To start your experience with a kubeconfig-manager you need to download desired version from the releases page.
After you've downloaded a package, you can rename it to something you will be comfortable with and move to your /bin folder, e.g.
mv kubeconfig-manager-darwin-amd64 /usr/bin/kcmanager
You are now ready to go
By default kubeconig-manager will use a config defined in a KUBECONFIG environment variable. If there is none, it will use the one from the user home dir, e.g. ~/.kube/config.
kcmanager list - Lists all of the current contextes
kcmanager ctx context_name - Switch to a context context_name
kcmanager export context_name - Export one context from your configuration as a separate kubeconfig with user and server configuration. It will be named as a context_name.yaml
kcmanager delete context_name - Delete context_name context and related user/server
kcmanager add - will be described below
kcmanager add options
By default, if not specified with a flag the bahaviour of kcmanager is next:
kcmanager add context_name.yaml - will add all of the contexts and related user/server configurations to your kubeconfig
Currently implemented flags
- --rancher
This flag requires additional enviroenmtn variable RANCHER_TOKEN to be set. This allows to download a kubeconfig for a specific cluster listed in your rancher installation and then add it to your current configuration. Example usage:
export RANCHER_TOKEN=token-xxxxx:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
kcmanager add --rancher RANCHER_URL CLUSTER_NAME