Template Toolkit Command
Template Toolkit
Table of Contents
template-toolkit-command is a Sensuctl command plugin using the Sensu Plugin SDK. This Sensuctl command plugin allows you to test and validate Sensu plugin template strings, to ensure the templating logic works correctly before you use them in other plugins.
Usage examples
Sensuctl command plugin for validating and testing Sensu plugin templates
template-toolkit-command [flags]
template-toolkit-command [command]
Available Commands:
help Help about any command
version Print the version number of this plugin
-t, --template string A template string, in Golang text/template format
-d, --dump-names Dump the event object names that can be used in a Golang template
-h, --help help for template-toolkit-command
Use "template-toolkit-command [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Sensuctl command asset registration
Sensuctl command assets are the best way to make use of this plugin. If you're not using an asset, please consider doing so! You can use the following command to add the asset:
sensuctl command install template-toolkit-command jspaleta/template-toolkit-command
Sensuctl command usage
Requires event json representation stdin to operate correctly.
To test the output of a template:
cat event.json | sensuctl command exec template-toolkit-command -- --template "{{ .Check.Name}}"
Executing command with --template {{ .Check.Name }}
Template String Output: "keepalive"
sensuctl event info webserver01 check-http --format json | sensuctl command exec template-toolkit-command -- --template "Server: {{.Entity.Name}} Check: {{.Check.Name}} Status: {{.Check.State}}"
Executing command with --template Server: {{.Entity.Name}} Check: {{.Check.Name}} Status: {{.Check.State}}
Template String Output: Server: "webserver01 Check: check-http Status: passing"
To see the variable names available for use in a template:
sensuctl event info webserver01 check-http --format json | sensuctl command exec template-toolkit-command -- --dump-names
.EntityClass: "agent",
.System: .System{
.Hostname: "webserver01",
.OS: "linux",
.Command: "check-http.rb -u http://webserver01/",
.Handlers: {"slack", "email"},
.HighFlapThreshold: 0x0,
Installation from source
The preferred way of installing and deploying this plugin is to use it as an asset. If you would like to compile and install the plugin from source or contribute to it, download the latest version or create an executable from this source.
From the local path of the template-toolkit-command repository:
go build
For more information about contributing to this plugin, see Contributing.
Documentation ¶
There is no documentation for this package.