This is a stress testing tool for the scheduler in a large-scale scenario.
Preparatory Work
To simulate a large-scale scheduling scenario, you can create a large number of nodes as needed using kwok. The nodes you create may be in a NotReady state. In order to use the nodes to schedule pods, the "pod.yaml" file must add a toleration to tolerate all NoSchedule taints.
To prepare for this, you should do the following:
- Install kwok on your k8s cluster. Refer to https://kwok.sigs.k8s.io/docs/user/kwok-in-cluster/.
- Create fake nodes on your k8s cluster.
fake node example:
cat << EOF > node.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Node
node.alpha.kubernetes.io/ttl: "0"
kwok.x-k8s.io/node: fake
beta.kubernetes.io/arch: amd64
beta.kubernetes.io/os: linux
kubernetes.io/arch: amd64
kubernetes.io/hostname: {NODE_NAME}
kubernetes.io/os: linux
kubernetes.io/role: agent
node-role.kubernetes.io/agent: ""
type: kwok
name: {NODE_NAME}
taints: # Avoid scheduling actual running pods to fake Node
- effect: NoSchedule
key: kwok.x-k8s.io/node
value: fake
cpu: "64"
ephemeral-storage: 1Ti
hugepages-1Gi: "0"
hugepages-2Mi: "0"
memory: 250Gi
pods: "110"
cpu: "64"
ephemeral-storage: 1Ti
hugepages-1Gi: "0"
hugepages-2Mi: "0"
memory: 250Gi
pods: "128"
architecture: amd64
bootID: ""
containerRuntimeVersion: ""
kernelVersion: ""
kubeProxyVersion: fake
kubeletVersion: fake
machineID: ""
operatingSystem: linux
osImage: ""
systemUUID: ""
phase: Running
# create nodes as you needed
for i in {0..99}; do sed "s/{NODE_NAME}/kwok-node-$i/g" node.yaml | kubectl apply -f -; done
How to use
Download the code and build it:
git clone https://github.com/k-cloud-labs/scheduler-stress-test.git
make build
Two commands are supported: create and wait.
The create command creates a specified number of pods from a template file in the k8s cluster with a specified level of concurrency.
The wait command waits for all the pods created above to be scheduled and continuously prints the results.
# create 1000 pod by 1000 concurrency (namespace: scheduler-stress-test)
sst create --kubeconfig=/root/.kube/config --count 1000 --concurrency 1000 --pod-template=pod.yaml
# wait result
sst wait --kubeconfig=/root/.kube/config --namespace=scheduler-stress-test
The example above uses "pod.yaml" as a template and creates 1000 pods in the "scheduler-stress-test" namespace of the k8s cluster. It then waits and continuously prints the results. You can modify the "pod.yaml" file as needed.