Index ¶
- func AbbreviateVerKey(Did string, verKey string) (string, error)
- func AddRequestFees(wh int, submitterDID string, req string, inputs string, outputs string, ...) (string, string, error)
- func AnonCrypt(recipientVK string, messageRaw []uint8, messageLen uint32) ([]uint8, error)
- func AnonDecrypt(wh int, recipientVK string, messageRaw []uint8, messageLen uint32) ([]uint8, error)
- func AppendRequestEndorser(request, endorserDID string) (response string, err error)
- func AppendTxnAuthorAgreementAcceptanceToRequest(requestJson string, text string, version string, taaDigest string, ...) (string, error)
- func BuildAcceptanceMechanismsRequest(submitterDid string, aml string, version string, amlContext string) (string, error)
- func BuildAttribRequest(submitterDid string, targetDid, raw string, hash string, encrypted string) (string, error)
- func BuildAuthRuleRequest(submitterDid string, txnType string, action string, field string, ...) (string, error)
- func BuildAuthRulesRequest(submitterDid string, data string) (string, error)
- func BuildCredentialDefinitionRequest(submitterDid string, credDefinition string) (request string, err error)
- func BuildDisableAllTxnAuthorAgreementsRequest(submitterDid string) (string, error)
- func BuildGetAcceptanceMechanismsRequest(submitterDid string, timestamp int64, version string) (string, error)
- func BuildGetAttribRequest(submitterDid string, targetDid, raw string, hash string, encrypted string) (string, error)
- func BuildGetAuthRuleRequest(submitterDid string, txnType string, action string, field string, ...) (string, error)
- func BuildGetCredentialDefinitionRequest(submitterDid string, credDefinition string) (request string, err error)
- func BuildGetDdoRequest(submitterDid string, targetDid string) (string, error)
- func BuildGetNymRequest(submitterDid string, targetDid string) (string, error)
- func BuildGetPaymentSourcesWithFromRequest(wh int, submitterDID string, paymentAddress string, from int64) (string, string, error)
- func BuildGetRevRegDefRequest(submitterDid string, revRegDefId string) (request string, err error)
- func BuildGetRevocRegDeltaRequest(submitterDid string, revocRegDefId string, from int64, to int64) (string, error)
- func BuildGetRevocRegRequest(submitterDid string, revRegDefId string, timeStamp int64) (request string, err error)
- func BuildGetSchemaRequest(submitterDid string, schemaId string) (schemaRequest string, err error)
- func BuildGetTxnAuthorAgreementRequest(submitterDid string, data string) (string, error)
- func BuildGetTxnRequest(submitterDid string, ledgerType string, seqNo int) (string, error)
- func BuildGetValidatorInfoRequest(submitterDid string) (string, error)
- func BuildNodeRequest(submitterDid string, targetDid string, data string) (string, error)
- func BuildNymRequest(submitterDid string, targetDid string, targetVerkey string, alias string, ...) (string, error)
- func BuildPoolConfigRequest(submitterDid string, writes bool, force bool) (string, error)
- func BuildPoolRestartRequest(submitterDid string, action string, dateTime string) (string, error)
- func BuildPoolUpgradeRequest(submitterDid string, name string, version string, action string, sha256 string, ...) (string, error)
- func BuildRevocRegDefRequest(submitterDid string, revocRegDef string) (string, error)
- func BuildRevocRegEntryRequest(submitterDid string, revocRegDefId string, revDefType string, value string) (string, error)
- func BuildSchemaRequest(submitterDid string, schema string) (request string, err error)
- func BuildTxnAuthorAgreementRequest(submitterDid string, text string, version string, ratificationTs int64, ...) (string, error)
- func ClosePoolHandle(ph int) error
- func CloseWallet(wh int) error
- func Collect() (string, error)
- func CreateAndStoreDID(walletHandle int, seed string) (string, string, error)
- func CreateKey(wh int, key crypto.Key) (string, error)
- func CreatePairwise(wh int, theirDID, myDID, meta string) error
- func CreatePaymentAddress(wh int, paymentMethod string, options payments.Config) (string, error)
- func CreatePoolLedgerConfig(config pool.Pool) error
- func CreateRevocationState(blobReaderHandle int, revRegDefJson string, revRegDeltaJson string, ...) (revStateJson string, err error)
- func CreateWallet(config wallet.Config, credential wallet.Credential) error
- func DeleteWallet(config wallet.Config, credentials wallet.Credential) error
- func EncodeValue(value interface{}) string
- func ExportWallet(wh int, config wallet.ExportConfig) error
- func GenerateNonce() (nonce string, err error)
- func GenerateWalletKey(config wallet.Config) error
- func GetCacheCredDef(ph int, wh int, sdid string, credDefId string, options string) (string, error)
- func GetCacheSchema(ph int, wh int, sdid string, schemaId string, options string) (string, error)
- func GetCredDef(ph int, did string, credDefId string) (string, string, uint64, error)
- func GetDidMetadata(walletHandle int, Did string) (string, error)
- func GetDidWithMetadata(walletHandle int, Did string) (string, error)
- func GetEndPointForDid(walletHandle int, poolHandle int, Did string) (string, string, error)
- func GetKeyMetadata(wh int, verkey string) (string, error)
- func GetOptionalValue(val string) *C.char
- func GetPairwise(wh int, theirDID string) (string, error)
- func GetResponseMetadata(response string) (metadataResponse string, err error)
- func GetRevRegDef(poolHandle int, verifierDid string, revRegId string, timeStamp int64) (revRegDefJson string, revRegJson string, ts uint64, err error)
- func GetRevState(poolHandle int, subjectDid string, revRegId string, credRevId string, ...) (string, uint64, error)
- func GetSchema(ph int, did string, schemaId string) (string, string, error)
- func ImportWallet(config wallet.Config, credentials wallet.Credential, ...) error
- func IndyAddWalletRecord(wh int, recordType string, recordId string, recordValue string, ...) (err error)
- func IndyAddWalletRecordTags(wh int, recordType string, recordId string, tagsJson string) (err error)
- func IndyCloseWalletSearch(sh int) (err error)
- func IndyDeleteWalletRecord(wh int, recordType string, recordId string) (err error)
- func IndyDeleteWalletRecordTags(wh int, recordType string, recordId string, tagNames string) (err error)
- func IndyFetchWalletSearchNextRecords(wh int, sh int, count int32) (recordsJson string, err error)
- func IndyGetWalletRecord(wh int, recordType string, recordId string, options string) (recordJson string, err error)
- func IndyOpenBlobStorageReader(blobStorageType string, config string) (blobHandle int, err error)
- func IndyOpenBlobStorageWriter(blobStorageType string, config string) (blobHandle int, err error)
- func IndyOpenWalletSearch(wh int, recordType string, query string, options string) (searchHandle int, err error)
- func IndySetLogger()
- func IndyUpdateWalletRecordTags(wh int, recordType string, recordId string, recordTags string) (err error)
- func IndyUpdateWalletRecordValue(wh int, recordType string, recordId string, recordValue string) (err error)
- func IsPairwiseExists(wh int, theirDID string) (bool, error)
- func IssuerCreateAndStoreCredentialDefinition(wh int, did string, schema string, tag string, signatureType string, ...) (credDefId string, credDefJson string, err error)
- func IssuerCreateAndStoreRevocReg(wh int, issuerDid string, revocDefType string, tag string, credDefId string, ...) (revocRegId string, revocRegDefJson string, revocRegEntryJson string, err error)
- func IssuerCreateCredential(whIssuer int, ...) (credentialJson string, credentialRevocationId string, ...)
- func IssuerCreateCredentialOffer(wh int, credDefId string) (credOffer string, err error)
- func IssuerCreateSchema(submitterDid string, name string, version string, attrs string) (schemaId string, schemaJson string, err error)
- func IssuerRevokeCredential(issuerHandle int, blobReaderHandle int, revRegId string, credRevId string) (revRegDeltaJson string, err error)
- func IssuerRotateCredentialDefApply(walletHandle int, credDefID string) error
- func IssuerRotateCredentialDefStart(walletHandle int, credDefID string, configJson string) (string, error)
- func KeyForDid(poolHandle int, walletHandle int, Did string) (string, error)
- func KeyForLocalDID(walletHandle int, Did string) (string, error)
- func ListDidsWithMeta(walletHandle int) (string, error)
- func ListPairwise(wh int) (string, error)
- func ListPaymentAddress(wh int) (string, error)
- func MultiSignRequest(wh int, did string, request string) (response string, err error)
- func OpenPoolLedgerConfig(config pool.Pool) (int, error)
- func OpenWallet(config wallet.Config, credential wallet.Credential) (int, error)
- func PackMsg(wh int, messageRaw []uint8, messageLen uint32, receiverKeys string, ...) ([]uint8, error)
- func ParseGetCredDefResponse(getCredDefResp string) (credDefId string, credDefJson string, err error)
- func ParseGetNymResponse(nymResponse string) (nymData string, err error)
- func ParseGetPaymentSourcesWithFromResponse(paymentMethod string, respJs string) (int, string, error)
- func ParseGetRevocRegDefResponse(getRevocRegDefResponse string) (revRegId string, revRegistryDefJson string, err error)
- func ParseGetRevocRegDeltaResponse(getRevRegDeltaResp string) (revRegId string, revRegistryDeltaJson string, timestamp uint64, err error)
- func ParseGetRevocRegResponse(getRevRegResp string) (revRegId string, revRegistryDeltaJson string, timestamp uint64, err error)
- func ParseGetSchemaResponse(schemaResponse string) (schemaId string, schemaJson string, err error)
- func ProverCloseCredentialsSearchForProofReq(searchHandle int) (err error)
- func ProverCreateCredentialRequest(wh int, proverDID string, credOfferJSON string, credDefinitionJSON string, ...) (credentialRequest string, credentialRequestMetadata string, err error)
- func ProverCreateMasterSecret(wh int, masterSecretName string) (idMasterSecret string, err error)
- func ProverCreateProof(wh int, proofRequestJson, requestedCredentialsJson, masterSecretId, ... string) (proofJson string, err error)
- func ProverDeleteCredential(walletHandle int, credentialID string) error
- func ProverFetchCredentials(searchHandle int, totalCount int) (credentialsJson string, err error)
- func ProverFetchCredentialsForProofReq(sh int, itemReferent string, count int) (credentialJson string, err error)
- func ProverGetCredential(wh int, credentialId string) (credentialJson string, err error)
- func ProverGetCredentials(walletHandle int, filterJson string) (string, error)
- func ProverGetCredentialsForProofRequest(walletHandle int, proofReqJson string) (credentialJson string, err error)
- func ProverSearchCredentials(walletHandle int, queryJson string) (searchHandle int, totalCount int, err error)
- func ProverSearchForCredentialForProofReq(wh int, proofRequestJson, extraQueryJson string) (searchHandle int, err error)
- func ProverStoreCredential(whProver int, ...) (credentialId string, err error)
- func PurgeCredDefCache(wh int, options string) error
- func PurgeSchemaCache(wh int, options string) error
- func QualifyDid(walletHandle int, Did string, method string) (string, error)
- func RegisterWalletStorage(storageType string, storage wallet.IWalletStorage) error
- func ReplaceKeyApply(walletHandle int, Did string) error
- func ReplaceKeyStart(walletHandle int, Did string, identityJson string) (string, error)
- func SetDidMetadata(walletHandle int, Did string, metadata string) error
- func SetEndPointForDid(walletHandle int, Did string, address string, transportKey string) error
- func SetKeyMetadata(wh int, verkey string, metadata string) error
- func SetPairwiseMetadata(wh int, theirDID string, meta string) error
- func SetPoolProtocolVersion(pb uint64) error
- func SetRuntimeConfig(config mod.Config) error
- func Sign(wh int, signerVK string, messageRaw []uint8, messageLen uint32) ([]uint8, error)
- func SignAndSubmitRequest(ph int, wh int, did string, request string) (response string, err error)
- func SignRequest(wh int, did string, request string) (response string, err error)
- func StoreTheirDid(walletHandle int, identityJson string) error
- func SubmitRequest(ph int, request string) (response string, err error)
- func ToUnqualified(entity string) (res string, err error)
- func UnpackMsg(wh int, messageRaw []uint8, messageLen uint32) ([]uint8, error)
- func VerifierVerifyProof(...) (valid bool, err error)
- func Verify(signerVK string, messageRaw []uint8, messageLen uint32, signatureRaw []uint8, ...) (bool, error)
- type IndyRequest
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func AbbreviateVerKey ¶
AbbreviateVerKey retrieves abbreviated key if exists, otherwise returns full verkey.
func AddRequestFees ¶
func AddRequestFees(wh int, submitterDID string, req string, inputs string, outputs string, extra string) (string, string, error)
AddRequestFees lists all payment addresses that are stored in the wallet
func AnonDecrypt ¶
func AnonDecrypt(wh int, recipientVK string, messageRaw []uint8, messageLen uint32) ([]uint8, error)
AnonDecrypt decrypts a message by anonymous-encryption scheme
func AppendRequestEndorser ¶
AppendRequestEndorser append an endorser to the request
func AppendTxnAuthorAgreementAcceptanceToRequest ¶
func AppendTxnAuthorAgreementAcceptanceToRequest(requestJson string, text string, version string, taaDigest string, mechanism string, time int64) (string, error)
AppendTxnAuthorAgreementAcceptanceToRequest Append transaction author agreement acceptance data to a request.
func BuildAcceptanceMechanismsRequest ¶
func BuildAcceptanceMechanismsRequest(submitterDid string, aml string, version string, amlContext string) (string, error)
BuildAcceptanceMechanismsRequest Builds a SET_TXN_AUTHR_AGRMT_AML request. Request to add a new list of acceptance mechanisms for transaction author agreement.
func BuildAttribRequest ¶
func BuildAttribRequest(submitterDid string, targetDid, raw string, hash string, encrypted string) (string, error)
BuildAttribRequest Builds an ATTRIB request. Request to add attribute to a NYM record.
func BuildAuthRuleRequest ¶
func BuildAuthRuleRequest(submitterDid string, txnType string, action string, field string, oldValue string, newValue string, constraint string) (string, error)
BuildAuthRuleRequest Builds a AUTH_RULE request.
func BuildAuthRulesRequest ¶
BuildAuthRulesRequest Builds a AUTH_RULES request.
func BuildCredentialDefinitionRequest ¶
func BuildCredentialDefinitionRequest(submitterDid string, credDefinition string) (request string, err error)
BuildCredentialDefinitionRequest Builds an CRED_DEF request.
func BuildDisableAllTxnAuthorAgreementsRequest ¶
BuildDisableAllTxnAuthorAgreementsRequest Builds a DISABLE_ALL_TXN_AUTHR_AGRMTS request. Request to disable all Transaction Author Agreement on the ledger.
func BuildGetAcceptanceMechanismsRequest ¶
func BuildGetAcceptanceMechanismsRequest(submitterDid string, timestamp int64, version string) (string, error)
BuildGetAcceptanceMechanismsRequest Builds a GET_TXN_AUTHR_AGRMT_AML request.
func BuildGetAttribRequest ¶
func BuildGetAttribRequest(submitterDid string, targetDid, raw string, hash string, encrypted string) (string, error)
BuildGetAttribRequest Builds a GET_ATTRIB request. Request to get information about an Attribute for the specified DID.
func BuildGetAuthRuleRequest ¶
func BuildGetAuthRuleRequest(submitterDid string, txnType string, action string, field string, oldValue string, newValue string) (string, error)
BuildGetAuthRuleRequest Builds a GET_AUTH_RULE request. Request to get authentication rules for a ledger transaction.
func BuildGetCredentialDefinitionRequest ¶
func BuildGetCredentialDefinitionRequest(submitterDid string, credDefinition string) (request string, err error)
BuildGetCredentialDefinitionRequest Builds an GET_CRED_DEF request.
func BuildGetDdoRequest ¶
BuildGetDdoRequest creates a request to get DDO
func BuildGetNymRequest ¶
BuildGetNymRequest Builds a GET_NYM request. Request to get information about a DID (NYM).
func BuildGetPaymentSourcesWithFromRequest ¶
func BuildGetPaymentSourcesWithFromRequest(wh int, submitterDID string, paymentAddress string, from int64) (string, string, error)
BuildGetPaymentSourcesWithFromRequest purge credential definition cache
func BuildGetRevRegDefRequest ¶
BuildGetRevRegDefRequest Builds an GET_REVOC_REG_DEF request.
func BuildGetRevocRegDeltaRequest ¶
func BuildGetRevocRegDeltaRequest(submitterDid string, revocRegDefId string, from int64, to int64) (string, error)
BuildGetRevocRegDeltaRequest Builds a GET_REVOC_REG_DELTA request. Request to get the delta of the accumulated state of the Revocation Registry.
The Delta is defined by from and to timestamp fields. If from is not specified, then the whole state till to will be returned.
func BuildGetRevocRegRequest ¶
func BuildGetRevocRegRequest(submitterDid string, revRegDefId string, timeStamp int64) (request string, err error)
BuildGetRevocRegRequest Builds a GET_REVOC_REG request
func BuildGetSchemaRequest ¶
BuildGetSchemaRequest creates a schema request
func BuildGetTxnAuthorAgreementRequest ¶
BuildGetTxnAuthorAgreementRequest Builds a GET_TXN_AUTHR_AGRMT request. Request to get a specific Transaction Author Agreement from the ledger.
func BuildGetTxnRequest ¶
BuildGetTxnRequest Builds a GET_TXN request. Request to get any transaction by its seq_no.
func BuildGetValidatorInfoRequest ¶
BuildGetValidatorInfoRequest Builds a GET_VALIDATOR_INFO request.
func BuildNodeRequest ¶
BuildNodeRequest Builds a NODE request. Request to add a new node to the pool, or updates existing in the pool.
func BuildNymRequest ¶
func BuildNymRequest(submitterDid string, targetDid string, targetVerkey string, alias string, role string) (string, error)
BuildNymRequest creates a nym request (to create an identity ont he blockchain) and returns it
func BuildPoolConfigRequest ¶
BuildPoolConfigRequest Builds a POOL_CONFIG request. Request to change Pool's configuration.
func BuildPoolRestartRequest ¶
BuildPoolRestartRequest Builds a POOL_RESTART request.
func BuildPoolUpgradeRequest ¶
func BuildPoolUpgradeRequest(submitterDid string, name string, version string, action string, sha256 string, timeOut int32, schedule string, justification string, reinstall bool, force bool, indyPackage string) (string, error)
BuildPoolUpgradeRequest Builds a POOL_UPGRADE request.
func BuildRevocRegDefRequest ¶
BuildRevocRegDefRequest Builds a REVOC_REG_DEF request. Request to add the definition of revocation registry
to an exists credential definition.
func BuildRevocRegEntryRequest ¶
func BuildRevocRegEntryRequest(submitterDid string, revocRegDefId string, revDefType string, value string) (string, error)
BuildRevocRegEntryRequest Builds a REVOC_REG_ENTRY request. Request to add the definition of revocation registry to an exists credential definition.
func BuildSchemaRequest ¶
BuildSchemaRequest creates a schema request
func BuildTxnAuthorAgreementRequest ¶
func BuildTxnAuthorAgreementRequest(submitterDid string, text string, version string, ratificationTs int64, retirementTs int64) (string, error)
BuildTxnAuthorAgreementRequest Builds a TXN_AUTHR_AGRMT request. Request to add a new version of Transaction Author Agreement to the ledger.
func ClosePoolHandle ¶
func CloseWallet ¶
CloseWallet creates a new secure wallet with the given unique name
func CreateAndStoreDID ¶
CreateAndStoreDID creates and DID with keys ... nothing is written to blockchain returns did, verkey, error
func CreatePairwise ¶
CreatePairwise creates pairwise
func CreatePaymentAddress ¶
CreatePaymentAddress creates the payment address for specified payment method
func CreatePoolLedgerConfig ¶
func CreateRevocationState ¶
func CreateRevocationState(blobReaderHandle int, revRegDefJson string, revRegDeltaJson string, timestamp uint64, credRevId string) (revStateJson string, err error)
CreateRevocationState Create revocation state for a credential in the particular time moment
func CreateWallet ¶
func CreateWallet(config wallet.Config, credential wallet.Credential) error
CreateWallet creates a new secure wallet with the given unique name
func DeleteWallet ¶
func DeleteWallet(config wallet.Config, credentials wallet.Credential) error
DeleteWallet deletes a secure wallet
func EncodeValue ¶
func EncodeValue(value interface{}) string
EncodeValue - helper function to encode the raw value ... see implementation in aca-py
func ExportWallet ¶
func ExportWallet(wh int, config wallet.ExportConfig) error
ExportWallet exports opened wallet
func GenerateWalletKey ¶
GenerateWalletKey generate wallet master key
func GetCacheCredDef ¶
GetCacheCredDef gets credential definition json data for specified credential definition id
func GetCacheSchema ¶
GetCacheSchema gets schema json data for specified schema id
func GetCredDef ¶
GetCredDef gets cred def
func GetDidMetadata ¶
GetDidMetadata retrieves meta information for the given DID.
func GetDidWithMetadata ¶
GetDidWithMetadata retrieves DID, metadata and verkey stored in the wallet.
func GetEndPointForDid ¶
GetEndPointForDid returns endpoint information for the given DID
func GetKeyMetadata ¶
GetKeyMetadata retrieves the meta information for the giving key in the wallet
func GetOptionalValue ¶ added in v0.0.3
func GetPairwise ¶
GetPairwise gets pairwise information for specific their_did
func GetResponseMetadata ¶
GetResponseMetadata Parse transaction response to fetch metadata.
func GetRevRegDef ¶
func GetRevRegDef(poolHandle int, verifierDid string, revRegId string, timeStamp int64) (revRegDefJson string, revRegJson string, ts uint64, err error)
GetRevRegDef - gets rev reg defs
func GetRevState ¶
func GetRevState(poolHandle int, subjectDid string, revRegId string, credRevId string, from, to int64) (string, uint64, error)
GetRevState gets rev states
func ImportWallet ¶
func ImportWallet(config wallet.Config, credentials wallet.Credential, importConfig wallet.ImportConfig) error
ImportWallet creates new secure wallet and imports its content
func IndyAddWalletRecord ¶
func IndyAddWalletRecord(wh int, recordType string, recordId string, recordValue string, tagsJson string) (err error)
IndyAddWalletRecord Create a new non-secret record in the wallet.
func IndyAddWalletRecordTags ¶
func IndyAddWalletRecordTags(wh int, recordType string, recordId string, tagsJson string) (err error)
IndyAddWalletRecordTags Add new tags to the wallet record.
func IndyCloseWalletSearch ¶
IndyCloseWalletSearch Close wallet search (make search handle invalid).
func IndyDeleteWalletRecord ¶
IndyDeleteWalletRecord Delete an existing wallet record in the wallet.
func IndyDeleteWalletRecordTags ¶
func IndyDeleteWalletRecordTags(wh int, recordType string, recordId string, tagNames string) (err error)
IndyDeleteWalletRecordTags Delete tags from the wallet record.
func IndyFetchWalletSearchNextRecords ¶
IndyFetchWalletSearchNextRecords Fetch next records for wallet search.
func IndyGetWalletRecord ¶
func IndyGetWalletRecord(wh int, recordType string, recordId string, options string) (recordJson string, err error)
IndyGetWalletRecord Create a new non-secret record in the wallet.
func IndyOpenBlobStorageReader ¶
IndyOpenBlobStorageReader opens blob reader
func IndyOpenBlobStorageWriter ¶
IndyOpenBlobStorageWriter opens blob writer
func IndyOpenWalletSearch ¶
func IndyOpenWalletSearch(wh int, recordType string, query string, options string) (searchHandle int, err error)
IndyOpenWalletSearch Search for wallet records.
func IndySetLogger ¶
func IndySetLogger()
func IndyUpdateWalletRecordTags ¶
func IndyUpdateWalletRecordTags(wh int, recordType string, recordId string, recordTags string) (err error)
IndyUpdateWalletRecordTags Update a non-secret wallet record value.
func IndyUpdateWalletRecordValue ¶
func IndyUpdateWalletRecordValue(wh int, recordType string, recordId string, recordValue string) (err error)
IndyUpdateWalletRecordValue Update a non-secret wallet record value.
func IsPairwiseExists ¶
IsPairwiseExists purge credential definition cache
func IssuerCreateCredential ¶
func IssuerCreateCredential(whIssuer int, credOfferJson, credRequestJson, credValueJson, revocRegistryId string, blobHandle int) (credentialJson string, credentialRevocationId string, revocationRegistryDeltaJson string, err error)
IssuerCreateCredential Creates a credential
func IssuerCreateCredentialOffer ¶
IssuerCreateCredentialOffer Create credential offer
func IssuerCreateSchema ¶
func IssuerRevokeCredential ¶
func IssuerRevokeCredential(issuerHandle int, blobReaderHandle int, revRegId string, credRevId string) (revRegDeltaJson string, err error)
IssuerRevokeCredential Revoke a credential identified by a cred_revoc_id (returned by issuer_create_credential).
func KeyForLocalDID ¶
KeyForLocalDID gets the key for the local DID. returns key, error
func ListDidsWithMeta ¶
ListDidsWithMeta lists DIDs and metadata stored in the wallet.
func ListPairwise ¶
ListPairwise get list of saved pairwise.
func ListPaymentAddress ¶
ListPaymentAddress lists all payment addresses that are stored in the wallet
func MultiSignRequest ¶
MultiSignRequest signs a request
func OpenWallet ¶
OpenWallet opens an existing wallet
func PackMsg ¶
func PackMsg(wh int, messageRaw []uint8, messageLen uint32, receiverKeys string, sender string) ([]uint8, error)
PackMsg packs a message by encrypting the message and serializes it in a JWE-like format
func ParseGetCredDefResponse ¶
func ParseGetCredDefResponse(getCredDefResp string) (credDefId string, credDefJson string, err error)
ParseGetCredDefResponse - parse a GET_CRED_DEF response
func ParseGetNymResponse ¶
ParseGetNymResponse Parse a GET_NYM response to get NYM data.
func ParseGetPaymentSourcesWithFromResponse ¶
func ParseGetPaymentSourcesWithFromResponse(paymentMethod string, respJs string) (int, string, error)
ParseGetPaymentSourcesWithFromResponse parses response for Indy request for getting sources list
func ParseGetRevocRegDefResponse ¶
func ParseGetRevocRegDefResponse(getRevocRegDefResponse string) (revRegId string, revRegistryDefJson string, err error)
ParseGetRevocRegDefResponse - parse a rev reg def response
func ParseGetRevocRegDeltaResponse ¶
func ParseGetRevocRegDeltaResponse(getRevRegDeltaResp string) (revRegId string, revRegistryDeltaJson string, timestamp uint64, err error)
ParseGetRevocRegDeltaResponse Parse a GET_REVOC_REG_DELTA response to get Revocation Registry Delta in the format compatible with Anoncreds API.
func ParseGetRevocRegResponse ¶
func ParseGetRevocRegResponse(getRevRegResp string) (revRegId string, revRegistryDeltaJson string, timestamp uint64, err error)
ParseGetRevocRegResponse Parse a GET_REVOC_REG response to get Revocation Registry in the format compatible with Anoncreds API.
func ParseGetSchemaResponse ¶
ParseGetSchemaResponse - parse a schema response
func ProverCloseCredentialsSearchForProofReq ¶
ProverCloseCredentialsSearchForProofReq close handle
func ProverCreateCredentialRequest ¶
func ProverCreateCredentialRequest(wh int, proverDID string, credOfferJSON string, credDefinitionJSON string, masterSecretID string) (credentialRequest string, credentialRequestMetadata string, err error)
ProverCreateCredentialRequest Creates a credential request for the given credential offer.
func ProverCreateMasterSecret ¶
ProverCreateMasterSecret creates a master secret with a given name and stores it in the wallet.
func ProverCreateProof ¶
func ProverDeleteCredential ¶
ProverDeleteCredential deletes identified credential from wallet
func ProverFetchCredentials ¶
func ProverFetchCredentialsForProofReq ¶
func ProverFetchCredentialsForProofReq(sh int, itemReferent string, count int) (credentialJson string, err error)
ProverFetchCredentialsForProofReq - gets credential out of a search handle
func ProverGetCredential ¶
func ProverGetCredentials ¶
func ProverSearchCredentials ¶
func ProverSearchForCredentialForProofReq ¶
func ProverSearchForCredentialForProofReq(wh int, proofRequestJson, extraQueryJson string) (searchHandle int, err error)
ProverSearchForCredentialForProofReq search for credential and returns a search handle
func ProverStoreCredential ¶
func ProverStoreCredential(whProver int, credentialIdOptional, credRequestMetadataJson, credJson, credDefJson, revocRegDefJsonOptional string) (credentialId string, err error)
ProverStoreCredential stores the credential in the wallet
func PurgeCredDefCache ¶
PurgeCredDefCache purge credential definition cache
func PurgeSchemaCache ¶
PurgeSchemaCache Purge schema cache
func QualifyDid ¶
QualifyDid updates DID related entities stored in the wallet.
func RegisterWalletStorage ¶
func RegisterWalletStorage(storageType string, storage wallet.IWalletStorage) error
RegisterWalletStorage registers new wallet type
func ReplaceKeyApply ¶
ReplaceKeyApply applies temporary keys as main for existing DID
func ReplaceKeyStart ¶
ReplaceKeyStart generates temporary key for an existing DID.
func SetDidMetadata ¶
SetDidMetadata saves/replaces meta information for the given DID.
func SetEndPointForDid ¶
SetEndPointForDid set/replaces endpoint information for the given DID
func SetKeyMetadata ¶
SetKeyMetadata saves/replaces the meta information for the giving key in the wallet
func SetPairwiseMetadata ¶
SetPairwiseMetadata get list of saved pairwise
func SetPoolProtocolVersion ¶
func SetRuntimeConfig ¶
SetRuntimeConfig set libindy runtime configuration
func SignAndSubmitRequest ¶
SignAndSubmitRequest sends a request to the blockchain and returns the result
func SignRequest ¶
SignRequest signs request message
func StoreTheirDid ¶
StoreTheirDid saves DID for a pairwise connection in a secured wallet to verify transaction.
func SubmitRequest ¶
SubmitRequest sends a request to the blockchain and returns the result
func ToUnqualified ¶
func UnpackMsg ¶
UnpackMsg packs a message by encrypting the message and serializes it in a JWE-like format