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Published: Jul 18, 2024 License: GPL-3.0 Imports: 36 Imported by: 0



Package node sets up multi-protocol Kaia nodes.

In the model exposed by this package, a node is a collection of services which use shared resources to provide RPC APIs. Services can also offer devp2p protocols, which are wired up to the devp2p network when the node instance is started.

Resources Managed By Node

All file-system resources used by a node instance are located in a directory called the data directory. The location of each resource can be overridden through additional node configuration. The data directory is optional. If it is not set and the location of a resource is otherwise unspecified, package node will create the resource in memory.

To access to the devp2p network, Node configures and starts p2p.Server. Each host on the devp2p network has a unique identifier, the node key. The Node instance persists this key across restarts. Node also loads static and trusted node lists and ensures that knowledge about other hosts is persisted.

JSON-RPC servers which run HTTP, WebSocket or IPC can be started on a Node. RPC modules offered by registered services will be offered on those endpoints. Users can restrict any endpoint to a subset of RPC modules. Node itself offers the "debug", "admin" and "web3" modules.

Service implementations can open LevelDB databases through the service context. Package node chooses the file system location of each database. If the node is configured to run without a data directory, databases are opened in memory instead.

Node also creates the shared store of encrypted Kaia account keys. Services can access the account manager through the service context.

Sharing Data Directory Among Instances

Multiple node instances can share a single data directory if they have distinct instance names (set through the Name config option). Sharing behaviour depends on the type of resource.

devp2p-related resources (node key, static/trusted node lists, known hosts database) are stored in a directory with the same name as the instance. Thus, multiple node instances using the same data directory will store this information in different subdirectories of the data directory.

LevelDB databases are also stored within the instance subdirectory. If multiple node instances use the same data directory, openening the databases with identical names will create one database for each instance.

The account key store is shared among all node instances using the same data directory unless its location is changed through the KeyStoreDir configuration option.

Data Directory Sharing Example

In this example, two node instances named A and B are started with the same data directory. Mode instance A opens the database "db", node instance B opens the databases "db" and "db-2". The following files will be created in the data directory:

         nodekey            -- devp2p node key of instance A
         nodes/             -- devp2p discovery knowledge database of instance A
         db/                -- LevelDB content for "db"
     A.ipc                  -- JSON-RPC UNIX domain socket endpoint of instance A
         nodekey            -- devp2p node key of node B
         nodes/             -- devp2p discovery knowledge database of instance B
         static-nodes.json  -- devp2p static node list of instance B
         db/                -- LevelDB content for "db"
         db-2/              -- LevelDB content for "db-2"
     B.ipc                  -- JSON-RPC UNIX domain socket endpoint of instance A
     keystore/              -- account key store, used by both instances

Source Files

Functions and variables related to Node are defined in the files listed below

  • config.go : Define the Config type for node creation
  • config_test.go : Functions for testing the Config type
  • defaults.go : Defines default values used in node package
  • errors.go : Defines errors used in node package
  • node.go : Defines a p2p node and functions for the node operation
  • node_example_test.go : Functions for testing the sample Service
  • node_test.go : Test functions for testing the Node type
  • service.go : Defines Service, Service is an individual protocol that can be registered into a node
  • service_test.go : Functions for testing the Service
  • api.go : Administrative APIs
  • utils_test.go : Define InstrumentedService type for node test




View Source
const (
	DefaultHTTPHost               = "localhost" // Default host interface for the HTTP RPC server
	DefaultHTTPPort               = 8551        // Default TCP port for the HTTP RPC server
	DefaultWSHost                 = "localhost" // Default host interface for the websocket RPC server
	DefaultWSPort                 = 8552        // Default TCP port for the websocket RPC server
	DefaultGRPCHost               = "localhost" // Default host interface for the gRPC server
	DefaultGRPCPort               = 8553        // Default TCP port for the gRPC server
	DefaultP2PPort                = 32323
	DefaultP2PSubPort             = 32324
	DefaultMaxPhysicalConnections = 10 // Default the max number of node's physical connections
View Source
const (
	DatadirBlsSecretKey = "bls-nodekey" // Path within the datadir to the node's bls secret key

View Source
const (
	RFC3339Nano = "2006-01-02T15:04:05.999999999Z07:00"


View Source
var (
	ErrDatadirUsed    = errors.New("datadir already used by another process")
	ErrNodeStopped    = errors.New("node not started")
	ErrNodeRunning    = errors.New("node already running")
	ErrServiceUnknown = errors.New("unknown service")
View Source
var DefaultConfig = Config{
	DBType:           DefaultDBType(),
	DataDir:          DefaultDataDir(),
	HTTPPort:         DefaultHTTPPort,
	HTTPModules:      []string{"net", "web3"},
	HTTPVirtualHosts: []string{"localhost"},
	HTTPTimeouts:     rpc.DefaultHTTPTimeouts,
	WSPort:           DefaultWSPort,
	WSModules:        []string{"net", "web3"},
	GRPCPort:         DefaultGRPCPort,
	P2P: p2p.Config{
		ListenAddr:             fmt.Sprintf(":%d", DefaultP2PPort),
		MaxPhysicalConnections: DefaultMaxPhysicalConnections,
		NAT:                    nat.Any(),

DefaultConfig contains reasonable default settings.


func DefaultDBType

func DefaultDBType() database.DBType

func DefaultDataDir

func DefaultDataDir() string

DefaultDataDir is the default data directory to use for the databases and other persistence requirements.

func DefaultGRPCEndpoint

func DefaultGRPCEndpoint() string

DefaultGRPCEndpoint returns the gRPC endpoint used by default.

func DefaultHTTPEndpoint

func DefaultHTTPEndpoint() string

DefaultHTTPEndpoint returns the HTTP endpoint used by default.

func DefaultIPCEndpoint

func DefaultIPCEndpoint(clientIdentifier string) string

func DefaultWSEndpoint

func DefaultWSEndpoint() string

DefaultWSEndpoint returns the websocket endpoint used by default.

func NtpCheckWithLocal

func NtpCheckWithLocal(n *Node) error


type BlsPublicKeyInfoOutput

type BlsPublicKeyInfoOutput struct {
	PublicKey string `json:"publicKey"`
	Pop       string `json:"pop"`

BlsPublicKeyInfoOutput has string fields unlike system.BlsPublicKeyInfo.

type Config

type Config struct {
	// Name sets the instance name of the node. It must not contain the / character and is
	// used in the devp2p node identifier. The instance name of Kaia is one among "kcn", "ken", and "kpn".
	// If no value is specified, the basename of the current executable is used.
	Name string `toml:"-"`

	// UserIdent, if set, is used as an additional component in the devp2p node identifier.
	UserIdent string `toml:",omitempty"`

	// Version should be set to the version number of the program. It is used
	// in the devp2p node identifier.
	Version string `toml:"-"`

	// key-value database type [LevelDB, RocksDB, BadgerDB, MemoryDB, DynamoDB]
	DBType database.DBType

	// DataDir is the file system folder the node should use for any data storage
	// requirements. The configured data directory will not be directly shared with
	// registered services, instead those can use utility methods to create/access
	// databases or flat files. This enables ephemeral nodes which can fully reside
	// in memory.
	DataDir string

	// ChainDataDir is separate directory path for chaindata. This is introduced in order to
	// serve API from multiple processes to share chaindata with others.
	ChainDataDir string

	// Configuration of peer-to-peer networking.
	// Includes the ECDSA NodeKey
	P2P p2p.Config

	// KeyStoreDir is the file system folder that contains private keys. The directory can
	// be specified as a relative path, in which case it is resolved relative to the
	// current directory.
	// If KeyStoreDir is empty, the default location is the "keystore" subdirectory of
	// DataDir. If DataDir is unspecified and KeyStoreDir is empty, an ephemeral directory
	// is created by New and destroyed when the node is stopped.
	KeyStoreDir string `toml:",omitempty"`

	// BlsKey is the BLS secret key for Randao consensus.
	// If BlsKey is empty, the node will look for the default location which is the
	// "bls-nodekey" file in DataDir. If the "bls-nodekey" does not exist, then BlsKey
	// is derived from the ECDSA NodeKey.
	BlsKey bls.SecretKey `toml:"-"` // ignored by toml marshaller

	// UseLightweightKDF lowers the memory and CPU requirements of the key store
	// scrypt KDF at the expense of security.
	UseLightweightKDF bool `toml:",omitempty"`

	// IPCPath is the requested location to place the IPC endpoint. If the path is
	// a simple file name, it is placed inside the data directory (or on the root
	// pipe path on Windows), whereas if it's a resolvable path name (absolute or
	// relative), then that specific path is enforced. An empty path disables IPC.
	IPCPath string `toml:",omitempty"`

	// HTTP module type is http server module type (fasthttp and http)
	HTTPServerType string `toml:",omitempty"`

	// HTTPHost is the host interface on which to start the HTTP RPC server. If this
	// field is empty, no HTTP API endpoint will be started.
	HTTPHost string `toml:",omitempty"`

	// HTTPPort is the TCP port number on which to start the HTTP RPC server. The
	// default zero value is/ valid and will pick a port number randomly (useful
	// for ephemeral nodes).
	HTTPPort int `toml:",omitempty"`

	// HTTPCors is the Cross-Origin Resource Sharing header to send to requesting
	// clients. Please be aware that CORS is a browser enforced security, it's fully
	// useless for custom HTTP clients.
	HTTPCors []string `toml:",omitempty"`

	// HTTPVirtualHosts is the list of virtual hostnames which are allowed on incoming requests.
	// This is by default {'localhost'}. Using this prevents attacks like
	// DNS rebinding, which bypasses SOP by simply masquerading as being within the same
	// origin. These attacks do not utilize CORS, since they are not cross-domain.
	// By explicitly checking the Host-header, the server will not allow requests
	// made against the server with a malicious host domain.
	// Requests using ip address directly are not affected
	HTTPVirtualHosts []string `toml:",omitempty"`

	// HTTPModules is a list of API modules to expose via the HTTP RPC interface.
	// If the module list is empty, all RPC API endpoints designated public will be
	// exposed.
	HTTPModules []string `toml:",omitempty"`

	// HTTPTimeouts allows for customization of the timeout values used by the HTTP RPC
	// interface.
	HTTPTimeouts rpc.HTTPTimeouts

	// WSHost is the host interface on which to start the websocket RPC server. If
	// this field is empty, no websocket API endpoint will be started.
	WSHost string `toml:",omitempty"`

	// WSPort is the TCP port number on which to start the websocket RPC server. The
	// default zero value is/ valid and will pick a port number randomly (useful for
	// ephemeral nodes).
	WSPort int `toml:",omitempty"`

	// WSOrigins is the list of domain to accept websocket requests from. Please be
	// aware that the server can only act upon the HTTP request the client sends and
	// cannot verify the validity of the request header.
	WSOrigins []string `toml:",omitempty"`

	// WSModules is a list of API modules to expose via the websocket RPC interface.
	// If the module list is empty, all RPC API endpoints designated public will be
	// exposed.
	WSModules []string `toml:",omitempty"`

	// WSExposeAll exposes all API modules via the WebSocket RPC interface rather
	// than just the public ones.
	// *WARNING* Only set this if the node is running in a trusted network, exposing
	// private APIs to untrusted users is a major security risk.
	WSExposeAll bool `toml:",omitempty"`

	// GRPCHost is the host interface on which to start the gRPC server. If
	// this field is empty, no gRPC API endpoint will be started.
	GRPCHost string `toml:",omitempty"`

	// GRPCPort is the TCP port number on which to start the gRPC server. The
	// default zero value is valid and will pick a port number randomly (useful for
	// ephemeral nodes).
	GRPCPort int `toml:",omitempty"`

	// UpstreamArchiveEN is an archive mode EN endpoint
	UpstreamArchiveEN string

	// Ntp server:port to check the synchronization when booting the node
	NtpRemoteServer string `toml:",omitempty"`

	// Disable option for unsafe debug APIs
	DisableUnsafeDebug bool `toml:",omitempty"`

	// Logger is a custom logger to use with the p2p.Server.
	Logger log.Logger `toml:",omitempty"`

Config represents a small collection of configuration values to fine tune the P2P network layer of a protocol stack. These values can be further extended by all registered services.

func (*Config) AccountConfig

func (c *Config) AccountConfig() (int, int, string, error)

AccountConfig determines the settings for scrypt and keydirectory

func (*Config) BlsNodeKey

func (c *Config) BlsNodeKey() bls.SecretKey

BlsNodeKey retrieves the currently configured BLS secret key key of the node, check first any manually set key, falling back to the one found in the configured data folder. If no key can be found, derive from the NodeKey.

func (*Config) GRPCEndpoint

func (c *Config) GRPCEndpoint() string

GRPCEndpoint resolves a gRPC endpoint based on the configured host interface and port parameters.

func (*Config) HTTPEndpoint

func (c *Config) HTTPEndpoint() string

HTTPEndpoint resolves an HTTP endpoint based on the configured host interface and port parameters.

func (*Config) HttpServerType

func (c *Config) HttpServerType() string

func (*Config) IPCEndpoint

func (c *Config) IPCEndpoint() string

IPCEndpoint resolves an IPC endpoint based on a configured value, taking into account the set data folders as well as the designated platform we're currently running on.

func (*Config) NodeDB

func (c *Config) NodeDB() string

NodeDB returns the path to the discovery node database.

func (*Config) NodeKey

func (c *Config) NodeKey() *ecdsa.PrivateKey

NodeKey retrieves the currently configured private key of the node, checking first any manually set key, falling back to the one found in the configured data folder. If no key can be found, a new one is generated.

func (*Config) NodeName

func (c *Config) NodeName() string

NodeName returns the devp2p node identifier.

func (*Config) ResolvePath

func (c *Config) ResolvePath(path string) string

ResolvePath resolves path in the instance directory.

func (*Config) StaticNodes

func (c *Config) StaticNodes() []*discover.Node

StaticNodes returns a list of node enode URLs configured as static nodes.

func (*Config) TrustedNodes

func (c *Config) TrustedNodes() []*discover.Node

TrustedNodes returns a list of node enode URLs configured as trusted nodes.

func (*Config) WSEndpoint

func (c *Config) WSEndpoint() string

WSEndpoint resolves a websocket endpoint based on the configured host interface and port parameters.

type DuplicateServiceError

type DuplicateServiceError struct {
	Kind reflect.Type

DuplicateServiceError is returned during Node startup if a registered service constructor returns a service of the same type that was already started.

func (*DuplicateServiceError) Error

func (e *DuplicateServiceError) Error() string

Error generates a textual representation of the duplicate service error.

type Node

type Node struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Node is a container on which services can be registered.

func New

func New(conf *Config) (*Node, error)

New creates a new P2P node, ready for protocol registration.

func (*Node) AccountManager

func (n *Node) AccountManager() *accounts.Manager

AccountManager retrieves the account manager used by the protocol stack.

func (*Node) Attach

func (n *Node) Attach() (*rpc.Client, error)

Attach creates an RPC client attached to an in-process API handler.

func (*Node) DataDir

func (n *Node) DataDir() string

DataDir retrieves the current datadir used by the protocol stack. Deprecated: No files should be stored in this directory, use InstanceDir instead.

func (*Node) EventMux

func (n *Node) EventMux() *event.TypeMux

EventMux retrieves the event multiplexer used by all the network services in the current protocol stack.

func (*Node) HTTPEndpoint

func (n *Node) HTTPEndpoint() string

HTTPEndpoint retrieves the current HTTP endpoint used by the protocol stack.

func (*Node) IPCEndpoint

func (n *Node) IPCEndpoint() string

IPCEndpoint retrieves the current IPC endpoint used by the protocol stack.

func (*Node) InstanceDir

func (n *Node) InstanceDir() string

InstanceDir retrieves the instance directory used by the protocol stack.

func (*Node) OpenDatabase

func (n *Node) OpenDatabase(dbc *database.DBConfig) database.DBManager

OpenDatabase opens an existing database with the given name (or creates one if no previous can be found) from within the node's instance directory. If the node is ephemeral, a memory database is returned.

func (*Node) RPCHandler

func (n *Node) RPCHandler() (*rpc.Server, error)

RPCHandler returns the in-process RPC request handler.

func (*Node) Register

func (n *Node) Register(constructor ServiceConstructor) error

Register injects a new service into the node's stack. The service created by the passed constructor must be unique in its type with regard to sibling ones.

func (*Node) RegisterSubService

func (n *Node) RegisterSubService(constructor ServiceConstructor) error

func (*Node) ResolvePath

func (n *Node) ResolvePath(x string) string

ResolvePath returns the absolute path of a resource in the instance directory.

func (*Node) Restart

func (n *Node) Restart() error

Restart terminates a running node and boots up a new one in its place. If the node isn't running, an error is returned.

func (*Node) Server

func (n *Node) Server() p2p.Server

Server retrieves the currently running P2P network layer. This method is meant only to inspect fields of the currently running server, life cycle management should be left to this Node entity.

func (*Node) Service

func (n *Node) Service(service interface{}) error

Service retrieves a currently running service registered of a specific type.

func (*Node) Start

func (n *Node) Start() error

func (*Node) Stop

func (n *Node) Stop() error

Stop terminates a running node along with all it's services. In the node was not started, an error is returned.

func (*Node) WSEndpoint

func (n *Node) WSEndpoint() string

WSEndpoint retrieves the current WS endpoint used by the protocol stack.

func (*Node) Wait

func (n *Node) Wait()

Wait blocks the thread until the node is stopped. If the node is not running at the time of invocation, the method immediately returns.

type NodeInfoOutput

type NodeInfoOutput struct {

	// Node address derived from node key
	NodeAddress string `json:"nodeAddress"`

	// BLS public key information for consensus
	BlsPublicKeyInfo BlsPublicKeyInfoOutput `json:"blsPublicKeyInfo"`

NodeInfoOutput extends p2p.NodeInfo with additional fields.

type PrivateAdminAPI

type PrivateAdminAPI struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

PrivateAdminAPI is the collection of administrative API methods exposed only over a secure RPC channel.

func NewPrivateAdminAPI

func NewPrivateAdminAPI(node *Node) *PrivateAdminAPI

NewPrivateAdminAPI creates a new API definition for the private admin methods of the node itself.

func (*PrivateAdminAPI) AddPeer

func (api *PrivateAdminAPI) AddPeer(url string) (bool, error)

AddPeer requests connecting to a remote node, and also maintaining the new connection at all times, even reconnecting if it is lost.

func (*PrivateAdminAPI) PeerEvents

func (api *PrivateAdminAPI) PeerEvents(ctx context.Context) (*rpc.Subscription, error)

PeerEvents creates an RPC subscription which receives peer events from the node's p2p.Server

func (*PrivateAdminAPI) RemovePeer

func (api *PrivateAdminAPI) RemovePeer(url string) (bool, error)

RemovePeer disconnects from a a remote node if the connection exists

func (*PrivateAdminAPI) SetMaxSubscriptionPerWSConn

func (api *PrivateAdminAPI) SetMaxSubscriptionPerWSConn(num int32)

func (*PrivateAdminAPI) StartHTTP

func (api *PrivateAdminAPI) StartHTTP(host *string, port *int, cors *string, apis *string, vhosts *string) (bool, error)

StartHTTP starts the HTTP RPC API server.

func (*PrivateAdminAPI) StartRPC

func (api *PrivateAdminAPI) StartRPC(host *string, port *int, cors *string, apis *string, vhosts *string) (bool, error)

StartRPC starts the HTTP RPC API server. This method is deprecated. Use StartHTTP instead.

func (*PrivateAdminAPI) StartWS

func (api *PrivateAdminAPI) StartWS(host *string, port *int, allowedOrigins *string, apis *string) (bool, error)

StartWS starts the websocket RPC API server.

func (*PrivateAdminAPI) StopHTTP

func (api *PrivateAdminAPI) StopHTTP() (bool, error)

StopHTTP terminates an already running HTTP RPC API endpoint.

func (*PrivateAdminAPI) StopRPC

func (api *PrivateAdminAPI) StopRPC() (bool, error)

StopRPC terminates an already running HTTP RPC API endpoint. This method is deprecated. Use StopHTTP instead.

func (*PrivateAdminAPI) StopWS

func (api *PrivateAdminAPI) StopWS() (bool, error)

StopRPC terminates an already running websocket RPC API endpoint.

type PublicAdminAPI

type PublicAdminAPI struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

PublicAdminAPI is the collection of administrative API methods exposed over both secure and unsecure RPC channels.

func NewPublicAdminAPI

func NewPublicAdminAPI(node *Node) *PublicAdminAPI

NewPublicAdminAPI creates a new API definition for the public admin methods of the node itself.

func (*PublicAdminAPI) Datadir

func (api *PublicAdminAPI) Datadir() string

Datadir retrieves the current data directory the node is using.

func (*PublicAdminAPI) NodeInfo

func (api *PublicAdminAPI) NodeInfo() (*NodeInfoOutput, error)

NodeInfo retrieves all the information we know about the host node at the protocol granularity.

func (*PublicAdminAPI) Peers

func (api *PublicAdminAPI) Peers() ([]*p2p.PeerInfo, error)

Peers retrieves all the information we know about each individual peer at the protocol granularity.

type PublicDebugAPI

type PublicDebugAPI struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

PublicDebugAPI is the collection of debugging related API methods exposed over both secure and unsecure RPC channels.

func NewPublicDebugAPI

func NewPublicDebugAPI(node *Node) *PublicDebugAPI

NewPublicDebugAPI creates a new API definition for the public debug methods of the node itself.

func (*PublicDebugAPI) Metrics

func (api *PublicDebugAPI) Metrics(raw bool) (map[string]interface{}, error)

Metrics retrieves all the known system metric collected by the node.

type PublicKaiaAPI

type PublicKaiaAPI struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

PublicKaiaAPI offers helper utils

func NewPublicKaiaAPI

func NewPublicKaiaAPI(stack *Node) *PublicKaiaAPI

NewPublicKaiaAPI creates a new Web3Service instance

func (*PublicKaiaAPI) ClientVersion

func (s *PublicKaiaAPI) ClientVersion() string

ClientVersion returns the node name

func (*PublicKaiaAPI) Sha3

func (s *PublicKaiaAPI) Sha3(input hexutil.Bytes) hexutil.Bytes

Sha3 applies the Kaia sha3 implementation on the input. It assumes the input is hex encoded.

type Service

type Service interface {
	// Protocols retrieves the P2P protocols the service wishes to start.
	Protocols() []p2p.Protocol

	// APIs retrieves the list of RPC descriptors the service provides
	APIs() []rpc.API

	// Start is called after all services have been constructed and the networking
	// layer was also initialized to spawn any goroutines required by the service.
	Start(server p2p.Server) error

	// Stop terminates all goroutines belonging to the service, blocking until they
	// are all terminated.
	Stop() error

	// retrieve components (blockchain, txpool, ..) from core service
	Components() []interface{}

	// set components (blockchain, txpool, ..) in core service
	SetComponents(components []interface{})

Service is an individual protocol that can be registered into a node.


• Service life-cycle management is delegated to the node. The service is allowed to initialize itself upon creation, but no goroutines should be spun up outside of the Start method.

• Restart logic is not required as the node will create a fresh instance every time a service is started.

// Modifications Copyright 2024 The Kaia Authors
// Modifications Copyright 2018 The klaytn Authors
// Copyright 2015 The go-ethereum Authors
// This file is part of go-ethereum.
// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <>.
// This file is derived from node/node_example_test.go (2018/06/04).
// Modified and improved for the klaytn development.
// Modified and improved for the Kaia development.

package main

import (


// SampleService is a trivial network service that can be attached to a node for
// life cycle management.
// The following methods are needed to implement a node.Service:
//   - Protocols() []p2p.Protocol - devp2p protocols the service can communicate on
//   - APIs() []rpc.API           - api methods the service wants to expose on rpc channels
//   - Start() error              - method invoked when the node is ready to start the service
//   - Stop() error               - method invoked when the node terminates the service
type SampleService struct{}

func (s *SampleService) Protocols() []p2p.Protocol              { return nil }
func (s *SampleService) APIs() []rpc.API                        { return nil }
func (s *SampleService) Start(p2p.Server) error                 { fmt.Println("Service starting..."); return nil }
func (s *SampleService) Stop() error                            { fmt.Println("Service stopping..."); return nil }
func (s *SampleService) Components() []interface{}              { return nil }
func (s *SampleService) SetComponents(components []interface{}) {}

func main() {
	// Create a network node to run protocols with the default values.
	stack, err := node.New(&node.Config{})
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Failed to create network node: %v", err)
	// Create and register a simple network service. This is done through the definition
	// of a node.ServiceConstructor that will instantiate a node.Service. The reason for
	// the factory method approach is to support service restarts without relying on the
	// individual implementations' support for such operations.
	constructor := func(context *node.ServiceContext) (node.Service, error) {
		return new(SampleService), nil
	if err := stack.Register(constructor); err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Failed to register service: %v", err)
	// Boot up the entire protocol stack, do a restart and terminate
	if err := stack.Start(); err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Failed to start the protocol stack: %v", err)
	if err := stack.Restart(); err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Failed to restart the protocol stack: %v", err)
	if err := stack.Stop(); err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Failed to stop the protocol stack: %v", err)

Service starting...
Service stopping...
Service starting...
Service stopping...

type ServiceConstructor

type ServiceConstructor func(ctx *ServiceContext) (Service, error)

ServiceConstructor is the function signature of the constructors needed to be registered for service instantiation.

type ServiceContext

type ServiceContext struct {
	EventMux       *event.TypeMux
	AccountManager *accounts.Manager
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewServiceContext

func NewServiceContext(conf *Config, srv map[reflect.Type]Service, mux *event.TypeMux, am *accounts.Manager) *ServiceContext

func (*ServiceContext) BlsNodeKey

func (ctx *ServiceContext) BlsNodeKey() bls.SecretKey

func (*ServiceContext) NodeKey

func (ctx *ServiceContext) NodeKey() *ecdsa.PrivateKey

NodeKey returns node key from config

func (*ServiceContext) NodeType

func (ctx *ServiceContext) NodeType() common.ConnType

func (*ServiceContext) OpenDatabase

func (ctx *ServiceContext) OpenDatabase(dbc *database.DBConfig) database.DBManager

OpenDatabase opens an existing database with the given name (or creates one if no previous can be found) from within the node's data directory. If the node is an ephemeral one, a memory database is returned.

func (*ServiceContext) ResolvePath

func (ctx *ServiceContext) ResolvePath(path string) string

ResolvePath resolves a user path into the data directory if that was relative and if the user actually uses persistent storage. It will return an empty string for emphemeral storage and the user's own input for absolute paths.

func (*ServiceContext) Service

func (ctx *ServiceContext) Service(service interface{}) error

Service retrieves a currently running service registered of a specific type.

type StopError

type StopError struct {
	Server   error
	Services map[reflect.Type]error

StopError is returned if a Node fails to stop either any of its registered services or itself.

func (*StopError) Error

func (e *StopError) Error() string

Error generates a textual representation of the stop error.


Path Synopsis
Package cn implements components related to network management and message handling.
Package cn implements components related to network management and message handling.
Package filters implements a Kaia filtering system for blocks, transactions and log events.
Package filters implements a Kaia filtering system for blocks, transactions and log events.
Package cn is a generated GoMock package.
Package cn is a generated GoMock package.
Package gasprice contains Oracle type which recommends gas prices based on recent blocks.
Package gasprice contains Oracle type which recommends gas prices based on recent blocks.
Package mocks is a generated GoMock package.
Package mocks is a generated GoMock package.
Package tracers provides implementation of Tracer that evaluates a Javascript function for each VM execution step.
Package tracers provides implementation of Tracer that evaluates a Javascript function for each VM execution step.
Code generated for package tracers by go-bindata DO NOT EDIT.
Code generated for package tracers by go-bindata DO NOT EDIT.
Package sc implements an auxiliary blockchain called Service Chain.
Package sc implements an auxiliary blockchain called Service Chain.
Package bridgepool implements a pool of transactions generated by RemoteBackend.
Package bridgepool implements a pool of transactions generated by RemoteBackend.
Package mocks is a generated GoMock package.
Package mocks is a generated GoMock package.

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