ClubHUB Franchises
Technical test for club hub, a dockerized application to manage company franchises developed with gitflow workflow.
Run the next command from the project root with docker and docker compose insalled then wait until GraphqlAPP is serving in localhost:8080
docker-compose -f ./scripts/docker/compose.yml up --build
API Documentation
The main API was built with graphql, you can use the playground in localhost:8080.
The following are the schemas to interact with the API data.
type Franchise {
id: ID!
title: String!
name: String!
url: String!
location: Location!
type Company {
id: ID!
owner: CompanyOwner!
information: CompanyInformation!
franchises: [Franchise!]!
type CompanyInformation {
name: String!
tax_number: String!
location: Location!
type CompanyOwner {
id: ID!
name: String!
firstName: String!
lastName: String!
contact: CompanyOwnerContact!
type CompanyOwnerContact {
email: String!
phone: String!
location: Location!
type Location {
zip_code: String!
adress: String!
city: String!
country: String!
The following are the queries that can be performed in the API to retrieve data.
type Query {
findFranchises(criteria: FindFranchisesCriteria): [Franchise!]!
input FindFranchisesCriteria {
name: String
company: String
city: String
country: String
- findFranchises: consult the fanchises by a optional concept defined in the FindFranchisesCriteria, you can filter with any concepts like name = clubhub, country=mexico. Returns the franchises that meet the criterial
-- find all
"data": {
"findFranchises": [
"id": "0ee84167-20e7-4174-a353-337e4ec03bbe",
"name": "Marriott Bonvoy"
The following are the mutation that can be performed in the API to create or uptate data.
type Mutation {
createFranchise(input: CreateFranchiseInput!): CreatedFranchise!
updateFranchise(input: UpdateFranchiseInput!): Franchise!
input CreateFranchiseInput {
url: String!
input UpdateFranchiseInput {
id: ID!
title: String
name: String
location: UpdateLocationInput
input UpdateLocationInput {
zip_code: String
adress: String
city: String
country: String
type CreatedFranchise {
id: ID!
url: String!
- createFranchise: creates a franchise from a given url
note: only http without subdomines like www supported
- updateFranchise: updates franchise data from any UpdateFranchiseInput optional arguments

- The client generates the request.
- The GraphQL API generates a new object for the requested field and updates the IDs referencing this object if necessary.
- It responds with the updated franchise object.
Find by criterial
- The client generates the request.
- the GraphQL API performs a db query that obtains all the objects that matches all the criterials
- returns the objects list to the client

Data Model