Helper tools for custom Wazero FS
Go doc:
MemFS is a in-memory filesystem. Note that minimal amount of functionality is actually done;
feel free to add a PR.
The actual underlying implementation is
Here it's just a tiny wrapper around it. seems to be no longer maintained, so if there is some issue, I can eventually
subtree it here; but I don't think it's necessary for now.
SysFS is just a verbatim copy of wazero internal sysfs. Useful for mixing with wraplogfs.
Do NOT use it in real-life code, because it is not being kept up-to-date with wazero; use it only for experimenting/debugging.
WrapLogFS is a wrapper around existing filesystem that logs all inputs/outputs
Example - log FS
import (
// note: either this or wazero-fs-tools/sysfs needs to be renamed in import
expsysfs ""
// ...
func main() {
rootFS := sysfs.DirFS("/")
wrappedFS := wraplogfs.New(rootFS, os.Stdout, false, "root fs")
fsConfig := wazero.NewFSConfig()
fsConfig = fsConfig.(expsysfs.FSConfig).WithSysFSMount(wrappedFS, "/")
// now all / file operations will be logged
moduleConfig := wazero.NewModuleConfig().WithFSConfig(fsConfig)./*...*/
Example - memory FS
import (
expsysfs ""
// ...
func main() {
memFS := memfs.New()
// can write some files for start
err := rootFS.WriteFile("tmp/foo.txt", []byte("this is content"))
if err != nil {
fsConfig := wazero.NewFSConfig()
fsConfig = fsConfig.(expsysfs.FSConfig).WithSysFSMount(memFS, "/")
// all now happens in memory