Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func AccountProtocol(i AccountInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func ApiserverProtocol(i ApiserverInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func AppStateProtocol(i AppStateInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func AvatarsProtocol(i AvatarsInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func BTCProtocol(i BTCInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func BackendCommonProtocol(i BackendCommonInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func BadgerProtocol(i BadgerInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func BlockProtocol(i BlockInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func CommonProtocol(i CommonInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func ConfigProtocol(i ConfigInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func ConstantsProtocol(i ConstantsInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func CryptoProtocol(i CryptoInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func CryptocurrencyProtocol(i CryptocurrencyInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func CtlProtocol(i CtlInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func DebuggingProtocol(i DebuggingInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func DelegateUiCtlProtocol(i DelegateUiCtlInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func DeviceProtocol(i DeviceInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func EphemeralProtocol(i EphemeralInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func FavoriteProtocol(i FavoriteInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func FormatTime(t Time) string
- func FormatUnixTime(u UnixTime) string
- func FromTime(t Time) time.Time
- func FromUnixTime(u UnixTime) time.Time
- func FsProtocol(i FsInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func GitProtocol(i GitInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func GpgCommonProtocol(i GpgCommonInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func GpgUiProtocol(i GpgUiInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func GregorProtocol(i GregorInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func GregorUIProtocol(i GregorUIInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func HomeProtocol(i HomeInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func HomeUIProtocol(i HomeUIInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func IdentifyCommonProtocol(i IdentifyCommonInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func IdentifyProtocol(i IdentifyInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func IdentifyUiProtocol(i IdentifyUiInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func ImplicitTeamMigrationProtocol(i ImplicitTeamMigrationInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func InstallProtocol(i InstallInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func KBFSGitProtocol(i KBFSGitInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func KbfsCommonProtocol(i KbfsCommonInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func KbfsMountProtocol(i KbfsMountInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func KbfsProtocol(i KbfsInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func Kex2Provisionee2Protocol(i Kex2Provisionee2Interface) rpc.Protocol
- func Kex2ProvisioneeProtocol(i Kex2ProvisioneeInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func Kex2ProvisionerProtocol(i Kex2ProvisionerInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func LogProtocol(i LogInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func LogUiProtocol(i LogUiInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func LoginProtocol(i LoginInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func LoginUiProtocol(i LoginUiInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func LogsendProtocol(i LogsendInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func MerkleProtocol(i MerkleInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func MetadataProtocol(i MetadataInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func MetadataUpdateProtocol(i MetadataUpdateInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func NotifyAppProtocol(i NotifyAppInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func NotifyBadgesProtocol(i NotifyBadgesInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func NotifyCtlProtocol(i NotifyCtlInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func NotifyEphemeralProtocol(i NotifyEphemeralInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func NotifyFSProtocol(i NotifyFSInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func NotifyFSRequestProtocol(i NotifyFSRequestInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func NotifyFavoritesProtocol(i NotifyFavoritesInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func NotifyKeyfamilyProtocol(i NotifyKeyfamilyInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func NotifyPGPProtocol(i NotifyPGPInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func NotifyPaperKeyProtocol(i NotifyPaperKeyInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func NotifyServiceProtocol(i NotifyServiceInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func NotifySessionProtocol(i NotifySessionInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func NotifyTeamProtocol(i NotifyTeamInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func NotifyTrackingProtocol(i NotifyTrackingInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func NotifyUsersProtocol(i NotifyUsersInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func PGPProtocol(i PGPInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func PGPUiProtocol(i PGPUiInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func PaperprovisionProtocol(i PaperprovisionInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func PassphraseCommonProtocol(i PassphraseCommonInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func PprofProtocol(i PprofInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func ProcessProtocol(i ProcessInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func ProveCommonProtocol(i ProveCommonInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func ProveProtocol(i ProveInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func ProveUiProtocol(i ProveUiInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func ProvisionUiProtocol(i ProvisionUiInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func QuotaProtocol(i QuotaInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func Quote(s string) []byte
- func ReachabilityProtocol(i ReachabilityInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func RefNames(refs []GitRefMetadata) string
- func RekeyProtocol(i RekeyInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func RekeyUIProtocol(i RekeyUIInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func ResetProtocol(i ResetInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func RevokeProtocol(i RevokeInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func SaltpackProtocol(i SaltpackInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func SaltpackUiProtocol(i SaltpackUiInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func ScanProofsProtocol(i ScanProofsInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func SecretKeysProtocol(i SecretKeysInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func SecretUiProtocol(i SecretUiInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func SessionProtocol(i SessionInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func SignupProtocol(i SignupInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func SigsProtocol(i SigsInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func SimpleFSProtocol(i SimpleFSInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func StreamUiProtocol(i StreamUiInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func TeamsProtocol(i TeamsInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func TeamsUiProtocol(i TeamsUiInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func TestProtocol(i TestInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func TlfKeysProtocol(i TlfKeysInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func TlfProtocol(i TlfInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func TotalNumberOfCommits(refs []GitRefMetadata) (total int)
- func TrackProtocol(i TrackInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func UPKProtocol(i UPKInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func UiProtocol(i UiInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func Unquote(data []byte) string
- func UnquoteBytes(data []byte) []byte
- func UpdateCommonProtocol(i UpdateCommonInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func UpdateProtocol(i UpdateInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func UpdateUiProtocol(i UpdateUiInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func UserProtocol(i UserInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func WrapError(e error) interface{}
- type APIRes
- type APIStatus
- type AccountClient
- func (c AccountClient) EmailChange(ctx context.Context, __arg EmailChangeArg) (err error)
- func (c AccountClient) HasServerKeys(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (res HasServerKeysRes, err error)
- func (c AccountClient) PassphraseChange(ctx context.Context, __arg PassphraseChangeArg) (err error)
- func (c AccountClient) PassphrasePrompt(ctx context.Context, __arg PassphrasePromptArg) (res GetPassphraseRes, err error)
- func (c AccountClient) ResetAccount(ctx context.Context, __arg ResetAccountArg) (err error)
- type AccountDeleteArg
- type AccountInterface
- type AddReferenceArg
- type AnnotatedMemberInfo
- type AnnotatedTeamInvite
- type AnnotatedTeamList
- type ApiserverClient
- func (c ApiserverClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, __arg DeleteArg) (res APIRes, err error)
- func (c ApiserverClient) Get(ctx context.Context, __arg GetArg) (res APIRes, err error)
- func (c ApiserverClient) GetWithSession(ctx context.Context, __arg GetWithSessionArg) (res APIRes, err error)
- func (c ApiserverClient) Post(ctx context.Context, __arg PostArg) (res APIRes, err error)
- func (c ApiserverClient) PostJSON(ctx context.Context, __arg PostJSONArg) (res APIRes, err error)
- type ApiserverInterface
- type AppExitArg
- type AppState
- type AppStateClient
- type AppStateInterface
- type ArchiveReferenceArg
- type ArchiveReferenceWithCountArg
- type Asset
- type AsyncOps
- type AuthenticateArg
- type AuthenticateSessionArg
- type AvatarClearCacheMsg
- type AvatarFormat
- type AvatarUrl
- type AvatarsClient
- type AvatarsInterface
- type BTCClient
- type BTCInterface
- type BackendCommonClient
- type BackendCommonInterface
- type BadgeConversationInfo
- type BadgeState
- type BadgeStateArg
- type BadgerClient
- type BadgerInterface
- type BinaryKID
- type BlockClient
- func (c BlockClient) AddReference(ctx context.Context, __arg AddReferenceArg) (err error)
- func (c BlockClient) ArchiveReference(ctx context.Context, __arg ArchiveReferenceArg) (res []BlockReference, err error)
- func (c BlockClient) ArchiveReferenceWithCount(ctx context.Context, __arg ArchiveReferenceWithCountArg) (res DowngradeReferenceRes, err error)
- func (c BlockClient) AuthenticateSession(ctx context.Context, signature string) (err error)
- func (c BlockClient) BlockPing(ctx context.Context) (res BlockPingResponse, err error)
- func (c BlockClient) DelReference(ctx context.Context, __arg DelReferenceArg) (err error)
- func (c BlockClient) DelReferenceWithCount(ctx context.Context, __arg DelReferenceWithCountArg) (res DowngradeReferenceRes, err error)
- func (c BlockClient) GetBlock(ctx context.Context, __arg GetBlockArg) (res GetBlockRes, err error)
- func (c BlockClient) GetSessionChallenge(ctx context.Context) (res ChallengeInfo, err error)
- func (c BlockClient) GetTeamQuotaInfo(ctx context.Context, tid TeamID) (res []byte, err error)
- func (c BlockClient) GetUserQuotaInfo(ctx context.Context) (res []byte, err error)
- func (c BlockClient) PutBlock(ctx context.Context, __arg PutBlockArg) (err error)
- func (c BlockClient) PutBlockAgain(ctx context.Context, __arg PutBlockAgainArg) (err error)
- type BlockIdCombo
- type BlockInterface
- type BlockPingArg
- type BlockPingResponse
- type BlockRefNonce
- type BlockReference
- type BlockReferenceCount
- type BlockType
- type BootstrapStatus
- type BoxNonce
- type BoxPublicKey
- type BulkRes
- type ByUserVersionID
- type Bytes32
- type CanUserPerformArg
- type CancelArg
- type CanonicalTLFNameAndIDWithBreaks
- type CanonicalTlfName
- type ChallengeInfo
- type ChatConversationID
- type CheckAPIServerOutOfDateWarningArg
- type CheckDeviceNameForUserArg
- type CheckDeviceNameFormatArg
- type CheckInvitationCodeArg
- type CheckProofArg
- type CheckProofStatus
- type CheckReachabilityArg
- type CheckResult
- type CheckResultFreshness
- type CheckTrackingArg
- type CheckUsernameAvailableArg
- type ChooseDeviceArg
- type ChooseDeviceTypeArg
- type ChooseGPGMethodArg
- type ChooseProvisioningMethodArg
- type ChooseType
- type CiphertextBundle
- type ClearStoredSecretArg
- type ClearValueArg
- type ClientDetails
- type ClientOutOfDateArg
- type ClientType
- type CloseArg
- type CommonClient
- type CommonInterface
- type CompatibilityTeamID
- type CompleteAndCanonicalizePrivateTlfNameArg
- type ComponentResult
- type Config
- type ConfigClient
- func (c ConfigClient) CheckAPIServerOutOfDateWarning(ctx context.Context) (res OutOfDateInfo, err error)
- func (c ConfigClient) ClearValue(ctx context.Context, path string) (err error)
- func (c ConfigClient) GetBootstrapStatus(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (res BootstrapStatus, err error)
- func (c ConfigClient) GetConfig(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (res Config, err error)
- func (c ConfigClient) GetCurrentStatus(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (res GetCurrentStatusRes, err error)
- func (c ConfigClient) GetExtendedStatus(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (res ExtendedStatus, err error)
- func (c ConfigClient) GetRememberPassphrase(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (res bool, err error)
- func (c ConfigClient) GetValue(ctx context.Context, path string) (res ConfigValue, err error)
- func (c ConfigClient) HelloIAm(ctx context.Context, details ClientDetails) (err error)
- func (c ConfigClient) SetPath(ctx context.Context, __arg SetPathArg) (err error)
- func (c ConfigClient) SetRememberPassphrase(ctx context.Context, __arg SetRememberPassphraseArg) (err error)
- func (c ConfigClient) SetUserConfig(ctx context.Context, __arg SetUserConfigArg) (err error)
- func (c ConfigClient) SetValue(ctx context.Context, __arg SetValueArg) (err error)
- func (c ConfigClient) WaitForClient(ctx context.Context, __arg WaitForClientArg) (res bool, err error)
- type ConfigInterface
- type ConfigValue
- type ConfiguredAccount
- type ConfirmArg
- type ConfirmDuplicateKeyChosenArg
- type ConfirmImportSecretToExistingKeyArg
- type ConfirmResult
- type ConfirmRootTeamDeleteArg
- type ConfirmSubteamDeleteArg
- type ConflictGeneration
- type ConstantsClient
- type ConstantsInterface
- type CopyArgs
- type CreatePersonalRepoArg
- type CreateRepoArg
- type CreateTLFArg
- type CreateTeamRepoArg
- type CryptKey
- type CryptKeysArg
- type CryptoClient
- func (c CryptoClient) SignED25519(ctx context.Context, __arg SignED25519Arg) (res ED25519SignatureInfo, err error)
- func (c CryptoClient) SignED25519ForKBFS(ctx context.Context, __arg SignED25519ForKBFSArg) (res ED25519SignatureInfo, err error)
- func (c CryptoClient) SignToString(ctx context.Context, __arg SignToStringArg) (res string, err error)
- func (c CryptoClient) UnboxBytes32(ctx context.Context, __arg UnboxBytes32Arg) (res Bytes32, err error)
- func (c CryptoClient) UnboxBytes32Any(ctx context.Context, __arg UnboxBytes32AnyArg) (res UnboxAnyRes, err error)
- type CryptoInterface
- type Cryptocurrency
- type CryptocurrencyClient
- type CryptocurrencyInterface
- type CsrfToken
- type CtlClient
- func (c CtlClient) AppExit(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (err error)
- func (c CtlClient) DbDelete(ctx context.Context, __arg DbDeleteArg) (err error)
- func (c CtlClient) DbGet(ctx context.Context, __arg DbGetArg) (res *DbValue, err error)
- func (c CtlClient) DbNuke(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (err error)
- func (c CtlClient) DbPut(ctx context.Context, __arg DbPutArg) (err error)
- func (c CtlClient) LogRotate(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (err error)
- func (c CtlClient) Reload(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (err error)
- func (c CtlClient) Stop(ctx context.Context, __arg StopArg) (err error)
- type CtlInterface
- type CurrentSessionArg
- type DbDeleteArg
- type DbGetArg
- type DbKey
- type DbNukeArg
- type DbPutArg
- type DbType
- type DbValue
- type DebugShowRekeyStatusArg
- type DebuggingClient
- func (c DebuggingClient) FirstStep(ctx context.Context, __arg FirstStepArg) (res FirstStepResult, err error)
- func (c DebuggingClient) Increment(ctx context.Context, __arg IncrementArg) (res int, err error)
- func (c DebuggingClient) Script(ctx context.Context, __arg ScriptArg) (res string, err error)
- func (c DebuggingClient) SecondStep(ctx context.Context, __arg SecondStepArg) (res int, err error)
- type DebuggingInterface
- type DelReferenceArg
- type DelReferenceWithCountArg
- type DelegateIdentifyUIArg
- type DelegateRekeyUIArg
- type DelegateUiCtlClient
- func (c DelegateUiCtlClient) RegisterGregorFirehose(ctx context.Context) (err error)
- func (c DelegateUiCtlClient) RegisterGregorFirehoseFiltered(ctx context.Context, systems []string) (err error)
- func (c DelegateUiCtlClient) RegisterHomeUI(ctx context.Context) (err error)
- func (c DelegateUiCtlClient) RegisterIdentifyUI(ctx context.Context) (err error)
- func (c DelegateUiCtlClient) RegisterRekeyUI(ctx context.Context) (err error)
- func (c DelegateUiCtlClient) RegisterSecretUI(ctx context.Context) (err error)
- func (c DelegateUiCtlClient) RegisterUpdateUI(ctx context.Context) (err error)
- type DelegateUiCtlInterface
- type DeleteArg
- type DeleteGitMetadataArg
- type DeleteKeyArg
- type DeletePersonalRepoArg
- type DeleteRepoArg
- type DeleteTeamRepoArg
- type DeprovisionArg
- type Device
- type DeviceAddArg
- type DeviceClient
- func (c DeviceClient) CheckDeviceNameForUser(ctx context.Context, __arg CheckDeviceNameForUserArg) (err error)
- func (c DeviceClient) CheckDeviceNameFormat(ctx context.Context, __arg CheckDeviceNameFormatArg) (res bool, err error)
- func (c DeviceClient) DeviceAdd(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (err error)
- func (c DeviceClient) DeviceHistoryList(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (res []DeviceDetail, err error)
- func (c DeviceClient) DeviceList(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (res []Device, err error)
- type DeviceDetail
- type DeviceEk
- type DeviceEkMetadata
- type DeviceEkStatement
- type DeviceHistoryListArg
- type DeviceID
- type DeviceInterface
- type DeviceListArg
- type DeviceType
- type DidCounterSign2Arg
- type DidCounterSignArg
- type Dirent
- type DirentType
- type DismissArg
- type DismissCategoryArg
- type DismissItemArg
- type DismissReason
- type DismissReasonType
- type DismissWithTokenArg
- type DisplayAndPromptSecretArg
- type DisplayCryptocurrencyArg
- type DisplayKeyArg
- type DisplayPaperKeyPhraseArg
- type DisplayPrimaryPaperKeyArg
- type DisplayRecheckWarningArg
- type DisplaySecretExchangedArg
- type DisplayTLFCreateWithInviteArg
- type DisplayTrackStatementArg
- type DisplayUserCardArg
- type DowngradeReferenceRes
- type DurationSec
- type ED25519PublicKey
- type ED25519Signature
- type ED25519SignatureInfo
- type EkGeneration
- type Email
- type EmailChangeArg
- type EncryptedBytes32
- type EncryptedGitMetadata
- type EphemeralClient
- type EphemeralInterface
- type Error
- type ErrorNum
- type ErrorUnwrapper
- type ExitArg
- type ExitCode
- type ExtendedStatus
- type FSActivityArg
- type FSEditListArg
- type FSEditListRequest
- type FSEditListRequestArg
- type FSEditListResponseArg
- type FSErrorType
- type FSEventArg
- type FSNotification
- type FSNotificationType
- type FSPathSyncStatus
- type FSStatusCode
- type FSSyncActivityArg
- type FSSyncEventArg
- type FSSyncStatus
- type FSSyncStatusArg
- type FSSyncStatusRequest
- type FSSyncStatusRequestArg
- type FSSyncStatusResponseArg
- type FakeTrackingChangedArg
- type FavoriteAddArg
- type FavoriteClient
- type FavoriteIgnoreArg
- type FavoriteInterface
- type FavoritesChangedArg
- type FavoritesResult
- type Feature
- type File
- type FileContent
- type FileDescriptor
- type FileType
- type FinalizeMigrationArg
- type FindNextMDArg
- type FindNextMDResponse
- type FindNextMerkleRootAfterResetArg
- type FindNextMerkleRootAfterRevokeArg
- type FindNextMerkleRootAfterTeamRemovalArg
- type FindNextMerkleRootAfterTeamRemovalBySigningKeyArg
- type FinishArg
- type FinishSocialProofCheckArg
- type FinishWebProofCheckArg
- type FinishedArg
- type FirstStepArg
- type FirstStepResult
- type Folder
- type FolderNeedsRekeyArg
- type FolderType
- type FoldersNeedRekeyArg
- type ForceMerkleBuildForTestArg
- type ForkType
- type FsClient
- type FsInterface
- type FullName
- type FullNamePackage
- type FullNamePackageVersion
- type FuseMountInfo
- type FuseStatus
- type FuseStatusArg
- type GPGKey
- type GPGMethod
- type GUIEntryArg
- type GUIEntryFeatures
- type GcArg
- type GcOptions
- type GcPersonalRepoArg
- type GcTeamRepoArg
- type GetAllAvailableMountDirsArg
- type GetAllGitMetadataArg
- type GetArg
- type GetBadgeStateArg
- type GetBlockArg
- type GetBlockRes
- type GetBootstrapStatusArg
- type GetChallengeArg
- type GetConfigArg
- type GetConfiguredAccountsArg
- type GetCurrentMerkleRootArg
- type GetCurrentMountDirArg
- type GetCurrentStatusArg
- type GetCurrentStatusRes
- type GetEmailOrUsernameArg
- type GetExtendedStatusArg
- type GetFavoritesArg
- type GetFolderHandleArg
- type GetFoldersForRekeyArg
- type GetGitMetadataArg
- type GetInvitationCodeArg
- type GetKBFSTeamSettingsArg
- type GetKeyArg
- type GetKeyBundlesArg
- type GetLatestFolderHandleArg
- type GetMerkleNodeArg
- type GetMerkleRootArg
- type GetMerkleRootLatestArg
- type GetMerkleRootSinceArg
- type GetMetadataArg
- type GetPassphraseArg
- type GetPassphraseRes
- type GetPendingRekeyStatusArg
- type GetPublicCanonicalTLFNameAndIDArg
- type GetRememberPassphraseArg
- type GetRevokeWarningArg
- type GetSecretKeysArg
- type GetSessionChallengeArg
- type GetStateArg
- type GetTLFCryptKeysArg
- type GetTLFCryptKeysRes
- type GetTTYArg
- type GetTarsDisabledArg
- type GetTeamAndMemberShowcaseArg
- type GetTeamQuotaInfoArg
- type GetTeamRepoSettingsArg
- type GetTeamRootIDArg
- type GetTeamShowcaseArg
- type GetUPAKArg
- type GetUserQuotaInfoArg
- type GetValueArg
- type GetWithSessionArg
- type GitClient
- func (c GitClient) CreatePersonalRepo(ctx context.Context, repoName GitRepoName) (res RepoID, err error)
- func (c GitClient) CreateTeamRepo(ctx context.Context, __arg CreateTeamRepoArg) (res RepoID, err error)
- func (c GitClient) DeleteGitMetadata(ctx context.Context, __arg DeleteGitMetadataArg) (err error)
- func (c GitClient) DeletePersonalRepo(ctx context.Context, repoName GitRepoName) (err error)
- func (c GitClient) DeleteTeamRepo(ctx context.Context, __arg DeleteTeamRepoArg) (err error)
- func (c GitClient) GcPersonalRepo(ctx context.Context, __arg GcPersonalRepoArg) (err error)
- func (c GitClient) GcTeamRepo(ctx context.Context, __arg GcTeamRepoArg) (err error)
- func (c GitClient) GetAllGitMetadata(ctx context.Context) (res []GitRepoResult, err error)
- func (c GitClient) GetGitMetadata(ctx context.Context, folder Folder) (res []GitRepoResult, err error)
- func (c GitClient) GetTeamRepoSettings(ctx context.Context, __arg GetTeamRepoSettingsArg) (res GitTeamRepoSettings, err error)
- func (c GitClient) PutGitMetadata(ctx context.Context, __arg PutGitMetadataArg) (err error)
- func (c GitClient) SetTeamRepoSettings(ctx context.Context, __arg SetTeamRepoSettingsArg) (err error)
- type GitCommit
- type GitInterface
- type GitLocalMetadata
- type GitLocalMetadataV1
- type GitLocalMetadataVersion
- type GitLocalMetadataVersioned
- type GitPushType
- type GitRefMetadata
- type GitRepoInfo
- type GitRepoName
- type GitRepoResult
- type GitRepoResultState
- type GitServerMetadata
- type GitTeamRepoSettings
- type GpgCommonClient
- type GpgCommonInterface
- type GpgUiClient
- func (c GpgUiClient) ConfirmDuplicateKeyChosen(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (res bool, err error)
- func (c GpgUiClient) ConfirmImportSecretToExistingKey(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (res bool, err error)
- func (c GpgUiClient) GetTTY(ctx context.Context) (res string, err error)
- func (c GpgUiClient) SelectKey(ctx context.Context, __arg SelectKeyArg) (res string, err error)
- func (c GpgUiClient) SelectKeyAndPushOption(ctx context.Context, __arg SelectKeyAndPushOptionArg) (res SelectKeyRes, err error)
- func (c GpgUiClient) Sign(ctx context.Context, __arg SignArg) (res string, err error)
- func (c GpgUiClient) WantToAddGPGKey(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (res bool, err error)
- type GpgUiInterface
- type GregorClient
- func (c GregorClient) DismissCategory(ctx context.Context, category gregor1.Category) (err error)
- func (c GregorClient) DismissItem(ctx context.Context, id gregor1.MsgID) (err error)
- func (c GregorClient) GetState(ctx context.Context) (res gregor1.State, err error)
- func (c GregorClient) InjectItem(ctx context.Context, __arg InjectItemArg) (res gregor1.MsgID, err error)
- func (c GregorClient) UpdateCategory(ctx context.Context, __arg UpdateCategoryArg) (res gregor1.MsgID, err error)
- func (c GregorClient) UpdateItem(ctx context.Context, __arg UpdateItemArg) (res gregor1.MsgID, err error)
- type GregorInterface
- type GregorUIClient
- type GregorUIInterface
- type HasServerKeysArg
- type HasServerKeysRes
- type HashMeta
- type Hello2Arg
- type Hello2Res
- type HelloArg
- type HelloIAmArg
- type HelloRes
- type HomeActionTakenArg
- type HomeClient
- func (c HomeClient) HomeActionTaken(ctx context.Context) (err error)
- func (c HomeClient) HomeGetScreen(ctx context.Context, __arg HomeGetScreenArg) (res HomeScreen, err error)
- func (c HomeClient) HomeMarkViewed(ctx context.Context) (err error)
- func (c HomeClient) HomeSkipTodoType(ctx context.Context, t HomeScreenTodoType) (err error)
- type HomeGetScreenArg
- type HomeInterface
- type HomeMarkViewedArg
- type HomeScreen
- type HomeScreenItem
- type HomeScreenItemData
- type HomeScreenItemID
- type HomeScreenItemType
- type HomeScreenPeopleNotification
- func (o HomeScreenPeopleNotification) DeepCopy() HomeScreenPeopleNotification
- func (o HomeScreenPeopleNotification) Followed() (res HomeScreenPeopleNotificationFollowed)
- func (o HomeScreenPeopleNotification) FollowedMulti() (res HomeScreenPeopleNotificationFollowedMulti)
- func (o *HomeScreenPeopleNotification) T() (ret HomeScreenPeopleNotificationType, err error)
- type HomeScreenPeopleNotificationFollowed
- type HomeScreenPeopleNotificationFollowedMulti
- type HomeScreenPeopleNotificationType
- type HomeScreenTodo
- type HomeScreenTodoType
- type HomeSkipTodoTypeArg
- type HomeUIClient
- type HomeUIInterface
- type HomeUIRefreshArg
- type HomeUserSummary
- type Identify2Arg
- type Identify2Res
- type IdentifyClient
- func (c IdentifyClient) Identify2(ctx context.Context, __arg Identify2Arg) (res Identify2Res, err error)
- func (c IdentifyClient) IdentifyLite(ctx context.Context, __arg IdentifyLiteArg) (res IdentifyLiteRes, err error)
- func (c IdentifyClient) Resolve3(ctx context.Context, assertion string) (res UserOrTeamLite, err error)
- func (c IdentifyClient) ResolveIdentifyImplicitTeam(ctx context.Context, __arg ResolveIdentifyImplicitTeamArg) (res ResolveIdentifyImplicitTeamRes, err error)
- func (c IdentifyClient) ResolveImplicitTeam(ctx context.Context, __arg ResolveImplicitTeamArg) (res Folder, err error)
- type IdentifyCommonClient
- type IdentifyCommonInterface
- type IdentifyInterface
- type IdentifyKey
- type IdentifyLiteArg
- type IdentifyLiteRes
- type IdentifyOutcome
- type IdentifyProofBreak
- type IdentifyReason
- type IdentifyReasonType
- type IdentifyRow
- type IdentifyTrackBreaks
- type IdentifyUiClient
- func (c IdentifyUiClient) Cancel(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (err error)
- func (c IdentifyUiClient) Confirm(ctx context.Context, __arg ConfirmArg) (res ConfirmResult, err error)
- func (c IdentifyUiClient) DelegateIdentifyUI(ctx context.Context) (res int, err error)
- func (c IdentifyUiClient) Dismiss(ctx context.Context, __arg DismissArg) (err error)
- func (c IdentifyUiClient) DisplayCryptocurrency(ctx context.Context, __arg DisplayCryptocurrencyArg) (err error)
- func (c IdentifyUiClient) DisplayKey(ctx context.Context, __arg DisplayKeyArg) (err error)
- func (c IdentifyUiClient) DisplayTLFCreateWithInvite(ctx context.Context, __arg DisplayTLFCreateWithInviteArg) (err error)
- func (c IdentifyUiClient) DisplayTrackStatement(ctx context.Context, __arg DisplayTrackStatementArg) (err error)
- func (c IdentifyUiClient) DisplayUserCard(ctx context.Context, __arg DisplayUserCardArg) (err error)
- func (c IdentifyUiClient) Finish(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (err error)
- func (c IdentifyUiClient) FinishSocialProofCheck(ctx context.Context, __arg FinishSocialProofCheckArg) (err error)
- func (c IdentifyUiClient) FinishWebProofCheck(ctx context.Context, __arg FinishWebProofCheckArg) (err error)
- func (c IdentifyUiClient) LaunchNetworkChecks(ctx context.Context, __arg LaunchNetworkChecksArg) (err error)
- func (c IdentifyUiClient) ReportLastTrack(ctx context.Context, __arg ReportLastTrackArg) (err error)
- func (c IdentifyUiClient) ReportTrackToken(ctx context.Context, __arg ReportTrackTokenArg) (err error)
- func (c IdentifyUiClient) Start(ctx context.Context, __arg StartArg) (err error)
- type IdentifyUiInterface
- type Identity
- type ImageCropRect
- type ImplicitRole
- type ImplicitTeamConflictInfo
- type ImplicitTeamDisplayName
- type ImplicitTeamMigrationClient
- type ImplicitTeamMigrationInterface
- type ImplicitTeamUserSet
- type IncrementArg
- type InjectItemArg
- type InstallAction
- type InstallClient
- func (c InstallClient) FuseStatus(ctx context.Context, __arg FuseStatusArg) (res FuseStatus, err error)
- func (c InstallClient) InstallCommandLinePrivileged(ctx context.Context) (res InstallResult, err error)
- func (c InstallClient) InstallFuse(ctx context.Context) (res InstallResult, err error)
- func (c InstallClient) InstallKBFS(ctx context.Context) (res InstallResult, err error)
- func (c InstallClient) UninstallKBFS(ctx context.Context) (res UninstallResult, err error)
- type InstallCommandLinePrivilegedArg
- type InstallFuseArg
- type InstallInterface
- type InstallKBFSArg
- type InstallResult
- type InstallStatus
- type InterestingPeopleArg
- type InterestingPerson
- type InviteRequestArg
- type KBFSGitClient
- type KBFSGitInterface
- type KBFSRoot
- type KBFSRootHash
- type KBFSTeamSettings
- type KID
- func (o KID) DeepCopy() KID
- func (k KID) Equal(v KID) bool
- func (k KID) Exists() bool
- func (k KID) GetKeyType() byte
- func (k KID) IsIn(list []KID) bool
- func (k KID) IsNil() bool
- func (k KID) IsValid() bool
- func (k *KID) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (k KID) Match(q string, exact bool) bool
- func (k KID) NotEqual(v KID) bool
- func (k KID) SecureEqual(v KID) bool
- func (k *KID) Size() int
- func (k KID) String() string
- func (k KID) ToBinaryKID() BinaryKID
- func (k KID) ToBytes() []byte
- func (k KID) ToJsonw() *jsonw.Wrapper
- func (k KID) ToShortIDString() string
- func (k *KID) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
- type KbfsClient
- func (c KbfsClient) CreateTLF(ctx context.Context, __arg CreateTLFArg) (err error)
- func (c KbfsClient) FSEditList(ctx context.Context, __arg FSEditListArg) (err error)
- func (c KbfsClient) FSEvent(ctx context.Context, event FSNotification) (err error)
- func (c KbfsClient) FSSyncEvent(ctx context.Context, event FSPathSyncStatus) (err error)
- func (c KbfsClient) FSSyncStatus(ctx context.Context, __arg FSSyncStatusArg) (err error)
- func (c KbfsClient) GetKBFSTeamSettings(ctx context.Context, teamID TeamID) (res KBFSTeamSettings, err error)
- type KbfsCommonClient
- type KbfsCommonInterface
- type KbfsInterface
- type KbfsMountClient
- type KbfsMountInterface
- type Kex2Provisionee2Client
- type Kex2Provisionee2Interface
- type Kex2ProvisioneeClient
- type Kex2ProvisioneeInterface
- type Kex2ProvisionerClient
- type Kex2ProvisionerInterface
- type KexStartArg
- type KeyBundle
- type KeyBundleResponse
- type KeyGeneratedArg
- type KeyHalf
- type KeyInfo
- type KeyType
- type KeybaseTime
- type KeyfamilyChangedArg
- type LaunchNetworkChecksArg
- type LeaseID
- type LinkCheckResult
- type LinkID
- type ListArg
- type ListArgs
- type ListFilter
- type ListResult
- type ListTrackers2Arg
- type ListTrackersArg
- type ListTrackersByNameArg
- type ListTrackersSelfArg
- type ListTrackingArg
- type ListTrackingJSONArg
- type LoadAllPublicKeysUnverifiedArg
- type LoadAvatarsRes
- type LoadDeviceErr
- type LoadMyPublicKeysArg
- type LoadMySettingsArg
- type LoadPublicKeysArg
- type LoadTeamArg
- type LoadTeamAvatarsArg
- type LoadTeamPlusApplicationKeysArg
- type LoadUncheckedUserSummariesArg
- type LoadUserArg
- type LoadUserAvatarsArg
- type LoadUserByNameArg
- type LoadUserPlusKeysArg
- type LoadUserPlusKeysV2Arg
- type LockArg
- type LockContext
- type LockID
- type LogArg
- type LogClient
- type LogInterface
- type LogLevel
- type LogProcessorProfileArg
- type LogRotateArg
- type LogTraceArg
- type LogUiClient
- type LogUiInterface
- type LoggedInArg
- type LoggedOutArg
- type LoginArg
- type LoginClient
- func (c LoginClient) AccountDelete(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (err error)
- func (c LoginClient) ClearStoredSecret(ctx context.Context, __arg ClearStoredSecretArg) (err error)
- func (c LoginClient) Deprovision(ctx context.Context, __arg DeprovisionArg) (err error)
- func (c LoginClient) GetConfiguredAccounts(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (res []ConfiguredAccount, err error)
- func (c LoginClient) Login(ctx context.Context, __arg LoginArg) (err error)
- func (c LoginClient) LoginOneshot(ctx context.Context, __arg LoginOneshotArg) (err error)
- func (c LoginClient) LoginProvisionedDevice(ctx context.Context, __arg LoginProvisionedDeviceArg) (err error)
- func (c LoginClient) LoginWithPaperKey(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (err error)
- func (c LoginClient) Logout(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (err error)
- func (c LoginClient) PaperKey(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (err error)
- func (c LoginClient) PaperKeySubmit(ctx context.Context, __arg PaperKeySubmitArg) (err error)
- func (c LoginClient) RecoverAccountFromEmailAddress(ctx context.Context, email string) (err error)
- func (c LoginClient) Unlock(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (err error)
- func (c LoginClient) UnlockWithPassphrase(ctx context.Context, __arg UnlockWithPassphraseArg) (err error)
- type LoginInterface
- type LoginOneshotArg
- type LoginProvisionedDeviceArg
- type LoginUiClient
- func (c LoginUiClient) DisplayPaperKeyPhrase(ctx context.Context, __arg DisplayPaperKeyPhraseArg) (err error)
- func (c LoginUiClient) DisplayPrimaryPaperKey(ctx context.Context, __arg DisplayPrimaryPaperKeyArg) (err error)
- func (c LoginUiClient) GetEmailOrUsername(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (res string, err error)
- func (c LoginUiClient) PromptRevokePaperKeys(ctx context.Context, __arg PromptRevokePaperKeysArg) (res bool, err error)
- type LoginUiInterface
- type LoginWithPaperKeyArg
- type LogoutArg
- type LogsendClient
- type LogsendInterface
- type LookupImplicitTeamArg
- type LookupImplicitTeamRes
- type LookupOrCreateImplicitTeamArg
- type MDBlock
- type MDPriority
- type MaskB64
- type MeUserVersionArg
- type MemberInfo
- type MerkleClient
- type MerkleInterface
- type MerkleRoot
- type MerkleRootAndTime
- type MerkleRootV2
- type MerkleTreeID
- type MerkleTreeLocation
- type MetadataClient
- func (c MetadataClient) Authenticate(ctx context.Context, signature string) (res int, err error)
- func (c MetadataClient) DeleteKey(ctx context.Context, __arg DeleteKeyArg) (err error)
- func (c MetadataClient) FindNextMD(ctx context.Context, __arg FindNextMDArg) (res FindNextMDResponse, err error)
- func (c MetadataClient) ForceMerkleBuildForTest(ctx context.Context) (err error)
- func (c MetadataClient) GetChallenge(ctx context.Context) (res ChallengeInfo, err error)
- func (c MetadataClient) GetFolderHandle(ctx context.Context, __arg GetFolderHandleArg) (res []byte, err error)
- func (c MetadataClient) GetFoldersForRekey(ctx context.Context, deviceKID KID) (err error)
- func (c MetadataClient) GetKey(ctx context.Context, __arg GetKeyArg) (res []byte, err error)
- func (c MetadataClient) GetKeyBundles(ctx context.Context, __arg GetKeyBundlesArg) (res KeyBundleResponse, err error)
- func (c MetadataClient) GetLatestFolderHandle(ctx context.Context, folderID string) (res []byte, err error)
- func (c MetadataClient) GetMerkleNode(ctx context.Context, hash string) (res []byte, err error)
- func (c MetadataClient) GetMerkleRoot(ctx context.Context, __arg GetMerkleRootArg) (res MerkleRoot, err error)
- func (c MetadataClient) GetMerkleRootLatest(ctx context.Context, treeID MerkleTreeID) (res MerkleRoot, err error)
- func (c MetadataClient) GetMerkleRootSince(ctx context.Context, __arg GetMerkleRootSinceArg) (res MerkleRoot, err error)
- func (c MetadataClient) GetMetadata(ctx context.Context, __arg GetMetadataArg) (res MetadataResponse, err error)
- func (c MetadataClient) Lock(ctx context.Context, __arg LockArg) (err error)
- func (c MetadataClient) Ping(ctx context.Context) (err error)
- func (c MetadataClient) Ping2(ctx context.Context) (res PingResponse, err error)
- func (c MetadataClient) PruneBranch(ctx context.Context, __arg PruneBranchArg) (err error)
- func (c MetadataClient) PutKeys(ctx context.Context, __arg PutKeysArg) (err error)
- func (c MetadataClient) PutMetadata(ctx context.Context, __arg PutMetadataArg) (err error)
- func (c MetadataClient) RegisterForUpdates(ctx context.Context, __arg RegisterForUpdatesArg) (err error)
- func (c MetadataClient) ReleaseLock(ctx context.Context, __arg ReleaseLockArg) (err error)
- func (c MetadataClient) SetImplicitTeamModeForTest(ctx context.Context, implicitTeamMode string) (err error)
- func (c MetadataClient) StartImplicitTeamMigration(ctx context.Context, folderID string) (err error)
- func (c MetadataClient) TruncateLock(ctx context.Context, folderID string) (res bool, err error)
- func (c MetadataClient) TruncateUnlock(ctx context.Context, folderID string) (res bool, err error)
- type MetadataInterface
- type MetadataResponse
- type MetadataUpdateArg
- type MetadataUpdateClient
- func (c MetadataUpdateClient) FolderNeedsRekey(ctx context.Context, __arg FolderNeedsRekeyArg) (err error)
- func (c MetadataUpdateClient) FoldersNeedRekey(ctx context.Context, requests []RekeyRequest) (err error)
- func (c MetadataUpdateClient) MetadataUpdate(ctx context.Context, __arg MetadataUpdateArg) (err error)
- type MetadataUpdateInterface
- type MoveArgs
- type NaclDHKeyPrivate
- type NaclDHKeyPublic
- type NaclSigningKeyPrivate
- type NaclSigningKeyPublic
- type NewTeamEkArg
- type NextMerkleRootRes
- type NotificationChannels
- type NotifyAppClient
- type NotifyAppInterface
- type NotifyBadgesClient
- type NotifyBadgesInterface
- type NotifyCtlClient
- type NotifyCtlInterface
- type NotifyEphemeralClient
- type NotifyEphemeralInterface
- type NotifyFSClient
- func (c NotifyFSClient) FSActivity(ctx context.Context, notification FSNotification) (err error)
- func (c NotifyFSClient) FSEditListResponse(ctx context.Context, __arg FSEditListResponseArg) (err error)
- func (c NotifyFSClient) FSSyncActivity(ctx context.Context, status FSPathSyncStatus) (err error)
- func (c NotifyFSClient) FSSyncStatusResponse(ctx context.Context, __arg FSSyncStatusResponseArg) (err error)
- type NotifyFSInterface
- type NotifyFSRequestClient
- type NotifyFSRequestInterface
- type NotifyFavoritesClient
- type NotifyFavoritesInterface
- type NotifyKeyfamilyClient
- type NotifyKeyfamilyInterface
- type NotifyPGPClient
- type NotifyPGPInterface
- type NotifyPaperKeyClient
- type NotifyPaperKeyInterface
- type NotifyServiceClient
- type NotifyServiceInterface
- type NotifySessionClient
- type NotifySessionInterface
- type NotifyTeamClient
- func (c NotifyTeamClient) TeamAbandoned(ctx context.Context, teamID TeamID) (err error)
- func (c NotifyTeamClient) TeamChangedByID(ctx context.Context, __arg TeamChangedByIDArg) (err error)
- func (c NotifyTeamClient) TeamChangedByName(ctx context.Context, __arg TeamChangedByNameArg) (err error)
- func (c NotifyTeamClient) TeamDeleted(ctx context.Context, teamID TeamID) (err error)
- func (c NotifyTeamClient) TeamExit(ctx context.Context, teamID TeamID) (err error)
- type NotifyTeamInterface
- type NotifyTrackingClient
- type NotifyTrackingInterface
- type NotifyUsersClient
- type NotifyUsersInterface
- type OkToCheckArg
- type OpDescription
- func NewOpDescriptionWithCopy(v CopyArgs) OpDescription
- func NewOpDescriptionWithList(v ListArgs) OpDescription
- func NewOpDescriptionWithListRecursive(v ListArgs) OpDescription
- func NewOpDescriptionWithMove(v MoveArgs) OpDescription
- func NewOpDescriptionWithRead(v ReadArgs) OpDescription
- func NewOpDescriptionWithRemove(v RemoveArgs) OpDescription
- func NewOpDescriptionWithWrite(v WriteArgs) OpDescription
- func (o *OpDescription) AsyncOp() (ret AsyncOps, err error)
- func (o OpDescription) Copy() (res CopyArgs)
- func (o OpDescription) DeepCopy() OpDescription
- func (o OpDescription) List() (res ListArgs)
- func (o OpDescription) ListRecursive() (res ListArgs)
- func (o OpDescription) Move() (res MoveArgs)
- func (o OpDescription) Read() (res ReadArgs)
- func (o OpDescription) Remove() (res RemoveArgs)
- func (o OpDescription) Write() (res WriteArgs)
- type OpID
- type OpProgress
- type OpenFlags
- type OutOfDateInfo
- type Outcome
- type OutputInstructionsArg
- type OutputPrechecksArg
- type OutputSignatureSuccessArg
- type OutputSignatureSuccessNonKeybaseArg
- type PGPClient
- func (c PGPClient) PGPDecrypt(ctx context.Context, __arg PGPDecryptArg) (res PGPSigVerification, err error)
- func (c PGPClient) PGPDeletePrimary(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (err error)
- func (c PGPClient) PGPEncrypt(ctx context.Context, __arg PGPEncryptArg) (err error)
- func (c PGPClient) PGPExport(ctx context.Context, __arg PGPExportArg) (res []KeyInfo, err error)
- func (c PGPClient) PGPExportByFingerprint(ctx context.Context, __arg PGPExportByFingerprintArg) (res []KeyInfo, err error)
- func (c PGPClient) PGPExportByKID(ctx context.Context, __arg PGPExportByKIDArg) (res []KeyInfo, err error)
- func (c PGPClient) PGPImport(ctx context.Context, __arg PGPImportArg) (err error)
- func (c PGPClient) PGPKeyGen(ctx context.Context, __arg PGPKeyGenArg) (err error)
- func (c PGPClient) PGPKeyGenDefault(ctx context.Context, __arg PGPKeyGenDefaultArg) (err error)
- func (c PGPClient) PGPPull(ctx context.Context, __arg PGPPullArg) (err error)
- func (c PGPClient) PGPPurge(ctx context.Context, __arg PGPPurgeArg) (res PGPPurgeRes, err error)
- func (c PGPClient) PGPSelect(ctx context.Context, __arg PGPSelectArg) (err error)
- func (c PGPClient) PGPSign(ctx context.Context, __arg PGPSignArg) (err error)
- func (c PGPClient) PGPStorageDismiss(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (err error)
- func (c PGPClient) PGPUpdate(ctx context.Context, __arg PGPUpdateArg) (err error)
- func (c PGPClient) PGPVerify(ctx context.Context, __arg PGPVerifyArg) (res PGPSigVerification, err error)
- type PGPCreateUids
- type PGPDecryptArg
- type PGPDecryptOptions
- type PGPDeletePrimaryArg
- type PGPEncryptArg
- type PGPEncryptOptions
- type PGPExportArg
- type PGPExportByFingerprintArg
- type PGPExportByKIDArg
- type PGPFingerprint
- type PGPIdentity
- type PGPImportArg
- type PGPInterface
- type PGPKeyGenArg
- type PGPKeyGenDefaultArg
- type PGPKeyInSecretStoreFileArg
- type PGPPullArg
- type PGPPurgeArg
- type PGPPurgeRes
- type PGPQuery
- type PGPSelectArg
- type PGPSigVerification
- type PGPSignArg
- type PGPSignOptions
- type PGPStorageDismissArg
- type PGPUiClient
- func (c PGPUiClient) Finished(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (err error)
- func (c PGPUiClient) KeyGenerated(ctx context.Context, __arg KeyGeneratedArg) (err error)
- func (c PGPUiClient) OutputSignatureSuccess(ctx context.Context, __arg OutputSignatureSuccessArg) (err error)
- func (c PGPUiClient) OutputSignatureSuccessNonKeybase(ctx context.Context, __arg OutputSignatureSuccessNonKeybaseArg) (err error)
- func (c PGPUiClient) ShouldPushPrivate(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (res bool, err error)
- type PGPUiInterface
- type PGPUpdateArg
- type PGPVerifyArg
- type PGPVerifyOptions
- type PanicArg
- type PaperKeyArg
- type PaperKeyCachedArg
- type PaperKeySubmitArg
- type PaperProvisionArg
- type PaperprovisionClient
- type PaperprovisionInterface
- type PassphraseChangeArg
- type PassphraseCommonClient
- type PassphraseCommonInterface
- type PassphrasePromptArg
- type PassphraseStream
- type PassphraseType
- type Path
- type PathType
- type PerTeamKey
- type PerTeamKeyGeneration
- type PerTeamKeySeed
- type PerTeamKeySeedItem
- type PerUserKey
- type PerUserKeyBox
- type PerUserKeyGeneration
- type Pics
- type Ping2Arg
- type PingArg
- type PingResponse
- type PlatformInfo
- type PostArg
- type PostJSONArg
- type PprofClient
- func (c PprofClient) LogProcessorProfile(ctx context.Context, __arg LogProcessorProfileArg) (err error)
- func (c PprofClient) LogTrace(ctx context.Context, __arg LogTraceArg) (err error)
- func (c PprofClient) ProcessorProfile(ctx context.Context, __arg ProcessorProfileArg) (err error)
- func (c PprofClient) Trace(ctx context.Context, __arg TraceArg) (err error)
- type PprofInterface
- type PreProofWarningArg
- type PrepareLogsendArg
- type ProblemSet
- type ProblemSetDevices
- type ProblemTLF
- type Process
- type ProcessClient
- type ProcessInterface
- type ProcessorProfileArg
- type ProfileEditArg
- type Progress
- type PromptDefault
- type PromptNewDeviceNameArg
- type PromptOverwriteArg
- type PromptOverwriteType
- type PromptRevokePaperKeysArg
- type PromptUsernameArg
- type PromptYesNoArg
- type ProofResult
- type ProofState
- type ProofStatus
- type ProofType
- type Proofs
- type ProveClient
- type ProveCommonClient
- type ProveCommonInterface
- type ProveInterface
- type ProveUiClient
- func (c ProveUiClient) DisplayRecheckWarning(ctx context.Context, __arg DisplayRecheckWarningArg) (err error)
- func (c ProveUiClient) OkToCheck(ctx context.Context, __arg OkToCheckArg) (res bool, err error)
- func (c ProveUiClient) OutputInstructions(ctx context.Context, __arg OutputInstructionsArg) (err error)
- func (c ProveUiClient) OutputPrechecks(ctx context.Context, __arg OutputPrechecksArg) (err error)
- func (c ProveUiClient) PreProofWarning(ctx context.Context, __arg PreProofWarningArg) (res bool, err error)
- func (c ProveUiClient) PromptOverwrite(ctx context.Context, __arg PromptOverwriteArg) (res bool, err error)
- func (c ProveUiClient) PromptUsername(ctx context.Context, __arg PromptUsernameArg) (res string, err error)
- type ProveUiInterface
- type ProvisionMethod
- type ProvisionUiClient
- func (c ProvisionUiClient) ChooseDevice(ctx context.Context, __arg ChooseDeviceArg) (res DeviceID, err error)
- func (c ProvisionUiClient) ChooseDeviceType(ctx context.Context, __arg ChooseDeviceTypeArg) (res DeviceType, err error)
- func (c ProvisionUiClient) ChooseGPGMethod(ctx context.Context, __arg ChooseGPGMethodArg) (res GPGMethod, err error)
- func (c ProvisionUiClient) ChooseProvisioningMethod(ctx context.Context, __arg ChooseProvisioningMethodArg) (res ProvisionMethod, err error)
- func (c ProvisionUiClient) DisplayAndPromptSecret(ctx context.Context, __arg DisplayAndPromptSecretArg) (res SecretResponse, err error)
- func (c ProvisionUiClient) DisplaySecretExchanged(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (err error)
- func (c ProvisionUiClient) PromptNewDeviceName(ctx context.Context, __arg PromptNewDeviceNameArg) (res string, err error)
- func (c ProvisionUiClient) ProvisioneeSuccess(ctx context.Context, __arg ProvisioneeSuccessArg) (err error)
- func (c ProvisionUiClient) ProvisionerSuccess(ctx context.Context, __arg ProvisionerSuccessArg) (err error)
- func (c ProvisionUiClient) SwitchToGPGSignOK(ctx context.Context, __arg SwitchToGPGSignOKArg) (res bool, err error)
- type ProvisionUiInterface
- type ProvisioneeSuccessArg
- type ProvisionerSuccessArg
- type PruneBranchArg
- type PublicCanonicalTLFNameAndIDArg
- type PublicKey
- type PublicKeyV2
- type PublicKeyV2Base
- type PublicKeyV2NaCl
- type PublicKeyV2PGPSummary
- type PushOutOfBandMessagesArg
- type PushReason
- type PushStateArg
- type PutBlockAgainArg
- type PutBlockArg
- type PutGitMetadataArg
- type PutKeysArg
- type PutMetadataArg
- type QuotaClient
- type QuotaInterface
- type Reachability
- type ReachabilityChangedArg
- type ReachabilityClient
- func (c ReachabilityClient) CheckReachability(ctx context.Context) (res Reachability, err error)
- func (c ReachabilityClient) ReachabilityChanged(ctx context.Context, reachability Reachability) (err error)
- func (c ReachabilityClient) StartReachability(ctx context.Context) (res Reachability, err error)
- type ReachabilityInterface
- type Reachable
- type ReadArg
- type ReadArgs
- type ReaderKeyMask
- type RecoverAccountFromEmailAddressArg
- type RefreshArg
- type RegisterAddressArg
- type RegisterAddressRes
- type RegisterBTCArg
- type RegisterForUpdatesArg
- type RegisterGregorFirehoseArg
- type RegisterGregorFirehoseFilteredArg
- type RegisterHomeUIArg
- type RegisterIdentifyUIArg
- type RegisterLoggerArg
- type RegisterRekeyUIArg
- type RegisterSecretUIArg
- type RegisterUpdateUIArg
- type RekeyClient
- func (c RekeyClient) DebugShowRekeyStatus(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (err error)
- func (c RekeyClient) GetPendingRekeyStatus(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (res ProblemSetDevices, err error)
- func (c RekeyClient) GetRevokeWarning(ctx context.Context, __arg GetRevokeWarningArg) (res RevokeWarning, err error)
- func (c RekeyClient) RekeyStatusFinish(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (res Outcome, err error)
- func (c RekeyClient) RekeySync(ctx context.Context, __arg RekeySyncArg) (err error)
- func (c RekeyClient) ShowPendingRekeyStatus(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (err error)
- type RekeyEvent
- type RekeyEventType
- type RekeyInterface
- type RekeyRequest
- type RekeySendEventArg
- type RekeyStatusFinishArg
- type RekeySyncArg
- type RekeyUIClient
- type RekeyUIInterface
- type ReleaseLockArg
- type ReloadArg
- type RemoteProof
- type RemoteTrack
- type RemoveArgs
- type RepoID
- type ReportLastTrackArg
- type ReportTrackTokenArg
- type ResetAccountArg
- type ResetArg
- type ResetClient
- type ResetInterface
- type ResetLink
- type ResetMerkleRoot
- type ResetPrev
- type ResetSummary
- type ResetType
- type Resolve3Arg
- type ResolveIdentifyImplicitTeamArg
- type ResolveIdentifyImplicitTeamRes
- type ResolveImplicitTeamArg
- type RevokeClient
- type RevokeDeviceArg
- type RevokeInterface
- type RevokeKeyArg
- type RevokeSigsArg
- type RevokeWarning
- type RevokedKey
- type RevokedProof
- type SHA512
- type SaltpackClient
- func (c SaltpackClient) SaltpackDecrypt(ctx context.Context, __arg SaltpackDecryptArg) (res SaltpackEncryptedMessageInfo, err error)
- func (c SaltpackClient) SaltpackEncrypt(ctx context.Context, __arg SaltpackEncryptArg) (err error)
- func (c SaltpackClient) SaltpackSign(ctx context.Context, __arg SaltpackSignArg) (err error)
- func (c SaltpackClient) SaltpackVerify(ctx context.Context, __arg SaltpackVerifyArg) (err error)
- type SaltpackDecryptArg
- type SaltpackDecryptOptions
- type SaltpackEncryptArg
- type SaltpackEncryptOptions
- type SaltpackEncryptedMessageInfo
- type SaltpackInterface
- type SaltpackPromptForDecryptArg
- type SaltpackSender
- type SaltpackSenderType
- type SaltpackSignArg
- type SaltpackSignOptions
- type SaltpackUiClient
- func (c SaltpackUiClient) SaltpackPromptForDecrypt(ctx context.Context, __arg SaltpackPromptForDecryptArg) (err error)
- func (c SaltpackUiClient) SaltpackVerifyBadSender(ctx context.Context, __arg SaltpackVerifyBadSenderArg) (err error)
- func (c SaltpackUiClient) SaltpackVerifySuccess(ctx context.Context, __arg SaltpackVerifySuccessArg) (err error)
- type SaltpackUiInterface
- type SaltpackVerifyArg
- type SaltpackVerifyBadSenderArg
- type SaltpackVerifyOptions
- type SaltpackVerifySuccessArg
- type ScanProofsArg
- type ScanProofsClient
- type ScanProofsInterface
- type ScriptArg
- type SearchArg
- type SearchComponent
- type SearchResult
- type SecondStepArg
- type SecretEntryArg
- type SecretEntryRes
- type SecretKeys
- type SecretKeysClient
- type SecretKeysInterface
- type SecretResponse
- type SecretUiClient
- type SecretUiInterface
- type SeitanAKey
- type SeitanIKey
- type SeitanIKeyV2
- type SeitanKeyAndLabel
- type SeitanKeyAndLabelVersion
- type SeitanKeyAndLabelVersion1
- type SeitanKeyAndLabelVersion2
- type SeitanKeyLabel
- type SeitanKeyLabelSms
- type SeitanKeyLabelType
- type SeitanPubKey
- type SelectKeyAndPushOptionArg
- type SelectKeyArg
- type SelectKeyRes
- type SeqType
- type Seqno
- type ServiceStatus
- type ServicesStatus
- type Session
- type SessionClient
- type SessionInterface
- type SessionPingArg
- type SessionStatus
- type SessionToken
- type SetCurrentMountDirArg
- type SetImplicitTeamModeForTestArg
- type SetNotificationsArg
- type SetPathArg
- type SetRememberPassphraseArg
- type SetTarsDisabledArg
- type SetTeamMemberShowcaseArg
- type SetTeamRepoSettingsArg
- type SetTeamShowcaseArg
- type SetUserConfigArg
- type SetValueArg
- type ShouldPushPrivateArg
- type ShowPendingRekeyStatusArg
- type ShutdownArg
- type Sig
- type SigChainLocation
- type SigHint
- type SigID
- func (o SigID) DeepCopy() SigID
- func (s SigID) Equal(t SigID) bool
- func (s SigID) Exists() bool
- func (s SigID) IsNil() bool
- func (s *SigID) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (s SigID) Match(q string, exact bool) bool
- func (s SigID) NotEqual(t SigID) bool
- func (s SigID) String() string
- func (s SigID) ToDisplayString(verbose bool) string
- func (s SigID) ToMediumID() string
- func (s SigID) ToShortID() string
- func (s SigID) ToString(suffix bool) string
- func (s *SigID) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
- type SigListArg
- type SigListArgs
- type SigListJSONArg
- type SigTypes
- type SigVersion
- type SignArg
- type SignED25519Arg
- type SignED25519ForKBFSArg
- type SignMode
- type SignToStringArg
- type SignatureMetadata
- type SignupArg
- type SignupClient
- func (c SignupClient) CheckInvitationCode(ctx context.Context, __arg CheckInvitationCodeArg) (err error)
- func (c SignupClient) CheckUsernameAvailable(ctx context.Context, __arg CheckUsernameAvailableArg) (err error)
- func (c SignupClient) GetInvitationCode(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (res string, err error)
- func (c SignupClient) InviteRequest(ctx context.Context, __arg InviteRequestArg) (err error)
- func (c SignupClient) Signup(ctx context.Context, __arg SignupArg) (res SignupRes, err error)
- type SignupInterface
- type SignupRes
- type SigsClient
- type SigsInterface
- type SimpleFSCancelArg
- type SimpleFSCheckArg
- type SimpleFSClient
- func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSCancel(ctx context.Context, opID OpID) (err error)
- func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSCheck(ctx context.Context, opID OpID) (res OpProgress, err error)
- func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSClose(ctx context.Context, opID OpID) (err error)
- func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSCopy(ctx context.Context, __arg SimpleFSCopyArg) (err error)
- func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSCopyRecursive(ctx context.Context, __arg SimpleFSCopyRecursiveArg) (err error)
- func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSDumpDebuggingInfo(ctx context.Context) (err error)
- func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSGetHTTPAddressAndToken(ctx context.Context) (res SimpleFSGetHTTPAddressAndTokenResponse, err error)
- func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSGetOps(ctx context.Context) (res []OpDescription, err error)
- func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSList(ctx context.Context, __arg SimpleFSListArg) (err error)
- func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSListRecursive(ctx context.Context, __arg SimpleFSListRecursiveArg) (err error)
- func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSMakeOpid(ctx context.Context) (res OpID, err error)
- func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSMove(ctx context.Context, __arg SimpleFSMoveArg) (err error)
- func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSOpen(ctx context.Context, __arg SimpleFSOpenArg) (err error)
- func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSRead(ctx context.Context, __arg SimpleFSReadArg) (res FileContent, err error)
- func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSReadList(ctx context.Context, opID OpID) (res SimpleFSListResult, err error)
- func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSRemove(ctx context.Context, __arg SimpleFSRemoveArg) (err error)
- func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSRename(ctx context.Context, __arg SimpleFSRenameArg) (err error)
- func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSSetStat(ctx context.Context, __arg SimpleFSSetStatArg) (err error)
- func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSStat(ctx context.Context, path Path) (res Dirent, err error)
- func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSSyncStatus(ctx context.Context) (res FSSyncStatus, err error)
- func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSWait(ctx context.Context, opID OpID) (err error)
- func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSWrite(ctx context.Context, __arg SimpleFSWriteArg) (err error)
- type SimpleFSCloseArg
- type SimpleFSCopyArg
- type SimpleFSCopyRecursiveArg
- type SimpleFSDumpDebuggingInfoArg
- type SimpleFSGetHTTPAddressAndTokenArg
- type SimpleFSGetHTTPAddressAndTokenResponse
- type SimpleFSGetOpsArg
- type SimpleFSInterface
- type SimpleFSListArg
- type SimpleFSListRecursiveArg
- type SimpleFSListResult
- type SimpleFSMakeOpidArg
- type SimpleFSMoveArg
- type SimpleFSOpenArg
- type SimpleFSReadArg
- type SimpleFSReadListArg
- type SimpleFSRemoveArg
- type SimpleFSRenameArg
- type SimpleFSSetStatArg
- type SimpleFSStatArg
- type SimpleFSSyncStatusArg
- type SimpleFSWaitArg
- type SimpleFSWriteArg
- type SocialAssertion
- type SocialAssertionService
- type StartArg
- type StartImplicitTeamMigrationArg
- type StartMigrationArg
- type StartProofArg
- type StartProofResult
- type StartReachabilityArg
- type Status
- type StatusCode
- type StopArg
- type Stream
- type StreamUiClient
- func (c StreamUiClient) Close(ctx context.Context, __arg CloseArg) (err error)
- func (c StreamUiClient) Read(ctx context.Context, __arg ReadArg) (res []byte, err error)
- func (c StreamUiClient) Reset(ctx context.Context, __arg ResetArg) (err error)
- func (c StreamUiClient) Write(ctx context.Context, __arg WriteArg) (res int, err error)
- type StreamUiInterface
- type StringKVPair
- type SubteamLogPoint
- type SwitchToGPGSignOKArg
- type TLF
- type TLFBreak
- type TLFID
- type TLFIdentifyBehavior
- func (b TLFIdentifyBehavior) AlwaysRunIdentify() bool
- func (b TLFIdentifyBehavior) CanUseUntrackedFastPath() bool
- func (o TLFIdentifyBehavior) DeepCopy() TLFIdentifyBehavior
- func (b TLFIdentifyBehavior) ShouldSuppressTrackerPopups() bool
- func (b TLFIdentifyBehavior) SkipExternalChecks() bool
- func (e TLFIdentifyBehavior) String() string
- func (b TLFIdentifyBehavior) WarningInsteadOfErrorOnBrokenTracks() bool
- type TLFIdentifyFailure
- type TLFQuery
- type TLFVisibility
- type TeamAbandonedArg
- type TeamAcceptInviteArg
- type TeamAcceptInviteOrRequestAccessArg
- type TeamAcceptOrRequestResult
- type TeamAccessRequest
- type TeamAddEmailsBulkArg
- type TeamAddMemberArg
- type TeamAddMemberResult
- type TeamAndMemberShowcase
- type TeamApplication
- type TeamApplicationKey
- type TeamCLKRMsg
- type TeamCLKRResetUser
- type TeamChangeMembershipArg
- type TeamChangeReq
- type TeamChangeRow
- type TeamChangeSet
- type TeamChangedByIDArg
- type TeamChangedByNameArg
- type TeamCreateArg
- type TeamCreateResult
- type TeamCreateSeitanTokenArg
- type TeamCreateSeitanTokenV2Arg
- type TeamCreateWithSettingsArg
- type TeamData
- type TeamDebugArg
- type TeamDebugRes
- type TeamDeleteArg
- type TeamDeletedArg
- type TeamDetails
- type TeamEditMemberArg
- type TeamEk
- type TeamEkBoxMetadata
- type TeamEkBoxed
- type TeamEkMetadata
- type TeamEkStatement
- type TeamEncryptedKBFSKeyset
- type TeamEncryptedKBFSKeysetHash
- type TeamExitArg
- type TeamExitRow
- type TeamGetArg
- type TeamGetLegacyTLFUpgrade
- type TeamID
- func (t TeamID) AsUserOrTeam() UserOrTeamID
- func (o TeamID) DeepCopy() TeamID
- func (t TeamID) Eq(t2 TeamID) bool
- func (t TeamID) Equal(v TeamID) bool
- func (t TeamID) Exists() bool
- func (t TeamID) IsNil() bool
- func (t TeamID) IsPublic() bool
- func (t TeamID) IsRootTeam() bool
- func (t TeamID) IsSubTeam() bool
- func (t TeamID) Less(v TeamID) bool
- func (t TeamID) NotEqual(v TeamID) bool
- func (t TeamID) Size() int
- func (t TeamID) String() string
- func (t TeamID) ToBytes() []byte
- type TeamIDAndName
- type TeamIDWithVisibility
- type TeamIgnoreRequestArg
- type TeamImplicitAdminsArg
- type TeamInvite
- type TeamInviteCategory
- type TeamInviteID
- type TeamInviteName
- type TeamInviteSocialNetwork
- type TeamInviteType
- func (o *TeamInviteType) C() (ret TeamInviteCategory, err error)
- func (o TeamInviteType) DeepCopy() TeamInviteType
- func (a TeamInviteType) Eq(b TeamInviteType) bool
- func (o TeamInviteType) Sbs() (res TeamInviteSocialNetwork)
- func (t TeamInviteType) String() (string, error)
- func (o TeamInviteType) Unknown() (res string)
- type TeamInvitee
- type TeamJoinRequest
- type TeamKBFSKeyRefresher
- type TeamLeaveArg
- type TeamLegacyTLFUpgradeChainInfo
- type TeamList
- type TeamListMyAccessRequestsArg
- type TeamListRequestsArg
- type TeamListSubteamsRecursiveArg
- type TeamListTeammatesArg
- type TeamListUnverifiedArg
- type TeamListVerifiedArg
- type TeamMember
- type TeamMemberDetails
- type TeamMemberOutFromReset
- type TeamMemberOutReset
- type TeamMembers
- type TeamMembersDetails
- type TeamName
- func (t TeamName) Append(part string) (t3 TeamName, err error)
- func (o TeamName) DeepCopy() TeamName
- func (t TeamName) Depth() int
- func (t TeamName) Eq(t2 TeamName) bool
- func (t TeamName) IsAncestorOf(other TeamName) bool
- func (t TeamName) IsImplicit() bool
- func (t TeamName) IsNil() bool
- func (t TeamName) IsRootTeam() bool
- func (t TeamName) LastPart() TeamNamePart
- func (t TeamName) Parent() (TeamName, error)
- func (t TeamName) RootAncestorName() TeamName
- func (t TeamName) String() string
- func (t TeamName) SwapLastPart(newLast string) (TeamName, error)
- func (t TeamName) ToPrivateTeamID() TeamID
- func (t TeamName) ToPublicTeamID() TeamID
- func (t TeamName) ToTeamID(public bool) TeamID
- type TeamNameLogPoint
- type TeamNamePart
- type TeamOpenReqMsg
- type TeamOperation
- type TeamPlusApplicationKeys
- type TeamReAddMemberAfterResetArg
- type TeamRefreshers
- type TeamRemoveMemberArg
- type TeamRenameArg
- type TeamRequestAccessArg
- type TeamRequestAccessResult
- type TeamResetUser
- type TeamRole
- type TeamRotateKeyArg
- type TeamSBSMsg
- type TeamSeitanMsg
- type TeamSeitanRequest
- type TeamSetSettingsArg
- type TeamSettings
- type TeamShowcase
- type TeamSigChainState
- type TeamStatus
- type TeamTreeArg
- type TeamTreeEntry
- type TeamTreeResult
- type TeamType
- type TeamsClient
- func (c TeamsClient) CanUserPerform(ctx context.Context, name string) (res TeamOperation, err error)
- func (c TeamsClient) FindNextMerkleRootAfterTeamRemoval(ctx context.Context, __arg FindNextMerkleRootAfterTeamRemovalArg) (res NextMerkleRootRes, err error)
- func (c TeamsClient) FindNextMerkleRootAfterTeamRemovalBySigningKey(ctx context.Context, __arg FindNextMerkleRootAfterTeamRemovalBySigningKeyArg) (res NextMerkleRootRes, err error)
- func (c TeamsClient) GetTarsDisabled(ctx context.Context, name string) (res bool, err error)
- func (c TeamsClient) GetTeamAndMemberShowcase(ctx context.Context, name string) (res TeamAndMemberShowcase, err error)
- func (c TeamsClient) GetTeamRootID(ctx context.Context, id TeamID) (res TeamID, err error)
- func (c TeamsClient) GetTeamShowcase(ctx context.Context, name string) (res TeamShowcase, err error)
- func (c TeamsClient) LoadTeamPlusApplicationKeys(ctx context.Context, __arg LoadTeamPlusApplicationKeysArg) (res TeamPlusApplicationKeys, err error)
- func (c TeamsClient) LookupImplicitTeam(ctx context.Context, __arg LookupImplicitTeamArg) (res LookupImplicitTeamRes, err error)
- func (c TeamsClient) LookupOrCreateImplicitTeam(ctx context.Context, __arg LookupOrCreateImplicitTeamArg) (res LookupImplicitTeamRes, err error)
- func (c TeamsClient) SetTarsDisabled(ctx context.Context, __arg SetTarsDisabledArg) (err error)
- func (c TeamsClient) SetTeamMemberShowcase(ctx context.Context, __arg SetTeamMemberShowcaseArg) (err error)
- func (c TeamsClient) SetTeamShowcase(ctx context.Context, __arg SetTeamShowcaseArg) (err error)
- func (c TeamsClient) TeamAcceptInvite(ctx context.Context, __arg TeamAcceptInviteArg) (err error)
- func (c TeamsClient) TeamAcceptInviteOrRequestAccess(ctx context.Context, __arg TeamAcceptInviteOrRequestAccessArg) (res TeamAcceptOrRequestResult, err error)
- func (c TeamsClient) TeamAddEmailsBulk(ctx context.Context, __arg TeamAddEmailsBulkArg) (res BulkRes, err error)
- func (c TeamsClient) TeamAddMember(ctx context.Context, __arg TeamAddMemberArg) (res TeamAddMemberResult, err error)
- func (c TeamsClient) TeamChangeMembership(ctx context.Context, __arg TeamChangeMembershipArg) (err error)
- func (c TeamsClient) TeamCreate(ctx context.Context, __arg TeamCreateArg) (res TeamCreateResult, err error)
- func (c TeamsClient) TeamCreateSeitanToken(ctx context.Context, __arg TeamCreateSeitanTokenArg) (res SeitanIKey, err error)
- func (c TeamsClient) TeamCreateSeitanTokenV2(ctx context.Context, __arg TeamCreateSeitanTokenV2Arg) (res SeitanIKeyV2, err error)
- func (c TeamsClient) TeamCreateWithSettings(ctx context.Context, __arg TeamCreateWithSettingsArg) (res TeamCreateResult, err error)
- func (c TeamsClient) TeamDebug(ctx context.Context, teamID TeamID) (res TeamDebugRes, err error)
- func (c TeamsClient) TeamDelete(ctx context.Context, __arg TeamDeleteArg) (err error)
- func (c TeamsClient) TeamEditMember(ctx context.Context, __arg TeamEditMemberArg) (err error)
- func (c TeamsClient) TeamGet(ctx context.Context, __arg TeamGetArg) (res TeamDetails, err error)
- func (c TeamsClient) TeamIgnoreRequest(ctx context.Context, __arg TeamIgnoreRequestArg) (err error)
- func (c TeamsClient) TeamImplicitAdmins(ctx context.Context, __arg TeamImplicitAdminsArg) (res []TeamMemberDetails, err error)
- func (c TeamsClient) TeamLeave(ctx context.Context, __arg TeamLeaveArg) (err error)
- func (c TeamsClient) TeamListMyAccessRequests(ctx context.Context, __arg TeamListMyAccessRequestsArg) (res []TeamName, err error)
- func (c TeamsClient) TeamListRequests(ctx context.Context, __arg TeamListRequestsArg) (res []TeamJoinRequest, err error)
- func (c TeamsClient) TeamListSubteamsRecursive(ctx context.Context, __arg TeamListSubteamsRecursiveArg) (res []TeamIDAndName, err error)
- func (c TeamsClient) TeamListTeammates(ctx context.Context, __arg TeamListTeammatesArg) (res AnnotatedTeamList, err error)
- func (c TeamsClient) TeamListUnverified(ctx context.Context, __arg TeamListUnverifiedArg) (res AnnotatedTeamList, err error)
- func (c TeamsClient) TeamListVerified(ctx context.Context, __arg TeamListVerifiedArg) (res AnnotatedTeamList, err error)
- func (c TeamsClient) TeamReAddMemberAfterReset(ctx context.Context, __arg TeamReAddMemberAfterResetArg) (err error)
- func (c TeamsClient) TeamRemoveMember(ctx context.Context, __arg TeamRemoveMemberArg) (err error)
- func (c TeamsClient) TeamRename(ctx context.Context, __arg TeamRenameArg) (err error)
- func (c TeamsClient) TeamRequestAccess(ctx context.Context, __arg TeamRequestAccessArg) (res TeamRequestAccessResult, err error)
- func (c TeamsClient) TeamRotateKey(ctx context.Context, teamID TeamID) (err error)
- func (c TeamsClient) TeamSetSettings(ctx context.Context, __arg TeamSetSettingsArg) (err error)
- func (c TeamsClient) TeamTree(ctx context.Context, __arg TeamTreeArg) (res TeamTreeResult, err error)
- func (c TeamsClient) TryDecryptWithTeamKey(ctx context.Context, __arg TryDecryptWithTeamKeyArg) (res []byte, err error)
- func (c TeamsClient) UploadTeamAvatar(ctx context.Context, __arg UploadTeamAvatarArg) (err error)
- type TeamsInterface
- type TeamsUiClient
- type TeamsUiInterface
- type Test
- type TestArg
- type TestCallbackArg
- type TestClient
- type TestInterface
- type Text
- type Time
- type TlfClient
- func (c TlfClient) CompleteAndCanonicalizePrivateTlfName(ctx context.Context, query TLFQuery) (res CanonicalTLFNameAndIDWithBreaks, err error)
- func (c TlfClient) CryptKeys(ctx context.Context, query TLFQuery) (res GetTLFCryptKeysRes, err error)
- func (c TlfClient) PublicCanonicalTLFNameAndID(ctx context.Context, query TLFQuery) (res CanonicalTLFNameAndIDWithBreaks, err error)
- type TlfInterface
- type TlfKeysClient
- type TlfKeysInterface
- type ToStatusAble
- type TraceArg
- type TrackArg
- type TrackClient
- func (c TrackClient) CheckTracking(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (err error)
- func (c TrackClient) DismissWithToken(ctx context.Context, __arg DismissWithTokenArg) (err error)
- func (c TrackClient) FakeTrackingChanged(ctx context.Context, __arg FakeTrackingChangedArg) (err error)
- func (c TrackClient) Track(ctx context.Context, __arg TrackArg) (res ConfirmResult, err error)
- func (c TrackClient) TrackWithToken(ctx context.Context, __arg TrackWithTokenArg) (err error)
- func (c TrackClient) Untrack(ctx context.Context, __arg UntrackArg) (err error)
- type TrackDiff
- type TrackDiffType
- type TrackInterface
- type TrackOptions
- type TrackProof
- type TrackStatus
- type TrackSummary
- type TrackToken
- type TrackWithTokenArg
- type Tracker
- type TrackingChangedArg
- type TruncateLockArg
- type TruncateUnlockArg
- type TryDecryptWithTeamKeyArg
- type UID
- func (u UID) AsUserOrTeam() UserOrTeamID
- func (o UID) DeepCopy() UID
- func (u UID) Equal(v UID) bool
- func (u UID) Exists() bool
- func (u UID) IsNil() bool
- func (u UID) Less(v UID) bool
- func (u *UID) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (u UID) NotEqual(v UID) bool
- func (u UID) Size() int
- func (u UID) String() string
- func (u UID) ToBytes() []byte
- func (u *UID) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
- type UPAKVersion
- type UPAKVersioned
- type UPK2MinorVersion
- type UPKClient
- type UPKInterface
- type UiClient
- type UiInterface
- type UnboxAnyRes
- type UnboxBytes32AnyArg
- type UnboxBytes32Arg
- type UninstallKBFSArg
- type UninstallResult
- type UnixTime
- func (u UnixTime) After(u2 UnixTime) bool
- func (u UnixTime) Before(u2 UnixTime) bool
- func (o UnixTime) DeepCopy() UnixTime
- func (u UnixTime) IsZero() bool
- func (u UnixTime) Time() time.Time
- func (u UnixTime) UnixMicroseconds() int64
- func (u UnixTime) UnixMilliseconds() int64
- func (u UnixTime) UnixSeconds() int64
- type UnlockArg
- type UnlockWithPassphraseArg
- type UntrackArg
- type Update
- type UpdateAction
- type UpdateAppInUseAction
- type UpdateAppInUseArg
- type UpdateAppInUseRes
- type UpdateAppStateArg
- type UpdateArg
- type UpdateCategoryArg
- type UpdateCheckArg
- type UpdateClient
- type UpdateCommonClient
- type UpdateCommonInterface
- type UpdateInterface
- type UpdateItemArg
- type UpdateOptions
- type UpdatePromptArg
- type UpdatePromptOptions
- type UpdatePromptRes
- type UpdateQuitArg
- type UpdateQuitRes
- type UpdateResult
- type UpdateType
- type UpdateUiClient
- func (c UpdateUiClient) UpdateAppInUse(ctx context.Context, __arg UpdateAppInUseArg) (res UpdateAppInUseRes, err error)
- func (c UpdateUiClient) UpdatePrompt(ctx context.Context, __arg UpdatePromptArg) (res UpdatePromptRes, err error)
- func (c UpdateUiClient) UpdateQuit(ctx context.Context, __arg UpdateQuitArg) (res UpdateQuitRes, err error)
- type UpdateUiInterface
- type UploadTeamAvatarArg
- type UploadUserAvatarArg
- type User
- type UserCard
- type UserChangedArg
- type UserClient
- func (c UserClient) FindNextMerkleRootAfterReset(ctx context.Context, __arg FindNextMerkleRootAfterResetArg) (res NextMerkleRootRes, err error)
- func (c UserClient) FindNextMerkleRootAfterRevoke(ctx context.Context, __arg FindNextMerkleRootAfterRevokeArg) (res NextMerkleRootRes, err error)
- func (c UserClient) GetUPAK(ctx context.Context, uid UID) (res UPAKVersioned, err error)
- func (c UserClient) InterestingPeople(ctx context.Context, maxUsers int) (res []InterestingPerson, err error)
- func (c UserClient) ListTrackers(ctx context.Context, __arg ListTrackersArg) (res []Tracker, err error)
- func (c UserClient) ListTrackers2(ctx context.Context, __arg ListTrackers2Arg) (res UserSummary2Set, err error)
- func (c UserClient) ListTrackersByName(ctx context.Context, __arg ListTrackersByNameArg) (res []Tracker, err error)
- func (c UserClient) ListTrackersSelf(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (res []Tracker, err error)
- func (c UserClient) ListTracking(ctx context.Context, __arg ListTrackingArg) (res []UserSummary, err error)
- func (c UserClient) ListTrackingJSON(ctx context.Context, __arg ListTrackingJSONArg) (res string, err error)
- func (c UserClient) LoadAllPublicKeysUnverified(ctx context.Context, __arg LoadAllPublicKeysUnverifiedArg) (res []PublicKey, err error)
- func (c UserClient) LoadMyPublicKeys(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (res []PublicKey, err error)
- func (c UserClient) LoadMySettings(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (res UserSettings, err error)
- func (c UserClient) LoadPublicKeys(ctx context.Context, __arg LoadPublicKeysArg) (res []PublicKey, err error)
- func (c UserClient) LoadUncheckedUserSummaries(ctx context.Context, __arg LoadUncheckedUserSummariesArg) (res []UserSummary, err error)
- func (c UserClient) LoadUser(ctx context.Context, __arg LoadUserArg) (res User, err error)
- func (c UserClient) LoadUserByName(ctx context.Context, __arg LoadUserByNameArg) (res User, err error)
- func (c UserClient) LoadUserPlusKeys(ctx context.Context, __arg LoadUserPlusKeysArg) (res UserPlusKeys, err error)
- func (c UserClient) LoadUserPlusKeysV2(ctx context.Context, __arg LoadUserPlusKeysV2Arg) (res UserPlusKeysV2AllIncarnations, err error)
- func (c UserClient) MeUserVersion(ctx context.Context, __arg MeUserVersionArg) (res UserVersion, err error)
- func (c UserClient) ProfileEdit(ctx context.Context, __arg ProfileEditArg) (err error)
- func (c UserClient) Search(ctx context.Context, __arg SearchArg) (res []SearchResult, err error)
- func (c UserClient) UploadUserAvatar(ctx context.Context, __arg UploadUserAvatarArg) (err error)
- type UserEk
- type UserEkBoxMetadata
- type UserEkBoxed
- type UserEkMetadata
- type UserEkStatement
- type UserInterface
- type UserLogPoint
- type UserOrTeamID
- func (ut UserOrTeamID) AsTeam() (TeamID, error)
- func (ut UserOrTeamID) AsTeamOrBust() TeamID
- func (ut UserOrTeamID) AsUser() (UID, error)
- func (ut UserOrTeamID) AsUserOrBust() UID
- func (ut UserOrTeamID) Compare(ut2 UserOrTeamID) int
- func (o UserOrTeamID) DeepCopy() UserOrTeamID
- func (ut UserOrTeamID) Equal(v UserOrTeamID) bool
- func (ut UserOrTeamID) Exists() bool
- func (ut UserOrTeamID) GetShard(shardCount int) (int, error)
- func (ut UserOrTeamID) IsNil() bool
- func (ut UserOrTeamID) IsPublic() bool
- func (ut UserOrTeamID) IsSubteam() bool
- func (ut UserOrTeamID) IsTeam() bool
- func (ut UserOrTeamID) IsTeamOrSubteam() bool
- func (ut UserOrTeamID) IsUser() bool
- func (ut UserOrTeamID) IsValidID() bool
- func (ut UserOrTeamID) Less(v UserOrTeamID) bool
- func (ut UserOrTeamID) NotEqual(v UserOrTeamID) bool
- func (ut UserOrTeamID) Size() int
- func (ut UserOrTeamID) String() string
- func (ut UserOrTeamID) ToBytes() []byte
- type UserOrTeamLite
- type UserOrTeamResult
- type UserPlusAllKeys
- func (o UserPlusAllKeys) DeepCopy() UserPlusAllKeys
- func (u UserPlusAllKeys) Export() *User
- func (u UserPlusAllKeys) FindDevice(d DeviceID) *PublicKey
- func (u UserPlusAllKeys) GetDeviceID(kid KID) (ret DeviceID, err error)
- func (u UserPlusAllKeys) GetName() string
- func (u UserPlusAllKeys) GetRemoteTrack(s string) *RemoteTrack
- func (u UserPlusAllKeys) GetStatus() StatusCode
- func (u UserPlusAllKeys) GetUID() UID
- func (u UserPlusAllKeys) IsOlderThan(v UserPlusAllKeys) bool
- type UserPlusKeys
- type UserPlusKeysV2
- func (o UserPlusKeysV2) DeepCopy() UserPlusKeysV2
- func (u UserPlusKeysV2) FindDeviceKey(needle KID) *PublicKeyV2NaCl
- func (u UserPlusKeysV2) FindEncryptionDeviceKeyFromSigningKID(parent KID) *PublicKeyV2NaCl
- func (u UserPlusKeysV2) FindEncryptionKIDFromDeviceID(deviceID DeviceID) KID
- func (u UserPlusKeysV2) FindEncryptionKIDFromSigningKID(parent KID) KID
- func (u UserPlusKeysV2) FindSigningDeviceKID(d DeviceID) (KID, string)
- func (u UserPlusKeysV2) FindSigningDeviceKey(d DeviceID) *PublicKeyV2NaCl
- func (u UserPlusKeysV2) GetLatestPerUserKey() *PerUserKey
- func (u UserPlusKeysV2) GetName() string
- func (u UserPlusKeysV2) GetPerUserKeyByGen(gen PerUserKeyGeneration) *PerUserKey
- func (u UserPlusKeysV2) GetUID() UID
- func (u UserPlusKeysV2) ToUserVersion() UserVersion
- type UserPlusKeysV2AllIncarnations
- func (u UserPlusKeysV2AllIncarnations) AllDeviceNames() []string
- func (u UserPlusKeysV2AllIncarnations) AllIncarnations() (ret []UserPlusKeysV2)
- func (o UserPlusKeysV2AllIncarnations) DeepCopy() UserPlusKeysV2AllIncarnations
- func (u UserPlusKeysV2AllIncarnations) FindDevice(d DeviceID) *PublicKeyV2NaCl
- func (u UserPlusKeysV2AllIncarnations) FindKID(kid KID) (*UserPlusKeysV2, *PublicKeyV2NaCl)
- func (u UserPlusKeysV2AllIncarnations) HasKID(kid KID) bool
- func (u UserPlusKeysV2AllIncarnations) IsOlderThan(v UserPlusKeysV2AllIncarnations) bool
- type UserResolution
- type UserSettings
- type UserSummary
- type UserSummary2
- type UserSummary2Set
- type UserTeamShowcase
- type UserVersion
- type UserVersionPercentForm
- type UserVersionVector
- type VerifyMerkleRootAndKBFSArg
- type VerifySessionArg
- type VerifySessionRes
- type WaitForClientArg
- type WantToAddGPGKeyArg
- type WebProof
- type WriteArg
- type WriteArgs
Constants ¶
const ( SIG_ID_LEN = 32 SIG_ID_SUFFIX = 0x0f SIG_SHORT_ID_BYTES = 27 SigIDQueryMin = 8 )
const ( DeviceIDLen = 16 DeviceIDSuffix = 0x18 DeviceIDSuffixHex = "18" )
const ( KidLen = 35 // bytes KidSuffix = 0x0a // a byte KidVersion = 0x1 )
const ( // MDPriorityDefault is the priority of zero. It's implicitly used by all // old clients, and has lowest priority. MDPriorityDefault MDPriority = 0 // MDPriorityNormal is the priority used for normal KBFS metadata writes. MDPriorityNormal = 8 // MDPriorityGit is the priority used for metadata writes triggered by git // remote helpers. MDPriorityGit = 32 )
MDPriority is the type for the priority field of a metadata put. mdserver prioritizes MD writes with higher priority when multiple happen at the same time, for the same TLF.
const ImplicitSuffixLengthBytes = 16
const ImplicitTeamPrefix = "__keybase_implicit_team__"
const ( // LockIDVersion0 is the first ever version for lock ID format. LockIDVersion0 byte = iota )
Variables ¶
var AppStateMap = map[string]AppState{
var AppStateRevMap = map[AppState]string{
var AsyncOpsMap = map[string]AsyncOps{
"LIST": 0,
"READ": 2,
"WRITE": 3,
"COPY": 4,
"MOVE": 5,
"REMOVE": 6,
var AsyncOpsRevMap = map[AsyncOps]string{
0: "LIST",
2: "READ",
3: "WRITE",
4: "COPY",
5: "MOVE",
6: "REMOVE",
var BlockTypeMap = map[string]BlockType{
"DATA": 0,
"MD": 1,
"GIT": 2,
var BlockTypeRevMap = map[BlockType]string{
0: "DATA",
1: "MD",
2: "GIT",
var CheckResultFreshnessMap = map[string]CheckResultFreshness{
"FRESH": 0,
"AGED": 1,
"RANCID": 2,
var CheckResultFreshnessRevMap = map[CheckResultFreshness]string{
0: "FRESH",
1: "AGED",
2: "RANCID",
var ChooseTypeMap = map[string]ChooseType{
var ChooseTypeRevMap = map[ChooseType]string{
var ClientTypeMap = map[string]ClientType{
"NONE": 0,
"CLI": 1,
"GUI_MAIN": 2,
"KBFS": 3,
var ClientTypeRevMap = map[ClientType]string{
0: "NONE",
1: "CLI",
2: "GUI_MAIN",
3: "KBFS",
var DbTypeMap = map[string]DbType{
"MAIN": 0,
"CHAT": 1,
var DbTypeRevMap = map[DbType]string{
0: "MAIN",
1: "CHAT",
var DeviceTypeMap = map[string]DeviceType{
"MOBILE": 1,
var DeviceTypeRevMap = map[DeviceType]string{
1: "MOBILE",
var DirentTypeMap = map[string]DirentType{
"FILE": 0,
"DIR": 1,
"SYM": 2,
"EXEC": 3,
var DirentTypeRevMap = map[DirentType]string{
0: "FILE",
1: "DIR",
2: "SYM",
3: "EXEC",
var DismissReasonTypeMap = map[string]DismissReasonType{
"NONE": 0,
var DismissReasonTypeRevMap = map[DismissReasonType]string{
0: "NONE",
var ExitCodeMap = map[string]ExitCode{
"OK": 0,
"NOTOK": 2,
var ExitCodeRevMap = map[ExitCode]string{
0: "OK",
2: "NOTOK",
var FSErrorTypeMap = map[string]FSErrorType{
var FSErrorTypeRevMap = map[FSErrorType]string{
var FSNotificationTypeMap = map[string]FSNotificationType{
var FSNotificationTypeRevMap = map[FSNotificationType]string{
var FSStatusCodeMap = map[string]FSStatusCode{
"START": 0,
"FINISH": 1,
"ERROR": 2,
var FSStatusCodeRevMap = map[FSStatusCode]string{
0: "START",
1: "FINISH",
2: "ERROR",
var FileTypeMap = map[string]FileType{
"FILE": 2,
var FileTypeRevMap = map[FileType]string{
2: "FILE",
var FolderTypeMap = map[string]FolderType{
"PUBLIC": 2,
"TEAM": 3,
var FolderTypeRevMap = map[FolderType]string{
2: "PUBLIC",
3: "TEAM",
var ForkTypeMap = map[string]ForkType{
"NONE": 0,
"AUTO": 1,
var ForkTypeRevMap = map[ForkType]string{
0: "NONE",
1: "AUTO",
var FullNamePackageVersionMap = map[string]FullNamePackageVersion{
"V0": 0,
"V1": 1,
var FullNamePackageVersionRevMap = map[FullNamePackageVersion]string{
0: "V0",
1: "V1",
var GPGMethodMap = map[string]GPGMethod{
"GPG_NONE": 0,
"GPG_SIGN": 2,
var GPGMethodRevMap = map[GPGMethod]string{
0: "GPG_NONE",
2: "GPG_SIGN",
var GitLocalMetadataVersionMap = map[string]GitLocalMetadataVersion{
"V1": 1,
var GitLocalMetadataVersionRevMap = map[GitLocalMetadataVersion]string{
1: "V1",
var GitPushTypeMap = map[string]GitPushType{
var GitPushTypeRevMap = map[GitPushType]string{
var GitRepoResultStateMap = map[string]GitRepoResultState{
"ERR": 0,
"OK": 1,
var GitRepoResultStateRevMap = map[GitRepoResultState]string{
0: "ERR",
1: "OK",
var HomeScreenItemTypeMap = map[string]HomeScreenItemType{
"TODO": 1,
"PEOPLE": 2,
var HomeScreenItemTypeRevMap = map[HomeScreenItemType]string{
1: "TODO",
2: "PEOPLE",
var HomeScreenPeopleNotificationTypeMap = map[string]HomeScreenPeopleNotificationType{
var HomeScreenPeopleNotificationTypeRevMap = map[HomeScreenPeopleNotificationType]string{
var HomeScreenTodoTypeMap = map[string]HomeScreenTodoType{
"NONE": 0,
"BIO": 1,
"PROOF": 2,
"DEVICE": 3,
"FOLLOW": 4,
"CHAT": 5,
"TEAM": 7,
"FOLDER": 8,
"GIT_REPO": 9,
var HomeScreenTodoTypeRevMap = map[HomeScreenTodoType]string{
0: "NONE",
1: "BIO",
2: "PROOF",
3: "DEVICE",
4: "FOLLOW",
5: "CHAT",
7: "TEAM",
8: "FOLDER",
9: "GIT_REPO",
var IdentifyReasonTypeMap = map[string]IdentifyReasonType{
"NONE": 0,
"ID": 1,
"TRACK": 2,
"VERIFY": 5,
var IdentifyReasonTypeRevMap = map[IdentifyReasonType]string{
0: "NONE",
1: "ID",
2: "TRACK",
5: "VERIFY",
var InstallActionMap = map[string]InstallAction{
"NONE": 1,
var InstallActionRevMap = map[InstallAction]string{
1: "NONE",
var InstallStatusMap = map[string]InstallStatus{
"ERROR": 1,
var InstallStatusRevMap = map[InstallStatus]string{
1: "ERROR",
var KeyTypeMap = map[string]KeyType{
"NONE": 0,
"NACL": 1,
"PGP": 2,
var KeyTypeRevMap = map[KeyType]string{
0: "NONE",
1: "NACL",
2: "PGP",
var ListFilterMap = map[string]ListFilter{
var ListFilterRevMap = map[ListFilter]string{
var LogLevelMap = map[string]LogLevel{
"NONE": 0,
"DEBUG": 1,
"INFO": 2,
"NOTICE": 3,
"WARN": 4,
"ERROR": 5,
"FATAL": 7,
var LogLevelRevMap = map[LogLevel]string{
0: "NONE",
1: "DEBUG",
2: "INFO",
3: "NOTICE",
4: "WARN",
5: "ERROR",
7: "FATAL",
var MerkleTreeIDMap = map[string]MerkleTreeID{
"MASTER": 0,
var MerkleTreeIDRevMap = map[MerkleTreeID]string{
0: "MASTER",
var OpenFlagsMap = map[string]OpenFlags{
"READ": 0,
"WRITE": 4,
"APPEND": 8,
var OpenFlagsRevMap = map[OpenFlags]string{
0: "READ",
4: "WRITE",
8: "APPEND",
var OutcomeMap = map[string]Outcome{
"NONE": 0,
"FIXED": 1,
var OutcomeRevMap = map[Outcome]string{
0: "NONE",
1: "FIXED",
var PassphraseTypeMap = map[string]PassphraseType{
"NONE": 0,
var PassphraseTypeRevMap = map[PassphraseType]string{
0: "NONE",
var PathTypeMap = map[string]PathType{
"LOCAL": 0,
"KBFS": 1,
var PathTypeRevMap = map[PathType]string{
0: "LOCAL",
1: "KBFS",
var PromptDefaultMap = map[string]PromptDefault{
"NONE": 0,
"YES": 1,
"NO": 2,
var PromptDefaultRevMap = map[PromptDefault]string{
0: "NONE",
1: "YES",
2: "NO",
var PromptOverwriteTypeMap = map[string]PromptOverwriteType{
"SOCIAL": 0,
"SITE": 1,
var PromptOverwriteTypeRevMap = map[PromptOverwriteType]string{
0: "SOCIAL",
1: "SITE",
var ProofStateMap = map[string]ProofState{
"NONE": 0,
"OK": 1,
"POSTED": 6,
var ProofStateRevMap = map[ProofState]string{
0: "NONE",
1: "OK",
6: "POSTED",
var ProofStatusMap = map[string]ProofStatus{
"NONE": 0,
"OK": 1,
"LOCAL": 2,
"FOUND": 3,
"BASE_ERROR": 100,
"DNS_ERROR": 107,
"HTTP_429": 129,
"HTTP_500": 150,
"TIMEOUT": 160,
"NOT_FOUND": 201,
"BAD_ARGS": 206,
"HTTP_300": 230,
"HTTP_400": 240,
"HTTP_OTHER": 260,
"EMPTY_JSON": 270,
"DELETED": 301,
"BAD_API_URL": 304,
"NO_HINT": 306,
var ProofStatusRevMap = map[ProofStatus]string{
0: "NONE",
1: "OK",
2: "LOCAL",
3: "FOUND",
100: "BASE_ERROR",
107: "DNS_ERROR",
129: "HTTP_429",
150: "HTTP_500",
160: "TIMEOUT",
201: "NOT_FOUND",
206: "BAD_ARGS",
230: "HTTP_300",
240: "HTTP_400",
260: "HTTP_OTHER",
270: "EMPTY_JSON",
301: "DELETED",
304: "BAD_API_URL",
306: "NO_HINT",
var ProofTypeMap = map[string]ProofType{
"NONE": 0,
"GITHUB": 3,
"REDDIT": 4,
"DNS": 1001,
"PGP": 1002,
"ROOTER": 100001,
var ProofTypeRevMap = map[ProofType]string{
0: "NONE",
3: "GITHUB",
4: "REDDIT",
1001: "DNS",
1002: "PGP",
100001: "ROOTER",
var ProvisionMethodMap = map[string]ProvisionMethod{
"DEVICE": 0,
"GPG_SIGN": 4,
var ProvisionMethodRevMap = map[ProvisionMethod]string{
0: "DEVICE",
4: "GPG_SIGN",
UID for the special "public" user.
var PushReasonMap = map[string]PushReason{
"NONE": 0,
"NEW_DATA": 2,
var PushReasonRevMap = map[PushReason]string{
0: "NONE",
2: "NEW_DATA",
var ReachableMap = map[string]Reachable{
"YES": 1,
"NO": 2,
var ReachableRevMap = map[Reachable]string{
1: "YES",
2: "NO",
var RekeyEventTypeMap = map[string]RekeyEventType{
"NONE": 0,
"HARASS": 7,
var RekeyEventTypeRevMap = map[RekeyEventType]string{
0: "NONE",
7: "HARASS",
var ResetTypeMap = map[string]ResetType{
"NONE": 0,
"RESET": 1,
"DELETE": 2,
var ResetTypeRevMap = map[ResetType]string{
0: "NONE",
1: "RESET",
2: "DELETE",
var SaltpackSenderTypeMap = map[string]SaltpackSenderType{
"SELF": 5,
var SaltpackSenderTypeRevMap = map[SaltpackSenderType]string{
5: "SELF",
var SeitanKeyAndLabelVersionMap = map[string]SeitanKeyAndLabelVersion{
"V1": 1,
"V2": 2,
var SeitanKeyAndLabelVersionRevMap = map[SeitanKeyAndLabelVersion]string{
1: "V1",
2: "V2",
var SeitanKeyLabelTypeMap = map[string]SeitanKeyLabelType{
"SMS": 1,
var SeitanKeyLabelTypeRevMap = map[SeitanKeyLabelType]string{
1: "SMS",
var SeqTypeMap = map[string]SeqType{
"PUBLIC": 1,
var SeqTypeRevMap = map[SeqType]string{
1: "PUBLIC",
var SignModeMap = map[string]SignMode{
"CLEAR": 2,
var SignModeRevMap = map[SignMode]string{
2: "CLEAR",
var StatusCodeMap = map[string]StatusCode{}/* 160 elements not displayed */
var StatusCodeRevMap = map[StatusCode]string{}/* 160 elements not displayed */
var TLFIdentifyBehaviorMap = map[string]TLFIdentifyBehavior{
"UNSET": 0,
"CHAT_CLI": 1,
"CHAT_GUI": 2,
"KBFS_QR": 5,
"CLI": 8,
"GUI": 9,
"KBFS_CHAT": 11,
var TLFIdentifyBehaviorRevMap = map[TLFIdentifyBehavior]string{
0: "UNSET",
1: "CHAT_CLI",
2: "CHAT_GUI",
5: "KBFS_QR",
8: "CLI",
9: "GUI",
11: "KBFS_CHAT",
var TLFVisibilityMap = map[string]TLFVisibility{
"ANY": 0,
"PUBLIC": 1,
var TLFVisibilityRevMap = map[TLFVisibility]string{
0: "ANY",
1: "PUBLIC",
var TeamApplicationMap = map[string]TeamApplication{
"KBFS": 1,
"CHAT": 2,
var TeamApplicationRevMap = map[TeamApplication]string{
1: "KBFS",
2: "CHAT",
var TeamInviteCategoryMap = map[string]TeamInviteCategory{
"NONE": 0,
"EMAIL": 3,
"SBS": 4,
"SEITAN": 5,
var TeamInviteCategoryRevMap = map[TeamInviteCategory]string{
0: "NONE",
3: "EMAIL",
4: "SBS",
5: "SEITAN",
var TeamRoleMap = map[string]TeamRole{
"NONE": 0,
"READER": 1,
"WRITER": 2,
"ADMIN": 3,
"OWNER": 4,
var TeamRoleRevMap = map[TeamRole]string{
0: "NONE",
1: "READER",
2: "WRITER",
3: "ADMIN",
4: "OWNER",
var TeamStatusMap = map[string]TeamStatus{
"NONE": 0,
"LIVE": 1,
var TeamStatusRevMap = map[TeamStatus]string{
0: "NONE",
1: "LIVE",
var TeamTypeMap = map[string]TeamType{
"NONE": 0,
"LEGACY": 1,
"MODERN": 2,
var TeamTypeRevMap = map[TeamType]string{
0: "NONE",
1: "LEGACY",
2: "MODERN",
var TrackDiffTypeMap = map[string]TrackDiffType{
"NONE": 0,
"ERROR": 1,
"CLASH": 2,
"NEW": 5,
var TrackDiffTypeRevMap = map[TrackDiffType]string{
0: "NONE",
1: "ERROR",
2: "CLASH",
5: "NEW",
var TrackStatusMap = map[string]TrackStatus{
"NEW_OK": 1,
var TrackStatusRevMap = map[TrackStatus]string{
1: "NEW_OK",
var UPAKVersionMap = map[string]UPAKVersion{
"V1": 1,
"V2": 2,
var UPAKVersionRevMap = map[UPAKVersion]string{
1: "V1",
2: "V2",
var UPK2MinorVersionMap = map[string]UPK2MinorVersion{
"V0": 0,
"V1": 1,
"V2": 2,
"V3": 3,
"V4": 4,
"V5": 5,
"V6": 6,
var UPK2MinorVersionRevMap = map[UPK2MinorVersion]string{
0: "V0",
1: "V1",
2: "V2",
3: "V3",
4: "V4",
5: "V5",
6: "V6",
var UserOrTeamResultMap = map[string]UserOrTeamResult{
"USER": 1,
"TEAM": 2,
var UserOrTeamResultRevMap = map[UserOrTeamResult]string{
1: "USER",
2: "TEAM",
Functions ¶
func AccountProtocol ¶
func AccountProtocol(i AccountInterface) rpc.Protocol
func ApiserverProtocol ¶
func ApiserverProtocol(i ApiserverInterface) rpc.Protocol
func AppStateProtocol ¶ added in v1.0.27
func AppStateProtocol(i AppStateInterface) rpc.Protocol
func AvatarsProtocol ¶ added in v1.0.46
func AvatarsProtocol(i AvatarsInterface) rpc.Protocol
func BTCProtocol ¶
func BTCProtocol(i BTCInterface) rpc.Protocol
func BackendCommonProtocol ¶
func BackendCommonProtocol(i BackendCommonInterface) rpc.Protocol
func BadgerProtocol ¶ added in v1.0.27
func BadgerProtocol(i BadgerInterface) rpc.Protocol
func BlockProtocol ¶
func BlockProtocol(i BlockInterface) rpc.Protocol
func CommonProtocol ¶
func CommonProtocol(i CommonInterface) rpc.Protocol
func ConfigProtocol ¶
func ConfigProtocol(i ConfigInterface) rpc.Protocol
func ConstantsProtocol ¶
func ConstantsProtocol(i ConstantsInterface) rpc.Protocol
func CryptoProtocol ¶
func CryptoProtocol(i CryptoInterface) rpc.Protocol
func CryptocurrencyProtocol ¶ added in v1.0.19
func CryptocurrencyProtocol(i CryptocurrencyInterface) rpc.Protocol
func CtlProtocol ¶
func CtlProtocol(i CtlInterface) rpc.Protocol
func DebuggingProtocol ¶
func DebuggingProtocol(i DebuggingInterface) rpc.Protocol
func DelegateUiCtlProtocol ¶
func DelegateUiCtlProtocol(i DelegateUiCtlInterface) rpc.Protocol
func DeviceProtocol ¶
func DeviceProtocol(i DeviceInterface) rpc.Protocol
func EphemeralProtocol ¶ added in v1.0.46
func EphemeralProtocol(i EphemeralInterface) rpc.Protocol
func FavoriteProtocol ¶
func FavoriteProtocol(i FavoriteInterface) rpc.Protocol
func FormatTime ¶
func FormatUnixTime ¶ added in v1.0.46
func FromUnixTime ¶ added in v1.0.46
func FsProtocol ¶
func FsProtocol(i FsInterface) rpc.Protocol
func GitProtocol ¶ added in v1.0.29
func GitProtocol(i GitInterface) rpc.Protocol
func GpgCommonProtocol ¶
func GpgCommonProtocol(i GpgCommonInterface) rpc.Protocol
func GpgUiProtocol ¶
func GpgUiProtocol(i GpgUiInterface) rpc.Protocol
func GregorProtocol ¶
func GregorProtocol(i GregorInterface) rpc.Protocol
func GregorUIProtocol ¶
func GregorUIProtocol(i GregorUIInterface) rpc.Protocol
func HomeProtocol ¶ added in v1.0.34
func HomeProtocol(i HomeInterface) rpc.Protocol
func HomeUIProtocol ¶ added in v1.0.40
func HomeUIProtocol(i HomeUIInterface) rpc.Protocol
func IdentifyCommonProtocol ¶
func IdentifyCommonProtocol(i IdentifyCommonInterface) rpc.Protocol
func IdentifyProtocol ¶
func IdentifyProtocol(i IdentifyInterface) rpc.Protocol
func IdentifyUiProtocol ¶
func IdentifyUiProtocol(i IdentifyUiInterface) rpc.Protocol
func ImplicitTeamMigrationProtocol ¶ added in v1.0.39
func ImplicitTeamMigrationProtocol(i ImplicitTeamMigrationInterface) rpc.Protocol
func InstallProtocol ¶
func InstallProtocol(i InstallInterface) rpc.Protocol
func KBFSGitProtocol ¶ added in v1.0.30
func KBFSGitProtocol(i KBFSGitInterface) rpc.Protocol
func KbfsCommonProtocol ¶
func KbfsCommonProtocol(i KbfsCommonInterface) rpc.Protocol
func KbfsMountProtocol ¶ added in v1.0.19
func KbfsMountProtocol(i KbfsMountInterface) rpc.Protocol
func KbfsProtocol ¶
func KbfsProtocol(i KbfsInterface) rpc.Protocol
func Kex2Provisionee2Protocol ¶
func Kex2Provisionee2Protocol(i Kex2Provisionee2Interface) rpc.Protocol
func Kex2ProvisioneeProtocol ¶
func Kex2ProvisioneeProtocol(i Kex2ProvisioneeInterface) rpc.Protocol
func Kex2ProvisionerProtocol ¶
func Kex2ProvisionerProtocol(i Kex2ProvisionerInterface) rpc.Protocol
func LogProtocol ¶
func LogProtocol(i LogInterface) rpc.Protocol
func LogUiProtocol ¶
func LogUiProtocol(i LogUiInterface) rpc.Protocol
func LoginProtocol ¶
func LoginProtocol(i LoginInterface) rpc.Protocol
func LoginUiProtocol ¶
func LoginUiProtocol(i LoginUiInterface) rpc.Protocol
func LogsendProtocol ¶ added in v1.0.19
func LogsendProtocol(i LogsendInterface) rpc.Protocol
func MerkleProtocol ¶ added in v1.0.27
func MerkleProtocol(i MerkleInterface) rpc.Protocol
func MetadataProtocol ¶
func MetadataProtocol(i MetadataInterface) rpc.Protocol
func MetadataUpdateProtocol ¶
func MetadataUpdateProtocol(i MetadataUpdateInterface) rpc.Protocol
func NotifyAppProtocol ¶
func NotifyAppProtocol(i NotifyAppInterface) rpc.Protocol
func NotifyBadgesProtocol ¶ added in v1.0.19
func NotifyBadgesProtocol(i NotifyBadgesInterface) rpc.Protocol
func NotifyCtlProtocol ¶
func NotifyCtlProtocol(i NotifyCtlInterface) rpc.Protocol
func NotifyEphemeralProtocol ¶ added in v1.0.46
func NotifyEphemeralProtocol(i NotifyEphemeralInterface) rpc.Protocol
func NotifyFSProtocol ¶
func NotifyFSProtocol(i NotifyFSInterface) rpc.Protocol
func NotifyFSRequestProtocol ¶
func NotifyFSRequestProtocol(i NotifyFSRequestInterface) rpc.Protocol
func NotifyFavoritesProtocol ¶
func NotifyFavoritesProtocol(i NotifyFavoritesInterface) rpc.Protocol
func NotifyKeyfamilyProtocol ¶
func NotifyKeyfamilyProtocol(i NotifyKeyfamilyInterface) rpc.Protocol
func NotifyPGPProtocol ¶
func NotifyPGPProtocol(i NotifyPGPInterface) rpc.Protocol
func NotifyPaperKeyProtocol ¶
func NotifyPaperKeyProtocol(i NotifyPaperKeyInterface) rpc.Protocol
func NotifyServiceProtocol ¶
func NotifyServiceProtocol(i NotifyServiceInterface) rpc.Protocol
func NotifySessionProtocol ¶
func NotifySessionProtocol(i NotifySessionInterface) rpc.Protocol
func NotifyTeamProtocol ¶ added in v1.0.27
func NotifyTeamProtocol(i NotifyTeamInterface) rpc.Protocol
func NotifyTrackingProtocol ¶
func NotifyTrackingProtocol(i NotifyTrackingInterface) rpc.Protocol
func NotifyUsersProtocol ¶
func NotifyUsersProtocol(i NotifyUsersInterface) rpc.Protocol
func PGPProtocol ¶
func PGPProtocol(i PGPInterface) rpc.Protocol
func PGPUiProtocol ¶
func PGPUiProtocol(i PGPUiInterface) rpc.Protocol
func PaperprovisionProtocol ¶
func PaperprovisionProtocol(i PaperprovisionInterface) rpc.Protocol
func PassphraseCommonProtocol ¶
func PassphraseCommonProtocol(i PassphraseCommonInterface) rpc.Protocol
func PprofProtocol ¶ added in v1.0.42
func PprofProtocol(i PprofInterface) rpc.Protocol
func ProcessProtocol ¶
func ProcessProtocol(i ProcessInterface) rpc.Protocol
func ProveCommonProtocol ¶
func ProveCommonProtocol(i ProveCommonInterface) rpc.Protocol
func ProveProtocol ¶
func ProveProtocol(i ProveInterface) rpc.Protocol
func ProveUiProtocol ¶
func ProveUiProtocol(i ProveUiInterface) rpc.Protocol
func ProvisionUiProtocol ¶
func ProvisionUiProtocol(i ProvisionUiInterface) rpc.Protocol
func QuotaProtocol ¶
func QuotaProtocol(i QuotaInterface) rpc.Protocol
func ReachabilityProtocol ¶ added in v1.0.19
func ReachabilityProtocol(i ReachabilityInterface) rpc.Protocol
func RefNames ¶ added in v1.0.40
func RefNames(refs []GitRefMetadata) string
func RekeyProtocol ¶
func RekeyProtocol(i RekeyInterface) rpc.Protocol
func RekeyUIProtocol ¶
func RekeyUIProtocol(i RekeyUIInterface) rpc.Protocol
func ResetProtocol ¶ added in v1.0.46
func ResetProtocol(i ResetInterface) rpc.Protocol
func RevokeProtocol ¶
func RevokeProtocol(i RevokeInterface) rpc.Protocol
func SaltpackProtocol ¶
func SaltpackProtocol(i SaltpackInterface) rpc.Protocol
func SaltpackUiProtocol ¶
func SaltpackUiProtocol(i SaltpackUiInterface) rpc.Protocol
func ScanProofsProtocol ¶
func ScanProofsProtocol(i ScanProofsInterface) rpc.Protocol
func SecretKeysProtocol ¶
func SecretKeysProtocol(i SecretKeysInterface) rpc.Protocol
func SecretUiProtocol ¶
func SecretUiProtocol(i SecretUiInterface) rpc.Protocol
func SessionProtocol ¶
func SessionProtocol(i SessionInterface) rpc.Protocol
func SignupProtocol ¶
func SignupProtocol(i SignupInterface) rpc.Protocol
func SigsProtocol ¶
func SigsProtocol(i SigsInterface) rpc.Protocol
func SimpleFSProtocol ¶ added in v1.0.19
func SimpleFSProtocol(i SimpleFSInterface) rpc.Protocol
func StreamUiProtocol ¶
func StreamUiProtocol(i StreamUiInterface) rpc.Protocol
func TeamsProtocol ¶ added in v1.0.27
func TeamsProtocol(i TeamsInterface) rpc.Protocol
func TeamsUiProtocol ¶ added in v1.0.27
func TeamsUiProtocol(i TeamsUiInterface) rpc.Protocol
func TestProtocol ¶
func TestProtocol(i TestInterface) rpc.Protocol
func TlfKeysProtocol ¶
func TlfKeysProtocol(i TlfKeysInterface) rpc.Protocol
func TlfProtocol ¶
func TlfProtocol(i TlfInterface) rpc.Protocol
func TotalNumberOfCommits ¶ added in v1.0.40
func TotalNumberOfCommits(refs []GitRefMetadata) (total int)
func TrackProtocol ¶
func TrackProtocol(i TrackInterface) rpc.Protocol
func UPKProtocol ¶ added in v1.0.27
func UPKProtocol(i UPKInterface) rpc.Protocol
func UiProtocol ¶
func UiProtocol(i UiInterface) rpc.Protocol
func UnquoteBytes ¶ added in v1.0.27
func UpdateCommonProtocol ¶
func UpdateCommonProtocol(i UpdateCommonInterface) rpc.Protocol
func UpdateProtocol ¶
func UpdateProtocol(i UpdateInterface) rpc.Protocol
func UpdateUiProtocol ¶
func UpdateUiProtocol(i UpdateUiInterface) rpc.Protocol
func UserProtocol ¶
func UserProtocol(i UserInterface) rpc.Protocol
func WrapError ¶
func WrapError(e error) interface{}
WrapError is a generic method that converts a Go Error into a RPC error status object. If the error is itself a Status object to being with, then it will just return that status object. If it is something that can be made into a Status object via the ToStatusAble interface, then we'll try that. Otherwise, we'll just make a generic Error type.
Types ¶
type APIRes ¶
type AccountClient ¶
type AccountClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (AccountClient) EmailChange ¶
func (c AccountClient) EmailChange(ctx context.Context, __arg EmailChangeArg) (err error)
* change email to the new given email by signing a statement.
func (AccountClient) HasServerKeys ¶
func (c AccountClient) HasServerKeys(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (res HasServerKeysRes, err error)
* Whether the logged-in user has uploaded private keys * Will error if not logged in.
func (AccountClient) PassphraseChange ¶
func (c AccountClient) PassphraseChange(ctx context.Context, __arg PassphraseChangeArg) (err error)
Change the passphrase from old to new. If old isn't set, and force is false, then prompt at the UI for it. If old isn't set and force is true, then we'll try to force a passphrase change.
func (AccountClient) PassphrasePrompt ¶
func (c AccountClient) PassphrasePrompt(ctx context.Context, __arg PassphrasePromptArg) (res GetPassphraseRes, err error)
func (AccountClient) ResetAccount ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (c AccountClient) ResetAccount(ctx context.Context, __arg ResetAccountArg) (err error)
resetAccount resets the user's account; it's meant only for devel and tests. passphrase is optional and will be prompted for if not supplied.
type AccountDeleteArg ¶
type AccountDeleteArg struct {
SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"`
type AccountInterface ¶
type AccountInterface interface { // Change the passphrase from old to new. If old isn't set, and force is false, // then prompt at the UI for it. If old isn't set and force is true, then we'll // try to force a passphrase change. PassphraseChange(context.Context, PassphraseChangeArg) error PassphrasePrompt(context.Context, PassphrasePromptArg) (GetPassphraseRes, error) // * change email to the new given email by signing a statement. EmailChange(context.Context, EmailChangeArg) error // * Whether the logged-in user has uploaded private keys // * Will error if not logged in. HasServerKeys(context.Context, int) (HasServerKeysRes, error) // resetAccount resets the user's account; it's meant only for devel and tests. // passphrase is optional and will be prompted for if not supplied. ResetAccount(context.Context, ResetAccountArg) error }
type AddReferenceArg ¶
type AddReferenceArg struct { Folder string `codec:"folder" json:"folder"` Ref BlockReference `codec:"ref" json:"ref"` }
type AnnotatedMemberInfo ¶ added in v1.0.27
type AnnotatedMemberInfo struct { UserID UID `codec:"userID" json:"uid"` TeamID TeamID `codec:"teamID" json:"team_id"` Username string `codec:"username" json:"username"` FullName string `codec:"fullName" json:"full_name"` FqName string `codec:"fqName" json:"fq_name"` IsImplicitTeam bool `codec:"isImplicitTeam" json:"is_implicit_team"` IsOpenTeam bool `codec:"isOpenTeam" json:"is_open_team"` Role TeamRole `codec:"role" json:"role"` Implicit *ImplicitRole `codec:"implicit,omitempty" json:"implicit,omitempty"` NeedsPUK bool `codec:"needsPUK" json:"needsPUK"` MemberCount int `codec:"memberCount" json:"member_count"` EldestSeqno Seqno `codec:"eldestSeqno" json:"member_eldest_seqno"` Active bool `codec:"active" json:"active"` AllowProfilePromote bool `codec:"allowProfilePromote" json:"allow_profile_promote"` IsMemberShowcased bool `codec:"isMemberShowcased" json:"is_member_showcased"` }
func (AnnotatedMemberInfo) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o AnnotatedMemberInfo) DeepCopy() AnnotatedMemberInfo
type AnnotatedTeamInvite ¶ added in v1.0.27
type AnnotatedTeamInvite struct { Role TeamRole `codec:"role" json:"role"` Id TeamInviteID `codec:"id" json:"id"` Type TeamInviteType `codec:"type" json:"type"` Name TeamInviteName `codec:"name" json:"name"` Uv UserVersion `codec:"uv" json:"uv"` Inviter UserVersion `codec:"inviter" json:"inviter"` InviterUsername string `codec:"inviterUsername" json:"inviterUsername"` TeamName string `codec:"teamName" json:"teamName"` UserActive bool `codec:"userActive" json:"userActive"` }
func (AnnotatedTeamInvite) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o AnnotatedTeamInvite) DeepCopy() AnnotatedTeamInvite
type AnnotatedTeamList ¶ added in v1.0.27
type AnnotatedTeamList struct { Teams []AnnotatedMemberInfo `codec:"teams" json:"teams"` AnnotatedActiveInvites map[TeamInviteID]AnnotatedTeamInvite `codec:"annotatedActiveInvites" json:"annotatedActiveInvites"` }
func (AnnotatedTeamList) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o AnnotatedTeamList) DeepCopy() AnnotatedTeamList
type ApiserverClient ¶
type ApiserverClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (ApiserverClient) GetWithSession ¶ added in v1.0.22
func (c ApiserverClient) GetWithSession(ctx context.Context, __arg GetWithSessionArg) (res APIRes, err error)
func (ApiserverClient) PostJSON ¶
func (c ApiserverClient) PostJSON(ctx context.Context, __arg PostJSONArg) (res APIRes, err error)
type ApiserverInterface ¶
type ApiserverInterface interface { Get(context.Context, GetArg) (APIRes, error) Delete(context.Context, DeleteArg) (APIRes, error) GetWithSession(context.Context, GetWithSessionArg) (APIRes, error) Post(context.Context, PostArg) (APIRes, error) PostJSON(context.Context, PostJSONArg) (APIRes, error) }
type AppExitArg ¶
type AppExitArg struct {
SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"`
type AppStateClient ¶ added in v1.0.27
type AppStateClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (AppStateClient) UpdateAppState ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (c AppStateClient) UpdateAppState(ctx context.Context, state AppState) (err error)
type AppStateInterface ¶ added in v1.0.27
type ArchiveReferenceArg ¶
type ArchiveReferenceArg struct { Folder string `codec:"folder" json:"folder"` Refs []BlockReference `codec:"refs" json:"refs"` }
type ArchiveReferenceWithCountArg ¶
type ArchiveReferenceWithCountArg struct { Folder string `codec:"folder" json:"folder"` Refs []BlockReference `codec:"refs" json:"refs"` }
type Asset ¶
type Asset struct { Name string `codec:"name" json:"name"` Url string `codec:"url" json:"url"` Digest string `codec:"digest" json:"digest"` Signature string `codec:"signature" json:"signature"` LocalPath string `codec:"localPath" json:"localPath"` }
Asset describes a downloadable file.
type AuthenticateArg ¶
type AuthenticateArg struct {
Signature string `codec:"signature" json:"signature"`
type AuthenticateSessionArg ¶
type AuthenticateSessionArg struct {
Signature string `codec:"signature" json:"signature"`
type AvatarClearCacheMsg ¶
type AvatarClearCacheMsg struct { Name string `codec:"name" json:"name"` Formats []AvatarFormat `codec:"formats" json:"formats"` }
func (AvatarClearCacheMsg) DeepCopy ¶
func (o AvatarClearCacheMsg) DeepCopy() AvatarClearCacheMsg
type AvatarFormat ¶ added in v1.0.46
type AvatarFormat string
func (AvatarFormat) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.46
func (o AvatarFormat) DeepCopy() AvatarFormat
func (AvatarFormat) String ¶ added in v1.0.46
func (f AvatarFormat) String() string
type AvatarsClient ¶ added in v1.0.46
type AvatarsClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (AvatarsClient) LoadTeamAvatars ¶ added in v1.0.46
func (c AvatarsClient) LoadTeamAvatars(ctx context.Context, __arg LoadTeamAvatarsArg) (res LoadAvatarsRes, err error)
func (AvatarsClient) LoadUserAvatars ¶ added in v1.0.46
func (c AvatarsClient) LoadUserAvatars(ctx context.Context, __arg LoadUserAvatarsArg) (res LoadAvatarsRes, err error)
type AvatarsInterface ¶ added in v1.0.46
type AvatarsInterface interface { LoadUserAvatars(context.Context, LoadUserAvatarsArg) (LoadAvatarsRes, error) LoadTeamAvatars(context.Context, LoadTeamAvatarsArg) (LoadAvatarsRes, error) }
type BTCClient ¶
type BTCClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (BTCClient) RegisterBTC ¶
func (c BTCClient) RegisterBTC(ctx context.Context, __arg RegisterBTCArg) (err error)
type BTCInterface ¶
type BTCInterface interface {
RegisterBTC(context.Context, RegisterBTCArg) error
type BackendCommonClient ¶
type BackendCommonClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
type BackendCommonInterface ¶
type BackendCommonInterface interface { }
type BadgeConversationInfo ¶ added in v1.0.19
type BadgeConversationInfo struct { ConvID ChatConversationID `codec:"convID" json:"convID"` BadgeCounts map[DeviceType]int `codec:"badgeCounts" json:"badgeCounts"` UnreadMessages int `codec:"unreadMessages" json:"unreadMessages"` }
func (BadgeConversationInfo) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o BadgeConversationInfo) DeepCopy() BadgeConversationInfo
type BadgeState ¶ added in v1.0.19
type BadgeState struct { NewTlfs int `codec:"newTlfs" json:"newTlfs"` RekeysNeeded int `codec:"rekeysNeeded" json:"rekeysNeeded"` NewFollowers int `codec:"newFollowers" json:"newFollowers"` InboxVers int `codec:"inboxVers" json:"inboxVers"` HomeTodoItems int `codec:"homeTodoItems" json:"homeTodoItems"` Conversations []BadgeConversationInfo `codec:"conversations" json:"conversations"` NewGitRepoGlobalUniqueIDs []string `codec:"newGitRepoGlobalUniqueIDs" json:"newGitRepoGlobalUniqueIDs"` NewTeamNames []string `codec:"newTeamNames" json:"newTeamNames"` NewTeamAccessRequests []string `codec:"newTeamAccessRequests" json:"newTeamAccessRequests"` TeamsWithResetUsers []TeamMemberOutReset `codec:"teamsWithResetUsers" json:"teamsWithResetUsers"` }
func (BadgeState) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o BadgeState) DeepCopy() BadgeState
type BadgeStateArg ¶ added in v1.0.19
type BadgeStateArg struct {
BadgeState BadgeState `codec:"badgeState" json:"badgeState"`
type BadgerClient ¶ added in v1.0.27
type BadgerClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (BadgerClient) GetBadgeState ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (c BadgerClient) GetBadgeState(ctx context.Context) (res BadgeState, err error)
type BadgerInterface ¶ added in v1.0.27
type BadgerInterface interface {
GetBadgeState(context.Context) (BadgeState, error)
type BlockClient ¶
type BlockClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (BlockClient) AddReference ¶
func (c BlockClient) AddReference(ctx context.Context, __arg AddReferenceArg) (err error)
func (BlockClient) ArchiveReference ¶
func (c BlockClient) ArchiveReference(ctx context.Context, __arg ArchiveReferenceArg) (res []BlockReference, err error)
func (BlockClient) ArchiveReferenceWithCount ¶
func (c BlockClient) ArchiveReferenceWithCount(ctx context.Context, __arg ArchiveReferenceWithCountArg) (res DowngradeReferenceRes, err error)
func (BlockClient) AuthenticateSession ¶
func (c BlockClient) AuthenticateSession(ctx context.Context, signature string) (err error)
func (BlockClient) BlockPing ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (c BlockClient) BlockPing(ctx context.Context) (res BlockPingResponse, err error)
func (BlockClient) DelReference ¶
func (c BlockClient) DelReference(ctx context.Context, __arg DelReferenceArg) (err error)
func (BlockClient) DelReferenceWithCount ¶
func (c BlockClient) DelReferenceWithCount(ctx context.Context, __arg DelReferenceWithCountArg) (res DowngradeReferenceRes, err error)
func (BlockClient) GetBlock ¶
func (c BlockClient) GetBlock(ctx context.Context, __arg GetBlockArg) (res GetBlockRes, err error)
func (BlockClient) GetSessionChallenge ¶
func (c BlockClient) GetSessionChallenge(ctx context.Context) (res ChallengeInfo, err error)
func (BlockClient) GetTeamQuotaInfo ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (BlockClient) GetUserQuotaInfo ¶
func (c BlockClient) GetUserQuotaInfo(ctx context.Context) (res []byte, err error)
func (BlockClient) PutBlock ¶
func (c BlockClient) PutBlock(ctx context.Context, __arg PutBlockArg) (err error)
func (BlockClient) PutBlockAgain ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (c BlockClient) PutBlockAgain(ctx context.Context, __arg PutBlockAgainArg) (err error)
type BlockIdCombo ¶
type BlockIdCombo struct { BlockHash string `codec:"blockHash" json:"blockHash"` ChargedTo UserOrTeamID `codec:"chargedTo" json:"chargedTo"` BlockType BlockType `codec:"blockType" json:"blockType"` }
func (BlockIdCombo) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o BlockIdCombo) DeepCopy() BlockIdCombo
type BlockInterface ¶
type BlockInterface interface { GetSessionChallenge(context.Context) (ChallengeInfo, error) AuthenticateSession(context.Context, string) error PutBlock(context.Context, PutBlockArg) error PutBlockAgain(context.Context, PutBlockAgainArg) error GetBlock(context.Context, GetBlockArg) (GetBlockRes, error) AddReference(context.Context, AddReferenceArg) error DelReference(context.Context, DelReferenceArg) error ArchiveReference(context.Context, ArchiveReferenceArg) ([]BlockReference, error) DelReferenceWithCount(context.Context, DelReferenceWithCountArg) (DowngradeReferenceRes, error) ArchiveReferenceWithCount(context.Context, ArchiveReferenceWithCountArg) (DowngradeReferenceRes, error) GetUserQuotaInfo(context.Context) ([]byte, error) GetTeamQuotaInfo(context.Context, TeamID) ([]byte, error) BlockPing(context.Context) (BlockPingResponse, error) }
type BlockPingArg ¶ added in v1.0.19
type BlockPingArg struct { }
type BlockPingResponse ¶ added in v1.0.19
type BlockPingResponse struct { }
func (BlockPingResponse) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o BlockPingResponse) DeepCopy() BlockPingResponse
type BlockRefNonce ¶
type BlockRefNonce [8]byte
func (BlockRefNonce) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o BlockRefNonce) DeepCopy() BlockRefNonce
type BlockReference ¶
type BlockReference struct { Bid BlockIdCombo `codec:"bid" json:"bid"` Nonce BlockRefNonce `codec:"nonce" json:"nonce"` ChargedTo UserOrTeamID `codec:"chargedTo" json:"chargedTo"` }
func (BlockReference) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o BlockReference) DeepCopy() BlockReference
func (BlockReference) String ¶
func (r BlockReference) String() string
type BlockReferenceCount ¶
type BlockReferenceCount struct { Ref BlockReference `codec:"ref" json:"ref"` LiveCount int `codec:"liveCount" json:"liveCount"` }
func (BlockReferenceCount) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o BlockReferenceCount) DeepCopy() BlockReferenceCount
func (BlockReferenceCount) String ¶
func (r BlockReferenceCount) String() string
type BootstrapStatus ¶ added in v1.0.22
type BootstrapStatus struct { Registered bool `codec:"registered" json:"registered"` LoggedIn bool `codec:"loggedIn" json:"loggedIn"` Uid UID `codec:"uid" json:"uid"` Username string `codec:"username" json:"username"` DeviceID DeviceID `codec:"deviceID" json:"deviceID"` DeviceName string `codec:"deviceName" json:"deviceName"` Following []string `codec:"following" json:"following"` Followers []string `codec:"followers" json:"followers"` }
func (BootstrapStatus) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o BootstrapStatus) DeepCopy() BootstrapStatus
type BoxPublicKey ¶
type BoxPublicKey [32]byte
func (BoxPublicKey) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o BoxPublicKey) DeepCopy() BoxPublicKey
type BulkRes ¶ added in v1.0.34
type ByUserVersionID ¶ added in v1.0.29
type ByUserVersionID []UserVersion
func (ByUserVersionID) Len ¶ added in v1.0.29
func (b ByUserVersionID) Len() int
func (ByUserVersionID) Less ¶ added in v1.0.29
func (b ByUserVersionID) Less(i, j int) bool
func (ByUserVersionID) Swap ¶ added in v1.0.29
func (b ByUserVersionID) Swap(i, j int)
type CanUserPerformArg ¶ added in v1.0.39
type CanUserPerformArg struct {
Name string `codec:"name" json:"name"`
type CanonicalTLFNameAndIDWithBreaks ¶
type CanonicalTLFNameAndIDWithBreaks struct { TlfID TLFID `codec:"tlfID" json:"tlfID"` CanonicalName CanonicalTlfName `codec:"CanonicalName" json:"CanonicalName"` Breaks TLFBreak `codec:"breaks" json:"breaks"` }
func (CanonicalTLFNameAndIDWithBreaks) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o CanonicalTLFNameAndIDWithBreaks) DeepCopy() CanonicalTLFNameAndIDWithBreaks
func (CanonicalTLFNameAndIDWithBreaks) Eq ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (c CanonicalTLFNameAndIDWithBreaks) Eq(r CanonicalTLFNameAndIDWithBreaks) bool
type CanonicalTlfName ¶
type CanonicalTlfName string
func (CanonicalTlfName) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o CanonicalTlfName) DeepCopy() CanonicalTlfName
func (CanonicalTlfName) String ¶
func (c CanonicalTlfName) String() string
type ChallengeInfo ¶
type ChallengeInfo struct { Now int64 `codec:"now" json:"now"` Challenge string `codec:"challenge" json:"challenge"` }
func (ChallengeInfo) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o ChallengeInfo) DeepCopy() ChallengeInfo
type ChatConversationID ¶ added in v1.0.19
type ChatConversationID []byte
func (ChatConversationID) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o ChatConversationID) DeepCopy() ChatConversationID
func (ChatConversationID) String ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (s ChatConversationID) String() string
type CheckAPIServerOutOfDateWarningArg ¶
type CheckAPIServerOutOfDateWarningArg struct { }
type CheckInvitationCodeArg ¶
type CheckProofArg ¶
type CheckProofStatus ¶
type CheckProofStatus struct { Found bool `codec:"found" json:"found"` Status ProofStatus `codec:"status" json:"status"` ProofText string `codec:"proofText" json:"proofText"` State ProofState `codec:"state" json:"state"` }
func (CheckProofStatus) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o CheckProofStatus) DeepCopy() CheckProofStatus
type CheckReachabilityArg ¶ added in v1.0.19
type CheckReachabilityArg struct { }
type CheckResult ¶
type CheckResult struct { ProofResult ProofResult `codec:"proofResult" json:"proofResult"` Time Time `codec:"time" json:"time"` Freshness CheckResultFreshness `codec:"freshness" json:"freshness"` }
func (CheckResult) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o CheckResult) DeepCopy() CheckResult
type CheckResultFreshness ¶
type CheckResultFreshness int
const ( CheckResultFreshness_FRESH CheckResultFreshness = 0 CheckResultFreshness_AGED CheckResultFreshness = 1 CheckResultFreshness_RANCID CheckResultFreshness = 2 )
func (CheckResultFreshness) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o CheckResultFreshness) DeepCopy() CheckResultFreshness
func (CheckResultFreshness) String ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (e CheckResultFreshness) String() string
type CheckTrackingArg ¶
type CheckTrackingArg struct {
SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"`
type ChooseDeviceArg ¶
type ChooseDeviceTypeArg ¶
type ChooseDeviceTypeArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` Kind ChooseType `codec:"kind" json:"kind"` }
type ChooseGPGMethodArg ¶
type ChooseType ¶
type ChooseType int
const ( ChooseType_EXISTING_DEVICE ChooseType = 0 ChooseType_NEW_DEVICE ChooseType = 1 )
func (ChooseType) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o ChooseType) DeepCopy() ChooseType
func (ChooseType) String ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (e ChooseType) String() string
type CiphertextBundle ¶
type CiphertextBundle struct { Kid KID `codec:"kid" json:"kid"` Ciphertext EncryptedBytes32 `codec:"ciphertext" json:"ciphertext"` Nonce BoxNonce `codec:"nonce" json:"nonce"` PublicKey BoxPublicKey `codec:"publicKey" json:"publicKey"` }
func (CiphertextBundle) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o CiphertextBundle) DeepCopy() CiphertextBundle
type ClearStoredSecretArg ¶
type ClearValueArg ¶
type ClearValueArg struct {
Path string `codec:"path" json:"path"`
type ClientDetails ¶
type ClientDetails struct { Pid int `codec:"pid" json:"pid"` ClientType ClientType `codec:"clientType" json:"clientType"` Argv []string `codec:"argv" json:"argv"` Desc string `codec:"desc" json:"desc"` Version string `codec:"version" json:"version"` }
func (ClientDetails) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o ClientDetails) DeepCopy() ClientDetails
type ClientOutOfDateArg ¶
type ClientType ¶
type ClientType int
const ( ClientType_NONE ClientType = 0 ClientType_CLI ClientType = 1 ClientType_GUI_MAIN ClientType = 2 ClientType_KBFS ClientType = 3 ClientType_GUI_HELPER ClientType = 4 )
func (ClientType) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o ClientType) DeepCopy() ClientType
func (ClientType) String ¶
func (t ClientType) String() string
type CommonClient ¶
type CommonClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
type CommonInterface ¶
type CommonInterface interface { }
type CompatibilityTeamID ¶ added in v1.0.29
type CompatibilityTeamID struct { Typ__ TeamType `codec:"typ" json:"typ"` Legacy__ *TLFID `codec:"legacy,omitempty" json:"legacy,omitempty"` Modern__ *TeamID `codec:"modern,omitempty" json:"modern,omitempty"` }
func NewCompatibilityTeamIDWithLegacy ¶ added in v1.0.29
func NewCompatibilityTeamIDWithLegacy(v TLFID) CompatibilityTeamID
func NewCompatibilityTeamIDWithModern ¶ added in v1.0.29
func NewCompatibilityTeamIDWithModern(v TeamID) CompatibilityTeamID
func (CompatibilityTeamID) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.29
func (o CompatibilityTeamID) DeepCopy() CompatibilityTeamID
func (CompatibilityTeamID) Legacy ¶ added in v1.0.29
func (o CompatibilityTeamID) Legacy() (res TLFID)
func (CompatibilityTeamID) Modern ¶ added in v1.0.29
func (o CompatibilityTeamID) Modern() (res TeamID)
func (*CompatibilityTeamID) Typ ¶ added in v1.0.29
func (o *CompatibilityTeamID) Typ() (ret TeamType, err error)
type CompleteAndCanonicalizePrivateTlfNameArg ¶
type CompleteAndCanonicalizePrivateTlfNameArg struct {
Query TLFQuery `codec:"query" json:"query"`
type ComponentResult ¶
type ComponentResult struct { Name string `codec:"name" json:"name"` Status Status `codec:"status" json:"status"` ExitCode int `codec:"exitCode" json:"exitCode"` }
func (ComponentResult) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o ComponentResult) DeepCopy() ComponentResult
type Config ¶
type Config struct { ServerURI string `codec:"serverURI" json:"serverURI"` SocketFile string `codec:"socketFile" json:"socketFile"` Label string `codec:"label" json:"label"` RunMode string `codec:"runMode" json:"runMode"` GpgExists bool `codec:"gpgExists" json:"gpgExists"` GpgPath string `codec:"gpgPath" json:"gpgPath"` Version string `codec:"version" json:"version"` Path string `codec:"path" json:"path"` BinaryRealpath string `codec:"binaryRealpath" json:"binaryRealpath"` ConfigPath string `codec:"configPath" json:"configPath"` VersionShort string `codec:"versionShort" json:"versionShort"` VersionFull string `codec:"versionFull" json:"versionFull"` IsAutoForked bool `codec:"isAutoForked" json:"isAutoForked"` ForkType ForkType `codec:"forkType" json:"forkType"` }
type ConfigClient ¶
type ConfigClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (ConfigClient) CheckAPIServerOutOfDateWarning ¶
func (c ConfigClient) CheckAPIServerOutOfDateWarning(ctx context.Context) (res OutOfDateInfo, err error)
Check whether the API server has told us we're out of date.
func (ConfigClient) ClearValue ¶
func (c ConfigClient) ClearValue(ctx context.Context, path string) (err error)
func (ConfigClient) GetBootstrapStatus ¶ added in v1.0.22
func (c ConfigClient) GetBootstrapStatus(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (res BootstrapStatus, err error)
func (ConfigClient) GetCurrentStatus ¶
func (c ConfigClient) GetCurrentStatus(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (res GetCurrentStatusRes, err error)
func (ConfigClient) GetExtendedStatus ¶
func (c ConfigClient) GetExtendedStatus(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (res ExtendedStatus, err error)
func (ConfigClient) GetRememberPassphrase ¶ added in v1.0.43
func (ConfigClient) GetValue ¶
func (c ConfigClient) GetValue(ctx context.Context, path string) (res ConfigValue, err error)
func (ConfigClient) HelloIAm ¶
func (c ConfigClient) HelloIAm(ctx context.Context, details ClientDetails) (err error)
func (ConfigClient) SetPath ¶
func (c ConfigClient) SetPath(ctx context.Context, __arg SetPathArg) (err error)
func (ConfigClient) SetRememberPassphrase ¶ added in v1.0.43
func (c ConfigClient) SetRememberPassphrase(ctx context.Context, __arg SetRememberPassphraseArg) (err error)
func (ConfigClient) SetUserConfig ¶
func (c ConfigClient) SetUserConfig(ctx context.Context, __arg SetUserConfigArg) (err error)
Change user config. For example, to update primary picture source: key=picture.source, value=twitter (or github)
func (ConfigClient) SetValue ¶
func (c ConfigClient) SetValue(ctx context.Context, __arg SetValueArg) (err error)
func (ConfigClient) WaitForClient ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (c ConfigClient) WaitForClient(ctx context.Context, __arg WaitForClientArg) (res bool, err error)
Wait for client type to connect to service.
type ConfigInterface ¶
type ConfigInterface interface { GetCurrentStatus(context.Context, int) (GetCurrentStatusRes, error) GetExtendedStatus(context.Context, int) (ExtendedStatus, error) GetConfig(context.Context, int) (Config, error) // Change user config. // For example, to update primary picture source: // key=picture.source, value=twitter (or github) SetUserConfig(context.Context, SetUserConfigArg) error SetPath(context.Context, SetPathArg) error HelloIAm(context.Context, ClientDetails) error SetValue(context.Context, SetValueArg) error ClearValue(context.Context, string) error GetValue(context.Context, string) (ConfigValue, error) // Check whether the API server has told us we're out of date. CheckAPIServerOutOfDateWarning(context.Context) (OutOfDateInfo, error) // Wait for client type to connect to service. WaitForClient(context.Context, WaitForClientArg) (bool, error) GetBootstrapStatus(context.Context, int) (BootstrapStatus, error) GetRememberPassphrase(context.Context, int) (bool, error) SetRememberPassphrase(context.Context, SetRememberPassphraseArg) error }
type ConfigValue ¶
type ConfigValue struct { IsNull bool `codec:"isNull" json:"isNull"` B *bool `codec:"b,omitempty" json:"b,omitempty"` I *int `codec:"i,omitempty" json:"i,omitempty"` S *string `codec:"s,omitempty" json:"s,omitempty"` O *string `codec:"o,omitempty" json:"o,omitempty"` }
func (ConfigValue) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o ConfigValue) DeepCopy() ConfigValue
type ConfiguredAccount ¶
type ConfiguredAccount struct { Username string `codec:"username" json:"username"` HasStoredSecret bool `codec:"hasStoredSecret" json:"hasStoredSecret"` }
func (ConfiguredAccount) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o ConfiguredAccount) DeepCopy() ConfiguredAccount
type ConfirmArg ¶
type ConfirmArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` Outcome IdentifyOutcome `codec:"outcome" json:"outcome"` }
type ConfirmDuplicateKeyChosenArg ¶
type ConfirmDuplicateKeyChosenArg struct {
SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"`
type ConfirmImportSecretToExistingKeyArg ¶
type ConfirmImportSecretToExistingKeyArg struct {
SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"`
type ConfirmResult ¶
type ConfirmResult struct { IdentityConfirmed bool `codec:"identityConfirmed" json:"identityConfirmed"` RemoteConfirmed bool `codec:"remoteConfirmed" json:"remoteConfirmed"` ExpiringLocal bool `codec:"expiringLocal" json:"expiringLocal"` AutoConfirmed bool `codec:"autoConfirmed" json:"autoConfirmed"` }
func (ConfirmResult) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o ConfirmResult) DeepCopy() ConfirmResult
type ConfirmRootTeamDeleteArg ¶ added in v1.0.27
type ConfirmSubteamDeleteArg ¶ added in v1.0.33
type ConflictGeneration ¶ added in v1.0.39
type ConflictGeneration int
func (ConflictGeneration) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.39
func (o ConflictGeneration) DeepCopy() ConflictGeneration
type ConstantsClient ¶
type ConstantsClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
type ConstantsInterface ¶
type ConstantsInterface interface { }
type CopyArgs ¶ added in v1.0.19
type CreatePersonalRepoArg ¶ added in v1.0.30
type CreatePersonalRepoArg struct {
RepoName GitRepoName `codec:"repoName" json:"repoName"`
type CreateRepoArg ¶ added in v1.0.30
type CreateRepoArg struct { Folder Folder `codec:"folder" json:"folder"` Name GitRepoName `codec:"name" json:"name"` }
type CreateTLFArg ¶ added in v1.0.39
type CreateTeamRepoArg ¶ added in v1.0.30
type CreateTeamRepoArg struct { RepoName GitRepoName `codec:"repoName" json:"repoName"` TeamName TeamName `codec:"teamName" json:"teamName"` NotifyTeam bool `codec:"notifyTeam" json:"notifyTeam"` }
type CryptKey ¶
type CryptKey struct { KeyGeneration int `codec:"KeyGeneration" json:"KeyGeneration"` Key Bytes32 `codec:"Key" json:"Key"` }
func (CryptKey) Generation ¶ added in v1.0.27
type CryptKeysArg ¶
type CryptKeysArg struct {
Query TLFQuery `codec:"query" json:"query"`
type CryptoClient ¶
type CryptoClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (CryptoClient) SignED25519 ¶
func (c CryptoClient) SignED25519(ctx context.Context, __arg SignED25519Arg) (res ED25519SignatureInfo, err error)
Sign the given message (which should be small) using the device's private signing ED25519 key, and return the signature as well as the corresponding public key that can be used to verify the signature. The 'reason' parameter is used as part of the SecretEntryArg object passed into secretUi.getSecret().
func (CryptoClient) SignED25519ForKBFS ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (c CryptoClient) SignED25519ForKBFS(ctx context.Context, __arg SignED25519ForKBFSArg) (res ED25519SignatureInfo, err error)
Same as the above except a KBFS-specific prefix is added to the payload to be signed.
func (CryptoClient) SignToString ¶
func (c CryptoClient) SignToString(ctx context.Context, __arg SignToStringArg) (res string, err error)
Same as the above except the full marshaled and encoded NaclSigInfo.
func (CryptoClient) UnboxBytes32 ¶
func (c CryptoClient) UnboxBytes32(ctx context.Context, __arg UnboxBytes32Arg) (res Bytes32, err error)
Decrypt exactly 32 bytes using nacl/box with the given nonce, the given peer's public key, and the device's private encryption key, and return the decrypted data. The 'reason' parameter is used as part of the SecretEntryArg object passed into secretUi.getSecret().
func (CryptoClient) UnboxBytes32Any ¶
func (c CryptoClient) UnboxBytes32Any(ctx context.Context, __arg UnboxBytes32AnyArg) (res UnboxAnyRes, err error)
type CryptoInterface ¶
type CryptoInterface interface { // Sign the given message (which should be small) using the device's private // signing ED25519 key, and return the signature as well as the corresponding // public key that can be used to verify the signature. The 'reason' parameter // is used as part of the SecretEntryArg object passed into // secretUi.getSecret(). SignED25519(context.Context, SignED25519Arg) (ED25519SignatureInfo, error) // Same as the above except a KBFS-specific prefix is added to the payload to be signed. SignED25519ForKBFS(context.Context, SignED25519ForKBFSArg) (ED25519SignatureInfo, error) // Same as the above except the full marshaled and encoded NaclSigInfo. SignToString(context.Context, SignToStringArg) (string, error) // Decrypt exactly 32 bytes using nacl/box with the given nonce, the given // peer's public key, and the device's private encryption key, and return the // decrypted data. The 'reason' parameter is used as part of the // SecretEntryArg object passed into secretUi.getSecret(). UnboxBytes32(context.Context, UnboxBytes32Arg) (Bytes32, error) UnboxBytes32Any(context.Context, UnboxBytes32AnyArg) (UnboxAnyRes, error) }
type Cryptocurrency ¶
type Cryptocurrency struct { RowId int `codec:"rowId" json:"rowId"` Pkhash []byte `codec:"pkhash" json:"pkhash"` Address string `codec:"address" json:"address"` SigID SigID `codec:"sigID" json:"sigID"` Type string `codec:"type" json:"type"` Family string `codec:"family" json:"family"` }
func (Cryptocurrency) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o Cryptocurrency) DeepCopy() Cryptocurrency
type CryptocurrencyClient ¶ added in v1.0.19
type CryptocurrencyClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (CryptocurrencyClient) RegisterAddress ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (c CryptocurrencyClient) RegisterAddress(ctx context.Context, __arg RegisterAddressArg) (res RegisterAddressRes, err error)
type CryptocurrencyInterface ¶ added in v1.0.19
type CryptocurrencyInterface interface {
RegisterAddress(context.Context, RegisterAddressArg) (RegisterAddressRes, error)
type CtlClient ¶
type CtlClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (CtlClient) DbDelete ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (c CtlClient) DbDelete(ctx context.Context, __arg DbDeleteArg) (err error)
type CtlInterface ¶
type CtlInterface interface { Stop(context.Context, StopArg) error LogRotate(context.Context, int) error Reload(context.Context, int) error DbNuke(context.Context, int) error AppExit(context.Context, int) error DbDelete(context.Context, DbDeleteArg) error DbPut(context.Context, DbPutArg) error DbGet(context.Context, DbGetArg) (*DbValue, error) }
type CurrentSessionArg ¶
type CurrentSessionArg struct {
SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"`
type DbDeleteArg ¶ added in v1.0.19
type DbKey ¶ added in v1.0.19
type DebugShowRekeyStatusArg ¶
type DebugShowRekeyStatusArg struct {
SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"`
type DebuggingClient ¶
type DebuggingClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (DebuggingClient) FirstStep ¶
func (c DebuggingClient) FirstStep(ctx context.Context, __arg FirstStepArg) (res FirstStepResult, err error)
func (DebuggingClient) Increment ¶
func (c DebuggingClient) Increment(ctx context.Context, __arg IncrementArg) (res int, err error)
func (DebuggingClient) SecondStep ¶
func (c DebuggingClient) SecondStep(ctx context.Context, __arg SecondStepArg) (res int, err error)
type DebuggingInterface ¶
type DebuggingInterface interface { FirstStep(context.Context, FirstStepArg) (FirstStepResult, error) SecondStep(context.Context, SecondStepArg) (int, error) Increment(context.Context, IncrementArg) (int, error) Script(context.Context, ScriptArg) (string, error) }
type DelReferenceArg ¶
type DelReferenceArg struct { Folder string `codec:"folder" json:"folder"` Ref BlockReference `codec:"ref" json:"ref"` }
type DelReferenceWithCountArg ¶
type DelReferenceWithCountArg struct { Folder string `codec:"folder" json:"folder"` Refs []BlockReference `codec:"refs" json:"refs"` }
type DelegateIdentifyUIArg ¶
type DelegateIdentifyUIArg struct { }
type DelegateRekeyUIArg ¶
type DelegateRekeyUIArg struct { }
type DelegateUiCtlClient ¶
type DelegateUiCtlClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (DelegateUiCtlClient) RegisterGregorFirehose ¶
func (c DelegateUiCtlClient) RegisterGregorFirehose(ctx context.Context) (err error)
func (DelegateUiCtlClient) RegisterGregorFirehoseFiltered ¶ added in v1.0.48
func (c DelegateUiCtlClient) RegisterGregorFirehoseFiltered(ctx context.Context, systems []string) (err error)
registerGregorFirehoseFilter allows a client to register for a filtered firehose, limited to only the OOBMs of the systems provided. Like the firehose handler, but less pressure.
func (DelegateUiCtlClient) RegisterHomeUI ¶ added in v1.0.40
func (c DelegateUiCtlClient) RegisterHomeUI(ctx context.Context) (err error)
func (DelegateUiCtlClient) RegisterIdentifyUI ¶
func (c DelegateUiCtlClient) RegisterIdentifyUI(ctx context.Context) (err error)
func (DelegateUiCtlClient) RegisterRekeyUI ¶
func (c DelegateUiCtlClient) RegisterRekeyUI(ctx context.Context) (err error)
func (DelegateUiCtlClient) RegisterSecretUI ¶
func (c DelegateUiCtlClient) RegisterSecretUI(ctx context.Context) (err error)
func (DelegateUiCtlClient) RegisterUpdateUI ¶
func (c DelegateUiCtlClient) RegisterUpdateUI(ctx context.Context) (err error)
type DelegateUiCtlInterface ¶
type DelegateUiCtlInterface interface { RegisterIdentifyUI(context.Context) error RegisterSecretUI(context.Context) error RegisterUpdateUI(context.Context) error RegisterRekeyUI(context.Context) error RegisterHomeUI(context.Context) error RegisterGregorFirehose(context.Context) error // registerGregorFirehoseFilter allows a client to register for a filtered // firehose, limited to only the OOBMs of the systems provided. // Like the firehose handler, but less pressure. RegisterGregorFirehoseFiltered(context.Context, []string) error }
type DeleteArg ¶ added in v1.0.22
type DeleteArg struct { Endpoint string `codec:"endpoint" json:"endpoint"` Args []StringKVPair `codec:"args" json:"args"` HttpStatus []int `codec:"httpStatus" json:"httpStatus"` AppStatusCode []int `codec:"appStatusCode" json:"appStatusCode"` }
func (DeleteArg) GetAppStatusCodes ¶ added in v1.0.22
func (DeleteArg) GetEndpoint ¶ added in v1.0.22
func (DeleteArg) GetHTTPArgs ¶ added in v1.0.22
func (a DeleteArg) GetHTTPArgs() []StringKVPair
func (DeleteArg) GetHttpStatuses ¶ added in v1.0.22
type DeleteGitMetadataArg ¶ added in v1.0.34
type DeleteGitMetadataArg struct { Folder Folder `codec:"folder" json:"folder"` RepoName GitRepoName `codec:"repoName" json:"repoName"` }
type DeleteKeyArg ¶
type DeletePersonalRepoArg ¶ added in v1.0.30
type DeletePersonalRepoArg struct {
RepoName GitRepoName `codec:"repoName" json:"repoName"`
type DeleteRepoArg ¶ added in v1.0.31
type DeleteRepoArg struct { Folder Folder `codec:"folder" json:"folder"` Name GitRepoName `codec:"name" json:"name"` }
type DeleteTeamRepoArg ¶ added in v1.0.30
type DeleteTeamRepoArg struct { RepoName GitRepoName `codec:"repoName" json:"repoName"` TeamName TeamName `codec:"teamName" json:"teamName"` NotifyTeam bool `codec:"notifyTeam" json:"notifyTeam"` }
type DeprovisionArg ¶
type Device ¶
type Device struct { Type string `codec:"type" json:"type"` Name string `codec:"name" json:"name"` DeviceID DeviceID `codec:"deviceID" json:"deviceID"` CTime Time `codec:"cTime" json:"cTime"` MTime Time `codec:"mTime" json:"mTime"` LastUsedTime Time `codec:"lastUsedTime" json:"lastUsedTime"` EncryptKey KID `codec:"encryptKey" json:"encryptKey"` VerifyKey KID `codec:"verifyKey" json:"verifyKey"` Status int `codec:"status" json:"status"` }
type DeviceAddArg ¶
type DeviceAddArg struct {
SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"`
type DeviceClient ¶
type DeviceClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (DeviceClient) CheckDeviceNameForUser ¶
func (c DeviceClient) CheckDeviceNameForUser(ctx context.Context, __arg CheckDeviceNameForUserArg) (err error)
Checks a given device against all of user's past devices, including those that predate a reset. It will also check a device name for proper formatting. Return null error on success, and a non-null error otherwise.
func (DeviceClient) CheckDeviceNameFormat ¶
func (c DeviceClient) CheckDeviceNameFormat(ctx context.Context, __arg CheckDeviceNameFormatArg) (res bool, err error)
Checks the device name format.
func (DeviceClient) DeviceAdd ¶
func (c DeviceClient) DeviceAdd(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (err error)
Starts the process of adding a new device using an existing device. It is called on the existing device. This is for kex2.
func (DeviceClient) DeviceHistoryList ¶
func (c DeviceClient) DeviceHistoryList(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (res []DeviceDetail, err error)
List all devices with detailed history and status information.
func (DeviceClient) DeviceList ¶
List devices for the user.
type DeviceDetail ¶
type DeviceDetail struct { Device Device `codec:"device" json:"device"` Eldest bool `codec:"eldest" json:"eldest"` Provisioner *Device `codec:"provisioner,omitempty" json:"provisioner,omitempty"` ProvisionedAt *Time `codec:"provisionedAt,omitempty" json:"provisionedAt,omitempty"` RevokedAt *Time `codec:"revokedAt,omitempty" json:"revokedAt,omitempty"` RevokedBy KID `codec:"revokedBy" json:"revokedBy"` RevokedByDevice *Device `codec:"revokedByDevice,omitempty" json:"revokedByDevice,omitempty"` CurrentDevice bool `codec:"currentDevice" json:"currentDevice"` }
func (DeviceDetail) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o DeviceDetail) DeepCopy() DeviceDetail
type DeviceEk ¶ added in v1.0.46
type DeviceEk struct { Seed Bytes32 `codec:"seed" json:"seed"` Metadata DeviceEkMetadata `codec:"metadata" json:"metadata"` }
type DeviceEkMetadata ¶ added in v1.0.46
type DeviceEkMetadata struct { Kid KID `codec:"kid" json:"device_ephemeral_dh_public"` HashMeta HashMeta `codec:"hashMeta" json:"hash_meta"` Generation EkGeneration `codec:"generation" json:"generation"` Ctime Time `codec:"ctime" json:"ctime"` DeviceCtime Time `codec:"deviceCtime" json:"deviceCtime"` }
func (DeviceEkMetadata) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.46
func (o DeviceEkMetadata) DeepCopy() DeviceEkMetadata
type DeviceEkStatement ¶ added in v1.0.46
type DeviceEkStatement struct { CurrentDeviceEkMetadata DeviceEkMetadata `codec:"currentDeviceEkMetadata" json:"current_device_ek_metadata"` ExistingDeviceEkMetadata []DeviceEkMetadata `codec:"existingDeviceEkMetadata" json:"existing_device_ek_metadata"` }
func (DeviceEkStatement) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.46
func (o DeviceEkStatement) DeepCopy() DeviceEkStatement
type DeviceHistoryListArg ¶
type DeviceHistoryListArg struct {
SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"`
type DeviceID ¶
type DeviceID string
func DeviceIDFromBytes ¶
func DeviceIDFromBytes(b [DeviceIDLen]byte) DeviceID
func DeviceIDFromSlice ¶
func DeviceIDFromString ¶
type DeviceInterface ¶
type DeviceInterface interface { // List devices for the user. DeviceList(context.Context, int) ([]Device, error) // List all devices with detailed history and status information. DeviceHistoryList(context.Context, int) ([]DeviceDetail, error) // Starts the process of adding a new device using an existing // device. It is called on the existing device. // This is for kex2. DeviceAdd(context.Context, int) error // Checks the device name format. CheckDeviceNameFormat(context.Context, CheckDeviceNameFormatArg) (bool, error) // Checks a given device against all of user's past devices, // including those that predate a reset. It will also check a device name // for proper formatting. Return null error on success, and a non-null // error otherwise. CheckDeviceNameForUser(context.Context, CheckDeviceNameForUserArg) error }
type DeviceListArg ¶
type DeviceListArg struct {
SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"`
type DeviceType ¶
type DeviceType int
const ( DeviceType_DESKTOP DeviceType = 0 DeviceType_MOBILE DeviceType = 1 )
func (DeviceType) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o DeviceType) DeepCopy() DeviceType
func (DeviceType) String ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (e DeviceType) String() string
type DidCounterSign2Arg ¶
type DidCounterSign2Arg struct { Sig []byte `codec:"sig" json:"sig"` PpsEncrypted string `codec:"ppsEncrypted" json:"ppsEncrypted"` PukBox *PerUserKeyBox `codec:"pukBox,omitempty" json:"pukBox,omitempty"` UserEkBox *UserEkBoxed `codec:"userEkBox,omitempty" json:"userEkBox,omitempty"` }
type DidCounterSignArg ¶
type DidCounterSignArg struct {
Sig []byte `codec:"sig" json:"sig"`
type Dirent ¶ added in v1.0.19
type Dirent struct { Time Time `codec:"time" json:"time"` Size int `codec:"size" json:"size"` Name string `codec:"name" json:"name"` DirentType DirentType `codec:"direntType" json:"direntType"` LastWriterUnverified User `codec:"lastWriterUnverified" json:"lastWriterUnverified"` }
type DirentType ¶ added in v1.0.19
type DirentType int
const ( DirentType_FILE DirentType = 0 DirentType_DIR DirentType = 1 DirentType_SYM DirentType = 2 DirentType_EXEC DirentType = 3 )
func (DirentType) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o DirentType) DeepCopy() DirentType
func (DirentType) String ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (e DirentType) String() string
type DismissArg ¶
type DismissArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` Username string `codec:"username" json:"username"` Reason DismissReason `codec:"reason" json:"reason"` }
type DismissCategoryArg ¶ added in v1.0.31
type DismissItemArg ¶ added in v1.0.34
type DismissReason ¶
type DismissReason struct { Type DismissReasonType `codec:"type" json:"type"` Reason string `codec:"reason" json:"reason"` Resource string `codec:"resource" json:"resource"` }
func (DismissReason) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o DismissReason) DeepCopy() DismissReason
type DismissReasonType ¶
type DismissReasonType int
const ( DismissReasonType_NONE DismissReasonType = 0 DismissReasonType_HANDLED_ELSEWHERE DismissReasonType = 1 )
func (DismissReasonType) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o DismissReasonType) DeepCopy() DismissReasonType
func (DismissReasonType) String ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (e DismissReasonType) String() string
type DismissWithTokenArg ¶
type DismissWithTokenArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` TrackToken TrackToken `codec:"trackToken" json:"trackToken"` }
type DisplayAndPromptSecretArg ¶
type DisplayAndPromptSecretArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` Secret []byte `codec:"secret" json:"secret"` Phrase string `codec:"phrase" json:"phrase"` OtherDeviceType DeviceType `codec:"otherDeviceType" json:"otherDeviceType"` PreviousErr string `codec:"previousErr" json:"previousErr"` }
type DisplayCryptocurrencyArg ¶
type DisplayCryptocurrencyArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` C Cryptocurrency `codec:"c" json:"c"` }
type DisplayKeyArg ¶
type DisplayKeyArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` Key IdentifyKey `codec:"key" json:"key"` }
type DisplaySecretExchangedArg ¶
type DisplaySecretExchangedArg struct {
SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"`
type DisplayTLFCreateWithInviteArg ¶
type DisplayTLFCreateWithInviteArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` FolderName string `codec:"folderName" json:"folderName"` IsPrivate bool `codec:"isPrivate" json:"isPrivate"` Assertion string `codec:"assertion" json:"assertion"` SocialAssertion SocialAssertion `codec:"socialAssertion" json:"socialAssertion"` InviteLink string `codec:"inviteLink" json:"inviteLink"` Throttled bool `codec:"throttled" json:"throttled"` }
type DisplayUserCardArg ¶
type DowngradeReferenceRes ¶
type DowngradeReferenceRes struct { Completed []BlockReferenceCount `codec:"completed" json:"completed"` Failed BlockReference `codec:"failed" json:"failed"` }
func (DowngradeReferenceRes) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o DowngradeReferenceRes) DeepCopy() DowngradeReferenceRes
type DurationSec ¶ added in v1.0.19
type DurationSec float64
func (DurationSec) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o DurationSec) DeepCopy() DurationSec
func (DurationSec) Duration ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (d DurationSec) Duration() time.Duration
type ED25519PublicKey ¶
type ED25519PublicKey [32]byte
func (ED25519PublicKey) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o ED25519PublicKey) DeepCopy() ED25519PublicKey
type ED25519Signature ¶
type ED25519Signature [64]byte
func (ED25519Signature) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o ED25519Signature) DeepCopy() ED25519Signature
type ED25519SignatureInfo ¶
type ED25519SignatureInfo struct { Sig ED25519Signature `codec:"sig" json:"sig"` PublicKey ED25519PublicKey `codec:"publicKey" json:"publicKey"` }
func (ED25519SignatureInfo) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o ED25519SignatureInfo) DeepCopy() ED25519SignatureInfo
type EkGeneration ¶ added in v1.0.46
type EkGeneration int64
func (EkGeneration) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.46
func (o EkGeneration) DeepCopy() EkGeneration
type Email ¶ added in v1.0.19
type EmailChangeArg ¶
type EncryptedBytes32 ¶
type EncryptedBytes32 [48]byte
func (EncryptedBytes32) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o EncryptedBytes32) DeepCopy() EncryptedBytes32
type EncryptedGitMetadata ¶ added in v1.0.30
type EncryptedGitMetadata struct { V int `codec:"v" json:"v"` E []byte `codec:"e" json:"e"` N BoxNonce `codec:"n" json:"n"` Gen PerTeamKeyGeneration `codec:"gen" json:"gen"` }
func (EncryptedGitMetadata) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.30
func (o EncryptedGitMetadata) DeepCopy() EncryptedGitMetadata
type EphemeralClient ¶ added in v1.0.46
type EphemeralClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
type EphemeralInterface ¶ added in v1.0.46
type EphemeralInterface interface { }
type Error ¶
type Error struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewError ¶
func NewError(code StatusCode, message string) *Error
type ErrorUnwrapper ¶
ErrorUnwrapper is converter that take a Status object off the wire and convert it into an Error that Go can understand, and you can discriminate on in your code. Though status object can act as Go errors, you can further convert them into typed errors via the Upcaster function if specified. An Upcaster takes a Status and returns something that obeys the Error interface, but can be anything your program needs.
func (ErrorUnwrapper) MakeArg ¶
func (eu ErrorUnwrapper) MakeArg() interface{}
MakeArg just makes a dummy object that we can unmarshal into, as needed by the underlying RPC library.
func (ErrorUnwrapper) UnwrapError ¶
func (eu ErrorUnwrapper) UnwrapError(arg interface{}) (appError, dispatchError error)
UnwrapError takes an incoming RPC object, attempts to coerce it into a Status object, and then Upcasts via the Upcaster or just returns if not was provided.
type ExtendedStatus ¶
type ExtendedStatus struct { Standalone bool `codec:"standalone" json:"standalone"` PassphraseStreamCached bool `codec:"passphraseStreamCached" json:"passphraseStreamCached"` TsecCached bool `codec:"tsecCached" json:"tsecCached"` DeviceSigKeyCached bool `codec:"deviceSigKeyCached" json:"deviceSigKeyCached"` DeviceEncKeyCached bool `codec:"deviceEncKeyCached" json:"deviceEncKeyCached"` PaperSigKeyCached bool `codec:"paperSigKeyCached" json:"paperSigKeyCached"` PaperEncKeyCached bool `codec:"paperEncKeyCached" json:"paperEncKeyCached"` StoredSecret bool `codec:"storedSecret" json:"storedSecret"` SecretPromptSkip bool `codec:"secretPromptSkip" json:"secretPromptSkip"` RememberPassphrase bool `codec:"rememberPassphrase" json:"rememberPassphrase"` Device *Device `codec:"device,omitempty" json:"device,omitempty"` DeviceErr *LoadDeviceErr `codec:"deviceErr,omitempty" json:"deviceErr,omitempty"` LogDir string `codec:"logDir" json:"logDir"` Session *SessionStatus `codec:"session,omitempty" json:"session,omitempty"` DefaultUsername string `codec:"defaultUsername" json:"defaultUsername"` ProvisionedUsernames []string `codec:"provisionedUsernames" json:"provisionedUsernames"` Clients []ClientDetails `codec:"Clients" json:"Clients"` DeviceEkNames []string `codec:"deviceEkNames" json:"deviceEkNames"` PlatformInfo PlatformInfo `codec:"platformInfo" json:"platformInfo"` DefaultDeviceID DeviceID `codec:"defaultDeviceID" json:"defaultDeviceID"` }
func (ExtendedStatus) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o ExtendedStatus) DeepCopy() ExtendedStatus
type FSActivityArg ¶
type FSActivityArg struct {
Notification FSNotification `codec:"notification" json:"notification"`
type FSEditListArg ¶
type FSEditListArg struct { Edits []FSNotification `codec:"edits" json:"edits"` RequestID int `codec:"requestID" json:"requestID"` }
type FSEditListRequest ¶
type FSEditListRequest struct { Folder Folder `codec:"folder" json:"folder"` RequestID int `codec:"requestID" json:"requestID"` }
func (FSEditListRequest) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o FSEditListRequest) DeepCopy() FSEditListRequest
type FSEditListRequestArg ¶
type FSEditListRequestArg struct {
Req FSEditListRequest `codec:"req" json:"req"`
type FSEditListResponseArg ¶
type FSEditListResponseArg struct { Edits []FSNotification `codec:"edits" json:"edits"` RequestID int `codec:"requestID" json:"requestID"` }
type FSErrorType ¶
type FSErrorType int
const ( FSErrorType_ACCESS_DENIED FSErrorType = 0 FSErrorType_USER_NOT_FOUND FSErrorType = 1 FSErrorType_REVOKED_DATA_DETECTED FSErrorType = 2 FSErrorType_NOT_LOGGED_IN FSErrorType = 3 FSErrorType_TIMEOUT FSErrorType = 4 FSErrorType_REKEY_NEEDED FSErrorType = 5 FSErrorType_BAD_FOLDER FSErrorType = 6 FSErrorType_NOT_IMPLEMENTED FSErrorType = 7 FSErrorType_OLD_VERSION FSErrorType = 8 FSErrorType_OVER_QUOTA FSErrorType = 9 FSErrorType_NO_SIG_CHAIN FSErrorType = 10 FSErrorType_TOO_MANY_FOLDERS FSErrorType = 11 FSErrorType_EXDEV_NOT_SUPPORTED FSErrorType = 12 FSErrorType_DISK_LIMIT_REACHED FSErrorType = 13 FSErrorType_DISK_CACHE_ERROR_LOG_SEND FSErrorType = 14 )
func (FSErrorType) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o FSErrorType) DeepCopy() FSErrorType
func (FSErrorType) String ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (e FSErrorType) String() string
type FSEventArg ¶
type FSEventArg struct {
Event FSNotification `codec:"event" json:"event"`
type FSNotification ¶
type FSNotification struct { Filename string `codec:"filename" json:"filename"` Status string `codec:"status" json:"status"` StatusCode FSStatusCode `codec:"statusCode" json:"statusCode"` NotificationType FSNotificationType `codec:"notificationType" json:"notificationType"` ErrorType FSErrorType `codec:"errorType" json:"errorType"` Params map[string]string `codec:"params" json:"params"` WriterUid UID `codec:"writerUid" json:"writerUid"` LocalTime Time `codec:"localTime" json:"localTime"` FolderType FolderType `codec:"folderType" json:"folderType"` }
func (FSNotification) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o FSNotification) DeepCopy() FSNotification
type FSNotificationType ¶
type FSNotificationType int
const ( FSNotificationType_ENCRYPTING FSNotificationType = 0 FSNotificationType_DECRYPTING FSNotificationType = 1 FSNotificationType_SIGNING FSNotificationType = 2 FSNotificationType_VERIFYING FSNotificationType = 3 FSNotificationType_REKEYING FSNotificationType = 4 FSNotificationType_CONNECTION FSNotificationType = 5 FSNotificationType_MD_READ_SUCCESS FSNotificationType = 6 FSNotificationType_FILE_CREATED FSNotificationType = 7 FSNotificationType_FILE_MODIFIED FSNotificationType = 8 FSNotificationType_FILE_DELETED FSNotificationType = 9 FSNotificationType_FILE_RENAMED FSNotificationType = 10 FSNotificationType_INITIALIZED FSNotificationType = 11 )
func (FSNotificationType) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o FSNotificationType) DeepCopy() FSNotificationType
func (FSNotificationType) String ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (e FSNotificationType) String() string
type FSPathSyncStatus ¶
type FSPathSyncStatus struct { FolderType FolderType `codec:"folderType" json:"folderType"` Path string `codec:"path" json:"path"` SyncingBytes int64 `codec:"syncingBytes" json:"syncingBytes"` SyncingOps int64 `codec:"syncingOps" json:"syncingOps"` SyncedBytes int64 `codec:"syncedBytes" json:"syncedBytes"` }
func (FSPathSyncStatus) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o FSPathSyncStatus) DeepCopy() FSPathSyncStatus
type FSStatusCode ¶
type FSStatusCode int
const ( FSStatusCode_START FSStatusCode = 0 FSStatusCode_FINISH FSStatusCode = 1 FSStatusCode_ERROR FSStatusCode = 2 )
func (FSStatusCode) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o FSStatusCode) DeepCopy() FSStatusCode
func (FSStatusCode) String ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (e FSStatusCode) String() string
type FSSyncActivityArg ¶
type FSSyncActivityArg struct {
Status FSPathSyncStatus `codec:"status" json:"status"`
type FSSyncEventArg ¶
type FSSyncEventArg struct {
Event FSPathSyncStatus `codec:"event" json:"event"`
type FSSyncStatus ¶
type FSSyncStatus struct { TotalSyncingBytes int64 `codec:"totalSyncingBytes" json:"totalSyncingBytes"` TotalSyncingOps int64 `codec:"totalSyncingOps" json:"totalSyncingOps"` PathStatuses []FSPathSyncStatus `codec:"pathStatuses" json:"pathStatuses"` }
func (FSSyncStatus) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o FSSyncStatus) DeepCopy() FSSyncStatus
type FSSyncStatusArg ¶
type FSSyncStatusArg struct { Status FSSyncStatus `codec:"status" json:"status"` RequestID int `codec:"requestID" json:"requestID"` }
type FSSyncStatusRequest ¶
type FSSyncStatusRequest struct {
RequestID int `codec:"requestID" json:"requestID"`
func (FSSyncStatusRequest) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o FSSyncStatusRequest) DeepCopy() FSSyncStatusRequest
type FSSyncStatusRequestArg ¶
type FSSyncStatusRequestArg struct {
Req FSSyncStatusRequest `codec:"req" json:"req"`
type FSSyncStatusResponseArg ¶
type FSSyncStatusResponseArg struct { Status FSSyncStatus `codec:"status" json:"status"` RequestID int `codec:"requestID" json:"requestID"` }
type FakeTrackingChangedArg ¶
type FavoriteAddArg ¶
type FavoriteClient ¶
type FavoriteClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (FavoriteClient) FavoriteAdd ¶
func (c FavoriteClient) FavoriteAdd(ctx context.Context, __arg FavoriteAddArg) (err error)
Adds a folder to a user's list of favorite folders.
func (FavoriteClient) FavoriteIgnore ¶
func (c FavoriteClient) FavoriteIgnore(ctx context.Context, __arg FavoriteIgnoreArg) (err error)
Removes a folder from a user's list of favorite folders.
func (FavoriteClient) GetFavorites ¶
func (c FavoriteClient) GetFavorites(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (res FavoritesResult, err error)
Returns all of a user's favorite folders.
type FavoriteIgnoreArg ¶
type FavoriteInterface ¶
type FavoriteInterface interface { // Adds a folder to a user's list of favorite folders. FavoriteAdd(context.Context, FavoriteAddArg) error // Removes a folder from a user's list of favorite folders. FavoriteIgnore(context.Context, FavoriteIgnoreArg) error // Returns all of a user's favorite folders. GetFavorites(context.Context, int) (FavoritesResult, error) }
type FavoritesChangedArg ¶
type FavoritesChangedArg struct {
Uid UID `codec:"uid" json:"uid"`
type FavoritesResult ¶
type FavoritesResult struct { FavoriteFolders []Folder `codec:"favoriteFolders" json:"favoriteFolders"` IgnoredFolders []Folder `codec:"ignoredFolders" json:"ignoredFolders"` NewFolders []Folder `codec:"newFolders" json:"newFolders"` }
func (FavoritesResult) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o FavoritesResult) DeepCopy() FavoritesResult
type Feature ¶
type FileContent ¶ added in v1.0.19
type FileContent struct { Data []byte `codec:"data" json:"data"` Progress Progress `codec:"progress" json:"progress"` }
func (FileContent) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o FileContent) DeepCopy() FileContent
type FileDescriptor ¶
type FileDescriptor struct { Name string `codec:"name" json:"name"` Type FileType `codec:"type" json:"type"` }
func (FileDescriptor) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o FileDescriptor) DeepCopy() FileDescriptor
type FinalizeMigrationArg ¶ added in v1.0.48
type FinalizeMigrationArg struct {
Folder Folder `codec:"folder" json:"folder"`
type FindNextMDArg ¶ added in v1.0.48
type FindNextMDResponse ¶ added in v1.0.48
type FindNextMDResponse struct { KbfsRoot MerkleRoot `codec:"kbfsRoot" json:"kbfsRoot"` MerkleNodes [][]byte `codec:"merkleNodes" json:"merkleNodes"` RootSeqno Seqno `codec:"rootSeqno" json:"rootSeqno"` RootHash HashMeta `codec:"rootHash" json:"rootHash"` }
func (FindNextMDResponse) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.48
func (o FindNextMDResponse) DeepCopy() FindNextMDResponse
type FindNextMerkleRootAfterResetArg ¶
type FindNextMerkleRootAfterResetArg struct { Uid UID `codec:"uid" json:"uid"` ResetSeqno Seqno `codec:"resetSeqno" json:"resetSeqno"` Prev ResetMerkleRoot `codec:"prev" json:"prev"` }
type FindNextMerkleRootAfterRevokeArg ¶
type FindNextMerkleRootAfterRevokeArg struct { Uid UID `codec:"uid" json:"uid"` Kid KID `codec:"kid" json:"kid"` Loc SigChainLocation `codec:"loc" json:"loc"` Prev MerkleRootV2 `codec:"prev" json:"prev"` }
type FindNextMerkleRootAfterTeamRemovalArg ¶
type FindNextMerkleRootAfterTeamRemovalArg struct { Uid UID `codec:"uid" json:"uid"` Team TeamID `codec:"team" json:"team"` IsPublic bool `codec:"isPublic" json:"isPublic"` TeamSigchainSeqno Seqno `codec:"teamSigchainSeqno" json:"teamSigchainSeqno"` Prev MerkleRootV2 `codec:"prev" json:"prev"` }
type FinishSocialProofCheckArg ¶
type FinishSocialProofCheckArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` Rp RemoteProof `codec:"rp" json:"rp"` Lcr LinkCheckResult `codec:"lcr" json:"lcr"` }
type FinishWebProofCheckArg ¶
type FinishWebProofCheckArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` Rp RemoteProof `codec:"rp" json:"rp"` Lcr LinkCheckResult `codec:"lcr" json:"lcr"` }
type FinishedArg ¶
type FinishedArg struct {
SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"`
type FirstStepArg ¶
type FirstStepResult ¶
type FirstStepResult struct {
ValPlusTwo int `codec:"valPlusTwo" json:"valPlusTwo"`
func (FirstStepResult) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o FirstStepResult) DeepCopy() FirstStepResult
type Folder ¶
type Folder struct { Name string `codec:"name" json:"name"` Private bool `codec:"private" json:"private"` NotificationsOn bool `codec:"notificationsOn" json:"notificationsOn"` Created bool `codec:"created" json:"created"` FolderType FolderType `codec:"folderType" json:"folderType"` }
Folder represents a favorite top-level folder in kbfs. This type is likely to change significantly as all the various parts are connected and tested.
type FolderNeedsRekeyArg ¶
type FolderType ¶ added in v1.0.27
type FolderType int
const ( FolderType_UNKNOWN FolderType = 0 FolderType_PRIVATE FolderType = 1 FolderType_PUBLIC FolderType = 2 FolderType_TEAM FolderType = 3 )
func (FolderType) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o FolderType) DeepCopy() FolderType
func (FolderType) String ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (e FolderType) String() string
type FoldersNeedRekeyArg ¶ added in v1.0.19
type FoldersNeedRekeyArg struct {
Requests []RekeyRequest `codec:"requests" json:"requests"`
type ForceMerkleBuildForTestArg ¶ added in v1.0.48
type ForceMerkleBuildForTestArg struct { }
type FsClient ¶
type FsClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
type FsInterface ¶
type FsInterface interface { // List files in a path. Implemented by KBFS service. List(context.Context, ListArg) (ListResult, error) }
type FullNamePackage ¶ added in v1.0.33
type FullNamePackage struct { Version FullNamePackageVersion `codec:"version" json:"version"` FullName FullName `codec:"fullName" json:"fullName"` EldestSeqno Seqno `codec:"eldestSeqno" json:"eldestSeqno"` CachedAt Time `codec:"cachedAt" json:"cachedAt"` }
func (FullNamePackage) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.33
func (o FullNamePackage) DeepCopy() FullNamePackage
type FullNamePackageVersion ¶ added in v1.0.33
type FullNamePackageVersion int
const ( FullNamePackageVersion_V0 FullNamePackageVersion = 0 FullNamePackageVersion_V1 FullNamePackageVersion = 1 )
func (FullNamePackageVersion) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.33
func (o FullNamePackageVersion) DeepCopy() FullNamePackageVersion
func (FullNamePackageVersion) String ¶ added in v1.0.33
func (e FullNamePackageVersion) String() string
type FuseMountInfo ¶
type FuseMountInfo struct { Path string `codec:"path" json:"path"` Fstype string `codec:"fstype" json:"fstype"` Output string `codec:"output" json:"output"` }
func (FuseMountInfo) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o FuseMountInfo) DeepCopy() FuseMountInfo
type FuseStatus ¶
type FuseStatus struct { Version string `codec:"version" json:"version"` BundleVersion string `codec:"bundleVersion" json:"bundleVersion"` KextID string `codec:"kextID" json:"kextID"` Path string `codec:"path" json:"path"` KextStarted bool `codec:"kextStarted" json:"kextStarted"` InstallStatus InstallStatus `codec:"installStatus" json:"installStatus"` InstallAction InstallAction `codec:"installAction" json:"installAction"` MountInfos []FuseMountInfo `codec:"mountInfos" json:"mountInfos"` Status Status `codec:"status" json:"status"` }
func (FuseStatus) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o FuseStatus) DeepCopy() FuseStatus
type FuseStatusArg ¶ added in v1.0.29
type GPGKey ¶
type GPGKey struct { Algorithm string `codec:"algorithm" json:"algorithm"` KeyID string `codec:"keyID" json:"keyID"` Creation string `codec:"creation" json:"creation"` Expiration string `codec:"expiration" json:"expiration"` Identities []PGPIdentity `codec:"identities" json:"identities"` }
type GUIEntryArg ¶
type GUIEntryArg struct { WindowTitle string `codec:"windowTitle" json:"windowTitle"` Prompt string `codec:"prompt" json:"prompt"` Username string `codec:"username" json:"username"` SubmitLabel string `codec:"submitLabel" json:"submitLabel"` CancelLabel string `codec:"cancelLabel" json:"cancelLabel"` RetryLabel string `codec:"retryLabel" json:"retryLabel"` Type PassphraseType `codec:"type" json:"type"` Features GUIEntryFeatures `codec:"features" json:"features"` }
func (GUIEntryArg) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o GUIEntryArg) DeepCopy() GUIEntryArg
type GUIEntryFeatures ¶
type GUIEntryFeatures struct {
ShowTyping Feature `codec:"showTyping" json:"showTyping"`
func (GUIEntryFeatures) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o GUIEntryFeatures) DeepCopy() GUIEntryFeatures
type GcArg ¶ added in v1.0.34
type GcArg struct { Folder Folder `codec:"folder" json:"folder"` Name GitRepoName `codec:"name" json:"name"` Options GcOptions `codec:"options" json:"options"` }
type GcOptions ¶ added in v1.0.34
type GcPersonalRepoArg ¶ added in v1.0.34
type GcPersonalRepoArg struct { RepoName GitRepoName `codec:"repoName" json:"repoName"` Force bool `codec:"force" json:"force"` }
type GcTeamRepoArg ¶ added in v1.0.34
type GcTeamRepoArg struct { RepoName GitRepoName `codec:"repoName" json:"repoName"` TeamName TeamName `codec:"teamName" json:"teamName"` Force bool `codec:"force" json:"force"` }
type GetAllAvailableMountDirsArg ¶ added in v1.0.19
type GetAllAvailableMountDirsArg struct { }
type GetAllGitMetadataArg ¶ added in v1.0.29
type GetAllGitMetadataArg struct { }
type GetArg ¶
type GetArg struct { Endpoint string `codec:"endpoint" json:"endpoint"` Args []StringKVPair `codec:"args" json:"args"` HttpStatus []int `codec:"httpStatus" json:"httpStatus"` AppStatusCode []int `codec:"appStatusCode" json:"appStatusCode"` }
func (GetArg) GetAppStatusCodes ¶
func (GetArg) GetEndpoint ¶
func (GetArg) GetHTTPArgs ¶
func (a GetArg) GetHTTPArgs() []StringKVPair
func (GetArg) GetHttpStatuses ¶
type GetBadgeStateArg ¶ added in v1.0.27
type GetBadgeStateArg struct { }
type GetBlockArg ¶
type GetBlockArg struct { Bid BlockIdCombo `codec:"bid" json:"bid"` Folder string `codec:"folder" json:"folder"` }
type GetBlockRes ¶
type GetBlockRes struct { BlockKey string `codec:"blockKey" json:"blockKey"` Buf []byte `codec:"buf" json:"buf"` }
func (GetBlockRes) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o GetBlockRes) DeepCopy() GetBlockRes
type GetBootstrapStatusArg ¶ added in v1.0.22
type GetBootstrapStatusArg struct {
SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"`
type GetChallengeArg ¶
type GetChallengeArg struct { }
type GetConfigArg ¶
type GetConfigArg struct {
SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"`
type GetConfiguredAccountsArg ¶
type GetConfiguredAccountsArg struct {
SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"`
type GetCurrentMerkleRootArg ¶ added in v1.0.27
type GetCurrentMerkleRootArg struct {
FreshnessMsec int `codec:"freshnessMsec" json:"freshnessMsec"`
type GetCurrentMountDirArg ¶ added in v1.0.19
type GetCurrentMountDirArg struct { }
type GetCurrentStatusArg ¶
type GetCurrentStatusArg struct {
SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"`
type GetCurrentStatusRes ¶
type GetCurrentStatusRes struct { Configured bool `codec:"configured" json:"configured"` Registered bool `codec:"registered" json:"registered"` LoggedIn bool `codec:"loggedIn" json:"loggedIn"` SessionIsValid bool `codec:"sessionIsValid" json:"sessionIsValid"` User *User `codec:"user,omitempty" json:"user,omitempty"` }
func (GetCurrentStatusRes) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o GetCurrentStatusRes) DeepCopy() GetCurrentStatusRes
type GetEmailOrUsernameArg ¶
type GetEmailOrUsernameArg struct {
SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"`
type GetExtendedStatusArg ¶
type GetExtendedStatusArg struct {
SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"`
type GetFavoritesArg ¶
type GetFavoritesArg struct {
SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"`
type GetFolderHandleArg ¶
type GetFoldersForRekeyArg ¶
type GetFoldersForRekeyArg struct {
DeviceKID KID `codec:"deviceKID" json:"deviceKID"`
type GetGitMetadataArg ¶ added in v1.0.29
type GetGitMetadataArg struct {
Folder Folder `codec:"folder" json:"folder"`
type GetInvitationCodeArg ¶ added in v1.0.19
type GetInvitationCodeArg struct {
SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"`
type GetKBFSTeamSettingsArg ¶ added in v1.0.39
type GetKBFSTeamSettingsArg struct {
TeamID TeamID `codec:"teamID" json:"teamID"`
type GetKeyBundlesArg ¶
type GetLatestFolderHandleArg ¶
type GetLatestFolderHandleArg struct {
FolderID string `codec:"folderID" json:"folderID"`
type GetMerkleNodeArg ¶
type GetMerkleNodeArg struct {
Hash string `codec:"hash" json:"hash"`
type GetMerkleRootArg ¶
type GetMerkleRootArg struct { TreeID MerkleTreeID `codec:"treeID" json:"treeID"` SeqNo int64 `codec:"seqNo" json:"seqNo"` }
type GetMerkleRootLatestArg ¶
type GetMerkleRootLatestArg struct {
TreeID MerkleTreeID `codec:"treeID" json:"treeID"`
type GetMerkleRootSinceArg ¶
type GetMerkleRootSinceArg struct { TreeID MerkleTreeID `codec:"treeID" json:"treeID"` When Time `codec:"when" json:"when"` }
type GetMetadataArg ¶
type GetMetadataArg struct { FolderID string `codec:"folderID" json:"folderID"` FolderHandle []byte `codec:"folderHandle" json:"folderHandle"` BranchID string `codec:"branchID" json:"branchID"` Unmerged bool `codec:"unmerged" json:"unmerged"` StartRevision int64 `codec:"startRevision" json:"startRevision"` StopRevision int64 `codec:"stopRevision" json:"stopRevision"` LogTags map[string]string `codec:"logTags" json:"logTags"` LockBeforeGet *LockID `codec:"lockBeforeGet,omitempty" json:"lockBeforeGet,omitempty"` }
type GetPassphraseArg ¶
type GetPassphraseArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` Pinentry GUIEntryArg `codec:"pinentry" json:"pinentry"` Terminal *SecretEntryArg `codec:"terminal,omitempty" json:"terminal,omitempty"` }
type GetPassphraseRes ¶
type GetPassphraseRes struct { Passphrase string `codec:"passphrase" json:"passphrase"` StoreSecret bool `codec:"storeSecret" json:"storeSecret"` }
func (GetPassphraseRes) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o GetPassphraseRes) DeepCopy() GetPassphraseRes
type GetPendingRekeyStatusArg ¶
type GetPendingRekeyStatusArg struct {
SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"`
type GetPublicCanonicalTLFNameAndIDArg ¶
type GetPublicCanonicalTLFNameAndIDArg struct {
Query TLFQuery `codec:"query" json:"query"`
type GetRememberPassphraseArg ¶ added in v1.0.43
type GetRememberPassphraseArg struct {
SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"`
type GetRevokeWarningArg ¶
type GetSecretKeysArg ¶
type GetSecretKeysArg struct {
SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"`
type GetSessionChallengeArg ¶
type GetSessionChallengeArg struct { }
type GetStateArg ¶
type GetStateArg struct { }
type GetTLFCryptKeysArg ¶
type GetTLFCryptKeysArg struct {
Query TLFQuery `codec:"query" json:"query"`
type GetTLFCryptKeysRes ¶
type GetTLFCryptKeysRes struct { NameIDBreaks CanonicalTLFNameAndIDWithBreaks `codec:"nameIDBreaks" json:"nameIDBreaks"` CryptKeys []CryptKey `codec:"CryptKeys" json:"CryptKeys"` }
func (GetTLFCryptKeysRes) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o GetTLFCryptKeysRes) DeepCopy() GetTLFCryptKeysRes
type GetTarsDisabledArg ¶ added in v1.0.40
type GetTarsDisabledArg struct {
Name string `codec:"name" json:"name"`
type GetTeamAndMemberShowcaseArg ¶ added in v1.0.34
type GetTeamAndMemberShowcaseArg struct {
Name string `codec:"name" json:"name"`
type GetTeamQuotaInfoArg ¶ added in v1.0.27
type GetTeamQuotaInfoArg struct {
Tid TeamID `codec:"tid" json:"tid"`
type GetTeamRepoSettingsArg ¶ added in v1.0.40
type GetTeamRootIDArg ¶ added in v1.0.27
type GetTeamRootIDArg struct {
Id TeamID `codec:"id" json:"id"`
type GetTeamShowcaseArg ¶ added in v1.0.34
type GetTeamShowcaseArg struct {
Name string `codec:"name" json:"name"`
type GetUPAKArg ¶ added in v1.0.39
type GetUPAKArg struct {
Uid UID `codec:"uid" json:"uid"`
type GetUserQuotaInfoArg ¶
type GetUserQuotaInfoArg struct { }
type GetValueArg ¶
type GetValueArg struct {
Path string `codec:"path" json:"path"`
type GetWithSessionArg ¶ added in v1.0.22
type GetWithSessionArg struct { Endpoint string `codec:"endpoint" json:"endpoint"` Args []StringKVPair `codec:"args" json:"args"` HttpStatus []int `codec:"httpStatus" json:"httpStatus"` AppStatusCode []int `codec:"appStatusCode" json:"appStatusCode"` }
func (GetWithSessionArg) GetAppStatusCodes ¶ added in v1.0.22
func (a GetWithSessionArg) GetAppStatusCodes() []int
func (GetWithSessionArg) GetEndpoint ¶ added in v1.0.22
func (a GetWithSessionArg) GetEndpoint() string
func (GetWithSessionArg) GetHTTPArgs ¶ added in v1.0.22
func (a GetWithSessionArg) GetHTTPArgs() []StringKVPair
func (GetWithSessionArg) GetHttpStatuses ¶ added in v1.0.22
func (a GetWithSessionArg) GetHttpStatuses() []int
type GitClient ¶ added in v1.0.29
type GitClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (GitClient) CreatePersonalRepo ¶ added in v1.0.30
func (GitClient) CreateTeamRepo ¶ added in v1.0.30
func (GitClient) DeleteGitMetadata ¶ added in v1.0.34
func (c GitClient) DeleteGitMetadata(ctx context.Context, __arg DeleteGitMetadataArg) (err error)
func (GitClient) DeletePersonalRepo ¶ added in v1.0.30
func (c GitClient) DeletePersonalRepo(ctx context.Context, repoName GitRepoName) (err error)
func (GitClient) DeleteTeamRepo ¶ added in v1.0.30
func (c GitClient) DeleteTeamRepo(ctx context.Context, __arg DeleteTeamRepoArg) (err error)
func (GitClient) GcPersonalRepo ¶ added in v1.0.34
func (c GitClient) GcPersonalRepo(ctx context.Context, __arg GcPersonalRepoArg) (err error)
func (GitClient) GcTeamRepo ¶ added in v1.0.34
func (c GitClient) GcTeamRepo(ctx context.Context, __arg GcTeamRepoArg) (err error)
func (GitClient) GetAllGitMetadata ¶ added in v1.0.29
func (c GitClient) GetAllGitMetadata(ctx context.Context) (res []GitRepoResult, err error)
func (GitClient) GetGitMetadata ¶ added in v1.0.29
func (GitClient) GetTeamRepoSettings ¶ added in v1.0.40
func (c GitClient) GetTeamRepoSettings(ctx context.Context, __arg GetTeamRepoSettingsArg) (res GitTeamRepoSettings, err error)
func (GitClient) PutGitMetadata ¶ added in v1.0.29
func (c GitClient) PutGitMetadata(ctx context.Context, __arg PutGitMetadataArg) (err error)
func (GitClient) SetTeamRepoSettings ¶ added in v1.0.40
func (c GitClient) SetTeamRepoSettings(ctx context.Context, __arg SetTeamRepoSettingsArg) (err error)
type GitCommit ¶ added in v1.0.40
type GitInterface ¶ added in v1.0.29
type GitInterface interface { PutGitMetadata(context.Context, PutGitMetadataArg) error DeleteGitMetadata(context.Context, DeleteGitMetadataArg) error GetGitMetadata(context.Context, Folder) ([]GitRepoResult, error) GetAllGitMetadata(context.Context) ([]GitRepoResult, error) CreatePersonalRepo(context.Context, GitRepoName) (RepoID, error) CreateTeamRepo(context.Context, CreateTeamRepoArg) (RepoID, error) DeletePersonalRepo(context.Context, GitRepoName) error DeleteTeamRepo(context.Context, DeleteTeamRepoArg) error GcPersonalRepo(context.Context, GcPersonalRepoArg) error GcTeamRepo(context.Context, GcTeamRepoArg) error GetTeamRepoSettings(context.Context, GetTeamRepoSettingsArg) (GitTeamRepoSettings, error) SetTeamRepoSettings(context.Context, SetTeamRepoSettingsArg) error }
type GitLocalMetadata ¶ added in v1.0.29
type GitLocalMetadata struct { RepoName GitRepoName `codec:"repoName" json:"repoName"` Refs []GitRefMetadata `codec:"refs" json:"refs"` PushType GitPushType `codec:"pushType" json:"pushType"` PreviousRepoName GitRepoName `codec:"previousRepoName" json:"previousRepoName"` }
func (GitLocalMetadata) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.29
func (o GitLocalMetadata) DeepCopy() GitLocalMetadata
type GitLocalMetadataV1 ¶ added in v1.0.30
type GitLocalMetadataV1 struct {
RepoName GitRepoName `codec:"repoName" json:"repoName"`
func (GitLocalMetadataV1) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.30
func (o GitLocalMetadataV1) DeepCopy() GitLocalMetadataV1
type GitLocalMetadataVersion ¶ added in v1.0.30
type GitLocalMetadataVersion int
const (
GitLocalMetadataVersion_V1 GitLocalMetadataVersion = 1
func (GitLocalMetadataVersion) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.30
func (o GitLocalMetadataVersion) DeepCopy() GitLocalMetadataVersion
func (GitLocalMetadataVersion) String ¶ added in v1.0.30
func (e GitLocalMetadataVersion) String() string
type GitLocalMetadataVersioned ¶ added in v1.0.30
type GitLocalMetadataVersioned struct { Version__ GitLocalMetadataVersion `codec:"version" json:"version"` V1__ *GitLocalMetadataV1 `codec:"v1,omitempty" json:"v1,omitempty"` }
func NewGitLocalMetadataVersionedWithV1 ¶ added in v1.0.30
func NewGitLocalMetadataVersionedWithV1(v GitLocalMetadataV1) GitLocalMetadataVersioned
func (GitLocalMetadataVersioned) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.30
func (o GitLocalMetadataVersioned) DeepCopy() GitLocalMetadataVersioned
func (GitLocalMetadataVersioned) V1 ¶ added in v1.0.30
func (o GitLocalMetadataVersioned) V1() (res GitLocalMetadataV1)
func (*GitLocalMetadataVersioned) Version ¶ added in v1.0.30
func (o *GitLocalMetadataVersioned) Version() (ret GitLocalMetadataVersion, err error)
type GitPushType ¶ added in v1.0.40
type GitPushType int
const ( GitPushType_DEFAULT GitPushType = 0 GitPushType_CREATEREPO GitPushType = 1 GitPushType_RENAMEREPO GitPushType = 3 )
func (GitPushType) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.40
func (o GitPushType) DeepCopy() GitPushType
func (GitPushType) String ¶ added in v1.0.40
func (e GitPushType) String() string
type GitRefMetadata ¶ added in v1.0.40
type GitRefMetadata struct { RefName string `codec:"refName" json:"refName"` Commits []GitCommit `codec:"commits" json:"commits"` MoreCommitsAvailable bool `codec:"moreCommitsAvailable" json:"moreCommitsAvailable"` IsDelete bool `codec:"isDelete" json:"isDelete"` }
func (GitRefMetadata) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.40
func (o GitRefMetadata) DeepCopy() GitRefMetadata
type GitRepoInfo ¶ added in v1.0.34
type GitRepoInfo struct { Folder Folder `codec:"folder" json:"folder"` RepoID RepoID `codec:"repoID" json:"repoID"` LocalMetadata GitLocalMetadata `codec:"localMetadata" json:"localMetadata"` ServerMetadata GitServerMetadata `codec:"serverMetadata" json:"serverMetadata"` RepoUrl string `codec:"repoUrl" json:"repoUrl"` GlobalUniqueID string `codec:"globalUniqueID" json:"globalUniqueID"` CanDelete bool `codec:"canDelete" json:"canDelete"` TeamRepoSettings *GitTeamRepoSettings `codec:"teamRepoSettings,omitempty" json:"teamRepoSettings,omitempty"` }
func (GitRepoInfo) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.34
func (o GitRepoInfo) DeepCopy() GitRepoInfo
type GitRepoName ¶ added in v1.0.30
type GitRepoName string
func (GitRepoName) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.30
func (o GitRepoName) DeepCopy() GitRepoName
type GitRepoResult ¶ added in v1.0.29
type GitRepoResult struct { State__ GitRepoResultState `codec:"state" json:"state"` Err__ *string `codec:"err,omitempty" json:"err,omitempty"` Ok__ *GitRepoInfo `codec:"ok,omitempty" json:"ok,omitempty"` }
func NewGitRepoResultWithErr ¶ added in v1.0.34
func NewGitRepoResultWithErr(v string) GitRepoResult
func NewGitRepoResultWithOk ¶ added in v1.0.34
func NewGitRepoResultWithOk(v GitRepoInfo) GitRepoResult
func (GitRepoResult) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.29
func (o GitRepoResult) DeepCopy() GitRepoResult
func (GitRepoResult) Err ¶ added in v1.0.34
func (o GitRepoResult) Err() (res string)
func (*GitRepoResult) GetIfOk ¶ added in v1.0.34
func (r *GitRepoResult) GetIfOk() (res GitRepoInfo, err error)
func (GitRepoResult) Ok ¶ added in v1.0.34
func (o GitRepoResult) Ok() (res GitRepoInfo)
func (*GitRepoResult) State ¶ added in v1.0.34
func (o *GitRepoResult) State() (ret GitRepoResultState, err error)
type GitRepoResultState ¶ added in v1.0.34
type GitRepoResultState int
const ( GitRepoResultState_ERR GitRepoResultState = 0 GitRepoResultState_OK GitRepoResultState = 1 )
func (GitRepoResultState) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.34
func (o GitRepoResultState) DeepCopy() GitRepoResultState
func (GitRepoResultState) String ¶ added in v1.0.34
func (e GitRepoResultState) String() string
type GitServerMetadata ¶ added in v1.0.29
type GitServerMetadata struct { Ctime Time `codec:"ctime" json:"ctime"` Mtime Time `codec:"mtime" json:"mtime"` LastModifyingUsername string `codec:"lastModifyingUsername" json:"lastModifyingUsername"` LastModifyingDeviceID DeviceID `codec:"lastModifyingDeviceID" json:"lastModifyingDeviceID"` LastModifyingDeviceName string `codec:"lastModifyingDeviceName" json:"lastModifyingDeviceName"` }
func (GitServerMetadata) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.29
func (o GitServerMetadata) DeepCopy() GitServerMetadata
type GitTeamRepoSettings ¶ added in v1.0.40
type GitTeamRepoSettings struct { ChannelName *string `codec:"channelName,omitempty" json:"channelName,omitempty"` ChatDisabled bool `codec:"chatDisabled" json:"chatDisabled"` }
func (GitTeamRepoSettings) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.40
func (o GitTeamRepoSettings) DeepCopy() GitTeamRepoSettings
type GpgCommonClient ¶
type GpgCommonClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
type GpgCommonInterface ¶
type GpgCommonInterface interface { }
type GpgUiClient ¶
type GpgUiClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (GpgUiClient) ConfirmDuplicateKeyChosen ¶
func (GpgUiClient) ConfirmImportSecretToExistingKey ¶
func (GpgUiClient) GetTTY ¶
func (c GpgUiClient) GetTTY(ctx context.Context) (res string, err error)
func (GpgUiClient) SelectKey ¶
func (c GpgUiClient) SelectKey(ctx context.Context, __arg SelectKeyArg) (res string, err error)
func (GpgUiClient) SelectKeyAndPushOption ¶
func (c GpgUiClient) SelectKeyAndPushOption(ctx context.Context, __arg SelectKeyAndPushOptionArg) (res SelectKeyRes, err error)
func (GpgUiClient) WantToAddGPGKey ¶
type GpgUiInterface ¶
type GpgUiInterface interface { WantToAddGPGKey(context.Context, int) (bool, error) ConfirmDuplicateKeyChosen(context.Context, int) (bool, error) ConfirmImportSecretToExistingKey(context.Context, int) (bool, error) SelectKeyAndPushOption(context.Context, SelectKeyAndPushOptionArg) (SelectKeyRes, error) SelectKey(context.Context, SelectKeyArg) (string, error) Sign(context.Context, SignArg) (string, error) GetTTY(context.Context) (string, error) }
type GregorClient ¶
type GregorClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (GregorClient) DismissCategory ¶ added in v1.0.31
func (GregorClient) DismissItem ¶ added in v1.0.34
func (GregorClient) InjectItem ¶ added in v1.0.30
func (c GregorClient) InjectItem(ctx context.Context, __arg InjectItemArg) (res gregor1.MsgID, err error)
func (GregorClient) UpdateCategory ¶
func (c GregorClient) UpdateCategory(ctx context.Context, __arg UpdateCategoryArg) (res gregor1.MsgID, err error)
func (GregorClient) UpdateItem ¶
func (c GregorClient) UpdateItem(ctx context.Context, __arg UpdateItemArg) (res gregor1.MsgID, err error)
type GregorInterface ¶
type GregorInterface interface { GetState(context.Context) (gregor1.State, error) InjectItem(context.Context, InjectItemArg) (gregor1.MsgID, error) DismissCategory(context.Context, gregor1.Category) error DismissItem(context.Context, gregor1.MsgID) error UpdateItem(context.Context, UpdateItemArg) (gregor1.MsgID, error) UpdateCategory(context.Context, UpdateCategoryArg) (gregor1.MsgID, error) }
type GregorUIClient ¶
type GregorUIClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (GregorUIClient) PushOutOfBandMessages ¶
func (c GregorUIClient) PushOutOfBandMessages(ctx context.Context, oobm []gregor1.OutOfBandMessage) (err error)
func (GregorUIClient) PushState ¶
func (c GregorUIClient) PushState(ctx context.Context, __arg PushStateArg) (err error)
type GregorUIInterface ¶
type GregorUIInterface interface { PushState(context.Context, PushStateArg) error PushOutOfBandMessages(context.Context, []gregor1.OutOfBandMessage) error }
type HasServerKeysArg ¶
type HasServerKeysArg struct {
SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"`
type HasServerKeysRes ¶
type HasServerKeysRes struct {
HasServerKeys bool `codec:"hasServerKeys" json:"hasServerKeys"`
func (HasServerKeysRes) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o HasServerKeysRes) DeepCopy() HasServerKeysRes
type HashMeta ¶ added in v1.0.27
type HashMeta []byte
func HashMetaFromString ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (HashMeta) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (*HashMeta) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.0.27
type Hello2Arg ¶
type Hello2Arg struct { Uid UID `codec:"uid" json:"uid"` Token SessionToken `codec:"token" json:"token"` Csrf CsrfToken `codec:"csrf" json:"csrf"` SigBody string `codec:"sigBody" json:"sigBody"` }
type Hello2Res ¶
type HelloArg ¶
type HelloArg struct { Uid UID `codec:"uid" json:"uid"` Token SessionToken `codec:"token" json:"token"` Csrf CsrfToken `codec:"csrf" json:"csrf"` Pps PassphraseStream `codec:"pps" json:"pps"` SigBody string `codec:"sigBody" json:"sigBody"` }
type HelloIAmArg ¶
type HelloIAmArg struct {
Details ClientDetails `codec:"details" json:"details"`
type HomeActionTakenArg ¶ added in v1.0.34
type HomeActionTakenArg struct { }
type HomeClient ¶ added in v1.0.34
type HomeClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (HomeClient) HomeActionTaken ¶ added in v1.0.34
func (c HomeClient) HomeActionTaken(ctx context.Context) (err error)
func (HomeClient) HomeGetScreen ¶ added in v1.0.34
func (c HomeClient) HomeGetScreen(ctx context.Context, __arg HomeGetScreenArg) (res HomeScreen, err error)
HomeGetScreen returns the home screen for the current user. If `markViewed` is specified, the server will mark this version of the home screen "viewed", potentially updating some badges. `numFollowSuggestionsWanted` controls the number of people to return. If not specified, it will default to `0`, so no people. If `-1` is specified, the default number will be returned (10). Otherwise, the caller should specify.
func (HomeClient) HomeMarkViewed ¶ added in v1.0.34
func (c HomeClient) HomeMarkViewed(ctx context.Context) (err error)
func (HomeClient) HomeSkipTodoType ¶ added in v1.0.34
func (c HomeClient) HomeSkipTodoType(ctx context.Context, t HomeScreenTodoType) (err error)
type HomeGetScreenArg ¶ added in v1.0.34
type HomeInterface ¶ added in v1.0.34
type HomeInterface interface { // HomeGetScreen returns the home screen for the current user. // If `markViewed` is specified, the server will mark this version of the // home screen "viewed", potentially updating some badges. // `numFollowSuggestionsWanted` controls the number of people to return. // If not specified, it will default to `0`, so no people. If `-1` is specified, // the default number will be returned (10). Otherwise, the caller should // specify. HomeGetScreen(context.Context, HomeGetScreenArg) (HomeScreen, error) HomeSkipTodoType(context.Context, HomeScreenTodoType) error HomeActionTaken(context.Context) error HomeMarkViewed(context.Context) error }
type HomeMarkViewedArg ¶ added in v1.0.34
type HomeMarkViewedArg struct { }
type HomeScreen ¶ added in v1.0.34
type HomeScreen struct { LastViewed Time `codec:"lastViewed" json:"lastViewed"` Version int `codec:"version" json:"version"` Visits int `codec:"visits" json:"visits"` Items []HomeScreenItem `codec:"items" json:"items"` FollowSuggestions []HomeUserSummary `codec:"followSuggestions" json:"followSuggestions"` }
func (HomeScreen) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.34
func (o HomeScreen) DeepCopy() HomeScreen
type HomeScreenItem ¶ added in v1.0.34
type HomeScreenItem struct { Badged bool `codec:"badged" json:"badged"` Data HomeScreenItemData `codec:"data" json:"data"` }
func (HomeScreenItem) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.34
func (o HomeScreenItem) DeepCopy() HomeScreenItem
type HomeScreenItemData ¶ added in v1.0.34
type HomeScreenItemData struct { T__ HomeScreenItemType `codec:"t" json:"t"` Todo__ *HomeScreenTodo `codec:"todo,omitempty" json:"todo,omitempty"` People__ *HomeScreenPeopleNotification `codec:"people,omitempty" json:"people,omitempty"` }
func NewHomeScreenItemDataWithPeople ¶ added in v1.0.34
func NewHomeScreenItemDataWithPeople(v HomeScreenPeopleNotification) HomeScreenItemData
func NewHomeScreenItemDataWithTodo ¶ added in v1.0.34
func NewHomeScreenItemDataWithTodo(v HomeScreenTodo) HomeScreenItemData
func (HomeScreenItemData) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.34
func (o HomeScreenItemData) DeepCopy() HomeScreenItemData
func (HomeScreenItemData) People ¶ added in v1.0.34
func (o HomeScreenItemData) People() (res HomeScreenPeopleNotification)
func (*HomeScreenItemData) T ¶ added in v1.0.34
func (o *HomeScreenItemData) T() (ret HomeScreenItemType, err error)
func (HomeScreenItemData) Todo ¶ added in v1.0.34
func (o HomeScreenItemData) Todo() (res HomeScreenTodo)
type HomeScreenItemID ¶ added in v1.0.34
type HomeScreenItemID string
func (HomeScreenItemID) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.34
func (o HomeScreenItemID) DeepCopy() HomeScreenItemID
type HomeScreenItemType ¶ added in v1.0.34
type HomeScreenItemType int
const ( HomeScreenItemType_TODO HomeScreenItemType = 1 HomeScreenItemType_PEOPLE HomeScreenItemType = 2 )
func (HomeScreenItemType) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.34
func (o HomeScreenItemType) DeepCopy() HomeScreenItemType
func (HomeScreenItemType) String ¶ added in v1.0.34
func (e HomeScreenItemType) String() string
type HomeScreenPeopleNotification ¶ added in v1.0.34
type HomeScreenPeopleNotification struct { T__ HomeScreenPeopleNotificationType `codec:"t" json:"t"` Followed__ *HomeScreenPeopleNotificationFollowed `codec:"followed,omitempty" json:"followed,omitempty"` FollowedMulti__ *HomeScreenPeopleNotificationFollowedMulti `codec:"followedMulti,omitempty" json:"followedMulti,omitempty"` }
func NewHomeScreenPeopleNotificationWithFollowed ¶ added in v1.0.34
func NewHomeScreenPeopleNotificationWithFollowed(v HomeScreenPeopleNotificationFollowed) HomeScreenPeopleNotification
func NewHomeScreenPeopleNotificationWithFollowedMulti ¶ added in v1.0.34
func NewHomeScreenPeopleNotificationWithFollowedMulti(v HomeScreenPeopleNotificationFollowedMulti) HomeScreenPeopleNotification
func (HomeScreenPeopleNotification) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.34
func (o HomeScreenPeopleNotification) DeepCopy() HomeScreenPeopleNotification
func (HomeScreenPeopleNotification) Followed ¶ added in v1.0.34
func (o HomeScreenPeopleNotification) Followed() (res HomeScreenPeopleNotificationFollowed)
func (HomeScreenPeopleNotification) FollowedMulti ¶ added in v1.0.34
func (o HomeScreenPeopleNotification) FollowedMulti() (res HomeScreenPeopleNotificationFollowedMulti)
func (*HomeScreenPeopleNotification) T ¶ added in v1.0.34
func (o *HomeScreenPeopleNotification) T() (ret HomeScreenPeopleNotificationType, err error)
type HomeScreenPeopleNotificationFollowed ¶ added in v1.0.34
type HomeScreenPeopleNotificationFollowed struct { FollowTime Time `codec:"followTime" json:"followTime"` FollowedBack bool `codec:"followedBack" json:"followedBack"` User UserSummary `codec:"user" json:"user"` }
func (HomeScreenPeopleNotificationFollowed) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.34
func (o HomeScreenPeopleNotificationFollowed) DeepCopy() HomeScreenPeopleNotificationFollowed
type HomeScreenPeopleNotificationFollowedMulti ¶ added in v1.0.34
type HomeScreenPeopleNotificationFollowedMulti struct { Followers []HomeScreenPeopleNotificationFollowed `codec:"followers" json:"followers"` NumOthers int `codec:"numOthers" json:"numOthers"` }
func (HomeScreenPeopleNotificationFollowedMulti) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.34
func (o HomeScreenPeopleNotificationFollowedMulti) DeepCopy() HomeScreenPeopleNotificationFollowedMulti
type HomeScreenPeopleNotificationType ¶ added in v1.0.34
type HomeScreenPeopleNotificationType int
const ( HomeScreenPeopleNotificationType_FOLLOWED HomeScreenPeopleNotificationType = 1 HomeScreenPeopleNotificationType_FOLLOWED_MULTI HomeScreenPeopleNotificationType = 2 )
func (HomeScreenPeopleNotificationType) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.34
func (o HomeScreenPeopleNotificationType) DeepCopy() HomeScreenPeopleNotificationType
func (HomeScreenPeopleNotificationType) String ¶ added in v1.0.34
func (e HomeScreenPeopleNotificationType) String() string
type HomeScreenTodo ¶ added in v1.0.34
type HomeScreenTodo struct {
T__ HomeScreenTodoType `codec:"t" json:"t"`
func NewHomeScreenTodoDefault ¶ added in v1.0.34
func NewHomeScreenTodoDefault(t HomeScreenTodoType) HomeScreenTodo
func (HomeScreenTodo) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.34
func (o HomeScreenTodo) DeepCopy() HomeScreenTodo
func (*HomeScreenTodo) T ¶ added in v1.0.34
func (o *HomeScreenTodo) T() (ret HomeScreenTodoType, err error)
type HomeScreenTodoType ¶ added in v1.0.34
type HomeScreenTodoType int
const ( HomeScreenTodoType_NONE HomeScreenTodoType = 0 HomeScreenTodoType_BIO HomeScreenTodoType = 1 HomeScreenTodoType_PROOF HomeScreenTodoType = 2 HomeScreenTodoType_DEVICE HomeScreenTodoType = 3 HomeScreenTodoType_FOLLOW HomeScreenTodoType = 4 HomeScreenTodoType_CHAT HomeScreenTodoType = 5 HomeScreenTodoType_PAPERKEY HomeScreenTodoType = 6 HomeScreenTodoType_TEAM HomeScreenTodoType = 7 HomeScreenTodoType_FOLDER HomeScreenTodoType = 8 HomeScreenTodoType_GIT_REPO HomeScreenTodoType = 9 HomeScreenTodoType_TEAM_SHOWCASE HomeScreenTodoType = 10 )
func (HomeScreenTodoType) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.34
func (o HomeScreenTodoType) DeepCopy() HomeScreenTodoType
func (HomeScreenTodoType) String ¶ added in v1.0.34
func (e HomeScreenTodoType) String() string
type HomeSkipTodoTypeArg ¶ added in v1.0.34
type HomeSkipTodoTypeArg struct {
T HomeScreenTodoType `codec:"t" json:"t"`
type HomeUIClient ¶ added in v1.0.40
type HomeUIClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (HomeUIClient) HomeUIRefresh ¶ added in v1.0.40
func (c HomeUIClient) HomeUIRefresh(ctx context.Context) (err error)
type HomeUIInterface ¶ added in v1.0.40
type HomeUIRefreshArg ¶ added in v1.0.34
type HomeUIRefreshArg struct { }
type HomeUserSummary ¶ added in v1.0.39
type HomeUserSummary struct { Uid UID `codec:"uid" json:"uid"` Username string `codec:"username" json:"username"` Bio string `codec:"bio" json:"bio"` FullName string `codec:"fullName" json:"full_name"` Pics *Pics `codec:"pics,omitempty" json:"pics,omitempty"` }
func (HomeUserSummary) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.39
func (o HomeUserSummary) DeepCopy() HomeUserSummary
type Identify2Arg ¶
type Identify2Arg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` Uid UID `codec:"uid" json:"uid"` UserAssertion string `codec:"userAssertion" json:"userAssertion"` Reason IdentifyReason `codec:"reason" json:"reason"` UseDelegateUI bool `codec:"useDelegateUI" json:"useDelegateUI"` AlwaysBlock bool `codec:"alwaysBlock" json:"alwaysBlock"` NoErrorOnTrackFailure bool `codec:"noErrorOnTrackFailure" json:"noErrorOnTrackFailure"` ForceRemoteCheck bool `codec:"forceRemoteCheck" json:"forceRemoteCheck"` NeedProofSet bool `codec:"needProofSet" json:"needProofSet"` AllowEmptySelfID bool `codec:"allowEmptySelfID" json:"allowEmptySelfID"` NoSkipSelf bool `codec:"noSkipSelf" json:"noSkipSelf"` CanSuppressUI bool `codec:"canSuppressUI" json:"canSuppressUI"` IdentifyBehavior TLFIdentifyBehavior `codec:"identifyBehavior" json:"identifyBehavior"` ForceDisplay bool `codec:"forceDisplay" json:"forceDisplay"` }
type Identify2Res ¶
type Identify2Res struct { Upk UserPlusKeys `codec:"upk" json:"upk"` IdentifiedAt Time `codec:"identifiedAt" json:"identifiedAt"` TrackBreaks *IdentifyTrackBreaks `codec:"trackBreaks,omitempty" json:"trackBreaks,omitempty"` }
func (Identify2Res) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o Identify2Res) DeepCopy() Identify2Res
type IdentifyClient ¶
type IdentifyClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (IdentifyClient) Identify2 ¶
func (c IdentifyClient) Identify2(ctx context.Context, __arg Identify2Arg) (res Identify2Res, err error)
func (IdentifyClient) IdentifyLite ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (c IdentifyClient) IdentifyLite(ctx context.Context, __arg IdentifyLiteArg) (res IdentifyLiteRes, err error)
func (IdentifyClient) Resolve3 ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (c IdentifyClient) Resolve3(ctx context.Context, assertion string) (res UserOrTeamLite, err error)
Resolve an assertion to a (UID,username) or (TeamID,teamname). On failure, returns an error.
func (IdentifyClient) ResolveIdentifyImplicitTeam ¶ added in v1.0.29
func (c IdentifyClient) ResolveIdentifyImplicitTeam(ctx context.Context, __arg ResolveIdentifyImplicitTeamArg) (res ResolveIdentifyImplicitTeamRes, err error)
func (IdentifyClient) ResolveImplicitTeam ¶ added in v1.0.39
func (c IdentifyClient) ResolveImplicitTeam(ctx context.Context, __arg ResolveImplicitTeamArg) (res Folder, err error)
resolveImplicitTeam returns a TLF display name given a teamID. The publicness of the team is inferred from the TeamID.
type IdentifyCommonClient ¶
type IdentifyCommonClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
type IdentifyCommonInterface ¶
type IdentifyCommonInterface interface { }
type IdentifyInterface ¶
type IdentifyInterface interface { // Resolve an assertion to a (UID,username) or (TeamID,teamname). On failure, returns an error. Resolve3(context.Context, string) (UserOrTeamLite, error) Identify2(context.Context, Identify2Arg) (Identify2Res, error) IdentifyLite(context.Context, IdentifyLiteArg) (IdentifyLiteRes, error) ResolveIdentifyImplicitTeam(context.Context, ResolveIdentifyImplicitTeamArg) (ResolveIdentifyImplicitTeamRes, error) // resolveImplicitTeam returns a TLF display name given a teamID. The publicness // of the team is inferred from the TeamID. ResolveImplicitTeam(context.Context, ResolveImplicitTeamArg) (Folder, error) }
type IdentifyKey ¶
type IdentifyKey struct { PGPFingerprint []byte `codec:"pgpFingerprint" json:"pgpFingerprint"` KID KID `codec:"KID" json:"KID"` TrackDiff *TrackDiff `codec:"trackDiff,omitempty" json:"trackDiff,omitempty"` BreaksTracking bool `codec:"breaksTracking" json:"breaksTracking"` }
func (IdentifyKey) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o IdentifyKey) DeepCopy() IdentifyKey
type IdentifyLiteArg ¶ added in v1.0.27
type IdentifyLiteArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` Id UserOrTeamID `codec:"id" json:"id"` Assertion string `codec:"assertion" json:"assertion"` Reason IdentifyReason `codec:"reason" json:"reason"` UseDelegateUI bool `codec:"useDelegateUI" json:"useDelegateUI"` AlwaysBlock bool `codec:"alwaysBlock" json:"alwaysBlock"` NoErrorOnTrackFailure bool `codec:"noErrorOnTrackFailure" json:"noErrorOnTrackFailure"` ForceRemoteCheck bool `codec:"forceRemoteCheck" json:"forceRemoteCheck"` NeedProofSet bool `codec:"needProofSet" json:"needProofSet"` AllowEmptySelfID bool `codec:"allowEmptySelfID" json:"allowEmptySelfID"` NoSkipSelf bool `codec:"noSkipSelf" json:"noSkipSelf"` CanSuppressUI bool `codec:"canSuppressUI" json:"canSuppressUI"` IdentifyBehavior TLFIdentifyBehavior `codec:"identifyBehavior" json:"identifyBehavior"` ForceDisplay bool `codec:"forceDisplay" json:"forceDisplay"` }
type IdentifyLiteRes ¶ added in v1.0.27
type IdentifyLiteRes struct { Ul UserOrTeamLite `codec:"ul" json:"ul"` TrackBreaks *IdentifyTrackBreaks `codec:"trackBreaks,omitempty" json:"trackBreaks,omitempty"` }
func (IdentifyLiteRes) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o IdentifyLiteRes) DeepCopy() IdentifyLiteRes
type IdentifyOutcome ¶
type IdentifyOutcome struct { Username string `codec:"username" json:"username"` Status *Status `codec:"status,omitempty" json:"status,omitempty"` Warnings []string `codec:"warnings" json:"warnings"` TrackUsed *TrackSummary `codec:"trackUsed,omitempty" json:"trackUsed,omitempty"` TrackStatus TrackStatus `codec:"trackStatus" json:"trackStatus"` NumTrackFailures int `codec:"numTrackFailures" json:"numTrackFailures"` NumTrackChanges int `codec:"numTrackChanges" json:"numTrackChanges"` NumProofFailures int `codec:"numProofFailures" json:"numProofFailures"` NumRevoked int `codec:"numRevoked" json:"numRevoked"` NumProofSuccesses int `codec:"numProofSuccesses" json:"numProofSuccesses"` Revoked []TrackDiff `codec:"revoked" json:"revoked"` TrackOptions TrackOptions `codec:"trackOptions" json:"trackOptions"` ForPGPPull bool `codec:"forPGPPull" json:"forPGPPull"` Reason IdentifyReason `codec:"reason" json:"reason"` }
func (IdentifyOutcome) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o IdentifyOutcome) DeepCopy() IdentifyOutcome
type IdentifyProofBreak ¶
type IdentifyProofBreak struct { RemoteProof RemoteProof `codec:"remoteProof" json:"remoteProof"` Lcr LinkCheckResult `codec:"lcr" json:"lcr"` }
func (IdentifyProofBreak) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o IdentifyProofBreak) DeepCopy() IdentifyProofBreak
type IdentifyReason ¶
type IdentifyReason struct { Type IdentifyReasonType `codec:"type" json:"type"` Reason string `codec:"reason" json:"reason"` Resource string `codec:"resource" json:"resource"` }
func (IdentifyReason) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o IdentifyReason) DeepCopy() IdentifyReason
type IdentifyReasonType ¶
type IdentifyReasonType int
const ( IdentifyReasonType_NONE IdentifyReasonType = 0 IdentifyReasonType_ID IdentifyReasonType = 1 IdentifyReasonType_TRACK IdentifyReasonType = 2 IdentifyReasonType_ENCRYPT IdentifyReasonType = 3 IdentifyReasonType_DECRYPT IdentifyReasonType = 4 IdentifyReasonType_VERIFY IdentifyReasonType = 5 IdentifyReasonType_RESOURCE IdentifyReasonType = 6 IdentifyReasonType_BACKGROUND IdentifyReasonType = 7 )
func (IdentifyReasonType) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o IdentifyReasonType) DeepCopy() IdentifyReasonType
func (IdentifyReasonType) String ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (e IdentifyReasonType) String() string
type IdentifyRow ¶
type IdentifyRow struct { RowId int `codec:"rowId" json:"rowId"` Proof RemoteProof `codec:"proof" json:"proof"` TrackDiff *TrackDiff `codec:"trackDiff,omitempty" json:"trackDiff,omitempty"` }
func (IdentifyRow) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o IdentifyRow) DeepCopy() IdentifyRow
type IdentifyTrackBreaks ¶
type IdentifyTrackBreaks struct { Keys []IdentifyKey `codec:"keys" json:"keys"` Proofs []IdentifyProofBreak `codec:"proofs" json:"proofs"` }
func (IdentifyTrackBreaks) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o IdentifyTrackBreaks) DeepCopy() IdentifyTrackBreaks
type IdentifyUiClient ¶
type IdentifyUiClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (IdentifyUiClient) Cancel ¶
func (c IdentifyUiClient) Cancel(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (err error)
func (IdentifyUiClient) Confirm ¶
func (c IdentifyUiClient) Confirm(ctx context.Context, __arg ConfirmArg) (res ConfirmResult, err error)
func (IdentifyUiClient) DelegateIdentifyUI ¶
func (c IdentifyUiClient) DelegateIdentifyUI(ctx context.Context) (res int, err error)
func (IdentifyUiClient) Dismiss ¶
func (c IdentifyUiClient) Dismiss(ctx context.Context, __arg DismissArg) (err error)
func (IdentifyUiClient) DisplayCryptocurrency ¶
func (c IdentifyUiClient) DisplayCryptocurrency(ctx context.Context, __arg DisplayCryptocurrencyArg) (err error)
func (IdentifyUiClient) DisplayKey ¶
func (c IdentifyUiClient) DisplayKey(ctx context.Context, __arg DisplayKeyArg) (err error)
func (IdentifyUiClient) DisplayTLFCreateWithInvite ¶
func (c IdentifyUiClient) DisplayTLFCreateWithInvite(ctx context.Context, __arg DisplayTLFCreateWithInviteArg) (err error)
func (IdentifyUiClient) DisplayTrackStatement ¶
func (c IdentifyUiClient) DisplayTrackStatement(ctx context.Context, __arg DisplayTrackStatementArg) (err error)
func (IdentifyUiClient) DisplayUserCard ¶
func (c IdentifyUiClient) DisplayUserCard(ctx context.Context, __arg DisplayUserCardArg) (err error)
func (IdentifyUiClient) Finish ¶
func (c IdentifyUiClient) Finish(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (err error)
func (IdentifyUiClient) FinishSocialProofCheck ¶
func (c IdentifyUiClient) FinishSocialProofCheck(ctx context.Context, __arg FinishSocialProofCheckArg) (err error)
func (IdentifyUiClient) FinishWebProofCheck ¶
func (c IdentifyUiClient) FinishWebProofCheck(ctx context.Context, __arg FinishWebProofCheckArg) (err error)
func (IdentifyUiClient) LaunchNetworkChecks ¶
func (c IdentifyUiClient) LaunchNetworkChecks(ctx context.Context, __arg LaunchNetworkChecksArg) (err error)
func (IdentifyUiClient) ReportLastTrack ¶
func (c IdentifyUiClient) ReportLastTrack(ctx context.Context, __arg ReportLastTrackArg) (err error)
func (IdentifyUiClient) ReportTrackToken ¶
func (c IdentifyUiClient) ReportTrackToken(ctx context.Context, __arg ReportTrackTokenArg) (err error)
type IdentifyUiInterface ¶
type IdentifyUiInterface interface { DisplayTLFCreateWithInvite(context.Context, DisplayTLFCreateWithInviteArg) error DelegateIdentifyUI(context.Context) (int, error) Start(context.Context, StartArg) error DisplayKey(context.Context, DisplayKeyArg) error ReportLastTrack(context.Context, ReportLastTrackArg) error LaunchNetworkChecks(context.Context, LaunchNetworkChecksArg) error DisplayTrackStatement(context.Context, DisplayTrackStatementArg) error FinishWebProofCheck(context.Context, FinishWebProofCheckArg) error FinishSocialProofCheck(context.Context, FinishSocialProofCheckArg) error DisplayCryptocurrency(context.Context, DisplayCryptocurrencyArg) error ReportTrackToken(context.Context, ReportTrackTokenArg) error DisplayUserCard(context.Context, DisplayUserCardArg) error Confirm(context.Context, ConfirmArg) (ConfirmResult, error) Cancel(context.Context, int) error Finish(context.Context, int) error Dismiss(context.Context, DismissArg) error }
type Identity ¶
type Identity struct { Status *Status `codec:"status,omitempty" json:"status,omitempty"` WhenLastTracked Time `codec:"whenLastTracked" json:"whenLastTracked"` Proofs []IdentifyRow `codec:"proofs" json:"proofs"` Cryptocurrency []Cryptocurrency `codec:"cryptocurrency" json:"cryptocurrency"` Revoked []TrackDiff `codec:"revoked" json:"revoked"` RevokedDetails []RevokedProof `codec:"revokedDetails" json:"revokedDetails"` BreaksTracking bool `codec:"breaksTracking" json:"breaksTracking"` }
type ImageCropRect ¶
type ImageCropRect struct { X0 int `codec:"x0" json:"x0"` Y0 int `codec:"y0" json:"y0"` X1 int `codec:"x1" json:"x1"` Y1 int `codec:"y1" json:"y1"` }
func (ImageCropRect) DeepCopy ¶
func (o ImageCropRect) DeepCopy() ImageCropRect
type ImplicitRole ¶ added in v1.0.27
type ImplicitRole struct { Role TeamRole `codec:"role" json:"role"` Ancestor TeamID `codec:"ancestor" json:"ancestor"` }
func (ImplicitRole) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o ImplicitRole) DeepCopy() ImplicitRole
type ImplicitTeamConflictInfo ¶ added in v1.0.29
type ImplicitTeamConflictInfo struct { Generation ConflictGeneration `codec:"generation" json:"generation"` Time Time `codec:"time" json:"time"` }
func (ImplicitTeamConflictInfo) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.29
func (o ImplicitTeamConflictInfo) DeepCopy() ImplicitTeamConflictInfo
func (ImplicitTeamConflictInfo) IsConflict ¶ added in v1.0.39
func (c ImplicitTeamConflictInfo) IsConflict() bool
type ImplicitTeamDisplayName ¶ added in v1.0.29
type ImplicitTeamDisplayName struct { IsPublic bool `codec:"isPublic" json:"isPublic"` Writers ImplicitTeamUserSet `codec:"writers" json:"writers"` Readers ImplicitTeamUserSet `codec:"readers" json:"readers"` ConflictInfo *ImplicitTeamConflictInfo `codec:"conflictInfo,omitempty" json:"conflictInfo,omitempty"` }
* iTeams
func (ImplicitTeamDisplayName) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.29
func (o ImplicitTeamDisplayName) DeepCopy() ImplicitTeamDisplayName
func (ImplicitTeamDisplayName) String ¶ added in v1.0.29
func (n ImplicitTeamDisplayName) String() string
type ImplicitTeamMigrationClient ¶ added in v1.0.39
type ImplicitTeamMigrationClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (ImplicitTeamMigrationClient) FinalizeMigration ¶ added in v1.0.48
func (c ImplicitTeamMigrationClient) FinalizeMigration(ctx context.Context, folder Folder) (err error)
func (ImplicitTeamMigrationClient) StartMigration ¶ added in v1.0.39
func (c ImplicitTeamMigrationClient) StartMigration(ctx context.Context, folder Folder) (err error)
type ImplicitTeamMigrationInterface ¶ added in v1.0.39
type ImplicitTeamUserSet ¶ added in v1.0.29
type ImplicitTeamUserSet struct { KeybaseUsers []string `codec:"keybaseUsers" json:"keybaseUsers"` UnresolvedUsers []SocialAssertion `codec:"unresolvedUsers" json:"unresolvedUsers"` }
func (ImplicitTeamUserSet) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.29
func (o ImplicitTeamUserSet) DeepCopy() ImplicitTeamUserSet
func (ImplicitTeamUserSet) List ¶ added in v1.0.29
func (i ImplicitTeamUserSet) List() string
func (ImplicitTeamUserSet) NumTotalUsers ¶ added in v1.0.29
func (i ImplicitTeamUserSet) NumTotalUsers() int
type IncrementArg ¶
type InjectItemArg ¶ added in v1.0.30
type InjectItemArg struct { Cat string `codec:"cat" json:"cat"` Body string `codec:"body" json:"body"` Dtime gregor1.TimeOrOffset `codec:"dtime" json:"dtime"` }
type InstallAction ¶
type InstallAction int
const ( InstallAction_UNKNOWN InstallAction = 0 InstallAction_NONE InstallAction = 1 InstallAction_UPGRADE InstallAction = 2 InstallAction_REINSTALL InstallAction = 3 InstallAction_INSTALL InstallAction = 4 )
func (InstallAction) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o InstallAction) DeepCopy() InstallAction
func (InstallAction) String ¶
func (s InstallAction) String() string
type InstallClient ¶
type InstallClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (InstallClient) FuseStatus ¶ added in v1.0.29
func (c InstallClient) FuseStatus(ctx context.Context, __arg FuseStatusArg) (res FuseStatus, err error)
func (InstallClient) InstallCommandLinePrivileged ¶ added in v1.0.29
func (c InstallClient) InstallCommandLinePrivileged(ctx context.Context) (res InstallResult, err error)
func (InstallClient) InstallFuse ¶ added in v1.0.29
func (c InstallClient) InstallFuse(ctx context.Context) (res InstallResult, err error)
func (InstallClient) InstallKBFS ¶ added in v1.0.29
func (c InstallClient) InstallKBFS(ctx context.Context) (res InstallResult, err error)
func (InstallClient) UninstallKBFS ¶ added in v1.0.29
func (c InstallClient) UninstallKBFS(ctx context.Context) (res UninstallResult, err error)
type InstallCommandLinePrivilegedArg ¶ added in v1.0.29
type InstallCommandLinePrivilegedArg struct { }
type InstallFuseArg ¶ added in v1.0.29
type InstallFuseArg struct { }
type InstallInterface ¶
type InstallInterface interface { FuseStatus(context.Context, FuseStatusArg) (FuseStatus, error) InstallFuse(context.Context) (InstallResult, error) InstallKBFS(context.Context) (InstallResult, error) UninstallKBFS(context.Context) (UninstallResult, error) InstallCommandLinePrivileged(context.Context) (InstallResult, error) }
type InstallKBFSArg ¶ added in v1.0.29
type InstallKBFSArg struct { }
type InstallResult ¶
type InstallResult struct { ComponentResults []ComponentResult `codec:"componentResults" json:"componentResults"` Status Status `codec:"status" json:"status"` Fatal bool `codec:"fatal" json:"fatal"` }
func (InstallResult) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o InstallResult) DeepCopy() InstallResult
type InstallStatus ¶
type InstallStatus int
Install status describes state of install for a component or service.
const ( InstallStatus_UNKNOWN InstallStatus = 0 InstallStatus_ERROR InstallStatus = 1 InstallStatus_NOT_INSTALLED InstallStatus = 2 InstallStatus_INSTALLED InstallStatus = 4 )
func (InstallStatus) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o InstallStatus) DeepCopy() InstallStatus
func (InstallStatus) String ¶
func (s InstallStatus) String() string
type InterestingPeopleArg ¶ added in v1.0.27
type InterestingPeopleArg struct {
MaxUsers int `codec:"maxUsers" json:"maxUsers"`
type InterestingPerson ¶ added in v1.0.27
type InterestingPerson struct { Uid UID `codec:"uid" json:"uid"` Username string `codec:"username" json:"username"` }
func (InterestingPerson) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o InterestingPerson) DeepCopy() InterestingPerson
type InviteRequestArg ¶
type KBFSGitClient ¶ added in v1.0.30
type KBFSGitClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (KBFSGitClient) CreateRepo ¶ added in v1.0.30
func (c KBFSGitClient) CreateRepo(ctx context.Context, __arg CreateRepoArg) (res RepoID, err error)
* createRepo creates a bare empty repo on KBFS under the given name in the given TLF. * It returns the ID of the repo created.
func (KBFSGitClient) DeleteRepo ¶ added in v1.0.31
func (c KBFSGitClient) DeleteRepo(ctx context.Context, __arg DeleteRepoArg) (err error)
* deleteRepo deletes repo on KBFS under the given name in the given TLF.
type KBFSGitInterface ¶ added in v1.0.30
type KBFSGitInterface interface { // * createRepo creates a bare empty repo on KBFS under the given name in the given TLF. // * It returns the ID of the repo created. CreateRepo(context.Context, CreateRepoArg) (RepoID, error) // * deleteRepo deletes repo on KBFS under the given name in the given TLF. DeleteRepo(context.Context, DeleteRepoArg) error // * gc runs garbage collection on the given repo, using the given options to // * see whether anything needs to be done. Gc(context.Context, GcArg) error }
type KBFSRoot ¶
type KBFSRoot struct { TreeID MerkleTreeID `codec:"treeID" json:"treeID"` Root KBFSRootHash `codec:"root" json:"root"` }
type KBFSRootHash ¶
type KBFSRootHash []byte
func KBFSRootHashFromString ¶
func KBFSRootHashFromString(s string) (ret KBFSRootHash, err error)
func (KBFSRootHash) DeepCopy ¶
func (o KBFSRootHash) DeepCopy() KBFSRootHash
func (KBFSRootHash) Eq ¶
func (h KBFSRootHash) Eq(h2 KBFSRootHash) bool
func (KBFSRootHash) String ¶
func (h KBFSRootHash) String() string
func (*KBFSRootHash) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (h *KBFSRootHash) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type KBFSTeamSettings ¶ added in v1.0.39
type KBFSTeamSettings struct {
TlfID TLFID `codec:"tlfID" json:"tlfID"`
func (KBFSTeamSettings) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.39
func (o KBFSTeamSettings) DeepCopy() KBFSTeamSettings
type KID ¶
type KID string
func KIDFromRawKey ¶
func KIDFromSlice ¶
func KIDFromString ¶
func KIDFromStringChecked ¶
func (KID) GetKeyType ¶
func (*KID) MarshalJSON ¶
func (KID) SecureEqual ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (KID) ToBinaryKID ¶
func (KID) ToShortIDString ¶
func (*KID) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type KbfsClient ¶
type KbfsClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (KbfsClient) CreateTLF ¶ added in v1.0.39
func (c KbfsClient) CreateTLF(ctx context.Context, __arg CreateTLFArg) (err error)
createTLF is called by KBFS to associate the tlfID with the given teamID, using the v2 Team-based system.
func (KbfsClient) FSEditList ¶
func (c KbfsClient) FSEditList(ctx context.Context, __arg FSEditListArg) (err error)
kbfs calls this as a response to receiving an FSEditListRequest with a given requestID.
func (KbfsClient) FSEvent ¶
func (c KbfsClient) FSEvent(ctx context.Context, event FSNotification) (err error)
Idea is that kbfs would call the function below whenever these actions are performed on a file.
Note that this list/interface is very temporary and highly likely to change significantly.
It is just a starting point to get kbfs notifications through the daemon to the clients.
func (KbfsClient) FSSyncEvent ¶
func (c KbfsClient) FSSyncEvent(ctx context.Context, event FSPathSyncStatus) (err error)
FSSyncEvent is called by KBFS when the sync status of an individual path changes.
func (KbfsClient) FSSyncStatus ¶
func (c KbfsClient) FSSyncStatus(ctx context.Context, __arg FSSyncStatusArg) (err error)
FSSyncStatus is called by KBFS as a response to receiving an FSSyncStatusRequest with a given requestID.
func (KbfsClient) GetKBFSTeamSettings ¶ added in v1.0.39
func (c KbfsClient) GetKBFSTeamSettings(ctx context.Context, teamID TeamID) (res KBFSTeamSettings, err error)
getKBFSTeamSettings gets the settings written for the team in the team's sigchain.
type KbfsCommonClient ¶
type KbfsCommonClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
type KbfsCommonInterface ¶
type KbfsCommonInterface interface { }
type KbfsInterface ¶
type KbfsInterface interface { // Idea is that kbfs would call the function below whenever these actions are // performed on a file. // // Note that this list/interface is very temporary and highly likely to change // significantly. // // It is just a starting point to get kbfs notifications through the daemon to // the clients. FSEvent(context.Context, FSNotification) error // kbfs calls this as a response to receiving an FSEditListRequest with a // given requestID. FSEditList(context.Context, FSEditListArg) error // FSSyncStatus is called by KBFS as a response to receiving an // FSSyncStatusRequest with a given requestID. FSSyncStatus(context.Context, FSSyncStatusArg) error // FSSyncEvent is called by KBFS when the sync status of an individual path // changes. FSSyncEvent(context.Context, FSPathSyncStatus) error // createTLF is called by KBFS to associate the tlfID with the given teamID, // using the v2 Team-based system. CreateTLF(context.Context, CreateTLFArg) error // getKBFSTeamSettings gets the settings written for the team in the team's sigchain. GetKBFSTeamSettings(context.Context, TeamID) (KBFSTeamSettings, error) }
type KbfsMountClient ¶ added in v1.0.19
type KbfsMountClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (KbfsMountClient) GetAllAvailableMountDirs ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (c KbfsMountClient) GetAllAvailableMountDirs(ctx context.Context) (res []string, err error)
func (KbfsMountClient) GetCurrentMountDir ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (c KbfsMountClient) GetCurrentMountDir(ctx context.Context) (res string, err error)
func (KbfsMountClient) SetCurrentMountDir ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (c KbfsMountClient) SetCurrentMountDir(ctx context.Context, dir string) (err error)
type KbfsMountInterface ¶ added in v1.0.19
type Kex2Provisionee2Client ¶
type Kex2Provisionee2Client struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (Kex2Provisionee2Client) DidCounterSign2 ¶
func (c Kex2Provisionee2Client) DidCounterSign2(ctx context.Context, __arg DidCounterSign2Arg) (err error)
type Kex2ProvisioneeClient ¶
type Kex2ProvisioneeClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (Kex2ProvisioneeClient) DidCounterSign ¶
func (c Kex2ProvisioneeClient) DidCounterSign(ctx context.Context, sig []byte) (err error)
type Kex2ProvisionerClient ¶
type Kex2ProvisionerClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
type KexStartArg ¶
type KexStartArg struct { }
type KeyBundle ¶
type KeyBundleResponse ¶
type KeyBundleResponse struct { WriterBundle KeyBundle `codec:"WriterBundle" json:"WriterBundle"` ReaderBundle KeyBundle `codec:"ReaderBundle" json:"ReaderBundle"` }
func (KeyBundleResponse) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o KeyBundleResponse) DeepCopy() KeyBundleResponse
type KeyGeneratedArg ¶
type KeyHalf ¶
type KeyInfo ¶
type KeybaseTime ¶
type KeybaseTime struct { Unix Time `codec:"unix" json:"unix"` Chain Seqno `codec:"chain" json:"chain"` }
func (KeybaseTime) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o KeybaseTime) DeepCopy() KeybaseTime
type KeyfamilyChangedArg ¶
type KeyfamilyChangedArg struct {
Uid UID `codec:"uid" json:"uid"`
type LaunchNetworkChecksArg ¶
type LeaseID ¶ added in v1.0.27
type LeaseID string
func (*LeaseID) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.0.27
type LinkCheckResult ¶
type LinkCheckResult struct { ProofId int `codec:"proofId" json:"proofId"` ProofResult ProofResult `codec:"proofResult" json:"proofResult"` SnoozedResult ProofResult `codec:"snoozedResult" json:"snoozedResult"` TorWarning bool `codec:"torWarning" json:"torWarning"` TmpTrackExpireTime Time `codec:"tmpTrackExpireTime" json:"tmpTrackExpireTime"` Cached *CheckResult `codec:"cached,omitempty" json:"cached,omitempty"` Diff *TrackDiff `codec:"diff,omitempty" json:"diff,omitempty"` RemoteDiff *TrackDiff `codec:"remoteDiff,omitempty" json:"remoteDiff,omitempty"` Hint *SigHint `codec:"hint,omitempty" json:"hint,omitempty"` BreaksTracking bool `codec:"breaksTracking" json:"breaksTracking"` }
func (LinkCheckResult) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o LinkCheckResult) DeepCopy() LinkCheckResult
type ListArgs ¶ added in v1.0.19
type ListArgs struct { OpID OpID `codec:"opID" json:"opID"` Path Path `codec:"path" json:"path"` Filter ListFilter `codec:"filter" json:"filter"` }
type ListFilter ¶ added in v1.0.46
type ListFilter int
const ( ListFilter_NO_FILTER ListFilter = 0 ListFilter_FILTER_ALL_HIDDEN ListFilter = 1 )
func (ListFilter) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.46
func (o ListFilter) DeepCopy() ListFilter
func (ListFilter) String ¶ added in v1.0.46
func (e ListFilter) String() string
type ListResult ¶
type ListResult struct {
Files []File `codec:"files" json:"files"`
func (ListResult) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o ListResult) DeepCopy() ListResult
type ListTrackers2Arg ¶
type ListTrackersArg ¶
type ListTrackersByNameArg ¶
type ListTrackersSelfArg ¶
type ListTrackersSelfArg struct {
SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"`
type ListTrackingArg ¶
type ListTrackingJSONArg ¶
type LoadAvatarsRes ¶ added in v1.0.46
type LoadAvatarsRes struct {
Picmap map[string]map[AvatarFormat]AvatarUrl `codec:"picmap" json:"picmap"`
func (LoadAvatarsRes) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.46
func (o LoadAvatarsRes) DeepCopy() LoadAvatarsRes
type LoadDeviceErr ¶
type LoadDeviceErr struct { Where string `codec:"where" json:"where"` Desc string `codec:"desc" json:"desc"` }
func (LoadDeviceErr) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o LoadDeviceErr) DeepCopy() LoadDeviceErr
type LoadMyPublicKeysArg ¶
type LoadMyPublicKeysArg struct {
SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"`
type LoadMySettingsArg ¶ added in v1.0.19
type LoadMySettingsArg struct {
SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"`
type LoadPublicKeysArg ¶
type LoadTeamArg ¶ added in v1.0.27
type LoadTeamArg struct { ID TeamID `codec:"ID" json:"ID"` Name string `codec:"name" json:"name"` Public bool `codec:"public" json:"public"` NeedAdmin bool `codec:"needAdmin" json:"needAdmin"` RefreshUIDMapper bool `codec:"refreshUIDMapper" json:"refreshUIDMapper"` Refreshers TeamRefreshers `codec:"refreshers" json:"refreshers"` ForceFullReload bool `codec:"forceFullReload" json:"forceFullReload"` ForceRepoll bool `codec:"forceRepoll" json:"forceRepoll"` StaleOK bool `codec:"staleOK" json:"staleOK"` AllowNameLookupBurstCache bool `codec:"allowNameLookupBurstCache" json:"allowNameLookupBurstCache"` }
func (LoadTeamArg) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o LoadTeamArg) DeepCopy() LoadTeamArg
type LoadTeamAvatarsArg ¶ added in v1.0.46
type LoadTeamAvatarsArg struct { Names []string `codec:"names" json:"names"` Formats []AvatarFormat `codec:"formats" json:"formats"` }
type LoadTeamPlusApplicationKeysArg ¶ added in v1.0.27
type LoadTeamPlusApplicationKeysArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` Id TeamID `codec:"id" json:"id"` Application TeamApplication `codec:"application" json:"application"` Refreshers TeamRefreshers `codec:"refreshers" json:"refreshers"` }
type LoadUserArg ¶
type LoadUserAvatarsArg ¶ added in v1.0.46
type LoadUserAvatarsArg struct { Names []string `codec:"names" json:"names"` Formats []AvatarFormat `codec:"formats" json:"formats"` }
type LoadUserByNameArg ¶
type LoadUserPlusKeysArg ¶
type LoadUserPlusKeysV2Arg ¶ added in v1.0.46
type LockContext ¶ added in v1.0.29
type LockContext struct { RequireLockID LockID `codec:"requireLockID" json:"requireLockID"` ReleaseAfterSuccess bool `codec:"releaseAfterSuccess" json:"releaseAfterSuccess"` }
func (LockContext) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.29
func (o LockContext) DeepCopy() LockContext
type LockID ¶ added in v1.0.29
type LockID int64
func LockIDFromBytes ¶ added in v1.0.29
LockIDFromBytes takes the first 8 bytes of the sha512 over data, overwrites first byte with the version byte, then interprets it as int64 using big endian, and returns the value as LockID.
type LogClient ¶
type LogClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (LogClient) RegisterLogger ¶
func (c LogClient) RegisterLogger(ctx context.Context, __arg RegisterLoggerArg) (err error)
type LogInterface ¶
type LogInterface interface {
RegisterLogger(context.Context, RegisterLoggerArg) error
type LogProcessorProfileArg ¶ added in v1.0.46
type LogProcessorProfileArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` LogDirForMobile string `codec:"logDirForMobile" json:"logDirForMobile"` ProfileDurationSeconds DurationSec `codec:"profileDurationSeconds" json:"profileDurationSeconds"` }
type LogRotateArg ¶
type LogRotateArg struct {
SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"`
type LogTraceArg ¶ added in v1.0.43
type LogTraceArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` LogDirForMobile string `codec:"logDirForMobile" json:"logDirForMobile"` TraceDurationSeconds DurationSec `codec:"traceDurationSeconds" json:"traceDurationSeconds"` }
type LogUiClient ¶
type LogUiClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
type LoggedInArg ¶
type LoggedInArg struct {
Username string `codec:"username" json:"username"`
type LoggedOutArg ¶
type LoggedOutArg struct { }
type LoginArg ¶
type LoginArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` DeviceType string `codec:"deviceType" json:"deviceType"` UsernameOrEmail string `codec:"usernameOrEmail" json:"usernameOrEmail"` ClientType ClientType `codec:"clientType" json:"clientType"` }
type LoginClient ¶
type LoginClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (LoginClient) AccountDelete ¶
func (c LoginClient) AccountDelete(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (err error)
accountDelete is for devel/testing to delete the current user's account.
func (LoginClient) ClearStoredSecret ¶
func (c LoginClient) ClearStoredSecret(ctx context.Context, __arg ClearStoredSecretArg) (err error)
Removes any existing stored secret for the given username. loginWithStoredSecret(_, username) will fail after this is called.
func (LoginClient) Deprovision ¶
func (c LoginClient) Deprovision(ctx context.Context, __arg DeprovisionArg) (err error)
func (LoginClient) GetConfiguredAccounts ¶
func (c LoginClient) GetConfiguredAccounts(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (res []ConfiguredAccount, err error)
Returns an array of information about accounts configured on the local machine. Currently configured accounts are defined as those that have stored secrets, but this definition may be expanded in the future.
func (LoginClient) Login ¶
func (c LoginClient) Login(ctx context.Context, __arg LoginArg) (err error)
Performs login. deviceType should be libkb.DeviceTypeDesktop or libkb.DeviceTypeMobile. usernameOrEmail is optional. If the current device isn't provisioned, this function will provision it.
Note that if usernameOrEmail is an email address, only provisioning will be attempted. If the device is already provisioned, login via email address does not work.
func (LoginClient) LoginOneshot ¶ added in v1.0.48
func (c LoginClient) LoginOneshot(ctx context.Context, __arg LoginOneshotArg) (err error)
loginOneshot allows a service to have a "onetime login", without provisioning a device. It bootstraps credentials with the given paperkey
func (LoginClient) LoginProvisionedDevice ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (c LoginClient) LoginProvisionedDevice(ctx context.Context, __arg LoginProvisionedDeviceArg) (err error)
Login a user only if the user is on a provisioned device. Username is optional. If noPassphrasePrompt is set, then only a stored secret will be used to unlock the device keys.
func (LoginClient) LoginWithPaperKey ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (c LoginClient) LoginWithPaperKey(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (err error)
Login and unlock by - trying unlocked device keys if available - prompting for a paper key and using that
func (LoginClient) Logout ¶
func (c LoginClient) Logout(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (err error)
func (LoginClient) PaperKey ¶
func (c LoginClient) PaperKey(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (err error)
PaperKey generates paper backup keys for restoring an account. It calls login_ui.displayPaperKeyPhrase with the phrase.
func (LoginClient) PaperKeySubmit ¶
func (c LoginClient) PaperKeySubmit(ctx context.Context, __arg PaperKeySubmitArg) (err error)
paperKeySubmit checks that paperPhrase is a valid paper key for the logged in user, caches the keys, and sends a notification.
func (LoginClient) RecoverAccountFromEmailAddress ¶
func (c LoginClient) RecoverAccountFromEmailAddress(ctx context.Context, email string) (err error)
func (LoginClient) Unlock ¶
func (c LoginClient) Unlock(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (err error)
Unlock restores access to local key store by priming passphrase stream cache.
func (LoginClient) UnlockWithPassphrase ¶
func (c LoginClient) UnlockWithPassphrase(ctx context.Context, __arg UnlockWithPassphraseArg) (err error)
type LoginInterface ¶
type LoginInterface interface { // Returns an array of information about accounts configured on the local // machine. Currently configured accounts are defined as those that have stored // secrets, but this definition may be expanded in the future. GetConfiguredAccounts(context.Context, int) ([]ConfiguredAccount, error) // Performs login. deviceType should be libkb.DeviceTypeDesktop // or libkb.DeviceTypeMobile. usernameOrEmail is optional. // If the current device isn't provisioned, this function will // provision it. // // Note that if usernameOrEmail is an email address, only provisioning // will be attempted. If the device is already provisioned, login // via email address does not work. Login(context.Context, LoginArg) error // Login a user only if the user is on a provisioned device. Username is optional. // If noPassphrasePrompt is set, then only a stored secret will be used to unlock // the device keys. LoginProvisionedDevice(context.Context, LoginProvisionedDeviceArg) error // Login and unlock by // - trying unlocked device keys if available // - prompting for a paper key and using that LoginWithPaperKey(context.Context, int) error // Removes any existing stored secret for the given username. // loginWithStoredSecret(_, username) will fail after this is called. ClearStoredSecret(context.Context, ClearStoredSecretArg) error Logout(context.Context, int) error Deprovision(context.Context, DeprovisionArg) error RecoverAccountFromEmailAddress(context.Context, string) error // PaperKey generates paper backup keys for restoring an account. // It calls login_ui.displayPaperKeyPhrase with the phrase. PaperKey(context.Context, int) error // paperKeySubmit checks that paperPhrase is a valid paper key // for the logged in user, caches the keys, and sends a notification. PaperKeySubmit(context.Context, PaperKeySubmitArg) error // Unlock restores access to local key store by priming passphrase stream cache. Unlock(context.Context, int) error UnlockWithPassphrase(context.Context, UnlockWithPassphraseArg) error // accountDelete is for devel/testing to delete the current user's account. AccountDelete(context.Context, int) error // loginOneshot allows a service to have a "onetime login", without // provisioning a device. It bootstraps credentials with the given // paperkey LoginOneshot(context.Context, LoginOneshotArg) error }
type LoginOneshotArg ¶ added in v1.0.48
type LoginProvisionedDeviceArg ¶ added in v1.0.19
type LoginUiClient ¶
type LoginUiClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (LoginUiClient) DisplayPaperKeyPhrase ¶
func (c LoginUiClient) DisplayPaperKeyPhrase(ctx context.Context, __arg DisplayPaperKeyPhraseArg) (err error)
func (LoginUiClient) DisplayPrimaryPaperKey ¶
func (c LoginUiClient) DisplayPrimaryPaperKey(ctx context.Context, __arg DisplayPrimaryPaperKeyArg) (err error)
func (LoginUiClient) GetEmailOrUsername ¶
func (LoginUiClient) PromptRevokePaperKeys ¶
func (c LoginUiClient) PromptRevokePaperKeys(ctx context.Context, __arg PromptRevokePaperKeysArg) (res bool, err error)
type LoginUiInterface ¶
type LoginUiInterface interface { GetEmailOrUsername(context.Context, int) (string, error) PromptRevokePaperKeys(context.Context, PromptRevokePaperKeysArg) (bool, error) DisplayPaperKeyPhrase(context.Context, DisplayPaperKeyPhraseArg) error DisplayPrimaryPaperKey(context.Context, DisplayPrimaryPaperKeyArg) error }
type LoginWithPaperKeyArg ¶ added in v1.0.19
type LoginWithPaperKeyArg struct {
SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"`
type LogsendClient ¶ added in v1.0.19
type LogsendClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (LogsendClient) PrepareLogsend ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (c LogsendClient) PrepareLogsend(ctx context.Context) (err error)
type LogsendInterface ¶ added in v1.0.19
type LookupImplicitTeamArg ¶ added in v1.0.29
type LookupImplicitTeamRes ¶ added in v1.0.34
type LookupImplicitTeamRes struct { TeamID TeamID `codec:"teamID" json:"teamID"` Name TeamName `codec:"name" json:"name"` DisplayName ImplicitTeamDisplayName `codec:"displayName" json:"displayName"` TlfID TLFID `codec:"tlfID" json:"tlfID"` }
func (LookupImplicitTeamRes) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.34
func (o LookupImplicitTeamRes) DeepCopy() LookupImplicitTeamRes
type LookupOrCreateImplicitTeamArg ¶ added in v1.0.29
type MDBlock ¶
type MDPriority ¶ added in v1.0.29
type MDPriority int
func (MDPriority) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.29
func (o MDPriority) DeepCopy() MDPriority
func (MDPriority) IsValid ¶ added in v1.0.29
func (p MDPriority) IsValid() bool
IsValid returns true is p is a valid MDPriority, or false otherwise.
type MaskB64 ¶ added in v1.0.27
type MaskB64 []byte
func (*MaskB64) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (*MaskB64) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.0.27
type MeUserVersionArg ¶ added in v1.0.34
type MemberInfo ¶ added in v1.0.27
type MemberInfo struct { UserID UID `codec:"userID" json:"uid"` TeamID TeamID `codec:"teamID" json:"team_id"` FqName string `codec:"fqName" json:"fq_name"` IsImplicitTeam bool `codec:"isImplicitTeam" json:"is_implicit_team"` IsOpenTeam bool `codec:"isOpenTeam" json:"is_open_team"` Role TeamRole `codec:"role" json:"role"` Implicit *ImplicitRole `codec:"implicit,omitempty" json:"implicit,omitempty"` MemberCount int `codec:"memberCount" json:"member_count"` AllowProfilePromote bool `codec:"allowProfilePromote" json:"allow_profile_promote"` IsMemberShowcased bool `codec:"isMemberShowcased" json:"is_member_showcased"` }
func (MemberInfo) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o MemberInfo) DeepCopy() MemberInfo
func (MemberInfo) TeamName ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (m MemberInfo) TeamName() (TeamName, error)
type MerkleClient ¶ added in v1.0.27
type MerkleClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (MerkleClient) GetCurrentMerkleRoot ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (c MerkleClient) GetCurrentMerkleRoot(ctx context.Context, freshnessMsec int) (res MerkleRootAndTime, err error)
GetCurrentMerkleRoot gets the current-most Merkle root from the keybase server. The caller can specify how stale a result can be with freshnessMsec. If 0 is specified, then any amount of staleness is OK. If -1 is specified, then we force a GET and a round-trip.
func (MerkleClient) VerifyMerkleRootAndKBFS ¶
func (c MerkleClient) VerifyMerkleRootAndKBFS(ctx context.Context, __arg VerifyMerkleRootAndKBFSArg) (err error)
VerifyMerkleRootAndKBFS checks that the given merkle root is indeed a valid root of the keybase server's Merkle tree, and that the given KBFS root is included in that global root.
type MerkleInterface ¶ added in v1.0.27
type MerkleInterface interface { // GetCurrentMerkleRoot gets the current-most Merkle root from the keybase server. // The caller can specify how stale a result can be with freshnessMsec. // If 0 is specified, then any amount of staleness is OK. If -1 is specified, then // we force a GET and a round-trip. GetCurrentMerkleRoot(context.Context, int) (MerkleRootAndTime, error) // VerifyMerkleRootAndKBFS checks that the given merkle root is indeed a valid // root of the keybase server's Merkle tree, and that the given KBFS root // is included in that global root. VerifyMerkleRootAndKBFS(context.Context, VerifyMerkleRootAndKBFSArg) error }
type MerkleRoot ¶
type MerkleRoot struct { Version int `codec:"version" json:"version"` Root []byte `codec:"root" json:"root"` }
func (MerkleRoot) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o MerkleRoot) DeepCopy() MerkleRoot
type MerkleRootAndTime ¶ added in v1.0.27
type MerkleRootAndTime struct { Root MerkleRootV2 `codec:"root" json:"root"` UpdateTime Time `codec:"updateTime" json:"updateTime"` FetchTime Time `codec:"fetchTime" json:"fetchTime"` }
func (MerkleRootAndTime) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o MerkleRootAndTime) DeepCopy() MerkleRootAndTime
type MerkleRootV2 ¶ added in v1.0.27
type MerkleRootV2 struct { Seqno Seqno `codec:"seqno" json:"seqno"` HashMeta HashMeta `codec:"hashMeta" json:"hashMeta"` }
func (MerkleRootV2) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o MerkleRootV2) DeepCopy() MerkleRootV2
type MerkleTreeID ¶
type MerkleTreeID int
const ( MerkleTreeID_MASTER MerkleTreeID = 0 MerkleTreeID_KBFS_PUBLIC MerkleTreeID = 1 MerkleTreeID_KBFS_PRIVATE MerkleTreeID = 2 MerkleTreeID_KBFS_PRIVATETEAM MerkleTreeID = 3 )
func (MerkleTreeID) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o MerkleTreeID) DeepCopy() MerkleTreeID
func (MerkleTreeID) Number ¶
func (m MerkleTreeID) Number() int
func (MerkleTreeID) String ¶
func (m MerkleTreeID) String() string
type MerkleTreeLocation ¶ added in v1.0.27
type MerkleTreeLocation struct { Leaf UserOrTeamID `codec:"leaf" json:"leaf"` Loc SigChainLocation `codec:"loc" json:"loc"` }
func (MerkleTreeLocation) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o MerkleTreeLocation) DeepCopy() MerkleTreeLocation
type MetadataClient ¶
type MetadataClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (MetadataClient) Authenticate ¶
func (MetadataClient) DeleteKey ¶
func (c MetadataClient) DeleteKey(ctx context.Context, __arg DeleteKeyArg) (err error)
func (MetadataClient) FindNextMD ¶ added in v1.0.48
func (c MetadataClient) FindNextMD(ctx context.Context, __arg FindNextMDArg) (res FindNextMDResponse, err error)
func (MetadataClient) ForceMerkleBuildForTest ¶ added in v1.0.48
func (c MetadataClient) ForceMerkleBuildForTest(ctx context.Context) (err error)
func (MetadataClient) GetChallenge ¶
func (c MetadataClient) GetChallenge(ctx context.Context) (res ChallengeInfo, err error)
func (MetadataClient) GetFolderHandle ¶
func (c MetadataClient) GetFolderHandle(ctx context.Context, __arg GetFolderHandleArg) (res []byte, err error)
func (MetadataClient) GetFoldersForRekey ¶
func (c MetadataClient) GetFoldersForRekey(ctx context.Context, deviceKID KID) (err error)
func (MetadataClient) GetKeyBundles ¶
func (c MetadataClient) GetKeyBundles(ctx context.Context, __arg GetKeyBundlesArg) (res KeyBundleResponse, err error)
func (MetadataClient) GetLatestFolderHandle ¶
func (MetadataClient) GetMerkleNode ¶
func (MetadataClient) GetMerkleRoot ¶
func (c MetadataClient) GetMerkleRoot(ctx context.Context, __arg GetMerkleRootArg) (res MerkleRoot, err error)
func (MetadataClient) GetMerkleRootLatest ¶
func (c MetadataClient) GetMerkleRootLatest(ctx context.Context, treeID MerkleTreeID) (res MerkleRoot, err error)
func (MetadataClient) GetMerkleRootSince ¶
func (c MetadataClient) GetMerkleRootSince(ctx context.Context, __arg GetMerkleRootSinceArg) (res MerkleRoot, err error)
func (MetadataClient) GetMetadata ¶
func (c MetadataClient) GetMetadata(ctx context.Context, __arg GetMetadataArg) (res MetadataResponse, err error)
func (MetadataClient) Lock ¶ added in v1.0.29
func (c MetadataClient) Lock(ctx context.Context, __arg LockArg) (err error)
func (MetadataClient) Ping2 ¶
func (c MetadataClient) Ping2(ctx context.Context) (res PingResponse, err error)
func (MetadataClient) PruneBranch ¶
func (c MetadataClient) PruneBranch(ctx context.Context, __arg PruneBranchArg) (err error)
func (MetadataClient) PutKeys ¶
func (c MetadataClient) PutKeys(ctx context.Context, __arg PutKeysArg) (err error)
func (MetadataClient) PutMetadata ¶
func (c MetadataClient) PutMetadata(ctx context.Context, __arg PutMetadataArg) (err error)
func (MetadataClient) RegisterForUpdates ¶
func (c MetadataClient) RegisterForUpdates(ctx context.Context, __arg RegisterForUpdatesArg) (err error)
func (MetadataClient) ReleaseLock ¶ added in v1.0.29
func (c MetadataClient) ReleaseLock(ctx context.Context, __arg ReleaseLockArg) (err error)
func (MetadataClient) SetImplicitTeamModeForTest ¶ added in v1.0.48
func (c MetadataClient) SetImplicitTeamModeForTest(ctx context.Context, implicitTeamMode string) (err error)
func (MetadataClient) StartImplicitTeamMigration ¶ added in v1.0.39
func (c MetadataClient) StartImplicitTeamMigration(ctx context.Context, folderID string) (err error)
func (MetadataClient) TruncateLock ¶
func (MetadataClient) TruncateUnlock ¶
type MetadataInterface ¶
type MetadataInterface interface { GetChallenge(context.Context) (ChallengeInfo, error) Authenticate(context.Context, string) (int, error) PutMetadata(context.Context, PutMetadataArg) error GetMetadata(context.Context, GetMetadataArg) (MetadataResponse, error) RegisterForUpdates(context.Context, RegisterForUpdatesArg) error PruneBranch(context.Context, PruneBranchArg) error PutKeys(context.Context, PutKeysArg) error GetKey(context.Context, GetKeyArg) ([]byte, error) DeleteKey(context.Context, DeleteKeyArg) error TruncateLock(context.Context, string) (bool, error) TruncateUnlock(context.Context, string) (bool, error) GetFolderHandle(context.Context, GetFolderHandleArg) ([]byte, error) GetFoldersForRekey(context.Context, KID) error Ping(context.Context) error Ping2(context.Context) (PingResponse, error) GetLatestFolderHandle(context.Context, string) ([]byte, error) GetKeyBundles(context.Context, GetKeyBundlesArg) (KeyBundleResponse, error) Lock(context.Context, LockArg) error ReleaseLock(context.Context, ReleaseLockArg) error StartImplicitTeamMigration(context.Context, string) error GetMerkleRoot(context.Context, GetMerkleRootArg) (MerkleRoot, error) GetMerkleRootLatest(context.Context, MerkleTreeID) (MerkleRoot, error) GetMerkleRootSince(context.Context, GetMerkleRootSinceArg) (MerkleRoot, error) GetMerkleNode(context.Context, string) ([]byte, error) FindNextMD(context.Context, FindNextMDArg) (FindNextMDResponse, error) SetImplicitTeamModeForTest(context.Context, string) error ForceMerkleBuildForTest(context.Context) error }
type MetadataResponse ¶
type MetadataResponse struct { FolderID string `codec:"folderID" json:"folderID"` MdBlocks []MDBlock `codec:"mdBlocks" json:"mdBlocks"` }
func (MetadataResponse) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o MetadataResponse) DeepCopy() MetadataResponse
type MetadataUpdateArg ¶
type MetadataUpdateClient ¶
type MetadataUpdateClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (MetadataUpdateClient) FolderNeedsRekey ¶
func (c MetadataUpdateClient) FolderNeedsRekey(ctx context.Context, __arg FolderNeedsRekeyArg) (err error)
func (MetadataUpdateClient) FoldersNeedRekey ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (c MetadataUpdateClient) FoldersNeedRekey(ctx context.Context, requests []RekeyRequest) (err error)
func (MetadataUpdateClient) MetadataUpdate ¶
func (c MetadataUpdateClient) MetadataUpdate(ctx context.Context, __arg MetadataUpdateArg) (err error)
type MetadataUpdateInterface ¶
type MetadataUpdateInterface interface { MetadataUpdate(context.Context, MetadataUpdateArg) error FolderNeedsRekey(context.Context, FolderNeedsRekeyArg) error FoldersNeedRekey(context.Context, []RekeyRequest) error }
type MoveArgs ¶ added in v1.0.19
type NaclDHKeyPrivate ¶
type NaclDHKeyPrivate [32]byte
func (NaclDHKeyPrivate) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o NaclDHKeyPrivate) DeepCopy() NaclDHKeyPrivate
type NaclDHKeyPublic ¶
type NaclDHKeyPublic [32]byte
func (NaclDHKeyPublic) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o NaclDHKeyPublic) DeepCopy() NaclDHKeyPublic
type NaclSigningKeyPrivate ¶
type NaclSigningKeyPrivate [64]byte
func (NaclSigningKeyPrivate) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o NaclSigningKeyPrivate) DeepCopy() NaclSigningKeyPrivate
type NaclSigningKeyPublic ¶
type NaclSigningKeyPublic [32]byte
func (NaclSigningKeyPublic) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o NaclSigningKeyPublic) DeepCopy() NaclSigningKeyPublic
type NewTeamEkArg ¶ added in v1.0.46
type NewTeamEkArg struct { Id TeamID `codec:"id" json:"id"` Generation EkGeneration `codec:"generation" json:"generation"` }
type NextMerkleRootRes ¶
type NextMerkleRootRes struct {
Res *MerkleRootV2 `codec:"res,omitempty" json:"res,omitempty"`
func (NextMerkleRootRes) DeepCopy ¶
func (o NextMerkleRootRes) DeepCopy() NextMerkleRootRes
type NotificationChannels ¶
type NotificationChannels struct { Session bool `codec:"session" json:"session"` Users bool `codec:"users" json:"users"` Kbfs bool `codec:"kbfs" json:"kbfs"` Tracking bool `codec:"tracking" json:"tracking"` Favorites bool `codec:"favorites" json:"favorites"` Paperkeys bool `codec:"paperkeys" json:"paperkeys"` Keyfamily bool `codec:"keyfamily" json:"keyfamily"` Service bool `codec:"service" json:"service"` App bool `codec:"app" json:"app"` Chat bool `codec:"chat" json:"chat"` PGP bool `codec:"pgp" json:"pgp"` Kbfsrequest bool `codec:"kbfsrequest" json:"kbfsrequest"` Badges bool `codec:"badges" json:"badges"` Reachability bool `codec:"reachability" json:"reachability"` Team bool `codec:"team" json:"team"` Ephemeral bool `codec:"ephemeral" json:"ephemeral"` Chatkbfsedits bool `codec:"chatkbfsedits" json:"chatkbfsedits"` }
func (NotificationChannels) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o NotificationChannels) DeepCopy() NotificationChannels
type NotifyAppClient ¶
type NotifyAppClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
type NotifyAppInterface ¶
type NotifyBadgesClient ¶ added in v1.0.19
type NotifyBadgesClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (NotifyBadgesClient) BadgeState ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (c NotifyBadgesClient) BadgeState(ctx context.Context, badgeState BadgeState) (err error)
type NotifyBadgesInterface ¶ added in v1.0.19
type NotifyBadgesInterface interface {
BadgeState(context.Context, BadgeState) error
type NotifyCtlClient ¶
type NotifyCtlClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (NotifyCtlClient) SetNotifications ¶
func (c NotifyCtlClient) SetNotifications(ctx context.Context, channels NotificationChannels) (err error)
type NotifyCtlInterface ¶
type NotifyCtlInterface interface {
SetNotifications(context.Context, NotificationChannels) error
type NotifyEphemeralClient ¶ added in v1.0.46
type NotifyEphemeralClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (NotifyEphemeralClient) NewTeamEk ¶ added in v1.0.46
func (c NotifyEphemeralClient) NewTeamEk(ctx context.Context, __arg NewTeamEkArg) (err error)
type NotifyEphemeralInterface ¶ added in v1.0.46
type NotifyEphemeralInterface interface {
NewTeamEk(context.Context, NewTeamEkArg) error
type NotifyFSClient ¶
type NotifyFSClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (NotifyFSClient) FSActivity ¶
func (c NotifyFSClient) FSActivity(ctx context.Context, notification FSNotification) (err error)
func (NotifyFSClient) FSEditListResponse ¶
func (c NotifyFSClient) FSEditListResponse(ctx context.Context, __arg FSEditListResponseArg) (err error)
func (NotifyFSClient) FSSyncActivity ¶
func (c NotifyFSClient) FSSyncActivity(ctx context.Context, status FSPathSyncStatus) (err error)
func (NotifyFSClient) FSSyncStatusResponse ¶
func (c NotifyFSClient) FSSyncStatusResponse(ctx context.Context, __arg FSSyncStatusResponseArg) (err error)
type NotifyFSInterface ¶
type NotifyFSInterface interface { FSActivity(context.Context, FSNotification) error FSSyncActivity(context.Context, FSPathSyncStatus) error FSEditListResponse(context.Context, FSEditListResponseArg) error FSSyncStatusResponse(context.Context, FSSyncStatusResponseArg) error }
type NotifyFSRequestClient ¶
type NotifyFSRequestClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (NotifyFSRequestClient) FSEditListRequest ¶
func (c NotifyFSRequestClient) FSEditListRequest(ctx context.Context, req FSEditListRequest) (err error)
func (NotifyFSRequestClient) FSSyncStatusRequest ¶
func (c NotifyFSRequestClient) FSSyncStatusRequest(ctx context.Context, req FSSyncStatusRequest) (err error)
type NotifyFSRequestInterface ¶
type NotifyFSRequestInterface interface { FSEditListRequest(context.Context, FSEditListRequest) error FSSyncStatusRequest(context.Context, FSSyncStatusRequest) error }
type NotifyFavoritesClient ¶
type NotifyFavoritesClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (NotifyFavoritesClient) FavoritesChanged ¶
func (c NotifyFavoritesClient) FavoritesChanged(ctx context.Context, uid UID) (err error)
type NotifyKeyfamilyClient ¶
type NotifyKeyfamilyClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (NotifyKeyfamilyClient) KeyfamilyChanged ¶
func (c NotifyKeyfamilyClient) KeyfamilyChanged(ctx context.Context, uid UID) (err error)
type NotifyPGPClient ¶
type NotifyPGPClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (NotifyPGPClient) PGPKeyInSecretStoreFile ¶
func (c NotifyPGPClient) PGPKeyInSecretStoreFile(ctx context.Context) (err error)
type NotifyPGPInterface ¶
type NotifyPaperKeyClient ¶
type NotifyPaperKeyClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (NotifyPaperKeyClient) PaperKeyCached ¶
func (c NotifyPaperKeyClient) PaperKeyCached(ctx context.Context, __arg PaperKeyCachedArg) (err error)
type NotifyPaperKeyInterface ¶
type NotifyPaperKeyInterface interface {
PaperKeyCached(context.Context, PaperKeyCachedArg) error
type NotifyServiceClient ¶
type NotifyServiceClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
type NotifyServiceInterface ¶
type NotifySessionClient ¶
type NotifySessionClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (NotifySessionClient) ClientOutOfDate ¶
func (c NotifySessionClient) ClientOutOfDate(ctx context.Context, __arg ClientOutOfDateArg) (err error)
type NotifySessionInterface ¶
type NotifyTeamClient ¶ added in v1.0.27
type NotifyTeamClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (NotifyTeamClient) TeamAbandoned ¶ added in v1.0.41
func (c NotifyTeamClient) TeamAbandoned(ctx context.Context, teamID TeamID) (err error)
func (NotifyTeamClient) TeamChangedByID ¶ added in v1.0.39
func (c NotifyTeamClient) TeamChangedByID(ctx context.Context, __arg TeamChangedByIDArg) (err error)
func (NotifyTeamClient) TeamChangedByName ¶ added in v1.0.39
func (c NotifyTeamClient) TeamChangedByName(ctx context.Context, __arg TeamChangedByNameArg) (err error)
func (NotifyTeamClient) TeamDeleted ¶ added in v1.0.30
func (c NotifyTeamClient) TeamDeleted(ctx context.Context, teamID TeamID) (err error)
type NotifyTeamInterface ¶ added in v1.0.27
type NotifyTrackingClient ¶
type NotifyTrackingClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (NotifyTrackingClient) TrackingChanged ¶
func (c NotifyTrackingClient) TrackingChanged(ctx context.Context, __arg TrackingChangedArg) (err error)
type NotifyTrackingInterface ¶
type NotifyTrackingInterface interface {
TrackingChanged(context.Context, TrackingChangedArg) error
type NotifyUsersClient ¶
type NotifyUsersClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (NotifyUsersClient) UserChanged ¶
func (c NotifyUsersClient) UserChanged(ctx context.Context, uid UID) (err error)
type NotifyUsersInterface ¶
type OkToCheckArg ¶
type OpDescription ¶ added in v1.0.19
type OpDescription struct { AsyncOp__ AsyncOps `codec:"asyncOp" json:"asyncOp"` List__ *ListArgs `codec:"list,omitempty" json:"list,omitempty"` ListRecursive__ *ListArgs `codec:"listRecursive,omitempty" json:"listRecursive,omitempty"` Read__ *ReadArgs `codec:"read,omitempty" json:"read,omitempty"` Write__ *WriteArgs `codec:"write,omitempty" json:"write,omitempty"` Copy__ *CopyArgs `codec:"copy,omitempty" json:"copy,omitempty"` Move__ *MoveArgs `codec:"move,omitempty" json:"move,omitempty"` Remove__ *RemoveArgs `codec:"remove,omitempty" json:"remove,omitempty"` }
func NewOpDescriptionWithCopy ¶ added in v1.0.19
func NewOpDescriptionWithCopy(v CopyArgs) OpDescription
func NewOpDescriptionWithList ¶ added in v1.0.19
func NewOpDescriptionWithList(v ListArgs) OpDescription
func NewOpDescriptionWithListRecursive ¶ added in v1.0.19
func NewOpDescriptionWithListRecursive(v ListArgs) OpDescription
func NewOpDescriptionWithMove ¶ added in v1.0.19
func NewOpDescriptionWithMove(v MoveArgs) OpDescription
func NewOpDescriptionWithRead ¶ added in v1.0.19
func NewOpDescriptionWithRead(v ReadArgs) OpDescription
func NewOpDescriptionWithRemove ¶ added in v1.0.19
func NewOpDescriptionWithRemove(v RemoveArgs) OpDescription
func NewOpDescriptionWithWrite ¶ added in v1.0.19
func NewOpDescriptionWithWrite(v WriteArgs) OpDescription
func (*OpDescription) AsyncOp ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (o *OpDescription) AsyncOp() (ret AsyncOps, err error)
func (OpDescription) Copy ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (o OpDescription) Copy() (res CopyArgs)
func (OpDescription) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o OpDescription) DeepCopy() OpDescription
func (OpDescription) List ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (o OpDescription) List() (res ListArgs)
func (OpDescription) ListRecursive ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (o OpDescription) ListRecursive() (res ListArgs)
func (OpDescription) Move ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (o OpDescription) Move() (res MoveArgs)
func (OpDescription) Read ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (o OpDescription) Read() (res ReadArgs)
func (OpDescription) Remove ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (o OpDescription) Remove() (res RemoveArgs)
func (OpDescription) Write ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (o OpDescription) Write() (res WriteArgs)
type OpProgress ¶ added in v1.0.46
type OpProgress struct { Start Time `codec:"start" json:"start"` EndEstimate Time `codec:"endEstimate" json:"endEstimate"` OpType AsyncOps `codec:"opType" json:"opType"` BytesTotal int64 `codec:"bytesTotal" json:"bytesTotal"` BytesRead int64 `codec:"bytesRead" json:"bytesRead"` BytesWritten int64 `codec:"bytesWritten" json:"bytesWritten"` FilesTotal int64 `codec:"filesTotal" json:"filesTotal"` FilesRead int64 `codec:"filesRead" json:"filesRead"` FilesWritten int64 `codec:"filesWritten" json:"filesWritten"` }
func (OpProgress) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.46
func (o OpProgress) DeepCopy() OpProgress
type OutOfDateInfo ¶
type OutOfDateInfo struct { UpgradeTo string `codec:"upgradeTo" json:"upgradeTo"` UpgradeURI string `codec:"upgradeURI" json:"upgradeURI"` CustomMessage string `codec:"customMessage" json:"customMessage"` CriticalClockSkew int64 `codec:"criticalClockSkew" json:"criticalClockSkew"` }
func (OutOfDateInfo) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o OutOfDateInfo) DeepCopy() OutOfDateInfo
type OutputInstructionsArg ¶
type OutputPrechecksArg ¶
type OutputSignatureSuccessNonKeybaseArg ¶ added in v1.0.19
type PGPClient ¶
type PGPClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (PGPClient) PGPDecrypt ¶
func (c PGPClient) PGPDecrypt(ctx context.Context, __arg PGPDecryptArg) (res PGPSigVerification, err error)
func (PGPClient) PGPDeletePrimary ¶
func (PGPClient) PGPEncrypt ¶
func (c PGPClient) PGPEncrypt(ctx context.Context, __arg PGPEncryptArg) (err error)
func (PGPClient) PGPExportByFingerprint ¶
func (PGPClient) PGPExportByKID ¶
func (PGPClient) PGPImport ¶
func (c PGPClient) PGPImport(ctx context.Context, __arg PGPImportArg) (err error)
func (PGPClient) PGPKeyGen ¶
func (c PGPClient) PGPKeyGen(ctx context.Context, __arg PGPKeyGenArg) (err error)
func (PGPClient) PGPKeyGenDefault ¶
func (c PGPClient) PGPKeyGenDefault(ctx context.Context, __arg PGPKeyGenDefaultArg) (err error)
func (PGPClient) PGPPull ¶
func (c PGPClient) PGPPull(ctx context.Context, __arg PGPPullArg) (err error)
Download PGP keys for tracked users and update the local GPG keyring. If usernames is nonempty, update only those users.
func (PGPClient) PGPPurge ¶
func (c PGPClient) PGPPurge(ctx context.Context, __arg PGPPurgeArg) (res PGPPurgeRes, err error)
func (PGPClient) PGPSelect ¶
func (c PGPClient) PGPSelect(ctx context.Context, __arg PGPSelectArg) (err error)
Select an existing key and add to Keybase.
func (PGPClient) PGPSign ¶
func (c PGPClient) PGPSign(ctx context.Context, __arg PGPSignArg) (err error)
func (PGPClient) PGPStorageDismiss ¶
Dismiss the PGP unlock via secret_store_file notification.
func (PGPClient) PGPUpdate ¶
func (c PGPClient) PGPUpdate(ctx context.Context, __arg PGPUpdateArg) (err error)
Push updated key(s) to the server.
func (PGPClient) PGPVerify ¶
func (c PGPClient) PGPVerify(ctx context.Context, __arg PGPVerifyArg) (res PGPSigVerification, err error)
type PGPCreateUids ¶
type PGPCreateUids struct { UseDefault bool `codec:"useDefault" json:"useDefault"` Ids []PGPIdentity `codec:"ids" json:"ids"` }
func (PGPCreateUids) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o PGPCreateUids) DeepCopy() PGPCreateUids
type PGPDecryptArg ¶
type PGPDecryptArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` Source Stream `codec:"source" json:"source"` Sink Stream `codec:"sink" json:"sink"` Opts PGPDecryptOptions `codec:"opts" json:"opts"` }
type PGPDecryptOptions ¶
type PGPDecryptOptions struct { AssertSigned bool `codec:"assertSigned" json:"assertSigned"` SignedBy string `codec:"signedBy" json:"signedBy"` }
func (PGPDecryptOptions) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o PGPDecryptOptions) DeepCopy() PGPDecryptOptions
type PGPDeletePrimaryArg ¶
type PGPDeletePrimaryArg struct {
SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"`
type PGPEncryptArg ¶
type PGPEncryptArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` Source Stream `codec:"source" json:"source"` Sink Stream `codec:"sink" json:"sink"` Opts PGPEncryptOptions `codec:"opts" json:"opts"` }
type PGPEncryptOptions ¶
type PGPEncryptOptions struct { Recipients []string `codec:"recipients" json:"recipients"` NoSign bool `codec:"noSign" json:"noSign"` NoSelf bool `codec:"noSelf" json:"noSelf"` BinaryOut bool `codec:"binaryOut" json:"binaryOut"` KeyQuery string `codec:"keyQuery" json:"keyQuery"` }
func (PGPEncryptOptions) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o PGPEncryptOptions) DeepCopy() PGPEncryptOptions
type PGPExportArg ¶
type PGPExportByKIDArg ¶
type PGPFingerprint ¶ added in v1.0.27
type PGPFingerprint [20]byte
func PGPFingerprintFromString ¶ added in v1.0.27
func PGPFingerprintFromString(s string) (ret PGPFingerprint, err error)
func (PGPFingerprint) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o PGPFingerprint) DeepCopy() PGPFingerprint
func (PGPFingerprint) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (p PGPFingerprint) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*PGPFingerprint) String ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (p *PGPFingerprint) String() string
func (*PGPFingerprint) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (p *PGPFingerprint) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type PGPIdentity ¶
type PGPIdentity struct { Username string `codec:"username" json:"username"` Comment string `codec:"comment" json:"comment"` Email string `codec:"email" json:"email"` }
func (PGPIdentity) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o PGPIdentity) DeepCopy() PGPIdentity
type PGPImportArg ¶
type PGPInterface ¶
type PGPInterface interface { PGPSign(context.Context, PGPSignArg) error // Download PGP keys for tracked users and update the local GPG keyring. // If usernames is nonempty, update only those users. PGPPull(context.Context, PGPPullArg) error PGPEncrypt(context.Context, PGPEncryptArg) error PGPDecrypt(context.Context, PGPDecryptArg) (PGPSigVerification, error) PGPVerify(context.Context, PGPVerifyArg) (PGPSigVerification, error) PGPImport(context.Context, PGPImportArg) error // Exports active PGP keys. Only allows armored export. PGPExport(context.Context, PGPExportArg) ([]KeyInfo, error) PGPExportByFingerprint(context.Context, PGPExportByFingerprintArg) ([]KeyInfo, error) PGPExportByKID(context.Context, PGPExportByKIDArg) ([]KeyInfo, error) PGPKeyGen(context.Context, PGPKeyGenArg) error PGPKeyGenDefault(context.Context, PGPKeyGenDefaultArg) error PGPDeletePrimary(context.Context, int) error // Select an existing key and add to Keybase. PGPSelect(context.Context, PGPSelectArg) error // Push updated key(s) to the server. PGPUpdate(context.Context, PGPUpdateArg) error PGPPurge(context.Context, PGPPurgeArg) (PGPPurgeRes, error) // Dismiss the PGP unlock via secret_store_file notification. PGPStorageDismiss(context.Context, int) error }
type PGPKeyGenArg ¶
type PGPKeyGenArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` PrimaryBits int `codec:"primaryBits" json:"primaryBits"` SubkeyBits int `codec:"subkeyBits" json:"subkeyBits"` CreateUids PGPCreateUids `codec:"createUids" json:"createUids"` AllowMulti bool `codec:"allowMulti" json:"allowMulti"` DoExport bool `codec:"doExport" json:"doExport"` ExportEncrypted bool `codec:"exportEncrypted" json:"exportEncrypted"` PushSecret bool `codec:"pushSecret" json:"pushSecret"` }
type PGPKeyGenDefaultArg ¶
type PGPKeyGenDefaultArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` CreateUids PGPCreateUids `codec:"createUids" json:"createUids"` }
type PGPKeyInSecretStoreFileArg ¶
type PGPKeyInSecretStoreFileArg struct { }
type PGPPullArg ¶
type PGPPurgeArg ¶
type PGPPurgeRes ¶
type PGPPurgeRes struct {
Filenames []string `codec:"filenames" json:"filenames"`
Export all pgp keys in lksec, then if doPurge is true, remove the keys from lksec.
func (PGPPurgeRes) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o PGPPurgeRes) DeepCopy() PGPPurgeRes
type PGPQuery ¶
type PGPSelectArg ¶
type PGPSelectArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` FingerprintQuery string `codec:"fingerprintQuery" json:"fingerprintQuery"` AllowMulti bool `codec:"allowMulti" json:"allowMulti"` SkipImport bool `codec:"skipImport" json:"skipImport"` OnlyImport bool `codec:"onlyImport" json:"onlyImport"` }
type PGPSigVerification ¶
type PGPSigVerification struct { IsSigned bool `codec:"isSigned" json:"isSigned"` Verified bool `codec:"verified" json:"verified"` Signer User `codec:"signer" json:"signer"` SignKey PublicKey `codec:"signKey" json:"signKey"` }
PGPSigVerification is returned by pgpDecrypt and pgpVerify with information about the signature verification. If isSigned is false, there was no signature, and the rest of the fields should be ignored.
func (PGPSigVerification) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o PGPSigVerification) DeepCopy() PGPSigVerification
type PGPSignArg ¶
type PGPSignArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` Source Stream `codec:"source" json:"source"` Sink Stream `codec:"sink" json:"sink"` Opts PGPSignOptions `codec:"opts" json:"opts"` }
type PGPSignOptions ¶
type PGPSignOptions struct { KeyQuery string `codec:"keyQuery" json:"keyQuery"` Mode SignMode `codec:"mode" json:"mode"` BinaryIn bool `codec:"binaryIn" json:"binaryIn"` BinaryOut bool `codec:"binaryOut" json:"binaryOut"` }
func (PGPSignOptions) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o PGPSignOptions) DeepCopy() PGPSignOptions
type PGPStorageDismissArg ¶
type PGPStorageDismissArg struct {
SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"`
type PGPUiClient ¶
type PGPUiClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (PGPUiClient) Finished ¶
func (c PGPUiClient) Finished(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (err error)
func (PGPUiClient) KeyGenerated ¶
func (c PGPUiClient) KeyGenerated(ctx context.Context, __arg KeyGeneratedArg) (err error)
func (PGPUiClient) OutputSignatureSuccess ¶
func (c PGPUiClient) OutputSignatureSuccess(ctx context.Context, __arg OutputSignatureSuccessArg) (err error)
func (PGPUiClient) OutputSignatureSuccessNonKeybase ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (c PGPUiClient) OutputSignatureSuccessNonKeybase(ctx context.Context, __arg OutputSignatureSuccessNonKeybaseArg) (err error)
func (PGPUiClient) ShouldPushPrivate ¶
type PGPUiInterface ¶
type PGPUiInterface interface { OutputSignatureSuccess(context.Context, OutputSignatureSuccessArg) error OutputSignatureSuccessNonKeybase(context.Context, OutputSignatureSuccessNonKeybaseArg) error KeyGenerated(context.Context, KeyGeneratedArg) error ShouldPushPrivate(context.Context, int) (bool, error) Finished(context.Context, int) error }
type PGPUpdateArg ¶
type PGPVerifyArg ¶
type PGPVerifyArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` Source Stream `codec:"source" json:"source"` Opts PGPVerifyOptions `codec:"opts" json:"opts"` }
type PGPVerifyOptions ¶
type PGPVerifyOptions struct { SignedBy string `codec:"signedBy" json:"signedBy"` Signature []byte `codec:"signature" json:"signature"` }
func (PGPVerifyOptions) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o PGPVerifyOptions) DeepCopy() PGPVerifyOptions
type PaperKeyArg ¶
type PaperKeyArg struct {
SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"`
type PaperKeyCachedArg ¶
type PaperKeySubmitArg ¶
type PaperProvisionArg ¶
type PaperprovisionClient ¶
type PaperprovisionClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (PaperprovisionClient) PaperProvision ¶
func (c PaperprovisionClient) PaperProvision(ctx context.Context, __arg PaperProvisionArg) (err error)
Performs paper provision. If the current device isn't provisioned, this function will provision it.
type PaperprovisionInterface ¶
type PaperprovisionInterface interface { // Performs paper provision. // If the current device isn't provisioned, this function will // provision it. PaperProvision(context.Context, PaperProvisionArg) error }
type PassphraseChangeArg ¶
type PassphraseCommonClient ¶
type PassphraseCommonClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
type PassphraseCommonInterface ¶
type PassphraseCommonInterface interface { }
type PassphrasePromptArg ¶
type PassphrasePromptArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` GuiArg GUIEntryArg `codec:"guiArg" json:"guiArg"` }
type PassphraseStream ¶
type PassphraseStream struct { PassphraseStream []byte `codec:"passphraseStream" json:"passphraseStream"` Generation int `codec:"generation" json:"generation"` }
func (PassphraseStream) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o PassphraseStream) DeepCopy() PassphraseStream
type PassphraseType ¶
type PassphraseType int
const ( PassphraseType_NONE PassphraseType = 0 PassphraseType_PAPER_KEY PassphraseType = 1 PassphraseType_PASS_PHRASE PassphraseType = 2 PassphraseType_VERIFY_PASS_PHRASE PassphraseType = 3 )
func (PassphraseType) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o PassphraseType) DeepCopy() PassphraseType
func (PassphraseType) String ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (e PassphraseType) String() string
type Path ¶ added in v1.0.19
type Path struct { PathType__ PathType `codec:"PathType" json:"PathType"` Local__ *string `codec:"local,omitempty" json:"local,omitempty"` Kbfs__ *string `codec:"kbfs,omitempty" json:"kbfs,omitempty"` }
func NewPathWithKbfs ¶ added in v1.0.19
func NewPathWithLocal ¶ added in v1.0.19
type PerTeamKey ¶ added in v1.0.27
type PerTeamKey struct { Gen PerTeamKeyGeneration `codec:"gen" json:"gen"` Seqno Seqno `codec:"seqno" json:"seqno"` SigKID KID `codec:"sigKID" json:"sigKID"` EncKID KID `codec:"encKID" json:"encKID"` }
func (PerTeamKey) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o PerTeamKey) DeepCopy() PerTeamKey
type PerTeamKeyGeneration ¶ added in v1.0.27
type PerTeamKeyGeneration int
func (PerTeamKeyGeneration) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o PerTeamKeyGeneration) DeepCopy() PerTeamKeyGeneration
type PerTeamKeySeed ¶ added in v1.0.27
type PerTeamKeySeed [32]byte
func PerTeamKeySeedFromBytes ¶ added in v1.0.27
func PerTeamKeySeedFromBytes(b []byte) (PerTeamKeySeed, error)
func (PerTeamKeySeed) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o PerTeamKeySeed) DeepCopy() PerTeamKeySeed
func (PerTeamKeySeed) IsZero ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (s PerTeamKeySeed) IsZero() bool
func (PerTeamKeySeed) ToBytes ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (s PerTeamKeySeed) ToBytes() []byte
type PerTeamKeySeedItem ¶ added in v1.0.27
type PerTeamKeySeedItem struct { Seed PerTeamKeySeed `codec:"seed" json:"seed"` Generation PerTeamKeyGeneration `codec:"generation" json:"generation"` Seqno Seqno `codec:"seqno" json:"seqno"` }
func (PerTeamKeySeedItem) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o PerTeamKeySeedItem) DeepCopy() PerTeamKeySeedItem
type PerUserKey ¶ added in v1.0.27
type PerUserKey struct { Gen int `codec:"gen" json:"gen"` Seqno Seqno `codec:"seqno" json:"seqno"` SigKID KID `codec:"sigKID" json:"sigKID"` EncKID KID `codec:"encKID" json:"encKID"` SignedByKID KID `codec:"signedByKID" json:"signedByKID"` }
func (PerUserKey) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o PerUserKey) DeepCopy() PerUserKey
type PerUserKeyBox ¶ added in v1.0.27
type PerUserKeyBox struct { Generation PerUserKeyGeneration `codec:"generation" json:"generation"` Box string `codec:"box" json:"box"` ReceiverKID KID `codec:"receiverKID" json:"receiver_kid"` }
func (PerUserKeyBox) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o PerUserKeyBox) DeepCopy() PerUserKeyBox
type PerUserKeyGeneration ¶ added in v1.0.27
type PerUserKeyGeneration int
func (PerUserKeyGeneration) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o PerUserKeyGeneration) DeepCopy() PerUserKeyGeneration
type Pics ¶ added in v1.0.39
type PingResponse ¶
type PingResponse struct {
Timestamp Time `codec:"timestamp" json:"timestamp"`
func (PingResponse) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o PingResponse) DeepCopy() PingResponse
type PlatformInfo ¶
type PlatformInfo struct { Os string `codec:"os" json:"os"` OsVersion string `codec:"osVersion" json:"osVersion"` Arch string `codec:"arch" json:"arch"` GoVersion string `codec:"goVersion" json:"goVersion"` }
func (PlatformInfo) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o PlatformInfo) DeepCopy() PlatformInfo
type PostArg ¶
type PostArg struct { Endpoint string `codec:"endpoint" json:"endpoint"` Args []StringKVPair `codec:"args" json:"args"` HttpStatus []int `codec:"httpStatus" json:"httpStatus"` AppStatusCode []int `codec:"appStatusCode" json:"appStatusCode"` }
func (PostArg) GetAppStatusCodes ¶
func (PostArg) GetEndpoint ¶
func (PostArg) GetHTTPArgs ¶
func (a PostArg) GetHTTPArgs() []StringKVPair
func (PostArg) GetHttpStatuses ¶
type PostJSONArg ¶
type PostJSONArg struct { Endpoint string `codec:"endpoint" json:"endpoint"` Args []StringKVPair `codec:"args" json:"args"` JSONPayload []StringKVPair `codec:"JSONPayload" json:"JSONPayload"` HttpStatus []int `codec:"httpStatus" json:"httpStatus"` AppStatusCode []int `codec:"appStatusCode" json:"appStatusCode"` }
func (PostJSONArg) GetAppStatusCodes ¶
func (a PostJSONArg) GetAppStatusCodes() []int
func (PostJSONArg) GetEndpoint ¶
func (a PostJSONArg) GetEndpoint() string
func (PostJSONArg) GetHTTPArgs ¶
func (a PostJSONArg) GetHTTPArgs() []StringKVPair
func (PostJSONArg) GetHttpStatuses ¶
func (a PostJSONArg) GetHttpStatuses() []int
type PprofClient ¶ added in v1.0.42
type PprofClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (PprofClient) LogProcessorProfile ¶ added in v1.0.46
func (c PprofClient) LogProcessorProfile(ctx context.Context, __arg LogProcessorProfileArg) (err error)
func (PprofClient) LogTrace ¶ added in v1.0.43
func (c PprofClient) LogTrace(ctx context.Context, __arg LogTraceArg) (err error)
func (PprofClient) ProcessorProfile ¶ added in v1.0.46
func (c PprofClient) ProcessorProfile(ctx context.Context, __arg ProcessorProfileArg) (err error)
type PprofInterface ¶ added in v1.0.42
type PreProofWarningArg ¶
type PrepareLogsendArg ¶ added in v1.0.19
type PrepareLogsendArg struct { }
type ProblemSet ¶
type ProblemSet struct { User User `codec:"user" json:"user"` Kid KID `codec:"kid" json:"kid"` Tlfs []ProblemTLF `codec:"tlfs" json:"tlfs"` }
ProblemSet is for a particular (user,kid) that initiated a rekey problem. This problem consists of one or more problem TLFs, which are individually scored and have attendant solutions --- devices that if they came online can rekey and solve the ProblemTLF.
func (ProblemSet) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o ProblemSet) DeepCopy() ProblemSet
type ProblemSetDevices ¶
type ProblemSetDevices struct { ProblemSet ProblemSet `codec:"problemSet" json:"problemSet"` Devices []Device `codec:"devices" json:"devices"` }
func (ProblemSetDevices) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o ProblemSetDevices) DeepCopy() ProblemSetDevices
type ProblemTLF ¶
type ProblemTLF struct { Tlf TLF `codec:"tlf" json:"tlf"` Score int `codec:"score" json:"score"` Solution_kids []KID `codec:"solution_kids" json:"solution_kids"` }
func (ProblemTLF) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o ProblemTLF) DeepCopy() ProblemTLF
type Process ¶
type Process struct { Pid string `codec:"pid" json:"pid"` Command string `codec:"command" json:"command"` FileDescriptors []FileDescriptor `codec:"fileDescriptors" json:"fileDescriptors"` }
type ProcessClient ¶
type ProcessClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
type ProcessInterface ¶
type ProcessInterface interface { }
type ProcessorProfileArg ¶ added in v1.0.46
type ProcessorProfileArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` ProfileFile string `codec:"profileFile" json:"profileFile"` ProfileDurationSeconds DurationSec `codec:"profileDurationSeconds" json:"profileDurationSeconds"` }
type ProfileEditArg ¶ added in v1.0.19
type PromptDefault ¶
type PromptDefault int
const ( PromptDefault_NONE PromptDefault = 0 PromptDefault_YES PromptDefault = 1 PromptDefault_NO PromptDefault = 2 )
func (PromptDefault) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o PromptDefault) DeepCopy() PromptDefault
func (PromptDefault) String ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (e PromptDefault) String() string
type PromptNewDeviceNameArg ¶
type PromptOverwriteArg ¶
type PromptOverwriteArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` Account string `codec:"account" json:"account"` Typ PromptOverwriteType `codec:"typ" json:"typ"` }
type PromptOverwriteType ¶
type PromptOverwriteType int
const ( PromptOverwriteType_SOCIAL PromptOverwriteType = 0 PromptOverwriteType_SITE PromptOverwriteType = 1 )
func (PromptOverwriteType) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o PromptOverwriteType) DeepCopy() PromptOverwriteType
func (PromptOverwriteType) String ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (e PromptOverwriteType) String() string
type PromptUsernameArg ¶
type PromptYesNoArg ¶
type PromptYesNoArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` Text Text `codec:"text" json:"text"` PromptDefault PromptDefault `codec:"promptDefault" json:"promptDefault"` }
type ProofResult ¶
type ProofResult struct { State ProofState `codec:"state" json:"state"` Status ProofStatus `codec:"status" json:"status"` Desc string `codec:"desc" json:"desc"` }
func (ProofResult) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o ProofResult) DeepCopy() ProofResult
type ProofState ¶
type ProofState int
const ( ProofState_NONE ProofState = 0 ProofState_OK ProofState = 1 ProofState_TEMP_FAILURE ProofState = 2 ProofState_PERM_FAILURE ProofState = 3 ProofState_LOOKING ProofState = 4 ProofState_SUPERSEDED ProofState = 5 ProofState_POSTED ProofState = 6 ProofState_REVOKED ProofState = 7 ProofState_DELETED ProofState = 8 ProofState_UNKNOWN_TYPE ProofState = 9 ProofState_SIG_HINT_MISSING ProofState = 10 ProofState_UNCHECKED ProofState = 11 )
func (ProofState) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o ProofState) DeepCopy() ProofState
func (ProofState) String ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (e ProofState) String() string
type ProofStatus ¶
type ProofStatus int
3: It's been found in the hunt, but not proven yet 1xx: Retryable soft errors; note that this will be put in the proof_cache, but won't be returned from the proof cache in most cases. Their freshness will always be RANCID. 2xx: Will likely result in a hard error, if repeated enough 3xx: Hard final errors
const ( ProofStatus_NONE ProofStatus = 0 ProofStatus_OK ProofStatus = 1 ProofStatus_LOCAL ProofStatus = 2 ProofStatus_FOUND ProofStatus = 3 ProofStatus_BASE_ERROR ProofStatus = 100 ProofStatus_HOST_UNREACHABLE ProofStatus = 101 ProofStatus_PERMISSION_DENIED ProofStatus = 103 ProofStatus_FAILED_PARSE ProofStatus = 106 ProofStatus_DNS_ERROR ProofStatus = 107 ProofStatus_AUTH_FAILED ProofStatus = 108 ProofStatus_HTTP_429 ProofStatus = 129 ProofStatus_HTTP_500 ProofStatus = 150 ProofStatus_TIMEOUT ProofStatus = 160 ProofStatus_INTERNAL_ERROR ProofStatus = 170 ProofStatus_UNCHECKED ProofStatus = 171 ProofStatus_MISSING_PVL ProofStatus = 172 ProofStatus_BASE_HARD_ERROR ProofStatus = 200 ProofStatus_NOT_FOUND ProofStatus = 201 ProofStatus_CONTENT_FAILURE ProofStatus = 202 ProofStatus_BAD_USERNAME ProofStatus = 203 ProofStatus_BAD_REMOTE_ID ProofStatus = 204 ProofStatus_TEXT_NOT_FOUND ProofStatus = 205 ProofStatus_BAD_ARGS ProofStatus = 206 ProofStatus_CONTENT_MISSING ProofStatus = 207 ProofStatus_TITLE_NOT_FOUND ProofStatus = 208 ProofStatus_SERVICE_ERROR ProofStatus = 209 ProofStatus_TOR_SKIPPED ProofStatus = 210 ProofStatus_TOR_INCOMPATIBLE ProofStatus = 211 ProofStatus_HTTP_300 ProofStatus = 230 ProofStatus_HTTP_400 ProofStatus = 240 ProofStatus_HTTP_OTHER ProofStatus = 260 ProofStatus_EMPTY_JSON ProofStatus = 270 ProofStatus_DELETED ProofStatus = 301 ProofStatus_SERVICE_DEAD ProofStatus = 302 ProofStatus_BAD_SIGNATURE ProofStatus = 303 ProofStatus_BAD_API_URL ProofStatus = 304 ProofStatus_UNKNOWN_TYPE ProofStatus = 305 ProofStatus_NO_HINT ProofStatus = 306 ProofStatus_BAD_HINT_TEXT ProofStatus = 307 ProofStatus_INVALID_PVL ProofStatus = 308 )
func (ProofStatus) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o ProofStatus) DeepCopy() ProofStatus
func (ProofStatus) String ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (e ProofStatus) String() string
type ProofType ¶
type ProofType int
const ( ProofType_NONE ProofType = 0 ProofType_KEYBASE ProofType = 1 ProofType_TWITTER ProofType = 2 ProofType_GITHUB ProofType = 3 ProofType_REDDIT ProofType = 4 ProofType_COINBASE ProofType = 5 ProofType_HACKERNEWS ProofType = 6 ProofType_FACEBOOK ProofType = 8 ProofType_GENERIC_WEB_SITE ProofType = 1000 ProofType_DNS ProofType = 1001 ProofType_PGP ProofType = 1002 ProofType_ROOTER ProofType = 100001 )
type Proofs ¶
type Proofs struct { Social []TrackProof `codec:"social" json:"social"` Web []WebProof `codec:"web" json:"web"` PublicKeys []PublicKey `codec:"publicKeys" json:"publicKeys"` }
type ProveClient ¶
type ProveClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (ProveClient) CheckProof ¶
func (c ProveClient) CheckProof(ctx context.Context, __arg CheckProofArg) (res CheckProofStatus, err error)
func (ProveClient) StartProof ¶
func (c ProveClient) StartProof(ctx context.Context, __arg StartProofArg) (res StartProofResult, err error)
type ProveCommonClient ¶
type ProveCommonClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
type ProveCommonInterface ¶
type ProveCommonInterface interface { }
type ProveInterface ¶
type ProveInterface interface { StartProof(context.Context, StartProofArg) (StartProofResult, error) CheckProof(context.Context, CheckProofArg) (CheckProofStatus, error) }
type ProveUiClient ¶
type ProveUiClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (ProveUiClient) DisplayRecheckWarning ¶
func (c ProveUiClient) DisplayRecheckWarning(ctx context.Context, __arg DisplayRecheckWarningArg) (err error)
func (ProveUiClient) OkToCheck ¶
func (c ProveUiClient) OkToCheck(ctx context.Context, __arg OkToCheckArg) (res bool, err error)
func (ProveUiClient) OutputInstructions ¶
func (c ProveUiClient) OutputInstructions(ctx context.Context, __arg OutputInstructionsArg) (err error)
func (ProveUiClient) OutputPrechecks ¶
func (c ProveUiClient) OutputPrechecks(ctx context.Context, __arg OutputPrechecksArg) (err error)
func (ProveUiClient) PreProofWarning ¶
func (c ProveUiClient) PreProofWarning(ctx context.Context, __arg PreProofWarningArg) (res bool, err error)
func (ProveUiClient) PromptOverwrite ¶
func (c ProveUiClient) PromptOverwrite(ctx context.Context, __arg PromptOverwriteArg) (res bool, err error)
func (ProveUiClient) PromptUsername ¶
func (c ProveUiClient) PromptUsername(ctx context.Context, __arg PromptUsernameArg) (res string, err error)
type ProveUiInterface ¶
type ProveUiInterface interface { PromptOverwrite(context.Context, PromptOverwriteArg) (bool, error) PromptUsername(context.Context, PromptUsernameArg) (string, error) OutputPrechecks(context.Context, OutputPrechecksArg) error PreProofWarning(context.Context, PreProofWarningArg) (bool, error) OutputInstructions(context.Context, OutputInstructionsArg) error OkToCheck(context.Context, OkToCheckArg) (bool, error) DisplayRecheckWarning(context.Context, DisplayRecheckWarningArg) error }
type ProvisionMethod ¶
type ProvisionMethod int
const ( ProvisionMethod_DEVICE ProvisionMethod = 0 ProvisionMethod_PAPER_KEY ProvisionMethod = 1 ProvisionMethod_PASSPHRASE ProvisionMethod = 2 ProvisionMethod_GPG_IMPORT ProvisionMethod = 3 ProvisionMethod_GPG_SIGN ProvisionMethod = 4 )
func (ProvisionMethod) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o ProvisionMethod) DeepCopy() ProvisionMethod
func (ProvisionMethod) String ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (e ProvisionMethod) String() string
type ProvisionUiClient ¶
type ProvisionUiClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (ProvisionUiClient) ChooseDevice ¶
func (c ProvisionUiClient) ChooseDevice(ctx context.Context, __arg ChooseDeviceArg) (res DeviceID, err error)
func (ProvisionUiClient) ChooseDeviceType ¶
func (c ProvisionUiClient) ChooseDeviceType(ctx context.Context, __arg ChooseDeviceTypeArg) (res DeviceType, err error)
If provisioning via device, this will be called so user can select the provisioner/provisionee device type: desktop or mobile. If selecting the existing device type, set kind to EXISTING_DEVICE_0. If selecting the new device type, set kind to NEW_DEVICE_1.
func (ProvisionUiClient) ChooseGPGMethod ¶
func (c ProvisionUiClient) ChooseGPGMethod(ctx context.Context, __arg ChooseGPGMethodArg) (res GPGMethod, err error)
Called during device provisioning for the user to select a GPG method, either import the key into keybase's local keyring or use GPG to sign a provisioning statement.
The keys are provided for display purposes, so the UI can do something like "We found the following GPG keys on this machine. How would you like to use one of them to provision this device?"
After this, gpg_ui.selectKey will be called (if there are multiple keys available).
func (ProvisionUiClient) ChooseProvisioningMethod ¶
func (c ProvisionUiClient) ChooseProvisioningMethod(ctx context.Context, __arg ChooseProvisioningMethodArg) (res ProvisionMethod, err error)
DEPRECATED: Called during device provisioning for the user to select a method for provisioning. gpgOption will be true if GPG should be offered as an option.
func (ProvisionUiClient) DisplayAndPromptSecret ¶
func (c ProvisionUiClient) DisplayAndPromptSecret(ctx context.Context, __arg DisplayAndPromptSecretArg) (res SecretResponse, err error)
DisplayAndPromptSecret displays a secret that the user can enter into the other device. It also can return a secret that the user enters into this device (from the other device). If it does not return a secret, it will be canceled when this device receives the secret via kex2. If there is an error in the phrase, then previousErr will be set when this is called again.
func (ProvisionUiClient) DisplaySecretExchanged ¶
func (c ProvisionUiClient) DisplaySecretExchanged(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (err error)
DisplaySecretExchanged is called when the kex2 secret has successfully been exchanged by the two devices.
func (ProvisionUiClient) PromptNewDeviceName ¶
func (c ProvisionUiClient) PromptNewDeviceName(ctx context.Context, __arg PromptNewDeviceNameArg) (res string, err error)
PromptNewDeviceName is called when the device provisioning process needs a name for the new device. To help the clients not send a duplicate name, existingDevices is populated with the current device names for the user. If the device name returned to the service is invalid or already taken, it will call this again with an error message in errorMessage.
func (ProvisionUiClient) ProvisioneeSuccess ¶
func (c ProvisionUiClient) ProvisioneeSuccess(ctx context.Context, __arg ProvisioneeSuccessArg) (err error)
ProvisioneeSuccess is called on provisionee when it is successfully provisioned.
func (ProvisionUiClient) ProvisionerSuccess ¶
func (c ProvisionUiClient) ProvisionerSuccess(ctx context.Context, __arg ProvisionerSuccessArg) (err error)
ProvisionerSuccess is called on provisioner when it successfully provisions another device.
func (ProvisionUiClient) SwitchToGPGSignOK ¶
func (c ProvisionUiClient) SwitchToGPGSignOK(ctx context.Context, __arg SwitchToGPGSignOKArg) (res bool, err error)
If there was an error importing a gpg key into the local keyring, tell the user and offer to switch to GPG signing with this key. Return true to switch to GPG signing, false to abort provisioning.
type ProvisionUiInterface ¶
type ProvisionUiInterface interface { // DEPRECATED: // Called during device provisioning for the user to select a // method for provisioning. gpgOption will be true if GPG // should be offered as an option. ChooseProvisioningMethod(context.Context, ChooseProvisioningMethodArg) (ProvisionMethod, error) // Called during device provisioning for the user to select a // GPG method, either import the key into keybase's local keyring // or use GPG to sign a provisioning statement. // // The keys are provided for display purposes, so the UI can // do something like "We found the following GPG keys on this // machine. How would you like to use one of them to provision // this device?" // // After this, gpg_ui.selectKey will be called (if there are // multiple keys available). ChooseGPGMethod(context.Context, ChooseGPGMethodArg) (GPGMethod, error) // If there was an error importing a gpg key into the local // keyring, tell the user and offer to switch to GPG signing // with this key. Return true to switch to GPG signing, // false to abort provisioning. SwitchToGPGSignOK(context.Context, SwitchToGPGSignOKArg) (bool, error) ChooseDevice(context.Context, ChooseDeviceArg) (DeviceID, error) // If provisioning via device, this will be called so user can select the provisioner/provisionee device type: desktop or mobile. // If selecting the existing device type, set kind to EXISTING_DEVICE_0. // If selecting the new device type, set kind to NEW_DEVICE_1. ChooseDeviceType(context.Context, ChooseDeviceTypeArg) (DeviceType, error) // DisplayAndPromptSecret displays a secret that the user can enter into the other device. // It also can return a secret that the user enters into this device (from the other device). // If it does not return a secret, it will be canceled when this device receives the secret via kex2. // If there is an error in the phrase, then previousErr will be set when this is called again. DisplayAndPromptSecret(context.Context, DisplayAndPromptSecretArg) (SecretResponse, error) // DisplaySecretExchanged is called when the kex2 secret has successfully been exchanged by the two // devices. DisplaySecretExchanged(context.Context, int) error // PromptNewDeviceName is called when the device provisioning process needs a name for the new device. // To help the clients not send a duplicate name, existingDevices is populated with the current device // names for the user. If the device name returned to the service is invalid or already // taken, it will call this again with an error message in errorMessage. PromptNewDeviceName(context.Context, PromptNewDeviceNameArg) (string, error) // ProvisioneeSuccess is called on provisionee when it is successfully provisioned. ProvisioneeSuccess(context.Context, ProvisioneeSuccessArg) error // ProvisionerSuccess is called on provisioner when it successfully provisions another device. ProvisionerSuccess(context.Context, ProvisionerSuccessArg) error }
type ProvisioneeSuccessArg ¶
type ProvisionerSuccessArg ¶
type PruneBranchArg ¶
type PublicCanonicalTLFNameAndIDArg ¶
type PublicCanonicalTLFNameAndIDArg struct {
Query TLFQuery `codec:"query" json:"query"`
type PublicKey ¶
type PublicKey struct { KID KID `codec:"KID" json:"KID"` PGPFingerprint string `codec:"PGPFingerprint" json:"PGPFingerprint"` PGPIdentities []PGPIdentity `codec:"PGPIdentities" json:"PGPIdentities"` IsSibkey bool `codec:"isSibkey" json:"isSibkey"` IsEldest bool `codec:"isEldest" json:"isEldest"` ParentID string `codec:"parentID" json:"parentID"` DeviceID DeviceID `codec:"deviceID" json:"deviceID"` DeviceDescription string `codec:"deviceDescription" json:"deviceDescription"` DeviceType string `codec:"deviceType" json:"deviceType"` CTime Time `codec:"cTime" json:"cTime"` ETime Time `codec:"eTime" json:"eTime"` IsRevoked bool `codec:"isRevoked" json:"isRevoked"` }
func PublicKeyV1FromDeviceKeyV2 ¶ added in v1.0.27
func PublicKeyV1FromDeviceKeyV2(keyV2 PublicKeyV2NaCl) PublicKey
func PublicKeyV1FromPGPKeyV2 ¶ added in v1.0.27
func PublicKeyV1FromPGPKeyV2(keyV2 PublicKeyV2PGPSummary) PublicKey
type PublicKeyV2 ¶ added in v1.0.27
type PublicKeyV2 struct { KeyType__ KeyType `codec:"keyType" json:"keyType"` Nacl__ *PublicKeyV2NaCl `codec:"nacl,omitempty" json:"nacl,omitempty"` PGP__ *PublicKeyV2PGPSummary `codec:"pgp,omitempty" json:"pgp,omitempty"` }
func NewPublicKeyV2Default ¶ added in v1.0.27
func NewPublicKeyV2Default(keyType KeyType) PublicKeyV2
func NewPublicKeyV2WithNacl ¶ added in v1.0.27
func NewPublicKeyV2WithNacl(v PublicKeyV2NaCl) PublicKeyV2
func NewPublicKeyV2WithPgp ¶ added in v1.0.27
func NewPublicKeyV2WithPgp(v PublicKeyV2PGPSummary) PublicKeyV2
func (PublicKeyV2) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o PublicKeyV2) DeepCopy() PublicKeyV2
func (*PublicKeyV2) KeyType ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o *PublicKeyV2) KeyType() (ret KeyType, err error)
func (PublicKeyV2) Nacl ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o PublicKeyV2) Nacl() (res PublicKeyV2NaCl)
func (PublicKeyV2) Pgp ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o PublicKeyV2) Pgp() (res PublicKeyV2PGPSummary)
type PublicKeyV2Base ¶ added in v1.0.27
type PublicKeyV2Base struct { Kid KID `codec:"kid" json:"kid"` IsSibkey bool `codec:"isSibkey" json:"isSibkey"` IsEldest bool `codec:"isEldest" json:"isEldest"` CTime Time `codec:"cTime" json:"cTime"` ETime Time `codec:"eTime" json:"eTime"` Provisioning SignatureMetadata `codec:"provisioning" json:"provisioning"` Revocation *SignatureMetadata `codec:"revocation,omitempty" json:"revocation,omitempty"` }
func (PublicKeyV2Base) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o PublicKeyV2Base) DeepCopy() PublicKeyV2Base
type PublicKeyV2NaCl ¶ added in v1.0.27
type PublicKeyV2NaCl struct { Base PublicKeyV2Base `codec:"base" json:"base"` Parent *KID `codec:"parent,omitempty" json:"parent,omitempty"` DeviceID DeviceID `codec:"deviceID" json:"deviceID"` DeviceDescription string `codec:"deviceDescription" json:"deviceDescription"` DeviceType string `codec:"deviceType" json:"deviceType"` }
func (PublicKeyV2NaCl) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o PublicKeyV2NaCl) DeepCopy() PublicKeyV2NaCl
type PublicKeyV2PGPSummary ¶ added in v1.0.27
type PublicKeyV2PGPSummary struct { Base PublicKeyV2Base `codec:"base" json:"base"` Fingerprint PGPFingerprint `codec:"fingerprint" json:"fingerprint"` Identities []PGPIdentity `codec:"identities" json:"identities"` }
func (PublicKeyV2PGPSummary) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o PublicKeyV2PGPSummary) DeepCopy() PublicKeyV2PGPSummary
type PushOutOfBandMessagesArg ¶
type PushOutOfBandMessagesArg struct {
Oobm []gregor1.OutOfBandMessage `codec:"oobm" json:"oobm"`
type PushReason ¶
type PushReason int
const ( PushReason_NONE PushReason = 0 PushReason_RECONNECTED PushReason = 1 PushReason_NEW_DATA PushReason = 2 )
func (PushReason) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o PushReason) DeepCopy() PushReason
func (PushReason) String ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (e PushReason) String() string
type PushStateArg ¶
type PushStateArg struct { State gregor1.State `codec:"state" json:"state"` Reason PushReason `codec:"reason" json:"reason"` }
type PutBlockAgainArg ¶ added in v1.0.27
type PutBlockAgainArg struct { Folder string `codec:"folder" json:"folder"` Ref BlockReference `codec:"ref" json:"ref"` BlockKey string `codec:"blockKey" json:"blockKey"` Buf []byte `codec:"buf" json:"buf"` }
type PutBlockArg ¶
type PutBlockArg struct { Bid BlockIdCombo `codec:"bid" json:"bid"` Folder string `codec:"folder" json:"folder"` BlockKey string `codec:"blockKey" json:"blockKey"` Buf []byte `codec:"buf" json:"buf"` }
type PutGitMetadataArg ¶ added in v1.0.29
type PutGitMetadataArg struct { Folder Folder `codec:"folder" json:"folder"` RepoID RepoID `codec:"repoID" json:"repoID"` Metadata GitLocalMetadata `codec:"metadata" json:"metadata"` NotifyTeam bool `codec:"notifyTeam" json:"notifyTeam"` }
type PutKeysArg ¶
type PutMetadataArg ¶
type PutMetadataArg struct { MdBlock MDBlock `codec:"mdBlock" json:"mdBlock"` ReaderKeyBundle KeyBundle `codec:"readerKeyBundle" json:"readerKeyBundle"` WriterKeyBundle KeyBundle `codec:"writerKeyBundle" json:"writerKeyBundle"` LogTags map[string]string `codec:"logTags" json:"logTags"` LockContext *LockContext `codec:"lockContext,omitempty" json:"lockContext,omitempty"` Priority MDPriority `codec:"priority" json:"priority"` }
type QuotaClient ¶
type QuotaClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (QuotaClient) VerifySession ¶
func (c QuotaClient) VerifySession(ctx context.Context, session string) (res VerifySessionRes, err error)
type QuotaInterface ¶
type QuotaInterface interface {
VerifySession(context.Context, string) (VerifySessionRes, error)
type Reachability ¶ added in v1.0.19
type Reachability struct {
Reachable Reachable `codec:"reachable" json:"reachable"`
func (Reachability) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o Reachability) DeepCopy() Reachability
type ReachabilityChangedArg ¶ added in v1.0.19
type ReachabilityChangedArg struct {
Reachability Reachability `codec:"reachability" json:"reachability"`
type ReachabilityClient ¶ added in v1.0.19
type ReachabilityClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (ReachabilityClient) CheckReachability ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (c ReachabilityClient) CheckReachability(ctx context.Context) (res Reachability, err error)
Performs a reachability check. This is not a cached response.
func (ReachabilityClient) ReachabilityChanged ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (c ReachabilityClient) ReachabilityChanged(ctx context.Context, reachability Reachability) (err error)
func (ReachabilityClient) StartReachability ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (c ReachabilityClient) StartReachability(ctx context.Context) (res Reachability, err error)
Start reachability checks and return current status, which may be cached.
type ReachabilityInterface ¶ added in v1.0.19
type ReachabilityInterface interface { ReachabilityChanged(context.Context, Reachability) error // Start reachability checks and return current status, which // may be cached. StartReachability(context.Context) (Reachability, error) // Performs a reachability check. This is not a cached response. CheckReachability(context.Context) (Reachability, error) }
type ReadArgs ¶ added in v1.0.19
type ReaderKeyMask ¶ added in v1.0.27
type ReaderKeyMask struct { Application TeamApplication `codec:"application" json:"application"` Generation PerTeamKeyGeneration `codec:"generation" json:"generation"` Mask MaskB64 `codec:"mask" json:"mask"` }
func (ReaderKeyMask) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o ReaderKeyMask) DeepCopy() ReaderKeyMask
type RecoverAccountFromEmailAddressArg ¶
type RecoverAccountFromEmailAddressArg struct {
Email string `codec:"email" json:"email"`
type RefreshArg ¶
type RefreshArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` ProblemSetDevices ProblemSetDevices `codec:"problemSetDevices" json:"problemSetDevices"` }
type RegisterAddressArg ¶ added in v1.0.19
type RegisterAddressArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` Address string `codec:"address" json:"address"` Force bool `codec:"force" json:"force"` WantedFamily string `codec:"wantedFamily" json:"wantedFamily"` SigVersion *SigVersion `codec:"sigVersion,omitempty" json:"sigVersion,omitempty"` }
type RegisterAddressRes ¶ added in v1.0.19
type RegisterAddressRes struct { Type string `codec:"type" json:"type"` Family string `codec:"family" json:"family"` }
func (RegisterAddressRes) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o RegisterAddressRes) DeepCopy() RegisterAddressRes
type RegisterBTCArg ¶
type RegisterForUpdatesArg ¶
type RegisterGregorFirehoseArg ¶
type RegisterGregorFirehoseArg struct { }
type RegisterGregorFirehoseFilteredArg ¶ added in v1.0.48
type RegisterGregorFirehoseFilteredArg struct {
Systems []string `codec:"systems" json:"systems"`
type RegisterHomeUIArg ¶ added in v1.0.40
type RegisterHomeUIArg struct { }
type RegisterIdentifyUIArg ¶
type RegisterIdentifyUIArg struct { }
type RegisterLoggerArg ¶
type RegisterRekeyUIArg ¶
type RegisterRekeyUIArg struct { }
type RegisterSecretUIArg ¶
type RegisterSecretUIArg struct { }
type RegisterUpdateUIArg ¶
type RegisterUpdateUIArg struct { }
type RekeyClient ¶
type RekeyClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (RekeyClient) DebugShowRekeyStatus ¶
func (c RekeyClient) DebugShowRekeyStatus(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (err error)
DebugShowRekeyStatus is used by the CLI to kick off a "ShowRekeyStatus" window for the current user.
func (RekeyClient) GetPendingRekeyStatus ¶
func (c RekeyClient) GetPendingRekeyStatus(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (res ProblemSetDevices, err error)
GetPendingRekeyStatus returns the pending ProblemSetDevices.
func (RekeyClient) GetRevokeWarning ¶
func (c RekeyClient) GetRevokeWarning(ctx context.Context, __arg GetRevokeWarningArg) (res RevokeWarning, err error)
GetRevokeWarning computes the TLFs that will be endangered if actingDevice revokes targetDevice.
func (RekeyClient) RekeyStatusFinish ¶
RekeyStatusFinish is called when work is completed on a given RekeyStatus window. The Outcome can be Fixed or Ignored.
func (RekeyClient) RekeySync ¶
func (c RekeyClient) RekeySync(ctx context.Context, __arg RekeySyncArg) (err error)
RekeySync flushes the current rekey loop and gets to a good stopping point to assert state. Good for race-free testing, not very useful in production. Force overrides a long-snooze.
func (RekeyClient) ShowPendingRekeyStatus ¶
func (c RekeyClient) ShowPendingRekeyStatus(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (err error)
ShowPendingRekeyStatus shows either pending gregor-initiated rekey harassments or nothing if none were pending.
type RekeyEvent ¶
type RekeyEvent struct { EventType RekeyEventType `codec:"eventType" json:"eventType"` InterruptType int `codec:"interruptType" json:"interruptType"` }
func (RekeyEvent) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o RekeyEvent) DeepCopy() RekeyEvent
type RekeyEventType ¶
type RekeyEventType int
const ( RekeyEventType_NONE RekeyEventType = 0 RekeyEventType_NOT_LOGGED_IN RekeyEventType = 1 RekeyEventType_API_ERROR RekeyEventType = 2 RekeyEventType_NO_PROBLEMS RekeyEventType = 3 RekeyEventType_LOAD_ME_ERROR RekeyEventType = 4 RekeyEventType_CURRENT_DEVICE_CAN_REKEY RekeyEventType = 5 RekeyEventType_DEVICE_LOAD_ERROR RekeyEventType = 6 RekeyEventType_HARASS RekeyEventType = 7 RekeyEventType_NO_GREGOR_MESSAGES RekeyEventType = 8 )
func (RekeyEventType) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o RekeyEventType) DeepCopy() RekeyEventType
func (RekeyEventType) String ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (e RekeyEventType) String() string
type RekeyInterface ¶
type RekeyInterface interface { // ShowPendingRekeyStatus shows either pending gregor-initiated rekey harassments // or nothing if none were pending. ShowPendingRekeyStatus(context.Context, int) error // GetPendingRekeyStatus returns the pending ProblemSetDevices. GetPendingRekeyStatus(context.Context, int) (ProblemSetDevices, error) // DebugShowRekeyStatus is used by the CLI to kick off a "ShowRekeyStatus" window for // the current user. DebugShowRekeyStatus(context.Context, int) error // RekeyStatusFinish is called when work is completed on a given RekeyStatus window. The Outcome // can be Fixed or Ignored. RekeyStatusFinish(context.Context, int) (Outcome, error) // RekeySync flushes the current rekey loop and gets to a good stopping point // to assert state. Good for race-free testing, not very useful in production. // Force overrides a long-snooze. RekeySync(context.Context, RekeySyncArg) error // GetRevokeWarning computes the TLFs that will be endangered if actingDevice // revokes targetDevice. GetRevokeWarning(context.Context, GetRevokeWarningArg) (RevokeWarning, error) }
type RekeyRequest ¶ added in v1.0.19
type RekeyRequest struct { FolderID string `codec:"folderID" json:"folderID"` Revision int64 `codec:"revision" json:"revision"` }
func (RekeyRequest) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o RekeyRequest) DeepCopy() RekeyRequest
type RekeySendEventArg ¶
type RekeySendEventArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` Event RekeyEvent `codec:"event" json:"event"` }
type RekeyStatusFinishArg ¶
type RekeyStatusFinishArg struct {
SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"`
type RekeySyncArg ¶
type RekeyUIClient ¶
type RekeyUIClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (RekeyUIClient) DelegateRekeyUI ¶
func (c RekeyUIClient) DelegateRekeyUI(ctx context.Context) (res int, err error)
func (RekeyUIClient) Refresh ¶
func (c RekeyUIClient) Refresh(ctx context.Context, __arg RefreshArg) (err error)
Refresh is called whenever Electron should refresh the UI, either because a change came in, or because there was a timeout poll.
func (RekeyUIClient) RekeySendEvent ¶
func (c RekeyUIClient) RekeySendEvent(ctx context.Context, __arg RekeySendEventArg) (err error)
RekeySendEvent sends updates as to what's going on in the rekey thread. This is mainly useful in testing.
type RekeyUIInterface ¶
type RekeyUIInterface interface { DelegateRekeyUI(context.Context) (int, error) // Refresh is called whenever Electron should refresh the UI, either // because a change came in, or because there was a timeout poll. Refresh(context.Context, RefreshArg) error // RekeySendEvent sends updates as to what's going on in the rekey // thread. This is mainly useful in testing. RekeySendEvent(context.Context, RekeySendEventArg) error }
type ReleaseLockArg ¶ added in v1.0.29
type RemoteProof ¶
type RemoteProof struct { ProofType ProofType `codec:"proofType" json:"proofType"` Key string `codec:"key" json:"key"` Value string `codec:"value" json:"value"` DisplayMarkup string `codec:"displayMarkup" json:"displayMarkup"` SigID SigID `codec:"sigID" json:"sigID"` MTime Time `codec:"mTime" json:"mTime"` }
func (RemoteProof) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o RemoteProof) DeepCopy() RemoteProof
type RemoteTrack ¶ added in v1.0.19
type RemoteTrack struct { Username string `codec:"username" json:"username"` Uid UID `codec:"uid" json:"uid"` LinkID LinkID `codec:"linkID" json:"linkID"` }
func (RemoteTrack) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o RemoteTrack) DeepCopy() RemoteTrack
type RemoveArgs ¶ added in v1.0.19
type RemoveArgs struct { OpID OpID `codec:"opID" json:"opID"` Path Path `codec:"path" json:"path"` }
func (RemoveArgs) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o RemoveArgs) DeepCopy() RemoveArgs
type ReportLastTrackArg ¶
type ReportLastTrackArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` Track *TrackSummary `codec:"track,omitempty" json:"track,omitempty"` }
type ReportTrackTokenArg ¶
type ReportTrackTokenArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` TrackToken TrackToken `codec:"trackToken" json:"trackToken"` }
type ResetAccountArg ¶ added in v1.0.19
type ResetClient ¶ added in v1.0.46
type ResetClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
type ResetInterface ¶ added in v1.0.46
type ResetInterface interface { }
type ResetLink ¶ added in v1.0.46
type ResetLink struct { Ctime UnixTime `codec:"ctime" json:"ctime"` MerkleRoot ResetMerkleRoot `codec:"merkleRoot" json:"merkle_root"` Prev ResetPrev `codec:"prev" json:"prev"` ResetSeqno Seqno `codec:"resetSeqno" json:"reset_seqno"` Type ResetType `codec:"type" json:"type"` Uid UID `codec:"uid" json:"uid"` }
func (ResetLink) Summarize ¶ added in v1.0.46
func (r ResetLink) Summarize() ResetSummary
type ResetMerkleRoot ¶ added in v1.0.46
type ResetMerkleRoot struct { HashMeta HashMeta `codec:"hashMeta" json:"hash_meta"` Seqno Seqno `codec:"seqno" json:"seqno"` }
func (ResetMerkleRoot) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.46
func (o ResetMerkleRoot) DeepCopy() ResetMerkleRoot
type ResetPrev ¶ added in v1.0.46
type ResetSummary ¶ added in v1.0.46
type ResetSummary struct { Ctime UnixTime `codec:"ctime" json:"ctime"` MerkleRoot ResetMerkleRoot `codec:"merkleRoot" json:"merkleRoot"` ResetSeqno Seqno `codec:"resetSeqno" json:"resetSeqno"` EldestSeqno Seqno `codec:"eldestSeqno" json:"eldestSeqno"` Type ResetType `codec:"type" json:"type"` }
func (ResetSummary) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.46
func (o ResetSummary) DeepCopy() ResetSummary
type ResetType ¶ added in v1.0.46
type ResetType int
func (*ResetType) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.0.46
type Resolve3Arg ¶ added in v1.0.27
type Resolve3Arg struct {
Assertion string `codec:"assertion" json:"assertion"`
type ResolveIdentifyImplicitTeamArg ¶ added in v1.0.29
type ResolveIdentifyImplicitTeamArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` Assertions string `codec:"assertions" json:"assertions"` Suffix string `codec:"suffix" json:"suffix"` IsPublic bool `codec:"isPublic" json:"isPublic"` DoIdentifies bool `codec:"doIdentifies" json:"doIdentifies"` Create bool `codec:"create" json:"create"` Reason IdentifyReason `codec:"reason" json:"reason"` IdentifyBehavior TLFIdentifyBehavior `codec:"identifyBehavior" json:"identifyBehavior"` }
type ResolveIdentifyImplicitTeamRes ¶ added in v1.0.29
type ResolveIdentifyImplicitTeamRes struct { DisplayName string `codec:"displayName" json:"displayName"` TeamID TeamID `codec:"teamID" json:"teamID"` Writers []UserVersion `codec:"writers" json:"writers"` TrackBreaks map[UserVersion]IdentifyTrackBreaks `codec:"trackBreaks" json:"trackBreaks"` FolderID TLFID `codec:"folderID" json:"folderID"` }
func (ResolveIdentifyImplicitTeamRes) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.29
func (o ResolveIdentifyImplicitTeamRes) DeepCopy() ResolveIdentifyImplicitTeamRes
type ResolveImplicitTeamArg ¶ added in v1.0.39
type RevokeClient ¶
type RevokeClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (RevokeClient) RevokeDevice ¶
func (c RevokeClient) RevokeDevice(ctx context.Context, __arg RevokeDeviceArg) (err error)
func (RevokeClient) RevokeKey ¶
func (c RevokeClient) RevokeKey(ctx context.Context, __arg RevokeKeyArg) (err error)
func (RevokeClient) RevokeSigs ¶
func (c RevokeClient) RevokeSigs(ctx context.Context, __arg RevokeSigsArg) (err error)
type RevokeDeviceArg ¶
type RevokeInterface ¶
type RevokeInterface interface { RevokeKey(context.Context, RevokeKeyArg) error RevokeDevice(context.Context, RevokeDeviceArg) error RevokeSigs(context.Context, RevokeSigsArg) error }
type RevokeKeyArg ¶
type RevokeSigsArg ¶
type RevokeWarning ¶
type RevokeWarning struct {
EndangeredTLFs []TLF `codec:"endangeredTLFs" json:"endangeredTLFs"`
func (RevokeWarning) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o RevokeWarning) DeepCopy() RevokeWarning
type RevokedKey ¶
type RevokedKey struct { Key PublicKey `codec:"key" json:"key"` Time KeybaseTime `codec:"time" json:"time"` By KID `codec:"by" json:"by"` }
func RevokedKeyV1FromDeviceKeyV2 ¶ added in v1.0.27
func RevokedKeyV1FromDeviceKeyV2(keyV2 PublicKeyV2NaCl) RevokedKey
func (RevokedKey) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o RevokedKey) DeepCopy() RevokedKey
type RevokedProof ¶
type RevokedProof struct { Proof RemoteProof `codec:"proof" json:"proof"` Diff TrackDiff `codec:"diff" json:"diff"` }
func (RevokedProof) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o RevokedProof) DeepCopy() RevokedProof
type SHA512 ¶ added in v1.0.46
type SHA512 []byte
func SHA512FromString ¶ added in v1.0.46
func (*SHA512) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.0.46
type SaltpackClient ¶
type SaltpackClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (SaltpackClient) SaltpackDecrypt ¶
func (c SaltpackClient) SaltpackDecrypt(ctx context.Context, __arg SaltpackDecryptArg) (res SaltpackEncryptedMessageInfo, err error)
func (SaltpackClient) SaltpackEncrypt ¶
func (c SaltpackClient) SaltpackEncrypt(ctx context.Context, __arg SaltpackEncryptArg) (err error)
func (SaltpackClient) SaltpackSign ¶
func (c SaltpackClient) SaltpackSign(ctx context.Context, __arg SaltpackSignArg) (err error)
func (SaltpackClient) SaltpackVerify ¶
func (c SaltpackClient) SaltpackVerify(ctx context.Context, __arg SaltpackVerifyArg) (err error)
type SaltpackDecryptArg ¶
type SaltpackDecryptArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` Source Stream `codec:"source" json:"source"` Sink Stream `codec:"sink" json:"sink"` Opts SaltpackDecryptOptions `codec:"opts" json:"opts"` }
type SaltpackDecryptOptions ¶
type SaltpackDecryptOptions struct { Interactive bool `codec:"interactive" json:"interactive"` ForceRemoteCheck bool `codec:"forceRemoteCheck" json:"forceRemoteCheck"` UsePaperKey bool `codec:"usePaperKey" json:"usePaperKey"` }
func (SaltpackDecryptOptions) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o SaltpackDecryptOptions) DeepCopy() SaltpackDecryptOptions
type SaltpackEncryptArg ¶
type SaltpackEncryptArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` Source Stream `codec:"source" json:"source"` Sink Stream `codec:"sink" json:"sink"` Opts SaltpackEncryptOptions `codec:"opts" json:"opts"` }
type SaltpackEncryptOptions ¶
type SaltpackEncryptOptions struct { Recipients []string `codec:"recipients" json:"recipients"` AnonymousSender bool `codec:"anonymousSender" json:"anonymousSender"` EncryptionOnlyMode bool `codec:"encryptionOnlyMode" json:"encryptionOnlyMode"` NoSelfEncrypt bool `codec:"noSelfEncrypt" json:"noSelfEncrypt"` Binary bool `codec:"binary" json:"binary"` SaltpackVersion int `codec:"saltpackVersion" json:"saltpackVersion"` }
func (SaltpackEncryptOptions) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o SaltpackEncryptOptions) DeepCopy() SaltpackEncryptOptions
type SaltpackEncryptedMessageInfo ¶
type SaltpackEncryptedMessageInfo struct { Devices []Device `codec:"devices" json:"devices"` NumAnonReceivers int `codec:"numAnonReceivers" json:"numAnonReceivers"` ReceiverIsAnon bool `codec:"receiverIsAnon" json:"receiverIsAnon"` Sender SaltpackSender `codec:"sender" json:"sender"` }
func (SaltpackEncryptedMessageInfo) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o SaltpackEncryptedMessageInfo) DeepCopy() SaltpackEncryptedMessageInfo
type SaltpackInterface ¶
type SaltpackInterface interface { SaltpackEncrypt(context.Context, SaltpackEncryptArg) error SaltpackDecrypt(context.Context, SaltpackDecryptArg) (SaltpackEncryptedMessageInfo, error) SaltpackSign(context.Context, SaltpackSignArg) error SaltpackVerify(context.Context, SaltpackVerifyArg) error }
type SaltpackPromptForDecryptArg ¶
type SaltpackPromptForDecryptArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` Sender SaltpackSender `codec:"sender" json:"sender"` UsedDelegateUI bool `codec:"usedDelegateUI" json:"usedDelegateUI"` }
type SaltpackSender ¶
type SaltpackSender struct { Uid UID `codec:"uid" json:"uid"` Username string `codec:"username" json:"username"` SenderType SaltpackSenderType `codec:"senderType" json:"senderType"` }
func (SaltpackSender) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o SaltpackSender) DeepCopy() SaltpackSender
type SaltpackSenderType ¶
type SaltpackSenderType int
const ( SaltpackSenderType_NOT_TRACKED SaltpackSenderType = 0 SaltpackSenderType_UNKNOWN SaltpackSenderType = 1 SaltpackSenderType_ANONYMOUS SaltpackSenderType = 2 SaltpackSenderType_TRACKING_BROKE SaltpackSenderType = 3 SaltpackSenderType_TRACKING_OK SaltpackSenderType = 4 SaltpackSenderType_SELF SaltpackSenderType = 5 SaltpackSenderType_REVOKED SaltpackSenderType = 6 SaltpackSenderType_EXPIRED SaltpackSenderType = 7 )
func (SaltpackSenderType) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o SaltpackSenderType) DeepCopy() SaltpackSenderType
func (SaltpackSenderType) String ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (e SaltpackSenderType) String() string
type SaltpackSignArg ¶
type SaltpackSignArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` Source Stream `codec:"source" json:"source"` Sink Stream `codec:"sink" json:"sink"` Opts SaltpackSignOptions `codec:"opts" json:"opts"` }
type SaltpackSignOptions ¶
type SaltpackSignOptions struct { Detached bool `codec:"detached" json:"detached"` Binary bool `codec:"binary" json:"binary"` SaltpackVersion int `codec:"saltpackVersion" json:"saltpackVersion"` }
func (SaltpackSignOptions) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o SaltpackSignOptions) DeepCopy() SaltpackSignOptions
type SaltpackUiClient ¶
type SaltpackUiClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (SaltpackUiClient) SaltpackPromptForDecrypt ¶
func (c SaltpackUiClient) SaltpackPromptForDecrypt(ctx context.Context, __arg SaltpackPromptForDecryptArg) (err error)
func (SaltpackUiClient) SaltpackVerifyBadSender ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (c SaltpackUiClient) SaltpackVerifyBadSender(ctx context.Context, __arg SaltpackVerifyBadSenderArg) (err error)
func (SaltpackUiClient) SaltpackVerifySuccess ¶
func (c SaltpackUiClient) SaltpackVerifySuccess(ctx context.Context, __arg SaltpackVerifySuccessArg) (err error)
type SaltpackUiInterface ¶
type SaltpackUiInterface interface { SaltpackPromptForDecrypt(context.Context, SaltpackPromptForDecryptArg) error SaltpackVerifySuccess(context.Context, SaltpackVerifySuccessArg) error SaltpackVerifyBadSender(context.Context, SaltpackVerifyBadSenderArg) error }
type SaltpackVerifyArg ¶
type SaltpackVerifyArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` Source Stream `codec:"source" json:"source"` Sink Stream `codec:"sink" json:"sink"` Opts SaltpackVerifyOptions `codec:"opts" json:"opts"` }
type SaltpackVerifyBadSenderArg ¶ added in v1.0.19
type SaltpackVerifyBadSenderArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` SigningKID KID `codec:"signingKID" json:"signingKID"` Sender SaltpackSender `codec:"sender" json:"sender"` }
type SaltpackVerifyOptions ¶
type SaltpackVerifyOptions struct { SignedBy string `codec:"signedBy" json:"signedBy"` Signature []byte `codec:"signature" json:"signature"` }
func (SaltpackVerifyOptions) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o SaltpackVerifyOptions) DeepCopy() SaltpackVerifyOptions
type SaltpackVerifySuccessArg ¶
type SaltpackVerifySuccessArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` SigningKID KID `codec:"signingKID" json:"signingKID"` Sender SaltpackSender `codec:"sender" json:"sender"` }
type ScanProofsArg ¶
type ScanProofsArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` Infile string `codec:"infile" json:"infile"` Indices string `codec:"indices" json:"indices"` Sigid string `codec:"sigid" json:"sigid"` Ratelimit int `codec:"ratelimit" json:"ratelimit"` Cachefile string `codec:"cachefile" json:"cachefile"` Ignorefile string `codec:"ignorefile" json:"ignorefile"` }
type ScanProofsClient ¶
type ScanProofsClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (ScanProofsClient) ScanProofs ¶
func (c ScanProofsClient) ScanProofs(ctx context.Context, __arg ScanProofsArg) (err error)
type ScanProofsInterface ¶
type ScanProofsInterface interface {
ScanProofs(context.Context, ScanProofsArg) error
type SearchComponent ¶
type SearchComponent struct { Key string `codec:"key" json:"key"` Value string `codec:"value" json:"value"` Score float64 `codec:"score" json:"score"` }
func (SearchComponent) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o SearchComponent) DeepCopy() SearchComponent
type SearchResult ¶
type SearchResult struct { Uid UID `codec:"uid" json:"uid"` Username string `codec:"username" json:"username"` Components []SearchComponent `codec:"components" json:"components"` Score float64 `codec:"score" json:"score"` }
func (SearchResult) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o SearchResult) DeepCopy() SearchResult
type SecondStepArg ¶
type SecretEntryArg ¶
type SecretEntryArg struct { Desc string `codec:"desc" json:"desc"` Prompt string `codec:"prompt" json:"prompt"` Err string `codec:"err" json:"err"` Cancel string `codec:"cancel" json:"cancel"` Ok string `codec:"ok" json:"ok"` Reason string `codec:"reason" json:"reason"` ShowTyping bool `codec:"showTyping" json:"showTyping"` }
func (SecretEntryArg) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o SecretEntryArg) DeepCopy() SecretEntryArg
type SecretEntryRes ¶
type SecretEntryRes struct { Text string `codec:"text" json:"text"` Canceled bool `codec:"canceled" json:"canceled"` StoreSecret bool `codec:"storeSecret" json:"storeSecret"` }
func (SecretEntryRes) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o SecretEntryRes) DeepCopy() SecretEntryRes
type SecretKeys ¶
type SecretKeys struct { Signing NaclSigningKeyPrivate `codec:"signing" json:"signing"` Encryption NaclDHKeyPrivate `codec:"encryption" json:"encryption"` }
func (SecretKeys) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o SecretKeys) DeepCopy() SecretKeys
type SecretKeysClient ¶
type SecretKeysClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (SecretKeysClient) GetSecretKeys ¶
func (c SecretKeysClient) GetSecretKeys(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (res SecretKeys, err error)
type SecretKeysInterface ¶
type SecretKeysInterface interface {
GetSecretKeys(context.Context, int) (SecretKeys, error)
type SecretResponse ¶
type SecretResponse struct { Secret []byte `codec:"secret" json:"secret"` Phrase string `codec:"phrase" json:"phrase"` }
SecretResponse should be returned by DisplayAndPromptSecret. Use either secret or phrase.
func (SecretResponse) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o SecretResponse) DeepCopy() SecretResponse
type SecretUiClient ¶
type SecretUiClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (SecretUiClient) GetPassphrase ¶
func (c SecretUiClient) GetPassphrase(ctx context.Context, __arg GetPassphraseArg) (res GetPassphraseRes, err error)
type SecretUiInterface ¶
type SecretUiInterface interface {
GetPassphrase(context.Context, GetPassphraseArg) (GetPassphraseRes, error)
type SeitanAKey ¶ added in v1.0.34
type SeitanAKey string
func (SeitanAKey) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.34
func (o SeitanAKey) DeepCopy() SeitanAKey
type SeitanIKey ¶ added in v1.0.34
type SeitanIKey string
func (SeitanIKey) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.34
func (o SeitanIKey) DeepCopy() SeitanIKey
type SeitanIKeyV2 ¶ added in v1.0.42
type SeitanIKeyV2 string
func (SeitanIKeyV2) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.42
func (o SeitanIKeyV2) DeepCopy() SeitanIKeyV2
type SeitanKeyAndLabel ¶ added in v1.0.42
type SeitanKeyAndLabel struct { V__ SeitanKeyAndLabelVersion `codec:"v" json:"v"` V1__ *SeitanKeyAndLabelVersion1 `codec:"v1,omitempty" json:"v1,omitempty"` V2__ *SeitanKeyAndLabelVersion2 `codec:"v2,omitempty" json:"v2,omitempty"` }
func NewSeitanKeyAndLabelDefault ¶ added in v1.0.42
func NewSeitanKeyAndLabelDefault(v SeitanKeyAndLabelVersion) SeitanKeyAndLabel
func NewSeitanKeyAndLabelWithV1 ¶ added in v1.0.42
func NewSeitanKeyAndLabelWithV1(v SeitanKeyAndLabelVersion1) SeitanKeyAndLabel
func NewSeitanKeyAndLabelWithV2 ¶ added in v1.0.42
func NewSeitanKeyAndLabelWithV2(v SeitanKeyAndLabelVersion2) SeitanKeyAndLabel
func (SeitanKeyAndLabel) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.42
func (o SeitanKeyAndLabel) DeepCopy() SeitanKeyAndLabel
func (*SeitanKeyAndLabel) V ¶ added in v1.0.42
func (o *SeitanKeyAndLabel) V() (ret SeitanKeyAndLabelVersion, err error)
func (SeitanKeyAndLabel) V1 ¶ added in v1.0.42
func (o SeitanKeyAndLabel) V1() (res SeitanKeyAndLabelVersion1)
func (SeitanKeyAndLabel) V2 ¶ added in v1.0.42
func (o SeitanKeyAndLabel) V2() (res SeitanKeyAndLabelVersion2)
type SeitanKeyAndLabelVersion ¶ added in v1.0.42
type SeitanKeyAndLabelVersion int
const ( SeitanKeyAndLabelVersion_V1 SeitanKeyAndLabelVersion = 1 SeitanKeyAndLabelVersion_V2 SeitanKeyAndLabelVersion = 2 )
func (SeitanKeyAndLabelVersion) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.42
func (o SeitanKeyAndLabelVersion) DeepCopy() SeitanKeyAndLabelVersion
func (SeitanKeyAndLabelVersion) String ¶ added in v1.0.42
func (e SeitanKeyAndLabelVersion) String() string
type SeitanKeyAndLabelVersion1 ¶ added in v1.0.42
type SeitanKeyAndLabelVersion1 struct { I SeitanIKey `codec:"i" json:"i"` L SeitanKeyLabel `codec:"l" json:"l"` }
func (SeitanKeyAndLabelVersion1) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.42
func (o SeitanKeyAndLabelVersion1) DeepCopy() SeitanKeyAndLabelVersion1
type SeitanKeyAndLabelVersion2 ¶ added in v1.0.42
type SeitanKeyAndLabelVersion2 struct { K SeitanPubKey `codec:"k" json:"k"` L SeitanKeyLabel `codec:"l" json:"l"` }
func (SeitanKeyAndLabelVersion2) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.42
func (o SeitanKeyAndLabelVersion2) DeepCopy() SeitanKeyAndLabelVersion2
type SeitanKeyLabel ¶ added in v1.0.42
type SeitanKeyLabel struct { T__ SeitanKeyLabelType `codec:"t" json:"t"` Sms__ *SeitanKeyLabelSms `codec:"sms,omitempty" json:"sms,omitempty"` }
func NewSeitanKeyLabelDefault ¶ added in v1.0.42
func NewSeitanKeyLabelDefault(t SeitanKeyLabelType) SeitanKeyLabel
func NewSeitanKeyLabelWithSms ¶ added in v1.0.42
func NewSeitanKeyLabelWithSms(v SeitanKeyLabelSms) SeitanKeyLabel
func (SeitanKeyLabel) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.42
func (o SeitanKeyLabel) DeepCopy() SeitanKeyLabel
func (SeitanKeyLabel) Sms ¶ added in v1.0.42
func (o SeitanKeyLabel) Sms() (res SeitanKeyLabelSms)
func (*SeitanKeyLabel) T ¶ added in v1.0.42
func (o *SeitanKeyLabel) T() (ret SeitanKeyLabelType, err error)
type SeitanKeyLabelSms ¶ added in v1.0.42
func (SeitanKeyLabelSms) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.42
func (o SeitanKeyLabelSms) DeepCopy() SeitanKeyLabelSms
type SeitanKeyLabelType ¶ added in v1.0.42
type SeitanKeyLabelType int
const (
SeitanKeyLabelType_SMS SeitanKeyLabelType = 1
func (SeitanKeyLabelType) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.42
func (o SeitanKeyLabelType) DeepCopy() SeitanKeyLabelType
func (SeitanKeyLabelType) String ¶ added in v1.0.42
func (e SeitanKeyLabelType) String() string
type SeitanPubKey ¶ added in v1.0.42
type SeitanPubKey KID
func (SeitanPubKey) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.42
func (o SeitanPubKey) DeepCopy() SeitanPubKey
type SelectKeyArg ¶
type SelectKeyRes ¶
type SelectKeyRes struct { KeyID string `codec:"keyID" json:"keyID"` DoSecretPush bool `codec:"doSecretPush" json:"doSecretPush"` }
func (SelectKeyRes) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o SelectKeyRes) DeepCopy() SelectKeyRes
type ServiceStatus ¶
type ServiceStatus struct { Version string `codec:"version" json:"version"` Label string `codec:"label" json:"label"` Pid string `codec:"pid" json:"pid"` LastExitStatus string `codec:"lastExitStatus" json:"lastExitStatus"` BundleVersion string `codec:"bundleVersion" json:"bundleVersion"` InstallStatus InstallStatus `codec:"installStatus" json:"installStatus"` InstallAction InstallAction `codec:"installAction" json:"installAction"` Status Status `codec:"status" json:"status"` }
func (ServiceStatus) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o ServiceStatus) DeepCopy() ServiceStatus
func (ServiceStatus) NeedsInstall ¶
func (s ServiceStatus) NeedsInstall() bool
type ServicesStatus ¶
type ServicesStatus struct { Service []ServiceStatus `codec:"service" json:"service"` Kbfs []ServiceStatus `codec:"kbfs" json:"kbfs"` Updater []ServiceStatus `codec:"updater" json:"updater"` }
func (ServicesStatus) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o ServicesStatus) DeepCopy() ServicesStatus
type Session ¶
type SessionClient ¶
type SessionClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (SessionClient) CurrentSession ¶
func (SessionClient) SessionPing ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (c SessionClient) SessionPing(ctx context.Context) (err error)
type SessionInterface ¶
type SessionPingArg ¶ added in v1.0.19
type SessionPingArg struct { }
type SessionStatus ¶
type SessionStatus struct { SessionFor string `codec:"SessionFor" json:"SessionFor"` Loaded bool `codec:"Loaded" json:"Loaded"` Cleared bool `codec:"Cleared" json:"Cleared"` SaltOnly bool `codec:"SaltOnly" json:"SaltOnly"` Expired bool `codec:"Expired" json:"Expired"` }
func (SessionStatus) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o SessionStatus) DeepCopy() SessionStatus
type SessionToken ¶
type SessionToken string
func (SessionToken) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o SessionToken) DeepCopy() SessionToken
type SetCurrentMountDirArg ¶ added in v1.0.19
type SetCurrentMountDirArg struct {
Dir string `codec:"dir" json:"dir"`
type SetImplicitTeamModeForTestArg ¶ added in v1.0.48
type SetImplicitTeamModeForTestArg struct {
ImplicitTeamMode string `codec:"implicitTeamMode" json:"implicitTeamMode"`
type SetNotificationsArg ¶
type SetNotificationsArg struct {
Channels NotificationChannels `codec:"channels" json:"channels"`
type SetPathArg ¶
type SetRememberPassphraseArg ¶ added in v1.0.43
type SetTarsDisabledArg ¶ added in v1.0.40
type SetTeamMemberShowcaseArg ¶ added in v1.0.34
type SetTeamRepoSettingsArg ¶ added in v1.0.40
type SetTeamShowcaseArg ¶ added in v1.0.34
type SetTeamShowcaseArg struct { Name string `codec:"name" json:"name"` IsShowcased *bool `codec:"isShowcased,omitempty" json:"isShowcased,omitempty"` Description *string `codec:"description,omitempty" json:"description,omitempty"` AnyMemberShowcase *bool `codec:"anyMemberShowcase,omitempty" json:"anyMemberShowcase,omitempty"` }
type SetUserConfigArg ¶
type SetValueArg ¶
type SetValueArg struct { Path string `codec:"path" json:"path"` Value ConfigValue `codec:"value" json:"value"` }
type ShouldPushPrivateArg ¶
type ShouldPushPrivateArg struct {
SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"`
type ShowPendingRekeyStatusArg ¶
type ShowPendingRekeyStatusArg struct {
SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"`
type ShutdownArg ¶
type ShutdownArg struct {
Code int `codec:"code" json:"code"`
type Sig ¶
type Sig struct { Seqno Seqno `codec:"seqno" json:"seqno"` SigID SigID `codec:"sigID" json:"sigID"` SigIDDisplay string `codec:"sigIDDisplay" json:"sigIDDisplay"` Type string `codec:"type" json:"type"` CTime Time `codec:"cTime" json:"cTime"` Revoked bool `codec:"revoked" json:"revoked"` Active bool `codec:"active" json:"active"` Key string `codec:"key" json:"key"` Body string `codec:"body" json:"body"` }
type SigChainLocation ¶ added in v1.0.27
type SigChainLocation struct { Seqno Seqno `codec:"seqno" json:"seqno"` SeqType SeqType `codec:"seqType" json:"seqType"` }
func (SigChainLocation) Comparable ¶ added in v1.0.43
func (s SigChainLocation) Comparable(s2 SigChainLocation) error
func (SigChainLocation) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o SigChainLocation) DeepCopy() SigChainLocation
func (SigChainLocation) Eq ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (s SigChainLocation) Eq(s2 SigChainLocation) bool
func (SigChainLocation) LessThanOrEqualTo ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (s SigChainLocation) LessThanOrEqualTo(s2 SigChainLocation) bool
func (SigChainLocation) Sub1 ¶ added in v1.0.43
func (s SigChainLocation) Sub1() SigChainLocation
type SigHint ¶
type SigID ¶
type SigID string
func SigIDFromBytes ¶
func SigIDFromBytes(b [SIG_ID_LEN]byte) SigID
func SigIDFromSlice ¶
func (*SigID) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.0.21
func (SigID) ToDisplayString ¶
func (SigID) ToMediumID ¶
func (*SigID) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.0.21
type SigListArg ¶
type SigListArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` Arg SigListArgs `codec:"arg" json:"arg"` }
type SigListArgs ¶
type SigListArgs struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` Username string `codec:"username" json:"username"` AllKeys bool `codec:"allKeys" json:"allKeys"` Types *SigTypes `codec:"types,omitempty" json:"types,omitempty"` Filterx string `codec:"filterx" json:"filterx"` Verbose bool `codec:"verbose" json:"verbose"` Revoked bool `codec:"revoked" json:"revoked"` }
func (SigListArgs) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o SigListArgs) DeepCopy() SigListArgs
type SigListJSONArg ¶
type SigListJSONArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` Arg SigListArgs `codec:"arg" json:"arg"` }
type SigTypes ¶
type SigVersion ¶ added in v1.0.43
type SigVersion int
func (SigVersion) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.43
func (o SigVersion) DeepCopy() SigVersion
type SignED25519Arg ¶
type SignED25519ForKBFSArg ¶ added in v1.0.19
type SignToStringArg ¶
type SignatureMetadata ¶ added in v1.0.27
type SignatureMetadata struct { SigningKID KID `codec:"signingKID" json:"signingKID"` PrevMerkleRootSigned MerkleRootV2 `codec:"prevMerkleRootSigned" json:"prevMerkleRootSigned"` FirstAppearedUnverified Seqno `codec:"firstAppearedUnverified" json:"firstAppearedUnverified"` Time Time `codec:"time" json:"time"` SigChainLocation SigChainLocation `codec:"sigChainLocation" json:"sigChainLocation"` }
func (SignatureMetadata) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o SignatureMetadata) DeepCopy() SignatureMetadata
type SignupArg ¶
type SignupArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` Email string `codec:"email" json:"email"` InviteCode string `codec:"inviteCode" json:"inviteCode"` Passphrase string `codec:"passphrase" json:"passphrase"` Username string `codec:"username" json:"username"` DeviceName string `codec:"deviceName" json:"deviceName"` DeviceType DeviceType `codec:"deviceType" json:"deviceType"` StoreSecret bool `codec:"storeSecret" json:"storeSecret"` SkipMail bool `codec:"skipMail" json:"skipMail"` GenPGPBatch bool `codec:"genPGPBatch" json:"genPGPBatch"` GenPaper bool `codec:"genPaper" json:"genPaper"` }
type SignupClient ¶
type SignupClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (SignupClient) CheckInvitationCode ¶
func (c SignupClient) CheckInvitationCode(ctx context.Context, __arg CheckInvitationCodeArg) (err error)
func (SignupClient) CheckUsernameAvailable ¶
func (c SignupClient) CheckUsernameAvailable(ctx context.Context, __arg CheckUsernameAvailableArg) (err error)
func (SignupClient) GetInvitationCode ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (SignupClient) InviteRequest ¶
func (c SignupClient) InviteRequest(ctx context.Context, __arg InviteRequestArg) (err error)
type SignupInterface ¶
type SignupInterface interface { CheckUsernameAvailable(context.Context, CheckUsernameAvailableArg) error Signup(context.Context, SignupArg) (SignupRes, error) InviteRequest(context.Context, InviteRequestArg) error CheckInvitationCode(context.Context, CheckInvitationCodeArg) error GetInvitationCode(context.Context, int) (string, error) }
type SignupRes ¶
type SigsClient ¶
type SigsClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (SigsClient) SigList ¶
func (c SigsClient) SigList(ctx context.Context, __arg SigListArg) (res []Sig, err error)
func (SigsClient) SigListJSON ¶
func (c SigsClient) SigListJSON(ctx context.Context, __arg SigListJSONArg) (res string, err error)
type SigsInterface ¶
type SigsInterface interface { SigList(context.Context, SigListArg) ([]Sig, error) SigListJSON(context.Context, SigListJSONArg) (string, error) }
type SimpleFSCancelArg ¶ added in v1.0.21
type SimpleFSCancelArg struct {
OpID OpID `codec:"opID" json:"opID"`
type SimpleFSCheckArg ¶ added in v1.0.19
type SimpleFSCheckArg struct {
OpID OpID `codec:"opID" json:"opID"`
type SimpleFSClient ¶ added in v1.0.19
type SimpleFSClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSCancel ¶ added in v1.0.21
func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSCancel(ctx context.Context, opID OpID) (err error)
Cancels a running operation, like copy.
func (SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSCheck ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSCheck(ctx context.Context, opID OpID) (res OpProgress, err error)
Check progress of pending operation
func (SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSClose ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSClose(ctx context.Context, opID OpID) (err error)
Close OpID, cancels any pending operation. Must be called after list/copy/remove
func (SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSCopy ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSCopy(ctx context.Context, __arg SimpleFSCopyArg) (err error)
Begin copy of file or directory
func (SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSCopyRecursive ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSCopyRecursive(ctx context.Context, __arg SimpleFSCopyRecursiveArg) (err error)
Begin recursive copy of directory
func (SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSDumpDebuggingInfo ¶ added in v1.0.46
func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSDumpDebuggingInfo(ctx context.Context) (err error)
Instructs KBFS to dump debugging info into its logs.
func (SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSGetHTTPAddressAndToken ¶ added in v1.0.48
func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSGetHTTPAddressAndToken(ctx context.Context) (res SimpleFSGetHTTPAddressAndTokenResponse, err error)
This RPC generates a random token to be used by a client that needs to access KBFS content through HTTP. It's fine to call this RPC more than once, but it's probably best to call this once and keep using it. Clients should be using HTTP GET methods, with requests in the form of:
If the provided token is invalid, 403 Forbidden is returned, with a HTML document that has title of "KBFS HTTP Token Invalid". When receiving such response, client should call this RPC (again) to get a new token.
func (SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSGetOps ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSGetOps(ctx context.Context) (res []OpDescription, err error)
Get all the outstanding operations
func (SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSList ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSList(ctx context.Context, __arg SimpleFSListArg) (err error)
Begin list of items in directory at path Retrieve results with readList() Can be a single file to get flags/status
func (SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSListRecursive ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSListRecursive(ctx context.Context, __arg SimpleFSListRecursiveArg) (err error)
Begin recursive list of items in directory at path
func (SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSMakeOpid ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSMakeOpid(ctx context.Context) (res OpID, err error)
Convenience helper for generating new random value
func (SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSMove ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSMove(ctx context.Context, __arg SimpleFSMoveArg) (err error)
Begin move of file or directory, from/to KBFS only
func (SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSOpen ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSOpen(ctx context.Context, __arg SimpleFSOpenArg) (err error)
Create/open a file and leave it open or create a directory Files must be closed afterwards.
func (SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSRead ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSRead(ctx context.Context, __arg SimpleFSReadArg) (res FileContent, err error)
Read (possibly partial) contents of open file, up to the amount specified by size. Repeat until zero bytes are returned or error. If size is zero, read an arbitrary amount.
func (SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSReadList ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSReadList(ctx context.Context, opID OpID) (res SimpleFSListResult, err error)
Get list of Paths in progress. Can indicate status of pending to get more entries.
func (SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSRemove ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSRemove(ctx context.Context, __arg SimpleFSRemoveArg) (err error)
Remove file or directory from filesystem
func (SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSRename ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSRename(ctx context.Context, __arg SimpleFSRenameArg) (err error)
Rename file or directory, KBFS side only
func (SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSSetStat ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSSetStat(ctx context.Context, __arg SimpleFSSetStatArg) (err error)
Set/clear file bits - only executable for now
func (SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSStat ¶ added in v1.0.19
Get info about file
func (SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSSyncStatus ¶ added in v1.0.48
func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSSyncStatus(ctx context.Context) (res FSSyncStatus, err error)
Get sync status.
func (SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSWait ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSWait(ctx context.Context, opID OpID) (err error)
Blocking wait for the pending operation to finish
func (SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSWrite ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (c SimpleFSClient) SimpleFSWrite(ctx context.Context, __arg SimpleFSWriteArg) (err error)
Append content to opened file. May be repeated until OpID is closed.
type SimpleFSCloseArg ¶ added in v1.0.19
type SimpleFSCloseArg struct {
OpID OpID `codec:"opID" json:"opID"`
type SimpleFSCopyArg ¶ added in v1.0.19
type SimpleFSCopyRecursiveArg ¶ added in v1.0.19
type SimpleFSDumpDebuggingInfoArg ¶ added in v1.0.46
type SimpleFSDumpDebuggingInfoArg struct { }
type SimpleFSGetHTTPAddressAndTokenArg ¶ added in v1.0.48
type SimpleFSGetHTTPAddressAndTokenArg struct { }
type SimpleFSGetHTTPAddressAndTokenResponse ¶ added in v1.0.48
type SimpleFSGetHTTPAddressAndTokenResponse struct { Address string `codec:"address" json:"address"` Token string `codec:"token" json:"token"` }
func (SimpleFSGetHTTPAddressAndTokenResponse) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.48
func (o SimpleFSGetHTTPAddressAndTokenResponse) DeepCopy() SimpleFSGetHTTPAddressAndTokenResponse
type SimpleFSGetOpsArg ¶ added in v1.0.19
type SimpleFSGetOpsArg struct { }
type SimpleFSInterface ¶ added in v1.0.19
type SimpleFSInterface interface { // Begin list of items in directory at path // Retrieve results with readList() // Can be a single file to get flags/status SimpleFSList(context.Context, SimpleFSListArg) error // Begin recursive list of items in directory at path SimpleFSListRecursive(context.Context, SimpleFSListRecursiveArg) error // Get list of Paths in progress. Can indicate status of pending // to get more entries. SimpleFSReadList(context.Context, OpID) (SimpleFSListResult, error) // Begin copy of file or directory SimpleFSCopy(context.Context, SimpleFSCopyArg) error // Begin recursive copy of directory SimpleFSCopyRecursive(context.Context, SimpleFSCopyRecursiveArg) error // Begin move of file or directory, from/to KBFS only SimpleFSMove(context.Context, SimpleFSMoveArg) error // Rename file or directory, KBFS side only SimpleFSRename(context.Context, SimpleFSRenameArg) error // Create/open a file and leave it open // or create a directory // Files must be closed afterwards. SimpleFSOpen(context.Context, SimpleFSOpenArg) error // Set/clear file bits - only executable for now SimpleFSSetStat(context.Context, SimpleFSSetStatArg) error // Read (possibly partial) contents of open file, // up to the amount specified by size. // Repeat until zero bytes are returned or error. // If size is zero, read an arbitrary amount. SimpleFSRead(context.Context, SimpleFSReadArg) (FileContent, error) // Append content to opened file. // May be repeated until OpID is closed. SimpleFSWrite(context.Context, SimpleFSWriteArg) error // Remove file or directory from filesystem SimpleFSRemove(context.Context, SimpleFSRemoveArg) error // Get info about file SimpleFSStat(context.Context, Path) (Dirent, error) // Convenience helper for generating new random value SimpleFSMakeOpid(context.Context) (OpID, error) // Close OpID, cancels any pending operation. // Must be called after list/copy/remove SimpleFSClose(context.Context, OpID) error // Cancels a running operation, like copy. SimpleFSCancel(context.Context, OpID) error // Check progress of pending operation SimpleFSCheck(context.Context, OpID) (OpProgress, error) // Get all the outstanding operations SimpleFSGetOps(context.Context) ([]OpDescription, error) // Blocking wait for the pending operation to finish SimpleFSWait(context.Context, OpID) error // Instructs KBFS to dump debugging info into its logs. SimpleFSDumpDebuggingInfo(context.Context) error // Get sync status. SimpleFSSyncStatus(context.Context) (FSSyncStatus, error) // This RPC generates a random token to be used by a client that needs to // access KBFS content through HTTP. It's fine to call this RPC more than once, // but it's probably best to call this once and keep using it. Clients should // be using HTTP GET methods, with requests in the form of: // // http://<address>/<kbfs_path>?token=<token> // // If the provided token is invalid, 403 Forbidden is returned, with a HTML // document that has title of "KBFS HTTP Token Invalid". When receiving such // response, client should call this RPC (again) to get a new token. SimpleFSGetHTTPAddressAndToken(context.Context) (SimpleFSGetHTTPAddressAndTokenResponse, error) }
type SimpleFSListArg ¶ added in v1.0.19
type SimpleFSListArg struct { OpID OpID `codec:"opID" json:"opID"` Path Path `codec:"path" json:"path"` Filter ListFilter `codec:"filter" json:"filter"` }
type SimpleFSListRecursiveArg ¶ added in v1.0.19
type SimpleFSListRecursiveArg struct { OpID OpID `codec:"opID" json:"opID"` Path Path `codec:"path" json:"path"` Filter ListFilter `codec:"filter" json:"filter"` }
type SimpleFSListResult ¶ added in v1.0.19
type SimpleFSListResult struct { Entries []Dirent `codec:"entries" json:"entries"` Progress Progress `codec:"progress" json:"progress"` }
func (SimpleFSListResult) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o SimpleFSListResult) DeepCopy() SimpleFSListResult
type SimpleFSMakeOpidArg ¶ added in v1.0.19
type SimpleFSMakeOpidArg struct { }
type SimpleFSMoveArg ¶ added in v1.0.19
type SimpleFSOpenArg ¶ added in v1.0.19
type SimpleFSReadArg ¶ added in v1.0.19
type SimpleFSReadListArg ¶ added in v1.0.19
type SimpleFSReadListArg struct {
OpID OpID `codec:"opID" json:"opID"`
type SimpleFSRemoveArg ¶ added in v1.0.19
type SimpleFSRenameArg ¶ added in v1.0.19
type SimpleFSSetStatArg ¶ added in v1.0.19
type SimpleFSSetStatArg struct { Dest Path `codec:"dest" json:"dest"` Flag DirentType `codec:"flag" json:"flag"` }
type SimpleFSStatArg ¶ added in v1.0.19
type SimpleFSStatArg struct {
Path Path `codec:"path" json:"path"`
type SimpleFSSyncStatusArg ¶ added in v1.0.48
type SimpleFSSyncStatusArg struct { }
type SimpleFSWaitArg ¶ added in v1.0.19
type SimpleFSWaitArg struct {
OpID OpID `codec:"opID" json:"opID"`
type SimpleFSWriteArg ¶ added in v1.0.19
type SocialAssertion ¶
type SocialAssertion struct { User string `codec:"user" json:"user"` Service SocialAssertionService `codec:"service" json:"service"` }
SocialAssertion contains a service and username for that service, that together form an assertion about a user. Resolving an assertion requires that the user posts a Keybase proof on the asserted service as the asserted user.
func (SocialAssertion) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o SocialAssertion) DeepCopy() SocialAssertion
func (SocialAssertion) String ¶
func (sa SocialAssertion) String() string
func (SocialAssertion) TeamInviteName ¶ added in v1.0.30
func (sa SocialAssertion) TeamInviteName() TeamInviteName
func (SocialAssertion) TeamInviteType ¶ added in v1.0.30
func (sa SocialAssertion) TeamInviteType() string
type SocialAssertionService ¶
type SocialAssertionService string
SocialAssertionService is a service that can be used to assert proofs for a user.
func (SocialAssertionService) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o SocialAssertionService) DeepCopy() SocialAssertionService
type StartArg ¶
type StartArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` Username string `codec:"username" json:"username"` Reason IdentifyReason `codec:"reason" json:"reason"` ForceDisplay bool `codec:"forceDisplay" json:"forceDisplay"` }
type StartImplicitTeamMigrationArg ¶ added in v1.0.39
type StartImplicitTeamMigrationArg struct {
FolderID string `codec:"folderID" json:"folderID"`
type StartMigrationArg ¶ added in v1.0.39
type StartMigrationArg struct {
Folder Folder `codec:"folder" json:"folder"`
type StartProofArg ¶
type StartProofArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` Service string `codec:"service" json:"service"` Username string `codec:"username" json:"username"` Force bool `codec:"force" json:"force"` PromptPosted bool `codec:"promptPosted" json:"promptPosted"` Auto bool `codec:"auto" json:"auto"` SigVersion *SigVersion `codec:"sigVersion,omitempty" json:"sigVersion,omitempty"` }
type StartProofResult ¶
type StartProofResult struct {
SigID SigID `codec:"sigID" json:"sigID"`
func (StartProofResult) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o StartProofResult) DeepCopy() StartProofResult
type StartReachabilityArg ¶ added in v1.0.19
type StartReachabilityArg struct { }
type Status ¶
type Status struct { Code int `codec:"code" json:"code"` Name string `codec:"name" json:"name"` Desc string `codec:"desc" json:"desc"` Fields []StringKVPair `codec:"fields" json:"fields"` }
func StatusFromCode ¶
func StatusFromCode(code StatusCode, message string) Status
type StatusCode ¶
type StatusCode int
const ( StatusCode_SCOk StatusCode = 0 StatusCode_SCInputError StatusCode = 100 StatusCode_SCLoginRequired StatusCode = 201 StatusCode_SCBadSession StatusCode = 202 StatusCode_SCBadLoginUserNotFound StatusCode = 203 StatusCode_SCBadLoginPassword StatusCode = 204 StatusCode_SCNotFound StatusCode = 205 StatusCode_SCThrottleControl StatusCode = 210 StatusCode_SCDeleted StatusCode = 216 StatusCode_SCGeneric StatusCode = 218 StatusCode_SCAlreadyLoggedIn StatusCode = 235 StatusCode_SCExists StatusCode = 230 StatusCode_SCCanceled StatusCode = 237 StatusCode_SCInputCanceled StatusCode = 239 StatusCode_SCReloginRequired StatusCode = 274 StatusCode_SCResolutionFailed StatusCode = 275 StatusCode_SCProfileNotPublic StatusCode = 276 StatusCode_SCIdentifyFailed StatusCode = 277 StatusCode_SCTrackingBroke StatusCode = 278 StatusCode_SCWrongCryptoFormat StatusCode = 279 StatusCode_SCDecryptionError StatusCode = 280 StatusCode_SCInvalidAddress StatusCode = 281 StatusCode_SCNoSession StatusCode = 283 StatusCode_SCAccountReset StatusCode = 290 StatusCode_SCIdentifiesFailed StatusCode = 295 StatusCode_SCNoSpaceOnDevice StatusCode = 297 StatusCode_SCBadEmail StatusCode = 472 StatusCode_SCBadSignupUsernameTaken StatusCode = 701 StatusCode_SCBadInvitationCode StatusCode = 707 StatusCode_SCMissingResult StatusCode = 801 StatusCode_SCKeyNotFound StatusCode = 901 StatusCode_SCKeyCorrupted StatusCode = 905 StatusCode_SCKeyInUse StatusCode = 907 StatusCode_SCKeyBadGen StatusCode = 913 StatusCode_SCKeyNoSecret StatusCode = 914 StatusCode_SCKeyBadUIDs StatusCode = 915 StatusCode_SCKeyNoActive StatusCode = 916 StatusCode_SCKeyNoSig StatusCode = 917 StatusCode_SCKeyBadSig StatusCode = 918 StatusCode_SCKeyBadEldest StatusCode = 919 StatusCode_SCKeyNoEldest StatusCode = 920 StatusCode_SCKeyDuplicateUpdate StatusCode = 921 StatusCode_SCSibkeyAlreadyExists StatusCode = 922 StatusCode_SCDecryptionKeyNotFound StatusCode = 924 StatusCode_SCKeyNoPGPEncryption StatusCode = 927 StatusCode_SCKeyNoNaClEncryption StatusCode = 928 StatusCode_SCKeySyncedPGPNotFound StatusCode = 929 StatusCode_SCKeyNoMatchingGPG StatusCode = 930 StatusCode_SCKeyRevoked StatusCode = 931 StatusCode_SCSigWrongKey StatusCode = 1008 StatusCode_SCSigOldSeqno StatusCode = 1010 StatusCode_SCBadTrackSession StatusCode = 1301 StatusCode_SCDeviceBadName StatusCode = 1404 StatusCode_SCDeviceNameInUse StatusCode = 1408 StatusCode_SCDeviceNotFound StatusCode = 1409 StatusCode_SCDeviceMismatch StatusCode = 1410 StatusCode_SCDeviceRequired StatusCode = 1411 StatusCode_SCDevicePrevProvisioned StatusCode = 1413 StatusCode_SCDeviceNoProvision StatusCode = 1414 StatusCode_SCDeviceProvisionViaDevice StatusCode = 1415 StatusCode_SCRevokeCurrentDevice StatusCode = 1416 StatusCode_SCRevokeLastDevice StatusCode = 1417 StatusCode_SCDeviceProvisionOffline StatusCode = 1418 StatusCode_SCRevokeLastDevicePGP StatusCode = 1419 StatusCode_SCStreamExists StatusCode = 1501 StatusCode_SCStreamNotFound StatusCode = 1502 StatusCode_SCStreamWrongKind StatusCode = 1503 StatusCode_SCStreamEOF StatusCode = 1504 StatusCode_SCGenericAPIError StatusCode = 1600 StatusCode_SCAPINetworkError StatusCode = 1601 StatusCode_SCTimeout StatusCode = 1602 StatusCode_SCProofError StatusCode = 1701 StatusCode_SCIdentificationExpired StatusCode = 1702 StatusCode_SCSelfNotFound StatusCode = 1703 StatusCode_SCBadKexPhrase StatusCode = 1704 StatusCode_SCNoUIDelegation StatusCode = 1705 StatusCode_SCNoUI StatusCode = 1706 StatusCode_SCInvalidVersionError StatusCode = 1800 StatusCode_SCOldVersionError StatusCode = 1801 StatusCode_SCInvalidLocationError StatusCode = 1802 StatusCode_SCServiceStatusError StatusCode = 1803 StatusCode_SCInstallError StatusCode = 1804 StatusCode_SCLoadKextError StatusCode = 1810 StatusCode_SCLoadKextPermError StatusCode = 1811 StatusCode_SCGitInternal StatusCode = 2300 StatusCode_SCGitRepoAlreadyExists StatusCode = 2301 StatusCode_SCGitInvalidRepoName StatusCode = 2302 StatusCode_SCGitCannotDelete StatusCode = 2303 StatusCode_SCGitRepoDoesntExist StatusCode = 2304 StatusCode_SCLoginStateTimeout StatusCode = 2400 StatusCode_SCChatInternal StatusCode = 2500 StatusCode_SCChatRateLimit StatusCode = 2501 StatusCode_SCChatConvExists StatusCode = 2502 StatusCode_SCChatUnknownTLFID StatusCode = 2503 StatusCode_SCChatNotInConv StatusCode = 2504 StatusCode_SCChatBadMsg StatusCode = 2505 StatusCode_SCChatBroadcast StatusCode = 2506 StatusCode_SCChatAlreadySuperseded StatusCode = 2507 StatusCode_SCChatAlreadyDeleted StatusCode = 2508 StatusCode_SCChatTLFFinalized StatusCode = 2509 StatusCode_SCChatCollision StatusCode = 2510 StatusCode_SCIdentifySummaryError StatusCode = 2511 StatusCode_SCNeedSelfRekey StatusCode = 2512 StatusCode_SCNeedOtherRekey StatusCode = 2513 StatusCode_SCChatMessageCollision StatusCode = 2514 StatusCode_SCChatDuplicateMessage StatusCode = 2515 StatusCode_SCChatClientError StatusCode = 2516 StatusCode_SCChatNotInTeam StatusCode = 2517 StatusCode_SCChatStalePreviousState StatusCode = 2518 StatusCode_SCTeamBadMembership StatusCode = 2604 StatusCode_SCTeamSelfNotOwner StatusCode = 2607 StatusCode_SCTeamNotFound StatusCode = 2614 StatusCode_SCTeamExists StatusCode = 2619 StatusCode_SCTeamReadError StatusCode = 2623 StatusCode_SCNoOp StatusCode = 2638 StatusCode_SCTeamInviteBadToken StatusCode = 2646 StatusCode_SCTeamTarDuplicate StatusCode = 2663 StatusCode_SCTeamTarNotFound StatusCode = 2664 StatusCode_SCTeamMemberExists StatusCode = 2665 StatusCode_SCTeamNotReleased StatusCode = 2666 StatusCode_SCTeamPermanentlyLeft StatusCode = 2667 StatusCode_SCTeamNeedRootId StatusCode = 2668 StatusCode_SCTeamHasLiveChildren StatusCode = 2669 StatusCode_SCTeamDeleteError StatusCode = 2670 StatusCode_SCTeamBadRootTeam StatusCode = 2671 StatusCode_SCTeamNameConflictsWithUser StatusCode = 2672 StatusCode_SCTeamDeleteNoUpPointer StatusCode = 2673 StatusCode_SCTeamNeedOwner StatusCode = 2674 StatusCode_SCTeamNoOwnerAllowed StatusCode = 2675 StatusCode_SCTeamImplicitNoNonSbs StatusCode = 2676 StatusCode_SCTeamImplicitBadHash StatusCode = 2677 StatusCode_SCTeamImplicitBadName StatusCode = 2678 StatusCode_SCTeamImplicitClash StatusCode = 2679 StatusCode_SCTeamImplicitDuplicate StatusCode = 2680 StatusCode_SCTeamImplicitBadOp StatusCode = 2681 StatusCode_SCTeamImplicitBadRole StatusCode = 2682 StatusCode_SCTeamImplicitNotFound StatusCode = 2683 StatusCode_SCTeamBadAdminSeqnoType StatusCode = 2684 StatusCode_SCTeamImplicitBadAdd StatusCode = 2685 StatusCode_SCTeamImplicitBadRemove StatusCode = 2686 StatusCode_SCTeamInviteTokenReused StatusCode = 2696 StatusCode_SCTeamKeyMaskNotFound StatusCode = 2697 StatusCode_SCTeamBanned StatusCode = 2702 StatusCode_SCTeamInvalidBan StatusCode = 2703 StatusCode_SCTeamShowcasePermDenied StatusCode = 2711 StatusCode_SCTeamProvisionalCanKey StatusCode = 2721 StatusCode_SCTeamProvisionalCannotKey StatusCode = 2722 StatusCode_SCEphemeralKeyBadGeneration StatusCode = 2900 StatusCode_SCEphemeralKeyUnexpectedBox StatusCode = 2901 StatusCode_SCEphemeralKeyMissingBox StatusCode = 2902 StatusCode_SCEphemeralKeyWrongNumberOfKeys StatusCode = 2903 StatusCode_SCEphemeralKeyMismatchedKey StatusCode = 2904 StatusCode_SCStellarError StatusCode = 3100 StatusCode_SCStellarBadInput StatusCode = 3101 StatusCode_SCStellarWrongRevision StatusCode = 3102 StatusCode_SCStellarMissingBundle StatusCode = 3103 StatusCode_SCStellarBadPuk StatusCode = 3104 StatusCode_SCStellarMissingAccount StatusCode = 3105 StatusCode_SCStellarBadPrev StatusCode = 3106 )
func (StatusCode) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o StatusCode) DeepCopy() StatusCode
func (StatusCode) String ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (e StatusCode) String() string
type StreamUiClient ¶
type StreamUiClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (StreamUiClient) Close ¶
func (c StreamUiClient) Close(ctx context.Context, __arg CloseArg) (err error)
type StreamUiInterface ¶
type StringKVPair ¶
type StringKVPair struct { Key string `codec:"key" json:"key"` Value string `codec:"value" json:"value"` }
func (StringKVPair) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o StringKVPair) DeepCopy() StringKVPair
func (StringKVPair) IntValue ¶ added in v1.0.30
func (p StringKVPair) IntValue() int
type SubteamLogPoint ¶ added in v1.0.27
type SubteamLogPoint struct { Name TeamName `codec:"name" json:"name"` Seqno Seqno `codec:"seqno" json:"seqno"` }
func (SubteamLogPoint) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o SubteamLogPoint) DeepCopy() SubteamLogPoint
type SwitchToGPGSignOKArg ¶
type TLF ¶
type TLFBreak ¶
type TLFBreak struct {
Breaks []TLFIdentifyFailure `codec:"breaks" json:"breaks"`
type TLFIdentifyBehavior ¶
type TLFIdentifyBehavior int
const ( TLFIdentifyBehavior_UNSET TLFIdentifyBehavior = 0 TLFIdentifyBehavior_CHAT_CLI TLFIdentifyBehavior = 1 TLFIdentifyBehavior_CHAT_GUI TLFIdentifyBehavior = 2 TLFIdentifyBehavior_CHAT_GUI_STRICT TLFIdentifyBehavior = 3 TLFIdentifyBehavior_KBFS_REKEY TLFIdentifyBehavior = 4 TLFIdentifyBehavior_KBFS_QR TLFIdentifyBehavior = 5 TLFIdentifyBehavior_CHAT_SKIP TLFIdentifyBehavior = 6 TLFIdentifyBehavior_SALTPACK TLFIdentifyBehavior = 7 TLFIdentifyBehavior_CLI TLFIdentifyBehavior = 8 TLFIdentifyBehavior_GUI TLFIdentifyBehavior = 9 TLFIdentifyBehavior_DEFAULT_KBFS TLFIdentifyBehavior = 10 TLFIdentifyBehavior_KBFS_CHAT TLFIdentifyBehavior = 11 )
func (TLFIdentifyBehavior) AlwaysRunIdentify ¶
func (b TLFIdentifyBehavior) AlwaysRunIdentify() bool
func (TLFIdentifyBehavior) CanUseUntrackedFastPath ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (b TLFIdentifyBehavior) CanUseUntrackedFastPath() bool
func (TLFIdentifyBehavior) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o TLFIdentifyBehavior) DeepCopy() TLFIdentifyBehavior
func (TLFIdentifyBehavior) ShouldSuppressTrackerPopups ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (b TLFIdentifyBehavior) ShouldSuppressTrackerPopups() bool
All of the chat modes want to prevent tracker popups.
func (TLFIdentifyBehavior) SkipExternalChecks ¶ added in v1.0.22
func (b TLFIdentifyBehavior) SkipExternalChecks() bool
SkipExternalChecks indicates we do not want to run any external proof checkers in identify modes that yield true.
func (TLFIdentifyBehavior) String ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (e TLFIdentifyBehavior) String() string
func (TLFIdentifyBehavior) WarningInsteadOfErrorOnBrokenTracks ¶
func (b TLFIdentifyBehavior) WarningInsteadOfErrorOnBrokenTracks() bool
type TLFIdentifyFailure ¶ added in v1.0.19
type TLFIdentifyFailure struct { User User `codec:"user" json:"user"` Breaks *IdentifyTrackBreaks `codec:"breaks,omitempty" json:"breaks,omitempty"` }
func (TLFIdentifyFailure) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o TLFIdentifyFailure) DeepCopy() TLFIdentifyFailure
type TLFQuery ¶
type TLFQuery struct { TlfName string `codec:"tlfName" json:"tlfName"` IdentifyBehavior TLFIdentifyBehavior `codec:"identifyBehavior" json:"identifyBehavior"` }
type TLFVisibility ¶ added in v1.0.29
type TLFVisibility int
const ( TLFVisibility_ANY TLFVisibility = 0 TLFVisibility_PUBLIC TLFVisibility = 1 TLFVisibility_PRIVATE TLFVisibility = 2 )
func (TLFVisibility) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.29
func (o TLFVisibility) DeepCopy() TLFVisibility
func (TLFVisibility) Eq ¶ added in v1.0.29
func (t TLFVisibility) Eq(r TLFVisibility) bool
func (TLFVisibility) String ¶ added in v1.0.29
func (e TLFVisibility) String() string
type TeamAbandonedArg ¶ added in v1.0.41
type TeamAbandonedArg struct {
TeamID TeamID `codec:"teamID" json:"teamID"`
type TeamAcceptInviteArg ¶ added in v1.0.27
type TeamAcceptInviteOrRequestAccessArg ¶ added in v1.0.30
type TeamAcceptOrRequestResult ¶ added in v1.0.39
type TeamAcceptOrRequestResult struct { WasToken bool `codec:"wasToken" json:"wasToken"` WasSeitan bool `codec:"wasSeitan" json:"wasSeitan"` WasTeamName bool `codec:"wasTeamName" json:"wasTeamName"` WasOpenTeam bool `codec:"wasOpenTeam" json:"wasOpenTeam"` }
func (TeamAcceptOrRequestResult) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.39
func (o TeamAcceptOrRequestResult) DeepCopy() TeamAcceptOrRequestResult
type TeamAccessRequest ¶ added in v1.0.33
type TeamAccessRequest struct { Uid UID `codec:"uid" json:"uid"` EldestSeqno Seqno `codec:"eldestSeqno" json:"eldest_seqno"` }
func (TeamAccessRequest) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.33
func (o TeamAccessRequest) DeepCopy() TeamAccessRequest
type TeamAddEmailsBulkArg ¶ added in v1.0.34
type TeamAddMemberArg ¶ added in v1.0.27
type TeamAddMemberArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` Name string `codec:"name" json:"name"` Email string `codec:"email" json:"email"` Username string `codec:"username" json:"username"` Role TeamRole `codec:"role" json:"role"` SendChatNotification bool `codec:"sendChatNotification" json:"sendChatNotification"` }
type TeamAddMemberResult ¶ added in v1.0.27
type TeamAddMemberResult struct { Invited bool `codec:"invited" json:"invited"` User *User `codec:"user,omitempty" json:"user,omitempty"` EmailSent bool `codec:"emailSent" json:"emailSent"` ChatSent bool `codec:"chatSent" json:"chatSent"` }
func (TeamAddMemberResult) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o TeamAddMemberResult) DeepCopy() TeamAddMemberResult
type TeamAndMemberShowcase ¶ added in v1.0.34
type TeamAndMemberShowcase struct { TeamShowcase TeamShowcase `codec:"teamShowcase" json:"teamShowcase"` IsMemberShowcased bool `codec:"isMemberShowcased" json:"isMemberShowcased"` }
func (TeamAndMemberShowcase) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.34
func (o TeamAndMemberShowcase) DeepCopy() TeamAndMemberShowcase
type TeamApplication ¶ added in v1.0.27
type TeamApplication int
const ( TeamApplication_KBFS TeamApplication = 1 TeamApplication_CHAT TeamApplication = 2 TeamApplication_SALTPACK TeamApplication = 3 TeamApplication_GIT_METADATA TeamApplication = 4 TeamApplication_SEITAN_INVITE_TOKEN TeamApplication = 5 TeamApplication_STELLAR_RELAY TeamApplication = 6 )
func (TeamApplication) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o TeamApplication) DeepCopy() TeamApplication
func (TeamApplication) String ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (e TeamApplication) String() string
type TeamApplicationKey ¶ added in v1.0.27
type TeamApplicationKey struct { Application TeamApplication `codec:"application" json:"application"` KeyGeneration PerTeamKeyGeneration `codec:"keyGeneration" json:"keyGeneration"` Key Bytes32 `codec:"key" json:"key"` }
func (TeamApplicationKey) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o TeamApplicationKey) DeepCopy() TeamApplicationKey
func (TeamApplicationKey) Generation ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (k TeamApplicationKey) Generation() int
func (TeamApplicationKey) Material ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (k TeamApplicationKey) Material() Bytes32
type TeamCLKRMsg ¶ added in v1.0.27
type TeamCLKRMsg struct { TeamID TeamID `codec:"teamID" json:"team_id"` Generation PerTeamKeyGeneration `codec:"generation" json:"generation"` Score int `codec:"score" json:"score"` ResetUsersUntrusted []TeamCLKRResetUser `codec:"resetUsersUntrusted" json:"reset_users"` }
func (TeamCLKRMsg) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o TeamCLKRMsg) DeepCopy() TeamCLKRMsg
type TeamCLKRResetUser ¶ added in v1.0.48
type TeamCLKRResetUser struct { Uid UID `codec:"uid" json:"uid"` UserEldestSeqno Seqno `codec:"userEldestSeqno" json:"user_eldest"` MemberEldestSeqno Seqno `codec:"memberEldestSeqno" json:"member_eldest"` }
func (TeamCLKRResetUser) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.48
func (o TeamCLKRResetUser) DeepCopy() TeamCLKRResetUser
type TeamChangeMembershipArg ¶ added in v1.0.27
type TeamChangeMembershipArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` Name string `codec:"name" json:"name"` Req TeamChangeReq `codec:"req" json:"req"` }
type TeamChangeReq ¶ added in v1.0.27
type TeamChangeReq struct { Owners []UserVersion `codec:"owners" json:"owners"` Admins []UserVersion `codec:"admins" json:"admins"` Writers []UserVersion `codec:"writers" json:"writers"` Readers []UserVersion `codec:"readers" json:"readers"` None []UserVersion `codec:"none" json:"none"` CompletedInvites map[TeamInviteID]UserVersionPercentForm `codec:"completedInvites" json:"completedInvites"` }
func (*TeamChangeReq) AddUVWithRole ¶ added in v1.0.39
func (req *TeamChangeReq) AddUVWithRole(uv UserVersion, role TeamRole) error
func (*TeamChangeReq) CompleteInviteID ¶ added in v1.0.46
func (req *TeamChangeReq) CompleteInviteID(inviteID TeamInviteID, uv UserVersionPercentForm)
func (TeamChangeReq) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o TeamChangeReq) DeepCopy() TeamChangeReq
func (*TeamChangeReq) GetAllAdds ¶ added in v1.0.42
func (req *TeamChangeReq) GetAllAdds() (ret []UserVersion)
type TeamChangeRow ¶ added in v1.0.27
type TeamChangeRow struct { Id TeamID `codec:"id" json:"id"` Name string `codec:"name" json:"name"` KeyRotated bool `codec:"keyRotated" json:"key_rotated"` MembershipChanged bool `codec:"membershipChanged" json:"membership_changed"` LatestSeqno Seqno `codec:"latestSeqno" json:"latest_seqno"` ImplicitTeam bool `codec:"implicitTeam" json:"implicit_team"` Misc bool `codec:"misc" json:"misc"` RemovedResetUsers bool `codec:"removedResetUsers" json:"removed_reset_users"` }
func (TeamChangeRow) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o TeamChangeRow) DeepCopy() TeamChangeRow
type TeamChangeSet ¶ added in v1.0.27
type TeamChangeSet struct { MembershipChanged bool `codec:"membershipChanged" json:"membershipChanged"` KeyRotated bool `codec:"keyRotated" json:"keyRotated"` Renamed bool `codec:"renamed" json:"renamed"` Misc bool `codec:"misc" json:"misc"` }
func (TeamChangeSet) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o TeamChangeSet) DeepCopy() TeamChangeSet
type TeamChangedByIDArg ¶ added in v1.0.39
type TeamChangedByIDArg struct { TeamID TeamID `codec:"teamID" json:"teamID"` LatestSeqno Seqno `codec:"latestSeqno" json:"latestSeqno"` ImplicitTeam bool `codec:"implicitTeam" json:"implicitTeam"` Changes TeamChangeSet `codec:"changes" json:"changes"` }
type TeamChangedByNameArg ¶ added in v1.0.39
type TeamChangedByNameArg struct { TeamName string `codec:"teamName" json:"teamName"` LatestSeqno Seqno `codec:"latestSeqno" json:"latestSeqno"` ImplicitTeam bool `codec:"implicitTeam" json:"implicitTeam"` Changes TeamChangeSet `codec:"changes" json:"changes"` }
type TeamCreateArg ¶ added in v1.0.27
type TeamCreateResult ¶ added in v1.0.29
type TeamCreateResult struct { TeamID TeamID `codec:"teamID" json:"teamID"` ChatSent bool `codec:"chatSent" json:"chatSent"` CreatorAdded bool `codec:"creatorAdded" json:"creatorAdded"` }
func (TeamCreateResult) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.29
func (o TeamCreateResult) DeepCopy() TeamCreateResult
type TeamCreateSeitanTokenArg ¶ added in v1.0.34
type TeamCreateSeitanTokenArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` Name string `codec:"name" json:"name"` Role TeamRole `codec:"role" json:"role"` Label SeitanKeyLabel `codec:"label" json:"label"` }
type TeamCreateSeitanTokenV2Arg ¶ added in v1.0.42
type TeamCreateSeitanTokenV2Arg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` Name string `codec:"name" json:"name"` Role TeamRole `codec:"role" json:"role"` Label SeitanKeyLabel `codec:"label" json:"label"` }
type TeamCreateWithSettingsArg ¶ added in v1.0.33
type TeamCreateWithSettingsArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` Name string `codec:"name" json:"name"` JoinSubteam bool `codec:"joinSubteam" json:"joinSubteam"` Settings TeamSettings `codec:"settings" json:"settings"` }
type TeamData ¶ added in v1.0.27
type TeamData struct { Secretless bool `codec:"secretless" json:"secretless"` Name TeamName `codec:"name" json:"name"` Chain TeamSigChainState `codec:"chain" json:"chain"` PerTeamKeySeeds map[PerTeamKeyGeneration]PerTeamKeySeedItem `codec:"perTeamKeySeeds" json:"perTeamKeySeeds"` ReaderKeyMasks map[TeamApplication]map[PerTeamKeyGeneration]MaskB64 `codec:"readerKeyMasks" json:"readerKeyMasks"` LatestSeqnoHint Seqno `codec:"latestSeqnoHint" json:"latestSeqnoHint"` CachedAt Time `codec:"cachedAt" json:"cachedAt"` TlfCryptKeys map[TeamApplication][]CryptKey `codec:"tlfCryptKeys" json:"tlfCryptKeys"` }
type TeamDebugArg ¶ added in v1.0.39
type TeamDebugArg struct {
TeamID TeamID `codec:"teamID" json:"teamID"`
type TeamDebugRes ¶ added in v1.0.39
type TeamDebugRes struct {
Chain TeamSigChainState `codec:"chain" json:"chain"`
func (TeamDebugRes) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.39
func (o TeamDebugRes) DeepCopy() TeamDebugRes
type TeamDeleteArg ¶ added in v1.0.27
type TeamDeletedArg ¶ added in v1.0.30
type TeamDeletedArg struct {
TeamID TeamID `codec:"teamID" json:"teamID"`
type TeamDetails ¶ added in v1.0.27
type TeamDetails struct { Members TeamMembersDetails `codec:"members" json:"members"` KeyGeneration PerTeamKeyGeneration `codec:"keyGeneration" json:"keyGeneration"` AnnotatedActiveInvites map[TeamInviteID]AnnotatedTeamInvite `codec:"annotatedActiveInvites" json:"annotatedActiveInvites"` Settings TeamSettings `codec:"settings" json:"settings"` Showcase TeamShowcase `codec:"showcase" json:"showcase"` }
func (TeamDetails) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o TeamDetails) DeepCopy() TeamDetails
type TeamEditMemberArg ¶ added in v1.0.27
type TeamEk ¶ added in v1.0.46
type TeamEk struct { Seed Bytes32 `codec:"seed" json:"seed"` Metadata TeamEkMetadata `codec:"metadata" json:"metadata"` }
type TeamEkBoxMetadata ¶ added in v1.0.47
type TeamEkBoxMetadata struct { Box string `codec:"box" json:"box"` RecipientGeneration EkGeneration `codec:"recipientGeneration" json:"recipient_generation"` RecipientUID UID `codec:"recipientUID" json:"recipient_uid"` }
func (TeamEkBoxMetadata) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.47
func (o TeamEkBoxMetadata) DeepCopy() TeamEkBoxMetadata
type TeamEkBoxed ¶ added in v1.0.46
type TeamEkBoxed struct { Box string `codec:"box" json:"box"` UserEkGeneration EkGeneration `codec:"userEkGeneration" json:"user_ek_generation"` Metadata TeamEkMetadata `codec:"metadata" json:"metadata"` }
func (TeamEkBoxed) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.46
func (o TeamEkBoxed) DeepCopy() TeamEkBoxed
type TeamEkMetadata ¶ added in v1.0.46
type TeamEkMetadata struct { Kid KID `codec:"kid" json:"team_ephemeral_dh_public"` HashMeta HashMeta `codec:"hashMeta" json:"hash_meta"` Generation EkGeneration `codec:"generation" json:"generation"` Ctime Time `codec:"ctime" json:"ctime"` }
func (TeamEkMetadata) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.46
func (o TeamEkMetadata) DeepCopy() TeamEkMetadata
type TeamEkStatement ¶ added in v1.0.46
type TeamEkStatement struct { CurrentTeamEkMetadata TeamEkMetadata `codec:"currentTeamEkMetadata" json:"current_team_ek_metadata"` ExistingTeamEkMetadata []TeamEkMetadata `codec:"existingTeamEkMetadata" json:"existing_team_ek_metadata"` }
func (TeamEkStatement) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.46
func (o TeamEkStatement) DeepCopy() TeamEkStatement
type TeamEncryptedKBFSKeyset ¶ added in v1.0.41
type TeamEncryptedKBFSKeyset struct { V int `codec:"v" json:"v"` E []byte `codec:"e" json:"e"` N []byte `codec:"n" json:"n"` }
func (TeamEncryptedKBFSKeyset) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.41
func (o TeamEncryptedKBFSKeyset) DeepCopy() TeamEncryptedKBFSKeyset
type TeamEncryptedKBFSKeysetHash ¶ added in v1.0.41
type TeamEncryptedKBFSKeysetHash string
func TeamEncryptedKBFSKeysetHashFromBytes ¶ added in v1.0.41
func TeamEncryptedKBFSKeysetHashFromBytes(s []byte) TeamEncryptedKBFSKeysetHash
func TeamEncryptedKBFSKeysetHashFromString ¶ added in v1.0.41
func TeamEncryptedKBFSKeysetHashFromString(s string) TeamEncryptedKBFSKeysetHash
func (TeamEncryptedKBFSKeysetHash) Bytes ¶ added in v1.0.41
func (e TeamEncryptedKBFSKeysetHash) Bytes() []byte
func (TeamEncryptedKBFSKeysetHash) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.41
func (o TeamEncryptedKBFSKeysetHash) DeepCopy() TeamEncryptedKBFSKeysetHash
func (TeamEncryptedKBFSKeysetHash) SecureEqual ¶ added in v1.0.41
func (e TeamEncryptedKBFSKeysetHash) SecureEqual(l TeamEncryptedKBFSKeysetHash) bool
func (TeamEncryptedKBFSKeysetHash) String ¶ added in v1.0.41
func (e TeamEncryptedKBFSKeysetHash) String() string
type TeamExitArg ¶ added in v1.0.34
type TeamExitArg struct {
TeamID TeamID `codec:"teamID" json:"teamID"`
type TeamExitRow ¶ added in v1.0.33
type TeamExitRow struct {
Id TeamID `codec:"id" json:"id"`
func (TeamExitRow) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.33
func (o TeamExitRow) DeepCopy() TeamExitRow
type TeamGetArg ¶ added in v1.0.27
type TeamGetLegacyTLFUpgrade ¶ added in v1.0.41
type TeamGetLegacyTLFUpgrade struct { EncryptedKeyset string `codec:"encryptedKeyset" json:"encrypted_keyset"` TeamGeneration PerTeamKeyGeneration `codec:"teamGeneration" json:"team_generation"` LegacyGeneration int `codec:"legacyGeneration" json:"legacy_generation"` AppType TeamApplication `codec:"appType" json:"app_type"` }
func (TeamGetLegacyTLFUpgrade) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.41
func (o TeamGetLegacyTLFUpgrade) DeepCopy() TeamGetLegacyTLFUpgrade
type TeamID ¶ added in v1.0.27
type TeamID string
func MakeTestSubTeamID ¶ added in v1.0.27
Used by unit tests.
func MakeTestTeamID ¶ added in v1.0.27
Used by unit tests.
func TeamIDFromString ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (TeamID) AsUserOrTeam ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (t TeamID) AsUserOrTeam() UserOrTeamID
func (TeamID) IsRootTeam ¶ added in v1.0.29
type TeamIDAndName ¶ added in v1.0.33
type TeamIDAndName struct { Id TeamID `codec:"id" json:"id"` Name TeamName `codec:"name" json:"name"` }
func (TeamIDAndName) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.33
func (o TeamIDAndName) DeepCopy() TeamIDAndName
type TeamIDWithVisibility ¶ added in v1.0.29
type TeamIDWithVisibility struct { TeamID TeamID `codec:"teamID" json:"teamID"` Visibility TLFVisibility `codec:"visibility" json:"visibility"` }
func (TeamIDWithVisibility) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.29
func (o TeamIDWithVisibility) DeepCopy() TeamIDWithVisibility
type TeamIgnoreRequestArg ¶ added in v1.0.27
type TeamImplicitAdminsArg ¶ added in v1.0.34
type TeamInvite ¶ added in v1.0.27
type TeamInvite struct { Role TeamRole `codec:"role" json:"role"` Id TeamInviteID `codec:"id" json:"id"` Type TeamInviteType `codec:"type" json:"type"` Name TeamInviteName `codec:"name" json:"name"` Inviter UserVersion `codec:"inviter" json:"inviter"` }
func (TeamInvite) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o TeamInvite) DeepCopy() TeamInvite
func (TeamInvite) KeybaseUserVersion ¶ added in v1.0.30
func (t TeamInvite) KeybaseUserVersion() (UserVersion, error)
type TeamInviteCategory ¶ added in v1.0.27
type TeamInviteCategory int
const ( TeamInviteCategory_NONE TeamInviteCategory = 0 TeamInviteCategory_UNKNOWN TeamInviteCategory = 1 TeamInviteCategory_KEYBASE TeamInviteCategory = 2 TeamInviteCategory_EMAIL TeamInviteCategory = 3 TeamInviteCategory_SBS TeamInviteCategory = 4 TeamInviteCategory_SEITAN TeamInviteCategory = 5 )
func (TeamInviteCategory) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o TeamInviteCategory) DeepCopy() TeamInviteCategory
func (TeamInviteCategory) String ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (e TeamInviteCategory) String() string
type TeamInviteID ¶ added in v1.0.27
type TeamInviteID string
func TeamInviteIDFromString ¶ added in v1.0.27
func TeamInviteIDFromString(s string) (TeamInviteID, error)
func (TeamInviteID) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o TeamInviteID) DeepCopy() TeamInviteID
func (TeamInviteID) Eq ¶ added in v1.0.39
func (i TeamInviteID) Eq(i2 TeamInviteID) bool
type TeamInviteName ¶ added in v1.0.27
type TeamInviteName string
func (TeamInviteName) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o TeamInviteName) DeepCopy() TeamInviteName
type TeamInviteSocialNetwork ¶ added in v1.0.27
type TeamInviteSocialNetwork string
func (TeamInviteSocialNetwork) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o TeamInviteSocialNetwork) DeepCopy() TeamInviteSocialNetwork
type TeamInviteType ¶ added in v1.0.27
type TeamInviteType struct { C__ TeamInviteCategory `codec:"c" json:"c"` Unknown__ *string `codec:"unknown,omitempty" json:"unknown,omitempty"` Sbs__ *TeamInviteSocialNetwork `codec:"sbs,omitempty" json:"sbs,omitempty"` }
func NewTeamInviteTypeDefault ¶ added in v1.0.27
func NewTeamInviteTypeDefault(c TeamInviteCategory) TeamInviteType
func NewTeamInviteTypeWithSbs ¶ added in v1.0.27
func NewTeamInviteTypeWithSbs(v TeamInviteSocialNetwork) TeamInviteType
func NewTeamInviteTypeWithUnknown ¶ added in v1.0.27
func NewTeamInviteTypeWithUnknown(v string) TeamInviteType
func TeamInviteTypeFromString ¶ added in v1.0.27
func TeamInviteTypeFromString(s string, isDev bool) (TeamInviteType, error)
func (*TeamInviteType) C ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o *TeamInviteType) C() (ret TeamInviteCategory, err error)
func (TeamInviteType) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o TeamInviteType) DeepCopy() TeamInviteType
func (TeamInviteType) Eq ¶ added in v1.0.30
func (a TeamInviteType) Eq(b TeamInviteType) bool
func (TeamInviteType) Sbs ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o TeamInviteType) Sbs() (res TeamInviteSocialNetwork)
func (TeamInviteType) String ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (t TeamInviteType) String() (string, error)
func (TeamInviteType) Unknown ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o TeamInviteType) Unknown() (res string)
type TeamInvitee ¶ added in v1.0.27
type TeamInvitee struct { InviteID TeamInviteID `codec:"inviteID" json:"invite_id"` Uid UID `codec:"uid" json:"uid"` EldestSeqno Seqno `codec:"eldestSeqno" json:"eldest_seqno"` Role TeamRole `codec:"role" json:"role"` }
func (TeamInvitee) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o TeamInvitee) DeepCopy() TeamInvitee
type TeamJoinRequest ¶ added in v1.0.27
type TeamJoinRequest struct { Name string `codec:"name" json:"name"` Username string `codec:"username" json:"username"` }
func (TeamJoinRequest) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o TeamJoinRequest) DeepCopy() TeamJoinRequest
type TeamKBFSKeyRefresher ¶ added in v1.0.41
type TeamKBFSKeyRefresher struct { Generation int `codec:"generation" json:"generation"` AppType TeamApplication `codec:"appType" json:"appType"` }
func (TeamKBFSKeyRefresher) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.41
func (o TeamKBFSKeyRefresher) DeepCopy() TeamKBFSKeyRefresher
type TeamLeaveArg ¶ added in v1.0.27
type TeamLegacyTLFUpgradeChainInfo ¶ added in v1.0.41
type TeamLegacyTLFUpgradeChainInfo struct { KeysetHash TeamEncryptedKBFSKeysetHash `codec:"keysetHash" json:"keysetHash"` TeamGeneration PerTeamKeyGeneration `codec:"teamGeneration" json:"teamGeneration"` LegacyGeneration int `codec:"legacyGeneration" json:"legacyGeneration"` AppType TeamApplication `codec:"appType" json:"appType"` }
func (TeamLegacyTLFUpgradeChainInfo) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.41
func (o TeamLegacyTLFUpgradeChainInfo) DeepCopy() TeamLegacyTLFUpgradeChainInfo
type TeamList ¶ added in v1.0.27
type TeamList struct {
Teams []MemberInfo `codec:"teams" json:"teams"`
type TeamListMyAccessRequestsArg ¶ added in v1.0.39
type TeamListRequestsArg ¶ added in v1.0.27
type TeamListSubteamsRecursiveArg ¶ added in v1.0.33
type TeamListTeammatesArg ¶ added in v1.0.40
type TeamListUnverifiedArg ¶ added in v1.0.40
type TeamListVerifiedArg ¶ added in v1.0.40
type TeamMember ¶ added in v1.0.27
type TeamMember struct { Uid UID `codec:"uid" json:"uid"` Role TeamRole `codec:"role" json:"role"` EldestSeqno Seqno `codec:"eldestSeqno" json:"eldestSeqno"` UserEldestSeqno Seqno `codec:"userEldestSeqno" json:"userEldestSeqno"` }
func (TeamMember) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o TeamMember) DeepCopy() TeamMember
func (TeamMember) IsReset ¶ added in v1.0.34
func (t TeamMember) IsReset() bool
type TeamMemberDetails ¶ added in v1.0.27
type TeamMemberDetails struct { Uv UserVersion `codec:"uv" json:"uv"` Username string `codec:"username" json:"username"` FullName FullName `codec:"fullName" json:"fullName"` Active bool `codec:"active" json:"active"` NeedsPUK bool `codec:"needsPUK" json:"needsPUK"` }
func FilterInactiveMembers ¶
func FilterInactiveMembers(arg []TeamMemberDetails) (ret []TeamMemberDetails)
func (TeamMemberDetails) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o TeamMemberDetails) DeepCopy() TeamMemberDetails
type TeamMemberOutFromReset ¶ added in v1.0.34
type TeamMemberOutFromReset struct { TeamName string `codec:"teamName" json:"team_name"` ResetUser TeamResetUser `codec:"resetUser" json:"reset_user"` }
func (TeamMemberOutFromReset) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.34
func (o TeamMemberOutFromReset) DeepCopy() TeamMemberOutFromReset
type TeamMemberOutReset ¶ added in v1.0.34
type TeamMemberOutReset struct { Teamname string `codec:"teamname" json:"teamname"` Username string `codec:"username" json:"username"` Id gregor1.MsgID `codec:"id" json:"id"` }
func (TeamMemberOutReset) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.34
func (o TeamMemberOutReset) DeepCopy() TeamMemberOutReset
type TeamMembers ¶ added in v1.0.27
type TeamMembers struct { Owners []UserVersion `codec:"owners" json:"owners"` Admins []UserVersion `codec:"admins" json:"admins"` Writers []UserVersion `codec:"writers" json:"writers"` Readers []UserVersion `codec:"readers" json:"readers"` }
func (TeamMembers) AllUIDs ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (t TeamMembers) AllUIDs() []UID
func (TeamMembers) AllUserVersions ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (t TeamMembers) AllUserVersions() []UserVersion
func (TeamMembers) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o TeamMembers) DeepCopy() TeamMembers
type TeamMembersDetails ¶ added in v1.0.27
type TeamMembersDetails struct { Owners []TeamMemberDetails `codec:"owners" json:"owners"` Admins []TeamMemberDetails `codec:"admins" json:"admins"` Writers []TeamMemberDetails `codec:"writers" json:"writers"` Readers []TeamMemberDetails `codec:"readers" json:"readers"` }
func (TeamMembersDetails) ActiveUsernames ¶ added in v1.0.42
func (t TeamMembersDetails) ActiveUsernames() map[string]bool
ActiveUsernames returns a map of username -> active status
func (TeamMembersDetails) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o TeamMembersDetails) DeepCopy() TeamMembersDetails
type TeamName ¶ added in v1.0.27
type TeamName struct {
Parts []TeamNamePart `codec:"parts" json:"parts"`
func TeamNameFromString ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (TeamName) Append ¶ added in v1.0.27
Return a new team name with the part added to the end. For example {}.Append(baz) -> {}
func (TeamName) IsAncestorOf ¶ added in v1.0.40
func (TeamName) IsImplicit ¶ added in v1.0.29
func (TeamName) IsRootTeam ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (TeamName) LastPart ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (t TeamName) LastPart() TeamNamePart
func (TeamName) RootAncestorName ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (TeamName) SwapLastPart ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (TeamName) ToPrivateTeamID ¶ added in v1.0.34
func (TeamName) ToPublicTeamID ¶ added in v1.0.34
type TeamNameLogPoint ¶ added in v1.0.27
type TeamNameLogPoint struct { LastPart TeamNamePart `codec:"lastPart" json:"lastPart"` Seqno Seqno `codec:"seqno" json:"seqno"` }
func (TeamNameLogPoint) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o TeamNameLogPoint) DeepCopy() TeamNameLogPoint
type TeamNamePart ¶ added in v1.0.27
type TeamNamePart string
func (TeamNamePart) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o TeamNamePart) DeepCopy() TeamNamePart
func (TeamNamePart) Eq ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (t TeamNamePart) Eq(t2 TeamNamePart) bool
type TeamOpenReqMsg ¶ added in v1.0.33
type TeamOpenReqMsg struct { TeamID TeamID `codec:"teamID" json:"team_id"` Tars []TeamAccessRequest `codec:"tars" json:"tars"` }
func (TeamOpenReqMsg) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.33
func (o TeamOpenReqMsg) DeepCopy() TeamOpenReqMsg
type TeamOperation ¶ added in v1.0.39
type TeamOperation struct { ManageMembers bool `codec:"manageMembers" json:"manageMembers"` ManageSubteams bool `codec:"manageSubteams" json:"manageSubteams"` CreateChannel bool `codec:"createChannel" json:"createChannel"` Chat bool `codec:"chat" json:"chat"` DeleteChannel bool `codec:"deleteChannel" json:"deleteChannel"` RenameChannel bool `codec:"renameChannel" json:"renameChannel"` EditChannelDescription bool `codec:"editChannelDescription" json:"editChannelDescription"` SetTeamShowcase bool `codec:"setTeamShowcase" json:"setTeamShowcase"` SetMemberShowcase bool `codec:"setMemberShowcase" json:"setMemberShowcase"` SetRetentionPolicy bool `codec:"setRetentionPolicy" json:"setRetentionPolicy"` ChangeOpenTeam bool `codec:"changeOpenTeam" json:"changeOpenTeam"` LeaveTeam bool `codec:"leaveTeam" json:"leaveTeam"` JoinTeam bool `codec:"joinTeam" json:"joinTeam"` SetPublicityAny bool `codec:"setPublicityAny" json:"setPublicityAny"` ListFirst bool `codec:"listFirst" json:"listFirst"` ChangeTarsDisabled bool `codec:"changeTarsDisabled" json:"changeTarsDisabled"` DeleteChatHistory bool `codec:"deleteChatHistory" json:"deleteChatHistory"` }
func (TeamOperation) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.39
func (o TeamOperation) DeepCopy() TeamOperation
type TeamPlusApplicationKeys ¶ added in v1.0.27
type TeamPlusApplicationKeys struct { Id TeamID `codec:"id" json:"id"` Name string `codec:"name" json:"name"` Implicit bool `codec:"implicit" json:"implicit"` Public bool `codec:"public" json:"public"` Application TeamApplication `codec:"application" json:"application"` Writers []UserVersion `codec:"writers" json:"writers"` OnlyReaders []UserVersion `codec:"onlyReaders" json:"onlyReaders"` ApplicationKeys []TeamApplicationKey `codec:"applicationKeys" json:"applicationKeys"` }
func (TeamPlusApplicationKeys) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o TeamPlusApplicationKeys) DeepCopy() TeamPlusApplicationKeys
type TeamReAddMemberAfterResetArg ¶ added in v1.0.29
type TeamRefreshers ¶ added in v1.0.27
type TeamRefreshers struct { NeedKeyGeneration PerTeamKeyGeneration `codec:"needKeyGeneration" json:"needKeyGeneration"` WantMembers []UserVersion `codec:"wantMembers" json:"wantMembers"` WantMembersRole TeamRole `codec:"wantMembersRole" json:"wantMembersRole"` NeedKBFSKeyGeneration TeamKBFSKeyRefresher `codec:"needKBFSKeyGeneration" json:"needKBFSKeyGeneration"` }
* TeamRefreshData are needed or wanted data requirements that, if unmet, will cause * a refresh of the cache.
func (TeamRefreshers) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o TeamRefreshers) DeepCopy() TeamRefreshers
type TeamRemoveMemberArg ¶ added in v1.0.27
type TeamRemoveMemberArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` Name string `codec:"name" json:"name"` Username string `codec:"username" json:"username"` Email string `codec:"email" json:"email"` InviteID TeamInviteID `codec:"inviteID" json:"inviteID"` }
type TeamRenameArg ¶ added in v1.0.27
type TeamRequestAccessArg ¶ added in v1.0.27
type TeamRequestAccessResult ¶ added in v1.0.34
type TeamRequestAccessResult struct {
Open bool `codec:"open" json:"open"`
func (TeamRequestAccessResult) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.34
func (o TeamRequestAccessResult) DeepCopy() TeamRequestAccessResult
type TeamResetUser ¶ added in v1.0.34
type TeamResetUser struct { Username string `codec:"username" json:"username"` Uid UID `codec:"uid" json:"uid"` EldestSeqno Seqno `codec:"eldestSeqno" json:"eldest_seqno"` }
func (TeamResetUser) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.34
func (o TeamResetUser) DeepCopy() TeamResetUser
type TeamRole ¶ added in v1.0.27
type TeamRole int
func (TeamRole) IsAdminOrAbove ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (TeamRole) IsReaderOrAbove ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (TeamRole) IsWriterOrAbove ¶ added in v1.0.39
type TeamRotateKeyArg ¶ added in v1.0.39
type TeamRotateKeyArg struct {
TeamID TeamID `codec:"teamID" json:"teamID"`
type TeamSBSMsg ¶ added in v1.0.27
type TeamSBSMsg struct { TeamID TeamID `codec:"teamID" json:"team_id"` Score int `codec:"score" json:"score"` Invitees []TeamInvitee `codec:"invitees" json:"invitees"` }
func (TeamSBSMsg) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o TeamSBSMsg) DeepCopy() TeamSBSMsg
type TeamSeitanMsg ¶ added in v1.0.34
type TeamSeitanMsg struct { TeamID TeamID `codec:"teamID" json:"team_id"` Seitans []TeamSeitanRequest `codec:"seitans" json:"seitans"` }
func (TeamSeitanMsg) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.34
func (o TeamSeitanMsg) DeepCopy() TeamSeitanMsg
type TeamSeitanRequest ¶ added in v1.0.34
type TeamSeitanRequest struct { InviteID TeamInviteID `codec:"inviteID" json:"invite_id"` Uid UID `codec:"uid" json:"uid"` EldestSeqno Seqno `codec:"eldestSeqno" json:"eldest_seqno"` Akey SeitanAKey `codec:"akey" json:"akey"` Role TeamRole `codec:"role" json:"role"` UnixCTime int64 `codec:"unixCTime" json:"ctime"` }
func (TeamSeitanRequest) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.34
func (o TeamSeitanRequest) DeepCopy() TeamSeitanRequest
type TeamSetSettingsArg ¶ added in v1.0.33
type TeamSetSettingsArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` Name string `codec:"name" json:"name"` Settings TeamSettings `codec:"settings" json:"settings"` }
type TeamSettings ¶ added in v1.0.33
type TeamSettings struct { Open bool `codec:"open" json:"open"` JoinAs TeamRole `codec:"joinAs" json:"joinAs"` }
func (TeamSettings) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.33
func (o TeamSettings) DeepCopy() TeamSettings
type TeamShowcase ¶ added in v1.0.34
type TeamShowcase struct { IsShowcased bool `codec:"isShowcased" json:"is_showcased"` Description *string `codec:"description,omitempty" json:"description,omitempty"` SetByUID *UID `codec:"setByUID,omitempty" json:"set_by_uid,omitempty"` AnyMemberShowcase bool `codec:"anyMemberShowcase" json:"any_member_showcase"` }
func (TeamShowcase) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.34
func (o TeamShowcase) DeepCopy() TeamShowcase
type TeamSigChainState ¶ added in v1.0.27
type TeamSigChainState struct { Reader UserVersion `codec:"reader" json:"reader"` Id TeamID `codec:"id" json:"id"` Implicit bool `codec:"implicit" json:"implicit"` Public bool `codec:"public" json:"public"` RootAncestor TeamName `codec:"rootAncestor" json:"rootAncestor"` NameDepth int `codec:"nameDepth" json:"nameDepth"` NameLog []TeamNameLogPoint `codec:"nameLog" json:"nameLog"` LastSeqno Seqno `codec:"lastSeqno" json:"lastSeqno"` LastLinkID LinkID `codec:"lastLinkID" json:"lastLinkID"` ParentID *TeamID `codec:"parentID,omitempty" json:"parentID,omitempty"` UserLog map[UserVersion][]UserLogPoint `codec:"userLog" json:"userLog"` SubteamLog map[TeamID][]SubteamLogPoint `codec:"subteamLog" json:"subteamLog"` PerTeamKeys map[PerTeamKeyGeneration]PerTeamKey `codec:"perTeamKeys" json:"perTeamKeys"` PerTeamKeyCTime UnixTime `codec:"perTeamKeyCTime" json:"perTeamKeyCTime"` LinkIDs map[Seqno]LinkID `codec:"linkIDs" json:"linkIDs"` StubbedLinks map[Seqno]bool `codec:"stubbedLinks" json:"stubbedLinks"` ActiveInvites map[TeamInviteID]TeamInvite `codec:"activeInvites" json:"activeInvites"` ObsoleteInvites map[TeamInviteID]TeamInvite `codec:"obsoleteInvites" json:"obsoleteInvites"` Open bool `codec:"open" json:"open"` OpenTeamJoinAs TeamRole `codec:"openTeamJoinAs" json:"openTeamJoinAs"` TlfID TLFID `codec:"tlfID" json:"tlfID"` TlfLegacyUpgrade map[TeamApplication]TeamLegacyTLFUpgradeChainInfo `codec:"tlfLegacyUpgrade" json:"tlfLegacyUpgrade"` }
func (TeamSigChainState) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o TeamSigChainState) DeepCopy() TeamSigChainState
type TeamStatus ¶
type TeamStatus int
const ( TeamStatus_NONE TeamStatus = 0 TeamStatus_LIVE TeamStatus = 1 TeamStatus_DELETED TeamStatus = 2 TeamStatus_ABANDONED TeamStatus = 3 )
func (TeamStatus) DeepCopy ¶
func (o TeamStatus) DeepCopy() TeamStatus
func (TeamStatus) String ¶
func (e TeamStatus) String() string
type TeamTreeArg ¶ added in v1.0.27
type TeamTreeEntry ¶ added in v1.0.27
type TeamTreeEntry struct { Name TeamName `codec:"name" json:"name"` Admin bool `codec:"admin" json:"admin"` }
func (TeamTreeEntry) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o TeamTreeEntry) DeepCopy() TeamTreeEntry
type TeamTreeResult ¶ added in v1.0.27
type TeamTreeResult struct {
Entries []TeamTreeEntry `codec:"entries" json:"entries"`
func (TeamTreeResult) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o TeamTreeResult) DeepCopy() TeamTreeResult
type TeamsClient ¶ added in v1.0.27
type TeamsClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (TeamsClient) CanUserPerform ¶ added in v1.0.39
func (c TeamsClient) CanUserPerform(ctx context.Context, name string) (res TeamOperation, err error)
func (TeamsClient) FindNextMerkleRootAfterTeamRemoval ¶
func (c TeamsClient) FindNextMerkleRootAfterTeamRemoval(ctx context.Context, __arg FindNextMerkleRootAfterTeamRemovalArg) (res NextMerkleRootRes, err error)
FindNextMerkleRootAfterTeamRemoval finds the first Merkle root that contains the user being removed from the team at that given seqno in the team's chain. You should pass in a previous Merkle root as a starting point for the binary search.
func (TeamsClient) FindNextMerkleRootAfterTeamRemovalBySigningKey ¶
func (c TeamsClient) FindNextMerkleRootAfterTeamRemovalBySigningKey(ctx context.Context, __arg FindNextMerkleRootAfterTeamRemovalBySigningKeyArg) (res NextMerkleRootRes, err error)
FindNextMerkleRootAfterTeamRemovalBySigningKey find the first Merkle root that contains the user with the given signing key being removed from the given team. If there are several such instances, we will return just the last one.
func (TeamsClient) GetTarsDisabled ¶ added in v1.0.40
func (TeamsClient) GetTeamAndMemberShowcase ¶ added in v1.0.34
func (c TeamsClient) GetTeamAndMemberShowcase(ctx context.Context, name string) (res TeamAndMemberShowcase, err error)
func (TeamsClient) GetTeamRootID ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (TeamsClient) GetTeamShowcase ¶ added in v1.0.34
func (c TeamsClient) GetTeamShowcase(ctx context.Context, name string) (res TeamShowcase, err error)
func (TeamsClient) LoadTeamPlusApplicationKeys ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (c TeamsClient) LoadTeamPlusApplicationKeys(ctx context.Context, __arg LoadTeamPlusApplicationKeysArg) (res TeamPlusApplicationKeys, err error)
* loadTeamPlusApplicationKeys loads team information for applications like KBFS and Chat. * If refreshers are non-empty, then force a refresh of the cache if the requirements * of the refreshers aren't met.
func (TeamsClient) LookupImplicitTeam ¶ added in v1.0.29
func (c TeamsClient) LookupImplicitTeam(ctx context.Context, __arg LookupImplicitTeamArg) (res LookupImplicitTeamRes, err error)
func (TeamsClient) LookupOrCreateImplicitTeam ¶ added in v1.0.29
func (c TeamsClient) LookupOrCreateImplicitTeam(ctx context.Context, __arg LookupOrCreateImplicitTeamArg) (res LookupImplicitTeamRes, err error)
func (TeamsClient) SetTarsDisabled ¶ added in v1.0.40
func (c TeamsClient) SetTarsDisabled(ctx context.Context, __arg SetTarsDisabledArg) (err error)
func (TeamsClient) SetTeamMemberShowcase ¶ added in v1.0.34
func (c TeamsClient) SetTeamMemberShowcase(ctx context.Context, __arg SetTeamMemberShowcaseArg) (err error)
func (TeamsClient) SetTeamShowcase ¶ added in v1.0.34
func (c TeamsClient) SetTeamShowcase(ctx context.Context, __arg SetTeamShowcaseArg) (err error)
func (TeamsClient) TeamAcceptInvite ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (c TeamsClient) TeamAcceptInvite(ctx context.Context, __arg TeamAcceptInviteArg) (err error)
func (TeamsClient) TeamAcceptInviteOrRequestAccess ¶ added in v1.0.30
func (c TeamsClient) TeamAcceptInviteOrRequestAccess(ctx context.Context, __arg TeamAcceptInviteOrRequestAccessArg) (res TeamAcceptOrRequestResult, err error)
func (TeamsClient) TeamAddEmailsBulk ¶ added in v1.0.34
func (c TeamsClient) TeamAddEmailsBulk(ctx context.Context, __arg TeamAddEmailsBulkArg) (res BulkRes, err error)
func (TeamsClient) TeamAddMember ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (c TeamsClient) TeamAddMember(ctx context.Context, __arg TeamAddMemberArg) (res TeamAddMemberResult, err error)
func (TeamsClient) TeamChangeMembership ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (c TeamsClient) TeamChangeMembership(ctx context.Context, __arg TeamChangeMembershipArg) (err error)
func (TeamsClient) TeamCreate ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (c TeamsClient) TeamCreate(ctx context.Context, __arg TeamCreateArg) (res TeamCreateResult, err error)
func (TeamsClient) TeamCreateSeitanToken ¶ added in v1.0.34
func (c TeamsClient) TeamCreateSeitanToken(ctx context.Context, __arg TeamCreateSeitanTokenArg) (res SeitanIKey, err error)
func (TeamsClient) TeamCreateSeitanTokenV2 ¶ added in v1.0.42
func (c TeamsClient) TeamCreateSeitanTokenV2(ctx context.Context, __arg TeamCreateSeitanTokenV2Arg) (res SeitanIKeyV2, err error)
func (TeamsClient) TeamCreateWithSettings ¶ added in v1.0.33
func (c TeamsClient) TeamCreateWithSettings(ctx context.Context, __arg TeamCreateWithSettingsArg) (res TeamCreateResult, err error)
func (TeamsClient) TeamDebug ¶ added in v1.0.39
func (c TeamsClient) TeamDebug(ctx context.Context, teamID TeamID) (res TeamDebugRes, err error)
func (TeamsClient) TeamDelete ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (c TeamsClient) TeamDelete(ctx context.Context, __arg TeamDeleteArg) (err error)
func (TeamsClient) TeamEditMember ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (c TeamsClient) TeamEditMember(ctx context.Context, __arg TeamEditMemberArg) (err error)
func (TeamsClient) TeamGet ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (c TeamsClient) TeamGet(ctx context.Context, __arg TeamGetArg) (res TeamDetails, err error)
func (TeamsClient) TeamIgnoreRequest ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (c TeamsClient) TeamIgnoreRequest(ctx context.Context, __arg TeamIgnoreRequestArg) (err error)
func (TeamsClient) TeamImplicitAdmins ¶ added in v1.0.34
func (c TeamsClient) TeamImplicitAdmins(ctx context.Context, __arg TeamImplicitAdminsArg) (res []TeamMemberDetails, err error)
func (TeamsClient) TeamLeave ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (c TeamsClient) TeamLeave(ctx context.Context, __arg TeamLeaveArg) (err error)
func (TeamsClient) TeamListMyAccessRequests ¶ added in v1.0.39
func (c TeamsClient) TeamListMyAccessRequests(ctx context.Context, __arg TeamListMyAccessRequestsArg) (res []TeamName, err error)
func (TeamsClient) TeamListRequests ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (c TeamsClient) TeamListRequests(ctx context.Context, __arg TeamListRequestsArg) (res []TeamJoinRequest, err error)
func (TeamsClient) TeamListSubteamsRecursive ¶ added in v1.0.33
func (c TeamsClient) TeamListSubteamsRecursive(ctx context.Context, __arg TeamListSubteamsRecursiveArg) (res []TeamIDAndName, err error)
func (TeamsClient) TeamListTeammates ¶ added in v1.0.40
func (c TeamsClient) TeamListTeammates(ctx context.Context, __arg TeamListTeammatesArg) (res AnnotatedTeamList, err error)
func (TeamsClient) TeamListUnverified ¶ added in v1.0.40
func (c TeamsClient) TeamListUnverified(ctx context.Context, __arg TeamListUnverifiedArg) (res AnnotatedTeamList, err error)
func (TeamsClient) TeamListVerified ¶ added in v1.0.40
func (c TeamsClient) TeamListVerified(ctx context.Context, __arg TeamListVerifiedArg) (res AnnotatedTeamList, err error)
func (TeamsClient) TeamReAddMemberAfterReset ¶ added in v1.0.29
func (c TeamsClient) TeamReAddMemberAfterReset(ctx context.Context, __arg TeamReAddMemberAfterResetArg) (err error)
func (TeamsClient) TeamRemoveMember ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (c TeamsClient) TeamRemoveMember(ctx context.Context, __arg TeamRemoveMemberArg) (err error)
func (TeamsClient) TeamRename ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (c TeamsClient) TeamRename(ctx context.Context, __arg TeamRenameArg) (err error)
func (TeamsClient) TeamRequestAccess ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (c TeamsClient) TeamRequestAccess(ctx context.Context, __arg TeamRequestAccessArg) (res TeamRequestAccessResult, err error)
func (TeamsClient) TeamRotateKey ¶ added in v1.0.39
func (c TeamsClient) TeamRotateKey(ctx context.Context, teamID TeamID) (err error)
func (TeamsClient) TeamSetSettings ¶ added in v1.0.33
func (c TeamsClient) TeamSetSettings(ctx context.Context, __arg TeamSetSettingsArg) (err error)
func (TeamsClient) TeamTree ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (c TeamsClient) TeamTree(ctx context.Context, __arg TeamTreeArg) (res TeamTreeResult, err error)
func (TeamsClient) TryDecryptWithTeamKey ¶
func (c TeamsClient) TryDecryptWithTeamKey(ctx context.Context, __arg TryDecryptWithTeamKeyArg) (res []byte, err error)
func (TeamsClient) UploadTeamAvatar ¶
func (c TeamsClient) UploadTeamAvatar(ctx context.Context, __arg UploadTeamAvatarArg) (err error)
type TeamsInterface ¶ added in v1.0.27
type TeamsInterface interface { TeamCreate(context.Context, TeamCreateArg) (TeamCreateResult, error) TeamCreateWithSettings(context.Context, TeamCreateWithSettingsArg) (TeamCreateResult, error) TeamGet(context.Context, TeamGetArg) (TeamDetails, error) TeamImplicitAdmins(context.Context, TeamImplicitAdminsArg) ([]TeamMemberDetails, error) TeamListUnverified(context.Context, TeamListUnverifiedArg) (AnnotatedTeamList, error) TeamListTeammates(context.Context, TeamListTeammatesArg) (AnnotatedTeamList, error) TeamListVerified(context.Context, TeamListVerifiedArg) (AnnotatedTeamList, error) TeamListSubteamsRecursive(context.Context, TeamListSubteamsRecursiveArg) ([]TeamIDAndName, error) TeamChangeMembership(context.Context, TeamChangeMembershipArg) error TeamAddMember(context.Context, TeamAddMemberArg) (TeamAddMemberResult, error) TeamRemoveMember(context.Context, TeamRemoveMemberArg) error TeamLeave(context.Context, TeamLeaveArg) error TeamEditMember(context.Context, TeamEditMemberArg) error TeamRename(context.Context, TeamRenameArg) error TeamAcceptInvite(context.Context, TeamAcceptInviteArg) error TeamRequestAccess(context.Context, TeamRequestAccessArg) (TeamRequestAccessResult, error) TeamAcceptInviteOrRequestAccess(context.Context, TeamAcceptInviteOrRequestAccessArg) (TeamAcceptOrRequestResult, error) TeamListRequests(context.Context, TeamListRequestsArg) ([]TeamJoinRequest, error) TeamListMyAccessRequests(context.Context, TeamListMyAccessRequestsArg) ([]TeamName, error) TeamIgnoreRequest(context.Context, TeamIgnoreRequestArg) error TeamTree(context.Context, TeamTreeArg) (TeamTreeResult, error) TeamDelete(context.Context, TeamDeleteArg) error TeamSetSettings(context.Context, TeamSetSettingsArg) error TeamCreateSeitanToken(context.Context, TeamCreateSeitanTokenArg) (SeitanIKey, error) TeamCreateSeitanTokenV2(context.Context, TeamCreateSeitanTokenV2Arg) (SeitanIKeyV2, error) TeamAddEmailsBulk(context.Context, TeamAddEmailsBulkArg) (BulkRes, error) LookupImplicitTeam(context.Context, LookupImplicitTeamArg) (LookupImplicitTeamRes, error) LookupOrCreateImplicitTeam(context.Context, LookupOrCreateImplicitTeamArg) (LookupImplicitTeamRes, error) TeamReAddMemberAfterReset(context.Context, TeamReAddMemberAfterResetArg) error // * loadTeamPlusApplicationKeys loads team information for applications like KBFS and Chat. // * If refreshers are non-empty, then force a refresh of the cache if the requirements // * of the refreshers aren't met. LoadTeamPlusApplicationKeys(context.Context, LoadTeamPlusApplicationKeysArg) (TeamPlusApplicationKeys, error) GetTeamRootID(context.Context, TeamID) (TeamID, error) GetTeamShowcase(context.Context, string) (TeamShowcase, error) GetTeamAndMemberShowcase(context.Context, string) (TeamAndMemberShowcase, error) SetTeamShowcase(context.Context, SetTeamShowcaseArg) error SetTeamMemberShowcase(context.Context, SetTeamMemberShowcaseArg) error CanUserPerform(context.Context, string) (TeamOperation, error) TeamRotateKey(context.Context, TeamID) error TeamDebug(context.Context, TeamID) (TeamDebugRes, error) GetTarsDisabled(context.Context, string) (bool, error) SetTarsDisabled(context.Context, SetTarsDisabledArg) error UploadTeamAvatar(context.Context, UploadTeamAvatarArg) error TryDecryptWithTeamKey(context.Context, TryDecryptWithTeamKeyArg) ([]byte, error) // FindNextMerkleRootAfterTeamRemoval finds the first Merkle root that contains the user being // removed from the team at that given seqno in the team's chain. You should pass in a previous // Merkle root as a starting point for the binary search. FindNextMerkleRootAfterTeamRemoval(context.Context, FindNextMerkleRootAfterTeamRemovalArg) (NextMerkleRootRes, error) // FindNextMerkleRootAfterTeamRemovalBySigningKey find the first Merkle root that contains the user // with the given signing key being removed from the given team. If there are several such instances, // we will return just the last one. FindNextMerkleRootAfterTeamRemovalBySigningKey(context.Context, FindNextMerkleRootAfterTeamRemovalBySigningKeyArg) (NextMerkleRootRes, error) }
type TeamsUiClient ¶ added in v1.0.27
type TeamsUiClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (TeamsUiClient) ConfirmRootTeamDelete ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (c TeamsUiClient) ConfirmRootTeamDelete(ctx context.Context, __arg ConfirmRootTeamDeleteArg) (res bool, err error)
func (TeamsUiClient) ConfirmSubteamDelete ¶ added in v1.0.33
func (c TeamsUiClient) ConfirmSubteamDelete(ctx context.Context, __arg ConfirmSubteamDeleteArg) (res bool, err error)
type TeamsUiInterface ¶ added in v1.0.27
type TeamsUiInterface interface { ConfirmRootTeamDelete(context.Context, ConfirmRootTeamDeleteArg) (bool, error) ConfirmSubteamDelete(context.Context, ConfirmSubteamDeleteArg) (bool, error) }
type Test ¶
type Test struct {
Reply string `codec:"reply" json:"reply"`
Result from calling test(..).
type TestCallbackArg ¶
type TestClient ¶
type TestClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (TestClient) Panic ¶
func (c TestClient) Panic(ctx context.Context, message string) (err error)
For testing crashes.
func (TestClient) Test ¶
Call test method. Will trigger the testCallback method, whose result will be set in the returned Test object, reply property.
func (TestClient) TestCallback ¶
func (c TestClient) TestCallback(ctx context.Context, __arg TestCallbackArg) (res string, err error)
This is a service callback triggered from test(..). The name param is what was passed into test.
type TestInterface ¶
type TestInterface interface { // Call test method. // Will trigger the testCallback method, whose result will be set in the // returned Test object, reply property. Test(context.Context, TestArg) (Test, error) // This is a service callback triggered from test(..). // The name param is what was passed into test. TestCallback(context.Context, TestCallbackArg) (string, error) // For testing crashes. Panic(context.Context, string) error }
type Text ¶
type Time ¶
type Time int64
func TimeFromSeconds ¶
func (Time) UnixMicroseconds ¶
func (Time) UnixMilliseconds ¶
func (Time) UnixSeconds ¶
type TlfClient ¶
type TlfClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (TlfClient) CompleteAndCanonicalizePrivateTlfName ¶
func (TlfClient) CryptKeys ¶
func (c TlfClient) CryptKeys(ctx context.Context, query TLFQuery) (res GetTLFCryptKeysRes, err error)
CryptKeys returns TLF crypt keys from all generations.
func (TlfClient) PublicCanonicalTLFNameAndID ¶
func (c TlfClient) PublicCanonicalTLFNameAndID(ctx context.Context, query TLFQuery) (res CanonicalTLFNameAndIDWithBreaks, err error)
* tlfCanonicalID returns the canonical name and TLFID for tlfName. * TLFID should not be cached or stored persistently.
type TlfInterface ¶
type TlfInterface interface { // CryptKeys returns TLF crypt keys from all generations. CryptKeys(context.Context, TLFQuery) (GetTLFCryptKeysRes, error) // * tlfCanonicalID returns the canonical name and TLFID for tlfName. // * TLFID should not be cached or stored persistently. PublicCanonicalTLFNameAndID(context.Context, TLFQuery) (CanonicalTLFNameAndIDWithBreaks, error) CompleteAndCanonicalizePrivateTlfName(context.Context, TLFQuery) (CanonicalTLFNameAndIDWithBreaks, error) }
type TlfKeysClient ¶
type TlfKeysClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (TlfKeysClient) GetPublicCanonicalTLFNameAndID ¶
func (c TlfKeysClient) GetPublicCanonicalTLFNameAndID(ctx context.Context, query TLFQuery) (res CanonicalTLFNameAndIDWithBreaks, err error)
getPublicCanonicalTLFNameAndID return the canonical name and TLFID for tlfName. TLF ID should not be cached or stored persistently.
func (TlfKeysClient) GetTLFCryptKeys ¶
func (c TlfKeysClient) GetTLFCryptKeys(ctx context.Context, query TLFQuery) (res GetTLFCryptKeysRes, err error)
getTLFCryptKeys returns TLF crypt keys from all generations and the TLF ID. TLF ID should not be cached or stored persistently.
type TlfKeysInterface ¶
type TlfKeysInterface interface { // getTLFCryptKeys returns TLF crypt keys from all generations and the TLF ID. // TLF ID should not be cached or stored persistently. GetTLFCryptKeys(context.Context, TLFQuery) (GetTLFCryptKeysRes, error) // getPublicCanonicalTLFNameAndID return the canonical name and TLFID for tlfName. // TLF ID should not be cached or stored persistently. GetPublicCanonicalTLFNameAndID(context.Context, TLFQuery) (CanonicalTLFNameAndIDWithBreaks, error) }
type ToStatusAble ¶
type ToStatusAble interface {
ToStatus() Status
ToStatusAble is something that can be coerced into a status. Some error types in your application might want this.
type TraceArg ¶ added in v1.0.42
type TraceArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` TraceFile string `codec:"traceFile" json:"traceFile"` TraceDurationSeconds DurationSec `codec:"traceDurationSeconds" json:"traceDurationSeconds"` }
type TrackArg ¶
type TrackArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` UserAssertion string `codec:"userAssertion" json:"userAssertion"` Options TrackOptions `codec:"options" json:"options"` ForceRemoteCheck bool `codec:"forceRemoteCheck" json:"forceRemoteCheck"` }
type TrackClient ¶
type TrackClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (TrackClient) CheckTracking ¶
func (c TrackClient) CheckTracking(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (err error)
func (TrackClient) DismissWithToken ¶
func (c TrackClient) DismissWithToken(ctx context.Context, __arg DismissWithTokenArg) (err error)
Called by the UI when the user decides *not* to track, to e.g. dismiss gregor items.
func (TrackClient) FakeTrackingChanged ¶
func (c TrackClient) FakeTrackingChanged(ctx context.Context, __arg FakeTrackingChangedArg) (err error)
func (TrackClient) Track ¶
func (c TrackClient) Track(ctx context.Context, __arg TrackArg) (res ConfirmResult, err error)
This will perform identify and track. If forceRemoteCheck is true, we force all remote proofs to be checked (otherwise a cache is used).
func (TrackClient) TrackWithToken ¶
func (c TrackClient) TrackWithToken(ctx context.Context, __arg TrackWithTokenArg) (err error)
Track with token returned from identify.
func (TrackClient) Untrack ¶
func (c TrackClient) Untrack(ctx context.Context, __arg UntrackArg) (err error)
type TrackDiff ¶
type TrackDiff struct { Type TrackDiffType `codec:"type" json:"type"` DisplayMarkup string `codec:"displayMarkup" json:"displayMarkup"` }
type TrackDiffType ¶
type TrackDiffType int
const ( TrackDiffType_NONE TrackDiffType = 0 TrackDiffType_ERROR TrackDiffType = 1 TrackDiffType_CLASH TrackDiffType = 2 TrackDiffType_REVOKED TrackDiffType = 3 TrackDiffType_UPGRADED TrackDiffType = 4 TrackDiffType_NEW TrackDiffType = 5 TrackDiffType_REMOTE_FAIL TrackDiffType = 6 TrackDiffType_REMOTE_WORKING TrackDiffType = 7 TrackDiffType_REMOTE_CHANGED TrackDiffType = 8 TrackDiffType_NEW_ELDEST TrackDiffType = 9 TrackDiffType_NONE_VIA_TEMPORARY TrackDiffType = 10 )
func (TrackDiffType) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o TrackDiffType) DeepCopy() TrackDiffType
func (TrackDiffType) String ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (e TrackDiffType) String() string
type TrackInterface ¶
type TrackInterface interface { // This will perform identify and track. // If forceRemoteCheck is true, we force all remote proofs to be checked // (otherwise a cache is used). Track(context.Context, TrackArg) (ConfirmResult, error) // Track with token returned from identify. TrackWithToken(context.Context, TrackWithTokenArg) error // Called by the UI when the user decides *not* to track, to e.g. dismiss gregor items. DismissWithToken(context.Context, DismissWithTokenArg) error Untrack(context.Context, UntrackArg) error CheckTracking(context.Context, int) error FakeTrackingChanged(context.Context, FakeTrackingChangedArg) error }
type TrackOptions ¶
type TrackOptions struct { LocalOnly bool `codec:"localOnly" json:"localOnly"` BypassConfirm bool `codec:"bypassConfirm" json:"bypassConfirm"` ForceRetrack bool `codec:"forceRetrack" json:"forceRetrack"` ExpiringLocal bool `codec:"expiringLocal" json:"expiringLocal"` ForPGPPull bool `codec:"forPGPPull" json:"forPGPPull"` SigVersion *SigVersion `codec:"sigVersion,omitempty" json:"sigVersion,omitempty"` }
func (TrackOptions) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o TrackOptions) DeepCopy() TrackOptions
type TrackProof ¶
type TrackProof struct { ProofType string `codec:"proofType" json:"proofType"` ProofName string `codec:"proofName" json:"proofName"` IdString string `codec:"idString" json:"idString"` }
func (TrackProof) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o TrackProof) DeepCopy() TrackProof
type TrackStatus ¶
type TrackStatus int
TrackStatus is a summary of this track before the track is approved by the user. NEW_*: New tracks UPDATE_*: Update to an existing track NEW_OK: Everything ok NEW_ZERO_PROOFS: User being tracked has no proofs NEW_FAIL_PROOFS: User being tracked has some failed proofs UPDATE_BROKEN: Previous tracking statement broken, this one will fix it. UPDATE_NEW_PROOFS: Previous tracking statement ok, but there are new proofs since previous tracking statement generated UPDATE_OK: No changes to previous tracking statement
const ( TrackStatus_NEW_OK TrackStatus = 1 TrackStatus_NEW_ZERO_PROOFS TrackStatus = 2 TrackStatus_NEW_FAIL_PROOFS TrackStatus = 3 TrackStatus_UPDATE_BROKEN_FAILED_PROOFS TrackStatus = 4 TrackStatus_UPDATE_NEW_PROOFS TrackStatus = 5 TrackStatus_UPDATE_OK TrackStatus = 6 TrackStatus_UPDATE_BROKEN_REVOKED TrackStatus = 7 )
func (TrackStatus) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o TrackStatus) DeepCopy() TrackStatus
func (TrackStatus) String ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (e TrackStatus) String() string
type TrackSummary ¶
type TrackSummary struct { Username string `codec:"username" json:"username"` Time Time `codec:"time" json:"time"` IsRemote bool `codec:"isRemote" json:"isRemote"` }
func (TrackSummary) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o TrackSummary) DeepCopy() TrackSummary
type TrackToken ¶
type TrackToken string
func (TrackToken) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o TrackToken) DeepCopy() TrackToken
func (TrackToken) String ¶
func (t TrackToken) String() string
type TrackWithTokenArg ¶
type TrackWithTokenArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` TrackToken TrackToken `codec:"trackToken" json:"trackToken"` Options TrackOptions `codec:"options" json:"options"` }
type Tracker ¶
type TrackingChangedArg ¶
type TruncateLockArg ¶
type TruncateLockArg struct {
FolderID string `codec:"folderID" json:"folderID"`
type TruncateUnlockArg ¶
type TruncateUnlockArg struct {
FolderID string `codec:"folderID" json:"folderID"`
type TryDecryptWithTeamKeyArg ¶
type TryDecryptWithTeamKeyArg struct { TeamID TeamID `codec:"teamID" json:"teamID"` EncryptedData []byte `codec:"encryptedData" json:"encryptedData"` Nonce BoxNonce `codec:"nonce" json:"nonce"` PeersPublicKey BoxPublicKey `codec:"peersPublicKey" json:"peersPublicKey"` MinGeneration PerTeamKeyGeneration `codec:"minGeneration" json:"minGeneration"` }
type UID ¶
type UID string
func UIDFromSlice ¶
func UIDFromString ¶
func (UID) AsUserOrTeam ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (u UID) AsUserOrTeam() UserOrTeamID
func (*UID) MarshalJSON ¶
func (*UID) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v1.0.33
type UPAKVersion ¶ added in v1.0.27
type UPAKVersion int
const ( UPAKVersion_V1 UPAKVersion = 1 UPAKVersion_V2 UPAKVersion = 2 )
func (UPAKVersion) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o UPAKVersion) DeepCopy() UPAKVersion
func (UPAKVersion) String ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (e UPAKVersion) String() string
type UPAKVersioned ¶ added in v1.0.27
type UPAKVersioned struct { V__ UPAKVersion `codec:"v" json:"v"` V1__ *UserPlusAllKeys `codec:"v1,omitempty" json:"v1,omitempty"` V2__ *UserPlusKeysV2AllIncarnations `codec:"v2,omitempty" json:"v2,omitempty"` }
* What we're storing for each user. At first it was UPAKs, as defined * in common.avdl. But going forward, we're going to use UserPlusKeysV2AllIncarnations.
func NewUPAKVersionedWithV1 ¶ added in v1.0.27
func NewUPAKVersionedWithV1(v UserPlusAllKeys) UPAKVersioned
func NewUPAKVersionedWithV2 ¶ added in v1.0.27
func NewUPAKVersionedWithV2(v UserPlusKeysV2AllIncarnations) UPAKVersioned
func (UPAKVersioned) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o UPAKVersioned) DeepCopy() UPAKVersioned
func (*UPAKVersioned) V ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o *UPAKVersioned) V() (ret UPAKVersion, err error)
func (UPAKVersioned) V1 ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o UPAKVersioned) V1() (res UserPlusAllKeys)
func (UPAKVersioned) V2 ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o UPAKVersioned) V2() (res UserPlusKeysV2AllIncarnations)
type UPK2MinorVersion ¶ added in v1.0.27
type UPK2MinorVersion int
const ( UPK2MinorVersion_V0 UPK2MinorVersion = 0 UPK2MinorVersion_V1 UPK2MinorVersion = 1 UPK2MinorVersion_V2 UPK2MinorVersion = 2 UPK2MinorVersion_V3 UPK2MinorVersion = 3 UPK2MinorVersion_V4 UPK2MinorVersion = 4 UPK2MinorVersion_V5 UPK2MinorVersion = 5 UPK2MinorVersion_V6 UPK2MinorVersion = 6 )
func (UPK2MinorVersion) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o UPK2MinorVersion) DeepCopy() UPK2MinorVersion
func (UPK2MinorVersion) String ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (e UPK2MinorVersion) String() string
type UPKClient ¶ added in v1.0.27
type UPKClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
type UPKInterface ¶ added in v1.0.27
type UPKInterface interface { }
type UiInterface ¶
type UiInterface interface {
PromptYesNo(context.Context, PromptYesNoArg) (bool, error)
type UnboxAnyRes ¶
type UnboxAnyRes struct { Kid KID `codec:"kid" json:"kid"` Plaintext Bytes32 `codec:"plaintext" json:"plaintext"` Index int `codec:"index" json:"index"` }
func (UnboxAnyRes) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o UnboxAnyRes) DeepCopy() UnboxAnyRes
type UnboxBytes32AnyArg ¶
type UnboxBytes32AnyArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` Bundles []CiphertextBundle `codec:"bundles" json:"bundles"` Reason string `codec:"reason" json:"reason"` PromptPaper bool `codec:"promptPaper" json:"promptPaper"` }
type UnboxBytes32Arg ¶
type UnboxBytes32Arg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` EncryptedBytes32 EncryptedBytes32 `codec:"encryptedBytes32" json:"encryptedBytes32"` Nonce BoxNonce `codec:"nonce" json:"nonce"` PeersPublicKey BoxPublicKey `codec:"peersPublicKey" json:"peersPublicKey"` Reason string `codec:"reason" json:"reason"` }
type UninstallKBFSArg ¶ added in v1.0.29
type UninstallKBFSArg struct { }
type UninstallResult ¶
type UninstallResult struct { ComponentResults []ComponentResult `codec:"componentResults" json:"componentResults"` Status Status `codec:"status" json:"status"` }
func (UninstallResult) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o UninstallResult) DeepCopy() UninstallResult
type UnixTime ¶ added in v1.0.46
type UnixTime int64
func ToUnixTime ¶ added in v1.0.46
func UnixTimeFromSeconds ¶ added in v1.0.46
func (UnixTime) UnixMicroseconds ¶ added in v1.0.46
func (UnixTime) UnixMilliseconds ¶ added in v1.0.46
func (UnixTime) UnixSeconds ¶ added in v1.0.46
type UnlockWithPassphraseArg ¶
type UntrackArg ¶
type Update ¶
type Update struct { Version string `codec:"version" json:"version"` Name string `codec:"name" json:"name"` Description string `codec:"description" json:"description"` Instructions *string `codec:"instructions,omitempty" json:"instructions,omitempty"` Type UpdateType `codec:"type" json:"type"` PublishedAt *Time `codec:"publishedAt,omitempty" json:"publishedAt,omitempty"` Asset *Asset `codec:"asset,omitempty" json:"asset,omitempty"` }
type UpdateAction ¶
type UpdateAction int
const ( UpdateAction_UPDATE UpdateAction = 0 UpdateAction_SKIP UpdateAction = 1 UpdateAction_SNOOZE UpdateAction = 2 UpdateAction_CANCEL UpdateAction = 3 )
type UpdateAppInUseAction ¶
type UpdateAppInUseAction int
const ( UpdateAppInUseAction_CANCEL UpdateAppInUseAction = 0 UpdateAppInUseAction_FORCE UpdateAppInUseAction = 1 UpdateAppInUseAction_SNOOZE UpdateAppInUseAction = 2 UpdateAppInUseAction_KILL_PROCESSES UpdateAppInUseAction = 3 )
type UpdateAppInUseArg ¶
type UpdateAppInUseRes ¶
type UpdateAppInUseRes struct {
Action UpdateAppInUseAction `codec:"action" json:"action"`
type UpdateAppStateArg ¶ added in v1.0.27
type UpdateAppStateArg struct {
State AppState `codec:"state" json:"state"`
type UpdateArg ¶
type UpdateArg struct {
Options UpdateOptions `codec:"options" json:"options"`
type UpdateCategoryArg ¶
type UpdateCategoryArg struct { Category string `codec:"category" json:"category"` Body string `codec:"body" json:"body"` Dtime gregor1.TimeOrOffset `codec:"dtime" json:"dtime"` }
type UpdateCheckArg ¶
type UpdateCheckArg struct {
Force bool `codec:"force" json:"force"`
type UpdateClient ¶
type UpdateClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (UpdateClient) Update ¶
func (c UpdateClient) Update(ctx context.Context, options UpdateOptions) (res UpdateResult, err error)
Perform the update with options.
func (UpdateClient) UpdateCheck ¶
func (c UpdateClient) UpdateCheck(ctx context.Context, force bool) (err error)
Perform an update check.
type UpdateCommonClient ¶
type UpdateCommonClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
type UpdateCommonInterface ¶
type UpdateCommonInterface interface { }
type UpdateInterface ¶
type UpdateInterface interface { // Perform the update with options. Update(context.Context, UpdateOptions) (UpdateResult, error) // Perform an update check. UpdateCheck(context.Context, bool) error }
type UpdateItemArg ¶
type UpdateOptions ¶
type UpdateOptions struct { Version string `codec:"version" json:"version"` Platform string `codec:"platform" json:"platform"` DestinationPath string `codec:"destinationPath" json:"destinationPath"` Source string `codec:"source" json:"source"` URL string `codec:"URL" json:"URL"` Channel string `codec:"channel" json:"channel"` Force bool `codec:"force" json:"force"` DefaultInstructions string `codec:"defaultInstructions" json:"defaultInstructions"` SignaturePath string `codec:"signaturePath" json:"signaturePath"` }
Options for updating.
type UpdatePromptArg ¶
type UpdatePromptArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` Update Update `codec:"update" json:"update"` Options UpdatePromptOptions `codec:"options" json:"options"` }
type UpdatePromptOptions ¶
type UpdatePromptOptions struct {
AlwaysAutoInstall bool `codec:"alwaysAutoInstall" json:"alwaysAutoInstall"`
type UpdatePromptRes ¶
type UpdatePromptRes struct { Action UpdateAction `codec:"action" json:"action"` AlwaysAutoInstall bool `codec:"alwaysAutoInstall" json:"alwaysAutoInstall"` SnoozeUntil Time `codec:"snoozeUntil" json:"snoozeUntil"` }
type UpdateQuitArg ¶
type UpdateQuitRes ¶
type UpdateResult ¶
type UpdateResult struct {
Update *Update `codec:"update,omitempty" json:"update,omitempty"`
type UpdateType ¶
type UpdateType int
const ( UpdateType_NORMAL UpdateType = 0 UpdateType_BUGFIX UpdateType = 1 UpdateType_CRITICAL UpdateType = 2 )
type UpdateUiClient ¶
type UpdateUiClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (UpdateUiClient) UpdateAppInUse ¶
func (c UpdateUiClient) UpdateAppInUse(ctx context.Context, __arg UpdateAppInUseArg) (res UpdateAppInUseRes, err error)
func (UpdateUiClient) UpdatePrompt ¶
func (c UpdateUiClient) UpdatePrompt(ctx context.Context, __arg UpdatePromptArg) (res UpdatePromptRes, err error)
func (UpdateUiClient) UpdateQuit ¶
func (c UpdateUiClient) UpdateQuit(ctx context.Context, __arg UpdateQuitArg) (res UpdateQuitRes, err error)
type UpdateUiInterface ¶
type UpdateUiInterface interface { UpdatePrompt(context.Context, UpdatePromptArg) (UpdatePromptRes, error) UpdateAppInUse(context.Context, UpdateAppInUseArg) (UpdateAppInUseRes, error) UpdateQuit(context.Context, UpdateQuitArg) (UpdateQuitRes, error) }
type UploadTeamAvatarArg ¶
type UploadTeamAvatarArg struct { Teamname string `codec:"teamname" json:"teamname"` Filename string `codec:"filename" json:"filename"` Crop *ImageCropRect `codec:"crop,omitempty" json:"crop,omitempty"` SendChatNotification bool `codec:"sendChatNotification" json:"sendChatNotification"` }
type UploadUserAvatarArg ¶
type UploadUserAvatarArg struct { Filename string `codec:"filename" json:"filename"` Crop *ImageCropRect `codec:"crop,omitempty" json:"crop,omitempty"` }
type User ¶
type UserCard ¶
type UserCard struct { Following int `codec:"following" json:"following"` Followers int `codec:"followers" json:"followers"` Uid UID `codec:"uid" json:"uid"` FullName string `codec:"fullName" json:"fullName"` Location string `codec:"location" json:"location"` Bio string `codec:"bio" json:"bio"` Website string `codec:"website" json:"website"` Twitter string `codec:"twitter" json:"twitter"` YouFollowThem bool `codec:"youFollowThem" json:"youFollowThem"` TheyFollowYou bool `codec:"theyFollowYou" json:"theyFollowYou"` TeamShowcase []UserTeamShowcase `codec:"teamShowcase" json:"teamShowcase"` }
type UserChangedArg ¶
type UserChangedArg struct {
Uid UID `codec:"uid" json:"uid"`
type UserClient ¶
type UserClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (UserClient) FindNextMerkleRootAfterReset ¶
func (c UserClient) FindNextMerkleRootAfterReset(ctx context.Context, __arg FindNextMerkleRootAfterResetArg) (res NextMerkleRootRes, err error)
FindNextMerkleRootAfterReset finds the first Merkle root that contains the UID reset at resetSeqno. You should pass it prev, which was the last known Merkle root at the time of the reset. Usually, we'll just turn up the next Merkle root, but not always.
func (UserClient) FindNextMerkleRootAfterRevoke ¶
func (c UserClient) FindNextMerkleRootAfterRevoke(ctx context.Context, __arg FindNextMerkleRootAfterRevokeArg) (res NextMerkleRootRes, err error)
FindNextMerkleRootAfterRevoke finds the first Merkle Root that contains the UID/KID revocation at the given SigChainLocataion. The MerkleRootV2 prev is a hint as to where we'll start our search. Usually it's the next one, but not always
func (UserClient) GetUPAK ¶ added in v1.0.39
func (c UserClient) GetUPAK(ctx context.Context, uid UID) (res UPAKVersioned, err error)
getUPAK returns a UPAK. Used mainly for debugging.
func (UserClient) InterestingPeople ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (c UserClient) InterestingPeople(ctx context.Context, maxUsers int) (res []InterestingPerson, err error)
func (UserClient) ListTrackers ¶
func (c UserClient) ListTrackers(ctx context.Context, __arg ListTrackersArg) (res []Tracker, err error)
func (UserClient) ListTrackers2 ¶
func (c UserClient) ListTrackers2(ctx context.Context, __arg ListTrackers2Arg) (res UserSummary2Set, err error)
func (UserClient) ListTrackersByName ¶
func (c UserClient) ListTrackersByName(ctx context.Context, __arg ListTrackersByNameArg) (res []Tracker, err error)
func (UserClient) ListTrackersSelf ¶
func (UserClient) ListTracking ¶
func (c UserClient) ListTracking(ctx context.Context, __arg ListTrackingArg) (res []UserSummary, err error)
The list-tracking functions get verified data from the tracking statements in the user's sigchain.
If assertion is empty, it will use the current logged in user.
func (UserClient) ListTrackingJSON ¶
func (c UserClient) ListTrackingJSON(ctx context.Context, __arg ListTrackingJSONArg) (res string, err error)
func (UserClient) LoadAllPublicKeysUnverified ¶
func (c UserClient) LoadAllPublicKeysUnverified(ctx context.Context, __arg LoadAllPublicKeysUnverifiedArg) (res []PublicKey, err error)
Load all the user's public keys (even those in reset key families) from the server with no verification
func (UserClient) LoadMyPublicKeys ¶
func (c UserClient) LoadMyPublicKeys(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (res []PublicKey, err error)
Load my public keys (for logged in user).
func (UserClient) LoadMySettings ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (c UserClient) LoadMySettings(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (res UserSettings, err error)
Load user settings (for logged in user).
func (UserClient) LoadPublicKeys ¶
func (c UserClient) LoadPublicKeys(ctx context.Context, __arg LoadPublicKeysArg) (res []PublicKey, err error)
Load public keys for a user.
func (UserClient) LoadUncheckedUserSummaries ¶
func (c UserClient) LoadUncheckedUserSummaries(ctx context.Context, __arg LoadUncheckedUserSummariesArg) (res []UserSummary, err error)
Load user summaries for the supplied uids. They are "unchecked" in that the client is not verifying the info from the server. If len(uids) > 500, the first 500 will be returned.
func (UserClient) LoadUser ¶
func (c UserClient) LoadUser(ctx context.Context, __arg LoadUserArg) (res User, err error)
Load a user from the server.
func (UserClient) LoadUserByName ¶
func (c UserClient) LoadUserByName(ctx context.Context, __arg LoadUserByNameArg) (res User, err error)
func (UserClient) LoadUserPlusKeys ¶
func (c UserClient) LoadUserPlusKeys(ctx context.Context, __arg LoadUserPlusKeysArg) (res UserPlusKeys, err error)
Load a user + device keys from the server.
func (UserClient) LoadUserPlusKeysV2 ¶ added in v1.0.46
func (c UserClient) LoadUserPlusKeysV2(ctx context.Context, __arg LoadUserPlusKeysV2Arg) (res UserPlusKeysV2AllIncarnations, err error)
func (UserClient) MeUserVersion ¶ added in v1.0.34
func (c UserClient) MeUserVersion(ctx context.Context, __arg MeUserVersionArg) (res UserVersion, err error)
func (UserClient) ProfileEdit ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (c UserClient) ProfileEdit(ctx context.Context, __arg ProfileEditArg) (err error)
func (UserClient) Search ¶
func (c UserClient) Search(ctx context.Context, __arg SearchArg) (res []SearchResult, err error)
Search for users who match a given query.
func (UserClient) UploadUserAvatar ¶
func (c UserClient) UploadUserAvatar(ctx context.Context, __arg UploadUserAvatarArg) (err error)
type UserEk ¶ added in v1.0.46
type UserEk struct { Seed Bytes32 `codec:"seed" json:"seed"` Metadata UserEkMetadata `codec:"metadata" json:"metadata"` }
type UserEkBoxMetadata ¶ added in v1.0.47
type UserEkBoxMetadata struct { Box string `codec:"box" json:"box"` RecipientGeneration EkGeneration `codec:"recipientGeneration" json:"recipient_generation"` RecipientDeviceID DeviceID `codec:"recipientDeviceID" json:"recipient_device_id"` }
func (UserEkBoxMetadata) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.47
func (o UserEkBoxMetadata) DeepCopy() UserEkBoxMetadata
type UserEkBoxed ¶ added in v1.0.46
type UserEkBoxed struct { Box string `codec:"box" json:"box"` DeviceEkGeneration EkGeneration `codec:"deviceEkGeneration" json:"device_ek_generation"` Metadata UserEkMetadata `codec:"metadata" json:"metadata"` }
func (UserEkBoxed) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.46
func (o UserEkBoxed) DeepCopy() UserEkBoxed
type UserEkMetadata ¶ added in v1.0.46
type UserEkMetadata struct { Kid KID `codec:"kid" json:"user_ephemeral_dh_public"` HashMeta HashMeta `codec:"hashMeta" json:"hash_meta"` Generation EkGeneration `codec:"generation" json:"generation"` Ctime Time `codec:"ctime" json:"ctime"` }
func (UserEkMetadata) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.46
func (o UserEkMetadata) DeepCopy() UserEkMetadata
type UserEkStatement ¶ added in v1.0.46
type UserEkStatement struct { CurrentUserEkMetadata UserEkMetadata `codec:"currentUserEkMetadata" json:"current_user_ek_metadata"` ExistingUserEkMetadata []UserEkMetadata `codec:"existingUserEkMetadata" json:"existing_user_ek_metadata"` }
func (UserEkStatement) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.46
func (o UserEkStatement) DeepCopy() UserEkStatement
type UserInterface ¶
type UserInterface interface { ListTrackers(context.Context, ListTrackersArg) ([]Tracker, error) ListTrackersByName(context.Context, ListTrackersByNameArg) ([]Tracker, error) ListTrackersSelf(context.Context, int) ([]Tracker, error) // Load user summaries for the supplied uids. // They are "unchecked" in that the client is not verifying the info from the server. // If len(uids) > 500, the first 500 will be returned. LoadUncheckedUserSummaries(context.Context, LoadUncheckedUserSummariesArg) ([]UserSummary, error) // Load a user from the server. LoadUser(context.Context, LoadUserArg) (User, error) LoadUserByName(context.Context, LoadUserByNameArg) (User, error) // Load a user + device keys from the server. LoadUserPlusKeys(context.Context, LoadUserPlusKeysArg) (UserPlusKeys, error) LoadUserPlusKeysV2(context.Context, LoadUserPlusKeysV2Arg) (UserPlusKeysV2AllIncarnations, error) // Load public keys for a user. LoadPublicKeys(context.Context, LoadPublicKeysArg) ([]PublicKey, error) // Load my public keys (for logged in user). LoadMyPublicKeys(context.Context, int) ([]PublicKey, error) // Load user settings (for logged in user). LoadMySettings(context.Context, int) (UserSettings, error) // The list-tracking functions get verified data from the tracking statements // in the user's sigchain. // // If assertion is empty, it will use the current logged in user. ListTracking(context.Context, ListTrackingArg) ([]UserSummary, error) ListTrackingJSON(context.Context, ListTrackingJSONArg) (string, error) // Search for users who match a given query. Search(context.Context, SearchArg) ([]SearchResult, error) // Load all the user's public keys (even those in reset key families) // from the server with no verification LoadAllPublicKeysUnverified(context.Context, LoadAllPublicKeysUnverifiedArg) ([]PublicKey, error) ListTrackers2(context.Context, ListTrackers2Arg) (UserSummary2Set, error) ProfileEdit(context.Context, ProfileEditArg) error InterestingPeople(context.Context, int) ([]InterestingPerson, error) MeUserVersion(context.Context, MeUserVersionArg) (UserVersion, error) // getUPAK returns a UPAK. Used mainly for debugging. GetUPAK(context.Context, UID) (UPAKVersioned, error) UploadUserAvatar(context.Context, UploadUserAvatarArg) error // FindNextMerkleRootAfterRevoke finds the first Merkle Root that contains the UID/KID // revocation at the given SigChainLocataion. The MerkleRootV2 prev is a hint as to where // we'll start our search. Usually it's the next one, but not always FindNextMerkleRootAfterRevoke(context.Context, FindNextMerkleRootAfterRevokeArg) (NextMerkleRootRes, error) // FindNextMerkleRootAfterReset finds the first Merkle root that contains the UID reset // at resetSeqno. You should pass it prev, which was the last known Merkle root at the time of // the reset. Usually, we'll just turn up the next Merkle root, but not always. FindNextMerkleRootAfterReset(context.Context, FindNextMerkleRootAfterResetArg) (NextMerkleRootRes, error) }
type UserLogPoint ¶ added in v1.0.27
type UserLogPoint struct { Role TeamRole `codec:"role" json:"role"` SigMeta SignatureMetadata `codec:"sigMeta" json:"sigMeta"` }
func (UserLogPoint) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o UserLogPoint) DeepCopy() UserLogPoint
type UserOrTeamID ¶ added in v1.0.27
type UserOrTeamID string
func (UserOrTeamID) AsTeam ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (ut UserOrTeamID) AsTeam() (TeamID, error)
func (UserOrTeamID) AsTeamOrBust ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (ut UserOrTeamID) AsTeamOrBust() TeamID
func (UserOrTeamID) AsUser ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (ut UserOrTeamID) AsUser() (UID, error)
func (UserOrTeamID) AsUserOrBust ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (ut UserOrTeamID) AsUserOrBust() UID
func (UserOrTeamID) Compare ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (ut UserOrTeamID) Compare(ut2 UserOrTeamID) int
func (UserOrTeamID) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o UserOrTeamID) DeepCopy() UserOrTeamID
func (UserOrTeamID) Equal ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (ut UserOrTeamID) Equal(v UserOrTeamID) bool
func (UserOrTeamID) Exists ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (ut UserOrTeamID) Exists() bool
func (UserOrTeamID) GetShard ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (ut UserOrTeamID) GetShard(shardCount int) (int, error)
-first four bits (in Little Endian) of UserOrTeamID are independent and uniformly distributed -UserOrTeamID must have an even number of bits, or this will always return 0
Returns a number in [0, shardCount) which can be treated as roughly uniformly distributed. Used for things that need to shard by user.
func (UserOrTeamID) IsNil ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (ut UserOrTeamID) IsNil() bool
func (UserOrTeamID) IsPublic ¶ added in v1.0.39
func (ut UserOrTeamID) IsPublic() bool
func (UserOrTeamID) IsSubteam ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (ut UserOrTeamID) IsSubteam() bool
func (UserOrTeamID) IsTeam ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (ut UserOrTeamID) IsTeam() bool
func (UserOrTeamID) IsTeamOrSubteam ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (ut UserOrTeamID) IsTeamOrSubteam() bool
func (UserOrTeamID) IsUser ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (ut UserOrTeamID) IsUser() bool
func (UserOrTeamID) IsValidID ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (ut UserOrTeamID) IsValidID() bool
func (UserOrTeamID) Less ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (ut UserOrTeamID) Less(v UserOrTeamID) bool
func (UserOrTeamID) NotEqual ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (ut UserOrTeamID) NotEqual(v UserOrTeamID) bool
func (UserOrTeamID) Size ¶ added in v1.0.34
func (ut UserOrTeamID) Size() int
Size implements the cache.Measurable interface.
func (UserOrTeamID) String ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (ut UserOrTeamID) String() string
func (UserOrTeamID) ToBytes ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (ut UserOrTeamID) ToBytes() []byte
type UserOrTeamLite ¶ added in v1.0.27
type UserOrTeamLite struct { Id UserOrTeamID `codec:"id" json:"id"` Name string `codec:"name" json:"name"` }
func (UserOrTeamLite) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o UserOrTeamLite) DeepCopy() UserOrTeamLite
type UserOrTeamResult ¶ added in v1.0.27
type UserOrTeamResult int
const ( UserOrTeamResult_USER UserOrTeamResult = 1 UserOrTeamResult_TEAM UserOrTeamResult = 2 )
func (UserOrTeamResult) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o UserOrTeamResult) DeepCopy() UserOrTeamResult
func (UserOrTeamResult) String ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (e UserOrTeamResult) String() string
type UserPlusAllKeys ¶ added in v1.0.19
type UserPlusAllKeys struct { Base UserPlusKeys `codec:"base" json:"base"` PGPKeys []PublicKey `codec:"pgpKeys" json:"pgpKeys"` RemoteTracks []RemoteTrack `codec:"remoteTracks" json:"remoteTracks"` }
func UPAKFromUPKV2AI ¶ added in v1.0.27
func UPAKFromUPKV2AI(uV2 UserPlusKeysV2AllIncarnations) UserPlusAllKeys
UPKV2 should supersede UPAK eventually, but lots of older code requires UPAK. This is a simple converter function.
func (UserPlusAllKeys) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (o UserPlusAllKeys) DeepCopy() UserPlusAllKeys
func (UserPlusAllKeys) Export ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (u UserPlusAllKeys) Export() *User
func (UserPlusAllKeys) FindDevice ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (u UserPlusAllKeys) FindDevice(d DeviceID) *PublicKey
func (UserPlusAllKeys) GetDeviceID ¶ added in v1.0.22
func (u UserPlusAllKeys) GetDeviceID(kid KID) (ret DeviceID, err error)
func (UserPlusAllKeys) GetName ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (u UserPlusAllKeys) GetName() string
func (UserPlusAllKeys) GetRemoteTrack ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (u UserPlusAllKeys) GetRemoteTrack(s string) *RemoteTrack
func (UserPlusAllKeys) GetStatus ¶ added in v1.0.31
func (u UserPlusAllKeys) GetStatus() StatusCode
func (UserPlusAllKeys) GetUID ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (u UserPlusAllKeys) GetUID() UID
func (UserPlusAllKeys) IsOlderThan ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (u UserPlusAllKeys) IsOlderThan(v UserPlusAllKeys) bool
IsOlderThan returns true if any of the versions of u are older than v
type UserPlusKeys ¶
type UserPlusKeys struct { Uid UID `codec:"uid" json:"uid"` Username string `codec:"username" json:"username"` EldestSeqno Seqno `codec:"eldestSeqno" json:"eldestSeqno"` Status StatusCode `codec:"status" json:"status"` DeviceKeys []PublicKey `codec:"deviceKeys" json:"deviceKeys"` RevokedDeviceKeys []RevokedKey `codec:"revokedDeviceKeys" json:"revokedDeviceKeys"` PGPKeyCount int `codec:"pgpKeyCount" json:"pgpKeyCount"` Uvv UserVersionVector `codec:"uvv" json:"uvv"` DeletedDeviceKeys []PublicKey `codec:"deletedDeviceKeys" json:"deletedDeviceKeys"` PerUserKeys []PerUserKey `codec:"perUserKeys" json:"perUserKeys"` Resets []ResetSummary `codec:"resets" json:"resets"` }
func (UserPlusKeys) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (o UserPlusKeys) DeepCopy() UserPlusKeys
func (UserPlusKeys) FindKID ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (u UserPlusKeys) FindKID(needle KID) *PublicKey
func (UserPlusKeys) GetName ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (u UserPlusKeys) GetName() string
func (UserPlusKeys) GetStatus ¶ added in v1.0.31
func (u UserPlusKeys) GetStatus() StatusCode
func (UserPlusKeys) GetUID ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (u UserPlusKeys) GetUID() UID
func (UserPlusKeys) ToUserVersion ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (u UserPlusKeys) ToUserVersion() UserVersion
type UserPlusKeysV2 ¶ added in v1.0.27
type UserPlusKeysV2 struct { Uid UID `codec:"uid" json:"uid"` Username string `codec:"username" json:"username"` EldestSeqno Seqno `codec:"eldestSeqno" json:"eldestSeqno"` Status StatusCode `codec:"status" json:"status"` PerUserKeys []PerUserKey `codec:"perUserKeys" json:"perUserKeys"` DeviceKeys map[KID]PublicKeyV2NaCl `codec:"deviceKeys" json:"deviceKeys"` PGPKeys map[KID]PublicKeyV2PGPSummary `codec:"pgpKeys" json:"pgpKeys"` RemoteTracks map[UID]RemoteTrack `codec:"remoteTracks" json:"remoteTracks"` Reset *ResetSummary `codec:"reset,omitempty" json:"reset,omitempty"` }
func (UserPlusKeysV2) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o UserPlusKeysV2) DeepCopy() UserPlusKeysV2
func (UserPlusKeysV2) FindDeviceKey ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (u UserPlusKeysV2) FindDeviceKey(needle KID) *PublicKeyV2NaCl
func (UserPlusKeysV2) FindEncryptionDeviceKeyFromSigningKID ¶
func (u UserPlusKeysV2) FindEncryptionDeviceKeyFromSigningKID(parent KID) *PublicKeyV2NaCl
func (UserPlusKeysV2) FindEncryptionKIDFromDeviceID ¶
func (u UserPlusKeysV2) FindEncryptionKIDFromDeviceID(deviceID DeviceID) KID
func (UserPlusKeysV2) FindEncryptionKIDFromSigningKID ¶
func (u UserPlusKeysV2) FindEncryptionKIDFromSigningKID(parent KID) KID
func (UserPlusKeysV2) FindSigningDeviceKID ¶ added in v1.0.48
func (u UserPlusKeysV2) FindSigningDeviceKID(d DeviceID) (KID, string)
func (UserPlusKeysV2) FindSigningDeviceKey ¶ added in v1.0.48
func (u UserPlusKeysV2) FindSigningDeviceKey(d DeviceID) *PublicKeyV2NaCl
func (UserPlusKeysV2) GetLatestPerUserKey ¶ added in v1.0.29
func (u UserPlusKeysV2) GetLatestPerUserKey() *PerUserKey
Can return nil.
func (UserPlusKeysV2) GetName ¶ added in v1.0.48
func (u UserPlusKeysV2) GetName() string
func (UserPlusKeysV2) GetPerUserKeyByGen ¶ added in v1.0.48
func (u UserPlusKeysV2) GetPerUserKeyByGen(gen PerUserKeyGeneration) *PerUserKey
Can return nil.
func (UserPlusKeysV2) GetUID ¶ added in v1.0.48
func (u UserPlusKeysV2) GetUID() UID
func (UserPlusKeysV2) ToUserVersion ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (u UserPlusKeysV2) ToUserVersion() UserVersion
type UserPlusKeysV2AllIncarnations ¶ added in v1.0.27
type UserPlusKeysV2AllIncarnations struct { Current UserPlusKeysV2 `codec:"current" json:"current"` PastIncarnations []UserPlusKeysV2 `codec:"pastIncarnations" json:"pastIncarnations"` Uvv UserVersionVector `codec:"uvv" json:"uvv"` SeqnoLinkIDs map[Seqno]LinkID `codec:"seqnoLinkIDs" json:"seqnoLinkIDs"` MinorVersion UPK2MinorVersion `codec:"minorVersion" json:"minorVersion"` }
func (UserPlusKeysV2AllIncarnations) AllDeviceNames ¶ added in v1.0.34
func (u UserPlusKeysV2AllIncarnations) AllDeviceNames() []string
func (UserPlusKeysV2AllIncarnations) AllIncarnations ¶
func (u UserPlusKeysV2AllIncarnations) AllIncarnations() (ret []UserPlusKeysV2)
func (UserPlusKeysV2AllIncarnations) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o UserPlusKeysV2AllIncarnations) DeepCopy() UserPlusKeysV2AllIncarnations
func (UserPlusKeysV2AllIncarnations) FindDevice ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (u UserPlusKeysV2AllIncarnations) FindDevice(d DeviceID) *PublicKeyV2NaCl
func (UserPlusKeysV2AllIncarnations) FindKID ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (u UserPlusKeysV2AllIncarnations) FindKID(kid KID) (*UserPlusKeysV2, *PublicKeyV2NaCl)
FindKID finds the Key and user incarnation that most recently used this KID. It is possible for users to use the same KID across incarnations (though definitely not condoned or encouraged). In that case, we'll give the most recent use.
func (UserPlusKeysV2AllIncarnations) HasKID ¶ added in v1.0.46
func (u UserPlusKeysV2AllIncarnations) HasKID(kid KID) bool
HasKID returns true if u has the given KID in any of its incarnations. Useful for deciding if we should repoll a stale UPAK in the UPAK loader.
func (UserPlusKeysV2AllIncarnations) IsOlderThan ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (u UserPlusKeysV2AllIncarnations) IsOlderThan(v UserPlusKeysV2AllIncarnations) bool
IsOlderThan returns true if any of the versions of u are older than v
type UserResolution ¶
type UserResolution struct { Assertion SocialAssertion `codec:"assertion" json:"assertion"` UserID UID `codec:"userID" json:"userID"` }
UserResolution maps how an unresolved user assertion has been resolved.
func (UserResolution) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o UserResolution) DeepCopy() UserResolution
type UserSettings ¶ added in v1.0.19
type UserSettings struct {
Emails []Email `codec:"emails" json:"emails"`
func (UserSettings) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o UserSettings) DeepCopy() UserSettings
type UserSummary ¶
type UserSummary struct { Uid UID `codec:"uid" json:"uid"` Username string `codec:"username" json:"username"` Thumbnail string `codec:"thumbnail" json:"thumbnail"` IdVersion int `codec:"idVersion" json:"idVersion"` FullName string `codec:"fullName" json:"fullName"` Bio string `codec:"bio" json:"bio"` Proofs Proofs `codec:"proofs" json:"proofs"` SigIDDisplay string `codec:"sigIDDisplay" json:"sigIDDisplay"` TrackTime Time `codec:"trackTime" json:"trackTime"` }
func (UserSummary) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o UserSummary) DeepCopy() UserSummary
type UserSummary2 ¶
type UserSummary2 struct { Uid UID `codec:"uid" json:"uid"` Username string `codec:"username" json:"username"` Thumbnail string `codec:"thumbnail" json:"thumbnail"` FullName string `codec:"fullName" json:"fullName"` IsFollower bool `codec:"isFollower" json:"isFollower"` IsFollowee bool `codec:"isFollowee" json:"isFollowee"` }
func (UserSummary2) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o UserSummary2) DeepCopy() UserSummary2
type UserSummary2Set ¶
type UserSummary2Set struct { Users []UserSummary2 `codec:"users" json:"users"` Time Time `codec:"time" json:"time"` Version int `codec:"version" json:"version"` }
func (UserSummary2Set) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o UserSummary2Set) DeepCopy() UserSummary2Set
type UserTeamShowcase ¶ added in v1.0.34
type UserTeamShowcase struct { FqName string `codec:"fqName" json:"fq_name"` Open bool `codec:"open" json:"open"` TeamIsShowcased bool `codec:"teamIsShowcased" json:"team_is_showcased"` Description string `codec:"description" json:"description"` Role TeamRole `codec:"role" json:"role"` PublicAdmins []string `codec:"publicAdmins" json:"public_admins"` NumMembers int `codec:"numMembers" json:"num_members"` }
func (UserTeamShowcase) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.34
func (o UserTeamShowcase) DeepCopy() UserTeamShowcase
type UserVersion ¶ added in v1.0.27
type UserVersion struct { Uid UID `codec:"uid" json:"uid"` EldestSeqno Seqno `codec:"eldestSeqno" json:"eldestSeqno"` }
func NewUserVersion ¶ added in v1.0.48
func NewUserVersion(uid UID, eldestSeqno Seqno) UserVersion
func ParseUserVersion ¶ added in v1.0.30
func ParseUserVersion(s UserVersionPercentForm) (res UserVersion, err error)
func (UserVersion) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o UserVersion) DeepCopy() UserVersion
func (UserVersion) Eq ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (u UserVersion) Eq(v UserVersion) bool
func (UserVersion) IsNil ¶ added in v1.0.34
func (u UserVersion) IsNil() bool
func (UserVersion) PercentForm ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (u UserVersion) PercentForm() UserVersionPercentForm
func (UserVersion) String ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (u UserVersion) String() string
func (UserVersion) TeamInviteName ¶ added in v1.0.30
func (u UserVersion) TeamInviteName() TeamInviteName
type UserVersionPercentForm ¶ added in v1.0.30
type UserVersionPercentForm string
func (UserVersionPercentForm) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.30
func (o UserVersionPercentForm) DeepCopy() UserVersionPercentForm
func (UserVersionPercentForm) String ¶ added in v1.0.30
func (u UserVersionPercentForm) String() string
type UserVersionVector ¶
type UserVersionVector struct { Id int64 `codec:"id" json:"id"` SigHints int `codec:"sigHints" json:"sigHints"` SigChain int64 `codec:"sigChain" json:"sigChain"` CachedAt Time `codec:"cachedAt" json:"cachedAt"` }
func (UserVersionVector) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o UserVersionVector) DeepCopy() UserVersionVector
func (UserVersionVector) Equal ¶ added in v1.0.19
func (u UserVersionVector) Equal(u2 UserVersionVector) bool
type VerifyMerkleRootAndKBFSArg ¶
type VerifyMerkleRootAndKBFSArg struct { Root MerkleRootV2 `codec:"root" json:"root"` ExpectedKBFSRoot KBFSRoot `codec:"expectedKBFSRoot" json:"expectedKBFSRoot"` }
type VerifySessionArg ¶
type VerifySessionArg struct {
Session string `codec:"session" json:"session"`
type VerifySessionRes ¶
type VerifySessionRes struct { Uid UID `codec:"uid" json:"uid"` Sid string `codec:"sid" json:"sid"` Generated int `codec:"generated" json:"generated"` Lifetime int `codec:"lifetime" json:"lifetime"` }
func (VerifySessionRes) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.27
func (o VerifySessionRes) DeepCopy() VerifySessionRes
type WaitForClientArg ¶ added in v1.0.19
type WaitForClientArg struct { ClientType ClientType `codec:"clientType" json:"clientType"` Timeout DurationSec `codec:"timeout" json:"timeout"` }
type WantToAddGPGKeyArg ¶
type WantToAddGPGKeyArg struct {
SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"`
type WebProof ¶
Source Files
- account.go
- apiserver.go
- appstate.go
- avatars.go
- backend_common.go
- badger.go
- block.go
- btc.go
- common.go
- config.go
- constants.go
- crypto.go
- cryptocurrency.go
- ctl.go
- debugging.go
- delegate_ui_ctl.go
- device.go
- ephemeral.go
- extras.go
- favorite.go
- fs.go
- git.go
- gpg_common.go
- gpg_ui.go
- gregor.go
- gregor_ui.go
- home.go
- home_ui.go
- identify.go
- identify_common.go
- identify_ui.go
- implicit_team_migration.go
- install.go
- kbfs.go
- kbfs_common.go
- kbfs_git.go
- kbfsmount.go
- kex2provisionee.go
- kex2provisionee2.go
- kex2provisioner.go
- log.go
- log_ui.go
- login.go
- login_ui.go
- logsend.go
- merkle.go
- metadata.go
- metadata_update.go
- notify_app.go
- notify_badges.go
- notify_ctl.go
- notify_ephemeral.go
- notify_favorites.go
- notify_fs.go
- notify_fs_request.go
- notify_keyfamily.go
- notify_paperkey.go
- notify_pgp.go
- notify_service.go
- notify_session.go
- notify_team.go
- notify_tracking.go
- notify_users.go
- paperprovision.go
- passphrase_common.go
- pgp.go
- pgp_ui.go
- pprof.go
- process.go
- prove.go
- prove_common.go
- prove_ui.go
- provision_ui.go
- quota.go
- reachability.go
- rekey.go
- rekey_ui.go
- reset.go
- revoke.go
- saltpack.go
- saltpack_ui.go
- scanproofs.go
- secret_ui.go
- secretkeys.go
- session.go
- signup.go
- sigs.go
- simple_fs.go
- stream_ui.go
- teams.go
- teams_ui.go
- test.go
- tlf.go
- tlf_keys.go
- track.go
- ui.go
- update.go
- update_common.go
- update_ui.go
- upk.go
- user.go