Backup & Restore (BR) is a command-line tool for distributed backup and restoration of the TiDB cluster data.
Chinese Document
English Document
Backup SQL Statement
Restore SQL Statement
To build binary and run test:
$ make
$ make test
Notice BR supports building with Go version Go >= 1.13
When BR is built successfully, you can find binary in the bin
Quick start
# Start TiDB cluster
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml rm -s -v && \
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml build && \
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml up --remove-orphans
# Attach to control container to run BR
docker exec -it br_control_1 bash
# Load testing data to TiDB
go-ycsb load mysql -p workload=core \
-p -p mysql.port=4000 -p mysql.user=root \
-p recordcount=100000 -p threadcount=100
# How many rows do we get? 100000 rows.
mysql -uroot -htidb -P4000 -E -e "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test.usertable"
# Build BR and backup!
make build && \
bin/br backup full --pd pd0:2379 --storage "local:///data/backup/full" \
--log-file "/logs/br_backup.log"
# Let's drop database.
mysql -uroot -htidb -P4000 -E -e "DROP DATABASE test; SHOW DATABASES;"
# Restore!
bin/br restore full --pd pd0:2379 --storage "local:///data/backup/full" \
--log-file "/logs/br_restore.log"
# How many rows do we get again? Expected to be 100000 rows.
mysql -uroot -htidb -P4000 -E -e "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test.usertable"
# Test S3 compatible storage (MinIO).
# Create a bucket to save backup by mc (a MinIO Client).
mc config host add minio $S3_ENDPOINT $MINIO_ACCESS_KEY $MINIO_SECRET_KEY && \
mc mb minio/mybucket
# Backup to S3 compatible storage.
bin/br backup full --pd pd0:2379 --storage "s3://mybucket/full" \
# Drop database and restore!
mysql -uroot -htidb -P4000 -E -e "DROP DATABASE test; SHOW DATABASES;" && \
bin/br restore full --pd pd0:2379 --storage "s3://mybucket/full" \
Contributions are welcomed and greatly appreciated. See CONTRIBUTING
for details on submitting patches and the contribution workflow.
BR is under the Apache 2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for details.