
v0.8.4-rc2 Latest Latest

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Published: Jan 6, 2021 License: ISC Imports: 3 Imported by: 54




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var VirtualBlockHash = externalapi.NewDomainHashFromByteArray(&[externalapi.DomainHashSize]byte{
	0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
	0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
	0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
	0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,

VirtualBlockHash is a marker hash for the virtual block


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type AcceptanceDataStore

type AcceptanceDataStore interface {
	Stage(blockHash *externalapi.DomainHash, acceptanceData externalapi.AcceptanceData)
	IsStaged() bool
	Get(dbContext DBReader, blockHash *externalapi.DomainHash) (externalapi.AcceptanceData, error)
	Delete(blockHash *externalapi.DomainHash)

AcceptanceDataStore represents a store of AcceptanceData

type BlockBuilder

type BlockBuilder interface {
	BuildBlock(coinbaseData *externalapi.DomainCoinbaseData, transactions []*externalapi.DomainTransaction) (*externalapi.DomainBlock, error)

BlockBuilder is responsible for creating blocks from the current state

type BlockGHOSTDAGData

type BlockGHOSTDAGData struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

BlockGHOSTDAGData represents GHOSTDAG data for some block

func NewBlockGHOSTDAGData

func NewBlockGHOSTDAGData(
	blueScore uint64,
	blueWork *big.Int,
	selectedParent *externalapi.DomainHash,
	mergeSetBlues []*externalapi.DomainHash,
	mergeSetReds []*externalapi.DomainHash,
	bluesAnticoneSizes map[externalapi.DomainHash]KType) *BlockGHOSTDAGData

NewBlockGHOSTDAGData creates a new instance of BlockGHOSTDAGData

func (*BlockGHOSTDAGData) BlueScore

func (bgd *BlockGHOSTDAGData) BlueScore() uint64

BlueScore returns the BlueScore of the block

func (*BlockGHOSTDAGData) BlueWork

func (bgd *BlockGHOSTDAGData) BlueWork() *big.Int

BlueWork returns the BlueWork of the block

func (*BlockGHOSTDAGData) BluesAnticoneSizes

func (bgd *BlockGHOSTDAGData) BluesAnticoneSizes() map[externalapi.DomainHash]KType

BluesAnticoneSizes returns a map between the blocks in its MergeSetBlues and the size of their anticone

func (*BlockGHOSTDAGData) MergeSet

func (bgd *BlockGHOSTDAGData) MergeSet() []*externalapi.DomainHash

MergeSet returns the whole MergeSet of the block (equivalent to MergeSetBlues+MergeSetReds)

func (*BlockGHOSTDAGData) MergeSetBlues

func (bgd *BlockGHOSTDAGData) MergeSetBlues() []*externalapi.DomainHash

MergeSetBlues returns the MergeSetBlues of the block (not a copy)

func (*BlockGHOSTDAGData) MergeSetReds

func (bgd *BlockGHOSTDAGData) MergeSetReds() []*externalapi.DomainHash

MergeSetReds returns the MergeSetReds of the block (not a copy)

func (*BlockGHOSTDAGData) SelectedParent

func (bgd *BlockGHOSTDAGData) SelectedParent() *externalapi.DomainHash

SelectedParent returns the SelectedParent of the block

type BlockHeaderStore

type BlockHeaderStore interface {
	Stage(blockHash *externalapi.DomainHash, blockHeader externalapi.BlockHeader)
	IsStaged() bool
	BlockHeader(dbContext DBReader, blockHash *externalapi.DomainHash) (externalapi.BlockHeader, error)
	HasBlockHeader(dbContext DBReader, blockHash *externalapi.DomainHash) (bool, error)
	BlockHeaders(dbContext DBReader, blockHashes []*externalapi.DomainHash) ([]externalapi.BlockHeader, error)
	Delete(blockHash *externalapi.DomainHash)
	Count() uint64

BlockHeaderStore represents a store of block headers

type BlockHeap

type BlockHeap interface {
	Push(blockHash *externalapi.DomainHash) error
	Pop() *externalapi.DomainHash
	Len() int
	ToSlice() []*externalapi.DomainHash

BlockHeap represents a heap of block hashes, providing a priority-queue functionality

type BlockIterator

type BlockIterator interface {
	Next() bool
	Get() *externalapi.DomainHash

BlockIterator is an iterator over blocks according to some order.

type BlockProcessor

type BlockProcessor interface {
	ValidateAndInsertBlock(block *externalapi.DomainBlock) (*externalapi.BlockInsertionResult, error)
	ValidateAndInsertPruningPoint(newPruningPoint *externalapi.DomainBlock, serializedUTXOSet []byte) error

BlockProcessor is responsible for processing incoming blocks

type BlockRelationStore

type BlockRelationStore interface {
	StageBlockRelation(blockHash *externalapi.DomainHash, blockRelations *BlockRelations)
	IsStaged() bool
	BlockRelation(dbContext DBReader, blockHash *externalapi.DomainHash) (*BlockRelations, error)
	Has(dbContext DBReader, blockHash *externalapi.DomainHash) (bool, error)

BlockRelationStore represents a store of BlockRelations

type BlockRelations

type BlockRelations struct {
	Parents  []*externalapi.DomainHash
	Children []*externalapi.DomainHash

BlockRelations represents a block's parent/child relations

func (*BlockRelations) Clone

func (br *BlockRelations) Clone() *BlockRelations

Clone returns a clone of BlockRelations

func (*BlockRelations) Equal

func (br *BlockRelations) Equal(other *BlockRelations) bool

Equal returns whether br equals to other

type BlockStatusStore

type BlockStatusStore interface {
	Stage(blockHash *externalapi.DomainHash, blockStatus externalapi.BlockStatus)
	IsStaged() bool
	Get(dbContext DBReader, blockHash *externalapi.DomainHash) (externalapi.BlockStatus, error)
	Exists(dbContext DBReader, blockHash *externalapi.DomainHash) (bool, error)

BlockStatusStore represents a store of BlockStatuses

type BlockStore

type BlockStore interface {
	Stage(blockHash *externalapi.DomainHash, block *externalapi.DomainBlock)
	IsStaged() bool
	Block(dbContext DBReader, blockHash *externalapi.DomainHash) (*externalapi.DomainBlock, error)
	HasBlock(dbContext DBReader, blockHash *externalapi.DomainHash) (bool, error)
	Blocks(dbContext DBReader, blockHashes []*externalapi.DomainHash) ([]*externalapi.DomainBlock, error)
	Delete(blockHash *externalapi.DomainHash)
	Count() uint64

BlockStore represents a store of blocks

type BlockValidator

type BlockValidator interface {
	ValidateHeaderInIsolation(blockHash *externalapi.DomainHash) error
	ValidateBodyInIsolation(blockHash *externalapi.DomainHash) error
	ValidateHeaderInContext(blockHash *externalapi.DomainHash) error
	ValidateBodyInContext(blockHash *externalapi.DomainHash, isPruningPoint bool) error
	ValidatePruningPointViolationAndProofOfWorkAndDifficulty(blockHash *externalapi.DomainHash) error

BlockValidator exposes a set of validation classes, after which it's possible to determine whether a block is valid

type CoinbaseManager

type CoinbaseManager interface {
	ExpectedCoinbaseTransaction(blockHash *externalapi.DomainHash,
		coinbaseData *externalapi.DomainCoinbaseData) (*externalapi.DomainTransaction, error)
	ExtractCoinbaseDataAndBlueScore(coinbaseTx *externalapi.DomainTransaction) (blueScore uint64,
		coinbaseData *externalapi.DomainCoinbaseData, err error)

CoinbaseManager exposes methods for handling blocks' coinbase transactions

type ConsensusStateManager

type ConsensusStateManager interface {
	AddBlock(blockHash *externalapi.DomainHash) (*externalapi.SelectedParentChainChanges, error)
	PopulateTransactionWithUTXOEntries(transaction *externalapi.DomainTransaction) error
	UpdatePruningPoint(newPruningPoint *externalapi.DomainBlock, serializedUTXOSet []byte) error
	RestorePastUTXOSetIterator(blockHash *externalapi.DomainHash) (ReadOnlyUTXOSetIterator, error)
	CalculatePastUTXOAndAcceptanceData(blockHash *externalapi.DomainHash) (UTXODiff, externalapi.AcceptanceData, Multiset, error)
	GetVirtualSelectedParentChainFromBlock(blockHash *externalapi.DomainHash) (*externalapi.SelectedParentChainChanges, error)

ConsensusStateManager manages the node's consensus state

type ConsensusStateStore

type ConsensusStateStore interface {
	IsStaged() bool

	StageVirtualUTXODiff(virtualUTXODiff UTXODiff) error
	StageVirtualUTXOSet(virtualUTXOSetIterator ReadOnlyUTXOSetIterator) error
	UTXOByOutpoint(dbContext DBReader, outpoint *externalapi.DomainOutpoint) (externalapi.UTXOEntry, error)
	HasUTXOByOutpoint(dbContext DBReader, outpoint *externalapi.DomainOutpoint) (bool, error)
	VirtualUTXOSetIterator(dbContext DBReader) (ReadOnlyUTXOSetIterator, error)

	StageVirtualDiffParents(virtualDiffParents []*externalapi.DomainHash)
	VirtualDiffParents(dbContext DBReader) ([]*externalapi.DomainHash, error)

	StageTips(tipHashes []*externalapi.DomainHash)
	Tips(dbContext DBReader) ([]*externalapi.DomainHash, error)

ConsensusStateStore represents a store for the current consensus state

type DAGTopologyManager

type DAGTopologyManager interface {
	Parents(blockHash *externalapi.DomainHash) ([]*externalapi.DomainHash, error)
	Children(blockHash *externalapi.DomainHash) ([]*externalapi.DomainHash, error)
	IsParentOf(blockHashA *externalapi.DomainHash, blockHashB *externalapi.DomainHash) (bool, error)
	IsChildOf(blockHashA *externalapi.DomainHash, blockHashB *externalapi.DomainHash) (bool, error)
	IsAncestorOf(blockHashA *externalapi.DomainHash, blockHashB *externalapi.DomainHash) (bool, error)
	IsDescendantOf(blockHashA *externalapi.DomainHash, blockHashB *externalapi.DomainHash) (bool, error)
	IsAncestorOfAny(blockHash *externalapi.DomainHash, potentialDescendants []*externalapi.DomainHash) (bool, error)
	IsInSelectedParentChainOf(blockHashA *externalapi.DomainHash, blockHashB *externalapi.DomainHash) (bool, error)
	ChildInSelectedParentChainOf(context, highHash *externalapi.DomainHash) (*externalapi.DomainHash, error)

	SetParents(blockHash *externalapi.DomainHash, parentHashes []*externalapi.DomainHash) error

DAGTopologyManager exposes methods for querying relationships between blocks in the DAG

type DAGTraversalManager

type DAGTraversalManager interface {
	BlockAtDepth(highHash *externalapi.DomainHash, depth uint64) (*externalapi.DomainHash, error)
	LowestChainBlockAboveOrEqualToBlueScore(highHash *externalapi.DomainHash, blueScore uint64) (*externalapi.DomainHash, error)
	SelectedParentIterator(highHash *externalapi.DomainHash) BlockIterator
	SelectedChildIterator(highHash, lowHash *externalapi.DomainHash) (BlockIterator, error)
	AnticoneFromContext(context, lowHash *externalapi.DomainHash) ([]*externalapi.DomainHash, error)
	BlueWindow(highHash *externalapi.DomainHash, windowSize int) ([]*externalapi.DomainHash, error)
	NewDownHeap() BlockHeap
	NewUpHeap() BlockHeap

DAGTraversalManager exposes methods for traversing blocks in the DAG

type DBBucket

type DBBucket interface {
	Bucket(bucketBytes []byte) DBBucket
	Key(suffix []byte) DBKey
	Path() []byte

DBBucket is an interface for a database bucket

type DBCursor

type DBCursor interface {
	// Next moves the iterator to the next key/value pair. It returns whether the
	// iterator is exhausted. Panics if the cursor is closed.
	Next() bool

	// First moves the iterator to the first key/value pair. It returns false if
	// such a pair does not exist. Panics if the cursor is closed.
	First() bool

	// Seek moves the iterator to the first key/value pair whose key is greater
	// than or equal to the given key. It returns ErrNotFound if such pair does not
	// exist.
	Seek(key DBKey) error

	// Key returns the key of the current key/value pair, or ErrNotFound if done.
	// The caller should not modify the contents of the returned key, and
	// its contents may change on the next call to Next.
	Key() (DBKey, error)

	// Value returns the value of the current key/value pair, or ErrNotFound if done.
	// The caller should not modify the contents of the returned slice, and its
	// contents may change on the next call to Next.
	Value() ([]byte, error)

	// Close releases associated resources.
	Close() error

DBCursor iterates over database entries given some bucket.

type DBKey

type DBKey interface {
	Bytes() []byte
	Bucket() DBBucket
	Suffix() []byte

DBKey is an interface for a database key

type DBManager

type DBManager interface {

	// Begin begins a new database transaction.
	Begin() (DBTransaction, error)

DBManager defines the interface of a database that can begin transactions and read data.

type DBReader

type DBReader interface {
	// Get gets the value for the given key. It returns
	// ErrNotFound if the given key does not exist.
	Get(key DBKey) ([]byte, error)

	// Has returns true if the database does contains the
	// given key.
	Has(key DBKey) (bool, error)

	// Cursor begins a new cursor over the given bucket.
	Cursor(bucket DBBucket) (DBCursor, error)

DBReader defines a proxy over domain data access

type DBTransaction

type DBTransaction interface {

	// Rollback rolls back whatever changes were made to the
	// database within this transaction.
	Rollback() error

	// Commit commits whatever changes were made to the database
	// within this transaction.
	Commit() error

	// RollbackUnlessClosed rolls back changes that were made to
	// the database within the transaction, unless the transaction
	// had already been closed using either Rollback or Commit.
	RollbackUnlessClosed() error

DBTransaction is a proxy over domain data access that requires an open database transaction

type DBWriter

type DBWriter interface {
	// Put sets the value for the given key. It overwrites
	// any previous value for that key.
	Put(key DBKey, value []byte) error

	// Delete deletes the value for the given key. Will not
	// return an error if the key doesn't exist.
	Delete(key DBKey) error

DBWriter is an interface to write to the database

type DifficultyManager

type DifficultyManager interface {
	RequiredDifficulty(blockHash *externalapi.DomainHash) (uint32, error)

DifficultyManager provides a method to resolve the difficulty value of a block

type FinalityManager

type FinalityManager interface {
	VirtualFinalityPoint() (*externalapi.DomainHash, error)
	FinalityPoint(blockHash *externalapi.DomainHash) (*externalapi.DomainHash, error)

FinalityManager provides method to validate that a block does not violate finality

type FinalityStore

type FinalityStore interface {
	IsStaged() bool
	StageFinalityPoint(blockHash *externalapi.DomainHash, finalityPointHash *externalapi.DomainHash)
	FinalityPoint(dbContext DBReader, blockHash *externalapi.DomainHash) (*externalapi.DomainHash, error)

FinalityStore represents a store for finality data

type FutureCoveringTreeNodeSet

type FutureCoveringTreeNodeSet []*externalapi.DomainHash

FutureCoveringTreeNodeSet represents a collection of blocks in the future of a certain block. Once a block B is added to the DAG, every block A_i in B's selected parent anticone must register B in its FutureCoveringTreeNodeSet. This allows to relatively quickly (O(log(|FutureCoveringTreeNodeSet|))) query whether B is a descendent (is in the "future") of any block that previously registered it.

Note that FutureCoveringTreeNodeSet is meant to be queried only if B is not a reachability tree descendant of the block in question, as reachability tree queries are always O(1).

See insertNode, hasAncestorOf, and isInPast for further details.

func (FutureCoveringTreeNodeSet) Clone

Clone returns a clone of FutureCoveringTreeNodeSet

func (FutureCoveringTreeNodeSet) Equal

Equal returns whether fctns equals to other

type GHOSTDAGDataStore

type GHOSTDAGDataStore interface {
	Stage(blockHash *externalapi.DomainHash, blockGHOSTDAGData *BlockGHOSTDAGData)
	IsStaged() bool
	Get(dbContext DBReader, blockHash *externalapi.DomainHash) (*BlockGHOSTDAGData, error)

GHOSTDAGDataStore represents a store of BlockGHOSTDAGData

type GHOSTDAGManager

type GHOSTDAGManager interface {
	GHOSTDAG(blockHash *externalapi.DomainHash) error
	ChooseSelectedParent(blockHashes ...*externalapi.DomainHash) (*externalapi.DomainHash, error)
	Less(blockHashA *externalapi.DomainHash, ghostdagDataA *BlockGHOSTDAGData,
		blockHashB *externalapi.DomainHash, ghostdagDataB *BlockGHOSTDAGData) bool

GHOSTDAGManager resolves and manages GHOSTDAG block data

type HeaderSelectedTipStore

type HeaderSelectedTipStore interface {
	Stage(selectedTip *externalapi.DomainHash)
	IsStaged() bool
	HeadersSelectedTip(dbContext DBReader) (*externalapi.DomainHash, error)
	Has(dbContext DBReader) (bool, error)

HeaderSelectedTipStore represents a store of the headers selected tip

type HeadersSelectedTipManager

type HeadersSelectedTipManager interface {
	AddHeaderTip(hash *externalapi.DomainHash) error

HeadersSelectedTipManager manages the state of the headers selected tip

type KType

type KType byte

KType defines the size of GHOSTDAG consensus algorithm K parameter.

type MergeDepthManager

type MergeDepthManager interface {
	CheckBoundedMergeDepth(blockHash *externalapi.DomainHash) error
	NonBoundedMergeDepthViolatingBlues(blockHash *externalapi.DomainHash) ([]*externalapi.DomainHash, error)

MergeDepthManager is used to validate mergeDepth for blocks

type Multiset

type Multiset interface {
	Add(data []byte)
	Remove(data []byte)
	Hash() *externalapi.DomainHash
	Serialize() []byte
	Clone() Multiset

Multiset represents a secp256k1 multiset

type MultisetStore

type MultisetStore interface {
	Stage(blockHash *externalapi.DomainHash, multiset Multiset)
	IsStaged() bool
	Get(dbContext DBReader, blockHash *externalapi.DomainHash) (Multiset, error)
	Delete(blockHash *externalapi.DomainHash)

MultisetStore represents a store of Multisets

type MutableReachabilityData

type MutableReachabilityData interface {

	AddChild(child *externalapi.DomainHash)
	SetParent(parent *externalapi.DomainHash)
	SetInterval(interval *ReachabilityInterval)
	SetFutureCoveringSet(futureCoveringSet FutureCoveringTreeNodeSet)

MutableReachabilityData represents a block's MutableReachabilityData, with ability to edit it

type MutableUTXODiff

type MutableUTXODiff interface {
	ToImmutable() UTXODiff

	WithDiff(other UTXODiff) (UTXODiff, error)
	DiffFrom(other UTXODiff) (UTXODiff, error)
	ToAdd() UTXOCollection
	ToRemove() UTXOCollection

	WithDiffInPlace(other UTXODiff) error
	AddTransaction(transaction *externalapi.DomainTransaction, blockBlueScore uint64) error

MutableUTXODiff represents a UTXO-Diff that can be mutated

type PastMedianTimeManager

type PastMedianTimeManager interface {
	PastMedianTime(blockHash *externalapi.DomainHash) (int64, error)

PastMedianTimeManager provides a method to resolve the past median time of a block

type PruningManager

type PruningManager interface {
	UpdatePruningPointByVirtual() error
	IsValidPruningPoint(blockHash *externalapi.DomainHash) (bool, error)

PruningManager resolves and manages the current pruning point

type PruningStore

type PruningStore interface {
	StagePruningPoint(pruningPointBlockHash *externalapi.DomainHash, pruningPointUTXOSetBytes []byte)
	StagePruningPointCandidate(candidate *externalapi.DomainHash)
	IsStaged() bool
	PruningPointCandidate(dbContext DBReader) (*externalapi.DomainHash, error)
	HasPruningPointCandidate(dbContext DBReader) (bool, error)
	PruningPoint(dbContext DBReader) (*externalapi.DomainHash, error)
	HasPruningPoint(dbContext DBReader) (bool, error)
	PruningPointSerializedUTXOSet(dbContext DBReader) ([]byte, error)

PruningStore represents a store for the current pruning state

type ReachabilityData

type ReachabilityData interface {
	Children() []*externalapi.DomainHash
	Parent() *externalapi.DomainHash
	Interval() *ReachabilityInterval
	FutureCoveringSet() FutureCoveringTreeNodeSet
	CloneMutable() MutableReachabilityData
	Equal(other ReachabilityData) bool

ReachabilityData is a read-only version of a block's MutableReachabilityData Use CloneWritable to edit the MutableReachabilityData.

type ReachabilityDataStore

type ReachabilityDataStore interface {
	StageReachabilityData(blockHash *externalapi.DomainHash, reachabilityData ReachabilityData)
	StageReachabilityReindexRoot(reachabilityReindexRoot *externalapi.DomainHash)
	IsAnythingStaged() bool
	ReachabilityData(dbContext DBReader, blockHash *externalapi.DomainHash) (ReachabilityData, error)
	HasReachabilityData(dbContext DBReader, blockHash *externalapi.DomainHash) (bool, error)
	ReachabilityReindexRoot(dbContext DBReader) (*externalapi.DomainHash, error)

ReachabilityDataStore represents a store of ReachabilityData

type ReachabilityInterval

type ReachabilityInterval struct {
	Start uint64
	End   uint64

ReachabilityInterval represents an interval to be used within the tree reachability algorithm. See ReachabilityTreeNode for further details.

func (*ReachabilityInterval) Clone

Clone returns a clone of ReachabilityInterval

func (*ReachabilityInterval) Equal

Equal returns whether ri equals to other

func (*ReachabilityInterval) String

func (ri *ReachabilityInterval) String() string

type ReachabilityManager

type ReachabilityManager interface {
	AddBlock(blockHash *externalapi.DomainHash) error
	IsReachabilityTreeAncestorOf(blockHashA *externalapi.DomainHash, blockHashB *externalapi.DomainHash) (bool, error)
	IsDAGAncestorOf(blockHashA *externalapi.DomainHash, blockHashB *externalapi.DomainHash) (bool, error)
	UpdateReindexRoot(selectedTip *externalapi.DomainHash) error
	FindAncestorOfThisAmongChildrenOfOther(this, other *externalapi.DomainHash) (*externalapi.DomainHash, error)

ReachabilityManager maintains a structure that allows to answer reachability queries in sub-linear time

type ReadOnlyUTXOSet

type ReadOnlyUTXOSet interface {
	Iterator() ReadOnlyUTXOSetIterator
	Entry(outpoint *externalapi.DomainOutpoint) externalapi.UTXOEntry

ReadOnlyUTXOSet represents a UTXOSet that can only be read from

type ReadOnlyUTXOSetIterator

type ReadOnlyUTXOSetIterator interface {
	Next() bool
	Get() (outpoint *externalapi.DomainOutpoint, utxoEntry externalapi.UTXOEntry, err error)

ReadOnlyUTXOSetIterator is an iterator over all entries in a ReadOnlyUTXOSet

type Store

type Store interface {
	Commit(dbTx DBTransaction) error

Store is a common interface for data stores

type SyncManager

type SyncManager interface {
	GetHashesBetween(lowHash, highHash *externalapi.DomainHash, maxBlueScoreDifference uint64) ([]*externalapi.DomainHash, error)
	GetMissingBlockBodyHashes(highHash *externalapi.DomainHash) ([]*externalapi.DomainHash, error)
	CreateBlockLocator(lowHash, highHash *externalapi.DomainHash, limit uint32) (externalapi.BlockLocator, error)
	FindNextBlockLocatorBoundaries(blockLocator externalapi.BlockLocator) (lowHash, highHash *externalapi.DomainHash, err error)
	GetSyncInfo() (*externalapi.SyncInfo, error)

SyncManager exposes functions to support sync between kaspad nodes

type TransactionValidator

type TransactionValidator interface {
	ValidateTransactionInIsolation(transaction *externalapi.DomainTransaction) error
	ValidateTransactionInContextAndPopulateMassAndFee(tx *externalapi.DomainTransaction,
		povTransactionHash *externalapi.DomainHash, selectedParentMedianTime int64) error

TransactionValidator exposes a set of validation classes, after which it's possible to determine whether a transaction is valid

type UTXOCollection

type UTXOCollection interface {
	Iterator() ReadOnlyUTXOSetIterator
	Get(outpoint *externalapi.DomainOutpoint) (externalapi.UTXOEntry, bool)
	Contains(outpoint *externalapi.DomainOutpoint) bool
	Len() int

UTXOCollection represents a collection of UTXO entries, indexed by their outpoint

type UTXODiff

type UTXODiff interface {
	ToAdd() UTXOCollection
	ToRemove() UTXOCollection
	WithDiff(other UTXODiff) (UTXODiff, error)
	DiffFrom(other UTXODiff) (UTXODiff, error)
	CloneMutable() MutableUTXODiff

UTXODiff represents the diff between two UTXO sets

type UTXODiffStore

type UTXODiffStore interface {
	Stage(blockHash *externalapi.DomainHash, utxoDiff UTXODiff, utxoDiffChild *externalapi.DomainHash)
	IsStaged() bool
	UTXODiff(dbContext DBReader, blockHash *externalapi.DomainHash) (UTXODiff, error)
	UTXODiffChild(dbContext DBReader, blockHash *externalapi.DomainHash) (*externalapi.DomainHash, error)
	HasUTXODiffChild(dbContext DBReader, blockHash *externalapi.DomainHash) (bool, error)
	Delete(blockHash *externalapi.DomainHash)

UTXODiffStore represents a store of UTXODiffs


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