DiskCacheMode = iota // DiskCacheModeLocal indicates to use a local disk cache. DiskCacheModeLocal // DiskCacheModeRemote indicates to use a remote disk cache. DiskCacheModeRemote )
func (*DiskCacheMode) Set ¶
func (m *DiskCacheMode) Set(s string) error
Set parses a string representing a disk block cache initialization mode, and outputs the mode value corresponding to that string. Defaults to DiskCacheModeOff.
func (DiskCacheMode) String ¶
func (m DiskCacheMode) String() string
String outputs a human-readable description of this DiskBlockCacheMode.
type DiskCacheStartingError ¶
type DiskCacheStartingError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DiskCacheStartingError indicates that the disk cache has not yet started, so it isn't yet accepting operations.
func (DiskCacheStartingError) Error ¶
func (e DiskCacheStartingError) Error() string
Error implements the error interface for DiskCacheStartingError.
type DiskCacheTooFullForBlockError ¶
type DiskCacheTooFullForBlockError struct { Ptr data.BlockPointer Action BlockRequestAction }
DiskCacheTooFullForBlockError indicates that the disk cache is too full to fetch a block requested with the `StopIfFull` action type.
func (DiskCacheTooFullForBlockError) Error ¶
func (e DiskCacheTooFullForBlockError) Error() string
Error implements the Error interface for DiskCacheTooFullForBlockError.
type DiskLimiter ¶
type DiskLimiter interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
DiskLimiter is an interface for limiting disk usage.
type DiskMDCache ¶
type DiskMDCache interface { // Get gets the latest cached MD for the given TLF from the disk // cache. `ver` is the version of the encoded MD, and `timestamp` // is the server timestamp for the MD. Get(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID) ( buf []byte, ver kbfsmd.MetadataVer, timestamp time.Time, err error) // Stage asks the disk cache to store the given MD in memory, but // not yet write it to disk. A later call to `Commit` or // `Unstage` for `rev` or higher is required to avoid memory leaks. Stage(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, rev kbfsmd.Revision, buf []byte, ver kbfsmd.MetadataVer, timestamp time.Time) error // Commit writes a previously-staged MD to disk. Trying to commit // a revision that hasn't been staged is a no-op, to allow callers // to call Commit without knowing whether Stage was called first // (e.g., if the revision came from the cache in the first place). // If older revisions (or other copies of this same revision) are // staged, they will become unstaged. Commit(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, rev kbfsmd.Revision) error // Unstage unstages and forgets about a previously-staged MD. (If // multiple copies of the same revision have been staged, it only // unstages the first of them.) Unstage(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, rev kbfsmd.Revision) error // Status returns the current status of the disk cache. Status(ctx context.Context) DiskMDCacheStatus // Shutdown cleanly shuts down the disk MD cache. Shutdown(ctx context.Context) }
DiskMDCache caches encrypted MD objects to the disk.
type DiskMDCacheError ¶
type DiskMDCacheError struct {
Msg string
DiskMDCacheError is a generic disk cache error.
func (DiskMDCacheError) Error ¶
func (e DiskMDCacheError) Error() string
Error implements the Error interface for DiskMDCacheError.
func (DiskMDCacheError) ToStatus ¶
func (e DiskMDCacheError) ToStatus() (s keybase1.Status)
ToStatus implements the ExportableError interface for DiskMDCacheError.
type DiskMDCacheLocal ¶
type DiskMDCacheLocal struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DiskMDCacheLocal is the standard implementation for DiskMDCache.
func (*DiskMDCacheLocal) Commit ¶
func (cache *DiskMDCacheLocal) Commit( ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, rev kbfsmd.Revision) error
Commit implements the DiskMDCache interface for DiskMDCacheLocal.
func (*DiskMDCacheLocal) Get ¶
func (cache *DiskMDCacheLocal) Get( ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID) ( buf []byte, ver kbfsmd.MetadataVer, timestamp time.Time, err error)
Get implements the DiskMDCache interface for DiskMDCacheLocal.
func (*DiskMDCacheLocal) Shutdown ¶
func (cache *DiskMDCacheLocal) Shutdown(ctx context.Context)
Shutdown implements the DiskMDCache interface for DiskMDCacheLocal.
func (*DiskMDCacheLocal) Stage ¶
func (cache *DiskMDCacheLocal) Stage( ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, rev kbfsmd.Revision, buf []byte, ver kbfsmd.MetadataVer, timestamp time.Time) error
Stage implements the DiskMDCache interface for DiskMDCacheLocal.
func (*DiskMDCacheLocal) Status ¶
func (cache *DiskMDCacheLocal) Status(ctx context.Context) DiskMDCacheStatus
Status implements the DiskMDCache interface for DiskMDCacheLocal.
func (*DiskMDCacheLocal) Unstage ¶
func (cache *DiskMDCacheLocal) Unstage( ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, rev kbfsmd.Revision) error
Unstage implements the DiskMDCache interface for DiskMDCacheLocal.
func (*DiskMDCacheLocal) WaitUntilStarted ¶
func (cache *DiskMDCacheLocal) WaitUntilStarted() error
WaitUntilStarted waits until this cache has started.
type DiskMDCacheStartState ¶
type DiskMDCacheStartState int
DiskMDCacheStartState represents whether this disk MD cache has started or failed.
const ( // DiskMDCacheStartStateStarting represents when the cache is starting. DiskMDCacheStartStateStarting DiskMDCacheStartState = iota // DiskMDCacheStartStateStarted represents when the cache has started. DiskMDCacheStartStateStarted // DiskMDCacheStartStateFailed represents when the cache has failed to // start. DiskMDCacheStartStateFailed )
func (DiskMDCacheStartState) String ¶
func (s DiskMDCacheStartState) String() string
String allows DiskMDCacheStartState to be output as a string.
type DiskMDCacheStatus ¶
type DiskMDCacheStatus struct { StartState DiskMDCacheStartState NumMDs uint64 NumStaged uint64 Hits MeterStatus Misses MeterStatus Puts MeterStatus DBStats []string `json:",omitempty"` }
DiskMDCacheStatus represents the status of the MD cache.
type DiskQuotaCache ¶
type DiskQuotaCache interface { // Get gets the latest cached quota for the given ID from the disk // cache. Get(ctx context.Context, id keybase1.UserOrTeamID) ( info kbfsblock.QuotaInfo, err error) // Put stores the latest cached quota for the given ID to the disk // cache. Put(ctx context.Context, id keybase1.UserOrTeamID, info kbfsblock.QuotaInfo) (err error) // Status returns the current status of the disk cache. Status(ctx context.Context) DiskQuotaCacheStatus // Shutdown cleanly shuts down the disk quota cache. Shutdown(ctx context.Context) }
DiskQuotaCache caches encrypts per-ID quotas to the disk.
type DiskQuotaCacheError ¶
type DiskQuotaCacheError struct {
Msg string
DiskQuotaCacheError is a generic disk cache error.
func (DiskQuotaCacheError) Error ¶
func (e DiskQuotaCacheError) Error() string
Error implements the Error interface for DiskQuotaCacheError.
func (DiskQuotaCacheError) ToStatus ¶
func (e DiskQuotaCacheError) ToStatus() (s keybase1.Status)
ToStatus implements the ExportableError interface for DiskQuotaCacheError.
type DiskQuotaCacheLocal ¶
type DiskQuotaCacheLocal struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DiskQuotaCacheLocal is the standard implementation for DiskQuotaCache.
func (*DiskQuotaCacheLocal) Get ¶
func (cache *DiskQuotaCacheLocal) Get( ctx context.Context, id keybase1.UserOrTeamID) ( info kbfsblock.QuotaInfo, err error)
Get implements the DiskQuotaCache interface for DiskQuotaCacheLocal.
func (*DiskQuotaCacheLocal) Put ¶
func (cache *DiskQuotaCacheLocal) Put( ctx context.Context, id keybase1.UserOrTeamID, info kbfsblock.QuotaInfo) (err error)
Put implements the DiskQuotaCache interface for DiskQuotaCacheLocal.
func (*DiskQuotaCacheLocal) Shutdown ¶
func (cache *DiskQuotaCacheLocal) Shutdown(ctx context.Context)
Shutdown implements the DiskQuotaCache interface for DiskQuotaCacheLocal.
func (*DiskQuotaCacheLocal) Status ¶
func (cache *DiskQuotaCacheLocal) Status( ctx context.Context) DiskQuotaCacheStatus
Status implements the DiskQuotaCache interface for DiskQuotaCacheLocal.
func (*DiskQuotaCacheLocal) WaitUntilStarted ¶
func (cache *DiskQuotaCacheLocal) WaitUntilStarted() error
WaitUntilStarted waits until this cache has started.
type DiskQuotaCacheStartState ¶
type DiskQuotaCacheStartState int
DiskQuotaCacheStartState represents whether this disk Quota cache has started or failed.
const ( // DiskQuotaCacheStartStateStarting represents when the cache is starting. DiskQuotaCacheStartStateStarting DiskQuotaCacheStartState = iota // DiskQuotaCacheStartStateStarted represents when the cache has started. DiskQuotaCacheStartStateStarted // DiskQuotaCacheStartStateFailed represents when the cache has failed to // start. DiskQuotaCacheStartStateFailed )
func (DiskQuotaCacheStartState) String ¶
func (s DiskQuotaCacheStartState) String() string
String allows DiskQuotaCacheStartState to be output as a string.
type DiskQuotaCacheStatus ¶
type DiskQuotaCacheStatus struct { StartState DiskQuotaCacheStartState NumQuotas uint64 Hits MeterStatus Misses MeterStatus Puts MeterStatus DBStats []string `json:",omitempty"` }
DiskQuotaCacheStatus represents the status of the Quota cache.
type ECMRCtxTagKey ¶
type ECMRCtxTagKey struct{}
ECMRCtxTagKey is the type for unique ECMR background operation IDs.
type ECQUCtxTagKey ¶
type ECQUCtxTagKey struct{}
ECQUCtxTagKey is the type for unique ECQU background operation IDs.
type EmptyNameError ¶
type EmptyNameError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
EmptyNameError indicates that the user tried to use an empty name for the given BlockRef.
func (EmptyNameError) Error ¶
func (e EmptyNameError) Error() string
Error implements the error interface for EmptyNameError.
type EncryptedTLFCryptKeyClientAndEphemeral ¶
type EncryptedTLFCryptKeyClientAndEphemeral struct { // PublicKey contains the wrapped Key ID of the public key PubKey kbfscrypto.CryptPublicKey // ClientHalf contains the encrypted client half of the TLF key ClientHalf kbfscrypto.EncryptedTLFCryptKeyClientHalf // EPubKey contains the ephemeral public key used to encrypt ClientHalf EPubKey kbfscrypto.TLFEphemeralPublicKey }
EncryptedTLFCryptKeyClientAndEphemeral has what's needed to request a client half decryption.
type ErrBlockMetadataStoreShutdown ¶
type ErrBlockMetadataStoreShutdown struct{}
ErrBlockMetadataStoreShutdown is returned when methods are called on diskBlockMetadataStore when it's already shutdown.
func (ErrBlockMetadataStoreShutdown) Error ¶
func (ErrBlockMetadataStoreShutdown) Error() string
Error implements the error interface.
type ErrDiskLimitTimeout ¶
type ErrDiskLimitTimeout struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ErrDiskLimitTimeout is returned when putBlockData exceeds diskLimitTimeout when trying to acquire bytes to put.
func (*ErrDiskLimitTimeout) Error ¶
func (e *ErrDiskLimitTimeout) Error() string
Error implements the error interface for ErrDiskLimitTimeout. It has a pointer receiver because `block_util.go` need to modify it in some cases while preserving any stacks attached to it via the `errors` package.
type ErrStillStagedAfterCR ¶
type ErrStillStagedAfterCR struct{}
ErrStillStagedAfterCR indicates that conflict resolution failed to take the FBO out of staging.
func (*ErrStillStagedAfterCR) Error ¶
func (*ErrStillStagedAfterCR) Error() string
Error implements the error interface.
type ErrorFileAccessError ¶
type ErrorFileAccessError struct { }
ErrorFileAccessError indicates that the user tried to perform an operation on the ErrorFile that is not allowed.
func (ErrorFileAccessError) Error ¶
func (e ErrorFileAccessError) Error() string
Error implements the error interface for ErrorFileAccessError
type ErrorModeType ¶
type ErrorModeType int
ErrorModeType indicates what type of operation was being attempted when an error was reported.
const ( // ReadMode indicates that an error happened while trying to read. ReadMode ErrorModeType = iota // WriteMode indicates that an error happened while trying to write. WriteMode )
type EventuallyConsistentMerkleRoot ¶
type EventuallyConsistentMerkleRoot struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
EventuallyConsistentMerkleRoot keeps tracks of the current global Merkle root, in a way user of which can choose to accept stale data to reduce calls to the API server.
func NewEventuallyConsistentMerkleRoot ¶
func NewEventuallyConsistentMerkleRoot( config Config, getter idutil.MerkleRootGetter) *EventuallyConsistentMerkleRoot
NewEventuallyConsistentMerkleRoot creates a new EventuallyConsistentMerkleRoot object.
func (*EventuallyConsistentMerkleRoot) Get ¶
func (ecmr *EventuallyConsistentMerkleRoot) Get( ctx context.Context, bgTolerance, blockTolerance time.Duration) ( timestamp time.Time, root keybase1.MerkleRootV2, rootTime time.Time, err error)
Get returns the current merkle root, and the server timestamp of that root. To help avoid having too frequent calls into the API server, caller can provide a positive tolerance, to accept stale LimitBytes and UsageBytes data. If tolerance is 0 or negative, this always makes a blocking RPC to bserver and return latest quota usage.
1) If the age of cached data is more than blockTolerance, a blocking RPC is issued and the function only returns after RPC finishes, with the newest data from RPC. The RPC causes cached data to be refreshed as well. 2) Otherwise, if the age of cached data is more than bgTolerance, a background RPC is spawned to refresh cached data, and the stale data is returned immediately. 3) Otherwise, the cached stale data is returned immediately.
type EventuallyConsistentQuotaUsage ¶
type EventuallyConsistentQuotaUsage struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
EventuallyConsistentQuotaUsage keeps tracks of quota usage, in a way user of which can choose to accept stale data to reduce calls into block servers.
func NewEventuallyConsistentQuotaUsage ¶
func NewEventuallyConsistentQuotaUsage( config Config, log logger.Logger, vlog *libkb.VDebugLog) *EventuallyConsistentQuotaUsage
NewEventuallyConsistentQuotaUsage creates a new EventuallyConsistentQuotaUsage object.
func NewEventuallyConsistentTeamQuotaUsage ¶
func NewEventuallyConsistentTeamQuotaUsage( config Config, tid keybase1.TeamID, log logger.Logger, vlog *libkb.VDebugLog) *EventuallyConsistentQuotaUsage
NewEventuallyConsistentTeamQuotaUsage creates a new EventuallyConsistentQuotaUsage object.
func (*EventuallyConsistentQuotaUsage) Get ¶
func (q *EventuallyConsistentQuotaUsage) Get( ctx context.Context, bgTolerance, blockTolerance time.Duration) ( timestamp time.Time, usageBytes, archiveBytes, limitBytes int64, err error)
Get returns KBFS bytes used and limit for user, for the current default block type. To help avoid having too frequent calls into bserver, caller can provide a positive tolerance, to accept stale LimitBytes and UsageBytes data. If tolerance is 0 or negative, this always makes a blocking RPC to bserver and return latest quota usage.
1) If the age of cached data is more than blockTolerance, a blocking RPC is issued and the function only returns after RPC finishes, with the newest data from RPC. The RPC causes cached data to be refreshed as well. 2) Otherwise, if the age of cached data is more than bgTolerance, a background RPC is spawned to refresh cached data, and the stale data is returned immediately. 3) Otherwise, the cached stale data is returned immediately.
func (*EventuallyConsistentQuotaUsage) GetAllTypes ¶
func (q *EventuallyConsistentQuotaUsage) GetAllTypes( ctx context.Context, bgTolerance, blockTolerance time.Duration) ( timestamp time.Time, usageBytes, archiveBytes, limitBytes, gitUsageBytes, gitArchiveBytes, gitLimitBytes int64, err error)
GetAllTypes is the same as Get, except it returns usage and limits for all block types.
type ExclOnUnmergedError ¶
type ExclOnUnmergedError struct { }
ExclOnUnmergedError happens when an operation with O_EXCL set when fbo is on an unmerged local revision
func (ExclOnUnmergedError) Error ¶
func (e ExclOnUnmergedError) Error() string
Error implements the error interface for ExclOnUnmergedError.
type Favorites ¶
type Favorites struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Favorites manages a user's favorite list.
func NewFavorites ¶
NewFavorites constructs a new Favorites instance.
func (*Favorites) AddAsync ¶
AddAsync initiates a request to add this favorite to your favorites list, if one is not already in flight, but it doesn't wait for the result. (It could block while kicking off the request, if lots of different favorite operations are in flight.) The given context is used only for enqueuing the request on an internal queue, not for any resulting I/O.
func (*Favorites) ClearCache ¶
ClearCache clears the cached list of favorites.
func (*Favorites) GetAll ¶
GetAll returns the logged-in user's list of favorite, new, and ignored TLFs. It uses the cache.
func (*Favorites) InitForTest ¶
func (f *Favorites) InitForTest()
InitForTest starts the Favorites cache's internal processing loop without loading cached favorites from disk.
func (*Favorites) Initialize ¶
Initialize loads the favorites cache from disk and starts listening for requests asynchronously.
func (*Favorites) RefreshCache ¶
func (f *Favorites) RefreshCache(ctx context.Context, mode FavoritesRefreshMode)
RefreshCache refreshes the cached list of favorites.
In FavoritesRefreshModeBlocking, request the favorites in this function, then send them to the main goroutine to be processed. This should be called in a separate goroutine from anything mission-critical, because it might wait on network for up to 15 seconds.
In FavoritesRefreshModeInMainFavoritesLoop, this just sets up a request and sends it to the main goroutine to process it - this is useful if e.g. the favorites cache has not been initialized at all and cannot serve any requests until this refresh is completed.
func (*Favorites) RefreshCacheWhenMTimeChanged ¶
RefreshCacheWhenMTimeChanged refreshes the cached favorites, but does so with rate-limiting, so that it doesn't hit the server too often.
type FavoritesOp ¶
type FavoritesOp int
FavoritesOp defines an operation related to favorites.
const ( // FavoritesOpAdd means TLF should be added to favorites. FavoritesOpAdd FavoritesOp // FavoritesOpAddNewlyCreated means TLF should be added to favorites, and it // should be considered newly created. FavoritesOpAddNewlyCreated // FavoritesOpRemove means TLF should be removed from favorites. FavoritesOpRemove // FavoritesOpNoChange means no changes regarding to favorites should be made. FavoritesOpNoChange )
type FavoritesRefreshMode ¶
type FavoritesRefreshMode int
FavoritesRefreshMode controls how a favorites refresh happens.
type FolderBranchStatus ¶
type FolderBranchStatus struct { Staged bool BranchID string HeadWriter kbname.NormalizedUsername DiskUsage uint64 RekeyPending bool LatestKeyGeneration kbfsmd.KeyGen FolderID string Revision kbfsmd.Revision LastGCRevision kbfsmd.Revision MDVersion kbfsmd.MetadataVer RootBlockID string SyncEnabled bool PrefetchStatus string UsageBytes int64 ArchiveBytes int64 LimitBytes int64 GitUsageBytes int64 GitArchiveBytes int64 GitLimitBytes int64 LocalTimestamp time.Time // DirtyPaths are files that have been written, but not flushed. // They do not represent unstaged changes in your local instance. DirtyPaths []string // If we're in the staged state, these summaries show the // diverging operations per-file Unmerged []*crChainSummary Merged []*crChainSummary ConflictResolutionAttempts []conflictRecord `json:",omitempty"` ConflictStatus keybase1.FolderConflictType `json:",omitempty"` Journal *TLFJournalStatus `json:",omitempty"` PermanentErr string `json:",omitempty"` }
FolderBranchStatus is a simple data structure describing the current status of a particular folder-branch. It is suitable for encoding directly as JSON.
type FolderNotResetOnServer ¶
type FolderNotResetOnServer struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
FolderNotResetOnServer indicates that a folder can't be reset by the user, because it hasn't yet been reset on the mdserver.
func (FolderNotResetOnServer) Error ¶
func (e FolderNotResetOnServer) Error() string
Error implements the Error interface for FolderNotResetOnServer.
type FolderSyncConfig ¶
type FolderSyncConfig struct { Mode keybase1.FolderSyncMode `codec:"mode" json:"mode"` Paths FolderSyncEncryptedPartialPaths `codec:"paths" json:"paths"` TlfPath string `codec:"tlfpath" json:"tlfpath"` }
FolderSyncConfig is the on-disk representation for a TLF sync config.
type FolderSyncEncryptedPartialPaths ¶
type FolderSyncEncryptedPartialPaths struct { Ptr data.BlockPointer Buf []byte ServerHalf kbfscrypto.BlockCryptKeyServerHalf }
FolderSyncEncryptedPartialPaths describes an encrypted block containing the paths of a partial sync config.
type GCOp ¶
type GCOp struct { OpCommon // LatestRev is the most recent MD revision that was // garbage-collected with this operation. // // The codec name overrides the one for RefBlocks in OpCommon, // which GCOp doesn't use. LatestRev kbfsmd.Revision `codec:"r"` }
GCOp is an op that represents garbage-collecting the history of a folder (which may involve unreferencing blocks that previously held operation lists. It may contain unref blocks before it is added to the metadata ops list.
func (*GCOp) SizeExceptUpdates ¶
SizeExceptUpdates implements op.
func (*GCOp) StringWithRefs ¶
StringWithRefs implements the op interface for GCOp.
type ImmutableBareRootMetadata ¶
type ImmutableBareRootMetadata struct { kbfsmd.RootMetadata // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ImmutableBareRootMetadata is a thin wrapper around a BareRootMetadata and a kbfsmd.ExtraMetadata that takes ownership of it and does not ever modify it again. Thus, its MdID can be calculated and stored along with a local timestamp. ImmutableBareRootMetadata objects can be assumed to never alias a (modifiable) BareRootMetadata.
Note that kbfsmd.MakeID() on an ImmutableBareRootMetadata will compute the wrong result, since anonymous fields of interface type are not encoded inline by the codec. Use kbfsmd.MakeID(ibrmd.BareRootMetadata) instead.
TODO: Move this to bare_root_metadata.go if it's used in more places.
func MakeImmutableBareRootMetadata ¶
func MakeImmutableBareRootMetadata( rmd kbfsmd.RootMetadata, extra kbfsmd.ExtraMetadata, mdID kbfsmd.ID, localTimestamp time.Time) ImmutableBareRootMetadata
MakeImmutableBareRootMetadata makes a new ImmutableBareRootMetadata from the given BareRootMetadata and its corresponding MdID.
func (ImmutableBareRootMetadata) MakeBareTlfHandleWithExtra ¶
func (ibrmd ImmutableBareRootMetadata) MakeBareTlfHandleWithExtra() ( tlf.Handle, error)
MakeBareTlfHandleWithExtra makes a BareTlfHandle for this ImmutableBareRootMetadata. Should be used only by servers and MDOps.
type ImmutableRootMetadata ¶
type ImmutableRootMetadata struct { ReadOnlyRootMetadata // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ImmutableRootMetadata is a thin wrapper around a ReadOnlyRootMetadata that takes ownership of it and does not ever modify it again. Thus, its MdID can be calculated and stored. Unlike ReadOnlyRootMetadata, ImmutableRootMetadata objects can be assumed to never alias a (modifiable) *RootMetadata.
func MakeCopyWithDecryptedPrivateData ¶
func MakeCopyWithDecryptedPrivateData( ctx context.Context, config Config, irmdToDecrypt, irmdWithKeys ImmutableRootMetadata, uid keybase1.UID) ( rmdDecrypted ImmutableRootMetadata, err error)
MakeCopyWithDecryptedPrivateData makes a copy of the given IRMD, decrypting it with the given IRMD with keys.
func MakeImmutableRootMetadata ¶
func MakeImmutableRootMetadata( rmd *RootMetadata, writerVerifyingKey kbfscrypto.VerifyingKey, mdID kbfsmd.ID, localTimestamp time.Time, putToServer bool) ImmutableRootMetadata
MakeImmutableRootMetadata makes a new ImmutableRootMetadata from the given RMD and its corresponding MdID.
func (ImmutableRootMetadata) LastModifyingWriterVerifyingKey ¶
func (irmd ImmutableRootMetadata) LastModifyingWriterVerifyingKey() kbfscrypto.VerifyingKey
LastModifyingWriterVerifyingKey returns the VerifyingKey used by the last writer of this MD.
func (ImmutableRootMetadata) LocalTimestamp ¶
func (irmd ImmutableRootMetadata) LocalTimestamp() time.Time
LocalTimestamp returns the timestamp associated with this RootMetadata object.
func (ImmutableRootMetadata) MdID ¶
func (irmd ImmutableRootMetadata) MdID() kbfsmd.ID
MdID returns the pre-computed MdID of the contained RootMetadata object.
type ImpatientDebugDumper ¶
type ImpatientDebugDumper struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ImpatientDebugDumper dumps all running goroutines if an operation takes longer than a preset value. User of this type should call Begin() with a context associated with an operation, and call the returned function when the operation is done. If the operation finishes within the preset duration, nothing is dumped into log. Despite being impatient, it tries not to pollute the log too much by rate limit goroutine dumping based on impatientDebugDumperDumpMinInterval (at most 1 per minute).
func NewImpatientDebugDumper ¶
func NewImpatientDebugDumper(config Config, dumpIn time.Duration) *ImpatientDebugDumper
NewImpatientDebugDumper creates a new *ImpatientDebugDumper, which logs with a logger made by config.MakeLogger("IGD"), and dumps goroutines if an operation takes longer than dumpIn.
func NewImpatientDebugDumperForForcedDumps ¶
func NewImpatientDebugDumperForForcedDumps(config Config) *ImpatientDebugDumper
NewImpatientDebugDumperForForcedDumps creates a new *ImpatientDebugDumper, just as above, though without launching any background goroutines or allowing the user to begin any time-tracked tasks. `ForceDump` is the only way to obtain a dump from a dumper constructed with this function.
func (*ImpatientDebugDumper) Begin ¶
func (d *ImpatientDebugDumper) Begin(ctx context.Context) (done func())
Begin causes d to start tracking time for ctx. The returned function should be called once the associated operation is done, likely in a defer statement.
func (*ImpatientDebugDumper) ForceDump ¶
func (d *ImpatientDebugDumper) ForceDump(ctx context.Context)
ForceDump dumps all debug info to the log, if it hasn't done so recently according to the rate-limiter.
func (*ImpatientDebugDumper) Shutdown ¶
func (d *ImpatientDebugDumper) Shutdown()
Shutdown shuts down d idempotently.
type IncompatibleHandleError ¶
type IncompatibleHandleError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
IncompatibleHandleError indicates that somethine tried to update the head of a TLF with a RootMetadata with an incompatible handle.
func (IncompatibleHandleError) Error ¶
func (e IncompatibleHandleError) Error() string
type InconsistentEncodedSizeError ¶
type InconsistentEncodedSizeError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
InconsistentEncodedSizeError is raised when a dirty block has a non-zero encoded size.
func (InconsistentEncodedSizeError) Error ¶
func (e InconsistentEncodedSizeError) Error() string
Error implements the error interface for InconsistentEncodedSizeError
type InfiniteChannelWrapper ¶
type InfiniteChannelWrapper struct { *channels.InfiniteChannel // contains filtered or unexported fields }
InfiniteChannelWrapper is a wrapper to allow us to select on sending to an infinite channel without fearing a panic when we Close() it.
func NewInfiniteChannelWrapper ¶
func NewInfiniteChannelWrapper() *InfiniteChannelWrapper
NewInfiniteChannelWrapper returns a wrapper around a new infinite channel.
func (*InfiniteChannelWrapper) Close ¶
func (ch *InfiniteChannelWrapper) Close()
Close shuts down this infinite channel.
func (*InfiniteChannelWrapper) In ¶
func (ch *InfiniteChannelWrapper) In() chan<- interface{}
In returns the input channel for this infinite channel.
type InitMode ¶
type InitMode interface { // Type returns the InitModeType of this mode. Type() InitModeType // IsTestMode returns whether we are running a test. IsTestMode() bool // BlockWorkers returns the number of block workers to run. BlockWorkers() int // PrefetchWorkers returns the number of prefetch workers to run. PrefetchWorkers() int // ThrottledPrefetchTime returns the period for each prefetch // worker to start a throttled prefetch request. ThrottledPrefetchPeriod() time.Duration // DefaultBlockRequestAction returns the action to be used by // default whenever fetching a block. DefaultBlockRequestAction() BlockRequestAction // RekeyWorkers returns the number of rekey workers to run. RekeyWorkers() int // RekeyQueueSize returns the size of the rekey queue. RekeyQueueSize() int // DirtyBlockCacheEnabled indicates if we should run a dirty block // cache. DirtyBlockCacheEnabled() bool // BackgroundFlushesEnabled indicates if we should periodically be // flushing unsynced dirty writes to the server or journal. BackgroundFlushesEnabled() bool // MetricsEnabled indicates if we should be collecting metrics. MetricsEnabled() bool // ConflictResolutionEnabled indicated if we should be running // the conflict resolution background process. ConflictResolutionEnabled() bool // BlockManagementEnabled indicates whether we should be running // the block archive/delete background process, and whether we // should be re-embedding block change blocks in MDs. BlockManagementEnabled() bool // MaxBlockPtrsToManageAtOnce indicates how many block pointers // the block manager should try to hold in memory at once. -1 // indicates that there is no limit. MaxBlockPtrsToManageAtOnce() int // QuotaReclamationEnabled indicates whether we should be running // the quota reclamation background process. QuotaReclamationEnabled() bool // QuotaReclamationPeriod indicates how often should each TLF // should check for quota to reclaim. If the Duration.Seconds() // == 0, quota reclamation should not run automatically. QuotaReclamationPeriod() time.Duration // QuotaReclamationMinUnrefAge indicates the minimum time a block // must have been unreferenced before it can be reclaimed. QuotaReclamationMinUnrefAge() time.Duration // QuotaReclamationMinHeadAge indicates the minimum age of the // most recently merged MD update before we can run reclamation, // to avoid conflicting with a currently active writer. QuotaReclamationMinHeadAge() time.Duration // NodeCacheEnabled indicates whether we should be caching data nodes. NodeCacheEnabled() bool // TLFUpdatesEnabled indicates whether we should be registering // ourselves with the mdserver for TLF updates. TLFUpdatesEnabled() bool // KBFSServiceEnabled indicates whether we should launch a local // service for answering incoming KBFS-related RPCs. KBFSServiceEnabled() bool // JournalEnabled indicates whether this mode supports a journal. JournalEnabled() bool // UnmergedTLFsEnabled indicates whether it's possible for a // device in this mode to have unmerged TLFs. UnmergedTLFsEnabled() bool // ServiceKeepaliveEnabled indicates whether we need to send // keepalive probes to the Keybase service daemon. ServiceKeepaliveEnabled() bool // TLFEditHistoryEnabled indicates whether we should be running // the background TLF edit history process. TLFEditHistoryEnabled() bool // SendEditNotificationsEnabled indicates whether we should send // edit notifications on FS writes. SendEditNotificationsEnabled() bool // ClientType indicates the type we should advertise to the // Keybase service. ClientType() keybase1.ClientType // LocalHTTPServerEnabled represents whether we should launch an HTTP // server. LocalHTTPServerEnabled() bool // MaxCleanBlockCacheCapacity is the maximum number of bytes to be taken up // by the clean block cache. MaxCleanBlockCacheCapacity() uint64 // OldStorageRootCleaningEnabled indicates whether we should clean // old temporary storage root directories. OldStorageRootCleaningEnabled() bool // DoRefreshFavoritesOnInit indicates whether we should refresh // our cached versions of the favorites immediately upon a login. DoRefreshFavoritesOnInit() bool // DoLogObfuscation indicates whether senstive data like filenames // should be obfuscated in log messages. DoLogObfuscation() bool // BlockTLFEditHistoryIntialization indicates where we should // delay initializing the edit histories of the most recent TLFs // until the first request that uses them is made. BlockTLFEditHistoryIntialization() bool // InitialDelayForBackgroundWork indicates how long non-critical // work that happens in the background on startup should wait // before it begins. InitialDelayForBackgroundWork() time.Duration // BackgroundWorkPeriod indicates how long to wait between // non-critical background work tasks. BackgroundWorkPeriod() time.Duration // DiskCacheWriteBufferSize indicates how large the write buffer // should be on disk caches -- this also controls how big the // on-disk tables are before compaction. DiskCacheWriteBufferSize() int }
InitMode encapsulates mode differences.
func NewInitModeFromType ¶
func NewInitModeFromType(t InitModeType) InitMode
NewInitModeFromType returns an InitMode object corresponding to the given type.
type InitModeType ¶
type InitModeType int
InitModeType indicates how KBFS should configure itself at runtime.
const ( // InitDefault is the normal mode for when KBFS data will be read // and written. InitDefault InitModeType = iota // InitMinimal is for when KBFS will only be used as a MD lookup // layer (e.g., for chat on mobile). InitMinimal // InitSingleOp is a mode for when KBFS is only needed for a // single logical operation; no rekeys or update subscriptions is // needed, and some naming restrictions are lifted (e.g., `.kbfs_` // filenames are allowed). InitSingleOp // InitConstrained is a mode where KBFS reads and writes data, but // constrains itself to using fewer resources (e.g. on mobile). InitConstrained // InitMemoryLimited is a mode where KBFS reads and writes data, but // constrains its memory use even further. InitMemoryLimited )
func (InitModeType) String ¶
func (im InitModeType) String() string
type InitParams ¶
type InitParams struct { // Whether to print debug messages. Debug bool // If non-empty, the host:port of the block server. If empty, // a default value is used depending on the run mode. Can also // be "memory" for an in-memory test server or // "dir:/path/to/dir" for an on-disk test server. BServerAddr string // If non-empty the host:port of the metadata server. If // empty, a default value is used depending on the run mode. // Can also be "memory" for an in-memory test server or // "dir:/path/to/dir" for an on-disk test server. MDServerAddr string // If non-zero, specifies the capacity (in bytes) of the block cache. If // zero, the capacity is set using getDefaultBlockCacheCapacity(). CleanBlockCacheCapacity uint64 // Fake local user name. LocalUser string // Where to put favorites. Has an effect only when LocalUser // is non-empty, in which case it must be either "memory" or // "dir:/path/to/dir". LocalFavoriteStorage string // TLFValidDuration is the duration that TLFs are valid // before marked for lazy revalidation. TLFValidDuration time.Duration // MetadataVersion is the default version of metadata to use // when creating new metadata. MetadataVersion kbfsmd.MetadataVer // BlockCryptVersion is the encryption version to use when // encrypting new blocks. BlockCryptVersion kbfscrypto.EncryptionVer // LogToFile if true, logs to a default file location. LogToFile bool // LogFileConfig tells us where to log and rotation config. LogFileConfig logger.LogFileConfig // TLFJournalBackgroundWorkStatus is the status to use to // pass into JournalManager.enableJournaling. Only has an effect when // EnableJournal is non-empty. TLFJournalBackgroundWorkStatus TLFJournalBackgroundWorkStatus // AdditionalProtocolCreators are for adding additional protocols that we // should handle for service to call in. AdditionalProtocolCreators []AdditionalProtocolCreator // EnableJournal enables journaling. EnableJournal bool // DiskCacheMode specifies which mode to start the disk cache. DiskCacheMode DiskCacheMode // StorageRoot, if non-empty, points to a local directory to put its local // databases for things like the journal or disk cache. StorageRoot string // BGFlushPeriod indicates how long to wait for a batch to fill up // before syncing a set of changes on a TLF to the servers. BGFlushPeriod time.Duration // BGFlushDirOpBatchSize indicates how many directory operations // in a TLF should be batched together in a single background // flush. BGFlushDirOpBatchSize int // Mode describes how KBFS should initialize itself. Mode string // DiskBlockCacheFraction indicates what fraction of free space on the disk // is allowed to be occupied by the KBFS disk block cache. DiskBlockCacheFraction float64 // SyncBlockCacheFraction indicates what fraction of free space on the disk // is allowed to be occupied by the KBFS sync block cache for offline use. SyncBlockCacheFraction float64 }
InitParams contains the initialization parameters for Init(). It is usually filled in by the flags parser passed into AddFlags().
func AddFlags ¶
func AddFlags(flags *flag.FlagSet, ctx Context) *InitParams
AddFlags adds libkbfs flags to the given FlagSet. Returns an InitParams that will be filled in once the given FlagSet is parsed.
func AddFlagsWithDefaults ¶
func AddFlagsWithDefaults( flags *flag.FlagSet, defaultParams InitParams, defaultLogPath string) *InitParams
AddFlagsWithDefaults adds libkbfs flags to the given FlagSet, given a set of default flags. Returns an InitParams that will be filled in once the given FlagSet is parsed.
func DefaultInitParams ¶
func DefaultInitParams(ctx Context) InitParams
DefaultInitParams returns default init params
type InvalidBlockRefError ¶
type InvalidBlockRefError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
InvalidBlockRefError indicates an invalid block reference was encountered.
func (InvalidBlockRefError) Error ¶
func (e InvalidBlockRefError) Error() string
type InvalidDataVersionError ¶
InvalidDataVersionError indicates that an invalid data version was used.
func (InvalidDataVersionError) Error ¶
func (e InvalidDataVersionError) Error() string
Error implements the error interface for InvalidDataVersionError.
type InvalidFavoritesOpError ¶
type InvalidFavoritesOpError struct{}
InvalidFavoritesOpError indicates an unknown FavoritesOp has been provided.
func (InvalidFavoritesOpError) Error ¶
func (InvalidFavoritesOpError) Error() string
Error implements the error interface for InvalidFavoritesOpError.
type InvalidOpError ¶
type InvalidOpError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
InvalidOpError is returned when an operation is called that isn't supported by the current implementation.
func (InvalidOpError) Error ¶
func (e InvalidOpError) Error() string
type InvalidParentPathError ¶
type InvalidParentPathError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
InvalidParentPathError indicates a path without a valid parent was encountered.
func (InvalidParentPathError) Error ¶
func (e InvalidParentPathError) Error() string
Error implements the error interface for InvalidParentPathError.
type InvalidPathError ¶
type InvalidPathError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
InvalidPathError indicates an invalid path was encountered.
func (InvalidPathError) Error ¶
func (e InvalidPathError) Error() string
Error implements the error interface for InvalidPathError.
type InvalidVersionError ¶
type InvalidVersionError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
InvalidVersionError indicates that we have encountered some new data version we don't understand, and we don't know how to handle it.
func (InvalidVersionError) Error ¶
func (e InvalidVersionError) Error() string
Error implements the error interface for InvalidVersionError.
type JournalManager ¶
type JournalManager struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
JournalManager is the server that handles write journals. It interposes itself in front of BlockServer and MDOps. It uses MDOps instead of MDServer because it has to potentially modify the RootMetadata passed in, and by the time it hits MDServer it's already too late. However, this assumes that all MD ops go through MDOps.
The maximum number of characters added to the root dir by a journal server journal is 108: 51 for the TLF journal, and 57 for everything else.
/v1/de...-...(53 characters total)...ff(/tlf journal)
func GetJournalManager ¶
func GetJournalManager(config Config) (*JournalManager, error)
GetJournalManager returns the JournalManager tied to a particular config.
func (*JournalManager) DisableAuto ¶
func (j *JournalManager) DisableAuto(ctx context.Context) error
DisableAuto turns off automatic write journal for any newly-accessed TLFs. Existing journaled TLFs need to be disabled manually.
func (*JournalManager) Enable ¶
func (j *JournalManager) Enable(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, h *tlfhandle.Handle, bws TLFJournalBackgroundWorkStatus) (err error)
Enable turns on the write journal for the given TLF. If h is nil, it will be attempted to be fetched from the remote MD server.
func (*JournalManager) EnableAuto ¶
func (j *JournalManager) EnableAuto(ctx context.Context) error
EnableAuto turns on the write journal for all TLFs, even new ones, persistently.
func (*JournalManager) EnableExistingJournals ¶
func (j *JournalManager) EnableExistingJournals( ctx context.Context, currentUID keybase1.UID, currentVerifyingKey kbfscrypto.VerifyingKey, bws TLFJournalBackgroundWorkStatus) (err error)
EnableExistingJournals turns on the write journal for all TLFs for the given (UID, device) tuple (with the device identified by its verifying key) with an existing journal. Any returned error means that the JournalManager remains in the same state as it was before.
Once this is called, this must not be called again until shutdownExistingJournals is called.
func (*JournalManager) FinishResolvingConflict ¶
func (j *JournalManager) FinishResolvingConflict( ctx context.Context, fakeTlfID tlf.ID) (err error)
FinishResolvingConflict shuts down the TLF journal for a cleared conflict, and removes its storage from the local disk.
func (*JournalManager) FinishSingleOp ¶
func (j *JournalManager) FinishSingleOp(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, lc *keybase1.LockContext, priority keybase1.MDPriority) (err error)
FinishSingleOp lets the write journal know that the application has finished a single op, and then blocks until the write journal has finished flushing everything.
func (*JournalManager) GetJournalsInConflict ¶
func (j *JournalManager) GetJournalsInConflict(ctx context.Context) ( current, cleared []ConflictJournalRecord, err error)
GetJournalsInConflict returns records for each TLF journal that currently has a conflict.
func (*JournalManager) JournalEnabled ¶
func (j *JournalManager) JournalEnabled(tlfID tlf.ID) bool
JournalEnabled returns true if the given TLF ID has a journal enabled for it.
func (*JournalManager) JournalStatus ¶
func (j *JournalManager) JournalStatus(tlfID tlf.ID) ( TLFJournalStatus, error)
JournalStatus returns a TLFServerStatus object for the given TLF suitable for diagnostics.
func (*JournalManager) JournalStatusWithPaths ¶
func (j *JournalManager) JournalStatusWithPaths(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, cpp chainsPathPopulator) (TLFJournalStatus, error)
JournalStatusWithPaths returns a TLFServerStatus object for the given TLF suitable for diagnostics, including paths for all the unflushed entries.
func (*JournalManager) MakeFBOsForExistingJournals ¶
func (j *JournalManager) MakeFBOsForExistingJournals( ctx context.Context) *sync.WaitGroup
MakeFBOsForExistingJournals creates folderBranchOps objects for all existing, non-empty journals. This is useful to initialize the unflushed edit history, for example. It returns a wait group that the caller can use to determine when all the FBOs have been initialized. If the caller is not going to wait on the group, it should provoide a context that won't be canceled before the wait group is finished.
func (*JournalManager) MoveAway ¶
MoveAway moves the current conflict branch to a new journal directory for the given TLF ID, and exposes it under a different favorite name in the folder list.
func (*JournalManager) PauseBackgroundWork ¶
func (j *JournalManager) PauseBackgroundWork(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID)
PauseBackgroundWork pauses the background work goroutine, if it's not already paused.
func (*JournalManager) ResumeBackgroundWork ¶
func (j *JournalManager) ResumeBackgroundWork(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID)
ResumeBackgroundWork resumes the background work goroutine, if it's not already resumed.
func (*JournalManager) Status ¶
func (j *JournalManager) Status( ctx context.Context) (JournalManagerStatus, []tlf.ID)
Status returns a JournalManagerStatus object suitable for diagnostics. It also returns a list of TLF IDs which have journals enabled.
func (*JournalManager) Wait ¶
Wait blocks until the write journal has finished flushing everything. It is essentially the same as Flush() when the journal is enabled and unpaused, except that it is safe to cancel the context without leaving the journal in a partially-flushed state. It does not wait for any conflicts or squashes resulting from flushing the data currently in the journal.
func (*JournalManager) WaitForCompleteFlush ¶
WaitForCompleteFlush blocks until the write journal has finished flushing everything. Unlike `Wait()`, it also waits for any conflicts or squashes detected during each flush attempt.
type JournalManagerStatus ¶
type JournalManagerStatus struct { RootDir string Version int CurrentUID keybase1.UID CurrentVerifyingKey kbfscrypto.VerifyingKey EnableAuto bool EnableAutoSetByUser bool JournalCount int // The byte counters below are signed because // os.FileInfo.Size() is signed. The file counter is signed // for consistency. StoredBytes int64 StoredFiles int64 UnflushedBytes int64 UnflushedPaths []string EndEstimate *time.Time DiskLimiterStatus interface{} Conflicts []ConflictJournalRecord `json:",omitempty"` ClearedConflicts []ConflictJournalRecord `json:",omitempty"` }
JournalManagerStatus represents the overall status of the JournalManager for display in diagnostics. It is suitable for encoding directly as JSON.
type KBFSErrorUnwrapper ¶
type KBFSErrorUnwrapper struct { }
KBFSErrorUnwrapper unwraps errors from the KBFS service.
func (KBFSErrorUnwrapper) MakeArg ¶
func (eu KBFSErrorUnwrapper) MakeArg() interface{}
MakeArg implements rpc.ErrorUnwrapper.
func (KBFSErrorUnwrapper) UnwrapError ¶
func (eu KBFSErrorUnwrapper) UnwrapError(arg interface{}) (appError error, dispatchError error)
UnwrapError implements rpc.ErrorUnwrapper.
type KBFSOps ¶
type KBFSOps interface { // GetFavorites returns the logged-in user's list of favorite // top-level folders. This is a remote-access operation when the cache // is empty or expired. GetFavorites(ctx context.Context) ([]favorites.Folder, error) // GetFavoritesAll returns the logged-in user's lists of favorite, ignored, // and new top-level folders. This is a remote-access operation when the // cache is empty or expired. GetFavoritesAll(ctx context.Context) (keybase1.FavoritesResult, error) // RefreshCachedFavorites tells the instances to forget any cached // favorites list and fetch a new list from the server. The // effects are asychronous; if there's an error refreshing the // favorites, the cached favorites will become empty. RefreshCachedFavorites(ctx context.Context, mode FavoritesRefreshMode) // ClearCachedFavorites tells the instances to forget any cached // favorites list, e.g. when a user logs out. ClearCachedFavorites(ctx context.Context) // AddFavorite adds the favorite to both the server and // the local cache. AddFavorite(ctx context.Context, fav favorites.Folder, data favorites.Data) error // DeleteFavorite deletes the favorite from both the server and // the local cache. Idempotent, so it succeeds even if the folder // isn't favorited. DeleteFavorite(ctx context.Context, fav favorites.Folder) error // SetFavoritesHomeTLFInfo sets the home TLF TeamIDs to initialize the // favorites cache on login. SetFavoritesHomeTLFInfo(ctx context.Context, info homeTLFInfo) // RefreshEditHistory asks the FBO for the given favorite to reload its // edit history. RefreshEditHistory(fav favorites.Folder) // GetTLFCryptKeys gets crypt key of all generations as well as // TLF ID for tlfHandle. The returned keys (the keys slice) are ordered by // generation, starting with the key for FirstValidKeyGen. GetTLFCryptKeys(ctx context.Context, tlfHandle *tlfhandle.Handle) ( keys []kbfscrypto.TLFCryptKey, id tlf.ID, err error) // GetTLFID gets the TLF ID for tlfHandle. GetTLFID(ctx context.Context, tlfHandle *tlfhandle.Handle) (tlf.ID, error) // GetTLFHandle returns the TLF handle for a given node. GetTLFHandle(ctx context.Context, node Node) (*tlfhandle.Handle, error) // GetOrCreateRootNode returns the root node and root entry // info associated with the given TLF handle and branch, if // the logged-in user has read permissions to the top-level // folder. It creates the folder if one doesn't exist yet (and // branch == MasterBranch), and the logged-in user has write // permissions to the top-level folder. This is a // remote-access operation. GetOrCreateRootNode( ctx context.Context, h *tlfhandle.Handle, branch data.BranchName) ( node Node, ei data.EntryInfo, err error) // GetRootNode is like GetOrCreateRootNode but if the root node // does not exist it will return a nil Node and not create it. GetRootNode( ctx context.Context, h *tlfhandle.Handle, branch data.BranchName) ( node Node, ei data.EntryInfo, err error) // GetDirChildren returns a map of children in the directory, // mapped to their EntryInfo, if the logged-in user has read // permission for the top-level folder. This is a remote-access // operation. GetDirChildren(ctx context.Context, dir Node) ( map[data.PathPartString]data.EntryInfo, error) // Lookup returns the Node and entry info associated with a // given name in a directory, if the logged-in user has read // permissions to the top-level folder. The returned Node is nil // if the name is a symlink. This is a remote-access operation. Lookup(ctx context.Context, dir Node, name data.PathPartString) ( Node, data.EntryInfo, error) // Stat returns the entry info associated with a // given Node, if the logged-in user has read permissions to the // top-level folder. This is a remote-access operation. Stat(ctx context.Context, node Node) (data.EntryInfo, error) // CreateDir creates a new subdirectory under the given node, if // the logged-in user has write permission to the top-level // folder. Returns the new Node for the created subdirectory, and // its new entry info. This is a remote-sync operation. CreateDir(ctx context.Context, dir Node, name data.PathPartString) ( Node, data.EntryInfo, error) // CreateFile creates a new file under the given node, if the // logged-in user has write permission to the top-level folder. // Returns the new Node for the created file, and its new // entry info. excl (when implemented) specifies whether this is an exclusive // create. Semantically setting excl to WithExcl is like O_CREAT|O_EXCL in a // Unix open() call. // // This is a remote-sync operation. CreateFile( ctx context.Context, dir Node, name data.PathPartString, isExec bool, excl Excl) (Node, data.EntryInfo, error) // CreateLink creates a new symlink under the given node, if the // logged-in user has write permission to the top-level folder. // Returns the new entry info for the created symlink. The // symlink is represented as a single `data.PathPartString` // (generally obfuscated by `dir`'s Obfuscator) to avoid // accidental logging, even though it could point outside of the // directory. The deobfuscate command will inspect symlinks when // deobfuscating to make this easier to debug. This is a // remote-sync operation. CreateLink( ctx context.Context, dir Node, fromName, toPath data.PathPartString) ( data.EntryInfo, error) // RemoveDir removes the subdirectory represented by the given // node, if the logged-in user has write permission to the // top-level folder. Will return an error if the subdirectory is // not empty. This is a remote-sync operation. RemoveDir(ctx context.Context, dir Node, dirName data.PathPartString) error // RemoveEntry removes the directory entry represented by the // given node, if the logged-in user has write permission to the // top-level folder. This is a remote-sync operation. RemoveEntry(ctx context.Context, dir Node, name data.PathPartString) error // Rename performs an atomic rename operation with a given // top-level folder if the logged-in user has write permission to // that folder, and will return an error if nodes from different // folders are passed in. Also returns an error if the new name // already has an entry corresponding to an existing directory // (only non-dir types may be renamed over). This is a // remote-sync operation. Rename( ctx context.Context, oldParent Node, oldName data.PathPartString, newParent Node, newName data.PathPartString) error // Read fills in the given buffer with data from the file at the // given node starting at the given offset, if the logged-in user // has read permission to the top-level folder. The read data // reflects any outstanding writes and truncates to that file that // have been written through this KBFSOps object, even if those // writes have not yet been sync'd. There is no guarantee that // Read returns all of the requested data; it will return the // number of bytes that it wrote to the dest buffer. Reads on an // unlinked file may or may not succeed, depending on whether or // not the data has been cached locally. If (0, nil) is returned, // that means EOF has been reached. This is a remote-access // operation. Read(ctx context.Context, file Node, dest []byte, off int64) (int64, error) // Write modifies the file at the given node, by writing the given // buffer at the given offset within the file, if the logged-in // user has write permission to the top-level folder. It // overwrites any data already there, and extends the file size as // necessary to accomodate the new data. It guarantees to write // the entire buffer in one operation. Writes on an unlinked file // may or may not succeed as no-ops, depending on whether or not // the necessary blocks have been locally cached. This is a // remote-access operation. Write(ctx context.Context, file Node, data []byte, off int64) error // Truncate modifies the file at the given node, by either // shrinking or extending its size to match the given size, if the // logged-in user has write permission to the top-level folder. // If extending the file, it pads the new data with 0s. Truncates // on an unlinked file may or may not succeed as no-ops, depending // on whether or not the necessary blocks have been locally // cached. This is a remote-access operation. Truncate(ctx context.Context, file Node, size uint64) error // SetEx turns on or off the executable bit on the file // represented by a given node, if the logged-in user has write // permissions to the top-level folder. This is a remote-sync // operation. SetEx(ctx context.Context, file Node, ex bool) error // SetMtime sets the modification time on the file represented by // a given node, if the logged-in user has write permissions to // the top-level folder. If mtime is nil, it is a noop. This is // a remote-sync operation. SetMtime(ctx context.Context, file Node, mtime *time.Time) error // SyncAll flushes all outstanding writes and truncates for any // dirty files to the KBFS servers within the given folder, if the // logged-in user has write permissions to the top-level folder. // If done through a file system interface, this may include // modifications done via multiple file handles. This is a // remote-sync operation. SyncAll(ctx context.Context, folderBranch data.FolderBranch) error // FolderStatus returns the status of a particular folder/branch, along // with a channel that will be closed when the status has been // updated (to eliminate the need for polling this method). FolderStatus(ctx context.Context, folderBranch data.FolderBranch) ( FolderBranchStatus, <-chan StatusUpdate, error) // FolderConflictStatus is a lightweight method to return the // conflict status of a particular folder/branch. (The conflict // status is also available in `FolderBranchStatus`.) FolderConflictStatus(ctx context.Context, folderBranch data.FolderBranch) ( keybase1.FolderConflictType, error) // Status returns the status of KBFS, along with a channel that will be // closed when the status has been updated (to eliminate the need for // polling this method). Note that this channel only applies to // connection status changes. // // KBFSStatus can be non-empty even if there is an error. Status(ctx context.Context) ( KBFSStatus, <-chan StatusUpdate, error) // UnstageForTesting clears out this device's staged state, if // any, and fast-forwards to the current head of this // folder-branch. UnstageForTesting(ctx context.Context, folderBranch data.FolderBranch) error // RequestRekey requests to rekey this folder. Note that this asynchronously // requests a rekey, so canceling ctx doesn't cancel the rekey. RequestRekey(ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID) // SyncFromServer blocks until the local client has contacted the // server and guaranteed that all known updates for the given // top-level folder have been applied locally (and notifications // sent out to any observers). It returns an error if this // folder-branch is currently unmerged or dirty locally. If // lockBeforeGet is non-nil, it blocks on idempotently taking the // lock from server at the time it gets any metadata. SyncFromServer(ctx context.Context, folderBranch data.FolderBranch, lockBeforeGet *keybase1.LockID) error // GetUpdateHistory returns a complete history of all the merged // updates of the given folder, in a data structure that's // suitable for encoding directly into JSON. This is an expensive // operation, and should only be used for ocassional debugging. // Note that the history does not include any unmerged changes or // outstanding writes from the local device. To get all the // revisions after `start`, use `kbfsmd.RevisionUninitialized` for // the `end` parameter. GetUpdateHistory( ctx context.Context, folderBranch data.FolderBranch, start, end kbfsmd.Revision) (history TLFUpdateHistory, err error) // GetEditHistory returns the edit history of the TLF, clustered // by writer. GetEditHistory(ctx context.Context, folderBranch data.FolderBranch) ( tlfHistory keybase1.FSFolderEditHistory, err error) // GetNodeMetadata gets metadata associated with a Node. GetNodeMetadata(ctx context.Context, node Node) (NodeMetadata, error) // GetRootNodeMetadata gets metadata associated with the root node // of a FolderBranch, and for convenience the TLF handle as well. GetRootNodeMetadata(ctx context.Context, folderBranch data.FolderBranch) ( NodeMetadata, *tlfhandle.Handle, error) // Shutdown is called to clean up any resources associated with // this KBFSOps instance. Shutdown(ctx context.Context) error // PushConnectionStatusChange updates the status of a service for // human readable connection status tracking. PushConnectionStatusChange(service string, newStatus error) // PushStatusChange causes Status listeners to be notified via closing // the status channel. PushStatusChange() // ClearPrivateFolderMD clears any cached private folder metadata, // e.g. on a logout. ClearPrivateFolderMD(ctx context.Context) // ForceFastForward forwards the nodes of all folders that have // been previously cleared with `ClearPrivateFolderMD` to their // newest version. It works asynchronously, so no error is // returned. ForceFastForward(ctx context.Context) // InvalidateNodeAndChildren sends invalidation messages for the // given node and all of its children that are currently in the // NodeCache. It's useful if the caller has outside knowledge of // data changes to that node or its children that didn't come // through the usual MD update channels (e.g., autogit nodes need // invalidation when the corresponding git repo is updated). InvalidateNodeAndChildren(ctx context.Context, node Node) error // TeamNameChanged indicates that a team has changed its name, and // we should clean up any outstanding handle info associated with // the team ID. TeamNameChanged(ctx context.Context, tid keybase1.TeamID) // TeamAbandoned indicates that a team has been abandoned, and // shouldn't be referred to by its previous name anymore. TeamAbandoned(ctx context.Context, tid keybase1.TeamID) // CheckMigrationPerms returns an error if this device cannot // perform implicit team migration for the given TLF. CheckMigrationPerms(ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID) (err error) // MigrateToImplicitTeam migrates the given folder from a private- // or public-keyed folder, to a team-keyed folder. If it's // already a private/public team-keyed folder, nil is returned. MigrateToImplicitTeam(ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID) error // KickoffAllOutstandingRekeys kicks off all outstanding rekeys. It does // nothing to folders that have not scheduled a rekey. This should be // called when we receive an event of "paper key cached" from service. KickoffAllOutstandingRekeys() error // NewNotificationChannel is called to notify any existing TLF // matching `handle` that a new kbfs-edits channel is available. NewNotificationChannel( ctx context.Context, handle *tlfhandle.Handle, convID chat1.ConversationID, channelName string) // ClearConflictView moves the conflict view of the given TLF out of the // way and resets the state of the TLF. ClearConflictView(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID) error // FinishResolvingConflict removes the local view of a // previously-cleared conflict. FinishResolvingConflict(ctx context.Context, fb data.FolderBranch) error // ForceStuckConflictForTesting forces the local view of the given // TLF into a stuck conflict view, in order to test the above // `ClearConflictView` method and related state changes. ForceStuckConflictForTesting(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID) error // Reset completely resets the given folder. Should only be // called after explicit user confirmation. After the call, // `handle` has the new TLF ID. If `*newTlfID` is non-nil, that // will be the new TLF ID of the reset TLF, if it already points // to a MD object that matches the same handle as the original TLF // (see HOTPOT-685 for an example of how this can happen -- it // should be very rare). Reset(ctx context.Context, handle *tlfhandle.Handle, newTlfID *tlf.ID) error // GetSyncConfig returns the sync state configuration for the // given TLF. GetSyncConfig(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID) ( keybase1.FolderSyncConfig, error) // SetSyncConfig sets the sync state configuration for the given // TLF to either fully enabled, fully disabled, or partially // syncing selected paths. If syncing is disabled, it returns a // channel that is closed when all of the TLF's blocks have been // removed from the sync cache. For a partially-synced folder, // the config must contain no absolute paths, no duplicate paths, // and no relative paths that go out of the TLF. SetSyncConfig( ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, config keybase1.FolderSyncConfig) ( <-chan error, error) // AddRootNodeWrapper adds a new root node wrapper for every // existing TLF. Any Nodes that have already been returned by // `KBFSOps` won't use these wrappers. AddRootNodeWrapper(func(Node) Node) // StatusOfServices returns the current status of various connected // services. StatusOfServices() (map[string]error, chan StatusUpdate) }
KBFSOps handles all file system operations. Expands all indirect pointers. Operations that modify the server data change all the block IDs along the path, and so must return a path with the new BlockIds so the caller can update their references.
KBFSOps implementations must guarantee goroutine-safety of calls on a per-top-level-folder basis.
There are two types of operations that could block:
- remote-sync operations, that need to synchronously update the MD for the corresponding top-level folder. When these operations return successfully, they will have guaranteed to have successfully written the modification to the KBFS servers.
- remote-access operations, that don't sync any modifications to KBFS servers, but may block on reading data from the servers.
KBFSOps implementations are supposed to give git-like consistency semantics for modification operations; they will be visible to other clients immediately after the remote-sync operations succeed, if and only if there was no other intervening modification to the same folder. If not, the change will be sync'd to the server in a special per-device "unmerged" area before the operation succeeds. In this case, the modification will not be visible to other clients until the KBFS code on this device performs automatic conflict resolution in the background.
All methods take a Context (see, and if that context is cancelled during the operation, KBFSOps will abort any blocking calls and return ctx.Err(). Any notifications resulting from an operation will also include this ctx (or a Context derived from it), allowing the caller to determine whether the notification is a result of their own action or an external action.
Each directory and file name is specified with a `data.PathPartString`, to protect against accidentally logging plaintext filenames. These can be easily created from the parent node's `Node` object with the `ChildName` function.
type KBFSOpsStandard ¶
type KBFSOpsStandard struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
KBFSOpsStandard implements the KBFSOps interface, and is go-routine safe by forwarding requests to individual per-folder-branch handlers that are go-routine-safe.
func NewKBFSOpsStandard ¶
func NewKBFSOpsStandard( appStateUpdater env.AppStateUpdater, config Config, initDoneCh <-chan struct{}) *KBFSOpsStandard
NewKBFSOpsStandard constructs a new KBFSOpsStandard object. `initDone` should be closed when the rest of initialization (such as journal initialization) has completed.
func (*KBFSOpsStandard) AddFavorite ¶
func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) AddFavorite(ctx context.Context, fav favorites.Folder, data favorites.Data) error
AddFavorite implements the KBFSOps interface for KBFSOpsStandard.
func (*KBFSOpsStandard) AddRootNodeWrapper ¶
func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) AddRootNodeWrapper(f func(Node) Node)
AddRootNodeWrapper implements the KBFSOps interface for KBFSOpsStandard.
func (*KBFSOpsStandard) CheckMigrationPerms ¶
CheckMigrationPerms implements the KBFSOps interface for folderBranchOps.
func (*KBFSOpsStandard) ClearCachedFavorites ¶
func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) ClearCachedFavorites(ctx context.Context)
ClearCachedFavorites implements the KBFSOps interface for KBFSOpsStandard.
func (*KBFSOpsStandard) ClearConflictView ¶
ClearConflictView resets a TLF's journal and conflict DB to a non -conflicting state.
func (*KBFSOpsStandard) ClearPrivateFolderMD ¶
func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) ClearPrivateFolderMD(ctx context.Context)
ClearPrivateFolderMD implements the KBFSOps interface for KBFSOpsStandard.
func (*KBFSOpsStandard) CreateDir ¶
func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) CreateDir( ctx context.Context, dir Node, name data.PathPartString) ( Node, data.EntryInfo, error)
CreateDir implements the KBFSOps interface for KBFSOpsStandard
func (*KBFSOpsStandard) CreateFile ¶
func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) CreateFile( ctx context.Context, dir Node, name data.PathPartString, isExec bool, excl Excl) (Node, data.EntryInfo, error)
CreateFile implements the KBFSOps interface for KBFSOpsStandard
func (*KBFSOpsStandard) CreateLink ¶
func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) CreateLink( ctx context.Context, dir Node, fromName, toPath data.PathPartString) ( data.EntryInfo, error)
CreateLink implements the KBFSOps interface for KBFSOpsStandard
func (*KBFSOpsStandard) DeleteFavorite ¶
DeleteFavorite implements the KBFSOps interface for KBFSOpsStandard.
func (*KBFSOpsStandard) FinishResolvingConflict ¶
func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) FinishResolvingConflict( ctx context.Context, fb data.FolderBranch) (err error)
FinishResolvingConflict implements the KBFSOps interface for KBFSOpsStandard.
func (*KBFSOpsStandard) FolderConflictStatus ¶
func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) FolderConflictStatus( ctx context.Context, folderBranch data.FolderBranch) ( keybase1.FolderConflictType, error)
FolderConflictStatus implements the KBFSOps interface for KBFSOpsStandard
func (*KBFSOpsStandard) FolderStatus ¶
func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) FolderStatus( ctx context.Context, folderBranch data.FolderBranch) ( FolderBranchStatus, <-chan StatusUpdate, error)
FolderStatus implements the KBFSOps interface for KBFSOpsStandard
func (*KBFSOpsStandard) ForceFastForward ¶
func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) ForceFastForward(ctx context.Context)
ForceFastForward implements the KBFSOps interface for KBFSOpsStandard.
func (*KBFSOpsStandard) ForceStuckConflictForTesting ¶
ForceStuckConflictForTesting implements the KBFSOps interface for KBFSOpsStandard.
func (*KBFSOpsStandard) GetDirChildren ¶
func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) GetDirChildren(ctx context.Context, dir Node) ( map[data.PathPartString]data.EntryInfo, error)
GetDirChildren implements the KBFSOps interface for KBFSOpsStandard
func (*KBFSOpsStandard) GetEditHistory ¶
func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) GetEditHistory( ctx context.Context, folderBranch data.FolderBranch) ( tlfHistory keybase1.FSFolderEditHistory, err error)
GetEditHistory implements the KBFSOps interface for KBFSOpsStandard
func (*KBFSOpsStandard) GetFavorites ¶
GetFavorites implements the KBFSOps interface for KBFSOpsStandard.
func (*KBFSOpsStandard) GetFavoritesAll ¶
func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) GetFavoritesAll(ctx context.Context) ( keybase1.FavoritesResult, error)
GetFavoritesAll implements the KBFSOps interface for KBFSOpsStandard.
func (*KBFSOpsStandard) GetNodeMetadata ¶
func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) GetNodeMetadata(ctx context.Context, node Node) ( NodeMetadata, error)
GetNodeMetadata implements the KBFSOps interface for KBFSOpsStandard
func (*KBFSOpsStandard) GetOrCreateRootNode ¶
func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) GetOrCreateRootNode( ctx context.Context, h *tlfhandle.Handle, branch data.BranchName) ( node Node, ei data.EntryInfo, err error)
GetOrCreateRootNode implements the KBFSOps interface for KBFSOpsStandard
func (*KBFSOpsStandard) GetRootNode ¶
func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) GetRootNode( ctx context.Context, h *tlfhandle.Handle, branch data.BranchName) ( node Node, ei data.EntryInfo, err error)
GetRootNode implements the KBFSOps interface for KBFSOpsStandard. Returns a nil Node and nil error if the tlf does not exist but there is no error present.
func (*KBFSOpsStandard) GetRootNodeMetadata ¶
func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) GetRootNodeMetadata( ctx context.Context, folderBranch data.FolderBranch) ( NodeMetadata, *tlfhandle.Handle, error)
GetRootNodeMetadata implements the KBFSOps interface for KBFSOpsStandard
func (*KBFSOpsStandard) GetSyncConfig ¶
func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) GetSyncConfig( ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID) (keybase1.FolderSyncConfig, error)
GetSyncConfig implements the KBFSOps interface for KBFSOpsStandard.
func (*KBFSOpsStandard) GetTLFCryptKeys ¶
func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) GetTLFCryptKeys( ctx context.Context, tlfHandle *tlfhandle.Handle) ( keys []kbfscrypto.TLFCryptKey, id tlf.ID, err error)
GetTLFCryptKeys implements the KBFSOps interface for KBFSOpsStandard
func (*KBFSOpsStandard) GetTLFHandle ¶
GetTLFHandle implements the KBFSOps interface for KBFSOpsStandard.
func (*KBFSOpsStandard) GetTLFID ¶
func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) GetTLFID(ctx context.Context, tlfHandle *tlfhandle.Handle) (id tlf.ID, err error)
GetTLFID implements the KBFSOps interface for KBFSOpsStandard.
func (*KBFSOpsStandard) GetUpdateHistory ¶
func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) GetUpdateHistory( ctx context.Context, folderBranch data.FolderBranch, start, end kbfsmd.Revision) (history TLFUpdateHistory, err error)
GetUpdateHistory implements the KBFSOps interface for KBFSOpsStandard
func (*KBFSOpsStandard) InvalidateNodeAndChildren ¶
func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) InvalidateNodeAndChildren( ctx context.Context, node Node) error
InvalidateNodeAndChildren implements the KBFSOps interface for KBFSOpsStandard.
func (*KBFSOpsStandard) KickoffAllOutstandingRekeys ¶
func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) KickoffAllOutstandingRekeys() error
KickoffAllOutstandingRekeys implements the KBFSOps interface for KBFSOpsStandard.
func (*KBFSOpsStandard) Lookup ¶
func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) Lookup( ctx context.Context, dir Node, name data.PathPartString) ( Node, data.EntryInfo, error)
Lookup implements the KBFSOps interface for KBFSOpsStandard
func (*KBFSOpsStandard) MigrateToImplicitTeam ¶
MigrateToImplicitTeam implements the KBFSOps interface for KBFSOpsStandard.
func (*KBFSOpsStandard) NewNotificationChannel ¶
func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) NewNotificationChannel( ctx context.Context, handle *tlfhandle.Handle, convID chat1.ConversationID, channelName string)
NewNotificationChannel implements the KBFSOps interface for KBFSOpsStandard.
func (*KBFSOpsStandard) PushConnectionStatusChange ¶
func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) PushConnectionStatusChange( service string, newStatus error)
PushConnectionStatusChange pushes human readable connection status changes.
func (*KBFSOpsStandard) PushStatusChange ¶
func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) PushStatusChange()
PushStatusChange forces a new status be fetched by status listeners.
func (*KBFSOpsStandard) Read ¶
func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) Read( ctx context.Context, file Node, dest []byte, off int64) ( numRead int64, err error)
Read implements the KBFSOps interface for KBFSOpsStandard
func (*KBFSOpsStandard) RefreshCachedFavorites ¶
func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) RefreshCachedFavorites(ctx context.Context, mode FavoritesRefreshMode)
RefreshCachedFavorites implements the KBFSOps interface for KBFSOpsStandard.
func (*KBFSOpsStandard) RefreshEditHistory ¶
func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) RefreshEditHistory(fav favorites.Folder)
RefreshEditHistory implements the KBFSOps interface for KBFSOpsStandard
func (*KBFSOpsStandard) RegisterForChanges ¶
func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) RegisterForChanges( folderBranches []data.FolderBranch, obs Observer) error
RegisterForChanges implements the Notifer interface for KBFSOpsStandard
func (*KBFSOpsStandard) RemoveDir ¶
func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) RemoveDir( ctx context.Context, dir Node, name data.PathPartString) error
RemoveDir implements the KBFSOps interface for KBFSOpsStandard
func (*KBFSOpsStandard) RemoveEntry ¶
func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) RemoveEntry( ctx context.Context, dir Node, name data.PathPartString) error
RemoveEntry implements the KBFSOps interface for KBFSOpsStandard
func (*KBFSOpsStandard) Rename ¶
func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) Rename( ctx context.Context, oldParent Node, oldName data.PathPartString, newParent Node, newName data.PathPartString) error
Rename implements the KBFSOps interface for KBFSOpsStandard
func (*KBFSOpsStandard) RequestRekey ¶
func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) RequestRekey(ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID)
RequestRekey implements the KBFSOps interface for KBFSOpsStandard
func (*KBFSOpsStandard) Reset ¶
func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) Reset( ctx context.Context, handle *tlfhandle.Handle, newTlfID *tlf.ID) error
Reset implements the KBFSOps interface for KBFSOpsStandard.
func (*KBFSOpsStandard) SetFavoritesHomeTLFInfo ¶
func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) SetFavoritesHomeTLFInfo(ctx context.Context, info homeTLFInfo)
SetFavoritesHomeTLFInfo implements the KBFSOps interface for KBFSOpsStandard.
func (*KBFSOpsStandard) SetSyncConfig ¶
func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) SetSyncConfig( ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, config keybase1.FolderSyncConfig) (<-chan error, error)
SetSyncConfig implements the KBFSOps interface for KBFSOpsStandard.
func (*KBFSOpsStandard) Shutdown ¶
func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) Shutdown(ctx context.Context) error
Shutdown safely shuts down any background goroutines that may have been launched by KBFSOpsStandard.
func (*KBFSOpsStandard) Status ¶
func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) Status(ctx context.Context) ( KBFSStatus, <-chan StatusUpdate, error)
Status implements the KBFSOps interface for KBFSOpsStandard
func (*KBFSOpsStandard) StatusOfServices ¶
func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) StatusOfServices() (map[string]error, chan StatusUpdate)
StatusOfServices implements the KBFSOps interface for KBFSOpsStandard.
func (*KBFSOpsStandard) SyncAll ¶
func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) SyncAll( ctx context.Context, folderBranch data.FolderBranch) error
SyncAll implements the KBFSOps interface for KBFSOpsStandard
func (*KBFSOpsStandard) SyncFromServer ¶
func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) SyncFromServer(ctx context.Context, folderBranch data.FolderBranch, lockBeforeGet *keybase1.LockID) error
SyncFromServer implements the KBFSOps interface for KBFSOpsStandard
func (*KBFSOpsStandard) TeamAbandoned ¶
func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) TeamAbandoned( ctx context.Context, tid keybase1.TeamID)
TeamAbandoned implements the KBFSOps interface for KBFSOpsStandard.
func (*KBFSOpsStandard) TeamNameChanged ¶
func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) TeamNameChanged( ctx context.Context, tid keybase1.TeamID)
TeamNameChanged implements the KBFSOps interface for KBFSOpsStandard
func (*KBFSOpsStandard) UnregisterFromChanges ¶
func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) UnregisterFromChanges( folderBranches []data.FolderBranch, obs Observer) error
UnregisterFromChanges implements the Notifer interface for KBFSOpsStandard
func (*KBFSOpsStandard) UnstageForTesting ¶
func (fs *KBFSOpsStandard) UnstageForTesting( ctx context.Context, folderBranch data.FolderBranch) error
UnstageForTesting implements the KBFSOps interface for KBFSOpsStandard TODO: remove once we have automatic conflict resolution
type KBFSService ¶
type KBFSService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
KBFSService represents a running KBFS service.
func NewKBFSService ¶
func NewKBFSService(kbCtx Context, config kbfsServiceConfig) ( *KBFSService, error)
NewKBFSService creates a new KBFSService.
func (*KBFSService) Run ¶
func (k *KBFSService) Run(l net.Listener)
Run starts listening on the passed-in listener.
func (*KBFSService) Shutdown ¶
func (k *KBFSService) Shutdown()
Shutdown shuts down this KBFSService.
type KBFSStatus ¶
type KBFSStatus struct { CurrentUser string IsConnected bool UsageBytes int64 ArchiveBytes int64 LimitBytes int64 GitUsageBytes int64 GitArchiveBytes int64 GitLimitBytes int64 FailingServices map[string]error JournalManager *JournalManagerStatus `json:",omitempty"` DiskBlockCacheStatus map[string]DiskBlockCacheStatus `json:",omitempty"` DiskMDCacheStatus DiskMDCacheStatus `json:",omitempty"` DiskQuotaCacheStatus DiskQuotaCacheStatus `json:",omitempty"` }
KBFSStatus represents the content of the top-level status file. It is suitable for encoding directly as JSON. TODO: implement magical status update like FolderBranchStatus
type KBPKI ¶
type KBPKI interface { idutil.KBPKI idutil.MerkleRootGetter // HasVerifyingKey returns nil if the given user has the given // VerifyingKey, and an error otherwise. If the revoked key was // valid according to the untrusted server timestamps, a special // error type `RevokedDeviceVerificationError` is returned, which // includes information the caller can use to verify the key using // the merkle tree. // // If the caller knows that the keys needs to be verified while // offline, they should pass in // `keybase1.OfflineAvailability_BEST_EFFORT` as the `offline` // parameter. Otherwise `HasVerifyingKey` might block on a // network call. HasVerifyingKey(ctx context.Context, uid keybase1.UID, verifyingKey kbfscrypto.VerifyingKey, atServerTime time.Time, offline keybase1.OfflineAvailability) error // GetCryptPublicKeys gets all of a user's crypt public keys (including // paper keys). // // If the caller knows that the keys needs to be retrieved while // offline, they should pass in // `keybase1.OfflineAvailability_BEST_EFFORT` as the `offline` // parameter. Otherwise `GetCryptPublicKeys` might block on a // network call. GetCryptPublicKeys( ctx context.Context, uid keybase1.UID, offline keybase1.OfflineAvailability) ( []kbfscrypto.CryptPublicKey, error) // FavoriteAdd adds folder to the list of the logged in user's // favorite folders. It is idempotent. FavoriteAdd(ctx context.Context, folder keybase1.FolderHandle) error // FavoriteDelete deletes folder from the list of the logged in user's // favorite folders. It is idempotent. FavoriteDelete(ctx context.Context, folder keybase1.FolderHandle) error // FavoriteList returns the list of all favorite folders for // the logged in user. FavoriteList(ctx context.Context) (keybase1.FavoritesResult, error) // CreateTeamTLF associates the given TLF ID with the team ID in // the team's sigchain. If the team already has a TLF ID // associated with it, this overwrites it. CreateTeamTLF( ctx context.Context, teamID keybase1.TeamID, tlfID tlf.ID) error // Notify sends a filesystem notification. Notify(ctx context.Context, notification *keybase1.FSNotification) error // NotifyPathUpdated sends a path updated notification. NotifyPathUpdated(ctx context.Context, path string) error // InvalidateTeamCacheForID instructs KBPKI to discard any cached // information about the given team ID. InvalidateTeamCacheForID(tid keybase1.TeamID) // contains filtered or unexported methods }
KBPKI interacts with the Keybase daemon to fetch user info.
type KBPKIClient ¶
type KBPKIClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
KBPKIClient uses a KeybaseService.
func NewKBPKIClient ¶
func NewKBPKIClient( serviceOwner keybaseServiceOwner, log logger.Logger) *KBPKIClient
NewKBPKIClient returns a new KBPKIClient with the given service.
func (*KBPKIClient) CreateTeamTLF ¶
func (k *KBPKIClient) CreateTeamTLF( ctx context.Context, teamID keybase1.TeamID, tlfID tlf.ID) error
CreateTeamTLF implements the KBPKI interface for KBPKIClient.
func (*KBPKIClient) FavoriteAdd ¶
func (k *KBPKIClient) FavoriteAdd(ctx context.Context, folder keybase1.FolderHandle) error
FavoriteAdd implements the KBPKI interface for KBPKIClient.
func (*KBPKIClient) FavoriteDelete ¶
func (k *KBPKIClient) FavoriteDelete(ctx context.Context, folder keybase1.FolderHandle) error
FavoriteDelete implements the KBPKI interface for KBPKIClient.
func (*KBPKIClient) FavoriteList ¶
func (k *KBPKIClient) FavoriteList(ctx context.Context) ( keybase1.FavoritesResult, error)
FavoriteList implements the KBPKI interface for KBPKIClient.
func (*KBPKIClient) GetCryptPublicKeys ¶
func (k *KBPKIClient) GetCryptPublicKeys( ctx context.Context, uid keybase1.UID, offline keybase1.OfflineAvailability) ( keys []kbfscrypto.CryptPublicKey, err error)
GetCryptPublicKeys implements the KBPKI interface for KBPKIClient.
func (*KBPKIClient) GetCurrentMerkleRoot ¶
func (k *KBPKIClient) GetCurrentMerkleRoot(ctx context.Context) ( keybase1.MerkleRootV2, time.Time, error)
GetCurrentMerkleRoot implements the KBPKI interface for KBPKIClient.
func (*KBPKIClient) GetCurrentSession ¶
func (k *KBPKIClient) GetCurrentSession(ctx context.Context) ( idutil.SessionInfo, error)
GetCurrentSession implements the KBPKI interface for KBPKIClient.
func (*KBPKIClient) GetNormalizedUsername ¶
func (k *KBPKIClient) GetNormalizedUsername( ctx context.Context, id keybase1.UserOrTeamID, offline keybase1.OfflineAvailability) ( username kbname.NormalizedUsername, err error)
GetNormalizedUsername implements the KBPKI interface for KBPKIClient.
func (*KBPKIClient) GetTeamRootID ¶
func (k *KBPKIClient) GetTeamRootID( ctx context.Context, tid keybase1.TeamID, offline keybase1.OfflineAvailability) (keybase1.TeamID, error)
GetTeamRootID implements the KBPKI interface for KBPKIClient.
func (*KBPKIClient) GetTeamTLFCryptKeys ¶
func (k *KBPKIClient) GetTeamTLFCryptKeys( ctx context.Context, tid keybase1.TeamID, desiredKeyGen kbfsmd.KeyGen, offline keybase1.OfflineAvailability) ( map[kbfsmd.KeyGen]kbfscrypto.TLFCryptKey, kbfsmd.KeyGen, error)
GetTeamTLFCryptKeys implements the KBPKI interface for KBPKIClient.
func (*KBPKIClient) HasVerifyingKey ¶
func (k *KBPKIClient) HasVerifyingKey( ctx context.Context, uid keybase1.UID, verifyingKey kbfscrypto.VerifyingKey, atServerTime time.Time, offline keybase1.OfflineAvailability) error
HasVerifyingKey implements the KBPKI interface for KBPKIClient.
func (*KBPKIClient) Identify ¶
func (k *KBPKIClient) Identify( ctx context.Context, assertion, reason string, offline keybase1.OfflineAvailability) ( kbname.NormalizedUsername, keybase1.UserOrTeamID, error)
Identify implements the KBPKI interface for KBPKIClient.
func (*KBPKIClient) IdentifyImplicitTeam ¶
func (k *KBPKIClient) IdentifyImplicitTeam( ctx context.Context, assertions, suffix string, tlfType tlf.Type, reason string, offline keybase1.OfflineAvailability) ( idutil.ImplicitTeamInfo, error)
IdentifyImplicitTeam identifies (and creates if necessary) the given implicit team.
func (*KBPKIClient) InvalidateTeamCacheForID ¶
func (k *KBPKIClient) InvalidateTeamCacheForID(tid keybase1.TeamID)
InvalidateTeamCacheForID implements the KBPKI interface for KBPKIClient.
func (*KBPKIClient) IsTeamReader ¶
func (k *KBPKIClient) IsTeamReader( ctx context.Context, tid keybase1.TeamID, uid keybase1.UID, offline keybase1.OfflineAvailability) (bool, error)
IsTeamReader implements the KBPKI interface for KBPKIClient.
func (*KBPKIClient) IsTeamWriter ¶
func (k *KBPKIClient) IsTeamWriter( ctx context.Context, tid keybase1.TeamID, uid keybase1.UID, verifyingKey kbfscrypto.VerifyingKey, offline keybase1.OfflineAvailability) (bool, error)
IsTeamWriter implements the KBPKI interface for KBPKIClient.
func (*KBPKIClient) NoLongerTeamWriter ¶
func (k *KBPKIClient) NoLongerTeamWriter( ctx context.Context, tid keybase1.TeamID, tlfType tlf.Type, uid keybase1.UID, verifyingKey kbfscrypto.VerifyingKey, offline keybase1.OfflineAvailability) (keybase1.MerkleRootV2, error)
NoLongerTeamWriter implements the KBPKI interface for KBPKIClient.
func (*KBPKIClient) NormalizeSocialAssertion ¶
func (k *KBPKIClient) NormalizeSocialAssertion( ctx context.Context, assertion string) (keybase1.SocialAssertion, error)
NormalizeSocialAssertion implements the KBPKI interface for KBPKIClient.
func (*KBPKIClient) Notify ¶
func (k *KBPKIClient) Notify(ctx context.Context, notification *keybase1.FSNotification) error
Notify implements the KBPKI interface for KBPKIClient.
func (*KBPKIClient) NotifyPathUpdated ¶
func (k *KBPKIClient) NotifyPathUpdated( ctx context.Context, path string) error
NotifyPathUpdated implements the KBPKI interface for KBPKIClient.
func (*KBPKIClient) PutGitMetadata ¶
func (k *KBPKIClient) PutGitMetadata( ctx context.Context, folder keybase1.FolderHandle, repoID keybase1.RepoID, metadata keybase1.GitLocalMetadata) error
PutGitMetadata implements the KBPKI interface for KBPKIClient.
func (*KBPKIClient) Resolve ¶
func (k *KBPKIClient) Resolve( ctx context.Context, assertion string, offline keybase1.OfflineAvailability) ( kbname.NormalizedUsername, keybase1.UserOrTeamID, error)
Resolve implements the KBPKI interface for KBPKIClient.
func (*KBPKIClient) ResolveImplicitTeam ¶
func (k *KBPKIClient) ResolveImplicitTeam( ctx context.Context, assertions, suffix string, tlfType tlf.Type, offline keybase1.OfflineAvailability) ( idutil.ImplicitTeamInfo, error)
ResolveImplicitTeam implements the KBPKI interface for KBPKIClient.
func (*KBPKIClient) ResolveImplicitTeamByID ¶
func (k *KBPKIClient) ResolveImplicitTeamByID( ctx context.Context, teamID keybase1.TeamID, tlfType tlf.Type, offline keybase1.OfflineAvailability) ( idutil.ImplicitTeamInfo, error)
ResolveImplicitTeamByID implements the KBPKI interface for KBPKIClient.
func (*KBPKIClient) ResolveTeamTLFID ¶
func (k *KBPKIClient) ResolveTeamTLFID( ctx context.Context, teamID keybase1.TeamID, offline keybase1.OfflineAvailability) (tlf.ID, error)
ResolveTeamTLFID implements the KBPKI interface for KBPKIClient.
func (*KBPKIClient) VerifyMerkleRoot ¶
func (k *KBPKIClient) VerifyMerkleRoot( ctx context.Context, root keybase1.MerkleRootV2, kbfsRoot keybase1.KBFSRoot) error
VerifyMerkleRoot implements the KBPKI interface for KBPKIClient.
type KeyCache ¶
type KeyCache interface { // GetTLFCryptKey gets the crypt key for the given TLF. GetTLFCryptKey(tlf.ID, kbfsmd.KeyGen) (kbfscrypto.TLFCryptKey, error) // PutTLFCryptKey stores the crypt key for the given TLF. PutTLFCryptKey(tlf.ID, kbfsmd.KeyGen, kbfscrypto.TLFCryptKey) error }
KeyCache handles caching for both TLFCryptKeys and BlockCryptKeys.
type KeyCacheHitError ¶
type KeyCacheHitError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
KeyCacheHitError indicates that a key matching the given TLF ID and key generation was found in cache but the object type was unknown.
func (KeyCacheHitError) Error ¶
func (e KeyCacheHitError) Error() string
Error implements the error interface for KeyCacheHitError.
type KeyCacheMeasured ¶
type KeyCacheMeasured struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
KeyCacheMeasured delegates to another KeyCache instance but also keeps track of stats.
func NewKeyCacheMeasured ¶
func NewKeyCacheMeasured(delegate KeyCache, r metrics.Registry) KeyCacheMeasured
NewKeyCacheMeasured creates and returns a new KeyCacheMeasured instance with the given delegate and registry.
func (KeyCacheMeasured) GetTLFCryptKey ¶
func (b KeyCacheMeasured) GetTLFCryptKey( tlfID tlf.ID, keyGen kbfsmd.KeyGen) (key kbfscrypto.TLFCryptKey, err error)
GetTLFCryptKey implements the KeyCache interface for KeyCacheMeasured.
func (KeyCacheMeasured) PutTLFCryptKey ¶
func (b KeyCacheMeasured) PutTLFCryptKey( tlfID tlf.ID, keyGen kbfsmd.KeyGen, key kbfscrypto.TLFCryptKey) (err error)
PutTLFCryptKey implements the KeyCache interface for KeyCacheMeasured.
type KeyCacheMissError ¶
type KeyCacheMissError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
KeyCacheMissError indicates that a key matching the given TLF ID and key generation wasn't found in cache.
func (KeyCacheMissError) Error ¶
func (e KeyCacheMissError) Error() string
Error implements the error interface for KeyCacheMissError.
type KeyCacheStandard ¶
type KeyCacheStandard struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
KeyCacheStandard is an LRU-based implementation of the KeyCache interface.
func NewKeyCacheStandard ¶
func NewKeyCacheStandard(capacity int) *KeyCacheStandard
NewKeyCacheStandard constructs a new KeyCacheStandard with the given cache capacity.
func (*KeyCacheStandard) GetTLFCryptKey ¶
func (k *KeyCacheStandard) GetTLFCryptKey(tlf tlf.ID, keyGen kbfsmd.KeyGen) ( kbfscrypto.TLFCryptKey, error)
GetTLFCryptKey implements the KeyCache interface for KeyCacheStandard.
func (*KeyCacheStandard) PutTLFCryptKey ¶
func (k *KeyCacheStandard) PutTLFCryptKey( tlf tlf.ID, keyGen kbfsmd.KeyGen, key kbfscrypto.TLFCryptKey) error
PutTLFCryptKey implements the KeyCache interface for KeyCacheStandard.
type KeyHalfMismatchError ¶
type KeyHalfMismatchError struct { Expected kbfscrypto.TLFCryptKeyServerHalfID Actual kbfscrypto.TLFCryptKeyServerHalfID }
KeyHalfMismatchError is returned when the key server doesn't return the expected key half.
func (KeyHalfMismatchError) Error ¶
func (e KeyHalfMismatchError) Error() string
Error implements the error interface for KeyHalfMismatchError.
type KeyManager ¶
type KeyManager interface { // GetTLFCryptKeyOfAllGenerations gets the crypt keys of all generations // for current devices. keys contains crypt keys from all generations, in // order, starting from FirstValidKeyGen. GetTLFCryptKeyOfAllGenerations(ctx context.Context, kmd libkey.KeyMetadata) ( keys []kbfscrypto.TLFCryptKey, err error) // Rekey checks the given MD object, if it is a private TLF, // against the current set of device keys for all valid // readers and writers. If there are any new devices, it // updates all existing key generations to include the new // devices. If there are devices that have been removed, it // creates a new epoch of keys for the TLF. If there was an // error, or the RootMetadata wasn't changed, it returns false. // Otherwise, it returns true. If a new key generation is // added the second return value points to this new key. This // is to allow for caching of the TLF crypt key only after a // successful merged write of the metadata. Otherwise we could // prematurely pollute the key cache. // // If the given MD object is a public TLF, it simply updates // the TLF's handle with any newly-resolved writers. // // If promptPaper is set, prompts for any unlocked paper keys. // promptPaper shouldn't be set if md is for a public TLF. Rekey(ctx context.Context, md *RootMetadata, promptPaper bool) ( bool, *kbfscrypto.TLFCryptKey, error) // contains filtered or unexported methods }
KeyManager fetches and constructs the keys needed for KBFS file operations.
type KeyManagerStandard ¶
type KeyManagerStandard struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
KeyManagerStandard implements the KeyManager interface by fetching keys from KeyOps and KBPKI, and computing the complete keys necessary to run KBFS.
func NewKeyManagerStandard ¶
func NewKeyManagerStandard(config Config) *KeyManagerStandard
NewKeyManagerStandard returns a new KeyManagerStandard
func (*KeyManagerStandard) GetFirstTLFCryptKey ¶
func (km *KeyManagerStandard) GetFirstTLFCryptKey( ctx context.Context, kmd libkey.KeyMetadata) ( kbfscrypto.TLFCryptKey, error)
GetFirstTLFCryptKey implements the KeyManager interface for KeyManagerStandard.
func (*KeyManagerStandard) GetTLFCryptKeyForBlockDecryption ¶
func (km *KeyManagerStandard) GetTLFCryptKeyForBlockDecryption( ctx context.Context, kmd libkey.KeyMetadata, blockPtr data.BlockPointer) ( tlfCryptKey kbfscrypto.TLFCryptKey, err error)
GetTLFCryptKeyForBlockDecryption implements the KeyManager interface for KeyManagerStandard.
func (*KeyManagerStandard) GetTLFCryptKeyForEncryption ¶
func (km *KeyManagerStandard) GetTLFCryptKeyForEncryption(ctx context.Context, kmd libkey.KeyMetadata) (tlfCryptKey kbfscrypto.TLFCryptKey, err error)
GetTLFCryptKeyForEncryption implements the KeyManager interface for KeyManagerStandard.
func (*KeyManagerStandard) GetTLFCryptKeyForMDDecryption ¶
func (km *KeyManagerStandard) GetTLFCryptKeyForMDDecryption( ctx context.Context, kmdToDecrypt, kmdWithKeys libkey.KeyMetadata) ( tlfCryptKey kbfscrypto.TLFCryptKey, err error)
GetTLFCryptKeyForMDDecryption implements the KeyManager interface for KeyManagerStandard.
func (*KeyManagerStandard) GetTLFCryptKeyOfAllGenerations ¶
func (km *KeyManagerStandard) GetTLFCryptKeyOfAllGenerations( ctx context.Context, kmd libkey.KeyMetadata) ( keys []kbfscrypto.TLFCryptKey, err error)
GetTLFCryptKeyOfAllGenerations implements the KeyManager interface for KeyManagerStandard.
func (*KeyManagerStandard) Rekey ¶
func (km *KeyManagerStandard) Rekey(ctx context.Context, md *RootMetadata, promptPaper bool) ( mdChanged bool, cryptKey *kbfscrypto.TLFCryptKey, err error)
Rekey implements the KeyManager interface for KeyManagerStandard.
TODO: Make this less terrible. See KBFS-1799.
type KeyMetadataWithRootDirEntry ¶
type KeyMetadataWithRootDirEntry interface { libkey.KeyMetadata // GetRootDirEntry returns the root directory entry for the // associated MD. GetRootDirEntry() data.DirEntry }
KeyMetadataWithRootDirEntry is like KeyMetadata, but can also return the root dir entry for the associated MD update.
type KeybaseDaemonLocal ¶
type KeybaseDaemonLocal struct { *idutil.DaemonLocal // contains filtered or unexported fields }
KeybaseDaemonLocal implements KeybaseDaemon using an in-memory user and session store, and a given favorite store.
func NewKeybaseDaemonDisk ¶
func NewKeybaseDaemonDisk(currentUID keybase1.UID, users []idutil.LocalUser, teams []idutil.TeamInfo, favDBFile string, codec kbfscodec.Codec) ( *KeybaseDaemonLocal, error)
NewKeybaseDaemonDisk constructs a KeybaseDaemonLocal object given a set of possible users, and one user that should be "logged in". Any storage (e.g. the favorites) persists to disk.
func NewKeybaseDaemonMemory ¶
func NewKeybaseDaemonMemory(currentUID keybase1.UID, users []idutil.LocalUser, teams []idutil.TeamInfo, codec kbfscodec.Codec) *KeybaseDaemonLocal
NewKeybaseDaemonMemory constructs a KeybaseDaemonLocal object given a set of possible users, and one user that should be "logged in". Any storage (e.g. the favorites) is kept in memory only.
func (*KeybaseDaemonLocal) ClearCaches ¶
func (k *KeybaseDaemonLocal) ClearCaches(_ context.Context)
ClearCaches implements the KeybaseDaemon interface for KeybaseDaemonLocal.
func (*KeybaseDaemonLocal) DecryptFavorites ¶
func (k *KeybaseDaemonLocal) DecryptFavorites(ctx context.Context, dataToDecrypt []byte) ([]byte, error)
DecryptFavorites implements KeybaseService for KeybaseDaemonLocal
func (*KeybaseDaemonLocal) EncryptFavorites ¶
func (k *KeybaseDaemonLocal) EncryptFavorites(ctx context.Context, dataToEncrypt []byte) ([]byte, error)
EncryptFavorites implements KeybaseService for KeybaseDaemonLocal
func (*KeybaseDaemonLocal) EstablishMountDir ¶
func (k *KeybaseDaemonLocal) EstablishMountDir(ctx context.Context) (string, error)
EstablishMountDir implements the KeybaseDaemon interface for KeybaseDaemonLocal.
func (*KeybaseDaemonLocal) FavoriteAdd ¶
func (k *KeybaseDaemonLocal) FavoriteAdd( ctx context.Context, folder keybase1.FolderHandle) error
FavoriteAdd implements KeybaseDaemon for KeybaseDaemonLocal.
func (*KeybaseDaemonLocal) FavoriteDelete ¶
func (k *KeybaseDaemonLocal) FavoriteDelete( ctx context.Context, folder keybase1.FolderHandle) error
FavoriteDelete implements KeybaseDaemon for KeybaseDaemonLocal.
func (*KeybaseDaemonLocal) FavoriteList ¶
func (k *KeybaseDaemonLocal) FavoriteList( ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (keybase1.FavoritesResult, error)
FavoriteList implements KeybaseDaemon for KeybaseDaemonLocal.
func (*KeybaseDaemonLocal) FlushUserFromLocalCache ¶
func (k *KeybaseDaemonLocal) FlushUserFromLocalCache(ctx context.Context, uid keybase1.UID)
FlushUserFromLocalCache implements the KeybaseDaemon interface for KeybaseDaemonLocal.
func (*KeybaseDaemonLocal) Notify ¶
func (k *KeybaseDaemonLocal) Notify(ctx context.Context, notification *keybase1.FSNotification) error
Notify implements KeybaseDaemon for KeybaseDeamonLocal.
func (*KeybaseDaemonLocal) NotifyFavoritesChanged ¶
func (k *KeybaseDaemonLocal) NotifyFavoritesChanged(ctx context.Context) error
NotifyFavoritesChanged implements KeybaseDaemon for KeybaseDeamonLocal.
func (*KeybaseDaemonLocal) NotifyOnlineStatusChanged ¶
func (k *KeybaseDaemonLocal) NotifyOnlineStatusChanged(ctx context.Context, online bool) error
NotifyOnlineStatusChanged implements KeybaseDaemon for KeybaseDeamonLocal.
func (*KeybaseDaemonLocal) NotifyOverallSyncStatus ¶
func (k *KeybaseDaemonLocal) NotifyOverallSyncStatus( ctx context.Context, _ keybase1.FolderSyncStatus) error
NotifyOverallSyncStatus implements KeybaseDaemon for KeybaseDeamonLocal.
func (*KeybaseDaemonLocal) NotifyPathUpdated ¶
func (k *KeybaseDaemonLocal) NotifyPathUpdated( ctx context.Context, _ string) error
NotifyPathUpdated implements KeybaseDaemon for KeybaseDeamonLocal.
func (*KeybaseDaemonLocal) NotifySyncStatus ¶
func (k *KeybaseDaemonLocal) NotifySyncStatus(ctx context.Context, _ *keybase1.FSPathSyncStatus) error
NotifySyncStatus implements KeybaseDaemon for KeybaseDeamonLocal.
func (*KeybaseDaemonLocal) OnNonPathChange ¶
func (k *KeybaseDaemonLocal) OnNonPathChange( subscriptionID SubscriptionID, topic keybase1.SubscriptionTopic)
OnNonPathChange implements the SubscriptionNotifier interface.
func (*KeybaseDaemonLocal) OnPathChange ¶
func (k *KeybaseDaemonLocal) OnPathChange(subscriptionID SubscriptionID, path string, topic keybase1.PathSubscriptionTopic)
OnPathChange implements the SubscriptionNotifier interface.
func (*KeybaseDaemonLocal) PutGitMetadata ¶
func (k *KeybaseDaemonLocal) PutGitMetadata( ctx context.Context, folder keybase1.FolderHandle, repoID keybase1.RepoID, metadata keybase1.GitLocalMetadata) error
PutGitMetadata implements the KeybaseService interface for KeybaseDaemonLocal.
func (*KeybaseDaemonLocal) Shutdown ¶
func (k *KeybaseDaemonLocal) Shutdown()
Shutdown implements KeybaseDaemon for KeybaseDaemonLocal.
type KeybaseDaemonRPC ¶
type KeybaseDaemonRPC struct { *KeybaseServiceBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
KeybaseDaemonRPC implements the KeybaseService interface using RPC calls.
func NewKeybaseDaemonRPC ¶
func NewKeybaseDaemonRPC(config Config, kbCtx Context, log logger.Logger, debug bool, additionalProtocols []rpc.Protocol) *KeybaseDaemonRPC
NewKeybaseDaemonRPC makes a new KeybaseDaemonRPC that makes RPC calls using the socket of the given Keybase context.
func (*KeybaseDaemonRPC) AddProtocols ¶
func (k *KeybaseDaemonRPC) AddProtocols(protocols []rpc.Protocol)
AddProtocols adds protocols that are registered on server connect
func (*KeybaseDaemonRPC) AvatarUpdated ¶
func (k *KeybaseDaemonRPC) AvatarUpdated(ctx context.Context, arg keybase1.AvatarUpdatedArg) error
AvatarUpdated implements keybase1.NotifyTeamInterface for KeybaseServiceBase.
func (*KeybaseDaemonRPC) FavoritesChanged ¶
FavoritesChanged implements keybase1.NotifyFavoritesClient
func (*KeybaseDaemonRPC) HandlerName ¶
func (*KeybaseDaemonRPC) HandlerName() string
HandlerName implements the ConnectionHandler interface.
func (*KeybaseDaemonRPC) NewlyAddedToTeam ¶
NewlyAddedToTeam implements keybase1.NotifyTeamInterface for KeybaseServiceBase.
func (*KeybaseDaemonRPC) OnConnect ¶
func (k *KeybaseDaemonRPC) OnConnect(ctx context.Context, conn *rpc.Connection, rawClient rpc.GenericClient, server *rpc.Server) (err error)
OnConnect implements the ConnectionHandler interface.
func (*KeybaseDaemonRPC) OnConnectError ¶
func (k *KeybaseDaemonRPC) OnConnectError(err error, wait time.Duration)
OnConnectError implements the ConnectionHandler interface.
func (*KeybaseDaemonRPC) OnDisconnected ¶
func (k *KeybaseDaemonRPC) OnDisconnected(ctx context.Context, status rpc.DisconnectStatus)
OnDisconnected implements the ConnectionHandler interface.
func (*KeybaseDaemonRPC) OnDoCommandError ¶
func (k *KeybaseDaemonRPC) OnDoCommandError(err error, wait time.Duration)
OnDoCommandError implements the ConnectionHandler interface.
func (*KeybaseDaemonRPC) ShouldRetry ¶
func (k *KeybaseDaemonRPC) ShouldRetry(rpcName string, err error) bool
ShouldRetry implements the ConnectionHandler interface.
func (*KeybaseDaemonRPC) ShouldRetryOnConnect ¶
func (k *KeybaseDaemonRPC) ShouldRetryOnConnect(err error) bool
ShouldRetryOnConnect implements the ConnectionHandler interface.
func (*KeybaseDaemonRPC) Shutdown ¶
func (k *KeybaseDaemonRPC) Shutdown()
Shutdown implements the KeybaseService interface for KeybaseDaemonRPC.
func (*KeybaseDaemonRPC) TeamAbandoned ¶
TeamAbandoned implements keybase1.NotifyTeamInterface for KeybaseServiceBase.
type KeybaseService ¶
type KeybaseService interface { idutil.KeybaseService SubscriptionNotifier // FavoriteAdd adds the given folder to the list of favorites. FavoriteAdd(ctx context.Context, folder keybase1.FolderHandle) error // FavoriteAdd removes the given folder from the list of // favorites. FavoriteDelete(ctx context.Context, folder keybase1.FolderHandle) error // FavoriteList returns the current list of favorites. FavoriteList(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (keybase1.FavoritesResult, error) // EncryptFavorites encrypts cached favorites to store on disk. EncryptFavorites(ctx context.Context, dataToEncrypt []byte) ([]byte, error) // DecryptFavorites decrypts cached favorites stored on disk. DecryptFavorites(ctx context.Context, dataToDecrypt []byte) ([]byte, error) // NotifyOnlineStatusChanged notifies about online/offline status // changes. NotifyOnlineStatusChanged(ctx context.Context, online bool) error // Notify sends a filesystem notification. Notify(ctx context.Context, notification *keybase1.FSNotification) error // NotifyPathUpdated sends a path updated notification. NotifyPathUpdated(ctx context.Context, path string) error // NotifySyncStatus sends a sync status notification. NotifySyncStatus(ctx context.Context, status *keybase1.FSPathSyncStatus) error // NotifyOverallSyncStatus sends an overall sync status // notification. NotifyOverallSyncStatus( ctx context.Context, status keybase1.FolderSyncStatus) error // NotifyFavoritesChanged sends a notification that favorites have // changed. NotifyFavoritesChanged(ctx context.Context) error // FlushUserFromLocalCache instructs this layer to clear any // KBFS-side, locally-cached information about the given user. // This does NOT involve communication with the daemon, this is // just to force future calls loading this user to fall through to // the daemon itself, rather than being served from the cache. FlushUserFromLocalCache(ctx context.Context, uid keybase1.UID) // ClearCaches flushes all user and team info from KBFS-side // caches. ClearCaches(ctx context.Context) // EstablishMountDir asks the service for the current mount path // and sets it if not established. EstablishMountDir(ctx context.Context) (string, error) // Shutdown frees any resources associated with this // instance. No other methods may be called after this is // called. Shutdown() // contains filtered or unexported methods }
KeybaseService is an interface for communicating with the keybase service.
type KeybaseServiceBase ¶
type KeybaseServiceBase struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
KeybaseServiceBase implements most of KeybaseService from protocol defined clients.
func NewKeybaseServiceBase ¶
func NewKeybaseServiceBase(config Config, kbCtx Context, log logger.Logger) *KeybaseServiceBase
NewKeybaseServiceBase makes a new KeybaseService.
func (*KeybaseServiceBase) CheckReachability ¶
func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) CheckReachability(ctx context.Context) (res keybase1.Reachability, err error)
CheckReachability implements keybase1.ReachabilityInterface.
func (*KeybaseServiceBase) ClearCaches ¶
func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) ClearCaches(ctx context.Context)
ClearCaches implements the KeybaseService interface for KeybaseServiceBase.
func (*KeybaseServiceBase) ClientOutOfDate ¶
func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) ClientOutOfDate(ctx context.Context, arg keybase1.ClientOutOfDateArg) error
ClientOutOfDate implements keybase1.NotifySessionInterface.
func (*KeybaseServiceBase) CreateTeamTLF ¶
func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) CreateTeamTLF( ctx context.Context, teamID keybase1.TeamID, tlfID tlf.ID) (err error)
CreateTeamTLF implements the KeybaseService interface for KeybaseServiceBase.
func (*KeybaseServiceBase) CurrentSession ¶
func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) CurrentSession( ctx context.Context, sessionID int) ( idutil.SessionInfo, error)
CurrentSession implements the KeybaseService interface for KeybaseServiceBase.
func (*KeybaseServiceBase) DecryptFavorites ¶
func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) DecryptFavorites(ctx context.Context, dataToEncrypt []byte) (res []byte, err error)
DecryptFavorites decrypts cached favorites stored on disk.
func (*KeybaseServiceBase) EncryptFavorites ¶
func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) EncryptFavorites(ctx context.Context, dataToEncrypt []byte) (res []byte, err error)
EncryptFavorites encrypts cached favorites to store on disk.
func (*KeybaseServiceBase) EstablishMountDir ¶
func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) EstablishMountDir(ctx context.Context) ( string, error)
EstablishMountDir asks the service for the current mount path
func (*KeybaseServiceBase) FSEditListRequest ¶
func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) FSEditListRequest(ctx context.Context, req keybase1.FSEditListRequest) (err error)
FSEditListRequest implements keybase1.NotifyFSRequestInterface for KeybaseServiceBase.
func (*KeybaseServiceBase) FSSyncStatusRequest ¶
func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) FSSyncStatusRequest(ctx context.Context, req keybase1.FSSyncStatusRequest) (err error)
FSSyncStatusRequest implements keybase1.NotifyFSRequestInterface for KeybaseServiceBase.
func (*KeybaseServiceBase) FavoriteAdd ¶
func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) FavoriteAdd(ctx context.Context, folder keybase1.FolderHandle) error
FavoriteAdd implements the KeybaseService interface for KeybaseServiceBase.
func (*KeybaseServiceBase) FavoriteDelete ¶
func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) FavoriteDelete(ctx context.Context, folder keybase1.FolderHandle) error
FavoriteDelete implements the KeybaseService interface for KeybaseServiceBase.
func (*KeybaseServiceBase) FavoriteList ¶
func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) FavoriteList(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (keybase1.FavoritesResult, error)
FavoriteList implements the KeybaseService interface for KeybaseServiceBase.
func (*KeybaseServiceBase) FillClients ¶
func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) FillClients( identifyClient keybase1.IdentifyInterface, userClient keybase1.UserInterface, teamsClient keybase1.TeamsInterface, merkleClient keybase1.MerkleInterface, sessionClient keybase1.SessionInterface, favoriteClient keybase1.FavoriteInterface, kbfsClient keybase1.KbfsInterface, kbfsMountClient keybase1.KbfsMountInterface, gitClient keybase1.GitInterface)
FillClients sets the client protocol implementations needed for a KeybaseService.
func (*KeybaseServiceBase) FinalizeMigration ¶
func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) FinalizeMigration(ctx context.Context, folder keybase1.Folder) (err error)
FinalizeMigration implements keybase1.ImplicitTeamMigrationInterface for KeybaseServiceBase.
func (*KeybaseServiceBase) FlushUserFromLocalCache ¶
func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) FlushUserFromLocalCache(ctx context.Context, uid keybase1.UID)
FlushUserFromLocalCache implements the KeybaseService interface for KeybaseServiceBase.
func (*KeybaseServiceBase) GetCurrentMerkleRoot ¶
func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) GetCurrentMerkleRoot(ctx context.Context) ( keybase1.MerkleRootV2, time.Time, error)
GetCurrentMerkleRoot implements the KeybaseService interface for KeybaseServiceBase.
func (*KeybaseServiceBase) GetPublicCanonicalTLFNameAndID ¶
func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) GetPublicCanonicalTLFNameAndID( ctx context.Context, query keybase1.TLFQuery) ( res keybase1.CanonicalTLFNameAndIDWithBreaks, err error)
GetPublicCanonicalTLFNameAndID implements the TlfKeysInterface interface for KeybaseServiceBase.
func (*KeybaseServiceBase) GetTLFCryptKeys ¶
func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) GetTLFCryptKeys(ctx context.Context, query keybase1.TLFQuery) (res keybase1.GetTLFCryptKeysRes, err error)
GetTLFCryptKeys implements the TlfKeysInterface interface for KeybaseServiceBase.
func (*KeybaseServiceBase) GetTeamSettings ¶
func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) GetTeamSettings( ctx context.Context, teamID keybase1.TeamID, offline keybase1.OfflineAvailability) ( keybase1.KBFSTeamSettings, error)
GetTeamSettings implements the KeybaseService interface for KeybaseServiceBase.
func (*KeybaseServiceBase) Identify ¶
func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) Identify( ctx context.Context, assertion, reason string, offline keybase1.OfflineAvailability) ( kbname.NormalizedUsername, keybase1.UserOrTeamID, error)
Identify implements the KeybaseService interface for KeybaseServiceBase.
func (*KeybaseServiceBase) KeyfamilyChanged ¶
KeyfamilyChanged implements keybase1.NotifyKeyfamilyInterface.
func (*KeybaseServiceBase) LoadTeamPlusKeys ¶
func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) LoadTeamPlusKeys( ctx context.Context, tid keybase1.TeamID, tlfType tlf.Type, desiredKeyGen kbfsmd.KeyGen, desiredUser keybase1.UserVersion, desiredKey kbfscrypto.VerifyingKey, desiredRole keybase1.TeamRole, offline keybase1.OfflineAvailability) (idutil.TeamInfo, error)
LoadTeamPlusKeys implements the KeybaseService interface for KeybaseServiceBase.
func (*KeybaseServiceBase) LoadUserPlusKeys ¶
func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) LoadUserPlusKeys( ctx context.Context, uid keybase1.UID, pollForKID keybase1.KID, offline keybase1.OfflineAvailability) (idutil.UserInfo, error)
LoadUserPlusKeys implements the KeybaseService interface for KeybaseServiceBase.
func (*KeybaseServiceBase) LoggedIn ¶
func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) LoggedIn(ctx context.Context, arg keybase1.LoggedInArg) error
LoggedIn implements keybase1.NotifySessionInterface.
func (*KeybaseServiceBase) LoggedOut ¶
func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) LoggedOut(ctx context.Context) error
LoggedOut implements keybase1.NotifySessionInterface.
func (*KeybaseServiceBase) NormalizeSocialAssertion ¶
func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) NormalizeSocialAssertion( ctx context.Context, assertion string) (keybase1.SocialAssertion, error)
NormalizeSocialAssertion implements the KeybaseService interface for KeybaseServiceBase.
func (*KeybaseServiceBase) Notify ¶
func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) Notify(ctx context.Context, notification *keybase1.FSNotification) error
Notify implements the KeybaseService interface for KeybaseServiceBase.
func (*KeybaseServiceBase) NotifyFavoritesChanged ¶
func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) NotifyFavoritesChanged(ctx context.Context) error
NotifyFavoritesChanged implements the KeybaseService interface for KeybaseServiceBase.
func (*KeybaseServiceBase) NotifyOnlineStatusChanged ¶
func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) NotifyOnlineStatusChanged(ctx context.Context, online bool) error
NotifyOnlineStatusChanged implements the KeybaseService interface for KeybaseServiceBase.
func (*KeybaseServiceBase) NotifyOverallSyncStatus ¶
func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) NotifyOverallSyncStatus( ctx context.Context, status keybase1.FolderSyncStatus) error
NotifyOverallSyncStatus implements the KeybaseService interface for KeybaseServiceBase.
func (*KeybaseServiceBase) NotifyPathUpdated ¶
func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) NotifyPathUpdated( ctx context.Context, path string) error
NotifyPathUpdated implements the KeybaseService interface for KeybaseServiceBase.
func (*KeybaseServiceBase) NotifySyncStatus ¶
func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) NotifySyncStatus(ctx context.Context, status *keybase1.FSPathSyncStatus) error
NotifySyncStatus implements the KeybaseService interface for KeybaseServiceBase.
func (*KeybaseServiceBase) OnNonPathChange ¶
func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) OnNonPathChange( subscriptionID SubscriptionID, topic keybase1.SubscriptionTopic)
OnNonPathChange implements the SubscriptionNotifier interface.
func (*KeybaseServiceBase) OnPathChange ¶
func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) OnPathChange( subscriptionID SubscriptionID, path string, topic keybase1.PathSubscriptionTopic)
OnPathChange implements the SubscriptionNotifier interface.
func (*KeybaseServiceBase) PaperKeyCached ¶
func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) PaperKeyCached(ctx context.Context, arg keybase1.PaperKeyCachedArg) error
PaperKeyCached implements keybase1.NotifyPaperKeyInterface.
func (*KeybaseServiceBase) PutGitMetadata ¶
func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) PutGitMetadata( ctx context.Context, folder keybase1.FolderHandle, repoID keybase1.RepoID, metadata keybase1.GitLocalMetadata) error
PutGitMetadata implements the KeybaseService interface for KeybaseServiceBase.
func (*KeybaseServiceBase) ReachabilityChanged ¶
func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) ReachabilityChanged(ctx context.Context, reachability keybase1.Reachability) error
ReachabilityChanged implements keybase1.ReachabiltyInterface.
func (*KeybaseServiceBase) Resolve ¶
func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) Resolve( ctx context.Context, assertion string, offline keybase1.OfflineAvailability) ( kbname.NormalizedUsername, keybase1.UserOrTeamID, error)
Resolve implements the KeybaseService interface for KeybaseServiceBase.
func (*KeybaseServiceBase) ResolveIdentifyImplicitTeam ¶
func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) ResolveIdentifyImplicitTeam( ctx context.Context, assertions, suffix string, tlfType tlf.Type, doIdentifies bool, reason string, offline keybase1.OfflineAvailability) (idutil.ImplicitTeamInfo, error)
ResolveIdentifyImplicitTeam implements the KeybaseService interface for KeybaseServiceBase.
func (*KeybaseServiceBase) ResolveImplicitTeamByID ¶
func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) ResolveImplicitTeamByID( ctx context.Context, teamID keybase1.TeamID) (name string, err error)
ResolveImplicitTeamByID implements the KeybaseService interface for KeybaseServiceBase.
func (*KeybaseServiceBase) RootAuditError ¶
func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) RootAuditError(ctx context.Context, arg keybase1.RootAuditErrorArg) error
RootAuditError implements keybase1.NotifyAuditInterface.
func (*KeybaseServiceBase) StartMigration ¶
func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) StartMigration(ctx context.Context, folder keybase1.Folder) (err error)
StartMigration implements keybase1.ImplicitTeamMigrationInterface for KeybaseServiceBase.
func (*KeybaseServiceBase) StartReachability ¶
func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) StartReachability(ctx context.Context) (res keybase1.Reachability, err error)
StartReachability implements keybase1.ReachabilityInterface.
func (*KeybaseServiceBase) TeamChangedByID ¶
func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) TeamChangedByID(ctx context.Context, arg keybase1.TeamChangedByIDArg) error
TeamChangedByID implements keybase1.NotifyTeamInterface for KeybaseServiceBase.
func (*KeybaseServiceBase) TeamChangedByName ¶
func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) TeamChangedByName(ctx context.Context, arg keybase1.TeamChangedByNameArg) error
TeamChangedByName implements keybase1.NotifyTeamInterface for KeybaseServiceBase.
func (*KeybaseServiceBase) TeamDeleted ¶
TeamDeleted implements keybase1.NotifyTeamInterface for KeybaseServiceBase.
func (*KeybaseServiceBase) VerifyMerkleRoot ¶
func (k *KeybaseServiceBase) VerifyMerkleRoot( ctx context.Context, root keybase1.MerkleRootV2, kbfsRoot keybase1.KBFSRoot) error
VerifyMerkleRoot implements the KBPKI interface for KeybaseServiceBase.
type KeybaseServiceCn ¶
type KeybaseServiceCn interface { NewKeybaseService( config Config, params InitParams, ctx Context, log logger.Logger) ( KeybaseService, error) NewCrypto( config Config, params InitParams, ctx Context, log logger.Logger) ( Crypto, error) NewChat( config Config, params InitParams, ctx Context, log logger.Logger) ( Chat, error) }
KeybaseServiceCn defines methods needed to construct KeybaseService and Crypto implementations.
type KeybaseServiceMeasured ¶
type KeybaseServiceMeasured struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
KeybaseServiceMeasured delegates to another KeybaseService instance but also keeps track of stats.
func NewKeybaseServiceMeasured ¶
func NewKeybaseServiceMeasured(delegate KeybaseService, r metrics.Registry) KeybaseServiceMeasured
NewKeybaseServiceMeasured creates and returns a new KeybaseServiceMeasured instance with the given delegate and registry.
func (KeybaseServiceMeasured) ClearCaches ¶
func (k KeybaseServiceMeasured) ClearCaches(ctx context.Context)
ClearCaches implements the KeybaseService interface for KeybaseServiceMeasured.
func (KeybaseServiceMeasured) CreateTeamTLF ¶
func (k KeybaseServiceMeasured) CreateTeamTLF( ctx context.Context, teamID keybase1.TeamID, tlfID tlf.ID) (err error)
CreateTeamTLF implements the KeybaseService interface for KeybaseServiceMeasured.
func (KeybaseServiceMeasured) CurrentSession ¶
func (k KeybaseServiceMeasured) CurrentSession(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) ( sessionInfo idutil.SessionInfo, err error)
CurrentSession implements the KeybaseService interface for KeybaseServiceMeasured.
func (KeybaseServiceMeasured) DecryptFavorites ¶
func (k KeybaseServiceMeasured) DecryptFavorites(ctx context.Context, dataIn []byte) (dataOut []byte, err error)
DecryptFavorites implements the KeybaseService interface for KeybaseServiceMeasured.
func (KeybaseServiceMeasured) EncryptFavorites ¶
func (k KeybaseServiceMeasured) EncryptFavorites(ctx context.Context, dataIn []byte) (dataOut []byte, err error)
EncryptFavorites implements the KeybaseService interface for KeybaseServiceMeasured.
func (KeybaseServiceMeasured) EstablishMountDir ¶
func (k KeybaseServiceMeasured) EstablishMountDir(ctx context.Context) (string, error)
EstablishMountDir implements the KeybaseDaemon interface for KeybaseDaemonLocal.
func (KeybaseServiceMeasured) FavoriteAdd ¶
func (k KeybaseServiceMeasured) FavoriteAdd(ctx context.Context, folder keybase1.FolderHandle) (err error)
FavoriteAdd implements the KeybaseService interface for KeybaseServiceMeasured.
func (KeybaseServiceMeasured) FavoriteDelete ¶
func (k KeybaseServiceMeasured) FavoriteDelete(ctx context.Context, folder keybase1.FolderHandle) (err error)
FavoriteDelete implements the KeybaseService interface for KeybaseServiceMeasured.
func (KeybaseServiceMeasured) FavoriteList ¶
func (k KeybaseServiceMeasured) FavoriteList(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) ( favorites keybase1.FavoritesResult, err error)
FavoriteList implements the KeybaseService interface for KeybaseServiceMeasured.
func (KeybaseServiceMeasured) FlushUserFromLocalCache ¶
func (k KeybaseServiceMeasured) FlushUserFromLocalCache( ctx context.Context, uid keybase1.UID)
FlushUserFromLocalCache implements the KeybaseService interface for KeybaseServiceMeasured.
func (KeybaseServiceMeasured) GetCurrentMerkleRoot ¶
func (k KeybaseServiceMeasured) GetCurrentMerkleRoot(ctx context.Context) ( root keybase1.MerkleRootV2, updateTime time.Time, err error)
GetCurrentMerkleRoot implements the KeybaseService interface for KeybaseServiceMeasured.
func (KeybaseServiceMeasured) GetTeamSettings ¶
func (k KeybaseServiceMeasured) GetTeamSettings( ctx context.Context, teamID keybase1.TeamID, offline keybase1.OfflineAvailability) ( settings keybase1.KBFSTeamSettings, err error)
GetTeamSettings implements the KeybaseService interface for KeybaseServiceMeasured.
func (KeybaseServiceMeasured) Identify ¶
func (k KeybaseServiceMeasured) Identify( ctx context.Context, assertion, reason string, offline keybase1.OfflineAvailability) ( name kbname.NormalizedUsername, id keybase1.UserOrTeamID, err error)
Identify implements the KeybaseService interface for KeybaseServiceMeasured.
func (KeybaseServiceMeasured) LoadTeamPlusKeys ¶
func (k KeybaseServiceMeasured) LoadTeamPlusKeys(ctx context.Context, tid keybase1.TeamID, tlfType tlf.Type, desiredKeyGen kbfsmd.KeyGen, desiredUser keybase1.UserVersion, desiredKey kbfscrypto.VerifyingKey, desiredRole keybase1.TeamRole, offline keybase1.OfflineAvailability) ( teamInfo idutil.TeamInfo, err error)
LoadTeamPlusKeys implements the KeybaseService interface for KeybaseServiceMeasured.
func (KeybaseServiceMeasured) LoadUserPlusKeys ¶
func (k KeybaseServiceMeasured) LoadUserPlusKeys( ctx context.Context, uid keybase1.UID, pollForKID keybase1.KID, offline keybase1.OfflineAvailability) (userInfo idutil.UserInfo, err error)
LoadUserPlusKeys implements the KeybaseService interface for KeybaseServiceMeasured.
func (KeybaseServiceMeasured) NormalizeSocialAssertion ¶
func (k KeybaseServiceMeasured) NormalizeSocialAssertion( ctx context.Context, assertion string) (res keybase1.SocialAssertion, err error)
NormalizeSocialAssertion implements the KeybaseService interface for KeybaseServiceMeasured.
func (KeybaseServiceMeasured) Notify ¶
func (k KeybaseServiceMeasured) Notify(ctx context.Context, notification *keybase1.FSNotification) (err error)
Notify implements the KeybaseService interface for KeybaseServiceMeasured.
func (KeybaseServiceMeasured) NotifyFavoritesChanged ¶
func (k KeybaseServiceMeasured) NotifyFavoritesChanged( ctx context.Context) (err error)
NotifyFavoritesChanged implements the KeybaseService interface for KeybaseServiceMeasured.
func (KeybaseServiceMeasured) NotifyOnlineStatusChanged ¶
func (k KeybaseServiceMeasured) NotifyOnlineStatusChanged( ctx context.Context, online bool) (err error)
NotifyOnlineStatusChanged implements the KeybaseService interface for KeybaseServiceMeasured.
func (KeybaseServiceMeasured) NotifyOverallSyncStatus ¶
func (k KeybaseServiceMeasured) NotifyOverallSyncStatus( ctx context.Context, status keybase1.FolderSyncStatus) (err error)
NotifyOverallSyncStatus implements the KeybaseService interface for KeybaseServiceMeasured.
func (KeybaseServiceMeasured) NotifyPathUpdated ¶
func (k KeybaseServiceMeasured) NotifyPathUpdated( ctx context.Context, path string) (err error)
NotifyPathUpdated implements the KeybaseService interface for KeybaseServiceMeasured.
func (KeybaseServiceMeasured) NotifySyncStatus ¶
func (k KeybaseServiceMeasured) NotifySyncStatus(ctx context.Context, status *keybase1.FSPathSyncStatus) (err error)
NotifySyncStatus implements the KeybaseService interface for KeybaseServiceMeasured.
func (KeybaseServiceMeasured) OnNonPathChange ¶
func (k KeybaseServiceMeasured) OnNonPathChange( subscriptionID SubscriptionID, topic keybase1.SubscriptionTopic)
OnNonPathChange implements the SubscriptionNotifier interface.
func (KeybaseServiceMeasured) OnPathChange ¶
func (k KeybaseServiceMeasured) OnPathChange(subscriptionID SubscriptionID, path string, topic keybase1.PathSubscriptionTopic)
OnPathChange implements the SubscriptionNotifier interface.
func (KeybaseServiceMeasured) PutGitMetadata ¶
func (k KeybaseServiceMeasured) PutGitMetadata( ctx context.Context, folder keybase1.FolderHandle, repoID keybase1.RepoID, metadata keybase1.GitLocalMetadata) (err error)
PutGitMetadata implements the KeybaseDaemon interface for KeybaseServiceMeasured.
func (KeybaseServiceMeasured) Resolve ¶
func (k KeybaseServiceMeasured) Resolve( ctx context.Context, assertion string, offline keybase1.OfflineAvailability) ( name kbname.NormalizedUsername, uid keybase1.UserOrTeamID, err error)
Resolve implements the KeybaseService interface for KeybaseServiceMeasured.
func (KeybaseServiceMeasured) ResolveIdentifyImplicitTeam ¶
func (k KeybaseServiceMeasured) ResolveIdentifyImplicitTeam( ctx context.Context, assertions, suffix string, tlfType tlf.Type, doIdentifies bool, reason string, offline keybase1.OfflineAvailability) ( info idutil.ImplicitTeamInfo, err error)
ResolveIdentifyImplicitTeam implements the KeybaseService interface for KeybaseServiceMeasured.
func (KeybaseServiceMeasured) ResolveImplicitTeamByID ¶
func (k KeybaseServiceMeasured) ResolveImplicitTeamByID( ctx context.Context, teamID keybase1.TeamID) (name string, err error)
ResolveImplicitTeamByID implements the KeybaseService interface for KeybaseServiceMeasured.
func (KeybaseServiceMeasured) Shutdown ¶
func (k KeybaseServiceMeasured) Shutdown()
Shutdown implements the KeybaseService interface for KeybaseServiceMeasured.
func (KeybaseServiceMeasured) VerifyMerkleRoot ¶
func (k KeybaseServiceMeasured) VerifyMerkleRoot( ctx context.Context, root keybase1.MerkleRootV2, kbfsRoot keybase1.KBFSRoot) (err error)
VerifyMerkleRoot implements the KBPKI interface for KeybaseServiceMeasured.
type LevelDb ¶
LevelDb is a libkbfs wrapper for leveldb.DB.
func (*LevelDb) GetWithMeter ¶
func (ldb *LevelDb) GetWithMeter(key []byte, hitMeter, missMeter *CountMeter) ( value []byte, err error)
GetWithMeter gets data from the DB while tracking the hit rate.
func (*LevelDb) Put ¶
func (ldb *LevelDb) Put(key, value []byte, wo *opt.WriteOptions) (err error)
Put puts data into the DB.
func (*LevelDb) PutWithMeter ¶
func (ldb *LevelDb) PutWithMeter(key, value []byte, putMeter *CountMeter) ( err error)
PutWithMeter gets data from the DB while tracking the hit rate.
func (*LevelDb) StatStrings ¶
StatStrings returns newline-split leveldb stats, suitable for JSONification.
type MDCache ¶
type MDCache interface { // Get gets the metadata object associated with the given TLF ID, // revision number, and branch ID (kbfsmd.NullBranchID for merged MD). Get(tlf tlf.ID, rev kbfsmd.Revision, bid kbfsmd.BranchID) (ImmutableRootMetadata, error) // Put stores the metadata object, only if an MD matching that TLF // ID, revision number, and branch ID isn't already cached. If // there is already a matching item in the cache, we require that // caller manages the cache explicitly by deleting or replacing it // explicitly. This should be used when putting existing MDs // being fetched from the server. Put(md ImmutableRootMetadata) error // Delete removes the given metadata object from the cache if it exists. Delete(tlf tlf.ID, rev kbfsmd.Revision, bid kbfsmd.BranchID) // Replace replaces the entry matching the md under the old branch // ID with the new one. If the old entry doesn't exist, this is // equivalent to a Put, except that it overrides anything else // that's already in the cache. This should be used when putting // new MDs created locally. Replace(newRmd ImmutableRootMetadata, oldBID kbfsmd.BranchID) error // MarkPutToServer sets `PutToServer` to true for the specified // MD, if it already exists in the cache. MarkPutToServer(tlf tlf.ID, rev kbfsmd.Revision, bid kbfsmd.BranchID) // GetIDForHandle retrieves a cached, trusted TLF ID for the given // handle, if one exists. GetIDForHandle(handle *tlfhandle.Handle) (tlf.ID, error) // PutIDForHandle caches a trusted TLF ID for the given handle. PutIDForHandle(handle *tlfhandle.Handle, id tlf.ID) error // ChangeHandleForID moves an ID to be under a new handle, if the // ID is cached already. ChangeHandleForID(oldHandle *tlfhandle.Handle, newHandle *tlfhandle.Handle) // GetNextMD returns a cached view of the next MD following the // given global Merkle root. GetNextMD(tlfID tlf.ID, rootSeqno keybase1.Seqno) ( nextKbfsRoot *kbfsmd.MerkleRoot, nextMerkleNodes [][]byte, nextRootSeqno keybase1.Seqno, err error) // PutNextMD caches a view of the next MD following the given // global Merkle root. PutNextMD(tlfID tlf.ID, rootSeqno keybase1.Seqno, nextKbfsRoot *kbfsmd.MerkleRoot, nextMerkleNodes [][]byte, nextRootSeqno keybase1.Seqno) error }
MDCache gets and puts plaintext top-level metadata into the cache.
type MDCacheStandard ¶
type MDCacheStandard struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MDCacheStandard implements a simple LRU cache for per-folder metadata objects.
func NewMDCacheStandard ¶
func NewMDCacheStandard(capacity int) *MDCacheStandard
NewMDCacheStandard constructs a new MDCacheStandard using the given cache capacity.
func (*MDCacheStandard) ChangeHandleForID ¶
func (md *MDCacheStandard) ChangeHandleForID( oldHandle *tlfhandle.Handle, newHandle *tlfhandle.Handle)
ChangeHandleForID implements the MDCache interface for MDCacheStandard.
func (*MDCacheStandard) Get ¶
func (md *MDCacheStandard) Get(tlf tlf.ID, rev kbfsmd.Revision, bid kbfsmd.BranchID) ( ImmutableRootMetadata, error)
Get implements the MDCache interface for MDCacheStandard.
func (*MDCacheStandard) GetIDForHandle ¶
GetIDForHandle implements the MDCache interface for MDCacheStandard.
func (*MDCacheStandard) GetNextMD ¶
func (md *MDCacheStandard) GetNextMD(tlfID tlf.ID, rootSeqno keybase1.Seqno) ( nextKbfsRoot *kbfsmd.MerkleRoot, nextMerkleNodes [][]byte, nextRootSeqno keybase1.Seqno, err error)
GetNextMD implements the MDCache interface for MDCacheStandard.
func (*MDCacheStandard) MarkPutToServer ¶
MarkPutToServer implements the MDCache interface for MDCacheStandard.
func (*MDCacheStandard) Put ¶
func (md *MDCacheStandard) Put(rmd ImmutableRootMetadata) error
Put implements the MDCache interface for MDCacheStandard.
func (*MDCacheStandard) PutIDForHandle ¶
PutIDForHandle implements the MDCache interface for MDCacheStandard.
func (*MDCacheStandard) PutNextMD ¶
func (md *MDCacheStandard) PutNextMD( tlfID tlf.ID, rootSeqno keybase1.Seqno, nextKbfsRoot *kbfsmd.MerkleRoot, nextMerkleNodes [][]byte, nextRootSeqno keybase1.Seqno) error
PutNextMD implements the MDCache interface for MDCacheStandard.
func (*MDCacheStandard) Replace ¶
func (md *MDCacheStandard) Replace(newRmd ImmutableRootMetadata, oldBID kbfsmd.BranchID) error
Replace implements the MDCache interface for MDCacheStandard.
type MDJournalConflictError ¶
type MDJournalConflictError struct{}
MDJournalConflictError is an error that is returned when a put detects a rewritten journal.
func (MDJournalConflictError) Error ¶
func (e MDJournalConflictError) Error() string
type MDMismatchError ¶
MDMismatchError indicates an inconsistent or unverifiable MD object for the given top-level folder.
func (MDMismatchError) Error ¶
func (e MDMismatchError) Error() string
Error implements the error interface for MDMismatchError
type MDOps ¶
type MDOps interface { tlfhandle.IDGetter // GetForTLF returns the current metadata object // corresponding to the given top-level folder, if the logged-in // user has read permission on the folder. // // If lockBeforeGet is not nil, it causes mdserver to take the lock on the // lock ID before the get. GetForTLF(ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID, lockBeforeGet *keybase1.LockID) ( ImmutableRootMetadata, error) // GetForTLFByTime returns the newest merged MD update with a // server timestamp less than or equal to `serverTime`. GetForTLFByTime(ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID, serverTime time.Time) ( ImmutableRootMetadata, error) // GetUnmergedForTLF is the same as the above but for unmerged // metadata. GetUnmergedForTLF(ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID, bid kbfsmd.BranchID) ( ImmutableRootMetadata, error) // GetRange returns a range of metadata objects corresponding to // the passed revision numbers (inclusive). // // If lockBeforeGet is not nil, it causes mdserver to take the lock on the // lock ID before the get. GetRange(ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID, start, stop kbfsmd.Revision, lockID *keybase1.LockID) ([]ImmutableRootMetadata, error) // GetUnmergedRange is the same as the above but for unmerged // metadata history (inclusive). GetUnmergedRange(ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID, bid kbfsmd.BranchID, start, stop kbfsmd.Revision) ([]ImmutableRootMetadata, error) // Put stores the metadata object for the given top-level folder. // This also adds the resulting ImmutableRootMetadata object to // the mdcache, if the Put is successful. Note that constructing // the ImmutableRootMetadata requires knowing the verifying key, // which might not be the same as the local user's verifying key // if the MD has been copied from a previous update. // // If lockContext is not nil, it causes the mdserver to check a lockID at // the time of the put, and optionally (if specified in lockContext) // releases the lock on the lock ID if the put is successful. Releasing the // lock in mdserver is idempotent. Note that journalMDOps doesn't support // lockContext for now. If journaling is enabled, use FinishSinbleOp to // require locks. // // The priority parameter specifies the priority of this particular MD put // operation. When conflict happens, mdserver tries to prioritize writes // with higher priorities. Caller should use pre-defined (or define new) // constants in keybase1 package, such as keybase1.MDPriorityNormal. Note // that journalMDOps doesn't support any priority other than // MDPriorityNormal for now. If journaling is enabled, use FinishSinbleOp // to override priority. Put( ctx context.Context, rmd *RootMetadata, verifyingKey kbfscrypto.VerifyingKey, lockContext *keybase1.LockContext, priority keybase1.MDPriority, bps data.BlockPutState) ( ImmutableRootMetadata, error) // PutUnmerged is the same as the above but for unmerged metadata // history. This also adds the resulting ImmutableRootMetadata // object to the mdcache, if the PutUnmerged is successful. Note // that constructing the ImmutableRootMetadata requires knowing // the verifying key, which might not be the same as the local // user's verifying key if the MD has been copied from a previous // update. PutUnmerged( ctx context.Context, rmd *RootMetadata, verifyingKey kbfscrypto.VerifyingKey, bps data.BlockPutState) ( ImmutableRootMetadata, error) // PruneBranch prunes all unmerged history for the given TLF // branch. PruneBranch(ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID, bid kbfsmd.BranchID) error // ResolveBranch prunes all unmerged history for the given TLF // branch, and also deletes any blocks in `blocksToDelete` that // are still in the local journal. In addition, it appends the // given MD to the journal. This also adds the resulting // ImmutableRootMetadata object to the mdcache, if the // ResolveBranch is successful. Note that constructing the // ImmutableRootMetadata requires knowing the verifying key, which // might not be the same as the local user's verifying key if the // MD has been copied from a previous update. ResolveBranch( ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID, bid kbfsmd.BranchID, blocksToDelete []kbfsblock.ID, rmd *RootMetadata, verifyingKey kbfscrypto.VerifyingKey, bps data.BlockPutState) ( ImmutableRootMetadata, error) // GetLatestHandleForTLF returns the server's idea of the latest // handle for the TLF, which may not yet be reflected in the MD if // the TLF hasn't been rekeyed since it entered into a conflicting // state. GetLatestHandleForTLF(ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID) (tlf.Handle, error) }
MDOps gets and puts root metadata to an MDServer. On a get, it verifies the metadata is signed by the metadata's signing key.
type MDOpsStandard ¶
type MDOpsStandard struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MDOpsStandard provides plaintext RootMetadata objects to upper layers, and processes RootMetadataSigned objects (encrypted and signed) suitable for passing to/from the MDServer backend.
func NewMDOpsStandard ¶
func NewMDOpsStandard(config Config) *MDOpsStandard
NewMDOpsStandard returns a new MDOpsStandard
func (*MDOpsStandard) GetForTLF ¶
func (md *MDOpsStandard) GetForTLF( ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID, lockBeforeGet *keybase1.LockID) ( ImmutableRootMetadata, error)
GetForTLF implements the MDOps interface for MDOpsStandard.
func (*MDOpsStandard) GetForTLFByTime ¶
func (md *MDOpsStandard) GetForTLFByTime( ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID, serverTime time.Time) ( irmd ImmutableRootMetadata, err error)
GetForTLFByTime implements the MDOps interface for MDOpsStandard.
func (*MDOpsStandard) GetIDForHandle ¶
func (md *MDOpsStandard) GetIDForHandle( ctx context.Context, handle *tlfhandle.Handle) (id tlf.ID, err error)
GetIDForHandle implements the MDOps interface for MDOpsStandard.
func (*MDOpsStandard) GetLatestHandleForTLF ¶
GetLatestHandleForTLF implements the MDOps interface for MDOpsStandard.
func (*MDOpsStandard) GetRange ¶
func (md *MDOpsStandard) GetRange(ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID, start, stop kbfsmd.Revision, lockBeforeGet *keybase1.LockID) ( []ImmutableRootMetadata, error)
GetRange implements the MDOps interface for MDOpsStandard.
func (*MDOpsStandard) GetUnmergedForTLF ¶
func (md *MDOpsStandard) GetUnmergedForTLF( ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID, bid kbfsmd.BranchID) ( ImmutableRootMetadata, error)
GetUnmergedForTLF implements the MDOps interface for MDOpsStandard.
func (*MDOpsStandard) GetUnmergedRange ¶
func (md *MDOpsStandard) GetUnmergedRange(ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID, bid kbfsmd.BranchID, start, stop kbfsmd.Revision) ( []ImmutableRootMetadata, error)
GetUnmergedRange implements the MDOps interface for MDOpsStandard.
func (*MDOpsStandard) PruneBranch ¶
PruneBranch implements the MDOps interface for MDOpsStandard.
func (*MDOpsStandard) Put ¶
func (md *MDOpsStandard) Put(ctx context.Context, rmd *RootMetadata, verifyingKey kbfscrypto.VerifyingKey, lockContext *keybase1.LockContext, priority keybase1.MDPriority, bps data.BlockPutState) ( ImmutableRootMetadata, error)
Put implements the MDOps interface for MDOpsStandard.
func (*MDOpsStandard) PutUnmerged ¶
func (md *MDOpsStandard) PutUnmerged( ctx context.Context, rmd *RootMetadata, verifyingKey kbfscrypto.VerifyingKey, bps data.BlockPutState) ( ImmutableRootMetadata, error)
PutUnmerged implements the MDOps interface for MDOpsStandard.
func (*MDOpsStandard) ResolveBranch ¶
func (md *MDOpsStandard) ResolveBranch( ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID, bid kbfsmd.BranchID, _ []kbfsblock.ID, rmd *RootMetadata, verifyingKey kbfscrypto.VerifyingKey, bps data.BlockPutState) (ImmutableRootMetadata, error)
ResolveBranch implements the MDOps interface for MDOpsStandard.
func (*MDOpsStandard) ValidateLatestHandleNotFinal ¶
func (md *MDOpsStandard) ValidateLatestHandleNotFinal( ctx context.Context, h *tlfhandle.Handle) (bool, error)
ValidateLatestHandleNotFinal implements the MDOps interface for MDOpsStandard.
type MDServer ¶
type MDServer interface { // GetForHandle returns the current (signed/encrypted) metadata // object corresponding to the given top-level folder's handle, if // the logged-in user has read permission on the folder. It // creates the folder if one doesn't exist yet, and the logged-in // user has permission to do so. // // If lockBeforeGet is not nil, it takes a lock on the lock ID before // trying to get anything. If taking the lock fails, an error is returned. // Note that taking a lock from the mdserver is idempotent. // // If there is no returned error, then the returned ID must // always be non-null. A nil *RootMetadataSigned may be // returned, but if it is non-nil, then its ID must match the // returned ID. GetForHandle(ctx context.Context, handle tlf.Handle, mStatus kbfsmd.MergeStatus, lockBeforeGet *keybase1.LockID) ( tlf.ID, *RootMetadataSigned, error) // GetForTLF returns the current (signed/encrypted) metadata object // corresponding to the given top-level folder, if the logged-in // user has read permission on the folder. // // If lockBeforeGet is not nil, it takes a lock on the lock ID before // trying to get anything. If taking the lock fails, an error is returned. // Note that taking a lock from the mdserver is idempotent. GetForTLF(ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID, bid kbfsmd.BranchID, mStatus kbfsmd.MergeStatus, lockBeforeGet *keybase1.LockID) (*RootMetadataSigned, error) // GetForTLFByTime returns the earliest merged MD update with a // server timestamp equal or greater to `serverTime`. GetForTLFByTime(ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID, serverTime time.Time) ( *RootMetadataSigned, error) // GetRange returns a range of (signed/encrypted) metadata objects // corresponding to the passed revision numbers (inclusive). // // If lockBeforeGet is not nil, it takes a lock on the lock ID before // trying to get anything. If taking the lock fails, an error is returned. // Note that taking a lock from the mdserver is idempotent. GetRange(ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID, bid kbfsmd.BranchID, mStatus kbfsmd.MergeStatus, start, stop kbfsmd.Revision, lockBeforeGet *keybase1.LockID) ( []*RootMetadataSigned, error) // Put stores the (signed/encrypted) metadata object for the given // top-level folder. Note: If the unmerged bit is set in the metadata // block's flags bitmask it will be appended to the unmerged per-device // history. // // If lockContext is not nil, it causes the mdserver to check a lockID at // the time of the put, and optionally (if specified in lockContext) // releases the lock on the lock ID if the put is successful. Releasing the // lock in mdserver is idempotent. Put(ctx context.Context, rmds *RootMetadataSigned, extra kbfsmd.ExtraMetadata, lockContext *keybase1.LockContext, priority keybase1.MDPriority) error // Lock ensures lockID for tlfID is taken by this session, i.e., // idempotently take the lock. If the lock is already taken by *another* // session, mdserver returns a throttle error, causing RPC layer at client // to retry. So caller of this method should observe a behavior similar to // blocking call, which upon successful return, makes sure the lock is // taken on the server. Note that the lock expires after certain time, so // it's important to make writes contingent to the lock by requiring the // lockID in Put. Lock(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, lockID keybase1.LockID) error // Release Lock ensures lockID for tlfID is not taken by this session, i.e., // idempotently release the lock. If the lock is already released or // expired, this is a no-op. ReleaseLock(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, lockID keybase1.LockID) error // StartImplicitTeamMigration tells mdserver to put a implicit team // migration lock on id, which prevents any rekey MD writes from going // in. Normal classic MD updates can still happen after implicit team // migration has started, until a iTeam-style MD is written. StartImplicitTeamMigration(ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID) (err error) // PruneBranch prunes all unmerged history for the given TLF branch. PruneBranch(ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID, bid kbfsmd.BranchID) error // RegisterForUpdate tells the MD server to inform the caller when // there is a merged update with a revision number greater than // currHead, which did NOT originate from this same MD server // session. This method returns a chan which can receive only a // single error before it's closed. If the received err is nil, // then there is updated MD ready to fetch which didn't originate // locally; if it is non-nil, then the previous registration // cannot send the next notification (e.g., the connection to the // MD server may have failed). In either case, the caller must // re-register to get a new chan that can receive future update // notifications. RegisterForUpdate(ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID, currHead kbfsmd.Revision) (<-chan error, error) // CancelRegistration lets the local MDServer instance know that // we are no longer interested in updates for the specified // folder. It does not necessarily forward this cancellation to // remote servers. CancelRegistration(ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID) // CheckForRekeys initiates the rekey checking process on the // server. The server is allowed to delay this request, and so it // returns a channel for returning the error. Actual rekey // requests are expected to come in asynchronously. CheckForRekeys(ctx context.Context) <-chan error // TruncateLock attempts to take the history truncation lock for // this folder, for a TTL defined by the server. Returns true if // the lock was successfully taken. TruncateLock(ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID) (bool, error) // TruncateUnlock attempts to release the history truncation lock // for this folder. Returns true if the lock was successfully // released. TruncateUnlock(ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID) (bool, error) // DisableRekeyUpdatesForTesting disables processing rekey updates // received from the mdserver while testing. DisableRekeyUpdatesForTesting() // Shutdown is called to shutdown an MDServer connection. Shutdown() // IsConnected returns whether the MDServer is connected. IsConnected() bool // GetLatestHandleForTLF returns the server's idea of the latest handle for the TLF, // which may not yet be reflected in the MD if the TLF hasn't been rekeyed since it // entered into a conflicting state. For the highest level of confidence, the caller // should verify the mapping with a Merkle tree lookup. GetLatestHandleForTLF(ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID) (tlf.Handle, error) // OffsetFromServerTime is the current estimate for how off our // local clock is from the mdserver clock. Add this to any // mdserver-provided timestamps to get the "local" time of the // corresponding event. If the returned bool is false, then we // don't have a current estimate for the offset. OffsetFromServerTime() (time.Duration, bool) // GetKeyBundles looks up the key bundles for the given key // bundle IDs. tlfID must be non-zero but either or both wkbID // and rkbID can be zero, in which case nil will be returned // for the respective bundle. If a bundle cannot be found, an // error is returned and nils are returned for both bundles. GetKeyBundles(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, wkbID kbfsmd.TLFWriterKeyBundleID, rkbID kbfsmd.TLFReaderKeyBundleID) ( *kbfsmd.TLFWriterKeyBundleV3, *kbfsmd.TLFReaderKeyBundleV3, error) // CheckReachability is called when the Keybase service sends a notification // that network connectivity has changed. CheckReachability(ctx context.Context) // FastForwardBackoff fast forwards any existing backoff timer for // reconnects. If MD server is connected at the time this is called, it's // essentially a no-op. FastForwardBackoff() // FindNextMD finds the serialized (and possibly encrypted) root // metadata object from the leaf node of the second KBFS merkle // tree to be produced after a given Keybase global merkle tree // sequence number `rootSeqno` (and all merkle nodes between it // and the root, and the root itself). It also returns the global // merkle tree sequence number of the root that first included the // returned metadata object. FindNextMD(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, rootSeqno keybase1.Seqno) ( nextKbfsRoot *kbfsmd.MerkleRoot, nextMerkleNodes [][]byte, nextRootSeqno keybase1.Seqno, err error) // GetMerkleRootLatest returns the latest KBFS merkle root for the // given tree ID. GetMerkleRootLatest(ctx context.Context, treeID keybase1.MerkleTreeID) ( root *kbfsmd.MerkleRoot, err error) // contains filtered or unexported methods }
MDServer gets and puts metadata for each top-level directory. The instantiation should be able to fetch session/user details via KBPKI. On a put, the server is responsible for 1) ensuring the user has appropriate permissions for whatever modifications were made; 2) ensuring that LastModifyingWriter and LastModifyingUser are updated appropriately; and 3) detecting conflicting writes based on the previous root block ID (i.e., when it supports strict consistency). On a get, it verifies the logged-in user has read permissions.
TODO: Add interface for searching by time
type MDServerDisconnected ¶
type MDServerDisconnected struct { }
MDServerDisconnected indicates the MDServer has been disconnected for clients waiting on an update channel.
func (MDServerDisconnected) Error ¶
func (e MDServerDisconnected) Error() string
Error implements the error interface for MDServerDisconnected.
type MDServerDisk ¶
type MDServerDisk struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MDServerDisk stores all info on disk, either in levelDBs, or disk journals and flat files for the actual MDs.
func NewMDServerDir ¶
func NewMDServerDir( config mdServerLocalConfig, dirPath string) (*MDServerDisk, error)
NewMDServerDir constructs a new MDServerDisk that stores its data in the given directory.
func NewMDServerTempDir ¶
func NewMDServerTempDir(config mdServerLocalConfig) (*MDServerDisk, error)
NewMDServerTempDir constructs a new MDServerDisk that stores its data in a temp directory which is cleaned up on shutdown.
func (*MDServerDisk) CancelRegistration ¶
func (md *MDServerDisk) CancelRegistration(_ context.Context, id tlf.ID)
CancelRegistration implements the MDServer interface for MDServerDisk.
func (*MDServerDisk) CheckForRekeys ¶
func (md *MDServerDisk) CheckForRekeys(ctx context.Context) <-chan error
CheckForRekeys implements the MDServer interface.
func (*MDServerDisk) CheckReachability ¶
func (md *MDServerDisk) CheckReachability(ctx context.Context)
CheckReachability implements the MDServer interface for MDServerDisk.
func (*MDServerDisk) DisableRekeyUpdatesForTesting ¶
func (md *MDServerDisk) DisableRekeyUpdatesForTesting()
DisableRekeyUpdatesForTesting implements the MDServer interface.
func (*MDServerDisk) FastForwardBackoff ¶
func (md *MDServerDisk) FastForwardBackoff()
FastForwardBackoff implements the MDServer interface for MDServerDisk.
func (*MDServerDisk) FindNextMD ¶
func (md *MDServerDisk) FindNextMD( ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, rootSeqno keybase1.Seqno) ( nextKbfsRoot *kbfsmd.MerkleRoot, nextMerkleNodes [][]byte, nextRootSeqno keybase1.Seqno, err error)
FindNextMD implements the MDServer interface for MDServerDisk.
func (*MDServerDisk) GetForHandle ¶
func (md *MDServerDisk) GetForHandle(ctx context.Context, handle tlf.Handle, mStatus kbfsmd.MergeStatus, _ *keybase1.LockID) ( tlf.ID, *RootMetadataSigned, error)
GetForHandle implements the MDServer interface for MDServerDisk.
func (*MDServerDisk) GetForTLF ¶
func (md *MDServerDisk) GetForTLF(ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID, bid kbfsmd.BranchID, mStatus kbfsmd.MergeStatus, _ *keybase1.LockID) ( *RootMetadataSigned, error)
GetForTLF implements the MDServer interface for MDServerDisk.
func (*MDServerDisk) GetForTLFByTime ¶
func (md *MDServerDisk) GetForTLFByTime( ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID, serverTime time.Time) ( *RootMetadataSigned, error)
GetForTLFByTime implements the MDServer interface for MDServerDisk.
func (*MDServerDisk) GetKeyBundles ¶
func (md *MDServerDisk) GetKeyBundles(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, wkbID kbfsmd.TLFWriterKeyBundleID, rkbID kbfsmd.TLFReaderKeyBundleID) ( *kbfsmd.TLFWriterKeyBundleV3, *kbfsmd.TLFReaderKeyBundleV3, error)
GetKeyBundles implements the MDServer interface for MDServerDisk.
func (*MDServerDisk) GetLatestHandleForTLF ¶
GetLatestHandleForTLF implements the MDServer interface for MDServerDisk.
func (*MDServerDisk) GetMerkleRootLatest ¶
func (md *MDServerDisk) GetMerkleRootLatest( ctx context.Context, treeID keybase1.MerkleTreeID) ( root *kbfsmd.MerkleRoot, err error)
GetMerkleRootLatest implements the MDServer interface for MDServerDisk.
func (*MDServerDisk) GetRange ¶
func (md *MDServerDisk) GetRange(ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID, bid kbfsmd.BranchID, mStatus kbfsmd.MergeStatus, start, stop kbfsmd.Revision, _ *keybase1.LockID) ([]*RootMetadataSigned, error)
GetRange implements the MDServer interface for MDServerDisk.
func (*MDServerDisk) IsConnected ¶
func (md *MDServerDisk) IsConnected() bool
IsConnected implements the MDServer interface for MDServerDisk.
func (*MDServerDisk) OffsetFromServerTime ¶
func (md *MDServerDisk) OffsetFromServerTime() (time.Duration, bool)
OffsetFromServerTime implements the MDServer interface for MDServerDisk.
func (*MDServerDisk) PruneBranch ¶
PruneBranch implements the MDServer interface for MDServerDisk.
func (*MDServerDisk) Put ¶
func (md *MDServerDisk) Put(ctx context.Context, rmds *RootMetadataSigned, extra kbfsmd.ExtraMetadata, _ *keybase1.LockContext, _ keybase1.MDPriority) error
Put implements the MDServer interface for MDServerDisk.
func (*MDServerDisk) RefreshAuthToken ¶
func (md *MDServerDisk) RefreshAuthToken(ctx context.Context)
RefreshAuthToken implements the MDServer interface for MDServerDisk.
func (*MDServerDisk) RegisterForUpdate ¶
func (md *MDServerDisk) RegisterForUpdate(ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID, currHead kbfsmd.Revision) (<-chan error, error)
RegisterForUpdate implements the MDServer interface for MDServerDisk.
func (*MDServerDisk) ReleaseLock ¶
ReleaseLock (does not) implement the MDServer interface for MDServerDisk.
func (*MDServerDisk) Shutdown ¶
func (md *MDServerDisk) Shutdown()
Shutdown implements the MDServer interface for MDServerDisk.
func (*MDServerDisk) StartImplicitTeamMigration ¶
StartImplicitTeamMigration implements the MDServer interface.
func (*MDServerDisk) TruncateLock ¶
TruncateLock implements the MDServer interface for MDServerDisk.
func (*MDServerDisk) TruncateUnlock ¶
TruncateUnlock implements the MDServer interface for MDServerDisk.
type MDServerMemory ¶
type MDServerMemory struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MDServerMemory just stores metadata objects in memory.
func NewMDServerMemory ¶
func NewMDServerMemory(config mdServerLocalConfig) (*MDServerMemory, error)
NewMDServerMemory constructs a new MDServerMemory object that stores all data in-memory.
func (*MDServerMemory) CancelRegistration ¶
func (md *MDServerMemory) CancelRegistration(_ context.Context, id tlf.ID)
CancelRegistration implements the MDServer interface for MDServerMemory.
func (*MDServerMemory) CheckForRekeys ¶
func (md *MDServerMemory) CheckForRekeys(ctx context.Context) <-chan error
CheckForRekeys implements the MDServer interface.
func (*MDServerMemory) CheckReachability ¶
func (md *MDServerMemory) CheckReachability(ctx context.Context)
CheckReachability implements the MDServer interface for MDServerMemory.
func (*MDServerMemory) DisableRekeyUpdatesForTesting ¶
func (md *MDServerMemory) DisableRekeyUpdatesForTesting()
DisableRekeyUpdatesForTesting implements the MDServer interface.
func (*MDServerMemory) FastForwardBackoff ¶
func (md *MDServerMemory) FastForwardBackoff()
FastForwardBackoff implements the MDServer interface for MDServerMemory.
func (*MDServerMemory) FindNextMD ¶
func (md *MDServerMemory) FindNextMD( ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, rootSeqno keybase1.Seqno) ( nextKbfsRoot *kbfsmd.MerkleRoot, nextMerkleNodes [][]byte, nextRootSeqno keybase1.Seqno, err error)
FindNextMD implements the MDServer interface for MDServerMemory.
func (*MDServerMemory) GetForHandle ¶
func (md *MDServerMemory) GetForHandle(ctx context.Context, handle tlf.Handle, mStatus kbfsmd.MergeStatus, _ *keybase1.LockID) ( tlf.ID, *RootMetadataSigned, error)
GetForHandle implements the MDServer interface for MDServerMemory.
func (*MDServerMemory) GetForTLF ¶
func (md *MDServerMemory) GetForTLF(ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID, bid kbfsmd.BranchID, mStatus kbfsmd.MergeStatus, _ *keybase1.LockID) ( *RootMetadataSigned, error)
GetForTLF implements the MDServer interface for MDServerMemory.
func (*MDServerMemory) GetForTLFByTime ¶
func (md *MDServerMemory) GetForTLFByTime( ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID, serverTime time.Time) ( *RootMetadataSigned, error)
GetForTLFByTime implements the MDServer interface for MDServerMemory.
func (*MDServerMemory) GetKeyBundles ¶
func (md *MDServerMemory) GetKeyBundles(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, wkbID kbfsmd.TLFWriterKeyBundleID, rkbID kbfsmd.TLFReaderKeyBundleID) ( *kbfsmd.TLFWriterKeyBundleV3, *kbfsmd.TLFReaderKeyBundleV3, error)
GetKeyBundles implements the MDServer interface for MDServerMemory.
func (*MDServerMemory) GetLatestHandleForTLF ¶
GetLatestHandleForTLF implements the MDServer interface for MDServerMemory.
func (*MDServerMemory) GetMerkleRootLatest ¶
func (md *MDServerMemory) GetMerkleRootLatest( ctx context.Context, treeID keybase1.MerkleTreeID) ( root *kbfsmd.MerkleRoot, err error)
GetMerkleRootLatest implements the MDServer interface for MDServerMemory.
func (*MDServerMemory) GetRange ¶
func (md *MDServerMemory) GetRange(ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID, bid kbfsmd.BranchID, mStatus kbfsmd.MergeStatus, start, stop kbfsmd.Revision, lockBeforeGet *keybase1.LockID) ([]*RootMetadataSigned, error)
GetRange implements the MDServer interface for MDServerMemory.
func (*MDServerMemory) IsConnected ¶
func (md *MDServerMemory) IsConnected() bool
IsConnected implements the MDServer interface for MDServerMemory.
func (*MDServerMemory) OffsetFromServerTime ¶
func (md *MDServerMemory) OffsetFromServerTime() (time.Duration, bool)
OffsetFromServerTime implements the MDServer interface for MDServerMemory.
func (*MDServerMemory) PruneBranch ¶
PruneBranch implements the MDServer interface for MDServerMemory.
func (*MDServerMemory) Put ¶
func (md *MDServerMemory) Put(ctx context.Context, rmds *RootMetadataSigned, extra kbfsmd.ExtraMetadata, lc *keybase1.LockContext, _ keybase1.MDPriority) error
Put implements the MDServer interface for MDServerMemory.
func (*MDServerMemory) RefreshAuthToken ¶
func (md *MDServerMemory) RefreshAuthToken(ctx context.Context)
RefreshAuthToken implements the MDServer interface for MDServerMemory.
func (*MDServerMemory) RegisterForUpdate ¶
func (md *MDServerMemory) RegisterForUpdate(ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID, currHead kbfsmd.Revision) (<-chan error, error)
RegisterForUpdate implements the MDServer interface for MDServerMemory.
func (*MDServerMemory) ReleaseLock ¶
func (md *MDServerMemory) ReleaseLock(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, lockID keybase1.LockID) error
ReleaseLock implements the MDServer interface for MDServerMemory.
func (*MDServerMemory) Shutdown ¶
func (md *MDServerMemory) Shutdown()
Shutdown implements the MDServer interface for MDServerMemory.
func (*MDServerMemory) StartImplicitTeamMigration ¶
StartImplicitTeamMigration implements the MDServer interface.
func (*MDServerMemory) TruncateLock ¶
TruncateLock implements the MDServer interface for MDServerMemory.
func (*MDServerMemory) TruncateUnlock ¶
TruncateUnlock implements the MDServer interface for MDServerMemory.
type MDServerRemote ¶
type MDServerRemote struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MDServerRemote is an implementation of the MDServer interface.
func NewMDServerRemote ¶
func NewMDServerRemote(kbCtx Context, config Config, srvRemote rpc.Remote, rpcLogFactory rpc.LogFactory) *MDServerRemote
NewMDServerRemote returns a new instance of MDServerRemote.
func (*MDServerRemote) CancelRegistration ¶
func (md *MDServerRemote) CancelRegistration(ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID)
CancelRegistration implements the MDServer interface for MDServerRemote.
func (*MDServerRemote) CheckForRekeys ¶
func (md *MDServerRemote) CheckForRekeys(ctx context.Context) <-chan error
CheckForRekeys implements the MDServer interface.
func (*MDServerRemote) CheckReachability ¶
func (md *MDServerRemote) CheckReachability(ctx context.Context)
CheckReachability implements the MDServer interface.
func (*MDServerRemote) DeleteTLFCryptKeyServerHalf ¶
func (md *MDServerRemote) DeleteTLFCryptKeyServerHalf(ctx context.Context, uid keybase1.UID, key kbfscrypto.CryptPublicKey, serverHalfID kbfscrypto.TLFCryptKeyServerHalfID) (err error)
DeleteTLFCryptKeyServerHalf is an implementation of the KeyServer interface.
func (*MDServerRemote) DisableRekeyUpdatesForTesting ¶
func (md *MDServerRemote) DisableRekeyUpdatesForTesting()
DisableRekeyUpdatesForTesting implements the MDServer interface.
func (*MDServerRemote) FastForwardBackoff ¶
func (md *MDServerRemote) FastForwardBackoff()
FastForwardBackoff implements the MDServer interface for MDServerRemote.
func (*MDServerRemote) FindNextMD ¶
func (md *MDServerRemote) FindNextMD( ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, rootSeqno keybase1.Seqno) ( nextKbfsRoot *kbfsmd.MerkleRoot, nextMerkleNodes [][]byte, nextRootSeqno keybase1.Seqno, err error)
FindNextMD implements the MDServer interface for MDServerRemote.
func (*MDServerRemote) FolderNeedsRekey ¶
func (md *MDServerRemote) FolderNeedsRekey(ctx context.Context, arg keybase1.FolderNeedsRekeyArg) error
FolderNeedsRekey implements the MetadataUpdateProtocol interface.
func (*MDServerRemote) FoldersNeedRekey ¶
func (md *MDServerRemote) FoldersNeedRekey(ctx context.Context, requests []keybase1.RekeyRequest) error
FoldersNeedRekey implements the MetadataUpdateProtocol interface.
func (*MDServerRemote) GetForHandle ¶
func (md *MDServerRemote) GetForHandle(ctx context.Context, handle tlf.Handle, mStatus kbfsmd.MergeStatus, lockBeforeGet *keybase1.LockID) ( tlfID tlf.ID, rmds *RootMetadataSigned, err error)
GetForHandle implements the MDServer interface for MDServerRemote.
func (*MDServerRemote) GetForTLF ¶
func (md *MDServerRemote) GetForTLF(ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID, bid kbfsmd.BranchID, mStatus kbfsmd.MergeStatus, lockBeforeGet *keybase1.LockID) (rmds *RootMetadataSigned, err error)
GetForTLF implements the MDServer interface for MDServerRemote.
func (*MDServerRemote) GetForTLFByTime ¶
func (md *MDServerRemote) GetForTLFByTime( ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID, serverTime time.Time) ( rmds *RootMetadataSigned, err error)
GetForTLFByTime implements the MDServer interface for MDServerRemote.
func (*MDServerRemote) GetKeyBundles ¶
func (md *MDServerRemote) GetKeyBundles(ctx context.Context, tlf tlf.ID, wkbID kbfsmd.TLFWriterKeyBundleID, rkbID kbfsmd.TLFReaderKeyBundleID) ( wkb *kbfsmd.TLFWriterKeyBundleV3, rkb *kbfsmd.TLFReaderKeyBundleV3, err error)
GetKeyBundles implements the MDServer interface for MDServerRemote.
func (*MDServerRemote) GetLatestHandleForTLF ¶
func (md *MDServerRemote) GetLatestHandleForTLF(ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID) ( handle tlf.Handle, err error)
GetLatestHandleForTLF implements the MDServer interface for MDServerRemote.
func (*MDServerRemote) GetMerkleRootLatest ¶
func (md *MDServerRemote) GetMerkleRootLatest( ctx context.Context, treeID keybase1.MerkleTreeID) ( root *kbfsmd.MerkleRoot, err error)
GetMerkleRootLatest implements the MDServer interface for MDServerRemote.
func (*MDServerRemote) GetRange ¶
func (md *MDServerRemote) GetRange(ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID, bid kbfsmd.BranchID, mStatus kbfsmd.MergeStatus, start, stop kbfsmd.Revision, lockBeforeGet *keybase1.LockID) ( rmdses []*RootMetadataSigned, err error)
GetRange implements the MDServer interface for MDServerRemote.
func (*MDServerRemote) GetTLFCryptKeyServerHalf ¶
func (md *MDServerRemote) GetTLFCryptKeyServerHalf(ctx context.Context, serverHalfID kbfscrypto.TLFCryptKeyServerHalfID, cryptKey kbfscrypto.CryptPublicKey) ( serverHalf kbfscrypto.TLFCryptKeyServerHalf, err error)
GetTLFCryptKeyServerHalf is an implementation of the KeyServer interface.
func (*MDServerRemote) HandlerName ¶
func (*MDServerRemote) HandlerName() string
HandlerName implements the ConnectionHandler interface.
func (*MDServerRemote) IsConnected ¶
func (md *MDServerRemote) IsConnected() bool
IsConnected implements the MDServer interface for MDServerLocal
func (*MDServerRemote) MetadataUpdate ¶
func (md *MDServerRemote) MetadataUpdate(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.MetadataUpdateArg) error
MetadataUpdate implements the MetadataUpdateProtocol interface.
func (*MDServerRemote) OffsetFromServerTime ¶
func (md *MDServerRemote) OffsetFromServerTime() (time.Duration, bool)
OffsetFromServerTime implements the MDServer interface for MDServerRemote.
func (*MDServerRemote) OnConnect ¶
func (md *MDServerRemote) OnConnect(ctx context.Context, conn *rpc.Connection, client rpc.GenericClient, server *rpc.Server) (err error)
OnConnect implements the ConnectionHandler interface.
func (*MDServerRemote) OnConnectError ¶
func (md *MDServerRemote) OnConnectError(err error, wait time.Duration)
OnConnectError implements the ConnectionHandler interface.
func (*MDServerRemote) OnDisconnected ¶
func (md *MDServerRemote) OnDisconnected(ctx context.Context, status rpc.DisconnectStatus)
OnDisconnected implements the ConnectionHandler interface.
func (*MDServerRemote) OnDoCommandError ¶
func (md *MDServerRemote) OnDoCommandError(err error, wait time.Duration)
OnDoCommandError implements the ConnectionHandler interface.
func (*MDServerRemote) PruneBranch ¶
func (md *MDServerRemote) PruneBranch( ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID, bid kbfsmd.BranchID) (err error)
PruneBranch implements the MDServer interface for MDServerRemote.
func (*MDServerRemote) Put ¶
func (md *MDServerRemote) Put(ctx context.Context, rmds *RootMetadataSigned, extra kbfsmd.ExtraMetadata, lockContext *keybase1.LockContext, priority keybase1.MDPriority) (err error)
Put implements the MDServer interface for MDServerRemote.
func (*MDServerRemote) PutTLFCryptKeyServerHalves ¶
func (md *MDServerRemote) PutTLFCryptKeyServerHalves(ctx context.Context, keyServerHalves kbfsmd.UserDeviceKeyServerHalves) (err error)
PutTLFCryptKeyServerHalves is an implementation of the KeyServer interface.
func (*MDServerRemote) RefreshAuthToken ¶
func (md *MDServerRemote) RefreshAuthToken(ctx context.Context)
RefreshAuthToken implements the AuthTokenRefreshHandler interface.
func (*MDServerRemote) RegisterForUpdate ¶
func (md *MDServerRemote) RegisterForUpdate(ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID, currHead kbfsmd.Revision) (<-chan error, error)
RegisterForUpdate implements the MDServer interface for MDServerRemote.
func (*MDServerRemote) ReleaseLock ¶
func (md *MDServerRemote) ReleaseLock(ctx context.Context, tlfID tlf.ID, lockID keybase1.LockID) error
ReleaseLock implements the MDServer interface for MDServerRemote.
func (*MDServerRemote) RemoteAddress ¶
func (md *MDServerRemote) RemoteAddress() string
RemoteAddress returns the remote mdserver this client is talking to
func (*MDServerRemote) ShouldRetry ¶
func (md *MDServerRemote) ShouldRetry(name string, err error) bool
ShouldRetry implements the ConnectionHandler interface.
func (*MDServerRemote) ShouldRetryOnConnect ¶
func (md *MDServerRemote) ShouldRetryOnConnect(err error) bool
ShouldRetryOnConnect implements the ConnectionHandler interface.
func (*MDServerRemote) Shutdown ¶
func (md *MDServerRemote) Shutdown()
Shutdown implements the MDServer interface for MDServerRemote.
func (*MDServerRemote) StartImplicitTeamMigration ¶
StartImplicitTeamMigration implements the MDServer interface.
func (*MDServerRemote) TruncateLock ¶
TruncateLock implements the MDServer interface for MDServerRemote.
func (*MDServerRemote) TruncateUnlock ¶
func (md *MDServerRemote) TruncateUnlock(ctx context.Context, id tlf.ID) ( unlocked bool, err error)
TruncateUnlock implements the MDServer interface for MDServerRemote.
type MDUpdateInvertError ¶
type MDUpdateInvertError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MDUpdateInvertError indicates that we tried to apply a revision that was not the next in line.
func (MDUpdateInvertError) Error ¶
func (e MDUpdateInvertError) Error() string
Error implements the error interface for MDUpdateInvertError.
type MDWriteNeededInRequest ¶
type MDWriteNeededInRequest struct { }
MDWriteNeededInRequest indicates that the system needs MD write permissions to successfully complete an operation, so it should retry in mdWrite mode.
func (MDWriteNeededInRequest) Error ¶
func (e MDWriteNeededInRequest) Error() string
Error implements the error interface for MDWriteNeededInRequest
type MDWrittenAfterRevokeError ¶
type MDWrittenAfterRevokeError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MDWrittenAfterRevokeError indicates that we failed to verify an MD revision because it was written after the last valid revision that the corresponding device could have written.
func (MDWrittenAfterRevokeError) Error ¶
func (e MDWrittenAfterRevokeError) Error() string
Error implements the Error interface for MDWrittenAfterRevokeError.
type MeterSnapshot ¶
type MeterSnapshot struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MeterSnapshot is a read-only copy of another Meter.
func (*MeterSnapshot) Count ¶
func (m *MeterSnapshot) Count() int64
Count returns the count of events at the time the snapshot was taken.
func (*MeterSnapshot) Rate1 ¶
func (m *MeterSnapshot) Rate1() float64
Rate1 returns the one-minute moving average rate of events per second at the time the snapshot was taken.
func (*MeterSnapshot) Rate15 ¶
func (m *MeterSnapshot) Rate15() float64
Rate15 returns the fifteen-minute moving average rate of events per second at the time the snapshot was taken.
func (*MeterSnapshot) Rate5 ¶
func (m *MeterSnapshot) Rate5() float64
Rate5 returns the five-minute moving average rate of events per second at the time the snapshot was taken.
func (*MeterSnapshot) RateMean ¶
func (m *MeterSnapshot) RateMean() float64
RateMean returns the meter's mean rate of events per second at the time the snapshot was taken.
func (*MeterSnapshot) Snapshot ¶
func (m *MeterSnapshot) Snapshot() metrics.Meter
Snapshot returns the snapshot.
type MeterStatus ¶
MeterStatus represents the status of a rate meter.
type NameTooLongError ¶
type NameTooLongError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
NameTooLongError indicates that the user tried to write a directory entry name that would be bigger than KBFS's supported size.
func (NameTooLongError) Error ¶
func (e NameTooLongError) Error() string
Error implements the error interface for NameTooLongError.
type NaïveStaller ¶
type NaïveStaller struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
NaïveStaller is used to stall certain ops in BlockServer or MDOps. Unlike StallBlockOp and StallMDOp which provides a way to precisely control which particular op is stalled by passing in ctx with corresponding stallKey, NaïveStaller simply stalls all instances of specified op.
func NewNaïveStaller ¶
func NewNaïveStaller(config Config) *NaïveStaller
NewNaïveStaller returns a new NaïveStaller
func (*NaïveStaller) StallBlockOp ¶
func (s *NaïveStaller) StallBlockOp(stalledOp StallableBlockOp, maxStalls int)
StallBlockOp wraps the internal BlockServer so that all subsequent stalledOp will be stalled. This can be undone by calling UndoStallBlockOp.
func (*NaïveStaller) StallMDOp ¶
func (s *NaïveStaller) StallMDOp(stalledOp StallableMDOp, maxStalls int, stallDelegate bool)
StallMDOp wraps the internal MDOps so that all subsequent stalledOp will be stalled. This can be undone by calling UndoStallMDOp.
func (*NaïveStaller) UndoStallBlockOp ¶
func (s *NaïveStaller) UndoStallBlockOp(stalledOp StallableBlockOp)
UndoStallBlockOp reverts StallBlockOp so that future stalledOp are not stalled anymore. It also unstalls any stalled stalledOp. StallBlockOp should have been called upon stalledOp, otherwise this would panic.
func (*NaïveStaller) UndoStallMDOp ¶
func (s *NaïveStaller) UndoStallMDOp(stalledOp StallableMDOp)
UndoStallMDOp reverts StallMDOp so that future stalledOp are not stalled anymore. It also unstalls any stalled stalledOp. StallMDOp should have been called upon stalledOp, otherwise this would panic.
func (*NaïveStaller) UnstallOneBlockOp ¶
func (s *NaïveStaller) UnstallOneBlockOp(stalledOp StallableBlockOp)
UnstallOneBlockOp unstalls exactly one stalled stalledOp. StallBlockOp should have been called upon stalledOp, otherwise this would panic.
func (*NaïveStaller) UnstallOneMDOp ¶
func (s *NaïveStaller) UnstallOneMDOp(stalledOp StallableMDOp)
UnstallOneMDOp unstalls exactly one stalled stalledOp. StallMDOp should have been called upon stalledOp, otherwise this would panic.
func (*NaïveStaller) WaitForStallBlockOp ¶
func (s *NaïveStaller) WaitForStallBlockOp(stalledOp StallableBlockOp)
WaitForStallBlockOp blocks until stalledOp is stalled. StallBlockOp should have been called upon stalledOp, otherwise this would panic.
func (*NaïveStaller) WaitForStallMDOp ¶
func (s *NaïveStaller) WaitForStallMDOp(stalledOp StallableMDOp)
WaitForStallMDOp blocks until stalledOp is stalled. StallMDOp should have been called upon stalledOp, otherwise this would panic.
type NeedOtherRekeyError ¶
type NeedOtherRekeyError struct { Tlf tlf.CanonicalName Err error }
NeedOtherRekeyError indicates that the folder in question needs to be rekeyed for the local device, and can only done so by one of the other users.
func (NeedOtherRekeyError) Error ¶
func (e NeedOtherRekeyError) Error() string
Error implements the error interface for NeedOtherRekeyError
func (NeedOtherRekeyError) ToStatus ¶
func (e NeedOtherRekeyError) ToStatus() keybase1.Status
ToStatus exports error to status
type NeedSelfRekeyError ¶
type NeedSelfRekeyError struct { Tlf tlf.CanonicalName Err error }
NeedSelfRekeyError indicates that the folder in question needs to be rekeyed for the local device, and can be done so by one of the other user's devices.
func (NeedSelfRekeyError) Error ¶
func (e NeedSelfRekeyError) Error() string
Error implements the error interface for NeedSelfRekeyError
func (NeedSelfRekeyError) ToStatus ¶
func (e NeedSelfRekeyError) ToStatus() keybase1.Status
ToStatus exports error to status
type NewDataVersionError ¶
NewDataVersionError indicates that the data at the given path has been written using a new data version that our client doesn't understand.
func (NewDataVersionError) Error ¶
func (e NewDataVersionError) Error() string
Error implements the error interface for NewDataVersionError.
type NextMDNotCachedError ¶
NextMDNotCachedError indicates we haven't cached the next MD after the given Merkle seqno.
func (NextMDNotCachedError) Error ¶
func (e NextMDNotCachedError) Error() string
Error implements the Error interface for NextMDNotCachedError.
type NoChainFoundError ¶
type NoChainFoundError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
NoChainFoundError indicates that a conflict resolution chain corresponding to the given pointer could not be found.
func (NoChainFoundError) Error ¶
func (e NoChainFoundError) Error() string
Error implements the error interface for NoChainFoundError.
type NoKeysError ¶
type NoKeysError struct{}
NoKeysError indicates that no keys were provided for a decryption allowing multiple device keys
func (NoKeysError) Error ¶
func (e NoKeysError) Error() string
type NoMergedMDError ¶
type NoMergedMDError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
NoMergedMDError indicates that no MDs for this folder have been created yet.
func (NoMergedMDError) Error ¶
func (e NoMergedMDError) Error() string
Error implements the error interface for NoMergedMDError.
type NoSuchFolderListError ¶
NoSuchFolderListError indicates that the user tried to access a subdirectory of /keybase that doesn't exist.
func (NoSuchFolderListError) Error ¶
func (e NoSuchFolderListError) Error() string
Error implements the error interface for NoSuchFolderListError
type NoSuchMDError ¶
NoSuchMDError indicates that there is no MD object for the given folder, revision, and merged status.
func (NoSuchMDError) Error ¶
func (e NoSuchMDError) Error() string
Error implements the error interface for NoSuchMDError
type NoSuchTlfHandleError ¶
NoSuchTlfHandleError indicates we were unable to resolve a folder ID to a folder handle.
func (NoSuchTlfHandleError) Error ¶
func (e NoSuchTlfHandleError) Error() string
Error implements the error interface for NoSuchTlfHandleError
type NoSuchTlfIDError ¶
type NoSuchTlfIDError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
NoSuchTlfIDError indicates we were unable to resolve a folder handle to a folder ID.
func (NoSuchTlfIDError) Error ¶
func (e NoSuchTlfIDError) Error() string
Error implements the error interface for NoSuchTlfIDError
type NoUpdatesWhileDirtyError ¶
type NoUpdatesWhileDirtyError struct{}
NoUpdatesWhileDirtyError indicates that updates aren't being accepted while a TLF is locally dirty.
func (NoUpdatesWhileDirtyError) Error ¶
func (e NoUpdatesWhileDirtyError) Error() string
Error implements the error interface for NoUpdatesWhileDirtyError.
type Node ¶
type Node interface { // GetID returns the ID of this Node. This should be used as a // map key instead of the Node itself. GetID() NodeID // GetFolderBranch returns the folder ID and branch for this Node. GetFolderBranch() data.FolderBranch // GetBasename returns the current basename of the node, or "" // if the node has been unlinked. GetBasename() data.PathPartString // GetPathPlaintextSansTlf returns the cleaned path of the node in // plaintext. GetPathPlaintextSansTlf() (string, bool) // Readonly returns true if KBFS should outright reject any write // attempts on data or directory structures of this node. Though // note that even if it returns false, KBFS can reject writes to // the node for other reasons, such as TLF permissions. An // implementation that wraps another `Node` (`inner`) must return // `inner.Readonly()` if it decides not to return `true` on its // own. Readonly(ctx context.Context) bool // ShouldCreateMissedLookup is called for Nodes representing // directories, whenever `name` is looked up but is not found in // the directory. If the Node decides a new entry should be // created matching this lookup, it should return `true` as well // as a context to use for the creation, the type of the new entry // and the symbolic link contents if the entry is a Sym; the // caller should then create this entry. Otherwise it should // return false. It may return the types `FakeDir` or `FakeFile` // to indicate that the caller should pretend the entry exists, // even if it really does not. In the case of fake files, a // non-nil `fi` can be returned and used by the caller to // construct the dir entry for the file. An implementation that // wraps another `Node` (`inner`) must return // `inner.ShouldCreateMissedLookup()` if it decides not to return // `true` on its own. ShouldCreateMissedLookup(ctx context.Context, name data.PathPartString) ( shouldCreate bool, newCtx context.Context, et data.EntryType, fi os.FileInfo, sympath data.PathPartString) // ShouldRetryOnDirRead is called for Nodes representing // directories, whenever a `Lookup` or `GetDirChildren` is done on // them. It should return true to instruct the caller that it // should re-sync its view of the directory and retry the // operation. ShouldRetryOnDirRead(ctx context.Context) bool // RemoveDir is called on a `Node` before going through the normal // `RemoveDir` flow, to give the Node a chance to handle it in a // custom way. If the `Node` handles it internally, it should // return `true`. RemoveDir(ctx context.Context, dirName data.PathPartString) ( removeHandled bool, err error) // WrapChild returns a wrapped version of child, if desired, to // add custom behavior to the child node. An implementation that // wraps another `Node` (`inner`) must first call // `inner.WrapChild(child)` before performing its own wrapping // operation, to ensure that all wrapping is preserved and that it // happens in the correct order. WrapChild(child Node) Node // Unwrap returns the initial, unwrapped Node that was used to // create this Node. Unwrap() Node // GetFS returns a file system interface that, if non-nil, should // be used to satisfy any directory-related calls on this Node, // instead of the standard, block-based method of acessing data. // The provided context will be used, if possible, for any // subsequent calls on the file system. GetFS(ctx context.Context) billy.Filesystem // GetFile returns a file interface that, if non-nil, should be // used to satisfy any file-related calls on this Node, instead of // the standard, block-based method of accessing data. The // provided context will be used, if possible, for any subsequent // calls on the file. GetFile(ctx context.Context) billy.File // EntryType is the type of the entry represented by this node. EntryType() data.EntryType // GetBlockID returns the block ID of the node. GetBlockID() kbfsblock.ID // FillCacheDuration sets `d` to the suggested cache time for this // node, if desired. FillCacheDuration(d *time.Duration) // Obfuscator returns something that can obfuscate the child // entries of this Node in the case of directories; for other // types, it returns nil. Obfuscator() data.Obfuscator // ChildName returns an obfuscatable version of the given name of // a child entry of this node. ChildName(name string) data.PathPartString }
Node represents a direct pointer to a file or directory in KBFS. It is somewhat like an inode in a regular file system. Users of KBFS can use Node as a handle when accessing files or directories they have previously looked up.
func GetRootNodeForTest ¶
GetRootNodeForTest gets the root node for the given TLF name, which must be canonical, creating it if necessary.
type NodeCache ¶
type NodeCache interface { // GetOrCreate either makes a new Node for the given // BlockPointer, or returns an existing one. TODO: If we ever // support hard links, we will have to revisit the "name" and // "parent" parameters here. name must not be empty. Returns // an error if parent cannot be found. GetOrCreate( ptr data.BlockPointer, name data.PathPartString, parent Node, et data.EntryType) (Node, error) // Get returns the Node associated with the given ptr if one // already exists. Otherwise, it returns nil. Get(ref data.BlockRef) Node // UpdatePointer updates the BlockPointer for the corresponding // Node. NodeCache ignores this call when oldRef is not cached in // any Node. Returns whether the ID of the node that was updated, // or `nil` if nothing was updated. UpdatePointer(oldRef data.BlockRef, newPtr data.BlockPointer) NodeID // Move swaps the parent node for the corresponding Node, and // updates the node's name. NodeCache ignores the call when ptr // is not cached. If newParent is nil, it treats the ptr's // corresponding node as being unlinked from the old parent // completely. If successful, it returns a function that can be // called to undo the effect of the move (or `nil` if nothing // needs to be done); if newParent cannot be found, it returns an // error and a `nil` undo function. Move(ref data.BlockRef, newParent Node, newName data.PathPartString) ( undoFn func(), err error) // Unlink set the corresponding node's parent to nil and caches // the provided path in case the node is still open. NodeCache // ignores the call when ptr is not cached. The path is required // because the caller may have made changes to the parent nodes // already that shouldn't be reflected in the cached path. It // returns a function that can be called to undo the effect of the // unlink (or `nil` if nothing needs to be done). Unlink(ref data.BlockRef, oldPath data.Path, oldDe data.DirEntry) ( undoFn func()) // IsUnlinked returns whether `Unlink` has been called for the // reference behind this node. IsUnlinked(node Node) bool // UnlinkedDirEntry returns a directory entry if `Unlink` has been // called for the reference behind this node. UnlinkedDirEntry(node Node) data.DirEntry // UpdateUnlinkedDirEntry modifies a cached directory entry for a // node that has already been unlinked. UpdateUnlinkedDirEntry(node Node, newDe data.DirEntry) // PathFromNode creates the path up to a given Node. PathFromNode(node Node) data.Path // AllNodes returns the complete set of nodes currently in the // cache. The returned Nodes are not wrapped, and shouldn't be // used for data access. AllNodes() []Node // AllNodeChildren returns the complete set of nodes currently in // the cache, for which the given node `n` is a parent (direct or // indirect). The returned slice does not include `n` itself. // The returned Nodes are not wrapped, and shouldn't be used for // data access. AllNodeChildren(n Node) []Node // AddRootWrapper adds a new wrapper function that will be applied // whenever a root Node is created. AddRootWrapper(func(Node) Node) // SetObfuscatorMaker sets the obfuscator-making function for this cache. SetObfuscatorMaker(func() data.Obfuscator) // ObfuscatorMaker sets the obfuscator-making function for this cache. ObfuscatorMaker() func() data.Obfuscator }
NodeCache holds Nodes, and allows libkbfs to update them when things change about the underlying KBFS blocks. It is probably most useful to instantiate this on a per-folder-branch basis, so that it can create a Path with the correct DirId and Branch name.
type NodeChange ¶
type NodeChange struct { Node Node // Basenames of entries added/removed. DirUpdated []data.PathPartString FileUpdated []WriteRange }
NodeChange represents a change made to a node as part of an atomic file system operation.
type NodeID ¶
type NodeID interface { // ParentID returns the NodeID of the directory containing the // pointed-to file or directory, or nil if none exists. ParentID() NodeID }
NodeID is a unique but transient ID for a Node. That is, two Node objects in memory at the same time represent the same file or directory if and only if their NodeIDs are equal (by pointer).
type NodeMetadata ¶
type NodeMetadata struct { // LastWriterUnverified is the last writer of this // node according to the last writer of the TLF. // A more thorough check is possible in the future. LastWriterUnverified kbname.NormalizedUsername BlockInfo data.BlockInfo PrefetchStatus PrefetchStatus PrefetchProgress *PrefetchProgress `json:",omitempty"` }
NodeMetadata has metadata about a node needed for higher level operations.
type NodeNotFoundError ¶
type NodeNotFoundError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
NodeNotFoundError indicates that we tried to find a node for the given BlockPointer and failed.
func (NodeNotFoundError) Error ¶
func (e NodeNotFoundError) Error() string
Error implements the error interface for NodeNotFoundError.
type NonExistentTeamForHandleError ¶
type NonExistentTeamForHandleError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
NonExistentTeamForHandleError indicates that we're trying to create a TLF for a handle that has no corresponding implicit team yet. Likely a writer needs to create the implicit team first.
func (NonExistentTeamForHandleError) Error ¶
func (e NonExistentTeamForHandleError) Error() string
Error implements the Error interface for NonExistentTeamForHandleError.
type NoopBlockMetadataStore ¶
type NoopBlockMetadataStore struct{}
NoopBlockMetadataStore satisfies the BlockMetadataStore interface but does nothing.
func (NoopBlockMetadataStore) GetMetadata ¶
func (NoopBlockMetadataStore) GetMetadata(ctx context.Context, blockID kbfsblock.ID) (value BlockMetadataValue, err error)
GetMetadata always returns ldberrors.ErrNotFound.
func (NoopBlockMetadataStore) Shutdown ¶
func (NoopBlockMetadataStore) Shutdown()
Shutdown does nothing.
func (NoopBlockMetadataStore) UpdateMetadata ¶
func (NoopBlockMetadataStore) UpdateMetadata(ctx context.Context, blockID kbfsblock.ID, updater BlockMetadataUpdater) error
UpdateMetadata returns nil error but does nothing.
type NotDirBlockError ¶
type NotDirBlockError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
NotDirBlockError indicates that a file block was expected but a block of a different type was found.
ptr and branch should be filled in, but p may be empty.
func (NotDirBlockError) Error ¶
func (e NotDirBlockError) Error() string
type NotDirError ¶
type NotDirError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
NotDirError indicates that the user tried to perform a dir-specific operation on something that isn't a directory.
func (NotDirError) Error ¶
func (e NotDirError) Error() string
Error implements the error interface for NotDirError
type NotFileBlockError ¶
type NotFileBlockError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
NotFileBlockError indicates that a file block was expected but a block of a different type was found.
ptr and branch should be filled in, but p may be empty.
func (NotFileBlockError) Error ¶
func (e NotFileBlockError) Error() string
type NotFileError ¶
type NotFileError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
NotFileError indicates that the user tried to perform a file-specific operation on something that isn't a file.
func (NotFileError) Error ¶
func (e NotFileError) Error() string
Error implements the error interface for NotFileError
type NotPermittedWhileDirtyError ¶
type NotPermittedWhileDirtyError struct { }
NotPermittedWhileDirtyError indicates that some operation failed because of outstanding dirty files, and may be retried later.
func (NotPermittedWhileDirtyError) Error ¶
func (e NotPermittedWhileDirtyError) Error() string
Error implements the error interface for NotPermittedWhileDirtyError.
type Notifier ¶
type Notifier interface { // RegisterForChanges declares that the given Observer wants to // subscribe to updates for the given top-level folders. RegisterForChanges(folderBranches []data.FolderBranch, obs Observer) error // UnregisterFromChanges declares that the given Observer no // longer wants to subscribe to updates for the given top-level // folders. UnregisterFromChanges(folderBranches []data.FolderBranch, obs Observer) error }
Notifier notifies registrants of directory changes
type Observer ¶
type Observer interface { // LocalChange announces that the file at this Node has been // updated locally, but not yet saved at the server. LocalChange(ctx context.Context, node Node, write WriteRange) // BatchChanges announces that the nodes have all been updated // together atomically. Each NodeChange in `changes` affects the // same top-level folder and branch. `allAffectedNodeIDs` is a // list of all the nodes that had their underlying data changed, // even if it wasn't an user-visible change (e.g., if a // subdirectory was updated, the directory block for the TLF root // is updated but that wouldn't be visible to a user). BatchChanges(ctx context.Context, changes []NodeChange, allAffectedNodeIDs []NodeID) // TlfHandleChange announces that the handle of the corresponding // folder branch has changed, likely due to previously-unresolved // assertions becoming resolved. This indicates that the listener // should switch over any cached paths for this folder-branch to // the new name. Nodes that were acquired under the old name will // still continue to work, but new lookups on the old name may // either encounter alias errors or entirely new TLFs (in the case // of conflicts). TlfHandleChange(ctx context.Context, newHandle *tlfhandle.Handle) }
Observer can be notified that there is an available update for a given directory. The notification callbacks should not block, or make any calls to the Notifier interface. Nodes passed to the observer should not be held past the end of the notification callback.
type OfflineArchivedError ¶
type OfflineArchivedError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
OfflineArchivedError indicates trying to access archived data while offline.
func (OfflineArchivedError) Error ¶
func (e OfflineArchivedError) Error() string
Error implements the Error interface for OfflineArchivedError.
type OfflineUnsyncedError ¶
type OfflineUnsyncedError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
OfflineUnsyncedError indicates trying to access unsynced data while offline.
func (OfflineUnsyncedError) Error ¶
func (e OfflineUnsyncedError) Error() string
Error implements the Error interface for OfflineUnsyncedError.
type OngoingWorkLimiter ¶
type OngoingWorkLimiter struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
OngoingWorkLimiter limits maximum number of routines that can work on a same type of thing at the same time. For example, it can be used for limiting number of ongoing rekeys.
func NewOngoingWorkLimiter ¶
func NewOngoingWorkLimiter(maxNumOngoingWorks int) *OngoingWorkLimiter
NewOngoingWorkLimiter creates a new *OngoingWorkLimiter with capacity of maxNumOngoingWorks.
func (*OngoingWorkLimiter) Done ¶
func (owl *OngoingWorkLimiter) Done()
Done tells the limiter that the caller is done working on the thing, and somebody else is free to start work.
func (*OngoingWorkLimiter) WaitToStart ¶
func (owl *OngoingWorkLimiter) WaitToStart(ctx context.Context) error
WaitToStart blocks until the limiter would allow one more routine to start working on the thing.
type OpCommon ¶
type OpCommon struct { RefBlocks []data.BlockPointer `codec:"r,omitempty"` UnrefBlocks []data.BlockPointer `codec:"u,omitempty"` Updates []blockUpdate `codec:"o,omitempty"` codec.UnknownFieldSetHandler // contains filtered or unexported fields }
OpCommon are data structures needed by all ops. It is only exported for serialization purposes.
func (*OpCommon) AddRefBlock ¶
func (oc *OpCommon) AddRefBlock(ptr data.BlockPointer)
AddRefBlock adds this block to the list of newly-referenced blocks for this op.
func (*OpCommon) AddSelfUpdate ¶
func (oc *OpCommon) AddSelfUpdate(ptr data.BlockPointer)
AddSelfUpdate implements the op interface for OpCommon -- see the comment in op.
func (*OpCommon) AddUnrefBlock ¶
func (oc *OpCommon) AddUnrefBlock(ptr data.BlockPointer)
AddUnrefBlock adds this block to the list of newly-unreferenced blocks for this op.
func (*OpCommon) AddUpdate ¶
func (oc *OpCommon) AddUpdate(oldPtr data.BlockPointer, newPtr data.BlockPointer)
AddUpdate adds a mapping from an old block to the new version of that block, for this op.
func (*OpCommon) DelRefBlock ¶
func (oc *OpCommon) DelRefBlock(ptr data.BlockPointer)
DelRefBlock removes the first reference of the given block from the list of newly-referenced blocks for this op.
func (*OpCommon) DelUnrefBlock ¶
func (oc *OpCommon) DelUnrefBlock(ptr data.BlockPointer)
DelUnrefBlock removes the first unreference of the given block from the list of unreferenced blocks for this op.
func (*OpCommon) Refs ¶
func (oc *OpCommon) Refs() []data.BlockPointer
Refs returns a slice containing all the blocks that were initially referenced during this op.
func (*OpCommon) ToEditNotification ¶
func (oc *OpCommon) ToEditNotification( _ kbfsmd.Revision, _ time.Time, _ kbfscrypto.VerifyingKey, _ keybase1.UID, _ tlf.ID) *kbfsedits.NotificationMessage
ToEditNotification implements the op interface for OpCommon.
func (*OpCommon) Unrefs ¶
func (oc *OpCommon) Unrefs() []data.BlockPointer
Unrefs returns a slice containing all the blocks that were unreferenced during this op.
type OpSummary ¶
OpSummary describes the changes performed by a single op, and is suitable for encoding directly as JSON.
type OpsCantHandleFavorite ¶
type OpsCantHandleFavorite struct {
Msg string
OpsCantHandleFavorite means that folderBranchOps wasn't able to deal with a favorites request.
func (OpsCantHandleFavorite) Error ¶
func (e OpsCantHandleFavorite) Error() string
Error implements the error interface for OpsCantHandleFavorite.
type OutdatedVersionError ¶
type OutdatedVersionError struct { }
OutdatedVersionError indicates that we have encountered some new data version we don't understand, and the user should be prompted to upgrade.
func (OutdatedVersionError) Error ¶
func (e OutdatedVersionError) Error() string
Error implements the error interface for OutdatedVersionError.
type OverQuotaWarning ¶
OverQuotaWarning indicates that the user is over their quota, and is being slowed down by the server.
func (OverQuotaWarning) Error ¶
func (w OverQuotaWarning) Error() string
Error implements the error interface for OverQuotaWarning.
type ParentNodeNotFoundError ¶
type ParentNodeNotFoundError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ParentNodeNotFoundError indicates that we tried to update a Node's parent with a BlockPointer that we don't yet know about.
func (ParentNodeNotFoundError) Error ¶
func (e ParentNodeNotFoundError) Error() string
Error implements the error interface for ParentNodeNotFoundError.
type PrefetchProgress ¶
type PrefetchProgress struct { SubtreeBytesFetched uint64 SubtreeBytesTotal uint64 Start time.Time }
PrefetchProgress tracks the number of bytes fetched for the block tree rooted at a given block, along with the known total number of bytes in that tree, and the start time of the prefetch. Note that the total can change over time as more blocks are downloaded.
func (PrefetchProgress) ToProtocolProgress ¶
func (p PrefetchProgress) ToProtocolProgress(clock Clock) ( out keybase1.PrefetchProgress)
ToProtocolProgress creates a progress suitable of being sent over the keybase1 protocol to the service.
func (PrefetchProgress) ToProtocolStatus ¶
func (p PrefetchProgress) ToProtocolStatus() keybase1.PrefetchStatus
ToProtocolStatus creates a status suitable of being sent over the keybase1 protocol to the service. It never generates NOT_STARTED since that doesn't make sense once you already have a prefetch progress created.
type PrefetchStatus ¶
type PrefetchStatus int
PrefetchStatus denotes the prefetch status of a block.
const ( // NoPrefetch represents an entry that hasn't been prefetched. NoPrefetch PrefetchStatus = iota // TriggeredPrefetch represents a block for which prefetching has been // triggered, but the full tree has not been completed. TriggeredPrefetch // FinishedPrefetch represents a block whose full subtree is synced. FinishedPrefetch )
func PrefetchStatusFromProtocol ¶
func PrefetchStatusFromProtocol( protocolPrefetchStatus kbgitkbfs.PrefetchStatus) PrefetchStatus
PrefetchStatusFromProtocol transforms a kbgitkbfs.PrefetchStatus to a PrefetchStatus, while validating its value.
func (PrefetchStatus) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s PrefetchStatus) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON converts a PrefetchStatus to JSON
func (PrefetchStatus) String ¶
func (s PrefetchStatus) String() string
func (PrefetchStatus) ToProtocol ¶
func (s PrefetchStatus) ToProtocol() kbgitkbfs.PrefetchStatus
ToProtocol transforms a PrefetchStatus to a kbgitkbfs.PrefetchStatus, while validating its value.
func (PrefetchStatus) ToProtocolStatus ¶
func (s PrefetchStatus) ToProtocolStatus() keybase1.PrefetchStatus
ToProtocolStatus returns a prefetch status that can be send over the keybase1 protocol.
func (*PrefetchStatus) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *PrefetchStatus) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON converts a PrefetchStatus from JSON
type Prefetcher ¶
type Prefetcher interface { // ProcessBlockForPrefetch potentially triggers and monitors a prefetch. ProcessBlockForPrefetch(ctx context.Context, ptr data.BlockPointer, block data.Block, kmd libkey.KeyMetadata, priority int, lifetime data.BlockCacheLifetime, prefetchStatus PrefetchStatus, action BlockRequestAction) // WaitChannelForBlockPrefetch returns a channel that can be used // to wait for a block to finish prefetching or be canceled. If // the block isn't currently being prefetched, it will return an // already-closed channel. When the channel is closed, the caller // should still verify that the prefetch status of the block is // what they expect it to be, in case there was an error. WaitChannelForBlockPrefetch(ctx context.Context, ptr data.BlockPointer) ( <-chan struct{}, error) // Status returns the current status of the prefetch for the block // tree rooted at the given pointer. Status(ctx context.Context, ptr data.BlockPointer) (PrefetchProgress, error) // OverallSyncStatus returns the current status of all sync // prefetches. OverallSyncStatus() PrefetchProgress // CancelPrefetch notifies the prefetcher that a prefetch should be // canceled. CancelPrefetch(data.BlockPointer) // CancelTlfPrefetches notifies the prefetcher that all prefetches // for a given TLF should be canceled. CancelTlfPrefetches(context.Context, tlf.ID) error // Shutdown shuts down the prefetcher idempotently. Future calls to // the various Prefetch* methods will return io.EOF. The returned channel // allows upstream components to block until all pending prefetches are // complete. This feature is mainly used for testing, but also to toggle // the prefetcher on and off. Shutdown() <-chan struct{} }
Prefetcher is an interface to a block prefetcher.
type PrivateMetadata ¶
type PrivateMetadata struct { // directory entry for the root directory block Dir data.DirEntry // m_f as described in § 4.1.1 of TLFPrivateKey kbfscrypto.TLFPrivateKey // The block changes done as part of the update that created this MD Changes BlockChanges // The last revision up to and including which garbage collection // was performed on this TLF. LastGCRevision kbfsmd.Revision `codec:"lgc"` codec.UnknownFieldSetHandler // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PrivateMetadata contains the portion of metadata that's secret for private directories
func (PrivateMetadata) ChangesBlockInfo ¶
func (p PrivateMetadata) ChangesBlockInfo() data.BlockInfo
ChangesBlockInfo returns the block info for any unembedded changes.
type ReadOnlyRootMetadata ¶
type ReadOnlyRootMetadata struct {
A ReadOnlyRootMetadata is a thin wrapper around a *RootMetadata. Functions that take a ReadOnlyRootMetadata parameter must not modify it, and therefore code that passes a ReadOnlyRootMetadata to a function can assume that it is not modified by that function. However, callers that convert a *RootMetadata to a ReadOnlyRootMetadata may still modify the underlying RootMetadata through the original pointer, so care must be taken if a function stores a ReadOnlyRootMetadata object past the end of the function, or when a function takes both a *RootMetadata and a ReadOnlyRootMetadata (see decryptMDPrivateData).
func (ReadOnlyRootMetadata) CheckValidSuccessor ¶
func (md ReadOnlyRootMetadata) CheckValidSuccessor( currID kbfsmd.ID, nextMd ReadOnlyRootMetadata) error
CheckValidSuccessor makes sure the given ReadOnlyRootMetadata is a valid successor to the current one, and returns an error otherwise.
type ReadonlyNode ¶
type ReadonlyNode struct {
ReadonlyNode is a read-only node by default, unless `CtxReadWriteKey` has a value set in the context.
func (ReadonlyNode) Readonly ¶
func (rn ReadonlyNode) Readonly(ctx context.Context) bool
Readonly implements the Node interface for ReadonlyNode.
func (ReadonlyNode) WrapChild ¶
func (rn ReadonlyNode) WrapChild(child Node) Node
WrapChild implements the Node interface for ReadonlyNode.
type RekeyConflictError ¶
type RekeyConflictError struct {
Err error
RekeyConflictError indicates a conflict happened while trying to rekey.
func (RekeyConflictError) Error ¶
func (e RekeyConflictError) Error() string
Error implements the error interface for RekeyConflictError.
type RekeyEvent ¶
type RekeyEvent struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
RekeyEvent describes an event to send into the RekeyFSM. A function, e.g., NewRekeyRequestEvent, should be used to construct one.
func NewRekeyNotNeededEvent ¶
func NewRekeyNotNeededEvent() RekeyEvent
NewRekeyNotNeededEvent creates a rekeyNotNeededEvent typed event. If the FSM is in rekeyStateScheduled, this causes FSM to unset paperkey prompt. In other states nothing happens. This event is sent to the FSM when we see a MD update with rekey flag unset. It can be an indication that an old outstanding rekey request has been served by another device, or just a regular rekey updates.
func NewRekeyRequestEvent ¶
func NewRekeyRequestEvent() RekeyEvent
NewRekeyRequestEvent creates a non-delayed rekey request Event.
func NewRekeyRequestWithPaperPromptEvent ¶
func NewRekeyRequestWithPaperPromptEvent() RekeyEvent
NewRekeyRequestWithPaperPromptEvent creates a non-delayed rekey request Event that causes a paper prompt.
func (RekeyEvent) String ¶
func (e RekeyEvent) String() string
type RekeyFSM ¶
type RekeyFSM interface { // Event sends an event to the FSM. Event(event RekeyEvent) // Shutdown shuts down the FSM. No new event should be sent into the FSM // after this method is called. Shutdown() // contains filtered or unexported methods }
RekeyFSM is a Finite State Machine (FSM) for housekeeping rekey states for a FolderBranch. Each FolderBranch has its own FSM for rekeys.
See rekey_fsm.go for implementation details.
TODO: report FSM status in FolderBranchStatus?
func NewRekeyFSM ¶
func NewRekeyFSM(fbo *folderBranchOps) RekeyFSM
NewRekeyFSM creates a new rekey FSM.
type RekeyIncompleteError ¶
type RekeyIncompleteError struct{}
RekeyIncompleteError is returned when a rekey is partially done but needs a writer to finish it.
func (RekeyIncompleteError) Error ¶
func (e RekeyIncompleteError) Error() string
type RekeyPermissionError ¶
type RekeyPermissionError struct { User kbname.NormalizedUsername Dir string }
RekeyPermissionError indicates that the user tried to rekey a top-level folder in a manner inconsistent with their permissions.
func (RekeyPermissionError) Error ¶
func (e RekeyPermissionError) Error() string
Error implements the error interface for RekeyPermissionError
type RekeyQueue ¶
type RekeyQueue interface { // Enqueue enqueues a folder for rekey action. If the TLF is already in the // rekey queue, the error channel of the existing one is returned. Enqueue(tlf.ID) // IsRekeyPending returns true if the given folder is in the rekey queue. // Note that an ongoing rekey doesn't count as "pending". IsRekeyPending(tlf.ID) bool // Shutdown cancels all pending rekey actions and clears the queue. It // doesn't cancel ongoing rekeys. After Shutdown() is called, the same // RekeyQueue shouldn't be used anymore. Shutdown() }
RekeyQueue is a managed queue of folders needing some rekey action taken upon them by the current client.
type RekeyQueueStandard ¶
type RekeyQueueStandard struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
RekeyQueueStandard implements the RekeyQueue interface.
func NewRekeyQueueStandard ¶
func NewRekeyQueueStandard(config Config) (rkq *RekeyQueueStandard)
NewRekeyQueueStandard creates a new rekey queue.
func (*RekeyQueueStandard) Enqueue ¶
func (rkq *RekeyQueueStandard) Enqueue(id tlf.ID)
Enqueue implements the RekeyQueue interface for RekeyQueueStandard.
func (*RekeyQueueStandard) IsRekeyPending ¶
func (rkq *RekeyQueueStandard) IsRekeyPending(id tlf.ID) bool
IsRekeyPending implements the RekeyQueue interface for RekeyQueueStandard.
func (*RekeyQueueStandard) Shutdown ¶
func (rkq *RekeyQueueStandard) Shutdown()
Shutdown implements the RekeyQueue interface for RekeyQueueStandard.
type RekeyResult ¶
RekeyResult represents the result of an rekey operation.
func RequestRekeyAndWaitForOneFinishEvent ¶
func RequestRekeyAndWaitForOneFinishEvent(ctx context.Context, ops KBFSOps, tlfID tlf.ID) (res RekeyResult, err error)
RequestRekeyAndWaitForOneFinishEvent sends a rekey request to the FSM associated with tlfID, and wait for exact one rekeyFinished event. This can be useful for waiting for a rekey result in tests.
Note that the supplied ctx is injected to the rekey task, so canceling ctx would actually cancel the rekey.
Currently this is only used in tests and RekeyFile. Normal rekey activities should go through the FSM asychronously.
type RenameAcrossDirsError ¶
type RenameAcrossDirsError struct { // ApplicationExecPath, if not empty, is the exec path of the application // that issued the rename. ApplicationExecPath string }
RenameAcrossDirsError indicates that the user tried to do an atomic rename across directories.
func (RenameAcrossDirsError) Error ¶
func (e RenameAcrossDirsError) Error() string
Error implements the error interface for RenameAcrossDirsError
type ReportedError ¶
ReportedError represents an error reported by KBFS.
type Reporter ¶
type Reporter interface { // ReportErr records that a given error happened. ReportErr(ctx context.Context, tlfName tlf.CanonicalName, t tlf.Type, mode ErrorModeType, err error) // AllKnownErrors returns all errors known to this Reporter. AllKnownErrors() []ReportedError // NotifyOnlineStatusChanged sends the given notification to any sink. OnlineStatusChanged(ctx context.Context, online bool) // Notify sends the given notification to any sink. Notify(ctx context.Context, notification *keybase1.FSNotification) // NotifyPathUpdated sends the given notification to any sink. NotifyPathUpdated(ctx context.Context, path string) // NotifySyncStatus sends the given path sync status to any sink. NotifySyncStatus(ctx context.Context, status *keybase1.FSPathSyncStatus) // NotifyOverallSyncStatus sends the given path overall sync // status to any sink. NotifyOverallSyncStatus( ctx context.Context, status keybase1.FolderSyncStatus) // NotifyFavoritesChanged sends the a favorites invalidation to any sink. NotifyFavoritesChanged(ctx context.Context) // Shutdown frees any resources allocated by a Reporter. Shutdown() }
Reporter exports events (asynchronously) to any number of sinks
type ReporterKBPKI ¶
type ReporterKBPKI struct { *ReporterSimple // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ReporterKBPKI implements the Notify function of the Reporter interface in addition to embedding ReporterSimple for error tracking. Notify will make RPCs to the keybase daemon.
func NewReporterKBPKI ¶
func NewReporterKBPKI(config Config, maxErrors, bufSize int) *ReporterKBPKI
NewReporterKBPKI creates a new ReporterKBPKI.
func (*ReporterKBPKI) Notify ¶
func (r *ReporterKBPKI) Notify(ctx context.Context, notification *keybase1.FSNotification)
Notify implements the Reporter interface for ReporterKBPKI.
TODO: might be useful to get the debug tags out of ctx and store
them in the notifyBuffer as well so that send() can put them back in its context.
func (*ReporterKBPKI) NotifyFavoritesChanged ¶
func (r *ReporterKBPKI) NotifyFavoritesChanged(ctx context.Context)
NotifyFavoritesChanged implements the Reporter interface for ReporterSimple.
func (*ReporterKBPKI) NotifyOverallSyncStatus ¶
func (r *ReporterKBPKI) NotifyOverallSyncStatus( ctx context.Context, status keybase1.FolderSyncStatus)
NotifyOverallSyncStatus implements the Reporter interface for ReporterKBPKI.
func (*ReporterKBPKI) NotifyPathUpdated ¶
func (r *ReporterKBPKI) NotifyPathUpdated(ctx context.Context, path string)
NotifyPathUpdated implements the Reporter interface for ReporterKBPKI.
TODO: might be useful to get the debug tags out of ctx and store
them in the notifyPathBuffer as well so that send() can put them back in its context.
func (*ReporterKBPKI) NotifySyncStatus ¶
func (r *ReporterKBPKI) NotifySyncStatus(ctx context.Context, status *keybase1.FSPathSyncStatus)
NotifySyncStatus implements the Reporter interface for ReporterKBPKI.
TODO: might be useful to get the debug tags out of ctx and store
them in the notifyBuffer as well so that send() can put them back in its context.
func (*ReporterKBPKI) OnlineStatusChanged ¶
func (r *ReporterKBPKI) OnlineStatusChanged(ctx context.Context, online bool)
OnlineStatusChanged notifies the service (and eventually GUI) when we detected we are connected to or disconnected from mdserver.
func (*ReporterKBPKI) ReportErr ¶
func (r *ReporterKBPKI) ReportErr(ctx context.Context, tlfName tlf.CanonicalName, t tlf.Type, mode ErrorModeType, err error)
ReportErr implements the Reporter interface for ReporterKBPKI.
func (*ReporterKBPKI) Shutdown ¶
func (r *ReporterKBPKI) Shutdown()
Shutdown implements the Reporter interface for ReporterKBPKI.
type ReporterSimple ¶
type ReporterSimple struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ReporterSimple remembers the last maxErrors errors, or all errors if maxErrors < 1.
func NewReporterSimple ¶
func NewReporterSimple(clock Clock, maxErrors int) *ReporterSimple
NewReporterSimple creates a new ReporterSimple.
func (*ReporterSimple) AllKnownErrors ¶
func (r *ReporterSimple) AllKnownErrors() []ReportedError
AllKnownErrors implements the Reporter interface for ReporterSimple.
func (*ReporterSimple) Notify ¶
func (r *ReporterSimple) Notify(_ context.Context, _ *keybase1.FSNotification)
Notify implements the Reporter interface for ReporterSimple.
func (*ReporterSimple) NotifyFavoritesChanged ¶
func (r *ReporterSimple) NotifyFavoritesChanged(_ context.Context)
NotifyFavoritesChanged implements the Reporter interface for ReporterSimple.
func (*ReporterSimple) NotifyOverallSyncStatus ¶
func (r *ReporterSimple) NotifyOverallSyncStatus( _ context.Context, _ keybase1.FolderSyncStatus)
NotifyOverallSyncStatus implements the Reporter interface for ReporterSimple.
func (*ReporterSimple) NotifyPathUpdated ¶
func (r *ReporterSimple) NotifyPathUpdated(_ context.Context, _ string)
NotifyPathUpdated implements the Reporter interface for ReporterSimple.
func (*ReporterSimple) NotifySyncStatus ¶
func (r *ReporterSimple) NotifySyncStatus(_ context.Context, _ *keybase1.FSPathSyncStatus)
NotifySyncStatus implements the Reporter interface for ReporterSimple.
func (*ReporterSimple) OnlineStatusChanged ¶
func (r *ReporterSimple) OnlineStatusChanged(_ context.Context, online bool)
OnlineStatusChanged implements the Reporter interface for ReporterSimple.
func (*ReporterSimple) ReportErr ¶
func (r *ReporterSimple) ReportErr(ctx context.Context, _ tlf.CanonicalName, _ tlf.Type, _ ErrorModeType, err error)
ReportErr implements the Reporter interface for ReporterSimple.
func (*ReporterSimple) Shutdown ¶
func (r *ReporterSimple) Shutdown()
Shutdown implements the Reporter interface for ReporterSimple.
type RevGarbageCollectedError ¶
type RevGarbageCollectedError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
RevGarbageCollectedError indicates that the user is trying to access a revision that's already been garbage-collected.
func (RevGarbageCollectedError) Error ¶
func (e RevGarbageCollectedError) Error() string
Error implements the Error interface for RevGarbageCollectedError.
type RevokedDeviceVerificationError ¶
type RevokedDeviceVerificationError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
RevokedDeviceVerificationError indicates that the user is trying to verify a key that has been revoked. It includes useful information about the revocation, so the code receiving the error can check if the device was valid at the time of the data being checked.
func (RevokedDeviceVerificationError) Error ¶
func (e RevokedDeviceVerificationError) Error() string
Error implements the Error interface for RevokedDeviceVerificationError.
type RootMetadata ¶
type RootMetadata struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
A RootMetadata is a BareRootMetadata but with a deserialized PrivateMetadata. However, note that it is possible that the PrivateMetadata has to be left serialized due to not having the right keys.
func (*RootMetadata) AddDiskUsage ¶
func (md *RootMetadata) AddDiskUsage(diskUsage uint64)
AddDiskUsage wraps the respective method of the underlying BareRootMetadata for convenience.
func (*RootMetadata) AddKeyGeneration ¶
func (md *RootMetadata) AddKeyGeneration(codec kbfscodec.Codec, wKeys, rKeys kbfsmd.UserDevicePublicKeys, ePubKey kbfscrypto.TLFEphemeralPublicKey, ePrivKey kbfscrypto.TLFEphemeralPrivateKey, pubKey kbfscrypto.TLFPublicKey, privKey kbfscrypto.TLFPrivateKey, currCryptKey, nextCryptKey kbfscrypto.TLFCryptKey) ( serverHalves kbfsmd.UserDeviceKeyServerHalves, err error)
AddKeyGeneration adds a new key generation to this revision of metadata.
func (*RootMetadata) AddMDDiskUsage ¶
func (md *RootMetadata) AddMDDiskUsage(mdDiskUsage uint64)
AddMDDiskUsage wraps the respective method of the underlying BareRootMetadata for convenience.
func (*RootMetadata) AddMDRefBytes ¶
func (md *RootMetadata) AddMDRefBytes(mdRefBytes uint64)
AddMDRefBytes wraps the respective method of the underlying BareRootMetadata for convenience.
func (*RootMetadata) AddOp ¶
func (md *RootMetadata) AddOp(o op)
AddOp starts a new operation for this MD update. Subsequent AddRefBlock, AddUnrefBlock, and AddUpdate calls will be applied to this operation.
func (*RootMetadata) AddRefBlock ¶
func (md *RootMetadata) AddRefBlock(info data.BlockInfo)
AddRefBlock adds the newly-referenced block to the add block change list.
func (*RootMetadata) AddRefBytes ¶
func (md *RootMetadata) AddRefBytes(refBytes uint64)
AddRefBytes wraps the respective method of the underlying BareRootMetadata for convenience.
func (*RootMetadata) AddUnrefBlock ¶
func (md *RootMetadata) AddUnrefBlock(info data.BlockInfo)
AddUnrefBlock adds the newly-unreferenced block to the add block change list.
func (*RootMetadata) AddUnrefBytes ¶
func (md *RootMetadata) AddUnrefBytes(unrefBytes uint64)
AddUnrefBytes wraps the respective method of the underlying BareRootMetadata for convenience.
func (*RootMetadata) AddUpdate ¶
func (md *RootMetadata) AddUpdate(oldInfo data.BlockInfo, newInfo data.BlockInfo)
AddUpdate adds the newly-updated block to the add block change list.
func (*RootMetadata) BID ¶
func (md *RootMetadata) BID() kbfsmd.BranchID
BID wraps the respective method of the underlying BareRootMetadata for convenience.
func (*RootMetadata) ClearBlockChanges ¶
func (md *RootMetadata) ClearBlockChanges()
ClearBlockChanges resets the block change lists to empty for this RootMetadata.
func (*RootMetadata) Data ¶
func (md *RootMetadata) Data() *PrivateMetadata
Data returns the private metadata of this RootMetadata.
func (*RootMetadata) DiskUsage ¶
func (md *RootMetadata) DiskUsage() uint64
DiskUsage wraps the respective method of the underlying BareRootMetadata for convenience.
func (*RootMetadata) Extra ¶
func (md *RootMetadata) Extra() kbfsmd.ExtraMetadata
Extra returns the extra metadata of this RootMetadata.
func (*RootMetadata) GetBareRootMetadata ¶
func (md *RootMetadata) GetBareRootMetadata() kbfsmd.RootMetadata
GetBareRootMetadata returns an interface to the underlying serializeable metadata.
func (*RootMetadata) GetHistoricTLFCryptKey ¶
func (md *RootMetadata) GetHistoricTLFCryptKey( codec kbfscodec.Codec, keyGen kbfsmd.KeyGen, currentKey kbfscrypto.TLFCryptKey) (kbfscrypto.TLFCryptKey, error)
GetHistoricTLFCryptKey implements the KeyMetadata interface for RootMetadata.
func (*RootMetadata) GetRootDirEntry ¶
func (md *RootMetadata) GetRootDirEntry() data.DirEntry
GetRootDirEntry implements the KeyMetadataWithRootDirEntry interface for RootMetadata.
func (*RootMetadata) GetSerializedPrivateMetadata ¶
func (md *RootMetadata) GetSerializedPrivateMetadata() []byte
GetSerializedPrivateMetadata wraps the respective method of the underlying BareRootMetadata for convenience.
func (*RootMetadata) GetSerializedWriterMetadata ¶
func (md *RootMetadata) GetSerializedWriterMetadata( codec kbfscodec.Codec) ([]byte, error)
GetSerializedWriterMetadata wraps the respective method of the underlying BareRootMetadata for convenience.
func (*RootMetadata) GetTLFCryptKeyParams ¶
func (md *RootMetadata) GetTLFCryptKeyParams( keyGen kbfsmd.KeyGen, user keybase1.UID, key kbfscrypto.CryptPublicKey) ( kbfscrypto.TLFEphemeralPublicKey, kbfscrypto.EncryptedTLFCryptKeyClientHalf, kbfscrypto.TLFCryptKeyServerHalfID, bool, error)
GetTLFCryptKeyParams wraps the respective method of the underlying BareRootMetadata for convenience.
func (*RootMetadata) GetTLFReaderKeyBundleID ¶
func (md *RootMetadata) GetTLFReaderKeyBundleID() kbfsmd.TLFReaderKeyBundleID
GetTLFReaderKeyBundleID returns the ID of the externally-stored reader key bundle, or the zero value if this object stores it internally.
func (*RootMetadata) GetTLFWriterKeyBundleID ¶
func (md *RootMetadata) GetTLFWriterKeyBundleID() kbfsmd.TLFWriterKeyBundleID
GetTLFWriterKeyBundleID returns the ID of the externally-stored writer key bundle, or the zero value if this object stores it internally.
func (*RootMetadata) GetTlfHandle ¶
func (md *RootMetadata) GetTlfHandle() *tlfhandle.Handle
GetTlfHandle returns the TlfHandle for this RootMetadata.
func (*RootMetadata) HasKeyForUser ¶
func (md *RootMetadata) HasKeyForUser(user keybase1.UID) ( bool, error)
HasKeyForUser wraps the respective method of the underlying BareRootMetadata for convenience.
func (*RootMetadata) IsFinal ¶
func (md *RootMetadata) IsFinal() bool
IsFinal wraps the respective method of the underlying BareRootMetadata for convenience.
func (*RootMetadata) IsInitialized ¶
func (md *RootMetadata) IsInitialized() bool
IsInitialized returns whether or not this RootMetadata has been initialized
func (*RootMetadata) IsReadable ¶
func (md *RootMetadata) IsReadable() bool
IsReadable returns true if the private metadata can be read.
func (*RootMetadata) IsReader ¶
func (md *RootMetadata) IsReader( ctx context.Context, checker kbfsmd.TeamMembershipChecker, osg idutil.OfflineStatusGetter, uid keybase1.UID) (bool, error)
IsReader checks that the given user is a valid reader of the TLF right now.
func (*RootMetadata) IsRekeySet ¶
func (md *RootMetadata) IsRekeySet() bool
IsRekeySet wraps the respective method of the underlying BareRootMetadata for convenience.
func (*RootMetadata) IsUnmergedSet ¶
func (md *RootMetadata) IsUnmergedSet() bool
IsUnmergedSet wraps the respective method of the underlying BareRootMetadata for convenience.
func (*RootMetadata) IsWriter ¶
func (md *RootMetadata) IsWriter( ctx context.Context, checker kbfsmd.TeamMembershipChecker, osg idutil.OfflineStatusGetter, uid keybase1.UID, verifyingKey kbfscrypto.VerifyingKey) (bool, error)
IsWriter checks that the given user is a valid writer of the TLF right now. Implements the KeyMetadata interface for RootMetadata.
func (*RootMetadata) IsWriterMetadataCopiedSet ¶
func (md *RootMetadata) IsWriterMetadataCopiedSet() bool
IsWriterMetadataCopiedSet wraps the respective method of the underlying BareRootMetadata for convenience.
func (*RootMetadata) KeyGenerationsToUpdate ¶
func (md *RootMetadata) KeyGenerationsToUpdate() (kbfsmd.KeyGen, kbfsmd.KeyGen)
KeyGenerationsToUpdate wraps the respective method of the underlying BareRootMetadata for convenience.
func (*RootMetadata) LastModifyingUser ¶
func (md *RootMetadata) LastModifyingUser() keybase1.UID
LastModifyingUser wraps the respective method of the underlying BareRootMetadata for convenience.
func (*RootMetadata) LastModifyingWriter ¶
func (md *RootMetadata) LastModifyingWriter() keybase1.UID
LastModifyingWriter wraps the respective method of the underlying BareRootMetadata for convenience.
func (*RootMetadata) LatestKeyGeneration ¶
func (md *RootMetadata) LatestKeyGeneration() kbfsmd.KeyGen
LatestKeyGeneration wraps the respective method of the underlying BareRootMetadata for convenience.
func (*RootMetadata) MDDiskUsage ¶
func (md *RootMetadata) MDDiskUsage() uint64
MDDiskUsage wraps the respective method of the underlying BareRootMetadata for convenience.
func (*RootMetadata) MDRefBytes ¶
func (md *RootMetadata) MDRefBytes() uint64
MDRefBytes wraps the respective method of the underlying BareRootMetadata for convenience.
func (*RootMetadata) MakeBareTlfHandle ¶
func (md *RootMetadata) MakeBareTlfHandle() (tlf.Handle, error)
MakeBareTlfHandle makes a BareTlfHandle for this RootMetadata. Should be used only by servers and MDOps.
func (*RootMetadata) MakeSuccessor ¶
func (md *RootMetadata) MakeSuccessor( ctx context.Context, latestMDVer kbfsmd.MetadataVer, codec kbfscodec.Codec, keyManager KeyManager, merkleGetter idutil.MerkleRootGetter, teamKeyer teamKeysGetter, osg idutil.OfflineStatusGetter, mdID kbfsmd.ID, isWriter bool) (*RootMetadata, error)
MakeSuccessor returns a complete copy of this RootMetadata (but with cleared block change lists and cleared serialized metadata), with the revision incremented and a correct backpointer.
func (*RootMetadata) MakeSuccessorWithNewHandle ¶
func (md *RootMetadata) MakeSuccessorWithNewHandle( ctx context.Context, newHandle *tlfhandle.Handle, latestMDVer kbfsmd.MetadataVer, codec kbfscodec.Codec, keyManager KeyManager, merkleGetter idutil.MerkleRootGetter, teamKeyer teamKeysGetter, osg idutil.OfflineStatusGetter, mdID kbfsmd.ID, isWriter bool) ( *RootMetadata, error)
MakeSuccessorWithNewHandle does the same thing as MakeSuccessor, plus it changes the handle. (The caller is responsible for ensuring that the handle change is valid.)
func (*RootMetadata) MergedStatus ¶
func (md *RootMetadata) MergedStatus() kbfsmd.MergeStatus
MergedStatus wraps the respective method of the underlying BareRootMetadata for convenience.
func (*RootMetadata) PrevRoot ¶
func (md *RootMetadata) PrevRoot() kbfsmd.ID
PrevRoot wraps the respective method of the underlying BareRootMetadata for convenience.
func (*RootMetadata) ReadOnly ¶
func (md *RootMetadata) ReadOnly() ReadOnlyRootMetadata
ReadOnly makes a ReadOnlyRootMetadata from the current *RootMetadata.
func (*RootMetadata) RefBytes ¶
func (md *RootMetadata) RefBytes() uint64
RefBytes wraps the respective method of the underlying BareRootMetadata for convenience.
func (*RootMetadata) Revision ¶
func (md *RootMetadata) Revision() kbfsmd.Revision
Revision wraps the respective method of the underlying BareRootMetadata for convenience.
func (*RootMetadata) SetBranchID ¶
func (md *RootMetadata) SetBranchID(bid kbfsmd.BranchID)
SetBranchID wraps the respective method of the underlying BareRootMetadata for convenience.
func (*RootMetadata) SetConflictInfo ¶
func (md *RootMetadata) SetConflictInfo(ci *tlf.HandleExtension)
SetConflictInfo wraps the respective method of the underlying BareRootMetadata for convenience.
func (*RootMetadata) SetDiskUsage ¶
func (md *RootMetadata) SetDiskUsage(diskUsage uint64)
SetDiskUsage wraps the respective method of the underlying BareRootMetadata for convenience.
func (*RootMetadata) SetFinalBit ¶
func (md *RootMetadata) SetFinalBit()
SetFinalBit wraps the respective method of the underlying BareRootMetadata for convenience.
func (*RootMetadata) SetFinalizedInfo ¶
func (md *RootMetadata) SetFinalizedInfo(fi *tlf.HandleExtension)
SetFinalizedInfo wraps the respective method of the underlying BareRootMetadata for convenience.
func (*RootMetadata) SetLastGCRevision ¶
func (md *RootMetadata) SetLastGCRevision(rev kbfsmd.Revision)
SetLastGCRevision sets the last revision up to and including which garbage collection was performed on this TLF.
func (*RootMetadata) SetLastModifyingUser ¶
func (md *RootMetadata) SetLastModifyingUser(user keybase1.UID)
SetLastModifyingUser wraps the respective method of the underlying BareRootMetadata for convenience.
func (*RootMetadata) SetLastModifyingWriter ¶
func (md *RootMetadata) SetLastModifyingWriter(user keybase1.UID)
SetLastModifyingWriter wraps the respective method of the underlying BareRootMetadata for convenience.
func (*RootMetadata) SetMDDiskUsage ¶
func (md *RootMetadata) SetMDDiskUsage(mdDiskUsage uint64)
SetMDDiskUsage wraps the respective method of the underlying BareRootMetadata for convenience.
func (*RootMetadata) SetMDRefBytes ¶
func (md *RootMetadata) SetMDRefBytes(mdRefBytes uint64)
SetMDRefBytes wraps the respective method of the underlying BareRootMetadata for convenience.
func (*RootMetadata) SetPrevRoot ¶
func (md *RootMetadata) SetPrevRoot(mdID kbfsmd.ID)
SetPrevRoot wraps the respective method of the underlying BareRootMetadata for convenience.
func (*RootMetadata) SetRefBytes ¶
func (md *RootMetadata) SetRefBytes(refBytes uint64)
SetRefBytes wraps the respective method of the underlying BareRootMetadata for convenience.
func (*RootMetadata) SetRekeyBit ¶
func (md *RootMetadata) SetRekeyBit()
SetRekeyBit wraps the respective method of the underlying BareRootMetadata for convenience.
func (*RootMetadata) SetRevision ¶
func (md *RootMetadata) SetRevision(revision kbfsmd.Revision)
SetRevision wraps the respective method of the underlying BareRootMetadata for convenience.
func (*RootMetadata) SetSerializedPrivateMetadata ¶
func (md *RootMetadata) SetSerializedPrivateMetadata(spmd []byte)
SetSerializedPrivateMetadata wraps the respective method of the underlying BareRootMetadata for convenience.
func (*RootMetadata) SetTlfID ¶
func (md *RootMetadata) SetTlfID(tlf tlf.ID)
SetTlfID wraps the respective method of the underlying BareRootMetadata for convenience.
func (*RootMetadata) SetUnmerged ¶
func (md *RootMetadata) SetUnmerged()
SetUnmerged wraps the respective method of the underlying BareRootMetadata for convenience.
func (*RootMetadata) SetUnrefBytes ¶
func (md *RootMetadata) SetUnrefBytes(unrefBytes uint64)
SetUnrefBytes wraps the respective method of the underlying BareRootMetadata for convenience.
func (*RootMetadata) SetUnresolvedReaders ¶
func (md *RootMetadata) SetUnresolvedReaders(readers []keybase1.SocialAssertion)
SetUnresolvedReaders wraps the respective method of the underlying BareRootMetadata for convenience.
func (*RootMetadata) SetUnresolvedWriters ¶
func (md *RootMetadata) SetUnresolvedWriters(writers []keybase1.SocialAssertion)
SetUnresolvedWriters wraps the respective method of the underlying BareRootMetadata for convenience.
func (*RootMetadata) SetWriterMetadataCopiedBit ¶
func (md *RootMetadata) SetWriterMetadataCopiedBit()
SetWriterMetadataCopiedBit wraps the respective method of the underlying BareRootMetadata for convenience.
func (*RootMetadata) SetWriters ¶
func (md *RootMetadata) SetWriters(writers []keybase1.UserOrTeamID)
SetWriters wraps the respective method of the underlying BareRootMetadata for convenience.
func (*RootMetadata) StoresHistoricTLFCryptKeys ¶
func (md *RootMetadata) StoresHistoricTLFCryptKeys() bool
StoresHistoricTLFCryptKeys implements the KeyMetadata interface for RootMetadata.
func (*RootMetadata) TlfID ¶
func (md *RootMetadata) TlfID() tlf.ID
TlfID wraps the respective method of the underlying BareRootMetadata for convenience.
func (*RootMetadata) TypeForKeying ¶
func (md *RootMetadata) TypeForKeying() tlf.KeyingType
TypeForKeying returns the keying type for the RootMetadata.
func (*RootMetadata) UnrefBytes ¶
func (md *RootMetadata) UnrefBytes() uint64
UnrefBytes wraps the respective method of the underlying BareRootMetadata for convenience.
func (*RootMetadata) Version ¶
func (md *RootMetadata) Version() kbfsmd.MetadataVer
Version returns the underlying BareRootMetadata version.
type RootMetadataSigned ¶
type RootMetadataSigned struct { kbfsmd.RootMetadataSigned // contains filtered or unexported fields }
RootMetadataSigned is a wrapper around kbfsmd.RootMetadataSigned that adds an untrusted server timestamp.
func DecodeRootMetadataSigned ¶
func DecodeRootMetadataSigned( codec kbfscodec.Codec, tlf tlf.ID, ver, max kbfsmd.MetadataVer, buf []byte, untrustedServerTimestamp time.Time) ( *RootMetadataSigned, error)
DecodeRootMetadataSigned deserializes a metadata block into the specified versioned structure.
func SignBareRootMetadata ¶
func SignBareRootMetadata( ctx context.Context, codec kbfscodec.Codec, rootMetadataSigner, writerMetadataSigner kbfscrypto.Signer, md kbfsmd.RootMetadata, untrustedServerTimestamp time.Time) ( *RootMetadataSigned, error)
SignBareRootMetadata signs the given BareRootMetadata and returns a *RootMetadataSigned object. rootMetadataSigner and writerMetadataSigner should be the same, except in tests.
func (*RootMetadataSigned) MakeFinalCopy ¶
func (rmds *RootMetadataSigned) MakeFinalCopy( codec kbfscodec.Codec, now time.Time, finalizedInfo *tlf.HandleExtension) (*RootMetadataSigned, error)
MakeFinalCopy returns a complete copy of this RootMetadataSigned with the revision incremented and the final bit set.
type SettingsDB ¶
type SettingsDB struct { *LevelDb // contains filtered or unexported fields }
SettingsDB stores KBFS user settings for a given device.
func (*SettingsDB) Get ¶
func (db *SettingsDB) Get(key []byte, ro *opt.ReadOptions) ([]byte, error)
Get overrides (*LevelDb).Get to cache values in memory.
func (*SettingsDB) Put ¶
func (db *SettingsDB) Put(key []byte, val []byte, wo *opt.WriteOptions) error
Put overrides (*LevelDb).Put to cache values in memory.
func (*SettingsDB) SetNotificationThreshold ¶
func (db *SettingsDB) SetNotificationThreshold( ctx context.Context, threshold int64) error
SetNotificationThreshold sets the notification threshold setting for the logged-in user.
func (*SettingsDB) Settings ¶
func (db *SettingsDB) Settings(ctx context.Context) (keybase1.FSSettings, error)
Settings returns the logged-in user's settings as a keybase1.FSSettings.
type SharedKeybaseTransport ¶
type SharedKeybaseTransport struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
SharedKeybaseTransport is a ConnectionTransport implementation that uses a shared local socket to a keybase daemon.
func (*SharedKeybaseTransport) Close ¶
func (kt *SharedKeybaseTransport) Close()
Close is an implementation of the ConnectionTransport interface.
func (*SharedKeybaseTransport) Dial ¶
func (kt *SharedKeybaseTransport) Dial(ctx context.Context) ( rpc.Transporter, error)
Dial is an implementation of the ConnectionTransport interface.
func (*SharedKeybaseTransport) Finalize ¶
func (kt *SharedKeybaseTransport) Finalize()
Finalize is an implementation of the ConnectionTransport interface.
func (*SharedKeybaseTransport) IsConnected ¶
func (kt *SharedKeybaseTransport) IsConnected() bool
IsConnected is an implementation of the ConnectionTransport interface.
type SizeFlag ¶
type SizeFlag struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
SizeFlag is for specifying sizes with the flag package.
type StallableBlockOp ¶
type StallableBlockOp stallableOp
StallableBlockOp defines an Op that is stallable using StallBlockOp
type StallableMDOp ¶
type StallableMDOp stallableOp
StallableMDOp defines an Op that is stallable using StallMDOp
type StateChecker ¶
type StateChecker struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
StateChecker verifies that the server-side state for KBFS is consistent. Useful mostly for testing because it isn't scalable and loads all the state in memory.
func NewStateChecker ¶
func NewStateChecker(config Config) *StateChecker
NewStateChecker returns a new StateChecker instance.
func (*StateChecker) CheckMergedState ¶
CheckMergedState verifies that the state for the given tlf is consistent.
type StatusUpdate ¶
type StatusUpdate struct{}
StatusUpdate is a dummy type used to indicate status has been updated.
type Subscriber ¶
type Subscriber interface { // SubscribePath subscribes to changes about path, when topic happens. SubscribePath( ctx context.Context, subscriptionID SubscriptionID, path string, topic keybase1.PathSubscriptionTopic, deduplicateInterval *time.Duration) error // SubscribeNonPath subscribes to changes when topic happens. SubscribeNonPath(ctx context.Context, subscriptionID SubscriptionID, topic keybase1.SubscriptionTopic, deduplicateInterval *time.Duration) error // Unsubscribe unsubscribes a previsous subscription. The subscriptionID // should be the same as when caller subscribed. Otherwise, it's a no-op. Unsubscribe(context.Context, SubscriptionID) }
Subscriber defines a type that can be used to subscribe to different topic.
The two Subscribe methods are for path and non-path subscriptions respectively. Notes on some common arguments:
- subscriptionID needs to be unique among all subscriptions that happens with this process. A UUID or even just a timestamp might work. If duplicate subscriptionIDs are used, an error is returned.
- Optionally a deduplicateInterval can be used. When this arg is set, we debounce the events so it doesn't send more frequently than the interval. If deduplicateInterval is not set, i.e. nil, no deduplication is done and all events will be delivered.
type SubscriptionManager ¶
type SubscriptionManager interface { // Subscriber returns a new subscriber. All subscriptions made on this // subscriber causes notifications sent through the give notifier here. Subscriber(SubscriptionNotifier) Subscriber // Shutdown shuts the subscription manager down. Shutdown(ctx context.Context) }
SubscriptionManager manages subscriptions. Use the Subscriber interface to subscribe and unsubscribe. Multiple subscribers can be used with the same SubscriptionManager.
type SubscriptionManagerPublisher ¶
type SubscriptionManagerPublisher interface {
PublishChange(topic keybase1.SubscriptionTopic)
SubscriptionManagerPublisher associates with one SubscriptionManager, and is used to publish changes to subscribers mangaged by it.
type SubscriptionNotifier ¶
type SubscriptionNotifier interface { // OnPathChange notifies about a change that's related to a specific path. OnPathChange(subscriptionID SubscriptionID, path string, topic keybase1.PathSubscriptionTopic) // OnNonPathChange notifies about a change that's not related to a specific path. OnNonPathChange(subscriptionID SubscriptionID, topic keybase1.SubscriptionTopic) }
SubscriptionNotifier defines a group of methods for notifying about changes on subscribed topics.
type TLFJournalBackgroundWorkStatus ¶
type TLFJournalBackgroundWorkStatus int
TLFJournalBackgroundWorkStatus indicates whether a journal should be doing background work or not.
const ( // TLFJournalBackgroundWorkPaused indicates that the journal // should not currently be doing background work. TLFJournalBackgroundWorkPaused TLFJournalBackgroundWorkStatus = iota // TLFJournalBackgroundWorkEnabled indicates that the journal // should be doing background work. TLFJournalBackgroundWorkEnabled // TLFJournalSingleOpBackgroundWorkEnabled indicates that the // journal should make all of its work visible to other readers as // a single operation. That means blocks may be uploaded as they // come in, but MDs must be squashed together and only one MD // update total should be uploaded. The end of the operation will // be indicated by an explicit call to // `tlfJournal.finishSingleOp`. // // Note that this is an explicit per-TLF setting, rather than // taken from `Config.Mode()`, in case we find it useful in the // future to be able to turn this on for individual TLFs running // in normal KBFS mode. TLFJournalSingleOpBackgroundWorkEnabled )
func (TLFJournalBackgroundWorkStatus) String ¶
func (bws TLFJournalBackgroundWorkStatus) String() string
type TLFJournalStatus ¶
type TLFJournalStatus struct { Dir string RevisionStart kbfsmd.Revision RevisionEnd kbfsmd.Revision BranchID string BlockOpCount uint64 // The byte counters below are signed because // os.FileInfo.Size() is signed. The file counter is signed // for consistency. StoredBytes int64 StoredFiles int64 UnflushedBytes int64 UnflushedPaths []string EndEstimate *time.Time QuotaUsedBytes int64 QuotaLimitBytes int64 LastFlushErr string `json:",omitempty"` }
TLFJournalStatus represents the status of a TLF's journal for display in diagnostics. It is suitable for encoding directly as JSON.
type TLFUpdateHistory ¶
type TLFUpdateHistory struct { ID string Name string Updates []UpdateSummary }
TLFUpdateHistory gives all the summaries of all updates in a TLF's history.
type TimeoutError ¶
type TimeoutError struct { }
TimeoutError is just a replacement for context.DeadlineExceeded with a more friendly error string.
func (TimeoutError) Error ¶
func (e TimeoutError) Error() string
type TlfAccessError ¶
TlfAccessError that the user tried to perform an unpermitted operation on a top-level folder.
func (TlfAccessError) Error ¶
func (e TlfAccessError) Error() string
Error implements the error interface for TlfAccessError
type TooLowByteCountError ¶
TooLowByteCountError indicates that size of a block is smaller than the expected size.
func (TooLowByteCountError) Error ¶
func (e TooLowByteCountError) Error() string
Error implements the error interface for TooLowByteCountError
type Tracer ¶
type Tracer interface { // MaybeStartTrace, if tracing is on, returns a new context // based on the given one with an attached trace made with the // given family and title. Otherwise, it returns the given // context unchanged. MaybeStartTrace(ctx context.Context, family, title string) context.Context // MaybeFinishTrace, finishes the trace attached to the given // context, if any. MaybeFinishTrace(ctx context.Context, err error) }
Tracer maybe adds traces to contexts.
type UnexpectedUnmergedPutError ¶
type UnexpectedUnmergedPutError struct { }
UnexpectedUnmergedPutError indicates that we tried to do an unmerged put when that was disallowed.
func (UnexpectedUnmergedPutError) Error ¶
func (e UnexpectedUnmergedPutError) Error() string
Error implements the error interface for UnexpectedUnmergedPutError
type UnmergedError ¶
type UnmergedError struct { }
UnmergedError indicates that fbo is on an unmerged local revision
func (UnmergedError) Error ¶
func (e UnmergedError) Error() string
Error implements the error interface for UnmergedError.
type UnmergedSelfConflictError ¶
type UnmergedSelfConflictError struct {
Err error
UnmergedSelfConflictError indicates that we hit a conflict on the unmerged branch, so a previous MD PutUnmerged we thought had failed, had actually succeeded.
func (UnmergedSelfConflictError) Error ¶
func (e UnmergedSelfConflictError) Error() string
Error implements the error interface for UnmergedSelfConflictError.
type UnsupportedOpInUnlinkedDirError ¶
type UnsupportedOpInUnlinkedDirError struct {
Dirpath string
UnsupportedOpInUnlinkedDirError indicates an error when trying to create a file.
func (UnsupportedOpInUnlinkedDirError) Error ¶
func (e UnsupportedOpInUnlinkedDirError) Error() string
Error implements the error interface for UnsupportedOpInUnlinkedDirError.
type UnverifiableTlfUpdateError ¶
type UnverifiableTlfUpdateError struct { Tlf string User kbname.NormalizedUsername Err error }
UnverifiableTlfUpdateError indicates that a MD update could not be verified.
func (UnverifiableTlfUpdateError) Error ¶
func (e UnverifiableTlfUpdateError) Error() string
Error implements the error interface for UnverifiableTlfUpdateError.
type UpdateSummary ¶
type UpdateSummary struct { Revision kbfsmd.Revision Date time.Time Writer string LiveBytes uint64 // the "DiskUsage" for the TLF as of this revision Ops []OpSummary RootBlockID string }
UpdateSummary describes the operations done by a single MD revision.
type VerifyingKeyNotFoundError ¶
type VerifyingKeyNotFoundError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
VerifyingKeyNotFoundError indicates that a verifying key matching the given one couldn't be found.
func (VerifyingKeyNotFoundError) Error ¶
func (e VerifyingKeyNotFoundError) Error() string
type Warninger ¶
type Warninger interface {
Warning(format string, args ...interface{})
Warninger is an interface that only waprs the Warning method.
type WrapError ¶
type WrapError struct {
Err error
WrapError simply wraps an error in a fmt.Stringer interface, so that it can be reported.
type WriteRange ¶
type WriteRange struct { Off uint64 `codec:"o"` Len uint64 `codec:"l,omitempty"` // 0 for truncates codec.UnknownFieldSetHandler }
WriteRange represents a file modification. Len is 0 for a truncate.
func (WriteRange) Affects ¶
func (w WriteRange) Affects(other WriteRange) bool
Affects returns true if the regions affected by this write operation and `other` overlap in some way. Specifically, it returns true if:
- both operations are writes and their write ranges overlap;
- one operation is a write and one is a truncate, and the truncate is within the write's range or before it; or
- both operations are truncates.
func (WriteRange) End ¶
func (w WriteRange) End() uint64
End returns the index of the largest byte not affected by this write. It only makes sense to call this for non-truncates.
type WriteToReadonlyNodeError ¶
type WriteToReadonlyNodeError struct {
Filename string
WriteToReadonlyNodeError indicates an error when trying to write a node that's marked as read-only.
func (WriteToReadonlyNodeError) Error ¶
func (e WriteToReadonlyNodeError) Error() string
Error implements the error interface for WriteToReadonlyNodeError
type WriteUnsupportedError ¶
type WriteUnsupportedError struct {
Filename string
WriteUnsupportedError indicates an error when trying to write a file
func (WriteUnsupportedError) Error ¶
func (e WriteUnsupportedError) Error() string
Error implements the error interface for WriteUnsupportedError
type WriterDeviceDateConflictRenamer ¶
type WriterDeviceDateConflictRenamer struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
WriterDeviceDateConflictRenamer renames a file using a username, device name, and date.
func (WriterDeviceDateConflictRenamer) ConflictRename ¶
func (cr WriterDeviceDateConflictRenamer) ConflictRename( ctx context.Context, op op, original string) (string, error)
ConflictRename implements the ConflictRename interface for TimeAndWriterConflictRenamer.
func (WriterDeviceDateConflictRenamer) ConflictRenameHelper ¶
func (WriterDeviceDateConflictRenamer) ConflictRenameHelper(t time.Time, user, device, original string) string
ConflictRenameHelper is a helper for ConflictRename especially useful from tests.
type WrongOpsError ¶
type WrongOpsError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
WrongOpsError indicates that an unexpected path got passed into a FolderBranchOps instance
func (WrongOpsError) Error ¶
func (e WrongOpsError) Error() string
Error implements the error interface for WrongOpsError.
type XattrStore ¶
type XattrStore interface { // GetXattr looks for and returns the Xattr value of xattrType for blockID // if it's found, and an error whose Cause is ldberrors.ErrNotFound if it's // not found. GetXattr(ctx context.Context, blockID kbfsblock.ID, xattrType XattrType) ([]byte, error) // SetXattr sets xattrType Xattr to xattrValue for blockID. SetXattr(ctx context.Context, blockID kbfsblock.ID, xattrType XattrType, xattrValue []byte) error }
XattrStore defines a type that handles locally stored xattr values by interacting with a BlockMetadataStore.
func NewXattrStoreFromBlockMetadataStore ¶
func NewXattrStoreFromBlockMetadataStore(store BlockMetadataStore) XattrStore
NewXattrStoreFromBlockMetadataStore returns a XattrStore which is a wrapper around the passed in store.
Source Files
- backpressure_disk_limiter.go
- block_disk_store.go
- block_getter.go
- block_journal.go
- block_ops.go
- block_put_state_disk.go
- block_put_state_memory.go
- block_ref_map.go
- block_retrieval_heap.go
- block_retrieval_queue.go
- block_retrieval_worker.go
- block_util.go
- bserver_disk.go
- bserver_error.go
- bserver_measured.go
- bserver_memory.go
- bserver_remote.go
- channels.go
- chat_local.go
- chat_rpc.go
- choosedefaultmount_nix.go
- coalescing_context.go
- config_local.go
- conflict_renamer.go
- conflict_resolver.go
- connection_status.go
- constants.go
- context.go
- count_meter.go
- cr_actions.go
- cr_chains.go
- crypto_client.go
- crypto_client_rpc.go
- crypto_common.go
- crypto_local.go
- data_types.go
- default_blocks_in_mem_cache_64bit.go
- dir_block_map_disk.go
- dir_block_map_memory.go
- dirty_bcache_disk.go
- disk_block_cache.go
- disk_block_cache_helper.go
- disk_block_cache_remote.go
- disk_block_cache_service.go
- disk_block_cache_wrapped.go
- disk_block_metadata_store.go
- disk_journal.go
- disk_limiter.go
- disk_limits_unix.go
- disk_md_cache.go
- disk_quota_cache.go
- errors.go
- favorites.go
- fetch_decider.go
- file_block_map_disk.go
- file_block_map_memory.go
- flag_size.go
- folder_block_manager.go
- folder_block_ops.go
- folder_branch_ops.go
- folder_branch_status.go
- folder_update_prepper.go
- impatient_debug_dumper.go
- init.go
- interfaces.go
- journal_block_cache.go
- journal_block_server.go
- journal_dirty_bcache.go
- journal_manager.go
- journal_manager_util.go
- journal_md_ops.go
- kbfs_ops.go
- kbfs_service.go
- kbpki_client.go
- kcache_measured.go
- key_manager.go
- keybase_daemon.go
- keybase_daemon_local.go
- keybase_daemon_rpc.go
- keybase_service_base.go
- keybase_service_measured.go
- keybase_service_util.go
- keycache.go
- leveldb.go
- md_id_journal.go
- md_journal.go
- md_ops.go
- md_util.go
- mdcache.go
- mdserver_disk.go
- mdserver_local_config.go
- mdserver_local_shared.go
- mdserver_memory.go
- mdserver_remote.go
- mdserver_tlf_storage.go
- merkle_checker.go
- merkle_root.go
- meter_snapshot.go
- modes.go
- node.go
- node_cache.go
- observer_list.go
- ongoing_work_limiter.go
- ops.go
- pinger.go
- prefetcher.go
- protected_context.go
- quota_usage.go
- readonly_node.go
- rekey_fsm.go
- rekey_queue.go
- reporter_kbpki.go
- reporter_simple.go
- root_metadata.go
- semaphore_disk_limiter.go
- settings_db.go
- shared_keybase_transport.go
- sigpwr_supported.go
- state_checker.go
- subscription_manager.go
- test_common.go
- test_stallers.go
- tlf_journal.go
- trace_logger.go
- unflushed_path_cache.go
- util.go