Index ¶
- func AutoMigrate(dsn string) error
- func Close(conn *pgxpool.Pool) error
- func Connect(dsn string) (*pgxpool.Pool, error)
- func DecryptPassword(encryptedPassword []byte) (string, error)
- func EncryptPassword(password string) ([]byte, error)
- type AddPlaylistTracksParams
- type Album
- type AlbumArtist
- type AlbumGenre
- type AlbumRating
- type AlbumStar
- type Artist
- type ArtistRating
- type ArtistStar
- type CheckPlaylistExistsParams
- type CreateAlbumArtistsParams
- type CreateAlbumGenresParams
- type CreateAlbumParams
- type CreateArtistParams
- type CreatePlaylistParams
- type CreateScrobblesParams
- type CreateSongArtistsParams
- type CreateSongGenresParams
- type CreateSongParams
- type CreateUserParams
- type DBTX
- type DeleteLBFeedbackUpdatedStarsNotInMBIDListParams
- type DeletePlaylistParams
- type FindAlbumArtistRefsBySongsRow
- type FindAlbumArtistsRow
- type FindAlbumParams
- type FindAlbumRow
- type FindAlbumsAlphabeticalByNameParams
- type FindAlbumsAlphabeticalByNameRow
- type FindAlbumsByArtistParams
- type FindAlbumsByArtistRow
- type FindAlbumsByGenreParams
- type FindAlbumsByGenreRow
- type FindAlbumsByNameWithArtistMatchCountParams
- type FindAlbumsByNameWithArtistMatchCountRow
- type FindAlbumsByYearParams
- type FindAlbumsByYearRow
- type FindAlbumsHighestRatedParams
- type FindAlbumsHighestRatedRow
- type FindAlbumsNewestParams
- type FindAlbumsNewestRow
- type FindAlbumsRandomParams
- type FindAlbumsRandomRow
- type FindAlbumsStarredParams
- type FindAlbumsStarredRow
- type FindArtistParams
- type FindArtistRefsByAlbumsRow
- type FindArtistRefsBySongsRow
- type FindArtistRow
- type FindGenresByAlbumsRow
- type FindGenresBySongsRow
- type FindGenresWithCountRow
- type FindLBFeedbackUpdatedSongIDsInMBIDListNotStarredParams
- type FindNotLBUpdatedSongsRow
- type FindPlaylistParams
- type FindPlaylistRow
- type FindPlaylistsRow
- type FindPossibleScrobbleConflictsParams
- type FindRandomSongsParams
- type FindRandomSongsRow
- type FindSongByPathRow
- type FindSongRow
- type FindSongsByAlbumParams
- type FindSongsByAlbumRow
- type FindSongsByMusicBrainzIDRow
- type FindSongsRow
- type FindUnsubmittedLBScrobblesRow
- type Genre
- type GetNowPlayingSongsRow
- type GetPlaylistTracksParams
- type GetPlaylistTracksRow
- type GetStreamInfoRow
- type InsertSystemValueIfNotExistsParams
- type LbFeedbackUpdated
- type Playlist
- type PlaylistSong
- type Querier
- type Queries
- func (q *Queries) AddPlaylistTracks(ctx context.Context, arg []AddPlaylistTracksParams) (int64, error)
- func (q *Queries) CheckPlaylistExists(ctx context.Context, arg CheckPlaylistExistsParams) (bool, error)
- func (q *Queries) ClearPlaylist(ctx context.Context, playlistID string) error
- func (q *Queries) CreateAlbum(ctx context.Context, arg CreateAlbumParams) (*Album, error)
- func (q *Queries) CreateAlbumArtists(ctx context.Context, arg []CreateAlbumArtistsParams) (int64, error)
- func (q *Queries) CreateAlbumGenres(ctx context.Context, arg []CreateAlbumGenresParams) (int64, error)
- func (q *Queries) CreateArtist(ctx context.Context, arg CreateArtistParams) (*Artist, error)
- func (q *Queries) CreateGenre(ctx context.Context, name string) error
- func (q *Queries) CreatePlaylist(ctx context.Context, arg CreatePlaylistParams) error
- func (q *Queries) CreateScrobbles(ctx context.Context, arg []CreateScrobblesParams) (int64, error)
- func (q *Queries) CreateSong(ctx context.Context, arg CreateSongParams) (*Song, error)
- func (q *Queries) CreateSongArtists(ctx context.Context, arg []CreateSongArtistsParams) (int64, error)
- func (q *Queries) CreateSongGenres(ctx context.Context, arg []CreateSongGenresParams) (int64, error)
- func (q *Queries) CreateUser(ctx context.Context, arg CreateUserParams) error
- func (q *Queries) DeleteAlbumArtists(ctx context.Context, albumID string) error
- func (q *Queries) DeleteAlbumGenres(ctx context.Context, albumID string) error
- func (q *Queries) DeleteAlbumsLastUpdatedBefore(ctx context.Context, updated pgtype.Timestamptz) error
- func (q *Queries) DeleteAllGenres(ctx context.Context) error
- func (q *Queries) DeleteArtistsLastUpdatedBefore(ctx context.Context, updated pgtype.Timestamptz) error
- func (q *Queries) DeleteGenre(ctx context.Context, name string) error
- func (q *Queries) DeleteLBFeedbackUpdatedStarsNotInMBIDList(ctx context.Context, arg DeleteLBFeedbackUpdatedStarsNotInMBIDListParams) (pgconn.CommandTag, error)
- func (q *Queries) DeleteNowPlaying(ctx context.Context, userName string) error
- func (q *Queries) DeletePlaylist(ctx context.Context, arg DeletePlaylistParams) (pgconn.CommandTag, error)
- func (q *Queries) DeleteSongArtists(ctx context.Context, songID string) error
- func (q *Queries) DeleteSongGenres(ctx context.Context, songID string) error
- func (q *Queries) DeleteSongsLastUpdatedBefore(ctx context.Context, updated pgtype.Timestamptz) error
- func (q *Queries) DeleteUser(ctx context.Context, name string) (string, error)
- func (q *Queries) FindAlbum(ctx context.Context, arg FindAlbumParams) (*FindAlbumRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) FindAlbumArtistRefsBySongs(ctx context.Context, songIds []string) ([]*FindAlbumArtistRefsBySongsRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) FindAlbumArtists(ctx context.Context, userName string) ([]*FindAlbumArtistsRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) FindAlbumsAlphabeticalByName(ctx context.Context, arg FindAlbumsAlphabeticalByNameParams) ([]*FindAlbumsAlphabeticalByNameRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) FindAlbumsByArtist(ctx context.Context, arg FindAlbumsByArtistParams) ([]*FindAlbumsByArtistRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) FindAlbumsByGenre(ctx context.Context, arg FindAlbumsByGenreParams) ([]*FindAlbumsByGenreRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) FindAlbumsByNameWithArtistMatchCount(ctx context.Context, arg FindAlbumsByNameWithArtistMatchCountParams) ([]*FindAlbumsByNameWithArtistMatchCountRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) FindAlbumsByYear(ctx context.Context, arg FindAlbumsByYearParams) ([]*FindAlbumsByYearRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) FindAlbumsHighestRated(ctx context.Context, arg FindAlbumsHighestRatedParams) ([]*FindAlbumsHighestRatedRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) FindAlbumsNewest(ctx context.Context, arg FindAlbumsNewestParams) ([]*FindAlbumsNewestRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) FindAlbumsRandom(ctx context.Context, arg FindAlbumsRandomParams) ([]*FindAlbumsRandomRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) FindAlbumsStarred(ctx context.Context, arg FindAlbumsStarredParams) ([]*FindAlbumsStarredRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) FindAllGenres(ctx context.Context) ([]string, error)
- func (q *Queries) FindArtist(ctx context.Context, arg FindArtistParams) (*FindArtistRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) FindArtistRefsByAlbums(ctx context.Context, albumIds []string) ([]*FindArtistRefsByAlbumsRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) FindArtistRefsBySongs(ctx context.Context, songIds []string) ([]*FindArtistRefsBySongsRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) FindArtistSimple(ctx context.Context, id string) (*Artist, error)
- func (q *Queries) FindArtistsByName(ctx context.Context, artistNames []string) ([]*Artist, error)
- func (q *Queries) FindGenre(ctx context.Context, name string) (string, error)
- func (q *Queries) FindGenresByAlbums(ctx context.Context, albumIds []string) ([]*FindGenresByAlbumsRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) FindGenresBySongs(ctx context.Context, songIds []string) ([]*FindGenresBySongsRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) FindGenresWithCount(ctx context.Context) ([]*FindGenresWithCountRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) FindLBFeedbackUpdatedSongIDsInMBIDListNotStarred(ctx context.Context, ...) ([]string, error)
- func (q *Queries) FindNotLBUpdatedSongs(ctx context.Context, userName string) ([]*FindNotLBUpdatedSongsRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) FindPlaylist(ctx context.Context, arg FindPlaylistParams) (*FindPlaylistRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) FindPlaylists(ctx context.Context, user string) ([]*FindPlaylistsRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) FindPossibleScrobbleConflicts(ctx context.Context, arg FindPossibleScrobbleConflictsParams) ([]*Scrobble, error)
- func (q *Queries) FindRandomSongs(ctx context.Context, arg FindRandomSongsParams) ([]*FindRandomSongsRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) FindSong(ctx context.Context, id string) (*FindSongRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) FindSongByPath(ctx context.Context, path string) (*FindSongByPathRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) FindSongCount(ctx context.Context) (int64, error)
- func (q *Queries) FindSongWithoutAlbum(ctx context.Context, id string) (*Song, error)
- func (q *Queries) FindSongs(ctx context.Context, songIds []string) ([]*FindSongsRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) FindSongsByAlbum(ctx context.Context, arg FindSongsByAlbumParams) ([]*FindSongsByAlbumRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) FindSongsByMusicBrainzID(ctx context.Context, musicBrainzID *string) ([]*FindSongsByMusicBrainzIDRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) FindUnsubmittedLBScrobbles(ctx context.Context) ([]*FindUnsubmittedLBScrobblesRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) FindUser(ctx context.Context, name string) (*User, error)
- func (q *Queries) FindUsers(ctx context.Context) ([]*User, error)
- func (q *Queries) GetNowPlaying(ctx context.Context, userName string) (*Scrobble, error)
- func (q *Queries) GetNowPlayingSongs(ctx context.Context, userName string) ([]*GetNowPlayingSongsRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) GetPlaylistOwner(ctx context.Context, id string) (string, error)
- func (q *Queries) GetPlaylistTrackNumbers(ctx context.Context, playlistID string) ([]int32, error)
- func (q *Queries) GetPlaylistTracks(ctx context.Context, arg GetPlaylistTracksParams) ([]*GetPlaylistTracksRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) GetStreamInfo(ctx context.Context, id string) (*GetStreamInfoRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) GetSystemValue(ctx context.Context, key string) (*System, error)
- func (q *Queries) InsertSystemValueIfNotExists(ctx context.Context, arg InsertSystemValueIfNotExistsParams) (*System, error)
- func (q *Queries) RemoveAlbumRating(ctx context.Context, arg RemoveAlbumRatingParams) error
- func (q *Queries) RemoveArtistRating(ctx context.Context, arg RemoveArtistRatingParams) error
- func (q *Queries) RemoveLBFeedbackUpdated(ctx context.Context, arg RemoveLBFeedbackUpdatedParams) error
- func (q *Queries) RemovePlaylistTracks(ctx context.Context, arg RemovePlaylistTracksParams) error
- func (q *Queries) RemoveSongRating(ctx context.Context, arg RemoveSongRatingParams) error
- func (q *Queries) ReplaceSystemValue(ctx context.Context, arg ReplaceSystemValueParams) (*System, error)
- func (q *Queries) SearchAlbumArtists(ctx context.Context, arg SearchAlbumArtistsParams) ([]*SearchAlbumArtistsRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) SearchAlbums(ctx context.Context, arg SearchAlbumsParams) ([]*SearchAlbumsRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) SearchSongs(ctx context.Context, arg SearchSongsParams) ([]*SearchSongsRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) SetAlbumRating(ctx context.Context, arg SetAlbumRatingParams) error
- func (q *Queries) SetArtistRating(ctx context.Context, arg SetArtistRatingParams) error
- func (q *Queries) SetLBFeedbackUpdated(ctx context.Context, arg []SetLBFeedbackUpdatedParams) (int64, error)
- func (q *Queries) SetLBSubmittedByUsers(ctx context.Context, userNames []string) error
- func (q *Queries) SetSongRating(ctx context.Context, arg SetSongRatingParams) error
- func (q *Queries) StarAlbum(ctx context.Context, arg StarAlbumParams) error
- func (q *Queries) StarArtist(ctx context.Context, arg StarArtistParams) error
- func (q *Queries) StarSong(ctx context.Context, arg StarSongParams) error
- func (q *Queries) StarSongs(ctx context.Context, arg []StarSongsParams) (int64, error)
- func (q *Queries) UnstarAlbum(ctx context.Context, arg UnstarAlbumParams) error
- func (q *Queries) UnstarArtist(ctx context.Context, arg UnstarArtistParams) error
- func (q *Queries) UnstarSong(ctx context.Context, arg UnstarSongParams) error
- func (q *Queries) UpdateAlbum(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateAlbumParams) error
- func (q *Queries) UpdateArtist(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateArtistParams) error
- func (q *Queries) UpdatePlaylist(ctx context.Context, arg UpdatePlaylistParams) error
- func (q *Queries) UpdatePlaylistName(ctx context.Context, arg UpdatePlaylistNameParams) (pgconn.CommandTag, error)
- func (q *Queries) UpdatePlaylistTrackNumbers(ctx context.Context, arg UpdatePlaylistTrackNumbersParams) error
- func (q *Queries) UpdatePlaylistUpdated(ctx context.Context, arg UpdatePlaylistUpdatedParams) (pgconn.CommandTag, error)
- func (q *Queries) UpdateSong(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateSongParams) error
- func (q *Queries) UpdateUserListenBrainzConnection(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateUserListenBrainzConnectionParams) (*User, error)
- func (q *Queries) WithTx(tx pgx.Tx) *Queries
- type RemoveAlbumRatingParams
- type RemoveArtistRatingParams
- type RemoveLBFeedbackUpdatedParams
- type RemovePlaylistTracksParams
- type RemoveSongRatingParams
- type ReplaceSystemValueParams
- type Scrobble
- type SearchAlbumArtistsParams
- type SearchAlbumArtistsRow
- type SearchAlbumsParams
- type SearchAlbumsRow
- type SearchSongsParams
- type SearchSongsRow
- type SetAlbumRatingParams
- type SetArtistRatingParams
- type SetLBFeedbackUpdatedParams
- type SetSongRatingParams
- type Song
- type SongArtist
- type SongGenre
- type SongRating
- type SongStar
- type StarAlbumParams
- type StarArtistParams
- type StarSongParams
- type StarSongsParams
- type Store
- type System
- type UnstarAlbumParams
- type UnstarArtistParams
- type UnstarSongParams
- type UpdateAlbumParams
- type UpdateArtistParams
- type UpdatePlaylistNameParams
- type UpdatePlaylistParams
- type UpdatePlaylistTrackNumbersParams
- type UpdatePlaylistUpdatedParams
- type UpdateSongParams
- type UpdateUserListenBrainzConnectionParams
- type User
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func AutoMigrate ¶
func DecryptPassword ¶
func EncryptPassword ¶
Types ¶
type AddPlaylistTracksParams ¶
type AlbumArtist ¶
type AlbumGenre ¶
type AlbumRating ¶
type AlbumStar ¶
type AlbumStar struct { AlbumID string UserName string Created pgtype.Timestamptz }
type Artist ¶
type Artist struct { ID string Name string Created pgtype.Timestamptz Updated pgtype.Timestamptz MusicBrainzID *string }
type ArtistRating ¶
type ArtistStar ¶
type ArtistStar struct { ArtistID string UserName string Created pgtype.Timestamptz }
type CreateAlbumGenresParams ¶
type CreateAlbumParams ¶
type CreateArtistParams ¶
type CreatePlaylistParams ¶
type CreateScrobblesParams ¶
type CreateSongArtistsParams ¶
type CreateSongGenresParams ¶
type CreateSongParams ¶
type CreateSongParams struct { ID string Path string AlbumID *string Title string Track *int32 Year *int32 Size int64 ContentType string DurationMs int32 BitRate int32 SamplingRate int32 ChannelCount int32 DiscNumber *int32 Bpm *int32 MusicBrainzID *string ReplayGain *float32 ReplayGainPeak *float32 Lyrics *string CoverID *string }
type CreateUserParams ¶
type DBTX ¶
type DBTX interface { Exec(context.Context, string, ...interface{}) (pgconn.CommandTag, error) Query(context.Context, string, ...interface{}) (pgx.Rows, error) QueryRow(context.Context, string, ...interface{}) pgx.Row CopyFrom(ctx context.Context, tableName pgx.Identifier, columnNames []string, rowSrc pgx.CopyFromSource) (int64, error) }
type DeletePlaylistParams ¶
type FindAlbumArtistsRow ¶
type FindAlbumArtistsRow struct { ID string Name string Created pgtype.Timestamptz Updated pgtype.Timestamptz MusicBrainzID *string AlbumCount int64 Starred pgtype.Timestamptz UserRating *int32 AvgRating float64 }
type FindAlbumParams ¶
type FindAlbumRow ¶
type FindAlbumRow struct { ID string Name string Created pgtype.Timestamptz Updated pgtype.Timestamptz Year *int32 RecordLabels *string MusicBrainzID *string ReleaseTypes *string IsCompilation *bool ReplayGain *float32 ReplayGainPeak *float32 ReleaseMbid *string TrackCount int64 DurationMs int64 Starred pgtype.Timestamptz UserRating *int32 AvgRating float64 }
type FindAlbumsAlphabeticalByNameRow ¶
type FindAlbumsAlphabeticalByNameRow struct { ID string Name string Created pgtype.Timestamptz Updated pgtype.Timestamptz Year *int32 RecordLabels *string MusicBrainzID *string ReleaseTypes *string IsCompilation *bool ReplayGain *float32 ReplayGainPeak *float32 ReleaseMbid *string TrackCount int64 DurationMs int64 Starred pgtype.Timestamptz UserRating *int32 AvgRating float64 }
type FindAlbumsByArtistRow ¶
type FindAlbumsByArtistRow struct { ID string Name string Created pgtype.Timestamptz Updated pgtype.Timestamptz Year *int32 RecordLabels *string MusicBrainzID *string ReleaseTypes *string IsCompilation *bool ReplayGain *float32 ReplayGainPeak *float32 ReleaseMbid *string TrackCount int64 DurationMs int64 Starred pgtype.Timestamptz UserRating *int32 AvgRating float64 }
type FindAlbumsByGenreParams ¶
type FindAlbumsByGenreRow ¶
type FindAlbumsByGenreRow struct { ID string Name string Created pgtype.Timestamptz Updated pgtype.Timestamptz Year *int32 RecordLabels *string MusicBrainzID *string ReleaseTypes *string IsCompilation *bool ReplayGain *float32 ReplayGainPeak *float32 ReleaseMbid *string TrackCount int64 DurationMs int64 Starred pgtype.Timestamptz UserRating *int32 AvgRating float64 }
type FindAlbumsByYearParams ¶
type FindAlbumsByYearRow ¶
type FindAlbumsByYearRow struct { ID string Name string Created pgtype.Timestamptz Updated pgtype.Timestamptz Year *int32 RecordLabels *string MusicBrainzID *string ReleaseTypes *string IsCompilation *bool ReplayGain *float32 ReplayGainPeak *float32 ReleaseMbid *string TrackCount int64 DurationMs int64 Starred pgtype.Timestamptz UserRating *int32 AvgRating float64 }
type FindAlbumsHighestRatedRow ¶
type FindAlbumsHighestRatedRow struct { ID string Name string Created pgtype.Timestamptz Updated pgtype.Timestamptz Year *int32 RecordLabels *string MusicBrainzID *string ReleaseTypes *string IsCompilation *bool ReplayGain *float32 ReplayGainPeak *float32 ReleaseMbid *string TrackCount int64 DurationMs int64 Starred pgtype.Timestamptz UserRating *int32 AvgRating float64 }
type FindAlbumsNewestParams ¶
type FindAlbumsNewestRow ¶
type FindAlbumsNewestRow struct { ID string Name string Created pgtype.Timestamptz Updated pgtype.Timestamptz Year *int32 RecordLabels *string MusicBrainzID *string ReleaseTypes *string IsCompilation *bool ReplayGain *float32 ReplayGainPeak *float32 ReleaseMbid *string TrackCount int64 DurationMs int64 Starred pgtype.Timestamptz UserRating *int32 AvgRating float64 }
type FindAlbumsRandomParams ¶
type FindAlbumsRandomRow ¶
type FindAlbumsRandomRow struct { ID string Name string Created pgtype.Timestamptz Updated pgtype.Timestamptz Year *int32 RecordLabels *string MusicBrainzID *string ReleaseTypes *string IsCompilation *bool ReplayGain *float32 ReplayGainPeak *float32 ReleaseMbid *string TrackCount int64 DurationMs int64 Starred pgtype.Timestamptz UserRating *int32 AvgRating float64 }
type FindAlbumsStarredParams ¶
type FindAlbumsStarredRow ¶
type FindAlbumsStarredRow struct { ID string Name string Created pgtype.Timestamptz Updated pgtype.Timestamptz Year *int32 RecordLabels *string MusicBrainzID *string ReleaseTypes *string IsCompilation *bool ReplayGain *float32 ReplayGainPeak *float32 ReleaseMbid *string TrackCount int64 DurationMs int64 Starred pgtype.Timestamptz UserRating *int32 AvgRating float64 }
type FindArtistParams ¶
type FindArtistRow ¶
type FindArtistRow struct { ID string Name string Created pgtype.Timestamptz Updated pgtype.Timestamptz MusicBrainzID *string Starred pgtype.Timestamptz UserRating *int32 AvgRating float64 }
type FindGenresByAlbumsRow ¶
type FindGenresBySongsRow ¶
type FindGenresWithCountRow ¶
type FindNotLBUpdatedSongsRow ¶
type FindNotLBUpdatedSongsRow struct { ID string Path string AlbumID *string Title string Track *int32 Year *int32 Size int64 ContentType string DurationMs int32 BitRate int32 SamplingRate int32 ChannelCount int32 DiscNumber *int32 Created pgtype.Timestamptz Updated pgtype.Timestamptz Bpm *int32 MusicBrainzID *string ReplayGain *float32 ReplayGainPeak *float32 Lyrics *string CoverID *string AlbumName *string Starred pgtype.Timestamptz }
type FindPlaylistParams ¶
type FindPlaylistRow ¶
type FindPlaylistsRow ¶
type FindPossibleScrobbleConflictsParams ¶
type FindPossibleScrobbleConflictsParams struct { UserName string SongIds []string Times []pgtype.Timestamptz }
type FindRandomSongsParams ¶
type FindRandomSongsRow ¶
type FindRandomSongsRow struct { ID string Path string AlbumID *string Title string Track *int32 Year *int32 Size int64 ContentType string DurationMs int32 BitRate int32 SamplingRate int32 ChannelCount int32 DiscNumber *int32 Created pgtype.Timestamptz Updated pgtype.Timestamptz Bpm *int32 MusicBrainzID *string ReplayGain *float32 ReplayGainPeak *float32 Lyrics *string CoverID *string AlbumName *string AlbumReplayGain *float32 AlbumReplayGainPeak *float32 Starred pgtype.Timestamptz UserRating *int32 AvgRating float64 }
type FindSongByPathRow ¶
type FindSongByPathRow struct { ID string Path string AlbumID *string Title string Track *int32 Year *int32 Size int64 ContentType string DurationMs int32 BitRate int32 SamplingRate int32 ChannelCount int32 DiscNumber *int32 Created pgtype.Timestamptz Updated pgtype.Timestamptz Bpm *int32 MusicBrainzID *string ReplayGain *float32 ReplayGainPeak *float32 Lyrics *string CoverID *string AlbumName *string }
type FindSongRow ¶
type FindSongRow struct { ID string Path string AlbumID *string Title string Track *int32 Year *int32 Size int64 ContentType string DurationMs int32 BitRate int32 SamplingRate int32 ChannelCount int32 DiscNumber *int32 Created pgtype.Timestamptz Updated pgtype.Timestamptz Bpm *int32 MusicBrainzID *string ReplayGain *float32 ReplayGainPeak *float32 Lyrics *string CoverID *string AlbumName *string AlbumMusicBrainzID *string AlbumReleaseMbid *string }
type FindSongsByAlbumParams ¶
type FindSongsByAlbumRow ¶
type FindSongsByAlbumRow struct { ID string Path string AlbumID *string Title string Track *int32 Year *int32 Size int64 ContentType string DurationMs int32 BitRate int32 SamplingRate int32 ChannelCount int32 DiscNumber *int32 Created pgtype.Timestamptz Updated pgtype.Timestamptz Bpm *int32 MusicBrainzID *string ReplayGain *float32 ReplayGainPeak *float32 Lyrics *string CoverID *string AlbumName *string AlbumReplayGain *float32 AlbumReplayGainPeak *float32 Starred pgtype.Timestamptz UserRating *int32 AvgRating float64 }
type FindSongsByMusicBrainzIDRow ¶
type FindSongsByMusicBrainzIDRow struct { ID string Path string AlbumID *string Title string Track *int32 Year *int32 Size int64 ContentType string DurationMs int32 BitRate int32 SamplingRate int32 ChannelCount int32 DiscNumber *int32 Created pgtype.Timestamptz Updated pgtype.Timestamptz Bpm *int32 MusicBrainzID *string ReplayGain *float32 ReplayGainPeak *float32 Lyrics *string CoverID *string AlbumName *string AlbumMusicBrainzID *string AlbumReleaseMbid *string }
type FindSongsRow ¶
type FindSongsRow struct { ID string Path string AlbumID *string Title string Track *int32 Year *int32 Size int64 ContentType string DurationMs int32 BitRate int32 SamplingRate int32 ChannelCount int32 DiscNumber *int32 Created pgtype.Timestamptz Updated pgtype.Timestamptz Bpm *int32 MusicBrainzID *string ReplayGain *float32 ReplayGainPeak *float32 Lyrics *string CoverID *string AlbumName *string AlbumMusicBrainzID *string AlbumReleaseMbid *string }
type GetNowPlayingSongsRow ¶
type GetNowPlayingSongsRow struct { UserName string Time pgtype.Timestamptz ID string Path string AlbumID *string Title string Track *int32 Year *int32 Size int64 ContentType string DurationMs int32 BitRate int32 SamplingRate int32 ChannelCount int32 DiscNumber *int32 Created pgtype.Timestamptz Updated pgtype.Timestamptz Bpm *int32 MusicBrainzID *string ReplayGain *float32 ReplayGainPeak *float32 Lyrics *string CoverID *string AlbumName *string AlbumReplayGain *float32 AlbumReplayGainPeak *float32 Starred pgtype.Timestamptz UserRating *int32 AvgRating float64 }
type GetPlaylistTracksParams ¶
type GetPlaylistTracksRow ¶
type GetPlaylistTracksRow struct { ID string Path string AlbumID *string Title string Track *int32 Year *int32 Size int64 ContentType string DurationMs int32 BitRate int32 SamplingRate int32 ChannelCount int32 DiscNumber *int32 Created pgtype.Timestamptz Updated pgtype.Timestamptz Bpm *int32 MusicBrainzID *string ReplayGain *float32 ReplayGainPeak *float32 Lyrics *string CoverID *string AlbumName *string AlbumReplayGain *float32 AlbumReplayGainPeak *float32 Starred pgtype.Timestamptz UserRating *int32 AvgRating float64 }
type GetStreamInfoRow ¶
type LbFeedbackUpdated ¶
type Playlist ¶
type Playlist struct { ID string Name string Created pgtype.Timestamptz Updated pgtype.Timestamptz Owner string Public bool Comment *string }
type PlaylistSong ¶
type Querier ¶
type Querier interface { AddPlaylistTracks(ctx context.Context, arg []AddPlaylistTracksParams) (int64, error) CheckPlaylistExists(ctx context.Context, arg CheckPlaylistExistsParams) (bool, error) ClearPlaylist(ctx context.Context, playlistID string) error CreateAlbum(ctx context.Context, arg CreateAlbumParams) (*Album, error) CreateAlbumArtists(ctx context.Context, arg []CreateAlbumArtistsParams) (int64, error) CreateAlbumGenres(ctx context.Context, arg []CreateAlbumGenresParams) (int64, error) CreateArtist(ctx context.Context, arg CreateArtistParams) (*Artist, error) CreateGenre(ctx context.Context, name string) error CreatePlaylist(ctx context.Context, arg CreatePlaylistParams) error CreateScrobbles(ctx context.Context, arg []CreateScrobblesParams) (int64, error) CreateSong(ctx context.Context, arg CreateSongParams) (*Song, error) CreateSongArtists(ctx context.Context, arg []CreateSongArtistsParams) (int64, error) CreateSongGenres(ctx context.Context, arg []CreateSongGenresParams) (int64, error) CreateUser(ctx context.Context, arg CreateUserParams) error DeleteAlbumArtists(ctx context.Context, albumID string) error DeleteAlbumGenres(ctx context.Context, albumID string) error DeleteAlbumsLastUpdatedBefore(ctx context.Context, updated pgtype.Timestamptz) error DeleteAllGenres(ctx context.Context) error DeleteArtistsLastUpdatedBefore(ctx context.Context, updated pgtype.Timestamptz) error DeleteGenre(ctx context.Context, name string) error DeleteLBFeedbackUpdatedStarsNotInMBIDList(ctx context.Context, arg DeleteLBFeedbackUpdatedStarsNotInMBIDListParams) (pgconn.CommandTag, error) DeleteNowPlaying(ctx context.Context, userName string) error DeletePlaylist(ctx context.Context, arg DeletePlaylistParams) (pgconn.CommandTag, error) DeleteSongArtists(ctx context.Context, songID string) error DeleteSongGenres(ctx context.Context, songID string) error DeleteSongsLastUpdatedBefore(ctx context.Context, updated pgtype.Timestamptz) error DeleteUser(ctx context.Context, name string) (string, error) FindAlbum(ctx context.Context, arg FindAlbumParams) (*FindAlbumRow, error) FindAlbumArtistRefsBySongs(ctx context.Context, songIds []string) ([]*FindAlbumArtistRefsBySongsRow, error) FindAlbumArtists(ctx context.Context, userName string) ([]*FindAlbumArtistsRow, error) FindAlbumsAlphabeticalByName(ctx context.Context, arg FindAlbumsAlphabeticalByNameParams) ([]*FindAlbumsAlphabeticalByNameRow, error) FindAlbumsByArtist(ctx context.Context, arg FindAlbumsByArtistParams) ([]*FindAlbumsByArtistRow, error) FindAlbumsByGenre(ctx context.Context, arg FindAlbumsByGenreParams) ([]*FindAlbumsByGenreRow, error) FindAlbumsByNameWithArtistMatchCount(ctx context.Context, arg FindAlbumsByNameWithArtistMatchCountParams) ([]*FindAlbumsByNameWithArtistMatchCountRow, error) FindAlbumsByYear(ctx context.Context, arg FindAlbumsByYearParams) ([]*FindAlbumsByYearRow, error) FindAlbumsHighestRated(ctx context.Context, arg FindAlbumsHighestRatedParams) ([]*FindAlbumsHighestRatedRow, error) FindAlbumsNewest(ctx context.Context, arg FindAlbumsNewestParams) ([]*FindAlbumsNewestRow, error) FindAlbumsRandom(ctx context.Context, arg FindAlbumsRandomParams) ([]*FindAlbumsRandomRow, error) FindAlbumsStarred(ctx context.Context, arg FindAlbumsStarredParams) ([]*FindAlbumsStarredRow, error) FindAllGenres(ctx context.Context) ([]string, error) FindArtist(ctx context.Context, arg FindArtistParams) (*FindArtistRow, error) FindArtistRefsByAlbums(ctx context.Context, albumIds []string) ([]*FindArtistRefsByAlbumsRow, error) FindArtistRefsBySongs(ctx context.Context, songIds []string) ([]*FindArtistRefsBySongsRow, error) FindArtistSimple(ctx context.Context, id string) (*Artist, error) FindArtistsByName(ctx context.Context, artistNames []string) ([]*Artist, error) FindGenre(ctx context.Context, name string) (string, error) FindGenresByAlbums(ctx context.Context, albumIds []string) ([]*FindGenresByAlbumsRow, error) FindGenresBySongs(ctx context.Context, songIds []string) ([]*FindGenresBySongsRow, error) FindGenresWithCount(ctx context.Context) ([]*FindGenresWithCountRow, error) FindLBFeedbackUpdatedSongIDsInMBIDListNotStarred(ctx context.Context, arg FindLBFeedbackUpdatedSongIDsInMBIDListNotStarredParams) ([]string, error) FindNotLBUpdatedSongs(ctx context.Context, userName string) ([]*FindNotLBUpdatedSongsRow, error) FindPlaylist(ctx context.Context, arg FindPlaylistParams) (*FindPlaylistRow, error) FindPlaylists(ctx context.Context, user string) ([]*FindPlaylistsRow, error) FindPossibleScrobbleConflicts(ctx context.Context, arg FindPossibleScrobbleConflictsParams) ([]*Scrobble, error) FindRandomSongs(ctx context.Context, arg FindRandomSongsParams) ([]*FindRandomSongsRow, error) FindSong(ctx context.Context, id string) (*FindSongRow, error) FindSongByPath(ctx context.Context, path string) (*FindSongByPathRow, error) FindSongCount(ctx context.Context) (int64, error) FindSongWithoutAlbum(ctx context.Context, id string) (*Song, error) FindSongs(ctx context.Context, songIds []string) ([]*FindSongsRow, error) FindSongsByAlbum(ctx context.Context, arg FindSongsByAlbumParams) ([]*FindSongsByAlbumRow, error) FindSongsByMusicBrainzID(ctx context.Context, musicBrainzID *string) ([]*FindSongsByMusicBrainzIDRow, error) FindUnsubmittedLBScrobbles(ctx context.Context) ([]*FindUnsubmittedLBScrobblesRow, error) FindUser(ctx context.Context, name string) (*User, error) FindUsers(ctx context.Context) ([]*User, error) GetNowPlaying(ctx context.Context, userName string) (*Scrobble, error) GetNowPlayingSongs(ctx context.Context, userName string) ([]*GetNowPlayingSongsRow, error) GetPlaylistOwner(ctx context.Context, id string) (string, error) GetPlaylistTrackNumbers(ctx context.Context, playlistID string) ([]int32, error) GetPlaylistTracks(ctx context.Context, arg GetPlaylistTracksParams) ([]*GetPlaylistTracksRow, error) GetStreamInfo(ctx context.Context, id string) (*GetStreamInfoRow, error) GetSystemValue(ctx context.Context, key string) (*System, error) InsertSystemValueIfNotExists(ctx context.Context, arg InsertSystemValueIfNotExistsParams) (*System, error) RemoveAlbumRating(ctx context.Context, arg RemoveAlbumRatingParams) error RemoveArtistRating(ctx context.Context, arg RemoveArtistRatingParams) error RemoveLBFeedbackUpdated(ctx context.Context, arg RemoveLBFeedbackUpdatedParams) error RemovePlaylistTracks(ctx context.Context, arg RemovePlaylistTracksParams) error RemoveSongRating(ctx context.Context, arg RemoveSongRatingParams) error ReplaceSystemValue(ctx context.Context, arg ReplaceSystemValueParams) (*System, error) SearchAlbumArtists(ctx context.Context, arg SearchAlbumArtistsParams) ([]*SearchAlbumArtistsRow, error) SearchAlbums(ctx context.Context, arg SearchAlbumsParams) ([]*SearchAlbumsRow, error) SearchSongs(ctx context.Context, arg SearchSongsParams) ([]*SearchSongsRow, error) SetAlbumRating(ctx context.Context, arg SetAlbumRatingParams) error SetArtistRating(ctx context.Context, arg SetArtistRatingParams) error SetLBFeedbackUpdated(ctx context.Context, arg []SetLBFeedbackUpdatedParams) (int64, error) SetLBSubmittedByUsers(ctx context.Context, userNames []string) error SetSongRating(ctx context.Context, arg SetSongRatingParams) error StarAlbum(ctx context.Context, arg StarAlbumParams) error StarArtist(ctx context.Context, arg StarArtistParams) error StarSong(ctx context.Context, arg StarSongParams) error StarSongs(ctx context.Context, arg []StarSongsParams) (int64, error) UnstarAlbum(ctx context.Context, arg UnstarAlbumParams) error UnstarArtist(ctx context.Context, arg UnstarArtistParams) error UnstarSong(ctx context.Context, arg UnstarSongParams) error UpdateAlbum(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateAlbumParams) error UpdateArtist(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateArtistParams) error UpdatePlaylist(ctx context.Context, arg UpdatePlaylistParams) error UpdatePlaylistName(ctx context.Context, arg UpdatePlaylistNameParams) (pgconn.CommandTag, error) UpdatePlaylistTrackNumbers(ctx context.Context, arg UpdatePlaylistTrackNumbersParams) error UpdatePlaylistUpdated(ctx context.Context, arg UpdatePlaylistUpdatedParams) (pgconn.CommandTag, error) UpdateSong(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateSongParams) error UpdateUserListenBrainzConnection(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateUserListenBrainzConnectionParams) (*User, error) }
type Queries ¶
type Queries struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*Queries) AddPlaylistTracks ¶
func (*Queries) CheckPlaylistExists ¶
func (*Queries) ClearPlaylist ¶
func (*Queries) CreateAlbum ¶
func (*Queries) CreateAlbumArtists ¶
func (*Queries) CreateAlbumGenres ¶
func (*Queries) CreateArtist ¶
func (*Queries) CreatePlaylist ¶
func (q *Queries) CreatePlaylist(ctx context.Context, arg CreatePlaylistParams) error
func (*Queries) CreateScrobbles ¶
func (*Queries) CreateSong ¶
func (*Queries) CreateSongArtists ¶
func (*Queries) CreateSongGenres ¶
func (*Queries) CreateUser ¶
func (q *Queries) CreateUser(ctx context.Context, arg CreateUserParams) error
func (*Queries) DeleteAlbumArtists ¶
func (*Queries) DeleteAlbumGenres ¶
func (*Queries) DeleteAlbumsLastUpdatedBefore ¶
func (*Queries) DeleteArtistsLastUpdatedBefore ¶
func (*Queries) DeleteLBFeedbackUpdatedStarsNotInMBIDList ¶
func (q *Queries) DeleteLBFeedbackUpdatedStarsNotInMBIDList(ctx context.Context, arg DeleteLBFeedbackUpdatedStarsNotInMBIDListParams) (pgconn.CommandTag, error)
func (*Queries) DeleteNowPlaying ¶
func (*Queries) DeletePlaylist ¶
func (q *Queries) DeletePlaylist(ctx context.Context, arg DeletePlaylistParams) (pgconn.CommandTag, error)
func (*Queries) DeleteSongArtists ¶
func (*Queries) DeleteSongGenres ¶
func (*Queries) DeleteSongsLastUpdatedBefore ¶
func (*Queries) DeleteUser ¶
func (*Queries) FindAlbum ¶
func (q *Queries) FindAlbum(ctx context.Context, arg FindAlbumParams) (*FindAlbumRow, error)
func (*Queries) FindAlbumArtistRefsBySongs ¶
func (*Queries) FindAlbumArtists ¶
func (*Queries) FindAlbumsAlphabeticalByName ¶
func (q *Queries) FindAlbumsAlphabeticalByName(ctx context.Context, arg FindAlbumsAlphabeticalByNameParams) ([]*FindAlbumsAlphabeticalByNameRow, error)
func (*Queries) FindAlbumsByArtist ¶
func (q *Queries) FindAlbumsByArtist(ctx context.Context, arg FindAlbumsByArtistParams) ([]*FindAlbumsByArtistRow, error)
func (*Queries) FindAlbumsByGenre ¶
func (q *Queries) FindAlbumsByGenre(ctx context.Context, arg FindAlbumsByGenreParams) ([]*FindAlbumsByGenreRow, error)
func (*Queries) FindAlbumsByNameWithArtistMatchCount ¶
func (q *Queries) FindAlbumsByNameWithArtistMatchCount(ctx context.Context, arg FindAlbumsByNameWithArtistMatchCountParams) ([]*FindAlbumsByNameWithArtistMatchCountRow, error)
func (*Queries) FindAlbumsByYear ¶
func (q *Queries) FindAlbumsByYear(ctx context.Context, arg FindAlbumsByYearParams) ([]*FindAlbumsByYearRow, error)
func (*Queries) FindAlbumsHighestRated ¶
func (q *Queries) FindAlbumsHighestRated(ctx context.Context, arg FindAlbumsHighestRatedParams) ([]*FindAlbumsHighestRatedRow, error)
func (*Queries) FindAlbumsNewest ¶
func (q *Queries) FindAlbumsNewest(ctx context.Context, arg FindAlbumsNewestParams) ([]*FindAlbumsNewestRow, error)
func (*Queries) FindAlbumsRandom ¶
func (q *Queries) FindAlbumsRandom(ctx context.Context, arg FindAlbumsRandomParams) ([]*FindAlbumsRandomRow, error)
func (*Queries) FindAlbumsStarred ¶
func (q *Queries) FindAlbumsStarred(ctx context.Context, arg FindAlbumsStarredParams) ([]*FindAlbumsStarredRow, error)
func (*Queries) FindAllGenres ¶
func (*Queries) FindArtist ¶
func (q *Queries) FindArtist(ctx context.Context, arg FindArtistParams) (*FindArtistRow, error)
func (*Queries) FindArtistRefsByAlbums ¶
func (*Queries) FindArtistRefsBySongs ¶
func (*Queries) FindArtistSimple ¶
func (*Queries) FindArtistsByName ¶
func (*Queries) FindGenresByAlbums ¶
func (*Queries) FindGenresBySongs ¶
func (*Queries) FindGenresWithCount ¶
func (q *Queries) FindGenresWithCount(ctx context.Context) ([]*FindGenresWithCountRow, error)
func (*Queries) FindLBFeedbackUpdatedSongIDsInMBIDListNotStarred ¶
func (*Queries) FindNotLBUpdatedSongs ¶
func (*Queries) FindPlaylist ¶
func (q *Queries) FindPlaylist(ctx context.Context, arg FindPlaylistParams) (*FindPlaylistRow, error)
func (*Queries) FindPlaylists ¶
func (*Queries) FindPossibleScrobbleConflicts ¶
func (*Queries) FindRandomSongs ¶
func (q *Queries) FindRandomSongs(ctx context.Context, arg FindRandomSongsParams) ([]*FindRandomSongsRow, error)
func (*Queries) FindSongByPath ¶
func (*Queries) FindSongWithoutAlbum ¶
func (*Queries) FindSongsByAlbum ¶
func (q *Queries) FindSongsByAlbum(ctx context.Context, arg FindSongsByAlbumParams) ([]*FindSongsByAlbumRow, error)
func (*Queries) FindSongsByMusicBrainzID ¶
func (*Queries) FindUnsubmittedLBScrobbles ¶
func (q *Queries) FindUnsubmittedLBScrobbles(ctx context.Context) ([]*FindUnsubmittedLBScrobblesRow, error)
func (*Queries) GetNowPlaying ¶
func (*Queries) GetNowPlayingSongs ¶
func (*Queries) GetPlaylistOwner ¶
func (*Queries) GetPlaylistTrackNumbers ¶
func (*Queries) GetPlaylistTracks ¶
func (q *Queries) GetPlaylistTracks(ctx context.Context, arg GetPlaylistTracksParams) ([]*GetPlaylistTracksRow, error)
func (*Queries) GetStreamInfo ¶
func (*Queries) GetSystemValue ¶
func (*Queries) InsertSystemValueIfNotExists ¶
func (*Queries) RemoveAlbumRating ¶
func (q *Queries) RemoveAlbumRating(ctx context.Context, arg RemoveAlbumRatingParams) error
func (*Queries) RemoveArtistRating ¶
func (q *Queries) RemoveArtistRating(ctx context.Context, arg RemoveArtistRatingParams) error
func (*Queries) RemoveLBFeedbackUpdated ¶
func (q *Queries) RemoveLBFeedbackUpdated(ctx context.Context, arg RemoveLBFeedbackUpdatedParams) error
func (*Queries) RemovePlaylistTracks ¶
func (q *Queries) RemovePlaylistTracks(ctx context.Context, arg RemovePlaylistTracksParams) error
func (*Queries) RemoveSongRating ¶
func (q *Queries) RemoveSongRating(ctx context.Context, arg RemoveSongRatingParams) error
func (*Queries) ReplaceSystemValue ¶
func (*Queries) SearchAlbumArtists ¶
func (q *Queries) SearchAlbumArtists(ctx context.Context, arg SearchAlbumArtistsParams) ([]*SearchAlbumArtistsRow, error)
func (*Queries) SearchAlbums ¶
func (q *Queries) SearchAlbums(ctx context.Context, arg SearchAlbumsParams) ([]*SearchAlbumsRow, error)
func (*Queries) SearchSongs ¶
func (q *Queries) SearchSongs(ctx context.Context, arg SearchSongsParams) ([]*SearchSongsRow, error)
func (*Queries) SetAlbumRating ¶
func (q *Queries) SetAlbumRating(ctx context.Context, arg SetAlbumRatingParams) error
func (*Queries) SetArtistRating ¶
func (q *Queries) SetArtistRating(ctx context.Context, arg SetArtistRatingParams) error
func (*Queries) SetLBFeedbackUpdated ¶
func (*Queries) SetLBSubmittedByUsers ¶
func (*Queries) SetSongRating ¶
func (q *Queries) SetSongRating(ctx context.Context, arg SetSongRatingParams) error
func (*Queries) StarAlbum ¶
func (q *Queries) StarAlbum(ctx context.Context, arg StarAlbumParams) error
func (*Queries) StarArtist ¶
func (q *Queries) StarArtist(ctx context.Context, arg StarArtistParams) error
func (*Queries) StarSong ¶
func (q *Queries) StarSong(ctx context.Context, arg StarSongParams) error
func (*Queries) UnstarAlbum ¶
func (q *Queries) UnstarAlbum(ctx context.Context, arg UnstarAlbumParams) error
func (*Queries) UnstarArtist ¶
func (q *Queries) UnstarArtist(ctx context.Context, arg UnstarArtistParams) error
func (*Queries) UnstarSong ¶
func (q *Queries) UnstarSong(ctx context.Context, arg UnstarSongParams) error
func (*Queries) UpdateAlbum ¶
func (q *Queries) UpdateAlbum(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateAlbumParams) error
func (*Queries) UpdateArtist ¶
func (q *Queries) UpdateArtist(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateArtistParams) error
func (*Queries) UpdatePlaylist ¶
func (q *Queries) UpdatePlaylist(ctx context.Context, arg UpdatePlaylistParams) error
func (*Queries) UpdatePlaylistName ¶
func (q *Queries) UpdatePlaylistName(ctx context.Context, arg UpdatePlaylistNameParams) (pgconn.CommandTag, error)
func (*Queries) UpdatePlaylistTrackNumbers ¶
func (q *Queries) UpdatePlaylistTrackNumbers(ctx context.Context, arg UpdatePlaylistTrackNumbersParams) error
func (*Queries) UpdatePlaylistUpdated ¶
func (q *Queries) UpdatePlaylistUpdated(ctx context.Context, arg UpdatePlaylistUpdatedParams) (pgconn.CommandTag, error)
func (*Queries) UpdateSong ¶
func (q *Queries) UpdateSong(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateSongParams) error
func (*Queries) UpdateUserListenBrainzConnection ¶
type RemoveAlbumRatingParams ¶
type RemoveSongRatingParams ¶
type SearchAlbumArtistsRow ¶
type SearchAlbumArtistsRow struct { ID string Name string Created pgtype.Timestamptz Updated pgtype.Timestamptz MusicBrainzID *string AlbumCount int64 Starred pgtype.Timestamptz UserRating *int32 AvgRating float64 }
type SearchAlbumsParams ¶
type SearchAlbumsRow ¶
type SearchAlbumsRow struct { ID string Name string Created pgtype.Timestamptz Updated pgtype.Timestamptz Year *int32 RecordLabels *string MusicBrainzID *string ReleaseTypes *string IsCompilation *bool ReplayGain *float32 ReplayGainPeak *float32 ReleaseMbid *string TrackCount int64 DurationMs int64 Starred pgtype.Timestamptz UserRating *int32 AvgRating float64 }
type SearchSongsParams ¶
type SearchSongsRow ¶
type SearchSongsRow struct { ID string Path string AlbumID *string Title string Track *int32 Year *int32 Size int64 ContentType string DurationMs int32 BitRate int32 SamplingRate int32 ChannelCount int32 DiscNumber *int32 Created pgtype.Timestamptz Updated pgtype.Timestamptz Bpm *int32 MusicBrainzID *string ReplayGain *float32 ReplayGainPeak *float32 Lyrics *string CoverID *string AlbumName *string AlbumReplayGain *float32 AlbumReplayGainPeak *float32 Starred pgtype.Timestamptz UserRating *int32 AvgRating float64 }
type SetAlbumRatingParams ¶
type SetArtistRatingParams ¶
type SetSongRatingParams ¶
type Song ¶
type Song struct { ID string Path string AlbumID *string Title string Track *int32 Year *int32 Size int64 ContentType string DurationMs int32 BitRate int32 SamplingRate int32 ChannelCount int32 DiscNumber *int32 Created pgtype.Timestamptz Updated pgtype.Timestamptz Bpm *int32 MusicBrainzID *string ReplayGain *float32 ReplayGainPeak *float32 Lyrics *string CoverID *string }
type SongArtist ¶
type SongRating ¶
type StarAlbumParams ¶
type StarArtistParams ¶
type StarSongParams ¶
type StarSongsParams ¶
type StarSongsParams struct { SongID string UserName string Created pgtype.Timestamptz }
type Store ¶
type Store interface { Querier BeginTransaction(ctx context.Context) (Store, error) InstanceID() string Commit(ctx context.Context) error Rollback(ctx context.Context) error FindOrCreateArtistIDs(ctx context.Context, names []string) ([]string, error) UpdateAlbumArtists(ctx context.Context, albumID string, artistIDs []string) error UpdateAlbumGenres(ctx context.Context, albumID string, genres []string) error UpdateSongArtists(ctx context.Context, songID string, artistIDs []string) error UpdateSongGenres(ctx context.Context, songID string, genres []string) error }
type UnstarAlbumParams ¶
type UnstarArtistParams ¶
type UnstarSongParams ¶
type UpdateAlbumParams ¶
type UpdateArtistParams ¶
type UpdatePlaylistParams ¶
type UpdateSongParams ¶
type UpdateSongParams struct { ID string Path string AlbumID *string Title string Track *int32 Year *int32 Size int64 ContentType string DurationMs int32 BitRate int32 SamplingRate int32 ChannelCount int32 DiscNumber *int32 Bpm *int32 MusicBrainzID *string ReplayGain *float32 ReplayGainPeak *float32 Lyrics *string CoverID *string }
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