Extended Testing/Benchmarking
This directory may contain additional testing tools and data that fall outside of the standard Go testing
methods. The tools in this directory may have dependencies that come with limitations on the platform and
environment that they are running in.
Some of the scripts contain commented instructions to be able to compare the results with other similar
utilities, e.g. nginx. Feel free to mod these scripts.
WARNING: in the following benchmarks, some of the error messages are muted, which means that, when done,
the transfer rate needs to be verified in the output.
Dependencies: bash, wrk. For generating TLS keys, openssl.
Benchmark Proxy
skptesting/benchmark-proxy.sh 12 128 3
Benchmarks skipper as a proxy with a static file server behind it, running for 12s, over 128 connections and
with a preliminary warmup time of 3s.
Benchmark Proxy - TLS
skptesting/benchmark-proxy-tls.sh 12 128 3
Benchmarks skipper as a proxy with a TLS enabled static file server behind it, running for 12s, over 128
connections and with a preliminary warmup time of 3s.
Benchmark Static
skptesting/benchmark-static.sh 12 128 3
Benchmarks skipper as a static file server, running for 12s, over 128 connections and with a preliminary warmup
time of 3s.
Benchmark Compress
skptesting/benchmark-compress.sh 12 128 3
Benchmarks skipper as an HTTP compression proxy with a static file server behind it, running for 12s, over 128
connections and with a preliminary warmup time of 3s.
Set CPU Frequency Scaling
Set the system CPU scaling governor to best performance:
skptesting/cpu 8 performance
(It may need root permissions.)
The above command writes 'performance' into the cpufreq/scaling_governor value of first 8 cpu entries in
/sys/devices/system/cpu. In case the system is a workstation, one may want to set it back to the typical default
skptesting/cpu 8 powersave
Profile Proxy
skptesting/profile-proxy.sh 12 128
Generates CPU and memory profile for Skipper as a proxy, with a static file server behind it, running for 12s,
over 128 connections. Use skptesting/print-cpu-profile.sh and skptesting/print-mem-profile.sh to get the
Print CPU Profile
Prints the CPU profile saved from the last run of skptesting/profile-proxy.sh.
Print Memory Profile
Prints the CPU profile saved from the last run of skptesting/profile-proxy.sh.
Self-signed Certificate
Generates a self-signed TLS key and certificate.