Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- type AwesomeException
- func (p *AwesomeException) Error() string
- func (p *AwesomeException) GetDepr() bool
- func (p *AwesomeException) GetID() ID
- func (p *AwesomeException) GetReason() string
- func (p *AwesomeException) Read(iprot thrift.TProtocol) error
- func (p *AwesomeException) String() string
- func (p *AwesomeException) Write(oprot thrift.TProtocol) error
- type Event
- type EventWrapper
- func (p *EventWrapper) GetABoolField() bool
- func (p *EventWrapper) GetAUnion() *TestingUnions
- func (p *EventWrapper) GetDepr() bool
- func (p *EventWrapper) GetDeprBinary() []byte
- func (p *EventWrapper) GetDeprList() []bool
- func (p *EventWrapper) GetEnums() []ItsAnEnum
- func (p *EventWrapper) GetEv() *Event
- func (p *EventWrapper) GetEventMap() map[ID]*Event
- func (p *EventWrapper) GetEventMapDefault() map[ID]*Event
- func (p *EventWrapper) GetEventSetDefault() map[*Event]bool
- func (p *EventWrapper) GetEvents() []*Event
- func (p *EventWrapper) GetEvents2() map[*Event]bool
- func (p *EventWrapper) GetEventsDefault() []*Event
- func (p *EventWrapper) GetID() ID
- func (p *EventWrapper) GetNums() [][]Int
- func (p *EventWrapper) GetTypedefOfTypedef() T2String
- func (p *EventWrapper) IsSetAUnion() bool
- func (p *EventWrapper) IsSetEv() bool
- func (p *EventWrapper) IsSetEventMapDefault() bool
- func (p *EventWrapper) IsSetEventSetDefault() bool
- func (p *EventWrapper) IsSetEventsDefault() bool
- func (p *EventWrapper) IsSetID() bool
- func (p *EventWrapper) Read(iprot thrift.TProtocol) error
- func (p *EventWrapper) String() string
- func (p *EventWrapper) Write(oprot thrift.TProtocol) error
- type EventsErrorableSubscriber
- type EventsPublisher
- type EventsSubscriber
- type FFoo
- type FFooClient
- func (f *FFooClient) BinMethod(ctx frugal.FContext, bin []byte, str string) (r []byte, err error)
- func (f *FFooClient) Blah(ctx frugal.FContext, num int32, str string, event *Event) (r int64, err error)
- func (f *FFooClient) GetMyInt(ctx frugal.FContext) (r ValidTypes.MyInt, err error)
- func (f *FFooClient) GetThing(ctx frugal.FContext) (r *validStructs.Thing, err error)
- func (f *FFooClient) OneWay(ctx frugal.FContext, id ID, req Request) (err error)
- func (f *FFooClient) ParamModifiers(ctx frugal.FContext, opt_num int32, default_num int32, req_num int32) (r int64, err error)
- func (f *FFooClient) Ping(ctx frugal.FContext) (err error)
- func (f *FFooClient) SayAgain(ctx frugal.FContext, messageresult string) (r string, err error)
- func (f *FFooClient) SayHelloWith(ctx frugal.FContext, newmessage string) (r string, err error)
- func (f *FFooClient) UnderlyingTypesTest(ctx frugal.FContext, list_type []ID, set_type map[ID]bool) (r []ID, err error)
- func (f *FFooClient) UseSubdirStruct(ctx frugal.FContext, a *subdir_include.A) (r *subdir_include.A, err error)
- func (f *FFooClient) WhatDoYouSay(ctx frugal.FContext, messageargs string) (r string, err error)
- type FFooProcessor
- type FFooTransitiveDeps
- type FFooTransitiveDepsClient
- type FFooTransitiveDepsProcessor
- type FooArgs_
- type FooBinMethodArgs
- type FooBinMethodResult
- func (p *FooBinMethodResult) GetAPI() *golang.APIException
- func (p *FooBinMethodResult) GetSuccess() []byte
- func (p *FooBinMethodResult) IsSetAPI() bool
- func (p *FooBinMethodResult) IsSetSuccess() bool
- func (p *FooBinMethodResult) Read(iprot thrift.TProtocol) error
- func (p *FooBinMethodResult) String() string
- func (p *FooBinMethodResult) Write(oprot thrift.TProtocol) error
- type FooBlahArgs
- func (p *FooBlahArgs) GetEvent() *Event
- func (p *FooBlahArgs) GetNum() int32
- func (p *FooBlahArgs) GetStr() string
- func (p *FooBlahArgs) IsSetEvent() bool
- func (p *FooBlahArgs) Read(iprot thrift.TProtocol) error
- func (p *FooBlahArgs) String() string
- func (p *FooBlahArgs) Write(oprot thrift.TProtocol) error
- type FooBlahResult
- func (p *FooBlahResult) GetAPI() *golang.APIException
- func (p *FooBlahResult) GetAwe() *AwesomeException
- func (p *FooBlahResult) GetSuccess() int64
- func (p *FooBlahResult) IsSetAPI() bool
- func (p *FooBlahResult) IsSetAwe() bool
- func (p *FooBlahResult) IsSetSuccess() bool
- func (p *FooBlahResult) Read(iprot thrift.TProtocol) error
- func (p *FooBlahResult) String() string
- func (p *FooBlahResult) Write(oprot thrift.TProtocol) error
- type FooGetMyIntArgs
- type FooGetMyIntResult
- type FooGetThingArgs
- type FooGetThingResult
- type FooOneWayArgs
- type FooParamModifiersArgs
- func (p *FooParamModifiersArgs) GetDefaultNum() int32
- func (p *FooParamModifiersArgs) GetOptNum() int32
- func (p *FooParamModifiersArgs) GetReqNum() int32
- func (p *FooParamModifiersArgs) Read(iprot thrift.TProtocol) error
- func (p *FooParamModifiersArgs) String() string
- func (p *FooParamModifiersArgs) Write(oprot thrift.TProtocol) error
- type FooParamModifiersResult
- type FooPingArgs
- type FooPingResult
- type FooSayAgainArgs
- type FooSayAgainResult
- type FooSayHelloWithArgs
- type FooSayHelloWithResult
- type FooTransitiveDepsPingArgs
- type FooTransitiveDepsPingResult
- type FooUnderlyingTypesTestArgs
- func (p *FooUnderlyingTypesTestArgs) GetListType() []ID
- func (p *FooUnderlyingTypesTestArgs) GetSetType() map[ID]bool
- func (p *FooUnderlyingTypesTestArgs) Read(iprot thrift.TProtocol) error
- func (p *FooUnderlyingTypesTestArgs) String() string
- func (p *FooUnderlyingTypesTestArgs) Write(oprot thrift.TProtocol) error
- type FooUnderlyingTypesTestResult
- func (p *FooUnderlyingTypesTestResult) GetSuccess() []ID
- func (p *FooUnderlyingTypesTestResult) IsSetSuccess() bool
- func (p *FooUnderlyingTypesTestResult) Read(iprot thrift.TProtocol) error
- func (p *FooUnderlyingTypesTestResult) String() string
- func (p *FooUnderlyingTypesTestResult) Write(oprot thrift.TProtocol) error
- type FooUseSubdirStructArgs
- type FooUseSubdirStructResult
- func (p *FooUseSubdirStructResult) GetSuccess() *subdir_include.A
- func (p *FooUseSubdirStructResult) IsSetSuccess() bool
- func (p *FooUseSubdirStructResult) Read(iprot thrift.TProtocol) error
- func (p *FooUseSubdirStructResult) String() string
- func (p *FooUseSubdirStructResult) Write(oprot thrift.TProtocol) error
- type FooWhatDoYouSayArgs
- type FooWhatDoYouSayResult
- type HealthCondition
- type ID
- type Int
- type ItsAnEnum
- type Request
- type T1String
- type T2String
- type TestBase
- type TestLowercase
- type TestingDefaults
- func (p *TestingDefaults) GetAMap() map[string]string
- func (p *TestingDefaults) GetBaseStatus() golang.BaseHealthCondition
- func (p *TestingDefaults) GetBinField() []byte
- func (p *TestingDefaults) GetBinField2() []byte
- func (p *TestingDefaults) GetBinField3() []byte
- func (p *TestingDefaults) GetBinField4() []byte
- func (p *TestingDefaults) GetEv1() *Event
- func (p *TestingDefaults) GetEv2() *Event
- func (p *TestingDefaults) GetID() ID
- func (p *TestingDefaults) GetID2() ID
- func (p *TestingDefaults) GetID3() ID
- func (p *TestingDefaults) GetList2() []Int
- func (p *TestingDefaults) GetList3() []Int
- func (p *TestingDefaults) GetList4() []Int
- func (p *TestingDefaults) GetListfield() []Int
- func (p *TestingDefaults) GetStatus() HealthCondition
- func (p *TestingDefaults) GetThing() string
- func (p *TestingDefaults) GetThing2() string
- func (p *TestingDefaults) IsSetAMap() bool
- func (p *TestingDefaults) IsSetBinField2() bool
- func (p *TestingDefaults) IsSetBinField4() bool
- func (p *TestingDefaults) IsSetEv1() bool
- func (p *TestingDefaults) IsSetEv2() bool
- func (p *TestingDefaults) IsSetID2() bool
- func (p *TestingDefaults) IsSetList2() bool
- func (p *TestingDefaults) IsSetList3() bool
- func (p *TestingDefaults) IsSetThing2() bool
- func (p *TestingDefaults) Read(iprot thrift.TProtocol) error
- func (p *TestingDefaults) String() string
- func (p *TestingDefaults) Write(oprot thrift.TProtocol) error
- type TestingUnions
- func (p *TestingUnions) CountSetFieldsTestingUnions() int
- func (p *TestingUnions) GetAString() string
- func (p *TestingUnions) GetAnID() ID
- func (p *TestingUnions) GetAnInt16() int16
- func (p *TestingUnions) GetBinFieldInUnion() []byte
- func (p *TestingUnions) GetDepr() bool
- func (p *TestingUnions) GetRequests() Request
- func (p *TestingUnions) GetSomeotherthing() Int
- func (p *TestingUnions) IsSetAString() bool
- func (p *TestingUnions) IsSetAnID() bool
- func (p *TestingUnions) IsSetAnInt16() bool
- func (p *TestingUnions) IsSetBinFieldInUnion() bool
- func (p *TestingUnions) IsSetDepr() bool
- func (p *TestingUnions) IsSetRequests() bool
- func (p *TestingUnions) IsSetSomeotherthing() bool
- func (p *TestingUnions) Read(iprot thrift.TProtocol) error
- func (p *TestingUnions) String() string
- func (p *TestingUnions) Write(oprot thrift.TProtocol) error
Constants ¶
const ConstHc = 2
const EvilString = "thin'g\" \""
const EvilString2 = "th'ing\"ad\"f"
const FalseConstant = false
const RedefConst = golang.ConstI32FromBase
const Thirtyfour = 34
const TrueConstant = true
Variables ¶
var BinConst []byte
var ConstThing *golang.Thing
var EventWrapper_EventMapDefault_DEFAULT map[ID]*Event = map[ID]*Event{}
var EventWrapper_EventSetDefault_DEFAULT map[*Event]bool = map[*Event]bool{}
var EventWrapper_EventsDefault_DEFAULT []*Event = []*Event{}
var FooBinMethodResult_API_DEFAULT *golang.APIException
var FooBinMethodResult_Success_DEFAULT []byte
var FooBlahResult_API_DEFAULT *golang.APIException
var FooBlahResult_Success_DEFAULT int64
var FooGetMyIntResult_Success_DEFAULT ValidTypes.MyInt
var FooGetThingResult_Success_DEFAULT *validStructs.Thing
var FooParamModifiersResult_Success_DEFAULT int64
var FooSayAgainResult_Success_DEFAULT string
var FooSayHelloWithResult_Success_DEFAULT string
var FooUnderlyingTypesTestResult_Success_DEFAULT []ID
var FooUseSubdirStructArgs_A_DEFAULT *subdir_include.A
var FooUseSubdirStructResult_Success_DEFAULT *subdir_include.A
var FooWhatDoYouSayResult_Success_DEFAULT string
var MAPCONSTANT map[string]string
var MAPCONSTANT2 map[string]*Event
var NumsList []int32
var NumsSet map[Int]bool
var SETCONSTANT map[string]bool
var TestBase_BaseStruct_DEFAULT *golang.Thing
var TestingDefaults_AMap_DEFAULT map[string]string = map[string]string{
"k1": "v1",
"k2": "v2",
var TestingDefaults_BinField2_DEFAULT []byte
var TestingDefaults_BinField4_DEFAULT []byte = BinConst
var TestingDefaults_List2_DEFAULT []Int = []Int{
var TestingDefaults_List3_DEFAULT []Int
var TestingDefaults_Thing2_DEFAULT string = "another constant"
var TestingUnions_AString_DEFAULT string
var TestingUnions_AnInt16_DEFAULT int16
var TestingUnions_BinFieldInUnion_DEFAULT []byte
var TestingUnions_Depr_DEFAULT bool
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type AwesomeException ¶
type AwesomeException struct { // ID is a unique identifier for an awesome exception. ID ID // Reason contains the error message. Reason string // Deprecated: use something else Depr bool }
var FooBlahResult_Awe_DEFAULT *AwesomeException
func NewAwesomeException ¶
func NewAwesomeException() *AwesomeException
func (*AwesomeException) Error ¶
func (p *AwesomeException) Error() string
func (*AwesomeException) GetDepr ¶
func (p *AwesomeException) GetDepr() bool
func (*AwesomeException) GetID ¶
func (p *AwesomeException) GetID() ID
func (*AwesomeException) GetReason ¶
func (p *AwesomeException) GetReason() string
func (*AwesomeException) String ¶
func (p *AwesomeException) String() string
type Event ¶
type Event struct { // ID is a unique identifier for an event. ID ID // Message contains the event payload. Message string }
This docstring gets added to the generated code because it has the @ sign.
var ConstEvent1 *Event
var ConstEvent2 *Event
var EventWrapper_Ev_DEFAULT *Event
var FooBlahArgs_Event_DEFAULT *Event
var TestingDefaults_Ev1_DEFAULT *Event = &Event{ ID: DEFAULT_ID, Message: "a message", }
func (*Event) GetMessage ¶
type EventWrapper ¶
type EventWrapper struct { ID *ID Ev *Event Events []*Event Events2 map[*Event]bool EventMap map[ID]*Event Nums [][]Int Enums []ItsAnEnum ABoolField bool AUnion *TestingUnions TypedefOfTypedef T2String // This is a docstring comment for a deprecated field that has been spread // across two lines. // Deprecated: use something else Depr bool // Deprecated: use something else DeprBinary []byte // Deprecated: use something else DeprList []bool EventsDefault *[]*Event EventMapDefault *map[ID]*Event EventSetDefault *map[*Event]bool }
func NewEventWrapper ¶
func NewEventWrapper() *EventWrapper
func (*EventWrapper) GetABoolField ¶
func (p *EventWrapper) GetABoolField() bool
func (*EventWrapper) GetAUnion ¶
func (p *EventWrapper) GetAUnion() *TestingUnions
func (*EventWrapper) GetDepr ¶
func (p *EventWrapper) GetDepr() bool
func (*EventWrapper) GetDeprBinary ¶
func (p *EventWrapper) GetDeprBinary() []byte
func (*EventWrapper) GetDeprList ¶
func (p *EventWrapper) GetDeprList() []bool
func (*EventWrapper) GetEnums ¶
func (p *EventWrapper) GetEnums() []ItsAnEnum
func (*EventWrapper) GetEv ¶
func (p *EventWrapper) GetEv() *Event
func (*EventWrapper) GetEventMap ¶
func (p *EventWrapper) GetEventMap() map[ID]*Event
func (*EventWrapper) GetEventMapDefault ¶
func (p *EventWrapper) GetEventMapDefault() map[ID]*Event
func (*EventWrapper) GetEventSetDefault ¶
func (p *EventWrapper) GetEventSetDefault() map[*Event]bool
func (*EventWrapper) GetEvents ¶
func (p *EventWrapper) GetEvents() []*Event
func (*EventWrapper) GetEvents2 ¶
func (p *EventWrapper) GetEvents2() map[*Event]bool
func (*EventWrapper) GetEventsDefault ¶
func (p *EventWrapper) GetEventsDefault() []*Event
func (*EventWrapper) GetID ¶
func (p *EventWrapper) GetID() ID
func (*EventWrapper) GetNums ¶
func (p *EventWrapper) GetNums() [][]Int
func (*EventWrapper) GetTypedefOfTypedef ¶
func (p *EventWrapper) GetTypedefOfTypedef() T2String
func (*EventWrapper) IsSetAUnion ¶
func (p *EventWrapper) IsSetAUnion() bool
func (*EventWrapper) IsSetEv ¶
func (p *EventWrapper) IsSetEv() bool
func (*EventWrapper) IsSetEventMapDefault ¶
func (p *EventWrapper) IsSetEventMapDefault() bool
func (*EventWrapper) IsSetEventSetDefault ¶
func (p *EventWrapper) IsSetEventSetDefault() bool
func (*EventWrapper) IsSetEventsDefault ¶
func (p *EventWrapper) IsSetEventsDefault() bool
func (*EventWrapper) IsSetID ¶
func (p *EventWrapper) IsSetID() bool
func (*EventWrapper) String ¶
func (p *EventWrapper) String() string
type EventsErrorableSubscriber ¶
type EventsErrorableSubscriber interface { SubscribeEventCreatedErrorable(user string, handler func(frugal.FContext, *Event) error) (*frugal.FSubscription, error) SubscribeSomeIntErrorable(user string, handler func(frugal.FContext, int64) error) (*frugal.FSubscription, error) SubscribeSomeStrErrorable(user string, handler func(frugal.FContext, string) error) (*frugal.FSubscription, error) SubscribeSomeListErrorable(user string, handler func(frugal.FContext, []map[ID]*Event) error) (*frugal.FSubscription, error) }
This docstring gets added to the generated code because it has the @ sign. Prefix specifies topic prefix tokens, which can be static or variable.
func NewEventsErrorableSubscriber ¶
func NewEventsErrorableSubscriber(provider *frugal.FScopeProvider, middleware ...frugal.ServiceMiddleware) EventsErrorableSubscriber
type EventsPublisher ¶
type EventsPublisher interface { Open() error Close() error PublishEventCreated(ctx frugal.FContext, user string, req *Event) error PublishSomeInt(ctx frugal.FContext, user string, req int64) error PublishSomeStr(ctx frugal.FContext, user string, req string) error PublishSomeList(ctx frugal.FContext, user string, req []map[ID]*Event) error }
This docstring gets added to the generated code because it has the @ sign. Prefix specifies topic prefix tokens, which can be static or variable.
func NewEventsPublisher ¶
func NewEventsPublisher(provider *frugal.FScopeProvider, middleware ...frugal.ServiceMiddleware) EventsPublisher
type EventsSubscriber ¶
type EventsSubscriber interface { SubscribeEventCreated(user string, handler func(frugal.FContext, *Event)) (*frugal.FSubscription, error) SubscribeSomeInt(user string, handler func(frugal.FContext, int64)) (*frugal.FSubscription, error) SubscribeSomeStr(user string, handler func(frugal.FContext, string)) (*frugal.FSubscription, error) SubscribeSomeList(user string, handler func(frugal.FContext, []map[ID]*Event)) (*frugal.FSubscription, error) }
This docstring gets added to the generated code because it has the @ sign. Prefix specifies topic prefix tokens, which can be static or variable.
func NewEventsSubscriber ¶
func NewEventsSubscriber(provider *frugal.FScopeProvider, middleware ...frugal.ServiceMiddleware) EventsSubscriber
type FFoo ¶
type FFoo interface { golang.FBaseFoo // Ping the server. // Deprecated: don't use this; use "something else" Ping(ctx frugal.FContext) (err error) // Blah the server. Blah(ctx frugal.FContext, num int32, Str string, event *Event) (r int64, err error) // oneway methods don't receive a response from the server. OneWay(ctx frugal.FContext, id ID, req Request) (err error) BinMethod(ctx frugal.FContext, bin []byte, Str string) (r []byte, err error) ParamModifiers(ctx frugal.FContext, opt_num int32, default_num int32, req_num int32) (r int64, err error) UnderlyingTypesTest(ctx frugal.FContext, list_type []ID, set_type map[ID]bool) (r []ID, err error) GetThing(ctx frugal.FContext) (r *validStructs.Thing, err error) GetMyInt(ctx frugal.FContext) (r ValidTypes.MyInt, err error) UseSubdirStruct(ctx frugal.FContext, a *subdir_include.A) (r *subdir_include.A, err error) SayHelloWith(ctx frugal.FContext, newMessage string) (r string, err error) WhatDoYouSay(ctx frugal.FContext, messageArgs string) (r string, err error) SayAgain(ctx frugal.FContext, messageResult string) (r string, err error) }
This is a thrift service. Frugal will generate bindings that include a frugal Context for each service call.
type FFooClient ¶
type FFooClient struct { *golang.FBaseFooClient // contains filtered or unexported fields }
This is a thrift service. Frugal will generate bindings that include a frugal Context for each service call.
func NewFFooClient ¶
func NewFFooClient(provider *frugal.FServiceProvider, middleware ...frugal.ServiceMiddleware) *FFooClient
func (*FFooClient) Blah ¶
func (f *FFooClient) Blah(ctx frugal.FContext, num int32, str string, event *Event) (r int64, err error)
Blah the server.
func (*FFooClient) GetMyInt ¶
func (f *FFooClient) GetMyInt(ctx frugal.FContext) (r ValidTypes.MyInt, err error)
func (*FFooClient) GetThing ¶
func (f *FFooClient) GetThing(ctx frugal.FContext) (r *validStructs.Thing, err error)
func (*FFooClient) ParamModifiers ¶
func (*FFooClient) Ping ¶
func (f *FFooClient) Ping(ctx frugal.FContext) (err error)
Ping the server. Deprecated: don't use this; use "something else"
func (*FFooClient) SayHelloWith ¶
func (*FFooClient) UnderlyingTypesTest ¶
func (*FFooClient) UseSubdirStruct ¶
func (f *FFooClient) UseSubdirStruct(ctx frugal.FContext, a *subdir_include.A) (r *subdir_include.A, err error)
func (*FFooClient) WhatDoYouSay ¶
type FFooProcessor ¶
type FFooProcessor struct {
func NewFFooProcessor ¶
func NewFFooProcessor(handler FFoo, middleware ...frugal.ServiceMiddleware) *FFooProcessor
type FFooTransitiveDeps ¶
type FFooTransitiveDeps interface { intermediate_include.FIntermediateFoo Ping(ctx frugal.FContext) (err error) }
type FFooTransitiveDepsClient ¶
type FFooTransitiveDepsClient struct { *intermediate_include.FIntermediateFooClient // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewFFooTransitiveDepsClient ¶
func NewFFooTransitiveDepsClient(provider *frugal.FServiceProvider, middleware ...frugal.ServiceMiddleware) *FFooTransitiveDepsClient
type FFooTransitiveDepsProcessor ¶
type FFooTransitiveDepsProcessor struct {
func NewFFooTransitiveDepsProcessor ¶
func NewFFooTransitiveDepsProcessor(handler FFooTransitiveDeps, middleware ...frugal.ServiceMiddleware) *FFooTransitiveDepsProcessor
type FooArgs_ ¶
func NewFooArgs_ ¶
func NewFooArgs_() *FooArgs_
func (*FooArgs_) GetMessageArgs_ ¶
func (*FooArgs_) GetMessageResult_ ¶
func (*FooArgs_) GetNewMessage_ ¶
type FooBinMethodArgs ¶
func NewFooBinMethodArgs ¶
func NewFooBinMethodArgs() *FooBinMethodArgs
func (*FooBinMethodArgs) GetBin ¶
func (p *FooBinMethodArgs) GetBin() []byte
func (*FooBinMethodArgs) GetStr ¶
func (p *FooBinMethodArgs) GetStr() string
func (*FooBinMethodArgs) String ¶
func (p *FooBinMethodArgs) String() string
type FooBinMethodResult ¶
type FooBinMethodResult struct { Success []byte API *golang.APIException }
func NewFooBinMethodResult ¶
func NewFooBinMethodResult() *FooBinMethodResult
func (*FooBinMethodResult) GetAPI ¶
func (p *FooBinMethodResult) GetAPI() *golang.APIException
func (*FooBinMethodResult) GetSuccess ¶
func (p *FooBinMethodResult) GetSuccess() []byte
func (*FooBinMethodResult) IsSetAPI ¶
func (p *FooBinMethodResult) IsSetAPI() bool
func (*FooBinMethodResult) IsSetSuccess ¶
func (p *FooBinMethodResult) IsSetSuccess() bool
func (*FooBinMethodResult) String ¶
func (p *FooBinMethodResult) String() string
type FooBlahArgs ¶
func NewFooBlahArgs ¶
func NewFooBlahArgs() *FooBlahArgs
func (*FooBlahArgs) GetEvent ¶
func (p *FooBlahArgs) GetEvent() *Event
func (*FooBlahArgs) GetNum ¶
func (p *FooBlahArgs) GetNum() int32
func (*FooBlahArgs) GetStr ¶
func (p *FooBlahArgs) GetStr() string
func (*FooBlahArgs) IsSetEvent ¶
func (p *FooBlahArgs) IsSetEvent() bool
func (*FooBlahArgs) String ¶
func (p *FooBlahArgs) String() string
type FooBlahResult ¶
type FooBlahResult struct { Success *int64 Awe *AwesomeException API *golang.APIException }
func NewFooBlahResult ¶
func NewFooBlahResult() *FooBlahResult
func (*FooBlahResult) GetAPI ¶
func (p *FooBlahResult) GetAPI() *golang.APIException
func (*FooBlahResult) GetAwe ¶
func (p *FooBlahResult) GetAwe() *AwesomeException
func (*FooBlahResult) GetSuccess ¶
func (p *FooBlahResult) GetSuccess() int64
func (*FooBlahResult) IsSetAPI ¶
func (p *FooBlahResult) IsSetAPI() bool
func (*FooBlahResult) IsSetAwe ¶
func (p *FooBlahResult) IsSetAwe() bool
func (*FooBlahResult) IsSetSuccess ¶
func (p *FooBlahResult) IsSetSuccess() bool
func (*FooBlahResult) String ¶
func (p *FooBlahResult) String() string
type FooGetMyIntArgs ¶
type FooGetMyIntArgs struct { }
func NewFooGetMyIntArgs ¶
func NewFooGetMyIntArgs() *FooGetMyIntArgs
func (*FooGetMyIntArgs) String ¶
func (p *FooGetMyIntArgs) String() string
type FooGetMyIntResult ¶
type FooGetMyIntResult struct {
Success *ValidTypes.MyInt
func NewFooGetMyIntResult ¶
func NewFooGetMyIntResult() *FooGetMyIntResult
func (*FooGetMyIntResult) GetSuccess ¶
func (p *FooGetMyIntResult) GetSuccess() ValidTypes.MyInt
func (*FooGetMyIntResult) IsSetSuccess ¶
func (p *FooGetMyIntResult) IsSetSuccess() bool
func (*FooGetMyIntResult) String ¶
func (p *FooGetMyIntResult) String() string
type FooGetThingArgs ¶
type FooGetThingArgs struct { }
func NewFooGetThingArgs ¶
func NewFooGetThingArgs() *FooGetThingArgs
func (*FooGetThingArgs) String ¶
func (p *FooGetThingArgs) String() string
type FooGetThingResult ¶
type FooGetThingResult struct {
Success *validStructs.Thing
func NewFooGetThingResult ¶
func NewFooGetThingResult() *FooGetThingResult
func (*FooGetThingResult) GetSuccess ¶
func (p *FooGetThingResult) GetSuccess() *validStructs.Thing
func (*FooGetThingResult) IsSetSuccess ¶
func (p *FooGetThingResult) IsSetSuccess() bool
func (*FooGetThingResult) String ¶
func (p *FooGetThingResult) String() string
type FooOneWayArgs ¶
func NewFooOneWayArgs ¶
func NewFooOneWayArgs() *FooOneWayArgs
func (*FooOneWayArgs) GetID ¶
func (p *FooOneWayArgs) GetID() ID
func (*FooOneWayArgs) GetReq ¶
func (p *FooOneWayArgs) GetReq() Request
func (*FooOneWayArgs) String ¶
func (p *FooOneWayArgs) String() string
type FooParamModifiersArgs ¶
func NewFooParamModifiersArgs ¶
func NewFooParamModifiersArgs() *FooParamModifiersArgs
func (*FooParamModifiersArgs) GetDefaultNum ¶
func (p *FooParamModifiersArgs) GetDefaultNum() int32
func (*FooParamModifiersArgs) GetOptNum ¶
func (p *FooParamModifiersArgs) GetOptNum() int32
func (*FooParamModifiersArgs) GetReqNum ¶
func (p *FooParamModifiersArgs) GetReqNum() int32
func (*FooParamModifiersArgs) Read ¶
func (p *FooParamModifiersArgs) Read(iprot thrift.TProtocol) error
func (*FooParamModifiersArgs) String ¶
func (p *FooParamModifiersArgs) String() string
type FooParamModifiersResult ¶
type FooParamModifiersResult struct {
Success *int64
func NewFooParamModifiersResult ¶
func NewFooParamModifiersResult() *FooParamModifiersResult
func (*FooParamModifiersResult) GetSuccess ¶
func (p *FooParamModifiersResult) GetSuccess() int64
func (*FooParamModifiersResult) IsSetSuccess ¶
func (p *FooParamModifiersResult) IsSetSuccess() bool
func (*FooParamModifiersResult) Read ¶
func (p *FooParamModifiersResult) Read(iprot thrift.TProtocol) error
func (*FooParamModifiersResult) String ¶
func (p *FooParamModifiersResult) String() string
type FooPingArgs ¶
type FooPingArgs struct { }
func NewFooPingArgs ¶
func NewFooPingArgs() *FooPingArgs
func (*FooPingArgs) String ¶
func (p *FooPingArgs) String() string
type FooPingResult ¶
type FooPingResult struct { }
func NewFooPingResult ¶
func NewFooPingResult() *FooPingResult
func (*FooPingResult) String ¶
func (p *FooPingResult) String() string
type FooSayAgainArgs ¶
type FooSayAgainArgs struct {
MessageResult_ string
func NewFooSayAgainArgs ¶
func NewFooSayAgainArgs() *FooSayAgainArgs
func (*FooSayAgainArgs) GetMessageResult_ ¶
func (p *FooSayAgainArgs) GetMessageResult_() string
func (*FooSayAgainArgs) String ¶
func (p *FooSayAgainArgs) String() string
type FooSayAgainResult ¶
type FooSayAgainResult struct {
Success *string
func NewFooSayAgainResult ¶
func NewFooSayAgainResult() *FooSayAgainResult
func (*FooSayAgainResult) GetSuccess ¶
func (p *FooSayAgainResult) GetSuccess() string
func (*FooSayAgainResult) IsSetSuccess ¶
func (p *FooSayAgainResult) IsSetSuccess() bool
func (*FooSayAgainResult) String ¶
func (p *FooSayAgainResult) String() string
type FooSayHelloWithArgs ¶
type FooSayHelloWithArgs struct {
NewMessage_ string
func NewFooSayHelloWithArgs ¶
func NewFooSayHelloWithArgs() *FooSayHelloWithArgs
func (*FooSayHelloWithArgs) GetNewMessage_ ¶
func (p *FooSayHelloWithArgs) GetNewMessage_() string
func (*FooSayHelloWithArgs) String ¶
func (p *FooSayHelloWithArgs) String() string
type FooSayHelloWithResult ¶
type FooSayHelloWithResult struct {
Success *string
func NewFooSayHelloWithResult ¶
func NewFooSayHelloWithResult() *FooSayHelloWithResult
func (*FooSayHelloWithResult) GetSuccess ¶
func (p *FooSayHelloWithResult) GetSuccess() string
func (*FooSayHelloWithResult) IsSetSuccess ¶
func (p *FooSayHelloWithResult) IsSetSuccess() bool
func (*FooSayHelloWithResult) Read ¶
func (p *FooSayHelloWithResult) Read(iprot thrift.TProtocol) error
func (*FooSayHelloWithResult) String ¶
func (p *FooSayHelloWithResult) String() string
type FooTransitiveDepsPingArgs ¶
type FooTransitiveDepsPingArgs struct { }
func NewFooTransitiveDepsPingArgs ¶
func NewFooTransitiveDepsPingArgs() *FooTransitiveDepsPingArgs
func (*FooTransitiveDepsPingArgs) Read ¶
func (p *FooTransitiveDepsPingArgs) Read(iprot thrift.TProtocol) error
func (*FooTransitiveDepsPingArgs) String ¶
func (p *FooTransitiveDepsPingArgs) String() string
type FooTransitiveDepsPingResult ¶
type FooTransitiveDepsPingResult struct { }
func NewFooTransitiveDepsPingResult ¶
func NewFooTransitiveDepsPingResult() *FooTransitiveDepsPingResult
func (*FooTransitiveDepsPingResult) Read ¶
func (p *FooTransitiveDepsPingResult) Read(iprot thrift.TProtocol) error
func (*FooTransitiveDepsPingResult) String ¶
func (p *FooTransitiveDepsPingResult) String() string
type FooUnderlyingTypesTestArgs ¶
func NewFooUnderlyingTypesTestArgs ¶
func NewFooUnderlyingTypesTestArgs() *FooUnderlyingTypesTestArgs
func (*FooUnderlyingTypesTestArgs) GetListType ¶
func (p *FooUnderlyingTypesTestArgs) GetListType() []ID
func (*FooUnderlyingTypesTestArgs) GetSetType ¶
func (p *FooUnderlyingTypesTestArgs) GetSetType() map[ID]bool
func (*FooUnderlyingTypesTestArgs) Read ¶
func (p *FooUnderlyingTypesTestArgs) Read(iprot thrift.TProtocol) error
func (*FooUnderlyingTypesTestArgs) String ¶
func (p *FooUnderlyingTypesTestArgs) String() string
type FooUnderlyingTypesTestResult ¶
type FooUnderlyingTypesTestResult struct {
Success []ID
func NewFooUnderlyingTypesTestResult ¶
func NewFooUnderlyingTypesTestResult() *FooUnderlyingTypesTestResult
func (*FooUnderlyingTypesTestResult) GetSuccess ¶
func (p *FooUnderlyingTypesTestResult) GetSuccess() []ID
func (*FooUnderlyingTypesTestResult) IsSetSuccess ¶
func (p *FooUnderlyingTypesTestResult) IsSetSuccess() bool
func (*FooUnderlyingTypesTestResult) Read ¶
func (p *FooUnderlyingTypesTestResult) Read(iprot thrift.TProtocol) error
func (*FooUnderlyingTypesTestResult) String ¶
func (p *FooUnderlyingTypesTestResult) String() string
type FooUseSubdirStructArgs ¶
type FooUseSubdirStructArgs struct {
A *subdir_include.A
func NewFooUseSubdirStructArgs ¶
func NewFooUseSubdirStructArgs() *FooUseSubdirStructArgs
func (*FooUseSubdirStructArgs) GetA ¶
func (p *FooUseSubdirStructArgs) GetA() *subdir_include.A
func (*FooUseSubdirStructArgs) IsSetA ¶
func (p *FooUseSubdirStructArgs) IsSetA() bool
func (*FooUseSubdirStructArgs) Read ¶
func (p *FooUseSubdirStructArgs) Read(iprot thrift.TProtocol) error
func (*FooUseSubdirStructArgs) String ¶
func (p *FooUseSubdirStructArgs) String() string
type FooUseSubdirStructResult ¶
type FooUseSubdirStructResult struct {
Success *subdir_include.A
func NewFooUseSubdirStructResult ¶
func NewFooUseSubdirStructResult() *FooUseSubdirStructResult
func (*FooUseSubdirStructResult) GetSuccess ¶
func (p *FooUseSubdirStructResult) GetSuccess() *subdir_include.A
func (*FooUseSubdirStructResult) IsSetSuccess ¶
func (p *FooUseSubdirStructResult) IsSetSuccess() bool
func (*FooUseSubdirStructResult) Read ¶
func (p *FooUseSubdirStructResult) Read(iprot thrift.TProtocol) error
func (*FooUseSubdirStructResult) String ¶
func (p *FooUseSubdirStructResult) String() string
type FooWhatDoYouSayArgs ¶
type FooWhatDoYouSayArgs struct {
MessageArgs_ string
func NewFooWhatDoYouSayArgs ¶
func NewFooWhatDoYouSayArgs() *FooWhatDoYouSayArgs
func (*FooWhatDoYouSayArgs) GetMessageArgs_ ¶
func (p *FooWhatDoYouSayArgs) GetMessageArgs_() string
func (*FooWhatDoYouSayArgs) String ¶
func (p *FooWhatDoYouSayArgs) String() string
type FooWhatDoYouSayResult ¶
type FooWhatDoYouSayResult struct {
Success *string
func NewFooWhatDoYouSayResult ¶
func NewFooWhatDoYouSayResult() *FooWhatDoYouSayResult
func (*FooWhatDoYouSayResult) GetSuccess ¶
func (p *FooWhatDoYouSayResult) GetSuccess() string
func (*FooWhatDoYouSayResult) IsSetSuccess ¶
func (p *FooWhatDoYouSayResult) IsSetSuccess() bool
func (*FooWhatDoYouSayResult) Read ¶
func (p *FooWhatDoYouSayResult) Read(iprot thrift.TProtocol) error
func (*FooWhatDoYouSayResult) String ¶
func (p *FooWhatDoYouSayResult) String() string
type HealthCondition ¶
type HealthCondition int64
const ( // This docstring gets added to the generated code because it // has the @ sign. HealthCondition_PASS HealthCondition = 1 // This docstring also gets added to the generated code // because it has the @ sign. HealthCondition_WARN HealthCondition = 2 // Deprecated: use something else HealthCondition_FAIL HealthCondition = 3 // This is a docstring comment for a deprecated enum value that has been // spread across two lines. // Deprecated: don't use this; use "something else" HealthCondition_UNKNOWN HealthCondition = 4 )
func HealthConditionFromString ¶
func HealthConditionFromString(s string) (HealthCondition, error)
func (HealthCondition) String ¶
func (p HealthCondition) String() string
type ID ¶
type ID int64
var EventWrapper_ID_DEFAULT ID
var OtherDefault ID
var TestingDefaults_ID2_DEFAULT ID = DEFAULT_ID
var TestingUnions_AnID_DEFAULT ID
type TestBase ¶
func NewTestBase ¶
func NewTestBase() *TestBase
func (*TestBase) GetBaseStruct ¶
func (*TestBase) IsSetBaseStruct ¶
type TestLowercase ¶
type TestLowercase struct {
LowercaseInt int32
var ConstLower *TestLowercase
func NewTestLowercase ¶
func NewTestLowercase() *TestLowercase
func (*TestLowercase) GetLowercaseInt ¶
func (p *TestLowercase) GetLowercaseInt() int32
func (*TestLowercase) String ¶
func (p *TestLowercase) String() string
type TestingDefaults ¶
type TestingDefaults struct { ID2 ID Ev1 *Event Ev2 *Event ID ID Thing string Thing2 string Listfield []Int ID3 ID BinField []byte BinField2 []byte BinField3 []byte BinField4 []byte List2 *[]Int List3 []Int List4 []Int AMap *map[string]string Status HealthCondition BaseStatus golang.BaseHealthCondition }
func NewTestingDefaults ¶
func NewTestingDefaults() *TestingDefaults
func (*TestingDefaults) GetAMap ¶
func (p *TestingDefaults) GetAMap() map[string]string
func (*TestingDefaults) GetBaseStatus ¶
func (p *TestingDefaults) GetBaseStatus() golang.BaseHealthCondition
func (*TestingDefaults) GetBinField ¶
func (p *TestingDefaults) GetBinField() []byte
func (*TestingDefaults) GetBinField2 ¶
func (p *TestingDefaults) GetBinField2() []byte
func (*TestingDefaults) GetBinField3 ¶
func (p *TestingDefaults) GetBinField3() []byte
func (*TestingDefaults) GetBinField4 ¶
func (p *TestingDefaults) GetBinField4() []byte
func (*TestingDefaults) GetEv1 ¶
func (p *TestingDefaults) GetEv1() *Event
func (*TestingDefaults) GetEv2 ¶
func (p *TestingDefaults) GetEv2() *Event
func (*TestingDefaults) GetID ¶
func (p *TestingDefaults) GetID() ID
func (*TestingDefaults) GetID2 ¶
func (p *TestingDefaults) GetID2() ID
func (*TestingDefaults) GetID3 ¶
func (p *TestingDefaults) GetID3() ID
func (*TestingDefaults) GetList2 ¶
func (p *TestingDefaults) GetList2() []Int
func (*TestingDefaults) GetList3 ¶
func (p *TestingDefaults) GetList3() []Int
func (*TestingDefaults) GetList4 ¶
func (p *TestingDefaults) GetList4() []Int
func (*TestingDefaults) GetListfield ¶
func (p *TestingDefaults) GetListfield() []Int
func (*TestingDefaults) GetStatus ¶
func (p *TestingDefaults) GetStatus() HealthCondition
func (*TestingDefaults) GetThing ¶
func (p *TestingDefaults) GetThing() string
func (*TestingDefaults) GetThing2 ¶
func (p *TestingDefaults) GetThing2() string
func (*TestingDefaults) IsSetAMap ¶
func (p *TestingDefaults) IsSetAMap() bool
func (*TestingDefaults) IsSetBinField2 ¶
func (p *TestingDefaults) IsSetBinField2() bool
func (*TestingDefaults) IsSetBinField4 ¶
func (p *TestingDefaults) IsSetBinField4() bool
func (*TestingDefaults) IsSetEv1 ¶
func (p *TestingDefaults) IsSetEv1() bool
func (*TestingDefaults) IsSetEv2 ¶
func (p *TestingDefaults) IsSetEv2() bool
func (*TestingDefaults) IsSetID2 ¶
func (p *TestingDefaults) IsSetID2() bool
func (*TestingDefaults) IsSetList2 ¶
func (p *TestingDefaults) IsSetList2() bool
func (*TestingDefaults) IsSetList3 ¶
func (p *TestingDefaults) IsSetList3() bool
func (*TestingDefaults) IsSetThing2 ¶
func (p *TestingDefaults) IsSetThing2() bool
func (*TestingDefaults) String ¶
func (p *TestingDefaults) String() string
type TestingUnions ¶
type TestingUnions struct { AnID *ID AString *string Someotherthing *Int AnInt16 *int16 Requests Request BinFieldInUnion []byte // Deprecated: use something else Depr *bool }
var EventWrapper_AUnion_DEFAULT *TestingUnions
func NewTestingUnions ¶
func NewTestingUnions() *TestingUnions
func (*TestingUnions) CountSetFieldsTestingUnions ¶
func (p *TestingUnions) CountSetFieldsTestingUnions() int
func (*TestingUnions) GetAString ¶
func (p *TestingUnions) GetAString() string
func (*TestingUnions) GetAnID ¶
func (p *TestingUnions) GetAnID() ID
func (*TestingUnions) GetAnInt16 ¶
func (p *TestingUnions) GetAnInt16() int16
func (*TestingUnions) GetBinFieldInUnion ¶
func (p *TestingUnions) GetBinFieldInUnion() []byte
func (*TestingUnions) GetDepr ¶
func (p *TestingUnions) GetDepr() bool
func (*TestingUnions) GetRequests ¶
func (p *TestingUnions) GetRequests() Request
func (*TestingUnions) GetSomeotherthing ¶
func (p *TestingUnions) GetSomeotherthing() Int
func (*TestingUnions) IsSetAString ¶
func (p *TestingUnions) IsSetAString() bool
func (*TestingUnions) IsSetAnID ¶
func (p *TestingUnions) IsSetAnID() bool
func (*TestingUnions) IsSetAnInt16 ¶
func (p *TestingUnions) IsSetAnInt16() bool
func (*TestingUnions) IsSetBinFieldInUnion ¶
func (p *TestingUnions) IsSetBinFieldInUnion() bool
func (*TestingUnions) IsSetDepr ¶
func (p *TestingUnions) IsSetDepr() bool
func (*TestingUnions) IsSetRequests ¶
func (p *TestingUnions) IsSetRequests() bool
func (*TestingUnions) IsSetSomeotherthing ¶
func (p *TestingUnions) IsSetSomeotherthing() bool
func (*TestingUnions) String ¶
func (p *TestingUnions) String() string