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v0.2.0 Latest Latest

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Published: Nov 26, 2022 License: MIT Imports: 21 Imported by: 7


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Columnar In-Memory Store with Bitmap Indexing

This package contains a high-performance, columnar, in-memory storage engine that supports fast querying, update and iteration with zero-allocations and bitmap indexing.


  • Optimized, cache-friendly columnar data layout that minimizes cache-misses.
  • Optimized for zero heap allocation during querying (see benchmarks below).
  • Optimized batch updates/deletes, an update during a transaction takes around 12ns.
  • Support for SIMD-enabled aggregate functions such as "sum", "avg", "min" and "max".
  • Support for SIMD-enabled filtering (i.e. "where" clause) by leveraging bitmap indexing.
  • Support for columnar projection (i.e. "select" clause) for fast retrieval.
  • Support for computed indexes that are dynamically calculated based on provided predicate.
  • Support for concurrent updates using sharded latches to keep things fast.
  • Support for transaction isolation, allowing you to create transactions and commit/rollback.
  • Support for expiration of rows based on time-to-live or expiration column.
  • Support for atomic merging of any values, transactionally.
  • Support for primary keys for use-cases where offset can't be used.
  • Support for change data stream that streams all commits consistently.
  • Support for concurrent snapshotting allowing to store the entire collection into a file.


The general idea is to leverage cache-friendly ways of organizing data in structures of arrays (SoA) otherwise known "columnar" storage in database design. This, in turn allows us to iterate and filter over columns very efficiently. On top of that, this package also adds bitmap indexing to the columnar storage, allowing to build filter queries using binary and, and not, or and xor (see kelindar/bitmap with SIMD support).

Collection and Columns

In order to get data into the store, you'll need to first create a Collection by calling NewCollection() method. Each collection requires a schema, which needs to be specified by calling CreateColumn() multiple times or automatically inferred from an object by calling CreateColumnsOf() function. In the example below we create a new collection with several columns.

// Create a new collection with some columns
players := column.NewCollection()
players.CreateColumn("name", column.ForString())
players.CreateColumn("class", column.ForString())
players.CreateColumn("balance", column.ForFloat64())
players.CreateColumn("age", column.ForInt16())

Now that we have created a collection, we can insert a single record by using Insert() method on the collection. In this example we're inserting a single row and manually specifying values. Note that this function returns an index that indicates the row index for the inserted row.

index, err := players.Insert(func(r column.Row) error {
	r.SetString("name", "merlin")
	r.SetString("class", "mage")
	r.SetFloat64("balance", 99.95)
	r.SetInt16("age", 107)
	return nil

While the previous example demonstrated how to insert a single row, inserting multiple rows this way is rather inefficient. This is due to the fact that each Insert() call directly on the collection initiates a separate transacion and there's a small performance cost associated with it. If you want to do a bulk insert and insert many values, faster, that can be done by calling Insert() on a transaction, as demonstrated in the example below. Note that the only difference is instantiating a transaction by calling the Query() method and calling the txn.Insert() method on the transaction instead the one on the collection.

players.Query(func(txn *column.Txn) error {
	for _, v := range myRawData {
	return nil // Commit

Querying and Indexing

The store allows you to query the data based on a presence of certain attributes or their values. In the example below we are querying our collection and applying a filtering operation bu using WithValue() method on the transaction. This method scans the values and checks whether a certain predicate evaluates to true. In this case, we're scanning through all of the players and looking up their class, if their class is equal to "rogue", we'll take it. At the end, we're calling Count() method that simply counts the result set.

// This query performs a full scan of "class" column
players.Query(func(txn *column.Txn) error {
	count := txn.WithValue("class", func(v interface{}) bool {
		return v == "rogue"
	return nil

Now, what if we'll need to do this query very often? It is possible to simply create an index with the same predicate and have this computation being applied every time (a) an object is inserted into the collection and (b) an value of the dependent column is updated. Let's look at the example below, we're fist creating a rogue index which depends on "class" column. This index applies the same predicate which only returns true if a class is "rogue". We then can query this by simply calling With() method and providing the index name.

An index is essentially akin to a boolean column, so you could technically also select it's value when querying it. Now, in this example the query would be around 10-100x faster to execute as behind the scenes it uses bitmap indexing for the "rogue" index and performs a simple logical AND operation on two bitmaps when querying. This avoid the entire scanning and applying of a predicate during the Query.

// Create the index "rogue" in advance
out.CreateIndex("rogue", "class", func(v interface{}) bool {
	return v == "rogue"

// This returns the same result as the query before, but much faster
players.Query(func(txn *column.Txn) error {
	count := txn.With("rogue").Count()
	return nil

The query can be further expanded as it allows indexed intersection, difference and union operations. This allows you to ask more complex questions of a collection. In the examples below let's assume we have a bunch of indexes on the class column and we want to ask different questions.

First, let's try to merge two queries by applying a Union() operation with the method named the same. Here, we first select only rogues but then merge them together with mages, resulting in selection containing both rogues and mages.

// How many rogues and mages?
players.Query(func(txn *column.Txn) error {
	return nil

Next, let's count everyone who isn't a rogue, for that we can use a Without() method which performs a difference (i.e. binary AND NOT operation) on the collection. This will result in a count of all players in the collection except the rogues.

// How many rogues and mages?
players.Query(func(txn *column.Txn) error {
	return nil

Now, you can combine all of the methods and keep building more complex queries. When querying indexed and non-indexed fields together it is important to know that as every scan will apply to only the selection, speeding up the query. So if you have a filter on a specific index that selects 50% of players and then you perform a scan on that (e.g. WithValue()), it will only scan 50% of users and hence will be 2x faster.

// How many rogues that are over 30 years old?
players.Query(func(txn *column.Txn) error {
	txn.With("rogue").WithFloat("age", func(v float64) bool {
		return v >= 30
	return nil

Iterating over Results

In all of the previous examples, we've only been doing Count() operation which counts the number of elements in the result set. In this section we'll look how we can iterate over the result set.

As before, a transaction needs to be started using the Query() method on the collection. After which, we can call the txn.Range() method which allows us to iterate over the result set in the transaction. Note that it can be chained right after With..() methods, as expected.

In order to access the results of the iteration, prior to calling Range() method, we need to first load column reader(s) we are going to need, using methods such as txn.String(), txn.Float64(), etc. These prepare read/write buffers necessary to perform efficient lookups while iterating.

In the example below we select all of the rogues from our collection and print out their name by using the Range() method and accessing the "name" column using a column reader which is created by calling txn.String("name") method.

players.Query(func(txn *column.Txn) error {
	names := txn.String("name") // Create a column reader

	return txn.With("rogue").Range(func(i uint32) {
		name, _ := names.Get()
		println("rogue name", name)

Similarly, if you need to access more columns, you can simply create the appropriate column reader(s) and use them as shown in the example before.

players.Query(func(txn *column.Txn) error {
	names := txn.String("name")
	ages  := txn.Int64("age")

	return txn.With("rogue").Range(func(i uint32) {
		name, _ := names.Get()
		age,  _ := ages.Get()

		println("rogue name", name)
		println("rogue age", age)

Taking the Sum() of a (numeric) column reader will take into account a transaction's current filtering index.

players.Query(func(txn *column.Txn) error {
	totalAge := txn.With("rouge").Int64("age").Sum()
	totalRouges := int64(txn.Count())

	avgAge := totalAge / totalRouges

	txn.WithInt("age", func(v float64) bool {
		return v < avgAge

	// get total balance for 'all rouges younger than the average rouge'
	balance := txn.Float64("balance").Sum()
	return nil

Updating Values

In order to update certain items in the collection, you can simply call Range() method and use column accessor's Set() or Add() methods to update a value of a certain column atomically. The updates won't be instantly reflected given that our store supports transactions. Only when transaction is commited, then the update will be applied to the collection, allowing for isolation and rollbacks.

In the example below we're selecting all of the rogues and updating both their balance and age to certain values. The transaction returns nil, hence it will be automatically committed when Query() method returns.

players.Query(func(txn *column.Txn) error {
	balance := txn.Float64("balance")
	age     := txn.Int64("age")

	return txn.With("rogue").Range(func(i uint32) {
		balance.Set(10.0) // Update the "balance" to 10.0
		age.Set(50)       // Update the "age" to 50

In certain cases, you might want to atomically increment or decrement numerical values. In order to accomplish this you can use the provided Merge() operation. Note that the indexes will also be updated accordingly and the predicates re-evaluated with the most up-to-date values. In the below example we're incrementing the balance of all our rogues by 500 atomically.

players.Query(func(txn *column.Txn) error {
	balance := txn.Float64("balance")

	return txn.With("rogue").Range(func(i uint32) {
		balance.Merge(500.0) // Increment the "balance" by 500

While atomic increment/decrement for numerical values is relatively straightforward, this Merge() operation can be specified using WithMerge() option and also used for other data types, such as strings. In the example below we are creating a merge function that concatenates two strings together and when MergeString() is called, the new string gets appended automatically.

// A merging function that simply concatenates 2 strings together
concat := func(value, delta string) string {
	if len(value) > 0 {
		value += ", "
	return value + delta

// Create a column with a specified merge function
db := column.NewCollection()
db.CreateColumn("alphabet", column.ForString(column.WithMerge(concat)))

// Insert letter "A"
db.Insert(func(r column.Row) error {
	r.SetString("alphabet", "A") // now contains "A"
	return nil

// Insert letter "B"
db.QueryAt(0, func(r column.Row) error {
	r.MergeString("alphabet", "B") // now contains "A, B"
	return nil

Expiring Values

Sometimes, it is useful to automatically delete certain rows when you do not need them anymore. In order to do this, the library automatically adds an expire column to each new collection and starts a cleanup goroutine aynchronously that runs periodically and cleans up the expired objects. In order to set this, you can simply use Insert...() method on the collection that allows to insert an object with a time-to-live duration defined.

In the example below we are inserting an object to the collection and setting the time-to-live to 5 seconds from the current time. After this time, the object will be automatically evicted from the collection and its space can be reclaimed.

players.Insert(func(r column.Row) error {
	r.SetString("name", "Merlin")
	r.SetString("class", "mage")
	r.SetTTL(5 * time.Second) // time-to-live of 5 seconds
	return nil

On an interesting note, since expire column which is automatically added to each collection is an actual normal column, you can query and even update it. In the example below we query and extend the time-to-live by 1 hour using the Extend() method.

players.Query(func(txn *column.Txn) error {
	ttl := txn.TTL()
	return txn.Range(func(i uint32) {
		ttl.Extend(1 * time.Hour) // Add some time

Transaction Commit and Rollback

Transactions allow for isolation between two concurrent operations. In fact, all of the batch queries must go through a transaction in this library. The Query method requires a function which takes in a column.Txn pointer which contains various helper methods that support querying. In the example below we're trying to iterate over all of the players and update their balance by setting it to 10.0. The Query method automatically calls txn.Commit() if the function returns without any error. On the flip side, if the provided function returns an error, the query will automatically call txn.Rollback() so none of the changes will be applied.

// Range over all of the players and update (successfully their balance)
players.Query(func(txn *column.Txn) error {
	balance := txn.Float64("balance")
	txn.Range(func(i uint32) {
		v.Set(10.0) // Update the "balance" to 10.0

	// No error, transaction will be committed
	return nil

Now, in this example, we try to update balance but a query callback returns an error, in which case none of the updates will be actually reflected in the underlying collection.

// Range over all of the players and update (successfully their balance)
players.Query(func(txn *column.Txn) error {
	balance := txn.Float64("balance")
	txn.Range(func(i uint32) {
		v.Set(10.0) // Update the "balance" to 10.0

	// Returns an error, transaction will be rolled back
	return fmt.Errorf("bug")

Using Primary Keys

In certain cases it is useful to access a specific row by its primary key instead of an index which is generated internally by the collection. For such use-cases, the library provides Key column type that enables a seamless lookup by a user-defined primary key. In the example below we create a collection with a primary key name using CreateColumn() method with a ForKey() column type. Then, we use InsertKey() method to insert a value.

players := column.NewCollection()
players.CreateColumn("name", column.ForKey())     // Create a "name" as a primary-key
players.CreateColumn("class", column.ForString()) // .. and some other columns

// Insert a player with "merlin" as its primary key
players.InsertKey("merlin", func(r column.Row) error {
	r.SetString("class", "mage")
	return nil

Similarly, you can use primary key to query that data directly, without knowing the exact offset. Do note that using primary keys will have an overhead, as it requires an additional step of looking up the offset using a hash table managed internally.

// Query merlin's class
players.QueryKey("merlin", func(r column.Row) error {
	class, _ := r.String("class")
	return nil

Storing Binary Records

If you find yourself in need of encoding a more complex structure as a single column, you may do so by using column.ForRecord() function. This allows you to specify a BinaryMarshaler / BinaryUnmarshaler type that will get automatically encoded as a single column. In th example below we are creating a Location type that implements the required methods.

type Location struct {
	X float64 `json:"x"`
	Y float64 `json:"y"`

func (l Location) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error) {
	return json.Marshal(l)

func (l *Location) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error {
	return json.Unmarshal(b, l)

Now that we have a record implementation, we can create a column for this struct by using ForRecord() function as shown below.

players.CreateColumn("location", ForRecord(func() *Location {
	return new(Location)
}, nil)) // no merging

In order to manipulate the record, we can use the appropriate Record(), SetRecord() methods of the Row, similarly to other column types.

// Insert a new location
idx, _ := players.Insert(func(r Row) error {
	r.SetRecord("location", &Location{X: 1, Y: 2})
	return nil

// Read the location back
players.QueryAt(idx, func(r Row) error {
	location, ok := r.Record("location")
	return nil

Streaming Changes

This library also supports streaming out all transaction commits consistently, as they happen. This allows you to implement your own change data capture (CDC) listeners, stream data into kafka or into a remote database for durability. In order to enable it, you can simply provide an implementation of a commit.Logger interface during the creation of the collection.

In the example below we take advantage of the commit.Channel implementation of a commit.Logger which simply publishes the commits into a go channel. Here we create a buffered channel and keep consuming the commits with a separate goroutine, allowing us to view transactions as they happen in the store.

// Create a new commit writer (simple channel) and a new collection
writer  := make(commit.Channel, 1024)
players := NewCollection(column.Options{
	Writer: writer,

// Read the changes from the channel
go func(){
	for commit := range writer {
		fmt.Printf("commit %v\n", commit.ID)

// ... insert, update or delete

On a separate note, this change stream is guaranteed to be consistent and serialized. This means that you can also replicate those changes on another database and synchronize both. In fact, this library also provides Replay() method on the collection that allows to do just that. In the example below we create two collections primary and replica and asychronously replicating all of the commits from the primary to the replica using the Replay() method together with the change stream.

// Create a primary collection
writer  := make(commit.Channel, 1024)
primary := column.NewCollection(column.Options{
	Writer: &writer,

// Replica with the same schema
replica := column.NewCollection()

// Keep 2 collections in sync
go func() {
	for change := range writer {

Snapshot and Restore

The collection can also be saved in a single binary format while the transactions are running. This can allow you to periodically schedule backups or make sure all of the data is persisted when your application terminates.

In order to take a snapshot, you must first create a valid io.Writer destination and then call the Snapshot() method on the collection in order to create a snapshot, as demonstrated in the example below.

dst, err := os.Create("snapshot.bin")
if err != nil {

// Write a snapshot into the dst
err := players.Snapshot(dst)

Conversely, in order to restore an existing snapshot, you need to first open an io.Reader and then call the Restore() method on the collection. Note that the collection and its schema must be already initialized, as our snapshots do not carry this information within themselves.

src, err := os.Open("snapshot.bin")
if err != nil {

// Restore from an existing snapshot
err := players.Restore(src)


Multiple complete usage examples of this library can be found in the examples directory in this repository.


The benchmarks below were ran on a collection of 100,000 items containing a dozen columns. Feel free to explore the benchmarks but I strongly recommend testing it on your actual dataset.

cpu: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9700K CPU @ 3.60GHz
BenchmarkCollection/insert-8            2523     469481 ns/op    24356 B/op    500 allocs/op
BenchmarkCollection/select-at-8     22194190      54.23 ns/op        0 B/op      0 allocs/op
BenchmarkCollection/scan-8              2068     568953 ns/op      122 B/op      0 allocs/op
BenchmarkCollection/count-8           571449       2057 ns/op        0 B/op      0 allocs/op
BenchmarkCollection/range-8            28660      41695 ns/op        3 B/op      0 allocs/op
BenchmarkCollection/update-at-8      5911978      202.8 ns/op        0 B/op      0 allocs/op
BenchmarkCollection/update-all-8        1280     946272 ns/op     3726 B/op      0 allocs/op
BenchmarkCollection/delete-at-8      6405852      188.9 ns/op        0 B/op      0 allocs/op
BenchmarkCollection/delete-all-8     2073188      562.6 ns/op        0 B/op      0 allocs/op

When testing for larger collections, I added a small example (see examples folder) and ran it with 20 million rows inserted, each entry has 12 columns and 4 indexes that need to be calculated, and a few queries and scans around them.

running insert of 20000000 rows...
-> insert took 20.4538183s

running snapshot of 20000000 rows...
-> snapshot took 2.57960038s

running full scan of age >= 30...
-> result = 10200000
-> full scan took 61.611822ms

running full scan of class == "rogue"...
-> result = 7160000
-> full scan took 81.389954ms

running indexed query of human mages...
-> result = 1360000
-> indexed query took 608.51µs

running indexed query of human female mages...
-> result = 640000
-> indexed query took 794.49µs

running update of balance of everyone...
-> updated 20000000 rows
-> update took 214.182216ms

running update of age of mages...
-> updated 6040000 rows
-> update took 81.292378ms


We are open to contributions, feel free to submit a pull request and we'll review it as quickly as we can. This library is maintained by Roman Atachiants


Tile is licensed under the MIT License.




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View Source
var (
	ForString  = makeStrings
	ForFloat32 = makeFloat32s
	ForFloat64 = makeFloat64s
	ForInt     = makeInts
	ForInt16   = makeInt16s
	ForInt32   = makeInt32s
	ForInt64   = makeInt64s
	ForUint    = makeUints
	ForUint16  = makeUint16s
	ForUint32  = makeUint32s
	ForUint64  = makeUint64s
	ForBool    = makeBools
	ForEnum    = makeEnum
	ForKey     = makeKey

Various column constructor functions for a specific types.


func WithMerge added in v0.2.0

func WithMerge[T any](fn func(value, delta T) T) func(*option[T])

WithMerge sets an optional merge function that allows you to merge a delta value to an existing value, atomically. The operation is performed transactionally.


type Collection

type Collection struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Collection represents a collection of objects in a columnar format

func NewCollection

func NewCollection(opts ...Options) *Collection

NewCollection creates a new columnar collection.

func (*Collection) Close

func (c *Collection) Close() error

Close closes the collection and clears up all of the resources.

func (*Collection) Count

func (c *Collection) Count() (count int)

Count returns the total number of elements in the collection.

func (*Collection) CreateColumn

func (c *Collection) CreateColumn(columnName string, column Column) error

CreateColumn creates a column of a specified type and adds it to the collection.

func (*Collection) CreateColumnsOf

func (c *Collection) CreateColumnsOf(value map[string]any) error

CreateColumnsOf registers a set of columns that are present in the target map.

func (*Collection) CreateIndex

func (c *Collection) CreateIndex(indexName, columnName string, fn func(r Reader) bool) error

CreateIndex creates an index column with a specified name which depends on a given column. The index function will be applied on the values of the column whenever a new row is added or updated.

func (*Collection) DeleteAt

func (c *Collection) DeleteAt(idx uint32) (deleted bool)

DeleteAt attempts to delete an item at the specified index for this collection. If the item exists, it marks at as deleted and returns true, otherwise it returns false.

func (*Collection) DeleteKey

func (c *Collection) DeleteKey(key string) error

DeleteKey deletes a row for a given primary key.

func (*Collection) DropColumn

func (c *Collection) DropColumn(columnName string)

DropColumn removes the column (or an index) with the specified name. If the column with this name does not exist, this operation is a no-op.

func (*Collection) DropIndex

func (c *Collection) DropIndex(indexName string) error

DropIndex removes the index column with the specified name. If the index with this name does not exist, this operation is a no-op.

func (*Collection) Insert

func (c *Collection) Insert(fn func(Row) error) (index uint32, err error)

Insert executes a mutable cursor transactionally at a new offset.

func (*Collection) InsertKey

func (c *Collection) InsertKey(key string, fn func(Row) error) error

InsertKey inserts a row given its corresponding primary key.

func (*Collection) Query

func (c *Collection) Query(fn func(txn *Txn) error) error

Query creates a transaction which allows for filtering and iteration over the columns in this collection. It also allows for individual rows to be modified or deleted during iteration (range), but the actual operations will be queued and executed after the iteration.

func (*Collection) QueryAt

func (c *Collection) QueryAt(idx uint32, fn func(Row) error) error

QueryAt jumps at a particular offset in the collection, sets the cursor to the provided position and executes given callback fn.

func (*Collection) QueryKey

func (c *Collection) QueryKey(key string, fn func(Row) error) error

QueryKey queries/updates a row given its corresponding primary key.

func (*Collection) Replay

func (c *Collection) Replay(change commit.Commit) error

Replay replays a commit on a collection, applying the changes.

func (*Collection) Restore

func (c *Collection) Restore(snapshot io.Reader) error

Restore restores the collection from the underlying snapshot reader. This operation should be called before any of transactions, right after initialization.

func (*Collection) Snapshot

func (c *Collection) Snapshot(dst io.Writer) error

Snapshot writes a collection snapshot into the underlying writer.

func (*Collection) UpsertKey

func (c *Collection) UpsertKey(key string, fn func(Row) error) error

UpsertKey inserts or updates a row given its corresponding primary key.

type Column

type Column interface {
	Grow(idx uint32)
	Apply(commit.Chunk, *commit.Reader)
	Value(idx uint32) (interface{}, bool)
	Contains(idx uint32) bool
	Index(commit.Chunk) bitmap.Bitmap
	Snapshot(chunk commit.Chunk, dst *commit.Buffer)

Column represents a column implementation

func ForKind

func ForKind(kind reflect.Kind) (Column, error)

ForKind creates a new column instance for a specified reflect.Kind

func ForRecord added in v0.2.0

func ForRecord[T recordType](new func() T, merge func(value, delta T) T) Column

ForRecord creates a new column that contains a type marshaled into/from binary. It requires a constructor for the type as well as optional merge function. If merge function is set to nil, "overwrite" strategy will be used.

type Numeric

type Numeric interface {
	LoadFloat64(uint32) (float64, bool)
	LoadUint64(uint32) (uint64, bool)
	LoadInt64(uint32) (int64, bool)
	FilterFloat64(commit.Chunk, bitmap.Bitmap, func(v float64) bool)
	FilterUint64(commit.Chunk, bitmap.Bitmap, func(v uint64) bool)
	FilterInt64(commit.Chunk, bitmap.Bitmap, func(v int64) bool)

Numeric represents a column that stores numbers.

type Options

type Options struct {
	Capacity int           // The initial capacity when creating columns
	Writer   commit.Logger // The writer for the commit log (optional)
	Vacuum   time.Duration // The interval at which the vacuum of expired entries will be done

Options represents the options for a collection.

type Reader

type Reader interface {
	Index() uint32
	String() string
	Float() float64
	Int() int
	Uint() uint
	Bool() bool

Reader represents a reader cursor for a specific row/column combination.

type Row

type Row struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Row represents a cursor at a particular row offest in the transaction.

func (Row) Any

func (r Row) Any(columnName string) (any, bool)

Any loads a bool value at a particular column

func (Row) Bool

func (r Row) Bool(columnName string) bool

Bool loads a bool value at a particular column

func (Row) Enum

func (r Row) Enum(columnName string) (v string, ok bool)

Enum loads a string value at a particular column

func (Row) Float32

func (r Row) Float32(columnName string) (v float32, ok bool)

Float32 loads a float32 value at a particular column

func (Row) Float64

func (r Row) Float64(columnName string) (float64, bool)

Float64 loads a float64 value at a particular column

func (Row) Int

func (r Row) Int(columnName string) (v int, ok bool)

Int loads a int value at a particular column

func (Row) Int16

func (r Row) Int16(columnName string) (v int16, ok bool)

Int16 loads a int16 value at a particular column

func (Row) Int32

func (r Row) Int32(columnName string) (v int32, ok bool)

Int32 loads a int32 value at a particular column

func (Row) Int64

func (r Row) Int64(columnName string) (v int64, ok bool)

Int64 loads a int64 value at a particular column

func (Row) Key

func (r Row) Key() (v string, ok bool)

Key loads a primary key value at a particular column

func (Row) MergeFloat32 added in v0.2.0

func (r Row) MergeFloat32(columnName string, value float32)

MergeFloat32 atomically merges a delta into float32 value at a particular column

func (Row) MergeFloat64 added in v0.2.0

func (r Row) MergeFloat64(columnName string, value float64)

MergeFloat64 atomically merges a delta into float64 value at a particular column

func (Row) MergeInt added in v0.2.0

func (r Row) MergeInt(columnName string, value int)

MergeInt atomically merges a delta into int value at a particular column

func (Row) MergeInt16 added in v0.2.0

func (r Row) MergeInt16(columnName string, value int16)

MergeInt16 atomically merges a delta into int16 value at a particular column

func (Row) MergeInt32 added in v0.2.0

func (r Row) MergeInt32(columnName string, value int32)

MergeInt32 atomically merges a delta into int32 value at a particular column

func (Row) MergeInt64 added in v0.2.0

func (r Row) MergeInt64(columnName string, value int64)

MergeInt64 atomically merges a delta into int64 value at a particular column

func (Row) MergeRecord added in v0.2.0

func (r Row) MergeRecord(columnName string, delta encoding.BinaryMarshaler) error

MergeRecord merges a record value at a particular column

func (Row) MergeString added in v0.2.0

func (r Row) MergeString(columnName string, value string)

MergeString merges a string value at a particular column

func (Row) MergeUint added in v0.2.0

func (r Row) MergeUint(columnName string, value uint)

MergeUint atomically merges a delta into uint value at a particular column

func (Row) MergeUint16 added in v0.2.0

func (r Row) MergeUint16(columnName string, value uint16)

MergeUint16 atomically merges a delta into uint16 value at a particular column

func (Row) MergeUint32 added in v0.2.0

func (r Row) MergeUint32(columnName string, value uint32)

MergeUint32 atomically merges a delta into uint32 value at a particular column

func (Row) MergeUint64 added in v0.2.0

func (r Row) MergeUint64(columnName string, value uint64)

MergeUint64 atomically merges a delta into uint64 value at a particular column

func (Row) Record added in v0.2.0

func (r Row) Record(columnName string) (any, bool)

Record loads a record value at a particular column

func (Row) SetAny

func (r Row) SetAny(columnName string, value interface{})

SetAny stores a bool value at a particular column

func (Row) SetBool

func (r Row) SetBool(columnName string, value bool)

SetBool stores a bool value at a particular column

func (Row) SetEnum

func (r Row) SetEnum(columnName string, value string)

SetEnum stores a string value at a particular column

func (Row) SetFloat32

func (r Row) SetFloat32(columnName string, value float32)

SetFloat32 stores a float32 value at a particular column

func (Row) SetFloat64

func (r Row) SetFloat64(columnName string, value float64)

SetFloat64 stores a float64 value at a particular column

func (Row) SetInt

func (r Row) SetInt(columnName string, value int)

SetInt stores a int value at a particular column

func (Row) SetInt16

func (r Row) SetInt16(columnName string, value int16)

SetInt16 stores a int16 value at a particular column

func (Row) SetInt32

func (r Row) SetInt32(columnName string, value int32)

SetInt32 stores a int32 value at a particular column

func (Row) SetInt64

func (r Row) SetInt64(columnName string, value int64)

SetInt64 stores a int64 value at a particular column

func (Row) SetKey

func (r Row) SetKey(key string)

SetKey stores a primary key value at a particular column

func (Row) SetMany added in v0.2.0

func (r Row) SetMany(value map[string]any) error

SetMany stores a set of columns for a given map

func (Row) SetRecord added in v0.2.0

func (r Row) SetRecord(columnName string, value encoding.BinaryMarshaler) error

SetRecord stores a record value at a particular column

func (Row) SetString

func (r Row) SetString(columnName string, value string)

SetString stores a string value at a particular column

func (Row) SetTTL

func (r Row) SetTTL(ttl time.Duration) (until time.Time)

SetTTL sets a time-to-live for a row and returns the expiration time

func (Row) SetUint

func (r Row) SetUint(columnName string, value uint)

SetUint stores a uint value at a particular column

func (Row) SetUint16

func (r Row) SetUint16(columnName string, value uint16)

SetUint16 stores a uint16 value at a particular column

func (Row) SetUint32

func (r Row) SetUint32(columnName string, value uint32)

SetUint32 stores a uint32 value at a particular column

func (Row) SetUint64

func (r Row) SetUint64(columnName string, value uint64)

SetUint64 stores a uint64 value at a particular column

func (Row) String

func (r Row) String(columnName string) (v string, ok bool)

String loads a string value at a particular column

func (Row) TTL

func (r Row) TTL() (time.Duration, bool)

TTL retrieves the time left before the row will be cleaned up

func (Row) Uint

func (r Row) Uint(columnName string) (v uint, ok bool)

Uint loads a uint value at a particular column

func (Row) Uint16

func (r Row) Uint16(columnName string) (v uint16, ok bool)

Uint16 loads a uint16 value at a particular column

func (Row) Uint32

func (r Row) Uint32(columnName string) (v uint32, ok bool)

Uint32 loads a uint32 value at a particular column

func (Row) Uint64

func (r Row) Uint64(columnName string) (v uint64, ok bool)

Uint64 loads a uint64 value at a particular column

type Textual

type Textual interface {
	LoadString(uint32) (string, bool)
	FilterString(commit.Chunk, bitmap.Bitmap, func(v string) bool)

Textual represents a column that stores strings.

type Txn

type Txn struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Txn represents a transaction which supports filtering and projection.

func (*Txn) Any

func (txn *Txn) Any(columnName string) rwAny

Any returns a column accessor

func (*Txn) Bool

func (txn *Txn) Bool(columnName string) rwBool

Bool returns a bool column accessor

func (*Txn) Count

func (txn *Txn) Count() int

Count returns the number of objects matching the query

func (*Txn) DeleteAll

func (txn *Txn) DeleteAll()

DeleteAll marks all of the items currently selected by this transaction for deletion. The actual delete will take place once the transaction is committed.

func (*Txn) DeleteAt

func (txn *Txn) DeleteAt(index uint32) bool

DeleteAt attempts to delete an item at the specified index for this transaction. If the item exists, it marks at as deleted and returns true, otherwise it returns false.

func (*Txn) DeleteKey

func (txn *Txn) DeleteKey(key string) error

DeleteKey deletes a row for a given primary key.

func (*Txn) Enum

func (txn *Txn) Enum(columnName string) rwEnum

Enum returns a enumerable column accessor

func (*Txn) Float32

func (txn *Txn) Float32(columnName string) rwFloat32

Float32 returns a read-write accessor for float32 column

func (*Txn) Float64

func (txn *Txn) Float64(columnName string) rwFloat64

Float64 returns a read-write accessor for float64 column

func (*Txn) Insert

func (txn *Txn) Insert(fn func(Row) error) (uint32, error)

Insert executes a mutable cursor transactionally at a new offset.

func (*Txn) InsertKey

func (txn *Txn) InsertKey(key string, fn func(Row) error) error

InsertKey inserts a row given its corresponding primary key.

func (*Txn) Int

func (txn *Txn) Int(columnName string) rwInt

Int returns a read-write accessor for int column

func (*Txn) Int16

func (txn *Txn) Int16(columnName string) rwInt16

Int16 returns a read-write accessor for int16 column

func (*Txn) Int32

func (txn *Txn) Int32(columnName string) rwInt32

Int32 returns a read-write accessor for int32 column

func (*Txn) Int64

func (txn *Txn) Int64(columnName string) rwInt64

Int64 returns a read-write accessor for int64 column

func (*Txn) Key

func (txn *Txn) Key() rwKey

Enum returns a enumerable column accessor

func (*Txn) QueryAt

func (txn *Txn) QueryAt(index uint32, f func(Row) error) (err error)

QueryAt jumps at a particular offset in the collection, sets the cursor to the provided position and executes given callback fn.

func (*Txn) QueryKey

func (txn *Txn) QueryKey(key string, fn func(Row) error) error

QueryKey queries/updates a row given its corresponding primary key.

func (*Txn) Range

func (txn *Txn) Range(fn func(idx uint32)) error

Range selects and iterates over result set. In each iteration step, the internal transaction cursor is updated and can be used by various column accessors.

func (*Txn) Record added in v0.2.0

func (txn *Txn) Record(columnName string) rwRecord

As creates a read-write accessor for a specific record type.

func (*Txn) String

func (txn *Txn) String(columnName string) rwString

String returns a string column accessor

func (*Txn) TTL

func (txn *Txn) TTL() rwTTL

TTL returns a read-write accessor for the time-to-live column

func (*Txn) Uint

func (txn *Txn) Uint(columnName string) rwUint

Uint returns a read-write accessor for uint column

func (*Txn) Uint16

func (txn *Txn) Uint16(columnName string) rwUint16

Uint16 returns a read-write accessor for uint16 column

func (*Txn) Uint32

func (txn *Txn) Uint32(columnName string) rwUint32

Uint32 returns a read-write accessor for uint32 column

func (*Txn) Uint64

func (txn *Txn) Uint64(columnName string) rwUint64

Uint64 returns a read-write accessor for uint64 column

func (*Txn) Union

func (txn *Txn) Union(columns ...string) *Txn

Union computes a union between the current query and the specified index.

func (*Txn) UpsertKey

func (txn *Txn) UpsertKey(key string, fn func(Row) error) error

UpsertKey inserts or updates a row given its corresponding primary key.

func (*Txn) With

func (txn *Txn) With(columns ...string) *Txn

With applies a logical AND operation to the current query and the specified index.

func (*Txn) WithFloat

func (txn *Txn) WithFloat(column string, predicate func(v float64) bool) *Txn

WithFloat filters down the values based on the specified predicate. The column for this filter must be numerical and convertible to float64.

func (*Txn) WithInt

func (txn *Txn) WithInt(column string, predicate func(v int64) bool) *Txn

WithInt filters down the values based on the specified predicate. The column for this filter must be numerical and convertible to int64.

func (*Txn) WithString

func (txn *Txn) WithString(column string, predicate func(v string) bool) *Txn

WithString filters down the values based on the specified predicate. The column for this filter must be a string.

func (*Txn) WithUint

func (txn *Txn) WithUint(column string, predicate func(v uint64) bool) *Txn

WithUint filters down the values based on the specified predicate. The column for this filter must be numerical and convertible to uint64.

func (*Txn) WithUnion added in v0.2.0

func (txn *Txn) WithUnion(columns ...string) *Txn

WithUnion computes a union between all given indexes, and then applies the result to the txn index.

func (*Txn) WithValue

func (txn *Txn) WithValue(column string, predicate func(v interface{}) bool) *Txn

WithValue applies a filter predicate over values for a specific properties. It filters down the items in the query.

func (*Txn) Without

func (txn *Txn) Without(columns ...string) *Txn

Without applies a logical AND NOT operation to the current query and the specified index.


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