This is the codebase for Indonesia Digital Caries Risk Assessment API, or IDCRA API for short. It is based on Oscar Yuen's starter pack and provides GraphQL endpoints for the frontend.
Original Readme
Go Graphql Starter
This project aims to use graph-gophers/graphql-go to build a starter web application. This project has already been used as backend application in production.
In case you need to get called from another frontend side, CORS may needed to be enabled in this application as this project mainly focuses on backend logic at this stage.
This project would be continuously under development for enhancement. Pull request is welcome.
- Integrated with sqlx
- Integrated with graphql-go
- Use go-bindata to generate Go code from .graphql file
- Use psql
- Integrated with dataloader
- Add authentication & authorization
- Add unit test cases
- Support subscription
- Support web-socket notification and messaging
│ server.go --- the entry file
│ Config.toml --- the configuration file for setting server parameter
│ Dockerfile
│ Gopkg.lock --- generated file from dependency management tool, dep
│ Gopkg.toml --- generated file from dependency management tool, dep
│ graphiql.html --- the html for graphiql which is used for testing query & mutation
└───context --- application context like db configuration
└───data --- storing the sql data patch for different version
│ └───1.0 --- storing sql data patch for version 1.0
│ └───... --- sql files
└───handler --- the handler used for chaining http request like authentication, logging etc.
└───loader --- implementation of dataloader for caching and batching the graphql query
└───model --- the folder putting struct file
└───resolver --- implementation of graphql resolvers
└───schema --- implementation of graphql resolvers
│ │ schema.go --- used for generate go code from static graphql files inside 'type' folder
│ │ schema.graphql --- graphql root schema
│ └───type --- folder for storing graphql schema in *.graphql format
│ └───... --- graphql schema files in *.graphql format
└───service --- services for users, authorization etc.
└───util --- utilities
- Postgres database
- Golang
Remark: If you want to use other databases, please feel free to change the driver in context/db.go
Usage(Without docker):
Run the sql scripts under data/1.0
folder inside Postgres database console
Install go-bindata
go get -u github.com/jteeuwen/go-bindata/...
Setup GOPATH (Optional if already set)
For example: MacOS
export GOPATH=/Users/${username}/go
export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin
Run the following command at root directory to generate Go code from .graphql file
go-bindata -ignore=\.go -pkg=schema -o=schema/bindata.go schema/...
go generate ./schema
There would be bindata.go generated under schema
Start the server (Ensure your postgres database is live and its setting in Config.toml is correct)
go build server.go
Usage(With docker):
Run the sql scripts under data/1.0
folder inside Postgres database console
Build docker image
docker build -t go-graphql-starter .
Run docker image (Ensure your database setting in Config.toml is correct)
docker run go-graphql-starter
Usage(With docker-compose):
Create a folder /psqldata
on your OS system and set it for file sharing in docker
Create and starter services by docker-compose
docker-compose up
Graphql Example:
Test in graphiql by the following endpoint
Basically there are two graphql queries and one mutation
- Get a user by email
- Get user list by cursor pagination
To query a list of users, you need to be authenticated.
Authentication is not required for other operations.
In order to authenticate, here are the steps to follow:
- Create a user
mutation {
createUser (email: "tester@tester.com", password: "123456") {
- Log in by submitting your email and password through a Basic Authorization Header.
Here's an example on how to achieve this:
a. Download [Insomnia](https://insomnia.rest/) OR Other RESTful endpoint testing tools e.g. Postman
b. Create a new POST request, paste `localhost:3000/login` in the URL bar and go to the Header tab
c. Generate your basic Authorization on [blitter.se](https://www.blitter.se/utils/basic-authentication-header-generator/)
d. In Insomnia, first column, type Authorization, second column enter the Basic you just copied `Basic dGVzdGVyQHRlc3Rlci5jb206a3Rta3Rt`
e. Click send, you should get a jwt token back.
You can change the Authorization of request header in graphiql.html
and restart the server to see the effect of authentication using token