
v0.0.0-...-138e329 Latest Latest

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Published: Nov 13, 2024 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 29 Imported by: 0



Package sha2 implements SHA2 hash computation.

This package extends the SHA2 permutation function sha2 into a full SHA2 hash.



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const AES_256_KEY_SIZE_BYTES = 32
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const AES_256_KS_WORDS = NB * (AES_256_ROUNDS + 1)
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const AES_256_ROUNDS = 14
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const BLOCKS = 4
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const NB = 4 // columns


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var T = [4][256]frontend.Variable{
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		0x5c343468, 0xf4a5a551, 0x34e5e5d1, 0x08f1f1f9, 0x937171e2, 0x73d8d8ab, 0x53313162, 0x3f15152a,
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	}, {
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	}, {
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	}, {
		0xc6a56363, 0xf8847c7c, 0xee997777, 0xf68d7b7b, 0xff0df2f2, 0xd6bd6b6b, 0xdeb16f6f, 0x9154c5c5,
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		0xdb3be0e0, 0x64563232, 0x744e3a3a, 0x141e0a0a, 0x92db4949, 0x0c0a0606, 0x486c2424, 0xb8e45c5c,
		0x9f5dc2c2, 0xbd6ed3d3, 0x43efacac, 0xc4a66262, 0x39a89191, 0x31a49595, 0xd337e4e4, 0xf28b7979,
		0xd532e7e7, 0x8b43c8c8, 0x6e593737, 0xdab76d6d, 0x018c8d8d, 0xb164d5d5, 0x9cd24e4e, 0x49e0a9a9,
		0xd8b46c6c, 0xacfa5656, 0xf307f4f4, 0xcf25eaea, 0xcaaf6565, 0xf48e7a7a, 0x47e9aeae, 0x10180808,
		0x6fd5baba, 0xf0887878, 0x4a6f2525, 0x5c722e2e, 0x38241c1c, 0x57f1a6a6, 0x73c7b4b4, 0x9751c6c6,
		0xcb23e8e8, 0xa17cdddd, 0xe89c7474, 0x3e211f1f, 0x96dd4b4b, 0x61dcbdbd, 0x0d868b8b, 0x0f858a8a,
		0xe0907070, 0x7c423e3e, 0x71c4b5b5, 0xccaa6666, 0x90d84848, 0x06050303, 0xf701f6f6, 0x1c120e0e,
		0xc2a36161, 0x6a5f3535, 0xaef95757, 0x69d0b9b9, 0x17918686, 0x9958c1c1, 0x3a271d1d, 0x27b99e9e,
		0xd938e1e1, 0xeb13f8f8, 0x2bb39898, 0x22331111, 0xd2bb6969, 0xa970d9d9, 0x07898e8e, 0x33a79494,
		0x2db69b9b, 0x3c221e1e, 0x15928787, 0xc920e9e9, 0x8749cece, 0xaaff5555, 0x50782828, 0xa57adfdf,
		0x038f8c8c, 0x59f8a1a1, 0x09808989, 0x1a170d0d, 0x65dabfbf, 0xd731e6e6, 0x84c64242, 0xd0b86868,
		0x82c34141, 0x29b09999, 0x5a772d2d, 0x1e110f0f, 0x7bcbb0b0, 0xa8fc5454, 0x6dd6bbbb, 0x2c3a1616,


func AddStats

func AddStats(data map[string]string, results []map[string]time.Duration, print2console bool)

func BytesToUint32BEBits

func BytesToUint32BEBits(in []uint8) [][32]frontend.Variable

func BytesToUint32BERaw

func BytesToUint32BERaw(in []uint8) []frontend.Variable

func BytesToUint32LEBits

func BytesToUint32LEBits(in []uint8) [][32]frontend.Variable

func EvaluateAES128

func EvaluateAES128(backend string, compile bool) (map[string]time.Duration, error)

func EvaluateAuthTag

func EvaluateAuthTag(backend string, compile bool) (map[string]time.Duration, error)

func EvaluateDecoProxy

func EvaluateDecoProxy(backend string, compile bool) (map[string]time.Duration, error)

execution of circuit function of program

func EvaluateGCM

func EvaluateGCM(backend string, compile bool, key string, chunkIndex int, nonce, plaintext, ciphertext string) (map[string]time.Duration, error)

func EvaluateGCM2

func EvaluateGCM2(backend string, compile bool, key string, chunkIndex int, nonce, plaintext, ciphertext1 string) (map[string]time.Duration, error)

func EvaluateGTLT

func EvaluateGTLT(backend string, compile bool) (map[string]time.Duration, error)

func EvaluateKdc

func EvaluateKdc(backend string, compile bool) (map[string]time.Duration, error)

func EvaluateMimc

func EvaluateMimc(backend string, compile bool, in []big.Int, hash []byte) (map[string]time.Duration, error)

execution of circuit function of program

func EvaluateNaiveOpen

func EvaluateNaiveOpen(backend string, compile bool, in []big.Int, hash []byte, plain, cipher string) (map[string]time.Duration, error)

execution of circuit function of program

func EvaluateOracle

func EvaluateOracle(backend string, compile bool) (map[string]time.Duration, error)

execution of circuit function of program

func EvaluateRecord

func EvaluateRecord(backend string, compile bool) (map[string]time.Duration, error)

func EvaluateSessionCommit

func EvaluateSessionCommit(backend string, compile bool) (map[string]time.Duration, error)

execution of circuit function of program

func EvaluateSessionData

func EvaluateSessionData(backend string, compile bool) (map[string]time.Duration, error)

execution of circuit function of program

func EvaluateSha2

func EvaluateSha2(backend string, compile bool, bts []byte, dgst [32]byte) (map[string]time.Duration, error)

execution of circuit function of program

func EvaluateSha256

func EvaluateSha256(backend string, compile bool, in, hash string) (map[string]time.Duration, error)

execution of circuit function of program

func EvaluateShacal2

func EvaluateShacal2(backend string, compile bool) (map[string]time.Duration, error)

execution of circuit function of program

func EvaluateStr2Int

func EvaluateStr2Int(backend string, compile bool) (map[string]time.Duration, error)

func EvaluateSubstring

func EvaluateSubstring(backend string, compile bool) (map[string]time.Duration, error)

func EvaluateXor

func EvaluateXor(backend string, compile bool, in, mask, out string) (map[string]time.Duration, error)

func EvaluateZkOpen

func EvaluateZkOpen(backend string, compile bool, in []big.Int, hash []byte, plain, cipher string) (map[string]time.Duration, error)

execution of circuit function of program

func EvaluateZkOpen2

func EvaluateZkOpen2(backend string, compile bool, in []big.Int, hash []byte, plain, cipher string) (map[string]time.Duration, error)

execution of circuit function of program

func GetIV

func GetIV(api frontend.API, nonce [12]frontend.Variable, ctr frontend.Variable) [16]frontend.Variable

func GreaterThan

func GreaterThan(api frontend.API, v1, v2 frontend.Variable)

it must hold v1 > v2 for GreaterThan to succeed fails if v2 > v1 valueInteger > circuit.Threshold

func NewSHA256

func NewSHA256(api frontend.API) digest

func NewSHA256WithIV

func NewSHA256WithIV(api frontend.API, iv [32]frontend.Variable, length uint64) digest

func NewSha2

func NewSha2(api frontend.API) (hash.BinaryHasher, error)

func OpadConcat

func OpadConcat(api frontend.API, inp1 [32]frontend.Variable, inp2 [32]frontend.Variable) []frontend.Variable

inp1 xor opad and concatenates with inp2

func PadSha256

func PadSha256(len uint64) []byte

non-gnark padding function

func ProofWithBackend

func ProofWithBackend(backend string, compile bool, circuit frontend.Circuit, assignment frontend.Circuit, curveID ecc.ID) (map[string]time.Duration, error)

non-gnark zk system evalaution functions

func PutUint32

func PutUint32(api frontend.API, b []xuint8, v xuint32)

func PutUint64

func PutUint64(api frontend.API, b []xuint8, v xuint64)

func StoreM

func StoreM(jsonData map[string]string, path string, filename string) error

func StrToIntSlice

func StrToIntSlice(inputData string, hexRepresentation bool) []int

non-gnark str to int conversion

func StringToInt

func StringToInt(api frontend.API, valueString []frontend.Variable) frontend.Variable

gnark string to integer conversion

func SubstringMatch

func SubstringMatch(api frontend.API, substring, totalString []frontend.Variable, from, to int)

gnark substringmatch circuit

func Uint32ToBits

func Uint32ToBits(in frontend.Variable) [32]frontend.Variable

func VariableXor

func VariableXor(api frontend.API, a frontend.Variable, b frontend.Variable, size int) frontend.Variable

adjustable bitwise xor operation on frontend.Variables

func ZeroPadOpad

func ZeroPadOpad(api frontend.API, inp [32]frontend.Variable) [64]frontend.Variable

gnark zero padding

func ZeroPadding

func ZeroPadding(api frontend.API, key []frontend.Variable) [64]frontend.Variable

this function expects encoding of 2hex/1byte per frontend.Variable


type AES

type AES interface {
	Encrypt(key [16]frontend.Variable, pt [16]frontend.Variable) [16]frontend.Variable

type AES128

type AES128 struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewAES128

func NewAES128(api frontend.API) AES128

func (*AES128) Encrypt

func (aes *AES128) Encrypt(key [16]frontend.Variable, pt [16]frontend.Variable) [16]frontend.Variable

10 rounds encryption

type AES128Wrapper

type AES128Wrapper struct {
	Plain  [16]frontend.Variable
	Key    [16]frontend.Variable
	Cipher [16]frontend.Variable `gnark:",public"`

aes wrapper

func (*AES128Wrapper) Define

func (circuit *AES128Wrapper) Define(api frontend.API) error

Define declares the circuit's constraints

type AuthTagWrapper

type AuthTagWrapper struct {
	Key       [16]frontend.Variable
	IvCounter [16]frontend.Variable `gnark:",public"`
	Zeros     [16]frontend.Variable `gnark:",public"`
	ECB1      [16]frontend.Variable `gnark:",public"`
	ECB0      [16]frontend.Variable `gnark:",public"`

authtag evaluation

func (*AuthTagWrapper) Define

func (circuit *AuthTagWrapper) Define(api frontend.API) error

Define declares the circuit's constraints

type GCM

type GCM struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewGCM

func NewGCM(api frontend.API, aes AES) GCM

func (*GCM) Assert

func (gcm *GCM) Assert(key [16]frontend.Variable, iv [12]frontend.Variable, chunkIndex frontend.Variable, plaintext, ciphertext []frontend.Variable)

aes gcm encryption

func (*GCM) GetIV

func (gcm *GCM) GetIV(nonce [12]frontend.Variable, ctr frontend.Variable) [16]frontend.Variable

required for aes_gcm

func (*GCM) Xor16

func (gcm *GCM) Xor16(a [16]frontend.Variable, b [16]frontend.Variable) [16]frontend.Variable

required for plaintext xor encrypted counter blocks

type GCM2

type GCM2 struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewGCMlu

func NewGCMlu(api frontend.API, aes LookUpAES128) GCM2

func (*GCM2) Assert2

func (gcm *GCM2) Assert2(key [16]frontend.Variable, iv [12]frontend.Variable, chunkIndex frontend.Variable, plaintext, ciphertext []frontend.Variable)

aes gcm encryption

type GCMWrapper

type GCMWrapper struct {
	Key          [16]frontend.Variable
	PlainChunks  []frontend.Variable   `gnark:",public"`
	Iv           [12]frontend.Variable `gnark:",public"`
	ChunkIndex   frontend.Variable     `gnark:",public"`
	CipherChunks []frontend.Variable   `gnark:",public"`

AES gcm testing

func (*GCMWrapper) Define

func (circuit *GCMWrapper) Define(api frontend.API) error

Define declares the circuit's constraints

type GTLTWrapper

type GTLTWrapper struct {
	Threshold frontend.Variable
	Value     frontend.Variable `gnark:",public"`

gt/ lt evaluation

func (*GTLTWrapper) Define

func (circuit *GTLTWrapper) Define(api frontend.API) error

Define declares the circuit's constraints

type KdcWrapper

type KdcWrapper struct {
	DHSin                  [64]frontend.Variable
	IntermediateHashHSopad [32]frontend.Variable `gnark:",public"`
	MSin                   [32]frontend.Variable `gnark:",public"`
	XATSin                 [32]frontend.Variable `gnark:",public"`
	TkXAPPin               [32]frontend.Variable `gnark:",public"`
	TkXAPP                 [16]frontend.Variable `gnark:",public"`

func (*KdcWrapper) Define

func (circuit *KdcWrapper) Define(api frontend.API) error

type LookUpAES128

type LookUpAES128 struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewLookUpAES128

func NewLookUpAES128(api frontend.API) LookUpAES128

retuns AES128 instance which can be used inside a circuit

func (*LookUpAES128) Encrypt

func (aes *LookUpAES128) Encrypt(key []frontend.Variable, pt [16]frontend.Variable) [16]frontend.Variable

aes128 encrypt function

func (*LookUpAES128) ExpandKey

func (aes *LookUpAES128) ExpandKey(key []frontend.Variable) [176]frontend.Variable

expands 16 byte key to 176 byte output

type LookUpAES128Wrapper

type LookUpAES128Wrapper struct {

func (*LookUpAES128Wrapper) Define

func (circuit *LookUpAES128Wrapper) Define(api frontend.API) error

type LookUpAES256

type LookUpAES256 struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewLookUpAES256

func NewLookUpAES256(api frontend.API) LookUpAES256

retuns AES256 instance which can be used inside a circuit

func (*LookUpAES256) Encrypt

func (aes *LookUpAES256) Encrypt(key []frontend.Variable, pt [16]frontend.Variable) [16]frontend.Variable

AES256 encrypt function

func (*LookUpAES256) ExpandKey

func (aes *LookUpAES256) ExpandKey(key []frontend.Variable) [AES_256_KS_WORDS * 4]frontend.Variable

expands 16 byte key to 240 byte output

type LookUpAES256Wrapper

type LookUpAES256Wrapper struct {

func (*LookUpAES256Wrapper) Define

func (circuit *LookUpAES256Wrapper) Define(api frontend.API) error

type LookUpAESGadget

type LookUpAESGadget struct {
	RCon [11]frontend.Variable
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewLookUpAESGadget

func NewLookUpAESGadget(api frontend.API) LookUpAESGadget

retuns AESGadget instance which can be used inside a circuit

func (*LookUpAESGadget) ShiftSub

func (aes *LookUpAESGadget) ShiftSub(state [16]frontend.Variable) []frontend.Variable

func (*LookUpAESGadget) SubBytes

func (aes *LookUpAESGadget) SubBytes(state [16]frontend.Variable) (res [16]frontend.Variable)

aes128 encrypt function

func (*LookUpAESGadget) Subws

substitute word with naive lookup of sbox

func (*LookUpAESGadget) VariableXor

func (aes *LookUpAESGadget) VariableXor(a frontend.Variable, b frontend.Variable, size int) frontend.Variable

xor on bits of two frontend.Variables

func (*LookUpAESGadget) XorSubWords

func (aes *LookUpAESGadget) XorSubWords(a, b, c, d frontend.Variable, xk []frontend.Variable) []frontend.Variable

type LookUpAESWrapper

type LookUpAESWrapper struct {
	Key   []frontend.Variable
	Nonce [12]frontend.Variable `gnark:",public"`
	// Counter    frontend.Variable     `gnark:",public"`
	ChunkIndex frontend.Variable   `gnark:",public"`
	Plaintext  []frontend.Variable `gnark:",public"`
	Ciphertext []frontend.Variable `gnark:",public"`

type MimcWrapper

type MimcWrapper struct {
	In   []frontend.Variable
	Hash frontend.Variable `gnark:",public"`

Circuit defines a pre-image knowledge proof mimc(secret preImage) = public hash

func (*MimcWrapper) Define

func (circuit *MimcWrapper) Define(api frontend.API) error

Define declares the circuit's constraints

type RecordWrapper

type RecordWrapper struct {
	Key            [16]frontend.Variable
	PlainChunks    []frontend.Variable
	Iv             [12]frontend.Variable `gnark:",public"`
	CipherChunks   []frontend.Variable   `gnark:",public"`
	ChunkIndex     frontend.Variable     `gnark:",public"`
	Substring      []frontend.Variable   `gnark:",public"`
	SubstringStart int                   `gnark:",public"`
	SubstringEnd   int                   `gnark:",public"`
	ValueStart     int                   `gnark:",public"`
	ValueEnd       int                   `gnark:",public"`
	Threshold      frontend.Variable     `gnark:",public"`

evaluate record

func (*RecordWrapper) Define

func (circuit *RecordWrapper) Define(api frontend.API) error

type Sha256Circuit

type Sha256Circuit struct {
	ExpectedResult [32]frontend.Variable `gnark:"data,public"`
	In             []frontend.Variable

func (*Sha256Circuit) Define

func (circuit *Sha256Circuit) Define(api frontend.API) error

type Sha256Wrapper

type Sha256Wrapper struct {
	In   []frontend.Variable
	Hash [32]frontend.Variable `gnark:",public"`

sha256 wrapper

func (*Sha256Wrapper) Define

func (circuit *Sha256Wrapper) Define(api frontend.API) error

Define declares the circuit's constraints

type Sha2Wrapper

type Sha2Wrapper struct {
	In       []uints.U8
	Expected [32]uints.U8 `gnark:",public"`

Circuit defines a pre-image knowledge proof mimc(secret preImage) = public hash

func (*Sha2Wrapper) Define

func (c *Sha2Wrapper) Define(api frontend.API) error

Define declares the circuit's constraints

type Shacal2Wrapper

type Shacal2Wrapper struct {
	DHSin                  [64]frontend.Variable
	IntermediateHashHSopad [32]frontend.Variable `gnark:",public"`
	DHS                    [32]frontend.Variable `gnark:",public"`

func (*Shacal2Wrapper) Define

func (circuit *Shacal2Wrapper) Define(api frontend.API) error

Define declares the circuit's constraints

type Str2IntWrapper

type Str2IntWrapper struct {
	PlainChunks []frontend.Variable
	Value       frontend.Variable `gnark:",public"`
	ValueStart  int               `gnark:",public"`
	ValueEnd    int               `gnark:",public"`

str 2 int evaluation

func (*Str2IntWrapper) Define

func (circuit *Str2IntWrapper) Define(api frontend.API) error

Define declares the circuit's constraints

type SubstringWrapper

type SubstringWrapper struct {
	PlainChunks    []frontend.Variable
	Substring      []frontend.Variable `gnark:",public"`
	SubstringStart int                 `gnark:",public"`
	SubstringEnd   int                 `gnark:",public"`

substring evaluation

func (*SubstringWrapper) Define

func (circuit *SubstringWrapper) Define(api frontend.API) error

Define declares the circuit's constraints

type Tls13AuthTag

type Tls13AuthTag struct {
	Key       [16]frontend.Variable
	IvCounter [16]frontend.Variable // `gnark:",public"`
	Zeros     [16]frontend.Variable // `gnark:",public"`
	ECB1      [16]frontend.Variable // `gnark:",public"`
	ECB0      [16]frontend.Variable // `gnark:",public"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewTls13AuthTag

func NewTls13AuthTag(api frontend.API) Tls13AuthTag

func (*Tls13AuthTag) Assert

func (circuit *Tls13AuthTag) Assert() error

Define declares the circuit's constraints

func (*Tls13AuthTag) SetParams

func (circuit *Tls13AuthTag) SetParams(key, ivCounter, zeros, ecb1, ecb0 [16]frontend.Variable)

type Tls13DecoProxy

type Tls13DecoProxy struct {

	// record params
	Key            [16]frontend.Variable
	PlainChunks    []frontend.Variable
	Iv             [12]frontend.Variable // `gnark:",public"`
	CipherChunks   []frontend.Variable   // `gnark:",public"`
	ChunkIndex     frontend.Variable     // `gnark:",public"`
	Substring      []frontend.Variable   // `gnark:",public"`
	SubstringStart int                   // `gnark:",public"`
	SubstringEnd   int                   // `gnark:",public"`
	ValueStart     int                   // `gnark:",public"`
	ValueEnd       int                   // `gnark:",public"`
	Threshold      frontend.Variable     // `gnark:",public"`

	// authtag params
	IvCounter [16]frontend.Variable // `gnark:",public"`
	Zeros     [16]frontend.Variable // `gnark:",public"`
	ECB0      [16]frontend.Variable // `gnark:",public"`
	ECBK      [16]frontend.Variable // `gnark:",public"`

	// commitment params
	TkCommit [32]frontend.Variable // `gnark:",public"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewTls13DecoProxy

func NewTls13DecoProxy(api frontend.API) Tls13DecoProxy

func (*Tls13DecoProxy) Assert

func (circuit *Tls13DecoProxy) Assert()

Define declares the circuit's constraints

func (*Tls13DecoProxy) SetAuthtagParams

func (circuit *Tls13DecoProxy) SetAuthtagParams(ivCounter, zeros, ecb0, ecbk [16]frontend.Variable)

func (*Tls13DecoProxy) SetCommitParams

func (circuit *Tls13DecoProxy) SetCommitParams(tkCommit [32]frontend.Variable)

func (*Tls13DecoProxy) SetRecordParams

func (circuit *Tls13DecoProxy) SetRecordParams(key [16]frontend.Variable, iv [12]frontend.Variable, plainChunks, cipherChunks, substring []frontend.Variable, chunkIndex, threshold frontend.Variable, substringStart, substringEnd, valueStart, valueEnd int)

type Tls13DecoProxyWrapper

type Tls13DecoProxyWrapper struct {
	// record params
	Key            [16]frontend.Variable
	PlainChunks    []frontend.Variable
	Iv             [12]frontend.Variable `gnark:",public"`
	CipherChunks   []frontend.Variable   `gnark:",public"`
	ChunkIndex     frontend.Variable     `gnark:",public"`
	Substring      []frontend.Variable   `gnark:",public"`
	SubstringStart int                   `gnark:",public"`
	SubstringEnd   int                   `gnark:",public"`
	ValueStart     int                   `gnark:",public"`
	ValueEnd       int                   `gnark:",public"`
	Threshold      frontend.Variable     `gnark:",public"`
	// commit params
	TkCommit [32]frontend.Variable `gnark:",public"`
	// authtag params
	IvCounter [16]frontend.Variable `gnark:",public"`
	Zeros     [16]frontend.Variable `gnark:",public"`
	ECB0      [16]frontend.Variable `gnark:",public"`
	ECBK      [16]frontend.Variable `gnark:",public"`

func (*Tls13DecoProxyWrapper) Define

func (circuit *Tls13DecoProxyWrapper) Define(api frontend.API) error

Define declares the circuit's constraints

type Tls13Kdc

type Tls13Kdc struct {
	DHSin                  [64]frontend.Variable
	IntermediateHashHSopad [32]frontend.Variable // `gnark:",public"`
	MSin                   [32]frontend.Variable // `gnark:",public"`
	XATSin                 [32]frontend.Variable // `gnark:",public"`
	TkXAPPin               [32]frontend.Variable // `gnark:",public"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewTls13Kdc

func NewTls13Kdc(api frontend.API) Tls13Kdc

func (*Tls13Kdc) Derive

func (circuit *Tls13Kdc) Derive() []frontend.Variable

Define declares the circuit's constraints

func (*Tls13Kdc) SetParams

func (circuit *Tls13Kdc) SetParams(IntermediateHashHSopad, MSin, XATSin, TkXAPPin [32]frontend.Variable, DHSin [64]frontend.Variable)

type Tls13Oracle

type Tls13Oracle struct {

	// kdc params
	DHSin                  [64]frontend.Variable
	IntermediateHashHSopad [32]frontend.Variable // `gnark:",public"`
	MSin                   [32]frontend.Variable // `gnark:",public"`
	XATSin                 [32]frontend.Variable // `gnark:",public"`
	TkXAPPin               [32]frontend.Variable // `gnark:",public"`

	// authtag params
	IvCounter [16]frontend.Variable // `gnark:",public"`
	Zeros     [16]frontend.Variable // `gnark:",public"`
	ECB1      [16]frontend.Variable // `gnark:",public"`
	ECB0      [16]frontend.Variable // `gnark:",public"`

	// record params
	PlainChunks    []frontend.Variable
	Iv             [12]frontend.Variable // `gnark:",public"`
	CipherChunks   []frontend.Variable   // `gnark:",public"`
	ChunkIndex     frontend.Variable     // `gnark:",public"`
	Substring      []frontend.Variable   // `gnark:",public"`
	SubstringStart int                   // `gnark:",public"`
	SubstringEnd   int                   // `gnark:",public"`
	ValueStart     int                   // `gnark:",public"`
	ValueEnd       int                   // `gnark:",public"`
	Threshold      frontend.Variable     // `gnark:",public"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewTls13Oracle

func NewTls13Oracle(api frontend.API) Tls13Oracle

func (*Tls13Oracle) Assert

func (circuit *Tls13Oracle) Assert()

Define declares the circuit's constraints

func (*Tls13Oracle) SetAuthtagParams

func (circuit *Tls13Oracle) SetAuthtagParams(ivCounter, zeros, ecb1, ecb0 [16]frontend.Variable)

func (*Tls13Oracle) SetKdcParams

func (circuit *Tls13Oracle) SetKdcParams(IntermediateHashHSopad, MSin, XATSin, TkXAPPin [32]frontend.Variable, DHSin [64]frontend.Variable)

func (*Tls13Oracle) SetRecordParams

func (circuit *Tls13Oracle) SetRecordParams(iv [12]frontend.Variable, plainChunks, cipherChunks, substring []frontend.Variable, chunkIndex, threshold frontend.Variable, substringStart, substringEnd, valueStart, valueEnd int)

type Tls13OracleWrapper

type Tls13OracleWrapper struct {
	// kdc params
	DHSin                  [64]frontend.Variable
	IntermediateHashHSopad [32]frontend.Variable `gnark:",public"`
	MSin                   [32]frontend.Variable `gnark:",public"`
	SATSin                 [32]frontend.Variable `gnark:",public"`
	TkSAPPin               [32]frontend.Variable `gnark:",public"`
	// TkCommit               [32]frontend.Variable `gnark:",public"`
	// authtag params
	IvCounter [16]frontend.Variable `gnark:",public"`
	Zeros     [16]frontend.Variable `gnark:",public"`
	ECB1      [16]frontend.Variable `gnark:",public"`
	ECB0      [16]frontend.Variable `gnark:",public"`
	// record params
	PlainChunks    []frontend.Variable
	Iv             [12]frontend.Variable `gnark:",public"`
	CipherChunks   []frontend.Variable   `gnark:",public"`
	ChunkIndex     frontend.Variable     `gnark:",public"`
	Substring      []frontend.Variable   `gnark:",public"`
	SubstringStart int                   `gnark:",public"`
	SubstringEnd   int                   `gnark:",public"`
	ValueStart     int                   `gnark:",public"`
	ValueEnd       int                   `gnark:",public"`
	Threshold      frontend.Variable     `gnark:",public"`

func (*Tls13OracleWrapper) Define

func (circuit *Tls13OracleWrapper) Define(api frontend.API) error

Define declares the circuit's constraints

type Tls13Record

type Tls13Record struct {
	Key            [16]frontend.Variable
	PlainChunks    []frontend.Variable
	Iv             [12]frontend.Variable // `gnark:",public"`
	CipherChunks   []frontend.Variable   // `gnark:",public"`
	ChunkIndex     frontend.Variable     // `gnark:",public"`
	Substring      []frontend.Variable   // `gnark:",public"`
	SubstringStart int                   // `gnark:",public"`
	SubstringEnd   int                   // `gnark:",public"`
	ValueStart     int                   // `gnark:",public"`
	ValueEnd       int                   // `gnark:",public"`
	Threshold      frontend.Variable     // `gnark:",public"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewTls13Record

func NewTls13Record(api frontend.API) Tls13Record

func (*Tls13Record) Assert

func (circuit *Tls13Record) Assert() error

Define declares the circuit's constraints

func (*Tls13Record) SetParams

func (circuit *Tls13Record) SetParams(key [16]frontend.Variable, iv [12]frontend.Variable, plainChunks, cipherChunks, substring []frontend.Variable, chunkIndex, threshold frontend.Variable, substringStart, substringEnd, valueStart, valueEnd int)

type Tls13SessionCommit

type Tls13SessionCommit struct {

	// kdc params
	DHSin                  [64]frontend.Variable
	IntermediateHashHSopad [32]frontend.Variable // `gnark:",public"`
	MSin                   [32]frontend.Variable // `gnark:",public"`
	XATSin                 [32]frontend.Variable // `gnark:",public"`
	TkXAPPin               [32]frontend.Variable // `gnark:",public"`
	TkCommit               [32]frontend.Variable // `gnark:",public"`

	// authtag params
	IvCounter [16]frontend.Variable // `gnark:",public"`
	Zeros     [16]frontend.Variable // `gnark:",public"`
	ECB0      [16]frontend.Variable // `gnark:",public"`
	ECBK      [16]frontend.Variable // `gnark:",public"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewTls13SessionCommit

func NewTls13SessionCommit(api frontend.API) Tls13SessionCommit

func (*Tls13SessionCommit) Assert

func (circuit *Tls13SessionCommit) Assert()

Define declares the circuit's constraints

func (*Tls13SessionCommit) SetAuthtagParams

func (circuit *Tls13SessionCommit) SetAuthtagParams(ivCounter, zeros, ecb0, ecbk [16]frontend.Variable)

func (*Tls13SessionCommit) SetKdcParams

func (circuit *Tls13SessionCommit) SetKdcParams(IntermediateHashHSopad, MSin, XATSin, TkXAPPin, TkCommit [32]frontend.Variable, DHSin [64]frontend.Variable)

type Tls13SessionCommitWrapper

type Tls13SessionCommitWrapper struct {
	// kdc params
	DHSin                  [64]frontend.Variable
	IntermediateHashHSopad [32]frontend.Variable `gnark:",public"`
	MSin                   [32]frontend.Variable `gnark:",public"`
	SATSin                 [32]frontend.Variable `gnark:",public"`
	TkSAPPin               [32]frontend.Variable `gnark:",public"`
	TkCommit               [32]frontend.Variable `gnark:",public"`
	// authtag params
	IvCounter [16]frontend.Variable `gnark:",public"`
	Zeros     [16]frontend.Variable `gnark:",public"`
	ECB0      [16]frontend.Variable `gnark:",public"`
	ECBK      [16]frontend.Variable `gnark:",public"`

func (*Tls13SessionCommitWrapper) Define

func (circuit *Tls13SessionCommitWrapper) Define(api frontend.API) error

Define declares the circuit's constraints

type Tls13SessionData

type Tls13SessionData struct {

	// record params
	Key            [16]frontend.Variable
	PlainChunks    []frontend.Variable
	Iv             [12]frontend.Variable // `gnark:",public"`
	CipherChunks   []frontend.Variable   // `gnark:",public"`
	ChunkIndex     frontend.Variable     // `gnark:",public"`
	Substring      []frontend.Variable   // `gnark:",public"`
	SubstringStart int                   // `gnark:",public"`
	SubstringEnd   int                   // `gnark:",public"`
	ValueStart     int                   // `gnark:",public"`
	ValueEnd       int                   // `gnark:",public"`
	Threshold      frontend.Variable     // `gnark:",public"`

	// commitment params
	TkCommit [32]frontend.Variable // `gnark:",public"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewTls13SessionData

func NewTls13SessionData(api frontend.API) Tls13SessionData

func (*Tls13SessionData) Assert

func (circuit *Tls13SessionData) Assert()

Define declares the circuit's constraints

func (*Tls13SessionData) SetCommitParams

func (circuit *Tls13SessionData) SetCommitParams(tkCommit [32]frontend.Variable)

func (*Tls13SessionData) SetRecordParams

func (circuit *Tls13SessionData) SetRecordParams(key [16]frontend.Variable, iv [12]frontend.Variable, plainChunks, cipherChunks, substring []frontend.Variable, chunkIndex, threshold frontend.Variable, substringStart, substringEnd, valueStart, valueEnd int)

type Tls13SessionDataWrapper

type Tls13SessionDataWrapper struct {
	Key            [16]frontend.Variable
	PlainChunks    []frontend.Variable
	Iv             [12]frontend.Variable `gnark:",public"`
	CipherChunks   []frontend.Variable   `gnark:",public"`
	ChunkIndex     frontend.Variable     `gnark:",public"`
	Substring      []frontend.Variable   `gnark:",public"`
	SubstringStart int                   `gnark:",public"`
	SubstringEnd   int                   `gnark:",public"`
	ValueStart     int                   `gnark:",public"`
	ValueEnd       int                   `gnark:",public"`
	Threshold      frontend.Variable     `gnark:",public"`
	TkCommit       [32]frontend.Variable `gnark:",public"`

func (*Tls13SessionDataWrapper) Define

func (circuit *Tls13SessionDataWrapper) Define(api frontend.API) error

Define declares the circuit's constraints

type XorWrapper

type XorWrapper struct {
	In   []frontend.Variable
	Mask []frontend.Variable
	Out  []frontend.Variable `gnark:",public"`

xor evaluation

func (*XorWrapper) Define

func (circuit *XorWrapper) Define(api frontend.API) error

Define declares the circuit's constraints

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