The Configuration Management Database Daemon is a lightweight HTTP server that provides a RESTful JSON API for workstations to register and manage information about attached devices. The Configuration Management Database Client or CMDBc is the complementary component that collects configuration information for attached devices and reports that information to the server for storage in the database. CMDBc can register or "check-in" attached devices with the server, obtain unique serial numbers from the server for devices that support serial number configuration, perform audits against previous device configurations, and report configuration changes found during the audit to the server for logging and analysis. CMDBd stores the information in a back-end database.
System Requirements
CMDBd is written in Go and can be compiled for any operating system and architecture. This document assumes CMDBd will be installed on Red Hat Enterprise Linux or CentOS Release 7 -- or an equivalent operating system that supports RPM package management and uses SystemD initialization. It requires MySQL 5.7 or MariaDB 10.2 or higher for the back-end database.
You can build the RPM package with only the RPM spec file, cmdbd.spec
, using the following commands:
rpmbuild -bb --clean cmdbd.spec
You will need to install the git
, golang
, libusbx
, libusbx-devel
, and rpm-build
packages (and their dependencies) in order to perform the build.
Once you've built the RPM, you can install it with the rpm
command. If you're installing the package for the first time, use the -i
(install) flag to install the package:
rpm -i ${HOME}/rpmbuild/RPMS/{arch}/cmdbd-{version}-{release}.{arch}.rpm
If you're upgrading the package to a newer version, use the -U
(upgrade) flag:
rpm -U ${HOME}/rpmbuild/RPMS/{arch}/cmdbd-{version}-{release}.{arch}.rpm
In the above examples, {arch}
is the system architecture (e.g. x86_64
), {version}
is the package version, (e.g. 1.0.0
), and {release}
is the package release (e.g. 1.el7.centos
The package will install the following files:
is the CMDB daemon./usr/bin/bcrypt
is a utility for generating password hashes./etc/cmdbd/config.json
is the master configuration file./etc/cmdbd/store/mysql.json
contains settings for the datastore./etc/cmdbd/store/pool.json
contains settings for the database connection pool./etc/cmdbd/model/queries.json
contains SQL queries used by the model./etc/cmdbd/server/httpd.json
contains settings for the HTTP daemon./etc/cmdbd/server/syslog.json
contains settings for communicating with a syslog daemon./etc/cmdbd/service/auth.json
contains settings for the authentication and authorization service./etc/cmdbd/service/metausb.json
contains settings for the USB metadata service./etc/cmdbd/service/serial.json
contains settings for the serial number generator service./etc/cmdbd/service/logger.json
contains settings for the logger service./etc/cmdbd/service/prikey.pem
is the private key used by the authentication service./etc/cmdbd/service/pubkey.pem
is the public key used by the authentication service./usr/lib/systemd/system/cmdbd.service
is the SystemD service configuration./etc/security/limits.d/cmdbd.conf
contains system limits for the appliation user account./usr/share/doc/cmdbd-x.y.z/LICENSE
is the Apache 2.0 license./usr/share/doc/cmdbd-x.y.z/
is this documentation file./usr/share/doc/cmdbd-x.y.z/cmdbd.sql
creates the database tables and procedures./usr/share/doc/cmdbd-x.y.z/users.sql
creates the database user and application users./usr/share/doc/cmdbd-x.y.z/views.sql
creates the database views./usr/share/doc/cmdbd-x.y.z/reset.sql
truncates the database tables./var/log/cmdbd
is the directory where CMDBd writes its log files.
Once the package is installed, you must create the database schema, objects, and user account on the target database server using the provided SQL, cmdbd.sql
and users.sql
. You must also modify mysql.json
configuration file to reflect the correct database hostname, port, user, and password; modify httpd.json
to reflect the desired application listener port; and modify other configuration files as necessary and as desired (see below). By default, the config files are owned by the daemon user account and are not 'world-readable' as they contain potentially sensitive information. You should not relax the permissions mode of these files.
Default Accounts
Default accounts are created for the database user and the application users; however, passwords are not configured.
Database Account Password
For the appliation database account, a database administrator must set the password with the following SQL command:
IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
A system administrator must then configure the password in the datastore configuration file, /etc/cmdbd/store/mysql.json
User Account Passwords
For application user accounts, a system administrator must first choose a good password and then generate a bcrypt hash of that password with the following command:
bcrypt 'password'
$ bcrypt 'my_secure_password'
my_secure_password $2a$10$MZoCffku8mhnzNLjzD5DU.y/EE.Gir.9BaGMnhwqoiNVsCPO39Yzy
A database administrator must then set the password of the application user with the following SQL command:
UPDATE cmdb_users
SET password = 'bcrypt_hash'
WHERE username = 'username'
Future versions of the application will include a utility for creating and modifying application user accounts.
The JSON configuration files are mostly self-explanatory. The default settings are sane and you should not have to change them in most use cases.
Master Config (config.json
The master configuration file contains global parameters and file names of other configuration files.
"Console": false,
"Refresh": false,
"RecoveryStack": true,
"MaxConnections": 150,
"ServerTimeout": 30,
"ConfigFile": {
"Server": "server/httpd.json",
"Syslog": "server/syslog.json",
"AuthSvc": "service/auth.json",
"LoggerSvc": "service/logger.json",
"SerialSvc": "service/serial.json",
"MetaUsbSvc": "service/metausb.json",
"DataStore": "store/mysql.json",
"Queries": "model/queries.json"
causes log output to be written to the console in addition to other destinations.Refresh
causes metadata files and datastores to be refreshed from source, where applicable.RecoveryStack
enables or suppresses writing of the stack track to the error log on panic conditions.MaxConnections
sets the maximum number of simultaneous connections to the server before requests are queued.ServerTimeout
sets the maximum amount of time in seconds that a request can take before the server responds to the client an HTTP 503 'Service Unavailable' status.ConfigFile
specifies configuration filenames for other components of the application. These components and their configuration settings are covered in more detail later in this document. All paths are relative to the directory of the master configuration file,config.json
names the file that contains settings for the HTTP daemon.Router
names the file that contains settings for the HTTP mux router.Syslog
names the file that contains settings for communicating with a syslog daemon.AuthSvc
names the configuration file for the Authentication and Authorization Service.LoggerSvc
names the configuration file for the Logger Service.SerialSvc
names the configuration file for the serial number generator service.MetaUsbSvc
names the configuration file for the USB metadata service.DataStore
names the configuration file for the application datastore.Queries
names the file containing the SQL queries used by the model.
HTTP Daemon Settings (server/httpd.json
The server configuration file contains parameters for the HTTP server:
"Addr": ":8080",
"ReadTimeout": 0,
"ReadHeaderTimeout": 0,
"WriteTimeout": 0,
"IdleTimeout": 0,
"MaxHeaderBytes": 1048576
is the hostname (or IP address) and port of the listener, separated by a colon. If the hostname/address component is blank, the daemon will listen on all network interfaces.ReadTimeout
is the maximum duration in seconds for reading the entire HTTP request, including the body.ReadHeaderTimeout
is the amount of time allowed to read request headers.WriteTimeout
is the maximum duration in seconds before timing out writes of the response.IdleTimeout
is the maximum amount of time to wait for the next request when keep-alives are enabled.MaxHeaderBytes
is the maximum size in bytes of the request header.
Syslog Daemon Settings (server/syslog.json
The syslog configuration file contains parameters for communicating with an optional local or remote syslog server:
"Enabled": false,
"Protocol": "tcp",
"Port": "1468",
"Host": "localhost",
"Tag": "cmdbd",
"Facility": "LOG_LOCAL7",
"Severity": "LOG_INFO"
controls whether or not the syslog client is enabled.Protocol
is the transport-layer protocol used by the syslog daemon (blank for local).Port
is the port used by the syslog daemon (blank for local).Host
is the hostname or IP address of the syslog daemon (blank for local).Tag
is an arbitrary string to add to the event.Facility
specifies the type of program that is logging the message (see RFC 5424):LOG_KERN
-- kernel messagesLOG_USER
-- user-level messagesLOG_MAIL
-- mail systemLOG_DAEMON
-- system daemonsLOG_AUTH
-- security/authorization messagesLOG_SYSLOG
-- messages generated internally by syslogdLOG_LPR
-- line printer subsystemLOG_NEWS
-- network news subsystemLOG_UUCP
-- UUCP subsystemLOG_CRON
-- security/authorization messagesLOG_AUTHPRIV
-- FTP daemonLOG_FTP
-- scheduling daemonLOG_LOCAL0
-- local use 0LOG_LOCAL1
-- local use 1LOG_LOCAL2
-- local use 2LOG_LOCAL3
-- local use 3LOG_LOCAL4
-- local use 4LOG_LOCAL5
-- local use 5LOG_LOCAL6
-- local use 6LOG_LOCAL7
-- local use 7
specifies the severity of the event (see RFC 5424):LOG_EMERG
-- system is unusableLOG_ALERT
-- action must be taken immediatelyLOG_CRIT
-- critical conditionsLOG_ERR
-- error conditionsLOG_WARNING
-- warning conditionsLOG_NOTICE
-- normal but significant conditionsLOG_INFO
-- informational messagesLOG_DEBUG
-- debug-level messages
Authentication and Authorization Service Settings (service/auth.json
The authentication and authorization file contains parameters required for the server to authenticate users and determine which endpoints authenticated users may access.
"AuthMaxAge": 60,
"PubKeyFile": "pubkey.pem",
"PriKeyFile": "prikey.pem"
is the maximum amount of time in minutes that an authentication token is valid.PubKeyFile
is the filename of the public key used in generating authentication tokens.PriKeyFile
is the filename of the private key used in generating authentication tokens.
Logger Service Settings (service/logger.json
The logger configuration file contains parameters that determine log file names and logging behavior:
"LogDir": "/var/log/cmdbd",
"Stdout": false,
"Stderr": false,
"Syslog": false,
"Logger": {
"System": {
"Tag": "System",
"Stdout": false,
"Stderr": false,
"Syslog": false,
"LogFile": "system.log",
"LogFlags": ["date","time","shortfile"],
"Access": {
"Tag": "Access",
"Stdout": false,
"Stderr": false,
"Syslog": false,
"LogFile": "access.log",
"LogFlags": []
"Error": {
"Tag": "Error",
"Stdout": false,
"Stderr": false,
"Syslog": false,
"LogFile": "error.log",
"LogFlags": ["date","time","longfile"]
is the directory where all log files are written.Stdout
causes the daemon to write log entries to standard output (console) in addition to other destinations. This overrides the same setting for individual logs, below.Stderr
causes the daemon to write log entries to standard error in addition to other destinations. This overrides the same setting for individual logs, below.Syslog
causes the daemon to write log entries to a local or remote syslog daemon using the syslog configuration settings, above. This overrides the same setting for individual logs, below.Logger
describes each log used by the application. Each log has the following settings:Tag
is the prefix of each entry in the log.Stdout
causes the daemon to write log entries to standard output (console) in addition to other destinations.Stderr
causes the daemon to write log entries to standard error in addition to other destinations.Syslog
causes the daemon to write log entries to a local or remote syslog daemon using the syslog configuration settings, above.LogFile
is the filename of the log file.LogFlags
is a comma-separated list of attributes to include in the prefix of each log entry. If it is empty, log entries will have no prefix. (This is appropriate for the HTTP access log which is written in the Apache combined log format and already includes relevent attributes in the prefix.) The following [case-sensitive] flags are supported:date
includes date of the event inYYYY/MM/DD
includes local time of the event inHH:MM:SS
24-hour clock format.utc
includes time in UTC rather than local time.standard
is shorthand fordate
includes the long filename of the source file of the code that generated the event.shortfile
includes the short filename of the source file of the code that generated the event.
Serial Number Generator Service Settings (service/serial.json
Contains C language printf-style format strings for generating serial numbers from a seed integer. Serial number formats can be customized for specific device types.
"SerialFormat": {
"*usb.Magtek": "24HF%04XMT",
"*usb.IDTech": "24HF%04XIT",
"*usbci.Magtek": "24HF%04XMT",
"Default": "24HF%06X"
specifies a serial number format for the specific, named device type.Default
specifies the default serial number format.
USB Metadata Service Settings (service/metausb.json
The USB metadata configuration file contains vendor names, product names, class descriptions, subclass descriptions, and protocol descriptions for known USB devices. This file is generated from information provided by
and is updated automatically from that site every 30 days. You can force a refresh of this file in two ways:
- Execute the daemon binary,
, with the-refresh
flag (preferred). This will download a fresh copy of the metadata, store it in the configuration file, and update relevant metadata tables in the database. - Modify the
parameter in the configuration file to a date more than 30 days prior.
"Updated": "2017-10-17T16:54:09.4910059-07:00"
Datastore Settings (store/mysql.json
The datastore configuration file contains parameters required for the server to authenticate and communicate with the database:
"User": "cmdbd",
"Passwd": "K2Cvg3NeyR",
"Net": "tcp",
"Addr": "localhost:3306",
"DBName": "gocmdb",
"Params": null
is the database user the daemon uses to access the database.Passwd
is the database user password. Change this to a new, unique value in production.Net
is the port on which the database is listening. If blank, the daemon will use the MySQL default port, 3306.Addr
is the database hostname or IP address.DBName
is the database schema used by the application.Params
are additional parameters to pass to the driver (advanced).
Datastore Connection Pool Settings (store/pool.json
The datastore connection pool configuration file contains parameters for managing the connection pool.
"MaxOpenConns": 200,
"MaxIdleConns": 0,
"ConnMaxLifetime": 3600
is the maximum number of open database connections allowed. This should be equal to or greater than theMaxConnections
setting in the Master Config file. A value of0
means unlimited.MaxIdleConns
is the maximum number of idle database connections allowed. This should be equal to or less than theMaxOpenConns
setting. A value of0
means unlimited.ConnMaxLifetime
is the maximum amount of time in seconds that an idle connection can remain in the pool. A value of0
means unlimited.
Datastore Query Settings (queries.json
The query configuration file contains SQL queries used by the model to interact with the datastore. Do not change anything in this file unless directed to do so by a qualified database administrator.
The installation package configures the daemon to start automatically when on system startup. On initial package installation, you will have to start the daemon manually because there are post-installation steps required (e.g., configuration and database setup) for the daemon to start successfully. On subssequent package upgrades, the RPM package will shutdown and restart the daemon automatically.
To start the daemon manually, use the systemctl
utilty with the start
systemctl start cmdbd
To shut down the daemon, use the stop
systemctl stop cmdbd
Refer to the systemctl
man page for other options, such as restart
and reload
The daemon can also be started from the command line. The following command-line options are available:
specifies the master configuration file,config.json
. It is located in/etc/cmdbd
by default. All other configuration files will be loaded from the same location.-console
causes all logs to be written to standard output; it overridesStdout
setting for individual logs.-refresh
causes metadata files to be refreshed from source URLs. It overwrites both local configuration files and corresponding database tables.-version
displays the server version,M.m.p-R
, where:M
= MAJOR version with incompatible API changesm
= MINOR version with backwards-compatible new functionalityp
= PATCH version with backward-compatible bug fixes.R
= RELEASE number and optional metadata (e.g.,1.beta
displays the above options with a short description.
Starting the daemon manually with console logging (using the console
option flag) is good for troubleshooting. You must start the daemon in the context of the cmdbd
user account or it will not be able to write to its log files:
sudo -u cmdbd /usr/sbin/cmdbd -console
You can also start the daemon directly as root
/usr/sbin/cmdbd -console
However, doing so can hide permissions-base issues when troubleshooting. (For security reasons, the daemon should never run as root
in production; it should always run in the context of a nonprivileged account.) Manual startup example:
[root@sysadm-dev-01 ~]# sudo -u cmdbd /usr/sbin/cmdbd -help
Usage of /usr/sbin/cmdbd:
-config <file>
Master config <file> (default "/etc/cmdbd/conf.json")
Enable logging to console
Refresh application metadata
Display application version
[root@sysadm-dev-01 ~]# sudo -u cmdbd /usr/sbin/cmdbd -console
system 2017/10/18 19:43:39 main.go:52: Database version 10.2.9-MariaDB (cmdbd@localhost/gocmdb)
system 2017/10/18 19:43:39 main.go:53: Server version 1.1.0-6.el7.centos started and listening on ":8080"
The daemon responds to the SIGHUP
, and SIGUSR2
causes the daemon to download a fresh copy of the device metadata, refresh the in-memory copy of the metadata, and update the metadata tables in the datastore.SIGUSR1
causes the daemon to record information about the HTTP server and datastore in the system log.SIGUSR2
causes the daemon to record information about API routes and route templates in the system log.
Signals can be sent to the daemon with the kill
command (where pid
is the process ID of the daemon and SIGNAL
is one of the signals listed above):
kill -s SIGNAL pid
Examples: (Results from System Log.)
# kill -s SIGHUP 16876
System 2018/04/04 17:55:08 caught SIGHUP, reloading metadata...
System 2018/04/04 17:55:08 device metadata refresh and save succeeded
System 2018/04/04 17:55:17 data model metadata load succeeded
# kill -s SIGUSR1 16876
System 2018/04/04 17:59:32 caught SIGUSR1, logging server information...
System 2018/04/04 17:59:32 device metadata last updated 2018-04-04 17:55:08.588307819 -0700 PDT m=+53.216161937
System 2018/04/04 17:59:32 datastore driver mysql 5.7.16-enterprise-commercial-advanced-log
System 2018/04/04 17:59:32 datastore maximum open connections set to 200
System 2018/04/04 17:59:32 datastore maximum idle connections set to 0
System 2018/04/04 17:59:32 datastore connection maximum lifetime set to 1h0m0s
System 2018/04/04 17:59:32 datastore current open connections: 0
System 2018/04/04 17:59:32 server listening on :8080
System 2018/04/04 17:59:32 server read timeout set to 10s
System 2018/04/04 17:59:32 server write timeout set to 10s
System 2018/04/04 17:59:32 server connection timeout set to 30s
System 2018/04/04 17:59:32 server maximum connections set to 150
# kill -s SIGUSR2 16876
System 2018/04/04 17:56:08 caught SIGUSR2, logging route information...
System 2018/04/04 17:56:08 route 'CMDB Authenticator' template 'GET /v2/cmdb/authenticate/{host}'
System 2018/04/04 17:56:08 route 'CMDB Event Logger' template 'POST /v2/cmdb/event/create/{host}'
System 2018/04/04 17:56:08 route 'CMDB Health Check' template 'GET /v2/cmdb/health/check'
System 2018/04/04 17:56:08 route 'CMDB Concurrency Check' template 'GET /v2/cmdb/concurrency/check/{id}'
System 2018/04/04 17:56:08 route 'USB CI CheckIn Handler' template 'POST /v2/cmdb/ci/usb/checkin/{host}/{vid}/{pid}'
System 2018/04/04 17:56:08 route 'USB CI Checkout Handler' template 'GET /v2/cmdb/ci/usb/checkout/{host}/{vid}/{pid}/{sn}'
System 2018/04/04 17:56:08 route 'USB CI NewSn Handler' template 'POST /v2/cmdb/ci/usb/newsn/{host}/{vid}/{pid}'
System 2018/04/04 17:56:08 route 'USB CI Audit Handler' template 'POST /v2/cmdb/ci/usb/audit/{host}/{vid}/{pid}/{sn}'
System 2018/04/04 17:56:08 route 'USB Metadata Vendor Handler' template 'GET /v2/cmdb/meta/usb/vendor/{vid}'
System 2018/04/04 17:56:08 route 'USB Metadata Product Handler' template 'GET /v2/cmdb/meta/usb/vendor/{vid}/{pid}'
System 2018/04/04 17:56:08 route 'USB Metadata Class Handler' template 'GET /v2/cmdb/meta/usb/class/{cid}'
System 2018/04/04 17:56:08 route 'USB Metadata SubClass Handler' template 'GET /v2/cmdb/meta/usb/subclass/{cid}/{sid}'
System 2018/04/04 17:56:08 route 'USB Metadata Protocol Handler' template 'GET /v2/cmdb/meta/usb/protocol/{cid}/{sid}/{pid}'
System 2018/04/04 17:56:08 route 'CMDB Authenticator' template 'GET /v1/cmdbauth'
System 2018/04/04 17:56:08 route 'USBCI CheckIn Handler' template 'POST /v1/usbci/checkin/{host}/{vid}/{pid}'
System 2018/04/04 17:56:08 route 'USBCI CheckOut Handler' template 'GET /v1/usbci/checkout/{host}/{vid}/{pid}/{sn}'
System 2018/04/04 17:56:08 route 'USBCI NewSn Handler' template 'POST /v1/usbci/newsn/{host}/{vid}/{pid}'
System 2018/04/04 17:56:08 route 'USBCI Audit Handler' template 'POST /v1/usbci/audit/{host}/{vid}/{pid}/{sn}'
System 2018/04/04 17:56:08 route 'Metadata USB Vendor Handler' template 'GET /v1/usbmeta/vendor/{vid}'
System 2018/04/04 17:56:08 route 'Metadata USB Product Handler' template 'GET /v1/usbmeta/vendor/{vid}/{pid}'
System 2018/04/04 17:56:08 route 'Metadata USB Class Handler' template 'GET /v1/usbmeta/class/{cid}'
System 2018/04/04 17:56:08 route 'Metadata USB SubClass Handler' template 'GET /v1/usbmeta/subclass/{cid}/{sid}'
System 2018/04/04 17:56:08 route 'Metadata USB Protocol Handler' template 'GET /v1/usbmeta/protocol/{cid}/{sid}/{pid}'
Service access, system events, and errors are written to the following log files:
records significant, non-error events.access.log
records client activity in Apache Combined Log Format.error.log
records service and database errors.
Database Structure
The following tables contain USB CI (configuration item) objects and supporting elements:
- CMDB Events (
) is not currently implemented. Future versions of CMDBd will use it for centralized event reporting. - CMDB Sequence (
) mimics a database sequence object using an auto-incremented integer column. The value of this column forms the 'seed' for dynamically-generated, unique serial numbers issued to devices without preconfigured serial numbers. TheSerialFmt
configuraiton setting in the master configuration file controls how the serial number is generated with this integer value. It is extremely important that this table is never altered or truncated, as it provides a guarantee against duplicate serial numbers. Even if the data in all the other tables is lost or corrupted, preserving this table preserves the unique serial number guarantee. - CMDB Users (
) contains users, passwords and roles used for authentication and authorizing application clients. - Device Checkins (
) contains device registrations. Multiple check-ins will create multiple records. This provides the ability to track device configuration changes over time. - Serialized Devices (
) contains devices with serial numbers. It is populated automatically upon device check-in. It uses a unique index based on Vendor ID, Product ID, and Serial Number, and has only one record per serialized device. The first check-in creates the record; subsequent check-ins update modified configuration settings (if any), update the record's Last Seen timestamp, and increment the record's Checkins counter. - Unserialized Devices (
) contains devices without serial numbers. It is populated automatically upon device check-in. It uses a unique index based on Hostname, Vendor ID, Product ID, Port Number, and Bus Number. It strives to have as few duplicate records as possible per unserialized device, though this cannot be guaranteed if a device is moved to a different workstation or to a different port on the same workstation. The first check-in creates the record; subsequent check-ins update modified configuration settings (if any), update the record's Last Seen timestamp, and increment the record's Checkins counter. - Serial Number Requests (
) contains requests for a new serial number. CMDBd updates new request records with the issued serial number after it is generated. Multiple requests will create multiple records. There is, however, no guarantee that the serial number configuration on the device will be successful and thus no guarantee that the device will appear in the Serialized Devices table. This provides the ability to detect failures in device serial number configuration and also detect fraudulent usage and abuse. - Device Audits (
) contains a history of audits for each device. Each audit that detects configuration changes creates one record, and each record contains one or more changes encapsulated in a JSON object (see below). The collection of device changes in the JSON object is expanded into individual change records in the Device Changes table. Future versions of this application may deprecate the redundant encapsulated JSON object. - Device Changes (
) contains a history of configuration changes for each device. Each audit that detects configuration changes creates one record for each change detected. Each change is associated with exactly one record in Device Audits; each record in Device Audits may refer to one or more changes for exactly one device.
The following tables contain USB device metadata:
- USB Vendor (
) contains USB vendor names associated with specific vendor IDs. - USB Product (
) contains USB product names associated with specific vendor and product IDs. - USB Class (
) contains USB class descriptions associated with specific class IDs. - USB SubClass (
) contains USB subclass descriptions associated with specific class and subclass IDs. - USB Protocol (
) contains USB protocol descriptions associated with specific class, subclass, and protocol IDs.
The CMDB Events table has the following columns:
- ID (
) - Event Code (
) - Event Source (
) - Event Description (
) - Host Name (
) - Remote Address (
) - Event Date (
The CMDB Users table has the following columns:
- ID (
) - Username (
) - Password (
) - Created (
) - Locked (
) - Role (
The CMDB Sequence table has the following columns:
- Ordinal Value (
) - Issue Date (
The Device Checkins, Serialized Devices, Unserialized Devices, and Serial Number Requests tables have the following columns:
- ID (
) - Hostname (
) - Vendor ID (
) - Product ID (
) - Serial Number (
) - Vendor Name (
) - Product Name (
) - Product Version (
) - Firmware Version (
) - Software ID (
) - Port Number (
) - Bus Number (
) - Bus Address (
) - Buffer Size (
) - Max Packet Size (
) - USB Specification (
) - USB Class (
) - USB Subclass (
) - USB Protocol (
) - Device Speed (
) - Device Version (
) - Device Serial Number (
) - Factory Serial Number (
) - Descriptor Serial Number (
) - Object Type (
) - Object JSON (
) - Remote Address (
The Device Checkins table includes the following additional column:
- Checkin Date (
The Serial Number Requests table includes the following additional column:
- Request Date (
The Serialized Devices and Unserialized Devices tables both include the following additional columns:
- First Seen (
) - Last Seen (
) - Checkins (
The Device Audits table has the following columns:
- ID (
) - Vendor ID (
) - Product ID (
) - Serial Number (
) - Host Name (
) - Remote Address (
) - Changes (
) - Audit Date (
For a given Device Audits record, the Changes column contains a JSON object that represents a collection of one or more changes. Each change in the collection is an array containning the following three elements:
- Property Name (
element 0
) - Previous Value (
element 1
) - Current Value (
element 2
The Device Changes table expands entries in Device Audits into individual configuration changes and has the following columns:
- ID (
) - Audit ID (
) - Vendor ID (
) - Product ID (
) - Serial Number (
) - Host Name (
) - Remote Address (
) - Property Name (
) - Previous Value (
) - Current Value (
) - Change Date (
The USB Vendor table has the following columns:
- Vendor ID (
) - Vendor Name (
) - Last Update (
The USB Product table has the following columns:
- Vendor ID (
) - Product ID (
) - Product Name (
) - Last Update (
The USB Class table has the following columns:
- Class ID (
) - Class Description (
) - Last Update (
The USB SubClass table has the following columns:
- Class ID (
) - SubClass ID (
) - SubClass Description (
) - Last Update (
The USB Protocol table has the following columns:
- Class ID (
) - SubClass ID (
) - Protocol ID (
) - Protocol Description (
) - Last Update (
API Endpoints, Version 1
Endpoint | Method | Purpose |
/v1/usbci/checkin/host /vid /pid |
Submit configuration information for a new device or update information for an existing device. |
/v1/usbci/checkout/host /vid /pid /sn |
Obtain configuration information for a previously-registered, serialized device in order to perform a change audit. |
/v1/usbci/newsn/host /vid /pid |
Obtain a new unique serial number from the server for assignment to the attached device. |
/v1/usbci/audit/host /vid /pid /sn |
Submit the results of a change audit on a serialized device. Results include the attribute name, previous value, and new value for each modified attribute. |
/v1/usbmeta/vendor/vid |
Obtain the USB vendor name given the vendor ID. |
/v1/usbmeta/product/vid /pid |
Obtain the USB vendor and product names given the vendor and product IDs. |
/v1/usbmeta/class/cid |
Obtain the USB class description given the class ID. |
/v1/usbmeta/subclass/cid /sid |
Obtain the USB class and subclass descriptions given the class and subclass IDs. |
/v1/usbmeta/protocol/cid /sid /pid |
Obtain the USB class, subclass, and protocol descriptions given the class, subclass, and protocol IDs. |
API Endpoints, Version 2
Endpoint | Method | Purpose |
/v2/cmdb/authenticate/host |
Submit basic authentication data, username and password, to obtain authentication token. |
/v2/cmdb/event/create/host |
Submit client events, such as errors, to the server for centralized event logging. |
/v2/cmdb/health/check | GET |
Perform check to verify the server is operational. |
/v2/cmdb/concurrency/check/id |
Perform tests to verify the concurrency limits are functioning properly. |
/v2/cmdb/ci/usb/checkin/host /vid /pid |
Submit configuration information for a new device or update information for an existing device. |
/v2/cmdb/ci/usb/checkout/host /vid /pid /sn |
Obtain configuration information for a previously-registered, serialized device in order to perform a change audit. |
/v2/cmdb/ci/usb/newsn/host /vid /pid |
Obtain a new unique serial number from the server for assignment to the attached device. |
/v2/cmdb/ci/usb/audit/host /vid /pid /sn |
Submit the results of a change audit on a serialized device. Results include the attribute name, previous value, and new value for each modified attribute. |
/v2/cmdb/meta/usb/vendor/vid |
Obtain the USB vendor name given the vendor ID. |
/v2/cmdb/meta/usb/vendor/vid /pid |
Obtain the USB vendor and product names given the vendor and product IDs. |
/v2/cmdb/meta/usb/class/cid |
Obtain the USB class description given the class ID. |
/v2/cmdb/meta/usb/subclass/cid /sid |
Obtain the USB class and subclass descriptions given the class and subclass IDs. |
/v2/cmdb/meta/usb/protocol/cid /sid /pid |
Obtain the USB class, subclass, and protocol descriptions given the class, subclass, and protocol IDs. |
API Endpoints, Version 3
Endpoint | Method | Purpose |
/api/v3/cmdb/authenticate/host |
Submit basic authentication data, username and password, to obtain authentication token. |
/api/v3/cmdb/event/create/host |
Submit client events to the server for centralized event logging. |
/api/v3/cmdb/health/check | GET |
Perform a health check to verify the server is operational. |
/api/v3/cmdb/concurrency/check/id |
Perform concurrency checks to verify connection limits are functioning properly. |
/api/v3/cmdb/ci/usb/checkin/host /vid /pid |
Submit configuration information for a new device or update information for an existing device. |
/api/v3/cmdb/ci/usb/checkout/host /vid /pid /sn |
Obtain configuration information for a previously-registered, serialized device in order to perform a change audit. |
/api/v3/cmdb/ci/usb/newsn/host /vid /pid |
Obtain a new unique serial number from the server for assignment to the attached device. |
/api/v3/cmdb/ci/usb/audit/host /vid /pid /sn |
Submit the results of a change audit on a serialized device. Results include the attribute name, previous value, and new value for each modified attribute. |
/api/v3/cmdb/meta/usb/vendor/vid |
Obtain the USB vendor name given the vendor ID. |
/api/v3/cmdb/meta/usb/vendor/vid /pid |
Obtain the USB vendor and product names given the vendor and product IDs. |
/api/v3/cmdb/meta/usb/class/cid |
Obtain the USB class description given the class ID. |
/api/v3/cmdb/meta/usb/subclass/cid /sid |
Obtain the USB class and subclass descriptions given the class and subclass IDs. |
/api/v3/cmdb/meta/usb/protocol/cid /sid /pid |
Obtain the USB class, subclass, and protocol descriptions given the class, subclass, and protocol IDs. |
API Parameters
is an arbitrary identifier used by the client during concurrency checks to associate tests with server log
is the hostname of the workstation to which the device is attached.vid
is the vendor ID of the
is the product ID of the
is the serial number of the device.vid
is the vendor ID of the
is the product ID of the device.cid
is the class ID of the device.sid
is the subclass ID of the
is the protocol ID of the device.
There is no documentation for this package.