Overview ¶
common functions used by datahub
Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func AccessGroupsDecriptionAttributes(d *schema.ResourceData, nasSetTypes []nas.DescribeAccessGroupsAccessGroup1, ...) error
- func AddTags(client *ecs.Client, args *AddTagsArgs) error
- func BoolPointer(b bool) *bool
- func BuildWrapError(action, id string, source ErrorSource, err error, suggestion string) error
- func CommonBandwidthPackagesDecriptionAttributes(d *schema.ResourceData, cbwps []vpc.CommonBandwidthPackage, meta interface{}) error
- func ConvertIntegerToInt(value requests.Integer) (v int, err error)
- func DescribeDomainDetail(Id string, meta interface{}) (domain cdn.DomainDetail, err error)
- func Error(msg string, args ...interface{}) error
- func ForwardEntriesDecriptionAttributes(d *schema.ResourceData, entries []vpc.ForwardTableEntry, meta interface{}) error
- func GetAllRouterInterfaceSpec() (specifications []string)
- func GetCenChildInstanceType(id string) (c string, e error)
- func GetFunc(level int) string
- func GetNotFoundErrorFromString(str string) error
- func GetNotFoundMessage(product, id string) string
- func GetTimeErrorFromString(str string) error
- func GetTimeoutMessage(product, status string) string
- func GetUserHomeDir() (string, error)
- func Int32Pointer(i int32) *int32
- func IsExceptedError(err error, expectCode string) bool
- func IsExceptedErrors(err error, expectCodes []string) bool
- func MountTargetDescriptionAttributes(d *schema.ResourceData, nasSetTypes []nas.DescribeMountTargetsMountTarget1, ...) error
- func NatGatewaysDecriptionAttributes(d *schema.ResourceData, gateways []vpc.NatGateway, meta interface{}) error
- func NotFoundError(err error) bool
- func ParseResourceId(id string, length int) (parts []string, err error)
- func Provider() terraform.ResourceProvider
- func RamEntityNotExist(err error) bool
- func RemoveTags(client *ecs.Client, args *RemoveTagsArgs) error
- func RouteEntriesDecriptionAttributes(d *schema.ResourceData, entries []vpc.RouteEntry, meta interface{}) error
- func RouteTablesDecriptionAttributes(d *schema.ResourceData, tables []vpc.RouterTableListType, meta interface{}) error
- func SnatEntriesDecriptionAttributes(d *schema.ResourceData, entries []vpc.SnatTableEntry, meta interface{}) error
- func String(v string) *string
- func StringPointer(s string) *string
- func Trim(v string) string
- func VSwitchesDecriptionAttributes(d *schema.ResourceData, vsws []vpc.VSwitch, meta interface{}) error
- func WaitForDomainStatus(Id string, status Status, timeout int, meta interface{}) error
- func WaitForServerCertificate(client *connectivity.AliyunClient, Id string, serverCertificate string, ...) error
- func WrapComplexError(cause, err error, filepath string, fileline int) error
- func WrapError(cause error) error
- func WrapErrorf(cause error, msg string, args ...interface{}) error
- type AccountSite
- type AclType
- type ActionResult
- type ActionTrailService
- type AddTagsArgs
- type AdjustmentType
- type ApiGatewayFunctionComputeConfig
- type ApiGatewayParameterMap
- type ApiGatewayRequestConfig
- type ApiGatewayRequestParam
- type ApiGatewayServiceConfig
- type ApiGatewayServiceParam
- type ApiGatewayVpcConfig
- type CasService
- type Catcher
- type CdnService
- type CenService
- func (s *CenService) CreateCenRouteEntryParas(vtbId string) (childInstanceId string, instanceType string, err error)
- func (s *CenService) DescribeCenBandwidthLimit(id string) (c cbn.CenInterRegionBandwidthLimit, err error)
- func (s *CenService) DescribeCenBandwidthPackage(id string) (c cbn.CenBandwidthPackage, err error)
- func (s *CenService) DescribeCenBandwidthPackageAttachment(id string) (c cbn.CenBandwidthPackage, err error)
- func (s *CenService) DescribeCenInstance(cenId string) (c cbn.Cen, err error)
- func (s *CenService) DescribeCenInstanceAttachment(id string) (c *cbn.ChildInstance, err error)
- func (s *CenService) DescribeCenRouteEntry(id string) (c cbn.PublishedRouteEntry, err error)
- func (s *CenService) GetCenAndRegionIds(id string) (retString []string, err error)
- func (s *CenService) GetCenIdAndAnotherId(id string) (string, string, error)
- func (s *CenService) SetCenInterRegionBandwidthLimit(cenId, localRegionId, oppositeRegionId string, bandwidthLimit int) (err error)
- func (s *CenService) WaitForCenBandwidthLimit(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *CenService) WaitForCenBandwidthPackage(id string, status Status, bandwidth, timeout int) error
- func (s *CenService) WaitForCenBandwidthPackageAttachment(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *CenService) WaitForCenInstance(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *CenService) WaitForCenInstanceAttachment(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *CenService) WaitForCenRouterEntry(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
- type CloudApiService
- func (s *CloudApiService) AbolishApi(groupId string, apiId string, stageName string) (err error)
- func (s *CloudApiService) DeployedApi(groupId string, apiId string, stageName string) (err error)
- func (s *CloudApiService) DescribeApi(apiId string, groupId string) (api *cloudapi.DescribeApiResponse, err error)
- func (s *CloudApiService) DescribeApiGroup(groupId string) (apiGroup *cloudapi.DescribeApiGroupResponse, err error)
- func (s *CloudApiService) DescribeApp(appId string) (app *cloudapi.DescribeAppResponse, err error)
- func (s *CloudApiService) DescribeAuthorization(id string) (*cloudapi.AuthorizedApp, error)
- func (s *CloudApiService) DescribeDeployedApi(groupId string, apiId string, stageName string) (api *cloudapi.DescribeDeployedApiResponse, err error)
- func (s *CloudApiService) DescribeVpcAccess(id string) (vpc *cloudapi.VpcAccessAttribute, e error)
- func (s *CloudApiService) WaitForAppAttachmentAuthorization(id string, timeout int) (err error)
- type CmsService
- func (s *CmsService) BuildCmsAlarmRequest(id string) *requests.CommonRequest
- func (s *CmsService) BuildCmsCommonRequest(region string) *requests.CommonRequest
- func (s *CmsService) BuildJsonWebhook(webhook string) string
- func (s *CmsService) DescribeAlarm(id string) (alarm cms.AlarmInListAlarm, err error)
- func (s *CmsService) ExtractWebhookFromJson(webhookJson string) (string, error)
- func (s *CmsService) WaitForCmsAlarm(id string, enabled bool, timeout int) error
- type ComparisonOperator
- type ComplexError
- type CrService
- type CsService
- func (s *CsService) DescribeContainerApplication(clusterName, appName string) (app cs.GetProjectResponse, err error)
- func (s *CsService) GetContainerClusterAndCertsByName(name string) (*cs.ClusterType, *cs.ClusterCerts, error)
- func (s *CsService) GetContainerClusterByName(name string) (cluster cs.ClusterType, err error)
- func (s *CsService) WaitForContainerApplication(clusterName, appName string, status Status, timeout int) error
- type DBAccountPrivilege
- type DBAccountType
- type DdoscooService
- func (s *DdoscooService) DescribeDdoscooInstance(id string) (v ddoscoo.Instance, err error)
- func (s *DdoscooService) DescribeDdoscooInstanceSpec(id string) (v ddoscoo.InstanceSpec, err error)
- func (s *DdoscooService) UpdateDdoscooInstanceName(instanceId string, name string) error
- func (s *DdoscooService) UpdateInstanceSpec(schemaName string, specName string, d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error
- type DestinationResource
- type Direction
- type DiskCategory
- type DiskType
- type DnsService
- type DrdsService
- func (s *DrdsService) CreateDrdsInstance(req *drds.CreateDrdsInstanceRequest) (response *drds.CreateDrdsInstanceResponse, err error)
- func (s *DrdsService) DescribeDrdsInstance(drdsInstanceId string) (response *drds.DescribeDrdsInstanceResponse, err error)
- func (s *DrdsService) DescribeDrdsInstances(regionId string) (response *drds.DescribeDrdsInstancesResponse, err error)
- func (s *DrdsService) ModifyDrdsInstanceDescription(request *drds.ModifyDrdsInstanceDescriptionRequest) (response *drds.ModifyDrdsInstanceDescriptionResponse, err error)
- func (s *DrdsService) RemoveDrdsInstance(drdsInstanceId string) (response *drds.RemoveDrdsInstanceResponse, err error)
- func (s *DrdsService) WaitForDrdsInstance(instanceId string, status string, timeout int) error
- type ESVersion
- type EcsService
- func (s *EcsService) AttachKeyPair(keyName string, instanceIds []interface{}) error
- func (s *EcsService) DescribeAvailableResources(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}, destination DestinationResource) (zoneId string, validZones []ecs.AvailableZone, err error)
- func (s *EcsService) DescribeDisk(id string) (disk ecs.Disk, err error)
- func (s *EcsService) DescribeDiskAttachment(id string) (disk ecs.Disk, err error)
- func (s *EcsService) DescribeDisksByType(instanceId string, diskType DiskType) (disk []ecs.Disk, err error)
- func (s *EcsService) DescribeImageById(id string) (image ecs.Image, err error)
- func (s *EcsService) DescribeInstance(id string) (instance ecs.Instance, err error)
- func (s *EcsService) DescribeInstanceAttribute(id string) (instance ecs.DescribeInstanceAttributeResponse, err error)
- func (s *EcsService) DescribeKeyPair(id string) (keyPair ecs.KeyPair, err error)
- func (s *EcsService) DescribeKeyPairAttachment(id string) (keyPair ecs.KeyPair, err error)
- func (s *EcsService) DescribeLaunchTemplate(id string) (set ecs.LaunchTemplateVersionSet, err error)
- func (s *EcsService) DescribeNetworkInterface(id string) (networkInterface ecs.NetworkInterfaceSet, err error)
- func (s *EcsService) DescribeNetworkInterfaceAttachment(id string) (networkInterface ecs.NetworkInterfaceSet, err error)
- func (s *EcsService) DescribeSecurityGroup(id string) (group ecs.DescribeSecurityGroupAttributeResponse, err error)
- func (s *EcsService) DescribeSecurityGroupRule(id string) (rule ecs.Permission, err error)
- func (s *EcsService) DescribeSnapshotById(snapshotId string) (*ecs.Snapshot, error)
- func (s *EcsService) DescribeSnapshotPolicy(id string) (*ecs.AutoSnapshotPolicy, error)
- func (s *EcsService) DescribeTags(resourceId string, resourceType TagResourceType) (tags []ecs.Tag, err error)
- func (s *EcsService) DescribeZone(id string) (zone ecs.Zone, err error)
- func (s *EcsService) DiskAvailable(zone ecs.Zone, diskCategory DiskCategory) error
- func (s *EcsService) InstanceStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc
- func (s *EcsService) InstanceTypeValidation(targetType, zoneId string, validZones []ecs.AvailableZone) error
- func (s *EcsService) JoinSecurityGroups(instanceId string, securityGroupIds []string) error
- func (s *EcsService) JudgeRegionValidation(key, region string) error
- func (s *EcsService) LeaveSecurityGroups(instanceId string, securityGroupIds []string) error
- func (s *EcsService) QueryInstanceAllDisks(id string) ([]string, error)
- func (s *EcsService) QueryInstanceSystemDisk(id string) (disk ecs.Disk, err error)
- func (s *EcsService) QueryInstancesWithKeyPair(instanceIdsStr, keyPair string) (instanceIds []string, instances []ecs.Instance, err error)
- func (s *EcsService) QueryPrivateIps(eniId string) ([]string, error)
- func (s *EcsService) ResourceAvailable(zone ecs.Zone, resourceType ResourceType) error
- func (s *EcsService) WaitForDisk(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *EcsService) WaitForDiskAttachment(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *EcsService) WaitForEcsInstance(instanceId string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *EcsService) WaitForKeyPair(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *EcsService) WaitForModifySecurityGroupPolicy(id, target string, timeout int) error
- func (s *EcsService) WaitForNetworkInterface(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *EcsService) WaitForPrivateIpsCountChanged(eniId string, count int) error
- func (s *EcsService) WaitForPrivateIpsListChanged(eniId string, ipList []string) error
- func (s *EcsService) WaitForSecurityGroup(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *EcsService) WaitForSnapshot(snapshotId string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *EcsService) WaitForSnapshotPolicy(snapshotPolicyId string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *EcsService) WaitForVpcAttributesChanged(instanceId, vswitchId, privateIp string) error
- type Effect
- type ElasticsearchService
- type ElasticsearchStatus
- type Engine
- type ErrorSource
- type EssService
- func (s *EssService) ActiveEssScalingConfiguration(sgId, id string) error
- func (s *EssService) DescribeEssAlarm(id string) (alarm ess.Alarm, err error)
- func (srv *EssService) DescribeEssAttachment(id string, instanceIds []string) (instances []ess.ScalingInstance, err error)
- func (s *EssService) DescribeEssLifecycleHook(id string) (hook ess.LifecycleHook, err error)
- func (s *EssService) DescribeEssScalingConfifurations(id string) (configs []ess.ScalingConfiguration, err error)
- func (s *EssService) DescribeEssScalingConfiguration(id string) (config ess.ScalingConfiguration, err error)
- func (s *EssService) DescribeEssScalingGroup(id string) (group ess.ScalingGroup, err error)
- func (s *EssService) DescribeEssScalingRule(id string) (rule ess.ScalingRule, err error)
- func (s *EssService) DescribeEssScheduledTask(id string) (task ess.ScheduledTask, err error)
- func (srv *EssService) EssRemoveInstances(id string, instanceIds []string) error
- func (s *EssService) WaitForEssAlarm(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *EssService) WaitForEssAttachment(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *EssService) WaitForEssLifecycleHook(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *EssService) WaitForEssScalingGroup(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *EssService) WaitForEssScalingRule(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *EssService) WaitForEssScheduledTask(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *EssService) WaitForScalingConfiguration(id string, status Status, timeout int) (err error)
- type EventRwType
- type FcService
- func (s *FcService) DescribeFcFunction(id string) (response *fc.GetFunctionOutput, err error)
- func (s *FcService) DescribeFcService(id string) (response *fc.GetServiceOutput, err error)
- func (s *FcService) DescribeFcTrigger(id string) (response *fc.GetTriggerOutput, err error)
- func (s *FcService) WaitForFcFunction(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *FcService) WaitForFcService(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *FcService) WaitForFcTrigger(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
- type FlagType
- type GpdbEngine
- type GpdbService
- func (s *GpdbService) DescribeGpdbInstance(id string) (instanceAttribute gpdb.DBInstanceAttribute, err error)
- func (s *GpdbService) DescribeGpdbSecurityIps(id string) (ips []gpdb.DBInstanceIPArray, err error)
- func (s *GpdbService) GetSecurityIps(id string) ([]string, error)
- func (s *GpdbService) ModifyGpdbSecurityIps(id, ips string) error
- func (s *GpdbService) WaitForGpdbInstance(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
- type GroupInnerAccessPolicy
- type GroupRuleNicType
- type GroupRulePolicy
- type HaVipService
- func (s *HaVipService) DescribeHaVip(haVipId string) (v vpc.HaVip, err error)
- func (s *HaVipService) DescribeHaVipAttachment(haVipId string, instanceId string) (err error)
- func (s *HaVipService) WaitForHaVip(haVipId string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *HaVipService) WaitForHaVipAttachment(haVipId string, instanceId string, timeout int) error
- type HealthCheckHttpCodeType
- type HealthCheckType
- type IPType
- type IPVersion
- type IkeConfig
- type ImageOwnerAlias
- type IndexFiledType
- type InstanceAccessedByType
- type InstanceCreationType
- type InstanceNetWork
- type InstanceSeries
- type InternetChargeType
- type Invoker
- type IpVersion
- type IpsecConfig
- type KVStoreEngineVersion
- type KVStoreInstanceType
- type KeyState
- type KmsService
- type KubernetesNodeType
- type KvstoreService
- func (s *KvstoreService) DescribeKVstoreBackupPolicy(id string) (response *r_kvstore.DescribeBackupPolicyResponse, err error)
- func (s *KvstoreService) DescribeKVstoreInstance(id string) (instance *r_kvstore.DBInstanceAttribute, err error)
- func (s *KvstoreService) DescribeParameters(id string) (ds *r_kvstore.DescribeParametersResponse, err error)
- func (s *KvstoreService) ModifyInstanceConfig(id string, config string) error
- func (s *KvstoreService) WaitForKVstoreInstance(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *KvstoreService) WaitForKVstoreInstanceVpcAuthMode(id string, status string, timeout int) error
- type LifecycleRuleStatus
- type LifecycleTransition
- type ListenerErr
- type LoadBalancerSpecType
- type LogService
- func (s *LogService) DescribeLogLogtailConfig(projectName, configName string) (logconfig *sls.LogConfig, err error)
- func (s *LogService) DescribeLogMachineGroup(projectName, groupName string) (group *sls.MachineGroup, err error)
- func (s *LogService) DescribeLogProject(name string) (project *sls.LogProject, err error)
- func (s *LogService) DescribeLogStore(projectName, name string) (store *sls.LogStore, err error)
- func (s *LogService) DescribeLogStoreIndex(projectName, name string) (index *sls.Index, err error)
- func (s *LogService) DescribeLogtailAttachment(id string) (groupNames []string, err error)
- type MaxItems
- type MetricType
- type MnsService
- type MongoDBInstanceType
- type MongoDBService
- func (s *MongoDBService) DescribeMongoDBBackupPolicy(id string) (response *dds.DescribeBackupPolicyResponse, err error)
- func (s *MongoDBService) DescribeMongoDBInstance(id string) (instance dds.DBInstance, err error)
- func (s *MongoDBService) DescribeMongoDBSecurityIps(instanceId string) (ips []dds.SecurityIpGroup, err error)
- func (s *MongoDBService) GetSecurityIps(instanceId string) ([]string, error)
- func (s *MongoDBService) ModifyMongoDBSecurityIps(instanceId, ips string) error
- func (server *MongoDBService) ModifyMongodbShardingInstanceNode(instanceID string, nodeType MongoDBShardingNodeType, ...) error
- func (s *MongoDBService) MotifyMongoDBBackupPolicy(d *schema.ResourceData) error
- func (s *MongoDBService) NotFoundMongoDBInstance(err error) bool
- func (s *MongoDBService) ResetAccountPassword(d *schema.ResourceData, password string) error
- func (s *MongoDBService) WaitForMongoDBInstance(instanceId string, status Status, timeout int) error
- type MongoDBShardingNodeType
- type MongoDBStorageEngine
- type MultiAzPolicy
- type NasService
- func (s *NasService) DescribeNasAccessGroup(id string) (ag nas.DescribeAccessGroupsAccessGroup1, err error)
- func (s *NasService) DescribeNasAccessRule(id string) (fs nas.DescribeAccessRulesAccessRule1, err error)
- func (s *NasService) DescribeNasFileSystem(id string) (fs nas.DescribeFileSystemsFileSystem1, err error)
- func (s *NasService) DescribeNasMountTarget(id string) (fs nas.DescribeMountTargetsMountTarget1, err error)
- func (s *NasService) WaitForNasAccessGroup(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *NasService) WaitForNasAccessRule(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *NasService) WaitForNasFileSystem(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *NasService) WaitForNasMountTarget(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
- type NatGatewaySpec
- type NetType
- type NetworkType
- type NextHopType
- type OptimizedType
- type OssService
- type OtsInstanceType
- type OtsService
- func (s *OtsService) DeleteOtsTable(instanceName, tableName string) (bool, error)
- func (s *OtsService) DescribeOtsInstance(name string) (inst ots.InstanceInfo, err error)
- func (s *OtsService) DescribeOtsInstanceTypes() (types []string, err error)
- func (s *OtsService) DescribeOtsInstanceVpc(name string) (inst ots.VpcInfo, err error)
- func (s *OtsService) DescribeOtsTable(instanceName, tableName string) (table *tablestore.DescribeTableResponse, err error)
- func (s *OtsService) ListOtsInstance(pageSize int, pageNum int) ([]string, error)
- func (s *OtsService) ListOtsInstanceVpc(name string) (inst []ots.VpcInfo, err error)
- func (s *OtsService) ListOtsTable(instanceName string) (table *tablestore.ListTableResponse, err error)
- func (s *OtsService) WaitForOtsInstance(name string, status Status, timeout int) error
- type OtsTableInfo
- type PayType
- type Period
- type Policy
- type PolicyStatement
- type PrimaryKeyTypeString
- type Principal
- type Protocol
- type ProviderError
- type PvtzService
- func (s *PvtzService) DescribePvtzZone(id string) (zone pvtz.DescribeZoneInfoResponse, err error)
- func (s *PvtzService) DescribePvtzZoneAttachment(id string) (object pvtz.DescribeZoneInfoResponse, err error)
- func (s *PvtzService) DescribeZoneRecord(id string) (record pvtz.Record, err error)
- func (s *PvtzService) WaitForPvtzZone(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *PvtzService) WaitForPvtzZoneAttachment(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *PvtzService) WaitForPvtzZoneRecord(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *PvtzService) WaitForZoneAttachment(id string, vpcIdMap map[string]string, timeout int) error
- type RamService
- func (s *RamService) AssemblePolicyDocument(document []interface{}, version string) (string, error)
- func (s *RamService) AssembleRolePolicyDocument(ramUser, service []interface{}, version string) (string, error)
- func (s *RamService) DescribeRamAccessKey(id, userName string) (*ram.AccessKey, error)
- func (s *RamService) DescribeRamAccountAlias(id string) (*ram.GetAccountAliasResponse, error)
- func (s *RamService) DescribeRamAccountPasswordPolicy(id string) (response *ram.GetPasswordPolicyResponse, err error)
- func (s *RamService) DescribeRamGroup(id string) (response *ram.GetGroupResponse, err error)
- func (s *RamService) DescribeRamGroupMembership(id string) (response *ram.ListUsersForGroupResponse, err error)
- func (s *RamService) DescribeRamGroupPolicyAttachment(id string) (response *ram.Policy, err error)
- func (s *RamService) DescribeRamLoginProfile(id string) (response *ram.GetLoginProfileResponse, err error)
- func (s *RamService) DescribeRamPolicy(id string) (response *ram.GetPolicyResponse, err error)
- func (s *RamService) DescribeRamRole(id string) (response *ram.GetRoleResponse, err error)
- func (s *RamService) DescribeRamRoleAttachment(id string) (response *ecs.DescribeInstanceRamRoleResponse, err error)
- func (s *RamService) DescribeRamRolePolicyAttachment(id string) (response *ram.Policy, err error)
- func (s *RamService) DescribeRamUser(id string) (*ram.User, error)
- func (s *RamService) DescribeRamUserPolicyAttachment(id string) (response *ram.Policy, err error)
- func (s *RamService) GetIntersection(dataMap []map[string]interface{}, allDataMap map[string]interface{}) (allData []interface{})
- func (s *RamService) JudgeRolePolicyPrincipal(roleName string) error
- func (s *RamService) ParsePolicyDocument(policyDocument string) (statement []map[string]interface{}, version string, err error)
- func (s *RamService) ParseRolePolicyDocument(policyDocument string) (RolePolicy, error)
- func (s *RamService) WaitForRamAccessKey(id, useName string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *RamService) WaitForRamGroup(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *RamService) WaitForRamGroupMembership(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *RamService) WaitForRamGroupPolicyAttachment(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *RamService) WaitForRamLoginProfile(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *RamService) WaitForRamPolicy(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *RamService) WaitForRamRole(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *RamService) WaitForRamRoleAttachment(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *RamService) WaitForRamRolePolicyAttachment(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *RamService) WaitForRamUser(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *RamService) WaitForRamUserPolicyAttachment(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
- type RdsService
- func (s *RdsService) DescribeBackupPolicy(id string) (policy *rds.DescribeBackupPolicyResponse, err error)
- func (s *RdsService) DescribeDBAccount(id string) (ds *rds.DBInstanceAccount, err error)
- func (s *RdsService) DescribeDBAccountPrivilege(id string) (ds *rds.DBInstanceAccount, err error)
- func (s *RdsService) DescribeDBConnection(id string) (*rds.DBInstanceNetInfo, error)
- func (s *RdsService) DescribeDBDatabase(id string) (ds *rds.Database, err error)
- func (s *RdsService) DescribeDBInstance(id string) (instance *rds.DBInstanceAttribute, err error)
- func (s *RdsService) DescribeDBInstanceNetInfo(id string) ([]rds.DBInstanceNetInfo, error)
- func (s *RdsService) DescribeDBReadWriteSplittingConnection(id string) (*rds.DBInstanceNetInfo, error)
- func (s *RdsService) DescribeDBReadonlyInstance(id string) (instance *rds.DBInstanceAttribute, err error)
- func (s *RdsService) DescribeDBSecurityIps(instanceId string) (ips []rds.DBInstanceIPArray, err error)
- func (s *RdsService) DescribeDbInstanceMonitor(id string) (monitoringPeriod int, err error)
- func (s *RdsService) DescribeMultiIZByRegion() (izs []string, err error)
- func (s *RdsService) DescribeParameters(id string) (ds *rds.DescribeParametersResponse, err error)
- func (s *RdsService) DescribeSecurityGroupConfiguration(id string) (string, error)
- func (s *RdsService) GetSecurityIps(instanceId string) ([]string, error)
- func (s *RdsService) GrantAccountPrivilege(id, dbName string) error
- func (s *RdsService) ModifyDBBackupPolicy(instanceId, backupTime, backupPeriod, retentionPeriod, backupLog, ... string) error
- func (s *RdsService) ModifyDBSecurityIps(instanceId, ips string) error
- func (s *RdsService) ModifyParameters(d *schema.ResourceData, attribute string) error
- func (s *RdsService) ModifySecurityGroupConfiguration(id string, groupid string) error
- func (s *RdsService) NotFoundDBInstance(err error) bool
- func (s *RdsService) RefreshParameters(d *schema.ResourceData, attribute string) error
- func (s *RdsService) ReleaseDBPublicConnection(instanceId, connection string) error
- func (s *RdsService) RevokeAccountPrivilege(id, dbName string) error
- func (s *RdsService) TransformPeriod2Time(period int, chargeType string) (ut int, tt common.TimeType)
- func (s *RdsService) TransformTime2Period(ut int, tt common.TimeType) (period int)
- func (s *RdsService) WaitForAccount(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *RdsService) WaitForAccountPrivilege(id, dbName string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *RdsService) WaitForAccountPrivilegeRevoked(id, dbName string, timeout int) error
- func (s *RdsService) WaitForDBConnection(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *RdsService) WaitForDBDatabase(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *RdsService) WaitForDBInstance(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *RdsService) WaitForDBParameter(instanceId string, timeout int, expects map[string]string) error
- func (s *RdsService) WaitForDBReadWriteSplitting(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
- type RecordType
- type RecurrenceType
- type RemoveTagsArgs
- type RenewalStatus
- type ResourceType
- type Role
- type RolePolicy
- type RolePolicyStatement
- type RouterType
- type SchedulerType
- type SecurityEnhancementStrategy
- type SecurityGroup
- type SlbService
- func (s *SlbService) BuildSlbCommonRequest() (*requests.CommonRequest, error)
- func (s *SlbService) DescribeSlb(id string) (response *slb.DescribeLoadBalancerAttributeResponse, err error)
- func (s *SlbService) DescribeSlbAcl(id string) (response *slb.DescribeAccessControlListAttributeResponse, err error)
- func (s *SlbService) DescribeSlbCACertificate(id string) (*slb.CACertificate, error)
- func (s *SlbService) DescribeSlbHttpListener(id string) (listener map[string]interface{}, err error)
- func (s *SlbService) DescribeSlbHttpsListener(id string) (listener map[string]interface{}, err error)
- func (s *SlbService) DescribeSlbListener(id string, protocol Protocol) (listener map[string]interface{}, err error)
- func (s *SlbService) DescribeSlbRule(id string) (*slb.DescribeRuleAttributeResponse, error)
- func (s *SlbService) DescribeSlbServerCertificate(id string) (*slb.ServerCertificate, error)
- func (s *SlbService) DescribeSlbServerGroup(id string) (*slb.DescribeVServerGroupAttributeResponse, error)
- func (s *SlbService) DescribeSlbTcpListener(id string) (listener map[string]interface{}, err error)
- func (s *SlbService) DescribeSlbUdpListener(id string) (listener map[string]interface{}, err error)
- func (s *SlbService) FlattenSlbAclEntryMappings(list []slb.AclEntry) []map[string]interface{}
- func (s *SlbService) SlbAddAccessControlListEntry(list []interface{}, aclId string) error
- func (s *SlbService) SlbRemoveAccessControlListEntry(list []interface{}, aclId string) error
- func (s *SlbService) WaitForSlb(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *SlbService) WaitForSlbAcl(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *SlbService) WaitForSlbCACertificate(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *SlbService) WaitForSlbListener(id string, protocol Protocol, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *SlbService) WaitForSlbRule(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *SlbService) WaitForSlbServerCertificate(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *SlbService) WaitForSlbServerGroup(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *SlbService) WaitSlbAttribute(id string, instanceSet *schema.Set, timeout int) error
- type SlbTag
- type Spec
- type SpotStrategyType
- type Statistics
- type Status
- type StickySessionType
- type Tag
- type TagResourceType
- type TimeType
- type TlsCipherPolicy
- type VpcService
- func (s *VpcService) ActivateRouterInterface(interfaceId string) error
- func (s *VpcService) DeactivateRouterInterface(interfaceId string) error
- func (s *VpcService) DescribeCenInstanceGrant(id string) (rule vpc.CbnGrantRule, err error)
- func (s *VpcService) DescribeCommonBandwidthPackage(id string) (v vpc.CommonBandwidthPackage, err error)
- func (s *VpcService) DescribeCommonBandwidthPackageAttachment(id string) (v vpc.CommonBandwidthPackage, err error)
- func (s *VpcService) DescribeEip(id string) (eip vpc.EipAddress, err error)
- func (s *VpcService) DescribeEipAssociation(id string) (object vpc.EipAddress, err error)
- func (s *VpcService) DescribeForwardEntry(id string) (entry vpc.ForwardTableEntry, err error)
- func (s *VpcService) DescribeNatGateway(id string) (nat vpc.NatGateway, err error)
- func (s *VpcService) DescribeNetworkAcl(id string) (networkAcl vpc.NetworkAcl, err error)
- func (s *VpcService) DescribeNetworkAclAttachment(id string, resource []vpc.Resource) (err error)
- func (s *VpcService) DescribeRouteEntry(id string) (v *vpc.RouteEntry, err error)
- func (s *VpcService) DescribeRouteTable(id string) (v vpc.RouterTableListType, err error)
- func (s *VpcService) DescribeRouteTableAttachment(id string) (v vpc.RouterTableListType, err error)
- func (s *VpcService) DescribeRouterInterface(id, regionId string) (ri vpc.RouterInterfaceType, err error)
- func (s *VpcService) DescribeRouterInterfaceConnection(id, regionId string) (ri vpc.RouterInterfaceType, err error)
- func (s *VpcService) DescribeSnatEntry(id string) (snat vpc.SnatTableEntry, err error)
- func (s *VpcService) DescribeVSwitch(id string) (v vpc.DescribeVSwitchAttributesResponse, err error)
- func (s *VpcService) DescribeVpc(id string) (v vpc.DescribeVpcAttributeResponse, err error)
- func (s *VpcService) FlattenPublicIpAddressesMappings(list []vpc.PublicIpAddresse) []map[string]interface{}
- func (s *VpcService) QueryRouteTableById(routeTableId string) (rt vpc.RouteTable, err error)
- func (s *VpcService) WaitForAllRouteEntriesAvailable(routeTableId string, timeout int) error
- func (s *VpcService) WaitForCenInstanceGrant(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *VpcService) WaitForCommonBandwidthPackage(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *VpcService) WaitForCommonBandwidthPackageAttachment(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *VpcService) WaitForEip(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *VpcService) WaitForEipAssociation(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *VpcService) WaitForForwardEntry(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *VpcService) WaitForNatGateway(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *VpcService) WaitForNetworkAcl(networkAclId string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *VpcService) WaitForNetworkAclAttachment(id string, resource []vpc.Resource, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *VpcService) WaitForRouteEntry(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *VpcService) WaitForRouteTable(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *VpcService) WaitForRouteTableAttachment(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *VpcService) WaitForRouterInterface(id, regionId string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *VpcService) WaitForRouterInterfaceConnection(id, regionId string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *VpcService) WaitForSnatEntry(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *VpcService) WaitForVSwitch(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *VpcService) WaitForVpc(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
- type VpnGatewayService
- func (s *VpnGatewayService) AssembleIkeConfig(ikeCfgParam []interface{}) (string, error)
- func (s *VpnGatewayService) AssembleIpsecConfig(ipsecCfgParam []interface{}) (string, error)
- func (s *VpnGatewayService) AssembleNetworkSubnetToString(list []interface{}) string
- func (s *VpnGatewayService) DescribeSslVpnClientCert(id string) (v vpc.DescribeSslVpnClientCertResponse, err error)
- func (s *VpnGatewayService) DescribeSslVpnServer(id string) (v vpc.SslVpnServer, err error)
- func (s *VpnGatewayService) DescribeVpnConnection(id string) (v vpc.DescribeVpnConnectionResponse, err error)
- func (s *VpnGatewayService) DescribeVpnCustomerGateway(id string) (v vpc.DescribeCustomerGatewayResponse, err error)
- func (s *VpnGatewayService) DescribeVpnGateway(id string) (v vpc.DescribeVpnGatewayResponse, err error)
- func (s *VpnGatewayService) ParseIkeConfig(ike vpc.IkeConfig) (ikeConfigs []map[string]interface{})
- func (s *VpnGatewayService) ParseIpsecConfig(ipsec vpc.IpsecConfig) (ipsecConfigs []map[string]interface{})
- func (s *VpnGatewayService) WaitForSslVpnClientCert(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *VpnGatewayService) WaitForSslVpnServer(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *VpnGatewayService) WaitForVpnConnection(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *VpnGatewayService) WaitForVpnCustomerGateway(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
- func (s *VpnGatewayService) WaitForVpnGateway(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
- type WrapErrorOld
Constants ¶
const ( ClassicNet = InstanceNetWork("classic") VpcNet = InstanceNetWork("vpc") )
const ( PrePaid = PayType("PrePaid") PostPaid = PayType("PostPaid") Prepaid = PayType("Prepaid") Postpaid = PayType("Postpaid") )
const ( Internet = NetType("Internet") Intranet = NetType("Intranet") )
const ( Classic = NetworkType("Classic") Vpc = NetworkType("Vpc") ClassicInternet = NetworkType("classic_internet") ClassicIntranet = NetworkType("classic_intranet") )
const ( Hour = TimeType("Hour") Day = TimeType("Day") Week = TimeType("Week") Month = TimeType("Month") Year = TimeType("Year") )
const ( IPV4 = IpVersion("ipv4") IPV6 = IpVersion("ipv6") )
const ( Pending = Status("Pending") Creating = Status("Creating") Running = Status("Running") Available = Status("Available") Modifying = Status("Modifying") Deleting = Status("Deleting") Starting = Status("Starting") Stopping = Status("Stopping") Stopped = Status("Stopped") Normal = Status("Normal") Changing = Status("Changing") Online = Status("online") Configuring = Status("configuring") Associating = Status("Associating") Unassociating = Status("Unassociating") InUse = Status("InUse") DiskInUse = Status("In_use") Active = Status("Active") Inactive = Status("Inactive") Idle = Status("Idle") SoldOut = Status("SoldOut") InService = Status("InService") Removing = Status("Removing") DisabledStatus = Status("Disabled") Init = Status("Init") Provisioning = Status("Provisioning") Updating = Status("Updating") FinancialLocked = Status("FinancialLocked") PUBLISHED = Status("Published") NOPUBLISHED = Status("NonPublished") Deleted = Status("Deleted") Null = Status("Null") Enable = Status("Enable") BINDED = Status("BINDED") )
const ( Inner = IPType("Inner") Private = IPType("Private") Public = IPType("Public") )
const ( ResourceTypeInstance = ResourceType("Instance") ResourceTypeDisk = ResourceType("Disk") ResourceTypeVSwitch = ResourceType("VSwitch") ResourceTypeRds = ResourceType("Rds") IoOptimized = ResourceType("IoOptimized") ResourceTypeRkv = ResourceType("KVStore") ResourceTypeFC = ResourceType("FunctionCompute") ResourceTypeElasticsearch = ResourceType("Elasticsearch") ResourceTypeSlb = ResourceType("Slb") ResourceTypeMongoDB = ResourceType("MongoDB") ResourceTypeGpdb = ResourceType("Gpdb") )
const ( PayByBandwidth = InternetChargeType("PayByBandwidth") PayByTraffic = InternetChargeType("PayByTraffic") PayBy95 = InternetChargeType("PayBy95") )
const ( DomesticSite = AccountSite("Domestic") IntlSite = AccountSite("International") )
const ( SnapshotCreatingInProcessing = Status("progressing") SnapshotCreatingAccomplished = Status("accomplished") SnapshotCreatingFailed = Status("failed") SnapshotPolicyCreating = Status("Creating") SnapshotPolicyAvaliable = Status("avaliable") SnapshotPolicyNormal = Status("Normal") )
const ( PageSizeSmall = 10 PageSizeMedium = 20 PageSizeLarge = 50 PageSizeXLarge = 100 )
const ( Http = Protocol("http") Https = Protocol("https") Tcp = Protocol("tcp") Udp = Protocol("udp") All = Protocol("all") Icmp = Protocol("icmp") Gre = Protocol("gre") )
Constants of protocol definition
const ( IOOptimized = OptimizedType("optimized") NoneOptimized = OptimizedType("none") )
const ( TagResourceImage = TagResourceType("image") TagResourceInstance = TagResourceType("instance") TagResourceSnapshot = TagResourceType("snapshot") TagResourceDisk = TagResourceType("disk") TagResourceSecurityGroup = TagResourceType("securitygroup") TagResourceEni = TagResourceType("eni") )
const ( KubernetesNodeMaster = ResourceType("Master") KubernetesNodeWorker = ResourceType("Worker") )
const ( EventRead = EventRwType("Read") EventWrite = EventRwType("Write") EventAll = EventRwType("All") )
const ( // common NotFound = "NotFound" WaitForTimeout = "WaitForTimeout" ResourceNotFound = "ResourceNotfound" // ecs InstanceNotFound = "Instance.Notfound" MessageInstanceNotFound = "instance is not found" EcsThrottling = "Throttling" EcsInternalError = "InternalError" // disk InternalError = "InternalError" DependencyViolation = "DependencyViolation" // eip EipIncorrectStatus = "IncorrectEipStatus" InstanceIncorrectStatus = "IncorrectInstanceStatus" HaVipIncorrectStatus = "IncorrectHaVipStatus" COMMODITYINVALID_COMPONENT = "COMMODITY.INVALID_COMPONENT" AllocationIdNotFound = "InvalidAllocationId.NotFound" HasBeenUsedBySnatTable = "InvalidIpStatus.HasBeenUsedBySnatTable" HasBeenUsedByForwardEntry = "InvalidIpStatus.HasBeenUsedByForwardEntry" // slb LoadBalancerNotFound = "InvalidLoadBalancerId.NotFound" UnsupportedProtocalPort = "UnsupportedOperationonfixedprotocalport" ListenerNotFound = "The specified resource does not exist" ListenerAlreadyExists = "ListenerAlreadyExists" SlbOrderFailed = "OrderFailed" VServerGroupNotFoundMessage = "The specified VServerGroupId does not exist" RspoolVipExist = "RspoolVipExist" InvalidParameter = "InvalidParameter" InvalidRuleIdNotFound = "InvalidRuleId.NotFound" RuleDomainExist = "DomainExist" BackendServerConfiguring = "BackendServer.configuring" // slb acl SlbAclNumberOverLimit = "AclNumberOverLimit" SlbAclInvalidActionRegionNotSupport = "InvalidAction.RegionNotSupport" SlbAclNotExists = "AclNotExist" SlbAclEntryEmpty = "AclEntryEmpty" SlbAclNameExist = "AclNameExist" SlbTokenIsProcessing = "OperationFailed.TokenIsProcessing" SlbCACertificateIdNotFound = "CACertificateId.NotFound" // slb server certificate SlbServerCertificateIdNotFound = "ServerCertificateId.NotFound" // security_group InvalidInstanceIdAlreadyExists = "InvalidInstanceId.AlreadyExists" InvalidSecurityGroupIdNotFound = "InvalidSecurityGroupId.NotFound" SgDependencyViolation = "DependencyViolation" //Nat gateway NatGatewayInvalidRegionId = "Invalid.RegionId" DependencyViolationBandwidthPackages = "DependencyViolation.BandwidthPackages" VswitchStatusError = "VswitchStatusError" EIP_NOT_IN_GATEWAY = "EIP_NOT_IN_GATEWAY" InvalidNatGatewayIdNotFound = "InvalidNatGatewayId.NotFound" InstanceNotExists = "INSTANCE_NOT_EXISTS" // vpc VpcQuotaExceeded = "QuotaExceeded.Vpc" InvalidVpcIDNotFound = "InvalidVpcID.NotFound" ForbiddenVpcNotFound = "Forbidden.VpcNotFound" Throttling = "Throttling" IncorrectVpcStatus = "IncorrectVpcStatus" IncorrectStatus = "IncorrectStatus" // NAS InvalidFileSystemIDNotFound = "InvalidFileSystem.NotFound" InvalidAccessGroupNotFound = "InvalidAccessGroup.NotFound" ForbiddenNasNotFound = "Forbidden.NasNotFound" InvalidMountTargetNotFound = "InvalidMountTarget.NotFound" InvalidLBidNotFound = "InvalidLBid.NotFound" //apigatway ApiGroupNotFound = "NotFoundApiGroup" RepeatedCommit = "RepeatedCommit" ApiNotFound = "NotFoundApi" NotFoundApp = "NotFoundApp" NotFoundAuthorization = "NotFoundAuthorization" NotFoundStage = "NotFoundStage" NotFoundVpc = "NotFoundVpc" // vswitch VswitcInvalidRegionId = "InvalidRegionId.NotFound" InvalidVswitchIDNotFound = "InvalidVswitchID.NotFound" TokenProcessing = "OperationFailed.IdempotentTokenProcessing" //route entry IncorrectRouteEntryStatus = "IncorrectRouteEntryStatus" InvalidStatusRouteEntry = "InvalidStatus.RouteEntry" TaskConflict = "TaskConflict" RouterEntryForbbiden = "Forbbiden" RouterEntryConflictDuplicated = "RouterEntryConflict.Duplicated" InvalidCidrBlockOverlapped = "InvalidCidrBlock.Overlapped" IncorrectOppositeInterfaceInfoNotSet = "IncorrectOppositeInterfaceInfo.NotSet" InvalidSnatTableIdNotFound = "InvalidSnatTableId.NotFound" InvalidSnatEntryIdNotFound = "InvalidSnatEntryId.NotFound" IncorretSnatEntryStatus = "IncorretSnatEntryStatus" InvalidRouteEntryNotFound = "InvalidRouteEntry.NotFound" // Forward InvalidIpNotInNatgw = "InvalidIp.NotInNatgw" InvalidForwardTableIdNotFound = "InvalidForwardTableId.NotFound" InvalidForwardEntryIdNotFound = "InvalidForwardEntryId.NotFound" // ess InvalidScalingGroupIdNotFound = "InvalidScalingGroupId.NotFound" InvalidScheduledTaskIdNotFound = "InvalidScheduledTaskId.NotFound" IncorrectScalingConfigurationLifecycleState = "IncorrectScalingConfigurationLifecycleState" IncorrectScalingGroupStatus = "IncorrectScalingGroupStatus" IncorrectCapacityMaxSize = "IncorrectCapacity.MaxSize" IncorrectCapacityMinSize = "IncorrectCapacity.MinSize" ScalingActivityInProgress = "ScalingActivityInProgress" EssThrottling = "Throttling" InvalidScalingRuleIdNotFound = "InvalidScalingRuleId.NotFound" InvalidLifecycleHookIdNotFound = "InvalidLifecycleHookId.NotExist" InvalidEssAlarmTaskNotFound = "404" InvalidEssScalingConfigurationIdNotFound = "InvalidScalingConfigurationId.NotFound" //drds InvalidDRDSInstanceIdNotFound = "InvalidDRDSInstanceId.NotFound" //mongodb InvalidMongoDBInstanceIdNotFound = "InvalidDBInstanceId.NotFound" InvalidMongoDBNameNotFound = "InvalidDBName.NotFound" // gpdb InvalidGpdbNameNotFound = "InvalidDBName.NotFound" InvalidGpdbInstanceIdNotFound = "InvalidDBInstanceId.NotFound" InvalidGpdbInstanceStatus = "OperationDenied.DBInstanceStatus" // rds InvalidDBInstanceIdNotFound = "InvalidDBInstanceId.NotFound" InvalidDBNameNotFound = "InvalidDBName.NotFound" InvalidDBInstanceNameNotFound = "InvalidDBInstanceName.NotFound" InvalidCurrentConnectionStringNotFound = "InvalidCurrentConnectionString.NotFound" InvalidRwSplitNetTypeNotFound = "InvalidRwSplitNetType.NotFound" NetTypeExists = "NetTypeExists" InvalidAccountNameDuplicate = "InvalidAccountName.Duplicate" InvalidAccountNameNotFound = "InvalidAccountName.NotFound" InvalidConnectionStringDuplicate = "InvalidConnectionString.Duplicate" AtLeastOneNetTypeExists = "AtLeastOneNetTypeExists" ConnectionOperationDenied = "OperationDenied" ConnectionConflictMessage = "The requested resource is sold out in the specified zone; try other types of resources or other regions and zones" DBInternalError = "InternalError" OperationDeniedDBInstanceStatus = "OperationDenied.DBInstanceStatus" DBOperationDeniedOutofUsage = "OperationDenied.OutofUsage" // oss OssBucketNotFound = "NoSuchBucket" OssBodyNotFound = "404 Not Found" NoSuchCORSConfiguration = "NoSuchCORSConfiguration" NoSuchWebsiteConfiguration = "NoSuchWebsiteConfiguration" InsufficientBucketPolicyException = "InsufficientBucketPolicyException" // RAM Instance Not Found RamInstanceNotFound = "Forbidden.InstanceNotFound" AliyunGoClientFailure = "AliyunGoClientFailure" // dns RecordForbiddenDNSChange = "RecordForbidden.DNSChange" FobiddenNotEmptyGroup = "Fobidden.NotEmptyGroup" DomainRecordNotBelongToUser = "DomainRecordNotBelongToUser" InvalidDomainNotFound = "InvalidDomain.NotFound" InvalidDomainNameNoExist = "InvalidDomainName.NoExist" DnsInternalError = "InternalError" // ram user DeleteConflictUserGroup = "DeleteConflict.User.Group" DeleteConflictUserAccessKey = "DeleteConflict.User.AccessKey" DeleteConflictUserLoginProfile = "DeleteConflict.User.LoginProfile" DeleteConflictUserMFADevice = "DeleteConflict.User.MFADevice" DeleteConflictUserPolicy = "DeleteConflict.User.Policy" // ram mfa DeleteConflictVirtualMFADeviceUser = "DeleteConflict.VirtualMFADevice.User" // ram group DeleteConflictGroupUser = "DeleteConflict.Group.User" DeleteConflictGroupPolicy = "DeleteConflict.Group.Policy" // ram role DeleteConflictRolePolicy = "DeleteConflict.Role.Policy" EntityNotExistRole = "EntityNotExist.Role" // ram policy DeleteConflictPolicyUser = "DeleteConflict.Policy.User" DeleteConflictPolicyGroup = "DeleteConflict.Policy.Group" DeleteConflictPolicyVersion = "DeleteConflict.Policy.Version" //unknown Error UnknownError = "UnknownError" // Keypair error KeyPairNotFound = "InvalidKeyPair.NotFound" // Container ErrorClusterNotFound = "ErrorClusterNotFound" // cr ErrorNamespaceNotExist = "NAMESPACE_NOT_EXIST" ErrorRepoNotExist = "REPO_NOT_EXIST" // cdn ServiceBusy = "ServiceBusy" // KMS ForbiddenKeyNotFound = "Forbidden.KeyNotFound" // RAM InvalidRamRoleNotFound = "InvalidRamRole.NotFound" RoleAttachmentUnExpectedJson = "unexpected end of JSON input" InvalidInstanceIdNotFound = "InvalidInstanceId.NotFound" RouterInterfaceIncorrectStatus = "IncorrectStatus" DependencyViolationRouterInterfaceReferedByRouteEntry = "DependencyViolation.RouterInterfaceReferedByRouteEntry" // CS ErrorClusterNameAlreadyExist = "ErrorClusterNameAlreadyExist" ApplicationNotFound = "Not Found" ApplicationErrorIgnore = "Unable to reach primary cluster manager" ApplicationConfirmConflict = "Conflicts with unconfirmed updates for operation" // privatezone ZoneNotExists = "Zone.NotExists" ZoneVpcNotExists = "ZoneVpc.NotExists.VpcId" ZoneVpcExists = "Zone.VpcExists" RecordInvalidConflict = "Record.Invalid.Conflict" PvtzInternalError = "InternalError" PvtzThrottlingUser = "Throttling.User" PvtzSystemBusy = "System.Busy" // log ProjectNotExist = "ProjectNotExist" IndexConfigNotExist = "IndexConfigNotExist" IndexAlreadyExist = "IndexAlreadyExist" LogStoreNotExist = "LogStoreNotExist" InternalServerError = "InternalServerError" GroupNotExist = "GroupNotExist" MachineGroupNotExist = "MachineGroupNotExist" LogClientTimeout = "Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers" LogRequestTimeout = "RequestTimeout" LogConfigNotExist = "ConfigNotExist" // OTS OTSObjectNotExist = "OTSObjectNotExist" SuffixNoSuchHost = "no such host" OTSStorageServerBusy = "OTSStorageServerBusy" OTSQuotaExhausted = "OTSQuotaExhausted" OTSQuotaFrequentMsg = "Too frequent table operations." OTSInternalServerError = "OTSInternalServerError" OTSServerBusy = "OTSServerBusy" OTSTimeout = "OTSTimeout" OTSRowOperationConflict = "OTSRowOperationConflict" OTSTableNotReady = "OTSTableNotReady" OTSNotEnoughCapacityUnit = "OTSNotEnoughCapacityUnit" // FC ServiceNotFound = "ServiceNotFound" FunctionNotFound = "FunctionNotFound" TriggerNotFound = "TriggerNotFound" AccessDenied = "AccessDenied" // Vpn VpnNotFound = "InvalidVpnGatewayInstanceId.NotFound" VpnForbidden = "Forbidden" VpnForbiddenRelease = "ForbiddenRelease" VpnForbiddenSubUser = "Forbbiden.SubUser" CgwNotFound = "InvalidCustomerGatewayInstanceId.NotFound" ResQuotaFull = "Resource.QuotaFull" VpnConnNotFound = "InvalidVpnConnectionInstanceId.NotFound" InvalidIpAddress = "InvalidIpAddress.AlreadyExist" SslVpnServerNotFound = "InvalidSslVpnServerId.NotFound" SslVpnClientCertNotFound = "InvalidSslVpnClientCertId.NotFound" VpnConfiguring = "VpnGateway.Configuring" VpnInvalidSpec = "InvalidSpec.NotFound" VpnEnable = "enable" // CEN OperationBlocking = "Operation.Blocking" ParameterCenInstanceIdNotExist = "ParameterCenInstanceId" CenQuotaExceeded = "QuotaExceeded.CenCountExceeded" InvalidCenInstanceStatus = "InvalidOperation.CenInstanceStatus" InvalidChildInstanceStatus = "InvalidOperation.ChildInstanceStatus" ParameterInstanceIdNotExist = "ParameterInstanceId" ForbiddenRelease = "Forbidden.Release" InvalidCenBandwidthLimitsNotZero = "InvalidOperation.CenBandwidthLimitsNotZero" ParameterBwpInstanceId = "ParameterBwpInstanceId" InvalidBwpInstanceStatus = "InvalidOperation.BwpInstanceStatus" InvalidBwpBusinessStatus = "InvalidOperation.BwpBusinessStatus" ParameterIllegal = "ParameterIllegal" ParameterIllegalCenInstanceId = "ParameterIllegal.CenInstanceId" InstanceNotExist = "Instance.NotExist" NotFoundRoute = "InvalidOperation.NotFoundRoute" InvalidStateForOperationMsg = "not in a valid state for the operation" InstanceNotExistMsg = "The instance is not exist" // snapshot SnapshotNotFound = "InvalidSnapshotId.NotFound" // kv-store InvalidKVStoreInstanceIdNotFound = "InvalidInstanceId.NotFound" // MNS QueueNotExist = "QueueNotExist" TopicNotExist = "TopicNotExist" SubscriptionNotExist = "SubscriptionNotExist" //HaVip InvalidHaVipIdNotFound = "InvalidHaVipId.NotFound" InvalidVipStatus = "InvalidVip.Status" IncorrectHaVipStatus = "IncorrectHaVipStatus" //Cas CertNotExist = "CertNotExist" InvalidPrivateIpAddressDuplicated = "InvalidPrivateIpAddress.Duplicated" // Elasticsearch InstanceActivating = "InstanceActivating" ESInstanceNotFound = "InstanceNotFound" ESMustChangeOneResource = "MustChangeOneResource" ESCssCheckUpdowngradeError = "CssCheckUpdowngradeError" // Ddoscoo DdoscooInstanceNotFound = "InstanceNotFound" InvalidDdoscooInstance = "ddos_coop3301" //nacl NetworkAclNotFound = "InvalidNetworkAcl.NotFound" //Actiontrail InvalidTrailNotFound = "TrailNotFoundException" TrailNeedRamAuthorize = "NeedRamAuthorize" )
const ( AlibabaCloudSdkGoERROR = ErrorSource("[SDK alibaba-cloud-sdk-go ERROR]") AliyunLogGoSdkERROR = ErrorSource("[SDK aliyun-log-go-sdk ERROR]") AliyunDatahubSdkGo = ErrorSource("[SDK aliyun-datahub-sdk-go ERROR]") AliyunOssGoSdk = ErrorSource("[SDK aliyun-oss-go-sdk ERROR]") FcGoSdk = ErrorSource("[SDK fc-go-sdk ERROR]") DenverdinoAliyungo = ErrorSource("[SDK denverdino/aliyungo ERROR]") AliyunTablestoreGoSdk = ErrorSource("[SDK aliyun-tablestore-go-sdk ERROR]") ProviderERROR = ErrorSource("[Provider ERROR]") )
const ( CatalogRequest = "REQUEST" CatalogConstant = "CONSTANT" CatalogSystem = "SYSTEM" ResultType = "JSON" ResultSample = "Result Sample" Visibility = "PRIVATE" AllowSignatureMethod = "HmacSHA256" WebSocketApiType = "COMMON" DeployCommonDescription = "Terraform Deploy" StageNamePre = "PRE" StageNameRelease = "RELEASE" StageNameTest = "TEST" AuthorizationDone = "DONE" ApigatewayDefaultAddress = "" ApigatewayDefaultTimeout = 30 )
const ( Average = "Average" Minimum = "Minimum" Maximum = "Maximum" )
const ( MoreThan = ">" MoreThanOrEqual = ">=" LessThan = "<" LessThanOrEqual = "<=" Equal = "==" NotEqual = "!=" )
const ( GroupRuleInternet = GroupRuleNicType("internet") GroupRuleIntranet = GroupRuleNicType("intranet") )
const ( DirectionIngress = Direction("ingress") DirectionEgress = Direction("egress") )
const ( GroupRulePolicyAccept = GroupRulePolicy("accept") GroupRulePolicyDrop = GroupRulePolicy("drop") )
const ( GroupInnerAccept = GroupInnerAccessPolicy("Accept") GroupInnerDrop = GroupInnerAccessPolicy("Drop") )
const ( NoSpot = SpotStrategyType("NoSpot") SpotWithPriceLimit = SpotStrategyType("SpotWithPriceLimit") SpotAsPriceGo = SpotStrategyType("SpotAsPriceGo") )
Constants of SpotStrategyType
const ( ZoneResource = DestinationResource("Zone") IoOptimizedResource = DestinationResource("IoOptimized") InstanceTypeResource = DestinationResource("InstanceType") SystemDiskResource = DestinationResource("SystemDisk") DataDiskResource = DestinationResource("DataDisk") NetworkResource = DestinationResource("Network") )
const ( RenewAutoRenewal = RenewalStatus("AutoRenewal") RenewNormal = RenewalStatus("Normal") RenewNotRenewal = RenewalStatus("NotRenewal") )
const ( DiskTypeAll = DiskType("all") DiskTypeSystem = DiskType("system") DiskTypeData = DiskType("data") )
const ( DiskAll = DiskCategory("all") //Default DiskCloud = DiskCategory("cloud") DiskEphemeralSSD = DiskCategory("ephemeral_ssd") DiskCloudESSD = DiskCategory("cloud_essd") DiskCloudEfficiency = DiskCategory("cloud_efficiency") DiskCloudSSD = DiskCategory("cloud_ssd") )
const ( ImageOwnerSystem = ImageOwnerAlias("system") ImageOwnerSelf = ImageOwnerAlias("self") ImageOwnerOthers = ImageOwnerAlias("others") ImageOwnerMarketplace = ImageOwnerAlias("marketplace") ImageOwnerDefault = ImageOwnerAlias("") //Return the values for system, self, and others )
const ( ActiveSecurityEnhancementStrategy = SecurityEnhancementStrategy("Active") DeactiveSecurityEnhancementStrategy = SecurityEnhancementStrategy("Deactive") )
const ( ESVersion553WithXPack = ESVersion("5.5.3_with_X-Pack") ESVersion632WithXPack = ESVersion("6.3.2_with_X-Pack") ESVersion670WithXPack = ESVersion("6.7.0_with_X-Pack") )
const ( ElasticsearchStatusActive = ElasticsearchStatus("active") ElasticsearchStatusActivating = ElasticsearchStatus("activating") )
const ( Gt = ComparisonOperator(">") Gte = ComparisonOperator(">=") Lt = ComparisonOperator("<") Lte = ComparisonOperator("<=") )
const ( Avg = Statistics("Average") Min = Statistics("Minimum") Max = Statistics("Maximum") )
const ( OneMinite = Period(60) TwoMinite = Period(120) FiveMinite = Period(300) FifteenMinite = Period(900) )
const ( System = MetricType("system") Custom = MetricType("custom") )
const ( Continue = ActionResult("CONTINUE") Abandon = ActionResult("ABANDON") )
const ( ScaleOut = LifecycleTransition("SCALE_OUT") ScaleIn = LifecycleTransition("SCALE_IN") )
const ( QuantityChangeInCapacity = AdjustmentType("QuantityChangeInCapacity") PercentChangeInCapacity = AdjustmentType("PercentChangeInCapacity") TotalCapacity = AdjustmentType("TotalCapacity") )
const ( Daily = RecurrenceType("Daily") Weekly = RecurrenceType("Weekly") Monthly = RecurrenceType("Monthly") )
const ( AutoCreated = InstanceCreationType("AutoCreated") Attached = InstanceCreationType("Attached") )
const ( Priority = MultiAzPolicy("PRIORITY") Balance = MultiAzPolicy("BALANCE") )
const ( Enabled = KeyState("Enabled") Disabled = KeyState("Disabled") PendingDeletion = KeyState("PendingDeletion") )
const ( TextType = IndexFiledType("text") LongType = IndexFiledType("long") DoubleType = IndexFiledType("double") JsonType = IndexFiledType("json") )
const ( WiredTiger = MongoDBStorageEngine("WiredTiger") RocksDB = MongoDBStorageEngine("RocksDB") )
const ( MongoDBShardingNodeMongos = MongoDBShardingNodeType("mongos") MongoDBShardingNodeShard = MongoDBShardingNodeType("shard") )
const ( MongoDBSharding = MongoDBInstanceType("sharding") MongoDBReplicate = MongoDBInstanceType("replicate") )
const ( ExpirationStatusEnabled = LifecycleRuleStatus("Enabled") ExpirationStatusDisabled = LifecycleRuleStatus("Disabled") )
const ( IntegerType = PrimaryKeyTypeString("Integer") StringType = PrimaryKeyTypeString("String") BinaryType = PrimaryKeyTypeString("Binary") )
const ( AnyNetwork = InstanceAccessedByType("Any") VpcOnly = InstanceAccessedByType("Vpc") VpcOrConsole = InstanceAccessedByType("ConsoleOrVpc") )
const ( OtsCapacity = OtsInstanceType("Capacity") OtsHighPerformance = OtsInstanceType("HighPerformance") )
const ( RecordA = RecordType("A") RecordCNAME = RecordType("CNAME") RecordTXT = RecordType("TXT") RecordMX = RecordType("MX") RecordPTR = RecordType("PTR") )
const ( ARecord = "A" NSRecord = "NS" MXRecord = "MX" TXTRecord = "TXT" CNAMERecord = "CNAME" SRVRecord = "SRV" AAAARecord = "AAAA" CAARecord = "CAA" RedirectURLRecord = "REDIRECT_URL" ForwordURLRecord = "FORWORD_URL" )
const ( MySQL = Engine("MySQL") SQLServer = Engine("SQLServer") PPAS = Engine("PPAS") PostgreSQL = Engine("PostgreSQL") )
const ( ReadOnly = DBAccountPrivilege("ReadOnly") ReadWrite = DBAccountPrivilege("ReadWrite") )
const ( DBAccountNormal = DBAccountType("Normal") DBAccountSuper = DBAccountType("Super") )
const ( KVStoreRedis = KVStoreInstanceType("Redis") KVStoreMemcache = KVStoreInstanceType("Memcache") )
const ( KVStore2Dot8 = KVStoreEngineVersion("2.8") KVStore4Dot0 = KVStoreEngineVersion("4.0") )
const ( WRRScheduler = SchedulerType("wrr") WLCScheduler = SchedulerType("wlc") RRScheduler = SchedulerType("rr") )
const ( OnFlag = FlagType("on") OffFlag = FlagType("off") )
const ( TlsCipherPolicy_1_0 = TlsCipherPolicy("tls_cipher_policy_1_0") TlsCipherPolicy_1_1 = TlsCipherPolicy("tls_cipher_policy_1_1") TlsCipherPolicy_1_2 = TlsCipherPolicy("tls_cipher_policy_1_2") TlsCipherPolicy_1_2_STRICT = TlsCipherPolicy("tls_cipher_policy_1_2_strict") )
const ( AclTypeBlack = AclType("black") AclTypeWhite = AclType("white") )
const ( IPVersion4 = IPVersion("ipv4") IPVersion6 = IPVersion("ipv6") )
const ( InsertStickySessionType = StickySessionType("insert") ServerStickySessionType = StickySessionType("server") )
const ( HTTP_2XX = HealthCheckHttpCodeType("http_2xx") HTTP_3XX = HealthCheckHttpCodeType("http_3xx") HTTP_4XX = HealthCheckHttpCodeType("http_4xx") HTTP_5XX = HealthCheckHttpCodeType("http_5xx") )
const ( TCPHealthCheckType = HealthCheckType("tcp") HTTPHealthCheckType = HealthCheckType("http") )
const ( S1Small = "slb.s1.small" S2Small = "slb.s2.small" S2Medium = "slb.s2.medium" S3Small = "slb.s3.small" S3Medium = "slb.s3.medium" S3Large = "slb.s3.large" )
const ( NatGatewaySmallSpec = NatGatewaySpec("Small") NatGatewayMiddleSpec = NatGatewaySpec("Middle") NatGatewayLargeSpec = NatGatewaySpec("Large") )
const ( EcsInstance = "EcsInstance" SlbInstance = "SlbInstance" Nat = "Nat" HaVip = "HaVip" )
const ( VRouter = RouterType("VRouter") VBR = RouterType("VBR") InitiatingSide = Role("InitiatingSide") AcceptingSide = Role("AcceptingSide") Mini2 = Spec("Mini.2") Mini5 = Spec("Mini.5") Small1 = Spec("Small.1") Small2 = Spec("Small.2") Small5 = Spec("Small.5") Middle1 = Spec("Middle.1") Middle2 = Spec("Middle.2") Middle5 = Spec("Middle.5") Large1 = Spec("Large.1") Large2 = Spec("Large.2") Large5 = Spec("Large.5") Xlarge1 = Spec("Xlarge.1") Negative = Spec(("Negative")) )
const ( NextHopIntance = NextHopType("Instance") //Default NextHopTunnel = NextHopType("Tunnel") NextHopRouterInterface = NextHopType("RouterInterface") NextHopHaVip = NextHopType("HaVip") NextHopVpnGateway = NextHopType("VpnGateway") NextHopNetworkInterface = NextHopType("NetworkInterface") )
const ( Ssl_Cert_Expiring = Status("expiring-soon") Ssl_Cert_Normal = Status("normal") Ssl_Cert_Expired = Status("expired") )
const ( IKE_VERSION_1 = string("ikev1") IKE_VERSION_2 = string("ikev2") IKE_MODE_MAIN = string("main") IKE_MODE_AGGRESSIVE = string("aggressive") VPN_ENC_AES = string("aes") VPN_ENC_AES_192 = string("aes192") VPN_ENC_AES_256 = string("aes256") VPN_ENC_AES_DES = string("des") VPN_ENC_AES_3DES = string("3des") VPN_AUTH_MD5 = string("md5") VPN_AUTH_SHA = string("sha1") VPN_AUTH_SHA256 = string("sha256") VPN_AUTH_SHA386 = string("sha386") VPN_AUTH_SHA512 = string("sha512") VPN_PFS_G1 = string("group1") VPN_PFS_G2 = string("group2") VPN_PFS_G5 = string("group5") VPN_PFS_G14 = string("group14") VPN_PFS_G24 = string("group24") VPN_UDP_PROTO = string("UDP") VPN_TCP_PROTO = string("TCP") SSL_VPN_ENC_AES_128 = string("AES-128-CBC") SSL_VPN_ENC_AES_192 = string("AES-192-CBC") SSL_VPN_ENC_AES_256 = string("AES-256-CBC") SSL_VPN_ENC_NONE = string("none") )
const ( KubernetesClusterNetworkTypeFlannel = "flannel" KubernetesClusterNetworkTypeTerway = "terway" KubernetesClusterLoggingTypeSLS = "SLS" )
const ( ManagedKubernetesClusterNetworkTypeFlannel = "flannel" ManagedKubernetesClusterNetworkTypeTerway = "terway" ManagedKubernetesCreationDefaultTimeoutInMinute = 60 )
const ( RepoTypePublic = "PUBLIC" RepoTypePrivate = "PRIVATE" )
const AllPortRange = "-1/-1"
const BackendServerPort = -520
const CharityPageUrl = ""
const ChildInstanceTypeVbr = "VBR"
const ChildInstanceTypeVpc = "VPC"
default connect port of db
const DEFAULT_REGION = "cn-beijing"
default region for all resource
const DataDefaultErrorMsg = "Datasource %s %s Failed!!! %s"
const DefaultCenTimeout = 60
const DefaultCenTimeoutLong = 180
const DefaultDebugMsg = "\n*************** %s Response *************** \n%s\n%s******************************\n\n"
const DefaultErrorMsg = "Resource %s %s Failed!!! %s"
A default message of ComplexError's Err. It is format to Resource <resource-id> <operation> Failed!!! <error source>
const DefaultIntervalLong = 20
const DefaultIntervalMedium = 10
const DefaultIntervalMini = 2
const DefaultIntervalShort = 5
const DefaultLongTimeout = 1000
timeout for long time progerss product, rds e.g.
const (
DefaultStopInstanceTimeout = 300
const DefaultTimeout = 120
timeout for common product, ecs e.g.
const DefaultTimeoutMedium = 500
const DefaultTimeoutMsg = "Resource %s %s Timeout!!! %s"
const DeleteTimeoutMsg = "Resource %s Still Exists. %s Timeout!!! %s"
const (
DoesNotExist = "does not exist"
It is proactive defense to the case that SDK extends new datahub objects.
const FailedToReachTargetStatus = "Failed to reach target status. Current status is %s."
const (
GPDB = GpdbEngine("gpdb")
const GenerationFour = "ecs-4"
const GenerationOne = "ecs-1"
const GenerationThree = "ecs-3"
const GenerationTwo = "ecs-2"
const GroupId = "groupId"
const INT_MAX = 2147483647
const (
KubernetesMasterNumber = 3
const LOCAL_HOST_IP = ""
symbol of multiIZ
const MasterNodeAmount = "3"
const MasterNodeDisk = "20"
const MasterNodeDiskType = "cloud_ssd"
const (
MaxScalingConfigurationInstanceTypes = MaxItems(10)
const NotFoundMsg = ResourceNotFound + "!!! %s"
const ScalingGroup = "scaling_group"
const ServerSideEncryptionAes256 = "AES256"
const ServerSideEncryptionKMS = "KMS"
const UserId = "userId"
const WaitInstanceActiveTimeout = 7200
const WaitTimeoutMsg = "Resource %s %s Timeout In %d Seconds. Got: %s Expected: %s !!! %s"
Variables ¶
var ApiGatewayStageNames = []string{StageNamePre, StageNameRelease, StageNameTest}
var BACKUP_TIME = []string{
"00:00Z-01:00Z", "01:00Z-02:00Z", "02:00Z-03:00Z", "03:00Z-04:00Z", "04:00Z-05:00Z",
"05:00Z-06:00Z", "06:00Z-07:00Z", "07:00Z-08:00Z", "08:00Z-09:00Z", "09:00Z-10:00Z",
"10:00Z-11:00Z", "11:00Z-12:00Z", "12:00Z-13:00Z", "13:00Z-14:00Z", "14:00Z-15:00Z",
"15:00Z-16:00Z", "16:00Z-17:00Z", "17:00Z-18:00Z", "18:00Z-19:00Z", "19:00Z-20:00Z",
"20:00Z-21:00Z", "21:00Z-22:00Z", "22:00Z-23:00Z", "23:00Z-24:00Z",
var CHARACTER_SET_NAME = []string{
"utf8", "gbk", "latin1", "utf8mb4",
"Chinese_PRC_CI_AS", "Chinese_PRC_CS_AS", "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS", "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS", "Chinese_PRC_BIN",
var ClientErrorCatcher = Catcher{AliyunGoClientFailure, 10, 5}
var DBInstanceStatusCatcher = Catcher{OperationDeniedDBInstanceStatus, 60, 5}
_______________ _______________ _______________ | | ______param______\ | | _____request_____\ | | | Business | | Service | | SDK/API | | | __________________ | | __________________ | | |______________| \ (obj, err) |______________| \ (status, cont) |______________| | | |A. {instance, nil} |a. {200, content} |B. {nil, error} |b. {200, nil} |c. {4xx, nil}
The API return 200 for resource not found. When getInstance is empty, then throw InstanceNotfound error. That the business layer only need to check error.
var DBReadInstanceNotReadyStatus = []string{"OperationDenied.ReadDBInstanceStatus", "OperationDenied.MasterDBInstanceState", "ReadDBInstance.Mismatch"}
var DiskInvalidOperation = []string{"IncorrectDiskStatus", "IncorrectInstanceStatus", "OperationConflict", InternalError, "InvalidOperation.Conflict", "IncorrectDiskStatus.Initializing"}
var EcsNotFound = []string{"InvalidInstanceId.NotFound", "Forbidden.InstanceNotFound"}
var HalfIoOptimizedFamily = map[string]string{"ecs.s2": "", "ecs.s3": "", "ecs.m1": "", "ecs.m2": "", "ecs.c1": "", "ecs.c2": ""}
var (
KubernetesClusterNodeCIDRMasksByDefault = 24
var NasNotFound = []string{InvalidMountTargetNotFound, InvalidFileSystemIDNotFound, ForbiddenNasNotFound, InvalidLBidNotFound, VolumeUnavailable}
var NetworkInterfaceInvalidOperations = []string{"InvalidOperation.InvalidEniState", "InvalidOperation.InvalidEcsState", "OperationConflict", "ServiceUnavailable", "InternalError"}
var NoneIoOptimizedFamily = map[string]string{"ecs.t1": "", "ecs.t2": "", "ecs.s1": ""}
var NoneIoOptimizedInstanceType = map[string]string{"ecs.s2.small": ""}
var OperationDeniedDBStatus = []string{"OperationDenied.DBStatus", OperationDeniedDBInstanceStatus, DBInternalError, DBOperationDeniedOutofUsage}
OTSTimeout, OTSServerUnavailable, OTSRowOperationConflict, OTSTableNotReady, OTSNotEnoughCapacityUnit, OTSQuotaFrequentMsg}
details at:
var OutdatedDiskCategory = map[DiskCategory]DiskCategory{ DiskCloud: DiskCloud}
var PvtzSystemBusyCatcher = Catcher{PvtzSystemBusy, 30, 5}
var PvtzThrottlingUserCatcher = Catcher{PvtzThrottlingUser, 30, 2}
var ServiceBusyCatcher = Catcher{"ServiceUnavailable", 10, 5}
var SlbIsBusy = []string{"SystemBusy", "OperationBusy", "ServiceIsStopping", "BackendServer.configuring", "ServiceIsConfiguring"}
var SlsClientTimeoutCatcher = Catcher{LogClientTimeout, 15, 5}
var SnapshotInvalidOperations = []string{"OperationConflict", "ServiceUnavailable", "InternalError", "SnapshotCreatedDisk", "SnapshotCreatedImage"}
var SnapshotPolicyInvalidOperations = []string{"OperationConflict", "ServiceUnavailable", "InternalError", "SnapshotCreatedDisk", "SnapshotCreatedImage"}
var SupportedDiskCategory = map[DiskCategory]DiskCategory{ DiskCloudSSD: DiskCloudSSD, DiskCloudEfficiency: DiskCloudEfficiency, DiskEphemeralSSD: DiskEphemeralSSD, DiskCloudESSD: DiskCloudESSD, DiskCloud: DiskCloud, }
var ThrottlingCatcher = Catcher{Throttling, 10, 10}
ValidProtocols network protocol list
var WEEK_ENUM = []string{"Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"}
Functions ¶
func AccessGroupsDecriptionAttributes ¶ added in v1.35.0
func AccessGroupsDecriptionAttributes(d *schema.ResourceData, nasSetTypes []nas.DescribeAccessGroupsAccessGroup1, meta interface{}) error
func BoolPointer ¶ added in v1.10.0
func BuildWrapError ¶ added in v1.28.0
func BuildWrapError(action, id string, source ErrorSource, err error, suggestion string) error
BuildWrapError returns a new error that format the origin error and add some message action: the operation of the origin error is from, like a API or method id: the resource ID of the origin error is from source: the origin error is caused by, it should be one of the ErrorSource err: the origin error suggestion: the advice of how to resolve the origin error
func CommonBandwidthPackagesDecriptionAttributes ¶ added in v1.36.0
func CommonBandwidthPackagesDecriptionAttributes(d *schema.ResourceData, cbwps []vpc.CommonBandwidthPackage, meta interface{}) error
func ConvertIntegerToInt ¶ added in v1.9.4
func DescribeDomainDetail ¶ added in v1.22.0
func DescribeDomainDetail(Id string, meta interface{}) (domain cdn.DomainDetail, err error)
func ForwardEntriesDecriptionAttributes ¶ added in v1.37.0
func ForwardEntriesDecriptionAttributes(d *schema.ResourceData, entries []vpc.ForwardTableEntry, meta interface{}) error
func GetAllRouterInterfaceSpec ¶ added in v0.1.1
func GetAllRouterInterfaceSpec() (specifications []string)
func GetCenChildInstanceType ¶ added in v1.37.0
func GetFunc ¶ added in v1.35.0
Return a ComplexError which including extra error message, error occurred file and path
func GetNotFoundMessage ¶ added in v1.8.1
func GetTimeErrorFromString ¶ added in v1.8.1
func GetTimeoutMessage ¶ added in v1.8.1
func GetUserHomeDir ¶ added in v1.9.4
func Int32Pointer ¶ added in v1.10.0
func IsExceptedError ¶ added in v0.1.1
func IsExceptedErrors ¶ added in v1.9.2
func MountTargetDescriptionAttributes ¶ added in v1.35.0
func MountTargetDescriptionAttributes(d *schema.ResourceData, nasSetTypes []nas.DescribeMountTargetsMountTarget1, meta interface{}) error
func NatGatewaysDecriptionAttributes ¶ added in v1.37.0
func NatGatewaysDecriptionAttributes(d *schema.ResourceData, gateways []vpc.NatGateway, meta interface{}) error
func NotFoundError ¶ added in v0.1.1
func ParseResourceId ¶ added in v1.36.0
func Provider ¶
func Provider() terraform.ResourceProvider
Provider returns a schema.Provider for alicloud
func RamEntityNotExist ¶ added in v1.2.0
func RemoveTags ¶
func RemoveTags(client *ecs.Client, args *RemoveTagsArgs) error
func RouteEntriesDecriptionAttributes ¶ added in v1.37.0
func RouteEntriesDecriptionAttributes(d *schema.ResourceData, entries []vpc.RouteEntry, meta interface{}) error
func RouteTablesDecriptionAttributes ¶ added in v1.36.0
func RouteTablesDecriptionAttributes(d *schema.ResourceData, tables []vpc.RouterTableListType, meta interface{}) error
func SnatEntriesDecriptionAttributes ¶ added in v1.37.0
func SnatEntriesDecriptionAttributes(d *schema.ResourceData, entries []vpc.SnatTableEntry, meta interface{}) error
func StringPointer ¶ added in v1.10.0
func VSwitchesDecriptionAttributes ¶ added in v1.7.2
func VSwitchesDecriptionAttributes(d *schema.ResourceData, vsws []vpc.VSwitch, meta interface{}) error
func WaitForDomainStatus ¶ added in v1.22.0
func WaitForServerCertificate ¶ added in v1.28.0
func WaitForServerCertificate(client *connectivity.AliyunClient, Id string, serverCertificate string, timeout int) error
func WrapComplexError ¶ added in v1.29.0
func WrapError ¶ added in v1.28.0
Return a ComplexError which including error occurred file and path
func WrapErrorf ¶ added in v1.29.0
Return a ComplexError which including extra error message, error occurred file and path
Types ¶
type AccountSite ¶ added in v1.32.0
type AccountSite string
type ActionResult ¶ added in v1.13.0
type ActionResult string
type ActionTrailService ¶ added in v1.35.0
type ActionTrailService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ActionTrailService) DescribeActionTrail ¶ added in v1.35.0
func (s *ActionTrailService) DescribeActionTrail(id string) (trail actiontrail.TrailListItem, err error)
func (*ActionTrailService) WaitForActionTrail ¶ added in v1.35.0
func (s *ActionTrailService) WaitForActionTrail(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
type AddTagsArgs ¶
type AdjustmentType ¶ added in v1.9.4
type AdjustmentType string
type ApiGatewayFunctionComputeConfig ¶ added in v1.22.0
type ApiGatewayParameterMap ¶ added in v1.22.0
type ApiGatewayRequestConfig ¶ added in v1.22.0
type ApiGatewayRequestParam ¶ added in v1.22.0
type ApiGatewayServiceConfig ¶ added in v1.22.0
type ApiGatewayServiceConfig struct { Protocol string `json:"serviceProtocol"` Address string `json:"serviceAddress"` Method string `json:"serviceHttpMethod"` Path string `json:"servicePath"` Timeout int `json:"serviceTimeout"` ContentTypeCategory string `json:"contentTypeCatagory"` ContentTypeValue string `json:"contentTypeValue"` MockEnable string `json:"mock"` MockResult string `json:"mockResult"` VpcEnable string `json:"serviceVpcEnable"` FcConfig ApiGatewayFunctionComputeConfig `json:"functionComputeConfig"` VpcConfig ApiGatewayVpcConfig `json:"vpcConfig"` AoneName string `json:"aoneAppName"` }
type ApiGatewayServiceParam ¶ added in v1.22.0
type ApiGatewayVpcConfig ¶ added in v1.22.0
type ApiGatewayVpcConfig struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
type CasService ¶ added in v1.36.0
type CasService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*CasService) DescribeCas ¶ added in v1.36.0
func (s *CasService) DescribeCas(id string) (*cas.Certificate, error)
type CdnService ¶ added in v1.34.0
type CdnService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*CdnService) DescribeCdnDomain ¶ added in v1.34.0
func (c *CdnService) DescribeCdnDomain(id string) (*cdn.GetDomainDetailModel, error)
func (*CdnService) DescribeDomainConfig ¶ added in v1.34.0
func (c *CdnService) DescribeDomainConfig(id string) (*cdn.DomainConfig, error)
func (*CdnService) WaitForCdnDomain ¶ added in v1.34.0
func (c *CdnService) WaitForCdnDomain(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
type CenService ¶ added in v1.20.0
type CenService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*CenService) CreateCenRouteEntryParas ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *CenService) CreateCenRouteEntryParas(vtbId string) (childInstanceId string, instanceType string, err error)
func (*CenService) DescribeCenBandwidthLimit ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *CenService) DescribeCenBandwidthLimit(id string) (c cbn.CenInterRegionBandwidthLimit, err error)
func (*CenService) DescribeCenBandwidthPackage ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *CenService) DescribeCenBandwidthPackage(id string) (c cbn.CenBandwidthPackage, err error)
func (*CenService) DescribeCenBandwidthPackageAttachment ¶ added in v1.47.0
func (s *CenService) DescribeCenBandwidthPackageAttachment(id string) (c cbn.CenBandwidthPackage, err error)
func (*CenService) DescribeCenInstance ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *CenService) DescribeCenInstance(cenId string) (c cbn.Cen, err error)
func (*CenService) DescribeCenInstanceAttachment ¶ added in v1.46.0
func (s *CenService) DescribeCenInstanceAttachment(id string) (c *cbn.ChildInstance, err error)
func (*CenService) DescribeCenRouteEntry ¶ added in v1.47.0
func (s *CenService) DescribeCenRouteEntry(id string) (c cbn.PublishedRouteEntry, err error)
func (*CenService) GetCenAndRegionIds ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *CenService) GetCenAndRegionIds(id string) (retString []string, err error)
func (*CenService) GetCenIdAndAnotherId ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *CenService) GetCenIdAndAnotherId(id string) (string, string, error)
func (*CenService) SetCenInterRegionBandwidthLimit ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *CenService) SetCenInterRegionBandwidthLimit(cenId, localRegionId, oppositeRegionId string, bandwidthLimit int) (err error)
func (*CenService) WaitForCenBandwidthLimit ¶ added in v1.46.0
func (s *CenService) WaitForCenBandwidthLimit(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
func (*CenService) WaitForCenBandwidthPackage ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *CenService) WaitForCenBandwidthPackage(id string, status Status, bandwidth, timeout int) error
func (*CenService) WaitForCenBandwidthPackageAttachment ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *CenService) WaitForCenBandwidthPackageAttachment(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
func (*CenService) WaitForCenInstance ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *CenService) WaitForCenInstance(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
func (*CenService) WaitForCenInstanceAttachment ¶ added in v1.46.0
func (s *CenService) WaitForCenInstanceAttachment(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
func (*CenService) WaitForCenRouterEntry ¶ added in v1.47.0
func (s *CenService) WaitForCenRouterEntry(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
type CloudApiService ¶ added in v1.20.0
type CloudApiService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*CloudApiService) AbolishApi ¶ added in v1.24.0
func (s *CloudApiService) AbolishApi(groupId string, apiId string, stageName string) (err error)
func (*CloudApiService) DeployedApi ¶ added in v1.24.0
func (s *CloudApiService) DeployedApi(groupId string, apiId string, stageName string) (err error)
func (*CloudApiService) DescribeApi ¶ added in v1.22.0
func (s *CloudApiService) DescribeApi(apiId string, groupId string) (api *cloudapi.DescribeApiResponse, err error)
func (*CloudApiService) DescribeApiGroup ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *CloudApiService) DescribeApiGroup(groupId string) (apiGroup *cloudapi.DescribeApiGroupResponse, err error)
func (*CloudApiService) DescribeApp ¶ added in v1.22.0
func (s *CloudApiService) DescribeApp(appId string) (app *cloudapi.DescribeAppResponse, err error)
func (*CloudApiService) DescribeAuthorization ¶ added in v1.23.0
func (s *CloudApiService) DescribeAuthorization(id string) (*cloudapi.AuthorizedApp, error)
func (*CloudApiService) DescribeDeployedApi ¶ added in v1.24.0
func (s *CloudApiService) DescribeDeployedApi(groupId string, apiId string, stageName string) (api *cloudapi.DescribeDeployedApiResponse, err error)
func (*CloudApiService) DescribeVpcAccess ¶ added in v1.23.0
func (s *CloudApiService) DescribeVpcAccess(id string) (vpc *cloudapi.VpcAccessAttribute, e error)
func (*CloudApiService) WaitForAppAttachmentAuthorization ¶ added in v1.23.0
func (s *CloudApiService) WaitForAppAttachmentAuthorization(id string, timeout int) (err error)
type CmsService ¶ added in v1.20.0
type CmsService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*CmsService) BuildCmsAlarmRequest ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *CmsService) BuildCmsAlarmRequest(id string) *requests.CommonRequest
func (*CmsService) BuildCmsCommonRequest ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *CmsService) BuildCmsCommonRequest(region string) *requests.CommonRequest
func (*CmsService) BuildJsonWebhook ¶ added in v1.46.0
func (s *CmsService) BuildJsonWebhook(webhook string) string
func (*CmsService) DescribeAlarm ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *CmsService) DescribeAlarm(id string) (alarm cms.AlarmInListAlarm, err error)
func (*CmsService) ExtractWebhookFromJson ¶ added in v1.46.0
func (s *CmsService) ExtractWebhookFromJson(webhookJson string) (string, error)
func (*CmsService) WaitForCmsAlarm ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *CmsService) WaitForCmsAlarm(id string, enabled bool, timeout int) error
type ComparisonOperator ¶ added in v1.15.0
type ComparisonOperator string
type ComplexError ¶ added in v1.29.0
ComplexError is a format error which inclouding origin error, extra error message, error occurred file and line Cause: a error is a origin error that comes from SDK, some expections and so on Err: a new error is built from extra message Path: the file path of error occurred Line: the file line of error occurred
func (ComplexError) Error ¶ added in v1.29.0
func (e ComplexError) Error() string
type CrService ¶ added in v1.34.0
type CrService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*CrService) DescribeNamespace ¶ added in v1.34.0
func (c *CrService) DescribeNamespace(namespaceName string) (*cr.GetNamespaceResponse, error)
func (*CrService) DescribeRepo ¶ added in v1.35.0
func (c *CrService) DescribeRepo(repoPath string) (*cr.GetRepoResponse, error)
type CsService ¶ added in v1.20.0
type CsService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*CsService) DescribeContainerApplication ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *CsService) DescribeContainerApplication(clusterName, appName string) (app cs.GetProjectResponse, err error)
func (*CsService) GetContainerClusterAndCertsByName ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *CsService) GetContainerClusterAndCertsByName(name string) (*cs.ClusterType, *cs.ClusterCerts, error)
func (*CsService) GetContainerClusterByName ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *CsService) GetContainerClusterByName(name string) (cluster cs.ClusterType, err error)
type DBAccountPrivilege ¶ added in v1.8.0
type DBAccountPrivilege string
type DBAccountType ¶ added in v1.8.0
type DBAccountType string
type DdoscooService ¶ added in v1.38.0
type DdoscooService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*DdoscooService) DescribeDdoscooInstance ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (s *DdoscooService) DescribeDdoscooInstance(id string) (v ddoscoo.Instance, err error)
func (*DdoscooService) DescribeDdoscooInstanceSpec ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (s *DdoscooService) DescribeDdoscooInstanceSpec(id string) (v ddoscoo.InstanceSpec, err error)
func (*DdoscooService) UpdateDdoscooInstanceName ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (s *DdoscooService) UpdateDdoscooInstanceName(instanceId string, name string) error
func (*DdoscooService) UpdateInstanceSpec ¶ added in v1.38.0
func (s *DdoscooService) UpdateInstanceSpec(schemaName string, specName string, d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error
type DestinationResource ¶ added in v1.9.3
type DestinationResource string
type DiskCategory ¶ added in v1.9.4
type DiskCategory string
type DnsService ¶ added in v1.31.0
type DnsService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*DnsService) DescribeDns ¶ added in v1.31.0
func (s *DnsService) DescribeDns(id string) (*alidns.DescribeDomainInfoResponse, error)
func (*DnsService) DescribeDnsGroup ¶ added in v1.31.0
func (dns *DnsService) DescribeDnsGroup(id string) (alidns.DomainGroup, error)
func (*DnsService) DescribeDnsRecord ¶ added in v1.31.0
func (dns *DnsService) DescribeDnsRecord(id string) (*alidns.DescribeDomainRecordInfoResponse, error)
type DrdsService ¶ added in v1.24.0
type DrdsService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*DrdsService) CreateDrdsInstance ¶ added in v1.24.0
func (s *DrdsService) CreateDrdsInstance(req *drds.CreateDrdsInstanceRequest) (response *drds.CreateDrdsInstanceResponse, err error)
crate Drdsinstance
func (*DrdsService) DescribeDrdsInstance ¶ added in v1.24.0
func (s *DrdsService) DescribeDrdsInstance(drdsInstanceId string) (response *drds.DescribeDrdsInstanceResponse, err error)
func (*DrdsService) DescribeDrdsInstances ¶ added in v1.24.0
func (s *DrdsService) DescribeDrdsInstances(regionId string) (response *drds.DescribeDrdsInstancesResponse, err error)
func (*DrdsService) ModifyDrdsInstanceDescription ¶ added in v1.24.0
func (s *DrdsService) ModifyDrdsInstanceDescription(request *drds.ModifyDrdsInstanceDescriptionRequest) (response *drds.ModifyDrdsInstanceDescriptionResponse, err error)
func (*DrdsService) RemoveDrdsInstance ¶ added in v1.24.0
func (s *DrdsService) RemoveDrdsInstance(drdsInstanceId string) (response *drds.RemoveDrdsInstanceResponse, err error)
func (*DrdsService) WaitForDrdsInstance ¶ added in v1.24.0
func (s *DrdsService) WaitForDrdsInstance(instanceId string, status string, timeout int) error
type EcsService ¶ added in v1.20.0
type EcsService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*EcsService) AttachKeyPair ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *EcsService) AttachKeyPair(keyName string, instanceIds []interface{}) error
func (*EcsService) DescribeAvailableResources ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *EcsService) DescribeAvailableResources(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}, destination DestinationResource) (zoneId string, validZones []ecs.AvailableZone, err error)
func (*EcsService) DescribeDisk ¶ added in v1.36.0
func (s *EcsService) DescribeDisk(id string) (disk ecs.Disk, err error)
func (*EcsService) DescribeDiskAttachment ¶ added in v1.36.0
func (s *EcsService) DescribeDiskAttachment(id string) (disk ecs.Disk, err error)
func (*EcsService) DescribeDisksByType ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (*EcsService) DescribeImageById ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *EcsService) DescribeImageById(id string) (image ecs.Image, err error)
func (*EcsService) DescribeInstance ¶ added in v1.40.0
func (s *EcsService) DescribeInstance(id string) (instance ecs.Instance, err error)
func (*EcsService) DescribeInstanceAttribute ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *EcsService) DescribeInstanceAttribute(id string) (instance ecs.DescribeInstanceAttributeResponse, err error)
func (*EcsService) DescribeKeyPair ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *EcsService) DescribeKeyPair(id string) (keyPair ecs.KeyPair, err error)
func (*EcsService) DescribeKeyPairAttachment ¶ added in v1.40.0
func (s *EcsService) DescribeKeyPairAttachment(id string) (keyPair ecs.KeyPair, err error)
func (*EcsService) DescribeLaunchTemplate ¶ added in v1.41.0
func (s *EcsService) DescribeLaunchTemplate(id string) (set ecs.LaunchTemplateVersionSet, err error)
func (*EcsService) DescribeNetworkInterface ¶ added in v1.40.0
func (s *EcsService) DescribeNetworkInterface(id string) (networkInterface ecs.NetworkInterfaceSet, err error)
func (*EcsService) DescribeNetworkInterfaceAttachment ¶ added in v1.40.0
func (s *EcsService) DescribeNetworkInterfaceAttachment(id string) (networkInterface ecs.NetworkInterfaceSet, err error)
func (*EcsService) DescribeSecurityGroup ¶ added in v1.40.0
func (s *EcsService) DescribeSecurityGroup(id string) (group ecs.DescribeSecurityGroupAttributeResponse, err error)
func (*EcsService) DescribeSecurityGroupRule ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *EcsService) DescribeSecurityGroupRule(id string) (rule ecs.Permission, err error)
func (*EcsService) DescribeSnapshotById ¶ added in v1.40.0
func (s *EcsService) DescribeSnapshotById(snapshotId string) (*ecs.Snapshot, error)
func (*EcsService) DescribeSnapshotPolicy ¶ added in v1.42.0
func (s *EcsService) DescribeSnapshotPolicy(id string) (*ecs.AutoSnapshotPolicy, error)
func (*EcsService) DescribeTags ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *EcsService) DescribeTags(resourceId string, resourceType TagResourceType) (tags []ecs.Tag, err error)
func (*EcsService) DescribeZone ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *EcsService) DescribeZone(id string) (zone ecs.Zone, err error)
DescribeZone validate zoneId is valid in region
func (*EcsService) DiskAvailable ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *EcsService) DiskAvailable(zone ecs.Zone, diskCategory DiskCategory) error
func (*EcsService) InstanceStateRefreshFunc ¶ added in v1.46.0
func (s *EcsService) InstanceStateRefreshFunc(id string, failStates []string) resource.StateRefreshFunc
WaitForInstance waits for instance to given status
func (*EcsService) InstanceTypeValidation ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *EcsService) InstanceTypeValidation(targetType, zoneId string, validZones []ecs.AvailableZone) error
func (*EcsService) JoinSecurityGroups ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *EcsService) JoinSecurityGroups(instanceId string, securityGroupIds []string) error
func (*EcsService) JudgeRegionValidation ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *EcsService) JudgeRegionValidation(key, region string) error
func (*EcsService) LeaveSecurityGroups ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *EcsService) LeaveSecurityGroups(instanceId string, securityGroupIds []string) error
func (*EcsService) QueryInstanceAllDisks ¶ added in v1.32.0
func (s *EcsService) QueryInstanceAllDisks(id string) ([]string, error)
func (*EcsService) QueryInstanceSystemDisk ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *EcsService) QueryInstanceSystemDisk(id string) (disk ecs.Disk, err error)
func (*EcsService) QueryInstancesWithKeyPair ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (*EcsService) QueryPrivateIps ¶ added in v1.23.0
func (s *EcsService) QueryPrivateIps(eniId string) ([]string, error)
func (*EcsService) ResourceAvailable ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *EcsService) ResourceAvailable(zone ecs.Zone, resourceType ResourceType) error
ResourceAvailable check resource available for zone
func (*EcsService) WaitForDisk ¶ added in v1.36.0
func (s *EcsService) WaitForDisk(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
func (*EcsService) WaitForDiskAttachment ¶ added in v1.36.0
func (s *EcsService) WaitForDiskAttachment(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
func (*EcsService) WaitForEcsInstance ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *EcsService) WaitForEcsInstance(instanceId string, status Status, timeout int) error
WaitForInstance waits for instance to given status
func (*EcsService) WaitForKeyPair ¶ added in v1.40.0
func (s *EcsService) WaitForKeyPair(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
func (*EcsService) WaitForModifySecurityGroupPolicy ¶ added in v1.35.0
func (s *EcsService) WaitForModifySecurityGroupPolicy(id, target string, timeout int) error
func (*EcsService) WaitForNetworkInterface ¶ added in v1.40.0
func (s *EcsService) WaitForNetworkInterface(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
func (*EcsService) WaitForPrivateIpsCountChanged ¶ added in v1.23.0
func (s *EcsService) WaitForPrivateIpsCountChanged(eniId string, count int) error
func (*EcsService) WaitForPrivateIpsListChanged ¶ added in v1.23.0
func (s *EcsService) WaitForPrivateIpsListChanged(eniId string, ipList []string) error
func (*EcsService) WaitForSecurityGroup ¶ added in v1.40.0
func (s *EcsService) WaitForSecurityGroup(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
func (*EcsService) WaitForSnapshot ¶ added in v1.40.0
func (s *EcsService) WaitForSnapshot(snapshotId string, status Status, timeout int) error
func (*EcsService) WaitForSnapshotPolicy ¶ added in v1.42.0
func (s *EcsService) WaitForSnapshotPolicy(snapshotPolicyId string, status Status, timeout int) error
func (*EcsService) WaitForVpcAttributesChanged ¶ added in v1.30.0
func (s *EcsService) WaitForVpcAttributesChanged(instanceId, vswitchId, privateIp string) error
type ElasticsearchService ¶ added in v1.30.0
type ElasticsearchService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ElasticsearchService) DescribeElasticsearchInstance ¶ added in v1.30.0
func (s *ElasticsearchService) DescribeElasticsearchInstance(instanceId string) (v elasticsearch.DescribeInstanceResponse, err error)
func (*ElasticsearchService) WaitForElasticsearchInstance ¶ added in v1.30.0
func (s *ElasticsearchService) WaitForElasticsearchInstance(instanceId string, status []ElasticsearchStatus, timeout int) error
type ElasticsearchStatus ¶ added in v1.30.0
type ElasticsearchStatus string
type ErrorSource ¶ added in v1.28.0
type ErrorSource string
type EssService ¶ added in v1.20.0
type EssService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*EssService) ActiveEssScalingConfiguration ¶ added in v1.46.0
func (s *EssService) ActiveEssScalingConfiguration(sgId, id string) error
func (*EssService) DescribeEssAlarm ¶ added in v1.46.0
func (s *EssService) DescribeEssAlarm(id string) (alarm ess.Alarm, err error)
func (*EssService) DescribeEssAttachment ¶ added in v1.46.0
func (srv *EssService) DescribeEssAttachment(id string, instanceIds []string) (instances []ess.ScalingInstance, err error)
func (*EssService) DescribeEssLifecycleHook ¶ added in v1.45.0
func (s *EssService) DescribeEssLifecycleHook(id string) (hook ess.LifecycleHook, err error)
func (*EssService) DescribeEssScalingConfifurations ¶ added in v1.46.0
func (s *EssService) DescribeEssScalingConfifurations(id string) (configs []ess.ScalingConfiguration, err error)
func (*EssService) DescribeEssScalingConfiguration ¶ added in v1.46.0
func (s *EssService) DescribeEssScalingConfiguration(id string) (config ess.ScalingConfiguration, err error)
func (*EssService) DescribeEssScalingGroup ¶ added in v1.45.0
func (s *EssService) DescribeEssScalingGroup(id string) (group ess.ScalingGroup, err error)
func (*EssService) DescribeEssScalingRule ¶ added in v1.44.0
func (s *EssService) DescribeEssScalingRule(id string) (rule ess.ScalingRule, err error)
func (*EssService) DescribeEssScheduledTask ¶ added in v1.45.0
func (s *EssService) DescribeEssScheduledTask(id string) (task ess.ScheduledTask, err error)
func (*EssService) EssRemoveInstances ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (srv *EssService) EssRemoveInstances(id string, instanceIds []string) error
func (*EssService) WaitForEssAlarm ¶ added in v1.46.0
func (s *EssService) WaitForEssAlarm(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
func (*EssService) WaitForEssAttachment ¶ added in v1.46.0
func (s *EssService) WaitForEssAttachment(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
func (*EssService) WaitForEssLifecycleHook ¶ added in v1.45.0
func (s *EssService) WaitForEssLifecycleHook(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
func (*EssService) WaitForEssScalingGroup ¶ added in v1.45.0
func (s *EssService) WaitForEssScalingGroup(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
WaitForScalingGroup waits for group to given status
func (*EssService) WaitForEssScalingRule ¶ added in v1.44.0
func (s *EssService) WaitForEssScalingRule(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
func (*EssService) WaitForEssScheduledTask ¶ added in v1.45.0
func (s *EssService) WaitForEssScheduledTask(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
func (*EssService) WaitForScalingConfiguration ¶ added in v1.46.0
func (s *EssService) WaitForScalingConfiguration(id string, status Status, timeout int) (err error)
type EventRwType ¶ added in v1.45.0
type EventRwType string
type FcService ¶ added in v1.20.0
type FcService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*FcService) DescribeFcFunction ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (*FcService) DescribeFcService ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (*FcService) DescribeFcTrigger ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (*FcService) WaitForFcFunction ¶ added in v1.47.0
func (*FcService) WaitForFcService ¶ added in v1.47.0
type GpdbEngine ¶ added in v1.47.0
type GpdbEngine string
type GpdbService ¶ added in v1.47.0
type GpdbService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*GpdbService) DescribeGpdbInstance ¶ added in v1.47.0
func (s *GpdbService) DescribeGpdbInstance(id string) (instanceAttribute gpdb.DBInstanceAttribute, err error)
func (*GpdbService) DescribeGpdbSecurityIps ¶ added in v1.47.0
func (s *GpdbService) DescribeGpdbSecurityIps(id string) (ips []gpdb.DBInstanceIPArray, err error)
func (*GpdbService) GetSecurityIps ¶ added in v1.47.0
func (s *GpdbService) GetSecurityIps(id string) ([]string, error)
func (*GpdbService) ModifyGpdbSecurityIps ¶ added in v1.47.0
func (s *GpdbService) ModifyGpdbSecurityIps(id, ips string) error
func (*GpdbService) WaitForGpdbInstance ¶ added in v1.47.0
func (s *GpdbService) WaitForGpdbInstance(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
Wait for instance to given status
type GroupInnerAccessPolicy ¶ added in v1.9.4
type GroupInnerAccessPolicy string
type GroupRuleNicType ¶
type GroupRuleNicType string
type GroupRulePolicy ¶
type GroupRulePolicy string
type HaVipService ¶ added in v1.20.0
type HaVipService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*HaVipService) DescribeHaVip ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *HaVipService) DescribeHaVip(haVipId string) (v vpc.HaVip, err error)
func (*HaVipService) DescribeHaVipAttachment ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *HaVipService) DescribeHaVipAttachment(haVipId string, instanceId string) (err error)
func (*HaVipService) WaitForHaVip ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *HaVipService) WaitForHaVip(haVipId string, status Status, timeout int) error
func (*HaVipService) WaitForHaVipAttachment ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *HaVipService) WaitForHaVipAttachment(haVipId string, instanceId string, timeout int) error
type HealthCheckHttpCodeType ¶ added in v1.11.0
type HealthCheckHttpCodeType string
type HealthCheckType ¶ added in v1.11.0
type HealthCheckType string
type ImageOwnerAlias ¶ added in v1.9.4
type ImageOwnerAlias string
type IndexFiledType ¶ added in v1.9.5
type IndexFiledType string
type InstanceAccessedByType ¶ added in v1.10.0
type InstanceAccessedByType string
type InstanceCreationType ¶ added in v1.9.4
type InstanceCreationType string
type InstanceNetWork ¶
type InstanceNetWork string
type InstanceSeries ¶ added in v1.24.0
type InstanceSeries string
type InternetChargeType ¶ added in v1.8.1
type InternetChargeType string
type Invoker ¶ added in v1.9.6
type Invoker struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewInvoker ¶ added in v1.9.6
func NewInvoker() Invoker
func PvtzInvoker ¶ added in v1.28.0
func PvtzInvoker() Invoker
func (*Invoker) AddCatcher ¶ added in v1.9.6
type IpsecConfig ¶ added in v1.14.0
type KVStoreEngineVersion ¶ added in v1.26.0
type KVStoreEngineVersion string
type KVStoreInstanceType ¶ added in v1.26.0
type KVStoreInstanceType string
type KmsService ¶ added in v1.32.0
type KmsService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*KmsService) DescribeKmsKey ¶ added in v1.32.0
func (k *KmsService) DescribeKmsKey(id string) (*kms.DescribeKeyResponse, error)
type KubernetesNodeType ¶ added in v1.30.0
type KubernetesNodeType string
type KvstoreService ¶ added in v1.20.0
type KvstoreService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*KvstoreService) DescribeKVstoreBackupPolicy ¶ added in v1.41.0
func (s *KvstoreService) DescribeKVstoreBackupPolicy(id string) (response *r_kvstore.DescribeBackupPolicyResponse, err error)
func (*KvstoreService) DescribeKVstoreInstance ¶ added in v1.41.0
func (s *KvstoreService) DescribeKVstoreInstance(id string) (instance *r_kvstore.DBInstanceAttribute, err error)
func (*KvstoreService) DescribeParameters ¶ added in v1.32.0
func (s *KvstoreService) DescribeParameters(id string) (ds *r_kvstore.DescribeParametersResponse, err error)
func (*KvstoreService) ModifyInstanceConfig ¶ added in v1.32.0
func (s *KvstoreService) ModifyInstanceConfig(id string, config string) error
func (*KvstoreService) WaitForKVstoreInstance ¶ added in v1.41.0
func (s *KvstoreService) WaitForKVstoreInstance(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
func (*KvstoreService) WaitForKVstoreInstanceVpcAuthMode ¶ added in v1.41.0
func (s *KvstoreService) WaitForKVstoreInstanceVpcAuthMode(id string, status string, timeout int) error
type LifecycleRuleStatus ¶ added in v0.1.1
type LifecycleRuleStatus string
type LifecycleTransition ¶ added in v1.13.0
type LifecycleTransition string
type ListenerErr ¶
func (*ListenerErr) Error ¶
func (e *ListenerErr) Error() string
type LoadBalancerSpecType ¶ added in v1.11.0
type LoadBalancerSpecType string
type LogService ¶ added in v1.20.0
type LogService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*LogService) DescribeLogLogtailConfig ¶ added in v1.29.0
func (s *LogService) DescribeLogLogtailConfig(projectName, configName string) (logconfig *sls.LogConfig, err error)
func (*LogService) DescribeLogMachineGroup ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *LogService) DescribeLogMachineGroup(projectName, groupName string) (group *sls.MachineGroup, err error)
func (*LogService) DescribeLogProject ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *LogService) DescribeLogProject(name string) (project *sls.LogProject, err error)
func (*LogService) DescribeLogStore ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *LogService) DescribeLogStore(projectName, name string) (store *sls.LogStore, err error)
func (*LogService) DescribeLogStoreIndex ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *LogService) DescribeLogStoreIndex(projectName, name string) (index *sls.Index, err error)
func (*LogService) DescribeLogtailAttachment ¶ added in v1.30.0
func (s *LogService) DescribeLogtailAttachment(id string) (groupNames []string, err error)
type MetricType ¶ added in v1.15.0
type MetricType string
type MnsService ¶ added in v1.20.0
type MnsService struct { }
func (*MnsService) GetTopicNameAndSubscriptionName ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *MnsService) GetTopicNameAndSubscriptionName(subscriptionId string) (string, string)
func (*MnsService) QueueNotExistFunc ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *MnsService) QueueNotExistFunc(err error) bool
func (*MnsService) SubscriptionNotExistFunc ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *MnsService) SubscriptionNotExistFunc(err error) bool
func (*MnsService) TopicNotExistFunc ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *MnsService) TopicNotExistFunc(err error) bool
type MongoDBInstanceType ¶ added in v1.40.0
type MongoDBInstanceType string
type MongoDBService ¶ added in v1.37.0
type MongoDBService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*MongoDBService) DescribeMongoDBBackupPolicy ¶ added in v1.42.0
func (s *MongoDBService) DescribeMongoDBBackupPolicy(id string) (response *dds.DescribeBackupPolicyResponse, err error)
func (*MongoDBService) DescribeMongoDBInstance ¶ added in v1.37.0
func (s *MongoDBService) DescribeMongoDBInstance(id string) (instance dds.DBInstance, err error)
func (*MongoDBService) DescribeMongoDBSecurityIps ¶ added in v1.37.0
func (s *MongoDBService) DescribeMongoDBSecurityIps(instanceId string) (ips []dds.SecurityIpGroup, err error)
func (*MongoDBService) GetSecurityIps ¶ added in v1.37.0
func (s *MongoDBService) GetSecurityIps(instanceId string) ([]string, error)
func (*MongoDBService) ModifyMongoDBSecurityIps ¶ added in v1.37.0
func (s *MongoDBService) ModifyMongoDBSecurityIps(instanceId, ips string) error
func (*MongoDBService) ModifyMongodbShardingInstanceNode ¶ added in v1.40.0
func (server *MongoDBService) ModifyMongodbShardingInstanceNode( instanceID string, nodeType MongoDBShardingNodeType, stateList, diffList []interface{}) error
func (*MongoDBService) MotifyMongoDBBackupPolicy ¶ added in v1.42.0
func (s *MongoDBService) MotifyMongoDBBackupPolicy(d *schema.ResourceData) error
func (*MongoDBService) NotFoundMongoDBInstance ¶ added in v1.37.0
func (s *MongoDBService) NotFoundMongoDBInstance(err error) bool
func (*MongoDBService) ResetAccountPassword ¶ added in v1.46.0
func (s *MongoDBService) ResetAccountPassword(d *schema.ResourceData, password string) error
func (*MongoDBService) WaitForMongoDBInstance ¶ added in v1.37.0
func (s *MongoDBService) WaitForMongoDBInstance(instanceId string, status Status, timeout int) error
WaitForInstance waits for instance to given statusid
type MongoDBShardingNodeType ¶ added in v1.40.0
type MongoDBShardingNodeType string
type MongoDBStorageEngine ¶ added in v1.37.0
type MongoDBStorageEngine string
type MultiAzPolicy ¶ added in v1.16.0
type MultiAzPolicy string
type NasService ¶ added in v1.33.0
type NasService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*NasService) DescribeNasAccessGroup ¶ added in v1.33.0
func (s *NasService) DescribeNasAccessGroup(id string) (ag nas.DescribeAccessGroupsAccessGroup1, err error)
func (*NasService) DescribeNasAccessRule ¶ added in v1.33.0
func (s *NasService) DescribeNasAccessRule(id string) (fs nas.DescribeAccessRulesAccessRule1, err error)
func (*NasService) DescribeNasFileSystem ¶ added in v1.33.0
func (s *NasService) DescribeNasFileSystem(id string) (fs nas.DescribeFileSystemsFileSystem1, err error)
func (*NasService) DescribeNasMountTarget ¶ added in v1.33.0
func (s *NasService) DescribeNasMountTarget(id string) (fs nas.DescribeMountTargetsMountTarget1, err error)
func (*NasService) WaitForNasAccessGroup ¶ added in v1.46.0
func (s *NasService) WaitForNasAccessGroup(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
func (*NasService) WaitForNasAccessRule ¶ added in v1.46.0
func (s *NasService) WaitForNasAccessRule(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
func (*NasService) WaitForNasFileSystem ¶ added in v1.46.0
func (s *NasService) WaitForNasFileSystem(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
func (*NasService) WaitForNasMountTarget ¶ added in v1.46.0
func (s *NasService) WaitForNasMountTarget(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
type NatGatewaySpec ¶ added in v1.8.1
type NatGatewaySpec string
type NetworkType ¶ added in v1.8.0
type NetworkType string
type NextHopType ¶ added in v1.9.4
type NextHopType string
type OptimizedType ¶ added in v1.9.3
type OptimizedType string
type OssService ¶ added in v1.20.0
type OssService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*OssService) QueryOssBucketById ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *OssService) QueryOssBucketById(id string) (info *oss.BucketInfo, err error)
type OtsInstanceType ¶ added in v1.10.0
type OtsInstanceType string
type OtsService ¶ added in v1.20.0
type OtsService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*OtsService) DeleteOtsTable ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *OtsService) DeleteOtsTable(instanceName, tableName string) (bool, error)
func (*OtsService) DescribeOtsInstance ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *OtsService) DescribeOtsInstance(name string) (inst ots.InstanceInfo, err error)
func (*OtsService) DescribeOtsInstanceTypes ¶ added in v1.26.0
func (s *OtsService) DescribeOtsInstanceTypes() (types []string, err error)
func (*OtsService) DescribeOtsInstanceVpc ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *OtsService) DescribeOtsInstanceVpc(name string) (inst ots.VpcInfo, err error)
func (*OtsService) DescribeOtsTable ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *OtsService) DescribeOtsTable(instanceName, tableName string) (table *tablestore.DescribeTableResponse, err error)
func (*OtsService) ListOtsInstance ¶ added in v1.39.0
func (s *OtsService) ListOtsInstance(pageSize int, pageNum int) ([]string, error)
func (*OtsService) ListOtsInstanceVpc ¶ added in v1.39.0
func (s *OtsService) ListOtsInstanceVpc(name string) (inst []ots.VpcInfo, err error)
func (*OtsService) ListOtsTable ¶ added in v1.39.0
func (s *OtsService) ListOtsTable(instanceName string) (table *tablestore.ListTableResponse, err error)
func (*OtsService) WaitForOtsInstance ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *OtsService) WaitForOtsInstance(name string, status Status, timeout int) error
type OtsTableInfo ¶ added in v1.40.0
type OtsTableInfo struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type Policy ¶ added in v1.2.0
type Policy struct { Statement []PolicyStatement Version string }
type PolicyStatement ¶ added in v1.2.0
type PolicyStatement struct { Effect Effect Action interface{} Resource interface{} }
type PrimaryKeyTypeString ¶ added in v1.9.2
type PrimaryKeyTypeString string
type ProviderError ¶ added in v1.8.1
type ProviderError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
An Error represents a custom error for Terraform failure response
func (*ProviderError) Error ¶ added in v1.8.1
func (e *ProviderError) Error() string
func (*ProviderError) ErrorCode ¶ added in v1.8.1
func (err *ProviderError) ErrorCode() string
func (*ProviderError) Message ¶ added in v1.8.1
func (err *ProviderError) Message() string
type PvtzService ¶ added in v1.20.0
type PvtzService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*PvtzService) DescribePvtzZone ¶ added in v1.37.0
func (s *PvtzService) DescribePvtzZone(id string) (zone pvtz.DescribeZoneInfoResponse, err error)
func (*PvtzService) DescribePvtzZoneAttachment ¶ added in v1.29.0
func (s *PvtzService) DescribePvtzZoneAttachment(id string) (object pvtz.DescribeZoneInfoResponse, err error)
func (*PvtzService) DescribeZoneRecord ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *PvtzService) DescribeZoneRecord(id string) (record pvtz.Record, err error)
func (*PvtzService) WaitForPvtzZone ¶ added in v1.37.0
func (s *PvtzService) WaitForPvtzZone(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
func (*PvtzService) WaitForPvtzZoneAttachment ¶ added in v1.37.0
func (s *PvtzService) WaitForPvtzZoneAttachment(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
func (*PvtzService) WaitForPvtzZoneRecord ¶ added in v1.37.0
func (s *PvtzService) WaitForPvtzZoneRecord(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
func (*PvtzService) WaitForZoneAttachment ¶ added in v1.37.0
type RamService ¶ added in v1.20.0
type RamService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*RamService) AssemblePolicyDocument ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *RamService) AssemblePolicyDocument(document []interface{}, version string) (string, error)
func (*RamService) AssembleRolePolicyDocument ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *RamService) AssembleRolePolicyDocument(ramUser, service []interface{}, version string) (string, error)
func (*RamService) DescribeRamAccessKey ¶ added in v1.44.0
func (s *RamService) DescribeRamAccessKey(id, userName string) (*ram.AccessKey, error)
func (*RamService) DescribeRamAccountAlias ¶ added in v1.43.0
func (s *RamService) DescribeRamAccountAlias(id string) (*ram.GetAccountAliasResponse, error)
func (*RamService) DescribeRamAccountPasswordPolicy ¶ added in v1.46.0
func (s *RamService) DescribeRamAccountPasswordPolicy(id string) (response *ram.GetPasswordPolicyResponse, err error)
func (*RamService) DescribeRamGroup ¶ added in v1.44.0
func (s *RamService) DescribeRamGroup(id string) (response *ram.GetGroupResponse, err error)
func (*RamService) DescribeRamGroupMembership ¶ added in v1.44.0
func (s *RamService) DescribeRamGroupMembership(id string) (response *ram.ListUsersForGroupResponse, err error)
func (*RamService) DescribeRamGroupPolicyAttachment ¶ added in v1.44.0
func (s *RamService) DescribeRamGroupPolicyAttachment(id string) (response *ram.Policy, err error)
func (*RamService) DescribeRamLoginProfile ¶ added in v1.44.0
func (s *RamService) DescribeRamLoginProfile(id string) (response *ram.GetLoginProfileResponse, err error)
func (*RamService) DescribeRamPolicy ¶ added in v1.44.0
func (s *RamService) DescribeRamPolicy(id string) (response *ram.GetPolicyResponse, err error)
func (*RamService) DescribeRamRole ¶ added in v1.44.0
func (s *RamService) DescribeRamRole(id string) (response *ram.GetRoleResponse, err error)
func (*RamService) DescribeRamRoleAttachment ¶ added in v1.44.0
func (s *RamService) DescribeRamRoleAttachment(id string) (response *ecs.DescribeInstanceRamRoleResponse, err error)
func (*RamService) DescribeRamRolePolicyAttachment ¶ added in v1.44.0
func (s *RamService) DescribeRamRolePolicyAttachment(id string) (response *ram.Policy, err error)
func (*RamService) DescribeRamUser ¶ added in v1.44.0
func (s *RamService) DescribeRamUser(id string) (*ram.User, error)
func (*RamService) DescribeRamUserPolicyAttachment ¶ added in v1.44.0
func (s *RamService) DescribeRamUserPolicyAttachment(id string) (response *ram.Policy, err error)
func (*RamService) GetIntersection ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *RamService) GetIntersection(dataMap []map[string]interface{}, allDataMap map[string]interface{}) (allData []interface{})
func (*RamService) JudgeRolePolicyPrincipal ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *RamService) JudgeRolePolicyPrincipal(roleName string) error
Judge whether the role policy contains service ""
func (*RamService) ParsePolicyDocument ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *RamService) ParsePolicyDocument(policyDocument string) (statement []map[string]interface{}, version string, err error)
func (*RamService) ParseRolePolicyDocument ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *RamService) ParseRolePolicyDocument(policyDocument string) (RolePolicy, error)
func (*RamService) WaitForRamAccessKey ¶ added in v1.44.0
func (s *RamService) WaitForRamAccessKey(id, useName string, status Status, timeout int) error
func (*RamService) WaitForRamGroup ¶ added in v1.44.0
func (s *RamService) WaitForRamGroup(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
func (*RamService) WaitForRamGroupMembership ¶ added in v1.44.0
func (s *RamService) WaitForRamGroupMembership(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
func (*RamService) WaitForRamGroupPolicyAttachment ¶ added in v1.44.0
func (s *RamService) WaitForRamGroupPolicyAttachment(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
func (*RamService) WaitForRamLoginProfile ¶ added in v1.44.0
func (s *RamService) WaitForRamLoginProfile(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
func (*RamService) WaitForRamPolicy ¶ added in v1.44.0
func (s *RamService) WaitForRamPolicy(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
func (*RamService) WaitForRamRole ¶ added in v1.44.0
func (s *RamService) WaitForRamRole(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
func (*RamService) WaitForRamRoleAttachment ¶ added in v1.44.0
func (s *RamService) WaitForRamRoleAttachment(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
func (*RamService) WaitForRamRolePolicyAttachment ¶ added in v1.44.0
func (s *RamService) WaitForRamRolePolicyAttachment(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
func (*RamService) WaitForRamUser ¶ added in v1.44.0
func (s *RamService) WaitForRamUser(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
func (*RamService) WaitForRamUserPolicyAttachment ¶ added in v1.44.0
func (s *RamService) WaitForRamUserPolicyAttachment(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
type RdsService ¶ added in v1.20.0
type RdsService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*RdsService) DescribeBackupPolicy ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *RdsService) DescribeBackupPolicy(id string) (policy *rds.DescribeBackupPolicyResponse, err error)
func (*RdsService) DescribeDBAccount ¶ added in v1.39.0
func (s *RdsService) DescribeDBAccount(id string) (ds *rds.DBInstanceAccount, err error)
func (*RdsService) DescribeDBAccountPrivilege ¶ added in v1.39.0
func (s *RdsService) DescribeDBAccountPrivilege(id string) (ds *rds.DBInstanceAccount, err error)
func (*RdsService) DescribeDBConnection ¶ added in v1.36.0
func (s *RdsService) DescribeDBConnection(id string) (*rds.DBInstanceNetInfo, error)
func (*RdsService) DescribeDBDatabase ¶ added in v1.40.0
func (s *RdsService) DescribeDBDatabase(id string) (ds *rds.Database, err error)
func (*RdsService) DescribeDBInstance ¶ added in v1.40.0
func (s *RdsService) DescribeDBInstance(id string) (instance *rds.DBInstanceAttribute, err error)
func (*RdsService) DescribeDBInstanceNetInfo ¶ added in v1.36.0
func (s *RdsService) DescribeDBInstanceNetInfo(id string) ([]rds.DBInstanceNetInfo, error)
func (*RdsService) DescribeDBReadWriteSplittingConnection ¶ added in v1.40.0
func (s *RdsService) DescribeDBReadWriteSplittingConnection(id string) (*rds.DBInstanceNetInfo, error)
func (*RdsService) DescribeDBReadonlyInstance ¶ added in v1.40.0
func (s *RdsService) DescribeDBReadonlyInstance(id string) (instance *rds.DBInstanceAttribute, err error)
func (*RdsService) DescribeDBSecurityIps ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *RdsService) DescribeDBSecurityIps(instanceId string) (ips []rds.DBInstanceIPArray, err error)
func (*RdsService) DescribeDbInstanceMonitor ¶ added in v1.40.0
func (s *RdsService) DescribeDbInstanceMonitor(id string) (monitoringPeriod int, err error)
func (*RdsService) DescribeMultiIZByRegion ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *RdsService) DescribeMultiIZByRegion() (izs []string, err error)
return multiIZ list of current region
func (*RdsService) DescribeParameters ¶ added in v1.31.0
func (s *RdsService) DescribeParameters(id string) (ds *rds.DescribeParametersResponse, err error)
func (*RdsService) DescribeSecurityGroupConfiguration ¶ added in v1.37.0
func (s *RdsService) DescribeSecurityGroupConfiguration(id string) (string, error)
func (*RdsService) GetSecurityIps ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *RdsService) GetSecurityIps(instanceId string) ([]string, error)
func (*RdsService) GrantAccountPrivilege ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *RdsService) GrantAccountPrivilege(id, dbName string) error
func (*RdsService) ModifyDBBackupPolicy ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *RdsService) ModifyDBBackupPolicy(instanceId, backupTime, backupPeriod, retentionPeriod, backupLog, LogBackupRetentionPeriod string) error
func (*RdsService) ModifyDBSecurityIps ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *RdsService) ModifyDBSecurityIps(instanceId, ips string) error
func (*RdsService) ModifyParameters ¶ added in v1.31.0
func (s *RdsService) ModifyParameters(d *schema.ResourceData, attribute string) error
func (*RdsService) ModifySecurityGroupConfiguration ¶ added in v1.37.0
func (s *RdsService) ModifySecurityGroupConfiguration(id string, groupid string) error
func (*RdsService) NotFoundDBInstance ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *RdsService) NotFoundDBInstance(err error) bool
func (*RdsService) RefreshParameters ¶ added in v1.31.0
func (s *RdsService) RefreshParameters(d *schema.ResourceData, attribute string) error
func (*RdsService) ReleaseDBPublicConnection ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *RdsService) ReleaseDBPublicConnection(instanceId, connection string) error
func (*RdsService) RevokeAccountPrivilege ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *RdsService) RevokeAccountPrivilege(id, dbName string) error
func (*RdsService) TransformPeriod2Time ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *RdsService) TransformPeriod2Time(period int, chargeType string) (ut int, tt common.TimeType)
turn period to TimeType
func (*RdsService) TransformTime2Period ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *RdsService) TransformTime2Period(ut int, tt common.TimeType) (period int)
turn TimeType to Period
func (*RdsService) WaitForAccount ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *RdsService) WaitForAccount(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
func (*RdsService) WaitForAccountPrivilege ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *RdsService) WaitForAccountPrivilege(id, dbName string, status Status, timeout int) error
func (*RdsService) WaitForAccountPrivilegeRevoked ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *RdsService) WaitForAccountPrivilegeRevoked(id, dbName string, timeout int) error
func (*RdsService) WaitForDBConnection ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *RdsService) WaitForDBConnection(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
func (*RdsService) WaitForDBDatabase ¶ added in v1.40.0
func (s *RdsService) WaitForDBDatabase(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
func (*RdsService) WaitForDBInstance ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *RdsService) WaitForDBInstance(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
WaitForInstance waits for instance to given status
func (*RdsService) WaitForDBParameter ¶ added in v1.32.0
func (s *RdsService) WaitForDBParameter(instanceId string, timeout int, expects map[string]string) error
WaitForDBParameter waits for instance parameter to given value. Status of DB instance is Running after ModifyParameters API was call, so we can not just wait for instance status become Running, we should wait until parameters have expected values.
func (*RdsService) WaitForDBReadWriteSplitting ¶ added in v1.32.0
func (s *RdsService) WaitForDBReadWriteSplitting(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
type RecordType ¶ added in v1.25.0
type RecordType string
type RecurrenceType ¶ added in v1.9.4
type RecurrenceType string
type RemoveTagsArgs ¶
type RenewalStatus ¶ added in v1.9.3
type RenewalStatus string
type ResourceType ¶ added in v1.8.0
type ResourceType string
type RolePolicy ¶ added in v1.2.0
type RolePolicy struct { Statement []RolePolicyStatement Version string }
type RolePolicyStatement ¶ added in v1.2.0
type RouterType ¶ added in v1.8.1
type RouterType string
type SchedulerType ¶ added in v1.11.0
type SchedulerType string
type SecurityEnhancementStrategy ¶ added in v1.23.0
type SecurityEnhancementStrategy string
type SecurityGroup ¶ added in v1.9.0
type SecurityGroup struct { Attributes ecs.DescribeSecurityGroupAttributeResponse CreationTime string Tags ecs.TagsInDescribeSecurityGroups }
type SlbService ¶ added in v1.20.0
type SlbService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*SlbService) BuildSlbCommonRequest ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *SlbService) BuildSlbCommonRequest() (*requests.CommonRequest, error)
func (*SlbService) DescribeSlb ¶ added in v1.43.0
func (s *SlbService) DescribeSlb(id string) (response *slb.DescribeLoadBalancerAttributeResponse, err error)
func (*SlbService) DescribeSlbAcl ¶ added in v1.42.0
func (s *SlbService) DescribeSlbAcl(id string) (response *slb.DescribeAccessControlListAttributeResponse, err error)
func (*SlbService) DescribeSlbCACertificate ¶ added in v1.42.0
func (s *SlbService) DescribeSlbCACertificate(id string) (*slb.CACertificate, error)
func (*SlbService) DescribeSlbHttpListener ¶ added in v1.42.0
func (s *SlbService) DescribeSlbHttpListener(id string) (listener map[string]interface{}, err error)
func (*SlbService) DescribeSlbHttpsListener ¶ added in v1.42.0
func (s *SlbService) DescribeSlbHttpsListener(id string) (listener map[string]interface{}, err error)
func (*SlbService) DescribeSlbListener ¶ added in v1.42.0
func (s *SlbService) DescribeSlbListener(id string, protocol Protocol) (listener map[string]interface{}, err error)
func (*SlbService) DescribeSlbRule ¶ added in v1.43.0
func (s *SlbService) DescribeSlbRule(id string) (*slb.DescribeRuleAttributeResponse, error)
func (*SlbService) DescribeSlbServerCertificate ¶ added in v1.43.0
func (s *SlbService) DescribeSlbServerCertificate(id string) (*slb.ServerCertificate, error)
func (*SlbService) DescribeSlbServerGroup ¶ added in v1.43.0
func (s *SlbService) DescribeSlbServerGroup(id string) (*slb.DescribeVServerGroupAttributeResponse, error)
func (*SlbService) DescribeSlbTcpListener ¶ added in v1.42.0
func (s *SlbService) DescribeSlbTcpListener(id string) (listener map[string]interface{}, err error)
func (*SlbService) DescribeSlbUdpListener ¶ added in v1.42.0
func (s *SlbService) DescribeSlbUdpListener(id string) (listener map[string]interface{}, err error)
func (*SlbService) FlattenSlbAclEntryMappings ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *SlbService) FlattenSlbAclEntryMappings(list []slb.AclEntry) []map[string]interface{}
Flattens an array of slb.AclEntry into a []map[string]string
func (*SlbService) SlbAddAccessControlListEntry ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *SlbService) SlbAddAccessControlListEntry(list []interface{}, aclId string) error
func (*SlbService) SlbRemoveAccessControlListEntry ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *SlbService) SlbRemoveAccessControlListEntry(list []interface{}, aclId string) error
func (*SlbService) WaitForSlb ¶ added in v1.43.0
func (s *SlbService) WaitForSlb(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
func (*SlbService) WaitForSlbAcl ¶ added in v1.42.0
func (s *SlbService) WaitForSlbAcl(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
func (*SlbService) WaitForSlbCACertificate ¶ added in v1.42.0
func (s *SlbService) WaitForSlbCACertificate(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
func (*SlbService) WaitForSlbListener ¶ added in v1.42.0
func (*SlbService) WaitForSlbRule ¶ added in v1.43.0
func (s *SlbService) WaitForSlbRule(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
func (*SlbService) WaitForSlbServerCertificate ¶ added in v1.43.0
func (s *SlbService) WaitForSlbServerCertificate(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
func (*SlbService) WaitForSlbServerGroup ¶ added in v1.43.0
func (s *SlbService) WaitForSlbServerGroup(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
func (*SlbService) WaitSlbAttribute ¶ added in v1.43.0
type SpotStrategyType ¶ added in v1.9.4
type SpotStrategyType string
type Statistics ¶ added in v1.15.0
type Statistics string
type StickySessionType ¶ added in v1.11.0
type StickySessionType string
type TagResourceType ¶ added in v1.9.4
type TagResourceType string
type TlsCipherPolicy ¶ added in v1.23.0
type TlsCipherPolicy string
type VpcService ¶ added in v1.20.0
type VpcService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*VpcService) ActivateRouterInterface ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *VpcService) ActivateRouterInterface(interfaceId string) error
func (*VpcService) DeactivateRouterInterface ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *VpcService) DeactivateRouterInterface(interfaceId string) error
func (*VpcService) DescribeCenInstanceGrant ¶ added in v1.46.0
func (s *VpcService) DescribeCenInstanceGrant(id string) (rule vpc.CbnGrantRule, err error)
func (*VpcService) DescribeCommonBandwidthPackage ¶ added in v1.43.0
func (s *VpcService) DescribeCommonBandwidthPackage(id string) (v vpc.CommonBandwidthPackage, err error)
func (*VpcService) DescribeCommonBandwidthPackageAttachment ¶ added in v1.43.0
func (s *VpcService) DescribeCommonBandwidthPackageAttachment(id string) (v vpc.CommonBandwidthPackage, err error)
func (*VpcService) DescribeEip ¶ added in v1.41.0
func (s *VpcService) DescribeEip(id string) (eip vpc.EipAddress, err error)
func (*VpcService) DescribeEipAssociation ¶ added in v1.41.0
func (s *VpcService) DescribeEipAssociation(id string) (object vpc.EipAddress, err error)
func (*VpcService) DescribeForwardEntry ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *VpcService) DescribeForwardEntry(id string) (entry vpc.ForwardTableEntry, err error)
func (*VpcService) DescribeNatGateway ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *VpcService) DescribeNatGateway(id string) (nat vpc.NatGateway, err error)
func (*VpcService) DescribeNetworkAcl ¶ added in v1.45.0
func (s *VpcService) DescribeNetworkAcl(id string) (networkAcl vpc.NetworkAcl, err error)
func (*VpcService) DescribeNetworkAclAttachment ¶ added in v1.45.0
func (s *VpcService) DescribeNetworkAclAttachment(id string, resource []vpc.Resource) (err error)
func (*VpcService) DescribeRouteEntry ¶ added in v1.45.0
func (s *VpcService) DescribeRouteEntry(id string) (v *vpc.RouteEntry, err error)
func (*VpcService) DescribeRouteTable ¶ added in v1.45.0
func (s *VpcService) DescribeRouteTable(id string) (v vpc.RouterTableListType, err error)
func (*VpcService) DescribeRouteTableAttachment ¶ added in v1.45.0
func (s *VpcService) DescribeRouteTableAttachment(id string) (v vpc.RouterTableListType, err error)
func (*VpcService) DescribeRouterInterface ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *VpcService) DescribeRouterInterface(id, regionId string) (ri vpc.RouterInterfaceType, err error)
func (*VpcService) DescribeRouterInterfaceConnection ¶ added in v1.44.0
func (s *VpcService) DescribeRouterInterfaceConnection(id, regionId string) (ri vpc.RouterInterfaceType, err error)
func (*VpcService) DescribeSnatEntry ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *VpcService) DescribeSnatEntry(id string) (snat vpc.SnatTableEntry, err error)
func (*VpcService) DescribeVSwitch ¶ added in v1.41.0
func (s *VpcService) DescribeVSwitch(id string) (v vpc.DescribeVSwitchAttributesResponse, err error)
func (*VpcService) DescribeVpc ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *VpcService) DescribeVpc(id string) (v vpc.DescribeVpcAttributeResponse, err error)
func (*VpcService) FlattenPublicIpAddressesMappings ¶ added in v1.36.0
func (s *VpcService) FlattenPublicIpAddressesMappings(list []vpc.PublicIpAddresse) []map[string]interface{}
Flattens an array of vpc.public_ip_addresses into a []map[string]string
func (*VpcService) QueryRouteTableById ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *VpcService) QueryRouteTableById(routeTableId string) (rt vpc.RouteTable, err error)
func (*VpcService) WaitForAllRouteEntriesAvailable ¶ added in v1.45.0
func (s *VpcService) WaitForAllRouteEntriesAvailable(routeTableId string, timeout int) error
func (*VpcService) WaitForCenInstanceGrant ¶ added in v1.46.0
func (s *VpcService) WaitForCenInstanceGrant(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
func (*VpcService) WaitForCommonBandwidthPackage ¶ added in v1.43.0
func (s *VpcService) WaitForCommonBandwidthPackage(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
func (*VpcService) WaitForCommonBandwidthPackageAttachment ¶ added in v1.43.0
func (s *VpcService) WaitForCommonBandwidthPackageAttachment(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
func (*VpcService) WaitForEip ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *VpcService) WaitForEip(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
func (*VpcService) WaitForEipAssociation ¶ added in v1.41.0
func (s *VpcService) WaitForEipAssociation(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
func (*VpcService) WaitForForwardEntry ¶ added in v1.30.0
func (s *VpcService) WaitForForwardEntry(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
func (*VpcService) WaitForNatGateway ¶ added in v1.42.0
func (s *VpcService) WaitForNatGateway(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
func (*VpcService) WaitForNetworkAcl ¶ added in v1.45.0
func (s *VpcService) WaitForNetworkAcl(networkAclId string, status Status, timeout int) error
func (*VpcService) WaitForNetworkAclAttachment ¶ added in v1.45.0
func (*VpcService) WaitForRouteEntry ¶ added in v1.45.0
func (s *VpcService) WaitForRouteEntry(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
func (*VpcService) WaitForRouteTable ¶ added in v1.45.0
func (s *VpcService) WaitForRouteTable(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
func (*VpcService) WaitForRouteTableAttachment ¶ added in v1.45.0
func (s *VpcService) WaitForRouteTableAttachment(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
func (*VpcService) WaitForRouterInterface ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *VpcService) WaitForRouterInterface(id, regionId string, status Status, timeout int) error
func (*VpcService) WaitForRouterInterfaceConnection ¶ added in v1.44.0
func (s *VpcService) WaitForRouterInterfaceConnection(id, regionId string, status Status, timeout int) error
func (*VpcService) WaitForSnatEntry ¶ added in v1.30.0
func (s *VpcService) WaitForSnatEntry(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
func (*VpcService) WaitForVSwitch ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *VpcService) WaitForVSwitch(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
func (*VpcService) WaitForVpc ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *VpcService) WaitForVpc(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
type VpnGatewayService ¶ added in v1.20.0
type VpnGatewayService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*VpnGatewayService) AssembleIkeConfig ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *VpnGatewayService) AssembleIkeConfig(ikeCfgParam []interface{}) (string, error)
func (*VpnGatewayService) AssembleIpsecConfig ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *VpnGatewayService) AssembleIpsecConfig(ipsecCfgParam []interface{}) (string, error)
func (*VpnGatewayService) AssembleNetworkSubnetToString ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *VpnGatewayService) AssembleNetworkSubnetToString(list []interface{}) string
func (*VpnGatewayService) DescribeSslVpnClientCert ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *VpnGatewayService) DescribeSslVpnClientCert(id string) (v vpc.DescribeSslVpnClientCertResponse, err error)
func (*VpnGatewayService) DescribeSslVpnServer ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *VpnGatewayService) DescribeSslVpnServer(id string) (v vpc.SslVpnServer, err error)
func (*VpnGatewayService) DescribeVpnConnection ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *VpnGatewayService) DescribeVpnConnection(id string) (v vpc.DescribeVpnConnectionResponse, err error)
func (*VpnGatewayService) DescribeVpnCustomerGateway ¶ added in v1.46.0
func (s *VpnGatewayService) DescribeVpnCustomerGateway(id string) (v vpc.DescribeCustomerGatewayResponse, err error)
func (*VpnGatewayService) DescribeVpnGateway ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *VpnGatewayService) DescribeVpnGateway(id string) (v vpc.DescribeVpnGatewayResponse, err error)
func (*VpnGatewayService) ParseIkeConfig ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *VpnGatewayService) ParseIkeConfig(ike vpc.IkeConfig) (ikeConfigs []map[string]interface{})
func (*VpnGatewayService) ParseIpsecConfig ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *VpnGatewayService) ParseIpsecConfig(ipsec vpc.IpsecConfig) (ipsecConfigs []map[string]interface{})
func (*VpnGatewayService) WaitForSslVpnClientCert ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (s *VpnGatewayService) WaitForSslVpnClientCert(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
func (*VpnGatewayService) WaitForSslVpnServer ¶ added in v1.46.0
func (s *VpnGatewayService) WaitForSslVpnServer(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
func (*VpnGatewayService) WaitForVpnConnection ¶ added in v1.47.0
func (s *VpnGatewayService) WaitForVpnConnection(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
func (*VpnGatewayService) WaitForVpnCustomerGateway ¶ added in v1.46.0
func (s *VpnGatewayService) WaitForVpnCustomerGateway(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
func (*VpnGatewayService) WaitForVpnGateway ¶ added in v1.46.0
func (s *VpnGatewayService) WaitForVpnGateway(id string, status Status, timeout int) error
type WrapErrorOld ¶ added in v1.29.0
type WrapErrorOld struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
An Error to wrap the different erros
func (*WrapErrorOld) Error ¶ added in v1.29.0
func (e *WrapErrorOld) Error() string
Source Files
- common.go
- data_source_alicloud_account.go
- data_source_alicloud_actiontrail.go
- data_source_alicloud_api_gateway_apis.go
- data_source_alicloud_api_gateway_apps.go
- data_source_alicloud_api_gateway_groups.go
- data_source_alicloud_cas_certificates.go
- data_source_alicloud_cen_bandwidth_limits.go
- data_source_alicloud_cen_bandwidth_packages.go
- data_source_alicloud_cen_instances.go
- data_source_alicloud_cen_region_route_entries.go
- data_source_alicloud_cen_route_entries.go
- data_source_alicloud_common.go
- data_source_alicloud_common_bandwidth_packages.go
- data_source_alicloud_cr_namespaces.go
- data_source_alicloud_cr_repos.go
- data_source_alicloud_cs_kubernetes_clusters.go
- data_source_alicloud_cs_managed_kubernetes_clusters.go
- data_source_alicloud_db_instance_classes.go
- data_source_alicloud_db_instance_engines.go
- data_source_alicloud_db_instances.go
- data_source_alicloud_ddoscoo_instances.go
- data_source_alicloud_disks.go
- data_source_alicloud_dns_domains.go
- data_source_alicloud_dns_groups.go
- data_source_alicloud_dns_records.go
- data_source_alicloud_drds_instances.go
- data_source_alicloud_eips.go
- data_source_alicloud_elasticsearch_instances.go
- data_source_alicloud_ess_scalingconfigurations.go
- data_source_alicloud_ess_scalinggroups.go
- data_source_alicloud_ess_scalingrules.go
- data_source_alicloud_fc_functions.go
- data_source_alicloud_fc_services.go
- data_source_alicloud_fc_triggers.go
- data_source_alicloud_forward_entries.go
- data_source_alicloud_gpdb_instances.go
- data_source_alicloud_images.go
- data_source_alicloud_instance_types.go
- data_source_alicloud_instances.go
- data_source_alicloud_key_pairs.go
- data_source_alicloud_kms_keys.go
- data_source_alicloud_kvstore_instances.go
- data_source_alicloud_mns_queues.go
- data_source_alicloud_mns_topic_subscriptions.go
- data_source_alicloud_mns_topics.go
- data_source_alicloud_mongodb_instances.go
- data_source_alicloud_nas_access_groups.go
- data_source_alicloud_nas_access_rules.go
- data_source_alicloud_nas_file_systems.go
- data_source_alicloud_nas_mount_targets.go
- data_source_alicloud_nas_protocols.go
- data_source_alicloud_nat_gateways.go
- data_source_alicloud_network_interfaces.go
- data_source_alicloud_oss_bucket_objects.go
- data_source_alicloud_oss_buckets.go
- data_source_alicloud_ots_instance_attachments.go
- data_source_alicloud_ots_instances.go
- data_source_alicloud_ots_tables.go
- data_source_alicloud_pvtz_zone_records.go
- data_source_alicloud_pvtz_zones.go
- data_source_alicloud_ram_account_alias.go
- data_source_alicloud_ram_groups.go
- data_source_alicloud_ram_policies.go
- data_source_alicloud_ram_roles.go
- data_source_alicloud_ram_users.go
- data_source_alicloud_regions.go
- data_source_alicloud_route_entries.go
- data_source_alicloud_route_tables.go
- data_source_alicloud_router_interfaces.go
- data_source_alicloud_security_group_rules.go
- data_source_alicloud_security_groups.go
- data_source_alicloud_slb_acls.go
- data_source_alicloud_slb_attachments.go
- data_source_alicloud_slb_ca_certificates.go
- data_source_alicloud_slb_listeners.go
- data_source_alicloud_slb_rules.go
- data_source_alicloud_slb_server_certificates.go
- data_source_alicloud_slb_server_groups.go
- data_source_alicloud_slbs.go
- data_source_alicloud_snapshots.go
- data_source_alicloud_snat_entries.go
- data_source_alicloud_ssl_vpn_client_certs.go
- data_source_alicloud_ssl_vpn_servers.go
- data_source_alicloud_vpcs.go
- data_source_alicloud_vpn_connections.go
- data_source_alicloud_vpn_customer_gateways.go
- data_source_alicloud_vpn_gateways.go
- data_source_alicloud_vswitches.go
- data_source_alicloud_zones.go
- diff_suppress_funcs.go
- errors.go
- extension_api_gateway.go
- extension_cms.go
- extension_ecs.go
- extension_elasticsearch.go
- extension_ess.go
- extension_gpdb.go
- extension_kms.go
- extension_log.go
- extension_mongodb.go
- extension_oss.go
- extension_ots.go
- extension_pvtz.go
- extension_rds.go
- extension_slb.go
- extension_tags.go
- extension_vpc.go
- extension_vpn.go
- provider.go
- resource_alicloud_actiontrail.go
- resource_alicloud_api_gateway_api.go
- resource_alicloud_api_gateway_app.go
- resource_alicloud_api_gateway_app_attachment.go
- resource_alicloud_api_gateway_group.go
- resource_alicloud_api_gateway_vpc.go
- resource_alicloud_cas_certificate.go
- resource_alicloud_cdn_domain.go
- resource_alicloud_cdn_domain_config.go
- resource_alicloud_cdn_domain_new.go
- resource_alicloud_cen_bandwidth_limit.go
- resource_alicloud_cen_bandwidth_package.go
- resource_alicloud_cen_bandwidth_package_attachment.go
- resource_alicloud_cen_instance.go
- resource_alicloud_cen_instance_attachment.go
- resource_alicloud_cen_instance_grant.go
- resource_alicloud_cen_route_entry.go
- resource_alicloud_cms_alarm.go
- resource_alicloud_common_bandwidth_package.go
- resource_alicloud_common_bandwidth_package_attachment.go
- resource_alicloud_cr_namespace.go
- resource_alicloud_cr_repo.go
- resource_alicloud_cs_application.go
- resource_alicloud_cs_kubernetes.go
- resource_alicloud_cs_managed_kubernetes.go
- resource_alicloud_cs_swarm.go
- resource_alicloud_datahub_project.go
- resource_alicloud_datahub_subscription.go
- resource_alicloud_datahub_topic.go
- resource_alicloud_db_account.go
- resource_alicloud_db_account_privilege.go
- resource_alicloud_db_backup_policy.go
- resource_alicloud_db_connection.go
- resource_alicloud_db_database.go
- resource_alicloud_db_instance.go
- resource_alicloud_db_readonly_instance.go
- resource_alicloud_db_readwrite_splitting_connection.go
- resource_alicloud_ddoscoo_instance.go
- resource_alicloud_disk.go
- resource_alicloud_disk_attachment.go
- resource_alicloud_dns.go
- resource_alicloud_dns_group.go
- resource_alicloud_dns_record.go
- resource_alicloud_drds_instance.go
- resource_alicloud_eip.go
- resource_alicloud_eip_association.go
- resource_alicloud_elasticsearch_instance.go
- resource_alicloud_ess_alarm.go
- resource_alicloud_ess_attachment.go
- resource_alicloud_ess_lifecyclehook.go
- resource_alicloud_ess_scalingconfiguration.go
- resource_alicloud_ess_scalinggroup.go
- resource_alicloud_ess_scalingrule.go
- resource_alicloud_ess_scheduled_task.go
- resource_alicloud_fc_function.go
- resource_alicloud_fc_service.go
- resource_alicloud_fc_trigger.go
- resource_alicloud_forward_entry.go
- resource_alicloud_gpdb_instance.go
- resource_alicloud_havip.go
- resource_alicloud_havip_attachment.go
- resource_alicloud_instance.go
- resource_alicloud_key_pair.go
- resource_alicloud_key_pair_attachment.go
- resource_alicloud_kms_key.go
- resource_alicloud_kvstore_backup_policy.go
- resource_alicloud_kvstore_instance.go
- resource_alicloud_launch_template.go
- resource_alicloud_log_machine_group.go
- resource_alicloud_log_project.go
- resource_alicloud_log_store.go
- resource_alicloud_log_store_index.go
- resource_alicloud_logtail_attachment.go
- resource_alicloud_logtail_config.go
- resource_alicloud_mns_queue.go
- resource_alicloud_mns_topic.go
- resource_alicloud_mns_topic_subscription.go
- resource_alicloud_mongodb_instance.go
- resource_alicloud_mongodb_sharding_instance.go
- resource_alicloud_nas_access_group.go
- resource_alicloud_nas_access_rule.go
- resource_alicloud_nas_file_system.go
- resource_alicloud_nas_mount_target.go
- resource_alicloud_nat_gateway.go
- resource_alicloud_network_acl.go
- resource_alicloud_network_acl_attachment.go
- resource_alicloud_network_acl_entries.go
- resource_alicloud_network_interface.go
- resource_alicloud_network_interface_attachment.go
- resource_alicloud_oss_bucket.go
- resource_alicloud_oss_bucket_object.go
- resource_alicloud_ots_instance.go
- resource_alicloud_ots_instance_attachment.go
- resource_alicloud_ots_table.go
- resource_alicloud_pvtz_zone.go
- resource_alicloud_pvtz_zone_attachment.go
- resource_alicloud_pvtz_zone_record.go
- resource_alicloud_ram_access_key.go
- resource_alicloud_ram_account_alias.go
- resource_alicloud_ram_account_password_policy.go
- resource_alicloud_ram_group.go
- resource_alicloud_ram_group_membership.go
- resource_alicloud_ram_group_policy_attachment.go
- resource_alicloud_ram_login_profile.go
- resource_alicloud_ram_policy.go
- resource_alicloud_ram_role.go
- resource_alicloud_ram_role_attachment.go
- resource_alicloud_ram_role_policy_attachment.go
- resource_alicloud_ram_user.go
- resource_alicloud_ram_user_policy_attachment.go
- resource_alicloud_route_entry.go
- resource_alicloud_route_table.go
- resource_alicloud_route_table_attachment.go
- resource_alicloud_router_interface.go
- resource_alicloud_router_interface_connection.go
- resource_alicloud_security_group.go
- resource_alicloud_security_group_rule.go
- resource_alicloud_slb.go
- resource_alicloud_slb_acl.go
- resource_alicloud_slb_attachment.go
- resource_alicloud_slb_ca_certificate.go
- resource_alicloud_slb_listener.go
- resource_alicloud_slb_rule.go
- resource_alicloud_slb_server_certificate.go
- resource_alicloud_slb_server_group.go
- resource_alicloud_snapshot.go
- resource_alicloud_snapshot_policy.go
- resource_alicloud_snat_entry.go
- resource_alicloud_ssl_vpn_client_cert.go
- resource_alicloud_ssl_vpn_server.go
- resource_alicloud_vpc.go
- resource_alicloud_vpn_connection.go
- resource_alicloud_vpn_customer_gateway.go
- resource_alicloud_vpn_gateway.go
- resource_alicloud_vswitch.go
- service_alicloud_actiontrail.go
- service_alicloud_api_gateway.go
- service_alicloud_cas.go
- service_alicloud_cdn.go
- service_alicloud_cen.go
- service_alicloud_cms.go
- service_alicloud_cr.go
- service_alicloud_cs.go
- service_alicloud_datahub.go
- service_alicloud_ddoscoo.go
- service_alicloud_dns.go
- service_alicloud_drds.go
- service_alicloud_ecs.go
- service_alicloud_elasticsearch.go
- service_alicloud_ess.go
- service_alicloud_fc.go
- service_alicloud_gpdb.go
- service_alicloud_havip.go
- service_alicloud_kms.go
- service_alicloud_kvstore.go
- service_alicloud_log.go
- service_alicloud_mns.go
- service_alicloud_mongodb.go
- service_alicloud_nas.go
- service_alicloud_oss.go
- service_alicloud_ots.go
- service_alicloud_pvtz.go
- service_alicloud_ram.go
- service_alicloud_rds.go
- service_alicloud_slb.go
- service_alicloud_vpc.go
- service_alicloud_vpn_gateway.go
- tags.go
- validators.go