Overview ¶
Package ofxgo seeks to provide a library to make it easier to query and/or parse financial information with OFX from the comfort of Golang, without having to deal with marshalling/unmarshalling the SGML or XML. The library does *not* intend to abstract away all of the details of the OFX specification, which would be difficult to do well. Instead, it exposes the OFX SGML/XML hierarchy as structs which mostly resemble it. For more information on OFX and to read the specification, see
There are three main top-level objects defined in ofxgo. These are Client, Request, and Response. The Request and Response objects represent OFX requests and responses as Golang structs. Client contains settings which control how requests and responses are marshalled and unmarshalled (the OFX version used, client id and version, whether to indent SGML/XML tags, etc.), and provides helper methods for making requests and optionally parsing the response using those settings.
Every Request object contains a SignonRequest element, called Signon. This element contains the username, password (or key), and the ORG and FID fields particular to the financial institution being queried, and an optional ClientUID field (required by some FIs). Likewise, each Response contains a SignonResponse object which contains, among other things, the Status of the request. Any status with a nonzero Code should be inspected for a possible error (using the Severity and Message fields populated by the server, or the CodeMeaning() and CodeConditions() functions which return information about a particular code as specified by the OFX specification).
Each top-level Request or Response object may contain zero or more messages, sorted into named slices by message set, just as the OFX specification groups them. Here are the supported types of Request/Response objects (along with the name of the slice of Messages they belong to in parentheses):
var r AcctInfoRequest // (Signup) Request a list of the valid accounts // for this user var r CCStatementRequest // (CreditCard) Request the balance (and optionally // list of transactions) for a credit card var r StatementRequest // (Bank) Request the balance (and optionally list // of transactions) for a bank account var r InvStatementRequest // (InvStmt) Request balance, transactions, // existing positions, and/or open orders for an // investment account var r SecListRequest // (SecList) Request securities details and prices var r ProfileRequest // (Prof) Request the server's capabilities (which // messages sets it supports, along with features)
var r AcctInfoResponse // (Signup) List of the valid accounts for this // user var r CCStatementResponse // (CreditCard) The balance (and optionally list of // transactions) for a credit card var r StatementResponse // (Bank) The balance (and optionally list of // transactions) for a bank account var r InvStatementResponse // (InvStmt) The balance, transactions, existing // positions, and/or open orders for an // investment account var r SecListResponse // (SecList) Returned as a result of // SecListRequest, but only contains request // status var r SecurityList // (SecList) The actual list of securities, prices, // etc. (sent as a result of SecListRequest or // InvStatementRequest) var r ProfileResponse // (Prof) Describes the server's capabilities
When constructing a Request, simply append the desired message to the message set it belongs to. For Responses, it is the user's responsibility to make type assertions on objects found inside one of these message sets before using them.
For example, the following code would request a bank statement for a checking account and print the balance:
import ( "fmt" "" "os" ) var client ofxgo.Client // By not initializing them, we accept all default // client values var request ofxgo.Request // These are all specific to you and your financial institution request.URL = "" request.Signon.UserID = ofxgo.String("john") request.Signon.UserPass = ofxgo.String("hunter2") request.Signon.Org = ofxgo.String("MyBank") request.Signon.Fid = ofxgo.String("0001") uid, err := ofxgo.RandomUID() if err != nil { fmt.Println("Error creating uid for transaction:", err) os.Exit(1) } statementRequest := ofxgo.StatementRequest{ TrnUID: *uid, BankAcctFrom: ofxgo.BankAcct{ BankID: ofxgo.String("123456789"), AcctID: ofxgo.String("11111111111"), AcctType: ofxgo.AcctTypeChecking, }, } request.Bank = append(request.Bank, &statementRequest) response, err := client.Request(request) if err != nil { fmt.Println("Error requesting account statement:", err) os.Exit(1) } if response.Signon.Status.Code != 0 { meaning, _ := response.Signon.Status.CodeMeaning() fmt.Printf("Nonzero signon status (%d: %s) with message: %s\n", response.Signon.Status.Code, meaning, response.Signon.Status.Message) os.Exit(1) } if len(response.Bank) < 1 { fmt.Println("No banking messages received") } else if stmt, ok := response.Bank[0].(*ofxgo.StatementResponse); ok { fmt.Printf("Balance: %s %s (as of %s)\n", stmt.BalAmt, stmt.CurDef, stmt.DtAsOf) }
More usage examples may be found in the example command-line client provided with this library, in the cmd/ofx directory of the source.
Index ¶
- Constants
- func NewAcctClassification(s string) (acctClassification, error)
- func NewAcctType(s string) (acctType, error)
- func NewAssetClass(s string) (assetClass, error)
- func NewBalType(s string) (balType, error)
- func NewBuyType(s string) (buyType, error)
- func NewCallType(s string) (callType, error)
- func NewCharType(s string) (charType, error)
- func NewCheckSup(s string) (checkSup, error)
- func NewCorrectAction(s string) (correctAction, error)
- func NewCouponFreq(s string) (couponFreq, error)
- func NewDebtClass(s string) (debtClass, error)
- func NewDebtType(s string) (debtType, error)
- func NewDuration(s string) (duration, error)
- func NewHolderType(s string) (holderType, error)
- func NewImageRefType(s string) (imageRefType, error)
- func NewImageType(s string) (imageType, error)
- func NewIncomeType(s string) (incomeType, error)
- func NewInv401kSource(s string) (inv401kSource, error)
- func NewLoanPmtFreq(s string) (loanPmtFreq, error)
- func NewMfType(s string) (mfType, error)
- func NewOfxSec(s string) (ofxSec, error)
- func NewOfxVersion(s string) (ofxVersion, error)
- func NewOptAction(s string) (optAction, error)
- func NewOptBuyType(s string) (optBuyType, error)
- func NewOptSellType(s string) (optSellType, error)
- func NewOptType(s string) (optType, error)
- func NewPosType(s string) (posType, error)
- func NewRelType(s string) (relType, error)
- func NewRestriction(s string) (restriction, error)
- func NewSecured(s string) (secured, error)
- func NewSellReason(s string) (sellReason, error)
- func NewSellType(s string) (sellType, error)
- func NewStockType(s string) (stockType, error)
- func NewSubAcctType(s string) (subAcctType, error)
- func NewSvcStatus(s string) (svcStatus, error)
- func NewSyncMode(s string) (syncMode, error)
- func NewTferAction(s string) (tferAction, error)
- func NewTrnType(s string) (trnType, error)
- func NewUnitType(s string) (unitType, error)
- func NewUsProductType(s string) (usProductType, error)
- type AcctInfo
- type AcctInfoRequest
- type AcctInfoResponse
- type Amount
- type AssetPortion
- type Balance
- type BankAcct
- type BankAcctInfo
- type BasicClient
- func (c *BasicClient) CarriageReturnNewLines() bool
- func (c *BasicClient) ID() String
- func (c *BasicClient) IndentRequests() bool
- func (c *BasicClient) OfxVersion() ofxVersion
- func (c *BasicClient) RawRequest(URL string, r io.Reader) (*http.Response, error)
- func (c *BasicClient) Request(r *Request) (*Response, error)
- func (c *BasicClient) RequestNoParse(r *Request) (*http.Response, error)
- func (c *BasicClient) Version() String
- type Boolean
- type BuyDebt
- type BuyMF
- type BuyOpt
- type BuyOther
- type BuyStock
- type CCAcct
- type CCAcctInfo
- type CCStatementRequest
- type CCStatementResponse
- type Client
- type ClosureOpt
- type ContribSecurity
- type CurrSymbol
- type Currency
- type Date
- type DebtInfo
- type DebtPosition
- type DiscoverCardClient
- type FiAssetPortion
- type HolderInfo
- type ImageData
- type Income
- type Int
- type Inv401K
- type Inv401KBal
- type Inv401KSummaryAggregate
- type Inv401KSummaryPeriod
- type InvAcct
- type InvAcctInfo
- type InvBalance
- type InvBankTransaction
- type InvBuy
- type InvExpense
- type InvPosition
- type InvSell
- type InvStatementRequest
- type InvStatementResponse
- type InvTran
- type InvTranList
- type InvTransaction
- type JrnlFund
- type JrnlSec
- type LoanInfo
- type MFInfo
- type MFPosition
- type MarginInterest
- type Message
- type MessageSet
- type MessageSetList
- type OO
- type OOBuyDebt
- type OOBuyMF
- type OOBuyOpt
- type OOBuyOther
- type OOBuyStock
- type OOList
- type OOSellDebt
- type OOSellMF
- type OOSellOpt
- type OOSellOther
- type OOSellStock
- type OOSwitchMF
- type OpenOrder
- type OptInfo
- type OptPosition
- type OtherInfo
- type OtherPosition
- type Payee
- type PendingTransaction
- type PendingTransactionList
- type Position
- type PositionList
- type ProfileRequest
- type ProfileResponse
- type Reinvest
- type Request
- type Response
- type RetOfCap
- type SecInfo
- type SecListRequest
- type SecListResponse
- type Security
- type SecurityID
- type SecurityList
- func (r *SecurityList) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error
- func (r *SecurityList) Name() string
- func (r *SecurityList) Type() messageType
- func (r *SecurityList) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error
- func (r *SecurityList) Valid(version ofxVersion) (bool, error)
- type SecurityRequest
- type SellDebt
- type SellMF
- type SellOpt
- type SellOther
- type SellStock
- type SignonInfo
- type SignonRequest
- type SignonResponse
- type Split
- type StatementRequest
- type StatementResponse
- type Status
- type StockInfo
- type StockPosition
- type String
- type Transaction
- type TransactionList
- type Transfer
- type UID
- type VanguardClient
- type VestInfo
Constants ¶
const ( // Requests SignonRq messageType = iota SignupRq BankRq CreditCardRq LoanRq InvStmtRq InterXferRq WireXferRq BillpayRq EmailRq SecListRq PresDirRq PresDlvRq ProfRq ImageRq // Responses SignonRs SignupRs BankRs CreditCardRs LoanRs InvStmtRs InterXferRs WireXferRs BillpayRs EmailRs SecListRs PresDirRs PresDlvRs ProfRs ImageRs )
These constants are returned by Messages' Type() functions to determine which message set they belong to
const ( OfxVersion102 ofxVersion = 1 + iota OfxVersion103 OfxVersion151 OfxVersion160 OfxVersion200 OfxVersion201 OfxVersion202 OfxVersion203 OfxVersion210 OfxVersion211 OfxVersion220 )
OfxVersion* constants represent the OFX specification version in use
const ( AcctTypeChecking acctType = 1 + iota AcctTypeSavings AcctTypeMoneyMrkt AcctTypeCreditLine AcctTypeCD )
AcctType* constants represent types of bank accounts
const ( TrnTypeCredit trnType = 1 + iota TrnTypeDebit TrnTypeInt TrnTypeDiv TrnTypeFee TrnTypeSrvChg TrnTypeDep TrnTypeATM TrnTypePOS TrnTypeXfer TrnTypeCheck TrnTypePayment TrnTypeCash TrnTypeDirectDep TrnTypeDirectDebit TrnTypeRepeatPmt TrnTypeHold TrnTypeOther )
TrnType* constants represent types of transactions. INT, ATM, and POS depend on the signage of the account.
const ( ImageTypeStatement imageType = 1 + iota ImageTypeTransaction ImageTypeTax )
ImageType* constants represent what this image contains
const ( ImageRefTypeOpaque imageRefType = 1 + iota ImageRefTypeURL ImageRefTypeFormURL )
ImageRefType* constants represent the type of reference to the image
const ( CheckSupFrontOnly checkSup = 1 + iota CheckSupBackOnly CheckSupFrontAndBack )
CheckSup* constants represent what portions of the check this image contains
const ( CorrectActionDelete correctAction = 1 + iota CorrectActionReplace )
CorrectAction* constants represent whether this transaction correction replaces or deletes the transaction matching its CORRECTFITID
const ( BalTypeDollar balType = 1 + iota BalTypePercent BalTypeNumber )
BalType* constants represent how this BAL's VALUE field should be interpreted
const ( Inv401kSourcePreTax inv401kSource = 1 + iota Inv401kSourceAfterTax Inv401kSourceMatch Inv401kSourceProfitSharing Inv401kSourceRollover Inv401kSourceOtherVest Inv401kSourceOtherNonVest )
Inv401kSource* constants represent the source of money used for this security in a 401(k) account. Default if not present is OTHERNONVEST. The following cash source types are subject to vesting: MATCH, PROFITSHARING, and OTHERVEST.
const ( SubAcctTypeCash subAcctType = 1 + iota SubAcctTypeMargin SubAcctTypeShort SubAcctTypeOther )
SubAcctType* constants represent the sub-account type for a source and/or destination of a transaction. Used in fields named SubAcctFrom, SubAcctTo, SubAcctSec, SubAcctFund, HeldInAcct.
const ( BuyTypeBuy buyType = 1 + iota BuyTypeBuyToCover )
BuyType* constants represent types of purchases
const ( OptActionExercise optAction = 1 + iota OptActionAssign OptActionExpire )
OptAction* constants represent types of actions for options
const ( TferActionIn tferAction = 1 + iota TferActionOut )
TferAction* constants represent whether the transfer is into or out of this account
const ( PosTypeLong posType = 1 + iota PosTypeShort )
PosType* constants represent position type
const ( SecuredNaked secured = 1 + iota SecuredCovered )
Secured* constants represent how an option is secured
const ( DurationDay duration = 1 + iota DurationGoodTilCancel DurationImmediate )
Duration* constants represent how long the investment order is good for
const ( RestrictionAllOrNone restriction = 1 + iota RestrictionMinUnits RestrictionNone )
Restriction* constants represent a special restriction on an investment order
const ( UnitTypeCurrency )
UnitType* constants represent type of the UNITS value
const ( OptBuyTypeBuyToOpen optBuyType = 1 + iota OptBuyTypeBuyToClose )
OptBuyType* constants represent types of purchases for options
const ( SellTypeSell sellType = 1 + iota SellTypeSellShort )
SellType* constants represent types of sales
const ( LoanPmtFreqWeekly loanPmtFreq = 1 + iota LoanPmtFreqBiweekly LoanPmtFreqTwiceMonthly LoanPmtFreqMonthly LoanPmtFreqFourWeeks LoanPmtFreqBiMonthly LoanPmtFreqQuarterly LoanPmtFreqSemiannually LoanPmtFreqAnnually LoanPmtFreqOther )
LoanPmtFreq* constants represent the frequency of loan payments
const ( IncomeTypeCGLong incomeType = 1 + iota IncomeTypeCGShort IncomeTypeDiv IncomeTypeInterest IncomeTypeMisc )
IncomeType* constants represent types of investment income
const ( SellReasonCall sellReason = 1 + iota SellReasonSell SellReasonMaturity )
SellReason* constants represent the reason the sell of a debt security was generated: CALL (the debt was called), SELL (the debt was sold), MATURITY (the debt reached maturity)
const ( OptSellTypeSellToClose optSellType = 1 + iota OptSellTypeSellToOpen )
OptSellType* constants represent types of sales for options
const ( RelTypeSpread relType = 1 + iota RelTypeStraddle RelTypeNone RelTypeOther )
RelType* constants represent related option transaction types
const ( CharTypeAlphaOnly charType = 1 + iota CharTypeNumericOnly CharTypeAlphaOrNumeric CharTypeAlphaAndNumeric )
CharType* constants represent types of characters allowed in password
const ( SyncModeFull syncMode = 1 + iota SyncModeLite )
SyncMode* constants represent data synchronization mode supported (see OFX spec for more details)
const ( OfxSecNone ofxSec = 1 + iota OfxSecType1 )
OfxSec* constants represent the type of application-level security required for the message set
const ( DebtTypeCoupon debtType = 1 + iota DebtTypeZero )
DebtType* constants represent debt type
const ( DebtClassTreasury debtClass = 1 + iota DebtClassMunicipal DebtClassCorporate DebtClassOther )
DebtClass* constants represent the class of debt
const ( CouponFreqMonthly couponFreq = 1 + iota CouponFreqQuarterly CouponFreqSemiannual CouponFreqAnnual CouponFreqOther )
CouponFreq* constants represent when debt coupons mature
const ( CallTypeCall callType = 1 + iota CallTypePut CallTypePrefund CallTypeMaturity )
CallType* constants represent type of next call (for a debt)
const ( AssetClassDomesticBond assetClass = 1 + iota AssetClassIntlBond AssetClassLargeStock AssetClassSmallStock AssetClassIntlStock AssetClassMoneyMrkt AssetClassOther )
AssetClass* constants represent type of asset classes
const ( MfTypeOpenEnd mfType = 1 + iota MfTypeCloseEnd MfTypeOther )
MfType* constants represent types of mutual funds
const ( OptTypePut optType = 1 + iota OptTypeCall )
OptType* constants represent whether the option is a PUT or a CALL
const ( StockTypeCommon stockType = 1 + iota StockTypePreferred StockTypeConvertible StockTypeOther )
StockType* constants represent types of stock
const ( HolderTypeIndividual holderType = 1 + iota HolderTypeJoint HolderTypeCustodial HolderTypeTrust HolderTypeOther )
HolderType* constants represent how the account is held
const ( AcctClassificationPersonal acctClassification = 1 + iota AcctClassificationBusiness AcctClassificationCorporate AcctClassificationOther )
AcctClassification* constants represent the type of an account
const ( SvcStatusAvail svcStatus = 1 + iota SvcStatusPend SvcStatusActive )
SvcStatus* constants represent the status of the account: AVAIL = Available, but not yet requested, PEND = Requested, but not yet available, ACTIVE = In use
const ( UsProductType401K usProductType = 1 + iota UsProductType403B UsProductTypeIRA UsProductTypeKEOGH UsProductTypeOther UsProductTypeSARSEP UsProductTypeSimple UsProductTypeNormal UsProductTypeTDA UsProductTypeTrust UsProductTypeUGMA )
UsProductType* constants represent type of investment account (in the US)
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func NewAcctClassification ¶
NewAcctClassification returns returns an 'enum' value of type acctClassification given its string representation
func NewAcctType ¶
NewAcctType returns returns an 'enum' value of type acctType given its string representation
func NewAssetClass ¶
NewAssetClass returns returns an 'enum' value of type assetClass given its string representation
func NewBalType ¶
NewBalType returns returns an 'enum' value of type balType given its string representation
func NewBuyType ¶
NewBuyType returns returns an 'enum' value of type buyType given its string representation
func NewCallType ¶
NewCallType returns returns an 'enum' value of type callType given its string representation
func NewCharType ¶
NewCharType returns returns an 'enum' value of type charType given its string representation
func NewCheckSup ¶
NewCheckSup returns returns an 'enum' value of type checkSup given its string representation
func NewCorrectAction ¶
NewCorrectAction returns returns an 'enum' value of type correctAction given its string representation
func NewCouponFreq ¶
NewCouponFreq returns returns an 'enum' value of type couponFreq given its string representation
func NewDebtClass ¶
NewDebtClass returns returns an 'enum' value of type debtClass given its string representation
func NewDebtType ¶
NewDebtType returns returns an 'enum' value of type debtType given its string representation
func NewDuration ¶
NewDuration returns returns an 'enum' value of type duration given its string representation
func NewHolderType ¶
NewHolderType returns returns an 'enum' value of type holderType given its string representation
func NewImageRefType ¶
NewImageRefType returns returns an 'enum' value of type imageRefType given its string representation
func NewImageType ¶
NewImageType returns returns an 'enum' value of type imageType given its string representation
func NewIncomeType ¶
NewIncomeType returns returns an 'enum' value of type incomeType given its string representation
func NewInv401kSource ¶
NewInv401kSource returns returns an 'enum' value of type inv401kSource given its string representation
func NewLoanPmtFreq ¶
NewLoanPmtFreq returns returns an 'enum' value of type loanPmtFreq given its string representation
func NewMfType ¶
NewMfType returns returns an 'enum' value of type mfType given its string representation
func NewOfxSec ¶
NewOfxSec returns returns an 'enum' value of type ofxSec given its string representation
func NewOfxVersion ¶
NewOfxVersion returns returns an 'enum' value of type ofxVersion given its string representation
func NewOptAction ¶
NewOptAction returns returns an 'enum' value of type optAction given its string representation
func NewOptBuyType ¶
NewOptBuyType returns returns an 'enum' value of type optBuyType given its string representation
func NewOptSellType ¶
NewOptSellType returns returns an 'enum' value of type optSellType given its string representation
func NewOptType ¶
NewOptType returns returns an 'enum' value of type optType given its string representation
func NewPosType ¶
NewPosType returns returns an 'enum' value of type posType given its string representation
func NewRelType ¶
NewRelType returns returns an 'enum' value of type relType given its string representation
func NewRestriction ¶
NewRestriction returns returns an 'enum' value of type restriction given its string representation
func NewSecured ¶
NewSecured returns returns an 'enum' value of type secured given its string representation
func NewSellReason ¶
NewSellReason returns returns an 'enum' value of type sellReason given its string representation
func NewSellType ¶
NewSellType returns returns an 'enum' value of type sellType given its string representation
func NewStockType ¶
NewStockType returns returns an 'enum' value of type stockType given its string representation
func NewSubAcctType ¶
NewSubAcctType returns returns an 'enum' value of type subAcctType given its string representation
func NewSvcStatus ¶
NewSvcStatus returns returns an 'enum' value of type svcStatus given its string representation
func NewSyncMode ¶
NewSyncMode returns returns an 'enum' value of type syncMode given its string representation
func NewTferAction ¶
NewTferAction returns returns an 'enum' value of type tferAction given its string representation
func NewTrnType ¶
NewTrnType returns returns an 'enum' value of type trnType given its string representation
func NewUnitType ¶
NewUnitType returns returns an 'enum' value of type unitType given its string representation
func NewUsProductType ¶
NewUsProductType returns returns an 'enum' value of type usProductType given its string representation
Types ¶
type AcctInfo ¶
type AcctInfo struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"ACCTINFO"` Name String `xml:"NAME,omitempty"` Desc String `xml:"DESC,omitempty"` Phone String `xml:"PHONE,omitempty"` PrimaryHolder HolderInfo `xml:"HOLDERINFO>PRIMARYHOLDER,omitempty"` SecondaryHolder HolderInfo `xml:"HOLDERINFO>SECONDARYHOLDER,omitempty"` // Only one of the rest of the fields will be valid for any given AcctInfo BankAcctInfo *BankAcctInfo `xml:"BANKACCTINFO,omitempty"` CCAcctInfo *CCAcctInfo `xml:"CCACCTINFO,omitempty"` InvAcctInfo *InvAcctInfo `xml:"INVACCTINFO,omitempty"` }
AcctInfo represents generic account information. It should contain one (and only one) *AcctInfo element corresponding to the tyep of account it represents.
type AcctInfoRequest ¶
type AcctInfoRequest struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"ACCTINFOTRNRQ"` TrnUID UID `xml:"TRNUID"` CltCookie String `xml:"CLTCOOKIE,omitempty"` TAN String `xml:"TAN,omitempty"` // Transaction authorization number // TODO `xml:"OFXEXTENSION,omitempty"` DtAcctUp Date `xml:"ACCTINFORQ>DTACCTUP"` }
AcctInfoRequest represents a request for the server to provide information for all of the user's available accounts at this FI
func (*AcctInfoRequest) Name ¶
func (r *AcctInfoRequest) Name() string
Name returns the name of the top-level transaction XML/SGML element
func (*AcctInfoRequest) Type ¶
func (r *AcctInfoRequest) Type() messageType
Type returns which message set this message belongs to (which Request element of type []Message it should appended to)
func (*AcctInfoRequest) Valid ¶
func (r *AcctInfoRequest) Valid(version ofxVersion) (bool, error)
Valid returns (true, nil) if this struct would be valid OFX if marshalled into XML/SGML
type AcctInfoResponse ¶
type AcctInfoResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"ACCTINFOTRNRS"` TrnUID UID `xml:"TRNUID"` Status Status `xml:"STATUS"` CltCookie String `xml:"CLTCOOKIE,omitempty"` // TODO `xml:"OFXEXTENSION,omitempty"` DtAcctUp Date `xml:"ACCTINFORS>DTACCTUP"` AcctInfo []AcctInfo `xml:"ACCTINFORS>ACCTINFO,omitempty"` }
AcctInfoResponse contains the information about all a user's accounts accessible from this FI
func (*AcctInfoResponse) Name ¶
func (air *AcctInfoResponse) Name() string
Name returns the name of the top-level transaction XML/SGML element
func (*AcctInfoResponse) Type ¶
func (air *AcctInfoResponse) Type() messageType
Type returns which message set this message belongs to (which Response element of type []Message it belongs to)
func (*AcctInfoResponse) Valid ¶
func (air *AcctInfoResponse) Valid(version ofxVersion) (bool, error)
Valid returns (true, nil) if this struct was valid OFX when unmarshalled
type Amount ¶
Amount represents non-integer values (or at least values for fields that may not necessarily be integers)
func (*Amount) MarshalXML ¶
MarshalXML marshals an Amount to SGML/XML
func (*Amount) UnmarshalXML ¶
UnmarshalXML handles unmarshalling an Amount from an SGML/XML string. Leading and trailing whitespace is ignored.
type AssetPortion ¶
type AssetPortion struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"PORTION"` AssetClass assetClass `xml:"ASSETCLASS"` // One of DOMESTICBOND, INTLBOND, LARGESTOCK, SMALLSTOCK, INTLSTOCK, MONEYMRKT, OTHER Percent Amount `xml:"PERCENT"` // Percentage of the fund that falls under this asset class }
AssetPortion represents the percentage of a mutual fund with the given asset classification
type Balance ¶
type Balance struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"BAL"` Name String `xml:"NAME"` Desc String `xml:"DESC"` // Balance type: // DOLLAR = dollar (value formatted // PERCENT = percentage (value formatted XXXX.YYYY) // NUMBER = number (value formatted as is) BalType balType `xml:"BALTYPE"` Value Amount `xml:"VALUE"` DtAsOf *Date `xml:"DTASOF,omitempty"` Currency *Currency `xml:"CURRENCY,omitempty"` // if BALTYPE is DOLLAR }
Balance represents a generic (free-form) balance defined by an FI.
type BankAcct ¶
type BankAcct struct { XMLName xml.Name // BANKACCTTO or BANKACCTFROM BankID String `xml:"BANKID"` BranchID String `xml:"BRANCHID,omitempty"` // Unused in USA AcctID String `xml:"ACCTID"` AcctType acctType `xml:"ACCTTYPE"` // One of CHECKING, SAVINGS, MONEYMRKT, CREDITLINE, CD AcctKey String `xml:"ACCTKEY,omitempty"` // Unused in USA }
BankAcct represents the identifying information for one bank account
type BankAcctInfo ¶
type BankAcctInfo struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"BANKACCTINFO"` BankAcctFrom BankAcct `xml:"BANKACCTFROM"` SupTxDl Boolean `xml:"SUPTXDL"` // Supports downloading transactions (as opposed to balance only) XferSrc Boolean `xml:"XFERSRC"` // Enabled as source for intra/interbank transfer XferDest Boolean `xml:"XFERDEST"` // Enabled as destination for intra/interbank transfer MaturityDate Date `xml:"MATURITYDATE,omitempty"` // Maturity date for CD, if CD MaturityAmt Amount `xml:"MATURITYAMOUNT,omitempty"` // Maturity amount for CD, if CD MinBalReq Amount `xml:"MINBALREQ,omitempty"` // Minimum balance required to avoid service fees AcctClassification acctClassification `xml:"ACCTCLASSIFICATION,omitempty"` // One of PERSONAL, BUSINESS, CORPORATE, OTHER OverdraftLimit Amount `xml:"OVERDRAFTLIMIT,omitempty"` SvcStatus svcStatus `xml:"SVCSTATUS"` // One of AVAIL (available, but not yet requested), PEND (requested, but not yet available), ACTIVE }
BankAcctInfo contains information about a bank account, including how to access it (BankAcct), and whether it supports downloading transactions (SupTxDl).
func (*BankAcctInfo) String ¶
func (bai *BankAcctInfo) String() string
String makes pointers to BankAcctInfo structs print nicely
type BasicClient ¶
type BasicClient struct { // Request fields to overwrite with the client's values. If nonempty, // defaults are used SpecVersion ofxVersion // VERSION in header AppID string // SONRQ>APPID AppVer string // SONRQ>APPVER // Don't insert newlines or indentation when marshalling to SGML/XML NoIndent bool // Use carriage returns on new lines CarriageReturn bool }
BasicClient provides a standard Client implementation suitable for most financial institutions. BasicClient uses default, non-zero settings, even if its fields are not initialized.
func (*BasicClient) CarriageReturnNewLines ¶
func (c *BasicClient) CarriageReturnNewLines() bool
CarriageReturnNewLines returns true if carriage returns should be used on new lines, false otherwise
func (*BasicClient) ID ¶
func (c *BasicClient) ID() String
ID returns this BasicClient's OFX AppID field, defaulting to "OFXGO" if unspecified.
func (*BasicClient) IndentRequests ¶
func (c *BasicClient) IndentRequests() bool
IndentRequests returns true if the marshaled XML should be indented (and contain newlines, since the two are linked in the current implementation)
func (*BasicClient) OfxVersion ¶
func (c *BasicClient) OfxVersion() ofxVersion
OfxVersion returns the OFX specification version this BasicClient will marshal Requests as. Defaults to "203" if the client's SpecVersion field is empty.
func (*BasicClient) RawRequest ¶
func (*BasicClient) RequestNoParse ¶
func (c *BasicClient) RequestNoParse(r *Request) (*http.Response, error)
func (*BasicClient) Version ¶
func (c *BasicClient) Version() String
Version returns this BasicClient's version number as a string, defaulting to "0001" if unspecified.
type Boolean ¶
type Boolean bool
Boolean provides helper methods to unmarshal bool values from OFX SGML/XML
func (*Boolean) MarshalXML ¶
MarshalXML marshals a Boolean to XML
func (*Boolean) UnmarshalXML ¶
UnmarshalXML handles unmarshalling a Boolean from an SGML/XML string. Leading and trailing whitespace is ignored.
type BuyDebt ¶
type BuyDebt struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"BUYDEBT"` InvBuy InvBuy `xml:"INVBUY"` AccrdInt Amount `xml:"ACCRDINT,omitempty"` // Accrued interest. This amount is not reflected in the <TOTAL> field of a containing aggregate. }
BuyDebt represents a transaction purchasing a debt security
func (BuyDebt) TransactionType ¶
TransactionType returns a string representation of this transaction's type
type BuyMF ¶
type BuyMF struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"BUYMF"` InvBuy InvBuy `xml:"INVBUY"` BuyType buyType `xml:"BUYTYPE"` // One of BUY, BUYTOCOVER (BUYTOCOVER used to close short sales.) RelFiTID String `xml:"RELFITID,omitempty"` // used to relate transactions associated with mutual fund exchanges }
BuyMF represents a transaction purchasing a mutual fund
func (BuyMF) TransactionType ¶
TransactionType returns a string representation of this transaction's type
type BuyOpt ¶
type BuyOpt struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"BUYOPT"` InvBuy InvBuy `xml:"INVBUY"` OptBuyType optBuyType `xml:"OPTBUYTYPE"` // type of purchase: BUYTOOPEN, BUYTOCLOSE (The BUYTOOPEN buy type is like “ordinary” buying of option and works like stocks.) ShPerCtrct Int `xml:"SHPERCTRCT"` // Shares per contract }
BuyOpt represents a transaction purchasing an option
func (BuyOpt) TransactionType ¶
TransactionType returns a string representation of this transaction's type
type BuyOther ¶
BuyOther represents a transaction purchasing a type of security not covered by the other Buy* structs
func (BuyOther) TransactionType ¶
TransactionType returns a string representation of this transaction's type
type BuyStock ¶
type BuyStock struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"BUYSTOCK"` InvBuy InvBuy `xml:"INVBUY"` BuyType buyType `xml:"BUYTYPE"` // One of BUY, BUYTOCOVER (BUYTOCOVER used to close short sales.) }
BuyStock represents a transaction purchasing stock
func (BuyStock) TransactionType ¶
TransactionType returns a string representation of this transaction's type
type CCAcct ¶
type CCAcct struct { XMLName xml.Name // CCACCTTO or CCACCTFROM AcctID String `xml:"ACCTID"` AcctKey String `xml:"ACCTKEY,omitempty"` // Unused in USA }
CCAcct represents the identifying information for one checking account
type CCAcctInfo ¶
type CCAcctInfo struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"CCACCTINFO"` CCAcctFrom CCAcct `xml:"CCACCTFROM"` SupTxDl Boolean `xml:"SUPTXDL"` // Supports downloading transactions (as opposed to balance only) XferSrc Boolean `xml:"XFERSRC"` // Enabled as source for intra/interbank transfer XferDest Boolean `xml:"XFERDEST"` // Enabled as destination for intra/interbank transfer AcctClassification acctClassification `xml:"ACCTCLASSIFICATION,omitempty"` // One of PERSONAL, BUSINESS, CORPORATE, OTHER SvcStatus svcStatus `xml:"SVCSTATUS"` // One of AVAIL (available, but not yet requested), PEND (requested, but not yet available), ACTIVE }
CCAcctInfo contains information about a credit card account, including how to access it (CCAcct), and whether it supports downloading transactions (SupTxDl).
func (*CCAcctInfo) String ¶
func (ci *CCAcctInfo) String() string
String makes pointers to CCAcctInfo structs print nicely
type CCStatementRequest ¶
type CCStatementRequest struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"CCSTMTTRNRQ"` TrnUID UID `xml:"TRNUID"` CltCookie String `xml:"CLTCOOKIE,omitempty"` TAN String `xml:"TAN,omitempty"` // TODO OFXEXTENSION CCAcctFrom CCAcct `xml:"CCSTMTRQ>CCACCTFROM"` DtStart *Date `xml:"CCSTMTRQ>INCTRAN>DTSTART,omitempty"` DtEnd *Date `xml:"CCSTMTRQ>INCTRAN>DTEND,omitempty"` Include Boolean `xml:"CCSTMTRQ>INCTRAN>INCLUDE"` // Include transactions (instead of just balance) IncludePending Boolean `xml:"CCSTMTRQ>INCLUDEPENDING,omitempty"` // Include pending transactions IncTranImg Boolean `xml:"CCSTMTRQ>INCTRANIMG,omitempty"` // Include transaction images }
CCStatementRequest represents a request for a credit card statement. It is used to request balances and/or transactions. See StatementRequest for the analog for all other bank accounts.
func (*CCStatementRequest) Name ¶
func (r *CCStatementRequest) Name() string
Name returns the name of the top-level transaction XML/SGML element
func (*CCStatementRequest) Type ¶
func (r *CCStatementRequest) Type() messageType
Type returns which message set this message belongs to (which Request element of type []Message it should appended to)
func (*CCStatementRequest) Valid ¶
func (r *CCStatementRequest) Valid(version ofxVersion) (bool, error)
Valid returns (true, nil) if this struct would be valid OFX if marshalled into XML/SGML
type CCStatementResponse ¶
type CCStatementResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"CCSTMTTRNRS"` TrnUID UID `xml:"TRNUID"` Status Status `xml:"STATUS"` CltCookie String `xml:"CLTCOOKIE,omitempty"` // TODO `xml:"OFXEXTENSION,omitempty"` CurDef CurrSymbol `xml:"CCSTMTRS>CURDEF"` CCAcctFrom CCAcct `xml:"CCSTMTRS>CCACCTFROM"` BankTranList *TransactionList `xml:"CCSTMTRS>BANKTRANLIST,omitempty"` //BANKTRANLISTP BalAmt Amount `xml:"CCSTMTRS>LEDGERBAL>BALAMT"` DtAsOf Date `xml:"CCSTMTRS>LEDGERBAL>DTASOF"` AvailBalAmt *Amount `xml:"CCSTMTRS>AVAILBAL>BALAMT,omitempty"` AvailDtAsOf *Date `xml:"CCSTMTRS>AVAILBAL>DTASOF,omitempty"` CashAdvBalAmt Amount `xml:"CCSTMTRS>CASHADVBALAMT,omitempty"` // Only for CREDITLINE accounts, available balance for cash advances IntRatePurch Amount `xml:"CCSTMTRS>INTRATEPURCH,omitempty"` // Current interest rate for purchases IntRateCash Amount `xml:"CCSTMTRS>INTRATECASH,omitempty"` // Current interest rate for cash advances IntRateXfer Amount `xml:"CCSTMTRS>INTRATEXFER,omitempty"` // Current interest rate for cash advances RewardName String `xml:"CCSTMTRS>REWARDINFO>NAME,omitempty"` // Name of the reward program referred to by the next two elements RewardBal Amount `xml:"CCSTMTRS>REWARDINFO>REWARDBAL,omitempty"` // Current balance of the reward program RewardEarned Amount `xml:"CCSTMTRS>REWARDINFO>REWARDEARNED,omitempty"` // Reward amount earned YTD BalList []Balance `xml:"CCSTMTRS>BALLIST>BAL,omitempty"` MktgInfo String `xml:"CCSTMTRS>MKTGINFO,omitempty"` // Marketing information }
CCStatementResponse represents a credit card statement, including its balances and possibly transactions. It is a response to CCStatementRequest, or sometimes provided as part of an OFX file downloaded manually from an FI.
func (*CCStatementResponse) Name ¶
func (sr *CCStatementResponse) Name() string
Name returns the name of the top-level transaction XML/SGML element
func (*CCStatementResponse) Type ¶
func (sr *CCStatementResponse) Type() messageType
Type returns which message set this message belongs to (which Response element of type []Message it belongs to)
func (*CCStatementResponse) Valid ¶
func (sr *CCStatementResponse) Valid(version ofxVersion) (bool, error)
Valid returns (true, nil) if this struct was valid OFX when unmarshalled
type Client ¶
type Client interface { // Used to fill out a Request object OfxVersion() ofxVersion ID() String Version() String IndentRequests() bool CarriageReturnNewLines() bool // Request marshals a Request object into XML, makes an HTTP request // against it's URL, and then unmarshals the response into a Response // object. // // Before being marshaled, some of the the Request object's values are // overwritten, namely those dictated by the BasicClient's configuration // (Version, AppID, AppVer fields), and the client's current time // (DtClient). These are updated in place in the supplied Request object so // they may later be inspected by the caller. Request(r *Request) (*Response, error) // RequestNoParse marshals a Request object into XML, makes an HTTP // request, and returns the raw HTTP response. Unlike RawRequest(), it // takes client settings into account. Unlike Request(), it doesn't parse // the response into an ofxgo.Request object. // // Caveat: The caller is responsible for closing the http Response.Body // (see the http module's documentation for more information) RequestNoParse(r *Request) (*http.Response, error) // RawRequest is little more than a thin wrapper around http.Post // // In most cases, you should probably be using Request() instead, but // RawRequest can be useful if you need to read the raw unparsed http // response yourself (perhaps for downloading an OFX file for use by an // external program, or debugging server behavior), or have a handcrafted // request you'd like to try. // // Caveats: RawRequest does *not* take client settings into account as // Client.Request() does, so your particular server may or may not like // whatever we read from 'r'. The caller is responsible for closing the // http Response.Body (see the http module's documentation for more // information) RawRequest(URL string, r io.Reader) (*http.Response, error) }
Client serves to aggregate OFX client settings that may be necessary to talk to a particular server due to quirks in that server's implementation. Client also provides the Request and RequestNoParse helper methods to aid in making and parsing requests.
func GetClient ¶
func GetClient(URL string, bc *BasicClient) Client
GetClient returns a new Client for a given URL. It attempts to find a specialized client for this URL, but simply returns the passed-in BasicClient if no such match is found.
func NewDiscoverCardClient ¶
func NewDiscoverCardClient(bc *BasicClient) Client
NewDiscoverCardClient returns a Client interface configured to handle Discover Card's brand of idiosyncracy
func NewVanguardClient ¶
func NewVanguardClient(bc *BasicClient) Client
NewVanguardClient returns a Client interface configured to handle Vanguard's brand of idiosyncracy
type ClosureOpt ¶
type ClosureOpt struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"CLOSUREOPT"` InvTran InvTran `xml:"INVTRAN"` SecID SecurityID `xml:"SECID"` OptAction optAction `xml:"OPTACTION"` // One of EXERCISE, ASSIGN, EXPIRE. The EXERCISE action is used to close out an option that is exercised. The ASSIGN action is used when an option writer is assigned. The EXPIRE action is used when the option’s expired date is reached Units Amount `xml:"UNITS"` // For stocks, MFs, other, number of shares held. Bonds = face value. Options = number of contracts ShPerCtrct Int `xml:"SHPERCTRCT"` // Shares per contract SubAcctSec subAcctType `xml:"SUBACCTSEC"` // Sub-account type for this security. One of CASH, MARGIN, SHORT, OTHER RelFiTID String `xml:"RELFITID,omitempty"` // used to relate transactions associated with mutual fund exchanges Gain Amount `xml:"GAIN,omitempty"` // Total gain }
ClosureOpt represents a transaction closing a position for an option
func (ClosureOpt) TransactionType ¶
func (t ClosureOpt) TransactionType() string
TransactionType returns a string representation of this transaction's type
type ContribSecurity ¶
type ContribSecurity struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"CONTRIBSECURITY"` SecID SecurityID `xml:"SECID"` PreTaxContribPct Amount `xml:"PRETAXCONTRIBPCT,omitempty"` // Percentage of each new employee pretax contribution allocated to this security, rate. PreTaxContribAmt Amount `xml:"PRETAXCONTRIBAMT,omitempty"` // Fixed amount of each new employee pretax contribution allocated to this security, amount AfterTaxContribPct Amount `xml:"AFTERTAXCONTRIBPCT,omitempty"` // Percentage of each new employee after tax contribution allocated to this security, rate. AfterTaxContribAmt Amount `xml:"AFTERTAXCONTRIBAMT,omitempty"` // Fixed amount of each new employee pretax contribution allocated to this security, amount. MatchContribPct Amount `xml:"MATCHCONTRIBPCT,omitempty"` // Percentage of each new employer match contribution allocated to this security, rate. MatchContribAmt Amount `xml:"MATCHCONTRIBAMT,omitempty"` // Fixed amount of each new employer match contribution allocated to this security, amount. ProfitSharingContribPct Amount `xml:"PROFITSHARINGCONTRIBPCT,omitempty"` // Percentage of each new employer profit sharing contribution allocated to this security, rate. ProfitSharingContribAmt Amount `xml:"PROFITSHARINGCONTRIBAMT,omitempty"` // Fixed amount of each new employer profit sharing contribution allocated to this security, amount. RolloverContribPct Amount `xml:"ROLLOVERCONTRIBPCT,omitempty"` // Percentage of new rollover contributions allocated to this security, rate. RolloverContribAmt Amount `xml:"ROLLOVERCONTRIBAMT,omitempty"` // Fixed amount of new rollover contributions allocated to this security, amount. OtherVestPct Amount `xml:"OTHERVESTPCT,omitempty"` // Percentage of each new other employer contribution allocated to this security, rate. OtherVestAmt Amount `xml:"OTHERVESTAMT,omitempty"` // Fixed amount of each new other employer contribution allocated to this security, amount. OtherNonVestPct Amount `xml:"OTHERNONVESTPCT,omitempty"` // Percentage of each new other employee contribution allocated to this security, rate. OtherNonVestAmt Amount `xml:"OTHERNONVESTAMT,omitempty"` // Fixed amount of each new other employee contribution allocated to this security, amount }
ContribSecurity identifies current contribution allocation for a security in a 401(k) account
type CurrSymbol ¶
CurrSymbol represents an ISO-4217 currency
func NewCurrSymbol ¶
func NewCurrSymbol(s string) (*CurrSymbol, error)
NewCurrSymbol returns a new CurrSymbol given a three-letter ISO-4217 currency symbol as a string
func (CurrSymbol) Equal ¶
func (c CurrSymbol) Equal(o CurrSymbol) bool
Equal returns true if the two Currencies are the same
func (*CurrSymbol) MarshalXML ¶
func (c *CurrSymbol) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error
MarshalXML marshals a CurrSymbol to SGML/XML
func (*CurrSymbol) UnmarshalXML ¶
func (c *CurrSymbol) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error
UnmarshalXML handles unmarshalling a CurrSymbol from an SGML/XML string. Leading and trailing whitespace is ignored.
func (CurrSymbol) Valid ¶
func (c CurrSymbol) Valid() (bool, error)
Valid returns true, nil if the CurrSymbol is valid.
type Currency ¶
type Currency struct { XMLName xml.Name // CURRENCY or ORIGCURRENCY CurRate Amount `xml:"CURRATE"` // Ratio of statement's currency (CURDEF) to transaction currency (CURSYM) CurSym CurrSymbol `xml:"CURSYM"` // ISO-4217 3-character currency identifier }
Currency represents one ISO-4217 currency. CURRENCY elements signify that the transaction containing this Currency struct is in this currency instead of being converted to the statement's default. ORIGCURRENCY elements signify that the transaction containing this Currency struct was converted to the statement's default from the specified currency.
type Date ¶
Date represents OFX date/time values
func NewDateGMT ¶
NewDateGMT returns a new Date object with the provided date and time in the GMT timezone
func (Date) Equal ¶
Equal returns true if the two Dates represent the same time (time zones are accounted for when comparing, but are not required to match)
func (*Date) MarshalXML ¶
MarshalXML marshals a Date to XML
func (*Date) UnmarshalXML ¶
UnmarshalXML handles unmarshalling a Date from an SGML/XML string. It attempts to unmarshal the valid date formats in order of decreasing length and defaults to GMT if a time zone is not provided, as per the OFX spec. Leading and trailing whitespace is ignored.
type DebtInfo ¶
type DebtInfo struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"DEBTINFO"` SecInfo SecInfo `xml:"SECINFO"` ParValue Amount `xml:"PARVALUE"` DebtType debtType `xml:"DEBTTYPE"` // One of COUPON, ZERO (zero coupon) DebtClass debtClass `xml:"DEBTCLASS,omitempty"` // One of TREASURY, MUNICIPAL, CORPORATE, OTHER CouponRate Amount `xml:"COUPONRT,omitempty"` // Bond coupon rate for next closest call date DtCoupon *Date `xml:"DTCOUPON,omitempty"` // Maturity date for next coupon CouponFreq couponFreq `xml:"COUPONFREQ,omitempty"` // When coupons mature - one of MONTHLY, QUARTERLY, SEMIANNUAL, ANNUAL, or OTHER CallPrice Amount `xml:"CALLPRICE,omitempty"` // Bond call price YieldToCall Amount `xml:"YIELDTOCALL,omitempty"` // Yield to next call DtCall *Date `xml:"DTCALL,omitempty"` // Next call date CallType callType `xml:"CALLTYPE,omitempt"` // Type of next call. One of CALL, PUT, PREFUND, MATURITY YieldToMat Amount `xml:"YIELDTOMAT,omitempty"` // Yield to maturity DtMat *Date `xml:"DTMAT,omitempty"` // Debt maturity date AssetClass assetClass `xml:"ASSETCLASS,omitempty"` // One of DOMESTICBOND, INTLBOND, LARGESTOCK, SMALLSTOCK, INTLSTOCK, MONEYMRKT, OTHER FiAssetClass String `xml:"FIASSETCLASS,omitempty"` // FI-defined asset class }
DebtInfo provides information about a debt security
func (DebtInfo) SecurityType ¶
SecurityType returns a string representation of this security's type
type DebtPosition ¶
type DebtPosition struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"POSDEBT"` InvPos InvPosition `xml:"INVPOS"` }
DebtPosition represents a position held in a debt security
func (DebtPosition) PositionType ¶
func (p DebtPosition) PositionType() string
PositionType returns a string representation of this position's type
type DiscoverCardClient ¶
type DiscoverCardClient struct {
DiscoverCardClient provides a Client implementation which handles DiscoverCard's broken HTTP header behavior. DiscoverCardClient uses default, non-zero settings, if its fields are not initialized.
func (*DiscoverCardClient) RawRequest ¶
func (*DiscoverCardClient) Request ¶
func (c *DiscoverCardClient) Request(r *Request) (*Response, error)
func (*DiscoverCardClient) RequestNoParse ¶
func (c *DiscoverCardClient) RequestNoParse(r *Request) (*http.Response, error)
type FiAssetPortion ¶
type FiAssetPortion struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"FIPORTION"` FiAssetClass String `xml:"FIASSETCLASS,omitempty"` // FI-defined asset class Percent Amount `xml:"PERCENT"` // Percentage of the fund that falls under this asset class }
FiAssetPortion represents the percentage of a mutual fund with the given FI-defined asset classification (AssetPortion should be used for all asset classifications defined by the assetClass enum)
type HolderInfo ¶
type HolderInfo struct { XMLName xml.Name FirstName String `xml:"FIRSTNAME"` MiddleName String `xml:"MIDDLENAME,omitempty"` LastName String `xml:"LASTNAME"` Addr1 String `xml:"ADDR1"` Addr2 String `xml:"ADDR2,omitempty"` Addr3 String `xml:"ADDR3,omitempty"` City String `xml:"CITY"` State String `xml:"STATE"` PostalCode String `xml:"POSTALCODE"` Country String `xml:"COUNTRY,omitempty"` DayPhone String `xml:"DAYPHONE,omitempty"` EvePhone String `xml:"EVEPHONE,omitempty"` Email String `xml:"EMAIL,omitempty"` HolderType holderType `xml:"HOLDERTYPE,omitempty"` // One of INDIVIDUAL, JOINT, CUSTODIAL, TRUST, OTHER }
HolderInfo contains the information a FI has about an account-holder
type ImageData ¶
type ImageData struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"IMAGEDATA"` ImageType imageType `xml:"IMAGETYPE"` // One of STATEMENT, TRANSACTION, TAX ImageRef String `xml:"IMAGEREF"` // URL or identifier, depending on IMAGEREFTYPE ImageRefType imageRefType `xml:"IMAGEREFTYPE"` // One of OPAQUE, URL, FORMURL (see spec for more details on how to access images of each of these types) // Only one of the next two should be valid at any given time ImageDelay Int `xml:"IMAGEDELAY,omitempty"` // Number of calendar days from DTSERVER (for statement images) or DTPOSTED (for transaction image) the image will become available DtImageAvail *Date `xml:"DTIMAGEAVAIL,omitempty"` // Date image will become available ImageTTL Int `xml:"IMAGETTL,omitempty"` // Number of days after image becomes available that it will remain available CheckSup checkSup `xml:"CHECKSUP,omitempty"` // What is contained in check images. One of FRONTONLY, BACKONLY, FRONTANDBACK }
ImageData represents the metadata surrounding a check or other image file, including how to retrieve the image
type Income ¶
type Income struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"INCOME"` InvTran InvTran `xml:"INVTRAN"` SecID SecurityID `xml:"SECID"` IncomeType incomeType `xml:"INCOMETYPE"` // Type of investment income: CGLONG (capital gains-long term), CGSHORT (capital gains-short term), DIV (dividend), INTEREST, MISC Total Amount `xml:"TOTAL"` SubAcctSec subAcctType `xml:"SUBACCTSEC"` // Sub-account type for this security. One of CASH, MARGIN, SHORT, OTHER SubAcctFund subAcctType `xml:"SUBACCTFUND"` // Where did the money for the transaction come from or go to? CASH, MARGIN, SHORT, OTHER TaxExempt Boolean `xml:"TAXEXEMPT,omitempty"` // Tax-exempt transaction Witholding Amount `xml:"WITHHOLDING,omitempty"` // Federal tax witholdings Currency Currency `xml:"CURRENCY,omitempty"` // Represents the currency this transaction is in (instead of CURDEF in INVSTMTRS) if Valid() OrigCurrency Currency `xml:"ORIGCURRENCY,omitempty"` // Represents the currency this transaction was converted to INVSTMTRS' CURDEF from if Valid Inv401kSource inv401kSource `xml:"INV401KSOURCE,omitempty"` // Source of money for this transaction. One of PRETAX, AFTERTAX, MATCH, PROFITSHARING, ROLLOVER, OTHERVEST, OTHERNONVEST for 401(k) accounts. Default if not present is OTHERNONVEST. The following cash source types are subject to vesting: MATCH, PROFITSHARING, and OTHERVEST }
Income represents a transaction where investment income is being realized as cash into the investment account
func (Income) TransactionType ¶
TransactionType returns a string representation of this transaction's type
type Int ¶
type Int int64
Int provides helper methods to unmarshal int64 values from SGML/XML
func (*Int) UnmarshalXML ¶
UnmarshalXML handles unmarshalling an Int from an SGML/XML string. Leading and trailing whitespace is ignored.
type Inv401K ¶
type Inv401K struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"INV401K"` EmployerName String `xml:"EMPLOYERNAME"` PlanID String `xml:"PLANID,omitempty"` // Plan number PlanJoinDate *Date `xml:"PLANJOINDATE,omitempty"` // Date the employee joined the plan EmployerContactInfo String `xml:"EMPLOYERCONTACTINFO,omitempty"` // Name of contact person at employer, plus any available contact information, such as phone number BrokerContactInfo String `xml:"BROKERCONTACTINFO,omitempty"` // Name of contact person at broker, plus any available contact information, such as phone number DeferPctPreTax Amount `xml:"DEFERPCTPRETAX,omitempty"` // Percent of employee salary deferred before tax DeferPctAfterTax Amount `xml:"DEFERPCTAFTERTAX,omitempty"` // Percent of employee salary deferred after tax //<MATCHINFO> Aggregate containing employer match information. Absent if employer does not contribute matching funds. MatchPct Amount `xml:"MATCHINFO>MATCHPCT,omitempty"` // Percent of employee contribution matched, e.g., 75% if contribution rate is $0.75/$1.00 MaxMatchAmt Amount `xml:"MATCHINFO>MAXMATCHAMT,omitempty"` // Maximum employer contribution amount in any year MaxMatchPct Amount `xml:"MATCHINFO>MAXMATCHPCT,omitempty"` // Current maximum employer contribution percentage. Maximum match in a year is MAXMATCHPCT up to the MAXMATCHAMT, if provided StartOfYear *Date `xml:"MATCHINFO>STARTOFYEAR,omitempty"` // Specifies when the employer contribution max is reset. Some plans have a maximum based on the company fiscal year rather than calendar year. Assume calendar year if omitted. Only the month and day (MMDD) are used; year (YYYY) and time are ignored BaseMatchAmt Amount `xml:"MATCHINFO>BASEMATCHAMT"` // Specifies a fixed dollar amount contributed by the employer if the employee participates in the plan at all. This may be present in addition to the <MATCHPCT>. $0 if omitted BaseMatchPct Amount `xml:"MATCHINFO>BASEMATCHPCT"` // Specifies a fixed percent of employee salary matched if the employee participates in the plan at all. This may be present in addition to the MATCHPCT>. 0% if omitted. Base match in a year is BASEMATCHPCT up to the BASEMATCHAMT,if provided ContribInfo []ContribSecurity `xml:"CONTRIBINTO>CONTRIBSECURITY"` // Aggregate to describe how new contributions are distributed among the available securities. CurrentVestPct Amount `xml:"CURRENTVESTPCT,omitempty"` // Estimated percentage of employer contributions vested as of the current date. If omitted, assume 100% VestInfo []VestInfo `xml:"VESTINFO,omitempty"` // Vest change dates. Provides the vesting percentage as of any particular past, current, or future date. 0 or more. LoanInfo []LoanInfo `xml:"LOANINFO,omitempty"` // List of any loans outstanding against this account YearToDateSummary Inv401KSummaryPeriod `xml:"INV401KSUMMARY>YEARTODATE"` // Contributions to date for this calendar year. InceptToDateSummary *Inv401KSummaryPeriod `xml:"INV401KSUMMARY>INCEPTODATE,omitempty"` // Total contributions to date (since inception) PeriodToDate *Inv401KSummaryPeriod `xml:"INV401KSUMMARY>PERIODTODATE,omitempty"` // Total contributions this contribution period }
Inv401K is included in InvStatementResponse for 401(k) accounts and provides a summary of the 401(k) specific information about the user's account.
type Inv401KBal ¶
type Inv401KBal struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"INV401KBAL"` CashBal Amount `xml:"CASHBAL,omitempty"` // Available cash balance PreTax Amount `xml:"PRETAX,omitempty"` // Current value of all securities purchased with Before Tax Employee contributions AfterTax Amount `xml:"AFTERTAX,omitempty"` // Current value of all securities purchased with After Tax Employee contributions Match Amount `xml:"MATCH,omitempty"` // Current value of all securities purchased with Employer Match contributions ProfitSharing Amount `xml:"PROFITSHARING,omitempty"` // Current value of all securities purchased with Employer Profit Sharing contributions Rollover Amount `xml:"ROLLOVER,omitempty"` // Current value of all securities purchased with Rollover contributions OtherVest Amount `xml:"OTHERVEST,omitempty"` // Current value of all securities purchased with Other (vesting) Employer contributions OtherNonVest Amount `xml:"OTHERNONVEST,omitempty"` // Current value of all securities purchased with Other (non-vesting) Employer contributions Total Amount `xml:"TOTAL"` // Current value of all securities purchased with all contributions BalList []Balance `xml:"BALLIST>BAL,omitempty"` }
Inv401KBal provides the balances for different 401(k) subaccount types, as well as the total cash value of the securities held
type Inv401KSummaryAggregate ¶
type Inv401KSummaryAggregate struct { XMLName xml.Name // One of CONTRIBUTIONS, WITHDRAWALS, EARNINGS PreTax Amount `xml:"PRETAX,omitempty"` // Pretax contributions, withdrawals, or earlings. AfterTax Amount `xml:"AFTERTAX,omitempty"` // After tax contributions, withdrawals, or earlings. Match Amount `xml:"MATCH,omitempty"` // Employer matching contributions, withdrawals, or earlings. ProfitSharing Amount `xml:"PROFITSHARING,omitempty"` // Profit sharing contributions, withdrawals, or earlings. Rollover Amount `xml:"ROLLOVER,omitempty"` // Rollover contributions, withdrawals, or earlings. OtherVest Amount `xml:"OTHERVEST,omitempty"` // Other vesting contributions, withdrawals, or earlings. OtherNonVest Amount `xml:"OTHERNONVEST,omitempty"` // Other non-vesting contributions, withdrawals, or earlings. Total Amount `xml:"TOTAL"` // Sum of contributions, withdrawals, or earlings from all fund sources. }
Inv401KSummaryAggregate represents the total of either contributions, withdrawals, or earnings made in each contribution type in a given period (dates specified in a containing Inv401KSummaryPeriod)
type Inv401KSummaryPeriod ¶
type Inv401KSummaryPeriod struct { XMLName xml.Name // One of YEARTODATE, INCEPTODATE, or PERIODTODATE DtStart Date `xml:"DTSTART"` DtEnd Date `xml:"DTEND"` Contributions *Inv401KSummaryAggregate `xml:"CONTRIBUTIONS,omitempty"` // 401(k) contribution aggregate. Note: this includes loan payments. Withdrawls *Inv401KSummaryAggregate `xml:"WITHDRAWLS,omitempty"` // 401(k) withdrawals aggregate. Note: this includes loan withdrawals. Earnings *Inv401KSummaryAggregate `xml:"EARNINGS,omitempty"` // 401(k) earnings aggregate. This is the market value change. It includes dividends/interest, and capital gains - realized and unrealized. }
Inv401KSummaryPeriod contains the total contributions, withdrawals, and earnings made in the given date range
type InvAcct ¶
type InvAcct struct { XMLName xml.Name // INVACCTTO or INVACCTFROM BrokerID String `xml:"BROKERID"` AcctID String `xml:"ACCTID"` }
InvAcct represents the identifying information for one investment account
type InvAcctInfo ¶
type InvAcctInfo struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"INVACCTINFO"` InvAcctFrom InvAcct `xml:"INVACCTFROM"` UsProductType usProductType `xml:"USPRODUCTTYPE"` // One of 401K, 403B, IRA, KEOGH, OTHER, SARSEP, SIMPLE, NORMAL, TDA, TRUST, UGMA Checking Boolean `xml:"CHECKING"` // Has check-writing privileges SvcStatus svcStatus `xml:"SVCSTATUS"` // One of AVAIL (available, but not yet requested), PEND (requested, but not yet available), ACTIVE InvAcctType holderType `xml:"INVACCTTYPE,omitempty"` // One of INDIVIDUAL, JOINT, TRUST, CORPORATE OptionLevel String `xml:"OPTIONLEVEL,omitempty"` // Text desribing option trading privileges }
InvAcctInfo contains information about an investment account, including how to access it (InvAcct), and whether it supports downloading transactions (SupTxDl).
func (*InvAcctInfo) String ¶
func (iai *InvAcctInfo) String() string
String makes pointers to InvAcctInfo structs print nicely
type InvBalance ¶
type InvBalance struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"INVBAL"` AvailCash Amount `xml:"AVAILCASH"` // Available cash across all sub-accounts, including sweep funds MarginBalance Amount `xml:"MARGINBALANCE"` // Negative means customer has borrowed funds ShortBalance Amount `xml:"SHORTBALANCE"` // Always positive, market value of all short positions BuyPower Amount `xml:"BUYPOWER, omitempty"` BalList []Balance `xml:"BALLIST>BAL,omitempty"` }
InvBalance contains three (or optionally four) specified balances as well as a free-form list of generic balance information which may be provided by an FI.
type InvBankTransaction ¶
type InvBankTransaction struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"INVBANKTRAN"` Transactions []Transaction `xml:"STMTTRN,omitempty"` SubAcctFund subAcctType `xml:"SUBACCTFUND"` // Where did the money for the transaction come from or go to? CASH, MARGIN, SHORT, OTHER }
InvBankTransaction is a banking transaction performed in an investment account. This represents all transactions not related to securities - for instance, funding the account using cash from another bank.
type InvBuy ¶
type InvBuy struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"INVBUY"` InvTran InvTran `xml:"INVTRAN"` SecID SecurityID `xml:"SECID"` Units Amount `xml:"UNITS"` // For stocks, MFs, other, number of shares held. Bonds = face value. Options = number of contracts UnitPrice Amount `xml:"UNITPRICE"` // For stocks, MFs, other, price per share. Bonds = percentage of par. Option = premium per share of underlying security Markup Amount `xml:"MARKUP,omitempty"` // Portion of UNITPRICE that is attributed to the dealer markup Commission Amount `xml:"COMMISSION,omitempty"` Taxes Amount `xml:"TAXES,omitempty"` Fees Amount `xml:"FEES,omitempty"` Load Amount `xml:"LOAD,omitempty"` Total Amount `xml:"TOTAL"` // Transaction total. Buys, sells, etc.:((quan. * (price +/- markup/markdown)) +/-(commission + fees + load + taxes + penalty + withholding + statewithholding)). Distributions, interest, margin interest, misc. expense, etc.: amount. Return of cap: cost basis Currency Currency `xml:"CURRENCY,omitempty"` // Represents the currency this transaction is in (instead of CURDEF in INVSTMTRS) if Valid() OrigCurrency Currency `xml:"ORIGCURRENCY,omitempty"` // Represents the currency this transaction was converted to INVSTMTRS' CURDEF from if Valid SubAcctSec subAcctType `xml:"SUBACCTSEC"` // Sub-account type for this security. One of CASH, MARGIN, SHORT, OTHER SubAcctFund subAcctType `xml:"SUBACCTFUND"` // Where did the money for the transaction come from or go to? CASH, MARGIN, SHORT, OTHER // The next three elements must either all be provided, or none of them LoanID String `xml:"LOANID,omitempty"` // For 401(k) accounts only. Indicates that the transaction was due to a loan or a loan repayment, and which loan it was LoanPrincipal Amount `xml:"LOANPRINCIPAL,omitempty"` // For 401(k) accounts only. Indicates how much of the loan repayment was principal LoanInterest Amount `xml:"LOANINTEREST,omitempty"` // For 401(k) accounts only. Indicates how much of the loan repayment was interest Inv401kSource inv401kSource `xml:"INV401KSOURCE,omitempty"` // Source of money for this transaction. One of PRETAX, AFTERTAX, MATCH, PROFITSHARING, ROLLOVER, OTHERVEST, OTHERNONVEST for 401(k) accounts. Default if not present is OTHERNONVEST. The following cash source types are subject to vesting: MATCH, PROFITSHARING, and OTHERVEST DtPayroll *Date `xml:"DTPAYROLL,omitempty"` // For 401(k)accounts, date the funds for this transaction was obtained via payroll deduction PriorYearContrib Boolean `xml:"PRIORYEARCONTRIB,omitempty"` // For 401(k) accounts, indicates that this Buy was made with a prior year contribution }
InvBuy represents generic investment purchase transaction. It is included in many of the more specific transaction Buy* aggregates below.
type InvExpense ¶
type InvExpense struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"INVEXPENSE"` InvTran InvTran `xml:"INVTRAN"` SecID SecurityID `xml:"SECID"` Total Amount `xml:"TOTAL"` SubAcctSec subAcctType `xml:"SUBACCTSEC"` // Sub-account type for this security. One of CASH, MARGIN, SHORT, OTHER SubAcctFund subAcctType `xml:"SUBACCTFUND"` // Where did the money for the transaction come from or go to? CASH, MARGIN, SHORT, OTHER Currency Currency `xml:"CURRENCY,omitempty"` // Represents the currency this transaction is in (instead of CURDEF in INVSTMTRS) if Valid() OrigCurrency Currency `xml:"ORIGCURRENCY,omitempty"` // Represents the currency this transaction was converted to INVSTMTRS' CURDEF from if Valid Inv401kSource inv401kSource `xml:"INV401KSOURCE,omitempty"` // Source of money for this transaction. One of PRETAX, AFTERTAX, MATCH, PROFITSHARING, ROLLOVER, OTHERVEST, OTHERNONVEST for 401(k) accounts. Default if not present is OTHERNONVEST. The following cash source types are subject to vesting: MATCH, PROFITSHARING, and OTHERVEST }
InvExpense represents a transaction realizing an expense associated with an investment
func (InvExpense) TransactionType ¶
func (t InvExpense) TransactionType() string
TransactionType returns a string representation of this transaction's type
type InvPosition ¶
type InvPosition struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"INVPOS"` SecID SecurityID `xml:"SECID"` HeldInAcct subAcctType `xml:"HELDINACCT"` // Sub-account type, one of CASH, MARGIN, SHORT, OTHER PosType posType `xml:"POSTYPE"` // SHORT = Writer for options, Short for all others; LONG = Holder for options, Long for all others. Units Amount `xml:"UNITS"` // For stocks, MFs, other, number of shares held. Bonds = face value. Options = number of contracts UnitPrice Amount `xml:"UNITPRICE"` // For stocks, MFs, other, price per share. Bonds = percentage of par. Option = premium per share of underlying security MktVal Amount `xml:"MKTVAL"` // Market value of this position AvgCostBasis Amount `xml:"AVGCOSTBASIS,omitempty"` // DtPriceAsOf Date `xml:"DTPRICEASOF"` // Date and time of unit price and market value, and cost basis. If this date is unknown, use 19900101 as the placeholder; do not use 0, Currency *Currency `xml:"CURRENCY,omitempty"` // Overriding currency for UNITPRICE Memo String `xml:"MEMO,omitempty"` Inv401kSource inv401kSource `xml:"INV401KSOURCE,omitempty"` // One of PRETAX, AFTERTAX, MATCH, PROFITSHARING, ROLLOVER, OTHERVEST, OTHERNONVEST for 401(k) accounts. Default if not present is OTHERNONVEST. The following cash source types are subject to vesting: MATCH, PROFITSHARING, and OTHERVEST }
InvPosition contains generic position information included in each of the other *Position types
type InvSell ¶
type InvSell struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"INVSELL"` InvTran InvTran `xml:"INVTRAN"` SecID SecurityID `xml:"SECID"` Units Amount `xml:"UNITS"` // For stocks, MFs, other, number of shares held. Bonds = face value. Options = number of contracts UnitPrice Amount `xml:"UNITPRICE"` // For stocks, MFs, other, price per share. Bonds = percentage of par. Option = premium per share of underlying security Markdown Amount `xml:"MARKDOWN,omitempty"` // Portion of UNITPRICE that is attributed to the dealer markdown Commission Amount `xml:"COMMISSION,omitempty"` Taxes Amount `xml:"TAXES,omitempty"` Fees Amount `xml:"FEES,omitempty"` Load Amount `xml:"LOAD,omitempty"` Witholding Amount `xml:"WITHHOLDING,omitempty"` // Federal tax witholdings TaxExempt Boolean `xml:"TAXEXEMPT,omitempty"` // Tax-exempt transaction Total Amount `xml:"TOTAL"` // Transaction total. Buys, sells, etc.:((quan. * (price +/- markup/markdown)) +/-(commission + fees + load + taxes + penalty + withholding + statewithholding)). Distributions, interest, margin interest, misc. expense, etc.: amount. Return of cap: cost basis Gain Amount `xml:"GAIN,omitempty"` // Total gain Currency Currency `xml:"CURRENCY,omitempty"` // Represents the currency this transaction is in (instead of CURDEF in INVSTMTRS) if Valid() OrigCurrency Currency `xml:"ORIGCURRENCY,omitempty"` // Represents the currency this transaction was converted to INVSTMTRS' CURDEF from if Valid SubAcctSec subAcctType `xml:"SUBACCTSEC"` // Sub-account type for this security. One of CASH, MARGIN, SHORT, OTHER SubAcctFund subAcctType `xml:"SUBACCTFUND"` // Where did the money for the transaction come from or go to? CASH, MARGIN, SHORT, OTHER LoanID String `xml:"LOANID,omitempty"` // For 401(k) accounts only. Indicates that the transaction was due to a loan or a loan repayment, and which loan it was StateWitholding Amount `xml:"STATEWITHHOLDING,omitempty"` // State tax witholdings Penalty Amount `xml:"PENALTY,omitempty"` // Amount withheld due to penalty Inv401kSource inv401kSource `xml:"INV401KSOURCE,omitempty"` // Source of money for this transaction. One of PRETAX, AFTERTAX, MATCH, PROFITSHARING, ROLLOVER, OTHERVEST, OTHERNONVEST for 401(k) accounts. Default if not present is OTHERNONVEST. The following cash source types are subject to vesting: MATCH, PROFITSHARING, and OTHERVEST }
InvSell represents generic investment sale transaction. It is included in many of the more specific transaction Sell* aggregates below.
type InvStatementRequest ¶
type InvStatementRequest struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"INVSTMTTRNRQ"` TrnUID UID `xml:"TRNUID"` CltCookie String `xml:"CLTCOOKIE,omitempty"` TAN String `xml:"TAN,omitempty"` // Transaction authorization number // TODO `xml:"OFXEXTENSION,omitempty"` InvAcctFrom InvAcct `xml:"INVSTMTRQ>INVACCTFROM"` DtStart *Date `xml:"INVSTMTRQ>INCTRAN>DTSTART,omitempty"` DtEnd *Date `xml:"INVSTMTRQ>INCTRAN>DTEND,omitempty"` Include Boolean `xml:"INVSTMTRQ>INCTRAN>INCLUDE"` // Include transactions (instead of just balance) IncludeOO Boolean `xml:"INVSTMTRQ>INCOO"` // Include open orders PosDtAsOf *Date `xml:"INVSTMTRQ>INCPOS>DTASOF,omitempty"` // Date that positions should be sent down for, if present IncludePos Boolean `xml:"INVSTMTRQ>INCPOS>INCLUDE"` // Include position data in response IncludeBalance Boolean `xml:"INVSTMTRQ>INCBAL"` // Include investment balance in response Include401K Boolean `xml:"INVSTMTRQ>INC401K,omitempty"` // Include 401k information Include401KBal Boolean `xml:"INVSTMTRQ>INC401KBAL,omitempty"` // Include 401k balance information IncludeTranImage Boolean `xml:"INVSTMTRQ>INCTRANIMAGE,omitempty"` // Include transaction images }
InvStatementRequest allows a customer to request transactions, positions, open orders, and balances. It specifies what types of information to include in hte InvStatementResponse and which account to include it for.
func (*InvStatementRequest) Name ¶
func (r *InvStatementRequest) Name() string
Name returns the name of the top-level transaction XML/SGML element
func (*InvStatementRequest) Type ¶
func (r *InvStatementRequest) Type() messageType
Type returns which message set this message belongs to (which Request element of type []Message it should appended to)
func (*InvStatementRequest) Valid ¶
func (r *InvStatementRequest) Valid(version ofxVersion) (bool, error)
Valid returns (true, nil) if this struct would be valid OFX if marshalled into XML/SGML
type InvStatementResponse ¶
type InvStatementResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"INVSTMTTRNRS"` TrnUID UID `xml:"TRNUID"` Status Status `xml:"STATUS"` CltCookie String `xml:"CLTCOOKIE,omitempty"` // TODO `xml:"OFXEXTENSION,omitempty"` DtAsOf Date `xml:"INVSTMTRS>DTASOF"` CurDef CurrSymbol `xml:"INVSTMTRS>CURDEF"` InvAcctFrom InvAcct `xml:"INVSTMTRS>INVACCTFROM"` InvTranList *InvTranList `xml:"INVSTMTRS>INVTRANLIST,omitempty"` InvPosList PositionList `xml:"INVSTMTRS>INVPOSLIST,omitempty"` InvBal *InvBalance `xml:"INVSTMTRS>INVBAL,omitempty"` InvOOList OOList `xml:"INVSTMTRS>INVOOLIST,omitempty"` MktgInfo String `xml:"INVSTMTRS>MKTGINFO,omitempty"` // Marketing information Inv401K *Inv401K `xml:"INVSTMTRS>INV401K,omitempty"` Inv401KBal *Inv401KBal `xml:"INVSTMTRS>INV401KBAL,omitempty"` }
InvStatementResponse includes requested transaction, position, open order, and balance information for an investment account. It is in response to an InvStatementRequest or sometimes provided as part of an OFX file downloaded manually from an FI.
func (*InvStatementResponse) Name ¶
func (sr *InvStatementResponse) Name() string
Name returns the name of the top-level transaction XML/SGML element
func (*InvStatementResponse) Type ¶
func (sr *InvStatementResponse) Type() messageType
Type returns which message set this message belongs to (which Response element of type []Message it belongs to)
func (*InvStatementResponse) Valid ¶
func (sr *InvStatementResponse) Valid(version ofxVersion) (bool, error)
Valid returns (true, nil) if this struct was valid OFX when unmarshalled
type InvTran ¶
type InvTran struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"INVTRAN"` FiTID String `xml:"FITID"` // Unique FI-assigned transaction ID. This ID is used to detect duplicate downloads SrvrTID String `xml:"SRVRTID,omitempty"` // Server assigned transaction ID DtTrade Date `xml:"DTTRADE"` // trade date; for stock splits, day of record DtSettle *Date `xml:"DTSETTLE,omitempty"` // settlement date; for stock splits, execution date ReversalFiTID String `xml:"REVERSALFITID,omitempty"` // For a reversal transaction, the FITID of the transaction that is being reversed. Memo String `xml:"MEMO,omitempty"` }
InvTran represents generic investment transaction. It is included in both InvBuy and InvSell as well as many of the more specific transaction aggregates.
type InvTranList ¶
type InvTranList struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"INVTRANLIST"` DtStart Date DtEnd Date // This is the value that should be sent as <DTSTART> in the next InvStatementRequest to ensure that no transactions are missed InvTransactions []InvTransaction BankTransactions []InvBankTransaction }
InvTranList represents a list of investment account transactions. It includes the date range its transactions cover, as well as the bank- and security-related transactions themselves. It must be unmarshalled manually due to the structure (don't know what kind of InvTransaction is coming next)
func (*InvTranList) MarshalXML ¶
func (l *InvTranList) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error
MarshalXML handles marshalling an InvTranList element to an SGML/XML string
func (*InvTranList) UnmarshalXML ¶
func (l *InvTranList) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error
UnmarshalXML handles unmarshalling an InvTranList element from an SGML/XML string
type InvTransaction ¶
type InvTransaction interface {
TransactionType() string
InvTransaction is a generic interface met by all investment transactions (Buy*, Sell*, & co.)
type JrnlFund ¶
type JrnlFund struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"JRNLFUND"` InvTran InvTran `xml:"INVTRAN"` Total Amount `xml:"TOTAL"` SubAcctFrom subAcctType `xml:"SUBACCTFROM"` // Sub-account cash is being transferred from: CASH, MARGIN, SHORT, OTHER SubAcctTo subAcctType `xml:"SUBACCTTO"` // Sub-account cash is being transferred to: CASH, MARGIN, SHORT, OTHER }
JrnlFund represents a transaction journaling cash holdings between sub-accounts within the same investment account
func (JrnlFund) TransactionType ¶
TransactionType returns a string representation of this transaction's type
type JrnlSec ¶
type JrnlSec struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"JRNLSEC"` InvTran InvTran `xml:"INVTRAN"` SecID SecurityID `xml:"SECID"` SubAcctFrom subAcctType `xml:"SUBACCTFROM"` // Sub-account cash is being transferred from: CASH, MARGIN, SHORT, OTHER SubAcctTo subAcctType `xml:"SUBACCTTO"` // Sub-account cash is being transferred to: CASH, MARGIN, SHORT, OTHER Units Amount `xml:"UNITS"` // For stocks, MFs, other, number of shares held. Bonds = face value. Options = number of contracts }
JrnlSec represents a transaction journaling security holdings between sub-accounts within the same investment account
func (JrnlSec) TransactionType ¶
TransactionType returns a string representation of this transaction's type
type LoanInfo ¶
type LoanInfo struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"VESTINFO"` LoanID String `xml:"LOANID"` // Identifier of this loan LoanDesc String `xml:"LOANDESC,omitempty"` // Loan description InitialLoanBal Amount `xml:"INITIALLOANBAL,omitempty"` // Initial loan balance LoanStartDate *Date `xml:"LOANSTARTDATE,omitempty"` // Start date of loan CurrentLoanBal Amount `xml:"CURRENTLOANBAL"` // Current loan principal balance DtAsOf *Date `xml:"DTASOF"` // Date and time of the current loan balance LoanRate Amount `xml:"LOANRATE,omitempty"` // Loan annual interest rate LoanPmtAmt Amount `xml:"LOANPMTAMT,omitempty"` // Loan payment amount LoanPmtFreq loanPmtFreq `xml:"LOANPMTFREQ,omitempty"` // Frequency of loan repayments: WEEKLY, BIWEEKLY, TWICEMONTHLY, MONTHLY, FOURWEEKS, BIMONTHLY, QUARTERLY, SEMIANNUALLY, ANNUALLY, OTHER. See section 10.2.1 for calculation rules. LoanPmtsInitial Int `xml:"LOANPMTSINITIAL,omitempty"` // Initial number of loan payments. LoanPmtsRemaining Int `xml:"LOANPMTSREMAINING,omitempty"` // Remaining number of loan payments LoanMaturityDate *Date `xml:"LOANMATURITYDATE,omitempty"` // Expected loan end date LoanTotalProjInterest Amount `xml:"LOANTOTALPROJINTEREST,omitempty"` // Total projected interest to be paid on this loan LoanInterestToDate Amount `xml:"LOANINTERESTTODATE,omitempty"` // Total interested paid to date on this loan LoanExtPmtDate *Date `xml:"LOANNEXTPMTDATE,omitempty"` // Next payment due date }
LoanInfo represents a loan outstanding against this 401(k) account
type MFInfo ¶
type MFInfo struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"MFINFO"` SecInfo SecInfo `xml:"SECINFO"` MfType mfType `xml:"MFTYPE"` // One of OPEN, END, CLOSEEND, OTHER Yield Amount `xml:"YIELD,omitempty"` // Current yield reported as the dividend expressed as a portion of the current stock price DtYieldAsOf *Date `xml:"DTYIELDASOF,omitempty"` // Date YIELD is valid for AssetClasses []AssetPortion `xml:"MFASSETCLASS>PORTION"` FiAssetClasses []FiAssetPortion `xml:"FIMFASSETCLASS>FIPORTION"` }
MFInfo provides information about a mutual fund
func (MFInfo) SecurityType ¶
SecurityType returns a string representation of this security's type
type MFPosition ¶
type MFPosition struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"POSMF"` InvPos InvPosition `xml:"INVPOS"` UnitsStreet Amount `xml:"UNITSSTREET,omitempty"` // Units in the FI’s street name UnitsUser Amount `xml:"UNITSUSER,omitempty"` // Units in the user's name directly ReinvDiv Boolean `xml:"REINVDIV,omitempty"` // Reinvest dividends ReinvCG Boolean `xml:"REINVCG,omitempty"` // Reinvest capital gains }
MFPosition represents a position held in a mutual fund
func (MFPosition) PositionType ¶
func (p MFPosition) PositionType() string
PositionType returns a string representation of this position's type
type MarginInterest ¶
type MarginInterest struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"MARGININTEREST"` InvTran InvTran `xml:"INVTRAN"` Total Amount `xml:"TOTAL"` SubAcctFund subAcctType `xml:"SUBACCTFUND"` // Where did the money for the transaction come from or go to? CASH, MARGIN, SHORT, OTHER Currency Currency `xml:"CURRENCY,omitempty"` // Represents the currency this transaction is in (instead of CURDEF in INVSTMTRS) if Valid() OrigCurrency Currency `xml:"ORIGCURRENCY,omitempty"` // Represents the currency this transaction was converted to INVSTMTRS' CURDEF from if Valid }
MarginInterest represents a transaction realizing a margin interest expense
func (MarginInterest) TransactionType ¶
func (t MarginInterest) TransactionType() string
TransactionType returns a string representation of this transaction's type
type Message ¶
type Message interface { Name() string // The name of the OFX transaction wrapper element this represents Valid(version ofxVersion) (bool, error) // Called before a Message is marshaled and after it's unmarshaled to ensure the request or response is valid Type() messageType // The message set this message belongs to }
Message represents an OFX message in a message set. it is used to ease marshalling and unmarshalling.
type MessageSet ¶
type MessageSet struct { XMLName xml.Name // <xxxMSGSETVn> Name string // <xxxMSGSETVn> (copy of XMLName.Local) Ver Int `xml:"MSGSETCORE>VER"` // Message set version - should always match 'n' in <xxxMSGSETVn> of Name URL String `xml:"MSGSETCORE>URL"` // URL where messages in this set are to be set OfxSec ofxSec `xml:"MSGSETCORE>OFXSEC"` // NONE or 'TYPE 1' TranspSec Boolean `xml:"MSGSETCORE>TRANSPSEC"` // Transport-level security must be used SignonRealm String `xml:"MSGSETCORE>SIGNONREALM"` // Used to identify which SignonInfo to use for to this MessageSet Language []String `xml:"MSGSETCORE>LANGUAGE"` // List of supported languages SyncMode syncMode `xml:"MSGSETCORE>SYNCMODE"` // One of FULL, LITE RefreshSupt Boolean `xml:"MSGSETCORE>REFRESHSUPT,omitempty"` // Y if server supports <REFRESH>Y within synchronizations. This option is irrelevant for full synchronization servers. Clients must ignore <REFRESHSUPT> (or its absence) if the profile also specifies <SYNCMODE>FULL. For lite synchronization, the default is N. Without <REFRESHSUPT>Y, lite synchronization servers are not required to support <REFRESH>Y requests RespFileER Boolean `xml:"MSGSETCORE>RESPFILEER"` // server supports file-based error recovery SpName String `xml:"MSGSETCORE>SPNAME"` // Name of service provider }
MessageSet represents one message set supported by an FI and its capabilities
type MessageSetList ¶
type MessageSetList []MessageSet
MessageSetList is a list of MessageSets (necessary because they must be manually parsed)
func (*MessageSetList) MarshalXML ¶
func (msl *MessageSetList) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error
MarshalXML handles marshalling a MessageSetList element to an XML string
func (*MessageSetList) UnmarshalXML ¶
func (msl *MessageSetList) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error
UnmarshalXML handles unmarshalling a MessageSetList element from an XML string
type OO ¶
type OO struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"OO"` FiTID String `xml:"FITID"` SrvrTID String `xml:"SRVRTID,omitempty"` SecID SecurityID `xml:"SECID"` DtPlaced Date `xml:"DTPLACED"` // Date the order was placed Units Amount `xml:"UNITS"` // Quantity of the security the open order is for SubAcct subAcctType `xml:"SUBACCT"` // One of CASH, MARGIN, SHORT, OTHER Duration duration `xml:"DURATION"` // How long the order is good for. One of DAY, GOODTILCANCEL, IMMEDIATE Restriction restriction `xml:"RESTRICTION"` // Special restriction on the order: One of ALLORNONE, MINUNITS, NONE MinUnits Amount `xml:"MINUNITS,omitempty"` // Minimum number of units that must be filled for the order LimitPrice Amount `xml:"LIMITPRICE,omitempty"` StopPrice Amount `xml:"STOPPRICE,omitempty"` Memo String `xml:"MEMO,omitempty"` Currency *Currency `xml:"CURRENCY,omitempty"` // Overriding currency for UNITPRICE Inv401kSource inv401kSource `xml:"INV401KSOURCE,omitempty"` // One of PRETAX, AFTERTAX, MATCH, PROFITSHARING, ROLLOVER, OTHERVEST, OTHERNONVEST for 401(k) accounts. Default if not present is OTHERNONVEST. The following cash source types are subject to vesting: MATCH, PROFITSHARING, and OTHERVEST }
OO represents a generic open investment order. It is included in the other OO* elements.
type OOBuyDebt ¶
type OOBuyDebt struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"OOBUYDEBT"` OO OO `xml:"OO"` Auction Boolean `xml:"AUCTION"` // whether the debt should be purchased at the auction DtAuction *Date `xml:"DTAUCTION,omitempty"` }
OOBuyDebt represents an open order to purchase a debt security
type OOBuyMF ¶
type OOBuyMF struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"OOBUYMF"` OO OO `xml:"OO"` BuyType buyType `xml:"BUYTYPE"` // One of BUY, BUYTOCOVER UnitType unitType `xml:"UNITTYPE"` // What the units represent: one of SHARES, CURRENCY }
OOBuyMF represents an open order to purchase a mutual fund
type OOBuyOpt ¶
type OOBuyOpt struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"OOBUYOPT"` OO OO `xml:"OO"` OptBuyType optBuyType `xml:"OPTBUYTYPE"` // One of BUYTOOPEN, BUYTOCLOSE }
OOBuyOpt represents an open order to purchase an option
type OOBuyOther ¶
type OOBuyOther struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"OOBUYOTHER"` OO OO `xml:"OO"` UnitType unitType `xml:"UNITTYPE"` // What the units represent: one of SHARES, CURRENCY }
OOBuyOther represents an open order to purchase a security type not covered by the other OOBuy* elements
func (OOBuyOther) OrderType ¶
func (o OOBuyOther) OrderType() string
OrderType returns a string representation of this order's type
type OOBuyStock ¶
type OOBuyStock struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"OOBUYSTOCK"` OO OO `xml:"OO"` BuyType buyType `xml:"BUYTYPE"` // One of BUY, BUYTOCOVER }
OOBuyStock represents an open order to purchase stock
func (OOBuyStock) OrderType ¶
func (o OOBuyStock) OrderType() string
OrderType returns a string representation of this order's type
type OOList ¶
type OOList []OpenOrder
OOList represents a list of open orders (OO* elements)
func (*OOList) MarshalXML ¶
MarshalXML handles marshalling an OOList to an XML string
func (*OOList) UnmarshalXML ¶
UnmarshalXML handles unmarshalling an OOList element from an XML string
type OOSellDebt ¶
OOSellDebt represents an open order to sell a debt security
func (OOSellDebt) OrderType ¶
func (o OOSellDebt) OrderType() string
OrderType returns a string representation of this order's type
type OOSellMF ¶
type OOSellMF struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"OOSELLMF"` OO OO `xml:"OO"` SellType sellType `xml:"SELLTYPE"` // One of SELL, SELLSHORT UnitType unitType `xml:"UNITTYPE"` // What the units represent: one of SHARES, CURRENCY SellAll Boolean `xml:"SELLALL"` // Sell entire holding }
OOSellMF represents an open order to sell a mutual fund
type OOSellOpt ¶
type OOSellOpt struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"OOSELLOPT"` OO OO `xml:"OO"` OptSellType optSellType `xml:"OPTSELLTYPE"` // One of SELLTOOPEN, SELLTOCLOSE }
OOSellOpt represents an open order to sell an option
type OOSellOther ¶
type OOSellOther struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"OOSELLOTHER"` OO OO `xml:"OO"` UnitType unitType `xml:"UNITTYPE"` // What the units represent: one of SHARES, CURRENCY }
OOSellOther represents an open order to sell a security type not covered by the other OOSell* elements
func (OOSellOther) OrderType ¶
func (o OOSellOther) OrderType() string
OrderType returns a string representation of this order's type
type OOSellStock ¶
type OOSellStock struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"OOSELLSTOCK"` OO OO `xml:"OO"` SellType sellType `xml:"SELLTYPE"` // One of SELL, SELLSHORT }
OOSellStock represents an open order to sell stock
func (OOSellStock) OrderType ¶
func (o OOSellStock) OrderType() string
OrderType returns a string representation of this order's type
type OOSwitchMF ¶
type OOSwitchMF struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"SWITCHMF"` OO OO `xml:"OO"` SecID SecurityID `xml:"SECID"` // Security ID of the fund to switch to or purchase UnitType unitType `xml:"UNITTYPE"` // What the units represent: one of SHARES, CURRENCY SwitchAll Boolean `xml:"SWITCHALL"` // Switch entire holding }
OOSwitchMF represents an open order to switch to or purchase a different mutual fund
func (OOSwitchMF) OrderType ¶
func (o OOSwitchMF) OrderType() string
OrderType returns a string representation of this order's type
type OpenOrder ¶
type OpenOrder interface {
OrderType() string
OpenOrder is an interface satisfied by all the OO* elements.
type OptInfo ¶
type OptInfo struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"OPTINFO"` SecInfo SecInfo `xml:"SECINFO"` OptType optType `xml:"OPTTYPE"` // One of PUT, CALL StrikePrice Amount `xml:"STRIKEPRICE"` DtExpire Date `xml:"DTEXPIRE"` // Expiration date ShPerCtrct Int `xml:"SHPERCTRCT"` // Shares per contract SecID *SecurityID `xml:"SECID,omitempty"` // Security ID of the underlying security AssetClass assetClass `xml:"ASSETCLASS,omitempty"` // One of DOMESTICBOND, INTLBOND, LARGESTOCK, SMALLSTOCK, INTLSTOCK, MONEYMRKT, OTHER FiAssetClass String `xml:"FIASSETCLASS,omitempty"` // FI-defined asset class }
OptInfo provides information about an option
func (OptInfo) SecurityType ¶
SecurityType returns a string representation of this security's type
type OptPosition ¶
type OptPosition struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"POSOPT"` InvPos InvPosition `xml:"INVPOS"` Secured secured `xml:"SECURED,omitempty"` // One of NAKED, COVERED }
OptPosition represents a position held in an option
func (OptPosition) PositionType ¶
func (p OptPosition) PositionType() string
PositionType returns a string representation of this position's type
type OtherInfo ¶
type OtherInfo struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"OTHERINFO"` SecInfo SecInfo `xml:"SECINFO"` TypeDesc String `xml:"TYPEDESC,omitempty"` // Description of security type AssetClass assetClass `xml:"ASSETCLASS,omitempty"` // One of DOMESTICBOND, INTLBOND, LARGESTOCK, SMALLSTOCK, INTLSTOCK, MONEYMRKT, OTHER FiAssetClass String `xml:"FIASSETCLASS,omitempty"` // FI-defined asset class }
OtherInfo provides information about a security type not covered by the other *Info elements
func (OtherInfo) SecurityType ¶
SecurityType returns a string representation of this security's type
type OtherPosition ¶
type OtherPosition struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"POSOTHER"` InvPos InvPosition `xml:"INVPOS"` }
OtherPosition represents a position held in a security type not covered by the other *Position elements
func (OtherPosition) PositionType ¶
func (p OtherPosition) PositionType() string
PositionType returns a string representation of this position's type
type Payee ¶
type Payee struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"PAYEE"` Name String `xml:"NAME"` Addr1 String `xml:"ADDR1"` Addr2 String `xml:"ADDR2,omitempty"` Addr3 String `xml:"ADDR3,omitempty"` City String `xml:"CITY"` State String `xml:"STATE"` PostalCode String `xml:"POSTALCODE"` Country String `xml:"COUNTRY,omitempty"` Phone String `xml:"PHONE"` }
Payee specifies a complete billing address for a payee
type PendingTransaction ¶
type PendingTransaction struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"STMTTRNP"` TrnType trnType `xml:"TRNTYPE"` // One of CREDIT, DEBIT, INT (interest earned or paid. Note: Depends on signage of amount), DIV, FEE, SRVCHG (service charge), DEP (deposit), ATM (Note: Depends on signage of amount), POS (Note: Depends on signage of amount), XFER, CHECK, PAYMENT, CASH, DIRECTDEP, DIRECTDEBIT, REPEATPMT, HOLD, OTHER DtTran Date `xml:"DTTRAN"` DtExpire *Date `xml:"DTEXPIRE,omitempty"` // only valid for TrnType==HOLD, the date the hold will expire TrnAmt Amount `xml:"TRNAMT"` RefNum String `xml:"REFNUM,omitempty"` Name String `xml:"NAME,omitempty"` ExtdName String `xml:"EXTDNAME,omitempty"` // Extended name of payee or transaction description Memo String `xml:"MEMO,omitempty"` // Extra information (not in NAME) ImageData []ImageData `xml:"IMAGEDATA,omitempty"` // Only one of Currency and OrigCurrency can ever be Valid() for the same transaction Currency Currency `xml:"CURRENCY,omitempty"` // Represents the currency of TrnAmt (instead of CURDEF in STMTRS) if Valid OrigCurrency Currency `xml:"ORIGCURRENCY,omitempty"` // Represents the currency TrnAmt was converted to STMTRS' CURDEF from if Valid }
PendingTransaction represents a single pending transaction. It is similar to Transaction, but is not finalized (and may never be). For instance, it lacks FiTID and DtPosted fields.
func (PendingTransaction) Valid ¶
func (t PendingTransaction) Valid() (bool, error)
Valid returns (true, nil) if this struct is valid OFX
type PendingTransactionList ¶
type PendingTransactionList struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"BANKTRANLISTP"` DtAsOf Date `xml:"DTASOF"` // Date and time this set of pending transactions was generated Transactions []PendingTransaction `xml:"STMTTRNP,omitempty"` }
PendingTransactionList represents a list of pending transactions, along with the date they were generated
func (PendingTransactionList) Valid ¶
func (l PendingTransactionList) Valid() (bool, error)
Valid returns (true, nil) if this struct is valid OFX
type Position ¶
type Position interface {
PositionType() string
Position is an interface satisfied by all the other *Position types
type PositionList ¶
type PositionList []Position
PositionList represents a list of positions held in securities in an investment account
func (*PositionList) MarshalXML ¶
func (p *PositionList) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error
MarshalXML handles marshalling a PositionList to an XML string
func (*PositionList) UnmarshalXML ¶
func (p *PositionList) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error
UnmarshalXML handles unmarshalling a PositionList from an XML string
type ProfileRequest ¶
type ProfileRequest struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"PROFTRNRQ"` TrnUID UID `xml:"TRNUID"` CltCookie String `xml:"CLTCOOKIE,omitempty"` TAN String `xml:"TAN,omitempty"` // Transaction authorization number // TODO `xml:"OFXEXTENSION,omitempty"` ClientRouting String `xml:"PROFRQ>CLIENTROUTING"` // Forced to NONE DtProfUp Date `xml:"PROFRQ>DTPROFUP"` // Date and time client last received a profile update }
ProfileRequest represents a request for a server to provide a profile of its capabilities (which message sets and versions it supports, how to access them, which languages and which types of synchronization they support, etc.)
func (*ProfileRequest) Name ¶
func (r *ProfileRequest) Name() string
Name returns the name of the top-level transaction XML/SGML element
func (*ProfileRequest) Type ¶
func (r *ProfileRequest) Type() messageType
Type returns which message set this message belongs to (which Request element of type []Message it should appended to)
func (*ProfileRequest) Valid ¶
func (r *ProfileRequest) Valid(version ofxVersion) (bool, error)
Valid returns (true, nil) if this struct would be valid OFX if marshalled into XML/SGML
type ProfileResponse ¶
type ProfileResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"PROFTRNRS"` TrnUID UID `xml:"TRNUID"` Status Status `xml:"STATUS"` CltCookie String `xml:"CLTCOOKIE,omitempty"` // TODO `xml:"OFXEXTENSION,omitempty"` MessageSetList MessageSetList `xml:"PROFRS>MSGSETLIST"` SignonInfoList []SignonInfo `xml:"PROFRS>SIGNONINFOLIST>SIGNONINFO"` DtProfUp Date `xml:"PROFRS>DTPROFUP"` FiName String `xml:"PROFRS>FINAME"` Addr1 String `xml:"PROFRS>ADDR1"` Addr2 String `xml:"PROFRS>ADDR2,omitempty"` Addr3 String `xml:"PROFRS>ADDR3,omitempty"` City String `xml:"PROFRS>CITY"` State String `xml:"PROFRS>STATE"` PostalCode String `xml:"PROFRS>POSTALCODE"` Country String `xml:"PROFRS>COUNTRY"` CsPhone String `xml:"PROFRS>CSPHONE,omitempty"` TsPhone String `xml:"PROFRS>TSPHONE,omitempty"` FaxPhone String `xml:"PROFRS>FAXPHONE,omitempty"` URL String `xml:"PROFRS>URL,omitempty"` Email String `xml:"PROFRS>EMAIL,omitempty"` }
ProfileResponse contains a requested profile of the server's capabilities (which message sets and versions it supports, how to access them, which languages and which types of synchronization they support, etc.). Note that if the server does not support ClientRouting=NONE (as we always send with ProfileRequest), this may be an error)
func (*ProfileResponse) Name ¶
func (pr *ProfileResponse) Name() string
Name returns the name of the top-level transaction XML/SGML element
func (*ProfileResponse) Type ¶
func (pr *ProfileResponse) Type() messageType
Type returns which message set this message belongs to (which Response element of type []Message it belongs to)
func (*ProfileResponse) Valid ¶
func (pr *ProfileResponse) Valid(version ofxVersion) (bool, error)
Valid returns (true, nil) if this struct was valid OFX when unmarshalled
type Reinvest ¶
type Reinvest struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"REINVEST"` InvTran InvTran `xml:"INVTRAN"` SecID SecurityID `xml:"SECID"` IncomeType incomeType `xml:"INCOMETYPE"` // Type of investment income: CGLONG (capital gains-long term), CGSHORT (capital gains-short term), DIV (dividend), INTEREST, MISC Total Amount `xml:"TOTAL"` // Transaction total. Buys, sells, etc.:((quan. * (price +/- markup/markdown)) +/-(commission + fees + load + taxes + penalty + withholding + statewithholding)). Distributions, interest, margin interest, misc. expense, etc.: amount. Return of cap: cost basis SubAcctSec subAcctType `xml:"SUBACCTSEC"` // Sub-account type for this security. One of CASH, MARGIN, SHORT, OTHER Units Amount `xml:"UNITS"` // For stocks, MFs, other, number of shares held. Bonds = face value. Options = number of contracts UnitPrice Amount `xml:"UNITPRICE"` // For stocks, MFs, other, price per share. Bonds = percentage of par. Option = premium per share of underlying security Commission Amount `xml:"COMMISSION,omitempty"` Taxes Amount `xml:"TAXES,omitempty"` Fees Amount `xml:"FEES,omitempty"` Load Amount `xml:"LOAD,omitempty"` TaxExempt Boolean `xml:"TAXEXEMPT,omitempty"` // Tax-exempt transaction Currency Currency `xml:"CURRENCY,omitempty"` // Represents the currency this transaction is in (instead of CURDEF in INVSTMTRS) if Valid() OrigCurrency Currency `xml:"ORIGCURRENCY,omitempty"` // Represents the currency this transaction was converted to INVSTMTRS' CURDEF from if Valid Inv401kSource inv401kSource `xml:"INV401KSOURCE,omitempty"` // Source of money for this transaction. One of PRETAX, AFTERTAX, MATCH, PROFITSHARING, ROLLOVER, OTHERVEST, OTHERNONVEST for 401(k) accounts. Default if not present is OTHERNONVEST. The following cash source types are subject to vesting: MATCH, PROFITSHARING, and OTHERVEST }
Reinvest is a single transaction that contains both income and an investment transaction. If servers can’t track this as a single transaction they should return an Income transaction and an InvTran.
func (Reinvest) TransactionType ¶
TransactionType returns a string representation of this transaction's type
type Request ¶
type Request struct { URL string Version ofxVersion // OFX version, overwritten in Client.Request() Signon SignonRequest //<SIGNONMSGSETV1> Signup []Message //<SIGNUPMSGSETV1> Bank []Message //<BANKMSGSETV1> CreditCard []Message //<CREDITCARDMSGSETV1> Loan []Message //<LOANMSGSETV1> InvStmt []Message //<INVSTMTMSGSETV1> InterXfer []Message //<INTERXFERMSGSETV1> WireXfer []Message //<WIREXFERMSGSETV1> Billpay []Message //<BILLPAYMSGSETV1> Email []Message //<EMAILMSGSETV1> SecList []Message //<SECLISTMSGSETV1> PresDir []Message //<PRESDIRMSGSETV1> PresDlv []Message //<PRESDLVMSGSETV1> Prof []Message //<PROFMSGSETV1> Image []Message //<IMAGEMSGSETV1> // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Request is the top-level object marshalled and sent to OFX servers. It is constructed by appending one or more request objects to the message set they correspond to (i.e. appending StatementRequest to Request.Bank to get a bank statemement). If a *Request object is appended to the wrong message set, an error will be returned when Marshal() is called on this Request.
func (*Request) Marshal ¶
Marshal this Request into its SGML/XML representation held in a bytes.Buffer
If error is non-nil, this bytes.Buffer is ready to be sent to an OFX server
func (*Request) SetClientFields ¶
SetClientFields overwrites the fields in this Request object controlled by the Client
type Response ¶
type Response struct { Version ofxVersion // OFX header version Signon SignonResponse //<SIGNONMSGSETV1> Signup []Message //<SIGNUPMSGSETV1> Bank []Message //<BANKMSGSETV1> CreditCard []Message //<CREDITCARDMSGSETV1> Loan []Message //<LOANMSGSETV1> InvStmt []Message //<INVSTMTMSGSETV1> InterXfer []Message //<INTERXFERMSGSETV1> WireXfer []Message //<WIREXFERMSGSETV1> Billpay []Message //<BILLPAYMSGSETV1> Email []Message //<EMAILMSGSETV1> SecList []Message //<SECLISTMSGSETV1> PresDir []Message //<PRESDIRMSGSETV1> PresDlv []Message //<PRESDLVMSGSETV1> Prof []Message //<PROFMSGSETV1> Image []Message //<IMAGEMSGSETV1> }
Response is the top-level object returned from a parsed OFX response file. It can be inspected by using type assertions or switches on the message set you're interested in.
func ParseResponse ¶
ParseResponse parses an OFX response in SGML or XML into a Response object from the given io.Reader
It is commonly used as part of Client.Request(), but may be used on its own to parse already-downloaded OFX files (such as those from 'Web Connect'). It performs version autodetection if it can and attempts to be as forgiving as possible about the input format.
type RetOfCap ¶
type RetOfCap struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"RETOFCAP"` InvTran InvTran `xml:"INVTRAN"` SecID SecurityID `xml:"SECID"` Total Amount `xml:"TOTAL"` SubAcctSec subAcctType `xml:"SUBACCTSEC"` // Sub-account type for this security. One of CASH, MARGIN, SHORT, OTHER SubAcctFund subAcctType `xml:"SUBACCTFUND"` // Where did the money for the transaction come from or go to? CASH, MARGIN, SHORT, OTHER Currency Currency `xml:"CURRENCY,omitempty"` // Represents the currency this transaction is in (instead of CURDEF in INVSTMTRS) if Valid() OrigCurrency Currency `xml:"ORIGCURRENCY,omitempty"` // Represents the currency this transaction was converted to INVSTMTRS' CURDEF from if Valid Inv401kSource inv401kSource `xml:"INV401KSOURCE,omitempty"` // Source of money for this transaction. One of PRETAX, AFTERTAX, MATCH, PROFITSHARING, ROLLOVER, OTHERVEST, OTHERNONVEST for 401(k) accounts. Default if not present is OTHERNONVEST. The following cash source types are subject to vesting: MATCH, PROFITSHARING, and OTHERVEST }
RetOfCap represents a transaction where capital is being returned to the account holder
func (RetOfCap) TransactionType ¶
TransactionType returns a string representation of this transaction's type
type SecInfo ¶
type SecInfo struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"SECINFO"` SecID SecurityID `xml:"SECID"` SecName String `xml:"SECNAME"` // Full name of security Ticker String `xml:"TICKER,omitempty"` // Ticker symbol FiID String `xml:"FIID,omitempty"` Rating String `xml:"RATING,omitempty"` UnitPrice Amount `xml:"UNITPRICE,omitempty"` // Current price, as of DTASOF DtAsOf *Date `xml:"DTASOF,omitempty"` // Date UNITPRICE was for Currency *Currency `xml:"CURRENCY,omitempty"` // Overriding currency for UNITPRICE Memo String `xml:"MEMO,omitempty"` }
SecInfo represents the generic information about a security. It is included in most other *Info elements.
type SecListRequest ¶
type SecListRequest struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"SECLISTTRNRQ"` TrnUID UID `xml:"TRNUID"` CltCookie String `xml:"CLTCOOKIE,omitempty"` TAN String `xml:"TAN,omitempty"` // Transaction authorization number // TODO `xml:"OFXEXTENSION,omitempty"` Securities []SecurityRequest `xml:"SECLISTRQ>SECRQ,omitempty"` }
SecListRequest represents a request for information (namely price) about one or more securities
func (*SecListRequest) Name ¶
func (r *SecListRequest) Name() string
Name returns the name of the top-level transaction XML/SGML element
func (*SecListRequest) Type ¶
func (r *SecListRequest) Type() messageType
Type returns which message set this message belongs to (which Request element of type []Message it should appended to)
func (*SecListRequest) Valid ¶
func (r *SecListRequest) Valid(version ofxVersion) (bool, error)
Valid returns (true, nil) if this struct would be valid OFX if marshalled into XML/SGML
type SecListResponse ¶
type SecListResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"SECLISTTRNRS"` TrnUID UID `xml:"TRNUID"` Status Status `xml:"STATUS"` CltCookie String `xml:"CLTCOOKIE,omitempty"` }
SecListResponse is always empty (except for the transaction UID, status, and optional client cookie). Its presence signifies that the SecurityList (a different element from this one) immediately after this element in Response.SecList was been generated in response to the same SecListRequest this is a response to.
func (*SecListResponse) Name ¶
func (r *SecListResponse) Name() string
Name returns the name of the top-level transaction XML/SGML element
func (*SecListResponse) Type ¶
func (r *SecListResponse) Type() messageType
Type returns which message set this message belongs to (which Response element of type []Message it belongs to)
func (*SecListResponse) Valid ¶
func (r *SecListResponse) Valid(version ofxVersion) (bool, error)
Valid returns (true, nil) if this struct was valid OFX when unmarshalled
type Security ¶
type Security interface {
SecurityType() string
Security is satisfied by all *Info elements providing information about securities for SecurityList
type SecurityID ¶
type SecurityID struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"SECID"` UniqueID String `xml:"UNIQUEID"` // CUSIP for US FI's UniqueIDType String `xml:"UNIQUEIDTYPE"` // Should always be "CUSIP" for US FI's }
SecurityID identifies a security by its CUSIP (for US-based FI's, others may use UniqueID types other than CUSIP)
type SecurityList ¶
SecurityList is a container for Security objects containaing information about securities
func (*SecurityList) MarshalXML ¶
func (r *SecurityList) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error
MarshalXML handles marshalling a SecurityList to an SGML/XML string
func (*SecurityList) Name ¶
func (r *SecurityList) Name() string
Name returns the name of the top-level transaction XML/SGML element
func (*SecurityList) Type ¶
func (r *SecurityList) Type() messageType
Type returns which message set this message belongs to (which Response element of type []Message it belongs to)
func (*SecurityList) UnmarshalXML ¶
func (r *SecurityList) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error
UnmarshalXML handles unmarshalling a SecurityList from an SGML/XML string
func (*SecurityList) Valid ¶
func (r *SecurityList) Valid(version ofxVersion) (bool, error)
Valid returns (true, nil) if this struct was valid OFX when unmarshalled
type SecurityRequest ¶
type SecurityRequest struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"SECRQ"` // Only one of the next three should be present SecID *SecurityID `xml:"SECID,omitempty"` Ticker String `xml:"TICKER,omitempty"` FiID String `xml:"FIID,omitempty"` }
SecurityRequest represents a request for one security. It is specified with a SECID aggregate, a ticker symbol, or an FI assigned identifier (but no more than one of them at a time)
type SellDebt ¶
type SellDebt struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"SELLDEBT"` InvSell InvSell `xml:"INVSELL"` SellReason sellReason `xml:"SELLREASON"` // CALL (the debt was called), SELL (the debt was sold), MATURITY (the debt reached maturity) AccrdInt Amount `xml:"ACCRDINT,omitempty"` // Accrued interest }
SellDebt represents the sale of a debt security. Used when debt is sold, called, or reaches maturity.
func (SellDebt) TransactionType ¶
TransactionType returns a string representation of this transaction's type
type SellMF ¶
type SellMF struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"SELLMF"` InvSell InvSell `xml:"INVSELL"` SellType sellType `xml:"SELLTYPE"` // Type of sell. SELL, SELLSHORT AvgCostBasis Amount `xml:"AVGCOSTBASIS"` RelFiTID String `xml:"RELFITID,omitempty"` // used to relate transactions associated with mutual fund exchanges }
SellMF represents a transaction selling a mutual fund
func (SellMF) TransactionType ¶
TransactionType returns a string representation of this transaction's type
type SellOpt ¶
type SellOpt struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"SELLOPT"` InvSell InvSell `xml:"INVSELL"` OptSellType optSellType `xml:"OPTSELLTYPE"` // For options, type of sell: SELLTOCLOSE, SELLTOOPEN. The SELLTOCLOSE action is selling a previously bought option. The SELLTOOPEN action is writing an option ShPerCtrct Int `xml:"SHPERCTRCT"` // Shares per contract RelFiTID String `xml:"RELFITID,omitempty"` // used to relate transactions associated with mutual fund exchanges RelType relType `xml:"RELTYPE,omitempty"` // Related option transaction type: SPREAD, STRADDLE, NONE, OTHER Secured secured `xml:"SECURED,omitempty"` // NAKED, COVERED }
SellOpt represents a transaction selling an option. Depending on the value of OptSellType, can be used to sell a previously bought option or write a new option.
func (SellOpt) TransactionType ¶
TransactionType returns a string representation of this transaction's type
type SellOther ¶
SellOther represents a transaction selling a security type not covered by the other Sell* structs
func (SellOther) TransactionType ¶
TransactionType returns a string representation of this transaction's type
type SellStock ¶
type SellStock struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"SELLSTOCK"` InvSell InvSell `xml:"INVSELL"` SellType sellType `xml:"SELLTYPE"` // Type of sell. SELL, SELLSHORT }
SellStock represents a transaction selling stock
func (SellStock) TransactionType ¶
TransactionType returns a string representation of this transaction's type
type SignonInfo ¶
type SignonInfo struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"SIGNONINFO"` SignonRealm String `xml:"SIGNONREALM"` // The SignonRealm for which this SignonInfo provides information. This SignonInfo is valid for all MessageSets with SignonRealm fields matching this one Min Int `xml:"MIN"` // Minimum number of password characters Max Int `xml:"MAX"` // Maximum number of password characters CharType charType `xml:"CHARTYPE"` // One of ALPHAONLY, NUMERICONLY, ALPHAORNUMERIC, ALPHAANDNUMERIC CaseSen Boolean `xml:"CASESEN"` // Password is case-sensitive? Special Boolean `xml:"SPECIAL"` // Special characters allowed? Spaces Boolean `xml:"SPACES"` // Spaces allowed? PinCh Boolean `xml:"PINCH"` // Pin change <PINCHRQ> requests allowed ChgPinFirst Boolean `xml:"CHGPINFIRST"` // Server requires user to change password at first signon UserCred1Label String `xml:"USERCRED1LABEL,omitempty"` // Prompt for USERCRED1 (if this field is present, USERCRED1 is required) UserCred2Label String `xml:"USERCRED2LABEL,omitempty"` // Prompt for USERCRED2 (if this field is present, USERCRED2 is required) ClientUIDReq Boolean `xml:"CLIENTUIDREQ,omitempty"` // CLIENTUID required? AuthTokenFirst Boolean `xml:"AUTHTOKENFIRST,omitempty"` // Server requires AUTHTOKEN as part of first signon AuthTokenLabel String `xml:"AUTHTOKENLABEL,omitempty"` AuthTokenInfoURL String `xml:"AUTHTOKENINFOURL,omitempty"` MFAChallengeSupt Boolean `xml:"MFACHALLENGESUPT,omitempty"` // Server supports MFACHALLENGE MFAChallengeFIRST Boolean `xml:"MFACHALLENGEFIRST,omitempty"` // Server requires MFACHALLENGE to be sent with first signon AccessTokenReq Boolean `xml:"ACCESSTOKENREQ,omitempty"` // Server requires ACCESSTOKEN to be sent with all requests except profile }
SignonInfo provides the requirements to login to a single signon realm. A signon realm consists of all MessageSets which can be accessed using one set of login credentials. Most FI's only use one signon realm to make it easier and less confusing for the user.
type SignonRequest ¶
type SignonRequest struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"SONRQ"` DtClient Date `xml:"DTCLIENT"` // Current time on client, overwritten in Client.Request() UserID String `xml:"USERID"` UserPass String `xml:"USERPASS,omitempty"` UserKey String `xml:"USERKEY,omitempty"` Language String `xml:"LANGUAGE"` // Defaults to ENG Org String `xml:"FI>ORG"` Fid String `xml:"FI>FID"` AppID String `xml:"APPID"` // Overwritten in Client.Request() AppVer String `xml:"APPVER"` // Overwritten in Client.Request() ClientUID UID `xml:"CLIENTUID,omitempty"` }
SignonRequest identifies and authenticates a user to their FI and is provided with every Request
func (*SignonRequest) Name ¶
func (r *SignonRequest) Name() string
Name returns the name of the top-level transaction XML/SGML element
func (*SignonRequest) Valid ¶
func (r *SignonRequest) Valid(version ofxVersion) (bool, error)
Valid returns (true, nil) if this struct would be valid OFX if marshalled into XML/SGML
type SignonResponse ¶
type SignonResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"SONRS"` Status Status `xml:"STATUS"` DtServer Date `xml:"DTSERVER"` UserKey String `xml:"USERKEY,omitempty"` TsKeyExpire *Date `xml:"TSKEYEXPIRE,omitempty"` Language String `xml:"LANGUAGE"` DtProfUp *Date `xml:"DTPROFUP,omitempty"` DtAcctUp *Date `xml:"DTACCTUP,omitempty"` Org String `xml:"FI>ORG"` Fid String `xml:"FI>FID"` SessCookie String `xml:"SESSCOOKIE,omitempty"` AccessKey String `xml:"ACCESSKEY,omitempty"` }
SignonResponse is provided with every Response and indicates the success or failure of the SignonRequest in the corresponding Request
func (*SignonResponse) Name ¶
func (r *SignonResponse) Name() string
Name returns the name of the top-level transaction XML/SGML element
func (*SignonResponse) Valid ¶
func (r *SignonResponse) Valid(version ofxVersion) (bool, error)
Valid returns (true, nil) if this struct was valid OFX when unmarshalled
type Split ¶
type Split struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"SPLIT"` InvTran InvTran `xml:"INVTRAN"` SecID SecurityID `xml:"SECID"` SubAcctSec subAcctType `xml:"SUBACCTSEC"` // Sub-account type for this security. One of CASH, MARGIN, SHORT, OTHER OldUnits Amount `xml:"OLDUNITS"` // number of shares before the split NewUnits Amount `xml:"NEWUNITS"` // number of shares after the split Numerator Int `xml:"NUMERATOR"` // split ratio numerator Denominator Int `xml:"DENOMINATOR"` // split ratio denominator Currency Currency `xml:"CURRENCY,omitempty"` // Represents the currency this transaction is in (instead of CURDEF in INVSTMTRS) if Valid() OrigCurrency Currency `xml:"ORIGCURRENCY,omitempty"` // Represents the currency this transaction was converted to INVSTMTRS' CURDEF from if Valid FracCash Amount `xml:"FRACCASH,omitempty"` // cash for fractional units SubAcctFund subAcctType `xml:"SUBACCTFUND,omitempty"` // Where did the money for the transaction come from or go to? CASH, MARGIN, SHORT, OTHER Inv401kSource inv401kSource `xml:"INV401KSOURCE,omitempty"` // Source of money for this transaction. One of PRETAX, AFTERTAX, MATCH, PROFITSHARING, ROLLOVER, OTHERVEST, OTHERNONVEST for 401(k) accounts. Default if not present is OTHERNONVEST. The following cash source types are subject to vesting: MATCH, PROFITSHARING, and OTHERVEST }
Split represents a stock or mutual fund split
func (Split) TransactionType ¶
TransactionType returns a string representation of this transaction's type
type StatementRequest ¶
type StatementRequest struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"STMTTRNRQ"` TrnUID UID `xml:"TRNUID"` CltCookie String `xml:"CLTCOOKIE,omitempty"` TAN String `xml:"TAN,omitempty"` // Transaction authorization number // TODO `xml:"OFXEXTENSION,omitempty"` BankAcctFrom BankAcct `xml:"STMTRQ>BANKACCTFROM"` DtStart *Date `xml:"STMTRQ>INCTRAN>DTSTART,omitempty"` DtEnd *Date `xml:"STMTRQ>INCTRAN>DTEND,omitempty"` Include Boolean `xml:"STMTRQ>INCTRAN>INCLUDE"` // Include transactions (instead of just balance) IncludePending Boolean `xml:"STMTRQ>INCLUDEPENDING,omitempty"` // Include pending transactions IncTranImg Boolean `xml:"STMTRQ>INCTRANIMG,omitempty"` // Include transaction images }
StatementRequest represents a request for a bank statement. It is used to request balances and/or transactions for checking, savings, money market, and line of credit accounts. See CCStatementRequest for the analog for credit card accounts.
func (*StatementRequest) Name ¶
func (r *StatementRequest) Name() string
Name returns the name of the top-level transaction XML/SGML element
func (*StatementRequest) Type ¶
func (r *StatementRequest) Type() messageType
Type returns which message set this message belongs to (which Request element of type []Message it should appended to)
func (*StatementRequest) Valid ¶
func (r *StatementRequest) Valid(version ofxVersion) (bool, error)
Valid returns (true, nil) if this struct would be valid OFX if marshalled into XML/SGML
type StatementResponse ¶
type StatementResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"STMTTRNRS"` TrnUID UID `xml:"TRNUID"` Status Status `xml:"STATUS"` CltCookie String `xml:"CLTCOOKIE,omitempty"` // TODO `xml:"OFXEXTENSION,omitempty"` CurDef CurrSymbol `xml:"STMTRS>CURDEF"` BankAcctFrom BankAcct `xml:"STMTRS>BANKACCTFROM"` BankTranList *TransactionList `xml:"STMTRS>BANKTRANLIST,omitempty"` BankTranListP *PendingTransactionList `xml:"STMTRS>BANKTRANLISTP,omitempty"` BalAmt Amount `xml:"STMTRS>LEDGERBAL>BALAMT"` DtAsOf Date `xml:"STMTRS>LEDGERBAL>DTASOF"` AvailBalAmt *Amount `xml:"STMTRS>AVAILBAL>BALAMT,omitempty"` AvailDtAsOf *Date `xml:"STMTRS>AVAILBAL>DTASOF,omitempty"` CashAdvBalAmt *Amount `xml:"STMTRS>CASHADVBALAMT,omitempty"` // Only for CREDITLINE accounts, available balance for cash advances IntRate *Amount `xml:"STMTRS>INTRATE,omitempty"` // Current interest rate BalList []Balance `xml:"STMTRS>BALLIST>BAL,omitempty"` MktgInfo String `xml:"STMTRS>MKTGINFO,omitempty"` // Marketing information }
StatementResponse represents a bank account statement, including its balances and possibly transactions. It is a response to StatementRequest, or sometimes provided as part of an OFX file downloaded manually from an FI.
func (*StatementResponse) Name ¶
func (sr *StatementResponse) Name() string
Name returns the name of the top-level transaction XML/SGML element
func (*StatementResponse) Type ¶
func (sr *StatementResponse) Type() messageType
Type returns which message set this message belongs to (which Response element of type []Message it belongs to)
func (*StatementResponse) Valid ¶
func (sr *StatementResponse) Valid(version ofxVersion) (bool, error)
Valid returns (true, nil) if this struct was valid OFX when unmarshalled
type Status ¶
type Status struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"STATUS"` Code Int `xml:"CODE"` Severity String `xml:"SEVERITY"` Message String `xml:"MESSAGE,omitempty"` }
Status represents the status of a Response (both top-level Request objects, and *Response objects)
func (*Status) CodeConditions ¶
CodeConditions returns the conditions under which an OFX server is expected to return the current status Code
func (*Status) CodeMeaning ¶
CodeMeaning returns the meaning of the current status Code
type StockInfo ¶
type StockInfo struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"STOCKINFO"` SecInfo SecInfo `xml:"SECINFO"` StockType stockType `xml:"STOCKTYPE,omitempty"` // One of COMMON, PREFERRED, CONVERTIBLE, OTHER Yield Amount `xml:"YIELD,omitempty"` // Current yield reported as the dividend expressed as a portion of the current stock price DtYieldAsOf *Date `xml:"DTYIELDASOF,omitempty"` // Date YIELD is valid for AssetClass assetClass `xml:"ASSETCLASS,omitempty"` // One of DOMESTICBOND, INTLBOND, LARGESTOCK, SMALLSTOCK, INTLSTOCK, MONEYMRKT, OTHER FiAssetClass String `xml:"FIASSETCLASS,omitempty"` // FI-defined asset class }
StockInfo provides information about a security type
func (StockInfo) SecurityType ¶
SecurityType returns a string representation of this security's type
type StockPosition ¶
type StockPosition struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"POSSTOCK"` InvPos InvPosition `xml:"INVPOS"` UnitsStreet Amount `xml:"UNITSSTREET,omitempty"` // Units in the FI’s street name UnitsUser Amount `xml:"UNITSUSER,omitempty"` // Units in the user's name directly ReinvDiv Boolean `xml:"REINVDIV,omitempty"` // Reinvest dividends }
StockPosition represents a position held in a stock
func (StockPosition) PositionType ¶
func (p StockPosition) PositionType() string
PositionType returns a string representation of this position's type
type String ¶
type String string
String provides helper methods to unmarshal OFX string values from SGML/XML
func (*String) UnmarshalXML ¶
UnmarshalXML handles unmarshalling a String from an SGML/XML string. Leading and trailing whitespace is ignored.
type Transaction ¶
type Transaction struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"STMTTRN"` TrnType trnType `xml:"TRNTYPE"` // One of CREDIT, DEBIT, INT (interest earned or paid. Note: Depends on signage of amount), DIV, FEE, SRVCHG (service charge), DEP (deposit), ATM (Note: Depends on signage of amount), POS (Note: Depends on signage of amount), XFER, CHECK, PAYMENT, CASH, DIRECTDEP, DIRECTDEBIT, REPEATPMT, OTHER DtPosted Date `xml:"DTPOSTED"` DtUser *Date `xml:"DTUSER,omitempty"` DtAvail *Date `xml:"DTAVAIL,omitempty"` TrnAmt Amount `xml:"TRNAMT"` FiTID String `xml:"FITID"` // Client uses FITID to detect whether it has previously downloaded the transaction CorrectFiTID String `xml:"CORRECTFITID,omitempty"` // Transaction ID that this transaction corrects, if present CorrectAction correctAction `xml:"CORRECTACTION,omitempty"` // One of DELETE, REPLACE SrvrTID String `xml:"SRVRTID,omitempty"` CheckNum String `xml:"CHECKNUM,omitempty"` RefNum String `xml:"REFNUM,omitempty"` SIC Int `xml:"SIC,omitempty"` // Standard Industrial Code PayeeID String `xml:"PAYEEID,omitempty"` // Note: Servers should provide NAME or PAYEE, but not both Name String `xml:"NAME,omitempty"` Payee *Payee `xml:"PAYEE,omitempty"` ExtdName String `xml:"EXTDNAME,omitempty"` // Extended name of payee or transaction description BankAcctTo *BankAcct `xml:"BANKACCTTO,omitempty"` // If the transfer was to a bank account we have the account information for CCAcctTo *CCAcct `xml:"CCACCTTO,omitempty"` // If the transfer was to a credit card account we have the account information for Memo String `xml:"MEMO,omitempty"` // Extra information (not in NAME) ImageData []ImageData `xml:"IMAGEDATA,omitempty"` // Only one of Currency and OrigCurrency can ever be Valid() for the same transaction Currency *Currency `xml:"CURRENCY,omitempty"` // Represents the currency of TrnAmt (instead of CURDEF in STMTRS) if Valid OrigCurrency *Currency `xml:"ORIGCURRENCY,omitempty"` // Represents the currency TrnAmt was converted to STMTRS' CURDEF from if Valid Inv401kSource inv401kSource `xml:"INV401KSOURCE,omitempty"` // One of PRETAX, AFTERTAX, MATCH, PROFITSHARING, ROLLOVER, OTHERVEST, OTHERNONVEST (Default if not present is OTHERNONVEST. The following cash source types are subject to vesting: MATCH, PROFITSHARING, and OTHERVEST.) }
Transaction represents a single banking transaction. At a minimum, it identifies the type of transaction (TrnType) and the date it was posted (DtPosted). Ideally it also provides metadata to help the user recognize this transaction (i.e. CheckNum, Name or Payee, Memo, etc.)
func (Transaction) Valid ¶
func (t Transaction) Valid(version ofxVersion) (bool, error)
Valid returns (true, nil) if this struct is valid OFX
type TransactionList ¶
type TransactionList struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"BANKTRANLIST"` DtStart Date `xml:"DTSTART"` // Start date for transaction data DtEnd Date `xml:"DTEND"` // Value that client should send in next <DTSTART> request to ensure that it does not miss any transactions Transactions []Transaction `xml:"STMTTRN,omitempty"` }
TransactionList represents a list of bank transactions, and also includes the date range its transactions cover.
func (TransactionList) Valid ¶
func (l TransactionList) Valid(version ofxVersion) (bool, error)
Valid returns (true, nil) if this struct is valid OFX
type Transfer ¶
type Transfer struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"TRANSFER"` InvTran InvTran `xml:"INVTRAN"` SecID SecurityID `xml:"SECID"` SubAcctSec subAcctType `xml:"SUBACCTSEC"` // Sub-account type for this security. One of CASH, MARGIN, SHORT, OTHER Units Amount `xml:"UNITS"` // For stocks, MFs, other, number of shares held. Bonds = face value. Options = number of contracts TferAction tferAction `xml:"TFERACTION"` // One of IN, OUT PosType posType `xml:"POSTYPE"` // Position type. One of LONG, SHORT InvAcctFrom InvAcct `xml:"INVACCTFROM,omitempty"` AvgCostBasis Amount `xml:"AVGCOSTBASIS,omitempty"` UnitPrice Amount `xml:"UNITPRICE,omitempty"` // For stocks, MFs, other, price per share. Bonds = percentage of par. Option = premium per share of underlying security DtPurchase *Date `xml:"DTPURCHASE,omitempty"` Inv401kSource inv401kSource `xml:"INV401KSOURCE,omitempty"` // Source of money for this transaction. One of PRETAX, AFTERTAX, MATCH, PROFITSHARING, ROLLOVER, OTHERVEST, OTHERNONVEST for 401(k) accounts. Default if not present is OTHERNONVEST. The following cash source types are subject to vesting: MATCH, PROFITSHARING, and OTHERVEST }
Transfer represents the transfer of securities into or out of an account
func (Transfer) TransactionType ¶
TransactionType returns a string representation of this transaction's type
type UID ¶
type UID string
UID represents an UID according to the OFX spec
func (UID) RecommendedFormat ¶
RecommendedFormat returns true iff this UID meets the OFX specification's recommendation that UIDs follow the standard UUID 36-character format
func (*UID) UnmarshalXML ¶
UnmarshalXML handles unmarshalling an UID from an SGML/XML string. Leading and trailing whitespace is ignored.
type VanguardClient ¶
type VanguardClient struct {
VanguardClient provides a Client implementation which handles Vanguard's cookie-passing requirements. VanguardClient uses default, non-zero settings, if its fields are not initialized.
func (*VanguardClient) RequestNoParse ¶
func (c *VanguardClient) RequestNoParse(r *Request) (*http.Response, error)
type VestInfo ¶
type VestInfo struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"VESTINFO"` VestDate *Date `xml:"VESTDATE,omitempty"` // Date at which vesting percentage changes. Default (if empty) is that the vesting percentage below applies to the current date VestPct Amount `xml:"VESTPCT"` }
VestInfo provides the vesting percentage of a 401(k) account as of a particular date (past, present, or future)