
Nightshift is a service that will enable automatic down and upscaling of
deployments within an OpenShift project at a predefined schedule. This in order
to save resource usage (or use resources for something else). It will monitor
and scale the namespaces according to a preset configuration.
Install in OpenShift
Nightshift can be run both from a seperate namespace, or in the namespace which
it will schedule. In order to allow OpenShift scaling the services, it needs to
run with a service account that has both read and edit permissions on the
namespace it should control. Adding the service account can be done with the
below commands, where a service account named "nightshift" is created in the
project specified with "source" which has access to the project "target". If
multiple projects should be scaled by nightshift, the policies should be added
for each project individually.
oc create sa nightshift -n <source>
oc policy add-role-to-user view system:serviceaccount:<target>:nightshift -n <source>
oc policy add-role-to-user edit system:serviceaccount:<target>:nightshift -n <source>
This repository also includes an example OpenShift template, which contains
the basis configuration for installing the service. The configuration is stored
in a configmap, the example folder contains an example for this as well. The
template includes the OpenShift oauth proxy for authentication with an
OpenShift account. Access is restricted to users that have update permissions
in the project where nightshift is deployed. The example template pulls the
nightshift image from docker hub.
oc create configmap nightshift-config --from-file=examples/config.yaml
oc process -f examples/openshift.yaml | oc apply -f -
oc rollout latest dc/nightshift
Nightshift can be configured with both annotations, or via a config file. They
can also be combined, where annotations always override any other configuration
Nightshift scales deployments according to a schedule. A schedule can be
added to a pod with an annotation, or can be defined in a config file. A
schedule definition contains out of 3 elements; a section defining the day(s)
in the week this schedule applies to, a time and the action that should be
The first section defines the day(s) of the week. This can be a combination
of single day(s), a range of days, or both. Each day is specified by the first
three letters of the English name. If multiple days, or ranges are specified,
they should be seperated by a comma. A range is specified by two days seperated
by a hyphen.
The second part defines the time. The time is specified in the timezone that
has been configured in the configuration file (default is Local, which usually
equals to UTC in most deployments).
The last part defines the action that needs to be taken in this time event. At
this point only the number of replicas can be specified.
An example of a schedule configuration is: Mon-Wed,Fri 9:00 replicas=1
Saving and restoring states
Next to specifying the exact number of replicas, it is also possible to save
and restore states. In order to do this, the state=save
or state=restore
can be added to the schedule. When the state should be saved, it will be saved
before actual scaling to the number of replicas. When restoring the state, if
no state is available, it will take the number of replicas that has been
(optionally) specified in the schedule. The saved state will take precedence
on the number that is set in replicas if both are configured.
By default the scanner will only scan deploymentconfigs. Statefulsets are
supported as well by use of the statefulset
scanner. This can be configured
by specifying the type
of the scanner in the scanner configuration
section. The default is openshift
which scans for deploymentconfigs.
Nightshift can be configured by both a configuration file, as well as
annotations that should be set on a DeploymentConfig. These annotations will
always override the configuration specified in the configuration file. The
annotations supported by nightshift are:
in which a schedule can be specified.
Multiple schedules are allowed, and should be seperated with a semicolon.
which can be set to true
ignore this deployment.
Configuration file
The most flexible way to configure nightshift is by using a configuration file.
The configuration file allow complex schedules, with both default schedules as
well as allowing to fix schedules for certain label criteria, specified with
a selector.
In the below example , namespace development
will be scanned for
annotations. If a deployment in this namespace doesn't have any schedule
annotations, it will apply the default schedule. For a deployment that matches
the label app=shell
, no schedule will be applied at all.
- namespace:
- "development"
- "Mon-Fri 9:00 replicas=1"
- "Mon-Fri 18:00 replicas=0"
- selector:
- "app=shell"
- ""
The scanner configuration will be handled top down. If a pod is found in
multiple scanner configurations, only the last one will be applied.
See the examples folder for another example, which also includes basic
nightshift configuration.
Nightshift is able to trigger events when it will scale. This is done by
triggers. Currently there is only one type of trigger "webhook", which will
call a http endpoint with a predefined configuration.
Triggers can only be configured in the configuration file. Each trigger has an
id which can be used in the schedule definition to execute the trigger. When
at a certain time, the endpoint is referenced by multiple schedules, it will be
called only once.
An detailed reference example can be found in the examples folder in the
file triggers.yaml
Prometheus metrics
When the web interface is enabled, prometheus metrics will be available as well.
The endpoint of the metrics is /metrics
. If an id is set for the schedule
definitions, the current number of applied replicas for that schedule is
reflected in the nightshift_replicas
metric, and can be used to e.g.
disable alerting when nightshift downscaled the pods as planned.
See also