Go Get Crawl

gogetcrawl is a tool and package that helps you download URLs and Files from popular Web Archives like Common Crawl and Wayback Machine. You can use it as a command line tool or import the solution into your Go project.
go install github.com/karust/gogetcrawl@latest
docker build -t gogetcrawl .
docker run gogetcrawl --help
Check out the latest release here.
docker run uranusq/gogetcrawl url *.tutorialspoint.com/* --ext pdf --limit 5
Docker compose
docker-compose up --build
CLI usage
gogetcrawl -h
Get URLs
- You can get multiple-domain archive data, flags will be applied to each. By default, you will get all results displayed in your terminal (use
to get unique results):
gogetcrawl url *.example.com *.tutorialspoint.com/* --collapse
- To limit the number of results, enable output to a file and select only Wayback as a source you can:
gogetcrawl url *.tutorialspoint.com/* --limit 10 --sources wb -o ./urls.txt
gogetcrawl url *.tutorialspoint.com/* --limit 10 --from 20140131 --to 20231231
Download files
- Download 5
files to ./test
directory with 3 workers:
gogetcrawl download *.cia.gov/* --limit 5 -w 3 -d ./test -f "mimetype:application/pdf"
Package usage
go get github.com/karust/gogetcrawl
For both Wayback and Common crawl you can use concurrent
and non-concurrent
ways to interract with archives:
package main
import (
func main() {
// Get only 10 status:200 pages
config := common.RequestConfig{
URL: "*.example.com/*",
Filters: []string{"statuscode:200"},
Limit: 10,
// Set request timout and retries
wb, _ := wayback.New(15, 2)
// Use config to obtain all CDX server responses
results, _ := wb.GetPages(config)
for _, r := range results {
fmt.Println(r.Urlkey, r.Original, r.MimeType)
// Get all status:200 HTML files
config := common.RequestConfig{
URL: "*.tutorialspoint.com/*",
Filters: []string{"statuscode:200", "mimetype:text/html"},
wb, _ := wayback.New(15, 2)
results, _ := wb.GetPages(config)
// Get first file from CDX response
file, err := wb.GetFile(results[0])
To use CommonCrawl you just need to replace wayback
module with commoncrawl
. Let's use Common Crawl concurretly
cc, _ := commoncrawl.New(30, 3)
config1 := common.RequestConfig{
URL: "*.tutorialspoint.com/*",
Filters: []string{"statuscode:200", "mimetype:text/html"},
Limit: 6,
config2 := common.RequestConfig{
URL: "example.com/*",
Filters: []string{"statuscode:200", "mimetype:text/html"},
Limit: 6,
resultsChan := make(chan []*common.CdxResponse)
errorsChan := make(chan error)
go func() {
cc.FetchPages(config1, resultsChan, errorsChan)
go func() {
cc.FetchPages(config2, resultsChan, errorsChan)
for {
select {
case err := <-errorsChan:
fmt.Printf("FetchPages goroutine failed: %v", err)
case res, ok := <-resultsChan:
if ok {
config := common.RequestConfig{
URL: "kamaloff.ru/*",
Filters: []string{"statuscode:200", "mimetype:text/html"},
cc, _ := commoncrawl.New(15, 2)
results, _ := wb.GetPages(config)
file, err := cc.GetFile(results[0])
Bugs + Features
If you have some issues/bugs or feature request, feel free to open an issue.