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Published: Oct 2, 2024 License: AGPL-3.0


Katzenpost Mix Network

Post Quantum Anonymous Communication Network

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Katzenpost is a software project dedicated to designing and implementing mix network protocols. A mix network is a type of anonymous communication network. An anonymous communication network is also known as a traffic analysis resistant network; that is, it's protocols are designed to resist statistical analysis by passive global adversaries.

Traffic analysis typically refers to the statistical analysis of encrypted traffic. Traffic analysis is worth defending against given that common network protocols leak lots of information such as source and destination IP addresses, message size, message sequence, message delay pattern, geographical locations, social graph etc. Mere end to end encryption alone cannot protect against this type of information leakage.

At the most basic level, mixnets are composed of mix nodes. These are a cryptographic packet switching routers which protect our privacy by mixing many messages together and cryptographically transforming them before routing them on to the next hop. Mix nodes also use shuffling or added latency to create uncertainty for network observers. This uncertainty is in regards to trying to link incoming messages with the outgoing messages.

Project Status

Many excited new changes are forthcoming! You can watch our progress being tracked, here:


Building Katzenpost

To build all server related components, type "make" when inside this repo:

cd katzenpost


Currently, Katzen is the only client available for use with Katzenpost. However a SOCKS proxy client is forthcoming and you'll be able to use that with many existing applications.

Server Side Usage/Configuration

Our docker configuration is the most comprehensive and up to date place to learn about how to configure a Katzenpost mix network. Run the makefile in the docker directory to get a usage menu:

$ cd katzenpost/docker; make 
These make targets allow you to control the test network:
 run                - run the testnet in the foreground, until ctrl-C
 start              - start the testnet in the background
 stop               - stop the testnet
 wait               - wait for testnet to have consensus
 watch              - tail -F all logs
 status             - show testnet consensus status
 show-latest-vote   - does what it says
 run-ping           - send a ping over the testnet
 clean-local        - stop, and delete data and binaries
 clean-local-dryrun - show what clean-local would delete
 clean              - the above, plus cleans includes go_deps images

You can run a docker mixnet locally and then inspect the configuration files to learn how to configure a Katzenpost mixnet.

Documentation is a work in progress:

Expert's Corner

Katzenpost is an unverified decryption mix network that uses a continuous time mixing strategy with client selected exponential delays and a stratified (layered) topology.

Our documentation is in progress, but we have some resources for experts:

  • Out mix net design literature review, can be found here.

  • Our threat model document, work-in-progress, can be found here.

  • Our design specification documents are available here.

Cryptographic Agility

Katzenpost consists of 3 core cryptographic protocols all of which have cryptographic agility with respect to the KEM, NIKE or signature scheme being used:

  1. Wire protocol based on Noise/PQ Noise
  2. Sphinx
  3. PKI

Each of these protocols makes use of our golang cryptography library called HPQC (hybrid post quantum cryptography):


Firstly, for each of the protocols we make use of a small set of golang interfaces for KEM, NIKE and signature schemes respectively allowing us to build protocols that are completely agnostic to the specific cryptographic primitive being used. Secondly, each of these protocol implementations allows for the selection of the cryptographic primitive via it's TOML configuration file.

Wire protocol based on Noise/PQ Noise

All Katzenpost components communicate with one another using our "wire" protocol which currently only works on TCP but hopefully soon also QUIC. This wire protocol is traffic padded as a redundant measure against traffic analysis.

We believe in The Noise Protocol Framework, that it is good to use it instead of TLS, whenever possible. Noise places all of the protocol decision making during the design phase of the protocol instead of during protocol runtime. This means there are no protocol downgrade attacks, no dynamic selection of ciphersuite and so on.

However, we use a variation of Noise called Post Quantum Noise, from the paper:

      author = {Yawning Angel and Benjamin Dowling and Andreas Hülsing and Peter Schwabe and Florian Weber},
      title = {Post Quantum Noise},
      howpublished = {Cryptology ePrint Archive, Paper 2022/539},
      year = {2022},
      doi = {10.1145/3548606.3560577},
      note = {\url{https://eprint.iacr.org/2022/539}},
      url = {https://eprint.iacr.org/2022/539}

Our wire protocol implementation let's you select any KEM and if you happened to have selected Xwing then the precise Noise protocol descriptor string for the protocol would be:


Here's a diagram of the pqXX pattern which we use:

    Client-)Server: e
    Server-)Client: ekem, s
    Client-)Server: skem, s
    Server-)Client: skem


We use the Sphinx cryptographic packet format and allow it's geometry to be completely configurable to accomodate various networking requirements. Additionally the Sphinx can use any NIKE (non-interactive key exchange). We also developed a novel post quantum variation called KEM Sphinx. KEM (key encapsulation mechanism) Sphinx is twice as fast on the server side as the original NIKE Sphinx because it only requires one public key operation per hop instead of two. However it has the packet header overhead size penalty that grows linearly with the number of hops.

And here are some Sphinx benchmarks using different KEMs and NIKEs, computed on David's laptop:

Primitive Sphinx type nanoseconds/op
X25519 NIKE 144064
X448 NIKE 131322
X25519 CTIDH512 NIKE 256711856
X25519 KEM 55718
Xwing KEM 172559
MLKEM768-X25519 KEM 173413

We can draw several conclusions from this table of benchmarks:

  1. KEM Sphinx is about twice as fast as NIKE Sphinx
  2. MLKEM768 is faster than X25519
  3. Xwing KEM Sphinx is almost as fast as X25519 NIKE Sphinx but probably a lot more secure given that it's a post quantum hybrid construction which still uses the classically secure X25519 NIKE.
  4. CTIDH is very slow and we probably don't want to use it for Sphinx. We instead think it very useful for application level encryption.

Please also note that hybrid KEMs referred to above are constructed using a security preserving KEM combiner and a NIKE to KEM adapter (adhoc elgamal construction) with semantic security so that the resulting hybrid KEM is IND-CCA2 in the QROM.

PKI/Directory Authority

Mix network key management and distribution is handled by the directory authority system, a decentralized voting protocol that can tolerate (1/2 * n)-1 node outages. Clients and mix nodes can talk to the dirauth (directory authority) system to get a published PKI document which is essentially a view of the network which contains public cryptographic keys and network connection information.

The mix descriptors are signed by the mix nodes. Each dirauth also signs their interactions in the voting protocol and the final published PKI document.

Mix nodes and dirauth (directory authority) nodes use whichever signature scheme selected by the dirauth configuration. Clients also use this signature scheme to verify PKI documents.

Debugging/Profiling Katzenpost

We can optionally enable the use of pyroscope pprof profiling within the mix server by building with the "pyroscope" build tag:

cd server/cmd/server; go build --tags pyroscope

You'll have to setup a pyroscope server via these instructions, here:


And you can point the mix server at the pyroscope server via environment variables:

export PYROSCOPE_APPLICATION_NAME=katzenpost_mix_server
export PYROSCOPE_SERVER_ADDRESS=http://localhost:4040
./server -f katzenpost-server.toml




Your donations are welcomed and can be made through Open Collective here.

Supported By

NGI NLnet Foundation NGI Assure NGI Zero PET

This project has received funding from:

  • European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Grant Agreement No 653497, Privacy and Accountability in Networks via Optimized Randomized Mix-nets (Panoramix).
  • The Samsung Next Stack Zero grant.
  • NGI0 PET Fund, a fund established by NLnet with financial support from the European Commission's Next Generation Internet programme, under the aegis of DG Communications Networks, Content and Technology under grant agreement No 825310.
  • NGI Assure Fund, a fund established by NLnet with financial support from the European Commission's Next Generation Internet programme, under the aegis of DG Communications Networks, Content and Technology under grant agreement No 957073.


Path Synopsis
Package client implements the Katzenpost voting authority client.
Package client implements the Katzenpost voting authority client.
Package server implements the Katzenpost voting authority server.
Package server implements the Katzenpost voting authority server.
Package config implements the Katzenpost voting authority server configuration.
Package config implements the Katzenpost voting authority server configuration.
Package client provides a Katzenpost client library.
Package client provides a Katzenpost client library.
Package config implements the configuration for the Katzenpost client.
Package config implements the configuration for the Katzenpost client.
Package proxy implements the support for an upstream (outgoing) proxy.
Package proxy implements the support for an upstream (outgoing) proxy.
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2023 David Stainton SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2023 David Stainton SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
standalone client daemon
standalone client daemon
Package config implements the configuration for the Katzenpost client.
Package config implements the configuration for the Katzenpost client.
Package proxy implements the support for an upstream (outgoing) proxy.
Package proxy implements the support for an upstream (outgoing) proxy.
Package cert provides a cryptographic certicate library.
Package cert provides a cryptographic certicate library.
Package epochtime implements Katzenpost epoch related timekeeping functions.
Package epochtime implements Katzenpost epoch related timekeeping functions.
Package log provides a logging backend, based around the go-logging package.
Package log provides a logging backend, based around the go-logging package.
Package queue implements a priority queue.
Package queue implements a priority queue.
Package sphinx implements the Katzenpost parameterized Sphinx Packet Format.
Package sphinx implements the Katzenpost parameterized Sphinx Packet Format.
Package commands implements the Sphinx Packet Format per-hop routing info commands.
Package commands implements the Sphinx Packet Format per-hop routing info commands.
Package constants contains the Sphinx Packet Format constants for the Katzenpost parameterization.
Package constants contains the Sphinx Packet Format constants for the Katzenpost parameterization.
Package crypto provides the Katzenpost parameterization of the Sphinx Packet Format cryptographic operations.
Package crypto provides the Katzenpost parameterization of the Sphinx Packet Format cryptographic operations.
Package path provides routines for path selection.
Package path provides routines for path selection.
Package thwack provides a trivial text based management protocol.
Package thwack provides a trivial text based management protocol.
Package wire implements the Katzenpost wire protocol.
Package wire implements the Katzenpost wire protocol.
Wire protocol commands.
Wire protocol commands.
Package worker provides background worker tasks.
Package worker provides background worker tasks.
Package ratchet originally written by AGL to implement the axolotl ratchet (designed by Trevor Perrin) for the Pond messaging system but then modified for a Katzenpost decryption mix network messaging system.
Package ratchet originally written by AGL to implement the axolotl ratchet (designed by Trevor Perrin) for the Pond messaging system but then modified for a Katzenpost decryption mix network messaging system.
Package common contains things shared by client and server
Package common contains things shared by client and server
Package minclient provides a minimal Katzenpost client.
Package minclient provides a minimal Katzenpost client.
Package client provides the Reunion protocol client.
Package client provides the Reunion protocol client.
Package commands provides commands used by the client and server.
Package commands provides commands used by the client and server.
Package crypto provides core cryptographic functionality for the Reunion protocol.
Package crypto provides core cryptographic functionality for the Reunion protocol.
Package epochtime provides the Reunion protocol epoch timer.
Package epochtime provides the Reunion protocol epoch timer.
Package katzenpost provides the Reunion protocol Katzenpost epoch timer.
Package katzenpost provides the Reunion protocol Katzenpost epoch timer.
Package server provides the Reunion protocol server.
Package server provides the Reunion protocol server.
Package http provides the client transport for Reunion DB queries over http.
Package http provides the client transport for Reunion DB queries over http.
Package katzenpost provides the client ACN transport for Reunion DB queries on a katzenpost decryption mix network.
Package katzenpost provides the client ACN transport for Reunion DB queries on a katzenpost decryption mix network.
Package server provides the Katzenpost server.
Package server provides the Katzenpost server.
Package cborplugin is a plugin system allowing mix network services to be added in any language.
Package cborplugin is a plugin system allowing mix network services to be added in any language.
Package config provides the Katzenpost server configuration.
Package config provides the Katzenpost server configuration.
Package constants defines internal constants for the Katzenpost server.
Package constants defines internal constants for the Katzenpost server.
Package cryptoworker implements the Katzenpost Sphinx crypto worker.
Package cryptoworker implements the Katzenpost Sphinx crypto worker.
Package debug implements useful helper routines to aid debugging.
Package debug implements useful helper routines to aid debugging.
Package decoy implements the decoy traffic source and sink.
Package decoy implements the decoy traffic source and sink.
Package glue implements the glue structure that ties all the internal subpackages together.
Package glue implements the glue structure that ties all the internal subpackages together.
Package incoming implements the incoming connection support.
Package incoming implements the incoming connection support.
Package mixkey provides persistent mix keys and associated utilities.
Package mixkey provides persistent mix keys and associated utilities.
Package outgoing implements the outgoing connection support.
Package outgoing implements the outgoing connection support.
Package packet implements the Katzenpost server side packet structure.
Package packet implements the Katzenpost server side packet structure.
Package pki implements the server PKI handler.
Package pki implements the server PKI handler.
Package pkicache provides a rudimentary cached representation of a PKI Document suitable for server use.
Package pkicache provides a rudimentary cached representation of a PKI Document suitable for server use.
Package scheduler implements the Katzenpost server scheduler.
Package scheduler implements the Katzenpost server scheduler.
Package service implements the Katzenpost service node.
Package service implements the Katzenpost service node.
Package kaetzchen implements support for provider side auto-responder agents.
Package kaetzchen implements support for provider side auto-responder agents.
Package sqldb interfaces the Katzenpost server with a SQL database.
Package sqldb interfaces the Katzenpost server with a SQL database.
Package spool defines the Katzenpost server user message spool abstract interface.
Package spool defines the Katzenpost server user message spool abstract interface.
Package boltspool implements the Katzenpost server user message spool with a simple boltdb based backend.
Package boltspool implements the Katzenpost server user message spool with a simple boltdb based backend.
Package userdb defines the Katzenpost server user database abstract interface.
Package userdb defines the Katzenpost server user database abstract interface.
Package boltuserdb implements the Katzenpost server user database with a simple boltdb based backend.
Package boltuserdb implements the Katzenpost server user database with a simple boltdb based backend.
Package externuserdb implements the Katzenpost server user database with http calls to a external authorization source (expected to run in localhost).
Package externuserdb implements the Katzenpost server user database with http calls to a external authorization source (expected to run in localhost).

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