A small go based reverse proxy with support for TLS, TOTP, and logging using session cookies.
In Linux you can generate the TOTP key using following command:
SECRET=$(dd if=/dev/urandom|base64|tr -cd 'A-Z2-7'|head -c16)
And for TOTP client like Google Authenticator the QR-code can be generated with help of qrencode tool:
qrencode -t ANSI256 -o - "otpauth://totp/user@$SERVERNAME?secret=$SECRET'
To build and run the proxy:
go build
./totp_reverse_proxy -server $SECRET -upstream http://localhost:8000 &
The proxy will write the logs to rotated proxy-access.log file. To
test the TOTP the can be used.
The current version of the proxy supports following options:
Usage of ./totp-reverse-proxy:
-cert string
Path to HTTPS Certificate
Enable HTTPS
-key string
Path to HTTPS key
-listen string
Listen address (default ":9090")
-secret string
TOTP Secret Key
-upstream string
Upstream URL