
package module
v1.7.0-1-gf61c321 Latest Latest

This package is not in the latest version of its module.

Go to latest
Published: Oct 29, 2021 License: MIT Imports: 54 Imported by: 2



ecspresso is a deployment tool for Amazon ECS.

(pronounced same as "espresso")


ecspresso handbook (Japanese)

ecspresso Advent Calendar 2020 (Japanese)


Homebrew (macOS and Linux)
$ brew install kayac/tap/ecspresso
Binary packages


CircleCI Orbs

version: 2.1
  ecspresso: fujiwara/ecspresso@0.0.15
      - checkout
      - ecspresso/install:
          version: v1.6.0 # or latest
      - run:
          command: |
            ecspresso version
GitHub Actions

Action kayac/ecspresso@v1 installs ecspresso binary for Linux into /usr/local/bin. This action runs install only.

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - uses: kayac/ecspresso@v1
          version: v1.6.0
      - run: |
          ecspresso deploy --config config.yaml

Pass the parameter "latest" to use the latest version of ecspresso.

      - uses: kayac/ecspresso@v1
          version: latest


usage: ecspresso [<flags>] <command> [<args> ...]

  --help                 Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and
  --config=CONFIG        config file
  --debug                enable debug log
  --envfile=ENVFILE ...  environment files
  --color                enable colored output

  help [<command>...]
    Show help.

    show version

  deploy [<flags>]
    deploy service

  scale [<flags>]
    scale service. equivalent to deploy --skip-task-definition

  refresh [<flags>]
    refresh service. equivalent to deploy --skip-task-definition
    --force-new-deployment --no-update-service

  create [<flags>]
    create service

  status [<flags>]
    show status of service

  rollback [<flags>]
    rollback service

  delete [<flags>]
    delete service

  run [<flags>]
    run task

  register [<flags>]
    register task definition

    wait until service stable

  init --service=SERVICE [<flags>]
    create service/task definition files by existing ECS service

    display diff for task definition compared with latest one on ECS

  appspec [<flags>]
    output AppSpec YAML for CodeDeploy to STDOUT

  verify [<flags>]
    verify resources in configurations

  render [<flags>]
    render config, service definition or task definition file to stdout

  tasks [<flags>]
    list tasks that are in a service or having the same family

  exec [<flags>]
    execute command in a task

For more options for sub-commands, See ecspresso sub-command --help.

Quick Start

ecspresso can easily manage your existing/running ECS service by codes.

Try ecspresso init for your ECS service with option --region, --cluster and --service.

$ ecspresso init --region ap-northeast-1 --cluster default --service myservice --config config.yaml
2019/10/12 01:31:48 myservice/default save service definition to ecs-service-def.json
2019/10/12 01:31:48 myservice/default save task definition to ecs-task-def.json
2019/10/12 01:31:48 myservice/default save config to config.yaml

Let me see the generated files config.yaml, ecs-service-def.json, and ecs-task-def.json.

And then, you already can deploy the service by ecspresso!

$ ecspresso deploy --config config.yaml

Configuration file

YAML format.

region: ap-northeast-1
cluster: default
service: myService
task_definition: myTask.json
timeout: 5m

ecspresso deploy works as below.

  • Register a new task definition from JSON file.
    • JSON file is allowed in both formats as below.
      • aws ecs describe-task-definition output.
      • aws ecs register-task-definition --cli-input-json input.
    • Replace {{ env `FOO` `bar` }} syntax in the JSON file to environment variable "FOO".
      • If "FOO" is not defined, replaced by "bar"
    • Replace {{ must_env `FOO` }} syntax in the JSON file to environment variable "FOO".
      • If "FOO" is not defined, abort immediately.
  • Update service tasks.
    • When --update-service option set, update service attributes by service definition.
  • Wait for a service to be stable.

Configuration files and task/service definition files are read by go-config. go-config has template functions env, must_env and json_escape.

Example of deployment

Rolling deployment
$ ecspresso deploy --config config.yaml
2017/11/09 23:20:13 myService/default Starting deploy
Service: myService
Cluster: default
TaskDefinition: myService:3
    PRIMARY myService:3 desired:1 pending:0 running:1
2017/11/09 23:20:13 myService/default Creating a new task definition by myTask.json
2017/11/09 23:20:13 myService/default Registering a new task definition...
2017/11/09 23:20:13 myService/default Task definition is registered myService:4
2017/11/09 23:20:13 myService/default Updating service...
2017/11/09 23:20:13 myService/default Waiting for service stable...(it will take a few minutes)
2017/11/09 23:23:23 myService/default  PRIMARY myService:4 desired:1 pending:0 running:1
2017/11/09 23:23:29 myService/default Service is stable now. Completed!
Blue/Green deployment (with AWS CodeDeploy)

ecspresso create can create a service having CODE_DEPLOY deployment controller. See ecs-service-def.json below.

  "deploymentController": {
    "type": "CODE_DEPLOY"
  # ...

Currently, ecspresso doesn't create any resources on CodeDeploy. You must create an application and a deployment group for your ECS service on CodeDeploy in the other way.

ecspresso deploy creates a new deployment for CodeDeploy, and it continues on CodeDeploy.

$ ecspresso deploy --config config.yaml --rollback-events DEPLOYMENT_FAILURE
2019/10/15 22:47:07 myService/default Starting deploy
Service: myService
Cluster: default
TaskDefinition: myService:5
   PRIMARY myService:5 desired:1 pending:0 running:1
2019/10/15 22:47:08 myService/default Creating a new task definition by ecs-task-def.json
2019/10/15 22:47:08 myService/default Registering a new task definition...
2019/10/15 22:47:08 myService/default Task definition is registered myService:6
2019/10/15 22:47:08 myService/default desired count: 1
2019/10/15 22:47:09 myService/default Deployment d-XXXXXXXXX is created on CodeDeploy
2019/10/15 22:47:09 myService/default

CodeDeploy appspec hooks can be defined in a config file. ecspresso creates Resources and version elements in appspec on deploy automatically.

cluster: default
service: test
service_definition: ecs-service-def.json
task_definition: ecs-task-def.json
    - BeforeInstall: "LambdaFunctionToValidateBeforeInstall"
    - AfterInstall: "LambdaFunctionToValidateAfterTraffic"
    - AfterAllowTestTraffic: "LambdaFunctionToValidateAfterTestTrafficStarts"
    - BeforeAllowTraffic: "LambdaFunctionToValidateBeforeAllowingProductionTraffic"
    - AfterAllowTraffic: "LambdaFunctionToValidateAfterAllowingProductionTraffic"

Scale out/in

To change a desired count of the service, specify scale --tasks.

$ ecspresso scale --config config.yaml --tasks 10

scale command is equivalent to deploy --skip-task-definition --no-update-service.

Example of create

escpresso can create a service by service_definition JSON file and task_definition.

$ ecspresso create --config config.yaml
# config.yaml
service_definition: service.json

example of service.json below.

  "role": "ecsServiceRole",
  "desiredCount": 2,
  "loadBalancers": [
      "containerName": "myLoadbalancer",
      "containerPort": 80,
      "targetGroupArn": "arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:[region]:[account-id]:targetgroup/{target-name}/201ae83c14de522d"

Keys are in the same format as aws ecs describe-services output.

  • deploymentConfiguration
  • launchType
  • loadBalancers
  • networkConfiguration
  • placementConstraint
  • placementStrategy
  • role
  • etc.

Example of run task

$ ecspresso run --config config.yaml --task-def=db-migrate.json

When --task-def is not set, use a task definition included in a service.

Other options for RunTask API are set by service attributes(CapacityProviderStrategy, LaunchType, PlacementConstraints, PlacementStrategy and PlatformVersion).


Deploy to Fargate

If you want to deploy services to Fargate, task definitions and service definitions require some settings.

For task definitions,

  • requiresCompatibilities (required "FARGATE")
  • networkMode (required "awsvpc")
  • cpu (required)
  • memory (required)
  • executionRoleArn (optional)
  "taskDefinition": {
    "networkMode": "awsvpc",
    "requiresCompatibilities": [
    "cpu": "1024",
    "memory": "2048",
    // ...

For service-definition,

  • launchType (required "FARGATE")
  • networkConfiguration (required "awsvpcConfiguration")
  "launchType": "FARGATE",
  "networkConfiguration": {
    "awsvpcConfiguration": {
      "subnets": [
      "securityGroups": [
      "assignPublicIp": "ENABLED"
  // ...

Fargate Spot support

  1. Set capacityProviders and defaultCapacityProviderStrategy to ECS cluster.
  2. If you hope to migrate existing service to use Fargate Spot, define capacityProviderStrategy into service definition as below. ecspresso deploy --update-service applies the settings to the service.
  "capacityProviderStrategy": [
      "base": 1,
      "capacityProvider": "FARGATE",
      "weight": 1
      "base": 0,
      "capacityProvider": "FARGATE_SPOT",
      "weight": 1
  # ...

How to check diff and verify service/task definitions before deploy.

ecspresso supports diff and verify subcommands.


Shows differences between local task/service definitions and remote (on ECS) definitions.

$ ecspresso --config config.yaml diff
--- arn:aws:ecs:ap-northeast-1:123456789012:service/ecspresso-test/nginx-local
+++ ecs-service-def.json
   "capacityProviderStrategy": [
       "base": 1,
       "capacityProvider": "FARGATE",
       "weight": 1
       "base": 0,
       "capacityProvider": "FARGATE_SPOT",
       "weight": 2
   "deploymentConfiguration": {
     "deploymentCircuitBreaker": {
       "enable": true,
       "rollback": true
     "maximumPercent": 200,
     "minimumHealthyPercent": 100
   "networkConfiguration": {
     "awsvpcConfiguration": {
       "assignPublicIp": "ENABLED",
       "securityGroups": [
       "subnets": [
   "placementConstraints": [],
   "placementStrategy": [],
-  "platformVersion": "1.3.0"
+  "platformVersion": "LATEST"
--- arn:aws:ecs:ap-northeast-1:123456789012:task-definition/ecspresso-test:202
+++ ecs-task-def.json
   "containerDefinitions": [
       "cpu": 0,
       "environment": [],
       "essential": true,
-      "image": "nginx:latest",
+      "image": "nginx:alpine",
       "logConfiguration": {
         "logDriver": "awslogs",
         "options": {
           "awslogs-group": "ecspresso-test",
           "awslogs-region": "ap-northeast-1",
           "awslogs-stream-prefix": "nginx"
       "mountPoints": [],
       "name": "nginx",
       "portMappings": [
           "containerPort": 80,
           "hostPort": 80,
           "protocol": "tcp"
       "secrets": [],
       "volumesFrom": []
   "cpu": "256",
   "executionRoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/ecsTaskRole",
   "family": "ecspresso-test",
   "memory": "512",
   "networkMode": "awsvpc",
   "placementConstraints": [],
   "requiresCompatibilities": [
   "taskRoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/ecsTaskRole",
   "volumes": []

Verify resources related with service/task definitions.

For example,

  • An ECS cluster exists.
  • The target groups in service definitions match the container name and port defined in the definitions.
  • A task role and a task execution role exist and can be assumed by
  • Container images exist at the URL defined in task definitions. (Checks only for ECR or DockerHub public images.)
  • Secrets in task definitions exist and be readable.
  • Can create log streams, can put messages to the streams in specified CloudWatch log groups.

ecspresso verify tries to assume the task execution role defined in task definitions to verify these items. If failed to assume the role, it continues to verify with the current sessions.

$ ecspresso --config config.yaml verify
2020/12/08 11:43:10 nginx-local/ecspresso-test Starting verify
    --> [OK]
    --> [OK]
      --> [OK]
      --> [OK]
    --> [OK]
  --> [OK]
  --> [OK]
  --> [OK]
2020/12/08 11:43:14 nginx-local/ecspresso-test Verify OK!

task command lists tasks run by a service or having the same family to a task definition.

  --id=""                task ID
  --output=table         output format (table|json|tsv)
  --find                 find a task from tasks list and dump it as JSON
  --stop                 stop a task
  --force                stop a task without confirmation prompt

When --find option is set, you can select a task in a list of tasks and show the task as JSON.

filter_command in config.yaml can define a command to filter tasks. For example peco, fzf and etc.

filter_command: peco

When --stop option is set, you can select a task in a list of tasks and stop the task.


exec command executes a command on task.

session-manager-plugin is required in PATH.

  --id=""                task ID
  --command="sh"         command
  --container=CONTAINER  container name

If --id is not set, the command shows a list of tasks to select a task to execute.

filter_command in config.yaml works the same as tasks command.

See also the official document Using Amazon ECS Exec for debugging.

suspend / resume application auto scaling

ecspresso deploy and scale can suspend / resume application auto scaling.

--suspend-auto-scaling sets suspended state true. --resume-auto-scaling sets suspended state false.

When you want to change the suspended state simply, try ecspresso scale --suspend-auto-scaling or ecspresso scale --resume-auto-scaling. That operation will change suspended state only.



tfstate plugin introduces a template function tfstate.


region: ap-northeast-1
cluster: default
service: test
service_definition: ecs-service-def.json
task_definition: ecs-task-def.json
  - name: tfstate
      path: terraform.tfstate    # path to tfstate file
      # or url: s3://my-bucket/terraform.tfstate


  "networkConfiguration": {
    "awsvpcConfiguration": {
      "subnets": [
        "{{ tfstatef `aws_subnet.private['%s'].id` `az-a` }}"
      "securityGroups": [
        "{{ tfstate `` }}"

{{ tfstate "resource_type.resource_name.attr" }} will expand to an attribute value of the resource in tfstate.

{{ tfstatef "resource_type.resource_name['%s'].attr" "index" }} is similar to {{ tfstatef "resource_type.resource_name['index'].attr" }}. This function is useful to build a resource address with environment variables.

{{ tfstatef `aws_subnet.ecs['%s'].id` (must_env `SERVICE`) }}


cloudformation plugin introduces template functions cfn_output and cfn_export.

An example of CloudFormation stack template defines Outputs and Exports.

# StackName: ECS-ecspresso
    Value: !Ref PublicSubnetAz1
    Value: !Ref PublicSubnetAz2
    Value: !Ref EcsSecurityGroup
      Name: !Sub ${AWS::StackName}-EcsSecurityGroupId

Load cloudformation plugin in a config file.


# ...
  - name: cloudformation

cfn_output StackName OutputKey lookups OutputValue of OutputKey in the StackName. cfn_export ExportName lookups exported value by name.


  "networkConfiguration": {
    "awsvpcConfiguration": {
      "subnets": [
        "{{ cfn_output `ECS-ecspresso` `SubnetAz1` }}",
        "{{ cfn_output `ECS-ecspresso` `SubnetAz2` }}"
      "securityGroups": [
        "{{ cfn_export `ECS-ecspresso-EcsSecurityGroupId` }}"








View Source
const (
	DefaultClusterName = "default"
	DefaultTimeout     = 10 * time.Minute
View Source
const (
	CodeDeployConsoleURLFmt = ""
View Source
const DefaultDesiredCount = -1
View Source
const SessionManagerPluginBinary = "session-manager-plugin"


View Source
var CreateFileMode = os.FileMode(0644)
View Source
var TerminalWidth = 90


func ExportEnvFile added in v1.4.0

func ExportEnvFile(file string) error

ExportEnvFile exports envfile to environment variables.

func MarshalJSON added in v0.11.0

func MarshalJSON(s interface{}) ([]byte, error)

func MarshalJSONString added in v0.16.0

func MarshalJSONString(s interface{}) string


type App added in v0.0.2

type App struct {
	Service string
	Cluster string

	Debug bool
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewApp added in v0.1.0

func NewApp(conf *Config) (*App, error)

func (*App) AppSpec added in v0.99.7

func (d *App) AppSpec(opt AppSpecOption) error

func (*App) Create added in v0.2.0

func (d *App) Create(opt CreateOption) error

func (*App) DebugLog added in v0.10.0

func (d *App) DebugLog(v ...interface{})

func (*App) Delete added in v0.4.0

func (d *App) Delete(opt DeleteOption) error

func (*App) Deploy added in v0.1.0

func (d *App) Deploy(opt DeployOption) error

func (*App) DeployByCodeDeploy added in v0.12.0

func (d *App) DeployByCodeDeploy(ctx context.Context, taskDefinitionArn string, count *int64, sv *ecs.Service, opt DeployOption) error

func (*App) Deregister added in v1.7.0

func (d *App) Deregister(opt DeregisterOption) error

func (*App) DescribeService added in v0.16.0

func (d *App) DescribeService(ctx context.Context) (*ecs.Service, error)

func (*App) DescribeServiceDeployments added in v0.0.2

func (d *App) DescribeServiceDeployments(ctx context.Context, startedAt time.Time) (int, error)

func (*App) DescribeServiceStatus added in v0.1.0

func (d *App) DescribeServiceStatus(ctx context.Context, events int) (*ecs.Service, error)

func (*App) DescribeServicesInput added in v0.0.2

func (d *App) DescribeServicesInput() *ecs.DescribeServicesInput

func (*App) DescribeTaskDefinition added in v0.8.1

func (d *App) DescribeTaskDefinition(ctx context.Context, tdArn string) (*TaskDefinitionInput, error)

func (*App) DescribeTaskStatus added in v0.15.0

func (d *App) DescribeTaskStatus(ctx context.Context, task *ecs.Task, watchContainer *ecs.ContainerDefinition) error

func (*App) DescribeTasksInput added in v0.5.0

func (d *App) DescribeTasksInput(task *ecs.Task) *ecs.DescribeTasksInput

func (*App) Diff added in v0.16.0

func (d *App) Diff(opt DiffOption) error

func (*App) Exec added in v1.5.0

func (d *App) Exec(opt ExecOption) error

func (*App) FindRollbackTarget added in v0.1.0

func (d *App) FindRollbackTarget(ctx context.Context, taskDefinitionArn string) (string, error)

func (*App) GetLogEvents added in v0.5.0

func (d *App) GetLogEvents(ctx context.Context, logGroup string, logStream string, startedAt time.Time) (int, error)

func (*App) GetLogEventsInput added in v0.5.0

func (d *App) GetLogEventsInput(logGroup string, logStream string, startAt int64) *cloudwatchlogs.GetLogEventsInput

func (*App) GetLogInfo added in v0.5.0

func (d *App) GetLogInfo(task *ecs.Task, c *ecs.ContainerDefinition) (string, string)

func (*App) Init added in v0.11.0

func (d *App) Init(opt InitOption) error

func (*App) LoadServiceDefinition added in v0.2.0

func (d *App) LoadServiceDefinition(path string) (*ecs.Service, error)

func (*App) LoadTaskDefinition added in v0.0.2

func (d *App) LoadTaskDefinition(path string) (*TaskDefinitionInput, error)

func (*App) Log added in v0.0.2

func (d *App) Log(v ...interface{})

func (*App) LogJSON added in v0.16.0

func (d *App) LogJSON(v interface{})

func (*App) Name added in v0.0.2

func (d *App) Name() string

func (*App) Register added in v0.10.0

func (d *App) Register(opt RegisterOption) error

func (*App) RegisterTaskDefinition added in v0.0.2

func (d *App) RegisterTaskDefinition(ctx context.Context, td *TaskDefinitionInput) (*TaskDefinition, error)

func (*App) Render added in v1.2.0

func (d *App) Render(opt RenderOption) error

func (*App) Revesions added in v1.7.0

func (d *App) Revesions(opt RevisionsOption) error

func (*App) Rollback added in v0.1.0

func (d *App) Rollback(opt RollbackOption) error

func (*App) RollbackByCodeDeploy added in v1.5.0

func (d *App) RollbackByCodeDeploy(ctx context.Context, sv *ecs.Service, tdArn string, opt RollbackOption) error

func (*App) Run added in v0.5.0

func (d *App) Run(opt RunOption) error

func (*App) RunTask added in v0.5.0

func (d *App) RunTask(ctx context.Context, tdArn string, sv *ecs.Service, ov *ecs.TaskOverride, opt *RunOption) (*ecs.Task, error)

func (*App) Start added in v0.1.0

func (d *App) Start() (context.Context, context.CancelFunc)

func (*App) Status added in v0.1.0

func (d *App) Status(opt StatusOption) error

func (*App) Tasks added in v1.5.0

func (d *App) Tasks(opt TasksOption) error

func (*App) UpdateServiceAttributes added in v0.13.3

func (d *App) UpdateServiceAttributes(ctx context.Context, sv *ecs.Service, opt DeployOption) error

func (*App) UpdateServiceTasks added in v0.13.3

func (d *App) UpdateServiceTasks(ctx context.Context, taskDefinitionArn string, count *int64, opt DeployOption) error

func (*App) Verify added in v1.2.0

func (d *App) Verify(opt VerifyOption) error

Verify verifies service / task definitions related resources are valid.

func (*App) Wait added in v0.9.0

func (d *App) Wait(opt WaitOption) error

func (*App) WaitForCodeDeploy added in v0.99.1

func (d *App) WaitForCodeDeploy(ctx context.Context, sv *ecs.Service) error

func (*App) WaitRunTask added in v0.5.0

func (d *App) WaitRunTask(ctx context.Context, task *ecs.Task, watchContainer *ecs.ContainerDefinition, startedAt time.Time, untilRunning bool) error

func (*App) WaitServiceStable added in v0.0.2

func (d *App) WaitServiceStable(ctx context.Context, startedAt time.Time) error

type AppSpecOption added in v0.99.7

type AppSpecOption struct {
	TaskDefinition *string
	UpdateService  *bool

type Config added in v0.0.2

type Config struct {
	RequiredVersion       string           `yaml:"required_version,omitempty"`
	Region                string           `yaml:"region"`
	Cluster               string           `yaml:"cluster"`
	Service               string           `yaml:"service"`
	ServiceDefinitionPath string           `yaml:"service_definition"`
	TaskDefinitionPath    string           `yaml:"task_definition"`
	Timeout               time.Duration    `yaml:"timeout"`
	Plugins               []ConfigPlugin   `yaml:"plugins,omitempty"`
	AppSpec               *appspec.AppSpec `yaml:"appspec,omitempty"`
	FilterCommand         string           `yaml:"filter_command,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Config represents a configuration.

func NewDefaultConfig added in v0.1.0

func NewDefaultConfig() *Config

NewDefaultConfig creates a default configuration.

func (*Config) Load added in v0.99.0

func (c *Config) Load(path string) error

Load loads configuration file from file path.

func (*Config) Restrict added in v0.99.0

func (c *Config) Restrict() error

Restrict restricts a configuration.

func (*Config) ValidateVersion added in v1.3.0

func (c *Config) ValidateVersion(version string) error

ValidateVersion validates a version satisfies required_version.

type ConfigPlugin added in v0.14.0

type ConfigPlugin struct {
	Name   string                 `yaml:"name"`
	Config map[string]interface{} `yaml:"config"`

func (ConfigPlugin) Setup added in v0.14.0

func (p ConfigPlugin) Setup(c *Config) error

type CreateOption added in v0.2.0

type CreateOption struct {
	DryRun       *bool
	DesiredCount *int64
	NoWait       *bool

func (CreateOption) DryRunString added in v0.13.3

func (opt CreateOption) DryRunString() string

type DeleteOption added in v0.4.0

type DeleteOption struct {
	DryRun *bool
	Force  *bool

func (DeleteOption) DryRunString added in v0.13.3

func (opt DeleteOption) DryRunString() string

type DeployOption added in v0.2.0

type DeployOption struct {
	DryRun               *bool
	DesiredCount         *int64
	SkipTaskDefinition   *bool
	ForceNewDeployment   *bool
	NoWait               *bool
	SuspendAutoScaling   *bool
	RollbackEvents       *string
	UpdateService        *bool
	LatestTaskDefinition *bool

func (DeployOption) DryRunString added in v0.13.3

func (opt DeployOption) DryRunString() string

type DeregisterOption added in v1.7.0

type DeregisterOption struct {
	DryRun   *bool
	Keeps    *int
	Revision *int64
	Force    *bool

func (DeregisterOption) DryRunString added in v1.7.0

func (opt DeregisterOption) DryRunString() string

type DiffOption added in v0.16.0

type DiffOption struct {

type DryRunnable added in v0.13.3

type DryRunnable interface {
	DryRunString() bool

type ExecOption added in v1.5.0

type ExecOption struct {
	ID        *string
	Command   *string
	Container *string

type InitOption added in v0.11.0

type InitOption struct {
	Region                *string
	Cluster               *string
	Service               *string
	TaskDefinitionPath    *string
	ServiceDefinitionPath *string
	ConfigFilePath        *string
	ForceOverwrite        *bool

type RegisterOption added in v0.10.0

type RegisterOption struct {
	DryRun *bool
	Output *bool

func (RegisterOption) DryRunString added in v0.13.3

func (opt RegisterOption) DryRunString() string

type RenderOption added in v1.2.0

type RenderOption struct {
	ConfigFile        *bool
	ServiceDefinition *bool
	TaskDefinition    *bool

type RevisionsOption added in v1.7.0

type RevisionsOption struct {
	Revision *int64
	Output   *string

type RollbackOption added in v0.2.0

type RollbackOption struct {
	DryRun                   *bool
	DeregisterTaskDefinition *bool
	NoWait                   *bool
	RollbackEvents           *string

func (RollbackOption) DryRunString added in v0.13.3

func (opt RollbackOption) DryRunString() string

type RunOption added in v0.5.0

type RunOption struct {
	DryRun               *bool
	TaskDefinition       *string
	NoWait               *bool
	TaskOverrideStr      *string
	TaskOverrideFile     *string
	SkipTaskDefinition   *bool
	Count                *int64
	WatchContainer       *string
	LatestTaskDefinition *bool
	PropagateTags        *string
	Tags                 *string
	WaitUntil            *string

func (RunOption) DryRunString added in v0.13.3

func (opt RunOption) DryRunString() string

type StatusOption added in v0.2.0

type StatusOption struct {
	Events *int

type TaskDefinition

type TaskDefinition = ecs.TaskDefinition

type TaskDefinitionInput added in v1.5.0

type TaskDefinitionInput = ecs.RegisterTaskDefinitionInput

type TasksOption added in v1.5.0

type TasksOption struct {
	ID     *string
	Output *string
	Find   *bool
	Stop   *bool
	Force  *bool

type VerifyOption added in v1.2.0

type VerifyOption struct {
	GetSecrets *bool
	PutLogs    *bool

VerifyOption represents options for Verify()

type WaitOption added in v0.9.0

type WaitOption struct {


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