A command-line tool for representing Pager Duty oncall schedule.
pd-oncall --api-token=API-TOKEN [<flags>] <command> [<args> ...]
--help Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
--api-token=API-TOKEN Auth API token; Might be an environment variable PAGERDUTY_API_TOKEN
Pager Duty API URL
--table-style="rounded" Available table styles: rounded, box, colored
--timeout=10s Timeout for a single http request to Pager Duty API
--version Show application version.
help [<command>...]
Show help.
config [<flags>]
simple management of a config file
cache [<flags>]
simple management of a cache file
list currently oncall for schedules in a config file
schedule [<flags>]
oncall schedule information
report [<flags>]
generates a simple oncall report
roster [<flags>]
roster for all known schedules
user [<flags>]
oncall schedule for a specific user