A Golang command-line application for bulk converting images between PNG and JPG. The app finds all files with the extension given to --in
flag and converts them to format given to --out
flag. NOTE: This app is single-threaded, so the larger the file set given, the longer it will take. It will be fast, but not as fast as possible. Concurrent execution will be implemented in a future release.
Install Options
The following presents two methods of installation: the first to OS (Mac/Linux), the second using Go tools
Clone the repo:
git clone https://github.com/jwhittle933/metallurgygo
Build the application:
go build -o ./mgo
Move the binary:
mv mgo /usr/local/bin/
(Optionally) remove the source code:
rm -rf ./metallurgygo
Get the repo:
go get github.com/jwhittle933/metallurgygo
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/metallurgygo && go install
(Optionally) change the binary name for easy use:
mv $GOPATH/bin/metallurgygo $GOPATH/bin/mgo
mgo --dir <path/to/files> --in <input format> --out <output format> --save <path/to/save/location>
Each flag has its own defaults which can be seen with the --help
$ mgo --help
[Info] 2019/08/15 21:49:04 logger.go:47: USAGE
-dir string
The directory location of your files (default ".")
Print flags
-in string
The filetype to start with (default ".png")
-out string
The filetype to convert to (default ".jpg")
-save string
The save location for files (default ".")
This option turns on verbose logging