k8-go-comm library.
Library to communicate with RabbitMQ and MinIO
Provide helper modules which will be used by all parties willing to implement communications with RabbitMQ or Minio. All common types and functions needs to be placed here.
See the 'examples' subdirectory with example for using these modules. Each usecase is in a specific subdirectory inside examples.
For quick start using docker to run containers for RabbitMQ and MinIO
Run Standalone MinIO on Docker.
docker run -p 9000:9000 \
-e "MINIO_ROOT_USER=<your_minio_root_user>" \
-e "MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD=<your_minio_root_password>" \
minio/minio server /data
Run RabbitMQ on Docker.
docker run -d --hostname <your_host_name> --name <your_container_name> -p 15672:15672 -p 5672:5672 rabbitmq:3-management
To start a connection with RabbitMQ and publish a message, please check producer folder
To start a connection and consume the message that was published, please check consumer directory
Create new bucket
to create a new minio bucket , please check createBucket directory
Make bucket and upload file
To start a connection and upload a file, please check minioUpload directory
Get the object from the bucket
To start a connection and get a file from specific bucket, please check minioGetObject directory
Get the presigned URL
To start a connection and get the presigned URL of the file you uploaded, please check minioGetPresignedURL directory