A command-line tool to download and manage your favourite podcasts from an XML feed.
This is developed as a small side-project for personal use. Features will be added as seen fit, needed, appropriate,
nice to have, etc.
Add a new podcast
$ gopodgrab add --feed-url https://path/to/podcast/feed --storage /path/to/store/episodes --name foocast
Adds a new podcast "foocast" to be managed by gopodgrab
specifying where to store the episodes and the location of the
cast's feed file.
Update podcast
$ gopodgrab update foocast
Update foocast, downloading all new epsiodes since the last update to the local storage directory. Here "foocast" is
the name of a managed podcast. The special name "all" updates all managed podcasts.
$ gopodgrab update all
Show all currently managed podcasts
$ gopodgrab list
Lists all currently managed podcasts with some additional information for each.
$ gopodgrab show foocast
Show a more detailed summary for podcast "foocast".