
v0.3.8 Latest Latest

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Published: Jun 10, 2021 License: Apache-2.0



Go Report Card Contributions welcome Apache License, Version 2.0


This is the service that will process/rebuild the file, as per the projet defined in this repo These pods are controlled the rebuild pods controller.

Dev section

the k8-process add additional values to the rabbitmq header wich contain additional inforamtions :

- "rebuild-sdk-version" which is the sdk version
- "rebuild-processing-status" which is the status of the rebuild processing operations , there is five states values :

 "UNPROCESSABLE" if the file can't be processed for example not supported file type
 "CLEAN" if the original file is clean so it remain unchanged
 "CLEANED" if the file is cleaned by the rebuil engine 
 "INTERNALL ERROR" if there is error in the k8-process or the rebuilt ClI while procesing the file, 
 "SDK EXPIRED" if the rebuilt SDK expired
- "clean-presigned-url" which is the rebuilt file presigned url
- "report-presigned-url" which is the report file presigned url
- "gwlog-presigned-url" which is the glassWall log file presgined url
- "log-pesined-url" which is the log file presgined url
Steps of processing
  • Listens on the processing request queue to get files pending for a rebuild
  • Get the file on queue
  • Copy it to local folder
  • Run the rebuild service
  • Get the rebuild result
  • Upload the result file to minio
  • Notifies the queue
  • Exit
Sdk-rebuild-eval version
Docker build for local testing
  • To build for local testing
git clone https://github.com/k8-proxy/go-k8s-process.git
cd go-k8s-process
git submodule update --init
go build -o  go-k8s-process ./cmd
MESSAGE_BROKER_USER='<rabbit-user>' \
MESSAGE_BROKER_PASSWORD='<rabbit-password>' \
MINIO_ENDPOINT='<minio-endpoint>' \ 
MINIO_ACCESS_KEY='<minio-access>' \ 
MINIO_SECRET_KEY='<minio-secret>' \ 
MINIO_SOURCE_BUCKET='<bucket-to-upload-file>' \ 
GWCLI='<cli-path>'  \
INICONFIG='<ini-config-path>' \

Installing the Glasswall Rebuild SDK

Copy the libglasswall.classic.so shared library into the /usr/lib folder.

cp ./sdk-rebuild-eval/libs/rebuild/linux/libglasswall.classic.so /usr/lib
Inform System about the Glasswall Rebuild SDK

Once in place the library needs to be registered to make it accessible. Create a glasswall.classic.conf file, with the installed location

echo "/usr/lib" > glasswall.classic.conf

Update the etc directory

sudo cp glasswall.classic.conf /etc/ld.so.conf.d

Run ldconfig to configure the dynamic linker run-time bindings

sudo ldconfig

Check that the Glasswall library has been installed

sudo ldconfig -p | grep glasswall.classic

Remove the .conf file

rm glasswall.classic.conf
Docker build
  • To build the docker image
git clone https://github.com/k8-proxy/go-k8s-process.git
cd go-k8s-process
git submodule update --init
docker build -t <docker_image_name> .
  • To run the container First make sure that you have rabbitmq minio and jaeger running, then run the command bellow note to activate Jaeger trace set JAEGER_AGENT_ON=true
docker run -e ADAPTATION_REQUEST_QUEUE_HOSTNAME='<rabbit-host>' \ 
-e MESSAGE_BROKER_USER='<rabbit-user>' \
-e MESSAGE_BROKER_PASSWORD='<rabbit-password>' \
-e MINIO_ENDPOINT='<minio-endpoint>' \ 
-e MINIO_ACCESS_KEY='<minio-access>' \ 
-e MINIO_SECRET_KEY='<minio-secret>' \ 
-e MINIO_SOURCE_BUCKET='<bucket-to-upload-file>' \ 
-e JAEGER_AGENT_HOST='<jaeger-host>' \
-e JAEGER_AGENT_PORT='<jaeger-port>' \
--name <docker_container_name> <docker_image_name>

Testing steps

  • Run srv1 as per https://github.com/k8-proxy/go-k8s-srv1

  • Run the container as mentionned above

  • Publish data reference to rabbitMq on queue name : adaptation-request-queue with the following data(table) :

  • file-id : An ID for the file
  • source-file-location : The full path to the file
  • rebuilt-file-location : A full path representing the location where the rebuilt file will go to
  • Check your container logs to see the processing
docker logs <container name>

known issues

the rebuild CLI have some problems working on alpine , maybe there is missing dependencies or directory structrure , so instead we use ubuntu base image for the moment

Rebuild flow to implement



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