Path | Synopsis |
Package kem provides a unified interface for KEM schemes.
Package kem provides a unified interface for KEM schemes. |
Package adapter provides an adhoc hashed ElGamal construction that essentially acts like an adapter, adapting a NIKE to KEM.
Package adapter provides an adhoc hashed ElGamal construction that essentially acts like an adapter, adapting a NIKE to KEM. |
Package combiner defines a security preserving KEM combiner.
Package combiner defines a security preserving KEM combiner. |
Package mkem provides multiparty KEM construction.
Package mkem provides multiparty KEM construction. |
Package mlkem768 provides a KEM wrapper that uses our KEM interfaces.
Package mlkem768 provides a KEM wrapper that uses our KEM interfaces. |
This package provide the Streamlined NTRU Prime KEM.
This package provide the Streamlined NTRU Prime KEM. |
Package xwing provides the xwing KEM using a KEM wrapper so that it obeys our KEM interfaces for Scheme, PrivateKey, PublicKey.
Package xwing provides the xwing KEM using a KEM wrapper so that it obeys our KEM interfaces for Scheme, PrivateKey, PublicKey. |
Package nike contains generic NIKE interfaces and many implementations.
Package nike contains generic NIKE interfaces and many implementations. |
Package rand provides various utitilies related to generating cryptographically secure random numbers and byte vectors.
Package rand provides various utitilies related to generating cryptographically secure random numbers and byte vectors. |
Package is our ed25519 wrapper type which also conforms to our generic interfaces for signature schemes.
Package is our ed25519 wrapper type which also conforms to our generic interfaces for signature schemes. |
Package sphincsplus implements interface wrapper around a specific parameterization of Sphincs+.
Package sphincsplus implements interface wrapper around a specific parameterization of Sphincs+. |
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