Index ¶
- Variables
- func GetCommands(cl *libcmdline.CommandLine, g *libkb.GlobalContext) []cli.Command
- func NewCmdService(cl *libcmdline.CommandLine, g *libkb.GlobalContext) cli.Command
- type AccountHandler
- type BTCHandler
- type BadTrackSessionError
- type BaseHandler
- type ConfigHandler
- func (h ConfigHandler) GetConfig(_ context.Context, sessionID int) (keybase1.Config, error)
- func (h ConfigHandler) GetCurrentStatus(_ context.Context, sessionID int) (res keybase1.GetCurrentStatusRes, err error)
- func (h ConfigHandler) GetExtendedStatus(_ context.Context, sessionID int) (res keybase1.ExtendedStatus, err error)
- func (h ConfigHandler) HelloIAm(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.ClientDetails) error
- func (h ConfigHandler) SetPath(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.SetPathArg) error
- func (h ConfigHandler) SetUserConfig(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.SetUserConfigArg) (err error)
- type CryptoHandler
- func (c *CryptoHandler) SignED25519(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.SignED25519Arg) (keybase1.ED25519SignatureInfo, error)
- func (c *CryptoHandler) SignToString(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.SignToStringArg) (string, error)
- func (c *CryptoHandler) UnboxBytes32(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.UnboxBytes32Arg) (keybase1.Bytes32, error)
- func (c *CryptoHandler) UnboxBytes32Any(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.UnboxBytes32AnyArg) (keybase1.UnboxAnyRes, error)
- type CtlHandler
- type DebuggingHandler
- func (t DebuggingHandler) FirstStep(ctx context.Context, arg keybase1.FirstStepArg) (result keybase1.FirstStepResult, err error)
- func (t DebuggingHandler) Increment(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.IncrementArg) (val int, err error)
- func (t DebuggingHandler) SecondStep(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.SecondStepArg) (val int, err error)
- type DelegateUICtlHandler
- type DeviceHandler
- type FavoriteHandler
- type IdentifyHandler
- func (h *IdentifyHandler) Identify(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.IdentifyArg) (keybase1.IdentifyRes, error)
- func (h *IdentifyHandler) Identify2(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.Identify2Arg) (res keybase1.Identify2Res, err error)
- func (h *IdentifyHandler) Resolve(_ context.Context, arg string) (keybase1.UID, error)
- func (h *IdentifyHandler) Resolve2(_ context.Context, arg string) (u keybase1.User, err error)
- type KBFSHandler
- type LogHandler
- type LogUI
- func (l *LogUI) Critical(format string, args ...interface{})
- func (l *LogUI) Debug(format string, args ...interface{})
- func (l *LogUI) Errorf(format string, args ...interface{})
- func (l *LogUI) Info(format string, args ...interface{})
- func (l *LogUI) Log(level keybase1.LogLevel, format string, args []interface{})
- func (l *LogUI) Notice(format string, args ...interface{})
- func (l *LogUI) Warning(format string, args ...interface{})
- type LoginHandler
- func (h *LoginHandler) ClearStoredSecret(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.ClearStoredSecretArg) error
- func (h *LoginHandler) Deprovision(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.DeprovisionArg) error
- func (h *LoginHandler) GetConfiguredAccounts(_ context.Context, sessionID int) ([]keybase1.ConfiguredAccount, error)
- func (h *LoginHandler) Login(ctx context.Context, arg keybase1.LoginArg) error
- func (h *LoginHandler) Logout(_ context.Context, sessionID int) error
- func (h *LoginHandler) PaperKey(_ context.Context, sessionID int) error
- func (h *LoginHandler) RecoverAccountFromEmailAddress(_ context.Context, email string) error
- func (h *LoginHandler) Unlock(_ context.Context, sessionID int) error
- func (h *LoginHandler) UnlockWithPassphrase(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.UnlockWithPassphraseArg) error
- type LoginUI
- func (u *LoginUI) DisplayPaperKeyPhrase(ctx context.Context, arg keybase1.DisplayPaperKeyPhraseArg) error
- func (u *LoginUI) DisplayPrimaryPaperKey(ctx context.Context, arg keybase1.DisplayPrimaryPaperKeyArg) error
- func (u *LoginUI) GetEmailOrUsername(ctx context.Context, _ int) (string, error)
- func (u *LoginUI) PromptRevokePaperKeys(ctx context.Context, arg keybase1.PromptRevokePaperKeysArg) (bool, error)
- type NotConnectedError
- type NotifyCtlHandler
- type PGPHandler
- func (h *PGPHandler) PGPDecrypt(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.PGPDecryptArg) (keybase1.PGPSigVerification, error)
- func (h *PGPHandler) PGPDeletePrimary(_ context.Context, sessionID int) (err error)
- func (h *PGPHandler) PGPEncrypt(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.PGPEncryptArg) error
- func (h *PGPHandler) PGPExport(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.PGPExportArg) (ret []keybase1.KeyInfo, err error)
- func (h *PGPHandler) PGPExportByFingerprint(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.PGPExportByFingerprintArg) (ret []keybase1.KeyInfo, err error)
- func (h *PGPHandler) PGPExportByKID(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.PGPExportByKIDArg) (ret []keybase1.KeyInfo, err error)
- func (h *PGPHandler) PGPImport(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.PGPImportArg) error
- func (h *PGPHandler) PGPKeyGen(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.PGPKeyGenArg) error
- func (h *PGPHandler) PGPPull(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.PGPPullArg) error
- func (h *PGPHandler) PGPSelect(_ context.Context, sarg keybase1.PGPSelectArg) error
- func (h *PGPHandler) PGPSign(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.PGPSignArg) (err error)
- func (h *PGPHandler) PGPUpdate(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.PGPUpdateArg) error
- func (h *PGPHandler) PGPVerify(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.PGPVerifyArg) (keybase1.PGPSigVerification, error)
- type ProveHandler
- type RemoteGPGUI
- func (r *RemoteGPGUI) ConfirmDuplicateKeyChosen(ctx context.Context, _ int) (bool, error)
- func (r *RemoteGPGUI) SelectKey(ctx context.Context, arg keybase1.SelectKeyArg) (string, error)
- func (r *RemoteGPGUI) SelectKeyAndPushOption(ctx context.Context, arg keybase1.SelectKeyAndPushOptionArg) (keybase1.SelectKeyRes, error)
- func (r *RemoteGPGUI) Sign(ctx context.Context, arg keybase1.SignArg) (string, error)
- func (r *RemoteGPGUI) WantToAddGPGKey(ctx context.Context, _ int) (bool, error)
- type RemoteIdentifyUI
- func (u *RemoteIdentifyUI) Confirm(io *keybase1.IdentifyOutcome) (keybase1.ConfirmResult, error)
- func (u *RemoteIdentifyUI) DisplayCryptocurrency(c keybase1.Cryptocurrency)
- func (u *RemoteIdentifyUI) DisplayKey(key keybase1.IdentifyKey)
- func (u *RemoteIdentifyUI) DisplayTrackStatement(s string) error
- func (u *RemoteIdentifyUI) DisplayUserCard(card keybase1.UserCard)
- func (u *RemoteIdentifyUI) Finish()
- func (u *RemoteIdentifyUI) FinishSocialProofCheck(p keybase1.RemoteProof, lcr keybase1.LinkCheckResult)
- func (u *RemoteIdentifyUI) FinishWebProofCheck(p keybase1.RemoteProof, lcr keybase1.LinkCheckResult)
- func (u *RemoteIdentifyUI) LaunchNetworkChecks(id *keybase1.Identity, user *keybase1.User)
- func (u *RemoteIdentifyUI) ReportLastTrack(t *keybase1.TrackSummary)
- func (u *RemoteIdentifyUI) ReportTrackToken(token keybase1.TrackToken) error
- func (u *RemoteIdentifyUI) SetStrict(b bool)
- func (u *RemoteIdentifyUI) Start(username string, reason keybase1.IdentifyReason)
- type RemotePgpUI
- type RemoteProvisionUI
- func (u *RemoteProvisionUI) ChooseDeviceType(ctx context.Context, arg keybase1.ChooseDeviceTypeArg) (keybase1.DeviceType, error)
- func (u *RemoteProvisionUI) ChooseProvisioningMethod(ctx context.Context, arg keybase1.ChooseProvisioningMethodArg) (keybase1.ProvisionMethod, error)
- func (u *RemoteProvisionUI) DisplayAndPromptSecret(ctx context.Context, arg keybase1.DisplayAndPromptSecretArg) (keybase1.SecretResponse, error)
- func (u *RemoteProvisionUI) DisplaySecretExchanged(ctx context.Context, _ int) error
- func (u *RemoteProvisionUI) PromptNewDeviceName(ctx context.Context, arg keybase1.PromptNewDeviceNameArg) (string, error)
- func (u *RemoteProvisionUI) ProvisioneeSuccess(ctx context.Context, arg keybase1.ProvisioneeSuccessArg) error
- func (u *RemoteProvisionUI) ProvisionerSuccess(ctx context.Context, arg keybase1.ProvisionerSuccessArg) error
- type RemoteSaltpackUI
- type RevokeHandler
- type SaltpackHandler
- func (h *SaltpackHandler) SaltpackDecrypt(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.SaltpackDecryptArg) (info keybase1.SaltpackEncryptedMessageInfo, err error)
- func (h *SaltpackHandler) SaltpackEncrypt(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.SaltpackEncryptArg) error
- func (h *SaltpackHandler) SaltpackSign(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.SaltpackSignArg) error
- func (h *SaltpackHandler) SaltpackVerify(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.SaltpackVerifyArg) error
- type SecretKeysHandler
- type SecretUI
- type Service
- func (d *Service) ConfigRPCServer() (l net.Listener, err error)
- func (d *Service) GetExclusiveLock() error
- func (d *Service) GetExclusiveLockWithoutAutoUnlock() error
- func (d *Service) GetStartChannel() <-chan struct{}
- func (d *Service) GetUsage() libkb.Usage
- func (d *Service) Handle(c net.Conn)
- func (d *Service) ListenLoop(l net.Listener) (err error)
- func (d *Service) ListenLoopWithStopper(l net.Listener) (exitCode keybase1.ExitCode, err error)
- func (d *Service) OpenSocket() error
- func (d *Service) ParseArgv(ctx *cli.Context) error
- func (d *Service) RegisterProtocols(srv *rpc.Server, xp rpc.Transporter, connID libkb.ConnectionID, ...) error
- func (d *Service) ReleaseLock() error
- func (d *Service) Run() (err error)
- func (d *Service) StartLoopbackServer() error
- func (d *Service) Stop(exitCode keybase1.ExitCode)
- type SessionHandler
- type SignupHandler
- func (h *SignupHandler) CheckUsernameAvailable(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.CheckUsernameAvailableArg) error
- func (h *SignupHandler) InviteRequest(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.InviteRequestArg) (err error)
- func (h *SignupHandler) Signup(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.SignupArg) (res keybase1.SignupRes, err error)
- type SigsHandler
- type TestHandler
- type TrackHandler
- func (h *TrackHandler) CheckTracking(_ context.Context, sessionID int) error
- func (h *TrackHandler) FakeTrackingChanged(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.FakeTrackingChangedArg) error
- func (h *TrackHandler) Track(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.TrackArg) error
- func (h *TrackHandler) TrackWithToken(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.TrackWithTokenArg) error
- func (h *TrackHandler) Untrack(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.UntrackArg) error
- type UIRouter
- type UpdateHandler
- type UpdateUI
- type UserHandler
- func (h *UserHandler) ListTrackers(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.ListTrackersArg) ([]keybase1.Tracker, error)
- func (h *UserHandler) ListTrackersByName(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.ListTrackersByNameArg) ([]keybase1.Tracker, error)
- func (h *UserHandler) ListTrackersSelf(_ context.Context, sessionID int) ([]keybase1.Tracker, error)
- func (h *UserHandler) ListTracking(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.ListTrackingArg) (res []keybase1.UserSummary, err error)
- func (h *UserHandler) ListTrackingJSON(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.ListTrackingJSONArg) (res string, err error)
- func (h *UserHandler) LoadPublicKeys(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.LoadPublicKeysArg) (keys []keybase1.PublicKey, err error)
- func (h *UserHandler) LoadUncheckedUserSummaries(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.LoadUncheckedUserSummariesArg) ([]keybase1.UserSummary, error)
- func (h *UserHandler) LoadUser(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.LoadUserArg) (user keybase1.User, err error)
- func (h *UserHandler) LoadUserPlusKeys(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.LoadUserPlusKeysArg) (keybase1.UserPlusKeys, error)
- func (h *UserHandler) Search(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.SearchArg) (results []keybase1.SearchResult, err error)
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
var ErrNoSession = errors.New("no current session")
Functions ¶
func GetCommands ¶
func GetCommands(cl *libcmdline.CommandLine, g *libkb.GlobalContext) []cli.Command
func NewCmdService ¶
func NewCmdService(cl *libcmdline.CommandLine, g *libkb.GlobalContext) cli.Command
Types ¶
type AccountHandler ¶
type AccountHandler struct { *BaseHandler libkb.Contextified }
func NewAccountHandler ¶
func NewAccountHandler(xp rpc.Transporter, g *libkb.GlobalContext) *AccountHandler
func (*AccountHandler) PassphraseChange ¶
func (h *AccountHandler) PassphraseChange(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.PassphraseChangeArg) error
func (*AccountHandler) PassphrasePrompt ¶
func (h *AccountHandler) PassphrasePrompt(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.PassphrasePromptArg) (keybase1.GetPassphraseRes, error)
type BTCHandler ¶
type BTCHandler struct { *BaseHandler libkb.Contextified }
func NewBTCHandler ¶
func NewBTCHandler(xp rpc.Transporter, g *libkb.GlobalContext) *BTCHandler
func (*BTCHandler) RegisterBTC ¶
func (h *BTCHandler) RegisterBTC(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.RegisterBTCArg) error
BTC creates a BTCEngine and runs it.
type BadTrackSessionError ¶
type BadTrackSessionError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (BadTrackSessionError) Error ¶
func (e BadTrackSessionError) Error() string
func (BadTrackSessionError) ToStatus ¶
func (e BadTrackSessionError) ToStatus() keybase1.Status
type BaseHandler ¶
type BaseHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewBaseHandler ¶
func NewBaseHandler(xp rpc.Transporter) *BaseHandler
func (*BaseHandler) NewRemoteIdentifyUI ¶
func (h *BaseHandler) NewRemoteIdentifyUI(sessionID int, g *libkb.GlobalContext) *RemoteIdentifyUI
func (*BaseHandler) NewRemoteSkipPromptIdentifyUI ¶
func (h *BaseHandler) NewRemoteSkipPromptIdentifyUI(sessionID int, g *libkb.GlobalContext) *RemoteIdentifyUI
type ConfigHandler ¶
type ConfigHandler struct { libkb.Contextified // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewConfigHandler ¶
func NewConfigHandler(xp rpc.Transporter, i libkb.ConnectionID, g *libkb.GlobalContext, svc *Service) *ConfigHandler
func (ConfigHandler) GetCurrentStatus ¶
func (h ConfigHandler) GetCurrentStatus(_ context.Context, sessionID int) (res keybase1.GetCurrentStatusRes, err error)
func (ConfigHandler) GetExtendedStatus ¶
func (h ConfigHandler) GetExtendedStatus(_ context.Context, sessionID int) (res keybase1.ExtendedStatus, err error)
func (ConfigHandler) HelloIAm ¶
func (h ConfigHandler) HelloIAm(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.ClientDetails) error
func (ConfigHandler) SetPath ¶
func (h ConfigHandler) SetPath(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.SetPathArg) error
func (ConfigHandler) SetUserConfig ¶
func (h ConfigHandler) SetUserConfig(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.SetUserConfigArg) (err error)
type CryptoHandler ¶
type CryptoHandler struct {
func NewCryptoHandler ¶
func NewCryptoHandler(g *libkb.GlobalContext) *CryptoHandler
func (*CryptoHandler) SignED25519 ¶
func (c *CryptoHandler) SignED25519(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.SignED25519Arg) (keybase1.ED25519SignatureInfo, error)
func (*CryptoHandler) SignToString ¶
func (c *CryptoHandler) SignToString(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.SignToStringArg) (string, error)
func (*CryptoHandler) UnboxBytes32 ¶
func (c *CryptoHandler) UnboxBytes32(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.UnboxBytes32Arg) (keybase1.Bytes32, error)
func (*CryptoHandler) UnboxBytes32Any ¶
func (c *CryptoHandler) UnboxBytes32Any(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.UnboxBytes32AnyArg) (keybase1.UnboxAnyRes, error)
type CtlHandler ¶
type CtlHandler struct { libkb.Contextified *BaseHandler // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewCtlHandler ¶
func NewCtlHandler(xp rpc.Transporter, v *Service, g *libkb.GlobalContext) *CtlHandler
type DebuggingHandler ¶
type DebuggingHandler struct {
func NewDebuggingHandler ¶
func NewDebuggingHandler(xp rpc.Transporter) *DebuggingHandler
func (DebuggingHandler) FirstStep ¶
func (t DebuggingHandler) FirstStep(ctx context.Context, arg keybase1.FirstStepArg) (result keybase1.FirstStepResult, err error)
func (DebuggingHandler) Increment ¶
func (t DebuggingHandler) Increment(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.IncrementArg) (val int, err error)
func (DebuggingHandler) SecondStep ¶
func (t DebuggingHandler) SecondStep(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.SecondStepArg) (val int, err error)
type DelegateUICtlHandler ¶
type DelegateUICtlHandler struct { libkb.Contextified *BaseHandler // contains filtered or unexported fields }
DelegateUICtlHandler is the RPC handler for notify control messages
func NewDelegateUICtlHandler ¶
func NewDelegateUICtlHandler(xp rpc.Transporter, id libkb.ConnectionID, g *libkb.GlobalContext) *DelegateUICtlHandler
NewDelegateUICtlHandler creates a new handler for setting up notification channels
func (*DelegateUICtlHandler) RegisterIdentifyUI ¶
func (d *DelegateUICtlHandler) RegisterIdentifyUI(_ context.Context) error
func (*DelegateUICtlHandler) RegisterSecretUI ¶
func (d *DelegateUICtlHandler) RegisterSecretUI(_ context.Context) error
func (*DelegateUICtlHandler) RegisterUpdateUI ¶
func (d *DelegateUICtlHandler) RegisterUpdateUI(_ context.Context) error
type DeviceHandler ¶
type DeviceHandler struct { *BaseHandler libkb.Contextified }
DeviceHandler is the RPC handler for the device interface.
func NewDeviceHandler ¶
func NewDeviceHandler(xp rpc.Transporter, g *libkb.GlobalContext) *DeviceHandler
NewDeviceHandler creates a DeviceHandler for the xp transport.
func (*DeviceHandler) DeviceAdd ¶
func (h *DeviceHandler) DeviceAdd(_ context.Context, sessionID int) error
DeviceAdd starts the kex2 device provisioning on the provisioner (device X/C1)
func (*DeviceHandler) DeviceList ¶
DeviceList returns a list of all the devices for a user.
type FavoriteHandler ¶
type FavoriteHandler struct { *BaseHandler libkb.Contextified }
FavoriteHandler implements the keybase1.Favorite protocol
func NewFavoriteHandler ¶
func NewFavoriteHandler(xp rpc.Transporter, g *libkb.GlobalContext) *FavoriteHandler
NewFavoriteHandler creates a FavoriteHandler with the xp protocol.
func (*FavoriteHandler) FavoriteAdd ¶
func (h *FavoriteHandler) FavoriteAdd(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.FavoriteAddArg) error
FavoriteAdd handles the favoriteAdd RPC.
func (*FavoriteHandler) FavoriteDelete ¶
func (h *FavoriteHandler) FavoriteDelete(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.FavoriteDeleteArg) error
FavoriteDelete handles the favoriteDelete RPC.
func (*FavoriteHandler) FavoriteList ¶
FavoriteList handles the favoriteList RPC.
type IdentifyHandler ¶
type IdentifyHandler struct { *BaseHandler libkb.Contextified // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewIdentifyHandler ¶
func NewIdentifyHandler(xp rpc.Transporter, g *libkb.GlobalContext) *IdentifyHandler
func (*IdentifyHandler) Identify ¶
func (h *IdentifyHandler) Identify(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.IdentifyArg) (keybase1.IdentifyRes, error)
func (*IdentifyHandler) Identify2 ¶
func (h *IdentifyHandler) Identify2(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.Identify2Arg) (res keybase1.Identify2Res, err error)
type KBFSHandler ¶
type KBFSHandler struct { *BaseHandler libkb.Contextified }
func NewKBFSHandler ¶
func NewKBFSHandler(xp rpc.Transporter, g *libkb.GlobalContext) *KBFSHandler
func (*KBFSHandler) FSEvent ¶
func (h *KBFSHandler) FSEvent(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.FSNotification) error
type LogHandler ¶
type LogHandler struct { *BaseHandler libkb.Contextified // contains filtered or unexported fields }
LogHandler is the RPC handler for the log interface.
func NewLogHandler ¶
func NewLogHandler(xp rpc.Transporter, logReg *logRegister, g *libkb.GlobalContext) *LogHandler
NewLogHandler creates a LogHandler for the xp transport.
func (*LogHandler) RegisterLogger ¶
func (h *LogHandler) RegisterLogger(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.RegisterLoggerArg) (err error)
type LoginHandler ¶
type LoginHandler struct { libkb.Contextified *BaseHandler // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewLoginHandler ¶
func NewLoginHandler(xp rpc.Transporter, g *libkb.GlobalContext) *LoginHandler
func (*LoginHandler) ClearStoredSecret ¶
func (h *LoginHandler) ClearStoredSecret(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.ClearStoredSecretArg) error
func (*LoginHandler) Deprovision ¶
func (h *LoginHandler) Deprovision(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.DeprovisionArg) error
func (*LoginHandler) GetConfiguredAccounts ¶
func (h *LoginHandler) GetConfiguredAccounts(_ context.Context, sessionID int) ([]keybase1.ConfiguredAccount, error)
func (*LoginHandler) PaperKey ¶
func (h *LoginHandler) PaperKey(_ context.Context, sessionID int) error
func (*LoginHandler) RecoverAccountFromEmailAddress ¶
func (h *LoginHandler) RecoverAccountFromEmailAddress(_ context.Context, email string) error
func (*LoginHandler) UnlockWithPassphrase ¶
func (h *LoginHandler) UnlockWithPassphrase(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.UnlockWithPassphraseArg) error
type LoginUI ¶
type LoginUI struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*LoginUI) DisplayPaperKeyPhrase ¶
func (*LoginUI) DisplayPrimaryPaperKey ¶
func (*LoginUI) GetEmailOrUsername ¶
func (*LoginUI) PromptRevokePaperKeys ¶
type NotConnectedError ¶
type NotConnectedError struct{}
func (NotConnectedError) Error ¶
func (e NotConnectedError) Error() string
type NotifyCtlHandler ¶
type NotifyCtlHandler struct { libkb.Contextified *BaseHandler // contains filtered or unexported fields }
NotifyCtlHandler is the RPC handler for notify control messages
func NewNotifyCtlHandler ¶
func NewNotifyCtlHandler(xp rpc.Transporter, id libkb.ConnectionID, g *libkb.GlobalContext) *NotifyCtlHandler
NewNotifyCtlHandler creates a new handler for setting up notification channels
func (*NotifyCtlHandler) SetNotifications ¶
func (h *NotifyCtlHandler) SetNotifications(_ context.Context, n keybase1.NotificationChannels) error
type PGPHandler ¶
type PGPHandler struct { *BaseHandler libkb.Contextified }
func NewPGPHandler ¶
func NewPGPHandler(xp rpc.Transporter, g *libkb.GlobalContext) *PGPHandler
func (*PGPHandler) PGPDecrypt ¶
func (h *PGPHandler) PGPDecrypt(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.PGPDecryptArg) (keybase1.PGPSigVerification, error)
func (*PGPHandler) PGPDeletePrimary ¶
func (h *PGPHandler) PGPDeletePrimary(_ context.Context, sessionID int) (err error)
func (*PGPHandler) PGPEncrypt ¶
func (h *PGPHandler) PGPEncrypt(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.PGPEncryptArg) error
func (*PGPHandler) PGPExport ¶
func (h *PGPHandler) PGPExport(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.PGPExportArg) (ret []keybase1.KeyInfo, err error)
func (*PGPHandler) PGPExportByFingerprint ¶
func (h *PGPHandler) PGPExportByFingerprint(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.PGPExportByFingerprintArg) (ret []keybase1.KeyInfo, err error)
func (*PGPHandler) PGPExportByKID ¶
func (h *PGPHandler) PGPExportByKID(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.PGPExportByKIDArg) (ret []keybase1.KeyInfo, err error)
func (*PGPHandler) PGPImport ¶
func (h *PGPHandler) PGPImport(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.PGPImportArg) error
func (*PGPHandler) PGPKeyGen ¶
func (h *PGPHandler) PGPKeyGen(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.PGPKeyGenArg) error
func (*PGPHandler) PGPPull ¶
func (h *PGPHandler) PGPPull(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.PGPPullArg) error
func (*PGPHandler) PGPSelect ¶
func (h *PGPHandler) PGPSelect(_ context.Context, sarg keybase1.PGPSelectArg) error
func (*PGPHandler) PGPSign ¶
func (h *PGPHandler) PGPSign(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.PGPSignArg) (err error)
func (*PGPHandler) PGPUpdate ¶
func (h *PGPHandler) PGPUpdate(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.PGPUpdateArg) error
func (*PGPHandler) PGPVerify ¶
func (h *PGPHandler) PGPVerify(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.PGPVerifyArg) (keybase1.PGPSigVerification, error)
type ProveHandler ¶
type ProveHandler struct { *BaseHandler libkb.Contextified }
ProveHandler is the service side of proving ownership of social media accounts like Twitter and Github.
func NewProveHandler ¶
func NewProveHandler(xp rpc.Transporter, g *libkb.GlobalContext) *ProveHandler
NewProveHandler makes a new ProveHandler object from an RPC transport.
func (*ProveHandler) CheckProof ¶
func (ph *ProveHandler) CheckProof(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.CheckProofArg) (res keybase1.CheckProofStatus, err error)
func (*ProveHandler) StartProof ¶
func (ph *ProveHandler) StartProof(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.StartProofArg) (res keybase1.StartProofResult, err error)
Prove handles the `keybase.1.startProof` RPC.
type RemoteGPGUI ¶
type RemoteGPGUI struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewRemoteGPGUI ¶
func NewRemoteGPGUI(sessionID int, c *rpc.Client) *RemoteGPGUI
func (*RemoteGPGUI) ConfirmDuplicateKeyChosen ¶
func (*RemoteGPGUI) SelectKey ¶
func (r *RemoteGPGUI) SelectKey(ctx context.Context, arg keybase1.SelectKeyArg) (string, error)
func (*RemoteGPGUI) SelectKeyAndPushOption ¶
func (r *RemoteGPGUI) SelectKeyAndPushOption(ctx context.Context, arg keybase1.SelectKeyAndPushOptionArg) (keybase1.SelectKeyRes, error)
func (*RemoteGPGUI) WantToAddGPGKey ¶
type RemoteIdentifyUI ¶
type RemoteIdentifyUI struct { libkb.Contextified // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*RemoteIdentifyUI) Confirm ¶
func (u *RemoteIdentifyUI) Confirm(io *keybase1.IdentifyOutcome) (keybase1.ConfirmResult, error)
func (*RemoteIdentifyUI) DisplayCryptocurrency ¶
func (u *RemoteIdentifyUI) DisplayCryptocurrency(c keybase1.Cryptocurrency)
func (*RemoteIdentifyUI) DisplayKey ¶
func (u *RemoteIdentifyUI) DisplayKey(key keybase1.IdentifyKey)
func (*RemoteIdentifyUI) DisplayTrackStatement ¶
func (u *RemoteIdentifyUI) DisplayTrackStatement(s string) error
func (*RemoteIdentifyUI) DisplayUserCard ¶
func (u *RemoteIdentifyUI) DisplayUserCard(card keybase1.UserCard)
func (*RemoteIdentifyUI) Finish ¶
func (u *RemoteIdentifyUI) Finish()
func (*RemoteIdentifyUI) FinishSocialProofCheck ¶
func (u *RemoteIdentifyUI) FinishSocialProofCheck(p keybase1.RemoteProof, lcr keybase1.LinkCheckResult)
func (*RemoteIdentifyUI) FinishWebProofCheck ¶
func (u *RemoteIdentifyUI) FinishWebProofCheck(p keybase1.RemoteProof, lcr keybase1.LinkCheckResult)
func (*RemoteIdentifyUI) LaunchNetworkChecks ¶
func (u *RemoteIdentifyUI) LaunchNetworkChecks(id *keybase1.Identity, user *keybase1.User)
func (*RemoteIdentifyUI) ReportLastTrack ¶
func (u *RemoteIdentifyUI) ReportLastTrack(t *keybase1.TrackSummary)
func (*RemoteIdentifyUI) ReportTrackToken ¶
func (u *RemoteIdentifyUI) ReportTrackToken(token keybase1.TrackToken) error
func (*RemoteIdentifyUI) SetStrict ¶
func (u *RemoteIdentifyUI) SetStrict(b bool)
func (*RemoteIdentifyUI) Start ¶
func (u *RemoteIdentifyUI) Start(username string, reason keybase1.IdentifyReason)
type RemotePgpUI ¶
type RemotePgpUI struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewRemotePgpUI ¶
func NewRemotePgpUI(sessionID int, c *rpc.Client) *RemotePgpUI
func (*RemotePgpUI) OutputSignatureSuccess ¶
func (u *RemotePgpUI) OutputSignatureSuccess(ctx context.Context, arg keybase1.OutputSignatureSuccessArg) error
type RemoteProvisionUI ¶
type RemoteProvisionUI struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewRemoteProvisionUI ¶
func NewRemoteProvisionUI(sessionID int, c *rpc.Client) *RemoteProvisionUI
func (*RemoteProvisionUI) ChooseDeviceType ¶
func (u *RemoteProvisionUI) ChooseDeviceType(ctx context.Context, arg keybase1.ChooseDeviceTypeArg) (keybase1.DeviceType, error)
func (*RemoteProvisionUI) ChooseProvisioningMethod ¶
func (u *RemoteProvisionUI) ChooseProvisioningMethod(ctx context.Context, arg keybase1.ChooseProvisioningMethodArg) (keybase1.ProvisionMethod, error)
func (*RemoteProvisionUI) DisplayAndPromptSecret ¶
func (u *RemoteProvisionUI) DisplayAndPromptSecret(ctx context.Context, arg keybase1.DisplayAndPromptSecretArg) (keybase1.SecretResponse, error)
func (*RemoteProvisionUI) DisplaySecretExchanged ¶
func (u *RemoteProvisionUI) DisplaySecretExchanged(ctx context.Context, _ int) error
func (*RemoteProvisionUI) PromptNewDeviceName ¶
func (u *RemoteProvisionUI) PromptNewDeviceName(ctx context.Context, arg keybase1.PromptNewDeviceNameArg) (string, error)
func (*RemoteProvisionUI) ProvisioneeSuccess ¶
func (u *RemoteProvisionUI) ProvisioneeSuccess(ctx context.Context, arg keybase1.ProvisioneeSuccessArg) error
func (*RemoteProvisionUI) ProvisionerSuccess ¶
func (u *RemoteProvisionUI) ProvisionerSuccess(ctx context.Context, arg keybase1.ProvisionerSuccessArg) error
type RemoteSaltpackUI ¶
type RemoteSaltpackUI struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewRemoteSaltpackUI ¶
func NewRemoteSaltpackUI(sessionID int, c *rpc.Client) *RemoteSaltpackUI
func (*RemoteSaltpackUI) SaltpackPromptForDecrypt ¶
func (r *RemoteSaltpackUI) SaltpackPromptForDecrypt(ctx context.Context, arg keybase1.SaltpackPromptForDecryptArg) (err error)
func (*RemoteSaltpackUI) SaltpackVerifySuccess ¶
func (r *RemoteSaltpackUI) SaltpackVerifySuccess(ctx context.Context, arg keybase1.SaltpackVerifySuccessArg) (err error)
type RevokeHandler ¶
type RevokeHandler struct { *BaseHandler libkb.Contextified }
func NewRevokeHandler ¶
func NewRevokeHandler(xp rpc.Transporter, g *libkb.GlobalContext) *RevokeHandler
func (*RevokeHandler) RevokeDevice ¶
func (h *RevokeHandler) RevokeDevice(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.RevokeDeviceArg) error
func (*RevokeHandler) RevokeKey ¶
func (h *RevokeHandler) RevokeKey(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.RevokeKeyArg) error
func (*RevokeHandler) RevokeSigs ¶
func (h *RevokeHandler) RevokeSigs(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.RevokeSigsArg) error
type SaltpackHandler ¶
type SaltpackHandler struct { *BaseHandler libkb.Contextified }
func NewSaltpackHandler ¶
func NewSaltpackHandler(xp rpc.Transporter, g *libkb.GlobalContext) *SaltpackHandler
func (*SaltpackHandler) SaltpackDecrypt ¶
func (h *SaltpackHandler) SaltpackDecrypt(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.SaltpackDecryptArg) (info keybase1.SaltpackEncryptedMessageInfo, err error)
func (*SaltpackHandler) SaltpackEncrypt ¶
func (h *SaltpackHandler) SaltpackEncrypt(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.SaltpackEncryptArg) error
func (*SaltpackHandler) SaltpackSign ¶
func (h *SaltpackHandler) SaltpackSign(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.SaltpackSignArg) error
func (*SaltpackHandler) SaltpackVerify ¶
func (h *SaltpackHandler) SaltpackVerify(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.SaltpackVerifyArg) error
type SecretKeysHandler ¶
type SecretKeysHandler struct { *BaseHandler libkb.Contextified }
func NewSecretKeysHandler ¶
func NewSecretKeysHandler(xp rpc.Transporter, g *libkb.GlobalContext) *SecretKeysHandler
func (*SecretKeysHandler) GetSecretKeys ¶
func (h *SecretKeysHandler) GetSecretKeys(_ context.Context, sessionID int) (keybase1.SecretKeys, error)
type SecretUI ¶
type SecretUI struct { libkb.Contextified // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SecretUI) GetPassphrase ¶
func (u *SecretUI) GetPassphrase(pinentry keybase1.GUIEntryArg, terminal *keybase1.SecretEntryArg) (keybase1.GetPassphraseRes, error)
GetPassphrase gets the current keybase passphrase from delegated pinentry.
type Service ¶
type Service struct { libkb.Contextified ForkType keybase1.ForkType // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewService ¶
func NewService(g *libkb.GlobalContext, isDaemon bool) *Service
func (*Service) GetExclusiveLock ¶
GetExclusiveLock grabs the exclusive lock over running keybase and then installs a shutdown hook to release the lock automatically on shutdown.
func (*Service) GetExclusiveLockWithoutAutoUnlock ¶
GetExclusiveLockWithoutAutoUnlock grabs the exclusive lock over running keybase and continues to hold the lock. The caller is then required to manually release this lock via ReleaseLock()
func (*Service) GetStartChannel ¶
func (d *Service) GetStartChannel() <-chan struct{}
func (*Service) ListenLoopWithStopper ¶
func (*Service) OpenSocket ¶
func (*Service) RegisterProtocols ¶
func (d *Service) RegisterProtocols(srv *rpc.Server, xp rpc.Transporter, connID libkb.ConnectionID, logReg *logRegister, g *libkb.GlobalContext) error
func (*Service) ReleaseLock ¶
ReleaseLock releases the locking pidfile by closing, unlocking and deleting it.
func (*Service) StartLoopbackServer ¶
type SessionHandler ¶
type SessionHandler struct { libkb.Contextified *BaseHandler }
SessionHandler is the RPC handler for the session interface.
func NewSessionHandler ¶
func NewSessionHandler(xp rpc.Transporter, g *libkb.GlobalContext) *SessionHandler
NewSessionHandler creates a SessionHandler for the xp transport.
func (*SessionHandler) CurrentSession ¶
CurrentSession uses the global session to find the session. If the user isn't logged in, it returns ErrNoSession.
type SignupHandler ¶
type SignupHandler struct { *BaseHandler libkb.Contextified }
func NewSignupHandler ¶
func NewSignupHandler(xp rpc.Transporter, g *libkb.GlobalContext) *SignupHandler
func (*SignupHandler) CheckUsernameAvailable ¶
func (h *SignupHandler) CheckUsernameAvailable(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.CheckUsernameAvailableArg) error
func (*SignupHandler) InviteRequest ¶
func (h *SignupHandler) InviteRequest(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.InviteRequestArg) (err error)
type SigsHandler ¶
type SigsHandler struct { *BaseHandler libkb.Contextified }
SigsHandler is the RPC handler for the sigs interface.
func NewSigsHandler ¶
func NewSigsHandler(xp rpc.Transporter, g *libkb.GlobalContext) *SigsHandler
NewSigsHandler creates a SigsHandler for the xp transport.
func (*SigsHandler) SigList ¶
func (h *SigsHandler) SigList(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.SigListArg) ([]keybase1.Sig, error)
func (*SigsHandler) SigListJSON ¶
func (h *SigsHandler) SigListJSON(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.SigListJSONArg) (string, error)
type TestHandler ¶
type TestHandler struct { *BaseHandler libkb.Contextified }
func NewTestHandler ¶
func NewTestHandler(xp rpc.Transporter, g *libkb.GlobalContext) *TestHandler
func (TestHandler) TestCallback ¶
func (t TestHandler) TestCallback(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.TestCallbackArg) (s string, err error)
type TrackHandler ¶
type TrackHandler struct { *BaseHandler libkb.Contextified // contains filtered or unexported fields }
TrackHandler is the RPC handler for the track interface.
func NewTrackHandler ¶
func NewTrackHandler(xp rpc.Transporter, g *libkb.GlobalContext) *TrackHandler
NewTrackHandler creates a TrackHandler for the xp transport.
func (*TrackHandler) CheckTracking ¶
func (h *TrackHandler) CheckTracking(_ context.Context, sessionID int) error
func (*TrackHandler) FakeTrackingChanged ¶
func (h *TrackHandler) FakeTrackingChanged(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.FakeTrackingChangedArg) error
func (*TrackHandler) TrackWithToken ¶
func (h *TrackHandler) TrackWithToken(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.TrackWithTokenArg) error
func (*TrackHandler) Untrack ¶
func (h *TrackHandler) Untrack(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.UntrackArg) error
Untrack creates an UntrackEngine and runs it.
type UIRouter ¶
type UIRouter struct { libkb.Contextified // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewUIRouter ¶
func NewUIRouter(g *libkb.GlobalContext) *UIRouter
func (*UIRouter) GetIdentifyUI ¶
func (u *UIRouter) GetIdentifyUI() (libkb.IdentifyUI, error)
func (*UIRouter) GetSecretUI ¶
type UpdateHandler ¶
type UpdateHandler struct { *BaseHandler libkb.Contextified // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewUpdateHandler ¶
func NewUpdateHandler(xp rpc.Transporter, g *libkb.GlobalContext, updateChecker *updater.UpdateChecker) *UpdateHandler
func (*UpdateHandler) Update ¶
func (h *UpdateHandler) Update(_ context.Context, options keybase1.UpdateOptions) (result keybase1.UpdateResult, err error)
func (*UpdateHandler) UpdateCheck ¶
func (h *UpdateHandler) UpdateCheck(_ context.Context, force bool) error
type UpdateUI ¶
type UpdateUI struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*UpdateUI) UpdatePrompt ¶
func (u *UpdateUI) UpdatePrompt(ctx context.Context, arg keybase1.UpdatePromptArg) (res keybase1.UpdatePromptRes, err error)
func (*UpdateUI) UpdateQuit ¶
type UserHandler ¶
type UserHandler struct { *BaseHandler libkb.Contextified }
UserHandler is the RPC handler for the user interface.
func NewUserHandler ¶
func NewUserHandler(xp rpc.Transporter, g *libkb.GlobalContext) *UserHandler
NewUserHandler creates a UserHandler for the xp transport.
func (*UserHandler) ListTrackers ¶
func (h *UserHandler) ListTrackers(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.ListTrackersArg) ([]keybase1.Tracker, error)
ListTrackers gets the list of trackers for a user by uid.
func (*UserHandler) ListTrackersByName ¶
func (h *UserHandler) ListTrackersByName(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.ListTrackersByNameArg) ([]keybase1.Tracker, error)
ListTrackersByName gets the list of trackers for a user by username.
func (*UserHandler) ListTrackersSelf ¶
func (h *UserHandler) ListTrackersSelf(_ context.Context, sessionID int) ([]keybase1.Tracker, error)
ListTrackersSelf gets the list of trackers for the logged in user.
func (*UserHandler) ListTracking ¶
func (h *UserHandler) ListTracking(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.ListTrackingArg) (res []keybase1.UserSummary, err error)
func (*UserHandler) ListTrackingJSON ¶
func (h *UserHandler) ListTrackingJSON(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.ListTrackingJSONArg) (res string, err error)
func (*UserHandler) LoadPublicKeys ¶
func (h *UserHandler) LoadPublicKeys(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.LoadPublicKeysArg) (keys []keybase1.PublicKey, err error)
func (*UserHandler) LoadUncheckedUserSummaries ¶
func (h *UserHandler) LoadUncheckedUserSummaries(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.LoadUncheckedUserSummariesArg) ([]keybase1.UserSummary, error)
func (*UserHandler) LoadUser ¶
func (h *UserHandler) LoadUser(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.LoadUserArg) (user keybase1.User, err error)
func (*UserHandler) LoadUserPlusKeys ¶
func (h *UserHandler) LoadUserPlusKeys(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.LoadUserPlusKeysArg) (keybase1.UserPlusKeys, error)
func (*UserHandler) Search ¶
func (h *UserHandler) Search(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.SearchArg) (results []keybase1.SearchResult, err error)
Source Files
- account.go
- btc.go
- config.go
- crypto.go
- ctl.go
- debugging.go
- delegate_ui.go
- device.go
- errors.go
- favorite.go
- gpg.go
- handler.go
- identify.go
- kbfs.go
- log.go
- log_fwd.go
- log_queue.go
- log_register.go
- log_ui.go
- login.go
- main.go
- notify.go
- pgp.go
- prove.go
- provision.go
- revoke.go
- saltpack.go
- secretkeys.go
- session.go
- signup.go
- sigs.go
- test_handler.go
- track.go
- ui_router.go
- update.go
- user.go