
QViz is a utility to quickly and interactively visualize data with by evaluating Go source code at runtime. It works by exposing the gonum/plot library to a yaegi interpreter.

Generate plots by writing Go scripts
SCRIPT_PATH path to a qviz script file
-m, --monitor monitor the script for changes running on each modification
--width image width (inches) (default 9)
--height image height (inches) (default 9)
-o, --out write the plot to this path (default "/dev/stdout")
-t, --type type of file to output [eps,jpg,pdf,png,svg,tiff]
Interactive Usage
There are several approaches that can be used to display a plot interactively while editing script files. On Linux
the feh X11 image viewer works nicely monitoring the output image for changes.
# Monitor the simple.go script file for changes in real time
qviz --monitor -out /tmp/simple.png examples/simple/simple.go
# Next in a separate pane you can use an image viewer like feh
feh /tmp/simple.png
# Now finally open up the script file in your favorite editor
vim examples/simple/simple.go
Writing Scripts
Valid QViz scripts are normal Go files that import the pkg/stdlib
overlay package.
Example scripts can be found here.
package main
import qviz "github.com/kevinschoon/qviz/pkg/stdlib"
func main() {
// qviz.New is a convenience function that returns a
// new *plot.Plot
plt := qviz.New()
plt.Title.Text = "My New Chart"
// qviz.Render must be called at the end of your script file and only once,
// calling it before hand will halt the execution of the program.
- CLI based plotter
- allow external user defined packages
- first class integration with qframe
- finish importing the remaining Gonum packages
- native UI / code editor...?