You can diff the contents of two folders, archives, rpm packages or any of the previous combinations.
go install
Bleeding edge:
go install
$ archive-diff --help
DIFF_DIRS_ONLY only compare directories (default: "false")
DIFF_FILES_ONLY only compare files or symlinks (default: "false")
DIFF_PERM_ONLY only compare file permissions and sticky bit (default: "false")
DIFF_OWNER_ONLY only compare owner, group, gid and uid (default: "false")
DIFF_EXCLUDE exclude file paths matching regular expression after cut operation (default: "^$")
DIFF_INCLUDE include file paths matching regular expression after cut operation (default: ".*")
DIFF_CUT cut ^prefix or suffix$ or any other regular expression before comparing archive paths (default: "^$")
archive-diff a.tar.gz b.tar.xz [flags]
archive-diff [command]
Available Commands:
completion Generate completion script
help Help about any command
-c, --cut string cut ^prefix or suffix$ or any other regular expression before comparing archive paths (default "^$")
-d, --dirs-only only compare directories
-e, --exclude string exclude file paths matching regular expression after cut operation (default "^$")
-f, --files-only only compare files or symlinks
-h, --help help for archive-diff
-i, --include string include file paths matching regular expression after cut operation (default ".*")
-o, --owner-only only compare owner, group, gid and uid
-p, --perm-only only compare file permissions and sticky bit
Use "archive-diff [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Example usage:
archive-diff -d whatever-1.0.0-1.noarch.rpm whatever.tar.gz > archive.diff