Gover is a command line tool designed to help you manage commit messages, repository tags, and versions with ease.
Versioning commands:

Preconfigured commit message prompt:

See gover.yml file:
# define commit message template
commit: |
{{.Type}}({{.Scope}}): {{.Message}}
{{if (ne .Description "") }}
{{- if (ne .Task "") }}
Closes #{{.Task}}
{{- end}}
args: # template arguments
- name: Type # specification for .Type template field
required: true # fail on missing argument
options: # display prompt with selection
- value: feat! # option to select
version: major # impact on versioning
description: "backward incompatible changes"
- value: feat
version: minor
description: "backward compatible features"
- value: fix
version: patch
description: "application fixes"
- value: perf
version: patch
description: "performance improvements"
- value: refactor
version: patch
description: "code or architecture refactor"
- value: test
version: patch
description: "application automatic tests"
- value: style
version: patch
description: "content look and formatting"
- value: build
version: patch
description: "application build process"
- value: docs # do not affect versioning
description: "code documentation"
- value: ci
description: "continuous integration tooling"
- name: Scope # specification for .Scope template field - simple text input
required: true
- name: Message
required: true
- name: Description
- name: Task
Print latest known tag:
$ gover latest . # prints latest tag
Print next tag based on commits since latest known tag:
$ gover next . # prints next tag
Verify commit messages since latest known tag:
$ gover tag . # creates new tag
$ gover --pre=build tag . # creates new pre-release tag
Run commit message prompt from configuration file to create new commit message. See /hooks for example of the hook that passes created with prompt message into default commit text editor to submit:
$ gover commit .
Use the arrow keys to navigate: ↓ ↑ → ←
? Type:
✔ feat! (backward incompatible changes)
feat (backward compatible features)
fix (application fixes)
perf (performance improvements)
↓ refactor (code or architecture refactor)
For more information, see help:
$ gover help