Cross-compilation is done using mxe. You should have the mxe cloned and have
built the toolchain in the parent folder. Then you can build for windows like
XBUILD=win64 ./
You should see the binary in release/MinimalQml.exe.
besides the basic qt5 libraries, the following packages are needed:
check status of qt-labs-platform in mxe
provide Vagrantfile (or Dockerfile) with mxe toolchain pre-installed.
windeployqt? if this works for UWP, that'd be super nice"The Windows deployment tool windeployqt is designed to automate the process of creating a deployable folder containing the Qt-related dependencies (libraries, QML imports, plugins, and translations) required to run the application from that folder. It creates a sandbox for Universal Windows Platform (UWP) or an installation tree for Windows desktop applications, which can be easily bundled into an installation package."