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Published: May 17, 2023 License: BSD-3-Clause Imports: 12 Imported by: 2


package slices // import ""


var (
	ErrInsuff = errors.New("Insufficient Elements")
	ErrIndex  = errors.New("slice index out of range")


func All(args []bool) bool
    // Check if all elements of a slice are true

func AllFunc[E any](pred func(E) bool, slice []E) bool
    // use a custom predicate to check if all elements of a slice have a common
    // property

func Anify[E any](slice []E) []any
    // Convert a slice of any type into one of empty interfaces

func Any(args ...bool) bool
    // Check if any elements of a slice are true

func AnyFunc[E any](pred func(E) bool, slice ...E) bool
    // use a custom predicate to check if any elements of a slice have a common
    // property

func BinarySearch[E rules.Ordered](target E, space []E) (int, bool)
    // BinarySearch searches for target in a sorted slice and returns the position
    // where target is found, or the position where target would appear in the sort
    // order; it also returns a bool saying whether the target is really found in
    // the slice. The slice must be sorted in increasing order.

func BinarySearchFunc[E any](cmp func(E, E) int, target E, space []E) (int, bool)
    // BinarySearchFunc works like BinarySearch, but uses a custom comparison
    // function. The slice must be sorted in increasing order, where "increasing"
    // is defined by cmp. cmp(a, b) is expected to return an integer comparing
    // the two parameters: 0 if a == b, a negative number if a < b and a positive
    // number if a > b.

func BinarySearchKey[E any, O rules.Ordered](key func(E) O, target E, space []E) (int, bool)
    // BinarySearchKey accepts a measuring key and calls BinarySearchFunc

func Cast[E, V any](f func(E) V, s []E) []V
    // Cast returns a slice whose values are the result of the application of the
    // given function to all elements of the given slice it behaves like "map" in
    // languages whose hashtables are called "associative array" or "dictionary"

func CastAsync[I, O any](cast func(I) O, args ...I) []O
    // CastAsync behaves much like cast except that all operations are concurrent

func Caster[I, O any](op func(I) O) func([]I) []O
    // Caster integrates a castable operator for use with a matrix see Cast for
    // more info

func Chain[E any](args ...[]E) (out []E)
    // Concatenate slices

func Channel[T any, Int rules.Integer](slice []T, cap Int) <-chan T
    // Channel returns
    //     a buffered channel iff cap < 1
    //     an unbuffered channel otherwise
    // use an empty slice if you want to reproduce "make(chan T, 0)"

func Choose[T any](arg []T) T
    // Choose selects an element of the gicen slice at random

func Clip[E any](s []E) []E
    // Clip removes unused capacity from the slice, returning s[:len(s):len(s)].

func Clone[E any](s []E) []E
    // Clone returns a copy of the slice. The elements are copied using assignment,
    // so this is a shallow clone.

func Combinations[T any](pool []T, r int) (out [][]T)
    // Return r length subsequences of elements from the input empty if r >
    // len(slice) || r < 0
    // The combination tuples are emitted in lexicographic ordering according
    // to the order of the input iterable. So, if the input iterable is sorted,
    // the combination tuples will be produced in sorted order.
    // Elements are treated as unique based on their position, not on their value.
    // So if the input elements are unique, there will be no repeat values
    // in each combination. Combinations('ABCD', 2) --> AB AC AD BC BD CD
    // Combinations(range(4), 3) --> 012 013 023 123

func Compact[E comparable](s []E) []E
    // Compact replaces consecutive runs of equal elements with a single copy.
    // This is like the uniq command found on Unix. Compact modifies the contents
    // of the slice s; it does not create a new slice.

func CompactFunc[E any](eq func(E, E) bool, s []E) []E
    // CompactFunc is like Compact but uses a comparison function.

func Compacted[E comparable](s []E) []E
    // Compacted clones the slice and runs Compact on said clone

func Compare[E rules.Ordered](s1, s2 []E) int
    // Compare compares the elements of s1 and s2. The elements are compared
    // sequentially, starting at index 0, until one element is not equal to the
    // other. The result of comparing the first non-matching elements is returned.
    // If both slices are equal until one of them ends, the shorter slice is
    // considered less than the longer one. The result is 0 if s1 == s2, -1 if
    // s1 < s2, and +1 if s1 > s2. Comparisons involving floating point NaNs are
    // ignored.

func CompareFunc[E1, E2 any](cmp func(E1, E2) int, s1 []E1, s2 []E2) int
    // CompareFunc is like Compare but uses a comparison function on each pair
    // of elements. The elements are compared in increasing index order, and the
    // comparisons stop after the first time cmp returns non-zero. The result is
    // the first non-zero result of cmp; if cmp always returns 0 the result is 0 if
    // len(s1) == len(s2), -1 if len(s1) < len(s2), and +1 if len(s1) > len(s2).

func Consume[T any](channel chan T) (out []T)
    // Consume passes each element of the given channel to the given slice

func Contains[E comparable](s []E, v E) bool
    // Contains reports whether v is present in s.

func ContainsAny[E comparable](s []E, args ...E) bool
    // ContainsAny reports whether any element of args is present in s.

func ContainsAnyFunc[E any](eq func(E, E) bool, s []E, args ...E) bool
    // ContainsAnyFunc reports whether of args is present in s.

func ContainsFunc[E any](eq func(E, E) bool, s []E, v E) bool
    // ContainsFunc reports whether v is present in s, using eq as an equivalence
    // operator.

func ContainsPred[E any](pred func(E) bool, s []E) bool
    // ContainsPred reports whether anything in s satisfies the given predicate.

func Copies[T any, U rules.I](length U, val T) []T
    // Deprecated, use Repeat

func Copy[T any](dst, src []T) int
    // Copy is a wrapper on the builtin copy

func Count[T comparable](item T, rack []T) (out uint)
    // Count returns the number of occurences of item in rack

func CountFunc[E any](eq func(E, E) bool, item E, rack []E) (out uint)
    // CountFunc returns the number of occurences, with respect to eq == true,
    // of item in rack

func Delete[E any](s []E, i, j int) []E
    // Delete removes the elements s[i:j] from s, returning the modified slice.
    // Delete panics if s[i:j] is not a valid slice of s. Delete modifies
    // the contents of the slice s; it does not create a new slice. Delete is
    // O(len(s)-(j-i)), so if many items must be deleted, it is better to make a
    // single call deleting them all together than to delete one at a time.

func Deref[T any](arg []*T) []T
func Dot[N rules.Num](left, right []N) []N
    // Dot returns a dot product analog of left with right. Dot({2, 3}, {1,
    // 2}) === {2, 6} Dot({2}, {1, 2}) === {2, 0} Dot({1, 2}, {2}) === {2, 0}

func DotFunc[T any](mul func(T, T) T, left, right []T) []T
    // DotFunc returns a dot product analog of left with right, using mul as a
    // binary operator over the chosen type.

func Enumerate[I rules.Integer, T any](slice []T) []func() (I, T)
    // Enumerate returns a slice of closures whose return values are tuples of
    // elements of the given slice prefixed by their indices

func Equal[E comparable](s1, s2 []E) bool
    // Equal reports whether two slices are equal: the same length and all elements
    // equal. If the lengths are different, Equal returns false. Otherwise, the
    // elements are compared in increasing index order, and the comparison stops at
    // the first unequal pair. Floating point NaNs are not considered equal.

func EqualFunc[E1, E2 any](eq func(E1, E2) bool, s1 []E1, s2 []E2) bool
    // EqualFunc reports whether two slices are equal using a comparison function
    // on each pair of elements. If the lengths are different, EqualFunc returns
    // false. Otherwise, the elements are compared in increasing index order,
    // and the comparison stops at the first index for which eq returns false.

func Extend[T any, C rules.Integer](slice []T, seed T, count C) []T
func Extremal[E any](operator func(E, E) bool, args ...E) (out int)
    // Extremal finds the index of a maximum, or minimum, value of a
    // slice by passing a key corresponding to greater than or less than
    // Extremal[MyType](gt, mySlice...) -> maximal value Extremal[MyType](lt,
    // mySlice...) -> minimal value

func Feed[T any](channel chan T, slice []T)
    // Feed passes each element of the given slice to the given channel

func Filter(args []bool) (out []bool)
    // Filter returns a slice featuring all truthy elements

func FilterFunc[E any](f func(E) bool, args []E) (out []E)
    // FilterFunc returns a slice featuring all elements of the incident that
    // satisfy the given predicate

func Flatter[M ~[][]E, E any](arg M) (out []E)
    // Deprecated, use Chain

func Fshow[T any](w io.Writer, args []T)
    // Fshow prints each element of a slice to a given writer on a new cell

func Fshowf[T any](w io.Writer, format string, args []T)
    // Fshowf prints each element of a slice to a given writer on a new cell using
    // a given format string each time

func Fshowln[T any](w io.Writer, args []T)
    // Fshowln prints each element of a slice to a given writer on a new line

func Get[E any, I rules.Integer](index I, slice []E) E
    // Get returns the i'th element from a slice, even if i is negative uses the
    // same indexing convention as python lists/tuples

func Getter[T any, I rules.Int](index I) func([]T) T
    // Getter returns a castable operator that fetches the element of that index
    // from a slice. see Get and Cast for more info

func Getxy[E any](slice []E, stride, x, y int) E
    // Get an element of a slice situated at a point (x,y) when the slice is
    // interpreted as

func Grow[E any](s []E, n int) []E
    // Grow increases the slice's capacity, if necessary, to guarantee space for
    // another n elements. After Grow(n), at least n elements can be appended
    // to the slice without another allocation. Grow may modify elements of the
    // slice between the length and the capacity. If n is negative or too large to
    // allocate the memory, Grow panics.

func Index[E comparable](val E, s []E) int
    // Index returns the index of the first occurrence of v in s, or -1 if not
    // present.

func IndexFunc[E any](eq func(E, E) bool, val E, s []E) int
    // IndexFunc returns the first index i satisfying f(s[i]), or -1 if none do.

func IndexPred[E any](eq func(E) bool, s []E) int
    // IndexPred returns the first index i satisfying f(s[i]), or -1 if none do.

func Indices[T comparable](item T, rack []T) (out []int)
    // Indices returns the positions at which item can be found in rack

func IndicesFunc[T comparable](eq func(T, T) bool, item T, rack []T) (out []int)
    // IndicesFunc returns the positions at which item can be found, by eq == true,
    // in rack

func Insert[E any](s []E, i int, args ...E) []E
    // Insert inserts the values v... into s at index i, returning the modified
    // slice. In the returned slice r, r[i] == v[0]. Insert panics if i is out of
    // range. This function is O(len(s) + len(v)).

func IsSorted[E rules.Ordered](x []E) bool
    // IsSorted reports whether x is sorted in ascending order.

func IsSortedFunc[E any](less func(a, b E) bool, x []E) bool
    // IsSortedFunc reports whether x is sorted in ascending order, with less as
    // the comparison function.

func IsSortedKey[E any, O rules.Ordered](key func(E) O, data []E) bool
    // IsSortedKey accepts a measuring key and calls IsSortedFunc

func Join[T rules.Ordered](s []T, sep T) (out T)
func JoinFunc[T any](add func(T, T) T, s []T, sep T) (out T)
func Len[I rules.Integer, E any](slice []E) I
    // Len returns the length of a slice as the desired type of integer

func Longest[E any](args ...[]E) (out int)
    // Returns the index of the longest slice received at call-time -1 if no
    // arguments are passed

func Make[T any, I rules.Integer](length I) []T
    // Make initializes a slice

func Max[E rules.Ordered](args ...E) (out int)
    // Max returns the index of the Maximal value of a slice

func Min[E rules.Ordered](args ...E) (out int)
    // Min returns the index of the Minimal value of a slice

func Movers[E comparable](s []E) (out []int)
    // Movers returns the indices of slice elements that are not equal to their
    // successors

func MoversFunc[E any](eq func(E, E) bool, s []E) (out []int)
    // MoversFunc returns the indices of slice elements that are not equal to their
    // successors

func Mul[N rules.Num](left, right []N) []N
    // Mul returns a dot product analog of left with right. Each argument of
    // length 1 is treaded as a scalar Mul({2, 3}, {1, 2}) === {2, 6} Mul({2}, {1,
    // 2}) === {2, 4} Mul({1, 2}, {2}) === {2, 4}, Mul(right, left) if len(left) >
    // len(right) If you want ordinary Muls, use Cast(a+b, Zip(left, right))

func Nest[T any](s ...T) [][]T
    // Nest places a slice of T into a new Matrix of T

func Ones[T rules.Integer](count T) []T
    // Deprecated, use Repeat

func Pairwise[T any](args ...T) [][]T
    // Pairwise(ABCD) -> AB BC CD

func Partition[K comparable, V any](pred func(V) K, slice []V) map[K][]V
    // Partition uses a function to categorize elements of a slice

func Permutations[T any](r int, pool []T) (out [][]T)
func Pointers[T any](s []T) []*T
//     Pointers returns an array of pointers to the values of given slice These
//     pointers should not agree with other reference to the data

func Prefill[T any](s []T, by uint) []T
    // Prefill prepends some number of elements to a slice

func PrefillSeed[T any](slice []T, seed T, by uint) []T
    // PrefillSeed prepends some number of elements to a slice

func PrefillSeeder[T any](seed T, by uint) func([]T) []T
    // PrefillSeeder returns a castable operator for prefilling slices see
    // PrefillSeed and Cast for more info

func Prefiller[T any](by uint) func([]T) []T
    // Prefiller returns a castable operator for prefilling slices see Prefill and
    // Cast for more info

func Product[T any](repeat int, args ...[]T) [][]T
func Rcast[I any, O any](fs []func([]I) O, s []I) []O
//     Rcast returns a slice whose values are the result of the application of the
//     given function to all elements of the given slice it behaves like "map" in
//     languages whose hashtables are called "associative array" or "dictionary"

func Reduce[E any](f func(E, E) E, s []E) (out E)
    // Reduce returns the outcome of successive applications of a function, f,
    // as a binary operator over the slice, s.

func ReduceAs[I, O rules.Real](op func(O, O) O, args ...I) O
    // ReduceAs applies Reduce after converting a slice of real numbers an
    // overflow-safe way for operating on small numbers

func ReducePairLeft[T any](op func(l, r T) T, rack []Pair[T]) T
func ReducePairRight[T any](op func(l, r T) T, rack []Pair[T]) T
func Reducer[T any](op func(T, T) T) func([]T) T
//     Reducer returns a castable operator that reduces a slice. see Reduce and
//     Cast for more info

func Ref[T any](arg []T) []*T
func Remove[T any, int rules.Int](s *[]T, indices
func Repeat[T any, C rules.Integer](seed T, count C) []T
    // Repeat returns a slice, with length count, of integers initialized to seed
    // if you want to repeat an empty slice you should use Tee instead

func Repeater[T any, I rules.Int](count I) func(T) []T
    // Repeater returns a castable operator for creating slices of given length
    // populated by given value see Repeat and Cast for more info

func Resize[T any](s []T, shape []T
func Reverse[E any](slice []E)
    // Reverse a slice in place func Reverse[[]E ~[]E, E any](slice []E) {

func Reversed[E any](slice []E) []E
    // Produce a reversed copy of a slice

func Rotated[T any, I rules.I](slice []T, steps I) []T
    // Rotated returns the index-shifted of a given slice as though the operation
    // were taking place on a torus (no elements lost or added)

func Select[E any](slice []E, indices []int) []E
    // select returns the elements of a slice located at the chosen indices note:
    // all indices are wrapped by a modulus equal to the length of the slice use
    // StrictSelect to mitigate this behaviour

func SelectStrict[E any](slice []E, indices []int) []E
    // select returns the elements of a slice located at the chosen indices note:
    // indices greater than slice length with cause panic use Select to mitigate
    // this behaviour

func Send[T any](f func(T), args []T)
    // Send is like Cast but for impure functions

func Shortest[E any](args ...[]E) (out int)
    // Returns the index of the shortest slice received at call-time -1 if no
    // arguments are passed

func Show[T any](args ...T)
    // Show prints each element of a slice to a stdout on a new cell

func Showf[T any](format string, args ...T)
    // Showf prints each element of a slice to a stdout on a new cell using a given
    // format string each time

func Showln[T any](args ...T)
    // Showln prints each element of a slice to a stdout on a new line

func Shuffle[T any](args []T) []T
    // Shuffle returns a permutation

func Skip[T any, I rules.Int](index I, arg []T) (out []T)
    // Skip returns a version of the slice without the element at the given index
    // returns arg if index is greater than len(arg)-1

func Snap[I rules.I, E any](width I, arg []E) (out [][]E)
    // Snap breaks a slice into sections of given width Snap(2, []int{1, 2, 3,
    // 4}) == [][]int{{1, 2}, {3, 4}} Snap(3, []int{1, 2, 3, 4}) == [][]int{{1, 2,
    // 3}, {4}} func Snap[[]E ~[]E, E any](arg []E, width int) (out [][]E) {

func Snapper[T any, I rules.Int](stride I) func([]T) [][]T
    // Snapper returns a castable operator for snapping slices see Snap and Cast
    // for more info

func Sort[E rules.Ordered](x []E)
    // Sort sorts a slice of any ordered type in ascending order. Sort may fail
    // to sort correctly when sorting slices of floating-point numbers containing
    // Not-a-number (NaN) values. Use slices.SortFunc(x, func(a, b float64) bool
    // {return a < b || (math.IsNaN(a) && !math.IsNaN(b))}) instead if the input
    // may contain NaNs.

func SortFunc[E any](less func(a, b E) bool, x []E)
    // SortFunc sorts the slice x in ascending order as determined by the less
    // function. This sort is not guaranteed to be stable.

    SortFunc requires that less is a strict weak ordering. See

func SortKey[E any, O rules.Ordered](key func(E) O, arg []E)
    // SortKey wraps a Key with a less than (<) function before deferring to
    // SortFunc see slices.Key for more info

func SortStableFunc[E any](less func(a, b E) bool, x []E)
    // SortStable sorts the slice x while keeping the original order of equal
    // elements, using less to compare elements.

func SortStableKey[E any, O rules.Ordered](key func(E) O, data []E)
    // SortStableKey accepts a measuring key and calls SortStableFunc

func Sorted[E rules.Ordered](x []E) []E
    // Sorted sorts a slice of any ordered, type after cloning it, in ascending
    // order. Sort may fail to sort correctly when sorting slices of floating-point
    // numbers containing Not-a-number (NaN) values. Use slices.SortFunc(x, func(a,
    // b float64) bool {return a < b || (math.IsNaN(a) && !math.IsNaN(b))}) instead
    // if the input may contain NaNs.

func SortedFunc[E any](less func(a, b E) bool, x []E) []E
    // SortedFunc sorts a clone of the slice x in ascending order as determined by
    // the less function. This sort is not guaranteed to be stable.
    // SortFunc requires that less is a strict weak ordering. See

func SortedKey[T any, U rules.Ordered](k func(T) U, s []T) []T
func Split[E comparable](slice []E, breaker E) [][]E
    // Split "cuts" the slice at all occurrences of breaker

func SplitAfter[E comparable](slice []E, breaker E) [][]E
    // SplitAfter "cuts" the slice at all matching elements without discarding them

func SplitAfterFunc[E any](function func(E, E) bool, breaker E, slice []E) [][]E
    // SplitAfterFunc "cuts" the slice at all matching elements without discarding
    // them

func SplitAfterPred[E any](function func(E) bool, slice []E) [][]E
    // SplitAfterPred "cuts" the slice at all satisfying elements without
    // discarding them

func SplitFunc[E any](eq func(E, E) bool, slice []E, breaker E) [][]E
    // SplitFunc "cuts" the slice at all occurrences of breaker

func SplitPred[E any](pred func(E) bool, slice []E) [][]E
    // SplitPred "cuts" the slice at all elements satisfying some predicate

func Standers[E comparable](s []E) (out []E)
    // Standers returns the indices of the slice elements that are equal to their
    // successors

func StandersFunc[E any](eq func(E, E) bool, s []E) (out []E)
    // StandersFunc returns the indices of the slice elements that are equal to
    // their successors

func Swap[E any](slice []E, i, j int) []E
    // Swap the elements at a pair of indices (in place)

func Swapped[E any](slice []E, i, j int) []E
    // Swap the elements at a pair of indices (copied)

func Tee[T any, I rules.Integer](seed []T, count I) [][]T
    // Tee returns a slice of independent slices

func Trot[T, O any](operator func(T, T) O, data []T) []O
    // Trot returns the outcome of step-wise applications of a function, f,
    // as a binary operator over the slice, s. Trot{addition, {1, 2, 3}} == {1, 1,
    // 1}

func Union[E any](first []E, rest ...[]E) []E
    // Deprecated, use Chain

func Upto[O, I rules.Real](start, stop, step I) []O
    // Consecutive ints, including start, smaller than stop, and separated by step
    // Upto[byte](0, 256, 1)

func Upton[O, I rules.Real](stop I) []O
    // Indices of a slice with given length Range[byte](256)

func Uptonm[O, I rules.Real](start, stop I) []O
    // Consecutive ints, including start, smaller than stop, and separated by one
    // Uptonm[byte](0, 256)

func Values[T any](s []*T) []T
    // Values returns a slice of values to members of a slice of pointers

func VariadicFilter[E any](adicity int, walk bool, f func(...E) bool, slice []E) (out [][]E)
func Walks[T any, I rules.Integer](length I, slice []T) (out [][]T)
    // Break an iterable into len(iterable)-length steps of the given length,
    // with each step's starting point one after its predecessor example
    //     >>> for i in walks(itertools.count(),2):print(''.join(i))
    //     (0, 1)
    //     (1, 2)
    //     (2, 3)
    //     # etc.
    // Inspired by the hyperoperation 16**2[5]2

func Windows[T any](src []T, size int) (out [][]T)
func Zip[K any](args ...[]K) (out [][]K)
    // Convolve type-equivalent slices

func Zip3[L, R any](left []L, right []R) (out []func() (L, R))
    // Convolve pairs of type-distinct slices with a closure


type Key[I any, O rules.Ordered] func(I) O
    // Keys are functions that give a notion of size to members of unordered types.
    // They are utilities for creating comparison operators on unordered types.
    // In mathspeak, they're quite like measures.

func (k Key[I, O]) Cmp(left, right I) int
    // Key.Cmp(a, b) is expected to return an integer comparing the two parameters:
    // 0 if a == b, a negative number if a < b and a positive number if a > b.

func (k Key[I, O]) Eq(left, right I) bool
    // Key.Eq checks if left ... right

func (k Key[I, O]) Ge(left, right I) bool
    // Key.Ge checks if left ... right

func (k Key[I, O]) Gt(left, right I) bool
    // Key.Gt checks if left ... right

func (k Key[I, O]) Le(left, right I) bool
    // Key.Le checks if left ... right

func (k Key[I, O]) Lt(left, right I) bool
    // Key.Lt checks if left ... right

func (k Key[I, O]) Ne(left, right I) bool
    // Key.Ne checks if left ... right

type LR[L, R any] struct {
	// LR holds two values, Left and Right, of any types.
	Left  L
	Right R

func Cartesian[L, R any](left []L, right []R) []LR[L, R]

func Pop[T any, int rules.Int](s []T, i int) LR[T, []T]

func Zip2[L, R any](left []L, right []R) (out []LR[L, R])
    // Convolve pairs of type-distinct slices with a Pair

func (lr LR[L, R]) From(l L, r R) LR[L, R]

func (lr LR[L, R]) L() L

func (lr LR[L, R]) R() R

func (lr LR[L, R]) Split() (l L, r R)

type Pair[T any] struct {
	// Pair holds two values, Left and Right, of any type.
	Left, Right T

func PairAll[T any](arg [][]T, shift int) (out []Pair[T])
    // PairAll returns a sequence of pairs from a matrix

func (p Pair[T]) From(l, r T) Pair[T]

func (p Pair[T]) L() T

func (p Pair[T]) R() T

func (p Pair[T]) Split() (l, r T)




This section is empty.


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var (
	ErrInsuff = errors.New("Insufficient Elements")
	ErrIndex  = errors.New("slice index out of range")


func All

func All(args []bool) bool

Check if all elements of a slice are true

func AllFunc

func AllFunc[E any](pred func(E) bool, slice []E) bool

use a custom predicate to check if all elements of a slice have a common property

func Anify

func Anify[E any](slice []E) []any

Convert a slice of any type into one of empty interfaces

func Any

func Any(args ...bool) bool

Check if any elements of a slice are true

func AnyFunc

func AnyFunc[E any](pred func(E) bool, slice ...E) bool

use a custom predicate to check if any elements of a slice have a common property

func BinarySearch

func BinarySearch[E rules.Ordered](target E, space []E) (int, bool)

BinarySearch searches for target in a sorted slice and returns the position where target is found, or the position where target would appear in the sort order; it also returns a bool saying whether the target is really found in the slice. The slice must be sorted in increasing order.

func BinarySearchFunc

func BinarySearchFunc[E any](cmp func(E, E) int, target E, space []E) (int, bool)

BinarySearchFunc works like BinarySearch, but uses a custom comparison function. The slice must be sorted in increasing order, where "increasing" is defined by cmp. cmp(a, b) is expected to return an integer comparing the two parameters: 0 if a == b, a negative number if a < b and a positive number if a > b.

func BinarySearchKey

func BinarySearchKey[E any, O rules.Ordered](key func(E) O, target E, space []E) (int, bool)

BinarySearchKey accepts a measuring key and calls BinarySearchFunc

func Cast

func Cast[E, V any](f func(E) V, s []E) []V

Cast returns a slice whose values are the result of the application of the given function to all elements of the given slice it behaves like "map" in languages whose hashtables are called "associative array" or "dictionary"

func CastAsync

func CastAsync[I, O any](cast func(I) O, args ...I) []O

CastAsync behaves much like cast except that all operations are concurrent

func Caster

func Caster[I, O any](op func(I) O) func([]I) []O

Caster integrates a castable operator for use with a matrix see Cast for more info

func Chain

func Chain[E any](args ...[]E) (out []E)

Concatenate slices

func Channel

func Channel[T any, Int rules.Integer](slice []T, cap Int) <-chan T

Channel returns

a buffered channel iff cap < 1
an unbuffered channel otherwise

use an empty slice if you want to reproduce "make(chan T, 0)"

func Choose

func Choose[T any](arg []T) T

Choose selects an element of the gicen slice at random

func Clip

func Clip[E any](s []E) []E

Clip removes unused capacity from the slice, returning s[:len(s):len(s)].

func Clone

func Clone[E any](s []E) []E

Clone returns a copy of the slice. The elements are copied using assignment, so this is a shallow clone.

func Combinations

func Combinations[T any](pool []T, r int) (out [][]T)

Return r length subsequences of elements from the input empty if r > len(slice) || r < 0

The combination tuples are emitted in lexicographic ordering according to the order of the input iterable. So, if the input iterable is sorted, the combination tuples will be produced in sorted order.

Elements are treated as unique based on their position, not on their value. So if the input elements are unique, there will be no repeat values in each combination. Combinations('ABCD', 2) --> AB AC AD BC BD CD Combinations(range(4), 3) --> 012 013 023 123

func Compact

func Compact[E comparable](s []E) []E

Compact replaces consecutive runs of equal elements with a single copy. This is like the uniq command found on Unix. Compact modifies the contents of the slice s; it does not create a new slice.

func CompactFunc

func CompactFunc[E any](eq func(E, E) bool, s []E) []E

CompactFunc is like Compact but uses a comparison function.

func Compacted

func Compacted[E comparable](s []E) []E

Compacted clones the slice and runs Compact on said clone

func Compare

func Compare[E rules.Ordered](s1, s2 []E) int

Compare compares the elements of s1 and s2. The elements are compared sequentially, starting at index 0, until one element is not equal to the other. The result of comparing the first non-matching elements is returned. If both slices are equal until one of them ends, the shorter slice is considered less than the longer one. The result is 0 if s1 == s2, -1 if s1 < s2, and +1 if s1 > s2. Comparisons involving floating point NaNs are ignored.

func CompareFunc

func CompareFunc[E1, E2 any](cmp func(E1, E2) int, s1 []E1, s2 []E2) int

CompareFunc is like Compare but uses a comparison function on each pair of elements. The elements are compared in increasing index order, and the comparisons stop after the first time cmp returns non-zero. The result is the first non-zero result of cmp; if cmp always returns 0 the result is 0 if len(s1) == len(s2), -1 if len(s1) < len(s2), and +1 if len(s1) > len(s2).

func Consume

func Consume[T any](channel chan T) (out []T)

Consume passes each element of the given channel to the given slice

func Contains

func Contains[E comparable](s []E, v E) bool

Contains reports whether v is present in s.

func ContainsAny

func ContainsAny[E comparable](s []E, args ...E) bool

ContainsAny reports whether any element of args is present in s.

func ContainsAnyFunc

func ContainsAnyFunc[E any](eq func(E, E) bool, s []E, args ...E) bool

ContainsAnyFunc reports whether of args is present in s.

func ContainsFunc

func ContainsFunc[E any](eq func(E, E) bool, s []E, v E) bool

ContainsFunc reports whether v is present in s, using eq as an equivalence operator.

func ContainsPred

func ContainsPred[E any](pred func(E) bool, s []E) bool

ContainsPred reports whether anything in s satisfies the given predicate.

func Copies

func Copies[T any, U rules.I](length U, val T) []T

Deprecated, use Repeat

func Copy

func Copy[T any](dst, src []T) int

Copy is a wrapper on the builtin copy

func Count

func Count[T comparable](item T, rack []T) (out uint)

Count returns the number of occurences of item in rack

func CountFunc

func CountFunc[E any](eq func(E, E) bool, item E, rack []E) (out uint)

CountFunc returns the number of occurences, with respect to eq == true, of item in rack

func Delete

func Delete[E any](s []E, i, j int) []E

Delete removes the elements s[i:j] from s, returning the modified slice. Delete panics if s[i:j] is not a valid slice of s. Delete modifies the contents of the slice s; it does not create a new slice. Delete is O(len(s)-(j-i)), so if many items must be deleted, it is better to make a single call deleting them all together than to delete one at a time.

func Deref

func Deref[T any](arg []*T) []T

func Dot

func Dot[N rules.Num](left, right []N) []N

Dot returns a dot product analog of left with right. Dot({2, 3}, {1, 2}) === {2, 6} Dot({2}, {1, 2}) === {2, 0} Dot({1, 2}, {2}) === {2, 0}

func DotFunc

func DotFunc[T any](mul func(T, T) T, left, right []T) []T

DotFunc returns a dot product analog of left with right, using mul as a binary operator over the chosen type.

func Enumerate

func Enumerate[I rules.Integer, T any](slice []T) []func() (I, T)

Enumerate returns a slice of closures whose return values are tuples of elements of the given slice prefixed by their indices

func Equal

func Equal[E comparable](s1, s2 []E) bool

Equal reports whether two slices are equal: the same length and all elements equal. If the lengths are different, Equal returns false. Otherwise, the elements are compared in increasing index order, and the comparison stops at the first unequal pair. Floating point NaNs are not considered equal.

func EqualFunc

func EqualFunc[E1, E2 any](eq func(E1, E2) bool, s1 []E1, s2 []E2) bool

EqualFunc reports whether two slices are equal using a comparison function on each pair of elements. If the lengths are different, EqualFunc returns false. Otherwise, the elements are compared in increasing index order, and the comparison stops at the first index for which eq returns false.

func Extend

func Extend[T any, C rules.Integer](slice []T, seed T, count C) []T

func Extremal

func Extremal[E any](operator func(E, E) bool, args ...E) (out int)

Extremal finds the index of a maximum, or minimum, value of a slice by passing a key corresponding to greater than or less than Extremal[MyType](gt, mySlice...) -> maximal value Extremal[MyType](lt, mySlice...) -> minimal value

func Feed

func Feed[T any](channel chan T, slice []T)

Feed passes each element of the given slice to the given channel

func Filter

func Filter(args []bool) (out []bool)

Filter returns a slice featuring all truthy elements

func FilterFunc

func FilterFunc[E any](f func(E) bool, args []E) (out []E)

FilterFunc returns a slice featuring all elements of the incident that satisfy the given predicate

func Flatter

func Flatter[M ~[][]E, E any](arg M) (out []E)

Deprecated, use Chain

func Fshow

func Fshow[T any](w io.Writer, args []T)

Fshow prints each element of a slice to a given writer on a new cell

func Fshowf

func Fshowf[T any](w io.Writer, format string, args []T)

Fshowf prints each element of a slice to a given writer on a new cell using a given format string each time

func Fshowln

func Fshowln[T any](w io.Writer, args []T)

Fshowln prints each element of a slice to a given writer on a new line

func Get

func Get[E any, I rules.Integer](index I, slice []E) E

Get returns the i'th element from a slice, even if i is negative uses the same indexing convention as python lists/tuples

func Getter

func Getter[T any, I rules.Int](index I) func([]T) T

Getter returns a castable operator that fetches the element of that index from a slice. see Get and Cast for more info

func Getxy

func Getxy[E any](slice []E, stride, x, y int) E

Get an element of a slice situated at a point (x,y) when the slice is interpreted as

func Grow

func Grow[E any](s []E, n int) []E

Grow increases the slice's capacity, if necessary, to guarantee space for another n elements. After Grow(n), at least n elements can be appended to the slice without another allocation. Grow may modify elements of the slice between the length and the capacity. If n is negative or too large to allocate the memory, Grow panics.

func Index

func Index[E comparable](val E, s []E) int

Index returns the index of the first occurrence of v in s, or -1 if not present.

func IndexFunc

func IndexFunc[E any](eq func(E, E) bool, val E, s []E) int

IndexFunc returns the first index i satisfying f(s[i]), or -1 if none do.

func IndexPred

func IndexPred[E any](eq func(E) bool, s []E) int

IndexPred returns the first index i satisfying f(s[i]), or -1 if none do.

func Indices

func Indices[T comparable](item T, rack []T) (out []int)

Indices returns the positions at which item can be found in rack

func IndicesFunc

func IndicesFunc[T comparable](eq func(T, T) bool, item T, rack []T) (out []int)

IndicesFunc returns the positions at which item can be found, by eq == true, in rack

func Insert

func Insert[E any](s []E, i int, args ...E) []E

Insert inserts the values v... into s at index i, returning the modified slice. In the returned slice r, r[i] == v[0]. Insert panics if i is out of range. This function is O(len(s) + len(v)).

func IsSorted

func IsSorted[E rules.Ordered](x []E) bool

IsSorted reports whether x is sorted in ascending order.

func IsSortedFunc

func IsSortedFunc[E any](less func(a, b E) bool, x []E) bool

IsSortedFunc reports whether x is sorted in ascending order, with less as the comparison function.

func IsSortedKey

func IsSortedKey[E any, O rules.Ordered](key func(E) O, data []E) bool

IsSortedKey accepts a measuring key and calls IsSortedFunc

func Join

func Join[T rules.Ordered](s []T, sep T) (out T)

func JoinFunc

func JoinFunc[T any](add func(T, T) T, s []T, sep T) (out T)

func Len

func Len[I rules.Integer, E any](slice []E) I

Len returns the length of a slice as the desired type of integer

func Longest

func Longest[E any](args ...[]E) (out int)

Returns the index of the longest slice received at call-time -1 if no arguments are passed

func Make

func Make[T any, I rules.Integer](length I) []T

Make initializes a slice

func Max

func Max[E rules.Ordered](args ...E) (out int)

Max returns the index of the Maximal value of a slice

func Min

func Min[E rules.Ordered](args ...E) (out int)

Min returns the index of the Minimal value of a slice

func Movers

func Movers[E comparable](s []E) (out []int)

Movers returns the indices of slice elements that are not equal to their successors

func MoversFunc

func MoversFunc[E any](eq func(E, E) bool, s []E) (out []int)

MoversFunc returns the indices of slice elements that are not equal to their successors

func Mul

func Mul[N rules.Num](left, right []N) []N

Mul returns a dot product analog of left with right. Each argument of length 1 is treaded as a scalar Mul({2, 3}, {1, 2}) === {2, 6} Mul({2}, {1, 2}) === {2, 4} Mul({1, 2}, {2}) === {2, 4}, Mul(right, left) if len(left) > len(right) If you want ordinary Muls, use Cast(a+b, Zip(left, right))

func Nest

func Nest[T any](s ...T) [][]T

Nest places a slice of T into a new Matrix of T

func Ones

func Ones[T rules.Integer](count T) []T

Deprecated, use Repeat

func Pairwise

func Pairwise[T any](args ...T) [][]T

Pairwise(ABCD) -> AB BC CD

func Partition

func Partition[K comparable, V any](pred func(V) K, slice []V) map[K][]V

Partition uses a function to categorize elements of a slice

func Permutations

func Permutations[T any](r int, pool []T) (out [][]T)

func Pointers

func Pointers[T any](s []T) []*T

Pointers returns an array of pointers to the values of given slice These pointers should not agree with other reference to the data

func Prefill

func Prefill[T any](s []T, by uint) []T

Prefill prepends some number of elements to a slice

func PrefillSeed

func PrefillSeed[T any](slice []T, seed T, by uint) []T

PrefillSeed prepends some number of elements to a slice

func PrefillSeeder

func PrefillSeeder[T any](seed T, by uint) func([]T) []T

PrefillSeeder returns a castable operator for prefilling slices see PrefillSeed and Cast for more info

func Prefiller

func Prefiller[T any](by uint) func([]T) []T

Prefiller returns a castable operator for prefilling slices see Prefill and Cast for more info

func Product

func Product[T any](repeat int, args ...[]T) [][]T

func Rcast

func Rcast[I any, O any](fs []func([]I) O, s []I) []O

Rcast returns a slice whose values are the result of the application of the given function to all elements of the given slice it behaves like "map" in languages whose hashtables are called "associative array" or "dictionary"

func Reduce

func Reduce[E any](f func(E, E) E, s []E) (out E)

Reduce returns the outcome of successive applications of a function, f, as a binary operator over the slice, s.

func ReduceAs

func ReduceAs[I, O rules.Real](op func(O, O) O, args ...I) O

ReduceAs applies Reduce after converting a slice of real numbers an overflow-safe way for operating on small numbers

func ReducePairLeft

func ReducePairLeft[T any](op func(l, r T) T, rack []Pair[T]) T

func ReducePairRight

func ReducePairRight[T any](op func(l, r T) T, rack []Pair[T]) T

func Reducer

func Reducer[T any](op func(T, T) T) func([]T) T

Reducer returns a castable operator that reduces a slice. see Reduce and Cast for more info

func Ref

func Ref[T any](arg []T) []*T

func Remove

func Remove[T any, int rules.Int](s *[]T, indices

func Repeat

func Repeat[T any, C rules.Integer](seed T, count C) []T

Repeat returns a slice, with length count, of integers initialized to seed if you want to repeat an empty slice you should use Tee instead

func Repeater

func Repeater[T any, I rules.Int](count I) func(T) []T

Repeater returns a castable operator for creating slices of given length populated by given value see Repeat and Cast for more info

func Resize

func Resize[T any](s []T, shape []T

func Reverse

func Reverse[E any](slice []E)

Reverse a slice in place func Reverse[[]E ~[]E, E any](slice []E) {

func Reversed

func Reversed[E any](slice []E) []E

Produce a reversed copy of a slice

func Rotated

func Rotated[T any, I rules.I](slice []T, steps I) []T

Rotated returns the index-shifted of a given slice as though the operation were taking place on a torus (no elements lost or added)

func Select

func Select[E any](slice []E, indices []int) []E

select returns the elements of a slice located at the chosen indices note: all indices are wrapped by a modulus equal to the length of the slice use StrictSelect to mitigate this behaviour

func SelectStrict

func SelectStrict[E any](slice []E, indices []int) []E

select returns the elements of a slice located at the chosen indices note: indices greater than slice length with cause panic use Select to mitigate this behaviour

func Send

func Send[T any](f func(T), args []T)

Send is like Cast but for impure functions

func Shortest

func Shortest[E any](args ...[]E) (out int)

Returns the index of the shortest slice received at call-time -1 if no arguments are passed

func Show

func Show[T any](args ...T)

Show prints each element of a slice to a stdout on a new cell

func Showf

func Showf[T any](format string, args ...T)

Showf prints each element of a slice to a stdout on a new cell using a given format string each time

func Showln

func Showln[T any](args ...T)

Showln prints each element of a slice to a stdout on a new line

func Shuffle

func Shuffle[T any](args []T) []T

Shuffle returns a permutation

func Skip

func Skip[T any, I rules.Int](index I, arg []T) (out []T)

Skip returns a version of the slice without the element at the given index returns arg if index is greater than len(arg)-1

func Snap

func Snap[I rules.I, E any](width I, arg []E) (out [][]E)

Snap breaks a slice into sections of given width Snap(2, []int{1, 2, 3, 4}) == [][]int{{1, 2}, {3, 4}} Snap(3, []int{1, 2, 3, 4}) == [][]int{{1, 2, 3}, {4}} func Snap[[]E ~[]E, E any](arg []E, width int) (out [][]E) {

func Snapper

func Snapper[T any, I rules.Int](stride I) func([]T) [][]T

Snapper returns a castable operator for snapping slices see Snap and Cast for more info

func Sort

func Sort[E rules.Ordered](x []E)

Sort sorts a slice of any ordered type in ascending order. Sort may fail to sort correctly when sorting slices of floating-point numbers containing Not-a-number (NaN) values. Use slices.SortFunc(x, func(a, b float64) bool {return a < b || (math.IsNaN(a) && !math.IsNaN(b))}) instead if the input may contain NaNs.

func SortFunc

func SortFunc[E any](less func(a, b E) bool, x []E)

SortFunc sorts the slice x in ascending order as determined by the less function. This sort is not guaranteed to be stable.

SortFunc requires that less is a strict weak ordering. See

func SortKey

func SortKey[E any, O rules.Ordered](key func(E) O, arg []E)

SortKey wraps a Key with a less than (<) function before deferring to SortFunc see slices.Key for more info

func SortStableFunc

func SortStableFunc[E any](less func(a, b E) bool, x []E)

SortStable sorts the slice x while keeping the original order of equal elements, using less to compare elements.

func SortStableKey

func SortStableKey[E any, O rules.Ordered](key func(E) O, data []E)

SortStableKey accepts a measuring key and calls SortStableFunc

func Sorted

func Sorted[E rules.Ordered](x []E) []E

Sorted sorts a slice of any ordered, type after cloning it, in ascending order. Sort may fail to sort correctly when sorting slices of floating-point numbers containing Not-a-number (NaN) values. Use slices.SortFunc(x, func(a, b float64) bool {return a < b || (math.IsNaN(a) && !math.IsNaN(b))}) instead if the input may contain NaNs.

func SortedFunc

func SortedFunc[E any](less func(a, b E) bool, x []E) []E

SortedFunc sorts a clone of the slice x in ascending order as determined by the less function. This sort is not guaranteed to be stable.

SortFunc requires that less is a strict weak ordering. See

func SortedKey

func SortedKey[T any, U rules.Ordered](k func(T) U, s []T) []T

func Split

func Split[E comparable](slice []E, breaker E) [][]E

Split "cuts" the slice at all occurrences of breaker

func SplitAfter

func SplitAfter[E comparable](slice []E, breaker E) [][]E

SplitAfter "cuts" the slice at all matching elements without discarding them

func SplitAfterFunc

func SplitAfterFunc[E any](function func(E, E) bool, breaker E, slice []E) [][]E

SplitAfterFunc "cuts" the slice at all matching elements without discarding them

func SplitAfterPred

func SplitAfterPred[E any](function func(E) bool, slice []E) [][]E

SplitAfterPred "cuts" the slice at all satisfying elements without discarding them

func SplitFunc

func SplitFunc[E any](eq func(E, E) bool, slice []E, breaker E) [][]E

SplitFunc "cuts" the slice at all occurrences of breaker

func SplitPred

func SplitPred[E any](pred func(E) bool, slice []E) [][]E

SplitPred "cuts" the slice at all elements satisfying some predicate

func Standers

func Standers[E comparable](s []E) (out []E)

Standers returns the indices of the slice elements that are equal to their successors

func StandersFunc

func StandersFunc[E any](eq func(E, E) bool, s []E) (out []E)

StandersFunc returns the indices of the slice elements that are equal to their successors

func Swap

func Swap[E any](slice []E, i, j int) []E

Swap the elements at a pair of indices (in place)

func Swapped

func Swapped[E any](slice []E, i, j int) []E

Swap the elements at a pair of indices (copied)

func Tee

func Tee[T any, I rules.Integer](seed []T, count I) [][]T

Tee returns a slice of independent slices

func Trot

func Trot[T, O any](operator func(T, T) O, data []T) []O

Trot returns the outcome of step-wise applications of a function, f, as a binary operator over the slice, s. Trot{addition, {1, 2, 3}} == {1, 1, 1}

func Union

func Union[E any](first []E, rest ...[]E) []E

Deprecated, use Chain

func Upto

func Upto[O, I rules.Real](start, stop, step I) []O

Consecutive ints, including start, smaller than stop, and separated by step Upto[byte](0, 256, 1)

func Upton

func Upton[O, I rules.Real](stop I) []O

Indices of a slice with given length Range[byte](256)

func Uptonm

func Uptonm[O, I rules.Real](start, stop I) []O

Consecutive ints, including start, smaller than stop, and separated by one Uptonm[byte](0, 256)

func Values

func Values[T any](s []*T) []T

Values returns a slice of values to members of a slice of pointers

func VariadicFilter

func VariadicFilter[E any](adicity int, walk bool, f func(...E) bool, slice []E) (out [][]E)

func Walks

func Walks[T any, I rules.Integer](length I, slice []T) (out [][]T)

Break an iterable into len(iterable)-length steps of the given length, with each step's starting point one after its predecessor example

>>> for i in walks(itertools.count(),2):print(''.join(i))
(0, 1)
(1, 2)
(2, 3)
# etc.

Inspired by the hyperoperation 16**2[5]2

func Windows

func Windows[T any](src []T, size int) (out [][]T)

func Zip

func Zip[K any](args ...[]K) (out [][]K)

Convolve type-equivalent slices

func Zip3

func Zip3[L, R any](left []L, right []R) (out []func() (L, R))

Convolve pairs of type-distinct slices with a closure


type Key

type Key[I any, O rules.Ordered] func(I) O

Keys are functions that give a notion of size to members of unordered types. They are utilities for creating comparison operators on unordered types. In mathspeak, they're quite like measures.

func (Key[I, O]) Cmp

func (k Key[I, O]) Cmp(left, right I) int

Key.Cmp(a, b) is expected to return an integer comparing the two parameters: 0 if a == b, a negative number if a < b and a positive number if a > b.

func (Key[I, O]) Eq

func (k Key[I, O]) Eq(left, right I) bool

Key.Eq checks if left ... right

func (Key[I, O]) Ge

func (k Key[I, O]) Ge(left, right I) bool

Key.Ge checks if left ... right

func (Key[I, O]) Gt

func (k Key[I, O]) Gt(left, right I) bool

Key.Gt checks if left ... right

func (Key[I, O]) Le

func (k Key[I, O]) Le(left, right I) bool

Key.Le checks if left ... right

func (Key[I, O]) Lt

func (k Key[I, O]) Lt(left, right I) bool

Key.Lt checks if left ... right

func (Key[I, O]) Ne

func (k Key[I, O]) Ne(left, right I) bool

Key.Ne checks if left ... right

type LR

type LR[L, R any] struct {
	// LR holds two values, Left and Right, of any types.
	Left  L
	Right R

func Cartesian

func Cartesian[L, R any](left []L, right []R) []LR[L, R]

func Pop

func Pop[T any, int rules.Int](s []T, i int) LR[T, []T]

func Zip2

func Zip2[L, R any](left []L, right []R) (out []LR[L, R])

Convolve pairs of type-distinct slices with a Pair

func (LR[L, R]) From

func (lr LR[L, R]) From(l L, r R) LR[L, R]

func (LR[L, R]) L

func (lr LR[L, R]) L() L

func (LR[L, R]) R

func (lr LR[L, R]) R() R

func (LR[L, R]) Split

func (lr LR[L, R]) Split() (l L, r R)

type Pair

type Pair[T any] struct {
	// Pair holds two values, Left and Right, of any type.
	Left, Right T

func PairAll

func PairAll[T any](arg [][]T, shift int) (out []Pair[T])

PairAll returns a sequence of pairs from a matrix

func (Pair[T]) From

func (p Pair[T]) From(l, r T) Pair[T]

func (Pair[T]) L

func (p Pair[T]) L() T

func (Pair[T]) R

func (p Pair[T]) R() T

func (Pair[T]) Split

func (p Pair[T]) Split() (l, r T)

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