A Keybase chat bot that provides access to the OpenTDB trivia database so it can be enjoyed in Keybase chat.
In order to run the Trivia bot, there needs to be a running MySQL database in order to store the leaderboard and API tokens to OpenTDB.
On that SQL instance, create a database for the bot, and run db.sql to set up the tables.
Build the bot using Go 1.13+, like such (in this directory):
go install .
To start the Trivia bot, run a command like this:
$GOPATH/bin/triviabot --dsn 'root@/triviabot'
Run triviabot --help for more options.
Helpful Tips
If you accidentally run the bot under your own username and wish to clear the ! commands, run the following:
keybase chat clear-commands
Restricted bots are restricted from knowing channel names. If you would like
a bot to announce or report errors to a specific channel you can use a
ConversationID which can be found by running:
keybase chat conv-info teamname --channel channel
By default, bots are unable to read their own messages. For development, it may be useful to disable this safeguard.
You can do this using --read-self flag when running the bot.
There are a few complications running a Keybase chat bot, and it is likely easiest to deploy using Docker. See https://hub.docker.com/r/keybaseio/client for our preferred client image to get started.