golang implementation of probabilistic merkle search trees for IPLD
The prolly trees cannot be constructed in place; it needs a helper constructor, also know as framework
type Framework struct {
done bool
cidPrefix *cid.Prefix
nodeCoder *NodeCoder
configCid cid.Cid
builders []*LevelBuilder
The structure is mainly composed of three layers:Framework
-> LevelBuilder
-> NodeStore
. The framework is responsible for the upper layer, the middle node layer is done by the builder, and all data is stored in the nodestore abstraction..
prolly tree
Once the prolly tree has been constructed, only the root (entry) node of the prolly trees is needed for query operations.
type ProllyTree struct {
root ProllyNode
Ns NodeStore
treeConfig TreeConfig
mutating bool
mutations *Mutations
If update operations (add/delete) are needed, they need to be done through the constructor.
// TreeConfig includes config for prolly tree, it includes some global setting, the splitter method you choose and specific configs about
// the splitter
type TreeConfig struct {
StrategyType byte
MinNodeSize int
MaxNodeSize int
MaxPairsInNode int
NodeCodec []byte
Strategy strategy
const (
SuffixThreshold = 0
WeibullThreshold = 1
RollingHash = 2
- ProllyNode:It's the same from the leaf to the root
- ProllyRoot:include
- CID of the Root ProllyNode
- CID of a configuration node
const (
Unknown op = 0
Modify op = 1
Add op = 2
Remove op = 3