To start your experience with a kubeconfig-manager you need to download desired version from the releases page.
After you've downloaded a package, you can rename it to something you will be comfortable with and move to your /bin folder, e.g.
mv kubeconfig-manager-darwin-amd64 /usr/bin/kcmanager
You are now ready to go
By default kubeconig-manager will use a config defined in a KUBECONFIG environment variable. If there is none, it will use the one from the user home dir, e.g. ~/.kube/config.
kcmanager is a tool for kubeconfig management
kcmanager [flags]
kcmanager [command]
Available Commands:
add adding kubeconfig context, cluster and user from external to current
completion generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
ctx switch contexts to the one defined in the config
delete delete contexts defined in the config
export Exports context to the yaml file $context.yaml
help Help about any command
list list contexts defined in the config
ns switch default namespace for the current context
version outputs version
-h, --help help for kcmanager
-v, --verbose verbose output
Use "kcmanager [command] --help" for more information about a command.
kcmanager add options
By default, if not specified with a flag the bahaviour of kcmanager is next:
kcmanager add [path to kubeconfig] [flags]
kcmanager add [command]
Available Commands:
rancher adding kubeconfig downloaded from a specific rancher installation
-h, --help help for add
Global Flags:
-v, --verbose verbose output
Use "kcmanager add [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Currently implemented flags
This flag requires additional enviroenmtn variable RANCHER_TOKEN to be set. This allows to download a kubeconfig for a specific cluster listed in your rancher installation and then add it to your current configuration. Example usage:
export RANCHER_TOKEN=token-xxxxx:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
kcmanager add rancher
adding kubeconfig downloaded from a specific rancher installation
kcmanager add rancher --url=[rancher url] --token=[rancher token|| or the env variable] [flags]
-c, --cluster string URL to a Rancher
-h, --help help for rancher
-t, --token string token to a Rancher
-u, --url string URL to a Rancher
Global Flags:
-v, --verbose verbose output