$ ./nexrad-render -h
nexrad-render generates products from NEXRAD Level 2 (archive 2) data files.
nexrad-render [flags]
-c, --color-scheme string color scheme to use. noaa, scope, pink (default "noaa")
-d, --directory string directory of L2 files to process
-f, --file string archive 2 file to process
-h, --help help for nexrad-render
-l, --log-level string log level, debug, info, warn, error (default "warn")
-o, --output string output radar image
-p, --product string product to produce. ex: ref, vel (default "ref")
-s, --size int32 size in pixel of the output image (default 1024)
Generating Radar Products
Products are what we know as radar images. Currently there are two supported products. Reflectivity and Velocity.
Nexrad Level II Data Files
You will need the raw nexrad data files to process into radar products. Since they're stored on AWS S3, it's easiest to use the aws-cli tools to download them.
If you want to do an animated gif you'll need multiple data files
Single File - Hurricane Harvey - Full Force
$ aws s3 cp s3://noaa-nexrad-level2/2017/08/25/KCRP/KCRP20170825_235733_V06 .
Multiple Files - Hurricane Harvey - Landfall 2017/8/25
This will copy down all the data for August 25 from the KCRP radar site. WARNING: This is going to be big, 2GB+
$ aws s3 cp --recursive s3://noaa-nexrad-level2/2017/08/25/KCRP KCRP
Generate products from the data file(s)
The default output file is radar.png
This will create a single product output.
$ nexrad-render -f KCRP20170825_235733_V06
To process an entire directory. Default output to ./out/
$ nexrad-render -d KCRP
Animated Gifs
Once you have a directory of products, use imagemagick
to create an animated gif.
$ convert -loop 0 out/*.png animated.gif
terminal preview
Some terminals support viewing images in them. Use imgcat
to view.
$ imgcat animated.gif
One Liner
Generate an animated velocity radar image and preview in terminal
$ nexrad-render -d KCRP -s 512 -p vel && convert out/*.png out/animated.png && imgcat animated.gif