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Published: Mar 5, 2025 License: AGPL-3.0 Imports: 2 Imported by: 0



Package transport defines the request and response structs for use with the Charmhub API client.



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type APIError

type APIError struct {
	Code    APIErrorCode  `json:"code"`
	Message string        `json:"message"`
	Extra   APIErrorExtra `json:"extra"`

APIError represents the error from the CharmHub API.

func (APIError) Error

func (a APIError) Error() string

type APIErrorCode

type APIErrorCode string

APIErrorCode classifies the error code we get back from the API. This isn't tautological list of codes.

const (
	ErrorCodeAccessByDownstreamStoreNotAllowed APIErrorCode = "access-by-downstream-store-not-allowed"
	ErrorCodeAccessByRevisionNotAllowed        APIErrorCode = "access-by-revision-not-allowed"
	ErrorCodeAPIError                          APIErrorCode = "api-error"
	ErrorCodeBadArgument                       APIErrorCode = "bad-argument"
	ErrorCodeCharmResourceNotFound             APIErrorCode = "charm-resource-not-found"
	ErrorCodeChannelNotFound                   APIErrorCode = "channel-not-found"
	ErrorCodeDeviceAuthorizationNeedsRefresh   APIErrorCode = "device-authorization-needs-refresh"
	ErrorCodeDeviceServiceDisallowed           APIErrorCode = "device-service-disallowed"
	ErrorCodeDuplicatedKey                     APIErrorCode = "duplicated-key"
	ErrorCodeDuplicateFetchAssertionsKey       APIErrorCode = "duplicate-fetch-assertions-key"
	ErrorCodeEndpointDisabled                  APIErrorCode = "endpoint-disabled"
	ErrorCodeIDNotFound                        APIErrorCode = "id-not-found"
	ErrorCodeInconsistentData                  APIErrorCode = "inconsistent-data"
	ErrorCodeInstanceKeyNotUnique              APIErrorCode = "instance-key-not-unique"
	ErrorCodeInvalidChannel                    APIErrorCode = "invalid-channel"
	ErrorCodeInvalidCharmBase                  APIErrorCode = "invalid-charm-base"
	ErrorCodeInvalidCharmResource              APIErrorCode = "invalid-charm-resource"
	ErrorCodeInvalidCohortKey                  APIErrorCode = "invalid-cohort-key"
	ErrorCodeInvalidGrade                      APIErrorCode = "invalid-grade"
	ErrorCodeInvalidMetric                     APIErrorCode = "invalid-metric"
	ErrorCodeInvalidUnboundEmptySearch         APIErrorCode = "invalid-unbound-empty-search"
	ErrorCodeMacaroonPermissionRequired        APIErrorCode = "macaroon-permission-required"
	ErrorCodeMissingCharmBase                  APIErrorCode = "missing-charm-base"
	ErrorCodeMissingContext                    APIErrorCode = "missing-context"
	ErrorCodeMissingFetchAssertionsKey         APIErrorCode = "missing-fetch-assertions-key"
	ErrorCodeMissingHeader                     APIErrorCode = "missing-header"
	ErrorCodeMissingInstanceKey                APIErrorCode = "missing-instance-key"
	ErrorCodeMissingKey                        APIErrorCode = "missing-key"
	ErrorCodeNameNotFound                      APIErrorCode = "name-not-found"
	ErrorCodeNotFound                          APIErrorCode = "not-found"
	ErrorCodePaymentRequired                   APIErrorCode = "payment-required"
	ErrorCodeRateLimitExceeded                 APIErrorCode = "rate-limit-exceeded"
	ErrorCodeRefreshBundleNotSupported         APIErrorCode = "refresh-bundle-not-supported"
	ErrorCodeRemoteServiceUnavailable          APIErrorCode = "remote-service-unavailable"
	ErrorCodeResourceNotFound                  APIErrorCode = "resource-not-found"
	ErrorCodeRevisionConflict                  APIErrorCode = "revision-conflict"
	ErrorCodeRevisionNotFound                  APIErrorCode = "revision-not-found"
	ErrorCodeServiceMisconfigured              APIErrorCode = "service-misconfigured"
	ErrorCodeStoreAuthorizationNeedsRefresh    APIErrorCode = "store-authorization-needs-refresh"
	ErrorCodeStoreDisallowed                   APIErrorCode = "store-disallowed"
	ErrorCodeUnexpectedData                    APIErrorCode = "unexpected-data"
	ErrorCodeUnknownGrade                      APIErrorCode = "unknown-grade"
	ErrorCodeUserAuthenticationError           APIErrorCode = "user-authentication-error"
	ErrorCodeUserAuthorizationNeedsRefresh     APIErrorCode = "user-authorization-needs-refresh"
	// TODO 2021-04-08 hml
	// Remove once Charmhub API returns ErrorCodeInvalidCharmBase
	ErrorCodeInvalidCharmPlatform APIErrorCode = "invalid-charm-platform"
	ErrorCodeMissingCharmPlatform APIErrorCode = "missing-charm-platform"

type APIErrorExtra

type APIErrorExtra struct {
	Releases     []Release `json:"releases"`
	DefaultBases []Base    `json:"default-bases"`

APIErrorExtra defines additional extra payloads from a given error. Think of this object as a series of suggestions to perform against the errorred API request, in the chance of the new request being successful.

type APIErrors

type APIErrors []APIError

APIErrors represents a slice of APIError's

func (APIErrors) Error

func (a APIErrors) Error() string

type Base

type Base struct {
	Architecture string `json:"architecture"`
	Name         string `json:"name"`
	Channel      string `json:"channel"`

Base is a typed tuple for identifying charms or bundles with a matching architecture, os and channel.

type Category

type Category struct {
	Featured bool   `json:"featured"`
	Name     string `json:"name"`

Category defines the category of a given charm or bundle. Akin to a tag.

type Channel

type Channel struct {
	Name       string `json:"name"`
	Base       Base   `json:"base"`
	ReleasedAt string `json:"released-at"`
	Risk       string `json:"risk"`
	Track      string `json:"track"`

Channel defines a unique permutation that corresponds to the track, risk and base. There can be multiple channels of the same track and risk, but with different bases.

type Charm

type Charm struct {
	Name      string `json:"name"`
	PackageID string `json:"package-id"`
	StoreURL  string `json:"store-url"`

Charm is used to identify charms within a bundle.

type ContextMetrics

type ContextMetrics map[string]string

ContextMetrics are a map of key value pairs of metrics for the specific charm/application in the context.

type Download

type Download struct {
	HashSHA256 string `json:"hash-sha-256"`
	HashSHA384 string `json:"hash-sha-384"`
	Size       int    `json:"size"`
	URL        string `json:"url"`

Download represents the download structure from CharmHub. Elements not used by juju but not used are: "hash-sha3-384" and "hash-sha-512"

type Entity

type Entity struct {
	Categories  []Category        `json:"categories"`
	Charms      []Charm           `json:"contains-charms"`
	Description string            `json:"description"`
	License     string            `json:"license"`
	Publisher   map[string]string `json:"publisher"`
	Summary     string            `json:"summary"`
	UsedBy      []string          `json:"used-by"`
	StoreURL    string            `json:"store-url"`

Entity holds the information about the charm or bundle, either contains the information about the charm or bundle or whom owns it.

type FindChannelMap

type FindChannelMap struct {
	Channel  Channel      `json:"channel,omitempty"`
	Revision FindRevision `json:"revision,omitempty"`

type FindResponse

type FindResponse struct {
	Type           Type           `json:"type"`
	ID             string         `json:"id"`
	Name           string         `json:"name"`
	Entity         Entity         `json:"result,omitempty"`
	DefaultRelease FindChannelMap `json:"default-release,omitempty"`

type FindResponses

type FindResponses struct {
	Results   []FindResponse `json:"results,omitempty"`
	ErrorList APIErrors      `json:"error-list,omitempty"`

type FindRevision

type FindRevision struct {
	CreatedAt string   `json:"created-at"`
	Download  Download `json:"download"`
	Bases     []Base   `json:"bases"`
	Revision  int      `json:"revision"`
	Version   string   `json:"version"`

FindRevision is different from InfoRevision. It is missing ConfigYAML and MetadataYAML

type InfoChannelMap

type InfoChannelMap struct {
	Channel  Channel      `json:"channel,omitempty"`
	Revision InfoRevision `json:"revision,omitempty"`

InfoChannelMap returns the information channel map. This defines a unique revision for a given channel from an info response.

type InfoResponse

type InfoResponse struct {
	Type           Type             `json:"type"`
	ID             string           `json:"id"`
	Name           string           `json:"name"`
	Entity         Entity           `json:"result"`
	ChannelMap     []InfoChannelMap `json:"channel-map"`
	DefaultRelease InfoChannelMap   `json:"default-release,omitempty"`
	ErrorList      APIErrors        `json:"error-list,omitempty"`

InfoResponse is the result from an information query.

type InfoRevision

type InfoRevision struct {
	ConfigYAML string `json:"config-yaml"`
	CreatedAt  string `json:"created-at"`
	// Via filters, only Download.Size will be available.
	Download     Download `json:"download"`
	MetadataYAML string   `json:"metadata-yaml"`
	BundleYAML   string   `json:"bundle-yaml"`
	Bases        []Base   `json:"bases"`
	Revision     int      `json:"revision"`
	Version      string   `json:"version"`

InfoRevision is different from FindRevision. It has additional fields of ConfigYAML and MetadataYAML. NOTE: InfoRevision will be filled in with the CharmHub api response differently within the InfoResponse.ChannelMap and the InfoResponse.DefaultRelease. The DefaultRelease InfoRevision will include ConfigYAML, MetadataYAML and BundleYAML NOTE 2: actions-yaml is a possible response for the DefaultRelease InfoRevision, but not implemented.

type RefreshEntity

type RefreshEntity struct {
	Type      Type               `json:"type"`
	Download  Download           `json:"download"`
	ID        string             `json:"id"`
	License   string             `json:"license"`
	Name      string             `json:"name"`
	Publisher map[string]string  `json:"publisher,omitempty"`
	Resources []ResourceRevision `json:"resources"`
	Bases     []Base             `json:"bases,omitempty"`
	Revision  int                `json:"revision"`
	Summary   string             `json:"summary"`
	Version   string             `json:"version"`
	CreatedAt time.Time          `json:"created-at"`

	// The minimum set of metadata required for deploying a charm.
	MetadataYAML string `json:"metadata-yaml,omitempty"`
	ConfigYAML   string `json:"config-yaml,omitempty"`

RefreshEntity is a typed refresh entity. This can either be a charm or a bundle, the type of the refresh entity doesn't actually matter in this circumstance.

type RefreshRequest

type RefreshRequest struct {
	// Context can be empty (for install and download for example), but has to
	// be always present and hence the no omitempty.
	Context []RefreshRequestContext `json:"context"`
	Actions []RefreshRequestAction  `json:"actions"`
	Fields  []string                `json:"fields,omitempty"`
	Metrics RequestMetrics          `json:"metrics,omitempty"`

RefreshRequest defines a typed request for making refresh queries, containing both a series of context and actions, this powerful setup should allow for making batch queries where possible.

type RefreshRequestAction

type RefreshRequestAction struct {
	// Action can be install, download or refresh.
	Action string `json:"action"`
	// InstanceKey should be unique for every action, as results may not be
	// ordered in the same way, so it is expected to use this to ensure
	// completeness and ordering.
	InstanceKey       string                    `json:"instance-key"`
	ID                *string                   `json:"id,omitempty"`
	Name              *string                   `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Channel           *string                   `json:"channel,omitempty"`
	Revision          *int                      `json:"revision,omitempty"`
	Base              *Base                     `json:"base"`
	ResourceRevisions []RefreshResourceRevision `json:"resource-revisions,omitempty"`

RefreshRequestAction defines a action to perform against the Refresh API.

type RefreshRequestContext

type RefreshRequestContext struct {
	InstanceKey string `json:"instance-key"`
	ID          string `json:"id"`

	Revision        int            `json:"revision"`
	Base            Base           `json:"base,omitempty"`
	TrackingChannel string         `json:"tracking-channel,omitempty"`
	RefreshedDate   *time.Time     `json:"refresh-date,omitempty"`
	Metrics         ContextMetrics `json:"metrics,omitempty"`

RefreshRequestContext can request a given context for making multiple requests to one given entity.

type RefreshResourceRevision

type RefreshResourceRevision struct {
	Name     string `json:"name"`
	Revision int    `json:"revision"`

RefreshResourceRevision represents a resource name revision pair for install by revision.

type RefreshResponse

type RefreshResponse struct {
	Entity           RefreshEntity `json:"charm"` // TODO: Pick up new naming of this.
	EffectiveChannel string        `json:"effective-channel"`
	Error            *APIError     `json:"error,omitempty"`
	ID               string        `json:"id"`
	InstanceKey      string        `json:"instance-key"`
	Name             string        `json:"name"`
	Result           string        `json:"result"`

	// Officially the released-at is ISO8601, but go's version of time.Time is
	// both RFC3339 and ISO8601 (the latter makes the T optional).
	ReleasedAt time.Time `json:"released-at"`

RefreshResponse defines a typed response for the refresh query.

type RefreshResponses

type RefreshResponses struct {
	Results   []RefreshResponse `json:"results,omitempty"`
	ErrorList APIErrors         `json:"error-list,omitempty"`

RefreshResponses holds a series of typed RefreshResponse or a series of errors if the query performed failed for some reason.

type Release

type Release struct {
	Base    Base   `json:"base"`
	Channel string `json:"channel"`

Release defines a set of suggested releases that might also work for the given request.

type RequestMetrics

type RequestMetrics map[string]map[string]string

RequestMetrics are a map of key value pairs of metrics for the controller and the model in the request.

type ResourceRevision

type ResourceRevision struct {
	Download    Download `json:"download"`
	Description string   `json:"description"`
	Name        string   `json:"name"`
	Filename    string   `json:"filename"`
	Revision    int      `json:"revision"`
	Type        string   `json:"type"`

ResourceRevision defines a typed response for the list resource revisions query.

type ResourcesResponse

type ResourcesResponse struct {
	Revisions []ResourceRevision `json:"revisions"`

ResourcesResponse defines a series of typed responses for the list resource revisions query.

type Type

type Type string

Type represents the type of payload is expected from the API

const (
	// CharmType represents the charm payload.
	CharmType Type = "charm"
	// BundleType represents the bundle payload.
	BundleType Type = "bundle"

func (Type) Matches

func (t Type) Matches(o string) bool

Matches attempts to match a string to a given source.

func (Type) String

func (t Type) String() string

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