topology-aware-scheduling deployer
is a set of go packages and a command line tool to setup all the components and settings needed to enable
the topology-aware-scheduling on a kubernetes cluster. Additionally, the tool can validate if the cluster configuration
is compatible to the topology-aware-scheduling requirements.
- kubernetes >= 1.21
- a valid
- validation only
>= 1.21 in your PATH
how does it work?
deploy on a kubernetes cluster
Considering a kind cluster configured like this:
kind: Cluster
- |
kind: KubeletConfiguration
cpuManagerPolicy: "static"
topologyManagerPolicy: "single-numa-node"
reservedSystemCPUs: "0,16"
KubeletPodResourcesGetAllocatable: true
- role: control-plane
- role: worker
- role: worker
- role: worker
Deploy all the topology-aware scheduling components:
$ kubectl get nodes
kind-control-plane Ready control-plane,master 3m48s v1.21.1
kind-worker Ready worker 3m15s v1.21.1
kind-worker2 Ready worker 3m15s v1.21.1
kind-worker3 Ready worker 3m15s v1.21.1
$ ./deployer deploy -W
2021/07/20 06:16:34 deploying topology-aware-scheduling API...
2021/07/20 06:16:34 - API> created CustomResourceDefinition ""
2021/07/20 06:16:34 ...deployed topology-aware-scheduling API!
2021/07/20 06:16:34 deploying topology-aware-scheduling topology updater...
2021/07/20 06:16:35 - RTE> created Namespace "tas-topology-updater"
2021/07/20 06:16:35 - RTE> created ServiceAccount "rte"
2021/07/20 06:16:35 - RTE> created ClusterRole "rte"
2021/07/20 06:16:35 - RTE> created ClusterRoleBinding "rte"
2021/07/20 06:16:35 - RTE> created DaemonSet "resource-topology-exporter-ds"
2021/07/20 06:16:35 wait for all the pods in deployment tas-topology-updater resource-topology-exporter-ds to be running and ready
2021/07/20 06:16:35 no pods found for tas-topology-updater resource-topology-exporter-ds
2021/07/20 06:16:36 pod tas-topology-updater resource-topology-exporter-ds-xb88c not ready yet (Pending)
2021/07/20 06:16:37 all the pods in daemonset tas-topology-updater resource-topology-exporter-ds are running and ready!
2021/07/20 06:16:37 ...deployed topology-aware-scheduling topology updater!
2021/07/20 06:16:37 deploying topology-aware-scheduling scheduler plugin...
2021/07/20 06:16:38 - SCD> created ServiceAccount "topo-aware-scheduler"
2021/07/20 06:16:38 - SCD> created ClusterRole "noderesourcetoplogy-handler"
2021/07/20 06:16:38 - SCD> created ClusterRoleBinding "topo-aware-scheduler-as-kube-scheduler"
2021/07/20 06:16:38 - SCD> created ClusterRoleBinding "noderesourcetoplogy"
2021/07/20 06:16:38 - SCD> created ClusterRoleBinding "topo-aware-scheduler-as-volume-scheduler"
2021/07/20 06:16:38 - SCD> created RoleBinding "topo-aware-scheduler-as-kube-scheduler"
2021/07/20 06:16:38 - SCD> created ConfigMap "topo-aware-scheduler-config"
2021/07/20 06:16:38 - SCD> created Deployment "topo-aware-scheduler"
2021/07/20 06:16:38 wait for all the pods in deployment kube-system topo-aware-scheduler to be running and ready
2021/07/20 06:16:38 no pods found for kube-system topo-aware-scheduler
2021/07/20 06:16:48 all the pods in deployment kube-system topo-aware-scheduler are running and ready!
2021/07/20 06:16:48 ...deployed topology-aware-scheduling scheduler plugin!
cleaning up (removing):
$ ./deployer remove -W
2021/07/20 06:18:12 removing topology-aware-scheduling scheduler plugin...
2021/07/20 06:18:13 - SCD> deleted Deployment "topo-aware-scheduler"
2021/07/20 06:18:13 wait for all the pods in deployment kube-system topo-aware-scheduler to be gone
2021/07/20 06:18:13 error removing: still 1 pods found for kube-system topo-aware-scheduler
2021/07/20 06:18:13 removing topology-aware-scheduling topology updater...
2021/07/20 06:18:13 - RTE> deleted Namespace "tas-topology-updater"
2021/07/20 06:18:13 wait for the deployment namespace "tas-topology-updater" to be gone
2021/07/20 06:18:40 namespace gone for daemonset "tas-topology-updater"!
2021/07/20 06:18:40 - RTE> deleted ClusterRoleBinding "rte"
2021/07/20 06:18:40 - RTE> deleted ClusterRole "rte"
2021/07/20 06:18:40 ...removed topology-aware-scheduling topology updater!
2021/07/20 06:18:40 removing topology-aware-scheduling API...
2021/07/20 06:18:41 - API> deleted CustomResourceDefinition ""
2021/07/20 06:18:41 ...removed topology-aware-scheduling API!
validate the cluster configuration:
A kind cluster with the correct configuration:
kind: Cluster
- |
kind: KubeletConfiguration
cpuManagerPolicy: "static"
topologyManagerPolicy: "single-numa-node"
reservedSystemCPUs: "0,16"
KubeletPodResourcesGetAllocatable: true
- role: control-plane
- role: worker
- role: worker
- role: worker
Does pass the validation:
$ ./deployer validate
PASSED>>: the cluster configuration looks ok!
A kind cluster configured like this
kind: Cluster
- |
kind: KubeletConfiguration
cpuManagerPolicy: "static"
reservedSystemCPUs: "0,16"
- role: control-plane
- role: worker
- role: worker
- role: worker
Does not pass the validation:
$ ./deployer validate
ERROR#000: Incorrect configuration of node "kind-worker" area "kubelet" component "feature gates" setting "": expected "present" detected "missing data"
ERROR#001: Incorrect configuration of node "kind-worker" area "kubelet" component "topology manager" setting "policy": expected "single-numa-node" detected "none"
ERROR#002: Incorrect configuration of node "kind-worker2" area "kubelet" component "feature gates" setting "": expected "present" detected "missing data"
ERROR#003: Incorrect configuration of node "kind-worker2" area "kubelet" component "topology manager" setting "policy": expected "single-numa-node" detected "none"
ERROR#004: Incorrect configuration of node "kind-worker3" area "kubelet" component "feature gates" setting "": expected "present" detected "missing data"
ERROR#005: Incorrect configuration of node "kind-worker3" area "kubelet" component "topology manager" setting "policy": expected "single-numa-node" detected "none"
(C) 2021 Red Hat Inc and licensed under the Apache License v2
just run
You can download pre-built binaries for Linux from the releases
No container images are available nor planned.