Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func AccountProtocol(i AccountInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func BTCProtocol(i BTCInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func BlockProtocol(i BlockInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func ConfigProtocol(i ConfigInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func CryptoProtocol(i CryptoInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func CtlProtocol(i CtlInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func DebuggingProtocol(i DebuggingInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func DeviceProtocol(i DeviceInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func DoctorProtocol(i DoctorInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func DoctorUiProtocol(i DoctorUiInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func FavoriteProtocol(i FavoriteInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func FormatTime(t Time) string
- func FromTime(t Time) time.Time
- func GpgUiProtocol(i GpgUiInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func IdentifyProtocol(i IdentifyInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func IdentifyUiProtocol(i IdentifyUiInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func Kex2ProvisioneeProtocol(i Kex2ProvisioneeInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func Kex2ProvisionerProtocol(i Kex2ProvisionerInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func LocksmithUiProtocol(i LocksmithUiInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func LogUiProtocol(i LogUiInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func LoginProtocol(i LoginInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func LoginUiProtocol(i LoginUiInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func MetadataProtocol(i MetadataInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func MetadataUpdateProtocol(i MetadataUpdateInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func NotifyCtlProtocol(i NotifyCtlInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func NotifySessionProtocol(i NotifySessionInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func NotifyUsersProtocol(i NotifyUsersInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func PGPProtocol(i PGPInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func ProveProtocol(i ProveInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func ProveUiProtocol(i ProveUiInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func ProvisionUiProtocol(i ProvisionUiInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func QuotaProtocol(i QuotaInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func Quote(s string) []byte
- func RevokeProtocol(i RevokeInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func SecretUiProtocol(i SecretUiInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func SessionProtocol(i SessionInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func SignupProtocol(i SignupInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func SigsProtocol(i SigsInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func StreamUiProtocol(i StreamUiInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func TestProtocol(i TestInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func TrackProtocol(i TrackInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func UiProtocol(i UiInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func Unquote(data []byte) string
- func UserProtocol(i UserInterface) rpc.Protocol
- type AccountClient
- type AccountInterface
- type AuthenticateArg
- type BTCClient
- type BTCInterface
- type BlockClient
- func (c BlockClient) DecBlockReference(ctx context.Context, __arg DecBlockReferenceArg) (err error)
- func (c BlockClient) EstablishSession(ctx context.Context, __arg EstablishSessionArg) (err error)
- func (c BlockClient) GetBlock(ctx context.Context, bid BlockIdCombo) (res GetBlockRes, err error)
- func (c BlockClient) IncBlockReference(ctx context.Context, __arg IncBlockReferenceArg) (err error)
- func (c BlockClient) PutBlock(ctx context.Context, __arg PutBlockArg) (err error)
- type BlockIdCombo
- type BlockInterface
- type BlockRefNonce
- type BoxNonce
- type BoxPublicKey
- type Bytes32
- type CancelLoginArg
- type CheckProofArg
- type CheckProofStatus
- type CheckResult
- type CheckUsernameAvailableArg
- type ChooseDeviceTypeArg
- type ChooseProvisioningMethodArg
- type ClearStoredSecretArg
- type CloseArg
- type Config
- type ConfigClient
- type ConfigInterface
- type ConfiguredAccount
- type ConfirmArg
- type ConfirmDuplicateKeyChosenArg
- type CryptoClient
- type CryptoInterface
- type Cryptocurrency
- type CsrfToken
- type CtlClient
- func (c CtlClient) DbNuke(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (err error)
- func (c CtlClient) LogRotate(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (err error)
- func (c CtlClient) Reload(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (err error)
- func (c CtlClient) SetLogLevel(ctx context.Context, __arg SetLogLevelArg) (err error)
- func (c CtlClient) Stop(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (err error)
- type CtlInterface
- type CurrentSessionArg
- type CurrentUIDArg
- type DbNukeArg
- type DebuggingClient
- func (c DebuggingClient) FirstStep(ctx context.Context, __arg FirstStepArg) (res FirstStepResult, err error)
- func (c DebuggingClient) Increment(ctx context.Context, __arg IncrementArg) (res int, err error)
- func (c DebuggingClient) SecondStep(ctx context.Context, __arg SecondStepArg) (res int, err error)
- type DebuggingInterface
- type DecBlockReferenceArg
- type Device
- type DeviceAddArg
- type DeviceAddCancelArg
- type DeviceClient
- func (c DeviceClient) DeviceAdd(ctx context.Context, __arg DeviceAddArg) (err error)
- func (c DeviceClient) DeviceAddCancel(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (err error)
- func (c DeviceClient) DeviceList(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (res []Device, err error)
- func (c DeviceClient) DeviceXAdd(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (err error)
- type DeviceID
- type DeviceInterface
- type DeviceListArg
- type DeviceNameTakenArg
- type DeviceSignAttemptErrArg
- type DeviceSigner
- type DeviceSignerKind
- type DeviceType
- type DeviceXAddArg
- type DidCounterSignArg
- type DisplayAndPromptSecretArg
- type DisplayCryptocurrencyArg
- type DisplayKeyArg
- type DisplayPaperKeyPhraseArg
- type DisplayPrimaryPaperKeyArg
- type DisplayProvisionSuccessArg
- type DisplayRecheckWarningArg
- type DisplayResultArg
- type DisplaySecretExchangedArg
- type DisplaySecretWordsArg
- type DisplayStatusArg
- type DisplayTrackStatementArg
- type DoctorArg
- type DoctorClient
- type DoctorFixType
- type DoctorInterface
- type DoctorSignerOpts
- type DoctorStatus
- type DoctorUiClient
- func (c DoctorUiClient) DisplayResult(ctx context.Context, __arg DisplayResultArg) (err error)
- func (c DoctorUiClient) DisplayStatus(ctx context.Context, __arg DisplayStatusArg) (res bool, err error)
- func (c DoctorUiClient) LoginSelect(ctx context.Context, __arg LoginSelectArg) (res string, err error)
- type DoctorUiInterface
- type ED25519PublicKey
- type ED25519Signature
- type ED25519SignatureInfo
- type EncryptedBytes32
- type EstablishSessionArg
- type FavoriteAddArg
- type FavoriteClient
- type FavoriteDeleteArg
- type FavoriteInterface
- type FavoriteListArg
- type FinishArg
- type FinishSocialProofCheckArg
- type FinishWebProofCheckArg
- type FirstStepArg
- type FirstStepResult
- type Folder
- type GPGKey
- type GenericClient
- type GetBlockArg
- type GetBlockRes
- type GetConfigArg
- type GetConfiguredAccountsArg
- type GetCurrentStatusArg
- type GetCurrentStatusRes
- type GetEmailOrUsernameArg
- type GetKeyArg
- type GetKeybasePassphraseArg
- type GetMetadataArg
- type GetNewPassphraseArg
- type GetNewPassphraseRes
- type GetPaperKeyPassphraseArg
- type GetSecretArg
- type GpgUiClient
- func (c GpgUiClient) ConfirmDuplicateKeyChosen(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (res bool, err error)
- func (c GpgUiClient) SelectKey(ctx context.Context, __arg SelectKeyArg) (res string, err error)
- func (c GpgUiClient) SelectKeyAndPushOption(ctx context.Context, __arg SelectKeyAndPushOptionArg) (res SelectKeyRes, err error)
- func (c GpgUiClient) WantToAddGPGKey(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (res bool, err error)
- type GpgUiInterface
- type HelloArg
- type HelloRes
- type IdentifyArg
- type IdentifyClient
- type IdentifyInterface
- type IdentifyKey
- type IdentifyOutcome
- type IdentifyRes
- type IdentifyRow
- type IdentifyUiClient
- func (c IdentifyUiClient) Confirm(ctx context.Context, __arg ConfirmArg) (res bool, err error)
- func (c IdentifyUiClient) DisplayCryptocurrency(ctx context.Context, __arg DisplayCryptocurrencyArg) (err error)
- func (c IdentifyUiClient) DisplayKey(ctx context.Context, __arg DisplayKeyArg) (err error)
- func (c IdentifyUiClient) DisplayTrackStatement(ctx context.Context, __arg DisplayTrackStatementArg) (err error)
- func (c IdentifyUiClient) Finish(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (err error)
- func (c IdentifyUiClient) FinishSocialProofCheck(ctx context.Context, __arg FinishSocialProofCheckArg) (err error)
- func (c IdentifyUiClient) FinishWebProofCheck(ctx context.Context, __arg FinishWebProofCheckArg) (err error)
- func (c IdentifyUiClient) LaunchNetworkChecks(ctx context.Context, __arg LaunchNetworkChecksArg) (err error)
- func (c IdentifyUiClient) ReportLastTrack(ctx context.Context, __arg ReportLastTrackArg) (err error)
- func (c IdentifyUiClient) Start(ctx context.Context, __arg StartArg) (err error)
- type IdentifyUiInterface
- type Identity
- type IncBlockReferenceArg
- type IncrementArg
- type InviteRequestArg
- type KID
- func (k KID) Equal(v KID) bool
- func (k KID) Exists() bool
- func (k KID) IsNil() bool
- func (k KID) IsValid() bool
- func (k KID) Match(q string, exact bool) bool
- func (k KID) NotEqual(v KID) bool
- func (k KID) String() string
- func (k KID) ToBytes() []byte
- func (k KID) ToJsonw() *jsonw.Wrapper
- func (k KID) ToShortIDString() string
- type Kex2ProvisioneeClient
- type Kex2ProvisioneeInterface
- type Kex2ProvisionerClient
- type Kex2ProvisionerInterface
- type KexStartArg
- type KexStatusArg
- type KexStatusCode
- type KeyHalf
- type KeyInfo
- type LaunchNetworkChecksArg
- type LinkCheckResult
- type ListTrackersArg
- type ListTrackersByNameArg
- type ListTrackersSelfArg
- type ListTrackingArg
- type ListTrackingJSONArg
- type LoadPublicKeysArg
- type LoadUncheckedUserSummariesArg
- type LoadUserArg
- type LoadUserPlusKeysArg
- type LocksmithUiClient
- func (c LocksmithUiClient) DeviceNameTaken(ctx context.Context, __arg DeviceNameTakenArg) (err error)
- func (c LocksmithUiClient) DeviceSignAttemptErr(ctx context.Context, __arg DeviceSignAttemptErrArg) (err error)
- func (c LocksmithUiClient) DisplayProvisionSuccess(ctx context.Context, __arg DisplayProvisionSuccessArg) (err error)
- func (c LocksmithUiClient) DisplaySecretWords(ctx context.Context, __arg DisplaySecretWordsArg) (err error)
- func (c LocksmithUiClient) KexStatus(ctx context.Context, __arg KexStatusArg) (err error)
- func (c LocksmithUiClient) PromptDeviceName(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (res string, err error)
- func (c LocksmithUiClient) SelectSigner(ctx context.Context, __arg SelectSignerArg) (res SelectSignerRes, err error)
- type LocksmithUiInterface
- type LogArg
- type LogLevel
- type LogRotateArg
- type LogUiClient
- type LogUiInterface
- type LoggedOutArg
- type LoginClient
- func (c LoginClient) CancelLogin(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (err error)
- func (c LoginClient) ClearStoredSecret(ctx context.Context, __arg ClearStoredSecretArg) (err error)
- func (c LoginClient) GetConfiguredAccounts(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (res []ConfiguredAccount, err error)
- func (c LoginClient) LoginWithPassphrase(ctx context.Context, __arg LoginWithPassphraseArg) (err error)
- func (c LoginClient) LoginWithPrompt(ctx context.Context, __arg LoginWithPromptArg) (err error)
- func (c LoginClient) LoginWithStoredSecret(ctx context.Context, __arg LoginWithStoredSecretArg) (err error)
- func (c LoginClient) Logout(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (err error)
- func (c LoginClient) PaperKey(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (err error)
- func (c LoginClient) RecoverAccountFromEmailAddress(ctx context.Context, email string) (err error)
- func (c LoginClient) Reset(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (err error)
- func (c LoginClient) Unlock(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (err error)
- func (c LoginClient) XLogin(ctx context.Context, __arg XLoginArg) (err error)
- type LoginInterface
- type LoginSelectArg
- type LoginUiClient
- func (c LoginUiClient) DisplayPaperKeyPhrase(ctx context.Context, __arg DisplayPaperKeyPhraseArg) (err error)
- func (c LoginUiClient) DisplayPrimaryPaperKey(ctx context.Context, __arg DisplayPrimaryPaperKeyArg) (err error)
- func (c LoginUiClient) GetEmailOrUsername(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (res string, err error)
- func (c LoginUiClient) PromptRevokePaperKeys(ctx context.Context, __arg PromptRevokePaperKeysArg) (res bool, err error)
- type LoginUiInterface
- type LoginWithPassphraseArg
- type LoginWithPromptArg
- type LoginWithStoredSecretArg
- type LogoutArg
- type MetadataClient
- func (c MetadataClient) Authenticate(ctx context.Context, __arg AuthenticateArg) (res int, err error)
- func (c MetadataClient) GetKey(ctx context.Context, __arg GetKeyArg) (res []byte, err error)
- func (c MetadataClient) GetMetadata(ctx context.Context, __arg GetMetadataArg) (res MetadataResponse, err error)
- func (c MetadataClient) Ping(ctx context.Context) (err error)
- func (c MetadataClient) PruneUnmerged(ctx context.Context, __arg PruneUnmergedArg) (err error)
- func (c MetadataClient) PutKeys(ctx context.Context, __arg PutKeysArg) (err error)
- func (c MetadataClient) PutMetadata(ctx context.Context, __arg PutMetadataArg) (err error)
- func (c MetadataClient) RegisterForUpdates(ctx context.Context, __arg RegisterForUpdatesArg) (err error)
- func (c MetadataClient) TruncateLock(ctx context.Context, folderID string) (res bool, err error)
- func (c MetadataClient) TruncateUnlock(ctx context.Context, folderID string) (res bool, err error)
- type MetadataInterface
- type MetadataResponse
- type MetadataUpdateArg
- type MetadataUpdateClient
- type MetadataUpdateInterface
- type NotificationChannels
- type NotifyCtlClient
- type NotifyCtlInterface
- type NotifySessionClient
- type NotifySessionInterface
- type NotifyUsersClient
- type NotifyUsersInterface
- type OkToCheckArg
- type OutputInstructionsArg
- type OutputPrechecksArg
- type PGPClient
- func (c PGPClient) PGPDecrypt(ctx context.Context, __arg PGPDecryptArg) (res PGPSigVerification, err error)
- func (c PGPClient) PGPDeletePrimary(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (err error)
- func (c PGPClient) PGPEncrypt(ctx context.Context, __arg PGPEncryptArg) (err error)
- func (c PGPClient) PGPExport(ctx context.Context, __arg PGPExportArg) (res []KeyInfo, err error)
- func (c PGPClient) PGPExportByFingerprint(ctx context.Context, __arg PGPExportByFingerprintArg) (res []KeyInfo, err error)
- func (c PGPClient) PGPExportByKID(ctx context.Context, __arg PGPExportByKIDArg) (res []KeyInfo, err error)
- func (c PGPClient) PGPImport(ctx context.Context, __arg PGPImportArg) (err error)
- func (c PGPClient) PGPKeyGen(ctx context.Context, __arg PGPKeyGenArg) (err error)
- func (c PGPClient) PGPKeyGenDefault(ctx context.Context, __arg PGPKeyGenDefaultArg) (err error)
- func (c PGPClient) PGPPull(ctx context.Context, __arg PGPPullArg) (err error)
- func (c PGPClient) PGPSelect(ctx context.Context, __arg PGPSelectArg) (err error)
- func (c PGPClient) PGPSign(ctx context.Context, __arg PGPSignArg) (err error)
- func (c PGPClient) PGPUpdate(ctx context.Context, __arg PGPUpdateArg) (err error)
- func (c PGPClient) PGPVerify(ctx context.Context, __arg PGPVerifyArg) (res PGPSigVerification, err error)
- type PGPCreateUids
- type PGPDecryptArg
- type PGPDecryptOptions
- type PGPDeletePrimaryArg
- type PGPEncryptArg
- type PGPEncryptOptions
- type PGPExportArg
- type PGPExportByFingerprintArg
- type PGPExportByKIDArg
- type PGPIdentity
- type PGPImportArg
- type PGPInterface
- type PGPKeyGenArg
- type PGPKeyGenDefaultArg
- type PGPPullArg
- type PGPQuery
- type PGPSelectArg
- type PGPSigVerification
- type PGPSignArg
- type PGPSignOptions
- type PGPUpdateArg
- type PGPVerifyArg
- type PGPVerifyOptions
- type PanicArg
- type PaperKeyArg
- type PassphraseChangeArg
- type PassphraseStream
- type PingArg
- type PreProofWarningArg
- type PromptDefault
- type PromptDeviceNameArg
- type PromptNewDeviceNameArg
- type PromptOverwriteArg
- type PromptOverwriteType
- type PromptRevokePaperKeysArg
- type PromptUsernameArg
- type PromptYesNoArg
- type ProofResult
- type ProofState
- type ProofStatus
- type ProofType
- type Proofs
- type ProveClient
- type ProveInterface
- type ProveUiClient
- func (c ProveUiClient) DisplayRecheckWarning(ctx context.Context, __arg DisplayRecheckWarningArg) (err error)
- func (c ProveUiClient) OkToCheck(ctx context.Context, __arg OkToCheckArg) (res bool, err error)
- func (c ProveUiClient) OutputInstructions(ctx context.Context, __arg OutputInstructionsArg) (err error)
- func (c ProveUiClient) OutputPrechecks(ctx context.Context, __arg OutputPrechecksArg) (err error)
- func (c ProveUiClient) PreProofWarning(ctx context.Context, __arg PreProofWarningArg) (res bool, err error)
- func (c ProveUiClient) PromptOverwrite(ctx context.Context, __arg PromptOverwriteArg) (res bool, err error)
- func (c ProveUiClient) PromptUsername(ctx context.Context, __arg PromptUsernameArg) (res string, err error)
- type ProveUiInterface
- type ProvisionMethod
- type ProvisionUiClient
- func (c ProvisionUiClient) ChooseDeviceType(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (res DeviceType, err error)
- func (c ProvisionUiClient) ChooseProvisioningMethod(ctx context.Context, __arg ChooseProvisioningMethodArg) (res ProvisionMethod, err error)
- func (c ProvisionUiClient) DisplayAndPromptSecret(ctx context.Context, __arg DisplayAndPromptSecretArg) (res []byte, err error)
- func (c ProvisionUiClient) DisplaySecretExchanged(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (err error)
- func (c ProvisionUiClient) PromptNewDeviceName(ctx context.Context, __arg PromptNewDeviceNameArg) (res string, err error)
- func (c ProvisionUiClient) ProvisioneeSuccess(ctx context.Context, __arg ProvisioneeSuccessArg) (err error)
- func (c ProvisionUiClient) ProvisionerSuccess(ctx context.Context, __arg ProvisionerSuccessArg) (err error)
- type ProvisionUiInterface
- type ProvisioneeSuccessArg
- type ProvisionerSuccessArg
- type PruneUnmergedArg
- type PublicKey
- type PutBlockArg
- type PutKeysArg
- type PutMetadataArg
- type QuotaClient
- type QuotaInterface
- type ReadArg
- type RecoverAccountFromEmailAddressArg
- type RegisterBTCArg
- type RegisterForUpdatesArg
- type ReloadArg
- type RemoteProof
- type ReportLastTrackArg
- type ResetArg
- type RevokeClient
- type RevokeDeviceArg
- type RevokeInterface
- type RevokeKeyArg
- type RevokeSigsArg
- type SearchArg
- type SearchComponent
- type SearchResult
- type SecondStepArg
- type SecretEntryArg
- type SecretEntryRes
- type SecretUiClient
- func (c SecretUiClient) GetKeybasePassphrase(ctx context.Context, __arg GetKeybasePassphraseArg) (res string, err error)
- func (c SecretUiClient) GetNewPassphrase(ctx context.Context, __arg GetNewPassphraseArg) (res GetNewPassphraseRes, err error)
- func (c SecretUiClient) GetPaperKeyPassphrase(ctx context.Context, __arg GetPaperKeyPassphraseArg) (res string, err error)
- func (c SecretUiClient) GetSecret(ctx context.Context, __arg GetSecretArg) (res SecretEntryRes, err error)
- type SecretUiInterface
- type SelectKeyAndPushOptionArg
- type SelectKeyArg
- type SelectKeyRes
- type SelectSignerAction
- type SelectSignerArg
- type SelectSignerRes
- type Session
- type SessionClient
- type SessionInterface
- type SessionToken
- type SetLogLevelArg
- type SetUserConfigArg
- type Sig
- type SigHint
- type SigID
- type SigListArg
- type SigListArgs
- type SigListJSONArg
- type SigTypes
- type SignED25519Arg
- type SignMode
- type SignupArg
- type SignupClient
- type SignupInterface
- type SignupRes
- type SigsClient
- type SigsInterface
- type StartArg
- type StartProofArg
- type StartProofResult
- type Status
- type StopArg
- type Stream
- type StreamUiClient
- type StreamUiInterface
- type StringKVPair
- type Test
- type TestArg
- type TestCallbackArg
- type TestClient
- type TestInterface
- type Text
- type Time
- type ToggleNotificationsArg
- type TrackArg
- type TrackClient
- type TrackDiff
- type TrackDiffType
- type TrackInterface
- type TrackOptions
- type TrackProof
- type TrackStatus
- type TrackSummary
- type TrackWithTokenArg
- type Tracker
- type TruncateLockArg
- type TruncateUnlockArg
- type UID
- type UiClient
- type UiInterface
- type UnboxBytes32Arg
- type UnlockArg
- type UntrackArg
- type User
- type UserChangedArg
- type UserClient
- func (c UserClient) ListTrackers(ctx context.Context, __arg ListTrackersArg) (res []Tracker, err error)
- func (c UserClient) ListTrackersByName(ctx context.Context, __arg ListTrackersByNameArg) (res []Tracker, err error)
- func (c UserClient) ListTrackersSelf(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (res []Tracker, err error)
- func (c UserClient) ListTracking(ctx context.Context, __arg ListTrackingArg) (res []UserSummary, err error)
- func (c UserClient) ListTrackingJSON(ctx context.Context, __arg ListTrackingJSONArg) (res string, err error)
- func (c UserClient) LoadPublicKeys(ctx context.Context, __arg LoadPublicKeysArg) (res []PublicKey, err error)
- func (c UserClient) LoadUncheckedUserSummaries(ctx context.Context, __arg LoadUncheckedUserSummariesArg) (res []UserSummary, err error)
- func (c UserClient) LoadUser(ctx context.Context, __arg LoadUserArg) (res User, err error)
- func (c UserClient) LoadUserPlusKeys(ctx context.Context, __arg LoadUserPlusKeysArg) (res UserPlusKeys, err error)
- func (c UserClient) Search(ctx context.Context, __arg SearchArg) (res []SearchResult, err error)
- type UserInterface
- type UserPlusKeys
- type UserSummary
- type VerifySessionArg
- type VerifySessionRes
- type WantToAddGPGKeyArg
- type WebProof
- type WriteArg
- type XLoginArg
Constants ¶
View Source
const ( UID_LEN = 16 UID_SUFFIX = 0x00 UID_SUFFIX_2 = 0x19 UID_SUFFIX_HEX = "00" UID_SUFFIX_2_HEX = "19" PUBLIC_UID = "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff00" )
View Source
const ( SIG_ID_LEN = 32 SIG_ID_SUFFIX = 0x0f SIG_SHORT_ID_BYTES = 27 )
View Source
const ( DeviceIDLen = 16 DeviceIDSuffix = 0x18 DeviceIDSuffixHex = "18" )
Variables ¶
View Source
UID for the special "public" user.
Functions ¶
func AccountProtocol ¶
func AccountProtocol(i AccountInterface) rpc.Protocol
func BTCProtocol ¶
func BTCProtocol(i BTCInterface) rpc.Protocol
func BlockProtocol ¶
func BlockProtocol(i BlockInterface) rpc.Protocol
func ConfigProtocol ¶
func ConfigProtocol(i ConfigInterface) rpc.Protocol
func CryptoProtocol ¶
func CryptoProtocol(i CryptoInterface) rpc.Protocol
func CtlProtocol ¶
func CtlProtocol(i CtlInterface) rpc.Protocol
func DebuggingProtocol ¶
func DebuggingProtocol(i DebuggingInterface) rpc.Protocol
func DeviceProtocol ¶
func DeviceProtocol(i DeviceInterface) rpc.Protocol
func DoctorProtocol ¶
func DoctorProtocol(i DoctorInterface) rpc.Protocol
func DoctorUiProtocol ¶
func DoctorUiProtocol(i DoctorUiInterface) rpc.Protocol
func FavoriteProtocol ¶
func FavoriteProtocol(i FavoriteInterface) rpc.Protocol
func FormatTime ¶
func GpgUiProtocol ¶
func GpgUiProtocol(i GpgUiInterface) rpc.Protocol
func IdentifyProtocol ¶
func IdentifyProtocol(i IdentifyInterface) rpc.Protocol
func IdentifyUiProtocol ¶
func IdentifyUiProtocol(i IdentifyUiInterface) rpc.Protocol
func Kex2ProvisioneeProtocol ¶
func Kex2ProvisioneeProtocol(i Kex2ProvisioneeInterface) rpc.Protocol
func Kex2ProvisionerProtocol ¶
func Kex2ProvisionerProtocol(i Kex2ProvisionerInterface) rpc.Protocol
func LocksmithUiProtocol ¶
func LocksmithUiProtocol(i LocksmithUiInterface) rpc.Protocol
func LogUiProtocol ¶
func LogUiProtocol(i LogUiInterface) rpc.Protocol
func LoginProtocol ¶
func LoginProtocol(i LoginInterface) rpc.Protocol
func LoginUiProtocol ¶
func LoginUiProtocol(i LoginUiInterface) rpc.Protocol
func MetadataProtocol ¶
func MetadataProtocol(i MetadataInterface) rpc.Protocol
func MetadataUpdateProtocol ¶
func MetadataUpdateProtocol(i MetadataUpdateInterface) rpc.Protocol
func NotifyCtlProtocol ¶
func NotifyCtlProtocol(i NotifyCtlInterface) rpc.Protocol
func NotifySessionProtocol ¶
func NotifySessionProtocol(i NotifySessionInterface) rpc.Protocol
func NotifyUsersProtocol ¶
func NotifyUsersProtocol(i NotifyUsersInterface) rpc.Protocol
func PGPProtocol ¶
func PGPProtocol(i PGPInterface) rpc.Protocol
func ProveProtocol ¶
func ProveProtocol(i ProveInterface) rpc.Protocol
func ProveUiProtocol ¶
func ProveUiProtocol(i ProveUiInterface) rpc.Protocol
func ProvisionUiProtocol ¶
func ProvisionUiProtocol(i ProvisionUiInterface) rpc.Protocol
func QuotaProtocol ¶
func QuotaProtocol(i QuotaInterface) rpc.Protocol
func RevokeProtocol ¶
func RevokeProtocol(i RevokeInterface) rpc.Protocol
func SecretUiProtocol ¶
func SecretUiProtocol(i SecretUiInterface) rpc.Protocol
func SessionProtocol ¶
func SessionProtocol(i SessionInterface) rpc.Protocol
func SignupProtocol ¶
func SignupProtocol(i SignupInterface) rpc.Protocol
func SigsProtocol ¶
func SigsProtocol(i SigsInterface) rpc.Protocol
func StreamUiProtocol ¶
func StreamUiProtocol(i StreamUiInterface) rpc.Protocol
func TestProtocol ¶
func TestProtocol(i TestInterface) rpc.Protocol
func TrackProtocol ¶
func TrackProtocol(i TrackInterface) rpc.Protocol
func UiProtocol ¶
func UiProtocol(i UiInterface) rpc.Protocol
func UserProtocol ¶
func UserProtocol(i UserInterface) rpc.Protocol
Types ¶
type AccountClient ¶
type AccountClient struct {
Cli GenericClient
func (AccountClient) PassphraseChange ¶
func (c AccountClient) PassphraseChange(ctx context.Context, __arg PassphraseChangeArg) (err error)
type AccountInterface ¶
type AccountInterface interface {
PassphraseChange(context.Context, PassphraseChangeArg) error
type AuthenticateArg ¶
type BTCClient ¶
type BTCClient struct {
Cli GenericClient
func (BTCClient) RegisterBTC ¶
func (c BTCClient) RegisterBTC(ctx context.Context, __arg RegisterBTCArg) (err error)
type BTCInterface ¶
type BTCInterface interface {
RegisterBTC(context.Context, RegisterBTCArg) error
type BlockClient ¶
type BlockClient struct {
Cli GenericClient
func (BlockClient) DecBlockReference ¶
func (c BlockClient) DecBlockReference(ctx context.Context, __arg DecBlockReferenceArg) (err error)
func (BlockClient) EstablishSession ¶
func (c BlockClient) EstablishSession(ctx context.Context, __arg EstablishSessionArg) (err error)
func (BlockClient) GetBlock ¶
func (c BlockClient) GetBlock(ctx context.Context, bid BlockIdCombo) (res GetBlockRes, err error)
func (BlockClient) IncBlockReference ¶
func (c BlockClient) IncBlockReference(ctx context.Context, __arg IncBlockReferenceArg) (err error)
func (BlockClient) PutBlock ¶
func (c BlockClient) PutBlock(ctx context.Context, __arg PutBlockArg) (err error)
type BlockIdCombo ¶
type BlockInterface ¶
type BlockInterface interface { EstablishSession(context.Context, EstablishSessionArg) error PutBlock(context.Context, PutBlockArg) error GetBlock(context.Context, BlockIdCombo) (GetBlockRes, error) IncBlockReference(context.Context, IncBlockReferenceArg) error DecBlockReference(context.Context, DecBlockReferenceArg) error }
type BlockRefNonce ¶
type BlockRefNonce [8]byte
type BoxPublicKey ¶
type BoxPublicKey [32]byte
type CancelLoginArg ¶
type CancelLoginArg struct {
SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"`
type CheckProofArg ¶
type CheckProofStatus ¶
type CheckProofStatus struct { Found bool `codec:"found" json:"found"` Status ProofStatus `codec:"status" json:"status"` ProofText string `codec:"proofText" json:"proofText"` }
type CheckResult ¶
type CheckResult struct { ProofResult ProofResult `codec:"proofResult" json:"proofResult"` Time Time `codec:"time" json:"time"` DisplayMarkup string `codec:"displayMarkup" json:"displayMarkup"` }
type ChooseDeviceTypeArg ¶
type ChooseDeviceTypeArg struct {
SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"`
type ClearStoredSecretArg ¶
type Config ¶
type Config struct { ServerURI string `codec:"serverURI" json:"serverURI"` SocketFile string `codec:"socketFile" json:"socketFile"` Label string `codec:"label" json:"label"` RunMode string `codec:"runMode" json:"runMode"` GpgExists bool `codec:"gpgExists" json:"gpgExists"` GpgPath string `codec:"gpgPath" json:"gpgPath"` Version string `codec:"version" json:"version"` Path string `codec:"path" json:"path"` ConfigPath string `codec:"configPath" json:"configPath"` }
type ConfigClient ¶
type ConfigClient struct {
Cli GenericClient
func (ConfigClient) GetCurrentStatus ¶
func (c ConfigClient) GetCurrentStatus(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (res GetCurrentStatusRes, err error)
func (ConfigClient) SetUserConfig ¶
func (c ConfigClient) SetUserConfig(ctx context.Context, __arg SetUserConfigArg) (err error)
type ConfigInterface ¶
type ConfiguredAccount ¶
type ConfirmArg ¶
type ConfirmArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` Outcome IdentifyOutcome `codec:"outcome" json:"outcome"` }
type ConfirmDuplicateKeyChosenArg ¶
type ConfirmDuplicateKeyChosenArg struct {
SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"`
type CryptoClient ¶
type CryptoClient struct {
Cli GenericClient
func (CryptoClient) SignED25519 ¶
func (c CryptoClient) SignED25519(ctx context.Context, __arg SignED25519Arg) (res ED25519SignatureInfo, err error)
func (CryptoClient) UnboxBytes32 ¶
func (c CryptoClient) UnboxBytes32(ctx context.Context, __arg UnboxBytes32Arg) (res Bytes32, err error)
type CryptoInterface ¶
type CryptoInterface interface { SignED25519(context.Context, SignED25519Arg) (ED25519SignatureInfo, error) UnboxBytes32(context.Context, UnboxBytes32Arg) (Bytes32, error) }
type Cryptocurrency ¶
type CtlClient ¶
type CtlClient struct {
Cli GenericClient
func (CtlClient) SetLogLevel ¶
func (c CtlClient) SetLogLevel(ctx context.Context, __arg SetLogLevelArg) (err error)
type CtlInterface ¶
type CurrentSessionArg ¶
type CurrentSessionArg struct {
SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"`
type CurrentUIDArg ¶
type CurrentUIDArg struct {
SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"`
type DebuggingClient ¶
type DebuggingClient struct {
Cli GenericClient
func (DebuggingClient) FirstStep ¶
func (c DebuggingClient) FirstStep(ctx context.Context, __arg FirstStepArg) (res FirstStepResult, err error)
func (DebuggingClient) Increment ¶
func (c DebuggingClient) Increment(ctx context.Context, __arg IncrementArg) (res int, err error)
func (DebuggingClient) SecondStep ¶
func (c DebuggingClient) SecondStep(ctx context.Context, __arg SecondStepArg) (res int, err error)
type DebuggingInterface ¶
type DebuggingInterface interface { FirstStep(context.Context, FirstStepArg) (FirstStepResult, error) SecondStep(context.Context, SecondStepArg) (int, error) Increment(context.Context, IncrementArg) (int, error) }
type DecBlockReferenceArg ¶
type DecBlockReferenceArg struct { Bid BlockIdCombo `codec:"bid" json:"bid"` Nonce BlockRefNonce `codec:"nonce" json:"nonce"` Folder string `codec:"folder" json:"folder"` ChargedTo UID `codec:"chargedTo" json:"chargedTo"` }
type DeviceAddArg ¶
type DeviceAddCancelArg ¶
type DeviceAddCancelArg struct {
SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"`
type DeviceClient ¶
type DeviceClient struct {
Cli GenericClient
func (DeviceClient) DeviceAdd ¶
func (c DeviceClient) DeviceAdd(ctx context.Context, __arg DeviceAddArg) (err error)
func (DeviceClient) DeviceAddCancel ¶
func (c DeviceClient) DeviceAddCancel(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (err error)
func (DeviceClient) DeviceList ¶
func (DeviceClient) DeviceXAdd ¶
func (c DeviceClient) DeviceXAdd(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (err error)
type DeviceID ¶
type DeviceID string
func DeviceIDFromBytes ¶
func DeviceIDFromBytes(b [DeviceIDLen]byte) DeviceID
func DeviceIDFromSlice ¶
func DeviceIDFromString ¶
type DeviceInterface ¶
type DeviceListArg ¶
type DeviceListArg struct {
SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"`
type DeviceNameTakenArg ¶
type DeviceSignAttemptErrArg ¶
type DeviceSigner ¶
type DeviceSigner struct { Kind DeviceSignerKind `codec:"kind" json:"kind"` DeviceID *DeviceID `codec:"deviceID,omitempty" json:"deviceID,omitempty"` DeviceName *string `codec:"deviceName,omitempty" json:"deviceName,omitempty"` }
type DeviceSignerKind ¶
type DeviceSignerKind int
const ( DeviceSignerKind_DEVICE DeviceSignerKind = 0 DeviceSignerKind_PGP DeviceSignerKind = 1 DeviceSignerKind_PAPER_BACKUP_KEY DeviceSignerKind = 2 )
type DeviceType ¶
type DeviceType int
const ( DeviceType_DESKTOP DeviceType = 0 DeviceType_MOBILE DeviceType = 1 )
type DeviceXAddArg ¶
type DeviceXAddArg struct {
SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"`
type DidCounterSignArg ¶
type DidCounterSignArg struct {
Sig []byte `codec:"sig" json:"sig"`
type DisplayAndPromptSecretArg ¶
type DisplayAndPromptSecretArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` Secret []byte `codec:"secret" json:"secret"` Phrase string `codec:"phrase" json:"phrase"` OtherDeviceType DeviceType `codec:"otherDeviceType" json:"otherDeviceType"` }
type DisplayCryptocurrencyArg ¶
type DisplayCryptocurrencyArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` C Cryptocurrency `codec:"c" json:"c"` }
type DisplayKeyArg ¶
type DisplayKeyArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` Key IdentifyKey `codec:"key" json:"key"` }
type DisplayResultArg ¶
type DisplaySecretExchangedArg ¶
type DisplaySecretExchangedArg struct {
SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"`
type DisplaySecretWordsArg ¶
type DisplayStatusArg ¶
type DisplayStatusArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` Status DoctorStatus `codec:"status" json:"status"` }
type DoctorClient ¶
type DoctorClient struct {
Cli GenericClient
type DoctorFixType ¶
type DoctorFixType int
const ( DoctorFixType_NONE DoctorFixType = 0 DoctorFixType_ADD_ELDEST_DEVICE DoctorFixType = 1 DoctorFixType_ADD_SIBLING_DEVICE DoctorFixType = 2 )
type DoctorSignerOpts ¶
type DoctorStatus ¶
type DoctorStatus struct { Fix DoctorFixType `codec:"fix" json:"fix"` SignerOpts DoctorSignerOpts `codec:"signerOpts" json:"signerOpts"` Devices []Device `codec:"devices" json:"devices"` CurrentDevice *Device `codec:"currentDevice,omitempty" json:"currentDevice,omitempty"` }
type DoctorUiClient ¶
type DoctorUiClient struct {
Cli GenericClient
func (DoctorUiClient) DisplayResult ¶
func (c DoctorUiClient) DisplayResult(ctx context.Context, __arg DisplayResultArg) (err error)
func (DoctorUiClient) DisplayStatus ¶
func (c DoctorUiClient) DisplayStatus(ctx context.Context, __arg DisplayStatusArg) (res bool, err error)
func (DoctorUiClient) LoginSelect ¶
func (c DoctorUiClient) LoginSelect(ctx context.Context, __arg LoginSelectArg) (res string, err error)
type DoctorUiInterface ¶
type DoctorUiInterface interface { LoginSelect(context.Context, LoginSelectArg) (string, error) DisplayStatus(context.Context, DisplayStatusArg) (bool, error) DisplayResult(context.Context, DisplayResultArg) error }
type ED25519PublicKey ¶
type ED25519PublicKey [32]byte
type ED25519Signature ¶
type ED25519Signature [64]byte
type ED25519SignatureInfo ¶
type ED25519SignatureInfo struct { Sig ED25519Signature `codec:"sig" json:"sig"` PublicKey ED25519PublicKey `codec:"publicKey" json:"publicKey"` }
type EncryptedBytes32 ¶
type EncryptedBytes32 [48]byte
type EstablishSessionArg ¶
type FavoriteAddArg ¶
type FavoriteClient ¶
type FavoriteClient struct {
Cli GenericClient
func (FavoriteClient) FavoriteAdd ¶
func (c FavoriteClient) FavoriteAdd(ctx context.Context, __arg FavoriteAddArg) (err error)
func (FavoriteClient) FavoriteDelete ¶
func (c FavoriteClient) FavoriteDelete(ctx context.Context, __arg FavoriteDeleteArg) (err error)
func (FavoriteClient) FavoriteList ¶
type FavoriteDeleteArg ¶
type FavoriteInterface ¶
type FavoriteListArg ¶
type FavoriteListArg struct {
SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"`
type FinishSocialProofCheckArg ¶
type FinishSocialProofCheckArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` Rp RemoteProof `codec:"rp" json:"rp"` Lcr LinkCheckResult `codec:"lcr" json:"lcr"` }
type FinishWebProofCheckArg ¶
type FinishWebProofCheckArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` Rp RemoteProof `codec:"rp" json:"rp"` Lcr LinkCheckResult `codec:"lcr" json:"lcr"` }
type FirstStepArg ¶
type FirstStepResult ¶
type FirstStepResult struct {
ValPlusTwo int `codec:"valPlusTwo" json:"valPlusTwo"`
type GPGKey ¶
type GPGKey struct { Algorithm string `codec:"algorithm" json:"algorithm"` KeyID string `codec:"keyID" json:"keyID"` Creation string `codec:"creation" json:"creation"` Expiration string `codec:"expiration" json:"expiration"` Identities []PGPIdentity `codec:"identities" json:"identities"` }
type GenericClient ¶
type GetBlockArg ¶
type GetBlockArg struct {
Bid BlockIdCombo `codec:"bid" json:"bid"`
type GetBlockRes ¶
type GetConfigArg ¶
type GetConfigArg struct {
SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"`
type GetConfiguredAccountsArg ¶
type GetConfiguredAccountsArg struct {
SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"`
type GetCurrentStatusArg ¶
type GetCurrentStatusArg struct {
SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"`
type GetCurrentStatusRes ¶
type GetEmailOrUsernameArg ¶
type GetEmailOrUsernameArg struct {
SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"`
type GetKeybasePassphraseArg ¶
type GetMetadataArg ¶
type GetMetadataArg struct { FolderID string `codec:"folderID" json:"folderID"` FolderHandle []byte `codec:"folderHandle" json:"folderHandle"` Unmerged bool `codec:"unmerged" json:"unmerged"` StartRevision int64 `codec:"startRevision" json:"startRevision"` StopRevision int64 `codec:"stopRevision" json:"stopRevision"` LogTags map[string]string `codec:"logTags" json:"logTags"` }
type GetNewPassphraseArg ¶
type GetNewPassphraseArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` TerminalPrompt string `codec:"terminalPrompt" json:"terminalPrompt"` PinentryDesc string `codec:"pinentryDesc" json:"pinentryDesc"` PinentryPrompt string `codec:"pinentryPrompt" json:"pinentryPrompt"` RetryMessage string `codec:"retryMessage" json:"retryMessage"` UseSecretStore bool `codec:"useSecretStore" json:"useSecretStore"` }
type GetNewPassphraseRes ¶
type GetSecretArg ¶
type GetSecretArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` Pinentry SecretEntryArg `codec:"pinentry" json:"pinentry"` Terminal *SecretEntryArg `codec:"terminal,omitempty" json:"terminal,omitempty"` }
type GpgUiClient ¶
type GpgUiClient struct {
Cli GenericClient
func (GpgUiClient) ConfirmDuplicateKeyChosen ¶
func (GpgUiClient) SelectKey ¶
func (c GpgUiClient) SelectKey(ctx context.Context, __arg SelectKeyArg) (res string, err error)
func (GpgUiClient) SelectKeyAndPushOption ¶
func (c GpgUiClient) SelectKeyAndPushOption(ctx context.Context, __arg SelectKeyAndPushOptionArg) (res SelectKeyRes, err error)
func (GpgUiClient) WantToAddGPGKey ¶
type GpgUiInterface ¶
type HelloArg ¶
type HelloArg struct { Uid UID `codec:"uid" json:"uid"` Token SessionToken `codec:"token" json:"token"` Csrf CsrfToken `codec:"csrf" json:"csrf"` Pps PassphraseStream `codec:"pps" json:"pps"` SigBody string `codec:"sigBody" json:"sigBody"` }
type IdentifyArg ¶
type IdentifyClient ¶
type IdentifyClient struct {
Cli GenericClient
func (IdentifyClient) Identify ¶
func (c IdentifyClient) Identify(ctx context.Context, __arg IdentifyArg) (res IdentifyRes, err error)
type IdentifyInterface ¶
type IdentifyInterface interface {
Identify(context.Context, IdentifyArg) (IdentifyRes, error)
type IdentifyKey ¶
type IdentifyOutcome ¶
type IdentifyOutcome struct { Username string `codec:"username" json:"username"` Status *Status `codec:"status,omitempty" json:"status,omitempty"` Warnings []string `codec:"warnings" json:"warnings"` TrackUsed *TrackSummary `codec:"trackUsed,omitempty" json:"trackUsed,omitempty"` TrackStatus TrackStatus `codec:"trackStatus" json:"trackStatus"` NumTrackFailures int `codec:"numTrackFailures" json:"numTrackFailures"` NumTrackChanges int `codec:"numTrackChanges" json:"numTrackChanges"` NumProofFailures int `codec:"numProofFailures" json:"numProofFailures"` NumRevoked int `codec:"numRevoked" json:"numRevoked"` NumProofSuccesses int `codec:"numProofSuccesses" json:"numProofSuccesses"` Revoked []TrackDiff `codec:"revoked" json:"revoked"` TrackOptions TrackOptions `codec:"trackOptions" json:"trackOptions"` }
type IdentifyRes ¶
type IdentifyRes struct { User *User `codec:"user,omitempty" json:"user,omitempty"` PublicKeys []PublicKey `codec:"publicKeys" json:"publicKeys"` Outcome IdentifyOutcome `codec:"outcome" json:"outcome"` TrackToken string `codec:"trackToken" json:"trackToken"` }
type IdentifyRow ¶
type IdentifyRow struct { RowId int `codec:"rowId" json:"rowId"` Proof RemoteProof `codec:"proof" json:"proof"` TrackDiff *TrackDiff `codec:"trackDiff,omitempty" json:"trackDiff,omitempty"` }
type IdentifyUiClient ¶
type IdentifyUiClient struct {
Cli GenericClient
func (IdentifyUiClient) Confirm ¶
func (c IdentifyUiClient) Confirm(ctx context.Context, __arg ConfirmArg) (res bool, err error)
func (IdentifyUiClient) DisplayCryptocurrency ¶
func (c IdentifyUiClient) DisplayCryptocurrency(ctx context.Context, __arg DisplayCryptocurrencyArg) (err error)
func (IdentifyUiClient) DisplayKey ¶
func (c IdentifyUiClient) DisplayKey(ctx context.Context, __arg DisplayKeyArg) (err error)
func (IdentifyUiClient) DisplayTrackStatement ¶
func (c IdentifyUiClient) DisplayTrackStatement(ctx context.Context, __arg DisplayTrackStatementArg) (err error)
func (IdentifyUiClient) Finish ¶
func (c IdentifyUiClient) Finish(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (err error)
func (IdentifyUiClient) FinishSocialProofCheck ¶
func (c IdentifyUiClient) FinishSocialProofCheck(ctx context.Context, __arg FinishSocialProofCheckArg) (err error)
func (IdentifyUiClient) FinishWebProofCheck ¶
func (c IdentifyUiClient) FinishWebProofCheck(ctx context.Context, __arg FinishWebProofCheckArg) (err error)
func (IdentifyUiClient) LaunchNetworkChecks ¶
func (c IdentifyUiClient) LaunchNetworkChecks(ctx context.Context, __arg LaunchNetworkChecksArg) (err error)
func (IdentifyUiClient) ReportLastTrack ¶
func (c IdentifyUiClient) ReportLastTrack(ctx context.Context, __arg ReportLastTrackArg) (err error)
type IdentifyUiInterface ¶
type IdentifyUiInterface interface { Start(context.Context, StartArg) error DisplayKey(context.Context, DisplayKeyArg) error ReportLastTrack(context.Context, ReportLastTrackArg) error LaunchNetworkChecks(context.Context, LaunchNetworkChecksArg) error DisplayTrackStatement(context.Context, DisplayTrackStatementArg) error FinishWebProofCheck(context.Context, FinishWebProofCheckArg) error FinishSocialProofCheck(context.Context, FinishSocialProofCheckArg) error DisplayCryptocurrency(context.Context, DisplayCryptocurrencyArg) error Confirm(context.Context, ConfirmArg) (bool, error) Finish(context.Context, int) error }
type Identity ¶
type Identity struct { Status *Status `codec:"status,omitempty" json:"status,omitempty"` WhenLastTracked int `codec:"whenLastTracked" json:"whenLastTracked"` Proofs []IdentifyRow `codec:"proofs" json:"proofs"` Cryptocurrency []Cryptocurrency `codec:"cryptocurrency" json:"cryptocurrency"` Revoked []TrackDiff `codec:"revoked" json:"revoked"` }
type IncBlockReferenceArg ¶
type IncBlockReferenceArg struct { Bid BlockIdCombo `codec:"bid" json:"bid"` Nonce BlockRefNonce `codec:"nonce" json:"nonce"` Folder string `codec:"folder" json:"folder"` ChargedTo UID `codec:"chargedTo" json:"chargedTo"` }
type IncrementArg ¶
type InviteRequestArg ¶
type Kex2ProvisioneeClient ¶
type Kex2ProvisioneeClient struct {
Cli GenericClient
func (Kex2ProvisioneeClient) DidCounterSign ¶
func (c Kex2ProvisioneeClient) DidCounterSign(ctx context.Context, sig []byte) (err error)
type Kex2ProvisionerClient ¶
type Kex2ProvisionerClient struct {
Cli GenericClient
type KexStartArg ¶
type KexStartArg struct { }
type KexStatusArg ¶
type KexStatusArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` Msg string `codec:"msg" json:"msg"` Code KexStatusCode `codec:"code" json:"code"` }
type KexStatusCode ¶
type KexStatusCode int
const ( KexStatusCode_START_SEND KexStatusCode = 0 KexStatusCode_HELLO_WAIT KexStatusCode = 1 KexStatusCode_HELLO_RECEIVED KexStatusCode = 2 KexStatusCode_PLEASE_SIGN_SEND KexStatusCode = 3 KexStatusCode_DONE_WAIT KexStatusCode = 4 KexStatusCode_DONE_RECEIVED KexStatusCode = 5 KexStatusCode_START_WAIT KexStatusCode = 6 KexStatusCode_START_RECEIVED KexStatusCode = 7 KexStatusCode_HELLO_SEND KexStatusCode = 8 KexStatusCode_PLEASE_SIGN_WAIT KexStatusCode = 9 KexStatusCode_PLEASE_SIGN_RECEIVED KexStatusCode = 10 KexStatusCode_DONE_SEND KexStatusCode = 11 KexStatusCode_END KexStatusCode = 12 )
type LaunchNetworkChecksArg ¶
type LinkCheckResult ¶
type LinkCheckResult struct { ProofId int `codec:"proofId" json:"proofId"` ProofResult ProofResult `codec:"proofResult" json:"proofResult"` Cached *CheckResult `codec:"cached,omitempty" json:"cached,omitempty"` Diff *TrackDiff `codec:"diff,omitempty" json:"diff,omitempty"` RemoteDiff *TrackDiff `codec:"remoteDiff,omitempty" json:"remoteDiff,omitempty"` Hint *SigHint `codec:"hint,omitempty" json:"hint,omitempty"` }
type ListTrackersArg ¶
type ListTrackersByNameArg ¶
type ListTrackersSelfArg ¶
type ListTrackersSelfArg struct {
SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"`
type ListTrackingArg ¶
type ListTrackingJSONArg ¶
type LoadPublicKeysArg ¶
type LoadUserArg ¶
type LoadUserPlusKeysArg ¶
type LocksmithUiClient ¶
type LocksmithUiClient struct {
Cli GenericClient
func (LocksmithUiClient) DeviceNameTaken ¶
func (c LocksmithUiClient) DeviceNameTaken(ctx context.Context, __arg DeviceNameTakenArg) (err error)
func (LocksmithUiClient) DeviceSignAttemptErr ¶
func (c LocksmithUiClient) DeviceSignAttemptErr(ctx context.Context, __arg DeviceSignAttemptErrArg) (err error)
func (LocksmithUiClient) DisplayProvisionSuccess ¶
func (c LocksmithUiClient) DisplayProvisionSuccess(ctx context.Context, __arg DisplayProvisionSuccessArg) (err error)
func (LocksmithUiClient) DisplaySecretWords ¶
func (c LocksmithUiClient) DisplaySecretWords(ctx context.Context, __arg DisplaySecretWordsArg) (err error)
func (LocksmithUiClient) KexStatus ¶
func (c LocksmithUiClient) KexStatus(ctx context.Context, __arg KexStatusArg) (err error)
func (LocksmithUiClient) PromptDeviceName ¶
func (LocksmithUiClient) SelectSigner ¶
func (c LocksmithUiClient) SelectSigner(ctx context.Context, __arg SelectSignerArg) (res SelectSignerRes, err error)
type LocksmithUiInterface ¶
type LocksmithUiInterface interface { PromptDeviceName(context.Context, int) (string, error) DeviceNameTaken(context.Context, DeviceNameTakenArg) error SelectSigner(context.Context, SelectSignerArg) (SelectSignerRes, error) DeviceSignAttemptErr(context.Context, DeviceSignAttemptErrArg) error DisplaySecretWords(context.Context, DisplaySecretWordsArg) error KexStatus(context.Context, KexStatusArg) error DisplayProvisionSuccess(context.Context, DisplayProvisionSuccessArg) error }
type LogRotateArg ¶
type LogRotateArg struct {
SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"`
type LogUiClient ¶
type LogUiClient struct {
Cli GenericClient
type LoggedOutArg ¶
type LoggedOutArg struct { }
type LoginClient ¶
type LoginClient struct {
Cli GenericClient
func (LoginClient) CancelLogin ¶
func (c LoginClient) CancelLogin(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (err error)
func (LoginClient) ClearStoredSecret ¶
func (c LoginClient) ClearStoredSecret(ctx context.Context, __arg ClearStoredSecretArg) (err error)
func (LoginClient) GetConfiguredAccounts ¶
func (c LoginClient) GetConfiguredAccounts(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (res []ConfiguredAccount, err error)
func (LoginClient) LoginWithPassphrase ¶
func (c LoginClient) LoginWithPassphrase(ctx context.Context, __arg LoginWithPassphraseArg) (err error)
func (LoginClient) LoginWithPrompt ¶
func (c LoginClient) LoginWithPrompt(ctx context.Context, __arg LoginWithPromptArg) (err error)
func (LoginClient) LoginWithStoredSecret ¶
func (c LoginClient) LoginWithStoredSecret(ctx context.Context, __arg LoginWithStoredSecretArg) (err error)
func (LoginClient) Logout ¶
func (c LoginClient) Logout(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (err error)
func (LoginClient) PaperKey ¶
func (c LoginClient) PaperKey(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (err error)
func (LoginClient) RecoverAccountFromEmailAddress ¶
func (c LoginClient) RecoverAccountFromEmailAddress(ctx context.Context, email string) (err error)
func (LoginClient) Reset ¶
func (c LoginClient) Reset(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (err error)
type LoginInterface ¶
type LoginInterface interface { GetConfiguredAccounts(context.Context, int) ([]ConfiguredAccount, error) LoginWithPrompt(context.Context, LoginWithPromptArg) error LoginWithStoredSecret(context.Context, LoginWithStoredSecretArg) error LoginWithPassphrase(context.Context, LoginWithPassphraseArg) error ClearStoredSecret(context.Context, ClearStoredSecretArg) error CancelLogin(context.Context, int) error Logout(context.Context, int) error Reset(context.Context, int) error RecoverAccountFromEmailAddress(context.Context, string) error PaperKey(context.Context, int) error Unlock(context.Context, int) error XLogin(context.Context, XLoginArg) error }
type LoginSelectArg ¶
type LoginUiClient ¶
type LoginUiClient struct {
Cli GenericClient
func (LoginUiClient) DisplayPaperKeyPhrase ¶
func (c LoginUiClient) DisplayPaperKeyPhrase(ctx context.Context, __arg DisplayPaperKeyPhraseArg) (err error)
func (LoginUiClient) DisplayPrimaryPaperKey ¶
func (c LoginUiClient) DisplayPrimaryPaperKey(ctx context.Context, __arg DisplayPrimaryPaperKeyArg) (err error)
func (LoginUiClient) GetEmailOrUsername ¶
func (LoginUiClient) PromptRevokePaperKeys ¶
func (c LoginUiClient) PromptRevokePaperKeys(ctx context.Context, __arg PromptRevokePaperKeysArg) (res bool, err error)
type LoginUiInterface ¶
type LoginUiInterface interface { GetEmailOrUsername(context.Context, int) (string, error) PromptRevokePaperKeys(context.Context, PromptRevokePaperKeysArg) (bool, error) DisplayPaperKeyPhrase(context.Context, DisplayPaperKeyPhraseArg) error DisplayPrimaryPaperKey(context.Context, DisplayPrimaryPaperKeyArg) error }
type LoginWithPassphraseArg ¶
type LoginWithPromptArg ¶
type MetadataClient ¶
type MetadataClient struct {
Cli GenericClient
func (MetadataClient) Authenticate ¶
func (c MetadataClient) Authenticate(ctx context.Context, __arg AuthenticateArg) (res int, err error)
func (MetadataClient) GetMetadata ¶
func (c MetadataClient) GetMetadata(ctx context.Context, __arg GetMetadataArg) (res MetadataResponse, err error)
func (MetadataClient) PruneUnmerged ¶
func (c MetadataClient) PruneUnmerged(ctx context.Context, __arg PruneUnmergedArg) (err error)
func (MetadataClient) PutKeys ¶
func (c MetadataClient) PutKeys(ctx context.Context, __arg PutKeysArg) (err error)
func (MetadataClient) PutMetadata ¶
func (c MetadataClient) PutMetadata(ctx context.Context, __arg PutMetadataArg) (err error)
func (MetadataClient) RegisterForUpdates ¶
func (c MetadataClient) RegisterForUpdates(ctx context.Context, __arg RegisterForUpdatesArg) (err error)
func (MetadataClient) TruncateLock ¶
func (MetadataClient) TruncateUnlock ¶
type MetadataInterface ¶
type MetadataInterface interface { Authenticate(context.Context, AuthenticateArg) (int, error) PutMetadata(context.Context, PutMetadataArg) error GetMetadata(context.Context, GetMetadataArg) (MetadataResponse, error) RegisterForUpdates(context.Context, RegisterForUpdatesArg) error PruneUnmerged(context.Context, PruneUnmergedArg) error PutKeys(context.Context, PutKeysArg) error GetKey(context.Context, GetKeyArg) ([]byte, error) TruncateLock(context.Context, string) (bool, error) TruncateUnlock(context.Context, string) (bool, error) Ping(context.Context) error }
type MetadataResponse ¶
type MetadataUpdateArg ¶
type MetadataUpdateClient ¶
type MetadataUpdateClient struct {
Cli GenericClient
func (MetadataUpdateClient) MetadataUpdate ¶
func (c MetadataUpdateClient) MetadataUpdate(ctx context.Context, __arg MetadataUpdateArg) (err error)
type MetadataUpdateInterface ¶
type MetadataUpdateInterface interface {
MetadataUpdate(context.Context, MetadataUpdateArg) error
type NotificationChannels ¶
type NotifyCtlClient ¶
type NotifyCtlClient struct {
Cli GenericClient
func (NotifyCtlClient) ToggleNotifications ¶
func (c NotifyCtlClient) ToggleNotifications(ctx context.Context, channels NotificationChannels) (err error)
type NotifyCtlInterface ¶
type NotifyCtlInterface interface {
ToggleNotifications(context.Context, NotificationChannels) error
type NotifySessionClient ¶
type NotifySessionClient struct {
Cli GenericClient
type NotifySessionInterface ¶
type NotifyUsersClient ¶
type NotifyUsersClient struct {
Cli GenericClient
func (NotifyUsersClient) UserChanged ¶
func (c NotifyUsersClient) UserChanged(ctx context.Context, uid UID) (err error)
type NotifyUsersInterface ¶
type OkToCheckArg ¶
type OutputInstructionsArg ¶
type OutputPrechecksArg ¶
type PGPClient ¶
type PGPClient struct {
Cli GenericClient
func (PGPClient) PGPDecrypt ¶
func (c PGPClient) PGPDecrypt(ctx context.Context, __arg PGPDecryptArg) (res PGPSigVerification, err error)
func (PGPClient) PGPDeletePrimary ¶
func (PGPClient) PGPEncrypt ¶
func (c PGPClient) PGPEncrypt(ctx context.Context, __arg PGPEncryptArg) (err error)
func (PGPClient) PGPExportByFingerprint ¶
func (PGPClient) PGPExportByKID ¶
func (PGPClient) PGPImport ¶
func (c PGPClient) PGPImport(ctx context.Context, __arg PGPImportArg) (err error)
func (PGPClient) PGPKeyGen ¶
func (c PGPClient) PGPKeyGen(ctx context.Context, __arg PGPKeyGenArg) (err error)
func (PGPClient) PGPKeyGenDefault ¶
func (c PGPClient) PGPKeyGenDefault(ctx context.Context, __arg PGPKeyGenDefaultArg) (err error)
func (PGPClient) PGPPull ¶
func (c PGPClient) PGPPull(ctx context.Context, __arg PGPPullArg) (err error)
func (PGPClient) PGPSelect ¶
func (c PGPClient) PGPSelect(ctx context.Context, __arg PGPSelectArg) (err error)
func (PGPClient) PGPSign ¶
func (c PGPClient) PGPSign(ctx context.Context, __arg PGPSignArg) (err error)
func (PGPClient) PGPUpdate ¶
func (c PGPClient) PGPUpdate(ctx context.Context, __arg PGPUpdateArg) (err error)
func (PGPClient) PGPVerify ¶
func (c PGPClient) PGPVerify(ctx context.Context, __arg PGPVerifyArg) (res PGPSigVerification, err error)
type PGPCreateUids ¶
type PGPCreateUids struct { UseDefault bool `codec:"useDefault" json:"useDefault"` Ids []PGPIdentity `codec:"ids" json:"ids"` }
type PGPDecryptArg ¶
type PGPDecryptArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` Source Stream `codec:"source" json:"source"` Sink Stream `codec:"sink" json:"sink"` Opts PGPDecryptOptions `codec:"opts" json:"opts"` }
type PGPDecryptOptions ¶
type PGPDecryptOptions struct { AssertSigned bool `codec:"assertSigned" json:"assertSigned"` SignedBy string `codec:"signedBy" json:"signedBy"` TrackOptions TrackOptions `codec:"trackOptions" json:"trackOptions"` }
type PGPDeletePrimaryArg ¶
type PGPDeletePrimaryArg struct {
SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"`
type PGPEncryptArg ¶
type PGPEncryptArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` Source Stream `codec:"source" json:"source"` Sink Stream `codec:"sink" json:"sink"` Opts PGPEncryptOptions `codec:"opts" json:"opts"` }
type PGPEncryptOptions ¶
type PGPEncryptOptions struct { Recipients []string `codec:"recipients" json:"recipients"` NoSign bool `codec:"noSign" json:"noSign"` NoSelf bool `codec:"noSelf" json:"noSelf"` BinaryOut bool `codec:"binaryOut" json:"binaryOut"` KeyQuery string `codec:"keyQuery" json:"keyQuery"` TrackOptions TrackOptions `codec:"trackOptions" json:"trackOptions"` }
type PGPExportArg ¶
type PGPExportByKIDArg ¶
type PGPIdentity ¶
type PGPImportArg ¶
type PGPInterface ¶
type PGPInterface interface { PGPSign(context.Context, PGPSignArg) error PGPPull(context.Context, PGPPullArg) error PGPEncrypt(context.Context, PGPEncryptArg) error PGPDecrypt(context.Context, PGPDecryptArg) (PGPSigVerification, error) PGPVerify(context.Context, PGPVerifyArg) (PGPSigVerification, error) PGPImport(context.Context, PGPImportArg) error PGPExport(context.Context, PGPExportArg) ([]KeyInfo, error) PGPExportByFingerprint(context.Context, PGPExportByFingerprintArg) ([]KeyInfo, error) PGPExportByKID(context.Context, PGPExportByKIDArg) ([]KeyInfo, error) PGPKeyGen(context.Context, PGPKeyGenArg) error PGPKeyGenDefault(context.Context, PGPKeyGenDefaultArg) error PGPDeletePrimary(context.Context, int) error PGPSelect(context.Context, PGPSelectArg) error PGPUpdate(context.Context, PGPUpdateArg) error }
type PGPKeyGenArg ¶
type PGPKeyGenArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` PrimaryBits int `codec:"primaryBits" json:"primaryBits"` SubkeyBits int `codec:"subkeyBits" json:"subkeyBits"` CreateUids PGPCreateUids `codec:"createUids" json:"createUids"` AllowMulti bool `codec:"allowMulti" json:"allowMulti"` DoExport bool `codec:"doExport" json:"doExport"` PushSecret bool `codec:"pushSecret" json:"pushSecret"` }
type PGPKeyGenDefaultArg ¶
type PGPKeyGenDefaultArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` CreateUids PGPCreateUids `codec:"createUids" json:"createUids"` }
type PGPPullArg ¶
type PGPSelectArg ¶
type PGPSelectArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` FingerprintQuery string `codec:"fingerprintQuery" json:"fingerprintQuery"` AllowMulti bool `codec:"allowMulti" json:"allowMulti"` SkipImport bool `codec:"skipImport" json:"skipImport"` OnlyImport bool `codec:"onlyImport" json:"onlyImport"` }
type PGPSigVerification ¶
type PGPSignArg ¶
type PGPSignArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` Source Stream `codec:"source" json:"source"` Sink Stream `codec:"sink" json:"sink"` Opts PGPSignOptions `codec:"opts" json:"opts"` }
type PGPSignOptions ¶
type PGPUpdateArg ¶
type PGPVerifyArg ¶
type PGPVerifyArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` Source Stream `codec:"source" json:"source"` Opts PGPVerifyOptions `codec:"opts" json:"opts"` }
type PGPVerifyOptions ¶
type PGPVerifyOptions struct { SignedBy string `codec:"signedBy" json:"signedBy"` TrackOptions TrackOptions `codec:"trackOptions" json:"trackOptions"` Signature []byte `codec:"signature" json:"signature"` }
type PaperKeyArg ¶
type PaperKeyArg struct {
SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"`
type PassphraseChangeArg ¶
type PassphraseStream ¶
type PreProofWarningArg ¶
type PromptDefault ¶
type PromptDefault int
const ( PromptDefault_NONE PromptDefault = 0 PromptDefault_YES PromptDefault = 1 PromptDefault_NO PromptDefault = 2 )
type PromptDeviceNameArg ¶
type PromptDeviceNameArg struct {
SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"`
type PromptNewDeviceNameArg ¶
type PromptOverwriteArg ¶
type PromptOverwriteArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` Account string `codec:"account" json:"account"` Typ PromptOverwriteType `codec:"typ" json:"typ"` }
type PromptOverwriteType ¶
type PromptOverwriteType int
const ( PromptOverwriteType_SOCIAL PromptOverwriteType = 0 PromptOverwriteType_SITE PromptOverwriteType = 1 )
type PromptUsernameArg ¶
type PromptYesNoArg ¶
type PromptYesNoArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` Text Text `codec:"text" json:"text"` PromptDefault PromptDefault `codec:"promptDefault" json:"promptDefault"` }
type ProofResult ¶
type ProofResult struct { State ProofState `codec:"state" json:"state"` Status ProofStatus `codec:"status" json:"status"` Desc string `codec:"desc" json:"desc"` }
type ProofState ¶
type ProofState int
const ( ProofState_NONE ProofState = 0 ProofState_OK ProofState = 1 ProofState_TEMP_FAILURE ProofState = 2 ProofState_PERM_FAILURE ProofState = 3 ProofState_LOOKING ProofState = 4 ProofState_SUPERSEDED ProofState = 5 ProofState_POSTED ProofState = 6 ProofState_REVOKED ProofState = 7 )
type ProofStatus ¶
type ProofStatus int
const ( ProofStatus_NONE ProofStatus = 0 ProofStatus_OK ProofStatus = 1 ProofStatus_LOCAL ProofStatus = 2 ProofStatus_FOUND ProofStatus = 3 ProofStatus_BASE_ERROR ProofStatus = 100 ProofStatus_HOST_UNREACHABLE ProofStatus = 101 ProofStatus_PERMISSION_DENIED ProofStatus = 103 ProofStatus_FAILED_PARSE ProofStatus = 106 ProofStatus_DNS_ERROR ProofStatus = 107 ProofStatus_AUTH_FAILED ProofStatus = 108 ProofStatus_HTTP_500 ProofStatus = 150 ProofStatus_TIMEOUT ProofStatus = 160 ProofStatus_INTERNAL_ERROR ProofStatus = 170 ProofStatus_BASE_HARD_ERROR ProofStatus = 200 ProofStatus_NOT_FOUND ProofStatus = 201 ProofStatus_CONTENT_FAILURE ProofStatus = 202 ProofStatus_BAD_USERNAME ProofStatus = 203 ProofStatus_BAD_REMOTE_ID ProofStatus = 204 ProofStatus_TEXT_NOT_FOUND ProofStatus = 205 ProofStatus_BAD_ARGS ProofStatus = 206 ProofStatus_CONTENT_MISSING ProofStatus = 207 ProofStatus_TITLE_NOT_FOUND ProofStatus = 208 ProofStatus_SERVICE_ERROR ProofStatus = 209 ProofStatus_TOR_SKIPPED ProofStatus = 210 ProofStatus_TOR_INCOMPATIBLE ProofStatus = 211 ProofStatus_HTTP_300 ProofStatus = 230 ProofStatus_HTTP_400 ProofStatus = 240 ProofStatus_HTTP_OTHER ProofStatus = 260 ProofStatus_EMPTY_JSON ProofStatus = 270 ProofStatus_DELETED ProofStatus = 301 ProofStatus_SERVICE_DEAD ProofStatus = 302 ProofStatus_BAD_SIGNATURE ProofStatus = 303 ProofStatus_BAD_API_URL ProofStatus = 304 ProofStatus_UNKNOWN_TYPE ProofStatus = 305 ProofStatus_NO_HINT ProofStatus = 306 ProofStatus_BAD_HINT_TEXT ProofStatus = 307 )
type ProofType ¶
type ProofType int
const ( ProofType_NONE ProofType = 0 ProofType_KEYBASE ProofType = 1 ProofType_TWITTER ProofType = 2 ProofType_GITHUB ProofType = 3 ProofType_REDDIT ProofType = 4 ProofType_COINBASE ProofType = 5 ProofType_HACKERNEWS ProofType = 6 ProofType_GENERIC_WEB_SITE ProofType = 1000 ProofType_DNS ProofType = 1001 ProofType_ROOTER ProofType = 100001 )
type Proofs ¶
type Proofs struct { Social []TrackProof `codec:"social" json:"social"` Web []WebProof `codec:"web" json:"web"` PublicKeys []PublicKey `codec:"publicKeys" json:"publicKeys"` }
type ProveClient ¶
type ProveClient struct {
Cli GenericClient
func (ProveClient) CheckProof ¶
func (c ProveClient) CheckProof(ctx context.Context, __arg CheckProofArg) (res CheckProofStatus, err error)
func (ProveClient) StartProof ¶
func (c ProveClient) StartProof(ctx context.Context, __arg StartProofArg) (res StartProofResult, err error)
type ProveInterface ¶
type ProveInterface interface { StartProof(context.Context, StartProofArg) (StartProofResult, error) CheckProof(context.Context, CheckProofArg) (CheckProofStatus, error) }
type ProveUiClient ¶
type ProveUiClient struct {
Cli GenericClient
func (ProveUiClient) DisplayRecheckWarning ¶
func (c ProveUiClient) DisplayRecheckWarning(ctx context.Context, __arg DisplayRecheckWarningArg) (err error)
func (ProveUiClient) OkToCheck ¶
func (c ProveUiClient) OkToCheck(ctx context.Context, __arg OkToCheckArg) (res bool, err error)
func (ProveUiClient) OutputInstructions ¶
func (c ProveUiClient) OutputInstructions(ctx context.Context, __arg OutputInstructionsArg) (err error)
func (ProveUiClient) OutputPrechecks ¶
func (c ProveUiClient) OutputPrechecks(ctx context.Context, __arg OutputPrechecksArg) (err error)
func (ProveUiClient) PreProofWarning ¶
func (c ProveUiClient) PreProofWarning(ctx context.Context, __arg PreProofWarningArg) (res bool, err error)
func (ProveUiClient) PromptOverwrite ¶
func (c ProveUiClient) PromptOverwrite(ctx context.Context, __arg PromptOverwriteArg) (res bool, err error)
func (ProveUiClient) PromptUsername ¶
func (c ProveUiClient) PromptUsername(ctx context.Context, __arg PromptUsernameArg) (res string, err error)
type ProveUiInterface ¶
type ProveUiInterface interface { PromptOverwrite(context.Context, PromptOverwriteArg) (bool, error) PromptUsername(context.Context, PromptUsernameArg) (string, error) OutputPrechecks(context.Context, OutputPrechecksArg) error PreProofWarning(context.Context, PreProofWarningArg) (bool, error) OutputInstructions(context.Context, OutputInstructionsArg) error OkToCheck(context.Context, OkToCheckArg) (bool, error) DisplayRecheckWarning(context.Context, DisplayRecheckWarningArg) error }
type ProvisionMethod ¶
type ProvisionMethod int
const ( ProvisionMethod_DEVICE ProvisionMethod = 0 ProvisionMethod_GPG ProvisionMethod = 1 ProvisionMethod_PAPER_KEY ProvisionMethod = 2 ProvisionMethod_PASSPHRASE ProvisionMethod = 3 )
type ProvisionUiClient ¶
type ProvisionUiClient struct {
Cli GenericClient
func (ProvisionUiClient) ChooseDeviceType ¶
func (c ProvisionUiClient) ChooseDeviceType(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (res DeviceType, err error)
func (ProvisionUiClient) ChooseProvisioningMethod ¶
func (c ProvisionUiClient) ChooseProvisioningMethod(ctx context.Context, __arg ChooseProvisioningMethodArg) (res ProvisionMethod, err error)
func (ProvisionUiClient) DisplayAndPromptSecret ¶
func (c ProvisionUiClient) DisplayAndPromptSecret(ctx context.Context, __arg DisplayAndPromptSecretArg) (res []byte, err error)
func (ProvisionUiClient) DisplaySecretExchanged ¶
func (c ProvisionUiClient) DisplaySecretExchanged(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (err error)
func (ProvisionUiClient) PromptNewDeviceName ¶
func (c ProvisionUiClient) PromptNewDeviceName(ctx context.Context, __arg PromptNewDeviceNameArg) (res string, err error)
func (ProvisionUiClient) ProvisioneeSuccess ¶
func (c ProvisionUiClient) ProvisioneeSuccess(ctx context.Context, __arg ProvisioneeSuccessArg) (err error)
func (ProvisionUiClient) ProvisionerSuccess ¶
func (c ProvisionUiClient) ProvisionerSuccess(ctx context.Context, __arg ProvisionerSuccessArg) (err error)
type ProvisionUiInterface ¶
type ProvisionUiInterface interface { ChooseProvisioningMethod(context.Context, ChooseProvisioningMethodArg) (ProvisionMethod, error) ChooseDeviceType(context.Context, int) (DeviceType, error) DisplayAndPromptSecret(context.Context, DisplayAndPromptSecretArg) ([]byte, error) DisplaySecretExchanged(context.Context, int) error PromptNewDeviceName(context.Context, PromptNewDeviceNameArg) (string, error) ProvisioneeSuccess(context.Context, ProvisioneeSuccessArg) error ProvisionerSuccess(context.Context, ProvisionerSuccessArg) error }
type ProvisioneeSuccessArg ¶
type ProvisionerSuccessArg ¶
type PruneUnmergedArg ¶
type PublicKey ¶
type PublicKey struct { KID KID `codec:"KID" json:"KID"` PGPFingerprint string `codec:"PGPFingerprint" json:"PGPFingerprint"` PGPIdentities []PGPIdentity `codec:"PGPIdentities" json:"PGPIdentities"` IsSibkey bool `codec:"isSibkey" json:"isSibkey"` IsEldest bool `codec:"isEldest" json:"isEldest"` ParentID string `codec:"parentID" json:"parentID"` DeviceID DeviceID `codec:"deviceID" json:"deviceID"` DeviceDescription string `codec:"deviceDescription" json:"deviceDescription"` DeviceType string `codec:"deviceType" json:"deviceType"` CTime Time `codec:"cTime" json:"cTime"` ETime Time `codec:"eTime" json:"eTime"` }
type PutBlockArg ¶
type PutBlockArg struct { Bid BlockIdCombo `codec:"bid" json:"bid"` Folder string `codec:"folder" json:"folder"` BlockKey string `codec:"blockKey" json:"blockKey"` Buf []byte `codec:"buf" json:"buf"` }
type PutKeysArg ¶
type PutMetadataArg ¶
type QuotaClient ¶
type QuotaClient struct {
Cli GenericClient
func (QuotaClient) VerifySession ¶
func (c QuotaClient) VerifySession(ctx context.Context, session string) (res VerifySessionRes, err error)
type QuotaInterface ¶
type QuotaInterface interface {
VerifySession(context.Context, string) (VerifySessionRes, error)
type RecoverAccountFromEmailAddressArg ¶
type RecoverAccountFromEmailAddressArg struct {
Email string `codec:"email" json:"email"`
type RegisterBTCArg ¶
type RegisterForUpdatesArg ¶
type RemoteProof ¶
type RemoteProof struct { ProofType ProofType `codec:"proofType" json:"proofType"` Key string `codec:"key" json:"key"` Value string `codec:"value" json:"value"` DisplayMarkup string `codec:"displayMarkup" json:"displayMarkup"` SigID SigID `codec:"sigID" json:"sigID"` MTime Time `codec:"mTime" json:"mTime"` }
type ReportLastTrackArg ¶
type ReportLastTrackArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` Track *TrackSummary `codec:"track,omitempty" json:"track,omitempty"` }
type RevokeClient ¶
type RevokeClient struct {
Cli GenericClient
func (RevokeClient) RevokeDevice ¶
func (c RevokeClient) RevokeDevice(ctx context.Context, __arg RevokeDeviceArg) (err error)
func (RevokeClient) RevokeKey ¶
func (c RevokeClient) RevokeKey(ctx context.Context, __arg RevokeKeyArg) (err error)
func (RevokeClient) RevokeSigs ¶
func (c RevokeClient) RevokeSigs(ctx context.Context, __arg RevokeSigsArg) (err error)
type RevokeDeviceArg ¶
type RevokeInterface ¶
type RevokeInterface interface { RevokeKey(context.Context, RevokeKeyArg) error RevokeDevice(context.Context, RevokeDeviceArg) error RevokeSigs(context.Context, RevokeSigsArg) error }
type RevokeKeyArg ¶
type RevokeSigsArg ¶
type SearchComponent ¶
type SearchResult ¶
type SearchResult struct { Uid UID `codec:"uid" json:"uid"` Username string `codec:"username" json:"username"` Components []SearchComponent `codec:"components" json:"components"` Score float64 `codec:"score" json:"score"` }
type SecondStepArg ¶
type SecretEntryArg ¶
type SecretEntryArg struct { Desc string `codec:"desc" json:"desc"` Prompt string `codec:"prompt" json:"prompt"` Err string `codec:"err" json:"err"` Cancel string `codec:"cancel" json:"cancel"` Ok string `codec:"ok" json:"ok"` Reason string `codec:"reason" json:"reason"` UseSecretStore bool `codec:"useSecretStore" json:"useSecretStore"` }
type SecretEntryRes ¶
type SecretUiClient ¶
type SecretUiClient struct {
Cli GenericClient
func (SecretUiClient) GetKeybasePassphrase ¶
func (c SecretUiClient) GetKeybasePassphrase(ctx context.Context, __arg GetKeybasePassphraseArg) (res string, err error)
func (SecretUiClient) GetNewPassphrase ¶
func (c SecretUiClient) GetNewPassphrase(ctx context.Context, __arg GetNewPassphraseArg) (res GetNewPassphraseRes, err error)
func (SecretUiClient) GetPaperKeyPassphrase ¶
func (c SecretUiClient) GetPaperKeyPassphrase(ctx context.Context, __arg GetPaperKeyPassphraseArg) (res string, err error)
func (SecretUiClient) GetSecret ¶
func (c SecretUiClient) GetSecret(ctx context.Context, __arg GetSecretArg) (res SecretEntryRes, err error)
type SecretUiInterface ¶
type SecretUiInterface interface { GetSecret(context.Context, GetSecretArg) (SecretEntryRes, error) GetNewPassphrase(context.Context, GetNewPassphraseArg) (GetNewPassphraseRes, error) GetKeybasePassphrase(context.Context, GetKeybasePassphraseArg) (string, error) GetPaperKeyPassphrase(context.Context, GetPaperKeyPassphraseArg) (string, error) }
type SelectKeyArg ¶
type SelectKeyRes ¶
type SelectSignerAction ¶
type SelectSignerAction int
const ( SelectSignerAction_SIGN SelectSignerAction = 0 SelectSignerAction_CANCEL SelectSignerAction = 1 )
type SelectSignerArg ¶
type SelectSignerRes ¶
type SelectSignerRes struct { Action SelectSignerAction `codec:"action" json:"action"` Signer *DeviceSigner `codec:"signer,omitempty" json:"signer,omitempty"` }
type SessionClient ¶
type SessionClient struct {
Cli GenericClient
func (SessionClient) CurrentSession ¶
func (SessionClient) CurrentUID ¶
type SessionInterface ¶
type SessionToken ¶
type SessionToken string
type SetLogLevelArg ¶
type SetUserConfigArg ¶
type Sig ¶
type Sig struct { Seqno int `codec:"seqno" json:"seqno"` SigID SigID `codec:"sigID" json:"sigID"` SigIDDisplay string `codec:"sigIDDisplay" json:"sigIDDisplay"` Type string `codec:"type" json:"type"` CTime Time `codec:"cTime" json:"cTime"` Revoked bool `codec:"revoked" json:"revoked"` Active bool `codec:"active" json:"active"` Key string `codec:"key" json:"key"` Body string `codec:"body" json:"body"` }
type SigID ¶
type SigID string
func SigIDFromBytes ¶
func SigIDFromBytes(b [SIG_ID_LEN]byte) SigID
func SigIDFromSlice ¶
func (SigID) ToDisplayString ¶
func (SigID) ToMediumID ¶
type SigListArg ¶
type SigListArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` Arg SigListArgs `codec:"arg" json:"arg"` }
type SigListArgs ¶
type SigListArgs struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` Username string `codec:"username" json:"username"` AllKeys bool `codec:"allKeys" json:"allKeys"` Types *SigTypes `codec:"types,omitempty" json:"types,omitempty"` Filterx string `codec:"filterx" json:"filterx"` Verbose bool `codec:"verbose" json:"verbose"` Revoked bool `codec:"revoked" json:"revoked"` }
type SigListJSONArg ¶
type SigListJSONArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` Arg SigListArgs `codec:"arg" json:"arg"` }
type SignED25519Arg ¶
type SignupArg ¶
type SignupArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` Email string `codec:"email" json:"email"` InviteCode string `codec:"inviteCode" json:"inviteCode"` Passphrase string `codec:"passphrase" json:"passphrase"` Username string `codec:"username" json:"username"` DeviceName string `codec:"deviceName" json:"deviceName"` StoreSecret bool `codec:"storeSecret" json:"storeSecret"` SkipMail bool `codec:"skipMail" json:"skipMail"` }
type SignupClient ¶
type SignupClient struct {
Cli GenericClient
func (SignupClient) CheckUsernameAvailable ¶
func (c SignupClient) CheckUsernameAvailable(ctx context.Context, __arg CheckUsernameAvailableArg) (err error)
func (SignupClient) InviteRequest ¶
func (c SignupClient) InviteRequest(ctx context.Context, __arg InviteRequestArg) (err error)
type SignupInterface ¶
type SigsClient ¶
type SigsClient struct {
Cli GenericClient
func (SigsClient) SigList ¶
func (c SigsClient) SigList(ctx context.Context, __arg SigListArg) (res []Sig, err error)
func (SigsClient) SigListJSON ¶
func (c SigsClient) SigListJSON(ctx context.Context, __arg SigListJSONArg) (res string, err error)
type SigsInterface ¶
type SigsInterface interface { SigList(context.Context, SigListArg) ([]Sig, error) SigListJSON(context.Context, SigListJSONArg) (string, error) }
type StartProofArg ¶
type StartProofResult ¶
type StartProofResult struct {
SigID SigID `codec:"sigID" json:"sigID"`
type Status ¶
type Status struct { Code int `codec:"code" json:"code"` Name string `codec:"name" json:"name"` Desc string `codec:"desc" json:"desc"` Fields []StringKVPair `codec:"fields" json:"fields"` }
type StreamUiClient ¶
type StreamUiClient struct {
Cli GenericClient
func (StreamUiClient) Close ¶
func (c StreamUiClient) Close(ctx context.Context, __arg CloseArg) (err error)
type StreamUiInterface ¶
type StringKVPair ¶
type TestCallbackArg ¶
type TestClient ¶
type TestClient struct {
Cli GenericClient
func (TestClient) Panic ¶
func (c TestClient) Panic(ctx context.Context, message string) (err error)
func (TestClient) TestCallback ¶
func (c TestClient) TestCallback(ctx context.Context, __arg TestCallbackArg) (res string, err error)
type TestInterface ¶
type ToggleNotificationsArg ¶
type ToggleNotificationsArg struct {
Channels NotificationChannels `codec:"channels" json:"channels"`
type TrackArg ¶
type TrackArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` UserAssertion string `codec:"userAssertion" json:"userAssertion"` Options TrackOptions `codec:"options" json:"options"` ForceRemoteCheck bool `codec:"forceRemoteCheck" json:"forceRemoteCheck"` }
type TrackClient ¶
type TrackClient struct {
Cli GenericClient
func (TrackClient) Track ¶
func (c TrackClient) Track(ctx context.Context, __arg TrackArg) (err error)
func (TrackClient) TrackWithToken ¶
func (c TrackClient) TrackWithToken(ctx context.Context, __arg TrackWithTokenArg) (err error)
func (TrackClient) Untrack ¶
func (c TrackClient) Untrack(ctx context.Context, __arg UntrackArg) (err error)
type TrackDiff ¶
type TrackDiff struct { Type TrackDiffType `codec:"type" json:"type"` DisplayMarkup string `codec:"displayMarkup" json:"displayMarkup"` }
type TrackDiffType ¶
type TrackDiffType int
const ( TrackDiffType_NONE TrackDiffType = 0 TrackDiffType_ERROR TrackDiffType = 1 TrackDiffType_CLASH TrackDiffType = 2 TrackDiffType_REVOKED TrackDiffType = 3 TrackDiffType_UPGRADED TrackDiffType = 4 TrackDiffType_NEW TrackDiffType = 5 TrackDiffType_REMOTE_FAIL TrackDiffType = 6 TrackDiffType_REMOTE_WORKING TrackDiffType = 7 TrackDiffType_REMOTE_CHANGED TrackDiffType = 8 )
type TrackInterface ¶
type TrackOptions ¶
type TrackProof ¶
type TrackStatus ¶
type TrackStatus int
const ( TrackStatus_NEW_OK TrackStatus = 1 TrackStatus_NEW_ZERO_PROOFS TrackStatus = 2 TrackStatus_NEW_FAIL_PROOFS TrackStatus = 3 TrackStatus_UPDATE_BROKEN TrackStatus = 4 TrackStatus_UPDATE_NEW_PROOFS TrackStatus = 5 TrackStatus_UPDATE_OK TrackStatus = 6 )
type TrackSummary ¶
type TrackWithTokenArg ¶
type TrackWithTokenArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` TrackToken string `codec:"trackToken" json:"trackToken"` Options TrackOptions `codec:"options" json:"options"` }
type TruncateLockArg ¶
type TruncateLockArg struct {
FolderID string `codec:"folderID" json:"folderID"`
type TruncateUnlockArg ¶
type TruncateUnlockArg struct {
FolderID string `codec:"folderID" json:"folderID"`
type UID ¶
type UID string
func UIDFromString ¶
type UiInterface ¶
type UiInterface interface {
PromptYesNo(context.Context, PromptYesNoArg) (bool, error)
type UnboxBytes32Arg ¶
type UnboxBytes32Arg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` EncryptedBytes32 EncryptedBytes32 `codec:"encryptedBytes32" json:"encryptedBytes32"` Nonce BoxNonce `codec:"nonce" json:"nonce"` PeersPublicKey BoxPublicKey `codec:"peersPublicKey" json:"peersPublicKey"` Reason string `codec:"reason" json:"reason"` }
type UntrackArg ¶
type UserChangedArg ¶
type UserChangedArg struct {
Uid UID `codec:"uid" json:"uid"`
type UserClient ¶
type UserClient struct {
Cli GenericClient
func (UserClient) ListTrackers ¶
func (c UserClient) ListTrackers(ctx context.Context, __arg ListTrackersArg) (res []Tracker, err error)
func (UserClient) ListTrackersByName ¶
func (c UserClient) ListTrackersByName(ctx context.Context, __arg ListTrackersByNameArg) (res []Tracker, err error)
func (UserClient) ListTrackersSelf ¶
func (UserClient) ListTracking ¶
func (c UserClient) ListTracking(ctx context.Context, __arg ListTrackingArg) (res []UserSummary, err error)
func (UserClient) ListTrackingJSON ¶
func (c UserClient) ListTrackingJSON(ctx context.Context, __arg ListTrackingJSONArg) (res string, err error)
func (UserClient) LoadPublicKeys ¶
func (c UserClient) LoadPublicKeys(ctx context.Context, __arg LoadPublicKeysArg) (res []PublicKey, err error)
func (UserClient) LoadUncheckedUserSummaries ¶
func (c UserClient) LoadUncheckedUserSummaries(ctx context.Context, __arg LoadUncheckedUserSummariesArg) (res []UserSummary, err error)
func (UserClient) LoadUser ¶
func (c UserClient) LoadUser(ctx context.Context, __arg LoadUserArg) (res User, err error)
func (UserClient) LoadUserPlusKeys ¶
func (c UserClient) LoadUserPlusKeys(ctx context.Context, __arg LoadUserPlusKeysArg) (res UserPlusKeys, err error)
func (UserClient) Search ¶
func (c UserClient) Search(ctx context.Context, __arg SearchArg) (res []SearchResult, err error)
type UserInterface ¶
type UserInterface interface { ListTrackers(context.Context, ListTrackersArg) ([]Tracker, error) ListTrackersByName(context.Context, ListTrackersByNameArg) ([]Tracker, error) ListTrackersSelf(context.Context, int) ([]Tracker, error) LoadUncheckedUserSummaries(context.Context, LoadUncheckedUserSummariesArg) ([]UserSummary, error) LoadUser(context.Context, LoadUserArg) (User, error) LoadUserPlusKeys(context.Context, LoadUserPlusKeysArg) (UserPlusKeys, error) LoadPublicKeys(context.Context, LoadPublicKeysArg) ([]PublicKey, error) ListTracking(context.Context, ListTrackingArg) ([]UserSummary, error) ListTrackingJSON(context.Context, ListTrackingJSONArg) (string, error) Search(context.Context, SearchArg) ([]SearchResult, error) }
type UserPlusKeys ¶
type UserSummary ¶
type UserSummary struct { Uid UID `codec:"uid" json:"uid"` Username string `codec:"username" json:"username"` Thumbnail string `codec:"thumbnail" json:"thumbnail"` IdVersion int `codec:"idVersion" json:"idVersion"` FullName string `codec:"fullName" json:"fullName"` Bio string `codec:"bio" json:"bio"` Proofs Proofs `codec:"proofs" json:"proofs"` SigIDDisplay string `codec:"sigIDDisplay" json:"sigIDDisplay"` TrackTime Time `codec:"trackTime" json:"trackTime"` }
type VerifySessionArg ¶
type VerifySessionArg struct {
Session string `codec:"session" json:"session"`
type VerifySessionRes ¶
type WantToAddGPGKeyArg ¶
type WantToAddGPGKeyArg struct {
SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"`
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