topology-aware-scheduling deployer
is a set of go packages and a command line tool to setup all the components and settings needed to enable
the topology-aware-scheduling on a kubernetes cluster. Additionally, the tool can validate if the cluster configuration
is compatible to the topology-aware-scheduling requirements.
goals and rationale
the deployer
project wants to help anyone which want to work with the topology-aware scheduling stack providing:
- a curated package including all the relevant components: CRD API, scheduler plugin, updater agent; a (growing) testsuite
and a explicit review process ensure that the component work well together.
- a single-artifact, no-dependencies tool to verify a given kubernetes or openshift cluster configuration is compatible
with the topology-aware scheduling stack, offering suggestions for changes.
- a single-artifact, no-dependecies tool to install/uninstall all the topology-aware scheduling stack on any
kubernetes or openshift cluster.
- a single, up-to-date, source for all the manifests needed by the topology-aware stack components
- a set of reusable golang packages which can be used by other golang projects to deploy/undeploy or in general
interact with the topology-aware stack components (e.g. operators)
- kubernetes >= 1.21
- a valid
- validation only
>= 1.21 in your PATH
compatibility matrix
Deployer |
NodeResourceTopology CRD version |
Scheduler plugins version |
RTE version |
NFD version |
0.12.0 |
v0.1.1 |
dev snapshot 20230315 |
v0.10.z |
dev snapshot 20230315 |
0.11.0 |
v0.1.1 |
dev snapshot 20230315 |
v0.10.z |
dev snapshot 20230315 |
0.10.0 |
v0.0.12 |
v0.24.9 |
v0.9.z |
v0.12.z |
how does it work?
rendering manifests
The depoloyer
tool can render manifests for the topology-aware stack components, instead of sending them to the cluster.
The manifests are rendered using the same code paths used by the tool internally, so they are functionally identically
to the manifests the tool uses for its internal operations. See the render
$ deployer help render
render all the manifests
deployer render [flags]
deployer render [command]
Available Commands:
api render the APIs needed for topology-aware-scheduling
scheduler-plugin render the scheduler plugin needed for topology-aware-scheduling
topology-updater render the topology updater needed for topology-aware-scheduling
-h, --help help for render
Global Flags:
-P, --platform string platform to deploy on
--pull-if-not-present force pull policies to IfNotPresent.
-R, --replicas int set the replica value - where relevant. (default 1)
--rte-config-file string inject rte configuration reading from this file.
Use "deployer render [command] --help" for more information about a command.
deploy on a kubernetes cluster
Considering a kind cluster configured like this:
kind: Cluster
- |
kind: KubeletConfiguration
cpuManagerPolicy: "static"
topologyManagerPolicy: "single-numa-node"
reservedSystemCPUs: "0,16"
KubeletPodResourcesGetAllocatable: true
- role: control-plane
- role: worker
- role: worker
- role: worker
Deploy all the topology-aware scheduling components:
$ kubectl get nodes
kind-control-plane Ready control-plane,master 3m48s v1.21.1
kind-worker Ready worker 3m15s v1.21.1
kind-worker2 Ready worker 3m15s v1.21.1
kind-worker3 Ready worker 3m15s v1.21.1
$ ./deployer deploy -W
2021/07/20 06:16:34 deploying topology-aware-scheduling API...
2021/07/20 06:16:34 - API> created CustomResourceDefinition ""
2021/07/20 06:16:34 ...deployed topology-aware-scheduling API!
2021/07/20 06:16:34 deploying topology-aware-scheduling topology updater...
2021/07/20 06:16:35 - RTE> created Namespace "tas-topology-updater"
2021/07/20 06:16:35 - RTE> created ServiceAccount "rte"
2021/07/20 06:16:35 - RTE> created ClusterRole "rte"
2021/07/20 06:16:35 - RTE> created ClusterRoleBinding "rte"
2021/07/20 06:16:35 - RTE> created DaemonSet "resource-topology-exporter-ds"
2021/07/20 06:16:35 wait for all the pods in deployment tas-topology-updater resource-topology-exporter-ds to be running and ready
2021/07/20 06:16:35 no pods found for tas-topology-updater resource-topology-exporter-ds
2021/07/20 06:16:36 pod tas-topology-updater resource-topology-exporter-ds-xb88c not ready yet (Pending)
2021/07/20 06:16:37 all the pods in daemonset tas-topology-updater resource-topology-exporter-ds are running and ready!
2021/07/20 06:16:37 ...deployed topology-aware-scheduling topology updater!
2021/07/20 06:16:37 deploying topology-aware-scheduling scheduler plugin...
2021/07/20 06:16:38 - SCD> created ServiceAccount "topo-aware-scheduler"
2021/07/20 06:16:38 - SCD> created ClusterRole "noderesourcetoplogy-handler"
2021/07/20 06:16:38 - SCD> created ClusterRoleBinding "topo-aware-scheduler-as-kube-scheduler"
2021/07/20 06:16:38 - SCD> created ClusterRoleBinding "noderesourcetoplogy"
2021/07/20 06:16:38 - SCD> created ClusterRoleBinding "topo-aware-scheduler-as-volume-scheduler"
2021/07/20 06:16:38 - SCD> created RoleBinding "topo-aware-scheduler-as-kube-scheduler"
2021/07/20 06:16:38 - SCD> created ConfigMap "topo-aware-scheduler-config"
2021/07/20 06:16:38 - SCD> created Deployment "topo-aware-scheduler"
2021/07/20 06:16:38 wait for all the pods in deployment kube-system topo-aware-scheduler to be running and ready
2021/07/20 06:16:38 no pods found for kube-system topo-aware-scheduler
2021/07/20 06:16:48 all the pods in deployment kube-system topo-aware-scheduler are running and ready!
2021/07/20 06:16:48 ...deployed topology-aware-scheduling scheduler plugin!
cleaning up (removing):
$ ./deployer remove -W
2021/07/20 06:18:12 removing topology-aware-scheduling scheduler plugin...
2021/07/20 06:18:13 - SCD> deleted Deployment "topo-aware-scheduler"
2021/07/20 06:18:13 wait for all the pods in deployment kube-system topo-aware-scheduler to be gone
2021/07/20 06:18:13 error removing: still 1 pods found for kube-system topo-aware-scheduler
2021/07/20 06:18:13 removing topology-aware-scheduling topology updater...
2021/07/20 06:18:13 - RTE> deleted Namespace "tas-topology-updater"
2021/07/20 06:18:13 wait for the deployment namespace "tas-topology-updater" to be gone
2021/07/20 06:18:40 namespace gone for daemonset "tas-topology-updater"!
2021/07/20 06:18:40 - RTE> deleted ClusterRoleBinding "rte"
2021/07/20 06:18:40 - RTE> deleted ClusterRole "rte"
2021/07/20 06:18:40 ...removed topology-aware-scheduling topology updater!
2021/07/20 06:18:40 removing topology-aware-scheduling API...
2021/07/20 06:18:41 - API> deleted CustomResourceDefinition ""
2021/07/20 06:18:41 ...removed topology-aware-scheduling API!
validate the cluster configuration:
A kind cluster with the correct configuration:
kind: Cluster
- |
kind: KubeletConfiguration
cpuManagerPolicy: "static"
topologyManagerPolicy: "single-numa-node"
reservedSystemCPUs: "0,16"
KubeletPodResourcesGetAllocatable: true
- role: control-plane
- role: worker
- role: worker
- role: worker
Does pass the validation:
$ ./deployer validate
PASSED>>: the cluster configuration looks ok!
A kind cluster configured like this
kind: Cluster
- |
kind: KubeletConfiguration
cpuManagerPolicy: "static"
reservedSystemCPUs: "0,16"
- role: control-plane
- role: worker
- role: worker
- role: worker
Does not pass the validation:
$ ./deployer validate
ERROR#000: Incorrect configuration of node "kind-worker" area "kubelet" component "feature gates" setting "": expected "present" detected "missing data"
ERROR#001: Incorrect configuration of node "kind-worker" area "kubelet" component "topology manager" setting "policy": expected "single-numa-node" detected "none"
ERROR#002: Incorrect configuration of node "kind-worker2" area "kubelet" component "feature gates" setting "": expected "present" detected "missing data"
ERROR#003: Incorrect configuration of node "kind-worker2" area "kubelet" component "topology manager" setting "policy": expected "single-numa-node" detected "none"
ERROR#004: Incorrect configuration of node "kind-worker3" area "kubelet" component "feature gates" setting "": expected "present" detected "missing data"
ERROR#005: Incorrect configuration of node "kind-worker3" area "kubelet" component "topology manager" setting "policy": expected "single-numa-node" detected "none"
(C) 2021 Red Hat Inc and licensed under the Apache License v2
just run
You can download pre-built binaries for Linux from the releases
No container images are available nor planned.