A non-featureful KeePassXC-proxy command line client.
Same as browser extension, it retrieves passwords from an unlocked DB. Unlike secret-tool
, it doesn't require you to set KeePassXC to be your secret service (there can only be one).
If you have Go set up, you can do
go install
Obviously, you may want to review the code first :^)
There's also a PKGBUILD for Arch-based systems.
Usage of kpxcpc:
associate and print association info to stdout in json format
-fmt string
format string for entry fields: name - %n, login - %l, pass - %p,
uuid - %u, custom fields - %F:fieldname
(default "%p")
-identity string
set identity file (default "~/.local/share/kpxcpc/identity.json")
print json
do not trigger DB unlock prompt
-socket string
path to keepassxc-proxy socket
get TOTP
To delimit entries with null-character, use \x00
instead of \0
Custom entry fields need to have a name in the following format: KPH: myfield
(with a space between prefix and field name) to be available through keepassxc-proxy. To refer to them in kpxcpc format string, use %F:myfield
(without a space).
$ kpxcpc ''
$ kpxcpc -fmt 'pass: %p\n' ''
pass: pwAJWsXs2HcDvz5HM4mk3ub@7rdP7473n7y5i9
$ kpxcpc -fmt 'pass: %p\nmyfield: %F:myfieldname\n' ''
pass: pwAJWsXs2HcDvz5HM4mk3ub@7rdP7473n7y5i9
myfield: hello world
$ kpxcpc -json ''
[{"login":"elon","name":"google","password":"pwAJWsXs2HcDvz5HM4mk3ub@7rdP7473n7y5i9","uuid":"d1e6cba53ad04e8fb23f2991c160ce5a","stringFields":[{"KPH: myfieldname":"hello world"}]}]
$ kpxcpc -totp 0851580ae78549e3be60949e908a040e
Association info is stored in plaintext in ~/.local/share/kpxcpc/identity.json
. If you want, you can manage the storage of association info manually:
- use
to associate once and print identity json to stdout,
- use
-identity -
to read identity json from stdin.
Still, if you use the browser extension, it's probably not too hard to retrieve association info from your browser profile.
$ kpxcpc -associate
$ echo '{"id":"example","idKey":"tli3pJmrVwLEyfGcf29LzAKvNyAJaigu"}' | kpxcpc -identity - ''