generates an example config file with default values for each specific target
see available flags with $ tsbs_load config --help:
--data-source where to load the data from
--target where to load data into
for valid values execute the command
$ tsbs_load load [target] e.g. $ tsbs_load load prometheus
loads the data into the target database
default config is loaded from ./config.yaml
each property can be overridden by the flags available
execute $tsbs_load load [target] --help to see target specific flags
and their description and default values
execute $ tsbs_load load or $ tsbs_load load --help to see available targets
and description of flags that are common for all target databases (batch size,
target db name, number of workers etc)
e.g: --loader.db-specific.adapter-write-url overwrites the property
in the config file for where is the prometheus adapter listening