Iptables cli is a Cli interface for iptables.
Iptables must be a good firewall in Linux, but seem a bit complicated in use.
So let’s try to make it more simple using this new open source tool name iptables cli write in Go.
brew tap kenyhenry/iptables_clibrew install iptables_cli
Why ?
Iptables give us a wide choice to manage rules, move rules up and down is damagable.
iptables -L takes time
There is a lot of options and no categories to manage
Delete wrong rule with index can lead to strong damaged on your VPS
-t option not implemented yet because there is no way to get tables using iptables -L
Move and edit rule included adding a new rule then deleting the old one so be careful on which rule you are moving
Sometimes Rendering widgets is not automatic so tape escape to rerender
In some, Iptables cli is challenging iptables use and is a better approach to manage all your rules.
It could be interesting to switch to nftable on iptables cli
Create our own firewall using netfilter and map it to our custom iptables cli interface